2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School

Page created by Gordon Mckinney
2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School
2017-2018 PROSPECTUS

                       Q U E E N S T O W N   |   N E W   Z E A L A N D
2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School
2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School
Welcome to Wakatipu High School

                   Wakatipu High School’s mission is to deliver a ‘great all-round education that
                   enables our students to reach for their heights’ – and that is what we do every day.
                     The key priority in this great all-round education is student engagement, learning,
                     progress and achievement. Our academic results are testament to the high levels
                     of achievement of our students and our recent Education Review Office (ERO) report
                     states that our “rich and varied curriculum provides many opportunities for students
to learn, be challenged, explore their local environment and develop competencies for lifelong learning”.
Wakatipu High School students also achieve success in vocational pathways through our Careers,
Trades Academy and Gateway programmes. In addition, we provide learning support in literacy and
numeracy as well as a Gifted and Talented programme to support all of our students to reach their
potential. This year we have introduced a new timetable which allows junior students greater
opportunity for choice and engagement while experiencing the breadth of the curriculum. ERO’s also
noted that we have ‘continued to extend the breadth and depth of our curriculum to better provide
meaningful learning pathways for an increasing number of students to achieve success’.
As well as our academic foundation, Wakatipu High School offers students a wealth of ‘all-round’
extra and co-curricular opportunities in sport, arts, music, culture, community and leadership.
From our Ski Academy and rowing, to our jazz band, school Musical, Stage Challenge, Kapa Haka
group, Model United Nations, Duke of Edinburgh, and trips and exchanges to places like Aspen,
Japan, Sri Lanka, Noumea and France – we offer students an incredible range of opportunities in
which to learn, grow and develop holistically.
Geographically the Wakatipu Basin is a unique environment, enabling us to offer outstanding
Outdoor Education programmes including the iconic Branches Camp. Our environment also attracts
international students from around the globe, giving our students the chance to learn and grow as
members of a multicultural community - an opportunity normally reserved for larger urban centres.
Students’ wellbeing and engagement is very important to us, and the very high results of our
‘student voice’ surveys show that our students feel safe and enjoy coming to Wakatipu High School.
ERO’s report included that ‘a positive tone, respectful relationships and interactions are strongly
evident’ and that ‘together with clear expectations they promote high levels of engagement, learning
and wellbeing across the school’. Pastoral support is through our Whanau (House) structure, including
Deans and the newly-introduced Kaiārahi, as well as our Guidance Counsellor. This structure also
provides the basis for our very keenly-contested Inter-House competitions.
Well-governed by a very capable Board, and generously supported by the Wakatipu High School
Foundation, Wakatipu High School is on an exciting journey. This is especially so with our move to
our new innovative learning environment school at Remarkables Park in 2018.
We welcome you to the Wakatipu High School community, where students truly receive a great
all-round education and ‘reach for their heights’ in one of the most special places in the world.

Mr Steve Hall
PRINCIPAL                                                                                                   1
2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School
Academic success

    Student achievement is the key priority and responsibility of schools, and over the
    last few years Wakatipu High School has had an increased focus on student                          Senior Leadership Team
    engagement, learning, progress and achievement which has yielded great academic
    results and success.
                                                                                                       Mr Steve Hall
    Over that period, a particular focus for the government and Ministry of Education
    has been students achieving NCEA Level 2. We have embraced this educational                        Senior Deputy Principal
    challenge and have worked very hard to support and enable as many of our students                  Mr Oded Nathan
    as possible to achieve this important qualification and last year 91% of our Year 12
    students achieved NCEA Level 2, including 94% of our Maori students and 100% of                    Deputy Principal
    our Pasifika students.                                                                             Mr James Rasmussen

    Our approach to supporting these levels of student achievement has included                        Assistant Principal
    focusing on great teaching and learning, and the introduction of new systems for                   Mrs Sonia Panapa
    monitoring and tracking students. As part of our new timetable, this year saw the
    introduction of ‘Kaiārahi’ (Learning Advisers) who serve as mentors for all students               Board of Trustees
    as they strive to achieve their academic and holistic goals.
                                                                                                       Parent Trustees
    Our reporting system (see more on Pg 6) reports to parents every three weeks and                   Dean Hamilton CHAIRMAN
    enables parents and students to see progress in real-time.                                         Niki Hawke
    As well as NCEA Level 2, an important focus for us is the University Entrance (UE)                 Charlie Phillips
    qualification as many of our students go on to study at University. Last year more                 Grant McCulloch
    than 80% of eligible students achieved this qualification.                                         Susan Mawhinney
                                                                                                       Tony Balfour
    As well as key educational qualifications we also have a real focus on ‘high performance’,
    which includes Merit and Excellence endorsements and Scholarships. We have also                    Wha-nau Trustee
    made continued progress in this area, consistently getting double-digit Scholarships,              Jackie Kukutai
    and with student Meg Jolly achieving the Top Scholar award for New Zealand in
    Photography in 2016.                                                                               Staff Trustee
                                                                                                       Michelle Loggenberg
    In terms of our ‘preparing students for life’ goal (i.e. students leaving Wakatipu High
    School with either NCEA Level 2 or being on a vocational pathway) last year 96% of                 Student Trustee
    our students achieved this.
                                                                                                       Kiki Clarke-Liechti

      WHS ACADEMIC RESULTS                                                                    2016                           2015

    NCEA Level 2 (roll-based)                                                                    91%                          86%

    University Entrance (participation-based)                                                    80%                          75%

                                                                                                 12                            16
    Scholarships                                                                         (incl 3 Outstanding,          (incl 2 Outstanding)
                                                                                    1 of which was Top Scholar)

    Students on a ‘Pathway’ (NCEA Level 2 or Pathway)                                            96%                          96%
2   Students ‘engaged’ in school and learning (NZCER Survey)                                     91%                          94%
2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School
2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School
2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School
Curriculum                                      Timetable
At Wakatipu High School, we believe that        Students in Year 9 and 10 select twelve classes per year
students should have the opportunity to         – each of which runs for half the year, while senior
experience the full breadth of the curriculum   students select up to six classes per year – each of
in the junior years before becoming             which runs for the whole year. Each class runs for
increasingly more specialised and               seven and a half hours over a ten-day cycle, with
individualised in the senior years.             three 60 minute periods and three 90 minute periods
                                                over that cycle. Student choice is a key characteristic
As we prepare for the innovative learning
                                                of the timetable, as we believe that choice is a key
environment (ILE) of the new school, we are
                                                facilitator of engagement which supports learning,
also redefining our curriculum, incorporating
                                                progress and achievement.
future-focussed and personalised learning,
student voice and ‘Bring Your Own Device’       The seamless timetable for juniors and seniors supports
to drive student engagement.                    student option choice and gives students the flexibility to
                                                study at a level that best suits them.
Students in Year 9 and 10 experience the
eight learning areas of the New Zealand         The students are divided into five Houses which are then
Curriculum and get to choose subjects to        further split into Ako groups. Each Ako group has a
allow them to explore their passions, while     Kaiārahi who supports students with their pastoral and
ensuring that they meet the literacy and        academic needs, and monitors students’ well-being.
numeracy thresholds required for academic       Students meet with their Kaiārahi three times per week.
success in the senior school. As students
move to the senior school, they become
more specialised in their chosen pathway.
We offer a broad range of subjects in the
senior and junior school, as well as literacy
and numeracy support, ESOL classes for
second language learners, a Talent
Development (Gifted and Talented)                     GREAT
programme, separate Scholarship support,
plus extension and accelerated learning               TEACHERS...
opportunities across all the learning areas.
                                                           are inspired and passionate
Students are supported with their learning
by a Kaiārahi (Learning Adviser) who                       have high expectations
connects with and supports students and                    are student-centred
their families from the day they enter our
learning community to the day they exit.                   give effective feedback
We promote a great all-round education and                 differentiate
actively encourage students to engage in                   know their impact
education both in and out of the classroom                 (use data and evidence)
to support the students haoura or health and
well-being.                                            =   great learning, progress and
                                                           achievement for 5/5 students

2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School
Reporting                                                                                                                                                 BYOD
    We believe all parents and students should receive regular and
                                                                                                                                                              (Bring Your Own Device)
    timely feedback that best supports student engagement, learning,                                                                                          Our students use digital devices to
    progress and achievement.                                                                                                                                 communicate and learn both inside and
    Our Learning Engagement             Learning Engagement Report
                                                                                                                                                              outside the school environment. Since the
    Reports (LE Reports) are            John Smith
                                                                                                                                                              beginning of 2016, all students at Wakatipu
    issued every three weeks to                                                                                                                               High School have been required to bring a

                                        Junior Science                                                                                         22 June 2015

    parents and students via            Ms Jones                                                                               Attendance:        46   / 48
                                                                                                                                                              device to school each day to assist with
    email and through our online                                                                                                                              their learning.
                                              Week        4         7     10      13      16      19        24        27        30        34        Average

                                        Classwork         3         3      4      3       3       3                                                    3.17

    WHS Portal. These reports           Homework          0         3      3      0       3       3                                                     3

                                                                                                                                                              A student-owned device is an important part
                                                          2         3      3      3       3       3

    provide a clear and concise
                                        Organisation                                                                                                   2.83

                                        Behaviour         3         3      4      3       3       3                                                    3.17
                                                                                                                                                              of their toolkit, giving them instant access to
    overview from every class and                                                                                                                             unlimited resources and enabling them to
    teacher relating to a student’s                                                                                                                           support, extend, communicate and share
    effort and engagement in                                                                                                                                  their learning. This ultimately prepares
    classwork, homework,                                                                                                                                      them for life beyond school in a global and
    organisation and behaviour.                     4 = Exemplary   3 = Good   2 = Needs Improvement     1 = Serious Concern      0 = N/A
                                                                                                                                                              digital environment.
                                                        Classwork              Homework                Organisation                  Behaviour

    The reports enable students                                                                                                                               There are many advantages to student-owned
    to modify their learning                                                                                                                                  devices and teachers are experienced in using
    behaviours as needed, and                                                                                                                                 these devices to extend students learning
    give parents the information they need to engage with and                                                                                                 opportunities. Details about the required
    support learning and achievement.                                                                                                                         specifications of devices can be found on
    We also make extensive use of the Portal to provide parents                                                                                               our school website.
    and students with useful and timely feedback on academic                                                                                                  We do know that some families may struggle
    learning, progress and achievement. Teachers report on the                                                                                                financially with providing devices and so our
    level that the student is working at, provide feedback on what                                                                                            Awhi Fund (see more on Pg 16) supports
    the student can do to improve and next steps for learning.                                                                                                students and families with this.
    Senior students and parents receive feedback each term as
    to how students are tracking towards their NCEA Qualification
    and the academic goals they set for themselves at the start
    of the year.
    Kaiārahi provide mid-year and end-of-year comments
    summarising students’ academic achievement, engagement
    indicators, extra and co-curricular involvement as well as an
    overall summary in relation to student citizenship.
    We also have a number of ‘Next Steps’ parent-student-teacher
    interviews throughout the year that give parents and students
    the chance to have face-to-face discussions with teachers
    about next steps for learning.

2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School
2017-2018 PROSPECTUS - Wakatipu High School
WHS visit from Willie Apiata VC and Steven Adams.

Pastoral                                                                         Student leadership
Our pastoral network has built a solid foundation based around caring            There are numerous student
for individual student needs, either academic, social or emotional.              leadership opportunities available
The pastoral network involves the entire staff working in a safe, caring         at Wakatipu High School, many
environment, ensuring each student is able to reach their full potential.        of which are fostered through our
Key members of staff in the pastoral team are our House Deans and                Inter-House competition.
Kaiārahi (Learning Advisers).
                                                                                 The Student Council and its
The Kaiārahi supports and enables students’ educational achievement              sub-committees are responsible
and holistic development. Kaiārahi are the key point of contact for parents,     for developing our vibrant
students and staff when dealing with the pastoral life of students.              Inter-House competition which
Additional specialist pastoral staff include our Guidance Counsellor,            includes events such as Participation
Careers Counsellor and the Senior Leadership Team.                               Day, Swim Sports, Haka/Waiata
                                                                                 Competition, Debating, Waka-Maths
Deans are responsible for the overall welfare of all students in their House,
                                                                                 and much more.
with a role that encompasses coordination, guidance and discipline within
their House, as well as encouraging student leadership.                          There are multiple sub-committees
                                                                                 of the Student Council, including
Pastoral care is a shared responsibility - in partnership with parents,
                                                                                 Academic, Arts, Community and
we ensure that each student has optimal opportunity to become an
                                                                                 Service, Environmental, Sports, and
independent, caring, reliable and responsible member of the community.
                                                                                 Whanaungatanga (Support) Councils.
The pastoral network continues to strive toward developing our school-wide
values of Excellence, Responsibility, Resilience, Diversity and Respect.         House Leaders are responsible for
                                                                                 organising students, developing
                                                                                 House spirit and leading the charge
Houses                                                                           in the Inter-House competition.

The school is divided into five Houses whose names are taken from early          We also run the Duke of Edinburgh
settlers in the Wakatipu Basin – Arthur, Duncan, Fox, Hay and Mackenzie.         programme.

Each House has a Dean who has the oversight over the entire House and
is divided into a number of Ako groups who meet three times per week.
Students remain in the same Ako groups throughout their time at
Wakatipu High School and as a result Kaiārahi get to know their students
very well over five years.
A strong and important aspect of the House system is the Inter-House
competition. This is a fiercely-fought feature of the school calendar.
It kicks off with our Participation Day early in the year and includes a range                                           9
of activities from the arts, sports and academic areas of the school.
Sports and recreation
     As part of our great all-round education our goal is to have all students          New Zealand Alpine Sports Academy
     involved in extra and/or co-curricular activity. To enable this, we offer a wide
     range of sport, cultural, leadership and arts opportunities to our students.       For over a decade the New Zealand Alpine Sports
                                                                                        Academy has been an invaluable programme
     The school employs a Sports Coordinator and an Arts Coordinator to promote
                                                                                        enabling aspiring young athletes to pursue
     and enable student participation and excellence in their sport or activity.
                                                                                        sporting and academic excellence. Participants in
     A wide range of sports are offered locally. These can take place before or         the Academy’s winter programme train in their
     after school, during breaks and/or at the weekend. Some sports are hosted          chosen alpine skiing or snowboarding disciplines
     at school, while others are offered in conjunction with local clubs.               with expert coaching from the Queenstown Alpine
     Competitions and tournaments are held locally, regionally and nationally           Ski Team. The athletes train on snow up to four
     depending on the level of achievement. Over the years we have had multiple         days a week and have their school work delivered
     athletes succeed on the national and international stage in a variety of sports.   over the afternoon on three of these, so that
                                                                                        academic achievement is maintained. Wakatipu
     The Sports Coordinator also arranges our major sports exchanges of which
                                                                                        High School has a long legacy of athletes
     we have two at present - with James Hargest College in Invercargill, and
                                                                                        representing New Zealand in the Winter Olympics.
     Mount Aspiring College in Wanaka.
     Our unique location means we also take part in several annual international
     school visits, with competitions in many sports.                                   Outdoor Recreation
     The school rewards sporting and cultural excellence at our prestigious             We also offer a unique Outdoor Recreation
     Blues Night – a formal function that culminates in the presentation of our         programme, making the most of the amazing
     school’s Blues Awards.                                                             local environment. Year 12 and 13 students gain
                                                                                        credits and experiences in kayaking, tramping,
                                                                                        bushcraft, mountain expeditions, snow caving
     Student camps                                                                      and safety management.
     Some of the most memorable school days at Wakatipu High School are                 Highlights of the programme include tramping
     those spent on school camps. Outdoor Education provides excellent                  the Rockburn Valley, kayaking the Clutha River and
     opportunities for holistic growth, learning outdoor skills, appreciating and       a snow expedition at The Remarkables.
     caring for the environment, developing personal responsibility, and social
     interactions and friendships with others.
     The school has developed a comprehensive and coordinated junior
                                                                                        Year 9 Snow Programme
     Outdoor Education programme in our unique Queenstown environment.                  Students in Year 9 have a one day per week
     Most activities involve trips away from school, the cost of which varies.          ski/snowboard programme running for six weeks
     Year 9 students participate in a river-based Outdoor Education camp at             during Term 3. We make the most of our close
     Greenstone Station in the first few weeks in Term 1, and in Term 3 they have a     proximity to Coronet Peak and the expertise of
     ‘Journeys’ experience travelling by non-motorised means around the Wakatipu        mountain staff for this teaching and learning
     Basin including horse trekking, tramping, mountain biking and kayaking.            programme. This programme gives all students
                                                                                        access to this very special aspect of our local
     The Year 10 Outdoor Education camp to Branches Station, is an event
                                                                                        environment and enables them to learn to
     all past students remember for the rest of their lives. For 12 days the entire
                                                                                        ski/snowboard under the guidance of professional
     year group is isolated from normal life, living under canvas while experiencing
                                                                                        instructors as part of our Health and Physical
     outdoor pursuits including abseiling, rafting, tramping, bushcraft, survival
                                                                                        Education programme.
     skills, kayaking and shooting, as well as developing personal, interpersonal
     and leadership skills. This camp at Branches Station at the head of the
     Shotover river, has a tradition of over 50 years now and is one of the
10   longest-running camps under canvas in the country!
Arts and culture
We offer an extensive Arts programme through our
visual arts, music and drama departments, along
with exciting extra-curricular opportunities.
Participation and excellence in the Arts is encouraged
and supported. The Arts are offered from Year 9 and
can be studied at all NCEA levels. Every year, we
produce a very successful school Musical involving
a number of students from Years 9 to 13 in both
technical and performance areas. At Years 12 and 13
the students produce and perform a high-quality          Charlie Hotop                     Hannah McInnally
dramatic piece to a small live audience.
Our acclaimed jazz bands compete annually in the
Southern Jam Youth Jazz Festival in Blenheim, and
the Southern Schools Jazz Fest in Invercargill, and
perform publicly at local events such as the
Queenstown Winter Festival.
Numerous school rock bands compete in the
Smokefree Rockquest competition every year, and
also perform on stage at the Queenstown Winter
Festival in conjunction with ‘Big Break’.
Our opportunities for singing include junior group
tuition with an outside tutor, as well as involvement    Tessa Joiner                      Anoushka Guillot
in a variety of musical events and activities.
Our extensive visual arts department offers students
courses in painting, design and photography, and
their folio work is exhibited at the end of the year
along with varying local exhibitions.
The ‘Artz’ Council, comprised of senior students,
holds many events throughout the year, actively
involving students in different areas of the Arts.

                                                         Emma Gamson                       Stephanie Arrowsmith

                        Meg Jolly                                        Beatrice Onions
International student programme
     Wakatipu High School has developed an excellent programme for
     international students. We currently have 42 students from 15 nationalities.
                                                                                              Mrs Joan Potts
                                                                                              DIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONAL
     ERO’s review noted that “the school provides well for international students.            STUDENTS
     They receive appropriate support and pastoral care, along with appropriate
                                                                                               Mrs Potts assists with
     levels of support with the English language. Students are involved in a range
                                                                                               everything from enrolment
     of school activities, including education outside the classroom.”
                                                                                      to visa application, subject selection,
     We offer:                                                                        communication with agents and
     • A safe and supportive community                                                parents, and general pastoral care
                                                                                      of students.
     • Full pastoral care and support
     • An approved study programme for English for Speakers of Other
       Languages (ESOL)                                                                       Mrs Donna Baldey
                                                                                              HOMESTAY COORDINATOR
     • Integration with New Zealand classes to study for New Zealand
       qualifications                                                                         Mrs Baldey inspects
                                                                                              prospective accommodation,
     At Wakatipu High School we place high priority on the happiness and
                                                                                              interviews hosts and
     wellbeing of our international students. To achieve this we provide:
                                                                                      carefully matches students to
     • Dedicated support services                                                     homestays. Students are met at
     • Quality homestay placement and support                                         the airport on arrival and given
     • Excellent school guidance support                                              ongoing pastoral support.

     International students are also offered career and guidance counselling to       ESOL Teachers
     ensure that their subject selection and progress matches their tertiary goals.
                                                                                      We have two specialist teachers who
     Students are provided with pathways to study in New Zealand universities,        provide classes at five different
     overseas universities, and/or return to their home countries.                    levels. They offer skills, pathways
14   For further information on our international student programme,                  to NCEA and IELTS (International
     please contact jpotts@wakatipu.school.nz                                         English Language Testing System).
The new school                                                                         Wakatipu High School
     A particularly exciting aspect of being a Wakatipu High School student in
     2018 will be the move to our brand new school.                                         The Wakatipu High School Foundation was
     Situated in the sun at Remarkables Park, our new home will be a state-of-the-art       established in 2014, in part to offset the
     secondary school, designed to deliver a future-focused education. Notably it           lower level of funding that Wakatipu High
     will feature larger and more open ‘innovative learning environment’ teaching           School receives as a Decile 10 school, but
     and learning spaces, as well as specialist spaces including science labs, technology   primarily as a vehicle for the community to
     workshops, food technology and hospitality, and a theatre and gymnasium.               support the school in delivering a great
                                                                                            all-round education.
     We are very excited about this move and the opportunities it presents for
     Wakatipu High School.                                                                  In a short time it has been hugely successful,
                                                                                            raising over $1 million to date.
                                                                                            The Wakatipu High School Foundation has
                                                                                            funded a range of initiatives, including
                                                                                            strategic and current projects. Initiatives
                                                                                            funded include our Awhi Fund (see below),
                                                                                            professional and leadership development
                                                                                            for staff, strategic resourcing and positions
                                                                                            within the school.
                                                                                            While it has only been in existence for a short
                                                                                            time, the Wakatipu High School Foundation
                                                                                            is having a very real and positive impact on
                                                                                            the school, its students and its future.

                                                                                            Awhi Fund
                                                                                            Awhi means to help or support, and our
                                                                                            Awhi Fund is a very important feature of
                                                                                            Wakatipu High School. The fund is used for
                                                                                            a wide range of things which families and
                                                                                            students can struggle with financially,
                                                                                            including uniforms, school fees, camps and
                                                                                            trips, educational assessments and even
                                                                                            some extra and co-curricular activities.
                                                                                            Funding is in partnership with families and
                                                                                            their ability to contribute, with the Awhi
                                                                                            contribution also determined by whether
                                                                                            the application is for a compulsory expense
                                                                                            (e.g. uniform or fees) or extra or co-curricular.
                                                                                            Awhi is very generously funded by the
                                                                                            Wakatipu High School Foundation.
                                                                                            Our Guidance Counsellor is the key
                                                                                            contact for further information and
                                                                                            confidential applications.
                               Te kairangitanga/
                              Striving to achieve our
                                   personal best,
                                   in everything
                                       we do

   Responsibility                                        Resilience
Choosing our responses, and                       Te manawanui me te u-
 being accountable for our                          Being able to cope with
   decisions, actions and                          and grow from challenge

              Diversity                           Respect
                Kanorau                          Te whakaute
           Valuing difference                   Respecting self,
            and uniqueness                      others, WHS and
                                                the environment

                      our values

                                                 Private Bag 50080, Queenstown 9348
                                                 68 Fryer Street, Queenstown 9300
                                                 Phone: +64 3 442 7370
                                                 Email: office@wakatipu.school.nz

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