Page created by Barry Logan

                                           Faculty of Humanities   |   1
                                CLASS OF

2   |   Faculty of Humanities
History of Brock University
           pened in 1964, Brock University is named for          The campus steadily expanded to keep pace
           Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, who died in         with the demand for a Brock education with the
           battle at nearby Queenston Heights in the          construction of world-class research labs, a landmark
War of 1812. Brock’s final words were said to have been       fine arts complex, an international students’ centre
“Push on, my brave fellows!” A Latin translation of this      and a new research and innovation hub.
is “Surgite!” — which is Brock University’s motto.               Brock serves its community as a cultural, academic
   The seeds of the University were sown long before the      and recreational centre, bringing excellent facilities to the
doors first opened. Brock’s story is about a community that   people who created the University all those years ago. We
rose up and built the institution it wanted for its future.   are committed to building our community and fostering an
   In the late 1950s, there was growing public discussion     environment that serves our students and our neighbours.
about how Niagara should have its own university. The            The modern university is the lineal descendant
grassroots sentiment became a movement in 1957 when           of the university of the Middle Ages. Its
the Allanburg Women’s Institute asked the Ontario             purposes and organization, even much of its
government to consider opening a university in the region.    ceremonial role, are medieval in origin.
   By fall 1962, the Brock Founders Committee was                Today’s ceremony stems from the medieval tradition.
incorporated. They received approval to create a new          The procession of the guild of teachers, whose solemn
university, then developed an administrative and              assembly, or Convocation, is the modern equivalent of
academic plan. Then they began raising money.                 the full congregation of all Faculties, is followed by the
   After years of meetings and fundraising, Brock             Chancellor and the Mace, the symbol of the University’s
opened in September 1964. It had 127 students in              corporate authority. The academic gowns, hoods and
a refurbished refrigeration factory at the foot of the        caps declare in their various designs and colours the
Niagara Escarpment in St. Catharines. In 1966, the            academic qualifications of the faculty. The citations
landmark Brock Tower was completed, and Faculties             and presentations by the faculty to the Chancellor
began moving “up the hill” to the University’s                attest to the Chancellor and to society the degree of
permanent home atop the Niagara Escarpment.                   proficiency attained by the students of the University.
   For the next 30 years, Brock sent thousands of                The Chancellor confers upon the students the
graduates on to successful careers. It built a name for       appropriate degree. It is the act, not a certificate,
its personal quality of teaching afforded by attentive        which constitutes the validity of the degree bestowed.
faculty and controlled class sizes. As the new millennium     The statement “I admit you” and the placing of the
dawned, enrolment soared. Brock transformed from an           students’ hands within those of the Chancellor and his
undergraduate institute to a comprehensive University         associates, bind the students to the University. They
with flourishing research, graduate and doctoral programs.    receive what the University has been and what it is today.
                                                              The graduates are what the University hopes to be.

                                                                                                      Faculty of Humanities   |   3
The University Flag                                              The Eagle Feather
Our flag is the Banner of Arms of the Grant of Arms to           During Brock University Convocation ceremonies,
Brock University, granted on March 17, 1965. The main            Chancellor Shirley Cheechoo, a member of the Cree
feature on the flag is a gold-winged eagle with the book of      nation, wears a headdress made by her mother, and an
learning on its breast. Yellow and red are colours associated    eagle feather. Eagles are considered sacred within many
with academic institutions and the eagle was once thought        Indigenous traditions. They fly higher and see better than
to be the bird that flew the highest and was the wisest.         any other bird, and represent honesty, truth, strength,
   The top the flag includes the maple leaf, representing        courage, wisdom, power and freedom.
Canada; a trillium representing Ontario and a shell                Eagles are believed to have a special connection
(escallop)-a symbol long associated with the Lincoln-            to Creator, and at Convocation, the feather is used
Welland Regiment and the County of Welland. The flag,            to call upon the Creator and to command respect for
donated by the members of Brock’s 1994 Quarter Century           the ceremony.
Club, stands on the stage for each Convocation ceremony
and is flown daily on campus.
                                                                 Beta Gamma Sigma
The University Mace                                              Beta Gamma Sigma is the honour society serving business
                                                                 programs accredited by AACSB International - The
Maces were originally specialized war clubs, made of             Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
metal or garnished with metal spikes used by knights or             Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest
other warriors.                                                  recognition a business student anywhere in the world
   This functional weapon evolved into a symbolic emblem         can receive in a business program accredited by AACSB
of legislative and civic authority used by cities and towns      International. Brock received accreditation to AACSB in
and, ultimately, by parliament. Many universities have           2003, joining top international business schools, and in
decorated maces as symbols of their corporate identity           2004 was admitted into Beta Gamma Sigma.
and authority.                                                      Membership in this honours society is offered only to
   Brock was presented with its mace in 1992 as a gift from      the best business and accounting students: undergraduates
the people of the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the birthplace of       completing third year in the top 10 percent of their class
Major-General Sir Isaac Brock.                                   and graduates ranking in the top 10 per cent of their
   It is made of sterling silver and incorporates the            undergraduate programs or top 20 per cent of their
Guernsey seal; the University crest; a crown from the            master’s program.
Constable’s baton; flames of learning from the University’s
coat of arms, a maple leaf, scallop shell and Trillium flower,
which are symbols of the University; and a button from the
                                                                 Campus Wide Co-Curriculum
uniform of Brock’s 49th regiment.                                The Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum is a program designed
                                                                 to enhance the Brock student experience through the

A Warm Welcome From                                              completion of activities and opportunities within 10
                                                                 different co-curricular domains.
Brock University’s Aboriginal                                       By completing the Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum,

Education Council                                                a student has made a meaningful investment in their
                                                                 holistic development and has demonstrated a significant
We at Brock University would like to acknowledge and             commitment to continuous learning and personal growth.
honour the ancestors of those on whose traditional lands         Students who complete the program are eligible to be
we gather today. Brock University is located on the shared       inducted into the Isaac Brock Insignia Circle, a distinguished
lands of the Original Peoples, which became known as             society of current students and alumni who are highly
the traditional beaver hunting grounds. The Aboriginal           engaged in the Brock experience.
Education Council and Brock University have worked                  This distinction is acknowledged by a red cord worn by
collaboratively to keep the importance of our shared             the graduand.
history, friendship and future relationships in our minds
and hearts. We would like to recognize the successes of
our Indigenous graduates and all those graduating today.

4   |   Faculty of Humanities
Academic Regalia                                              • Master of Theological Studies - Red With Royal Blue Trim
                                                              • Bachelor of Accounting - Red With Emerald Green Trim
Academic regalia at Convocation is steeped in tradition.
                                                              • Bachelor of Arts - Red With White Trim
All participants wear gowns, which are reminiscent of the
robes worn by monks or clergy in medieval times. Hoods,       • Bachelor of Business Administration
worn draped over the shoulders and back, are derivatives of     Red With Emerald Green Trim
the simple coverings worn by people of all classes to keep    • Bachelor of Business Economics - Red With Tan Trim
their heads warm in an inhospitable climate.                  • Bachelor of Computing And Business
   The Chancellor’s gown is made from aegean blue silk and      Red With Grey Flannel Trim
trimmed with gold lace. It is worn with a round velvet cap
with a gold tassel. The Vice-Chancellor’s gown is similar,    • Bachelor of Education - Red With Light Blue Trim
but trimmed with silver. The University coat-of-arms is       • Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
embroidered on the front facing of each gown. Honorary          Red With Delmar Blue Trim
doctors wear gowns made of blue material with gold            • Bachelor of Kinesiology
facings down the front and on each sleeve.                      Black With Light Sage Green Trim
   Faculty members wear the academic regalia appropriate
                                                              • Bachelor of Music - Red With Pink Trim
to their degrees. Most doctoral gowns are more than one
colour and many have three horizontal bars of velvet on       • Bachelor of Physical Education
each sleeve. Hoods signify the degrees and institutions         Red With Olive Green Trim
from which they were received. Since Brock has faculty        • Bachelor of Public Health - Red With Peach Trim
who graduated from scores of different universities, the
                                                              • Bachelor of Recreation and Leisure Studies
Convocation procession is dramatic and colourful.
                                                                Red With Sage Green Trim
   Brock’s graduates wear aegean blue gowns and, after
being admitted to their degrees, don distinctive hoods        • Bachelor of Science - Red With Golden Yellow Trim
which identify them as graduates of our University. Made      • Bachelor of Science In Nursing - Black With Peach Trim
of scarlet viyella, the hoods are lined with navy blue and
                                                              • Bachelor of Sport Management
gold material. Three bars of navy blue are set against the
                                                                Red With Loden Green Trim
gold in a manner that suggests a dress uniform that might
have been worn by General Brock.                              • Bachelor of Tourism Studies
   The edge of each hood is trimmed with velvet in the          Black with Spanish Yellow Trim
appropriate colour for the degree:
• Doctor of Philosophy                                        Honour Cords
  Black With Red Chevrons And Red Velvet Trim
                                                              Honour cords are worn by graduands meeting the
• Master of Accountancy - Black With Red Trim                 following criteria:
• Master of Arts - Red With White Trim                        Graduands who have completed a 20-credit honours
• Master of Applied Disability Studies                        program with first-class honours standing, which requires
  Black with Yellow Trim                                      a minimum 80 per cent average in all major credits and a
                                                              minimum of 70 per cent in the remaining credits. As well,
• Master of Business Administration
                                                              a transfer student must have completed a minimum of
  Black With Blue Trim
                                                              five credits at Brock University, including all departmental
• Master of Business Economics - Red With Tan Trim            honours requirements for Year 4 and have maintained a
• Master of Divinity - Red With Purple Trim                   minimum 75 per cent overall average and a minimum 80
                                                              per cent major average (based on Brock courses only).
• Master of Education - Red With Light Blue Trim
• Master of Professional Kinesiology
  Black With Light Sage Green Trim                            Graduands who have completed the approved 15-credit
                                                              pass degree or 20-credit non-honours degree with a
• Master of Public Health - Red With Peach Trim               minimum 80 per cent overall average. Transfer students
• Master of Science - Red With Golden Yellow Trim             require a minimum 80 per cent cumulative average in all
• Master of Sustainability - Red with Blue Trim               Brock courses and a minimum 80 per cent overall average.

                                                                                                   Faculty of Humanities     |   5
Message of congratulations
                                  I welcome you to Convocation to celebrate all the achievements that have
                                brought you here and that you will continue to accomplish in the years ahead.
                                  Graduation is one of the most memorable events in our lives, because it marks
                                the end of a long journey. It tells you and your families that you are now prepared
                                to begin another journey to achieve future goals.
                                  It is my turn to thank you. I have learned from you and you have made me a
                                better person. I have learned during my time as Brock Chancellor that change only
                                happens when grassroots people like yourselves get involved, get engaged and
                                come together to demand change.
                                  On your own path of life, you will encounter challenges and obstacles,
                                but if you respect advice from family, mentors and elders, together you can
                                overcome anything.
                                  Sometimes we forget to thank those people closest to us. Do not forget about
                                these people who sacrificed and did everything for you to be where you are today.
SHIRLEY                           Your graduation is an important day in their lives too, because they know that
CHEECHOO                        they did something right.
Chancellor                        And so I say — congratulations to all the graduates. And congratulations to all
                                your parents, too, for work well done.
                                  Miigwetch, it’s been a wonderful journey, and best wishes goes to your next
                                Chancellor, Hilary Pearson.

                                   It is my privilege, on behalf of the faculty and staff at Brock University, to
                                extend congratulations to the Class of 2020. As well, may I extend the University’s
                                sincere thanks to the special guests who are part of this year’s unique celebration
                                of academic achievement.
                                   Brock is proud of our graduates, and you will find that your Brock degree
                                and experience will have prepared you for future success. You have worked
                                hard to earn your degree and you should be proud of your accomplishments.
                                You have already demonstrated the capacity and resiliency core to your future
                                   As you follow your life’s path, you will continue to discover the opportunities
                                that exist for Brock graduates in a society that, more than ever before, needs a
                                much higher proportion of its citizenry to have a university-level education. I
                                encourage you to accept the responsibilities and opportunities that come with
                                making a difference in today’s world, and to serve society well by being innovators
GERVAN                          and leaders, both in your career and through your personal pursuits.
FEARON                             I also thank you for the contributions you have made to the success of the
President and Vice-Chancellor   University and to our strong spirit of community. As one of more than 105,000
                                Brock University alumni, you will always remain an important part of the Brock
                                family and a member of the institution’s future.

6   |   Faculty of Humanities
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate
                                       each and every one of you upon your graduation from Brock University.
                                         The past few years have been filled with hard work, incredible experiences and
                                       memories. During that time, you also have evolved and grown, and are now ready
                                       for new challenges.
                                         Brock has provided you with the resources to succeed in your future endeavours
                                       and that the lessons you learned prepare you for a full and rewarding life and
                                       career. You have a degree from an outstanding University, and that provides you
                                       with a lifelong key to many opportunities.
                                         Allow me to also welcome you to the fast-growing ranks of Brock Alumni, now
                                       numbering more than 105,000. May the memories and knowledge you have
                                       gained at Brock carry you forward and contribute to the communities of which
                                       you are a part.
                                         We hope you keep in touch, share your experiences and visit when you are able.
GARY                                   Have a great life! Surgite.
Chair, Board of Trustees

                                          This is a celebration of your achievements at Brock University, and the faculty
                                       and staff offer you and your family their sincere congratulations.
                                          We are pleased and proud that you chose Brock as your university. Think of
                                       how you have changed since your first days on campus. The exams, assignments,
                                       seminars, labs, experiential learning opportunities, varsity sports, student
                                       exchanges, as well as the new friendships have given you skills and confidence you
                                       take with you into the world. Your experience at Brock University has changed
                                       you. You are prepared to leave Brock as a graduate and make an impact on the
                                       world. Whether through your career, further studies or volunteer opportunities,
                                       you are well prepared for life as an engaged citizen. You have the tools you need
                                       for learning throughout your life. Your education is with you forever, informing
                                       your decision-making and helping to forge your path ahead. Remember the
                                       lessons learned and you will be well-served at every step of your journey forward!
                                          Those of us who have had the privilege of earning a university degree have
GREG                                   much for which we should be grateful. The family, friends and society that gave us
FINN                                   this opportunity deserve our heartfelt thanks and we have a responsibility to them
Provost and Vice-President, Academic   to do what we can to make the world a better place for all of humanity. Enjoy
                                       every second of this day, for you have earned it, but do not forget all of those who
                                       have made it possible.

                                                                                                        Faculty of Humanities   |   7
Message of congratulations
                                ERIN MATHANY

                                In 1967, 39 graduating students received degrees at Brock’s first Convocation
                                ceremony. Today, you are joining more than 105,000 graduates as members of the
                                Alumni Association. The Brock University Alumni Association (BUAA) represents
                                the interests of all Brock alumni and acts as an advocate on your behalf, creates
                                opportunities for you as a graduate to stay engaged with the Brock community,
                                and recognizes the achievements and successes of Brock’s alumni through our
                                Recognition of Excellence programming.

                                CHRISTOPHER YENDT
                                PRESIDENT, GRADUATE STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION

                                Congratulations! Today, you begin the next phase of your life journey as a graduate of
                                Brock University. Your perseverance through graduate studies in pursuit of academic
                                excellence is a remarkable achievement, so take time to reflect and be proud of
                                your accomplishments. This is an incredible milestone and your time at Brock is an
                                important chapter in your story. As it comes to an end, you enter a world that is as
                                complicated and enormous as it has ever been. Use your education and experience
                                to make the world — your world — the best it can be. I wish you all the best on that
                                journey, Surgite!

                                ASAD JALIB

                                Today is a monumental victory for each of you, as it marks the culmination and
                                affirmation of your degree at Brock University. As one chapter ends, the page
                                turns for another to begin, to which Convocation signals your indoctrination into
                                an elite group of more than 105,000 distinguished alumni. We are confident that
                                you will be able to harness the challenges our world faces today and use them
                                as fuel for your future endeavours, creating everlasting innovation and positive
                                change for generations to come. Cheers to you — the Class of 2020. Best of
                                luck and Surgite!

8   |   Faculty of Humanities
Award for Excellence in Teaching
             F A C U LT Y O F H U M A N I T I E S


                Carole Lynn Stewart, Professor of English Language and Literature, specializes
             in American literature and focuses her teaching and research on African American
             literature and culture.
                Her classes are student-centred and based in participatory learning strategies,
             with an emphasis on antiracist and decolonizing pedagogies. She is most
             concerned with creating a hospitable learning space so that students have the
             tools they need to recognize social issues in historical texts and their continuing
             relevance, and are empowered to participate and continue learning beyond
             the classroom.
                Since arriving at Brock in 2010, she has taught a wide range of courses. She has
             also published several journal articles and book chapters in American and African
             American literature, as well as two monographs.

             Additional Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching Recipients
             Faculty of Applied Health Sciences: Ken Lodewyk
             Faculty of Education: Spy Dénommé-Welch
             Goodman School of Business: Eric Dolanksy
             Faculty of Math and Science: Bob Carlone
             Faculty of Social Sciences: Nick Baxter-Moore
             Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Research Excellence Award
             Kinesiology: Kim Gammage

                                                                              Faculty of Humanities   |   9
2020 Spring Convocation Honorary
Doctorate Recipients
                                 GARY KOBINGER
                                   A Canadian microbiologist and international high-profile figure in the area of
                                 infectious and immune disease treatment, Gary Kobinger serves as a Professor and
                                 the Director of the Infectious Disease Research Centre at the Université Laval.
                                   Kobinger is recognized for his development of an Ebola virus disease treatment,
                                 for which he was named Scientist of the Year in 2015 by Radio Canada (CBC),
                                 and has received various other awards, including the 2014 Gully award, the Order
                                 of Manitoba and the Meritorious Service Cross (civil division) of the Governor
                                 General of Canada in 2016, the Manning Principal award in 2017 and the Governor
                                 General of Canada Innovation award in 2018.
                                   Kobinger received his PhD from the Université de Montréal in 1998 before
                                 completing a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2005,
                                 he was recruited by the Public Health Agency of Canada, where he served as
                                 the Chief of the Special Pathogens Biosafety Level 4 program at the National
                                 Microbiology Laboratory.

                                 PAUL MARTIN
                                   The Right Honourable Paul Martin was Prime Minister of Canada from 2003 to
                                 2006, after serving as Minister of Finance from 1993 to 2002.
                                   As Prime Minister, he set in place a 10-year plan to improve health care and
                                 signed agreements with the provinces and territories to establish the first national
                                 early learning and child-care program. Under his leadership, First Nations, the
                                 Métis Nation, and Inuit leaders, along with the federal government, reached a
                                 historic consensus with the 2005 Kelowna Accord to eliminate funding gaps in
                                 health, education, housing, and clean water for Indigenous people.
                                   After leaving public life in 2008, Martin and his family founded the Martin
                                 Family Initiative, a charitable organization committed to improving education,
                                 health and the overall well-being of Indigenous children and youth in Canada.
                                   In 2012, he was appointed Companion to the Order of Canada.

10   |   Faculty of Humanities
  As a long-time advocate for labour, human rights, gender equality and democratic
engagement, former NDP Member of Parliament (MP) Peggy Nash is a sought-after
speaker and media commentator. During her time as MP, she made good jobs, fair
taxation, and investment in cities and infrastructure her priorities, including as an NDP
federal leadership candidate.
  Prior to her first election in 2006, she was a senior negotiator and top advisor for
Canada’s largest private-sector union, the Canadian Auto Workers, now called UNIFOR.
She led bargaining in key sectors, including airlines, hospitality, and later the auto sector,
becoming the first woman from the union to do so. She also pioneered key policies and
programs for the labour movement on human rights and women’s leadership.
  After public life, Nash has continued her commitment to equality as a co-founder of
the Ryerson Faculty of Arts Women in the House program. She also chairs the Labour
Management Advisory Committee at the Ted Rogers School of Management.

  While working in the high-tech industry for more than a decade, Alice Rueda was
responsible for developing the first commercial fixed broadband wireless access system.
  Rueda is now pursuing her doctoral degree in the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at Ryerson University after obtaining her master's degree in
Electrical and Computer Engineering and her bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Manitoba.
   Her current interest is to characterize Parkinson's voice impairment and tremors —
collaborating with research scientists in Canada, Colombia, Brazil and Germany. Rueda
is also a member of the Parkinson 101 team for Parkinson Canada and was a committee
member for Superwalk 2019.

  For more than 30 years, Debbie Zimmerman has been a political, business and
community leader in Niagara and Ontario, recognized for her commitments to children,
mental health, the environment, agriculture and responsible government.
  Zimmerman served as the first — and only — female chair of Niagara’s regional
government where, among other issues, she led the charge for early childhood
development programs. She spearheaded a multi-million-dollar fundraising effort to
build a children’s mental health facility in St. Catharines and has been recognized for her
efforts to protect and preserve Ontario’s Greenbelt.
  Zimmerman’s political career was a springboard to other ventures. She was the chair
of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for eight years and was assigned
in 2015 by then Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne to the provincial review panel for
Ontario’s land use plans. She has also represented Ontario and Canada on international
trade missions. Today, she serves as the CEO of the Grape Growers of Ontario.
  Her many recognitions have included the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce’s
Niagara Award, and Community Leadership Award, as well as being named the YWCA’s
Woman of Distinction in 2003.

For a list of past honorary degree recipients
please visit brocku.ca/convocation/archive/honoraries/

                                                                    Faculty of Humanities   |    11
# Indicates with First-Class Standing    # Taylor Christian Bogaert, London       Frances Ann Johnson, St. Catharines
* Indicates with Distinction             Matthew Everett Goddard Bongers, 		      Gabriella Jones
                                                    Bracebridge                   Liam Derek George Kalfadelis Withers,
                                         # Martin Emile David Boote, Oakville               Keswick
Concordia Lutheran                       # Caldon William John Bowden,            Ashley Elizabeth Keller,
Theological Seminary                                Fisherville                             Niagara on the Lake
                                         Steven Michael Brieda, Georgetown        Alicia Kozak-Borden, Mississauga
                                         # Krista Brouwer, Baden                  # Jaeden Edric Laffey
Master of Divinity                       Katelyn Katherine Buzanko,               Anna Mckim Lang, Waterloo
                                                    St. Catharines                # Nathaniel Jacob Lantz, St. Catharines
Vishal Kumar Paul                        # Braden Wilson Cabeldu Tucker,          Brian Lee, St. Catharines
                                                    Guelph                        # Alexander Richard Lenselink, Harriston
                                         # Brett Alexander Campbell, Aurora       # Joshua David Epp Loewen, Fonthill
Master of Theological Studies            # Kaitlyn Nicole Carter, London          Taylor Jordan Lott, St. Catharines
                                         # Brianne Colleen Casey, Hamilton        # Harris Michael Luckham, Ridgetown
Paulo Henrique Winterle
                                         # Noah Ryan Chapman, Exeter              # Emma MacDonald, St. Catharines
                                         # Alexandra Chubaty Boychuk,             # Mehran Mansour Feizi, Thornhill
Faculty of Humanities                               Winnipeg, MB                  # Elizabeth Jane Martin, St. Catharines
                                         # Nicholas Austin Clarke, Chatham        Hunter Burke Edmund Massey, Brampton
                                         # Emily Rose Clegg, Waterdown            Nicole Elizabeth Mater, Grimsby
Doctor of Philosophy                     Elizabeth Marie Colantoni,               # Nicholas Raymond McCarthy, Grimsby
                                                    St. Catharines                # Rachel Ann McCartney, Fort Erie
Jill Planche                             # Ivy Shania Cooley, Ridgeway            # Jess Kenneth Tuff McClelland,
  The Larger Stages: The 'Becoming       Riley Lynne Cousins, St. Catharines                St. Catharines
  Minor' of South African Theatres       # Gabor Istvan Cseh, Budapest            Jessica Marie McGregor, Ridgeway
                                         # Leslie Ann Czegeny                     Noah Francesco Mete, Welland
Master of Arts                           # Jordine Rae Maliwat De Guzman, 		      Grace Evelyn Mcgilvery Morrison,
                                                    Mississauga                             Etobicoke
Jane Ann Baker, Grimsby                  Adrian Martin Dieleman, Ballinafad       Cassidy Rose Motyka, St. Catharines
Bertram Darko Darko, St. Catharines      # Hannah Dobbie, Fort Erie               # Matthew Geoffrey Newton, Toronto
Naomi Jane Jager, Jordan                 Abbey Noel Dobbin, Niagara Falls         # Nicolle Lok Lok Ng, Mississauga
Andrew Ian Power, St. Catharines         # Aidan Donohoe, Niagara Falls           Teagan Clara Caitlin O'Halloran, Pickering
Robert Edward VanAmerongen, St.          Susanna Dritsas, Mississauga             # Yoshiaki Okita, St. Catharines
Catharines                               Samantha Drywood, Binbrook               # Kalina Ouellette, Quispamsis, NB
                                         # Alyssa Ebanks, Grand Cayman            Natasha Nicole Paulin, Mount Hope
                                         Alyssa Lynne Eggleton, Welland           # Kostyn Vaughan Petrunick, Lincoln
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)               Shannon Else Fletcher, Oakville          # Danielle Krysten Maya Phekoo, Alliston
                                         # Rachel Elizabeth Mary Frederick, 		    # Sarah Margaret Phillips, Wellesley
# Lindsay Rebecca Allen, Burlington                 Burlington                    # Sarah Gillian Pierson, Cayman Islands
Cynthia Allingham, Welland               Emily Marie Gabet, Georgetown            Nicole Celine Plummer, Niagara Falls
# Zein Eddin Ammar Mohammad              # Robert Gaiero, St. Catharines          # Naythan Roger Poulin, Welland
Alqudah, St. Catharines                  # Gillian Justine Giesbrecht,            Thomas Anthony Power, Brooklin
# Nicholas David Anger, Hamilton                    St. Catharines                # Kira Angela Pretty, Woodstock
# Brody Evan Armstrong, Fort Erie        Shaniqua Shelby Goodridge,               # Sean Edward Rashotte, Belleville
# Serena Salva Atallah, Welland                     Niagara Falls                 Brynn Elizabeth Reale, Welland
Dallas Baird, Pickering                  Tyler Good, Toronto                      # Lauren Anne Reid, St. Catharines
# Keenan Mcdonald Baker,                 # Erica Michele Greshuk, Orangeville     # Curtis Richard, St. Catharines
          St. Catharines                 Fearghas Gundy, St. Catharines           # Kaitlyn Sarah Roberts, Bowmanville
Renz Fernandez Baluyot, Brampton         # Adam Steven Henderson, London          Sarah Rose Adeli Rockx, Niagara Falls
Owen Wren Barton, St. Catharines         Matthew William Hertel, St. Catharines   Michael Romen, Brampton
Rachel Eileen Beaulieu, St. Catharines   # Mervin Romeo Hocson, St. Catharines    # Christopher Rosati, Bolton
Frantz Ivan Bertumen, Niagara Falls      # Michael Taras Humeniuk                 # Gareth Rowland, Maryhill
Abigail Massey Bloomfield, Dunnville     Khalid Abdullkhadir Imam, Mississauga    # Rachel Carolyn Ruskoff, Niagara Falls
# Alexandra Maria Boffin, Mississauga

12   |   Faculty of Humanities
# Francis Joseph Samson, Ottawa           Lauren Bosch, Fort Erie                  * Alissa Rose Rorie, St. Catharines
# Adriana Sansotta, St. Catharines        Esther Martha Brown, Hamilton            * Aaron Robert Shakerley, Guernsey
Harvind Singh Sekhon, Brampton            Nathan Edward Bruch, Grimsby             Phonexay Sikhanxay, Thorold
Tsipporah Shoshana Shendroff, Thornhill   Natalie Lorraine Butler, Stirling        Brandon Joseph Thompson, Markham
# Sun-Kyung Simmonds, Fenwick             Michelle Chase, St. Catharines           William Eric Gerhard Tisch, Mount Hope
Christian Paul Sladic, Stoney Creek       Mykolai Chmilenko, Mississauga           Reid Tobiason, Etobicoke
Amanda Christine Spear, Niagara Falls     Chelsea Maudena June Dietrich,           Mark Alexander Turi, Markham
# Evelyn Elizabeth Stoesser,                        North Bay                      Matthew Tuttle, Garson
           Victoria Harbour               Rebecca Disley, Ottawa                   Christopher Ungurian, Winnipeg, MB
Sophia Barachael Strachan,                Khalid Ebrahim                           Shavon-Lee George White, Brampton
           Trinidad And Tobago            * Tracey Larissa Groot, Jordan Station
Alexis Doris Sullivan, Wasaga Beach       Michael Joseph Hadden, Whitby
                                                                                   Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Maria-Kristina Testa, Hamilton            * Jodie Lynn Harrison, Burlington
Shania Anne Thompson, St. Catharines      * Amelia Jane Henaghen, Guernsey
                                                                                   # Sarah Jeannette Hollick, Mississauga
# Charles Trafagander, Ash Lake           Ijeoma Onyedikachi Irogbenachi,
                                                                                   # Jessica Tigchelaar, Vineland
# Chardon Trimble-Kirk, St. Catharines              St. Catharines
# Ivy Ha Truong, Woodbridge               Quinn Paul Johnson, Hamilton
                                                                                   This program lists the names of individuals
Geoffrey Turner, Toronto                  Gavin Kirk, Cambridge
                                                                                   who were approved to graduate
Jillian Unrau, Vineland                   Zachary Koroll, St. Catharines
                                                                                   on June 15, 2020. The University regrets
Jake Patrick Andrew Vandenbosch,          Molly Louise Lacey, St. Catharines
                                                                                   that names which were added after this date
           Fonthill                       Sarah Lackey, Mississauga
                                                                                   could not be included in this program.
# Diana Vasu, Burlington                  * Vanessa Christine Maderer,
# Jakob Andrew Vujovic, Windsor                     St. Catharines
Christopher Wesolowski                    Noah Martin, Lowbanks
# Amber Lee Williams, St. Catharines      Shumauni McIntee, Dunnville
Cloee Worobel, Welland                    Santiago Montoya Guevara, Toronto
Braden Michael Wylie, Kingston            Alexandra Catharine Moore,
# Ethan Daniel Zavarella, Welland                   Port Colborne
                                          Ruth Moyosoreol Owoeye,
                                                    St. Catharines
Bachelor of Arts (3 Year)
                                          Gabriela Palomo, Newmarket
                                          Dylan Leo Peltier, Brampton
Helena-Marie Agomaa, Scarborough
                                          Caitlyn Pitt, St. Catharines
Jacobo Arredondo-Rodas, Welland
                                          * Cheyenne Ramsden, Niagara Falls
Kaili Barbe, Burlington
                                          Filipe Simoes Ribau, Burlington
Roger Ian Blackley, Niagara Falls

                                                                                                     Faculty of Humanities   |   13
Governor General Gold Medals
The Governor General of Canada has presented a gold medal to be awarded to two graduating students with the highest standing of all
graduates in a master’s or doctoral degree program.

Simon Earp-Lynch
Master of Science
Mathematics and Statistics

Benjamin Earp-Lynch
Master of Science
Mathematics and Statistics

Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medals
Awarded to one undergraduate and one graduate student per Faculty who best exemplify the spirit of Sir Isaac Brock.

Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Aashir Siddique Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Kelly Pilato       Doctor of Philosophy, Applied Health Sciences

Goodman School of Business
Bilal Khan      Bachelor of Accounting (Honours)
Sara Eslampanah Master of Business Administration, Business Administration (Marketing)
		              ISP Co-op Option

Faculty of Education
Jasmine Pereira   Bachelor of Education
Reuben Plance     Master of Education, Social and Cultural Contexts of Education

Faculty of Humanities
Sun-Kyung (Julie) Simmonds       Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Shraddha Khirwadkar       Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Leila Meskine 		          Master of Science, Mathematics and Statistics

Faculty of Social Sciences
Niveditha Sethumadhavan Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Keely Grossman 		          Master of Arts, Social Justice and Equity Studies

Dean’s Medals
Sabrina Buchanan 			                   Bachelor of Kinesiology (Honours)
Noah Desruisseaux 		                   Bachelor of Arts
Brook Lynn Falk 			                    Bachelor of Science
Robert Kraig Jefferson Helmeczi        Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Tim Hewitson 			                       Bachelor of Education
Brittany Kotewicz 			                  Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
Kaitlyn Luttjehuizen		                 Bachelor of Arts
Aaron Robert Shakerley 		              Bachelor of Arts
Jessica Tigchelaar 			                 Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Noah Vasileuskaya			                   Bachelor of Business Economics (Honours)

14   |   Faculty of Humanities
Affleck Memorial Prize in Philosophy
Leena Hosien, Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Biological Sciences Faculty Year 4 Book Prize
Lauren Stone, Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Hamilton Award
Danielle Boiago, Bachelor of Education

Cara Chefurka Memorial Book Prize
Kelsey Gatta, Bachelor of Arts (3 year)

David and Carolyn DiBattista Scholarship
Brook Haight, Bachelor of Arts (Honors)

Dean's Award for Professional Growth -
Kristina McGill, Bachelor of Education

Dean's Award for Professional Growth -
Amanda Flintoft, Bachelor of Education

Dean's Award for Professional Growth - Junior-Intermediate
Carly Horton, Bachelor of Education

Dean's Award for Professional Growth - Junior-Intermediate
Erika Van Stowski, Bachelor of Education

Dean's Award for Professional Growth - Primary-Junior
Johannes Kromhout, Bachelor of Education

Dean's Award for Professional Growth - Primary-Junior
Michelene Mountjoy, Bachelor of Education

Department of Biology Undergraduate Research Excellence Award
Lauren Stone, Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Department of Classics Book Prize in Ancient Art and Archaeology
Christian Paul Sladic, Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Department of Classics Book Prize in Classical Literature and History
Aaron Robert Shakerley, Bachelor of Arts (3 year)

Department of Geography Graduating Prize
Stephanie Nicole Tulipano, Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Department of History Fourth Year Book Prize
Naythan Poulin, Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

                                                                        Faculty of Humanities   |   15
Dianne Dutton Memorial Book Prize
Sierra Kiers, Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Dr. Michael Kompf Book Prize
Danielle Safieh, Master of Education

Distinguished Graduate Student Award

Lewis Lau, Master of Arts, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Aindriu Ros Russell Maguire, Master of Science, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Kelly Pilato, Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Jeffrey Allen Irvine, Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Education
Steph McCorriston, Master of Education, Faculty of Education

Cansin Cagan Acarer, Master of Science, Goodman School of Business
Jamie Almeida Master of Business Administration, Goodman School of Business
Andrew Ian Power, Master of Arts, Goodman School of Business

Jill Planche, Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities

Daler Baidilov, Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Marina De Lima Marcolin, Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
James Snyder Frank, Master of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Matthew Tyson Guest, Master of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Emily Rose Ham, Master of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Kailey Elizabeth Meehan, Master of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Leila Meskine, Master of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Matthew Craig Mueller, Master of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
James Alexander Paterson, Master of Arts, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Harpreet Singh Punni, Master of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Science

Jocelyn Lea Baker, Master of Sustainability, Faculty of Social Sciences
Jonathan Duncan Brower, Master of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences
Gregory Heath Devilliers, Master of Business Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences
Jordan Gallant, Master of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences
William Christopher Genik, Master of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences
Rebecca Lila Hansford, Master of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences
Reuben Howlett, Master of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences
Kevin MacDonald, Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences
Janet Moore, Master of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences
Katelyn Pierce, Master of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences
Nicole Robin Ashley Staite, Master of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences
Cindy Lou Thompson, Master of Applied Disability Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences

Distinguished Graduating Student Award

Sabrina Buchanan, Bachelor of Kinesiology (Honours), Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Abigail Ellis, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honours), Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Meghan Lawson, Bachelor of Recreation and Leisure Studies (Honours), Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Alesia McBride, Bachelor of Child Health (Honours), Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Ryan William Modafferi, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Rachelle Patille, Bachelor of Public Health (Honours), Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Katerina Scheepstra, Bachelor of Physical Education (Honours), Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Madeleine Sommerville, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Erica Wortley, Bachelor of Sport Management (Honours), Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

16   |   Faculty of Humanities
Luke Boesveld, Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education
Madeleine Campbell, Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education
Johannes Kromhout, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Education
Hayley Lukich, Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education
Michelene Mountjoy, Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education
Vladan Vukosavljevic, Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education

Brittany Kotewicz, Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours), Goodman School of Business
Deborah Ooi, Bachelor of Accounting (Honours), Goodman School of Business

Kaitlyn Carter, Bachelor of Kinesiology (Honours), Faculty of Humanities
Elizabeth Marie Colantoni, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Humanities
Hannah Dobbie, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Humanities
Kalina Ouellette, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Humanities
Christopher Rosati, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Humanities
Sun-Kyung Simmonds, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Humanities
Evelyn Stoesser, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Humanities
Jessica Tigchelaar, Bachelor of Music (Honours), Faculty of Humanities
Ivy Ha Truong, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Humanities

Hayley-Ann Bennett, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Lauren Sarah Bourke, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Khurram Ayubi Butt, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Joanna Cichalewski, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Cody Daneluik, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Robert Kraig Jefferson Helmeczi, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Marynelle Santos Icmat, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Kyle Robert Jones, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Shraddha Khirwadkar, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Bradley Klassen, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Sebastien Savard, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Lauren Stone, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Faculty of Mathematics and Science

Malcolm Cavanagh, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Kyle Cleland, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Anthony Crocco-Montagano, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Thomas Nicholas Gardner, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Brook Haight, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Victoria Holcombe, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Brianna Lynn Kuchurean, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Amber Macdonald, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Abigail Maunder-Collier, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Eduardo Humberto Retes, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Jillian Skoblenick, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Stephanie Nicole Tulipano, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Sanjana Verma, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences
Brenda Harmony Wanji Nguemeni, Bachelor of Business Economics (Honours), Faculty of Social Sciences

Don Johnstone Award
Leena Hosien

Earth Sciences Award - Year 4
Lauren Sarah Bourke, Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Goodman Scholars
Rishita Satpal Choudhary,
          Master of Business Administration
Van Nguyen Thao Dang,
          Master of Business Administration

                                                                                                      Faculty of Humanities   |   17
Deepan Kumar Das, Master of Science
Alexis Fabricius, Master of Business Administration
Vilawan Hamjinda, Master of Professional Accounting
Andrea Isabel Munoz Erazo, Master of Business Administration
Channpreet Singh, Master of Business Administration
Tariqdeep Singh, Master of Business Administration

Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award
Parisa Abbasi, Doctor of Philosophy
Susan Maureen Docherty-Skippen, Doctor of Philosophy
Emily Rose Ham, Master of Science, Earth Sciences
Jill Planche, Doctor of Philosophy

Jack Noble Book Prize
Steph McCorriston, Master of Education

James White - Knowledge is Power Award for Finance
Sana Inam, Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)

Jim Leach Book Prize
Justin Wyatt Boutilier

John and Roslyn Reed Book Prizes
Bradley Klassen, Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Jocelyn Amber Smit, Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Julie Bouffard Health Sciences Award
Rachelle Patille, Bachelor of Public Health (Honours)

Ken Boyle C.O.B.R.A Radio Memorial Book Prize
Jillian Skoblenick, Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Marilyn I. Walker Textile Art Award
Kira Angela Pretty, Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Maurice Perkins Award
Brittany Kotewicz, Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)

Political Science Department Year 4 Book Prize
Malcolm Cavanagh, Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Sonja Bata Award for Entrepreneurship
Ines Metel, Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)

18   |   Faculty of Humanities
Beta Gamma Sigma           Arin Leffler                   Shantia Whittaker
                           Jessica Leung                  Meagan Wilson
Cansin Cagan Acarer
                           Min Li                         Jingyuan Xu
Zackariah Ahrens
                           Mengru Liao                    Ruichen Xu
Jamie Almeida
                           Qi Lin                         Zehao Xu
Ankith Ashok
                           Wei Liu                        Luyu Yin
Dayana Badminova
                           Anojaa Loganathan              Zhixiang Zeng
Aaron Black
                           Ziye Luan                      Jiayi Zhang
Spencer Bollenbach
                           Ting Ma                        Mingqi Zhang
Baelie Campbell
                           Connor MacMillan               Xiangxin Zhang
Yi Chen
                           Shiva Malhotra                 Jun Zhao
Yufei Chen
                           Bsma Matar                     Ziyi Zhu
Yushi Chen
                           Danielle McCaffery
Naweed Chowdhury                                          Campus Wide Co-curricular
                           Ceilidh McDonald
Jennifer Marie
                           Scott Meech                    Phillip Ampofo Dwomoh
   De Zuniga Solis
                           Jiaqi Meng                     Rocky Brar
Philip Dreise
                           Rhea Modi                      Ana Sofia Caldeira Rua
Kaleb Embury
                           Deborah Ooi                    Courtney Mare Dundas
Alexis Fabricius
                           Joseph Pagnotta                Sydney Hansen
Shulin Fan
                           Jaineel Dinesh Patel           Rachel Grace Housser
Sarah Ferrell
                           Guanchao Peng                  Clare Ifeyinwa Obi
Adrianna Garisto
                           Liam Jonathan Pepper           Kailene Jackson
Flavie Gonzalez
                           Patrick Alexander Pobojewski   Anushka Lalwani
Shant Michael Guedikian
                           Yi Qiao                        Laura Lozinski
Carlos Guerra
                           Sha Qiu                        Emma MacDonald
Xiaotong Guo
                           Xuan Qiu                       Favour Nwogu
Larissa Hahamian
                           Adrian Race                    Riley Jane Pirouet
Ann Hanna
                           Mahmud Rahman                  Reuben Plance
Elizabeth Gillian Harris
                           Saijenan Rajkumar              Niveditha Sethumadhavan
Jianbo He
                           Talha Rana                     Christine Barbara Sirignano
Thomas Hewitt
                           Puneet Rastogi                 Jocelyn Amber Smit
Vanisha Hira
                           Shayan Roy                     Shirrea Spencer
Sana Inam
                           Harshita Santha                Kaitlyn Tabet
Ishita Jain
                           Sepehr Sepehri                 Daniela Young-Licitra
Xingchen Jiang
                           Tariqdeep Singh
Xingchen Jiang
                           Wenjing Song
Yezhou Jiang
                           Aaron Taylor
Laura Jung
                           Thu Phuong Tong
Amandeep Kaur
                           Spencer Turcotte
Brittany Kotewicz
                           Zhe Wang
Martin Lee
                           Dean Patrick Weber

                                                                           Faculty of Humanities   |   19
PROFESSOR EMERITI                Stephen Hartman          Joan Preston
Sharon Abbey                     John Hay                 Peter Rand
Jack Adams-Webber                James Heap               Merle Richards
Barbara Austin                   Mei Ling Huang           A. William Richardson
Carl Baar                        W.H.N. Hull              Mary Richardson
Thomas Barnes                    Harry Hunt               Roberta Robb
Sandra Beckett                   Peggy Hutchison          Linda Rose-Krasnor
Kathy Belicki                    Ana Isla                 Leonard Rosmarin
Howard Bell                      Ron Kerman               Stuart Rothstein
John Benjafield                  Philip Kitchen           David Rupp
John Black                       Zisimos Koustas          Stan Sadava
Terry Boak                       Murray Knuttila          Carol Sales
Leslie Boldt                     John Lavery              Sid Segalowitz
Alan Bown                        Charles F. Laywine       Tony Shaw
Douglas Bruce                    James Leach              Ramesh C. Shukla
Stefan Brudzynski                Ken Loucks               David Siegel
Robert Carlone                   Daniel Madar             John Sivell
Alan Castle                      Michael Manley-Casimir   Martin Tammemagi
Wing-Cheuk Chan                  Dorothy Markiewicz       Robert R. Taylor
Ralph Connelly                   Isidore Masse            Paul Tyson
June Corman                      Neil McCartney           Donald J. Ursino
Nancy DeCourville                Hedy McGarrell           Alan Wheeler
David DiBattista                 Ronald McTavish          Sybil Wilson
Mohammed H.I. Dore               Coral Mitchell           LIBRARIAN EMERITI
Rosemary Drage Hale              Mary Jane Miller         Colleen Beard
Ann Duffy                        Anthony Mollica          Karen Bordonaro
Ivo Duntsch                      Ralph Morris             Marcie Jacklin
Jane Dywan                       Merijean Morrissey       BOARD OF TRUSTEES
Anne Elliot                      David Moule              Chair - Gary Comerford
Dennis Essar                     Eric Muller              Vice-Chair -
                                                          Robin Williams
Corrado Federici                 Catherine Nash
                                                          Members ex officio
Nancy Francis                    John Novak
Hugh Gayler                      Robert Nunn              Shirley Cheechoo
Daniel Glenday                   Patrick O’Neill          President and Vice-Chancellor,
                                                          Gervan Fearon
Barry Grant                      Robert Ogilvie
                                                          Community Members
Dorothy Griffiths                Francis Owen
                                                          Sophia Aggelonitis
Carolyn Hafer                    Carmela Patrias
                                                          Mark Arthur
Yousef Haj-Ahmad                 Sandra Peters
                                                          Gary Comerford
John Robert Hanrahan             Michael Plyley
                                                          Michele-Elise Burnett
Craig Hanyan                     Edward Pomeroy

20   |   Faculty of Humanities
Mario De Divitiis		          Term ending 2021
Mary De Sousa		              James Allard
John Fisher		                Natalee Caple
Brian Lang		                 Jens Coorssen
Bill Maurin		                Fayez Elayan
Anne McCourt		               Amy Friend
Beverley Morden		            Jennifer Good
Marylee O’Neill		            Nota Klentrou
Chris Phillips		             Catherine Longboat
William (Bill) Rickers		     Beatrice Ombuki-Berman
Robert Welch		               Colin Rose
Dr. Robin Williams		         Susan Sydo
Elisabeth Zimmermann         Tek Thongpapanl
Faculty Trustees		           Murray Wickett
Don Cyr, Chair of Senate		   Term ending 2022
Jens Coorssen		              Michael Ashton
Miriam Richards              Irene Blayer
Staff Trustees		             Christene Carpenter-Cleland
Bradley Clarke		             Eric Dolansky
Giulia Forsythe       		     Bareket Falk
Student Trustees		           Tim Murphy
Asad Jalib		                 Larry Savage
Christopher Yendt            Kirsty Spence
SENATE                       Carole Lynn Stewart
Chair - Don Cyr              Francine Vachon
Vice Chair - Larry Savage    Michelle Webber
Elected Representatives:     Heather Whipple
Term ending 2020             Elected Student Representatives
Kate Bezanson                Undergraduate Student Representatives
Poling Bork                  Term Ending 2020
Don Cyr                      Harroop Ahuja
Andrew Dane                  Tooba Muhammad
Elizabeth Greene             Christopher Yendt
Katerina Koka                Term Ending 2021
Kelly Lockwood               Alexa Leitch
Linda Lowry                  Hope Tuff-Berg
Richard C. Mitchell          Graduate Student Representatives
Tim Ribaric                  Term Ending 2020
Ian Ritchie                  Melanie Extance
Philip Wachel                Sarah Walker

                                                                     Faculty of Humanities   |   21
Members Ex Officio                          Carol Merriam
                                            Dean, Faculty of Humanities
Shirley Cheechoo
Chancellor                                  Michael Owen
                                            Dean, Faculty of Education
Gervan Fearon
President and Vice-Chancellor               Peter Tiidus
                                            Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Gregory Finn
Interim Provost                             Geraldine Jones
and Vice-President, Academic                University Registrar & Associate
                                            Vice-President, Enrolment Services
Asad Jalib
BUSU, Vice-President,                       Mark Robertson
Finance and Administration                  University Librarian

Tim Kenyon                                  Gary Comerford
Vice-President, Research                    Chair, Board of Trustees

Brian Power                                 Thomas Winger
Vice-Provost and Associate                  President, Concordia Seminary
Vice-President, Academic
                                            James O’Brien
Anna Lathrop                                Alumni Association Representative
Vice-Provost, Teaching, Learning
and Student Success                         Michele-Elise Burnett
                                            Indigenous Representative
Camille Rutherford
Vice-Provost, Strategic Partnerships
and International

Amos Key Jr. (July 1, 2019)
Vice-Provost, Indigenous Engagement

Ejaz Ahmed
Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Diane Dupont
Interim Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies

Andrew Gaudes
Dean, Goodman School of Business

Ingrid Makus
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences

22   |   Faculty of Humanities
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Brock University     Update your contact
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Find out more at      Brock University Alumni
brocku.ca/alumni                      Faculty of Humanities   |   23
Brock University’s Class of 2020 is graduating with the
             skills, knowledge and talent that position it for future
             success. Our graduates are forever members of a very
             special family. For more than half a century, Brock
             graduates have realized successful futures and made
             positive contributions to communities here in the
             Niagara Region and all around the world. We are proud
             of you, and we celebrate your achievements. Surgite!”

              Gervan Fearon
              President and Vice-Chancellor
              Brock University

24   |   Faculty of Humanities
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