2019 STAKEHOLDER PROGRAM - Destination Campbell River

Page created by Annette Chan
2019 STAKEHOLDER PROGRAM - Destination Campbell River
2 0 1 9 S TA K E H O L D E R P R O G R A M

Campbell River Visitor Services Team                           Destination Campbell River
1235 Shoppers Row                                              Suite 100, 401 11th Ave
Campbell River BC       T 250.286.6901                         Campbell River BC, V9W 4G2
V9W 2C7                 E campbellriver@destinationthink.com
2019 STAKEHOLDER PROGRAM - Destination Campbell River
As the official Destination Marketing Organization for Campbell River
and Region, Destination Campbell River invites industry partners from the
regional tourism community to join Destination Campbell River as a Registered
Stakeholder for 2019.

We work with operators of every size, from the                        We offer a sincere thank you to our partners in
largest hotel to the smallest guest house, from                       2018! We are extremely proud of our collective
owner/operator fishing charters to wildlife tour                      accomplishments this year and could not have achieved
operators, to local bakeries and every activity and                   this level of success without you, our committed and
attraction in between. We work together with                          enthusiastic stakeholders. We invite you to view our
our stakeholder partners to grow tourism as a                         latest quarterly report to provide more insight into the
true economic driver for Campbell River and our                       projects and campaigns we have delivered on to date.
neighbouring communities. No matter what business                     Similar resources are available on the Stakeholder Portal
you operate, we are all in tourism; collaborating to                  of the website at campbellriver.travel; please note this
tell local stories and supporting on-brand messaging,                 is where new marketing opportunities, media relations
strengthens our impact in the marketplace.                            and advertising specifications and program details can
                                                                      be referenced.
Our strategic goal is to grow our network of strong
industry partners that, together, can help our area                   Thank you in advance for registering. We invite you
shine on the world stage. A stakeholder model has                     to update your Stakeholder registration for 2019,
been adopted by Destination Campbell River, which                     beginning November 15th. If you have any questions,
means that all tourism businesses and organizations                   please come into the Visitor Centre Tuesday-Saturday
in the region can register as stakeholders without                    9am-5pm to say hello, or email one of our friendly
having to pay a membership fee, creating a robust                     and resourceful visitor experience specialists at:
product and experience inventory accessible                           campbellriver@destinationthink.com
to visitors, industry partners and media.

Becoming or renewing as a 2019 Stakeholder will give                  Kirsten Soder
you access to exclusive benefits that will help you                   Executive Director
grow your own business and allow Campbell River                       Destination Campbell River
to strengthen our collective competitiveness across                   kirsten@destinationthink.com
domestic, international and online marketplaces.

Enclosed please find the 2019 stakeholder benefits
and value-added program criteria. Our programs
have changed slightly for 2019 thanks to industry
feedback. New opportunities will be available at
tiered investment levels to encourage widespread
regional participation in marketing activities tailored
to your individual and sector needs and preferences.

                          Campbell River Visitor Services Team                                 Destination Campbell River
                          1235 Shoppers Row                                                    Suite 100, 401 11th Ave
                          Campbell River BC       T 250.286.6901                               Campbell River BC, V9W 4G2
                          V9W 2C7                 E campbellriver@destinationthink.com
2019 STAKEHOLDER PROGRAM - Destination Campbell River
The goal of the stakeholder model is to make it as simple
  as possible for us to learn more about, and send new
 business leads and marketing opportunities to, a wide
   variety of tourism-based businesses in the region.
By organizing and galvanizing industry toward a common purpose, we will collectively create
  more opportunities to send and track industry leads, and improve the visitor experience.
 Our goal is to generate awareness about the destination and the exceptional experiences
    available in the region; the DMO creates urgency with the visitor, moving them along
          the path-to-purchase, allowing you, our industry partners to close the sale.

       We all have value to provide, and continuing to work together as one aligned
             industry improves Campbell River’s visitor experience as a whole.

       Please, join us!
FREE Stakeholder
Local Campbell River Tourism-Based Businesses
INVESTED Community Partners: Tahsis, Gold River, Sayward, Zeballos
REGIONAL Tourism-Based Businesses: Within STRATHCONA REgional Districts A, B, C & D


Becoming a 2019 Stakeholder will give you access to exclusive
   benefits that will help you grow your own business, and
   Strengthen Campbell River's collective competitiveness
  across domestic, international and online marketplaces.


 •   Have your tourism product included in                         •    Gain access and awareness to professional
     the destination inventory, and be                                  development opportunities arranged through
     collectively represented by sector in all                          Destination Think!, Tourism Vancouver Island
     destination marketing activities.                                  and the Tourism Industry Association of BC.

 •   Complimentary website listing in one                          •    Have real-time access to information at
     category on campbellriver.travel:                                  campbellriver.travel/stakeholders, and receive
         o Business name                                                regular communication and bulletins to stay
         o Website link                                                 up-to-date on industry trends and marketing
         o Community                                                    opportunities through the Stakeholder Portal
 •   Eligible for inclusion in Destination BC                           area of the website.
     and Tourism Vancouver Island financially
     assisted programs.                                            •    Enjoy paid and earned exposure through our
                                                                        media relations and contesting programs.

                           Campbell River Visitor Services Team                              Destination Campbell River
                           1235 Shoppers Row                                                 Suite 100, 401 11th Ave
                           Campbell River BC       T 250.286.6901                            Campbell River BC, V9W 4G2
                           V9W 2C7                 E campbellriver@destinationthink.com

Get your BEAR-ings
Local Campbell River Tourism-Based Businesses & Non-Profits
INVESTED Community Partners: Tahsis, Gold River, Sayward, Zeballos
REGIONAL Tourism-Based Businesses: Within STRATHCONA REgional District

  PRICE: $250.00

  All registered Bear stakeholders in good standing receive
  basic benefits as outlined on the first page plus the following:


     •   Enhanced website listing:                                          •    Online/Social Referrals:
         -   Business name                                                       -    Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Trip Advisor.
         -   Link to website
                                                                            •    Business Referrals and Brochure Racking at
         -   Thumbnail logo                                                      Visitor Centre:
         -   Address                                                             -    Standard 4” x 9” brochure - minimum 1000
         -   Community                                                                stock at signup and refill as required.
         -   Phone number                                                        -    Includes special events and Airport
         -   Community Google Map Pin
                                                                            •    Formal Pre-season product knowledge FAM
         -   6 Gallery photos
                                                                                 sessions with Visitor Centre staff
         -   Listing in up to 3 categories,
         -   Up to 3 social media links                                     •    Access to exclusive co-op advertising
                                                                                 opportunities (See: "2019 Marketing Programs"
         -   500-word text description with formatting
                                                                                 Sales Sheet)
             and links
                                                                                 Programs include but are not limited to:
         -   YouTube video link
                                                                                  -    Discovery Guide advertising*

     •   Inclusion in 2019 Official Community &                                   -    Seasonal Campaign sponsorships
         Regional Map* (registration required by Dec                              -    Traditional and digital co-op marketing
         31, 2018)                                                                     opportunities
                                                                                  -    Discounted participation in DMY Distributed
         -   Formatted listing in one category
                                                                                       Information Screens (in-destination)
         -   Place marker on map
                                                                                  -    Digital asset acquisition - video/photography

   * Note: Those registered after Jan 1, 2019 are Still welcome to Participate, but will be ineligible For
   Inclusion in the 2019 Printed Map and Discovery Guide.

                                Campbell River Visitor Services Team                                   Destination Campbell River
                                1235 Shoppers Row                                                      Suite 100, 401 11th Ave
                                Campbell River BC       T 250.286.6901                                 Campbell River BC, V9W 4G2
                                V9W 2C7                 E campbellriver@destinationthink.com
New                          FOR 2019
   We are excited to update our new Tyee (Local)
  and Eagle (regional) Top-tier Benefit programs
     for 2019: Instead of a flat rate cost, each
  community and regional partner can customize
    their package to better accommodate their
      individual marketing goals and budget.
 To access the following enhanced program benefits, all stakeholders (local and
  regional) simply register for the “Bear” benefits. If you choose to invest in a
    marketing program anytime in 2019, you achieve your Tyee/Eagle status.

   As an early bird incentive, all Campbell River stakeholders that register for the “Bear”
benefits by December 31, 2018 will also be included as a formatted listing with place marker
    in the Official 2019 Campbell River & Region Map. This is the official map distributed
   through the Campbell River Visitor Centre and Destination BC Visitor Centre Network
 partners, at festivals and events, on BC Ferries (summer 2019) and via direct mail requests.

  Note: Discovery Guide advertising sales will also close December 31, 2018.

Be E-FISH-ient
The Tyee

NEW: Local Campbell River Tourism-Based Businesses & Non-Profits

All local (Campbell River-based) “Bear” level stakeholders who
invest in one or more of the available 2019 Marketing Programs
will receive additional top tier (Tyee) benefits including the following:


   •   Opportunity to update current vacancies                         •    Campaign sponsorship opportunities.
       (accommodations) via a new custom
       website feature.                                                •    Editorial links in original content.

   •   Display current tour/room availability via                      •    Access to wholesale Campbell River
       DMY screens (requires daily/weekly                                   Branded retail merchandise.
       update via the Visitor Centre to ensure                         •    Additional attendee (max 2) to stakeholder
       accuracy).                                                           events and workshops
   •   Interview & editorial opportunities for
       Destination Campbell River original

                           Campbell River Visitor Services Team                                 Destination Campbell River
                           1235 Shoppers Row                                                    Suite 100, 401 11th Ave
                           Campbell River BC       T 250.286.6901                               Campbell River BC, V9W 4G2
                           V9W 2C7                 E campbellriver@destinationthink.com

Explore the ShoRe
and More

NEW:REGIONAL Tourism-Based Businesses: Within STRATHCONA REgional District

All regional (based outside of Campbell River) “Bear” level
stakeholders who invest in one or more of the available 2019
Marketing Programs will receive additional top tier (Eagle)
benefits including the following:


  •   Opportunity to update current vacancies                        •    Editorial links in original content
      (accommodations) via a new custom
      website feature.                                               •    Partnership opportunities in Spring
                                                                          Regional Campaign.
  •   Regional campaign sponsorship
      opportunities (conditions apply)                               •    Additional attendee (max 2) to stakeholder
                                                                          events and workshops

                         Campbell River Visitor Services Team                                Destination Campbell River
                         1235 Shoppers Row                                                   Suite 100, 401 11th Ave
                         Campbell River BC       T 250.286.6901                              Campbell River BC, V9W 4G2
                         V9W 2C7                 E campbellriver@destinationthink.com
2019 Marketing

To participate in these enhanced ('Tyee/Eagle') programs, you must
first be a registered 'Bear' level stakeholder in good standing.
Note: Those registered after Jan 1, 2019 are welcome to register, but will be ineligible to participate in the
2019 Map and Discovery Guide.

2019 Discovery Guide Advertising                     •    1/8 page = $495                      Advertisers will be provided Copies for
(limited space available: inside front/back          •    1/4 page = $995                            Independent Distribution
covers only)                                         •    back cover = $4,995

DMY Media Screens                                    Program Options:
                                                     • Current (2018 Pilot) Partners:
                                                          -- Host & maintain existing screen and hardware
                                                          -- Contribute up to 3 pieces of unique content daily
                                                          -- *NEW: Visitor Centre can contribute 2 pieces of location-specific content on
                                                             your behalf weekly
                                                     •    New 2019 Partners:
                                                          -- Purchase and host a 42”+ screen, mount (~$250) & hardware ($85)
                                                          -- Visitor Centre to contribute 2 pieces of location-specific content on your
                                                             behalf weekly
                                                          -- Partner can manage and post content up to 3 pieces of unique content
                                                             daily (training available)
                                                     •    No screen:
                                                         -    2-week content cycles available for purchase @ $50 per cycle
                                                         -    max 3 unique posts/wk
                                                         -    Option to provide licensed image and copy text OR
                                                         -    CR Visitor Centre can source and produce content (approval required)

Spring Campaign sponsorship:                         •    Remarketing Buy-in Opportunity
OPTION 1                                                  -- Premium run of channel (128+ custom channels)
•   Online display                                        -- Advertising partner content directly to targeted leads generated by DMO
•   Native                                                -- Choice of 3 campaign targets
•   Remarketing
                                                          -- 1:1 Matched investment as low as $250 ($500)
•   IG & FB
                                                          -- We manage, optimize, report
•   Full details available Feb 1, 2019

 Spring Campaign sponsorship:                        •   Customized Buy-In Opportunity
 OPTION 2                                                -   For investments over $1000
 As above plus:                                          -   Can create a customized media plan based on recommendations
 •   Offline - e.g magazine/display
                                                         -   1:1 Matched investment (to a maximum of $1000)
 •   Digital & traditional TBC
                                                         - We manage, optimize, report
 •   Full details available Feb 1, 2019

                                Campbell River Visitor Services Team                                     Destination Campbell River
                                1235 Shoppers Row                                                        Suite 100, 401 11th Ave
                                Campbell River BC       T 250.286.6901                                   Campbell River BC, V9W 4G2
                                V9W 2C7                 E campbellriver@destinationthink.com
2019 Marketing
ProgramS (cont.)
Current DBC CoOp Marketing Sector                    •   Campbell River Regional Spring Campaign in partnership with Gold River,
Partnerships for 2019/20                                 Sayward, Tahsis, and Zeballos + Private Sector Stakeholders
•       Passion-based Consumer shows                 •   Fishing BC (BC Fresh & Saltwater Fishing Associations)
•       Dedicated passion/sector campaign            •   AhoyBC (Ocean Boating Assn) Community Showcase
        landing pages featuring CR
                                                     •   Mountain Bike BC “Ride Island” (Mountain Bike BC)
•       Print assets
•       Paid Digital & Social                        •   Golf VI ‘Vancouver Island Golf Trail’ (Golf Vancouver Island)
•       E-mail marketing                             •   NEW: BC Ale Trail (The Number/Sunshine Coast Tourism)
•       Media hosting/FAM trips
•       Video
•       Photography
•       Contesting

Full details available Dec 15, 2018

Current 2019 sample outlets for                      •   Tourism Vancouver Island Leveraged Programs
consideration:                                           -    Road Trip Map
(Digital & Traditional bundles TBC:                      -    Instagram Takeover
targeted, native, programmatic)
                                                     •   GoCamping BC
                                                     •   Angler’s Atlas
                                                     •   SOAR (PCA In-flight)
                                                     •   BC Outdoors Fishing Adventures 2019
                                                     •   Discover Vancouver Island (Times Colonist)
                                                     •   TVI/Global broadcast program
                                                     •   Coast Mountain Culture
                                                     •   Kootenay Mountain Culture
                                                     •   Mountain Life
                                                     •   Men’s Health

We STOCK AND Distribute Official Publications and Stakeholder Brochures at
    •    the Campbell River Visitor Centre
    •    Destination BC Visitor Centre Partner Network/Go Brochures
    •    BC Ferries Major Routes (Vancouver) Via CErtified Folder (Guide and Map)
    •    Direct Mail requests within Canada

As of November 15, Commitments to 2019 Official Publications Include
    •     2019 Campbell River Official Community & Regional MapS
    •     Campbell River Discovery Guide
    •     Discover Vancouver Island (Times Colonist Insert) - Direct mail Circulation In BC, AB
    •     Go Camping BC (Print Guide and GoCampingbc.com)

                                 Campbell River Visitor Services Team                                Destination Campbell River
                                 1235 Shoppers Row                                                   Suite 100, 401 11th Ave
                                 Campbell River BC       T 250.286.6901                              Campbell River BC, V9W 4G2
                                 V9W 2C7                 E campbellriver@destinationthink.com
                                                                                                                        Bear in Good
Eligiblilty                                                                         CR /Region   CR /Region               Standing
                                                                                      Standard       Bear                Tyee/ Eagle
                                                                                                                        Bear + $250+
Total Investment                                                                         Free        $250
                                                                                                                          = $500+


Inclusion in Business Directory                                                                                             
Map inclusion - Campbell River Businesses only                                                                               
Visitor Centre Brochure Racking & Booking Referrals                                                                          
Airport Brochure Racking                                                                                                     
Basic Website Listing (new for 2019)                                                      
Enhanced Website Listing (new for 2019)                                                                                      
Online/Social Media referrals (IG, Twitter, FB, Trib Advisor)                                                                
Access to Marketing Workshops and Tools                                                                                     
Influencer Hosting Opportunities (Paid influencers)                                                                         
Content Creation - business mentions in blogs/social                                                                        
Content Creation - featured/linked from articles/blogs                                                                       
Access to CR branded retail merchandise for resale                                                                            
Stakeholder e-news - monthly                                                                                                
Stakeholder Events - 1 representative                                                                
Stakeholder Events - 2 representatives                                                                                        
Pre-Season Visitor Centre Product Knowledge Session                                                                          
Tourism Tuesday Office Hours (in person, phone, Skype)                                                                      
DMY Display Information (hosted screen in stakeholder business)                                                             
DMY Display Screen Information Paid Ads
(no screen in stakeholder business)
                                                                                                                             

Enhanced Programs Access: (Bear plus 1 paid program ($250+) qualifies for Tyee/ Eagle status)                                 
   2019 Discovery Guide Advertising                                                                                           
   2019 Spring Campaign sponsorship                                                                                           
DBC CoOp Marketing Sector Partnerships for 2019/20 (Fishing, Boating, Mountain Bike, Golf, Ale Trail)                         
Additional Digital & Traditional marketing opportunities TBC                                                                  

                                  Campbell River Visitor Services Team                           Destination Campbell River
                                  1235 Shoppers Row                                              Suite 100, 401 11th Ave
                                  Campbell River BC       T 250.286.6901                         Campbell River BC, V9W 4G2
                                  V9W 2C7                 E campbellriver@destinationthink.com

                                                                               Our commitment TO Stakeholders
What we need from you, please:                                                 (what you can expect from your DMO):
1.   Register on or after November 15th (online, in person, by                 1.    A friendly reminder call and email by December 15th to
     mail or e-mail.)                                                                ensure you’re registered
2.   Create username and password at                                           2.    Regular stakeholder communication via e-newsletter ~every
     https://www.campbellriver.travel/stakeholder-registration                       4 weeks sharing industry trends, upcoming trade and
3.   Payment can be made by cheque or card (in person or by                          media opportunities, co-op marketing program details and
     phone) at the Visitor Centre Tuesday-Saturday, 9-5. Please                      stakeholder engagement sessions
     make cheques payable to Destination Think!                                3.    Hosted exclusive stakeholder events - product knowledge
4.   Verify you meet the stakeholder criteria as outlined in the                     “Coffee Talks”, “Tourism Tuesday” office hours with
     application:                                                                    Destination CR staff, professional development and hosted
                                                                                     industry events
     •   A copy of your Business License must accompany
         payment if you conduct business in Campbell River.                    4.    Travel trade and media outreach, influencer itinerary
                                                                                     inclusion, social media and visitor centre business referrals
     •   Please also provide proof of Insurance/Transport Canada
         certification if relevant to your operation                           5.    Continuous feature improvements to the official destination
                                                                                     marketing website at campbellriver.travel
5.   Prepare website listing, social handles and contact
     information                                                               6.    Commitment to provide timely resolution to Stakeholder
                                                                                     feedback, comments and questions as outlined in the
6.   Provide 2019 Brochures (if applicable): 4x9” ONLY for
     standard racking. (Note: if your printed promotional material                   Stakeholder Feedback Form
     is not the standard 4x9” display size, we will keep it behind
     the information desk for distribution as required.)

     Helpful Tips
     • Prepare your listing information for the new updated campbellriver.travel website. Consider
         what contact information you’d like publicly available and which direct contact (if different)
         you’d like Destination Campbell River marketing updates and opportunities directed. Start
         preparing a (max) 500-word description (“Bear”+ benefit only) as well as supporting imagery,
         video and social handles, as this will make the most of your enhanced website listing.

     • In a proactive effort to ensure Destination Campbell River has immediate access to your products
         and services to build contest prizing around, for promotional giveaways on social media, and
         for hosted experiences for influential guests to the community, we welcome promotional items,
         gift certificates, admission passes, or credits for services that you would like profiled. Please contact Angela Caparelli at
         the Visitor Centre to coordinate. angela@destinationthink.com or 250-286-6901

     • Take advantage of the EARLY BIRD offers by registering before Dec 31, 2018! (Applies to $250 “Bear” Package)
         -   BEAR stakeholders who indicate they are interested in the 2019 DMY Digital opportunity will sign on to the
             program at NO COST. ($1,800 annual value) (Hardware purchase costs do apply - see program sales sheet for
         -   FREE listing on the 2019 Official Community Map. Circulation 15,000+, through Destination BC Visitor Centre
             Network, BC Ferries (summer), Tear off and folded versions used exclusively at the Visitor Centre and by the City of
             Campbell River

         -   Opportunity for inclusion in 2019 Discovery Guide reprint and advertising

                                   Campbell River Visitor Services Team                                     Destination Campbell River
                                   1235 Shoppers Row                                                        Suite 100, 401 11th Ave
                                   Campbell River BC       T 250.286.6901                                   Campbell River BC, V9W 4G2
                                   V9W 2C7                 E campbellriver@destinationthink.com
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