Page created by Tyrone Carr


                 Office located at

         180 School Road, Wilton, CT 06897
WILTON PARKS & RECREATION Department Information……………………………………………..5-6
� Pre-School Ages……………………………………………………………………………………………………………7-9, 25
     Comstock T-Ball............................................................................................................. 7
     Squirts Soccer/T-Ball/Multi Sports..………………………………………………………………………… 7
     CT Soccer Network- Mini Kicker & Tiny Kickers.………………………………………………………. 8
     Spring Youth Tennis on Saturdays ................................................................................ 8
     Beginner Basketball …………………………………………………………. …………………………………..28
     L’il Pee Wee/Advance Pee Wee Baseball………………………………………………………………9-10
� Youth…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8-25
     Spring Youth Tennis –Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday....................................... ……8
     IST® Elite Baseball – Spring at Miller-Driscoll or Cider Mill ....................................... ….9
     Spring Conditioning at Middlebrook…………………………………………………………………………9
     Mike Garrity’s Kids FUNdamentals………………………………………………………………………….10
     4th - 8th Volleyball Clinc……………..................................................................................18
     Happy Hands – Art & Pottery………….. …………………………………………………….……………...10
     Fencing for Everyone……………………………………………………………………………………………...19
     CT Sports Network-Golf…………………………………………………………….…………………………….21
     Intramural Sports & Dodgeball…………………………………………………………………………….….22
     SAT – Math Prep Online…………………………………………………………………………………………..23
     Music Programs – Violin & How to write Music……………………………………………………….24
� Pre-School Age – Youth…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10-25
      Match Play Tennis………………………………………………………………………………………………...10
     Camp Looper ............................................................................................................... 11
     Cool Tots Camp . ......................................................................................................... 12
     IST Softball Summer Camp.......................................................................................... 12
     Wilton Warrior Women’s Basketball Camp ................................................................ 12
     Gym Class Heros Camp ............................................................................................... 13
     Warrior Basketball Camp ............................................................................................ 13
     High School Weight Training…………………………………………………………………………………..13
     Summer Pee Wee Tennis Camp………………………………………………………………………………14
     Summer Youth Tennis Camps – Age Groups from 3-16 ............................................. 14
     Mike Garrity’s Kids FUNdamentals Basketball Camp ................................................. 14
     IST Baseball Summer Camp…………………………………………………………………………………….14
     NOVA® Speed, Agility & Quickness Camp................................................................... 15
     CT Soccer Network Summer Soccer Camp ................................................................. 15
     Volleyball Camp .......................................................................................................... 15
     Total Play Multi Sports Camp...................................................................................... 15
     Bricks 4 Kidz Camp………………………………………………………………………………………………….15
     Green Screen Lego & Animation Flix – Full Day.......................................................... 16
     Green Screen LEGO® Flix Camp .................................................................................. 16
     Animation Flix Camp ................................................................................................... 16
     Fairfield County Basketball School.............................................................................. 17
     Soccer Extreme® Soccer Camp ................................................................................... 17
     3 v 3 Street Soccer Camp………………………………………………………………………………………..17
     Your Best Chess Summer Camp .................................................................................. 18
     YESsoccer Camp .......................................................................................................... 18
     Soccer, Golf & FootGolf Camp………………………………………………………………………………..18
Total Squirts Multi Sports ........................................................................................... 18
    Fencing For Everyone-Youth Foil Fencing………………………………………………………………. 19
    4th – 8th Spring Volleyball Clinic……………………………………………………………………………….19
    IST Baseball Summer Series…………………………………………………………………………………….19
    CT Sports Network Golf…………………………………………………………………………………………..21
    Wicked Kool for Kids – Dinosaurs & Robots…………………………………………………………… 23
    All Sports Youth Summer Conditioning Week………………………… …………………………………..…9
    Summer Soccer Classic………………………………………………………………………………………………….26

� Adults………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..20-26
     Adult Tennis Clincs & Lessons…………………………………………………………………….…………………...20
     Adult Softball Leagues………………………………………………………………………………….…………..….….20
     WARS – Wilton Adult Co-Ed Recreational Soccer…………………………………………………………..…28
     Wilton Warrior Workout…..………………………………………………………………………….…………….…...20
     Dog Obedience……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….…25
     Spring & Summer Adult Tennis Clinics……………………………………………………………………………..26
     Adult Italian..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..33
     Adult Pickle Ball……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….28
     Adult Tennis Lesson…………………………………………………………………………………………………………29
     Fitness Center………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….30
     Personal Training
� Seniors…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….26
     July 4th Celebration – Transportation……………………………………………………………………………..26
     2019 Wilton Parks & Recreation’s “Wilton 4th of July Booster” Form………………………….…31
     2019 Wilton Parks & Recreation’s “Freedom Run Road Race” Form……………………………….32
     2019 Camp Looper Registration Form…………………………………………………………………………….34
     2019 Cool Tots Registration Form…………………………………………………………………………………..35
     Wilton Parks & Recreation Registration Form…………………………………………………………………36

Current Age
 Wilton Parks & Recreation                                            Boys

                                                         or Grade

                                                                                          6/24- 6/28

                                                                                                                             7/15- 7/19
                                                                                                                                          7/22- 7/26


                                                                                                                                                       7/29 -8/2
 SUMMER CAMPS                                            Entering

                                                                                                       7/1- 7/5

                                                           in Fall

Camp Looper (*3 days)                 5*      K-8th                   B+G                  ● ●* ●                             ●            ●            ●           ●         ●
Cool Tots Camp (*3days)               5*     3-6yr                    B+G                  ● ●* ●                             ●            ●            ●           ●         ●
IST Softball Camp                      5   6-15 yrs                    G                         ●                                                      ●                     ●
Wilton Warrior Women’s Basketball      4     4rd-9th                   G                   ●    @g                            ●
Camp Volleyball Camp
Warrior                                4     6th-8th                  B+G                       ma
Warrior Basketball Camp                4    4th -9th                   B                        il.c
                                                                                                 ●                                         ●
                                                                               ●                om
Summer Youth Tennis Camps              4    5-16yr                    B+G                  ● ● ●                              ●            ●            ●           ●         ●
Mike Garrity’s Kids FUNdamentals       4     1st-4th                  B+G                                                                                                                  ●
IST® Elite Baseball Summer Camp        5    6-14yr                    B+G                                          ●          ●            ●
NOVA® Speed, Agility & Quickness Camp  4   10-17yr                    B+G                                                     ●                                               ●
CT Soccer Network Summer Soccer Camp 5      3-14yr                    B+G                                          ●
Total Sports Squirts Camp              5     3-5yr                    B+G                                                     ●                                                            ●
Total Play Multi Sports Camp           5    5-11yr                    B+G                                                                                                     ●            ●
Bricks 4 Kidz (LEGO®)                  5      K-5th                   B+G                                          ●
Green Screen LEGO & Animation Flix     5    7-13yr                    B+G                                                     ●
Green Screen LEGO® Flix Camp           5    7-13yr                    B+G                                                     ●
Animation Flix                         5    7-13yr                    B+G                                                     ●
Squirts Soccer Camp                    5     3-5yr                    B+G                                                                                                                  ●
Fairfield County Basketball School     4     1st-9th                  B+G                                                                               ●
Squirts Lacrosse Camp                  5     3-5yr                    B+G                                                     ●
Soccer Extreme ® Soccer Camp           5 4-6yr, 7-14yr                B+G                                          ●
Your Best Chess Summer Camp            5      K-8th                   B+G                                          ●
YESsoccer Camp                         5    3-14yr                    B+G                                                                  ●
Summer Soccer Classic                  2    6-14yr                    B+G                  ●            ●          ●          ●            ●            ●           ●         ●
Summer Youth Tennis Camps Pee Wee     TTh    3-4yr,                   B+G      ●           ●            ●          ●          ●            ●            ●           ●         ●
HS Weight Training                     2   9th-11th                    B                                           ●          ●            ●            ●           ●         ●            ●
IST Baseball Summer Series             2     5-7yr                    B+G                  ●            ●          ●          ●            ●            ●           ●         ●
Gym Class Heros                        5   1st – 2nd                  B+G                  ●
3 v 3 Street Soccer Camp               5    7-14yrs                   B+G                                                                  ●
All Sports Youth Summer Conditioning   5    6th-9th                   B+G                                          ●
Soccer, Golf & FootGolf Camp           5   6-14 yrs                   B+G                                                                                           ●
                                                           nd   th
Wicked Kool for Kids – Dinosaurs & Robots    5           2 –4         B+G                                                                               ●

     *


         Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM                      WILL BE CLOSED:
          Director: Steve Pierce                                     April 19..………..………………….….Good Friday
          steve.pierce@wiltonct.org                                  May 27…………………..…………..Memorial Day
                                                                     July 4 & 5.......................Independence Day
          Administrative Manager: Open
                                                                     September 2…….………………..……..Labor Day
          Program Coordinator: Jim Lewicki                           October 14………………………….Columbus Day

          Administrative Secretary: Bev Hodge

          Parks Superintendent: Doug Katz
                                                                                  HELP WANTED
                                                               The Wilton Parks & Recreation Department is
          Parks Lead Crewman: Elio Mignogna
                                                               looking for qualified individuals for the following
          Parks Crewman: Mike Pirre
                                                               Summer positions:
          Parks Crewman: Pat Dagastino
          Parks Crewman: Frank Lema                                                 Lifeguards

                 WILTON DIAL-A-RIDE STAFF

          Driver: Yves Magnin
          Driver: Ian Edwards
          Driver: Rich Jalberg
          Driver: John Miscioscia
                                                                              ROUTE 7 COURT LIGHTS
        WILTON PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION                   In an effort to conserve electricity, we respectfully
                                                               request all patrons playing tennis during the
                                                               evening to turn off the lights before leaving. If
                                                               your group is the last to leave the courts, please
Chairperson:      Anna Marie Bilella                           turn off the lights by manually turning the lights
                                                               off on the light switch. The light switches are
Commissioner: Jennifer Kendra Jennifer.Kendra@wiltonct.org     located next to the pavilion on the side near
Commissioner: William Lalor William.Lalor@wiltonct.org
                                                               Wilton Deli or on the gate of Courts 7 & 8. We
                                                               thank you for your cooperation!
Commissioner: Pamela Brown pamela.brown@wiltonct.org

Commissioner: John Macken John.Macken@wiltonct.org


                INFORMATION LINE                                NORWALK DIAL-A-RIDE PROGRAM
Information regarding program cancellations and/or      The Town of Wilton provides a second van that
other general program information will be announced     travels from Wilton to selected points in Norwalk.
and updated, as needed, by the Wilton Parks and         This service runs two days a week (Tuesdays and
Recreation staff. To find out the status of any Parks   Thursdays) from 9:15 AM to 3:45 PM. The cost for a
and Recreation event or program at any time of day,     round trip to Norwalk is $4.00.
please call (203) 454-5188 and listen for the
recorded message.                                             FACILITY & PARK RENTAL INFORMATION
                                                        Wilton Parks and Recreation offers rooms for rent at
         WILTON DIAL-A-RIDE PROGRAM                     Comstock Community Center and the rental of
       (Hours of Operation: 9:15 AM - 3:45 PM)          Merwin Meadows. For more information, please call:
This town service provides van transportation for
Wilton seniors and disabled individuals to Steve Pierce at (203) 834-6234 ext. 6.
destinations within town boundaries. This service is Comstock Community Center
available Monday through Friday from 9:15 AM to
3:45 PM year round, excluding town holidays and (203) 834-6234 ext. 5.
during inclement weather. Reservations must be Merwin Meadows
made 24 hours in advance by calling (203) 834-6235
ext. 1. Fee: $2.00 per round trip.                                     REFUND POLICY
                                                     Refunds are issued only in the following
                                                         If a program is cancelled by the Wilton Parks &
                                                          Recreation Department.
                                                         On request for medical reasons, injury or
                                                         If we can replace the participant’s spot from a

                Town of Wilton:                               wiltonct.org
                Senior Net:                                   (203) 834-6410
                Dial-a-Ride:                                  (203) 834-6235
                Continuing Education:                         wilton.k12.ct.us
                Wilton Parks & Recreation #:                  (203) 834-6234
                Parks & Recreation Website:                   wiltonparksandrec.org
                P&R Cancellation/Information #:               (203) 454-5188
                P&R Office Fax #:                             (203) 834-6323
                Parks & Grounds Department:                   (203) 834-6233
                Wilton Basketball Association:                wiltonhoops.org
                Wilton Baseball & Softball:                   thewbsa.com
                Wilton Little League:                         wiltonlittleleague.org
                Wilton Youth Football (FCFL):                 wiltonyouthfootball.org
                Wilton Lacrosse:                              wiltonlax.org
                Wilton Soccer:                                wiltonsoccer.info
                Children's Theatre:                           wiltonchildrenstheater.org

                   COMSTOCK T-BALL                                            SQUIRTS-SOCCER/MULTI-SPORTS
                         AGES 4 TO 5                                                     AGES 2 TO 5
This fun, non-competitive program is basic instruction for      Soccer Squirts-Perfect introduction to the world’s most
boys and girls in the fundamentals of baseball. Children will   popular sport! Learn the basics including dribbling, passing
get the opportunity to make new friends and learn how to        and shooting!! Multi-Sports Squirts – learn and play a
catch, hit, and throw a baseball.                               variety of sports throughout the program including
                                                                lacrosse, soccer, t-ball and track & field. Parent & Me
                                                                Soccer Squirts/Multi-Sports – mom’s or dad have fun with
                                                                their children

Instructor:      Tom Breslin                                    Instructor:     US Sports Insitute
Where:           Comstock field                                 Where:          Comstock Community Center
Day:             Saturday (6 dates/session)                     Days:           Saturday (8 dates/session)
Dates:           4/27 – 6/8       No Class: 5/25                Dates:          4/27 – 6/22 No class 5/25, 5/26
                                                                Time:           9:30 AM – 10:30 AM(Parent)Saturday
Times:           9:00 - 10:00 AM                                                10:30 AM - 11:30 AM(Squirts)Saturday
                 10:00 - 11:00 AM                                               11:30 AM – 12:30 AM(Squirts)Saturday
Resident Fee:    $100.00 Non-Resident: $110.00                  Saturday or     2:00 PM – 3:00 PM(Multi-Parent)
                                                                Sunday - Multi 3:00 PM – 4:00PM(Multi-Sport)
                                                                Sport(pick one) 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM(Multi-Sport)
                                                                Resident Fee:   $169.00 Non-Resident: $179.00
Coaches needed

Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM              Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM

SPRING PROGRAMS                          PRE-SCHOOL AGES & YOUTH
              FAIRFIELD COUNTY TENNIS AGES 11 - 16                               AGES 18 MONTHS TO 5 YEARS OLD
Low Intermediate/Intermediate: Players are starting to          A fantastic first soccer experience for young children! It is a
keep the ball in play, learning to serve, can volley and are    fun introduction to the sport through a series of exciting,
learning court positioning. Players can hit with some spin      stimulating soccer games in a safe, enjoyable environment.
and rally consistently.                                         Basic soccer skills will be taught each week. Passive Parent
                                                                participation in the 3-5 yr and Parent involvement in the 18
                                                                months to 3 year old. FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
                                                                Instructor:          CT Soccer Network Staff
Where:           Route 7 Tennis Courts                          Where:               Comstock Field
Day:             Wednesday (4 dates/session)                    Day:                  Friday (5 dates/session)
Dates:           Sess #1: 5/1 – 5/22 Rain Date : 5/29, 6/5      Dates:               Session #1: 4/5 – 5/10 No Class: 4/19
                 Sess #2: 6/5 – 6/26 Rain Date: 7/3, 7/10                             Session #2: 5/17 – 6/14
Groups:          Juniors                                        Time:                9:30 – 10:00 AM
Ages (yrs):      11 - 16                                                              (18 mo to 3 yrs old)
Levels:          Low Int/Int                                                          10:15 – 11:00 AM
                                                                                     (3 yr to 5 yr old)
Time:            6:00-7:00 PM                                   Resident Fee:        $105.00 Non-Resident: $115.00

Resident Fee: $129.00
Non-Resident: $139.00

Registration for this program begins 3/1at 9:00AM.              Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00 AM
                                                           10:30 to 11:30 AM
                        AGES 6 - 11                                                   AGES 3 - 13
Beginner: Players have either never held a racquet or have Players are introduced to the forehand, backhand, serve
played sparingly without formal instructions. Advanced $205.00
                                                           and volley with drills, games
                                                                    Non-Resident:         and game situations. Children
Beginner: Players have had an introduction to the grips & should bring a small nut-free snack everyday.
strokes and are beginning to make contact with the ball on
a regular basis.
Instructor:      Fairfield County Tennis Staff                  Instructor:          Fairfield County Tennis Staff
Where:           Route 7 Tennis Courts                          Where:               Rt. 7 Tennis Court
Day:             Thursday (5 dates/session)                     Day:                 Saturday
Dates:           5/16 – 6/13     Rain Dates: 6/20, 6/27         Dates:               5/4 – 6/8          (5 dates/session)
                                                                                     No Class 5/25      Rain Date: 6/15,
Groups:          Juniors     Juniors                                                                    6/22
Ages (yrs):      6 - 11      6 - 11                             Groups:              Pee Wee            Juniors
Levels:          Beg/Adv Beg Low Int/Int                        Ages (yrs):          3-4                5-8, 9-13
                                                                                                        Beg/Adv Beg
                                                                                                        /Low Int/Int
Time:            6:00-7:00 PM 7:00-8:00 PM
                                                                Time:                9:30 – 10:00 AM 10 – 12 Noon
Resident Fee: $139.00             $139.00
Non-Resident: $149.00             $149.00                       Resident Fee:        $75.00              $175.00
                                                                Non-Resident:        $85.00              $185.00
NOTE: For more information about this program, please call (203) NOTE: For more information about this program, please call
640-1724 or visit www.fairfieldcountytennis.net.                 (203) 640-1724 or visit www.fairfieldcountytennis.net.
Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.             Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.

YOUTH                                           SPRING/SUMMER PROGRAMS                                                 PRE-SCHOOL
                     LIL-PEE WEE GAMERS                                 ALL SPORTS YOUTH SUMMER CONDITIONING WEEK
                         3 – 4 ½ YEAR OLDS                                                    GRADES 6

We hit the ground running, skipping, and galloping in these         ACHIEVE All-Sports Conditioning is a 90-minute, speed, agility,
classes. We learn the correct fundamentals for our                  and endurance camp geared toward youth fitness enthusiasts.
                                                                    Whether the athlete’s goal is to condition for an upcoming sports
baseball programs. We also believe it is just as important
                                                                    season, to improve fitness base, or just to be outside, ACHIEVE
to learn how to play the game. We aim to improve your               will enhance the skills and provide the motivation to succeed.
child's eye-hand coordination, gross motor skills, and their        Fundamentals: Mobility and Flexibility – Proper warm-up and
understanding of game strategy. Pick one Day!!                      cool-down. Agility – Change of direction mechanics.
                                                                    Conditioning- Specifically-designed workouts to increase
                                                                    cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Strength and Power –
                                                                    Squat, Push-up, Core, Plyometrics
Instructor:       IST Staff
Where:            Comstock Community Center                         Instructor:          Mary Zengo/Bonnie Sheehan
Days:             M or Tu or Th or F (7 dates/session)              Where:               WHS Track
Dates:            4/22-6/14      No Program: 5/27                   Days:                Monday through Friday (5 dates)
Time:             Monday 1:45 - 2:30 PM                             Dates:               7/8-7/12
                  Tuesday 1:45 - 2:30 PM                            Time:                9:30 - 11:30 AM
                  Thursday 11:00 - 11:45 AM
                  Friday 1:30 - 2:15 PM                             Resident Fee:        $180.00     Non-Resident: $190.00

Resident Fee:     $220.00     Non-Resident: $230.00

Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.                 Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM
                       IST® ELITE BASEBALL                                                 IST® ELITE BASEBALL
                 SPRING AT MILLER-DRISCOLL                                               SPRING AT CIDER MILL
                        GRADES K – 2ND                                                     GRADES 3RD - 5TH
Clinic will focus on introducing all aspects of baseball and        Clinic may supplement Spring season games and practices
softball to participating players. Each day players will be         with more focused skills development. Each day players
brought through a series of drills to improve their hitting,        will be brought through a series of drills to improve their
fielding, and pitching technique. Players will also learn how       hitting, fielding, and pitching technique. Players will also
to react during game situations. Clinics will be                    learn how to react during game situations.
broken out by age and skill level of all players.

Instructor:       Jeff Slane/Glenn Katz/Guy Thoesen                 Instructor:          Jeff Slane/Glenn Katz/Guy Thoesen
                  Assisted by IST Pro Staff                                              Assisted by IST Pro Staff
Where:            Miller-Driscoll South Field (aka Driscoll)        Where:               JV Softball field or Comstock
Days:             Tu, Th, or F (7 dates/session)                    Days:                Tu, Th, or F (7 dates/session)
Dates:            4/23 – 6/7                                        Weeks of:            4/23 – 6/7
Time:             3:30 - 4:30 PM                                    Time:                2:30 - 3:30 PM

Resident Fee:     $295.00 Non-Resident: $305.00                     Resident Fee:        $295.00 Non-Resident: $305.00

NOTE: Players should bring water, snack and glove. *Each week NOTE: Players should bring water, snack and glove. *Each week
participants need to provide school with a Pick-up Note participants need to provide school with a Pick-up Note
indicating that IST Staff will pick up at 3:15PM at the Library. K to indicating that IST Staff will pick up at 2:15PM in the North Gym.
2 grade players will be broken out by age and skill level.

PRE-SCHOOL                     SPRING/SUMMER PROGRAMS                                                                      YOUTH
                         GRADES K - 1                                                     GRADES K-5TH
If you love basketball, this program is for you. Coach Mike     This program is designed for 7 weeks and is offered once a week,
will introduce the basic fundamentals of basketball.            on Mondays. Our dedicated instructors are looking forward to
Learning will be at an easy and fun pace. He will continue      leading young artists step-by-step through creative world of
the basic fundamentals throughout the different classes.        pottery art. All projects inspired by seasonal holidays and special
Game play and game skills will also be taught.
                                                                Featuring decorative pottery techniques are: Blending, Sponging,
                                                                Handprint, Coiling & Stamping.
                                                                All paints, bisque & clay are non-toxic, lead free and food safe.

Instructor:       Mike Garrity                                  Instructor:         Happy Hands
Where:            Comstock Gym                                  Where:              Happy Hands Wilton Center
LEVEL I: GR K-1                                                 Day:                Monday (7 dates)
Days:             Tuesday (7 dates)                             Dates:              3/25 – 5/6
Dates:            4/23 – 6/4                                    Time:               3 pm-4pm: 3rd – 5th 4 pm-5pm: K-2nd
Time:             4:00 ‐ 5:00 PM
                                                                Resident Fee:       $180.00
Resident Fee:     $145.00 Non-Resident: $155.00

                                                                NOTE: Includes all material, Makeup class available upon request.
                                                                Nut-Free snack included. All artwork will be glazed and fired by
                                                                Happy Hands. Clay projects will be ready within 10-12 days.
Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM              Registration for this program is ongoing

              ADVANCED PEE WEE GAMERS                                                    MATCH PLAY
                        4 ½- 5 YEAR OLDS                                            AGES 9-11, 12-14 & 15-18
We hit the ground running, skipping, and galloping in these   Match   Play: During  the Match play, coach will oversee the play
classes. We learn the correct fundamentals for our           and  Participants will learn how to play a match including scoring,
                                                             etiquette, and strategy and positioning. Participants must be able
baseball programs. We also believe it is just as important
                                                             to serve and rally using orange, green dot or adult balls
to learn how to play the game. We aim to improve your        9 -10 years old should be playing with orange ball to participant
child's eye-hand coordination, gross motor skills, and their in this program
understanding of game strategy.
Instructor:    IST Staff                                        Instructor:        Fairfield County Tennis
Where:         Comstock Community Center                        Where:             Middlebrook Tennis Courts
Days:          M or Th or F (7 dates/session)                   Day:               Tuesday & Thursday (8 dates)
Dates:         4/22-6/10      No Program: 5/27                  Dates:             7/9 –8/1
Time:          Monday 1:45 - 2:45 PM                            Time:              9:30 – 11:30 AM
               Thursday 2:00 - 3:00 PM
               Friday 1:30 - 2:30 PM                            Resident Fee:      $210.00      Non-Resident: $220.00

Resident Fee:     $240.00    Non-Resident: $250.00

                                                             - 10 -
SUMMER CAMPS                                          YOUTH

                                                       CAMP LOOPER
                                             ENTERING KINDERGARTEN - 8TH GRADE
Daily and weekly activities include sports, arts and crafts, swimming, field trips, entertainers, special events, and more.
Limited enrollment! Weekly Trips can be seen on Page 33!!!
                                                 Sessions may NOT be split!
Instructor:       Wilton Parks & Recreation Staff          SESSION         WEEK OF                                          SESSION *2
Where:            Comstock Community Center                       1       6/24- 6/28                                  No Camp: 7/4, 7/5
Day:              Monday through Friday
Time:             8:00 AM - 4:00 PM                             *2        7/1 - 7/3                                       *Resident Fee:
Overtime:         4:00 PM - 6:00 PM                               3       7/8 - 7/12                                         $171.00

                                                                  4       7/15- 7/19                                       *Resident Fee
  Per Session
Resident Fee:     $285.00      Non-Resident: $295.00              5       7/22 - 7/26                                      w/ Overtime:
 Per Session                                                      6       7/29 – 8/2                                         $198.00
w/ Overtime:      $330.00      Non-Resident: $340.00
                                                                  7       8/5 - 8/9                                       *Non-Residents:
                                                                  8                                                       $181.00/$208.00
                                                                          8/12 – 8/16

Mail in registrations will be accepted. Please see form on page 34. A confirmation will be provided to all registrants.

                                                                 - 11 -
                                                          COOL TOTS
                                                            AGES 3 - 6
Each week children will explore a different theme (bugs, fairytales, night, ocean life) through story, crafts, games, and
cooking. Special events and water play are incorporated into each week. Be prepared to get wet and dirty! Participants
must be potty trained. Snack will be provided and children should bring a lunch. Please send child dressed in bathing
suits and sunscreen. Limited enrollment! Non-residents add $10 to each session.
 Instructor:    Mary Arbisi                                                            RESIDENT FEE              SESSION *2___
    Where:      Comstock Community Center                                                                      No camp 7/4, 7/5
      Days:     Monday through Friday
      Time:     9:00 AM-1:00 PM                                   3-6 YRS: Mon-Fri:           $195.00           $117.00 (3 days)
                   *No Camp 7/4, 7/5                                         3-6 YRS:
    SESSION      WEEKS OF                                                    Mon-Fri
          1       6/24- 6/28
         *2       7/1 - 7/3
          3       7/8 - 7/12
          4       7/15- 7/19
          5       7/22 - 7/26
          6       7/29 – 8/2
          7       8/5 - 8/9
          8       8/12 – 8/16

NOTE: For potty-trained children ages 3 to 6. Bring extra clothing, bathing suits, tees and a towel!
Cancellations must be made in the Wilton Parks & Rec. office 2 weeks prior to start date or participant is not eligible to receive
a refund. Mail in registrations will be accepted. Please see form on page 35. A confirmation will be provided to all registrants.
Registration for this program begins 3/8 at 9:00AM, and will be ongoing.

                IST SOFTBALL SUMMER CAMP                                 WILTON WARRIOR WOMEN’S BASKETBALL CAMP
                                                                                                     RD   TH
                           AGES 6 - 15                                               GIRLS ENTERING 3 - 9 GRADE
Each player will have the opportunity to develop the               Lace’em up this summer and bring your game to the next
fundamental and advanced skills of the game, learn                 level! Led by Wilton High School Girls Varsity Basketball
sportsmanship, socialize with their peers, develop                 Coach, Fred Francello, this camp will focus on developing
leadership qualities and actively participate as a                 each and every player through games, contest, and
                                                                   individual instruction. Session #1 Rising 6th – 9th graders
valuable team member.
                                                                   and Session #2 Rising 3rd – 5th graders.
Instructor:       Ian Thoesen/Jeff Slane/Elliott Morales           Instructor:        HS Girls Coach
Where:            WHS Athletic Complex                                                Assisted by current and former players
Dates:             7/8 – 7/12: M-F                                 Where:             Middlebrook
                  7/29 – 8/2: M-F:                                 Days:              M-Th
                  8/12 – 8/16: M-F                                 Dates:             Session #1: 6/24 - 6/27(6th-9th))
Time:             8:45 AM - 12:30 PM                                                  Session #2: 7/15 - 7/18(3rd-5th)
Resident Fee:     $199.00 Non-Resident: $209.00                    Time:              9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

                                                                   Resident Fee:      $200.00     Non-Resident: $210.00

                                                                   NOTE: Girls should bring water, snack and a ball.   Registration
                                                                   for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM

NOTE: Campers should come equipped with sneakers or cleats
glove and other proper outdoor athletic attire and water.
                                                               - 12 -
                    GYM CLASS HEROES
                        GRADES 1ST-3RD                           Wilton Parks & Recreation offers rentals of rooms at the
                                                                 Comstock Community Center…
Looking for fun-filled activities camp in the Summer? You’ve
come to the right place. Boys and girls from 1st to 3rd will
have an extra opportunity to participate in Physical
Education games and activities that are done year round in
the MD PE curriculum. It will be non-stop action and all of
your child’s favorite games are included. Some of these
games are: Yoshi, Survivor, Battleship, cone ball, capture the
Flag, kickball and many more!!!

Instructor:       Chris Kear – PE Teacher Miller/Driscoll
Where:            Miller/Driscoll Gym
Days:             M-Th
Dates:            6/24 - 6/27
Time:             9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Resident Fee:     $245.00     Non-Resident: $255.00
                                                                 …and rental of the facilities at Merwin Meadows!

NOTE: Campers should bring water.
                                                                 Please see:
                                                                 “Facility & Park Rental Information” on page 6.
Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.
                WARRIOR BASKETBALL CAMP                               HIGH SCHOOL WEIGHT TRAINING FOR SOCCER
                                  TH   TH
                  BOYS ENTERING 4 - 9 GRADE
This boys’ basketball camp provides a combination of skill- This exciting, fun and highly charged summer Fitness
building exercises, drills, games, competitions, prizes and program will be administered by the HS Trainers during the
guest speakers.                                             summer. The program is open to High school students
                                                            along with incoming freshmen. Eric and Amanda will train
                                                            you in the proper techniques of weight training and lifting.
                                                            This is a great way to get a jump start on your HS sports

Instructor:       Joel Gerriak - Head Coach WHS                  Instructor:      Eric Bailey & Amanda Jenks(HS Trainers)
                  Assisted by Wilton High School                 Where:           HS Fitness Room
                  Varsity Basketball staff and players           Days:            Tuesday and Friday (12 dates)
Where:            Middlebrook or HS Fieldhouse                   Dates:           7/9 – 8/23 No Program: 7/23, 7/26
Dates:             7/8 - 7/11 : M-Th                             Time:            3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
                  7/22 - 7/25 : M-Th
Time:             9:00 AM - 1:00 PM                              Resident Fee:    $125.00    Non-Resident: $135.00

Resident Fee:     $200.00    Non-Resident: $210.00
NOTE: Participants should bring water and a snack. Concessions
stand available. Instructor is Wilton High School Head Varsity
Basketball Coach.
                                                                 Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.
Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.

                                                             - 13 -
SUMMER CAMPS                                   YOUTH AND PRE-SCHOOL
            SUMMER PEE WEES TENNIS CAMP                                         SUMMER YOUTH TENNIS CAMP
                           AGES 3-4                                               JUNIORS – AGES 5-8, 9-13 AND 14-16
This action-packed camp provides drills and games to              Camp is divided by age & ability: Red Ralliers; Orange Crush,
improve hand-eye coordination with instruction on strokes         Green Baseliners and Regular Adult balls! Off-court games such
including the forehand, backhand, serve and volley – in fun       as hoccer, soccer, and dodge ball will be played. Players are
game situations.                                                  introduced to a different “stroke of the day” including the
                                                                  forehand, backhand, serve, and volley. Camp also offers a cross-
                                                                  training component to enhance players’ coordination and
                                                                  endurance. Inflatable waterslides once a week! Covers Levels:
                                                                  Beg/Adv Beg/Low Int/Int
Instructor:      Fairfield County Tennis Staff                    Instructor:         Fairfield County Tennis Staff
Where:           Route 7 Tennis Courts                            Where:              Route 7 Tennis Courts
Days:            M & W (2 days) Rain make-ups: Tu. & TH           Days:               M-Th (4 days) **Wk #3 – 3 days only
Time:            8:45 - 9:30 AM                                                       $160 Rain make-ups: Friday
Resident Fee:    $45.00 Non-Resident: $55.00                      Time:               9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
                                                                  Resident Fee:       $210.00 Non-Resident: $220.00
   SESSION       M&W                        Activity #                SESSION            WEEK OF M-TH           Activity #
      1         6/17 & 6/19                                              1                  6/17-6/20
      2         6/24 & 6/26                                               2                 6/24- 6/27
      3         7/1 & 7/3                                                 3              **7/1 - 7/3
      4         7/8 & 7/10                                                4                 7/8 - 7/11
      5         7/15 & 7/17                                               5                 7/15- 7/18
      6         7/22 & 7/24                                               6                 7/22 - 7/25
      7         7/29 & 7/31                                               7                 7/29 – 8/1
      8         8/5 & 8/7                                                 8                  8/5 - 8/8
      9         8/12 & 8/14                                               9                 8/12 – 8/15
NOTE: Campers should bring water. 10% discount if signing up      NOTE: Campers should bring water. 10% discount if signing up
              st                                                                st
prior to May 1 . Please call (203) 640-1724 or visit              prior to May 1 . Please call (203) 640-1724 or visit
www.fairfieldcountytennis.net.                                    www.fairfieldcountytennis.net.
Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00 AM.              Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00 AM.

                              ST   TH
                     ENTERING 1 - 4 GRADE                                                    AGES 6 - 15
Coach Mike will introduce the basic fundamentals of               At camp, each player will have the opportunity to develop
basketball. Learning will be at an easy and fun pace. He will     the fundamentals and advanced skills of the game, learn
continue the basic fundamentals throughout the week.              sportsmanship, socialize with their peers, develop
Game play and game skills will also be taught. Back by            leadership qualities, and actively participate as a valuable
popular demand!!!                                                 team member.
Instructor:       Mike Garrity                                    Instructor:         Ian Thoesen/Jeff Slane/Guy Thoesen
Where:            Comstock CC                                     Where:              WHS Athletic Complex
Dates:            8/19 - 8/22 : M-Th                              Dates:               7/8 – 7/12: M-F
Time:             9:00 AM - 12:00 PM                                                  7/15 – 7/19: M-F
Resident Fee:     $150.00 Non-Resident: $160.00                                       7/22 – 7/26: M-F
                                                                  Time:               8:45 AM - 12:30 PM
                                                                  Resident Fee:       $199.00 Non-Resident: $209.00

NOTE: Fee includes Shirt                                          NOTE: Campers should bring water and snacks.

Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.               Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.
                                                               - 14 -
PRE-SCHOOL                                          SUMMER CAMPS                                                          YOUTH
                          AGES 10 - 17                                                       AGES 3 - 14
NOVA® SAQ Camp will focus on building athleticism,               CT Soccer Network provide young players of all abilities with the
conditioning and speed on both a linear and multi-               rare opportunity to receive high-level soccer coaching from a
directional basis. SAQ training has been proven to have the      team of international experts right in the heart of their own
greatest impact on performance improvement versus any            community. The CSN staff will teach each player to fulfill their
                                                                 true soccer potential in a fun filled environment. Whether you
other training for field, court, and track sports! NOVA
                                                                 are a 3 year old taking your first steps in soccer or a High School
teaches all skills and mechanics in a small group                player with aspirations of college, the Soccer Network has a place
environment so athletes receive personal attention and           for you. Campers will be exposed to individual foot skills,
instruction and have fun!                                        technical drills, tactical practices, small-sided games and
                                                                 scrimmages. All activities will be Fun , Fun, Fun!!!
Instructor:      Kevin Foley: CSAS – IYCA Certified              Instructor:         CT Soccer Network Staff
Where:           WHS Track at Fujitani Field                     Where:              Lilly Field
Dates:           7/15 - 7/18 : M-Th                              Dates:              7/8 – 7/12 : M-F
                 8/12 – 8/15 : M-Th                              Times:              9:00 AM – 12:00 PM    Or
Time:            9:00 AM - 12:00 PM                                                  4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Resident Fee:    $160.00 Non-Resident: $170.00
                                                                 Resident (3-4):      $99.00 Non-Resident (3-4): $109.00
                                                                 Resident (5-14):    $180.00 Non-Resident (5-14): $190.00

NOTE: Campers should bring water. Instructor is an internationally NOTE: Campers should bring water. All campers should have shin
certified speed and agility specialist; a USA Track and Field Level II guards, and athletic shoes or soccer cleats.
Certified Coach – Sprints, Hurdles and Relays; and, a Certified High
School Strength and Conditioning Coach.
Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.              Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.

                     VOLLEYBALL CAMP                                           TOTAL PLAY MULTI SPORTS CAMP
                                         TH   TH
                 GIRLS ENTERING GRADES 4 – 8                                                 AGES 5 - 12
The camp is open to both new and experienced players and         Players will have the opportunity to experience up to 4
our staff will focus on teaching skills, rotations, game         different sports each day. Sports included: Baseball,
scenarios and the rules of the game in a fun filled              Basketball, Cricket, Flag Football, Hockey, Handball,
environment. Our camp is open to players in 4th through          Lacrosse, Soccer, Rugby and more! During the morning
8th grade. All activities will take place in an atmosphere       players will focus on developing their technique and skills
which promotes good sportsmanship, teamwork and most             within each sport. The afternoon will focus on small sided
of all, FUN! All campers should have shoes, snack, water         scrimmages in a tournament environment that encourages
and you may also wish to bring your knee pads as well.           good sportsmanship and teamwork.
Instructor:      CT Sports Network                               Instructor:         US Sports Institute Staff
Where:           MIddlebrook                                     Where:              Middlebrook School
Days:            M-F                                             Days:               M-F
Dates:           7/8 – 7/12                                      Dates:              Session #1: 8/12 – 8/16
Time:            9:00 AM – 12:00 PM                                                  Session #2: 8/19 – 8/23
                                                                                     Non-Residents ADD $10/Session
                                                                 Times:              9:00AM -12:30 PM Fee: $169
Resident Fee:    $200.00     Non-Resident: $210.00                                   9:00AM - 4:00 PM Fee: $199
                                                                                     1:00PM - 4:00PM fee: $129

                                                                 NOTE: Campers should bring water and a snack. Full-day campers
                                                                 should also bring a lunch. All campers receive a t-shirt and a
Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.              Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.
                                                             - 15 -
SUMMER CAMPS                                                         YOUTH
                      BRICKS 4 KIDZ CAMP                                       GREEN SCREEN LEGO & ANIMATION FLIX
                            GRADES K - 5                                                         AGES 7-13
9:00 AM: Campers will love the mash-up of combination models           Join us for full day and get a $55 discount plus free lunch
that can be rebuilt into something different. These awesome 2-in-      supervision! For this full day class students will
1 models will include exciting robots, vehicles and more! Follow       participate in Green Screen Lego Flix in the mornings and
the step-by-step building plans and ignite your inner engineer by      Animation Flix in the afternoons (please see half
using your imagination to transform your model into something
                                                                       day descriptions).
unique. Join us for this fun-filled camp where you'll use your
creativity and engineering skills to build and transform! 12:30 PM:
                                                                       Lunch supervision included at no cost!!
Making it move is the name of the game at this exciting camp!
Kids will love to see their creations in motion using LEGO wireless
remote controls. Each day, campers will use fascinating and
challenging components to create dynamic vehicles, inventions,
machines and more!!

Instructor:        Bricks 4 Kidz Staff                                 Instructor:       IncrediFlix® Staff
Where:             Comstock Community Center or Trackside              Where:            Trackside
Days:              M-F                                                 Days:             M-F
Dates:             7/8 – 7/12                                          Dates:            7/15 – 7/19
Time:              9:00 AM - 12:00 PM                                  Time:             9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
                   12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
                   9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
                                                                       Resident Fee:     $345.00     Non-Resident: $355.00
Resident Fee:      Half day: $199 Full day: $385
Non-Resident:      Half day: $209 Full day: $395
Note: Please bring a peanut free snack and if you are staying all
day, please bring your lunch.

Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.                    Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.
                  GREEN SCREEN LEGO FLIX                                                    ANIMATION FLIX
                             AGES 7-13                                                           AGES 7-13
Bring Lego stop-motion animation to the next level!                    All new animations for 2019! In this fast paced class,
Students will design and build their movie set’s out of                students will be creating up to 4 stop motion movies.
Legos and transport them anywhere using green screen                   These will include dinosaurs, paper cartoons, white board,
technology. Once students have their Lego world,                       and a free choice day where students get to choose from
They will bring it to life in movies students will storyboard,         playdoh, jewels, or items brought from home. Check out
shoot, and voice-over in age appropriate groups. Check out             www.IncrediFlix.com for examples of this camp!
www.IncrediFlix.com for examples of this camp!

Instructor:        IncrediFlix® Staff                                  Instructor:       IncrediFlix® Staff
Where:             Trackside                                           Where:            Trackside
Days:              M-F                                                 Days:             M-F
Dates:             7/15 – 7/19                                         Dates:            7/15 – 7/19
Time:              9:00 AM - 12:00 PM                                  Time:             1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Resident Fee:      $200.00      Non-Resident: $210.00                  Resident Fee:     $200.00     Non-Resident: $210.00

Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.                    Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.

                                                                    - 16 -
PRESCHOOL                                           SUMMER PROGRAMS                                                    YOUTH
         FAIRFIELD COUNTY BASKETBALL SCHOOL                                      3V3 STREET SOCCER CAMP
                       ST   TH
              ENTERING 1 - 9 GRADE BOTH BOYS AND GIRLS                                      AGES 7-14
Open to all skill levels and abilities – this camp focuses on   CT Soccer Network will be running a soccer camp with 'a
individual instruction of basic skills and fundamentals         difference' this summer at Lilly Field. The 3v3 Street Soccer Camp
needed to play the game of basketball. Our goal is to help      will start with small sided 3v3 games, before the players are
your child become a better basketball player. All children      taught a new skill/move each day. As the week progresses we
                                                                will put the onus on the players to set-up the field, pick the
will be placed in appropriate age groups, then skill levels.
                                                                teams and referee the games! Our staff will be on site to help
Participants will learn as much as they can about basketball    motivate, encourage, teach and oversee the camp, but leave the
and have FUN while they are doing it!                           decision making up to the players

Instructor:        Colin Devine                                 Instructor:         CT Sports Network
                   Assisted by former/current                   Where:              Lilly Field
                   collegiate coaches and players               Days:               M-F
Where:             Middlebrook                                  Dates:              7/22 – 7/26
Days:              M-Th                                         Time:                9:00 am – 11:30 AM
Dates:             7/29 – 8/1
Time:              9:00 AM - 12:00 PM                           Resident Fee:       $150.00     Non-Resident: $160.00

Resident Fee:      $150.00       Non-Resident: $160.00

NOTE: Campers should bring water. PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR NOTE: Campers should bring water. USSI® will provide all
OWN BASKETBALLS. Instructor is a college assistant coach and equipment necessary. If you have your own ball, feel free to
former professional basketball player.                       bring it!
Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.             Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.

                                                                              SOCCER EXTREME® SOCCER CAMP
                                                                                           AGES 5 - 14
                                                                Soccer Extreme® Kids camp is an introduction to soccer
                                                                based purely on fun and enjoyment of the game while
                                                                learning the basic techniques and skills. Soccer Extreme
                                                                Advanced camp focuses on teaching individual skills to
                                                                develop the player and then advance this into team play.
                                                                We believe highly in teaching the individual player to gain
                                                                the confidence in 1v1s…….

                                                                Instructor:         Soccer Extreme® Staff
                                                                Where:              Allen’s 5
                                                                Days:               M-F
                                                                Dates:              7/8 – 7/12
                                                                Time, #, Fee:       Non-Residents ADD $10/Session
                                                                                    9:00 AM - 10:30 AM ( 5-7 ) : : $85
                                                                                    9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (8-14) : : $145
                                                                                    9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (8-14) : : $200

                                                                NOTE: Campers should bring water and a snack.
                                                                Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.
                                                          - 17 -
PRE-SCHOOL                                            SUMMER CAMPS                                                              YOUTH
              YOUR BEST CHESS SUMMER CAMP                                                    YESSOCCER CAMP
                             ST         TH
                   ENTERING 1 GRADE - 8 GRADE                                                      AGES 3-14
Partnering with YOUR BEST CHESS, students of all grades(k-          YESsoccer Community Camps are based on our
8th) and skill levels(even youngsters who have never                Fundamental approach to youth soccer coaching and are
played)will receive one full week of chess instruction.             appropriate for players who play within their soccer
Campers will be divided into four skill groups. The                 communities.       The main objectives of YESsoccer
objectives for ALL students are to: Have Fun! Learn Chess!          Community Camps are to combine the overall
Think, reason and problem-solve! Improve your game!                 development of the player’s physical capacities and
Play in an end-of-week tournament to gauge your process!            fundamental movement skills with an introduction into the
                                                                    key components of soccer, ball mastery, passing &
                                                                    receiving, shooting & finishing and small sided games

Instructor:       Your Best Chess – 58 year experience              Instructor:          YESsoccer Staff
Where:            Trackside Teen Center                             Where:               Allen’s or Ambler
Dates:            7/8 – 7/12 M-F                                    Days:                M-F
Sessions:         9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (1st -4th grade)               Dates:               7/15 – 7/19(Allen’s Meadows)
                  12:30 PM - 3:30 PM (5th- 8th grade)                                    8/12 – 8/16(Ambler Field)
                  All Skill Levels – Beginner to Advanced           Time, #, Fee:        Non-Residents ADD$10/session
                                                                                         9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (3-5)    : $95
Resident Fee:     $170.00         Non-Resident Fee: $180.00                              9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (6-14) : $130
                                                                                         9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (6-14) : $180
NOTE: Peanut Free Snack will be provided. At the conclusion of
camp, campers will receive a t-shirt and participation plaque. 20
minute supervised unstructured break per camp.

Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.                 Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM.

         TOTAL SQUIRTS SOCCER/MULTI SPORTS                                        SOCCER, GOLF & FOOTGOLF CAMP
                AGES 2 – 5 (PARENT AND ME INCLUDED)                                              AGES 6-14

Sports Squirts Soccer and Multi-Sports - Participants               CT Sports Network’s Soccer, Golf and FootGolf Camp is a camp
have the opportunity to experience Lacrosse, Soccer,                with a difference! For any youngsters with any sort of interest in
                                                                    soccer or golf, we will be allowing them to play both sports and
Basketball, T-Ball & Flag Football. All sports are taught           throw in some FootGolf as well! Throughout the week we will
in a safe, structured and fun learning environment.                 work on both sports and combine them with our own fun
.                                                                   FootGolf course that the players will ‘play’ each day. All activities
                                                                    will take place in an atmosphere which promotes good
                                                                    sportsmanship, teamwork and most of all, FUN! Campers will
                                                                    receive technical instruction for both sports, play in realistic
                                                                    game .This camp is dedicated to children of all abilities
Instructor:       US Sports Institute Staff                         Instructor:          CT Sports Network
Where:            Comstock Community Center Field                   Where:               Lilly Field
Days:             Saturday (6 dates)                                Days:                M-F
Dates:            7/13 – 8/17                                       Dates:               8/5 – 8/9
Time:             9:00AM-9:45AM(Parent Soccer)                      Time:                9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
                  9:45AM-10:30AM(Soccer Squirts)
                  10:30AM-11:15AM(Parent Multi)                     Resident Fee:        $180.00      Non-Resident: $190.00
                  11:15AM-12:00PM(Multi Squirts)

Resident Fee:     $99.00     Non-Resident: $109.00

Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM                  Registration for this program begins 3/1 at 9:00AM

                                                              - 18 -
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