2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report - WEB REPORT - Darwin International ...

Page created by Freddie Mckinney
2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report - WEB REPORT - Darwin International ...
2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report
2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report - WEB REPORT - Darwin International ...
Darwin International Airport ............................................................................... 13
  Location ...................................................................................................................13
  Airport Ownership .....................................................................................................14
  Fast Facts ................................................................................................................14
Community Consultation Group ........................................................................... 15
  Context ....................................................................................................................15
  Consultation Group Role ............................................................................................15
  Membership .............................................................................................................16
  Operating Model .......................................................................................................16
  Planning Coordination Forum (PCF) ............................................................................17
2018-19 Community Consultation Group............................................................. 19
  Membership .............................................................................................................19
  Meetings Undertaken ................................................................................................20
  Meeting Outcomes ....................................................................................................20
2018-19 Stakeholder Engagement ...................................................................... 22
  Industry & Business Engagement ...............................................................................22
  Environmental Initiatives ...........................................................................................18
  Corporate Giving.......................................................................................................19
  Community Engagement ...........................................................................................21
  Supporting the Arts ...................................................................................................23
  Education .................................................................................................................25
2019-20 Stakeholder Engagement ........................................................................ 2
  2019-20 Meeting Schedule ......................................................................................... 2

 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report
2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report - WEB REPORT - Darwin International ...
Darwin International Airport

Darwin International Airport Pty Ltd (DIA) has a 50 year lease plus 49 year option over the
Darwin International Airport from the Commonwealth of Australia under the Airports Act
1996. DIA is also a joint-user airport under the Airports Act 1996 and a joint-user deed with
the Department of Defence governs the co-located operation of DIA and Royal Australian Air
Force (RAAF) Base Darwin.

The airport is a key commercial, personal travel, essential services and military transport
facility for northern Australia. In addition to this, DIA plays a vital role in sustaining remote
communities across northern Australia through the utilisation of the large general aviation
capability at the airport.

DIA is located around 13 kilometres by road northeast of the Darwin Central Business
District, on a 311 hectare leased site plus the 215 hectare joint-user (civil plus military use)
area. DIA is a curfew free gateway to the Northern Territory, providing international,
domestic and general aviation services.

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DIA is ideally located as part of the regional transport system as it is approximately halfway
between major Australian cities and South East Asian capitals.

Airport Ownership
Darwin International Airport is ultimately owned by Airport Development Group Pty Ltd
(ADG) who also own Alice Springs Airport and Tennant Creek Airport. ADG is proudly 100%
Australian owned by IFM Investors (77.4%) and Palisade Investment Partners Limited

Fast Facts
 Year ending 30 June                2016                   2017                  2018

 Passengers                       2,216,000              2,246,000             2,190,000

 Landed Tonnes                     930,000                944,000               865,000

 Total Revenue                   $84,178,000            $86,525,000           $87,871,000

 EBITDA                          $59,722,000            $63,006,000           $63,908,000

 Capital Expenditure             $29,560,000            $26,406,000           $22,832,000

 Employees                            66                    68                     69

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Community Consultation Group
It is Commonwealth Government Policy that privatised airports subject to the Airports Act
1996 have a Community Aviation Consultation Group. This is outlined in the Aviation White
Paper published in December 2009.

The Guidelines issued by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (February 2011)
highlight that the purpose of a Community Aviation Consultation Group is:

•        “to enable airport operators, residents affected by airport operations, local
         authorities, airport users, and other interested parties to exchange information on
         issues relating to the airport operations and their impacts;
•        to allow concerns to be raised and taken into account by the airport operator, with a
         genuine desire to resolve issues that may emerge; and
•        to complement and support the consultative requirements already established for
         Master Plans, Airport Environment Strategies and Major Development Plans.”

The Guidelines also outline that the Consultation Group is “… just one avenue through which
concerns can be raised and does not replace other forums and complaints handling
mechanisms established by the airport operator or other authorities (such as the handling of
aircraft noise complaints by Airservices Australia). The Group is not an arbitration or
decision making body.”

Darwin is a joint-user airport with both civil and military aircraft operations. A joint-user
deed governs planning and operation of the co-located RAAF Base Darwin and Darwin
International Airport aviation activities. The Department of Defence is hence integral to the
functioning of the Community Consultation Group.

Consultation Group Role
The overall role of the Darwin International Airport (DIA) Community Consultation Group is
to consult on community issues arising from Airport operations and developments.

Specifically, the work of the Consultation Group will include:

•        existing and proposed airport development and operations;
•        steps being taken to implement or develop the airport’s Master Plan;
•        noise (including aircraft noise) and environmental issues;
•        ground transport and access issues;
•        improvements or changes to airport facilities;
•        relevant activities from the RAAF/Department of Defence, Airservices Australia and
         Civil Aviation Safety Authority where such activities may change or affect airport
         operations that in turn, would also be of community interest; and
•        the contribution of the Airport to the local, regional and national economy.

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The Community Consultation Group is not there to resolve airport or aircraft related
complaints or resolve aviation related commercial disputes.

The following membership reflects the Community Consultation Group role:

•        Independent Chair
•        Department of Defence/RAAF
•        Environment/Landcare Group
•        Aviation industry/airport business representatives (2 positions)
•        Tourism sector
•        Business community (eg Chamber of Commerce)
•        General community member x 2
•        Darwin International Airport CEO

The Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities (DIRDC), Airservices
Australia and Civil Aviation Safety Authority will participate in Community Consultation Group
meetings as required.

The Independent Chair is appointed for 3 years. Members are appointed for 2 years.

Operating Model
The following principles/practices shall govern the internal workings of the Consultation
•       positions taken by the Group are arrived at by consensus. However, that does not
        mean every member must agree in order for the Group to arrive at a position. Any
        member who wants their view recorded on a Group position is entitled to do so;
•        the Group will function in a collegiate atmosphere under the guidance of the
         Independent Chair; and
•        Group confidentiality and external solidarity will be respected in order to be
         conducive to the free flow of information and frank exchange of views.

Role of All Members
All members are expected to:
•      actively participate in the business of the Group including being well prepared for
•        maintain external solidarity as far as possible;
•        be forthright yet courteous in expressing their views;
•        play a positive role in the working of the Group; and
•        contribute their personal expertise to Group business.

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Role of the Independent Chair
The role of Independent Chair, in addition to the expectations of all members, is to:
•      provide leadership to the Group, including providing guidance to members as
•        chair meetings and settle agendas;
•        communicate externally and with the media on Consultation Group matters, including
         speaking publicly;
•        undertake stakeholder liaison on behalf of the Group between meetings as required;
•        be a point of reference for the Airport between Group meetings;
•        settle the Summary Record of each meeting;
•        appoint members in consultation with the Airport; and
•        terminate a member whose conduct is disruptive to the effective working of the

DIA will provide the Community Consultation Group secretariat plus administrative and
technical support to the Independent Chair.

Meeting Frequency
The Community Consultation Group will normally meet 3 times per year.

Record of Meetings
A Summary Record and Web Report of each meeting will be endorsed by the Independent
Chair and Community Consultation Group Members, with the Web Report published on the
Darwin International Airport website.

Annual Report
DIA produces an Annual Report (this report) of Community Consultation Group activities for
the year ending 30 June each year which is provided to the to the Federal Department of
Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities.

Planning Coordination Forum (PCF)
In addition to the Community Consultation Group meetings, Northern Territory Airports
facilitates a Planning Coordination Forum (PCF), held three times per year. PCFs are a
mechanism to foster high level strategic discussions between the airport, and
Commonwealth, state/territory and local government representatives to improve the
coordination of planning for the airport site and surrounding areas.

The Government requires all major capital city leased airports to establish and maintain a
Planning Coordination Forum (PCF). Other airports are encouraged to adopt this model as
well. As the majority of planning resources of both the Northern Territory Government and
Northern Territory Airports are located in Darwin, it is sensible for one Planning Coordination
Forum to cover both Darwin International Airport and Alice Springs Airport.

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As Darwin is a joint-user airport with both civil and military aircraft operations, the
Department of Defence and RAAF are hence integral to the functioning of the Planning
Coordination Forum.

The role and function of the Northern Territory Airports Planning Coordination Forum is to
provide a mechanism for information exchange, discussion and resolution of issues relating
to all aspects of aviation and non-aviation activity and developments.

Specifically, the work of the Planning Coordination Forum includes:

•        planning and development issues, including local planning integration;
•        development and implementation of airport Master Plans;
•        road access issues including ground transport and public transport services;
•        environmental impacts from airport operations;
•        the role of the airports as a major consumer and employment centre in the urban
         and regional planning context, as well as the wider economic role of the airports as
•        transport centres;
•        measures to address the impacts of airport operations, including aircraft noise;
•        land use planning issues in the vicinity of the airport, including planning measures to
         safeguard airport operations, amenity of neighbouring properties, and future
         development on- and off-airport; and
•        government regulatory and policy issues.

The following membership reflects the role of the Planning Coordination Forum:

•        NT Government Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (Lands
•        NT Government Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (Transport
         Infrastructure Planning Division);
•        City of Darwin;
•        Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities;
•        Department of Defence and RAAF (RAAF Base Darwin, Defence Support NT and
         Estate Planning Canberra); and
•        Northern Territory Airports.

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2018-19 Community Consultation Group
    Member                         Representation            Title

    Daryl Manzie                   Independent Chair

    SQNLDR Craig Sedgman           Department of Defence /   XO 13SQN / ABXO RAAF Base
                                   RAAF                      Darwin

    Lesley Alford                  Environment Member        Environmental Consultant,
                                                             Denhamia; Member of Rapid
                                                             Creek Landcare Group

    Andrew Hardy                   Aviation Industry /       CEO, Hardy Aviation
                                   Airport Business Member

    Kayte Staraj                   Aviation Industry /       General Manager Novotel and
                                   Airport Business Member   Mercure Darwin Airport

    Trevor Cox                     Tourism Member            General Manager Tourism Top
    Stepped down from CCG in
    September 2018, replaced

    Glen Hingley

    Greg Bicknell                  Business Member           CEO, NT Chamber of

    Dawn Lawrie                    Community Member

    Grahame Webb                   Community Member

    Ian Kew                        DIA                       CEO, Darwin International

    Victoria Moore                 Secretariat               Aviation Projects Consultant,
                                                             Darwin International Airport

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Meetings Undertaken
                                   Location                      Date

    DIA Community Consultation     Darwin                        5 July 2018
    Group Meeting

    Community Consultation Group   Canberra                      18-19 September 2018
    Chairs Meeting
    Attended by Daryl Manzie

    DIA Community Consultation     Darwin                        22 November 2018
    Group Meeting

    DIA Community Consultation     Darwin                        14 March 2019
    Group Meeting

Meeting Outcomes
Below is a summary of the highlights of each meeting. Details of each of the items can be
found in the corresponding Web Report published to the Darwin International Airport
website (www.darwinairport.com.au).

Highlights from the 5 July 2018 meeting included:

•         Further update on proposed Dan Murphy’s development and potential improvements
          to the Osgood Drive / Bagot Road intersection
•         Donghai Airlines inaugural Shenzhen-Darwin flight, and the importance of tourism
          offerings for Chinese visitors in Darwin and the Top End.
•         The release of the draft NASF Guideline I regarding Public Safety Zones
•         Attendance by Airservices at the CCG
•         Discussion about a recent newspaper article regarding Airservices and Defence’s air
          traffic management agreement under the OneSKY Program
•         Upcoming military exercises at RAAF Base Darwin, including Exercise Pitch Black
•         Cyclone Marcus event in March 2018
•         Introduction to the Green Room, an exciting new pop-up space in the terminal
          designed to showcase Northern Territory arts and culture

Highlights from the 22 November 2018 meeting included:

•         A detailed briefing on recent air service developments, and a thorough discussion on
          air service development to SE Asia destinations, particularly Bali
•         A wrap up of Exercise Pitch Black
•         A large range of infrastructure and construction works have commenced at RAAF
          Base Darwin

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•        Construction of the National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre (NCCTRC)
         commenced in September 2018
•        DIA was awarded a $4.8M grant from the Building Better Regions Fund for a new
         cold storage and freight facility
•        The installation of ‘Happy or Not’ kiosks around the terminal to measure the
         satisfaction of passengers on their journey through the airport
•        Amendments to the Airports Act 1996 resulting in Darwin and Alice Springs Airports
         moving from a t-year to an 8-year master plan cycle
•        A presentation by Sprout Creative on the work undertaken so far in NT Airports’
         Brand Strategy project

Highlights from the 14 March 2019 meeting included:

•        Discussion by members about Dan Murphy’s and the recent Liquor Commission
•        The introduction of a number of new air services including: Darwin to Bali (Virgin
         Australia); Darwin to Uluru (Qantas); onward flights to Townsville and the Gold Coast
•        Security enhancements to be undertaken at Darwin and Alice Springs airports to
         meet new security measures mandated by the Federal Government
•        Ground Transport update including the launch of Uber and a new car accessory
         parking and storage facility at the airport
•        The release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report into the Economic
         Regulation of Airports
•        A wrap up of Airservices noise complaints received in 2018
•        Distribution of an NT Airports environmental sustainability questionnaire

    2018 Stakeholder Engagement Report                                                     21

2018-19 Stakeholder Engagement
Darwin International Airport remains committed to genuine consultation and engagement
with stakeholders. DIA’s overarching objective is to foster community engagement, however
it is also about engaging with the community at a broader, grass roots level and show
commitment to industry, social welfare, sporting endeavour and participation.

Listed below are a range of key stakeholder engagements DIA has undertaken over the past
twelve months.

Industry & Business Engagement

Jetstar Livery                                          Airport Safety Month

Jetstar livery event, celebrating ten years of flying   Airport Safety Week presentation
between Singapore and Darwin
                                                        In September, National Work Safe Month
Celebrating ten years of flying between                 and Airport Safety Week was whole-
Singapore and Darwin, Jetstar Asia                      heartedly embraced by Darwin
unveiled its unique Northern Territory                  International Airport with a comprehensive
themed livery on an Airbus A320 aircraft                and engaging schedule of events and
at a special event held at Darwin                       activities held not only in Darwin but also
International Airport in March 2019.                    at Alice Springs and Tennant Creek
The new Jetstar Asia Northern Territory
inspired livery is an innovative flying                 Crossing topics like working in the tropics,
billboard with the potential to excite                  limber and stretch, women’s health, CPR
visitors from across Asia to travel to the              and defibrillator training, walk in my shoes
Northern Territory.                                     and promoting safety culture, the events
                                                        were very well attended and supported by
The event coincided with Jetstar Asia                   airport staff, stakeholders and contractors.
announcing a new operating schedule of
seven days per week commencing in April,
which will see the number of seats jump
by 25% on the Darwin to Singapore route.

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Industry & Business Engagement
Darwin Major Business Group and               More than 80 Territorians gathered in
Facing North and Reaching South               Shenzhen, China, on 29th August 2018 to
                                              attend Reaching South, an event aiming
                                              to open the doors for trade, travel and
                                              tourism between Asia and the Northern
                                              Territory. The event was an opportunity to
                                              network with big business in China, and
                                              potentially create business opportunities in
                                              the NT consequently boosting tourism and
                                              passenger numbers.

Facing North event

Northern Territory Airports’ CEO, Ian Kew,
has been busy in his role as Darwin Major
Business Group Chair. This has taken him
on travels to China to attend the inaugural   Prime Minister Scott Morrison addressing attendees
                                              at Facing North
Reaching South event, and Canberra for
the second year of flagship national event,
                                              With a similar purpose although in a
Facing North. Both events are about
                                              domestic setting, Canberra’s Parliament
showcasing Darwin and the Northern
                                              House was a fitting venue for Reaching
Territory and represent a strong
                                              South’s sister event, Facing North, held on
partnership between the Northern
                                              Wednesday 19th September 2018. The
Territory Government and Darwin Major
                                              successful event designed to showcase
Business Group.
                                              the Northern Territory, welcomed VIPs
                                              including Prime Minister Scott Morrison
                                              and leader of the opposition Bill Shorten,
                                              as well as a powerful NT delegation and
                                              co-hosts of the event Chief Minister
                                              Michael Gunner, Senator Nigel Scullion,
                                              Solomon MLA Luke Gosling, and members
                                              of the Darwin Major Business Group.

Ian Kew speaking at Reaching South

 14                                                   2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report
Industry & Business Engagement
Round table with travel agents                Airnorth Launch

Round table forum                             Tom Ganley being interviewed by local radio station
                                              Mix 104.9 during the launch of Airnorth’s inaugural
In May 2018, NT Airports – working            flight to the Gold Coast
closely with the Northern Territory
Government and NT Tourism –                   On 3 April 2019, Airnorth commenced new
successfully secured our first flight into    seasonal flights between Darwin and the
Darwin from mainland China, specifically      Gold Coast. The service departs Darwin
Shenzhen. Not only does this provide          for Townsville with a short 30-minute
more options for passengers, it also          stopover before ongoing to the Gold
creates business opportunities for the        Coast.
“hidden passenger” i.e. international
freight.                                      To mark the occasion, a media event was
                                              held to coincide with the early morning
Engagement is key to the longevity and        check-in for the first flight. Two local radio
strength of this new route. Recently, the     stations broadcast their breakfast shows
NT’s Aviation Development team alongside      live from the check-in area of Darwin
Donghai Airlines Sales and Marketing          International Airport, with tropical themed
team, hosted a presentation and round         balloon creations to enhance the festivities
table forum with local travel agents. The     and cupcakes to share with passengers.
agenda was simple – to increase outbound
passenger numbers to Shenzhen.

NT Airports continues to work with
Donghai Airlines and local travel agents to
grow the passenger numbers on these
services, and moreover diversify and grow
our international offerings for locals.

                                              Airnorth launch event in the check-in area

    2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report                                                       15

Industry & Business Engagement
Business at Sunset                                 Presentations & Awards

Business at Sunset held in the Wirraway Business   Andrew Warrender at the AAA Annual Conference
                                                   Staff at Darwin International Airport have
In February 2019, Darwin International             presented at a range of industry events
Airport again teamed up with the NT                held locally, nationally and internationally
Chamber of Commerce to host another                over the past twelve months. These
Business at Sunset networking event in             include:
the airport’s Wirraway Business Centre.
Over 100 people were welcomed at the               •       Ross Baynes, DIA’s Director
event, giving DIA the opportunity to                       Property presented at the 9th
engage with the wider NT business                          Annual NT Major Projects
community.                                                 Conference in October 2018.
                                                   •       Andrew Warrender, DIA’s
                                                           Commercial Manager – Terminals,
                                                           presented at the 2018 Australian
                                                           Airports Association (AAA) annual
                                                           conference on the topic ‘Airport
                                                           Commercial Revenues in the Time
                                                           of the Digital Shopper’.
                                                   •       Tom Ganley, DIA’s Chief Financial
                                                           Officer participated in a panel
                                                           discussion on Community
                                                           Engagement at the 2018 Australian
                                                           Airports Association annual
                                                           conference in November 2018.
                                                   •       Ross Baynes, DIA’s Director
                                                           Property, presented at the 4th
                                                           Annual Aerotropolis Conference in
                                                           Bangkok, Thailand in March 2019.

                                                   Mark Hickey, DIA’s Technical Team Leader
                                                   was awarded a Young Airport Professional
                                                   Scholarship, allowing him to attend the
                                                   2018 Australian Airports Association
                                                   annual conference.

 16                                                       2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report
Environmental Initiatives

PFAS Interagency Working Group                Award Sponsorship

DIA continues to be an active member
within the PFAS Interagency Working
Group, established in April 2016 to
implement a coordinated approach to the
investigation and response to potential
environmental and health issues related to

Rapid Creek Water Advisory                    DIA’s Environment Manager, Nick Fewster, with the
Committee                                     recipient of the Sustainable Enterprise Award,
                                              Purple House
Formed in 2016, DIA continues to be a
member of the Rapid Creek Water               In November, the Northern Territory
Advisory Committee (RCWAC) to ensure a        Natural Resource Management (NT NRM)
consultative approach to water                Awards Gala Dinner was held as part of a
management and planning of the creek.         three day Territory Natural Resource
The RCWAC fills the void created when         Management Conference.
the previous Rapid Creek Catchment
Advisory Committee was disbanded in           The NT NRM Awards recognise the
2013.                                         remarkable work undertaken by the
                                              Territory’s champions of nature,
                                              conservation and farming for the future.
Sustainability Reporting
                                              This year the Environmental Management
In early 2019, Darwin International Airport   team from NT Airports sponsored the
engaged with stakeholders including           Sustainable Enterprise Award which
members of the Community Consultation         recognises a small business or enterprise
Group and Planning Coordination Forum         for innovative solutions to meet natural
to learn about stakeholder priorities         resource challenges or delivering
regarding environmental sustainability        sustainable products or services to meet
reporting. The feedback provided will         the needs of the Territory’s NRM
assist Darwin International Airport in        community.
better understanding stakeholder priorities
across various aspects of environmental       This year’s winner of the Sustainable
management and sustainability.                Enterprise Award was Western Desert
                                              Dialysis, The Purple House, a remote renal
                                              service, which was recognised for their
                                              efforts using traditional medicine with
                                              western medicine. By developing an
                                              economic enterprise based on the harvest
                                              and need of native species, the
                                              sustainable use of traditional medicinal
                                              plants is now being shared extensively at
                                              the Purple House and traded globally.

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Corporate Giving

DIA’s Corporate Giving Committee                    Workplace Giving

Tracy Village Rebels Baseball Club, one of this     Cheque presentation to Menzies School of Health
year’s grant recipients of DIA’s Corporate Giving   Research
                                                    Part of Darwin International Airport’s
Darwin International Airport is a regular           culture is to give back to our community.
and enthusiastic supporter of individuals,          For the past nine years, our Workplace
charities and not-for-profit groups in the          Giving program has seen staff contribute
Territory. DIA’s Corporate Giving                   to NT charities through payroll deductions,
Committee continued its support of local            which the company matches dollar for
Top End charities to purchase one-off               dollar.
tangible items. The community grants are
up to $2500 and are accessible for groups           Our 2018 recipient of the Workplace
working in a variety of areas including             Giving program was Menzies School of
youth, health, education, arts, sport and           Health Research. Menzies is now one step
the disadvantaged.                                  closer to purchasing an anaerobic
                                                    chamber, thanks to a generous donation
This year’s grants included the purchase            of $13,030 from the Darwin International
of some much-needed baseball equipment              Airport Workplace Giving scheme.
for the Tracy Village Rebels Baseball Club.
On Sunday 9th of September all three                The chamber is a crucial piece of
senior teams won their respective grand             equipment for growing anaerobic bacteria
finals with players using their new 2018            that can be found in children under the
Easton 650 Series Bats purchased through            age of 5 with middle ear infections and
the airport’s sponsorship program.                  chronic lung disease.

                                                    Darwin International Airport is grateful for
                                                    the opportunity to support this worthy
                                                    cause which will have a direct impact on
                                                    the lives of many children in the NT,
                                                    especially Indigenous children under the
                                                    age of 10 who commonly suffer from
                                                    middle ear infections.

    2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report                                                           19

Corporate Giving
It's a Bloke Thing                               DIA 2018 Annual Charity Golf Day

It’s A Bloke Thing luncheon                      Golf Day festivities

After the success of last year’s event, on 5     The 2018 Darwin International Airport
March 2019 the second annual It’s a Block        charity golf day was an enormous success
Thing prostate cancer luncheon was held          raising a whopping $65,000 to assist
in the domestic departure lounge of              Cancer Council NT’s Patient to Treatment
Darwin International Airport. The event          Program – smashing previous year’s
raised $253,000 with the funds coming            efforts as far as fundraising records goes!
directly back to the Territory to fund a full-   With the funds raised, Cancer Council NT
time specialist prostate cancer nurse at         was able to purchase two vehicles for this
Royal Darwin and Palmerston hospitals.           program and continue to assist and
                                                 support those people living with cancer,
                                                 and their families and friends.
Streeter Clay Cup
                                                 The Patient to Transport program offers a
                                                 transport service to assist patients getting
                                                 to and from their medical appointments,
                                                 particularly people that live outside the
                                                 Royal Darwin Hospital Transport bus
                                                 service. The event allowed Cancer Council
                                                 NT to purchase two new vehicles.

The inaugural Streeter Clay Cup

In June 2018, Darwin International Airport
supported the inaugural Streeter Clay Cup,
a charity football match between
Airservices Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting
Service and the Northern Territory Fire
and Rescue Service. The match was
played in Darwin, with DIA funding the           Darwin Airport presents the cheque to Cancer
shirts worn by the Airservices team during       Council NT with their two new vehicles
the match.

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Community Engagement

Media Publications                        Airside Safety in the Top End

Territory Q article                       Maria Norman, Airside Operations Officer

Throughout the past year, Darwin          We are proud of all of our staff at Darwin
International Airport has undertaken a    International Airport, and grateful for the
range of media engagement, including      huge amount they contribute to our
radio interviews, television, newspaper   business. We also care about safety – it is
and magazine articles. Topics have        our number 1 priority. Recently, one of
included airline schedules and aviation   our Airside Operations Officers, Maria
development, commercial and property      Norman, was featured in Aviation Spotters
developments, ground transport            Online.
initiatives, security enhancements,
environmental management, and             Writer for the publication, Sid Mitchell,
corporate giving events.                  was fortunate enough to visit at one the
                                          busiest times of the year for aerodrome
                                          ground operations at DIA, during a major
                                          military exercise. The feature discusses
                                          what Maria’s job entails, and how the
                                          exercise may impact day to day airside
                                          operations of Darwin Airport.

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Community Engagement
Happy or Not                                 Short Films

Happy or Not kiosk at Darwin Airport         NT Airports short film series

In August 2018, Darwin International         NT Airports continues to build its collection
Airport introduced an instant customer       of short films with the recent release of a
feedback platform through the innovative     new film focussing on the airport’s
HappyOrNot technology, currently in place    community engagement.
at over 160 airports worldwide.
                                             Like our previous short films, the
By simply pressing a button ranging from     community engagement film will be
very happy (dark green smiley face) to       shared and in a variety of ways including
very unhappy (dark red smiley face),         the Darwin Airport website, social media
passengers can now instantly                 and screening it in the airport terminal.
communicate their overall level of
satisfaction with the terminal, including
the bathroom facilities and their security
experience. Passengers are also given the
opportunity to provide additional
comments on specific areas. The data is
then fed to a web-based collection and
reporting system to chart and report back
to the airport management team.

 22                                                  2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report
Supporting the Arts
Sponsorship                                         The Green Room

Darwin Airport is a proud supporter of the Darwin   The Green Room at Darwin Airport
Symphony Orchestra, recently sponsoring their new
initiative ‘Preludes’                               Launched in August 2018, The Green
                                                    Room is a unique pop-up space designed
Darwin International Airport is a long-term         to showcase Northern Territory arts and
major sponsor of the Darwin Festival, and           culture at Darwin International Airport.
is a keen supporter of arts organisations
such as Tracks Dance, Browns Mart                   Inspired by the historical bar formerly
Theatre, Darwin Symphony Orchestra,                 located in the old Hotel Darwin, it is a true
Darwin International Film Festival,                 celebration of the Top End’s dry season
Northern Territory Travelling Film Festival,        and relaxed tropical lifestyle. This
Off The Leash, and SPUN Stories &                   welcoming venue boasts a stage where
Podcast Series.                                     local musicians perform, and large format
                                                    screens featuring digital content provided
We actively promote, support and attend             by the local arts groups we sponsor.
events hosted by the organisations and
groups we support, and use promotional
assets in our terminal to help showcase
the arts for our customers.

                                                    Christmas 2018 community performance

    2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report                                                       23

Supporting the Arts
Darwin Festival                              Top End Wedding

Darwin Festival                              Miranda Tapsell in Top End Wedding

In 2018 Darwin International Airport and     In mid-2018, Darwin International Airport
Darwin Festival celebrated 10 years of       hosted the cast and crew of Australian film
their ‘partnership in excellence’. DIA is    Top End Wedding to undertake some
proud to continue its support of the arts    filming at the airport.
community through its sponsorship of
Darwin’s much loved festival.                The film is co-written by and stars
                                             Miranda Tapsell, and features iconic Top
Ticket sales for the 2018 event exceeded     End destinations including Darwin, Tiwi
all expectations hitting a record 44,000     Islands, Kakadu, Arnhem Land and
tickets sold, and the appeal for the         Katherine Gorge.
Festival reached further than it ever has.
Of all Darwin Festival visitors, 32%         Top End Wedding had its world premiere
originated from outside of Darwin, with      at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival and
25% coming from interstate and 7% from       will be released in Australian cinemas on 2
overseas.                                    May 2019.

The airport’s water tower was lit up to
highlight the Festival, and digital
advertising platforms inside the terminal
were utilised to promote the festival to
locals and visitors alike.

CEO of Darwin International Airport and
Festival Chair, Mr Ian Kew, was delighted
with the event. ‘Growing the local
audience is important to the Festival, but
having such a significant increase in
interstate and international guests is
critical to turbocharging tourism in the

 24                                                 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report
Connecting with CDU Students                  School Tour

DIA’s Environment Manager with CDU Students   School tour of Darwin Airport

Darwin International Airport provided         In August 2018, DIA took students from
three impressive students from Charles        local school Durack Primary on a tour of
Darwin University (CDU) the opportunity       the airport and the airfield to learn about
to attend the NT Natural Resource             airport activities and operations.
Management (TNRM) conference and
awards gala dinner. Isabel Ely (right),       Easing the Transition
Manisha Poudel Gaudel (absent for the
photo), and Tito Khatiwada (left), are all
undertaking Masters of Environmental
Management at CDU. This is a two-year
course focused on the principles and
practices of environmental management,
particularly in the context of wet-dry and
semi-arid tropical ecosystems. Isabel also
presented at the TNRM conference on
long neck turtles research she assisted
with at Finniss River, NT.

CDU Scholarships
                                              Transition Camp students visiting Darwin Airport
The most recent recipient of Darwin
International Airport’s Charles Darwin
                                              Students from remote communities in the
University Scholarship commenced with
                                              Top End visited Darwin International
DIA in February 2019. The student is
                                              Airport in late 2018 to enjoy a terminal
completing a Bachelor of Environmental
                                              tour, hosted by DIA’s Head of Operations,
Science and during her internship has
                                              Aerodrome Safety & Standards Manager
been working closely with DIA’s
                                              and Community Engagement Manager.
Environment Manager on environmental
projects to gain valuable experience in
                                              The two groups were visiting Darwin as
environmental management.
                                              part of a Department of Education’s
                                              Transition Camp, designed to prepare
                                              students for the prospect of travelling
                                              interstate for studies.

    2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report                                                       25

2019-20 Stakeholder Engagement

In line with the 2018-19 activities described in this report, Darwin International Airport looks
forward to continuing with many of the actions noted above, facilitating and participating in
CACG and PCF meetings, and continuing broader community engagement and consultation
activities including:

•         Meetings and briefings with Federal and State/Territory Ministers and Shadow
          Ministers, NT Government CEOs and local councils
•         Media engagement including radio, television, newspapers and magazine articles, as
          well as ongoing website updates and information sharing through social media
•         DIA’s Annual Golf Day
•         Continued membership on environmental groups such as Rapid Creek Water
          Advisory Committee and the PFAS Interagency Working Group
•         Development of further short films
•         Environmental conservation initiatives such as tree planting, toad bust events and
          Clean Up Australia Day
•         Ongoing support of the arts
•         Continue fostering relationships with education institutions like CDU and local schools
•         Continued involvement with industry, business and the community
•         Consider opportunities for ‘pop-up’ community sessions

2019-20 Meeting Schedule
                                   Location                        Date

    DIA CCG Meeting                Darwin                          11 July 2019

    CCG Chairs Meeting             Canberra                        October 2019 TBC

    DIA CCG Meeting                Darwin                          14 November 2019

    DIA CCG Meeting                Darwin                          March 2020 TBC

    2                                                       2019 Stakeholder Engagement Report
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