Page created by Everett Robbins
                        SE S GUIDE
           R ADUATE C


uts.edu.au/future-students/transdisciplinary-innovation    UTS RANKED
                                                          AUSTRALIA’S #1
                                                            YOUNG UNI
                                                  Why Transdisciplinary Innovation at UTS?                  1

                                                  Ideas Revolution                                          2

                                                  Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII)   3

                                                  Bachelor of Technology and Innovation (BTi)               6

                                                  Diploma in Innovation                                     8

                                                  Diploma in Languages                                      8

                                                  Applying to UTS                                           9

UTS acknowledges the Gadigal People of the
Eora Nation and the Boorooberongal People
of the Dharug Nation upon whose ancestral
lands our campuses stand. We would also
like to pay respect to the Elders both past and
present, acknowledging them as the traditional
custodians of knowledge for these lands.

 An Australian first, the Faculty of
 Transdisciplinary Innovation (FTDi) offers
 degrees that encompass high-level critical
 and creative thinking, problem solving, data
 and digital technologies, invention,
 complexity, innovation, future scenario
 building and entrepreneurship.
Become a lifelong innovator, entrepreneur,      Flexible options for learning about
creative practitioner, technology thinker       creativity, technology and innovation,
and change-maker. Designed for radical          either as a standalone degree, combined
and curious thinkers the FTDi degrees           degree or alongside another. Be prepared
will push the boundaries of your creative       for one of a kind challenging experiences
transdisciplinary thinking.                     for future innovators.
AND INNOVATE                                    Work alongside seasoned professionals
Benefit from collaborative learning             from a wide variety of industries and take
drawing on multiple perspectives from           advantage of working with real clients,
a number of diverse fields. Integrate a         tackling real briefs in real time. Complete
world of industry experiences, real-world       an internship in the final year of your BCII
projects and self-initiated proposals to        degree, or in the second year of your BTi
address complex challenges and untapped         degree to launch your professional career.
                                                DRIVE INDUSTRY AND SOCIAL
FOR THE DIGITAL AGE                             Engage with social practices, team-
Courses are based on extensive research         based conceptual thinking and emerging
into the future economy and consultation        technologies to discover rare skills and
with industry ensuring that students            mindsets. Go beyond design-thinking and
gain the adaptability, resilience and           design-led-innovation to drive industry
entrepreneurial spirit they need to thrive.     and social change.
With futurists predicting that 50% of the
jobs in in 2030 don’t exist yet and with        THINK DIFFERENTLY
employment trends already changing,             Get hands-on experience with current
the FTDi degrees are a direct response to       and emerging technologies, and apply your
industry demand for graduates working           creative and technology skills to create
at the intersection of technology, creativity   responses to complex organisational and
and innovation.                                 societal challenges. Be part of a creative
                                                and innovative learning environment with
                                                organised think-tanks, hackathons and
                                                hot-housing days. Experiment with creative
                                                methods and practices from across the

    As the challenges before us become
    even more complex, dynamic and
    networked, people with the capability to
    conceive of jobs that do not yet exist and to
    work with and across disciplines, become
    highly prized as agents to envision and
    enact change.
    Our vision at UTS’s Faculty of
    Transdisciplinary Innovation (FTDi) is to
    advance learning beyond the traditions
    of the disciplines, push boundaries
    and explore how we work in terms of
    transdisciplinarity to create new solutions
    for a future world.
    We offer a unique style of learning with
    the opportunity to engage in collaborative
    learning across disciplines, work on real
    briefs from our industry partners and to
    connect with real local, national and global
    start up culture.
    Our courses are based on extensive
    research into the future economy and
    consultation with industry ensuring that
    you gain the adaptability, resilience,
    entrepreneurial spirit and creative thinking
    that’s required to thrive. Transdisciplinary
    skills are increasingly being seen as
    necessary in the jobs of the future, and
    demanded by employers as a key
    graduate capability.
    In forming the Faculty, UTS has taken the
    lead in educating the next generation of
    remarkable people to lead change in what
    we already recognise is a new industrial
    revolution... in fact a new technological
    revolution, a revolution of work, ideas and
    of course education.
    Professor Louise McWhinnie
    Dean, Faculty of Transdisciplinary

                                             INTELLIGENCE AND INNOVATION (BCII)

                                             By focusing on the high-level conceptual       INDUSTRIAL TRAINING/
KEY INFORMATION                              thinking and problem-solving practices         PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE
                                             that lead to the development of innovative,    Within the final year of the Bachelor of
2017 ATAR:	The Bachelor of                  creative and entrepreneurial outcomes,         Creative Intelligence and Innovation,
                Creative Intelligence        students of the combined degree also gain      students can undertake between 6
                and Innovation must be       leading edge capabilities that are highly      and 12 credit points of internship (work
                combined with a core         valued in the globalised world, including      experience) that relates to innovation
                degree                       dealing with critical and creative thinking,   within their research, career development,
Duration:	     4 years full time            invention, complexity, innovation, future      or core degree specialisations. For
                (5 years for students        scenario building and entrepreneurship,        students undertaking 12 credit points of
                completing the BCII with     as well as the ability to work on their own,   internship, international internships may
                The Bachelor of              across and between other disciplines.          be negotiated.
                Engineering (Honours))       These creative intelligence competencies
Credit Points:	240 (270 for students        enable graduates to navigate across a          CAREER OPTIONS
                completing the BCII with     rapidly changing world.                        By being creative thinkers, initiators of
                the Bachelor of                                                             new ideas, scenario planners, global
                Engineering (Honours))       COURSE STRUCTURE                               strategists, open network designers or
UAC code:       See table                    Students must complete 240 credit              sustainable futures innovators within
CRICOS code: See table                       points, comprising 144 credit points in        their chosen field of study, graduates
Location:       See table                    the professional degree component and          maximise the potential of their chosen
                                             96 credit points in creative intelligence      profession, making them highly sought
                                             and innovation. The creative intelligence      after graduates with the ability to identify
COURSE DESCRIPTION                           and innovation subjects are undertaken         and develop solutions to some of the most
                                             in accelerated form within July and            complex issues that face their disciplines
Taking a transdisciplinary approach,
                                             December/January (Summer) sessions             and society.
the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence
                                             during the first three years of study,
and Innovation (BCII) utilises multiple
                                             and through one full year of study after
perspectives from diverse fields,
                                             completion of the professional degree.
integrating a range of industry
                                             The Bachelor of Creative Intelligence
experiences, real-world projects and self-
                                             and Innovation is not offered as a
initiated proposals, equipping graduates
                                             separate degree, but is completed only
to address the wicked problems, complex
                                             in combination with another professional
challenges and untapped opportunities
                                             degree program.
in today’s world. This course can be
combined with 25 bachelor’s degrees.

                                              DOMINICA INGUI                                only thing I was certain about was that my
                                              Bachelor of Arts in Communication             education had to be different. A highlight
                                              (Public Communication)                        of BCII learning, even in its early stages,
                                              Bachelor of Creative Intelligence             is the constant reminder that today is
                                              and Innovation                                mine and so is tomorrow. Working closely
                                                                                            with Australian and global companies
                                             “Thinking about the BCII kept me awake at      who see value in our education and our
                                              night – as a highly curious person, I was     energy has given me the confidence to
                                              driven to this degree because it became       nurture my own entrepreneurial and
                                              a structured, expressive outlet for my        innovative spirit. We, as people of creative
                                              questioning and thoughts. With much           agency, do not have to worry about
                                              uncertainty surrounding employment            conquering the future, as we will be the
                                              and industry in the future – it seemed the    ones who may pave the way.”

    Course code   Combined Degree Course name                                                                                          Location        CRICOS code
    C10352        Bachelor of Advanced Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                                        City            088064A
    C10353        Bachelor of Biomedical Physics Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                                      City            088065M
    C10326        Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                                              City            079756C
    C10377        Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                        City            087781B
    C10359        Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                City            088069G
    C10376        Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                              City            087780C
    C10373        Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence                              City            087777J
                  and Innovation
    C10374        Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                    City            087778G
    C10375        Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence                          City            087779G
                  and Innovation
    C10356        Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                                     City            088068G
    C10325        Bachelor of Design in Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                                City            079755D
    C10321        Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                        City            079751G
    C10323        Bachelor of Design in Integrated Product Design Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                   City            079753F
    C10322        Bachelor of Design in Interior and Spatial Design Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                 City            079752G
    C10324        Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                        City            079754E
    C09076        Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                                 City            084097B
    C10389        Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                                        City            092383G
    C10338        Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                                                  City            079765B
    C10355        Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                                              City            088067J
    C10354        Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                                     City            088066K
    C10329        Bachelor of Midwifery, Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                                              City            N/A*
    C10351        Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation                                                 City            088063B
    C10330        Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                                               City            079759M
    C10327        Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                     City            079757B
    C10328        Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation w                            Moore Park 079758A
                                                     w Courses flagged with this icon include a work-based training component which must be undertaken as part of the
                                                     course of study and refers to all clinical, professional and industrial or other work placements.
                                                         C10329 is not available to international students.

    BEM LE HUNTE                                     industry and social change. I expect
    Course Director,                                 graduates to go out and define their
    Creative Intelligence and Innovation             own new jobs of the future. This is why
                                                     the course encompasses high-level
“This degree encapsulates all that UTS               critical and creative thinking, invention,
 plans to be: a university of technology,            complexity, innovation, future scenario
 underpinned by creativity and innovation            building and entrepreneurship; leading-
 across all faculties, where graduates               edge capabilities that are highly valued in
 have a reputation for thinking beyond               the globalised world.”
 their discipline, driving crossdisciplinary,

Year 1                          Year 2                             Year 3                            Year 4
Professional Degree Subjects    Professional Degree Subjects       Professional Degree Subjects      Autumn Session
July Session                    July Session                       July Session                      Envisioning Futures
Problems to Possibilities       Past, Present, Future of           Leading Innovation                Select from:
                                Innovation                                                           >> Innovation Internship A
December Session                                                   December Session
                                                                                                     >> Speculative Start-Up
                                February Session
Creative Practice and Methods                                      Initiatives and Entrepreneurship Innovation Capstone:
                                Creativity and Complexity                                           Research and Development
                                                                                                     Spring Session
                                                                                                     Professional Practice at the
                                                                                                     Cutting Edge
                                                                                                     Innovation Internship B
                                                                                                     Innovation Capstone:
                                                                                                     Realisation and Transformation

                                               The Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII)
                                               – An award Winning Degree
                                               The (BCII) combined degree was jointly awarded the bronze award in Presence
                                               Learning with Falmouth University in the UK in 2016 by Wharton Re-imagine Education.

                                          AND INNOVATION (BTi)

                                          COURSE DESCRIPTION                            INDUSTRIAL TRAINING/
    KEY INFORMATION                       The Bachelor of Technology and Innovation     PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE
                                          (BTi) prepares students interested in         Transdisciplinary collaboration occurs
    2017 ATAR: 84.80
                                          the imaginative development and novel         within a diversity of complex, dynamic and
    Duration:	     3 years full time     application of technology for a range         networked contexts. The course integrates
    Credit Points:	144                   of roles in creative, management and          a range of live, real-world projects and
    UAC code:       609605                different technical fields.                   industry experience.
    CRICOS code: 092522A
                                          The BTi is a different approach to            All students complete an internship
    Location:       City Campus           university education that transcends          in Year 2, providing opportunities for
                                          the boundaries of traditional disciplines,    mentored professional experience and
                                          making it a unique, future-focused course.    active engagement with industry. This is
                                                                                        in addition to the integrated real-world
                                          COURSE STRUCTURE                              projects and industry exposure provided
                                          The BTi has been carefully structured to      throughout the course.
                                          provide students with a core curriculum
                                          centred on technology, creativity and         CAREER OPTIONS
                                          complexity alongside a professional           Technology fusionist; intelligent system
                                          experience and electives program.             designer; technology policy advisor;
                                          Students must complete 144 credit points      innovation change manager; IoT architect;
                                          made up of 120 credit points of core          augmented reality designer; digital
                                          subjects and 24 credit points of electives.   experience curator; social entrepreneur.

    Deputy Vice-Chancellor
    (Education and Students)
“What I’ve learned most from speaking
 to employers is that they are looking
 for graduates who can drive change
 by really exploring and understanding
 complex problems at a very deep
 level and from multiple perspectives.
 Being able to work across disciplinary
 boundaries and with different partners
 means that they can engage more
 creatively and productively within
 organisations wanting to innovate”

Year 1   Technology Lab 1:               Project: Complex Challenges        Science Fiction: Making Futures
         Imagine and Create              to Creative Possibilities
         Technology Lab 2:               Project: Data-driven Design        Creative Methods and
         Connect and Network             Challenges                         Entrepreneurial Initiatives
Year 2   Technology Lab 3:               Project: Global Grand Challenges   Complexity and Sustainable Futures
         Exchange and Influence
         Innovation Internship           Elective                           Elective

Year 3   Elective                        Elective                           Innovation Capstone:
                                                                            Research and Development
                                         Emergent Professional Practice     Innovation Capstone:
                                                                            Realisation and Transformation

                                                   COURSE DESCRIPTION                              COURSE STRUCTURE
    KEY INFORMATION                                The Diploma in Innovation is a new              Students must complete 48 credit points
                                                   qualification created as a direct response      made up of 32 credit points of compulsory
    2017 ATAR:	The Diploma in Innovation
                                                   to industry demand for graduates to work        subjects and 16 credit points of options.
                     is not offered as a
                                                   at the intersection of creativity, innovation
                     stand-alone qualification                                                     Subjects are organised in two streams
                                                   and entrepreneurship.
                     and can only be                                                               (each 24 credit points). The streams relate
                     undertaken in conjunction     Taking a transdisciplinary approach,            to the areas of creative intelligence, and
                     with an undergraduate         the course engages students with open,          innovation and entrepreneurship. The
                     coursework degree             complex and networked problems and              Course cannot be taken with the BCII or
                     program at UTS                in doing so, engenders attributes around        the BTi. The Diploma does not add any
    Duration:	     This course is offered on a    complex systems thinking, creating              additional years onto the core degree.
                    three-year, part time          value in problem solving and inquiry,
                    basis. Taught in intensive     imaginative and ethical citizenship and         CAREER OPTIONS
                    mode, study is                 entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial skills as       The Diploma in Innovation enhances
                    undertaken at times            well as developing the ability to effectively   skills developed in students’ core degree
                    outside of core degree         employ inter- and transdisciplinary             and compliments them with additional
                    requirements                   practices themselves. These attributes          capability around creativity, innovation
    Credit Points:	48                             provide graduates with the ability to           and entrepreneurship. This will be
    UAC code:       Applications must be          identify and develop solutions to some of       particularly attractive to future employers
                     made directly to UTS upon     the most complex issues that face their         in commercial or not-for-profit sectors
                     acceptance of an offer into   disciplines and society.                        associated with your chosen field of study
                     an undergraduate                                                              or profession. Additionally, graduates
                                                   The Diploma in Innovation is taken
                     coursework degree                                                             of the Diploma in Innovation will have
                                                   concurrently with an undergraduate
                     program.                                                                      increased confidence and relevant skills to
                                                   coursework degree program at UTS.
    CRICOS code: 092521B                                                                           pursue self-employment options.
                                                   The focus around creative intelligence
    Location:        City Campus                   and innovation and entrepreneurial
                                                   knowledge, practices, perspectives and
                                                   strategies drawn from a diverse range of
                                                   discipline areas complements students’
                                                   undergraduate studies.

                                                   DIPLOMA IN LANGUAGES
                                                   WHY CHOOSE THIS COURSE?                         LANGUAGE OPTIONS
    KEY INFORMATION                                Taken concurrently with any                     >> Chinese
                                                   undergraduate or postgraduate                   >> German
    2017 ATAR: Not applicable
                                                   coursework degree program at UTS.               >> Japanese
    Duration:	3 years part time,                  The course gives students the opportunity       >> French
               concurrent study                    to learn a language and about the               >> Italian
    Courses:	Any local student enrolled           corresponding cultures and societies.           >> Spanish
               in a UTS undergraduate              Students will obtain or improve their
               or postgraduate                     language and socio-cultural skills and          COUNTRY MAJOR CHOICE
               coursework degree is                therefore increase their employability          Students will study six Language and
               eligible to apply.                  in the domestic and international               Culture subjects of the chosen language.
                                                   marketplace.                                    A range of entry levels caters for students
    How to apply: Students need to submit a
                                                                                                   with prior knowledge and for beginners.
    direct application to UTS
    www.uts.edu.au/future-students/                                                                Students study one Diploma in
    international-studies                                                                          Languages subject per session in
                                                                                                   addition to their core degree subjects.

Applying to UTS

Domestic students who wish to apply             further tertiary studies. Credit recognition    scheme is open to current high school
for entry into one of the undergraduate         for tertiary studies that you have already      leavers, as well as students with tertiary
programs at UTS must first lodge an             been completed may be awarded if you            qualifications who have experienced
online application through the Universities     have completed studies related to the           educational disadvantage. In order to be
Admission Centre (UAC) www.uac.edu.au           course you are applying for. For further        eligible for bonus or concessional points at
                                                information regarding credit recognition        UTS, you must first meet the matriculation
The UAC application process commences
                                                eligibility and requirements, visit             eligibility requirements above, which
in August each year, and continues
                                                www.uts.edu.au                                  includes achieving a minimum ATAR of 69
through till the end of September. Students
                                                                                                (80 for Law).
applying through UAC must submit their
                                                CONTACT FOR INTERNATIONAL
application before the end of September as                                                      Schools’ Recommendation Scheme (SRS)
late fees will be applied to your application                                                   This scheme aims to support year 12
                                                To have your questions about studying at
by UAC for any applications received after                                                      students who are eligible to apply for
                                                UTS answered face to face, you can:
this date.                                                                                      support on the basis of financial hardship
                                                >> visit a UTS student recruitment agent -      or school environment (S01C & S01E
To be eligible to apply for a course at
                                                   find an agent in your country by visiting    only) through the inpUTS Educational
UTS students must satisfy at least one
                                                   uts.ac/AgentFind                             Access Scheme. In order to be eligible
of the following minimum admission
                                                >> speak with a uts representative at a UTS     for this scheme, students must achieve
                                                   international event - check our listing at   a minimum ATAR rank of 69 (80 for Law).
>> Must have attained a full NSW HSC or            uts.edu.au/international                     Potential applicants must submit both an
   equivalent with an ATAR of 69 (excluding                                                     EAS application for financial hardship as
   bonus points), or                             INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS                         well as an SRS application via UAC.
>> Completed TAFE TPC, Associate                The Jumbunna Indigenous House of                UTS Elite Athletes and Performers
   Diploma, AQF Diploma or Advanced             Learning provides Australian Aboriginal         Special Admissions Scheme
   Diploma, or                                  or Torres Strait Islander students              The UTS Elite Athletes and Performers
>> Completion of one year of tertiary           specialised assistance to gain entry            Special Admissions Scheme awards 5
   studies (must be full time), or              into UTS through the Jumbunna Direct            concessional points to potential applicants
>> Be at least 20 years of age at 1 March       Entry Program or UNISTART. For further          who are elite athletes and/or performers
   2018.                                        information regarding, please visit the         who have represented their school or
                                                Jumbunna website                                state at a national level competition
Check the UTS website for full admission
                                                www.uts.edu.au/future-students/                 level, and whose sport or performance
                                                indigenous                                      commitments have impacted on
CURRENT SCHOOL LEAVERS                                                                          their studies.
                                                ENTRY SCHEMES
Admittance for Australian high school                                                           For more information on UTS’ entry
                                                Year 12 Bonus Scheme
students into an undergraduate program                                                          schemes, visit
                                                Students may be eligible to have bonus
at UTS is based on your ATAR or IB results.                                                     www.undergraduate.uts.edu.au/
                                                points applied to their ATAR result through
If you completed your IB in a country                                                           entryschemes
                                                this entry scheme, provided you have just
other than Australia, you may be required
                                                completed high school and performed well
to demonstrate your English language                                                            ENTRY PATHWAYS
                                                in HSC subjects relevant to the program
                                                which you have applied for. If eligible, you    Entry pathways are available for students
MATURE AGE AND NON–CURRENT                      may be able to receive up to a maximum of       who don’t gain entry into their preferred
SCHOOL LEAVERS                                  5 Year 12 bonus points.                         UTS course based on their ATAR result.
The selection process for mature-aged           inpUTS Educational Access Scheme (EAS)          For more information on pathways
students and non-current school leavers         If you have applied to be assessed for          into UTS
is based on academic merit. Academic            the inpUTS Educational Access Scheme            www.undergraduate.uts.edu.au/
merit is measured by your previous ATAR         (EAS) at UTS, you may be granted up to          pathways
or equivalent interstate rank, and/or           10 concessional ATAR points. The EAS

CONTACT US                                                               Student Centre
                                                                         235 Jones Street,
Tel: 1300 ASK UTS (1300 275 887)                                         Building 10, Level 2
Online inquiry: ask.uts.edu.au                                           PO Box 123
                                                                         Broadway NSW 2007 Australia


9am – 4pm
Register at openday.uts.edu.au

DISCLAIMER: The information in this brochure is correct as of February 2017. Changes in circumstances
after this date may alter the accuracy or currency of the information. UTS reserves the right to alter any
matter described in this brochure without notice. Readers are responsible for verifying information that
pertains to them by contacting the University.
Note, this guide is for local students. International students should refer to the International Course Guide or
Photography By: Anna Zhu, Andrew Worssam, Jesse Taylor, Shane Lo, Shahnam Roshan                                   UTS.TRANSDICIPLINARY
UTS:MCU /JOB 20550 / February 2017
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