Page created by William Henry
Scholarships & Grants
                                  SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS   1
UOW Future Students
1300 367 869

University Admissions Centre (UAC)

Department of Education

Write down these important numbers
when you get them – they’re essential for
many of the applications and enquiries
you’ll make at the end of the year.

HSC number

UAC number

UAC online login

UAC online password

UOW Online Scholarships application

Hard work pays off
UOW Scholarships and Grants will help you reach your goals. We believe that excellence deserves reward
– and if you’re willing to put in the hard yards, then so are we.
Some of our scholarships are designed to reward the most academic and talented students for their
achievements. Others recognise the personal attributes and community contributions of well-rounded
students. We also offer scholarships to students with exceptional sporting ability, to allow them to study
as well as pursue their sporting goals.
Each scholarship gives you financial assistance so that you can focus more effectively on your studies.
Some will also offer the opportunity for work-integrated learning programs that include work experience
with one of our corporate sponsors.
This guide will show you UOW’s scholarship options. Applications are now open and on-time applications
will close 30 November 2017.
For more information and to apply for a UOW Scholarship or Grant, visit

2   Scholarships at a glance
3   How to apply – your step-by-Step Guide
4   Academic Scholarships
5   Faculty Scholarships
9   Work Integrated Learning Scholarships
10 Corporate Scholarships
12 Sporting Scholarships
13 Equity Scholarships
14 Accommodation Scholarships
15 Community Scholarships
17 Frequently asked questions

                                                                             SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS         1
Scholarships at a glance
We know that all students are different and have different needs and priorities, so we work hard to
make sure that we have scholarships to suit all students.

There are seven main types of UOW Scholarships:

ACADEMIC                                                             CORPORATE
Academic Scholarships reward academic excellence and require         Corporate Scholarships are industry-specific scholarships
a high level of achievement in the HSC (for students intending on    provided by organisations to encourage students to study, or
studying at UOW in 2018). See page 4 for more information.           continue to study in a particular field. See page 10 for more
Faculty Scholarships recognise students’ high achievement
in study areas pertaining to the degree they want to pursue          Sporting Scholarships provide financial support to talented
at UOW. Along with financial support, recipients will fulfil an      athletes. They recognise the outstanding abilities of sporting
ambassadorial role for the faculty by participating in events. See   men and women in their particular field and provide financial
page 5-8 for more information.                                       support to assist with the costs associated with competing at elite
                                                                     levels. See page 12 for more information.
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Scholarships are sponsored
by UOW’s corporate partners. WILs combine financial support          Equity Scholarships provide assistance to students who are
and work experience with the corporate sponsor providing             experiencing social or financial disadvantage. See page 13 for
the scholarship. Students gain valuable practical experience         more information.
and contacts to enhance their degree. Eligible students will
be enrolling in degrees that are in line with the sponsoring         COMMUNITY
organisation’s industry. See page 9 for more information.
                                                                     Community Scholarships are provided by local individuals and
                                                                     community groups to support high-achieving students who are
Standard criteria and                                                particularly motivated and interested in a career path or who
                                                                     have come to UOW from a specific town or region. See page 15 for
information                                                          more information.

The following criteria apply to all UOW Future Student
Undergraduate Scholarships for 2018:
Applicants must be commencing study in 2018 as a first year (no
previous enrolment at UOW) full-time student at UOW (unless
advised otherwise).
Applicants must be Australian Citizens, Australian Permanent
Residents or holders of an Australian Humanitarian Visa (unless
advised otherwise).
There is additional criteria that varies for each scholarship and
will be detailed in each scholarship listing.

How to apply
                             FIND THE
  WORK HARD                                                 APPLY ONLINE              INTERVIEWS                 OUTCOMES
                        SCHOLARSHIP FOR YOU

1. WORK HARD                                                         4. INTERVIEWS
Work as hard as you can in your final year of high school. Strong    Some scholarships will require you to attend an interview, while
marks and a willingness to work hard means you’re ready to           others will be awarded based solely on your application.
study at UOW.
                                                                     Applicants who are shortlisted for an interview will firstly be
                                                                     contacted by telephone and then will have all the interview
2. FIND THE SCHOLARSHIP FOR YOU                                      information sent to their email account.
All of our scholarships, including their values and application
criteria are listed in this guide. Make sure you read and            5. OUTCOMES
understand the selection criteria for each scholarship.
                                                                     Scholarship applicants to receive the outcome of their UOW
                                                                     Scholarship application in writing from late December 2017. This
3. APPLY ONLINE                                                      notification will be sent to the email address you provide in your
UOW Scholarship applications are online at                           application.
                                                                     All applicants will be ranked, so in the event that a successful
If you’re unable to access the internet to submit an application –
                                                                     candidate does not accept their scholarship offer, the next person
call the Scholarships Team on (02) 4252 8959.
                                                                     on the list will be made the offer.
The online form will ask you what degrees you’re interested
                                                                     An application for a UOW Scholarship is not an application to
in pursuing at UOW – by entering this information you’ll
                                                                     study at UOW. You will still need to apply for admission to UOW
automatically be considered for the appropriate UOW Faculty
                                                                     via the Universities Admission Centre (UAC). Similarly, an offer
Scholarships. You will then be asked to select any other
                                                                     of a UOW scholarship is not an offer of admission to UOW.
scholarship/s you’d like to be considered for. The application
form will also tell you what supporting documentation you’ll         You must receive an offer to study at the University of
need to supply with your application.                                Wollongong via UAC for your scholarship offer to be activated.

Applications are open now, and will be accepted until 30             For information about the Universities Admission Centre, refer
November 2017.                                                       to uac.edu.au

                                                                                                 SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS                3
Academic Scholarships
UOW’s Academic Scholarships reward academic excellence, and require a high level of
achievement in final school exams.

Vice Chancellor’s Academic                                         University of Wollongong
Excellence Scholarships                                            Double Degree Scholarships
For high-achieving candidates attending a school within our main   AMOUNT: Up to $20,000 over the duration of the
drawing area. The Illawarra, Southern Sydney, South Western &      undergraduate double degree ($4,000 per year)
Western Sydney, Southern Highlands, the South Coast of NSW, and    NUMBER AVAILABLE: Two
the ACT.
                                                                   SELECTION CRITERIA:
AMOUNT: $3,000 for one year                                        ƒƒ   Minimum ATAR (or equivalent) of 95
NUMBER AVAILABLE: 150                                              ƒƒ   Must enrol full-time in any UOW Double Degree program.
SELECTION CRITERIA:                                                ƒƒ   Outstanding academic achievement based on most recent
                                                                        academic results.
ƒƒ   Top performing students in the 2017 HSC and/or
                                                                   ƒƒ   Other criteria is listed at
     International Baccalaureate are selected by UOW. Selection
                                                                        uow.edu.au/about/scholarships or call (02) 4252 8959
     is typically based on ATAR or equivalent.
                                                                   ƒƒ   No application is necessary, as students are automatically
ƒƒ   To be eligible, students must be attending a school within
                                                                        considered by UOW based on information received directly
     UOW’s main drawing area.
                                                                        from UAC.
ƒƒ   No application is necessary, as students are automatically
     considered by UOW based on information received directly
     from UAC.                                                     2018 High Achievers
To be eligible, students must have a UOW preference within their   Scholarship
top four UAC preferences by 17 December 2017.
                                                                   The High Achievers Scholarship is in recognition of the high
                                                                   calibre of students and the outstanding success of our Vice
                                                                   Chancellor’s Academic Excellence Scholars for 2018.
                                                                   AMOUNT: $2,000
                                                                   SELECTION CRITERIA:
                                                                   ƒƒ   In receipt of Vice Chancellor’s Academic Excellence
                                                                        Scholarship for 2018.

UOW Faculty Scholarships
Our Faculty Scholarships recognise high-achieving students. Scholarship recipients will be expected
to fulfil an ambassadorial role for the faculty by becoming committee members of the appropriate
faculty’s Student and Staff Association and actively participating in faculty hosted events.

FACULTY OF BUSINESS                                                              FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND
                                                                                 INFORMATION SCIENCES

Undergraduate Scholarships
AMOUNT: $12,000 - $16,000 over the minimum duration of the
                                                                                 Undergraduate Scholarships
undergraduate degree ($4,000 per year)                                           AMOUNT: $12,000 to $20,000 over the minimum duration of
NUMBER AVAILABLE: Three                                                          the undergraduate degree ($4,000 per year)
SELECTION CRITERIA:                                                              NUMBER AVAILABLE: Six
ƒƒ   Must enrol in a full-time degree or double degree offered by                SELECTION CRITERIA:
     the Faculty of Business                                                     ƒƒ   Must enrol in a full-time degree or double degree offered by
ƒƒ   Outstanding academic achievement based on most recent                            the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
     academic records                                                            ƒƒ   Outstanding academic achievement based on most recent
ƒƒ   Motivation and interests, particularly in relation to                            academic records
     nominated UOW degree and career path                                        ƒƒ   Motivation and interests, particularly in relation to
ƒƒ   Communication and interpersonal skills                                           nominated career path
ƒƒ   Evidence of leadership and participation in other areas, e.g.               ƒƒ   Communication and interpersonal skills
     school and community activities, the arts, employment, sports               ƒƒ   Evidence of leadership and participation in other areas,
ƒƒ   A minimum ATAR of 93*                                                            e.g. sports, the arts, employment, school and community
                                                                                 ƒƒ   A minimum ATAR of 95*
Selection will be based on both the scholarship application and
2017 ATAR.                                                                       ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
*The Faculty of Business reserves the right to permit bonus points in the ATAR   The Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences strongly
requirement.                                                                     encourages female students to apply.
                                                                                 Selection will be based on both the scholarship application and
                                                                                 2017 ATAR.
                                                                                 *The Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences reserves the right to permit
                                                                                 bonus points in the ATAR requirement.

                                                                                                                   SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS                       5
UOW Faculty Scholarships
INFORMATION SCIENCES CONT.                                                          Women in Engineering
                                                                                    and Information Sciences
Engineering and Information                                                         Scholarship
Sciences Academic Excellence                                                        AMOUNT: $3000 for one year

Scholarship                                                                         NUMBER AVAILABLE: Varies
                                                                                    SELECTION CRITERIA:
AMOUNT: $6,000 ($3,000 annually over two years) plus                                ƒƒ   Must enrol in a full-time degree or double degree offered by the
guaranteed paid employment after the second year                                         Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
NUMBER AVAILABLE: 15                                                                ƒƒ   Outstanding academic achievement
SELECTION CRITERIA:                                                                 ƒƒ   Strong desire to pursue a career in Engineering, Information
                                                                                         & Communication Technology, Mathematics & Statistics or
ƒƒ   Must enrol in a full-time degree or double degree offered by the
     Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
                                                                                    ƒƒ   This scholarship is for female students only
ƒƒ   Achieve an ATAR of 95* or above
ƒƒ   Strong academic record                                                         SELECTION:
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:                                                             Selection will be based on both the scholarship application and
                                                                                    2017 ATAR.
The paid employment will occur during the UOW summer
break, at UOW or with an industry partner, provided the student                     *The Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences reserves the right to permit
                                                                                    bonus points in the ATAR requirement.
maintains a weighted average mark (WAM) of 80. The Faculty
of Engineering and Information Sciences strongly encourages
female students to apply.
                                                                                    Dean’s Scholar, Engineering
Selection will be based on both the scholarship application and
                                                                                    Scholars and Advanced
2017 ATAR.                                                                          Scholarship
*The Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences reserves the right to permit
bonus points in the ATAR requirement.                                               AMOUNT: $500 for minimum duration of the undergraduate

Engineering and Information                                                         NUMBER AVAILABLE: unlimited
                                                                                    SELECTION CRITERIA:
Sciences Academic Achievement                                                       ƒƒ   Must enrol in the Dean’s Scholar, Scholar or Advanced

Scholarship                                                                              programs in the Faculty of Engineering and Information
                                                                                    ƒƒ   Achieve an ATAR of 95* or above and maintain an average of 80
AMOUNT: $3,000 for one year
                                                                                         or above each year
                                                                                    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
                                                                                    The Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences strongly
ƒƒ   Must enrol in a full-time degree or double degree offered by the
                                                                                    encourages female students to apply.
     Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
ƒƒ   Achieve an ATAR of 95* or above                                                SELECTION:
ƒƒ   Outstanding academic achievement                                               No application is necessary, as students are automatically
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:                                                             considered by UOW based on information received directly from
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences strongly
encourages female students to apply.                                                *The Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences reserves the right to permit
                                                                                    bonus points in the ATAR requirement.
Selection will be based on scholarship application and ATAR
results after the release of the 2017 ATAR.
*The Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences reserves the right to permit
bonus points in the ATAR requirement.

UOW Faculty Scholarships
FACULTY OF LAW, HUMANITIES & THE ARTS                                            FACULTY OF SCIENCE, MEDICINE & HEALTH

Undergraduate Scholarships                                                       Undergraduate Scholarships
AMOUNT: $12,000 over the minimum duration of the                                 AMOUNT: $12,000 - $16,000 over the minimum duration of the
undergraduate degree ($4,000 per year)                                           undergraduate degree ($4,000 per year)
NUMBER AVAILABLE: Eight                                                          NUMBER AVAILABLE: Five
SELECTION CRITERIA:                                                              SELECTION CRITERIA:
ƒƒ   Must enrol in a full-time degree or double degree offered by the            ƒƒ   Must enrol in a full-time degree or double degree offered by
     Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts                                          the Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health
ƒƒ   Outstanding academic achievement based on most recent                       ƒƒ   Outstanding academic achievement based on most recent
     academic records                                                                 academic records
ƒƒ   Motivation and interests, particularly in relation to nominated             ƒƒ   Motivation and interests, particularly in relation to
     UOW degree and career path                                                       nominated career path
ƒƒ   Communication and interpersonal skills                                      ƒƒ   Communication and interpersonal skills
ƒƒ   Evidence of leadership and participation in other areas, e.g.               ƒƒ   Evidence of leadership and participation in other areas, e.g.
     school and community activities, the arts, employment or                         school and community activities, the arts, employment or
     sports                                                                           sports
ƒƒ   A minimum ATAR of 95*                                                       ƒƒ   A minimum ATAR of 95*
SELECTION:                                                                       SELECTION:
Selection will be based on both the scholarship application and                  Selection will be based on both the scholarship application and
2017 ATAR.                                                                       2017 ATAR.
*The Faculty of Law Humanities and the Arts reserves the right to permit bonus   *The Faculty of Science Medicine and Health reserves the right to permit bonus
points in the ATAR requirement.                                                  points in the ATAR requirement.

                                                                                                                   SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS                        7
UOW Faculty Scholarships
                                                                                   Aunty Mary Davis Scholarship
                                                                                   The promotion and development of an Indigenous student in
Undergraduate Scholarships                                                         teacher education is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences’
                                                                                   ongoing commitment to Indigenous education.
AMOUNT: $12,000 - $16,000 over the minimum duration of the                         AMOUNT: $16,000 over the minimum duration of the
undergraduate degree ($4,000 per year)                                             undergraduate degree ($4,000 per year)
NUMBER AVAILABLE: Four                                                             NUMBER AVAILABLE: One
SELECTION CRITERIA:                                                                SELECTION CRITERIA:
ƒƒ   Must enrol in a full-time degree or double degree offered by                  ƒƒ   Must enrol in full-time in their first year of a Bachelor
     the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2018                                             of Education - The Early Years or Bachelor of Primary
ƒƒ   Outstanding academic achievement based on most recent                              Education degree at the University of Wollongong in 2018
     academic records                                                              ƒƒ   Applicants must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
ƒƒ   Motivation and interests, particularly in relation to                              descent
     nominated UOW degree and career path                                          ƒƒ   Applicants must identify themselves as an Australian
ƒƒ   Communication and interpersonal skills                                             Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
ƒƒ   Evidence of leadership and participation in other areas, e.g.                 ƒƒ   Applicants must be accepted as an Australian Aboriginal or
     school and community activities, the arts, employment or                           Torres Strait Islander in the community in which he/she lives
     sports                                                                             or has lived
ƒƒ   A minimum ATAR of 90* for School of Education                                 ƒƒ   Evidence of Aboriginality will be confirmed before any offer
     (two scholarships)                                                                 of scholarship
ƒƒ   A minimum ATAR of 95* for School of Psychology
     one scholarship)                                                              ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
ƒƒ   A minimum ATAR of 95* for School of Health and Society                        This scholarship has a closing date of March 2018. For up-to-date
     (one scholarship)                                                             information about the closing date please refer to
SELECTION:                                                                         uow.edu.au/about/scholarships

Selection will be based on scholarship application and ATAR                        INTERVIEW/SELECTION:
results after the release of the ATAR.                                             Interviews will be conducted during Autumn session 2018.
*The Faculty of Social Sciences reserves the right to permit bonus points in the   Successful applicants will be notified after the applications close
ATAR requirement.                                                                  in March.

Secondary Teacher Education
Scholarship in Science and
These scholarships are offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences
– School of Education for students commencing the Bachelor
of Mathematics (incl. Dean’s Scholars) and Bachelor of Science
Education (incl. Dean’s Scholars) in 2018.
AMOUNT: $6,000 over the minimum duration of the
undergraduate degree ($1,500 per year)
NUMBER AVAILABLE: 10 (Five per degree)
ƒƒ   Must enrol in a Bachelor of Mathematics Education or
     Bachelor of Science Education in 2018
ƒƒ   Must have completed a recognised Year 12 qualification
     within the last two years
ƒƒ   Must have an minimum ATAR of 80
ƒƒ   Student commencing in a Bachelor of Mathematics Education
     must have achieved a Band 5 in Advanced Mathematics
     (or equivalent)
ƒƒ   Students commencing in a Bachelor of Science Education
     must have achieved a Band 5 in at least one Science subject
No application necessary, students are automatically considered
by UOW based on information received directly from UAC.

Work Integrated Learning
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Scholarships combine financial assistance with an experiential
placement at the company who is providing the scholarship.

As well as easing your financial burden while you study, a WIL         CONDITIONS:
scholarship can offer:                                                 WIL Scholarship holders will be required to undertake up to
ƒƒ   Invaluable industry experience                                    12 weeks of experiential placement each year (usually during
ƒƒ   Insight into communication skills for the workplace               summer break) with the sponsoring organisation.
ƒƒ   Self-confidence and a greater sense of responsibility             Continuation of the scholarship is subject to both satisfactory
ƒƒ   Competence in the practical application of theory                 academic and workplace performance.
ƒƒ   A competitive advantage when you graduate
                                                                       Please refer to the UOW Scholarships website for more detailed
CRITERIA:                                                              information on the following scholarships available for future
ƒƒ   Recognised academic achievement based on recent academic          students, as well as opportunities for enrolled UOW students.
ƒƒ   Motivation, interests and attitudes in relation to a nominated
     career path
ƒƒ   Communication and interpersonal skills

Sponsor                                                      Value                             Specialisation

Engineering & Information Sciences
Huon Contractors WIL (2nd year)                              $14,500 pa over two years         Engineering (Civil)
Wollongong City Council WIL                                  $10,000 pa                        Engineering (Civil or Environmental)
Tibra Capital WIL (2nd year)                                 $15,000 (five available)          Mathematics

Law, Humanities & The Arts
Illawarra Mercury Joel Ritchie WIL (2nd year)                $4,000 pa                         Bachelor of Journalism
                                                                                               Bachelor of Communication and Media
WMD Law Work Integrated Learning                             $10,000pa                         Bachelor of Laws
WIN TV Bruce Gordon Scholarship for                          $10,000pa                         Bachelor of Journalism

KPMG Australian Indigenous Scholarship                       Up to $55,000 (over five years)   All faculties
RaID (Research and Innovation Division)                      $40,000 (over four years)         Faculties of Engineering and Information
WIL Scholarship                                                                                Sciences; Science, Medicine and Health;
                                                                                               and Business.

                                                                                                   SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS                9
Corporate Scholarships
Corporate Scholarships are industry specific scholarships provided by an organisation to encourage
students to study or continue to study in a particular field.

AMOUNT: Varies $3,000+
ƒƒ   Outstanding academic achievement based on recent academic records
ƒƒ   Motivation, interests and attitudes in relation to nominated career path
ƒƒ   Communication and interpersonal skills

Sponsor                                          Value

Glencore                                         $40,000 (over four years), and potential paid     Engineering and Information Sciences
                                                 work experience
Hume Coal                                        $7,000                                            Engineering and Information Sciences
Hume Coal                                        $7,000                                            Science, Medicine and health
Hume Coal                                        $7,000                                            Business
Mainfreight Group Australia                      $8,000                                            Business
Mindtree Promising Minds                         $5,000                                            Engineering and Information Sciences
National Australia Bank                          $5,000                                            Business
National Australia Bank Future Planners          $5,000                                            Business (Financial Planning)
Orica Mining Engineering                         $8,000                                            Engineering and Information Sciences
Tibra Capital                                    $7,000 (five available)                           Mathematics

The Westpac Bicentennial                                               AMOUNT: $5,000 per year for the duration of the degree (up to a
                                                                       maximum of five years)
Foundation – Young                                                     NUMBER AVAILABLE: Six

Technologists Scholarships                                             SELECTION CRITERIA:
                                                                       ƒƒ   Applicants must be Australian Citizens or Permanent residents
                                                                       ƒƒ   Applicants must have plans to enrol at the University of
                                                                            Wollongong at the time of application and throughout the
                                                                            selection process
                                                                       ƒƒ   Applicants must have plans to enrol in a Bachelor of
                                                                            Computer Science, a Bachelor of Information Technology or
The Young Technologists Scholarship aims to support future                  a Bachelor of Business Information Systems at the University
generations of Australian leaders who have the drive to shape               of Wollongong
the social and economic future of our nation. This is one of five      ƒƒ   Applicants must display an interest in enhancing Australia’s
scholarship programs offered by the Westpac Bicentennial                    technology and/or digital landscape, demonstrated via
Foundation, which is supporting 100 scholars a year, forever.               a written statement to be included in the scholarship
Scholarship recipients will become members of the Westpac                   application package
Scholars alumni program, and gain access to ongoing                    ƒƒ   Applicants must provide all information and complete
networking, learning and educational opportunities. Westpac                 required tasks before the due date advertised
Scholars will lead Australia and the world in shaping technology,      ONGOING CRITERIA:
advancing social issues, driving innovation and research, and
                                                                       ƒƒ   Applicants must be enrolled on a full-time basis (study load)
strengthening our connections in Asia.
                                                                       ƒƒ   Scholarship recipients must maintain a credit average (weighted
For Australia to realise its full potential in the digital age              average mark 65+) for the duration of the scholarship
we must invest in tomorrow’s leaders today. The Young                  ƒƒ   Successful applicants will actively engage as alumni
Technologists scholarships will strengthen Australia’s pool of              members of the Westpac Scholars Program, which includes
technology talent by encouraging greater diversity and broader              a commitment, at least for the first 12 months after the
participation in technology-related studies.                                scholarship, to actively share their experience, attend alumni
                                                                            events and promote the scholarship within their educational

Being awarded the Faculty
Undergraduate Scholarship
was a great recognition
of the effort I had put into
the HSC, and receiving the
Vice Chancellor’s Academic
Excellence Scholarship
was an added bonus, which
really kick-started my first
year at uni.
The opportunity to
undertake a research
project after being awarded
a Summer Vacation
Scholarship gave me
an insight into what my
Honours year would be like
very early in my degree.”
Audi Li
Bachelor of Mathematics & Finance (Adv)

                                          SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS   11
Sporting Scholarships
These scholarships recognise the outstanding abilities of young athletes in their particular fields
and provide financial support to assist with the costs associated with competing at elite levels while
studying at UOW.

National Australia Bank Sports
National Australia Bank is committed to giving back to the community. NAB provides
scholarships for young athletes to help them meet the costs associated with high-level
AMOUNT: Up to $3,000 for one year
NUMBER AVAILABLE: Varies annually
ƒƒ   Outstanding ability in a particular sport
ƒƒ   Applicants must also provide written responses to the following
     additional questions:
     ƒƒ Indicate your area of sporting excellence
     ƒƒ Indicate your recent experience (e.g. position, team, competition level)
     ƒƒ Details of regional, state or national representation
     ƒƒ Outline what you could contribute to the standard of sport on campus
     ƒƒ Attach a nominal sporting program for 2018/2019, i.e. State Championships,
        Coaching Camps, etc
     ƒƒ Provide the contact details of two people who can verify your sporting standard
ƒƒ   These scholarships are awarded on an annual basis. Continuing UOW students must
     submit a new application each year.
ƒƒ   Final selection will be based on scholarship application.

Equity Scholarships
Equity Scholarships provide financial assistance to students who are experiencing social or financial

UOW Equity Scholarships                                             In2Uni Scholarships
AMOUNT: $3,000 for one year                                         AMOUNT: $1,000
SELECTION CRITERIA:                                                 SELECTION CRITERIA:
ƒƒ   Demonstrated social and/or financial need                      ƒƒ   Demonstrated need, social and/or financial.

APPLICATION:                                                        ƒƒ   Must have attended an In2Uni high school and participated
                                                                         in In2Uni programs as detailed at
ƒƒ   Refer to UAC Equity Scholarships for application
     information uac.edu.au/equity
These scholarships will be awarded based on scholarship
application.                                                        Refer to UAC Equity Scholarships for application information

Learning and Development                                            These scholarships will be awarded based on scholarship
Learning and Development Scholarships are made possible             UOW Mature Age Scholarship
through generous gifts from UOW alumni, staff and donors.
                                                                    These scholarships are awarded to students aged 21 years or
These scholarships recognise the potential of all students and
                                                                    older who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend
seek to provide support to ensure students can participate in and
                                                                    university. UOW Mature Age Scholarships provide assistance
make the most of their higher education.
                                                                    to students who have experienced social and/or financial
Learning and Development Scholarships are awarded to                disadvantage.
students who have demonstrated need such as financial or social
                                                                    AMOUNT: $1,000 per year for the minimum duration
disadvantage. A range of criteria are looked at when determining
                                                                    of the degree
this need, such as:
                                                                    NUMBER AVAILABLE: Two per UOW campus: Wollongong,
ƒƒ   Low income family background                                   Shoalhaven, Batemans Bay, Bega, Southern Sydney, Southern
ƒƒ   Living in a rural or isolated region                           Highlands and South Western Sydney
ƒƒ   Having a permanent disability
                                                                    SELECTION CRITERIA:
ƒƒ   Being a recent migrant from a non-English speaking country
ƒƒ   Indigenous Australians.                                        ƒƒ   Demonstrated need, social and/or financial
                                                                    ƒƒ   Applicants must be at least 21 years of age
AMOUNT: $3,000 over three years
                                                                    ƒƒ   Refer to UAC Equity Scholarships for application
These scholarships will be awarded based on scholarship
                                                                         information uac.edu.au/equity
                                                                    These scholarships will be awarded based on scholarship
Refer to UAC Equity Scholarships for application information

                                                                                                SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS              13
Equity and Accommodation
Indigenous Commonwealth                                            UOW General Residential
Scholarships                                                       Scholarships
UOW provides access to a range of scholarships targeted at         These scholarships cover the compulsory costs of
supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.         accommodation at I-House, Weerona College, Kooloobong
                                                                   Village or Campus East for the first year of enrolment. This
UOW will continue to identify Indigenous students who have
                                                                   scholarship is an equity-based scholarship, which provides
applied for an Equity Scholarship via UAC and will use those
                                                                   assistance to students who have experienced financial and/or
details to determine applicants’ financial and other eligible
                                                                   social disadvantage.
disadvantages. We encourage Indigenous students seeking
support via the Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) to       AMOUNT: Approx $18,000 for one year
apply for an Equity Scholarship through UAC.                       NUMBER AVAILABLE: 11
                                                                   SELECTION CRITERIA:
Details of the Indigenous Scholarships program will be provided    ƒƒ   Demonstrated social and/or financial need
via UOW’s scholarship site as soon as they become available,
to search for scholarship available to future students, visit      APPLICATION:
scholarships.uow.edu.au/scholarships/search                        ƒƒ   Refer to UAC’s Equity Scholarships for application
                                                                        information uac.edu.au/equity/
For further information, please contact Woolyungah Indigenous
Centre on (02) 4221 3776 or wic-enquiries@uow.edu.au               ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
                                                                   In addition to making an application via UAC, you are required
Living + Learning Partners                                         to have made an application for accommodation via the UOW
                                                                   Accommodation Portal, visit uow.edu.au/accommodation/
Residential Equity Scholarships
The Living + Learning Trust are committed to supporting            Early Admission
students facing social/financial disadvantage by offering
scholarships for their residential placement at one of UOW’s       Accommodation Bursary
Halls of Residence for their first year of study.
                                                                   This Bursary is available to students moving to Wollongong from
AMOUNT: $5,000                                                     regional or remote Australia and the ACT. If you receive an offer
NUMBER AVAILABLE: four                                             to UOW via the Early Admission program; apply to live in a UOW
                                                                   residence and live in one of the above regions, you could be awarded
                                                                   this bursary toward your first year’s fees in a UOW residence.
ƒƒ   Demonstrated social and/or financial need
                                                                   AMOUNT: $5,000 for one year
                                                                   NUMBER AVAILABLE: 60 for regional/remote Australia, and
ƒƒ   Refer to UAC’s Equity Scholarships for application            20 for the ACT.
     information uac.edu.au/equity/
                                                                   SELECTION CRITERIA: Reside in a rural or remote region
                                                                   as classified by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard
                                                                   (ASGS), or the ACT; receive a successful Early Admission
                                                                   outcome for study in 2018; plus complete application for UOW
                                                                   student accommodation before 12 November 2017.
                                                                   UOW ACCOMMODATION: uow.edu.au/accommodation
                                                                   EARLY ADMISSION: uow.edu.au/early

Sponsor                                Value                       Faculty                                 Specialisation

UOW Alumni Campus Chapter              $6,000 (over three years)   All faculties                           Any degree across UOW
Community Equity Scholarship
Liverpool City Council Equity          $2,000                      Faculties of Law Humanities and         Any undergraduate degree
Scholarship                                                        the Arts; Business; Engineering and     offered at UOW South
                                                                   Information Sciences                    Western Sydney Campus
Patterson Family Scholarship           $1,500                      Social Sciences                         Education
Edna Campbell Scholarship for Women    $7,500 (over three years)   All faculties                           Any degree across UOW

Community Scholarships
Community sponsored scholarships support high-achieving students who are particularly
motivated and interested in a nominated career path, or from a specific town or region.

Community Scholarships                        Value                         Faculty                    Specialisation

Bomaderry Bowling Club                        $3,000 per annum, up to       All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
                                              three years
Dharawal Scholarship                          $1,000                        All UOW Faculties          Any degree across UOW
Edna Campbell Scholarship for Women           $7,500 (over three years)     All faculties              Any degree across UOW
Emeritus Professor John Hogg Memorial         $1,000                        Science, Medicine and      Graduate Medicine
Scholarship                                                                 Health
Grill’d Community Scholarship                 $5,000                        All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Heaney & Petersen AIME Scholarship            $3,000 (over three years)     All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Illawarra Junior Rugby League Club, Col       $1,000                        All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Purcell Centenary Scholarship
In2Uni School Partnership Scholarship         $1,000                        All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
IRT                                           $9,000 (over three years)     All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Living + Learning Partners Residential        $15,000 towards residential   All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Scholarship for Excellence                    costs at one of UOW’s Halls
                                              of Residence.
M.J Wraight Scholarship for Women in          $5,500 (over three years)     Science, Medicine and      Graduate Medicine
Medicine                                                                    Health
Mary Ann Bin-Salik Cancer Council NSW         Up to $10,000                 Science, Medicine and      Degrees within Science,
Indigenous Health Scholarship                                               Health; Social Sciences;   Medicine and Health; Social
                                                                            Engineering and            Sciences; Engineering and
                                                                            Information Sciences.      Information Sciences.
Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club                 $1,000                        All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Milton Ulladulla Ex-Servo’s Club              $1,000                        All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Mollymook Golf Club                           $1,000                        All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Movement Disorder Foundation Scholarship      $30,000 (over four years)     Engineering and            Engineering
in Engineering                                                              Information Sciences
Movement Disorder Foundation Scholarship      $30,000 (over four years)     Science, Medicine and      Health
in Medicine                                                                 Health
Rowe Scientific Chemistry Scholarship         $5,000                        Science, Medicine and      Chemistry
St Georges Basin Community Scholarship        $1,500                        All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Stevenson Family Scholarship in Social        $21,000 (over three years)    Social Sciences            Social Work / Social
Work                                                                                                   Science
Suzanne Payne Scholarship for Health and      $1,000                        Science, Medicine and      Any degree within the
Medicine, in Honour of her son Michael                                      Health                     Faculty of Science,
                                                                                                       Medicine and Health
Veolia Mulwaree Trust Community               $3,000                        All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Williams and Cosgrove Aboriginal and          Up to $20,000 (over four      All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW
Torres Strait Island Scholarship              years)
Women in Finance Scholarship supported by     $1,000                        Business                   Finance
Anna Borzi AM
Zonta Club of Wollongong Community            $2,000                        All UOW faculties          Any degree across UOW

See uow.edu.au/about/scholarships for more.

                                                                                                SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS        15
Community Scholarships
The Community Scholarships listed here are available for UOW students in their first year of study.
Community Scholarships for UOW students in their second year and above visit.
Australian Indigenous Women’s Scholarship                       M.J Wraight Scholarship for Women in Medicine

Bega Chamber of Commerce & Industry Scholarship                 Miller Family Bridgewater – Community Equity

Bega Cheese Community Scholarship                               Miller Family Bridgewater – Education

Bega Lions Trevor Prescott Memorial Nursing Scholarship         Miller Family Bridgewater – Engineering

Bega RSL Sub Branch Christine Farrow Nursing Scholarship        Miller Family Bridgewater – Nursing

Big Fat Smile Community Scholarship                             Mumbulla Foundation Community Scholarship

Bomaderry Bowling Club Scholarship                              Mumbulla Foundation Community Scholarship (Postgraduate)

Christopher Zweerman Memorial Scholarship                       Pambula and District Community Development

Collins Education Scholarship                                   Rhys Harding Broken Hill Bush Scholarship

Community Engagement Scholarship – Students of Law              Rotary Club of Bega Commerce Scholarship

Dharawal Scholarship                                            Rotary Club of West Wollongong Community Scholarship

Dr Bloomfield Memorial Nursing Scholarship                      SDN Phillips Scholarship

Emeritus Professor John Hogg Memorial Scholarship               St Georges Basin Community Scholarship

Eurobodalla Shire Community Scholarship – Batemans Bay campus   Tarra Motors– a Bega Scholarship

Eurobodalla Shire Residential Scholarship – Wollongong campus   The Acorn Lawyers Scholarship

Goulburn Soldiers Club                                          The Dr Saroj (Sara) Lakshmi Loomba Commitment to Medicine
Goulburn Workers Club
                                                                The Rotary Club of Bombaderry John Ryan Memorial Scholarship
Grand Pacific Health Community/Equity Scholarship
                                                                The Sutherland Shire Environmental Scholarship,
GSM Phase 3 Community Funded Scholarship
                                                                Troy Pocock Scholarship for Medicine
GSM Phase 4 Rural Placement Scholarship
                                                                UOW Bega Alumni Scholarship
GSM Scholarship for Indigenous Students
                                                                Veolia Mulwaree Trust Community Scholarship
Hazel Holmwood Scholarship for Excellence and Leadership
                                                                Winifred Smith Scholarship for Excellence in Nursing
Illawarra Area Child Care Community Scholarship
                                                                Women in Finance Scholarship supported by Anna Borzi AM
Ivan Bandur Master of Teaching Scholarship
                                                                World Transformation Scholarships
Jack Goldring Memorial Scholarship

John Moffat Memorial Scholarship

Learning and Development Scholarships (Equity)

Frequently asked questions
Q. Why apply for a UOW Scholarship?                                   Q. How will I know my application has reached the
A. Our scholarship program gives students with the                       Scholarship Office?
   opportunity to focus more effectively on their studies by          A. As part of the application process you will be provided with
   providing some financial independence. In addition, our               an email receipt of submission of your application. If you do
   Work Integrated Learning scholarships offer valuable                  not receive a receipt of submission, in the first instance check
   industry-based experience.                                            your ‘junk mail’ (some email services automatically direct
Q. Who should apply?                                                     receipts to their user junk mail boxes). If you still haven’t
A. Future UOW students who are Australian Citizens, Permanent            received a receipt please contact Scholarships on
   Residents of Australia, or holders of an Australian humanitarian      (02) 4252 8959, or email scholarships@uow.edu.au
   visa are eligible to apply (unless stated otherwise).              Q. I live a few hours drive from Wollongong, if I am short
Q. How do I apply for a scholarship?                                     listed for a scholarship interview; can I arrange for it to be
A. Applying is easy. Go to our scholarship website                       done over the phone?
   uow.edu.au/about/scholarships for application information          A. Yes. In most cases, this will be fine. If you receive an email
   and access to our easy online application form. Online                inviting you to an interview, you should contact Scholarships
   applications open on 1 July 2017. All applications are                on (02) 4252 8959, or email scholarships@uow.edu.au to
   submitted at this website. If you don’t have access to the            enquire whether the selection panel are willing to conduct a
   internet, call our UOW Scholarships team on (02) 4252 8959.           phone interview.

Q. Is there a different application process for equity type           Q. How will I know if I am successful?
   scholarships?                                                      A. Some scholarships require you to attend an interview, while
A. For all scholarships listed in the ‘Equity Scholarship’ section       others will be awarded based solely on your application. For
   please refer to the Universities Admission Centre (UAC)               interviews, short-listed applicants will firstly be contacted
   Equity Scholarships for application information                       via telephone and then will have interview information sent
   www.uac.edu.au/equity/                                                to their email account.

Q. How can I find out more about the UOW Future Student                  All applicants will be ranked, so in the event that a successful
   Scholarships?                                                         candidate does not accept their scholarship offer, the next
A. You are able to access information regarding scholarship              person on the list will be made the offer.
   opportunities via the UOW Scholarships ‘Search                     Q. Can I defer my UOW scholarship?
   Scholarships’ button then select the prospective student           A. No, you cannot defer your scholarship unless detailed
   option. You’ll then be able to search according to your               under ‘Additional Information’ or in your scholarship offer
   individual needs. You can also call (02) 4252 8959 to speak to a      letter. If you are not able to commence study in the year the
   member of the UOW Scholarship team.                                   scholarship is offered we ask you inform the Scholarship
Q. Is there specific criteria for each scholarship?                      Office. You are more than welcome to make a scholarship
A. Yes, the following criteria apply to all UOW Future Student           application for the following year.
   Undergraduate Scholarships for 2018:                               Q. How will I be paid?
   ƒƒ   Applicants must be commencing study in 2018 as a first        A. Each scholarship is paid in two equal instalments each year
        year full-time undergraduate student (unless advised             that the scholarship lasts. The first payment each year is
        otherwise).                                                      in April, the second is in September. Any changes to this
   ƒƒ   Applicants must be Australian Citizens, Australian               payment schedule will be detailed in your scholarship offer
        Permanent Residents or holders of an Australian                  paperwork.
        Humanitarian Visa (unless advised otherwise).                 Q. Will I have to pay tax on my scholarship?
   There is additional criteria that varies for each scholarship.     A. Most scholarships are not taxable; though UOW encourages
   Check requirements for each scholarship at                            each scholarship recipient to seek their own advice. A good
   uow.edu.au/about/scholarships                                         place to start is the Australian Tax Office (ATO). To find out
                                                                         if your scholarship is taxable go to ato.gov.au and use the
Q. I have forgotten what my username is.                                 ‘Scholarship Decision Tool’.
A. Your UOW Scholarship application username is either your
   UAC number or International Baccalaureate identifier.              Q. I am an international student, are there scholarships for
                                                                         me at UOW?
Q. I have forgotten my password.                                      A. There are many scholarships specifically for international
A. You can reset your password via the UOW Scholarship                   students. For more information, head to
   application log-in screen. Select ‘forgotten password’ and you        uow.edu.au/future/international/apply/scholarships or
   will be asked to confirm your date of birth and email address.        call UOW Future Students on 1300 367 869.
   An email will be sent with your new reset password.
Q. Do I need to make a separate application to UAC?                   For more frequently asked questions please go to the UOW
A. Yes, you need to go to the UAC website and apply to study          Scholarships website. uow.edu.au/about/scholarships
   at UOW. Once you have obtained your 9-digit UAC number,
   enter this number into your UOW ‘scholarship application’.

                                                                                                  SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS              17
Student Central
Ground Floor, Building 17
University of Wollongong NSW 2522
T: 02 4252 8959
E: scholarships@uow.edu.au

T: 1300 367 869
E: futurestudents@uow.edu.au

The University of Wollongong attempts to ensure the information contained in this publication is correct at the time of production (July 2017); however, sections may
be amended without notice by the University in response to changing circumstances or for any other reason. Check with the University at the time of application/
enrolment for any updated information. UOW College CRICOS provider number 02723D; UOW CRICOS provider number 00102E. UOW College is a trading
division of ITC Education Limited (ABN 14 105 312 329) which is wholly owned by ITC Ltd (ABN 77 002 882 064) – an enterprise of the University of Wollongong.

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