Charting Malaysia's Journey to
2020 and Beyond

                INCENTIVE     Foreword                                   1
                              Looking Back: Success Stories              3
                              RecognisingThe Competitive Environment     5
                              Future Ready                               7
                              A Shared Vision                            8
                              What DoesThis Roadmap WantTo Accomplish?   10
                              Vision & Mission                           11
                              Goals                                      12
                TRADE         Action PlanTo MakeThese Goals A Reality    13
                              Deliverables And Impact                    17
                              Conclusion                                 19

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          I am pleased to be given the opportunity                                                                   As we outline Malaysia’s Business Events
          to pen a few words for Malaysia’s Business                                                                 Roadmap 2020 and beyond, we are confident
          Events Roadmap, a strategic plan to raise the                                                              to state that Malaysia continues to maintain its
          profile of Malaysia as a preferred business                                                                mantle as the nation’s leading business events
          events destination by 2020 and beyond. In this                                                             destination in Asia. There are vast opportunities
          regard, business events is a key component of                                                              in the business events industry. However, to
          Malaysia’s tourism offering. To maximise the                                                               remain in a strong position to capitalise on
          potential of business events, concerted efforts                                                            them, we need to innovate and chart our journey
          need to be undertaken to further leverage on the                                                           towards being Asia’s Business Events Hub. We
          diverse and beautiful tourism landscapes, unique                                                           have done well but there is still a lot of work
          blend of culture and heritage, abundance of                                                                ahead of us that would require us to recognise
          biodiversity, cuisines, arts and crafts to augment                                                         the challenges, be agile and adaptable to
          the tourism experience.                                                                                    changing circumstances.

          Through the National Key Economic Area’s                                                                   We are ambitious that 2016 and beyond will
          (NKEA) Tourism platform, Ministry of Tourism                                                               continue to be a key period. As it is, Malaysia has
          and Culture has adopted the private-public                                                                 improved by leaps and bounds in the business
          partnership approach as a means to help                                                                    events industry, positioning itself as the top-
          secure Malaysia’s position as a leading tourist                                                            of-mind preferred business events destination
          destination, focusing on leisure and business                                                              internationally.
          tourism. In this connection, we have made
          significant progress as Malaysia was named            Indeed, business events is a powerful strategy       Together with industry engagement, MyCEB has          With adequate resources, the commitment from
          Asia’s leading destination over Macao, Singapore      to enhance global trade and intellectual             developed a comprehensive Business Events             both government and industry to implement the
          and Thailand in 2016 at the World Travel Awards       engagement. Therefore, the mission of this           Roadmap for Malaysia using key insights from          roadmap will deliver transformative outcomes
          Asia.                                                 roadmap is to build Asia’s highest performing        the ground-breaking Destination Marketing             for Malaysia beyond tourism, in line with the
                                                                business events industry through public and          Association International (DMAI) global report.       country’s 2020 vision. Successful implementation
          Malaysia has been performing well in the last         private collaboration which results in economic,     The roadmap has a clear vision of where               of the roadmap will result in an increase in the
          five years in positioning itself as a preferred       social, cultural and environmental benefits to all   and how Malaysia aims to position itself and          number of international business events that
          business events destination, regionally and           parts of the country.                                has identified the five goals that will help the      are linked to all National Key Economic Areas
          globally. However, we must not rest on our                                                                 business events industry to forge ahead.              (NKEAs), contributing to Gross National Income
          laurels. More needs to be done to stay ahead of       Finally, I am confident this publication will be a                                                         (GNI) and creating multiplier effects across the
          the game, with stronger competitors constantly        useful guide for our strategic partners to align     Evidently, business events play an important role     economy, thus complementing our country’s
          innovating their destination and product              their business plans and programmes to grow          in connecting industry leaders and accelerating       efforts in becoming a developed nation by 2020.
          offerings. By focusing on building a knowledge        the business events industry and realise our         innovation through the exchange of information
          and creative economy, the business events             aspiration to be Asia’s Business Events Hub.         and ideas. With Malaysia increasingly being           On behalf of MyCEB, I hope all stakeholders in
          industry will be able to deliver transformative                                                            recognised as a destination for business events,      the industry will give their fullest commitment
          outcomes in terms of increased spend, as well                                                              the strong government support will not only           in the implementation of Malaysia’s Business
          as broader economic impact for Malaysia, and I                                                             help to bring in more international business          Events Roadmap in attracting even more
          believe the business events supply chain is full of                                                        events to our shore but also amalgamate the           business events to Malaysia. I look forward to
          knowledge and creative businesses.                                                                         effort of all ministries through multiple advocacy    your strong support.
                                                                                                                     programmes toward achieving the nation’s goal.

          Tan Sri Dr. Ong Hong Peng                                                                                  Datuk Zulkefli Hj Sharif
          Secretary General                                                                                          CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
          MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND CULTURE                                                                            MALAYSIA CONVENTION & EXHIBITION BUREAU
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           Looking Back:
                                                                                                                           Business events secured: 2010 - 2015
                                                                                                                           Over the years, from its establishment in 2010 and up to 2015, MyCEB together with its strategic partners

           Success Stories
                                                                                                                           secured 654 international business events comprising of international conference, corporate meeting,
                                                                                                                           incentive travel and trade exhibition events which will substantially add an estimated RM4.1 billion into
                                                                                                                           Malaysia’s coffers. These events will take place between 2010 to 2020.

                                                                                                                           1,200                                                                                                 -120,000

           In 2010, with the launch of the nation’s EconomicTransformation Programme                                                                                                                              111,298
           (ETP), Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB) was given a critical role
                                                                                                                           1,000                                                                     97,078                      -100,000
           to establish Malaysia as a leading business events destination under Entry Point
           Project (EPP) 10 of the Tourism National Key Economic Area (NKEA).                                                                                             81,350

           The ETP was designed to help Malaysia reach                    Since then, with adequate funding and
           developed nation status by 2020 and business                   commitment from government under the               600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -60,000                415,616
           events has been recognised as a key contributor                ETP, Malaysia’s business events industry has                                                                                                                                  delegates
           to this growth and in line with the ETP strategic              performed exceedingly well, making the country
           priority to focus on attracting high-yield business            a much-envied new business events destination.     400    39,600
           travellers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RM4.1bil
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        economic impact
                                                                                                                             200                                                                                                 -20,000

          BY 2020








                                                                                                                                        2010       2011         2012        2013          2014         2015          2016
                                                                                                                                   Estimated economic                        Events secured                        Estimated total
                                                                                                                                   impact (RM) million                                                             delegates
           Business events is
           expected to contribute                                                                                          Business events supported: 2010 - 2015

                              RM3.9bil                                                                                                            1,350
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   economic impact
                               incremental Gross National
                                                                                     jobs creation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           visitor expenditure

                                                                                                                           In the same period, MyCEB provided support to 1,350 events with the aim of increasing delegate average
                                                                                                                           attendance, their length of stay and spending in Malaysia. These events, which took place from 2010 -
                                                                                                                           2015, delivered an estimated economic impact of RM7.2 billion to the country.

                                                                                                                           To profile Malaysia as a preferred business events hub globally, a strong public relations and
                                             Business Events visitors                                                      communications strategy has been implemented, resulting in an estimated media publicity of over
                                             are expected to grow from 5% to 8% of total                                   RM100 million for the past five years.

                                             visitor arrivals                                                              The stage is set for Malaysia to continue its rising profile in the business
                                                                                                                           events industry in Asia.
           *Source: EconomicTransformation Programme : A Roadmap for Malaysia                                              *Source: Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau
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           recognising the
                                                                                                                 Hong Kong                                        Macao
                                                                                                            The true definition of east meets west,        This tiny Special Administrative Region
                                                                                                            Hong Kong is a stable networking base for      (SAR) has strategically placed great focus on

           competitive environment
                                                                                                            buyers and sellers from around the world.      its unique selling proposition – the latest and
                                                                                                            It plays an important role as Asia’s trading   newest international hotels with integrated
                                                                                                            hub and one of the most important business     hospitality and meetings infrastructure.
                                                                                                            platforms for overseas companies wishing       This means that Macao has the perfect
                                                                                                            to promote their products and services to      facility package to woo mega groups that
           There is a growing recognition within the government and the community                           customers in mainland China.                   want the all-inclusive and all-under-one-roof
                                                                                                                                                           seamless experience with accommodation,
           that business events makes a broader contribution beyond monetary                                                                               entertainment, dining, recreational and team
                                                                                                                                                           building options.
           gains. Business events is a powerful strategy to enchance global trade and
           intellectual engagement.
           Knowledge is now recognised as the driver of productivity and economic growth, leading to a
           new focus on the role of information, technology and learning in economic performance. Every                                                    Improved Cross-Strait relations between
           government in every country is focused on building knowledge and creative economies. And,                                                       Taipei and Beijing have opened doors to
                                                                                                                                                           more trade and more opportunities for
           the business events supply chain is full of knowledge and creative businesses. In the region,
                                                                                                                                                           business events. Taiwan is a power house
           countries all over Asia are on the move – they want a piece of the pie because they understand                                                  for manufacturing and boasts a high level
           that business events is a key catalyst for economic, cultural and social transformations.                                                       of R&D in medical, technology and scientific
                                                                                                                                                           sectors, gradually building a reputation
                                                                                                                                                           among association organisers.
                 Thailand                                          China
           Thailand is leveraging on two winning             Once regarded as the ‘world’s workshop’,
           factors – its strategic location as gateway       China’s economy has been significantly                                                              South Korea
           to the emerging economies of the Greater          rebalanced with services, high-tech
           Mekong Subregion; and its active role in          industries and advanced manufacturing                                                         The creativity behind its rich cultural heritage,
           ASEAN. It has launched a campaign to              becoming new engines of growth. Services                                                      lively imagination that catapulted Korean
           assert the kingdom as the business events         now make up 51 percent of its GDP. Key                                                        drama, fashion, entertainment and high tech
           destination in the heart of ASEAN. Thailand       Chinese gateway cities will benefit from the                                                  wizardry onto the global stage is making
           is the leader in ASEAN collaboration and          steady growth in business events. China’s                                                     South Korea a favourite among business
           regional partnerships, and quick to leverage      Belt and Road Initiative will integrate the                                                   events organisers. Korea enjoys a strong
           on the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).            fragmented source market involving more                                                       government and private sector approach to
                                                             than 4.4 billion people.                                                                      business events matched by its cutting-edge
                                                                                                                                                           convention centres and IT infrastructure.

           Asia’s Top Convention City for more than                                                                                                              Japan
           one decade, Singapore has managed to
                                                                                                                                                           The Japan Tourism Agency, under the
           stay ahead of the curve by its constant
                                                                                                                                                           Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
           reinvention and focus on the “Singapore
                                                                                                                                                           and Tourism, has the goal to make Japan
           Experience”. The republic is positioning itself
                                                                                                                                                           the most popular conventions destination
           as the premier business events destination
                                                                                                                                                           in Asia by 2030. Japan’s Global MICE
           anchored on thought leadership and
                                                                                                                                                           Cities Strategic Project will select and
           business opportunities. Singapore enjoys
                                                                                                                                                           provide technical assistance to city/regional
           strong government involvement in terms of
                                                                                                                                                           convention bureaus and help them boost
           inter-ministerial support, grants and funds
                                                                                                                                                           their capabilities to bid for and service
           for business events.
                                                                                                                                                           international business events.

                 Indonesia                                         India                                                                                         The Philippines
           Home to the world’s 16th largest economy,         Long stymied by lack of infrastructure,                                                       Once the grand dame of the convention
           Indonesia is booming, thanks largely to a         India now has on its books nine purpose-                                                      industry in Asia, the Philippines has lost
           combination of domestic consumption and           built convention centres. The nation is an                                                    its position but is now armed with new
           productivity growth. With the boost of new        important market and source of knowledge                                                      determination to recover lost ground.
           exhibition space recently, the government         in pharmaceutical, information and                                                            Greater foreign investment volumes and
           has established Indonesia Convention &            communications technology as well as                                                          improving business infrastructure in Manila
           Exhibition Bureau (INACEB) to tap into the        insurance.                                                                                    are contributing to positive sentiment within
           lucrative business events market.                                                                                                               its business events sector.
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           future ready                                                                                           A Shared Vision
           Malaysia is on the cusp of a changing business events landscape. With more new                         In a facilitated PEMANDU LAB 2.0 exercise in early 2016, MyCEB and the business
           hotels, convention centres and bureaus in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Sabah in the                        events industry stakeholders concurred that, together, we want to accomplish
           pipeline, the prognosis looks good.                                                                    these:
           However, just how assured is Malaysia’s future     The report revealed that there are two                 To elevate the industry's impact                 In these sessions, we acknowledged that there
           position especially in the face of emerging        fundamental drivers for any destination’s                                                               are significant emerging opportunities and
           regions and destinations that are just as hungry   success in the world market -                          on investment and trade that                     challenges for growth in the business events
           for the business events market?                                                                           accelerates national transformation.             industry as a more sustainable and broad-based
                                                              the strength of the destination                                                                         economy.
           In January 2016, five years after its
           establishment, MyCEB commissioned a study          itself and the levels of                               To be a leading force for building               Inherent in nearly all challenges are
           to review the health of Malaysia’s business
           events industry through a series of consultative
                                                              community support for                                  Malaysia's global networks and                   opportunities for renewal and transformation.
                                                                                                                     knowledge transfer.
           workshops and interviews with the business         developing the industry.
           events industry stakeholders. The goal was to
           evaluate gaps, brainstorm solutions and chart                                                             To sustainably increase Malaysia's
           Malaysia’s future in business events.              For a destination to be successful it has to have
                                                              a strong profile and brand, high performance
                                                                                                                     business events market share and
           As a result, a national business events            and strong value offerings; and it has to have         social and economic contribution
           roadmap with clear goals, designated roles         broad local commitment, understanding and
           and performance measurements was drawn to
                                                                                                                     to the nation.
                                                              support from its larger community. This means
           power the country’s business events industry       the workforce; the national associations who are
           to 2020 and beyond. This roadmap is developed      potential conference hosts; future professional
           using key insights from the groundbreaking
           Destination Marketing Association International
                                                              thought leaders; the general public; and most
                                                              of all, the supplier community and the local and
           (DMAI) global report, also known as Destination    federal governments.                                        No long-term infrastructure planning and capacity limitations
           NEXT, on the future of destination marketing.                                                                  Socio-economic benefits from business events not realised by Ministries
                                                                                                                          Limited commitment and support from the industry
                                                                                                                          Limited data available to identify size, value and benefits
                                                                                                                          Government policies (visa, tax, etc.) are inhibiting rather than promoting growth
                                                                                                                          Lack of new product development and stifled innovation and creativity
                                                                                                                          Strong, aggressive and growing number of regional competitors
                                                                                                                          Decline in direct access
                                                                                                                          Small number of ready local host to bid for conferences

                                                                                                                          Upcoming infrastructure developments and new convention bureaus to support the
                                                                                                                          efforts of MyCEB
                                                                                                                          Leveraging business opportunities and community benefits from ASEAN Economic
                                                                                                                          Community (AEC)
                                                                                                                          Diversifying economy creating new industry sectors under NKEA and alignment of
                                                                                                                          business events with all government ministries for new partnerships
                                                                                                                          Malaysia is ranked as one of the world’s best value-for-money destinations and offers
                                                                                                                          business events organisers competitive solutions
                                                                                                                          Strong track record of hosting conventions and exhibitions
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                               MISSION                     What does this Roadmap
                                                           want to accomplish?
                                                                                                 High performance industry
        VISION                                                Build a globally strong
                                                              business events brand for
                                                                                                 organisations leading the

                                 GOALS                        Malaysia
                                                                                                 growth and development of the

                                                              All of government support for
                                                                                                 Lead major growth and
                                                              the attraction, development
                                                                                                 development of the business
                                                              and creation of strategically
                                                                                                 events industry
                                                              important business events

                                                              A vibrant association
                                                              community sharing knowledge,       Build a skilled and professional
                                                              ideas and innovations with         workforce
                                                              their international counterparts

                                                              Build community support            Attract international business
                                                              through promotion of               events that help drive
                                                              economic and social                economic growth in key
                                                              importance of business events      industry sectors

                                             MEASURING        Product innovation to
                                                              strengthen Malaysia’s
                                            PERFORMANCE       competitive edge and meet
                                                                                                 Reduce dependency on
                                                                                                 government funding
                                                              the current and future needs of

                                                              Acquire the necessary              Long-term infrastructure
                                                              business intelligence to           planning to support future
                  DELIVERABLES                                benchmark, plan and
                                                              manage outcomes
                                                                                                 growth of the business events
11   I MALAYSIA’S BUSINESS EVENTS ROADMAP                                                                                             MALAYSIA’S BUSINESS EVENTS ROADMAP I   12

                       VISION                                             GOALS
                                                                          These five goals capitalise on the potential of business events to help to power
                                                                          Malaysia’s knowledge and creative economy.

                                  Business events will be a leading
                                  driver of Malaysia’s economic                   Malaysia will significantly                 The business events industry
                                  transformation across all key                   increase its market share of                will significantly increase its
                                  sectors. It will strengthen                     international conventions and               direct contribution to GDP,
                                                                                  exhibitions taking place in                 jobs and tax revenues.
                                  Malaysia’s international profile                Southeast Asia.
                                  and global networks, build trade
                                  and investment links and power
                                  growth of the nation’s knowledge
                                  and creative industries.
                                                                                  Business events will play                   Business events will help
                                                                                  a major role in achieving                   Malaysians expand their
                                                                                  the 2020 goals of every                     global investment, trade and
                                                                                  government ministry.                        professional networks.

                                                                                  Malaysia will have Asia’s
                                 To build Asia’s highest performing               most professional, successful
                                 business events industry through                 and sustainable business
                                 government and private sectors                   events industry.
                                 collaboration which results in
                                 economic, social, cultural and
                                 environmental benefits to all parts of
                                 the country.

                                                                                                                                                    business events
                                                                                                                                                   helps national
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           Action Plan to make
                                                                                                                                Putting performance measurement systems in
                                                                                                                                place is an important way of keeping track on the
                                                                                                                                progress of Malaysia’s business events industry.

           these Goals a Reality                                                                                                This will give MyCEB and the industry vital
                                                                                                                                information about what is happening now and
                                                                                                                                it also provides the starting point for a system
                                                                                                                                of target-setting in line with implementation of
           These five goals capitalise on the potential of business events to help to
           complement Malaysia’s knowledge and creative economy.
           The roadmap identified priority action items          initiatives and shouldering the bulk of
           for three main industry organisations i.e.            responsibilities as the bureau works hand-in-
           MyCEB, Malaysia Association of Convention             hand with the government and private sectors to
           and Exhibition Organisers and Suppliers               achieve Goals 1 to 4. To implement Goal 5 action
           (MACEOS) and a newly formed Business Events           plan items, the roadmap proposes that MyCEB
           Council of Malaysia (BECM). MyCEB, as the             will share these tasks with MACEOS and BECM.
           lead government agency in charge of business
           events, would take charge of the majority of

                          GOALS                                                                                                                                                                            Performance
                                                                               Strategies                                                        Key Activities                                              Measures

                       Goal 1                             1. Greater engagement with buyers to learn and service their
                                                             needs and expectations.
                                                                                                                              1. Establish Customer Advisory Board.

                                                                                                                              2. Establish Business Events Council of Malaysia.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1. Percentage of international
                                                                                                                                                                                                           conventions occurring in
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Southeast Asia.
                  “Malaysia will significantly            2. Advocate pro-business visitors and pro-business events
                 increase its market share of                government policies.                                             3. Inter-governmental and industry platforms to address key               2. Percentage of exhibition floor
                international conventions and                                                                                    growth inhibitors.                                                        space sold within Southeast Asia.
                                                          3. A strong ‘Team Malaysia’ alliance for winning bids.
                  exhibitions taking place in                                                                                 4. ‘Team Malaysia’ bid alliance to review, develop and support            3. Number of international
                       Southeast Asia.”                   4. Local host support to bid for and host business events.             bid strategy.                                                             participants at exhibitions in
                                                          5. Build stronger global brand for Malaysia as the preferred        5. Brand development and communication plan.
                                                             business events destination.
                                                                                                                              6. Competitive MyCEB and industry collaborative financial
                                                          6. Develop global alliances with strategic partners to share and       and non financial support programmes to bid for and host
                                                             develop business opportunities.                                     business events.
                                                                                                                              7. Collaborative sales and marketing programmes to promote
                                                                                                                                 Malaysia and generate further business prospects.
                                                                                                                              8. Global Destination Alliance.

                       Goal 2                             1. Achieve multi-sectorial and inter-ministerial co-operation and
                                                             engagement with bids and event planning.
                                                                                                                              1. Government advocacy programmes.

                                                                                                                              2. Align business event opportunities with ministerial priorities, i.e.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1. Number of groups secured with
                                                                                                                                                                                                           engagement of ministries.
                 “Business events will play a             2. Leveraging opportunities from business events that take place       NKEA.                                                                  2. Number of events secured related
                  major role in achieving the                in Malaysia.                                                                                                                                  to NKEA industries.
               2020 goals of every government                                                                                 3. Sector innovation weeks to showcase Malaysia’s capabilities.
                          ministry.”                                                                                          4. Collaborate with event stakeholders to identify and develop B2B
                                                                                                                                 opportunities and /or legacy benefits.
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                          GOALS                                                                                                                                                       Performance
                                                                        Strategies                                                    Key Activities                                    Measures

                       Goal 3                     1. Development of a sustainable business model for all Malaysian
                                                                                                                     1. Collaboration of industry bodies to develop and promote
                                                                                                                        continuous training and accreditation programmes.
                                                                                                                                                                                   1. Number of professionally
                                                                                                                                                                                      accredited members of the
               “Malaysia will have Asia’s most    2. Increased and broader community support – government,           2. Close collaboration with the Business Events Academic
                professional, successful and         public, media, trade associations and supplier organisations.      Council.                                                   2. Growth in membership of
                sustainable business events                                                                                                                                           Malaysian industry associations.
                                                  3. Measure value, track progress and share the success stories.    3. Community engagement programmes.
                         industry.”                                                                                                                                                3. Stakeholder (government and
                                                  4. Adopt industry best practices to educate, train, certify and    4. Research and promote community benefits.                      industry) satisfaction level.
                                                     accredit Malaysia’s business events industry and future
                                                     workforce.                                                      5. Cross-promotion and support of industry                    4. Malaysia Brand Monitor / Net
                                                                                                                        associations.                                                 Promoter score.
                                                  5. Empower and strengthen industry trade associations that will
                                                     supplement MyCEB’s efforts.                                     6. Association development and ambassador programme.

                                                  6. Grow Malaysia’s association community.                          7. Product assessment and development programmes.

                                                  7. Product improvement and new product development.

                       Goal 4                     1. Determine value of business events and its contribution
                                                     to GDP, job and tax revenues as benchmark for future
                                                                                                                     1. Economic impact study to determine direct and indirect
                                                                                                                        economic value of business events.
                                                                                                                                                                                   1. Business events direct
                                                                                                                                                                                      contribution to GDP.
               “The business events industry                                                                         2. Collaborative event marketing programme to maximise        2. Business events direct
                will significantly increase its   2. Identify and leverage on opportunities brought in by business      delegates.                                                    contribution to job creation.
               direct contribution to GDP, jobs      events.
                                                                                                                     3. Promote extend stays through pre and post event tours,     3. Business events direct
                      and tax revenues.”          3. Maximise yield from business events.                               technical visits etc.                                         contribution to national tax
                                                  4. Implementation of Goal 1 strategies.                            4. Promote usage of local products and services.
                                                                                                                                                                                   4. Tax revenues in relation to
                                                                                                                     5. Implementation of Goal 1 key activities.                      government investment in

                       Goal 5                     1. Identify and leverage on opportunities brought in by ASEAN
                                                     Economic Community (AEC).
                                                                                                                     1. Engagement with government agencies and stakeholders
                                                                                                                        to identify and leverage business event opportunities
                                                                                                                        relating to AEC and NKEAs.
                                                                                                                                                                                   1. Number of regional and
                                                                                                                                                                                      international delegates attending
                                                                                                                                                                                      business events in Malaysia.
                 “Business events will help       2. Focus on business events in the NKEA industries.
                  Malaysians expand their                                                                            2. Enhance international engagement support via Association   2. Number of Malaysian delegates
                global investment, trade and      3. Support development and engagement of Malaysia’s                   Development Programme.                                        attending business events in
                                                     national trade and professional associations with                                                                                Malaysia.
                   professional networks”            international community.                                        3. Research to identify and promote business outcomes and
                                                                                                                        legacies generated from business events.                   3. Business opportunities and legacy
                                                  4. Support development of B2B platforms and legacy impacts                                                                          impacts from Business Events.
                                                     from business events.

                                                  5. Networking platforms to connect Malaysia’s ministries and
                                                     key organisations with key delegates.

business events is
linked to all NKEAs, contributing
to GNI and creating multiplier effects                                                                                                                                                                    business events is
across the economy, making Malaysia a                                                                                                                                                                  catalyst for social and
developed nation by 2020                                                                                                                                                                             cultural transformation
17   I MALAYSIA’S BUSINESS EVENTS ROADMAP                                                                                                                                                       MALAYSIA’S BUSINESS EVENTS ROADMAP I   18

           Deliverables and Impact
                                                                                                                            Case studies of business events that relates to all industries

           Successful implementation of the roadmap will deliver transformative outcomes
           for Malaysia, both in terms of increased spend as well as broader economic
           impact. These international business events will bring close to three million global
           professionals and thought leaders to Malaysia and other related benefits.
                                                                                                                                        HEALTHCARE                                         Education
                                                                                                                                    Woman Deliver Conference                   Toastmasters International Convention
           By 2020, Malaysia’s business events                                                                                            28 - 30 May 2013
                                                                                                                                        No. of Delegates: 4,500
                                                                                                                                                                                           20 - 23 August 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                          No. of Delegates: 2,550

           industry will deliver:                                                                                                Government Investment RM1.0 mil                   Government Investment RM700k

                                                                                                                                Contribution from Private RM0.79 mil              Contribution from Private RM835k
                                                                                                                                                  Sector                                            Sector

                                                                                                                                     Total Public & Private RM1.79 mil                Total Public & Private RM1.54 mil
                                                                                                                                                   Alliance                                         Alliance

                                      16,720              >RM3.9bil                 2.9mil                                          Est. Economic Impact RM44.0 mil                   Est. Economic Impact RM27.8 mil
                                    Jobs creation         Gross national        Business events
                                                             income                 visitors                                                       PR Value RM1.3 mil
                                                                                                                                                                                First time held outside North America

           Beyond tourism benefits
           Business events is a catalyst for socio-economic growth.The impact from hosting international business events
           not only stretches beyond direct spending and job creation, but also amplifies the benefits beyond tourism.The
           legacy impacts will help power Malaysia’s continued development as a knowledge and creative society.

                   Reputation                    Knowledge Transfer                       Trade & Investment
                                                                                                                                                trade                               tourism & retail
                                                                                                                              Malaysia International Furniture Fair            Perfect China Incentive Travel & Seminar
                                                                                                                                            3 - 7 March 2015                                 3 - 7 July 2015
               Elevate Malaysia’s profile              Expose Malaysians to                Stimulate trade, investment                  No. of Delegates: 6,389                          No. of Delegates: 6,000
                       globally                     global experts in their field          and export opportunities for     (5,189 visitors + 1,200 exhibitors & speakers)
                                                    to enhance knowledge and                        Malaysia                                                                       Government Investment RM1.37 mil
                                                     professional development                                                       Number of Exhibitors 508 (from 15
                                                                                                                                                         countries)                     Cost of Organising RM1.5 mil
                     Network                         Dignity & Social                               Legacy
                                                       Development                                                                  Furniture Export Sales RM3.1 bil              Contribution from Private RM45 mil
                                                                                                                                                           (30% of                                  Sector
                                                                                                                                                           annual                       Retail Contribution RM2 mil
                Enhance professional                 Contribution to community,             Create a lasting legacy for                                    export)                   Est. Economic Impact RM121 mil
                connections and help                social development and CSR              current and future industry
           Malaysians build global network         to address major societal and           thought leaders in Malaysia              Est. Economic Impact RM104.6 mil                       Corporate Social RM5.6 mil
               as well as research link               environmental challenges                                                                                                                Resposibility
                                                                                                                              Listed in top 100 exhibition in Asia by UFI in
                                                                                                                              2014                                              Nationwide impact covering Kuala Lumpur,
                                                                                                                                                                                Penang, Langkawi & Alor Setar
19    I MALAYSIA’S BUSINESS EVENTS ROADMAP                                                                                                   MALAYSIA’S BUSINESS EVENTS ROADMAP I   20

                conclusion                                                                Benefits beyond tourism
                Malaysia’s Business Events Roadmap offers a blueprint for industry
                stakeholders to create more success stories, while charting Malaysia’s
                journey towards 2020 and beyond.                                                        Reputation              Knowledge
                The enthusiastic support from the government and industry players
                is the key contributing factor for past milestone achievements and will
                further drive us to accomplish the 2020 targets

                                                                                                          Trade &                 Network
                                             incremental Gross National


                                              Business Events visitors    16,720                    Dignity & Social
                                              are expected to grow from   jobs creation
                                              5% to 8% of total visitor

               Business events is linked to all NKEAs
                                                                                          On behalf of MyCEB, I urge all stakeholders in the industry to support
                                                                                          the implementation of Malaysia’s Business Events Roadmap and align
                                                                                          your business strategies with this roadmap.

                                                                                          My highest appreciation goes out to all industry partners, government         “
                                                                                          agencies, our associates and everyone who has been involved, directly
                                                                                          or indirectly, in the development of this roadmap.
                                                                                                                                 Datuk Zulkefli Hj Sharif
                                                                                                                                 Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                                 Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau

Information is correct at time of printing
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