14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018

Page created by Rafael Dean
14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
14th Berwick Film
& Media Arts Festival
Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
Welcome to Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival 2018                                                                                                                                    Special Features
Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September
                                                                                                 Opening Film
                                                                                                 Thursday 20 September,
Don’t miss the 14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival, a landmark event                         19:30, Maltings Main House
bringing together films, guest artists and audiences from around the world to
Berwick-upon-Tweed. Over four days, we will present films, exhibitions, live                     Empty Metal
performances, talks and events that you won’t see anywhere else. The Festival                    Adam Khalil &
is an open space for people of all ages who are curious about cinema, art and                    Bayley Sweitzer
                                                                                                  United States | 2018 | 83 mins
international perspectives. See you in Berwick for an unforgettable weekend!
                                                                                                       Empty Metal takes place
                                                                                                 in a world similar to ours—one
                                                                                                 of mass surveillance, pervasive
   Berwick New Cinema Competition                  Los Otros:                                    policing, and increasing individ-
Entering its third year, BFMAF’s competition       John Torres and Shireen Seno                  ual apathy. The lives of several
strand features resolutely contemporary          The first major UK retrospective of filmmak-    people, each inhabiting poles of
films that transgress restraints of genre,       ers Shireen Seno and John Torres, whose         American social and political consciousness, weave together as each attempts to achieve some kind of
capital and expectation.                         studio, film laboratory, library and platform   forward motion, sometimes in contradiction, and always under the eye of more controlling powers.
Supported by OUTSET Scotland                     Los Otros is one of the most invigorating
                                                 forces in Philippine cinema today.              A taut thriller, the film reveals a political fantasy, an alternative reality whose characters teeter on the dull
   Essential Cinema                                                                              knife edge that is contemporary American politics, at the same time refusing to fall right or left. Instead,
BFMAF’s retrospective series provides               Sophia Al-Maria                              they lash out from the soul, under the radar, in an attempt to achieve what their mainstream predeces-
a fresh look at classic works of cinema or a     BFMAF 2018 Artist in Profile Sophia             sors have yet to accomplish.
first view of overlooked masterpieces. Each      Al-Maria’s practice incorporates diverse        “Filled with energy, rage, and the smallest measure of hope, Empty Metal is a new kind of political film for
film is rarely-seen and most are shown in        forms of visual art, writing and filmmak-        these extraordinary times.” —Film Society of Lincoln Center
new restorations for the first time in the UK.   ing—as shown in her ‘Temporal Vertigo’
                                                 screening, The Magical State exhibition          Q&A with filmmakers Adam Khalil & Bayley Sweitzer
   Exhibitions                                   and beyond. Time travel, genre cinema
Artists present new and recent moving            and visions of the apocalypse become            Closing Film
image work in exhibitions around Berwick-        fertile devices that propel Al-Maria’s
upon-Tweed, taking over historic buildings,      distinctive works.                              Sunday 23 September 20:00, Maltings Main House
empty shops and hidden corners of the town.
                                                                                                                                       Nervous Translation
                                                    Seminars                                                                           Shireen Seno
   Propositions                                  BFMAF’s popular series of seminars                                                    Philippines | 2018 | 90 mins | Tagalog with English subtitles
Part-screening, part-talk or performance,        provide an informal space of communi-                                                 Los Otros: John Torres & Shireen Seno
Propositions provides a discursive setting       cation between artists and audience. Los
                                                                                                                                             Set in 1987, soon after the People Power Revolution which led
for artists and filmmakers to expand on their    Otros (John Torres and Shireen Seno),
                                                                                                                                       to the fall of president Marcos, Nervous Translation follows eight-
work, demonstrating research, contexts           Lucy Clout and Sophia Al-Maria will partic-
                                                                                                                                       year-old Yael. A shy and uneasy girl, she listens endlessly to the
and perspectives as a means to dig deeper        ipate in this year’s seminars, moderated by
                                                                                                                                       cassette tapes recorded by her father, who has spent years away
into the questions, ideas and complications      writer and curator Taylor Le Melle.
                                                                                                                                       from home working in Saudi Arabia. When she hears an advertise-
encountered through their artistic process.
                                                                                                                                       ment for a pen that will give her a ‘wonderful life’, she decides to
                                                   Children and Young People
                                                                                                                                       spend all her savings on this miracle pen.
   Screening the Forest                          BFMAF presents a number of projects with,
Curated by Dr. Graiwoot Chulphong-               by and for young people: Kaleidoscope, a                                          Yael’s world is small and tender—she likes to play cooking on
sathorn, this series takes nature as its point   drop-in bean bag cinema with hands-on                                             her mini stove—but the real world comes knocking: a typhoon
of departure. Screening the Forest weaves        making activity for families (page 18), films                                     approaches the Philippines. Giving a voice to this quiet girl in a
together forests from Japan, Myanmar,            for school groups (page 18), and The Hurt                                         perceptive, playful film full of jump cuts, sensitive sound design,
South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam           Goes On , an analogue foray into a digi-                                          ‘80s music and even an odd surrealist intermezzo, Seno empa-
and the Philippines, understanding the           tal world by young people from Berwick          thetically captures the innocence and uncertainty of a child who doesn’t yet understand the world,
forest to be a network of living beings          Youth Project (page 15).                        although she is surrounded by it.
where agency distributes beyond human                                                            Introduction by filmmaker Shireen Seno
forms of life. Sensory, colourful and wides-
creen, the forest is naturally cinematic.                                                        UK premiere of Nervous Translation presented jointly by BFMAF and Tate Modern
                                                                                                 The film will be preceded by the 2018 Berwick New Cinema award presentation

14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
Screenings, Special Events and Seminars                                                                                a     b

    Thursday 20 September                 instructional books and tapes        12:30     Maltings Main House
                                          made in early 1980s Philippines
    11:30     Maltings Main House         aimed to ‘help raise brighter        ♣
                                          children’. Upon learning of his      Berwick New Cinema
    Forest Experimenta                    father’s secret family, the narra-   Multiple languages with English
    Screening the Forest                  tor embarks on a quest to create     subtitles | 89 mins
    Multiple languages with English       order from this chaos.                     I wouldn’t want to belong
    subtitles | 86 mins 18
                                          Q&A with filmmaker John Torres       to any club that would have me
          In these East Asian and                                              as a member. That includes
    Southeast Asian films, the            17:30     The Gymnasium
                                                                               Chauvin-ists; children who              c
    forest is not a background but a                                           disturb corpses; frightened
    recurring protagonist. Films by       Solvent Magazine
                                                                               men living in a matriarchal soci-
    Pimpaka Towira, Jet Leyco, Su         Lucy Clout
                                                                               ety; or a film crew consisting of
    Hui-Yu, Nguyen Trinh Thi, Tony        Special Event | Exhibition Opening
                                                                               a slime robot, talking mandrill
    Chun-Hui Wu, Jang Min-Young,                Join Berwick Visual Arts       and lesbian couple whose rela-
    Jakrawal Nilthamrong and              Artist in Residence Lucy Clout       tionship crumbles under the
    Kamjorn Sankwan.                      to celebrate the opening of          glow of bisexual lighting.
    Q&A with curator Dr. Graiwoot         her BFMAF 2018 exhibition,           Films by Bertrand Mandico,
    Chulphongsathorn                      Solvent Magazine. Refresh-           Hardeep Pandhal, Hu Bo and
                                          ments and merriment aplenty.         Benjamin Crotty.
    14:00     Maltings Main House
                                          19:30     Maltings Main House
                                                                               Q&A with filmmakers Hardeep
    ♦                                                                          Pandhal & Benjamin Crotty
    Berwick New Cinema                    Empty Metal                          15:00     Maltings Main House
    86 mins| Multiple languages with      Adam Khalil &                                                                d              e
    English subtitles 18                  Bayley Sweitzer                      Big Boy
           Shine bright. Portraits of a   Opening Film                         Shireen Seno
    nomadic musician and an animat-       United States | 2018 | 83 min        Los Otros:
    edly-perverse single father butt            See page 3 for details         John Torres & Shireen Seno
    up against a simulacrum of the                                             Philippines | 2012 | 89 mins
    Middle East and a tactile enquiry                                          Tagalog with English subtitles
    into the natural world. Taken                                                      Big Boy is Shireen Seno’s
                                          Friday 21 September
    together, expressions of personal,                                         first feature film. Shot on Super 8
    political, spiritual, mystical and    10:30     Maltings Henry Travers     film, it tells the story of Julio and
    sexual agency provide powerful                                             the business venture initiated
    statements of either resistance       Seminar: Lucy Clout                  by his parents. Julio’s parents
    to or complicity in an increasingly        Luc y Clout, the 2018           wish him to become an ideal
    commodified world.                    Berwick Visual Arts Artist in        man according to their stand-
    Films by Wong Ping, Luis Arnías,      Residence, discusses ‘Solvent        ards: to be tall like an American.
    Mont Tesprateep and Gelare            Magazine’, her new body of           Everything seems to work out
    Khoshgozaran.                         work produced in Berwick and         fine, until one day Julio stops
                                          exhibited in The Gymnasium.          growing. Big Boy chronicles the
    15:45     Maltings Henry Travers
                                                                               growth of a family, the myths of
                                                                               progress that consume them,             f          a) Jet Leyco, Not a Soul (Forest Experimenta)
    Years When I Was
                                                                               and the inherent violence in                    b) John Torres, Years When I Was a Child Outside
    a Child Outside
                                                                               war, colonisation and coming                          c) Bertrand Mandico, Apocalypse After (♣)
    John Torres                                                                into being.                                                            d) Shireen Seno, Big Boy
    Los Otros:
    John Torres & Shireen Seno
                                                                               Q&A with filmmaker Shireen Seno                                                   e) Lucy Clout
    Philippines | 2008 | 100 mins                                                                                                           f) Wong Ping, Who’s the Daddy (♦)
    Tagalog and English with
    English subtitles
         Years When I Was a Child
    Outside is a meta-film follow-
    ing Torres’ perspective as the
    son of best-selling self-help
    author Rodolfo Torres, whose
4                                                                                                                                                                                 5
14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
a                                                                                          Screenings, Special Events and Seminars
                                                     Friday 21 September                   19:30     Maltings Henry Travers      Saturday 22 September
                                                     17:15     Maltings Henry Travers      Hyenas                                10:30    Maltings Henry Travers
                                                                                           Djibril Diop Mambéty
                                                     Sky Hopinka                           Essential Cinema
                                                                                                                                 Seminar: Los Otros
                                                                                           Senegal, Switzerland, France                Los Otros is the Manila-
                                                           Filmmaker Sky Hopinka           1992 | 113 mins                       based home of filmmakers
                                                     presents a screening of his short
                                                                                           Wolof with English subtitles          Shireen Seno and John Torres.
                                                     films in and conversation with               Linguère Ramatou returns       A studio, film laboratory, library
                                                     Nicole Yip, Director of LUX Scot-     to Colobane, a once charming          and platform for live events, Los
                                                     land. Based in Milwaukee, Sky         village now devastated by             Otros is one of the most invigor-
                                                     Hopinka (Ho-Chunk/Pechanga)           poverty, with fabulous wealth         ating forces in Philippine cinema
                                                     focuses on the interconnections       and a promise to save her             today. In addition to the four Los
                                                     between his indigenous home-          people. But tied to this prom-        Otros programmes in BFMAF
                                                     land, language, landscapes, and       ise is a deadly bargain: the lover    2018, John and Shireen will lead
                                                     identity. Anchored by both            who had betrayed a 16-year-old,       a seminar exploring their work-
                                                     surreal p e r s p e c ti ve s a n d   pregnant Linguère, must be            ing methods and strategies for
b                                                c
                                                     grounded realities, Hopinka’s         executed. Hyenas is a caution-        production.
                                                     sublime films create maps of          ary tale packed with humorous,
                                                                                           compassionate yet explosive           12:15    Maltings Henry Travers
                                                     dreams and memories, push-
                                                     ing against cultural and personal     scenes crafted by one of the
                                                                                           masters of African cinema.            Jessica Sarah Rinland
                                                     boundaries, creating meaning
                                                     where none had existed before.        22:00     Maltings Main House

                                                     17:30     Maltings Henry Travers
                                                                                                                                        Artist-filmmaker Jessica
                                                                                           Scarlet Diva                          Sarah Rinland presents the
                                                     TERROR NULLIUS                        Asia Argento                          world premiere of her film
                                                     Soda_Jerk                             Essential Cinema                      Black Pond, an odyssey through
                                                     Essential Cinema
                                                                                           Italy | 2000 | 90 mins                a common land in the south of
                                                     Australia | 2018 | 55 mins 15
                                                                                           Italian, English and French           England told through the hands
                                                                                           with English subtitles 18             of the natural history society
                                                            A political revenge fable             Scarlet Diva is Asia Argen-    members who currently occupy
                                                     which offers an un-writing of         to’s audacious, semi-autobio-         it. Following the film, Rinland
d                                            e
                                                     Australia’s colonising my th          graphical feature film debut,         will show material from a forth-
                                                     terra nullius, Soda_Jerk remix,       which she wrote and directed          coming related publication
                                                     re-edit and reinterpret the offi-     at the age of 24. Argento stars       featuring materials from The
                                                     cial archive to achieve a queer-      as actress and director-hope-         Archive of the Commons and
                                                     ing and othering of Australian        ful Anna Battista, who floats         footage she shot years before
                                                     cinema. Part-political satire,        through a world of drugs, sex and     the film’s production.
                                                     eco-horror and road movie,            excess trying to mitigate celeb-
                                                     TERROR NULLIUS envisions a                                                  14.30 River Walk
                                                                                           rity, career and self-preservation.
                                                     country where idyllic beaches                                               Join artist Jessica Sarah Rinland
                                                                                           Argento’s film gives homage to
                                                     host race-riots, governments                                                and Kate Dixon, Berwick Parks
                                                                                           Italian maestros Federico Fellini
                                                     poll love-rights, and the perils of                                         Manager, for a river walk. Collect
                                             f                                             and her father Dario Argento,
    a) Djibril Diop Mambéty, Hyenas                  hypermasculinity are overshad-                                              a free ticket from the Maltings
                                                                                           while at the same time offering
                                                     owed only by the enduring horror                                            Box Office, the starting point for
    b) Asia Argento, Scarlet Diva                                                          a powerful reclamation of the
                                                     of Australia’s colonial legacy.                                             an approximately 1 hour wild-
    c) Sky Hopinka, Anti-Objects, or Space                                                 trope of the female hysteric.
    Without Path or Boundary                                                                                                     life exploration along the River
    d) Jessica Sarah Rinland, Black Pond
                                                     19:15     Maltings Main House         22:00     Tweedmouth Bowling Club     Tweed.
    e) Los Otros                                     Jîn                                   Festival Club:
    f) Soda_Jerk, TERROR NULLIUS                     Reha Erdem                            Soul on the Tweed
                                                     Screening the Forest                  Special Event
                                                     Turkey | 2013 | 122 mins
                                                     Turkish with English subtitles 15
                                                                                                 N orthern Soul, R&B and
                                                                                           Club Classics. Free admission,
                                                           See page 12 for details         all welcome.

6                                                                                                                                                                  7
14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
Screenings, Special Events and Seminars                                                                                     a           b

    Saturday 22 September                 16:15       Maltings Main House              cinema’ setting, the sequence
                                                                                       of its 22 episodes chosen by the
    14:00     57 Marygate                 Temporal Vertigo                             audience. The Dumpster Kid,
                                          Sophia Al-Maria                              born from a trash can, finds her
    The Hurt Goes On                      Artist in Profile: Sophia Al-Maria           way through the world, discov-
    Discovery Party                       75 mins                                      ering hilarity, ecstasy, cruelty,
    Berwick Youth Project                                                              capitalism and patriarchy along
                                                 BFMAF 2018 Ar tist in
    Special Event
                                          Profile Sophia Al-Maria presents             the way.
          Join Berwick Youth Project      a wide-ranging selection of short            Supported by Goethe-Institut
    and friends at their BFMAF exhi-      moving image work made over                  London                                       c
    bition. All welcome. See page         the last seven years, complement-
    15 for more details                                                                19:45     Maltings Main House
                                          ing her exhibition The Magical
    14:15     Maltings Main House
                                          State in The Magazine. Included              Enceindre
                                          are the two part Gulf Futurism               Luke Fowler
    ♥                                     essay film The Future Was Desert             Sound: Chris Watson
    Berwick New Cinema                    (2016), enigmatic science-fiction/           Special Event
    Multiple languages with English       documentary hybrid Mothership
                                                                                             See page 12 for details
    subtitles | 71 mins                   (2017), a surreal interview with
          Glittering and shimmering       actress Bai Ling in Not Really in            21:15     Maltings Main House
    moments: the tender touch of          Reality Reality TV (2018) and two
    your child; the lumbering gait of     music videos for Fatima Al Qadiri.           Lips of Blood
    a dancer dressed in an improba-       Q&A with filmmaker Sophia                    Jean Rollin
    ble costume; the luxury of a well-    Al-Maria                                     Essential Cinema
    earned day off work. These            16:30       Maltings Henry Travers
                                                                                       France | 1975 | 88 mins
                                                                                       French with English subtitles 15
    glances, snapshots and memories
    are bound together in films alter-    Blood Amber                                         Lips of Blood was French
    nating between the mundane            Lee Yong Chao                                horror-erotica auteur Jean Roll-
    and fantastic. Films by Stephanie     Screening the Forest
                                                                                       in’s favorite of his own films and   d           e
    Comilang, Beatrice Gibson and         Myanmar, Taiwan | 2017 | 95 mins | Burmese
                                                                                       it contains many of his signature
    Tamara Henderson.                     and Mandarin with English Subtitles          elements: crumbling seaside
    Q&A with filmmakers Stephanie                                                      ruins, bloodthirsty vampires,
                                                Somewhere in Burma, a
    Comilang & Beatrice Gibson                                                         poetically haunting cinematog-
                                          forest rich in amber is controlled
                                                                                       raphy and suspenseful intrigue.
    15:00                                 by the Kachin Independence
              Maltings Henry Travers                                                   Protagonist Frederic, contin-
                                          Army. For most of the inhabit-
                                                                                       ually hindered by a quartet of
    Islanders                             ants, amber mining is their only
                                                                                       vampires, pursues a mystery
    Giles Bailey, Jamie                   means of subsistence. Working in
                                                                                       woman after being transported
    Hammill, Nellie Saunby                harsh conditions under constant
                                                                                       through vaguely-recalled memo-
    & Sophie Soobramanien                 threat from the government army,
                                                                                       ries to a faraway castle.
                                          these forest villagers live in fear
                                                                                       Selected by Artist in Profile
    United Kingdom | 2018 | 30 mins
                                          and despair, with a future as dark
                                                                                       Sophia Al- Maria, who will intro-
                                          as the end of the mining tunnel.
           CIRCA Projects presents                                                     duce the film
                                          Blood Amber is a richly cinematic                                                 f
    the first draft of a new co-au-
                                          documentary experience.                      22:00     Tweedmouth Bowling Club                        a) Sophia Al-Maria, Not Really in Reality
    thored work combining live                                                                                                                            Reality TV (Temporal Vertigo)
    p e r fo rma n c e w i th f ilm e d   18:45      Charlie’s Night Club
                                                                                       Festival Club:                                                      b) Jean Rollin, Lips of Blood
    sequences. Through collaged
    fragments, the work explores          Tales of the Dumpster Kid                    Vital Idles & Yeah You!                                      c) Beatrice Gibson, I Hope I’m Loud
                                                                                       Special Event                                                                When I’m Dead ( ♥ )
    the construction of island iden-      Edgar Reitz & Ula Stöckl                                                                                 d) Edgar Reitz & Ula Stöckl, Tales of
    tity at a point when the UK’s         Essential Cinema                                    The dirty beats and lo-fi
                                                                                                                                                                     the Dumpster Kid
    relationship to other land-           West Germany | 1971 | 208 mins 18            stream of consciousness father
                                                                                                                                                       e) Lee Yong Chao, Blood Amber
    masses and the sea around it is                                                    and daughter duo Yeah You!
                                                BFMAF presents the first
    in flux. Islanders proposes crit-                                                  (Elvin Brandhi & Mykl Jaxn) meet                           f) Giles Bailey, Jamie Hammill, Nellie
                                          UK screening in 40 years of                                                                                  Saunby & Sophie Soobramanien,
    ical relationships to states of                                                    the left handed melodic mess-
                                          this innovative New German                                                                                                         Islanders
    isolation, political fantasy and                                                   thetics of Glasgow’s finest: Vital
                                          Cinema highlight. The film will
    the promise of rescue.                                                             Idles. Plus karaoke. All welcome!
                                          be restaged in its classic ‘pub
8                                                                                                                                                                                           9
14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
a                                                                                                  Screenings, Special Events and Seminars
                                                            Sunday 23 September                    range of women about their            16:00     Maltings Henry Travers
                                                                                                   lives, desires and domestic
                                                            10:30     Maltings Henry Travers       labour. Laying bare the connec-       Morgan Quaintance
                                                                                                   tions between the private and         Propositions
                                                            Seminar: Sophia Al-Maria               political in almost documen-                  Writer, artist and curator
                                                                   BFMAF 2018 Ar tist in           tary style, the film focuses on       Morgan Quaintance presents his
                                                            Profile Sophia Al-Maria discusses      the struggle between Sofiko’s         new film Another Decade, along-
                                                            her practice—which incorpo-            independence and her obliga-          side a programme of material
                                                            rates diverse forms of visual          tions towards her own family.         that extends and details themes
                                                            art, writing and filmmaking—as                                               within. Starting from state-
                                                            shown in her Temporal Vertigo          14:00     Maltings Main House
                                                                                                                                         ments made by artists during
                                                            screening, The Magical State                                                 the 1994 conference ‘Towards a
                                                            exhibition and beyond. Time
                                                                                                   Berwick New Cinema
                                                                                                                                         New Internationalism’, the film
                                                            travel, genre cinema and visions                                             is propelled by a sense that very
                                                            of the apocalypse become fertile       Multiple languages with English
                                                                                                   subtitles | 44 mins                   little socio-cultural or institutional
                                                            devices that propel Al-Maria’s                                               change has taken place in the
                                                            distinctive works.                            Translation, transforma-
                                                                                                                                         United Kingdom since that time.
c                                             d
                                                                                                   tion and transition: the final 2018
                                                            11:45     Maltings Main House          Berwick New Cinema compe-             17:45     Maltings Main House
                                                                                                   tition programme focuses on
                                                            Lukas the Strange                      shifting perspectives, the tension    Worldly Desires
                                                            John Torres                            between the real and the virtual,     Apichatpong Weerasethakul
                                                            Los Otros:                             and the relationship between          Screening the Forest
                                                            John Torres & Shireen Seno             mental and physical landscapes.       Thailand | 2005 | 43 mins
                                                            Philippines | 2013 | 85 mins           Films by Tako Taal, Mariana Caló      Thai with English subtitles
                                                            Tagalog with English subtitles
                                                                                                   & Francisco Queimadela and                   A couple escape from their
                                                                  Lukas the Stra nge is            Callum Hill.                          families and flee deep into the
                                                            surreal, dreamlike and wonder-         Q&A with filmmakers Tako Taal         jungle. At nightfall, a song illus-
           e                                        f       fully bizarre. Reality and cine-       & Callum Hill                         trates the innocence of their love
                                                            matic fiction blur when a film
                                                                                                                                         and their search for happiness.
                                                            crew comes to young Lukas’             15:45     Maltings Main House
                                                                                                                                         Palme d’Or winning filmmaker
                                                            town. With a strange and often
                                                                                                   Genpin                                Apitchatpong Weerasethakul
                                                            mythological narrative, where
                                                                                                   Naomi Kawase                          invited fellow Thai filmmaker
                                                            memories are traded for bodily
                                                                                                                                         Pimpaka Towira to shoot a
                                                            scars and people can become            Screening the Forest
                                                                                                                                         35mm film in the forest while he
                                                            statues, the film touches on           Japan | 2005 | 92 mins
                                                                                                                                         observed the production though
                                                            personal identity, complicated         Japanese with English subtitles
                                                                                                                                         his digital camera. While Worldly
                                                            familial relationships and the                Naomi Kawase is among
                                                                                                                                         Desires is dedicated to Weera-
                                                            slippage of memory.                    the most renowned of contem-
                                                                                                                                         sethakul’s memories of filmmak-
                                                            Q&A with filmmaker John Torres         porary Japanese filmmakers and
                                                                                                                                         ing in the jungle from 2001–05, it
                                                                                                   Genpin is a sensually shot docu-
                                                            13:45     Maltings Henry Travers                                             is also a story of forbidden love
                                                                                                   mentary revelation. In the heart
                                                                                                                                         and desire, loaded with poetry,
                                                                                                   of a dense Okazaki city forest,
                                                            Some Interviews on                     we follow Dr. Tadashi Yoshimura,
                                                                                                                                         metaphor and mystery.
    a) Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Worldly Desires           Personal Matters                       midwives and expectant moth-          20:00     Maltings Main House
    b) Sophia Al-Maria                                      Lana Gogoberidze                       ers during four seasons at a natu-
                                                            Essential Cinema                       ral childbirth clinic. Employing
    c) Lana Gogoberidze, Some Interviews on                                                                                              Nervous Translation
                                                            Georgia | 1978 | 95 mins               centuries old practices that often
    Personal Matters
                                                            Russian with English subtitles
                                                                                                                                         Shireen Seno
    d) Mariana Caló & Francisco Queimadela,                                                        run askew from contemporary           Closing Film | Los Otros:
    Luminous Shadow (♠)                                           S o m e I n te r v i e w s o n   medicine, Kawase’s tender film        John Torres & Shireen Seno
    e) John Torres, Lukas the Strange                       Personal Matters is one of the         oscillates between the intimate       Philippines | 2018 | 90 mins
    f) Naomi Kawase, Genpin                                 first feminist films of Soviet         moments of joy, pain and doubt        Tagalog with English subtitles

    g) Morgan Quaintance, Another Decade
                                                            cinema and comes to Berwick            in honouring this way of life.              See page 3 for details
                                                            freshly restored by Arsenal
                                                            Berlin. Lana Gogoberidze’s
                                                            narrative follows Sofiko, a jour-
                                                            nalist who interviews a wide
10                                                                                                                                                                           11
14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
Special Features                                                                                                                                                                                         Exhibitions
 Friday 21 September                                                                                               The Gymnasium                     8

 19:15, Maltings Main House
                                                                                                                   Solvent Magazine
 Jîn                                                                                                               Lucy Clout
 Reha Erdem                                                                                                        United Kindom | 2018
 Screening the Forest                                                                                                    Lucy Clout presents a new
 Turkey | 2013 | 122 mins                                                                                          body of work titled Solvent
 Turkish with English subtitles 15
                                                                                                                   Magazine which includes sculp-
         An existential thriller with                                                                              tural and video pieces made
 touches of magic realism, Jîn                                                                                     during her six-month residency
 follows 17-year-old Jîn, a Red                                                                                    with Berwick Visual Arts. A new
 Riding Hood with a fierce survival                                                                                film of the same title brings
 instinct. She is a freedom fighter                                                                                together research about the
 who flees her armed organisation                                                                                  close readings of bodies. The
 for reasons unknown. Jîn finds                                                                                    work uses pleasure and ambiguity as tools to think about the contemporary production of knowl-
 herself battling bravely through                                                                                  edge, evidence and reproduction.
 dark forests, spending solitary days in the mountains, and ultimately heading towards a city where her future
 is still unclear. Symbolising the complex and heated conflict between military forces and Kurdish guerril-        See page 4 for seminar with Lucy Clout
 las, the film contemplates the effect this military conflict has on the forest and mountains, including their     Thursday 20 September, 17:30
 inhabitants: animals, trees and the ecosystem enfolding them all, which doesn’t have the ability to fight back.   Please join us for the exhibition opening of Solvent Magazine with refreshments and merriment aplenty.
 Introduced by Dr. Graiwoot Chulphongsathorn
                                                                                                                                                                                           Charlie’s Night Club             2
 Screening the Forest is supported by the British Academy’s Visiting Fellowships Programme under
 the UK Government’s Rutherford Fund, and organised in collaboration with the Centre for Research                                                                                          Bathing
 and Education in Arts and Media (CREAM), University of Westminster                                                                                                                        Patrick Staff
                                                                                                                                                                                           United States | 2018 | 18 mins
 This special screening of Jîn is kindly supported by Berwick Film Society
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bathing explores themes of
                                                                                                                                                                                          contamination, cleanliness, and
                                                                             Saturday 22 September,                                                                                       debility through performance
                                                                             19:45, Maltings Main House                                                                                   and dance. The work draws on
                                                                                                                                                                                          Staff’s research into the classi-
                                                                             Enceindre                                                                                                    cal figure of the bather, chemical
                                                                             Luke Fowler                                                                                                  effects, drunken revelry, and the
                                                                             Sound: Chris Watson                                                                                          spiritello figures that commonly
                                                                             UK | 2018                             adorn European fountains. The performer’s continuous actions and gestures eventually lead to overexer-
                                                                             Special Event                         tion of the body. A fluid cross-contamination between substance, performer, and image occurs, bringing
                                                                                  BFM AF prese n t s the           to mind the ways in which bodies absorb and release chemicals, hormones, and other agents—a means of
                                                                            premiere of Enceindre, a new           survival for some and potentially lethal for others.
                                                                            commission and first collabora-
                                                                            tion between artist-filmmaker          Bankhill Ice House                3

                                                                            Luke Fowler and sound record-
                                                                            ist Chris Watson. Enceindre is a       What the Sun Has Seen
                                                                            study in film and sound of two         Agnieszka Polska
                                                                                                                   Greece, Germany | 2017 | 7 mins
                                                                            16th century fortified cities:
                                                                            Berwick in the North East of                  Agnieszka Polska’s unset-
 England and Pamplona in the Navarre region of the North of Spain.                                                 tling perspective on humanity takes
                                                                                                                   the form of an animated child-faced
 Preceding Enceindre, there will be a ‘dark cinema’ version of the film featuring an alternative soundtrack        sun with melancholy eyes. Digitally
 created and diffused by Chris Watson specifically for the Maltings cinema. Watson is an acclaimed                 sourced images paint a frantic
 musician and sound recordist best known for his wildlife field recordings that featured in David Atten-           image of a crumbling world. From
 borough’s series Blue Planet, Frozen Planet and Life of Birds. As a musician he was active in the ‘70s            a distance, the sun jokes about envi-
 and ‘80s in the groups Cabaret Voltaire and The Hafler Trio.                                                      ronmental issues and comments on
 The commission is supported by LUMA Foundation, OUTSET Scotland and Berwick-upon-Tweed Town Council               the tumultuous times in which the
                                                                                                                   world finds itself. —IFFR
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
Exhibitions                                                                                                                                                                                              Exhibitions
 Main Guard                       4   New Tower                                                            5    Town Hall                                                             9    18 Hide Hill                    10

 of Violence                          Consensual Healing                                                        How Does an Invisible                                                      Carrs Down South
 Heather Phillipson                   Carolyn Lazard                      United States | 2018 | 14 mins        Boy Disappear?                                                             Kevin Jerome Everson
                                                                                                                Rehana Zaman in collab-
                                                                                                                oration with Liverpool
                                                                                                                Black Women Filmmakers
                                                                                                                United Kingdom | 2018 | 25 mins
                                                                                                                      How Does an Invisible Boy Disappear? emerges from a
                                                                                                                nine-month collaboration with Liverpool Black Women Film-
                                                                                                                makers, a new women’s film collec tive made up of young
 United Kingdom | 2017 | 4 mins
                                                                                                                women from a Somali & Pakistani background. The film docu-
       of Violence uses the struc-                                                                              ments the group as they work together to create a thriller                 United States | 2017 | 3 mins
 ture of close-up pillow talk and                                                                               focusing on a teenage girl’s attempt to find a missing local                     Carrs Down South presents
 casual camerawork to engage                                                                                    boy. Comprising candid footage captured during the work-                   three generations of the Carr
 a dog in intimate digressions.                                                                                 shop process, behind the scenes filming and archive footage                family waxing poetically about
 The dog becomes an involun-                                                                                    of anti-racist organising in the aftermath of the Toxteth race             living and working in Salisbury,
 tary participant in human impo-                                                                                riots, the film questions how modes of representation and                  North Carolina. Kevin Jerome
 sitions—emotional, physical,                                                                                   societal structures are gendered and racialised.                           Everson’s brief portrait interro-
                                             A conversation between a therapist and their client unfolds as
 linguistic and political.                                                                                                                                                                 gates ideas of ambition, history
                                      a yellow ball swings back and forth. Replicating simple animations        Commissioned by Liverpool Biennial
 Co - commissioned by Film                                                                                                                                                                 and legacy.
                                      of online EMDR videos used to treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disor-
 London and Channel 4 for
                                      der, Consensual Healing feeds Octavia Butler’s short story ‘Blood-
 Random Acts
                                      child’ through scripted therapeutic protocols, destabilising relations    57 Marygate                       11

                                      between coercion and consent, form and content, trauma and fiction.
                                      Music by Juliana Huxtable; sound by Marco Gomez                           The Hurt Goes On
                                                                                                                Berwick Youth Project
                                                                                                                United Kingdom | 2018
 Coxon’s Tower                    6   Magazine                                                             7
                                                                                                                      An analogue foray into a
                                                                                                                digital world.
 Fainting Spells                                                          The Magical State
 Sky Hopinka                                                              Sophia Al-Maria                       Working with Newcastle-based
                                                                          Colombia | 2017 | 6 mins              moving image collective Film Bee,
                                                                                Shot in Colombia, The           15 young people from Berwick
                                                                          Magical State depic ts the            Youth Project have used collective
                                                                          possession of a Wayuu woman           reflection and DIY problem solv-
                                                                          by a 40 million year old oil demon.   ing to create a series of provoca-
                                                                          Framed as an interrogation, an        tions and installations. Their work
                                                                          off-screen male voice chal-           explores reality in a digitalised
 United States | 2018 | 11 mins                                           lenges the woman, who gazes           world, and how the value of images
       Between the dizzying                                               back directly into the viewer’s       has changed with shifts in tech-
 hallucinatory landscapes and                                             eyes, placing a curse on ‘man’,       nology, particularly social media.
 circular images of a lens or                                             the species who have woken            A partnership between ARTIST ROOMS, Berwick Youth Project, Berwick Visual Arts and Berwick
 porthole, Hopinka takes us                                               it from geological time. The          Film & Media Arts Festival
 to a world of dreams, spirits                                            violence of natural resource
                                                                                                                Saturday 22 September, 14:00
 and myths, revealing the story                                           extraction—and the resulting
                                                                                                                Join the young people and their friends in the exhibition for a Discovery Party and refreshments. All welcome.
 of Xąwįska, the Indian Pipe                                              violation of land rights—are
 Plant used by the Ho-Chunk to                                            reflected in the demon’s irides-      The ARTIST ROOMS programme is delivered by the National Galleries of Scotland and Tate in part-
 revive those who have fainted.                                           cent-coloured rage and strobo-        nership with Ferens Art Gallery until 2019, supported using public funding by the National Lottery
 With abstracted and inverted                                             scopic movements.                     through Arts Council England, by Art Fund and by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland
 images Hopinka moves from                                                See page 11 for seminar with
 an editing station into the land-                                        Sophia Al-Maria
 scape, illuminating the sense                                                                                  Sunday 23 September, 11:30
 of losing oneself, of fear and
 renewal. — Ruth Hodgins                                                                                        Exhibitions Walking Tour               Collect a free ticket from the Maltings Box Office, the starting point
                                                                                                                                                       for an informal exhibitions walking tour (1.5–2 hours approx) with
                                                                                                                                                       the Festival team.
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                          15
14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
     rde o
     al B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1    The Maltings               2    Charlie’s Night Club              3    Bankhill Ice House
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cinema                          Bathing                                What the Sun Has Seen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Patrick Staff | 18 mins                Agnieszka Polska | 7 mins
 Station                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             8                                 To
                       19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               all



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Main Guard                      New Tower                              Coxon’s Tower

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  4                               5                                      6

                                                                                         te                         Chapel Street                                                                                                                                                                 of Violence                     Consensual Healing                     Fainting Spells
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Heather Phillipson | 4 mins     Carolyn Lazard | 14 mins               Sky Hopinka | 11 mins
                                         B a n k H il l

                                                                                                                                                                        Church Street

                                                                                                                                          Hall                     9



                                                                                                                            12 11                                                                                 Woolmarket

                                                                                                                                       Eastern Lane


                                                                                                                                                                                            Hide Hill

                                                                    Ba                                                      16

                                                                                                             West S

                                                                         H    ill

                                                                                                 e La                                                      1          The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7    The Magazine               8    The Gymnasium                     9    Town Hall
                                                                                                     ne             2                             1                 Theatre
                                                                                                                        ge S
                                                                                                                                                                   & Cinema                                                                                                                       The Magical State               Solvent Magazine                       How Does an Invisible Boy Disappear?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lucy Clout                             Rehana Zaman in collaboration with Liver-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sophia Al-Maria | 6 mins
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Silver Street

                                                                                                           8                      12
  13                                                                                                                                                               11                                                                                                                                                                                                    pool Black Women Filmmakers | 25 mins
                                                                                                                                                                                        g a te

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Foul Ford

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Palace Street East
                                                                                                                                                                                  S an d
                                                                                                                                                      D ri v e r





                                                                                                                                                                                                        Palac e Stre e t





                                                                                                                                                                                                                           5                                                              6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10   18 Hide Hill               11   57 Marygate                       12   59 Marygate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Carrs Down South                The Hurt Goes On                       Bean-Bag cinema & hands-on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kevin Jerome Everson | 3 mins   Berwick Youth Project                  making activity for families

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               BFMAF Recommends
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1   The Maltings Kitchen       11   Mule on Rouge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2   Audela                     12   Slightly Foxed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3   The Little Vintage Shop    13   The Barrels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  13   Tweedmouth Bowling Club                  4   Gasparros                  14   The Lookout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Festival Club                                 5   The Market Shop            15   We are Rushworth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Friday and Saturday till late
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                6   The Curfew                 16   Northern Soul Kitchen
             Berwick-upon-Tweed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Festival exhibitions are free
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                7   The Green Shop             17   Foxtons
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                8   Tidekettle Paper           18   The Corner House
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of charge, and open Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  20 to Sunday 23 September,                    9   Cook Live Dream            19   Castlegate Chippy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10:00 – 17:00.                               10   The Little Needle Works
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              17
14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival - Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018
Children & Young People                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Schedule
                                                                                        Secondary School Screen-
                                                                                        ing and Curator’s Talk
                                                                                        Thursday 20 September 2018, 10:00 15
                                                                                                                                   Thursday 20     10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

                                                                                               Secondary Schools are               Maltings                      Forest          Berwick New
                                                                                        invited to bring students to                                             Experimenta     Cinema ♦                              Empty Metal
                                                                                                                                   Main House
                                                                                        watch a dedicated screen-
                                                                                        ing of Jîn, introduced by Dr.              Maltings                                                 Years When I Was
                                                                                                                                                                                            a Child Outside
                                                                                        Graiwoot Chulphongsathorn.                 Henry Travers
                                                                                        An existential thriller with
                                                                                        touches of magic realism, the                                                                                    Exhibition Opening:

                                                                                        film follows 17-year-old Jîn, a
                                                                                                                                   Other Venues                                            MiniCini Club Solvent Magazine
                                                                                                                                                                                           59 Marygate The Gymnasium
                                                                                        Red Riding Hood with a fierce
                                                                                        survival instinct.
                                                                                        To bring your group, please
                                                                                        contact val@bfmaf.org. Optional
                                                                                        visit to installation trail.               Friday 21       10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

                                                                                                                                   Maltings                            Berwick New                         TERROR
                                                                                                                                                                       Cinema ♣         Big Boy            NULLIUS    Jîn                  Scarlet Diva
                                                                                                                                   Main House
 59 Marygate, Berwick                       Open Thursday 20 to Sunday 23

                                            September, 11:00 - 17:00                                                               Maltings           Seminar:
                                                                                                                                                      Lucy Clout                                       Sky Hopinka     Hyenas
                                                  Kaleidoscope is a bean-                                                          Henry Travers
                                            bag cinema and family friendly                                                                                                                                                                 Festival Club
                                            art space. There is a rolling                                                          Other Venues                                            MiniCini Club                                   Tweedmouth
                                                                                                                                                                                           59 Marygate                                     Bowling Club
                                            programme of animated films
                                            from Cinekid Festival Amster-                                                                          Exhibitions
                                            dam. Hands-on making activi-
                                            ties will be led by artists Katie
                                            Chappell and Chloë Smith.
                                                                                                                                   Saturday 22     10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

 MiniCini Club                              Kaleidoscope (59 Marygate)                                                             Maltings                                        Berwick New Temporal
                                                                                                                                                                                   Cinema ♥    Vertigo                      Enceindre Lips of Blood
                                                                                                                                   Main House
                                                                                                                                   Maltings           Seminar: Jessica
                                                                                                                                                      Los Otros Sarah Rinland           Islanders Blood Amber
                                                                                                                                   Henry Travers
                                                                                                                                                                                 The Hurt Goes On                                          Festival Club
                                                                                                                                   Other Venues                                  Discovery Party
                                                                                                                                                                                 57 Marygate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bowling Club
                                                                                        First Schools and Middle
                                                                                        Schools Screening                                                                                                        Tales of the Dumpster Kid
                                                                                        First schools: Tuesday 9 October, 10:00                    Exhibitions                                                   Charlie’s Night Club
                                                                                        (Years 3 and 4) | Middle schools: Thurs-
                                                                                        day 11 October, 10:00 (Years 7 and 8)

 Thursday 20 September, 15:30 | (ages 5+)   Friday 21 September, 15:50, | (ages 7-13)
                                                                                              BFMAF offers dedicated               Sunday 23       10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00
                                                                                        screenings for First and Middle
 Song of the Sea                            Zoetrope-making                             School screenings as well as a             Maltings                       Lukas          Berwick New                Worldly           Closing Film:
        Song of the Sea is an               workshop                                                                                                              the Strange    Cinema ♠ Genpin            Desires           Nervous Translations
                                                                                        limited number of full day film-           Main House
 enchanting Irish animation that                  Learn how to make an                  making workshops in schools.
 tells the story of Ben and his             animation film with no film or              These can be used as par t                 Maltings           Seminar:
                                                                                                                                                                                Some Interviews
                                                                                                                                                                                on Personal
 little sister Saoirse. Hosted by           gadgets! Places are free but                of an Arts Award Discover or               Henry Travers      Sophia Al-Maria           Matters        Morgan Quaintance
 artists Katie and Chloe, with              should be booked via The Malt-              Explore for the pupils involved.
 popcorn. Places are free but               ings. Children must be accom-               To book your class into any of                                           Exhibition
 should be booked via The Malt-             panied by an adult at all times.            the above screenings or work-              Other Venues                  Walking Tour
 ings. Children must be accom-                                                          shops please contact Val Tobi-
 panied by an adult at all times.                                                       ass at val@bfmaf.org.                                      Exhibitions

14th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival
Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 September 2018

The Festival exhibition programme is free
of charge, and will be open Thursday 20
to Sunday 23 September, 10:00 – 17:00.

Festival Passes
Full Festival Pass: £35
Berwick Film Society Members: £25
Day Passes: £12

Individual Tickets: £8.50

Pay-what-you-can tickets
Making BFMAF 2018 accessible for all, we’ve introduced a sliding scale ticket price for individual
screenings at The Maltings. You can chose what you pay based on your circumstances. We won’t
ask for any proof / ID, we just ask that you are honest! Please check bfmaf.org for more details.

All full price tickets and passes can be purchased online from bfmaf.org or in person at The
Maltings Box Office.

Pay-what-you-can tickets are only available in person from the Maltings Box Office.

Please note that The Maltings charges a £1 booking fee on all transactions.


Sponsors and Supporters

Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival is an independent charitable company limited by guarantee.
Company number: 05622380 | Registered Charity Number: 1174274
Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival, The Maltings, Eastern Lane, Berwick-upon-Tweed, TD15 1AJ
Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival is an independent charity, and a member of Arts Council England’s National Portfolio. The Festival
fundraises for the entirety of its cinema and art programme, as well as its outreach and education activity. To find out how you can make a
donation to support BFMAF, please contact us at info@bfmaf.org, or by phone +44 (0) 1289 303 355.
Please note that all information is correct at time of going to print and may be subject to alteration. Tickets are subject to availability. The
certifications used in the programme are a mix of BBFC classifications and recommended age ratings suggested by the Festival, and are
certified 12A unless otherwise noted.

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