2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice

2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice
2015 Annual Quality Congress
 Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice

                           Transforming Our Future!
                          Annual Quality Congress
                          October 3 – 4, 2015

                          Preconference Events
                          October 1 – 2, 2015

                          Helping Babies Breathe Master Trainer Workshop
                          October 5 – 6, 2015

                          Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers • Chicago, IL

2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice
Preconference Events

NICQ Symposium                                                              Jump Starting Quality – Calling All Fellows!
Exclusive Event for NICQ and iNICQ Teams                                    Strategies to Launch A Successful Quality Improvement Project
Teams actively engaged in VON NICQ Next: Innovations in Newborn             Target Audience
Care, the intensive track for iNICQ 2015: Alarm Safety, Driving Outcomes    This engaging workshop is ideal for neonatal fellows who are
with Evidence-Based Oxygen Therapy and Safe Monitoring Practices, and       planning their fellowship project. It is also essential for early career
iNICQ 2015: NAS – A Universal Training Solution will come together to       neonatologists who are interested in integrating robust quality
learn, share and improve.                                                   improvement methods at their center. Other professionals, particularly
                                                                            newly forming interdisciplinary quality improvement teams are also
Teams will present real world data and improvement stories from their       encouraged to attend and will enrich the learning environment and
collaborative work including progress on their clinical, family-centered    dialogue. Sponsored by Vermont Oxford Network and TECaN.
care and value aims. Senior Leaders will provide keen insights on the
                                                                            NOTE: Registrants for this session will be invited to a Preconference Webinar
use of improvement charters and will emphasize value metrics and            where the learning tools and prework for this session will be assigned.
return on investment for QI efforts.

VON Family Leaders will share key lessons and strategies learned from           Agenda
the incredible work of VON teams as they partner to improve care.
                                                                                8:00–12:00         Optional Attendance at the NICQ Symposium
The Symposium will conclude with a spirited presentation from Jochen
                                                                                                   AM Plenary Sessions
Profit on Resilience in the NICU.
                                                                                12:15              Fellows / Early Career Networking Lunch
The day-long learning session is reserved for teams already registered
                                                                                12:30              Welcome! Quality Matters                                        J. Horbar
and engaged in Vermont Oxford Network collaborative work as described
above. To learn about opportunities for your team to participate in 2016,       12:40              Exploring Your Change Ideas — What Are
                                                                                                                                                                   D. Dukhovny
please contact Denise Zayack, at dzayack@vtoxford.org.                                             You Working On?
                                                                                1:00               Structuring Your QI Project Using the SQUIRE
                                                                                                                                                                   T. Ho
                                                                                                   Guidelines - From Conception to Publication
                                                                                1:45               Crafting a SMART Aim                                            M. Gupta
                                                                                2:30               Break / Informal Networking
                                                                                2:45               The What, Why and “How To” for Developing
                                                                                                                                                                   G. Suresh
                                                                                                   Driver Diagrams
                                                                                3:30               Measurement and Metrics – the Basics!                           H. Kaplan
                                                                                4:30               Break / Energizer
                                                                                5:00               Developing a Structured QI Abstract Using
                                                                                                                                                                   T. Parker
                                                                                                   the VON Template
                                                                                5:45               Abstract Swap and Rapid Cycle Feedback
                                                                                6:00               Session Convenes

                                                                                NOTE: Each session is structured using a short 15 minute presentation, followed by table-top
                                                                                activities focused on applying the learning led by faculty presenters and D. Dukhovny and J. Gould.


Chicago NICU Visits – Open to All, Space Limited
We are pleased to offer a special invitation to meeting attendees to        Facilities and Faculty
visit NICUs in Chicago. Learn how your colleagues provide care and          l    Evanston Hospital
organize their work. Local neonatologists will provide guided visits of          Hosted by William MacKendrick MD
their NICUs, sharing information about their programs, practices, and       l    Renée Schine Crown NICU at Rush University Medical Center
QI and research projects. Whether you are building a new NICU or in              Hosted by Aloka L. Patel MD and Jean M. Silvestri MD
a cycle of continuous improvement, this is a valuable opportunity to        l    University of Chicago Comer Children’s Hospital
learn how it’s done in Chicago!                                                  Hosted by William Meadow MD, PhD
Two-hour visits: Thursday, October 1; Friday, October 2; and Monday,        l    Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and
October 5. See www.vtoxford.org/Chicago_Area_NICU_Visits for                     Northwestern Memorial’s Prentice Women’s Hospital
details. Preregistration required; travel is via public transportation.          Hosted by Aaron Hamvas MD and Yasmin Khan MD
2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice
2015 Annual Quality Congress Day 1
 SATU R DAY, O C TO B E R 3, 2015

6:30 AM       Walk or Run for Fun—Get up and Go!                                  Parent Presence Builds Brains
                                                                    H. Cohen
                                                                                   10:30   Auditory Breast Milk: Effects of Mother’s Voice
7:00 – 7:45   Optional Sunrise Breakfast Sessions                                          and Heartbeat Sounds on Brain Development
              A. 	Using Nightingale to Identify Opportunities                             of Preterm Infants                         A. Lahav
                   for Improvement                         E. Edwards / R. Soll
                                                                                   10:55   Discussion
              B. 	Hot Off the Press! Updates from the Section
                   on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine                    R. Savich
                                                                                   11:05   The H-HOPE RCT: A Maternally Administered
              C. Calling All Fellows! Quality Improvement for the                          Multi-Sensory Intervention       R. White-Traut
                 Next Generation
                                                              D. Dukhovny         11:30   Discussion
              D. MOC Part 4 Made Simple! The New VON Model
                                                  K. Johnson / G. Moyer           11:40   Improvement Story

                                                                                   12:00   Adjourn for Lunch /Optional Networking Luncheons*
                                                                                           l   Neonatologists
Oxygen - Getting It Right!                                                                 l   International Neonatology
                                                                                           l   NNPs / NNP Program Directors
8:00          Transforming Our Future                               J. Horbar             l   Respiratory Therapists
                                                                                           l   Clinical Nurses
8:20          Evolving Evidence for Safe Oxygen Saturation—                                l   Pharmacists
              Tradeoffs at the Tips and Tails       B. Schmidt                            l   VON Data Collectors / Data Contacts
                                                                                           l   Unit Medical / Nursing Directors / Quality
8:40          Discussion
                                                                                               and Safety Officers / Senior Leaders
8:50          Evidence Into Action—What Is A Clinician to Do?                              l   NICU Outcomes for Parents
                                           J. Hagadorn / D. Sink                          l   ELBW Infant Follow-Up
                                                                                           l   State / Regional Collaboratives
9:10          Improvement Story                                                            l   Nutritional and Breastfeeding Support
                                                                                           l   VON NAS Universal Education Champions
9:20          Discussion                                                                   *Preregistration required

9:30          The SafeBoosC RCT Using Cerebral Oximetry to                         2:00    Resume for Breakout Sessions
              Reduce Brain Injury                  G. Greisen
                                                                                   3:30    VON Quality Improvement and Safety Learning
9:50          Discussion                                                                   Fair and International Video-Fest

10:00         Break                                                                5:30    Learning Fair Adjourns

                                                                                   6:30    Social Event / Back to the Future
2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice
2015 Annual Quality Congress Day 2
 SU N DAY, O C TO B E R 4, 2015

6:30      Walk or Run for Fun—Only the Strong Survive!                12:00        Lunch
                                          H. Cohen / E. Edwards
                                                                       1:30         Resume for Breakout Sessions
7:00      Optional Sunrise Breakfast Session
          Survival at the Edge of Viability
                              M. Rysavy / J. Kaempf / K. Barrington   Transformative Futures
                                                                       2:30         US Premiere of The Preemie Voices Project—
Big Data in the NICU                                                                Three Decades Later . . . Where Are They? S. Saigal

8:00      Setting the Stage                               J. Horbar   3:15         Discussion

8:05      Using a Trillion Points of Data to Deliver                   3:30         Annual Quality Congress Adjourns
          Precision Medicine                               A. Butte

8:35      Discussion

8:45      Genome Sequencing and Implementing Precision
          Medicine in the NICU             S. Kingsmore                 Special Post-Conference
9:10      Discussion
                                                                         Cosponsored with the
                                                                         American Academy
9:20      Physiologic Monitoring in the Cloud         C. McGregor
                                                                         of Pediatrics
9:45      Panel Discussion C. McGregor / A. Butte / S. Kingsmore
                                                                         Helping Babies Breathe Master Trainer Workshop
10:00     Break / VIP Luggage Service                                    October 5 & 6, 2015
                                                                         Separate registration required. Separate fees apply.
                                                                         Register at www.regonline.com/2015HBBMasterCourse
Improving Surgical Care
10:35     Potentially Better Practices for Surgical Care
                                                B. Modi / C. Lund
                                                                         CMEs will be awarded for attending this activity.
11:00     Better Handoffs, Safer Care! Optimizing
          Communication and Teamwork             C. Landrigan           This activity has been submitted to Northeast Multistate
                                                                         Division (NE-MSD) for approval to award contact hours.
11:30     Discussion                                                     Northeast Multistate Division (NE-MSD) is accredited as an
                                                                         approver of continuing nursing education by the American
11:40     Surgical Improvement Stories                                   Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
11:50     Discussion
2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice
Breakout Sessions
SATURDAY, O C TO B E R 3, 2015                                                         SUNDAY, O C TO B E R 4, 2015
Complex Surgical Care

NEC – What Lies Under the Big Umbrella?                                    B. Modi    Complex Surgical Wound Care                                                 C. Lund

The Children’s Hospital Neonatal Consortium:                                           The Children’s Hospital Neonatal Consortium:
Optimizing Perioperative Care for Neonates                                            Optimizing Perioperative Care for Neonates
                    E. Pallotto / B. Brozanski / T. Mingrone / A. Piazza / J. Smith                         E. Pallotto / B. Brozanski / T. Mingrone / A. Piazza / J. Smith

Oxygen and Alarm Safety

The Alarming Challenge! Staffing Single Room NICUs and Alarm Burden                    Advanced Pulse Oximetry: Settings, Data and Downloads
                                                           R. Vartanian                                                                  J. Hagadorn / D. Sink

Cerebral Oxymetry in Preterm Infants:
Methods, Measurement and Evaluating Clinical Benefit                    G. Greisen

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Reducing Pharmacologic Treatment for NAS:                                              The Prescription Opioid Epidemic and NAS:
The Couplet Care Advantage                                              B. Whalen     A Public Health Approach                                                  S. Patrick

NICU of the Future

Enhanced Simulation to Identify Latent Safety Hazards in the NICU J. Bender           Enhanced Simulation to Identify Latent Safety Hazards in the NICU  J. Bender

Taking Care of Small Babies in a Big Unit:                                             Taking Care of Small Babies in a Big Unit:
Is a Small-Baby Team Right for You?            A. Atwater / B. Brewer / A. Tichenor   Is a Small-Baby Team Right for You?            A. Atwater / B. Brewer / A. Tichenor

The Delivery Room of the Future                                             H. Lee    The Delivery Room of the Future                                              H. Lee

Family Integrated Care

Family-Integrated Care:                                                                Balancing Noise and Language Exposure for Premature Infants in the NICU
Small Tests of Change From Salem Hospital                                H. Cohen                                                                      A. Lahav

The Family’s Role in Long-Term Outcomes After NICU Care                   S. Saigal   Critical Concepts in Adoption of Cue-Based Feedings                  R. White-Traut

Building Capacity for Improvement

Using Failure Modes and Effects Analysis to Optimize Delivery                          Progress on the AAP Quality Measures Task Force
Room Outcomes                                                             D. Loren    Town Hall Dialogue!                       J. Zupancic / H. Kaplan / R. Savich

Hands-On QI Measurement Workshop                                         G. Suresh    I-Pass in the NICU: Operationalizing and Sustaining Improved Handoffs
                                                                                                                                                      C. Landrigan

Solving the Value Equation           J. Horbar / T. Ho / H. Kaplan / M. Buus-Frank    Applied Measurement for QI Interventions                                    J. Profit

                                                                                       Getting Started With Open Big Data in Biomedical Research                  A. Butte

Respiratory Controversies

Delivery Room Management of the Micro-Premature Infant                   M. Dunn      Delivery Room Management of the Micro-Premature Infant                    M. Dunn

Optimizing Noninvasive Ventilation                                        W. Carlo    Potentially Better Practices to Wean From Respiratory Support                J. Gray

Emerging Science and Evidence

Clinician’s Guide to Actionable Genes and Genome Interpretation                       Clinical Genomics at Scale:
                                                                         B. Bernard    Synthesizing and Analyzing “Big Data” From Thousands of Patients B. Bernard

Methods, Applications and Results of Studies of Medical Genomes                        How to Evaluate the Quality of the Evidence                                  R. Soll
in Newborns                                                 S. Kingsmore
2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice
Betsi Anderson BSN, RN, CPHQ                  Chris Chambers RRT                          Alfred L. Gest MD                        Leanna Jones BSN, MN, NNP-BC
Director of Professional Services             Supervisor, Respiratory Therapy             Department of Pediatric Medicine         Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Neonatology, Infectious Diseases, Clinical    University of Vermont Medical Center        Neonatology                              NICU
Genetics and Bioethics                        Burlington, VT                              Texas Children’s Hospital                Randall Children’s Hospital
Children’s Mercy Hospital                                                                 Houston, TX                              at Legacy Emanuel
                                              Jen Clark
Kansas City, MO                                                                                                                    Portland, OR
                                              Family Advisory Council Member              Sharyn Gibbins NP, PhD
Amy S. Atwater RN, BSN                        Meriter Hospital                            Director of Professional Practice        Joe Kaempf MD
Quality Improvement Specialist                Madison, WI                                 Trillium Health Partners                 Neonatologist
Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital NICU                                                      Mississauga, Ontario, Canada             Chair, Evidence Based Medicine
                                              Howard Cohen MD
Grand Rapids, MI                                                                                                                   and Clinical Research
                                              Medical Director, NICU                      Jeffrey B. Gould MD, MPH
June Austin RN                                Salem Hospital                              Robert L. Hess Professor of Pediatrics   NICU and Women and Children’s Program
Faculty and Project Lead                      Portland and Salem, OR                      Director, Perinatal Epidemiology         Providence St. Vincent Medical Center
Mark Murray & Associates                                                                  and Health Outcomes Research Unit        Portland, OR
                                              Edward F. Donovan MD
Alberta AIM                                                                               Division of Neonatal and                 Heather Kaplan MD, MSCE
                                              Professor Emeritus Pediatrics
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada                                                                 Developmental Medicine                   Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
                                              University of Cincinnati
                                                                                          Department of Pediatrics                 Perinatal Institute and The James M.
Arvelle Balon-Lyon RN, BN                     Vermont Oxford Network Collaborative
                                                                                          Stanford University Medical Center       Anderson Center for Health
Director, Health Innovation Consultants       of State Collaboratives – Faculty Leader
                                                                                          Palo Alto, CA                            Systems Excellence
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada                   La Veta, CO
                                                                                          James E. Gray MD, MS                     Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Keith J. Barrington MB, ChB                   Dmitry Dukhovny MD, MPH                                                              Medical Center
                                                                                          Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Neonatologist and Clinical Researcher         Assistant Professor of Pediatrics                                                    Cincinnati, OH
                                                                                          Harvard Medical School
Sainte Justine University Health Center       Oregon Health and Science University
                                                                                          Neonatologist                            Janine Yasmin Khan MD
Professor of Paediatrics                      Portland, OR
                                                                                          Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center     Associate Professor of Pediatrics
University of Montreal
                                              Michael S. Dunn MD, FRCPC                   Boston, MA                               Northwestern University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
                                              Staff Neonatologist                                                                  Feinberg School of Medicine
                                                                                          Gorm Ole Greisen DrMedSci
Jesse Bender MD                               Department of Newborn and                                                            Medical Director, NICU
                                                                                          Professor and Consultant Neonatologist
Neonatologist, Assistant Professor,           Developmental Paediatrics                                                            Prentice Women’s Hospital of
                                                                                          Department of Neonatology
The Warren Alpert Medical School of           Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre                                                    Northwestern Memorial Hospital
                                                                                          Rigshospitalet and Copenhagen
Brown University                              Associate Professor                                                                  Chicago, IL
Providence, RI                                Department of Paediatrics
                                                                                          Copenhagen, Denmark                      Hannah King MPH
                                              University of Toronto
Brady Bernard PhD                                                                                                                  Healthcare Consultant
                                              Toronto, Ontario, Canada                    Munish Gupta MD, MMSc
Senior Research Scientist                                                                                                          Berkeley, CA
Institute for Systems Biology                 Erika M. Edwards PhD, MPH
                                                                                          Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center     Stephen Kingsmore MB, ChB, BAO
Seattle, WA                                   Director of Data Analytics and Systems
                                              Vermont Oxford Network
                                                                                          Boston, MA                               DSc, FRCPath
Sonia Lomeli Bonifacio MD                                                                                                          Executive Director
                                              Research Assistant Professor                James I. Hagadorn MD, MSc
Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics                                                                                         Pediatric Genomic Medicine
                                              Mathematics and Statistics                  Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Department of Pediatrics - Neonatal                                                                                                Children’s Mercy Kansas City
                                              University of Vermont                       UCONN School of Medicine
and Developmental Medicine                                                                                                         Kansas City, MO
                                              Burlington, VT                              Attending Neonatologist
Stanford University School of Medicine
                                                                                          Connecticut Children’s Medical Center    Amir Lahav ScD
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital            Richard A. Ehrenkranz MD
                                                                                          Hartford, CT                             Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Palo Alto, CA                                 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
                                              Department of Pediatrics,                   Aaron Hamvas MD                          Harvard Medical School
Barbara S. Boushon RN, BSN                                                                                                         Boston, MA
                                              Yale Medical School                         Raymond and Hazel Speck Barry
Lead Quality Improvement Facilitator                                                                                               Visiting Professor/Scientist,
                                              Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital NICU     Professor of Neonatology
VON NICQ Next: Innovations in Newborn                                                                                              Department of Pediatrics
                                              New Haven, CT                               Head, Division of Neonatology
Care Collaborative, McFarland, WI                                                                                                  Women & Infants Hospital
                                                                                          Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s
                                              Danielle Ehret MD, MPH                                                               Providence, RI
Brandi Brewer BS, RNC-NIC                                                                 Hospital of Chicago / Northwestern
                                              Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Nurse Educator                                                                            University Feinberg School of Medicine   Christopher P. Landrigan MD, MPH
                                              University of Vermont Children’s Hospital
Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital NICU                                                      Chicago, IL                              Research Director
                                              Director of Global Health
Grand Rapids, MI                                                                                                                   Boston Children’s Hospital Inpatient
                                              Vermont Oxford Network                      Pat Heinrich RN, MSN
Beverly S. Brozanski MD                       Burlington, VT                              Quality Improvement Consultant           Pediatrics Service
Professor of Pediatrics                                                                   Heinrich LLC                             Director
                                              Breton C. Freitag MD                                                                 Sleep and Patient Safety Program
Medical Director NICU                                                                     Waltham, MA
                                              Medical Director, NICU                                                               Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
                                              Legacy Salmon Creek                         Timmy Ho MD                              Associate Professor of Pediatrics and
Pittsburgh, PA
                                              Portland, OR                                Neonatal Fellow                          Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Atul Butte MD, PhD                                                                        Harvard Neonatal and Perinatal           Boston, MA
                                              Marybeth Fry MEd
Director, Institute for Computational                                                     Fellowship Program
                                              Lead Family Advisor                                                                  Henry C. Lee MD
Health Sciences and Professor of Pediatrics                                               Boston Children’s Hospital
                                              VON NICQ Next: Innovations                                                           Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
University of California, San Francisco                                                   Institute for Healthcare Improvement
                                              in Newborn Care                                                                      Stanford School of Medicine
San Francisco, CA                                                                         Boston, MA
                                              NICU Family Care Coordinator                                                         Director of Research, California
Wally Carlo MD                                Akron Children’s Hospital                   Kristi G. Johnson                        Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative
Edwin M. Dixon Professor of Pediatrics        Akron, OH                                   Manager                                  Palo Alto, CA
University of Alabama at Birmingham                                                       MOC External Activities
                                              Jennifer Gallegos RN, MSN, NNP                                                       John Lester BSc, CPF
Director, Division of Neonatology                                                         American Board of Pediatrics
                                              Neonatal Nurse Practitioner                                                          Quality Improvement Facilitator
Director, Newborn Nurseries                                                               Chapel Hill, NC
                                              Texas Children’s Hospital                                                            and Coach
University of Alabama at Birmingham
                                              Houston, TX                                                                          Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Birmingham, AL
2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice
David Loren MD                              Biren P. Modi MD                        Jochen Profit MD, MPH                       David W. Sink MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics           Associate Surgical Director             Assistant Professor of Pediatrics           Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Neonatology                     Center for Advanced Intestinal          Director of Perinatal Health                UCONN School of Medicine
University of Washington                    Rehabilitation                          Systems Research                            Attending Neonatologist
Medical Director, NNP Program               Department of Surgery                   Perinatal Epidemiology and Health           Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Seattle Children’s Hospital                 Boston Children’s Hospital              Outcomes Research Unit                      Hartford, CT
Seattle, WA                                 Assistant Professor of Surgery          Division of Neonatal and
                                                                                                                                Joan R. Smith PhD, RN, NNP-BC
                                            Harvard Medical School                  Developmental Medicine
Carolyn Lund RN, MS, FAAN                                                                                                       Advanced Practice Clinical Nurse Scientist
                                            Boston, MA                              Stanford University
Neonatal Clinical Nurse Specialist                                                                                              St. Louis Children’s Hospital
                                                                                    Palo Alto, CA
Children’s Hospital Oakland                 Mindy Morris DNP, NNP-BC, CNS                                                       and Goldfarb School of Nursing at
Associate Clinical Professor                Neonatal Nurse Practitioner             Steven A Ringer MD, PhD                     Barnes-Jewish College
University of California                    Coordinator                             Associate Professor                         St Louis, MO
San Francisco, CA                           NICU Extremely Low                      Harvard Medical School
                                                                                                                                Kelley Smith RN, BSN
                                            Birth Weight Program                    Brigham and Women’s Hospital
William MacKendrick MD                                                                                                          Nurse Manager
                                            CHOC Children’s Hospital                Boston, MA
Vice-Chair for Subspecialty Pediatrics                                                                                          Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center
                                            Orange, CA
Department of Pediatrics                                                            Kate Robson MEd                             Regional Medical Center
Head, Division of Neonatology               Virginia A. Moyer MD, MPH               Parent Coordinator, NICU                    Memphis, TN
North Shore University Health System        Vice President                          Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
                                                                                                                                Eileen Steffen RNC-NIC
Medical Director, Infant SCU                Maintenance of Certification            Director, Canadian Premature
                                                                                                                                NICU Quality and Research Coordinator
Evanston Hospital                           and Quality                             Babies Foundation
                                                                                                                                Saint Barnabas Medical Center
Chicago, IL                                 American Board of Pediatrics            Toronto, Ontario, Canada
                                                                                                                                Livingston, NJ
                                            Chapel Hill, NC
Brenda Maschmeyer RN, BSN                                                           Matthew A. Rysavy MD, PhD
                                                                                                                                Gautham Suresh MD, DM, MS, FAAP
Research Nurse                              Amy Nyberg BS                           Resident in Pediatrics
                                                                                                                                Chief Medical Officer and Service Chief
Baptist Memorial Hospital                   March of Dimes NICU Family              University of Wisconsin
                                                                                                                                The Newborn Center
for Women                                   Support Specialist                      Madison, WI
                                                                                                                                Texas Children’s Hospital
Memphis, TN                                 Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital
                                                                                    Saroj Saigal MD, FRCP (C)                   Houston, TX
                                            Grand Rapids, MI
Carolyn McGregor AM, PhD                                                            Professor Emerita Pediatrics
                                                                                                                                Alisha Tichenor MSN, NNP-BC
B App Sc, SMIEEE                            Eugenia K. Pallotto MD, MSCE            McMaster University
                                                                                                                                Lead Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Canada Research Chair in                    Associate Professor of Pediatrics       Pediatrician
                                                                                                                                Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital
Health Informatics                          University of Missouri-Kansas City      Neonatal Follow-up Program
                                                                                                                                Grand Rapids, MI
Professor Faculty of Business and IT        School of Medicine                      Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
University of Ontario Institute             Medical Director                                                                    Robert Ursprung MD, MMSc
                                                                                    Renate D. Savich MD
of Technology                               Intensive Care Nursery                                                              Neonatologist
                                                                                    Professor of Pediatrics
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada                     Medical Director, Neonatal ECMO                                                     Cook Children’s Medical Center
                                                                                    Chief, Neonatology and Newborn
                                            Children’s Mercy Hospital                                                           Associate Director CQI
William Meadow MD, PhD                                                              Services Division
                                            Kansas City, MO                                                                     Pediatrix Medical Group
Professor of Pediatrics                                                             Department of Pediatrics
                                                                                                                                Fort Worth, TX
Director, Neonatology                       Nesha Park RN, BSN                      Children’s Hospital of Mississippi
Fellowship Program                          NICU Quality Improvement                University of Mississippi Medical Center    Rebecca J. Vartanian MD
The University of Chicago                   Coordinator                             Chairperson, AAP Section on                 Assistant Professor
Chicago, IL                                 Children’s Mercy Hospital               Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (SoNPM)         Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
                                            Kansas City, MO                         Jackson, MS                                 Department of Pediatrics and
Paula Meier RN, PhD, FAAN
                                                                                                                                Communicable Diseases
Director for Clinical Research              Thomas Parker MD                        Barbara K. Schmidt MD, FRCP, MSc
                                                                                                                                University of Michigan
and Lactation, NICU                         Associate Professor of Pediatrics       Professor of Pediatrics
                                                                                                                                Ann Arbor, MI
Professor of Women,                         Director                                Kristine Sandberg Knisely Chair
Children & Family Nursing                   Fellowship Training Program             in Neonatology                              Lelis Vernon BA
Professor of Pediatrics                     in Neonatology                          Senior Scholar, Center for Clinical         Chair, NICU Parent Advisory Council
Rush University Medical Center              University of Colorado School           Epidemiology and Biostatistics              Baptist Children’s Hospital
Chicago, IL                                 of Medicine                             University of Pennsylvania                  Miami, FL
                                            Aurora, CO                              Perelman School of Medicine
Charles Mercier MD                                                                                                              Bonny Whalen MD
                                                                                    Staff Neonatologist
Professor of Pediatrics                     Stephen Patrick MD, MPH, MS                                                         Newborn Nursery Medical Director
                                                                                    Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
University of Vermont                       Assistant Professor of Pediatrics                                                   Pediatric Hospitalist
                                                                                    Philadelphia, PA
Director, Neonatal Intensive Care           and Health Policy                                                                   Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth
University of Vermont Children’s Hospital   Division of Neonatology                 Jan Schriefer MBA, MSN, DrPH                Assistant Professor
Burlington, VT                              Vanderbilt University                   Director of Pediatric Quality Improvement   Department of Pediatrics
                                            Nashville, TN                           Golisano Children’s Hospital at             Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Brenda Miller BFA
                                                                                    University of Rochester Medical Center      Lebanon, NH
Manager, Ronald McDonald House              Anthony J. Piazza MD
                                                                                    Assistant Professor
of Ann Arbor                                Associate Professor                                                                 Rosemary White-Traut RN, PhD, FAAN
                                                                                    Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Ann Arbor, MI                               Emory University                                                                    Director of Nursing Research
                                                                                    University of Rochester School
                                            Medical Director of Neonatal Services                                               The Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Teesha Miller BS                                                                    of Medicine and Dentistry
                                            Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta                                                    Professor Emerita
Parent to Parent Program Manager                                                    Rochester, NY
                                            at Egleston Hospital                                                                Department of Women,
March of Dimes NICU Family
                                            Atlanta, GA                             Ginny Shaffer                               Children and Family Health Science,
Support Specialist
                                                                                    Parent Navigator                            University of Illinois at Chicago
Children’s Mercy Hospital                   Alan P. Picarillo MD, FAAP
                                                                                    The Children’s Hospital at Providence       College of Nursing
Kansas City, MO                             Chief
                                                                                    Anchorage, AK                               Chicago, IL
                                            Division of Neonatology
Teresa Mingrone RN, MSN, CCRN
                                            UMass Memorial Healthcare               Jean M. Silvestri MD                        John A. F. Zupancic MD, ScD
Programmatic Nurse Specialist
                                            Assistant Professor in Pediatrics       Clinical Director, NICU                     Associate Chief of Neonatology
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
                                            UMass Medical School                    Patient Safety Officer                      Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
                                            Worcester, MA                           Rush Children’s Hospital                    Boston, MA
Pittsburgh, PA
                                                                                    Chicago, IL
2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice
Planning Committee                                Learning Fair—Call for Abstracts
                                                  Calling all neonatal colleagues to submit your improvement stories and outcome
Jeffrey D. Horbar MD*
                                                  data for the 2015 Annual Quality Congress. Abstracts will be peer reviewed for poster
Chief Executive and Scientific Officer
                                                  and/or podium presentation. Posters will be presented at the Learning Fair on Saturday;
Vermont Oxford Network
                                                  select posters will also be featured in an expert-guided poster walk on Sunday.
Jerold F. Lucey Professor of Neonatal Medicine
University of Vermont
                                                  Who Should Submit an Abstract?
Burlington, VT
                                                  l   Individuals or teams engaged in
Roger F. Soll MD*                                     improving the quality, safety, efficiency,
President, Vermont Oxford Network                     and value of newborn care
H. Wallace Professor of Neonatology               l   Individuals or teams enrolled in NICQ
University of Vermont                                 Next and/or the iNICQ collaboratives
Burlington, VT
                                                  l   State, regional, or international quality
Madge E. Buus-Frank DNP, APRN-BC, FAAN*               improvement organizations
Director of Quality Improvement and Education     l   Neonatal fellows
Vermont Oxford Network
Faculty, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
                                                  l   Parents who are partnering with
and University of Vermont                             professionals for improvement
Burlington, VT
                                                  Topics of Interest
William H. Edwards MD                             We are particularly interested in improvement projects that focus on the following
Vice President, Vermont Oxford Network            plenary themes or challenges:
Professor and Vice Chair of Pediatrics            l   Oxygen safety and alarm fatigue
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
                                                  l   Minimizing lung injury, minimizing brain injury, infection reductions, optimizing
Neonatology Section Chief
                                                      nutrition, minimizing NEC, and improving patient safety
Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth
Lebanon, NH                                       l   Neonatal abstinence syndrome
                                                  l   Innovative projects or examples of family-centered care
Denise Zayack RN, BA, MPH*
Collaboratives Coordinator and Coach              l   Interdisciplinary teams and teamwork
Vermont Oxford Network                            l   QI implementation projects with data-driven outcomes that increase value
Burlington, VT
                                                  l   Novel models of NICU care and/or environments
Nancy E. Cloutier
                                                  For complete abstract guidelines are available at www.vtoxford.org/Call_For_Abstracts
Network Meeting Coordinator
Vermont Oxford Network                            Abstracts are due August 1, 2015. Abstracts submitted after that date will not be accepted.
Burlington, VT

Kimberly Knoerlein APRN, NNP-BC
Continuing Education Accreditation Consultant
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner                       NICU Tube Fest—Call for Videos
Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth
Lebanon, NH                                       Please help us spread innovative practices and programs by sharing a short
                                                  video from your center. Relevant topics include the following:
* Meeting Faculty
                                                  l   Focus on an innovative program or practice
                                                  l   Show a standardized process or procedure
                                                      Highlight innovative quality improvement tools or strategies

                                                  Videos should be no longer than 3 minutes, with an additional 1 minute for video
                                                  credits. The video must be accompanied by relevant documentation and
2016 Annual                                       appropriate consent forms. Select videos will be available for viewing during the

Quality Congress                                  Learning Fair in a special screening room.

                                                  For more detailed information on video submission, please visit
October 7 – 9, 2016                               www.vtoxford.org/Call_For_Videos
Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers                   Video submissions are due August 14, 2015.
2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice
Who Should Attend?
The Annual Quality Congress is
the premier event supporting the
Network’s 1000+ member centers.
This educational program is open
to VON members and non-
members. The care of newborns
is an interdisciplinary effort;
our program has cutting-edge
content for individuals and teams
striving to improve the quality, safety, and value of care for newborns
and their families.

l   Neonatologists                  l   Senior Leaders
                                                                             Call for the AAP / VON Scholarship
l   Pediatricians                   l   Dieticians
                                                                             Vermont Oxford Network and the AAP Section on Perinatal Pediatrics
l   Fellows                         l   Pharmacists                          extend an invitation to Fellows and early career neonatologists to
l   Nurses                          l   Physical / Occupational Therapists   apply for the VON Scholars Program. Five AAP/ VON Scholars will be
                                                                             selected and will receive the following:
l   Neonatal Nurse Practitioners    l   Outreach Educators
                                                                             l   Scholarship to support attendance at the VON Annual
l   Clinical Nurse Specialists      l   Data Contacts
                                                                                 Quality Congress on October 2 – 4, 2015. The award includes
l   Clinical Educators              l   Parents and Parent Advisors              complimentary registration and up to $1000 to support travel,
l   Respiratory Therapists          l   QI Specialists                           meals, and housing.
                                                                             l   Opportunity to submit an abstract and present QI work
l   Nurse Managers / Directors                                                   (or research plan in progress) during the Learning Fair and
                                                                                 the Guided Poster Walk.
                                                                             l   Opportunity to compete for Plenary Podium Brief session(s).
                                                                             l   Special invitation to VIP Preconference events:
                                                                                 NICQ Collaborative Symposium and/or the Preconference.
Membership Information                                                       l   Recognition as an AAP/VON Scholar for both the Fellow and
Vermont Oxford Network (VON) is a non-profit voluntary collaborative             the sponsoring training program.
of health care professionals dedicated to improving the quality,
                                                                             For more information go to:
safety, and value of medical care for newborn infants and their families
through a coordinated program of research, education, and quality
                                                                             Deadline for application is June 19, 2015.
improvement projects. Established in 1988, the Network is currently
comprised of over 1000 data-submitting centers in 29 countries.
To learn more about membership, the Network Databases, and
educational and quality improvement offerings, go to
www.vtoxford.org or contact Bob Issenberg at rissenberg@vtoxford.org
                                                                             Call for the Kathy Leahy Scholarship
or 802.865.4814, extension 234.                                              Vermont Oxford Network is pleased to offer our Annual Kathy
                                                                             Leahy Scholarship for the 2015 Annual Quality Congress.
                                                                             Eligibility criteria include:
                                                                             l   RNs and/or APNs from a VON member center
                                                                             l   Strong interest in improving the quality, safety, and value of care
                                                                             l   Active engagement in quality improvement projects
                                                                                 and programs
                                                                             Interested applicants can self-nominate by submitting a one-page
                                                                             letter highlighting their expertise, experience, and tangible examples
                                                                             of QI efforts they have participated in. Special consideration will be
                                                                             given to those who have mentored and motivated other colleagues.
                                                                             Send application letter and CV to nancy@vtoxford.org
                                                                             See more information online at
                                                                             Deadline for submissions is July 1, 2015.
2015 Annual Quality Congress - Convening the Worldwide Community of Practice
                                                                                                                                                                       US POSTAGE

 The Vermont Oxford Network                                                                                                                                              PAID
                                                                                                                                                                      BURLINGTON, VT
 33 Kilburn Street
                                                                                                                                                                        PERMIT #399
 Burlington, Vermont 05401

 REGISTRATION FEES                                                                                                   Register Now!
 Annual Quality Congress Standard Registration Fees October 3 & 4, 2015                                              Register early at www.regonline.com/VON2015Meeting
                                                                                                                     to receive discounted registration fees and to assure space
                                                                         Through July 15         After July 15
                                                                                                                     is available in your preferred breakout sessions and the
 VON Member Physician                                                    $850                    $950                onsite hospital visits.
 VON Member – All other disciplines and Fellows / Trainees               $450                    $550                Early registration deadline is July 15, 2015.
                                                                                                                     Fees include admission to the Annual Quality Congress
 Non-Member                                                              $1100                   $1200
                                                                                                                     social event. Special fees apply for luncheon events.

 NICQ Symposium
 The NICQ Symposium is a “by invitation only” event for VON teams who are enrolled in quality                        Accommodations
 improvement collaboratives. Membership in VON NICQ Next and iNICQ Alarm Safety Intensive                            Vermont Oxford Network has reserved a room block at the
 collaboratives includes registration fees for 4 team members, 2 parents and 2 senior leaders.                       Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers at a discounted group rate.
 NICQ Next Members *                               Oct. 1 – 4, 2015      Registration includes 4 day events.         The Sheraton is ideally situated in the heart of downtown on
                                                                                                                     the Chicago River and is within walking distance of Navy Pier,
 iNICQ Alarm Safety Intensive Members *            Oct. 2 – 4, 2015      Registration includes 3 day events.         the Magnificent Mile shopping, the Art Institute of Chicago,
 *Additional team members may register to attend, however, standard registration fees apply (noted below).           many other activities, and great restaurants.
                                                                         Registration includes 3 day events at the   Special room rate: $229 single. The room block closes on
 iNICQ NAS Members                                 Oct. 2 – 4, 2015
                                                                         standard registration fees (noted below).   August 31, 2015, or earlier if filled. Please reserve early to
                                                                                                                     assure availability at the discounted rate.
 Additional Pre-Conference / Post-Conference Events October 2 – 6, 2015
                                                                                                                     Hotel reservations can be made by phone at 800.325.3535
 Jump Starting Quality: Calling All Fellows!                            Oct. 2, 2015 – ½ day Event                   or online at www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/2015VON
    • Fellows in training                                                                        Fees Waived         Please reference Vermont Oxford Network to receive the
    • All Others                                                                                                     discounted group rate.
                                                                                                                     VIP Luggage Storage will be provided to attendees who
 Helping Babies Breathe Master Trainer Workshop                         Oct. 5 – 6, 2015         $ 350
                                                                                                                     stay beyond hotel room check-out.

 VON Social Event – Back to the Future! October 3, 2015                                                              For more information, please contact Nancy Cloutier,
                                                                                                                     Network Meeting Coordinator, by email nancy@vtoxford.org
 Registered participant                                                                          No Charge           or call 802.865.4814, ext. 208.
 Guest                                                                                           $75

The Annual Quality Congress is commercial free. Vermont Oxford Network does not accept industry sponsorship, displays, or product advertising.
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