2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School

Page created by Bernard Robles
2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School
Since 1949

Pandemic Reentry Plan
Opening Westland’s Campus
2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School
               04   Context and History
               06   Board of Trustees’ Decision
               08   Educational Program
                         Distance Learning Best Practice
                         Digtal Platforms
                         Supplemental Learning Apps
               12   Optimizing the Outdoors
               14   Safety Measures
               16   Community at Westland
                         Community Expectations
               18   Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice
               20   FAQs
               21   A Note on Communication
               22   Mission
2   Westland        Westland
    School          School
2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School
Context and
           We were a           Over 20 years ago, one of Westland’s founding mothers, Ruth
                               Hershey, shared in an interview with the LA Times marking

     poor school and
                               Westland’s 50th anniversary: “We were a poor school and we
                               struggled. We overcame lots of hardships. But we survived on
                               the strengths of our beliefs.” While certainly the school has

       we struggled.           grown and professionalized since those early years, we do find
                               ourselves in a unique, historic time period marked by struggle

    We overcame lots
                               due to COVID-19.

                               Westland School’s mission begins with our commitment to

       of hardships.           progressive education and these aforementioned beliefs.
                               Our mission, our lodestar, outlines the way our teachers are
                               cooperatively involved and emphasizes the goal of empowering

     But we survived           children to be self-motivated and to view learning as a process
                               that will continue throughout their lives. Through an integrated

    on the strengths of
                               social studies and child-centered experience, each Westland
                               child has a commitment to their group, each group has a
                               commitment to the school, and the school has an important

        our beliefs.           commitment to the world around us. Our mission culminates
                               with diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, issues that must

                               remain at the top priority of our work together.

                               During this global pandemic, Westland is channeling Ruth
                               Hershey’s words. We will survive and thrive on the strengths
                               of our beliefs. These beliefs, articulated in our mission and
                Ruth Hershey   our living philosophy, are experienced through our daily
                               commitment to each other and our school community, as well as
                               our broader Los Angeles community.

4    Westland                  5             Westland
     School                                  School
2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School
Board of Trustees’                                                                     Board-Head Partnership:
                                                                                       Time and Attention
                                                                                                Mission      Board's                                    Head's
Westland’s Administrative Team, serving as the                                                  Survival                                                Advice
                                                        FROM THE STATE:                      Leadership
school’s coronavirus task force, is developing safety   Independent Schools                       Major
protocols and practices, scenario planning, and the     Must do Distance
reentry plan. This team actively collaborates with      Learning if any of the
teachers, the Board of Trustees, health experts,        Following Apply:
and outside consultants and experts on an ongoing                                                                                                        Partnership
                                                                                                               Shared Decisions                          Authorizations
basis. Leveraging our campus, small size, and           --> Your county is on the
                                                                                                                                                         Finance Policies
                                                        monitoring list.
progressive philosophy, the school has developed                                                                Board and Head                           Enrollment
a multitiered plan that puts community members’         --> Your county has been off                                                                     Employment terms
safety and children first. We are preparing for both    the list for less than 14
on-campus instruction and distance learning.
                                                        --> there are cases of
                                                        COVID-19 in multiple cohorts       Operational
Given the circumstances of the coronavirus spread                                          Admissions
and the constantly changing factors, we do expect
                                                        within your school
                                                                                                            Board's      Head's
that we will spend more time off campus than in         --> at least 5% of your stu-         Program        Advice       Decision
                                                        dents and staff have tested          Systems
previous years. There are Westland families who         positive within the past 14
will choose to participate remotely full time until     days
public health conditions surrounding COVID-19
stabilize to the necessary standards.
                                                        A note on mask wearing:
                                                        While the CA Department of
After L.A. County is cleared, the Board of Trustees     Public Health provided in-     OUR RESOURCES:
                                                        formation on mask wearing
will vote on when students return to campus.            for children, L.A. County      California Department of Public Health    Joffe Emergency Services
                                                        is still developing their       (CDPH)                                   Progressive Education Network (PEN)
                                                        policies. The school is        Los Angeles Department of Public Health   The American Academy of Pediatrics
                                                        following these unfolding      Center for Disease Control and            Educators (local, national, and
                                                        guidelines closely and will     Prevention (CDC)                          international)
                                                        communicate the specifics of   California Association of Independent     Liebert, Cassidy, and Whitmore
                                                        our mask wearing practices      Schools (CAIS)                           Child Psychologists
                                                        closer to the school year.     National Association of Independent       Physicians
                                                                                        Schools (NAIS)                           Technology Experts
                                                                                       California Independent Schools Business   Heads of School Networks
                                                                                        Officers Association (CAL-ISBOA)

6             Westland                                                                 7                   Westland
              School                                                                                       School
2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School
the ways offsite learners will connect to the on-

Educational                                                 campus groups.

Program                                                     Westland’s teachers have been engaging in
                                                            professional development opportunities and
                                                            committee work throughout the summer. We are
                                                            deepening and enriching our understanding of what
                                                            makes for meaningful experiences. Teachers are both
Westland students will participate in a full-year,          preparing for an on-campus return and developing
complete academic program, beit on campus or                their distance learning curriculum with particular
through a distance learning experience. There likely        attention towards effectively assessing student work
will be occasions where the entire school will transition   and growth and how to even more effectively create
to periods of full-time remote learning. Repeated           community online.
closures are possible. Westland teachers are preparing
for whatever the scenario may be.                                                        “
Students on and off campus will experience committee                          Westland teachers are
work, discussions and shares, group and individual                          preparing for whatever the
pursuit of answering the essential questions of their
studies, specialist classes, and the satisfaction of                            scenario may be.
preparing for public culminations.
Once permitted, on-campus learners will be grouped
in smaller cohorts, working with their head teacher and
associate teacher. By design, there will be a limited
number of adults interacting with cohorts in person.
The size of groups will be in compliance with accepted
guidelines and research. Children will spend the
majority of their time in outdoor classrooms and on the
yards for their play. Once on campus, children will have
specialists, both in person and remotely.

Westland is creating multiple scenarios for remote
learning. Decisions will be made depending on how
many families decide to participate in the full-time
offsite learning program. More information will be
communicated regarding the program, from staffing to

8             Westland                                      9             Westland
              School                                                      School
2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School
Remote Learning                                                                      Digital                                     Supplemental
Best Practices                                                                       Platforms                                   Learning Apps
     Ample individual and small group        Public culminations inspire children         PowerSchool Learning is a Learning            Flipgrid is a social learning platform
     time helps children be connected        to pursue the questions of their             Management System (LMS) that                  for older children to share short
     to the work, the teachers, and their    study and support their classmates in        will be used by students and                  videos in response to a prompt.
                                                                                          teachers the entire school year.              This tool allows students to
     classmates.                             committee work.                              Class assignments, videos, and                asynchronously share their thoughts
                                                                                          announcements will live here, along           and learning with classmates and
     Easier work sharing allows for more     Anti-bias curriculum is an important         with google calendar links to online          teachers, to provide feedback
     direct communication about student      component of the Westland                    classes. We believe this will be an           to one another, and to create
     work and assessment of academic         curriculum.                                  improved experience from Google               community through their sharing.
     progress.                                                                            Classroom LMS for students,
                                             Social emotional learning and digital        teachers, and parents. An LMS is a            Epic! is a digital library that offers
                                                                                          software application used to create,          access to books and videos for
     Learning Management Systems             citizenship programming are both             manage, and track online learning.            children ages 12 and under. Children
     need to allow for ease of use,          important.                                                                                 will utilize Epic! for reading for
     increased organization, and improved                                                 Seesaw is an additional online                profit and pleasure as well as for
     aesthetics.                             Play remains essential.                      platform for students to see their            research.
                                                                                          work and submit their work.
     Ample sharing of work among                                                          Seesaw will be used by Groups One             Additional digital tools may be used
     students (including cross                                                            through Four to enable students to      TBD   as teachers and staff continue to
                                                                                          receive feedback from teachers,               research and explore other learning
     group and partnership sharing)                                                       see personalized assignments, view            apps to enhance and deepen
     creates community and boosts                                                         video lessons, and to document and            remote earning.
     accountability.                                                                      upload evidence of their learning in
                                                                                          multiple formats, including audio,
     Children doing work together                                                         photographs, writing, videos, and
     virtually increases engagement and                                                   drawing.
     affords them the opportunity to get
                                                                                          Zoom will continue to be used as
     help from each other and from their                                                  the video conferencing platform for
     teachers.                                                                            large group gatherings, synchronous
                                                                                          lessons, remote classroom meetings,
     Providing interesting materials on an                                                learning support, group social
     ongoing basis gives a connection to                                                  gatherings and parent programming
     children’s learning process and the                                                  and meetings.
     study at hand.

10              Westland                                                             11         Westland
                School                                                                          School
2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School
Classroom Spaces + Staffing
Optimizing                                                 Group One
                                                           Outdoor Classroom: East Yard with a designated school entrance on East Yard

the Outdoors                                               Indoor Space: East side of Auditorium (Whole Group in ½ of Auditorium)

                                                           Group Two
                                                           Outdoor Classrooms: Sandbox (with flooring) + South Yard lunch eating area
                                                           Indoor Space: Group One + Two Classrooms

                                                           Group Three
Research and data on the spread of COVID-19 shows          Outdoor Classroom: East side of South Yard
                                                           Indoor Space: West side of Auditorium (Whole group on west side of Auditorium)
that contagion is greatly minimized in the open air.
As such, once on campus, teaching and learning will        Groups Four
                                                           Outdoor Classroom: Pond Area + Zen Garden
happen outdoors as much as possible. Each half group       Indoor Space: Group Four + Science Classrooms
or cohort of children has a designated outside campus
space with ample shade provided by popup tents and         Group Five
                                                           Outdoor Classrooms: Area in front of Group Three + Five Classrooms
canopies. Generous designated outdoor play space           Indoor Space: Group Three + Five Classrooms
is being reserved for children during their scheduled
breaks. Attention is being paid towards air circulation    Group Six
                                                           Outdoor Classrooms: Patio space toward West Yard + back corner of West Yard
and supplying these spaces with effective tables,          Indoor Space: Group Six Classroom + Library
chairs, and workspaces for the children.

In the case of inclement weather, air quality issues,
technology and instructional needs, each half group or
cohort also has a designated indoor classroom space
that provides for the suggested physical distancing.
Windows and doors will be opened throughout the
day to circulate fresh air, and high-touch surfaces will
be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Adjustments
are being made to the HVAC system to allow
for maximum air circulation and sanitizing.
Air purifiers will be utilized during indoor
instruction. Westland is optimizing
multiple spaces on campus, including
the Auditorium and Library.

12            Westland                                     13            Westland
              School                                                     School
2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School
Safety                                                                                Multiple cohorts are assigned to designated restrooms. Dividers between sinks

Measures                                                                              and urinals are being installed where necessary. Restroom use will be part of the
                                                                                      orientation process for students, including such lessons on physical distancing
                                                                                      practices in the bathroom and proper flushing and hand washing practices.
                                                                                      Protocols are in place for frequently scheduled cleanings.

                                                                                      Group One
     Physical distancing practice            Sanitization and cleaning processes      Adult restrooms off of Patio, porta-potty in East Yard for any emergency need
     throughout campus with specific         which includes classrooms being
     consideration to snack and break        sanitized between classes, and the       Group Two
     time.                                   overall campus being deep cleaned        Group One restroom and adult restrooms
                                             every evening.                           Group Three
     Limited campus access for visitors                                               Adult restrooms
     and parenting adults.                   Child-friendly signage posted
                                             throughout campus.                       Groups Four–Six
                                                                                      Children’s restrooms
     Frequent and scheduled handwashing
     with additional hand washing stations   Designated materials for each child      Adults
     throughout campus, including            to use in their outdoor and indoor       Family restroom + 2 porta-potties for adult use (All porta-potties for adult
     additional protocols for teachers who   classrooms.                              use will include sinks)
     see multiple cohorts.
                                             Protocol for children showing signs of
     Mandated health screening for           sickness while on campus.
     students and employees.
                                             All families following state, county,
     Face coverings required for all         and federal measures and mandates.
     community members (including
     protocols for washing and rotating      Teachers supporting children to
     coverings), as mandated by the          understand safety practices with
     county.                                 careful attention to social-emotional
     Regular use of non-toxic sanitizing
     and cleaning products that meet
     environmental standards and current
     regulatory requirements, including
     the researched-based electrostatic
     disinfectant mister.

14              Westland                                                              15            Westland
                School                                                                              School
2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School
Community Expectations

Community at                                                              Westland families serve a vital role in helping to ensure a safe return to campus

Westland                                                                  for Westland children and adults on campus. The following expectations ask for
                                                                          all community members to adopt behaviors in their daily lives that advance our
                                                                          collective ability to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. Westland is asking all
                                                                          families to abide by the policies, procedures, and orders related to COVID-19
                                                                          implemented by the state, county, and school and in honor of Westland’s mission
                                                                          and commitment to the commonwealth of the community.
Community at Westland is our number-one value.
Community building is a top priority for Westland.                             Keep your child/children               Promptly notify the school and
Reflecting on the 2020 spring experience for parents,                          home when sick and/or when             follow instructions if you or
we are prioritizing not only regular opportunities for                         experiencing any COVID-19              anyone in your household has
parents to learn and reflect, but also opportunities to                        symptoms.                              close contact (less than 6 feet
connect and build community–to have fun!                                                                              away for more than 15 minutes)
                                                                               Maintain physical distancing as        with someone who has tested
These opportunities will be virtual. Due to the limit                          much as possible.                      positive for COVID-19.
of visitors on campus, parents will not be allowed on
campus in person (barring emergencies). So community                           Wear an appropriate face               Adhere closely to Westland’s
events like Sings and parent education events will                             covering.                              community expectations in the 14
remain virtual.                                                                                                       days prior to returning to campus.
                                                                               Practice recommended frequent
We know that building community will take extra effort.                        handwashing for twenty seconds.        Avoid unnecessary travel while
Working with specific parent committees, the school                                                                   your child is an on-campus learner
will create ways to build community and connection                             Avoid large gatherings and any         and 14 days prior to an on-campus
                                                                               environment in which people            return.
among old friends and new friends. This is a place
                                                                               are not observing recommended
where the Westland parent community will shine.                                behaviors, such as wearing             Respond cooperatively and
Though modified, parent committees will remain vital                           masks and practicing physical          respectfully to reminders, and
to the Westland parent experience
                                                     ...the school will

                                                                               Partner with teachers to help
                                                                                                                      provide gentle reminders to those
                                                                                                                      who appear to need them.

                                                 create ways to build          children learn the new protocols
                                                                               such as following directional signs   All community members must
                                                   community and               on campus.                            understand their responsibility
                                                                                                                     to the common good of the school
                                                  connection among             Participate in the required health    community. In order to promote health
                                                                               monitoring protocols established
                                                 old friends and new           by the school.
                                                                                                                     and safety, Westland will proactively
                                                                                                                     communicate and as necessary take
                                                        friends.                                                     administrative action regarding the

                                                                                                                     follow-through of these expectations.
16            Westland                                                    17              Westland
              School                                                                      School
2020-2021 Pandemic Reentry Plan - Opening Westland's Campus - Westland School
Diversity, Equity,
                Inclusion, & Justice
                 Westland School will continue to prioritize and work to deepen and grow the
                 work of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Fortified by multiple years
                 of work and progress led by the Board of Trustees and the Diversity Leadership
                 Team, the two strategic plan DEI-themed pillars, and the Assistant Head of
                 School for Equity, Inclusion, and Counseling, the school will:

                     Prioritize the development and expansion of
                     anti-bias curriculum
                     Provide ongoing professional development for
                     faculty and staff
                     Offer parent education opportunities to
                     both learn about important issues and to
                     build community where all people know they
                     Expand affinity group programing
                     Work towards increasing racial/ethnic
                     diversity among the student, staff, and
                     teacher population, paying careful attention
                     to historically underrepresented groups at
18   Westland   19             Westland
     School                    School
Frequently                                                A Note on
asked Questions                                           Communication
Are Families allowed to change their minds regarding      Westland School endeavors to provide clear, informative, and transparent
which program (on campus or remote learning) they         communications with important and necessary updates on a regular basis. The
sign up for?                                              school relies on all parenting adults reading all communications. Garnering
Westland will ask that families commit to one 12-week     feedback from surveys and office hours, our intentions around communication for
period to support the school’s managing of myriad         the 2020-2021 school year are:
details, logistics, and schedules.

How will LAUSD’s decisions impact Westland’s?
                                                               Regular letters from head of school will be
LAUSD’s purview is massive. It spans over 750,000              information-based and more crisp
students and over 1,300 campuses. Even compared
to other independent schools, Westland, with our 130           Pastoral and philosophical messages will be
students, has added agility and flexibility to meet the
safety requirements, while still keeping the integrity
                                                               mainly represented in the head of school’s In
and essential components of our progressive program.           Context blogs, which will be sent out more
What are the key takeaways from Governor                       frequently
Newsom’s and the state’s most recent mandates?                 Periodic messages from the Board of Trustees
Independent schools must do distance learning if
any of the following apply: your county is on the              will continue
monitoring list, your county has been off the list for
less than 14 days, there are cases of COVID-19 in
                                                               Administrative Team Topical Office Hours will
multiple cohorts within your school, or at least 5% of         continue during remote learning
your students and staff have tested positive within the
past 14 days.                                                  Teacher Office Hours will continue during
                                                               remote learning
What about that waiver I’m hearing about?
Westland is currently researching the waiver and will
survey employees and parents for input.

20            Westland                                    21           Westland
              School                                                   School
Westland School is an elementary school
committed to progressive education. Teachers
are cooperatively involved in developing and
implementing an integrated, hands-on, social
studies-based curriculum. Westland focuses on
empowering students to be self-motivated and
to view learning as an exciting and rewarding
process that will continue throughout their lives.
We strive for a learning environment that is
child-centered and non-competitive. Each child at
Westland has a commitment to their group; each
group has a commitment to the school and the
school has an important commitment to the world
around us. Westland values experiential learning
to develop problem solving and critical thinking
skills. We believe that learning best occurs when
there is a student population that is culturally,
socially and economically diverse.
22      Westland
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