2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications

Page created by Vanessa Burgess
2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications
2018 Media Kit
2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications
About us

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Canada’s Spa Connection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 For 15 years Spa Inc. has provided insight into the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 newest products, services and trends, both Canadian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and international, for spa and esthetics businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 across Canada.

                                                                         Circulation:                                                                                                                                                                            The publication reaches a 100% qualified audience,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 many of whom are today’s leaders and top decision-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 makers in Canada’s spa and esthetics industry. In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 conjunction, the publication reaches the waiting rooms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of Canada’s top spas, including the winners of the
                                                         English readers:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Canadian Spa & Wellness Awards.
                                                          French readers:

                                                                         4,751                                                                                                                                                                                   Letter from the Editor
                                 SOURCE: *April 2018 Publisher’s Claim
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fifteen years ago we embarked on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a journey to connect the Canadian
                                                                                                                                         WINTER 2017-18                                                                                                                              spa industry through a bilingual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     publication that would communicate
                                                                 CANADA’S SPA CONNECTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     about spa education, standards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and practices, and the latest in spa
                                                    awards2017                                        the                                                                                                                                                                            products and equipment. Today Spa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Inc. magazine reaches over 14,000
                                 presented by

                                                                 WE ASKED WHAT MAKES OUR 2017 SPA
                                                                 AWARD WINNERS THE BEST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     spa owners, professionals and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 clients across Canada. The magazine is published four
                                                                 WELLNESS TRAVEL
                                                                 2018 Trends
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HIV ER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   20 17-
                                                                 Floating Away                                                                                                                                                                              18
                                                                 AT FLOAT VALLEY

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                                                                                                                                                                           TO U
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                                                                                                                                                                                            LE SPA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 times a year in English and French in a single flip-style
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 publication, and has established itself as a trusted
                                                                                                                                                                                                     AU CA
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                                                                                                                        La re
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                                                                                                                                                                            me                                                                                   source of spa industry news and information, as well
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        www.spainc.ca                                                                                                                                GAGN
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and distributors of esthetic and wellness products to a
                                                                                                                                                                      2017 DE ONS DEMA
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 qualified audience of decision-makers. Our editorial is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 what makes us a one-of-a-kind publication — providing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 real business support to spa owners and managers, who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 keep coming back to us issue after issue.
                                                                                         Postes-p            inc.ca
                                                                                                                   N O. 400

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           8 12:26

                   Join the conversation:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Hermione Wilson
                                                                                                                                                                                               @SpaIncMag                                                                      Assistant Editor
2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications
Why advertise with us?

With nearly 3/4 of our readers in either a
management or ownership position,
Spa Inc. i ci cula ed                   a qualified a       e
  a e                u e               a e e ula l l         in
for products and services like yours.

                                                            ficial   edia a ne

          We’re at
          the hub
                                              l   al a ne

          of it all

You Can Find Spa Inc.
a       a ncludin
• Scandinave Spa Blue Mountain
• Ste. Anne’s Spa
• BALNEA réserve thermal
• Hammam Spa
• Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Express
                                                                     THE ONLY
• Spa St. James at the Ritz-Carlton                                  BILINGUAL
• Dol-às Spa
• Ten Spa
• The L Spa and Wellness Centre
                                                                     SPA MAGAZINE
• Sante Spa Victoria                                                 IN CANADA
                aa    i     a     aa
• Stillwater Spa

                                                                                      Canada ranks
• Ancient Cedars Spa
• Island Currents Spa
      i     e    aa        an   i la     el                                           for wellness
• Interlude Spa                                                                       destinations
• 100 Fountains Spa at Pillar and Post
  e        a nfini    a                                                          SOURCE: The Global Wellness
                                                                                 Economy Monitor 2017

                Your connection to Canada’s spa and wellness industry
2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications
Customizable integrated marketing programs

       e         d e i in                                a a ine             d e i in                          Inserts/Outserts

                                                                                                                 Stand out and make a splash
Looking for an online presence? Advertise on                                                                     with our dazzling insert and
 www.spainc.ca, our central hub for industry         Print ads are an essential part of our signature                   outsert options.
  trends and news, to increase your brand’s         integrated marketing series. We have a variety of
awareness. Want to be seen longer? Ask about          advertising sizes and rates to fit your needs.
                 our packages!

             e       le e                l                 i i al        di i n                           eadin     a
                                                                                                         Canada Directory

       Gain an advertising edge through our         Keep your brand top of mind by placing
       digital content mediums. Advertising            your ad on our digital edition. This
       in our regular E-Newsletter and blog           unique tool allows readers to timely              The directory is the only one of its kind

         ensures your brand is top-of-mind             access your content and the ability              in Canada providing the opportunity

             with Spa Inc.’s audience.                 to take immediate action. Various                      to showcase products and

                                                        advertising options are available.                   spas to 80,000+ consumers .

                                              e e      e in           e ull        ea         en
2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications
Awards Sponsorship

                                                           I believe the support of the
                                                           industry is key! What better
                                                           way to be recognized within
                                                           and across the country than
                                                           having been awarded a
                                                           prestige Canadian Spa &
Our exclusive sponsorship packages place your
                                                           Wellness Award! It’s a necessity
brand at the head of Canada’s exclusive spa awards
                                                           to advance your brand.
program. Take exclusive ownership of one or more
of the awards categories and connect directly with         – Joann Patriquin, Spa Director,
                                                             Dol-ás Spa, Fox Harb’r Resort
Canada’s spa industry.



    Platinum        Gold         Silver      i na u e

   cial     edia      ac a e
Reach Spa Inc.’s rapidly growing social media following, at 9,000+ and counting, with a customized
sponsored post or campaign. t s the perfect finishing touch to ele ate your marketing campaign.

                                                     SpaIncMag                      @SpaIncMag
   @SpaIncMag               @SpaIncMag            500+ Followers &                 600+ Followers
  7000+ Followers          900+ Followers       7000 Monthly Viewers            7000 Monthly Viewers

                      i e      u ca         ai n     e a         e in i need
2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications
Editorial Calendar

                               Space closing: Mar. 16 • Ad material deadline: Mar. 23      S P RING
in each issue                  THE QUALIFIED SPA
                               Highlighting the skilled spa workers that make up this industry and
spa news                       addressing their needs.
Industry news                  • Education
                               • Standards and practices
spa light                      • Spa innovation
Features top spas
across Canada                  • Product Highlights: tea tree oil, nails, cosmetics

spa business
Business, marketing and
                               Space closing: Jun. 12 • Ad material deadline: Jun. 19     SUMMER
management tips and
trends                         THE CARING SPA
                               Focusing in on clients and how we can improve their spa experiences.
in the know
                               • Accessibility at the spa
Skincare and esthetics
technology and techniques      • Infection control
                               • Loyalty programs
fresh & new                    • Product Highlights: facial masks, botanicals, acne
New products

spa star
Profile of beauty and
                               Space closing: Sept. 12 • Ad material deadline: Sept. 19         FA LL
wellness personalities
                               THE BUSINESS SAVVY SPA
                               Teaching spas how to put their best foot forward when presenting
                               themselves to potential clients.
                               • Marketing strategies

editorial submissions          • Liability
                               • Finance
Spa Inc. will consider         • Product Highlights: spa furniture, body scrubs, hyaluronic acid
content that reflects the
Spa Inc. editorial position.
Editorial content may be       Space closing: Nov. 7 • Ad material deadline: Nov. 14      W I NTER
subject to change at the
discretion of the editor.      THE AWARD WINNING SPA
                               Celebrating Canadian spas who have proven their
To submit content for          excellence and commitment to high standards.
consideration,                                                                          THE OFFICIAL
                               • Special: Feature on 2018 Canadian Spa &
                                 Wellness Awards winners
                               • Wellness trends
Hermione Wilson
                               • Medi spa innovation                                       ISSUE
                               • Product Highlights: anti-aging, boosters and
                                 serums, fillers and injectables

 SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE Spa Inc.’s 15th Anniversary
2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications
display print ad rates and specs
ENGLISH                                                       FRENCH
(4C only)             1x       2x        3x         4x        (4C only)        1x         2x      3x           4x       reserve space
Full page      $2,580 $2,450 $2,330 $2,215                    Full page    $1,270 $1,205       $1,145      $1,085       in both the English
1/2 page          1,935    1,840      1,750     1,660         1/2 page       955      905       860           815
                                                                                                                        and French editions
1/3 page          1,675     1,590     1,510       1,435       1/3 page       825      785        745          705
1/4 page          1,420     1,350     1,285       1,220       1/4 page       700      665       630           600
                                                                                                                        and receive a
DPS              4,645     4,415     4,195     3,985          DPS          2,285     2,170     2,060         1,955      35% discount
Covers                                                        Covers
IFC/IBC         $3,225 $3,065 $2,910 $2,765                   IFC/IBC      $1,590    $1,510 $1,435          $1,365
OBC              3,095     2,940     2,795      2,655         OBC           1,525    1,450     1,380         1,365

marketplace ad rates & specs
                                    Rate                                                                  Details       Mail or fax
1/4 page                            $500                                              75–100 words +1 image             contracts/insertion orders and
                                                                                                                        material to:
1/2 page                            $895                                            100–200 words + 2 image
All marketplace ads appear together. Includes website link and mention in e-newsletter.                                 Dovetail Communications Inc.
                                                                                                                        30 East Beaver Creek Road
                                                                                                                        Suite 202, Richmond Hill
Inserts/Outserts/Sponsored Content                                                                                      ON L4B 1J2
Rates available upon request                                                                                            Tel.: 905.886.6640 Fax: 905.886.6615
                                                                                                                        Email: spa@dvtail.com
e-newsletter ad rates & specs (bi-monthly)                                                                              Website: www.dvtail.com
                                         Rate                  Specs
Leaderboard                              $625       728 x 90 pixels          mechanical requirements
Medium Rectangle                           440 300 x 250 pixels              ELECTRONIC MATERIAL: igital files only.         F - a files are preferred. Alternate
Square Tile                                220 140 x 140 pixels              acceptable formats include: Macintosh format, QuarkXPress 10 InDesign CC2017,
                                                                             Illustrator CC2017 , Photoshop CC2017 (or earlier). Include all fonts and high-
online ad rates and specs                                                    resolution images        dpi files for est resolution in FF or E format (CMYK
                                                                             only). To ensure the accuracy of all advertisements, a full-size colour proof must
       e a e         i i n Monthly Rate                         Specs        be provided. Publisher shall not be liable for any advertisements received
Leaderboard                              $500       728 x 90 pixels          without a colour proof.
Medium Rectangle                           350 300 x 250 pixels
                                                                             FILE TRANSFER:                 F   or email. maller files can e emailed up to a
Square Tile                                 175     140 x 140 pixels         ma imum file si e of            . end to chimes@dvtail.com.

Discounted frequency for the web rates: 3 months: 5% off,                    FTP SITE: Please send an email to ftp@dvtail.com for password information for
6 months: 10% off, 12 months: 15% off.
GIF or JPEG in RGB colour space, 72 dpi. Please indicate the                 the Spa Inc. FTP site.
URL click through for all online ad creative.
                                                                             DESIGN SERVICES: Complete design services are available at an additional
                                                                             charge. For details, please contact: Roberta Dick, robertad@dvtail.com or
dimensions                                                                   Crystal Himes, chimes@dvtail.com, Tel: 905.886.6640
                                                     width x depth
Trim page                                             8.375 x 10.875
                                                                             terms and conditions
Bleed page                                                8.625 x 11.125
Live Area                                                  7.25 x 9.875      AGENCY COMMISSION: Fifteen per cent (15%) of gross to recognized agencies.

2/3 page vert.                                            4.75 x 9.875       TERMS: Net 30 days. Two per cent (2%) per month interest on overdue
1/2 page vert.                                              3.4 x 9.875      accounts.
1/2 page horz.                                                 7.25 x 5
                                                                             TAXES: Our published rates do not include applicable taxes which will be added
1/3 page vert.                                             2.25 x 9.875      to in oices and clearly identified.
1/3 page horz.                                                 7.25 x 3
                                                                                      E    O      O     Advertising material is subject to approval by the
1/4 page                                                     3.4 x 4.75      pu lisher. f an ad ertiser s contract is not fulfilled as specified the ad ertiser
DPS                                                   16.75 x 10.875         agrees to pay the resulting short rates back to the best earned space rate
Please include crop marks for ads that bleed (full page and DPS only)
and supply the bleed at 1/8 inch beyond the trim.
                                                                               ancella i n and          ace c an e n   acce   ed a e cl   in da e
2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications
30 East Beaver Creek Road
 Suite 202, Richmond Hill
        ON L4B 1J2
   Tel.: 905.886.6640
   Fax: 905.886.6615
 Email: spa@dvtail.com


              Senior Account
              Carmelina Karas
2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications 2018 Media Kit - Dovetail Communications
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