100 Day Plan Class of 2021 - The SGS Academy Trust

Page created by Patrick Edwards
100 Day Plan Class of 2021 - The SGS Academy Trust
100 Day Plan
                              Class of 2021
  All subjects week by week from Monday 1st February 2021. The first exam would have been
 Wednesday 26th May 2021. There is a two week gap in February/March to focus on specific mock
                                       exam revision.

Note from Louise
Franklin D Roosevelt started the American tradition of looking at the first 100 days of a
presidency. Ever since, politicians and media commentators like to judge how much a
president has accomplished during that period. Why is that? Well, it gives a good indication
of what the President would like to achieve; how they intend to go about it and what kind of
image they want to show to the world. It's a reasonably short period of time, but it can tell
us a lot.

At the UTC, we have a 100 day plan for GCSEs. It helps year 11 students to structure their
revision so that day by day, and week by week, they build up the knowledge, skills and
confidence necessary for exam success.

This year in particular, there are parallels with the presidency. We know there won't be
GCSE exams; instead there will be teacher assessments. In 100 days or so, we will be asked
to make a judgement about a student's progress and attainment. Students that engage well
with the 100 day plan give themselves the best possible chance of doing well.

Every student can continue to make rapid progress during the weeks to come. All it takes is
a growth mindset: hard work and a belief that you can control your own destiny. You and
Joe Biden - you have a great deal in common.

“What we’re promising the American people is progress in those 100 days, a lot of hard
work, getting things ... moving in the right direction.”
Revision Strategies

   This document contains information that you will find useful when revising for your
                               upcoming assessments.

 The first section walks you through six revision strategies that research has shown to be
more successful than others. There is a video explaining each revision strategy on the UTC
  website in the remote learning section. Some activities are marked with * below and
these are specifically identified as being useful revision techniques for students with SEN.

The second section is a week by week guide for each of your subjects identifying what you
 should be revising each week in the build up to summer exams. If you follow this guide
      then you will have revised everything you need to over the next few months.

                        Revision Top Tips
             Get organised – It is important to get the equipment you need to revise
      1      before you start revising. Stock up on cue cards, highlighters, plain and
             lined paper and different coloured pens.

             Tidy up – You'll need somewhere with good lighting, your pens close by,
      2      your phone out of sight and your TV unplugged. Try not to revise on your
             bed, or you'll be dreaming of pink igloos and elephants before you know it.

             Know your stuff – Make sure you have all of your revision resources to
      3      hand. Download your knowledge organisers form the UTC website and find
             out what exam boards you are using.

             Take a break - Don't totally stop yourself from having fun. This'll help you
      4      stay motivated, relax, and allow you to keep up with your favourite
             Sleep and eat well - Sleep is more important than you'd imagine - it helps
             your brain store all the juicy information you've learned throughout the
      5      day. Drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods will also boost your
             concentration throughout the day.
Reducing Your
            Aim                              Tips                       How to start
The aim of these activities is    This needs to be started          Pick a subject and topic to
  to reduce the amount of        early. It will not work if it is   begin and using your class
notes you are revising from.      done only days before an            notes select one of the
 This will save you precious                 exam.                       methods below.
time in the days just before

Cue Cards
Note or cue cards are always handy for when you're out and about. List definitions and
rules, you need to know. Or write key words from which you can fill in the gaps to tell the
whole story. *Use different coloured pens or paper to help with word association and
grouping of key words.
These are also handy for learning language vocabulary. Once filled in, these cards will
allow you to reclaim time that would otherwise be wasted -on the bus, in the queue at
the supermarket -there's no limit.

Mind Maps/Spider Diagrams
Take a topic, and list the main topics/themes. For each theme list the main points,
definitions, key words and examples. The aim is to have a single piece of paper (A3 or A4)
for each topic. You will not be able to write down everything, so prioritise the key
information. Images and symbols can also be used alongside/instead of words to help
visualise key information.

Diagrams, Tables and Timelines
Some subjects allow you to display key information in a different format, especially useful
when you are trying to make sense of a series of events (if displayed chronologically). You
can also try this for a specific character in a story/plot, you can show their involvement,
impact and influence throughout the play/text. For pictures it is said “A picture paints a
thousand words” ...enough said. Tables are very useful for displaying the key information
and showing possible relationships between the information.

*Recording of Notes
Once you have reduced your notes, record yourself or someone else reading your notes
through. You can then listen back as often as you want to.
             Aim                                 Tips                         How to start
  The aim of this is to get            Stick to subjects where           Pick one of the diagrams
away from reading notes or             there are obvious links          shown below and add the
highlighting, and start some          (Science, English, Sport)          details of a plot, or topic
       active revision.                                                 from one of your lessons.
Visual or Graphic
A picture paints a thousand
words...well this is kind of similar.
For subjects where there are
processes or key events in
chronological order or obvious links
and relationships a graphic organiser
can be a welcome break from lots of
written text.
You need to reconstruct your revised
topics and make the links or
connections as you go. Below are a
few examples, I’m sure your familiar
with one or two of them already
We remember information better
when we have a taken an active part in producing it, rather than it being given to us –can you do
the same using one of these models?

*Watch videos
Use videos and appropriate YouTube links explaining and demonstrating what it is you are revising

*Literacy Doughnut
Using three circles, prioritise the important information or words in the inner circle and then, in
descending priority, the middle and the outer. Concentrate initially on remembering the inner
circle, then expand out once confident.

Either in class or with peers/family, role play the topic or situation that you are revising.
Visualising ‘real life’ conversations and actions help with memory recall.

*Post it party
Place key words/phrases onto post it notes and place them around your house, in rooms and on
objects that you may associate with the word. Eg. An energy equation in science may be pleased
by the kettle, key words to do with the human body may be placed around the bedroom, plant
reproduction key words could be placed on house plants, etc. This will help with visual
             Aim                              Tips                       How to start
 The aim of this is to test your   Stick to simple facts such as    Pick a subject and particular
    knowledge of the basic          dates, character features,     topic, and use your knowledge
   information. You need to         timelines, definitions and      organisers to give yourself 10
 master these facts to be able      equations. Use knowledge               simple questions
     to fully explain them.                 organisers.

This is one of the most effective quick revision activities out there –it only takes a matter
of minutes and can be done anywhere and anytime. Simply pick a subject, pick a topic
and write down 10 quick retrieval (basic facts) questions. Aim to retrieve the key facts
and information; such as dates, names, places, quotes, definitions, formulas and
equations. On the reverse answer the questions.

Flash Cards
Not to be confused with a cue cards, these have either a single word (topic/part of a
topic) or diagram or Mnemonic on one side, and the information on the other side. These
cards can be used both directions and are great when revising with a friend or family
member. Once presented with the one side, you repeat from memory as much as
possible from the other side.
*You could also use them as a mix and match activity, through writing key words on one
card and the meaning on the other, shuffle them and match them back together. This can
be done individually or as a game with a friend/family member.

Teach Somebody
A great way to learn, is to teach somebody else. You simply need either a small
whiteboard and pen, or a notepad and pen. Then select at random a topic or aspect of a
subject to “teach” to someone else. Limit yourself to 3 minutes (set a timer) –want to
assess how effective you were as a teacher –either set the “student” a simple Retrieval
task (Low Stakes Quiz) or ask them to repeat it back –can you find the mistakes?

*Making connections
“See” the question and think around the topic. Make a story around the topic. Use key
words in random sentences in conversation.
            Aim                             Tips                     How to start
 The aim of this is to process      Learn the meaning of          Search on the internet for
  and refine your revision to    command words (describe,        ‘past exam papers’ for your
meet the demands of an exam.     explain, evaluate…). Use the   subject and exam board. Your
                                  mark scheme to mark your      teachers will also have a stash
                                           answers.                 of them ready to use.

Past Papers
This is the single-handedly the best revision tool you can use, as long as you complete the
process fully.

Part 1
Sit the paper under exam conditions. Make sure you have the correct exam
board/subject/tier. Stick to the time given to you on the paper.
This will allow you to become familiar with what will happen in the summer, practice your
timings and understand what the paper will look like. The more relaxed you are in the
summer the better you will perform.

Part 2
Mark the paper using the official mark scheme. As you go through correct any mistakes
that you have made using a different colour pen. These mistakes should then form your
next self-quizzing activity. You will learn as much by marking your paper as you will be
completing it.

Part 3
It they are available then read the examiner’s report for the paper you have completed.
This will give you an idea of the main errors and misconceptions made by other students
who have completed this exam.
Practice Essay
            Aim                               Tips                        How to start
 The aim of this is to perfect      Make sure you know what           Look at the past papers and
your extended writing skills by   extended writing answers will       rewrite any of the extended
    focussing on both the         be included for each subject.      writing questions. These may
 knowledge needed and the          Practice this for all subjects,   be marked with a * or may be
      structure required.                not just English.              worth 6 or more marks.

Essay Writing/Extended Writing
Let’s aim to perfect your extended writing technique –remembering that good spelling
and grammar help too.
The main thing to remember is always answer the question, this seems obvious, but to do
so, we must understand the command word and what it means for your response. For
example, what’s the difference between a Describe and an Explain question. Search
“exam command words” on the internet for a definite list and their meanings.
Secondly, don’t waffle or give your personal opinion (unless required) –try and avoid
telling a story –“I” or “I think” are not useful outside of subjects that require a personal
opinion, like RE.
Structure your writing, use an interesting introduction, 4-5 paragraphs (normal essay) and
a clever conclusion –as a minimum. Try and link your paragraphs to create a flow which
will ensure your response is better received by the marker.
Finally, if you have time, read the original question as you start each new paragraph, this
will encourage you to stay on track and answer the question –to help this, always try and
either start or finish each paragraph with a topic/question relevant sentence.

*Decoding exam questions
Differentiate between the command words of a question and the subject-specific words.
Have two separate colours and highlight which is which. The words that we left over are
additional language that can be ignored. This will help in processing what exactly it is you
are being asked to write/answer.

*Sentence starters
Create a bank of sentence starters that you can use in your essay writing. Practice using
these in the practice writing, until you become familiar with the phrases.

*Organising your page
When practising essay writing, it may be useful to separate your page into sections, using
boxes or flow charts. You can then visually link the sections together.
Rewriting your
            Aim                              Tips                        How to start
The aim is to provide a robust    Use the cues section to act as     Pick a subject and select a
system for making notes. This    a mini test, can you answer the   particular topic. Divide a piece
 method will both condense         questions, or recite the key      of paper up as shown and
  and organises your notes.      definitions –if not uncover the    rewrite the main notes using
                                  notes section and go through         the format shown –be
                                           them again.             disciplined only write the key

Connell Note Taking
This technique takes more time, but is incredibly valuable for subjects that have lots of
content to learn. Divide a piece of A4 paper as shown in the diagram below.
    1.     Under the notes section; rewrite the main notes from your class books but be
           careful to only extract the key information (thus reducing the amount of
           information you are trying to process).
    2.     Under the cues section, add quick and simple memory joggers, such as key
           terms, formulas, examples and dates/places/people.
    3.     Finally, in the summary section add 5 questions to use for self-quizzing on this

*When re-writing your notes, it may be helpful to sub vocalise at the same time so that
you are writing them down and talking them through simultaneously.
Revision Strategies for Students with Dyslexia

     Visual (spatial): make large colourful posters of important information,
      or highlight key passages in a different colours. Stick post-its where you
      will see them e.g. by the sink so you read them whilst brushing your
     Aural (auditory-musical): record lessons, or record and listen to your
      revision notes.
     Verbal (linguistic): explain your essay structure, or key concepts to
      someone else. The act of having to mentally structure and then verbalise
      a concept to someone else can help with your own understanding and
      ability to remember.

Organisation Strategies

     Deal with printed materials as soon as you receive them, check the
      contents list to make sure everything is there.
     Colour-coding: keep all class notes, essays and materials on a particular
      subject colour coded and filed together.
     Identify what's important: use highlighters, post-its or annotations so
      you can find information easily.
     Use a planner: use your phone, computer or a handwritten planner to
      keep track of projects and deadlines on a daily basis. Work back from the
      deadline and set yourself realistic goals to complete the assignment on
     Reminders: set yourself reminders on your phone for classes, tutor
      meetings and course deadlines.
     Minimise distractions: set yourself time for a task and switch off your
      phone, tv and radio. It can also help to keep your study sessions short,
      but regular.
English Language – EdExcel GCSE in English Language
                  Knowledge focus: Define. Identify. Use.   Writing
                  Adjectives                                Paper 2
                  Adverbs                                   Due to funding cuts, your headteacher has proposed
w/c 01/02/2021    Verbs                                     shortening the school week to 4 days. Write a letter to your
16 weeks to go…   Features of a letter.                     headteacher giving your views on this idea.
                  Metaphor.                                 Paper 1
                  Simile.                                   Write about a time when you were afraid.
w/c 08/02/2021    Personification.
15 weeks to go…   Non-linear narrative.
                  Rule of three.                            Paper 2
                  Rhetorical questions.                     Write a speech for the older people in your area explaining
w/c 15/02/2021    Facts and statistics.                     the benefits of new technology.
14 weeks to go…
                  Symbolism.                                Paper 1
w/c 08/03/2021    Pathetic fallacy.                         Write about a time you went on an unexpected journey.
11 weeks to go…
                  Hyperbole.                                Paper 2
w/c 15/03/2021    Expert opinion.                           Write a newspaper article giving your opinions on the
10 weeks to go…   Satire.                                   growing trend for people to become vegans.
                  Motif.                                    Paper 1
w/c 22/03/2021    1st person narrative.                     Write about a treasured possession.
9 weeks to go…    Linear narrative.
                  Repetition.                               Paper 2
                  Imperative verbs.                         Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
w/c 29/03/2021    Emotive language.                         explaining your views on a plan to open a McDonalds in the
8 weeks to go…                                              local area.
                  Allegory.                                 Paper 1
w/c 04/04/2021    Sibilance.                                Write about a time you did something you should not have
7 weeks to go…                                              done.
                  Features of a guide.                      Your school or college is writing an information guide for
                  Listing.                                  students who are new to
w/c 12/04/2021    Anecdote.                                 the school/college. Write the section for the guide with the
6 weeks to go…                                              title ‘Stress-free Settling In’
                  Spotlight.                                Paper 1
w/c 19/04/2021    Shift.                                    Write about a time you had the courage to fight for
5 weeks to go…                                              something you believed in.
                  Juxtaposition.                            Paper 2
w/c 26/04/2021    Direct address.
4 weeks to go…   Types of articles: feature, report, editorial.   Your local newspaper has published a report with the title
                                                                  ‘Discrimination still exists
                                                                  today; nothing can be done about it’.
                                                                  Write a letter to the newspaper giving your views.
                 Alliteration.                                    Paper 1
w/c 03/05/2021   Dialogue.                                        Write about a time you were part of a crowd.
3 weeks to go…   3rd person narrative.
                 Euphemism.                                       Paper 2
w/c 10/05/2021   Oxymoron.                                        Write an article for a magazine with the title ‘Ups and
2 weeks to go…                                                    Downs of Relationships’
                 Tension.                                         Paper 1
w/c 17/05/2021   Foreshadowing.                                   Write about what it would be like to live in the future.
1 weeks to go…   Zoomorphism.
English Literature – EdExcel GCSE in English Literature
                  Plot, Character, Poem                                      Essay Question

w/c 01/02/2021    Journey’s End: Raleigh                                     To what extent is Raleigh significant in Journey’s End?
16 weeks to go…
w/c 08/02/2021    Jekyll and Hyde: Lanyon, Jekyll, Utterson                  Explain how characters try to help others elsewhere in
                                                                             the novel.
15 weeks to go…
w/c 15/02/2021    Romeo and Juliet: Tybalt, Mercutio, Benvolio               Explain the importance of friendship in Romeo and
14 weeks to go…
w/c 08/03/2021    Poems: Belfast Confetti/ Charge of the Light Brigade       Compare how the experience of conflict is presented in
                                                                             Belfast Confetti and Charge of the Light Brigade.
11 weeks to go…
w/c 15/03/2021    Journey’s End: Trotter                                     Explore the significance of Trotter in Journey’s End.
10 weeks to go…
w/c 22/03/2021    Jekyll and Hyde: Victorian Society – crime in the cities   Explain how terror is presented in Jekyll and Hyde.
9 weeks to go…
w/c 29/03/2021    Romeo and Juliet: Juliet                                   Explain the importance of disobedience in Romeo and
8 weeks to go…
w/c 04/04/2021    Poems: Cousin Kate/ Catrin                                 Compare how the experience of conflict is presented in
                                                                             Cousin Kate and Catrin.
7 weeks to go…
w/c 12/04/2021    Journey’s End: Courage                                     Explore how courage is presented in Journey’s End.
6 weeks to go…
w/c 19/04/2021    Jekyll and Hyde: Poole, Mr Guest, Enfield                  Explain how characters try to help others in Jekyll and
5 weeks to go…
w/c 26/04/2021    Romeo and Juliet: Friar Lawrence and The Nurse             Explain the importance of loyalty in Romeo and Juliet.
4 weeks to go…
w/c 03/05/2021    Poems: The Man He Killed/ The Poison Tree                  Compare how anger is presented in The Poison Tree and
                                                                             The Man He Killed.
3 weeks to go…
w/c 10/05/2021    Journey’s End: Stanhope, Mason                             Explore how life in the trenches is presented in Journey’s
2 weeks to go…
w/c 17/05/2021    Jekyll and Hyde: Jekyll, duality                           Explore how duality is presented in Jekyll and Hyde.
1 weeks to go…
Maths – EdExcel GCSE in Mathematics (Foundation Tier)
                  Revision topics                                 Workbook Pages   Hegarty                         Optional Extra

                  Integers and place value.                       1-5              15-17,37                        2.5 Hrs of Hegarty per week
                  Decimals. Indices, powers and roots. Factors,   6,7,10           99-101                          Work through your specific
                  multiples and primes                            8,9              27-36                           clips from the assessments
                  Ratio                                           11,12            328—334                         Deadline set as 19th May for
w/c 01/02/2021    proportion                                      59,60            339-343,346,348                 all.
16 weeks to go…                                                   67
                  Algebra: the basics,                            22-23            151-159                         OnMaths.com
w/c 08/02/2021    Expanding and factorising single brackets,      25,28,29         173-175,222                     Topic tests
15 weeks to go…   Expressions and substitution into formulae      26-27            160-161,167-171
                  Angles, lines and symmetry                      71,73-75         455-461,827-828,488-491         Mathsgenie.com
                  Polygons and parallel lines                     72,76            822-826,477-491,812-815         Topic papers
                  Interior and exterior angles of polygons        76               560-565
                  Perimeter and area                              79-81            568-559,584-591,705-706,691-
w/c 15/02/2021    3D forms and volume                             82-84            694
14 weeks to go…                                                                    568-582,829-844,702-704
                  Fractions,                                      13-15            60,61,63,64,77-79               Corbettmaths.com
w/c 08/03/2021    Fraction, decimals, percentages                 55                                               5 a day
11 weeks to go…   percentages                                     58
w/c 15/03/2021    Real-life graphs                                40               199,205-207,874-880,897-902     Savemyexams.com
                  Straight line graphs                            37-39            217,201-214
10 weeks to go…
                  Tables                                          115              392-404,450-452,422-424,414-    Maths4 everyone.com
                  Charts and graphs                               116-117,123      415
                  Pie charts                                      118              425-426,430-433
                  Scatter graphs                                  119              427-429
                  Statistics and questionnaires                   125-127          453-454
w/c 22/03/2021    Averages                                        120-122,124      392-395,399-401
9 weeks to go…                                                                     404-410,413-414,416,419-420
                  Equations,                                      30-31            151-155,280-284,780-781,160-    Senecalearning.com
w/c 29/03/2021    Inequalities,                                   32-33            265-272
8 weeks to go…    Sequences                                       34-35            196-198,261,263-264,247
                  Right-angled triangles: pythagoras and          90-94            497-502,508-515,306,845         bbc.com/bitesize
w/c 04/04/2021    Circles, cylinders, cones and spheres.          103-108          592,534-536,539-547,584-
7 weeks to go…                                                                     586,570-577,579-582,17,56,130
Rearranging equations, graphs of cubic and                                                         Mrbartonmaths.com
w/c 12/04/2021   reciprocal functions and simultaneous
6 weeks to go…   equations
                 Transformations: rotations, translations,         86,88             680-683,637-638,648-654        Mathedup.co.uk
                 reflections & enlargements
                 Similarity and congruence in 2D. Vectors.         87,89             639-645,650-654,608-614
                                                                   109-111           680-682,608-612,642,488-
w/c 19/04/2021                                                     112               491,870-871
5 weeks to go…                                                                       622-626
                 Fractions & reciprocals.                          13-15             173-174,102-107,121-128
                 Indices and standard form.                        9,17-18           154,280-287,325,348,213,298-
                 Rearranging equations, graphs of cubic and        48-50             301,201,190-193,195,218-
w/c 26/04/2021   reciprocal functions and simultaneous                               219,265,268,272
4 weeks to go…   equations
w/c 03/05/2021   Probability                                       128-129,132-133   349-357,670, 356-384
3 weeks to go…
                 Quadratic equations: expanding, factorising and   46-47             160-165,221-224,230,234,253
                 Quadratic graphs.
                 Multiplicative reasoning.                         44-45             251-255,257
                                                                   62-66,68,75       692-697,339-348,705-711,716-
w/c 10/05/2021                                                                       729,731,734-738,84-98,763-
2 weeks to go…                                                                       769,771-772
                 Plans, elevations and nets. Constructions, loci   97                592,455-461,829-844
w/c 17/05/2021   and bearings.                                     99-102            680-683,660-669,674-679,492-
1 weeks to go…                                                                       496,864-871
Maths – EdExcel GCSE in Mathematics (Higher Tier)
                  Revision topics                                    Workbook Pages   Hegarty                            Optional Extra

                  Calculations, checking and rounding.               7                129-134,17,56,47-50                2.5 Hrs of Hegarty per week
                  Indices, roots, reciprocals and hierarchy of       2-4              99-110,120,150,24,44               Work through your specific
                  operations.                                                                                            clips from the assessments
                  Factors, multiples and primes.                     1                27-36                              Deadline set as 19th May for all.
w/c 01/02/2021    Standard form and surds.                           8,12,49          121-128,111-119
16 weeks to go…
                  Algebra:the basics                                 16-18,21         223-228,782-787,166,154,160-161    OnMaths.com
w/c 08/02/2021    Setting up rearranging and solving equations       19-20,           175-189,278-284,325-327,151-153    Topic tests
15 weeks to go…   Sequences                                          22-24
                  Averages and range                                 110-112          399-424,430-433                    Mathsgenie.com
                  Representing and interpreting data                 113,121-122      425-429,450-452                    Topic papers
                  Scatter graphs                                     114              453-454
                  Collecting data                                    115-117          392-400
w/c 15/02/2021    Cumulative Frequency, box plots and                118-120          437-439,411-414,418-421,401,434-
14 weeks to go…   histograms                                                          440,442-449
                  Fractions,                                         5,6,9            53-54,59-64,77-80                  Corbettmaths.com
w/c 08/03/2021    Percentages,                                       59,62-64         75-76,149,55,82-98                 5 a day
11 weeks to go…   Ratio & Proportion                                 60-71            328-342,865,868,346,739-742
w/c 15/03/2021    Polygons, angles and parallel lines. Pythagoras'   73-75            560-565,481-484,488-491            Savemyexams.com
                  Theorem and trigonometry.                          76-79            845-853,513-4,497-504
10 weeks to go…
                  Graphs: the basics and real-life graphs. Linear    30,55            874-886,894-902,200                Maths4 everyone.com
                  graphs and coordinate geometry. Quadratic,         25-27            201-217
w/c 22/03/2021    cubic and other graphs                             28-28,42         298-299,251-258,777-778,300-301
9 weeks to go…    Reciprocal and exponential graphs                  53-56            300-302,800-811,307-303,887-897
                  Perimeter, area and 3D forms                       80-82,87         570-578,549-559,833-844,691,699    Senecalearning.com
w/c 29/03/2021    Circles, cylinders, cones and spheres              83-86,           534-541,584-591,572-575
8 weeks to go…    Accuracy and bounds                                10-11            137-139
w/c 04/04/2021    Transformations,                                   88-90            637-658,680-690                    bbc.com/bitesize
                  Constructions, loci and bearings                   91-95            660-669,674-679,496,531
7 weeks to go…
                  Solving quadratic and simultaneous equations.      31-35, 42        223-226,228-246,190,195,218-220    Mrbartonmaths.com
                  Inequalities.                                                       265-277,370-371
                  Changing the subject of the formulae, algebraic    37               118-119,229,172,187,205-207,325-
                  fractions, solving complex equations, surds,       46-52            327,288-297
w/c 12/04/2021    proof
6 weeks to go…
w/c 19/04/2021   Probability                                       123-128          361-391                    Mathedup.co.uk
5 weeks to go…
w/c 26/04/2021   Multiplicative reasoning                          61,65-67,71,72   763-772,716-738,
                 Direct and inverse proportion                     68-70            344-348
4 weeks to go…
                 Similarity and congruence in 2D & 3D. Graphs of   39               682-690,612-621,578
w/c 03/05/2021   trigonometric functions.                          99-103           303-313,845-853
3 weeks to go…   Further trigonometry.                             110-112          854-863,517-533,505-507
                 Quadratics, expanding more than two brackets,     28-29,41-45      252-260,243,246,166,218-
w/c 10/05/2021   sketching graphs, graphs of circles, cubes and                     220,318,265-277,322-323
2 weeks to go…   quadratics
                 Circle theorems,                                  105              593-606,816-820
w/c 17/05/2021   Circle geometry                                   36               778-779,314-320,669
1 weeks to go…   Vectors and proof                                 106-107          622-636
Science – AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy
Remember this qualification is two GCSEs, you will need to spend more time revising to cover content. Remember to cover paper 2 topics in this time as well as
time diminishes once the exams start.

                   Biology– 1.5 hours                               Chemistry – 1.5 hours                            Physics 1.5 hours

                   Cells (paper 1)                                  Atomic structure and Periodic table (paper 1)    Energy (paper 1)- energy types, sources and
                   Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic, organelles and their    Properties of elements, compounds, mixtures,     energy demands. Look at calculations
                   function, *size and scale*, magnification        separation techniques, history of the periodic   needed, SHC practicals, conduction,
                   equation, how to use a microscope,               table, atomic structure, electron                convection and radiation.
                   specialised cells, stem cells and ethics of      configuration, history of the atom               PK workbook (on teams) pages 153- 158
                   using these in therapy. Osmosis (+osmosis        PK workbook (on teams) pages- 89-95              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDkBh
                   practical), active transport and diffusion       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgyuXU9          y-Y1Z8
w/c                PK WB (on teams) Pages- 25-29                    7jaI
01/02/2021         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdpmV
16 weeks to        QooYS4&feature=youtu.be
                   Organisation (paper 1)                           Bonding types & quantitative chemistry (paper    Electricity (paper 1)- circuit diagrams and
                   Hierachy (cells-tissues-organ size), digestive   1)                                               rules, rules of series and parallel,
                   system, enzymes, digestive enzymes, *food        Electron configuration, metallic, covalent and   components and component graphs and
                   tests*, the heart and lungs, exchange            ionic bonding, properties of each bonding        uses, power, plugs, AC/DC, national grid
                   surfaces, transport in plants (xylem and         type, giant structures and their properties.     PK WB pgs- 159-164
                   phloem)                                          Relative atomic and molecular mass. Moles        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSA4W
w/c                PK Workbook- 30-36                               and Avogadro’s number. Reacting masses           aLSVEA
08/02/2021         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ0lZG           PK Workbook- 96-105
15 weeks to        kDx6A&feature=youtu.be                           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpEQ-
go…                                                                 NWxKBc
                   Diseases (paper 1)                               Chemical and energy changes (paper 1)            Particles (paper 1) - density, changes of
                   Communicable and non communicable                Reactivity series, displacement, pH scales,      state, particle theory, irregular density
                   diseases, our defence system, human              electrolysis, testing for gases. Endo and        experiment, pressure, radiation types, half
                   diseases and treatment, developing drugs         exothermic reactions reaction profiles, bond     lives, radiation equations
                   (timeline), risk factors for non- comm drugs,    enthalpies.                                      PK WB pgs- 165-172
                   cancer, smoking and drug misuse                  PK WB pages- 106-114                             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZz9o
                   PK WB- 37-41                                     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTmXEIi          GgJOL0&t=2s
w/c                                                                 U_Go
15/02/2021         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7pxd                                                             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFVYU
14 weeks to        TJ9NPI&feature=youtu.be                                                                           SvUBoo
Bioenergetics (paper 1)                           Rate of Chemical reactions (paper 2)               Forces (paper 2)- vector and scalar
                 Photosynthesis, limiting factors, required        Measuring rates of reaction using graphs.          differences, parallelograms of forces, weight
                 practicals, equation, uses of glucose, aerobic    Investigating rates of reaction by experiment.     and mass, speed-time, distance time graphs,
                 and anaerobic respiration, effects of exercise    Factors affecting rate and the collision theory.   work done, velocity, acceleration
                 PK WB- 42-45                                      Reversible reactions. Equilibrium and Le           PK WB pgs- 174-181
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KIAWi            Chatelier’s principle. Effects of changing         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz4XB
                 HQ4sM&feature=youtu.be                            concentration, pressure and temperature.           SKNGXg
                                                                   PK WB 116-119
w/c                                                                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i90fiz9S
08/03/2021                                                         mY
11 weeks to
                 Homeostasis (paper 2)                             Organic Chemistry (paper 2)                        Waves (paper 2) - types, ripple tank and
                 Nervous system, reflexes, hormones and            Fractional distillation of crude oil including     string wave practicals, electromagnetic
                 endocrine system, *menstrual cycle*,              viscosity, flammability and boiling point          spectrum types of waves and uses,
                 contraception, *IVF                               changes. Complete and incomplete                   reflection and refraction, refraction index
                 PK Workbook- 47-54                                combustion. Cracking using steam or a              PK workbook pages 182-188
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOfqw             catalyst. Testing for alkenes using bromine        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JPNV
                 7MbU8k&feature=youtu.be                           water.                                             J_LC3E
                                                                   PK WB 120-126

                                                                   Chemical analysis (paper 2)
                                                                   Pure substances and mixtures. Formulations.
                                                                   Separating mixtures using chromatography.
                                                                   Tests for gases.
w/c                                                                PK Workbook pages- 127-130
15/03/2021                                                         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyUQiUd
10 weeks to                                                        dBA4
                 Reproduction (paper 2)                            Chemistry of the atmosphere (paper 2)              Energy (paper 1)
                 Punnett squares, chromosomes, genes,              Gases in the atmosphere, how they have             Recap your notes and questions, answer
                 alleles, inherited disorders, genetic screening   changed over time, greenhouse gases, global        quick fire questions on PK workbook 156
                 PK WB- 55-62                                      warming, atmospheric pollution and the             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5CwA
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npl10a            carbon footprint.                                  Tii6OA
                 6p8jQ&feature=youtu.be                            PK WB pages- 131-134
w/c                                                                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxCRsqX
22/03/2021                                                         ZzeU&feature=youtu.be
9 weeks to go…
Evolution (paper 2)                           Using resources (paper 2)                        Electricity (paper 1)
                 Classification, Darwin’s theories, fossils,   Finite and renewable resources, potable          Recap your notes and questions, answer
                 extinction                                    water, purifying water, waste water              quick fire questions on PK workbook 162
                 PK workbook 55-62                             treatment, extracting metals using bioleaching   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62Ryyf
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npl10a        and phytomining. Life cycle assessments.         KZoYg
                 6p8jQ&feature=youtu.be                        Reduce, reuse and recycle.
                                                               PK WB- 135-138
w/c                                                            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyVf2bV
29/03/2021                                                     Ll08&feature=youtu.be
8 weeks to go…
                 Ecology (paper 2)                             Atomic structure, periodic table and bonding     Particles (paper 1)
                 Uses of natural resources, deforestation,     types recap (paper 1)                            Recap your notes and questions, answer
                 decay, biomass, sustainable farming           Recap your notes and questions, answer quick     quick fire questions on PK workbook 171
                 PK Workbook- 63-69                            fire questions on PK workbook 92, 99             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRzRjf
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKDn90        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjlIPJ_c         voU-E
                 HK98Q&feature=youtu.be                        018&feature=youtu.be
w/c                                                            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bbCFUy
04/04/2021                                                     luWg&feature=youtu.be
7 weeks to go…
                 Full paper 1 practise (either on Microsoft    Bonding & quantitative Chemistry (paper 1)       Full paper 1 practise (either on Microsoft
                 teams or from AQA website below)              Recap your notes and questions, answer quick     teams or from AQA website below)
                 https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gc    fire questions on PK workbook 99,100 & 104       https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/g
                 se/combined-science-trilogy-                  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bbCFUy          cse/combined-science-trilogy-
                 8464/assessment-                              luWg&feature=youtu.be                            8464/assessment-
                 resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+sche                                                        resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+sch
w/c              mes&f.Resource+type%7C6=Question+paper                                                         emes&f.Resource+type%7C6=Question+pap
12/04/2021       s&sort=date&num_ranks=20                                                                       ers&sort=date&num_ranks=20
6 weeks to go…
                 Cells (paper 1)                               Chemical and energy changes (paper 1)            Forces (paper 2)
                 Recap your notes and questions, answer        Recap your notes and questions, answer quick     Recap your notes and questions, answer
                 quick fire questions on PK workbook 27        fire questions on PK workbook 109, 113           quick fire questions on PK workbook 179
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9ZiTA                                                         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfjb1p
w/c              aRC-E&feature=youtu.be                        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7829UG          nH8zw
19/04/2021                                                     ifpM
5 weeks to go…
                 Organisation (paper 1)                        Rates of reaction and Organic Chemistry          Waves (paper 2)
w/c              Recap your notes and questions, answer        (paper 2)                                        Recap your notes and questions, answer
26/04/2021       quick fire questions on PK workbook 33                                                         quick fire questions on PK workbook 186
4 weeks to go…   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnsRz0       Recap your notes and questions, answer quick   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEFwE
                 Xhup8&feature=youtu.be                       fire questions on PK workbook 118,124-125      DC6DkQ

                 Disease & Bioenergetics (paper 1)            Chemical Analysis, Chemistry of the            Electromagnetism (paper 2)
                 Recap your notes and questions, answer       atmosphere and Using Resources (paper 2)       Magnetic fields, motor effect,
                 quick fire questions on PK workbook          Recap your notes and questions, answer quick   PK WB pgs- 189-194
                 Bioenergetics- 44                            fire questions on PK workbook 129 &133 &       Quick fire questions page 192
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nuYpK       137                                            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnigg
                 aQ3jA&feature=youtu.be                                                                      3MGslY
                                                              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DznhhA2        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEFwE
                 Disease- 40                                  QHUg                                           DC6DkQ
                 ozPKo&feature=youtu.be                       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMKAHd
w/c                                                           2gHo
3 weeks to go…
                 Full paper 2 practise (either on Microsoft   Full paper 2 practise (either on Microsoft     Full paper 2 practise (either on Microsoft
                 teams or from AQA website below)             teams or from AQA website below)               teams or from AQA website below)
                 https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gc   https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcs    https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/g
                 se/combined-science-trilogy-                 e/combined-science-trilogy-8464/assessment-    cse/combined-science-trilogy-
                 8464/assessment-                             resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+sche        8464/assessment-
w/c              resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+sche      mes&f.Resource+type%7C6=Question+papers        resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+sch
10/05/2021       mes&f.Resource+type%7C6=Question+paper       &sort=date&num_ranks=20                        emes&f.Resource+type%7C6=Question+pap
2 weeks to go…   s&sort=date&num_ranks=20                                                                    ers&sort=date&num_ranks=20
                 Full paper 1 practise (either on Microsoft   Full paper 1 practise (either on Microsoft     Full paper 1 practise (either on Microsoft
                 teams or from AQA website below)             teams or from AQA website below)               teams or from AQA website below)
                 https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gc   https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcs    https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/g
                 se/combined-science-trilogy-                 e/combined-science-trilogy-8464/assessment-    cse/combined-science-trilogy-
                 8464/assessment-                             resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+sche        8464/assessment-
                 resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+sche      mes&f.Resource+type%7C6=Question+papers        resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+sch
w/c              mes&f.Resource+type%7C6=Question+paper       &sort=date&num_ranks=20                        emes&f.Resource+type%7C6=Question+pap
17/05/2021       s&sort=date&num_ranks=20                     Chemistry paper 1 (whole)                      ers&sort=date&num_ranks=20
1 weeks to go…   Paper 1 whole video-
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKYQ-    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpQ-       Paper 1 whole video
K23Mr4                                   3YAwNhI                                    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtw-
Quick fire questions paper 1-            Quick fire Questions                       Z0nllA4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq-      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrxM1Jdv   Paper 1 quick fire questions
79mTaHHw                                 2LM                                        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FosCAj
Paper 2 whole video-                     Chemistry paper 2 (whole)                  ZTlWs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqti-    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HJu8W     Paper 2 whole video
xPnT-8                                   TtZJU                                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1aM
Quick fire questions paper 2-            Quick fire Questions                       XCr75Kw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPqVf5   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgeaVW     Paper 2 quick fire questions
N2dT0                                    nZ4fo                                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aZPIg
Triple Science – AQA GCSE Biology
Exampro questions for each topic are loaded into your Teams page under ‘Exampro countdown to exams’ in the ‘Revision Resources’ file.

                             Paper 1 – 1 hour                                            Paper 2 – 1 hour                                Optional Extra

                             Cells- prokaryotic and eukaryotic, organelles,              Homeostasis- nervous system                     Exampro questions on
                             specialisation, stem cells and their uses (+ethics),        Basic homeostasis, reflexes, nervous system     teams
                             mitosis. Req prac microscopy, size and scale                structure, the brain, the eye, problems with
                             (micrometres etc)                                           the eye
                             PK WB pg-25-29                                              PK WB pg- 47-54
w/c 01/02/2021               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdpmVQooYS4                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOfqw7
16 weeks to go…                                                                          MbU8k
                             Cells 2- Transport- active transport, diffusion, osmosis,   Homeostasis- body temperature control,          Exampro questions on
                             osmosis required practical.                                 removing waste (liver and urea), kidney,        teams
                             PK WB pg- 25-29                                             dialysis and transplants
                             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdpmVQooYS4                 PK WB pg- 47-54
w/c 08/02/2021                                                                           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOfqw7
15 weeks to go…                                                                          MbU8k
                             Organisation-                                               Homeostasis- hormones                           Exampro questions on
                             Enzymes, hierarchy (difference between cell, tissue,        Hormonal control, glucose levels & diabetes,    teams
                             organ, organism), chemistry of food, digestive              negative feedback, reproduction, menstrual
                             enzymes (location, product, function), bile, factors        cycle, contraception and fertility, plant
                             affecting enzyme action, making digestion efficient,        hormones
                             **food tests**                                              PK WB pg- 47-54
w/c 15/02/2021               PK WB pg-30-36                                              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOfqw7
14 weeks to go…              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ0lZGkDx6A                 MbU8k
                             Organisation-                                               Ecology- competition in organisms,              Exampro questions on
                              Blood, vessels, heart, lungs, breathing, gaseous           distribution (Quadrat req. prac), adaptations   teams
                             exchange, tissues in plants (xylem and phloem),             in organisms, the carbon cycle, nutrient/
                             transpiration and factors affecting transpiration           nitrogen cycle, decomposition
                             PK WB pg-30-36                                              PK WB pg-55-62
w/c 08/03/2021               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ0lZGkDx6A                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKDn90H
11 weeks to go…                                                                          K98Q
                             Communicable diseases-                                      Reproduction- alleles and chromosomes,          Exampro questions on
w/c 15/03/2021                                                                           punnett squares, inherited disorders, genetic   teams
10 weeks to go…                                                                          screening
Health, req prac culturing microbes, preventing            PK WB pg-55-62
                 diseases, viral, bacterial, fungal and protest diseases,   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npl10a6
                 plant diseases                                             p8jQ
                 PK WB pg-37-41
                 Diseases-                                                  Variation- Natural selection, genetic             Exampro questions on
                 Vaccinations, testing drugs, **monoclonal                  engineering, selective breeding, cloning, adult   teams
                 antibodies**,antibiotics                                   cell cloning, ethics
                 PK WB pg-37-41                                             PK WB pg-55-62
w/c 22/03/2021   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7pxdTJ9NPI                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npl10a6
9 weeks to go…                                                              p8jQ
                 Non communicable diseases-                                                                                   Educake test (paper 1)
                 Cancer, diet, exercise and risk factors, smoking,
w/c 29/03/2021   PK WB pg-37-41
8 weeks to go…   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7pxdTJ9NPI
                 Bioenergetics                                              Evolution- History of genetics, Darwinism,     Mock paper 1
                 Photosynthesis and respiration (whole chapter)+            fossils and extinction, antibiotic resistance, (complete and mark)
                 metabolism                                                 **classification and new classification**      select from either
                 PK WB pg- 42-45                                            PK WB pg-55-62                                 teams or the website
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KIAWiHQ4sM                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npl10a6        below
                                                                            p8jQ                                           https://www.aqa.org.u
w/c 04/04/2021                                                                                                             ort=date&num_ranks=
7 weeks to go…                                                                                                             20
                 Cells quick fire questions                                 Ecology- pollution, global warming,            Mock paper 2
                 PK WB pg-27                                                biodiversity, biomass transfers and feeding    (complete and mark)
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9ZiTAaRC-E                relationships, making sustainable food, secure select from either
                                                                            food                                           teams or the website
                                                                            PK WB pg-63-69                                 below
w/c 12/04/2021                                                              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKDn90H https://www.aqa.org.u
6 weeks to go…                                                              K98Q                                           k/subjects/science/gcs
                 Organisation quick fire questions                      Homeostasis                                     Exampro questions on
                 PK WB pg-33                                            Checklists and add to notes/ revise subjects    teams
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnsRz0Xhup8            you are unsure of and complete quick fire
                                                                        PK WB pg-51
w/c 19/04/2021                                                          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMf0FbJI
5 weeks to go…                                                          9BU
                 Disease quick fire questions                           Reproduction                                    Educake test (paper 2)
                 PK WB pg-40                                            Checklists and add to notes/ revise subjects
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq3B_sozPKo            you are unsure of and complete quick fire
                                                                        PK WB pg-60
w/c 26/04/2021                                                          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL-
4 weeks to go…                                                          dUnKmksY&feature=youtu.be
                 Bioenergetics quick fire questions                     Ecology                                         Exampro questions on
                 PK WB pg- 44                                           Checklists and add to notes/ revise subjects    teams
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nuYpKaQ3jA            you are unsure of and complete quick fire
                                                                        PK WB pg- 67
w/c 03/05/2021                                                          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NorHSgd
3 weeks to go…                                                          7Yyc
                 Mock paper 1 (selected from website or use predicted   Mock paper 2 (selected from website or use      Exampro questions on
                 paper from teams revision file) and self mark          predicted paper from teams revision file) and   teams
                 https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/biolog    self mark
                 y-8461/assessment-                                     https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcs
                 resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+schemes&f.R         e/biology-8461/assessment-
                 esource+type%7C6=Question+papers&sort=date&nu          resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+sche
                 m_ranks=20                                             mes&f.Resource+type%7C6=Question+papers
w/c 10/05/2021   Video on the whole of Biology-                         &sort=date&num_ranks=20
2 weeks to go…   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKYQ-K23Mr4            Video on whole of Bio paper 2-
                 Another mock paper 1 (selected from website or use    Another mock paper 2 (selected from website   Exampro questions on
                 predicted paper from teams revision file) and self    or use predicted paper from teams revision    teams
                 mark                                                  file) and self mark
                 https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/biolog   https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcs
                 y-8461/assessment-                                    e/biology-8461/assessment-
                 resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+schemes&f.R        resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+sche
                 esource+type%7C6=Question+papers&sort=date&nu         mes&f.Resource+type%7C6=Question+papers
                 m_ranks=20                                            &sort=date&num_ranks=20
                 Quick fire questions paper 1-                         Quick fire questions paper 2-
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq-79mTaHHw           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPqVf5N
w/c 17/05/2021                                                         2dT0
1 weeks to go…
Triple Science – AQA GCSE Chemistry
Exampro questions for each topic are loaded into your Teams page under ‘Exampro countdown to exams’ in the ‘Revision Resources’ file.

                       Revision topic 1 – 1 hour                              Revision topic 2 – 1 hour                                   Optional Extra

                       Atomic structure and Periodic table (paper 1)          Measuring rates of reaction using graphs.                   Exampro questions (on
                       Properties of elements, compounds, mixtures.           Investigating rates of reaction by experiment.              teams)
                       Separation techniques. History of the atom, atomic     Factors affecting rate and the collision theory.
                       structure, electron configuration. The periodic        Reversible reactions. Equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s
                       table. Noble gases, group 1, group 7 and transition    principle. Effects of changing concentration,
                       metals.                                                pressure and temperature.
                       PK workbook (on teams) pages 89 - 95                   PK WB 116-119
w/c 01/02/2021         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgyuXU97jaI            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i90fiz9SmY
16 weeks to go…
                       States of matter. Ions and ionic bonding, properties   Hydrocarbons and the alkane family.                         Exampro
                       of ionic compounds. Covalent bonding in simple         Fractional distillation of crude oil including viscosity,
                       molecules and giant covalent structures. Metallic      flammability and boiling point changes. Complete
                       bonding and properties of metals including alloys.     and incomplete combustion. Cracking using steam
                       Fullerenes and graphene. Nanoparticles.                or a catalyst. Testing for alkenes using bromine
                       PK WB 96-101                                           water.
                       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bbCFUyluWg            PK WB 120-126
                       &feature=youtu.be                                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeUNWY7YDA
w/c 08/02/2021                                                                o
15 weeks to go…
                       Conservation of mass. Relative atomic and              Structure, combustion and reactions of alkenes.             Exampro
                       molecular mass. Moles and Avogadro’s number.           Structure, uses and reactions of alcohols. Making
                       Balancing equations. Reacting masses and               alcohol by fermentation or hydration of ethene.
                       calculation of percentage yield. Atom economy.         Structure and reactions of carboxylic acids. Names
                       Calculating concentration. Titrations, including the   and structure of esters.
                       calculation. Volumes of Gases.                         PK WB 120-126
                       PK WB 102-105                                          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeUNWY7YDA
w/c 15/02/2021                                                                o
14 weeks to go…        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqhZBnR743I
                       The reactivity series and displacement reactions.      Addition polymerisation using alkenes as                    Exampro
                       Extraction of metals using reduction and               monomers.eg. ethene to polyethene.
w/c 08/03/2021         electrolysis. Ionic half equations and reduction and   Condensation polymerisation using 2 functional
11 weeks to go…                                                               groups eg making polyesters from diols and
oxidation. Making salts. The pH scale and hydrogen      dicarboxylic acids. Structure of DNA. Structure of
                  ions. Neutralisation. Strong and weak acids.            amino acids and formation of proteins.
                  PK WB 106-110                                           PK WB 120-126
                  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTmXEIiU_Go             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeUNWY7YDA

                  Electrolysis and the movement of ions in a molten       Pure substances and mixtures. Formulations.          Mock paper 1 practice
                  ionic compound. Balanced half equations.                Separating mixtures using chromatography.            from website:
                  Extraction of aluminium. Electrolysing solutions –      Tests for gases. Using flame tests or NaOH to test   https://www.aqa.org.uk/s
                  which ion is discharged. Testing for gases.             for positive ions including equations. Testing for   ubjects/science/gcse/che
                  PK WB 106-110                                           negative ions. Use of instrumental methods such as   mistry-8462/assessment-
                  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTmXEIiU_Go             flame emission spectroscopy.                         resources?f.Resource+typ
                                                                          PK WB 127-130                                        e%7C6=Mark+schemes&f.
                                                                          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyUQiUddBA4          Resource+type%7C6=Ques
w/c 15/03/2021                                                                                                                 tion+papers&sort=date&n
10 weeks to go…                                                                                                                um_ranks=20
                  Energy changes in exothermic and endothermic            Gases in the atmosphere, how they have changed       Mock paper 2 practice
                  reactions and reaction profiles for each. Calculating   over time, greenhouse gases, global warming,         from website
                  bond enthalpies and the overall energy change.          atmospheric pollution and the carbon footprint.      https://www.aqa.org.uk/s
                  Simple cells, rechargeable and non-rechargeable         PK WB 131-134                                        ubjects/science/gcse/che
                  batteries. Hydrogen fuel cells and their half           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxCRsqXZzeU          mistry-8462/assessment-
                  equations.                                              &feature=youtu.be                                    resources?f.Resource+typ
                  PK WB 111-114                                                                                                e%7C6=Mark+schemes&f.
                  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7829UGifpM                                                                  Resource+type%7C6=Ques
w/c 22/03/2021    &t=2s                                                                                                        tion+papers&sort=date&n
9 weeks to go…                                                                                                                 um_ranks=20
                  Full paper 1 practise (either on Microsoft teams or     Finite and renewable resources, potable water,       Exampro
                  from AQA website below)                                 purifying water, waste water treatment, extracting
                  https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/co         metals using bioleaching and phytomining. Life
                  mbined-science-trilogy-8464/assessment-                 cycle assessments. Reduce, reuse and recycle.
                  resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+schemes&f.           PK WB 135 -138
                  Resource+type%7C6=Question+papers&sort=date&            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyVf2bVLl08&
w/c 29/03/2021    num_ranks=20                                            feature=youtu.be
8 weeks to go…
                  Atomic structure                                        Preventing corrosion. Properties of alloys.          Exampro
w/c 04/04/2021    Recap your notes and questions, answer quick fire       Composition of glass, ceramics and composites.
7 weeks to go…    questions on PK workbook 92-93                          Properties of polymers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjlIPJ_c018&f       The Haber process and the equilibrium conditions
                 eature=youtu.be                                     required. Making and using NPK fertilisers.
                                                                     PK WB 135 –138

                 Bonding                                             Full paper 2 practise (either on Microsoft teams or   Exampro
                 Recap your notes and questions, answer quick fire   from AQA website below)
                 questions on PK workbook 99-100                     https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/co
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bbCFUyluWg         mbined-science-trilogy-8464/assessment-
                 &feature=youtu.be                                   resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+schemes&f.
w/c 12/04/2021                                                       num_ranks=20
6 weeks to go…
                 Quantitative Chemistry                              Rates of reaction                                     Exampro
                 Recap your notes and questions, answer quick fire   Recap your notes and questions, answer quick fire
                 questions on PK workbook 104                        questions on PK workbook 118
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uqWdmIKd7c         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-
w/c 19/04/2021   &feature=youtu.be                                   tHYZwisNs&feature=youtu.be
5 weeks to go…
                 Chemical changes                                    Organic Chemistry and Polymers                        Retry your mock paper 1
                 Recap your notes and questions, answer quick fire   Recap your notes and questions, answer quick fire     (from 10 weeks to go)
                 questions on PK workbook 109                        questions on PK workbook 124-125
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nrma6v0A8I         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE2DP0x48kE
w/c 26/04/2021   &feature=youtu.be                                   &feature=youtu.be
4 weeks to go…
                 Energy changes                                      Chemical Analysis and Chemistry of the atmosphere     Retry mock paper 2 (from
                 Recap your notes and questions, answer quick fire   Recap your notes and questions, answer quick fire     9 weeks to go)
                 questions on PK workbook 113                        questions on PK workbook 129 &133
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQtjfRolMAE&        g0&feature=youtu.be
                 feature=youtu.be                                    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DznhhA2QHU
w/c 03/05/2021                                                       g&feature=youtu.be
3 weeks to go…
                 Chemistry paper 1 (whole)                           Using resources                                       Exampro long answer
w/c 10/05/2021   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpQ-                Recap your notes and questions, answer quick fire     questions
2 weeks to go…   3YAwNhI                                             questions on PK workbook 137
Quick fire Questions                                  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBUXqfa2gHo
                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrxM1Jdv2LM           &feature=youtu.be

                                                                       Chemistry paper 2 (whole)
                 Full paper 1 practise (either on Microsoft teams or   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HJu8WTtZJU
                 from AQA website below)                               Quick fire Questions
                 https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/co       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgeaVWnZ4fo

                 Full paper 1 practise (either on Microsoft teams or   Full paper 2 practise (either on Microsoft teams or   Exampro required
                 from AQA website below)                               from AQA website below)                               practical questions
                 https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/co       https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/co
                 mbined-science-trilogy-8464/assessment-               mbined-science-trilogy-8464/assessment-
                 resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+schemes&f.         resources?f.Resource+type%7C6=Mark+schemes&f.
                 Resource+type%7C6=Question+papers&sort=date&          Resource+type%7C6=Question+papers&sort=date&
                 num_ranks=20                                          num_ranks=20
w/c 17/05/2021
1 weeks to go…
Triple Science – AQA GCSE Physics
Exampro questions for each topic are loaded into your Teams page under ‘Exampro countdown to exams’ in the ‘Revision Resources’ file.

                  Paper 1 – 1 hour                               Paper 2 – 1 hour                                                      Optional Extra

                  Energy topic- energy types, equations,         Forces- scalar and vector, resultant, moments, levers, equilibrium,   Exampro questions on
                  dissipation, efficiency, energy and power      parallelogram of forces, resolution of forces                         teams
                  Primrose kitten workbook (in revision          PK WB pgs 173-181
                  folder on Teams) pages- 151-158                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz4XBSKNGXg&t=2s
w/c               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDk            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RI2_gJy0L0
01/02/2021        Bhy-Y1Z8                                       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1lSWWUkMdQ
16 weeks to                                                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwzhXL0vp1w
go…                                                              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kJBi2_BAPs
                  Electricity (cricuits, components, rules of    Wave properties-types, refraction, reflection, seismic waves, sound   Exampro questions on
                  series and parallel, static electricity,       waves, ultrasound, light- reflection, refraction, colour              teams
                  electric fields), resistance                   PK WB- 182-188
w/c               PK workbook Pgs- 159-164                       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JPNVJ_LC3E&t=3s
08/02/2021        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSA4           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITe6snlZBp8
15 weeks to       WaLSVEA                                        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qCmEHRFRH8
go…                                                              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JzscbSaabM
                  Molecules and matter (particles, density       Wave properties- Lenses, uses lenses, EM spectrum,                    Exampro questions on
                  SLH, pressure)                                 communications, uses of the waves                                     teams
                  PK workbook pages- 164-168                     PK WB 182-188
w/c               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZz9           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JPNVJ_LC3E&t=3s
15/02/2021        oGgJOL0                                        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0iivb-acqU
14 weeks to                                                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmE54tohTsc
go…                                                              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNUcS4NaqDw
                  Molecules- radioactivity types, the            Forces- Speed and distance graph, velocity, acceleration, velocity    Mock paper 1 exam (select
                  nucleus, half life, equations for radiation,   time graphs, acceleration.                                            from the website)
                  using radiation, fission, fusion               PK WB- 173-178                                                        https://www.aqa.org.uk/s
                  PK workbook pgs-168-171                        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz4XBSKNGXg&t=2s                      ubjects/science/gcse/physi
                                                                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09aDQcci_tQ                           cs-8463/assessment-
                  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZz9           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5iXzDCRMsE                           resources?f.Resource+typ
w/c               oGgJOL0                                                                                                              e%7C6=Mark+schemes&f.
08/03/2021                                                                                                                             Resource+type%7C6=Ques
11 weeks to                                                                                                                            tion+papers&sort=date&n
go…                                                                                                                                    um_ranks=20
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