106 Money Saving Ideas for Dentists 2018/2019 - Essential Money

Page created by Dave Mclaughlin
106 Money Saving Ideas for Dentists

                                                       Thomas Dickson

                                                         Sixteenth Edition
                                       © Copyright 2018 All rights reserved.

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    n   Introduction                  Page 3

    n   Mortgages                     Page 4

    n   Loans                         Page 4

    n   Investment                    Page 5

    n   Tax                           Page 6

    n   Practice – Principals         Page 7

    n   Professionals                 Page 8

    n   Pensions                      Page 8       Giving You
    n   Estate Planning               Page 9    Peace of Mind
    n   Protection                    Page 9

    n   Property                      Page 10

    n   Some more creative ideas      Page 10

    n   Telephone                     Page 11

    n   Scams                         Page 12

    n   Travel                        Page 12

    n   A few extra tips              Page 12

    n   The Author                    Page 13

    n   Some quotable money quotes!   Page 14

                                                      Essential Money

One of the first questions I often get asked is ‘How           There is an essential issue to understand – the distinction
can I make the most out of my money?’ The second is            between tax avoidance and tax evasion. The simple
‘How can I pay less tax?’ and all dentists I meet want         difference is that avoidance is legal, evasion is not.
to reduce their taxes (legally of course).                     Remember - any scheme that seems too good to be
                                                               true…. probably is.
There are 24 taxes in the UK that in 2016/2017 are
forecast to raise £665.1 billion#1. Unfortunately for us tax   Rather than just limit this guide to tax, we’ve added lots
payers, this is real money and not the Monopoly variety.       of ideas that have helped our business grow over the last
The three taxes that raise the most with 60% of the total      few years and saved a few pounds as well. They are a
are Income Tax, National Insurance and VAT.                    selection of the best of what I have picked up from years
                                                               of books, courses, conferences, colleagues, clients and
In addition to that, the UK public sector national debt        business experience. I wish you all the best in saving
as at March 2017 was £1,729.5bn #2 and that burden             money and tax!
inevitably falls on us taxpayers. Higher rate tax payers
particularly and therefore many UK dentists therefore          If you have any questions or if you would like further
need to take action now to protect their income, savings,      information on any of the ideas, or if you have any of
investments and pensions from recent and no doubt future       your own suggestions you’d like to add please email me
tax increases.                                                 personally at thomas@essentialmoney.co.uk or phone us
                                                               on 0121 685 5060.
The good news is that many taxes can be avoided through
careful foresight and planning. Being knowledgeable on         #1 SOURCE: Institute of Fiscal Studies, Briefing Note BN09 | Nov 2016
the rules and timing of your transactions can result in        #2 SOURCE: Office for National Statistics
significant tax savings.

6.    There’s a lot of concern about endowment
                                                                      shortfalls and whether they’ll be able to pay off the
                                                                      mortgage. If you have one make sure that yours
                                                                      is keeping pace with the amount outstanding on
                                                                      the mortgage and the funds you’ve invested in
                                                                      are still appropriate. The sooner you deal with
                                                                      the situation the less of a problem it will be in the

                                                                7.    To improve the chances of being approved for
                                                                      a mortgage you should consider the following:
    1.   You can save thousands of pounds by switching                ensure you’re on the electoral roll, arrange credit
         mortgages or changing to a better deal with your             card payments on a direct debit to ensure you
         existing lender. This can involve no upfront cost as         never miss one, do whatever it takes to avoid
         lenders often pay valuation and legal fees for you.          exceeding your bank overdraft limit, pay off any
         Even if you have redemption penalties on your                unsecured debts and check your credit score to
         existing mortgage it can still be worth switching -          make sure there’s nothing lurking there you don’t
         so get your calculator out.                                  know about.

    2.   One way for self-employed dentists to save                   Think carefully before securing other debts against
         interest payments on a residential property is               your home. Your home may be repossessed if you
         to use a flexible (or offset) mortgage. Rather               do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. We
         than saving money due for self-assessment in a               charge an application fee of £95 and a completion
         low interest rate account the mortgage can be                fee of £295 and typically receive 0.35% of the loan
         reduced over the year until the money is paid                value paid by the lender.
         to HM Revenue & Customs when the mortgage
         balance will increase again. Done over a number
         of years the interest saved can be substantial.
         Offset mortgages can also be a great way to save
         money if you regularly have capital sitting in your
         bank account, particularly if your mortgage is
         relatively small.

    3.   If you have a mortgage on an investment property
         you should claim tax relief on the interest            8.    If you have debt on any credit cards, it’s worth
         payments, so subject to the interest you’re paying           considering taking out another card and transferring
         it can often make sense to pay off residential               the balance to benefit from 6-12 months interest free
         mortgages before you start reducing any tax                  loans. Watch out for balance transfer fees, although
         efficient loans.                                             a recent deal I saw was 0 for 18 months with no
                                                                      transfer fees! Some credit card firms offer 4.9% on
    4.   You can reduce your interest payments by                     balance transfers until they’re paid off. Credit card
         paying more each month than you need to. This                companies are so competitive that if you call your
         can significantly reduce the effect of compound              credit card company and tell them you’ve found a
         interest on your original loan, but make sure your           lower APR on another card, they may even match it
         lender charges interest daily or monthly and not             as they’ll want to keep you as a customer.
         annually. Some lenders may charge a penalty for
         overpayments so check first.                           9.    Get something back from your credit cards - I
                                                                      suggest finding a credit card that offers some type
    5.   You could set the mortgage up to run over say                of reward such as cash back, phone discounts or
         22 years instead of the normal 25 years again                charity.
         significantly reducing the total interest payable
         over the term, provided you can afford the extra       10.   Pay off your debt with savings – why earn 1-2%
         monthly payments. (On a £150,000 mortgage this               interest on your savings (after 20% or 40% tax) when
         would save over £15,000 in interest payments                 you can save paying penal rates of interest on loans
         over the term).                                              or credit cards.

                                                                                                 Essential Money
11.   If you still have unsecured debt on a high interest             at age 60) or you lose the tax benefits. If you invest
      rate, consider releasing some equity from your house            the maximum you’ll still have £16,000 available for
      with a re-mortgage – or even a further advance                  an ISA.
      which is often a cheaper option and less hassle.
                                                                17.   If you invest outside of an ISA watch out for Capital
12.   Often when you take out a loan, lenders will offer you          Gains Tax which is payable when you sell - 10% on
      Accident Sickness & Unemployment cover. This type               the gain and 20% for a higher rate tax payer (the
      of cover may not be suitable if you are self employed           rates are 18% and 28% for investment properties).
      and if you already have Income Protection. You may              However, you do have an allowance each tax year
      have heard of PPI...                                            (£11,700 for 2018/2019). So in order to avoid paying
                                                                      any CGT, you’d need to cash in your investments
                                                                      when you’ve made a gain in any one tax year of just
                                                                      short of the allowance and you’ll pay no tax! Simple.

                                                                18.   For higher rate tax payers, income from investments
                                                                      can suffer income tax at a rate of up to 40% or
                                                                      32.5% for dividends (income from shares). So
                                                                      consider transferring assets to a non-working
                                                                      spouse to make full use of both personal
                                                                      allowances and increase overall investment returns.
Investment                                                            Such transfers must, of course, be outright and
                                                                      unconditional and it goes without saying you’ve got
13.   The first step in financial planning is to identify             to trust your spouse!
      what you want. Your short-term goals (five years
      or less) might include a wedding, a honeymoon,            19.   By investing lump sums offshore in an ordinary trust,
      furniture or a new car. Next, think about medium-               you can avoid paying any UK taxes. The only time
      term goals, anything from 5 – 15 years such as                  you need to pay any tax is if you bring the money
      owning or expanding your practice and financing                 back into the country (assuming you’ve been in the
      your children’s education. Finally, list your long-term         UK for the time of investment). However, there are
      goals, such as retirement, travel, living abroad and            simple ways of bringing the capital back into the
      philanthropy. Once you know your goals you can                  country without paying any CGT, by clever use of a
      work out how much to save, where to save it and                 trust and the personal allowance. Not for the faint
      what investment risks you can afford to take.                   hearted but completely legal.

14.   By investing in the stock market over the past 80         20.   Fund managers routinely charge 1.75%-2% of the
      years, you could have made more money than most                 funds invested and more often than not underperform
      other forms of investments. The best way to start               against the average. Cut out this layer and invest in
      investing is by putting regular amounts of money into           institutional funds that will give you the return you
      an equities (stocks and shares) Individual Savings              should expect from the risk you’re taking, without the
      Account – see tip No. 15                                        additional cost.

15.   Individual Savings Accounts ISAs are tax efficient        21.   Decide what your level of investment risk you’re
      wrappers for lump sums or regular monthly savings               prepared to take. More often than not, the greater
      that typically invest in collective pools of money such         the risk the greater the potential reward. But don’t
      as unit trusts or investment trusts. ISAs are excellent         get greedy and go for rewards that may put your
      investment vehicles for avoiding both income tax and            investment at too high a risk to be safe. NEVER invest
      capital gains tax and benefiting from stock market              more than you can afford to lose.
      growth. In the tax year 2018/2019 it is possible to
      invest up to £20,000 per person (aged over 18).           22.   You may wish to take different levels of risk for different
                                                                      investment goals. For example you may be prepared to
16.   On 6th April 2017, the Lifetime ISA was introduced              accept a higher risk on an investment with no specific
      which allows individuals aged between 18 and 40                 goal than on your pension. Generally the shorter the
      to save up to £4,000 a year and the government will             investment period the less risk you should take.
      add another 25% - making a maximum investment
      of £5,000 a year. The only catch is you have to use       23.   Remember - tax efficiency is only one consideration in
      the LISA to help buy a property (or take as a pension           an investment. Don’t let the tax tail wag the dog.

24.   Start to invest as early as you can. Einstein said that           unequal shares unless you complete the Form 17
          Compound Interest was the most powerful discovery                 of Beneficial Interest. So if one of you is a basic or
          ever made.                                                        non taxpayer and the other is a higher or additional
                                                                            rate tax payer, ensure the property is owned
    25.   Our investment philosophy is to avoid timing the                  tenants in common with the lower earning spouse
          markets as we don’t know what the future holds.                   owning a higher percentage AND you’ve completed
          However if you can’t resist, make sure you buy when               the above form.
          everyone else is selling and sell when everyone else
          is buying. In other words buy low and sell high – the       31.   Consider selling shares or other investment assets
          essence of contrarianism.                                         before 5th April each year, to use your £11,700
                                                                            Capital Gains Tax annual exemption (2018/2019).
    26.   One way to secure stock market gains is to sell half              Your spouse can then buy them back if you want
          your holdings once they’ve doubled in value, thereby              to retain the shares and obtain an uplift in the base
          keeping your original investment.                                 cost, or you can buy them back yourself, provided
                                                                            you wait 30 days.

                                                                      32.   Register for the rent-a-room scheme and rent out a
                                                                            furnished room in your house, tax free up to £7,500
                                                                            a year.

                                                                      33.   Children’s capital gains are not taxable on the
                                                                            parents unlike most income sources so you can
                                                                            use your children to escape tax – if you trust
                                                                            them more than HM Revenue & Customs! Certain
    Tax                                                                     investments can therefore be acquired by the
                                                                            parent for their child which only give rise to capital
    27.   An investment of £10,000 into a Venture Capital                   growth and no dividends. Planning a series of such
          Trust (VCT) will guarantee you a tax rebate of                    investments to mature each tax year will use up
          £3,000 (30% of investment). These investments                     your children’s CGT exemption.
          (maximum £200,000 a year) tend to be riskier than
          the unit trust variety and are really for the financially   34.   If you are a hospital dentist on PAYE; check your
          sophisticated or those who can afford to lose the                 tax code. If tax has been deducted on Emergency
          money. As long as you keep the investment for five                Tax Code or at Basic Rate or you only worked
          years or more, the rebate is yours to keep. So even               part of the tax year there is a fair chance that you
          if you make a 30% loss, you still break even!                     could be due for a tax rebate at the end of the year
                                                                            (unless you have more than one job).
    28.   Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS) are a similar
          government initiative where tax paying investors            35.   If you are considering a career break of say 6
          receive initial income tax relief of 30% (2018/2019)              months, take it in two tax years. This could save
          on the amount invested in an EIS Company. You                     considerable amounts of tax especially as a
          can invest up to £1,000,000 every year.                           higher rate tax payer. If the career break is for
                                                                            pregnancy, make sure you let your income
    29.   There is also an additional tax advantage of                      protection provider know as they may offer a
          investing in an EIS which is the ability to defer a               career break option.
          capital gains tax bill up to 28% which is good for
          your cashflow. However, since 22 June 2010 any              36.   Older married couples benefit from an increased
          Entrepreneurs Relief (where tax is paid at 10% of                 age-related personal allowance if one partner was
          the gain) would be lost so this is not suitable for               born before 6 April 1935. If you’re married and
          everyone, especially those who have sold their                    born after this date you might still benefit from the
          practice if the gains are less than £10m.                         Marriage Allowance where a non-earning spouse
                                                                            can transfer £1,190 of their personal allowance
    30.   If you live with a spouse, HM Revenue & Customs                   to their spouse (providing they earn less than
          normally treat income from property held in joint                 £46,350), saving up to £238 a year. In the right
          names as if it belonged to the two of you in equal                circumstances, careful planning by transferring
          shares. Each of you is taxed on half the income.                  investment capital to rearrange income between
          This rule applies even if you own the property in                 spouses can also improve tax-efficiency.

                                                                                                        Essential Money
37.   Give your money away and save tax! Obtaining tax              42.   Once you’ve worked out your hourly rate, you’ll realise
      relief on gifts to charities is now much simpler than in            that it’s not financially worth you as a dentist, doing
      prior years. However, obtaining relief at higher rates              work that other people can do such as bookkeeping,
      can involve careful tax planning. It is possible by                 installing software, and practice administration.
      using a ‘deposited donation’ to obtain this benefit.                Employing and delegating the work to someone on
      You can also carry back donations into previous tax                 less than your hourly rate can save you stress and
      years if you’re no longer a higher rate taxpayer.                   hours of time - see tip No. 44.

                                                                    43.   Recruit your team members carefully and always use a
                                                                          3-6 month probationary period for new employees to
                                                                          ensure they are the right people for the job. Not 100%
                                                                          sure after the 3-6 months? Just extend the probation
                                                                          period. If you need to terminate an employee consult a
                                                                          solicitor and make sure you do it correctly.

                                                                    44.   Delegating correctly will give you more time to either:
                                                                          treat patients, relax or work on making your practice
Practice – Principals                                                     more efficient and profitable. It’s important to delegate
                                                                          the whole task to provide employees with a degree
38.   For those in practice, it can be worth paying a salary or           of authority but beware the dangers of completely
      bonus to a lower or non-taxpaying spouse, provided, of              abdicating all responsibility.
      course, they perform work for the business that justifies
      the payment. This could be at such a level as to ensure       45.   Just because the profits of the practice are increasing
      it is free of income tax and NI, assuming this is the               does not mean that you should necessarily pay
      taxpayer’s sole source of income. If a pension payment              your staff more. Link their pay directly to productivity
      is made in respect of this salary or bonus, more tax                and performance and you’ll find that their levels of
      savings are secured now and potentially into retirement.            satisfaction and your profits will improve. This can also
      Even better, if your spouse is GDC registered you could             improve staff retention.
      take them on as a partner in the practice.
                                                                    46.   Spend your marketing budget carefully. To do this,
39.   When you first start your business, claim capital                   one of the important factors is to know which areas of
      allowances on any equipment you already own, but                    your practice are profitable. Not all areas of dentistry
      take into the business, for example, a car, desk and                are equally profitable so it makes sense to understand
      so on. You also don’t have to claim all the capital                 where your hourly rate is the highest and make sure
      allowances you are entitled to. It may save more tax to             that’s the service you’re promoting. Make sure you know
      claim less and carry forward a higher value to the next             how all your new patients found out about your practice.
      year when your profits may be higher or your personal
      allowances lower.                                             47.   Understand the difference between assets and
                                                                          liabilities. A simple definition is that assets put money in
40.   If you’re a principal (self employed rather than                    your pocket, and liabilities take money out. So buying
      incorporated) and have money in your capital                        a car, a boat or a holiday home might traditionally be
      account, you might be able to raise finance on your                 seen as assets, but as they all take money out of your
      practice (interest is tax deductible) which you can then            pocket (in maintenance costs) they’re really liabilities.
      pay yourself and use to reduce your mortgage, where                 Instead focus on buying assets such as commercial
      the interest is not tax deductible.                                 or investment properties, dental practices, and shares.
                                                                          Once you’ve got your assets paying you a regular
41.   Work out what your hourly rate should be by working                 amount (without having to work) you can indulge in the
      backwards. Decide how much you need to earn, add                    luxuries!
      a margin to provide for tax and National Insurance, and
      add in the overheads of the practice to get the gross         48.   One of the best time saving techniques I started using
      income for the practice. Then calculate the number of               many years ago was having a driver for whenever I
      hours you’ll be able to work in the year (less holidays,            travel more than an hour from the office. This means I
      conferences, lunch breaks etc) then divide the required             can write up meeting notes, catch up on emails, and
      practice income by the total number of hours available              talk safely to clients. I accept this example might not be
      to actually treat patients, and this is your required gross         appropriate for dentists – but who could you employ to
      hourly rate. Make sure you’re not undercharging!                    make you more productive?

The revenue will help you calculate your tax ‘correctly’
                                                                            but they do not usually help you to minimise your tax.
                                                                            Would you ask a crocodile to help you across a river?!


    49.   When seeing a doctor, solicitor, accountant or any
          type of service profession, I always recommend using
          a specialist. Almost without exception, the specialist      Pensions
          will have more experience and skill in their particular
          area than will a generalist. This then translates into      56.   Stakeholder Pensions have reduced the charging
          higher quality services provided in the most cost                 structure of personal pensions to an annual
          effective manner possible.                                        management fee of 1.5%. So if you have a Personal
                                                                            Pension or Retirement Annuity Contract (Section
    50.   An accountant who works on behalf of dentists                     226) it might be worth transferring to one of the new
          will make sure you’re claiming all expenses you are               low cost products.
          entitled to. Admittedly associates cannot claim as
          many expenses as principals but it’s worth having a         57.   You can now contribute up to your net relevant
          dental accountant that can help check your schedules              earnings every year subject to a maximum of
          are completed correctly or assist if you’re considering           £40,000 (gross) in 2018/2019, called the Annual
          buying a practice.                                                Allowance. This limit will reduce by £1 for every £2
                                                                            you earn over £150,000, down to a minimum of
    51.   An accountant can also help you compare typical                   £10,000. You may also be entitled to carry forward
          accounting ratios with other dental practices, such as            unused annual allowance for the 3 years from
          wages divided by the gross turnover or assets divided             2015/2016. You can contribute up to £3,600 a
          by current liabilities, so you can highlight specific             year into a pension with no evidence of earnings,
          areas of the business to focus on.                                which means you can claim relief on tax you’ve
                                                                            not even paid. Ideal for non-working spouses, or
    52.   It is important to understand how your accounts                   grandchildren.
          work. The Profit & Loss Account is useful and good
          to compare against previous years performance. By           58.   For those earning over £100,000 a year, you lose
          analysing and comparing 2 to 3 years accounts you                 £1 of personal allowance for every £2 earned up to
          might be able to see where you could make your                    an income of £123,700 where you will have lost all
          practice more profitable. Principals should make time             of your £11,850 personal allowance. To avoid this
          to do this analysis.                                              consider making a pension contribution (subject to
                                                                            annual limits in tip 57 above) or a charitable donation
    53.   Ignoring your tax affairs can cost you money in                   to reduce your income to below £100,000.
          interest on tax and penalties (£100 per year) for not
          filing your tax return on time. If you are overpaying tax   59.   If you are a member of the NHS Pension scheme
          it may not be refunded to you for up to a year unless             make sure your membership and any personal
          you pursue the issue.                                             pension contributions are within the Annual
                                                                            Allowance and Lifetime Allowance (£1.03m from 6
    54.   If you can’t pay your income tax on time contact                  April 2018) limits. Annual Allowance limits for NHS
          HMRC on 0300 200 3835 (Business Payment                           scheme members are calculated by comparing the
          Support Service) and arrange a payment plan –                     benefits at the beginning of the year to end of the
          interest is currently only 3%.                                    year, multiplied by a factor and includes both the tax
                                                                            free lump sum, inflation and dynamisation factors.
    55.   HM Revenue & Customs only guarantee to calculate                  It is not simply the amount you or your employer
          your tax if you get your return to them before 31st               contributes. If you’re unsure phone Hesketh House
          October. Otherwise you may need an accountant to                  on 0300 330 1346 and request a Personal Savings
          help you complete the calculations on your return.                Statement.

                                                                                                        Essential Money
60.   The NHS Pension changed in April 2015, and since                    bands increasing the tax exempt element to £650,000
      then all dentists aged under 50 are no longer able to               or £900,000 including the main residence relief
      remain in the 1995 Section. This means your Normal                  (2018/2019). For those that have re-married after the
      Retirement Age will be 65 (if in the 2008 scheme)                   death of a spouse you could potentially have an even
      or your State Pension Age - typically 67 or 68 (for                 higher nil rate band.
      those in the 2015 scheme). With contribution rates
      up to 14.5%, as well as the additional tax burden of          65.   Transferring assets may also be beneficial for avoiding
      Annual and Lifetime Allowance charges, any high                     Inheritance Tax (IHT). Lifetime gifts to absolute or bare
      earning dentists will need to seriously consider the                trusts are Potentially Exempt Transfers. No inheritance
      advantages of remaining in the scheme.                              tax is due on these ‘PETs’ if the donor survives for
                                                                          seven years. If the asset is sold within 7 years there
                                                                          may be an IHT charge if the donor dies within that time
                                                                          so don’t spend all the money.

                                                                    66.   You can also transfer your assets into a trust where,
                                                                          subject to your health and age, you can get an
                                                                          immediate reduction on your IHT liability and any
                                                                          growth on the fund is outside of your estate. After 7
                                                                          years it’s all IHT free.

                                                                    67.   One approach taken to avoid IHT is to buy shares or
                                                                          securities in Alternative Investment Market (AIM) listed
Estate Planning                                                           stock. After 2 years the assets can benefit from 100%
                                                                          Business Property Relief, saving a 40% tax bill for the
61.   It’s often said that Inheritance Tax (IHT) is a voluntary           beneficiaries.
      tax. If your estate is likely to be above the nil rate band
      of £325,000 per person, plus the new main residence           68.   You can also use Business Property Relief (BPR) to
      relief of £125,000 (2018/2019) you may need to take                 your advantage by setting up a family trust. This can be
      some simple steps to reduce the tax bill. Most people               useful if you’re planning to sell your practice, you want
      don’t realise their life insurance is included in their             to reduce your IHT liability and you don’t necessarily
      estate when they die. Review whether you can put                    need all your assets to provide an income. All you
      these plans trust for your children or beneficiaries and            need to do before you agree to sell your practice is
      you might be able to save thousands of pounds of                    to set up a family trust and gift your practice property
      tax. Who would you rather have your money - your                    into it. The assets then immediately qualify under BPR
      beneficiaries or HM Revenue & Customs?                              and remain outside your estate for IHT purposes. The
                                                                          only downside to point out is that the assets are now
62.   Despite some financial costs associated with                        irrevocably outside your estate and the only people
      implementing a will, the benefits from some estate                  that can benefit will be the beneficiaries – typically your
      planning far outweigh the initial costs. Remember                   children or grandchildren.
      solicitors typically make more from sorting out intestate
      estates (no will) than they do from setting up wills.
      Ensure that the will satisfies your present requirements,
      but changes in legislation and your personal
      circumstances make it important to review it.

63.   How about just getting married! If you’re living with
      your partner, but not legally married your estate could
      be left with a large inheritance tax bill as a result. This
      is because if you leave your estate to your partner and
      the value exceeds £325,000 then tax will be due at            Protection
      40% (see tip No. 80). However, if you are married the
      entire transfer is exempt. Time to tie the knot?              69.   Take out insurance when you’re in your 20’s & 30’s
                                                                          as the younger you are the cheaper it is. If you’re
64.   The other benefit of being married is that if your                  now in your 40’s or 50’s and realise you need some
      estate passes to your spouse on death your surviving                cover, it’s still not too late, but premiums will only
      spouse will then have the benefit of both nil rate                  get more expensive each year.

70.   Work out exactly how much life cover or critical illness          properties. For instance, if you buy and sell, your
           cover you want or need and then make sure you                     gains may be taxed as Income rather then Capital
           review this reasonably regularly. Life cover may not              Gains. This means that you need to establish how
           be necessary for everyone, such as those with no                  and which taxes (Income Tax and / or Capital Gains
           dependants.                                                       Tax) will be applied to your property investments.
                                                                             Once you know how tax will be assessed on your
     71.   If you do have cover it’s worth reviewing all your plans          investments, then you can establish a tax minimising
           as term rates have reduced dramatically over the last             strategy.
           few years, particularly for women since the EU Gender
           Discrimination Act was passed in 2012.                      78.   If you rent out a property and want to release some
                                                                             equity from it, tax relief on the interest on the new
     72.   It’s also worth getting guaranteed premiums – it might            mortgage can be given on loans up to the value of
           cost more in the first year or so but it could save               the property when you start letting the house. So
           you thousands of pounds in the long term. If you’re               even if you use the money for personal reasons you
           planning on emigrating, returning to study, or quitting           can still claim tax relief on the interest.
           dentistry and plan to cancel the contract, reviewable
           premiums may be more appropriate.                           79.   One cost effective way to own land is by ‘annexing’.
                                                                             If you extend your fence to claim a piece of waste
     73.   Make sure you’re getting value for money on your                  land at the end of your garden, then after 12 years
           protection products. Some income protection plans                 you may be entitled to claim it as your own. (Statute
           have so many exclusions you may as well be pouring                of Limitations Act 1977). This is not a simple process
           your money down the drain. Not much point in that, so             though so make sure you use a solicitor.
           always check the exclusions, small print on your policy
           details and make sure you have an “own” occupation          80.   The new nil rate residence band (RNRB) of
           definition that covers you as a dentist.                          £125,000 (increasing to £175,000 over the next
                                                                             2 tax years) will be reduced if your estate is worth
     74.   When you’re completing applications for insurance                 over £2m. To help manage this you can change
           disclose all relevant medical history. If you do not              the property ownership into tenants in common
           disclose material facts the policy could be declared null         to allow each spouse to control how the property
           and void and you’ll have wasted all your premiums.                passes on death. This can potentially preserve their
           ‘Innocent non-disclosure’ is the biggest reason for               entitlements to the RNRB by keeping each partner’s
           failure of claims.                                                assets below £2m.

     75.   If you your practice has incorporated, you can set up a
           Death in Service scheme, where the practice can pay
           the premiums which are fully tax deductible, whilst any
           claim is payable tax free to your beneficiaries.

     76.   Write your life assurance policies in trust and then
           make sure you review them fairly regularly. It doesn’t
           just help to reduce tax, it can ensure the money goes
           to the right people at the right time, without having to
           wait until probate has been finalised.                      Some more creative ideas

                                                                       81.   Enjoy a first class seat on an airline but only pay
                                                                             the economy fare. As you hand your tickets over
                                                                             at the check-in, just ask the assistant whether it’s
                                                                             possible to obtain a courtesy upgrade to first class
                                                                             or business class. It helps if you dress smartly,
                                                                             it’s your birthday or you’re celebrating a special

     Property                                                          82.   Get discounts on everything you buy just by
                                                                             asking. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. This
     77.   If you buy properties to ‘renovate and sell’, then you            especially applies to independent shops, dental
           will be taxed differently than if you only ‘buy and let’          and stationery suppliers.

                                                                                                        Essential Money
83.   Similarly when you’re staying in a hotel, try booking     90.   Don’t succumb to sales fever. It doesn’t matter if it
      a standard room but then ask if it’s possible for a             cost £2,000, reduced to £20, do you really need a
      courtesy upgrade. Just by asking for the best rate              purple fake fur jacket? If you don’t really need it and
      possible you can often get better than a corporate              it’s not your style, then it’s not a bargain.
      rate. If you’re staying with a partner it might help to
      mention if it’s a special occasion. Last time we did      91.   Quit smoking. Just a couple of packs a week would
      this we got a bottle of wine and a card – and yes it            be a saving of £1,000 a year. Invested over 30
      really was my wife’s birthday!                                  years at 6% growth would give you over £80,000. If
                                                                      you can’t quit smoking nip over to Europe and buy
84.   When you’re going abroad, avoid paying tourist                  a few packs which will save you approximately half
      exchange rates. Try using an online comparison                  the cost of UK cigarettes.
      service such as CompareHolidayMoney who
      will direct you to some of the best rates with
      free delivery. For international transfers, I use
      Transferwise.com as they have no minimum
      transfer amounts and only charge a small fee.

85.   If you’d like to earn 30 times more interest when
      you’re in credit, halve the cost of your overdraft or
      get better service, switching accounts is easier than
      you might think. View some of the best accounts
      and overdrafts at Moneyfacts – I have a 123 current       Telephone
      account with Santander to make the most of their
      1.5% savings rate on balances up to £20,000 and           92.   Use a comparison site to compare line rental
      cashback on household bills, which easily covers                suppliers against each other. Find one that takes into
      the £5 monthly charge.                                          account all of the hidden charges.

86.   Don’t overpay for your utilities. Check the free          93.   Check you are getting all the discounts
      comparison services, which advise on the best                   you’re entitled to. There are often Friends and
      deals in electricity, gas, home phones and television           Family numbers which offer discounts on nominated
      in your area. Taking a half day off work to spend               numbers. Review your bills and update these
      time arranging all this is likely to save more money            frequently. There are also numerous tariffs that give
      than you could earn after paying lab bills, tax.                unlimited free calls for a fixed monthly cost.

87.   If you’re interested in travelling abroad cheaply, you    94.   You can make huge savings on international calls
      could consider travelling as a courier which involves           if you use a secondary supplier. I’m currently using
      picking up packages from the airport at one end                 Local Phone which saves me lots of money calling
      and leaving it at the destination airport. You get the          abroad from my mobile but routed through them,
      same benefits as other passengers on the same                   paying just a few pence per minute.
      plane but far cheaper although you might have to
      travel with carry-on luggage only.                        95.   Reduce your mobile phone bill - just phone up
                                                                      customer services and ask the representative if
88.   Buying on a credit card instead can give you the                there’s a better talk plan you could be on. I prefer to
      additional guarantees you need under Section                    buy my mobile phones outright and then sign up to
      75 of the Consumer Credit Act. Avoid extended                   a SIM only monthly contract for £10-£15 a month
      warranties – these are often worthless. Most                    – it works out cheaper than buying the phone on a
      products have a 1 or 2 year guarantee anyway.                   contract.

89.   If you’ve had bad service, it’s worth complaining.
      Most large companies will usually settle up rather
      than have a dissatisfied customer mentioning it
      online. A short sharp letter to the head office of
      a company who has given you bad service will
      usually be replied to by return, with an apology and
      hopefully a cheque.

101. A well serviced car uses between 25% and 33%
                                                                          less fuel each year. It’s also worth having the oil
                                                                          and oil filter changed every 3,000 miles. Frequent
                                                                          oil changes are the single most important factor in
                                                                          extending engine life, and will more than pay for itself
                                                                          in repairs and engine wear savings.

                                                                     102. Fuel costs. Register at the free price-comparison
                                                                          website PetrolPrices.com, which compares fuel
                                                                          prices at all service stations across the UK.

     96.   A major financial scam known as ‘advanced fee
           fraud’ involves offers of large amounts of money
           in return for helping to move funds out of various
           African countries. If it sounds too good to be true it
           probably is! Avoid.

     97.   Pyramid Schemes are ‘get rich quick’ schemes that
           in theory make money for everyone involved but
           in reality see the original ‘investors’ cash-in at the    A few extra tips
           expense of newcomers. Best avoided like the plague
           unless you like a gamble where you don’t know the         103. With the advent of Contactless we’re using cash
           odds. Remember Risk & Reward are closely linked.               much less. However, paying cash has been
                                                                          proven to make spenders think before making a
                                                                          purchase. Use cash instead of credit.

                                                                     104. Work out where your money goes. Read your
                                                                          bank statements as they can often reveal any
                                                                          bad spending habits. Prepare a monthly budget
                                                                          including all your direct debits and you’ll be
                                                                          surprised how much money you should have left
                                                                          over. It’s not the bills that get most of us down, it’s
                                                                          the hundreds of little things we don’t plan for... but
     Travel                                                               those little things add up …. QUICK!

     98.   Buy train tickets up 3 months before travelling           105. It sometimes helps to go shopping when upset
           and you can often travel first class for less than an          or depressed, often called ‘retail therapy’, but
           economy ticket bought on the same day of travel.               watch out for the shock when you get your bank
           You’re also often entitled to complimentary food and           statement or credit card the following month!
                                                                     106. Always pay yourself first. Save at least 10% or more
     99.   Keep cars longer instead of trading in every few               of everything you make for yourself and put it in a
           years. Not only does the cost of new cars rise each            savings account. This is probably the key secret
           year, but cars depreciate quickly, and when you                to keeping money and making your money work
           trade frequently, you lose money on low trade-in               for you. Remember it’s not what you earn that’s
           values. Try buying a good quality car and keeping it           important, it’s what you do with what you earn.
           for 3+ years.

     100. Buying a car a few months old can save thousands           On a final and more personal note, a very good friend
          of pounds in depreciation when a car drives off the        and client read the above and commented
          forecourt. They’re no more or less reliable than a         “…investing time in your relationships can save you
          brand new car and bought from a reputable garage,          more in the long run than all of the above points put
          will still have all the warranties.                        together!”

           Or, if you really want a new car have a look at leasing   Hope you enjoyed reading these tips and best of luck
           one, also called Personal Contract Hire.                  making the most of your money! Thomas Dickson

                                                                                                       Essential Money
The Author

Thomas was brought up in Hong Kong as one of five            Thomas has been a member of the Association of
children and spent a formative year in Tokyo as a            Specialist Providers to Dentists (ASPD) since 2004.
20 year old. Having overcome the culture shock of            Members of the Association are professionals such
moving to Aston University Birmingham in 1989 he             as Solicitors, Accountants, Independent Financial
completed his Managerial & Administrative Studies            Advisers, Practice Valuers, Bankers and Insurance
degree course 4 years later. He’s now happily married        Brokers who specialise in providing services to the
with 3 young children and lives in Birmingham.               dental profession.

Thomas started working as a financial adviser in 1993        This ability to network with like-minded professionals
with NM Schroders who were swiftly taken over by             from various professional disciplines helps us to advise
Friends Provident the following year. In 1996 he made        dentists throughout their career.
the step to become an Independent Financial Adviser,
founded Dickson Lishman Prince and due to their              Thomas has continued to pass various financial papers
success in working with dentists they re-branded as          and has been awarded the Advanced Financial Planning
‘money4dentists’. Thomas subsequently incorporated           Certificate by the Chartered Insurance Institute (Dip
the firm as Essential Money Limited and is now the 100%      PFS) is a Chartered Financial Planer and Certified
shareholding director.                                       Financial PlannerCM. His main passion is working with
                                                             dentists to help them achieve their financial objectives.
The move into working with dentists began in the late 90’s
with a series of highly successful seminars. Invitations     For details on how Essential Money can help change
followed from these to present financial planning seminars   the way you plan your finances:
to groups within dentistry, including Women in Dentistry,
dental health education council, the BDA and both            •   call 0121 685 5060 and ask to speak to an adviser or
undergraduate & postgraduate schools. Essential Money            you are very welcome to pop in to our offices:
are now regular speakers at events across the country and
work with dentists throughout the whole of the UK.           •   3 Greenfield Crescent Edgbaston Birmingham B15 3BE

Some quotable money quotes!

     “In this world nothing is         “There are few ways in
     certain but death and taxes.”     which a man can be more
     Benjamin Franklin
                                       innocently employed than in
                                       getting money.“
                                       Samuel Johnson
     “Wealth is the parent of
     luxury and indolence, and
     poverty of meanness and           “Lack of money is the root of
     viciousness, and both of          all evil.”
     discontent.”                      George Bernard Shaw


                                       “Nothing is so hard for those
     “If thou wilt be perfect, go      who abound in riches as to
     and sell that thou hast,          conceive how others can be
     and give to the poor, and         in want.”
     thou shalt have treasure in       Jonathan Swift
     Matthew 19:21
                                       “He that trusteth in his riches
                                       shall fall.”
     “Money is like muck, not          Proverbs 11:28
     good except it be spread.”
     Francis Bacon
                                       “He that findeth a good IFA
                                       they can trust will do really
     “It is easier for a camel to go   well.”
     through the eye of a needle,      Thomas Dickson 2003
     than for a rich man to enter
     into the kingdom of God.”
     Matthew 19:24

     “The love of money is the
     root of all evil.”
     I Timothy 6:10

     “A feast is made for laughter,
     and wine maketh merry: but
     money answereth all things.“
     Ecclesiastes 10:19

                                                             Essential Money
3 Greenfield Crescent, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3BE

                                                            t:   0121 685 5060
                                                            f:   0121 685 5065
                                                            e:   justask@essentialmoney.co.uk
                                                            w:   www.essentialmoney.co.uk

Essential Money Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England No. 6127617   v16 May 2018
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