2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga

Page created by Yolanda Rhodes
2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga
2021 Pathways Guide
Year 9-10
2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga
                                           Welcome ............................................................... 3
                                           Year 9 How to use this guide .................. 4
                                           Year 10 how to use this guide ..................7
                                                         Newly enrolled students ........10
                                           Online process & codes ............................. 13
                                           key dates ............................................................ 14
                                           Pathway subjects ........................................... 15
                                           arts ........................................................................ 16
                                           english ................................................................ 20
                                           humanities ........................................................ 25
                                           LANGUAGES ......................................................... 28
                                           MATHEMATICS ..................................................... 31
                                           physical education & Health ................. 36
                                           RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ...................................40
                                           SCIENCE ................................................................. 43
                                           technology ...................................................... 47

graduate outcomes
   Catholic College students live life in Jesus by
    • developing and sustaining loving, empathetic and supportive relationships
    • serving others with honour, courage and integrity
    • being creative problem solvers, critical and
      reflective thinkers and self-directed, life long
    • knowing and valuing themselves, having a sense
      of confidence and belonging
    • being flexible and resilient with a sense of dignity
      and self respect
    • being environmentally and socially responsible
      within their local, national and global communities
    • striving to achieve their best academically

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                               -2-
2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga
welcome to pathways
Dear students and families,
What is Pathways?
We are continuously developing an innovative curriculum and opportunities, offering three distinct stages of
learning: Middle Years (7-8), Pathways (9-10) and Senior School (11-12). Each stage has different purposes,
different outcomes and a wide variety of experiences. At all stages, students are challenged and supported to
reach for a potential they have not yet begun to imagine.
Our priority in Year 9-10 is student choice and student engagement. Moving from the breadth of the Middle
Years program, Pathways adds depth to learning and ‘hones-in’ on areas of enthusiasm. We offer more than 85
subjects! Students study units from all learning areas, but additional free choice allows them to pursue a learning
area and expand their understandings and skills, preparing them for Senior School.
Year 9 in 2021
The first decision you need to make in Year 8 is “do I want to keep going with French or Japanese?” Your
answer to that question determines how you allocate your subject choices. We want you to think of Pathways
as a two-year program, so in Year 8 we ask you to plan for Year 9-10, but only choose subjects for Year 9. We’ll
offer you some templates to help organise your thinking. There are lots of decisions to be made.
Year 10 in 2021
Each subject is a semester long, mirroring your final two years in senior school. 2021 is a rigorous opportunity
to learn: subjects are timetabled against Year 11-12, giving you access to VCE and VET subjects. If advancing
is something you are interested in, make sure you explore the options in the 2021 VCAL | VCE Guide.

Each student will have a Year 10 timetable that is different to their friend’s. This is because, the subjects you
completed in Year 9 make up part of your Pathways program. Remember, there are a minimum number of
subjects required from each Domain across Year 9-10. What you have completed in Year 9 will mean your Year
10 subjects are partly chosen for you. There will be support from your Learning Mentor, your Year 9 teachers
and other staff. These conversations and those you have at home should help you think more deeply about life
after school.
I wish you all the very best as you embark on your Pathways selections.

                    SHAUN MASON

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2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga
Year 9 How to use this guide
For the past two years you have experienced all Catholic College has to offer and we’ve deliberately made sure
you completed a variety of subjects. Now, we ask you to explore in-depth the subject areas that have really
interested you, so you can determine your own Pathway into the VCAL | VCE years.
It is important that your choices are guided by your interests and not what your friends are choosing, so choose
what you love, not who you’re with.
To help you pick, you will get support from your Learning Mentor, your Year 8 teachers and other staff over
the first weeks of Term 3 2020. These conversations and those you have at home should help you think more
deeply about life after school and therefore which subjects will be most suited to you over the next two years.

language or no language?
The first decision you need to make in Year 8 is “do I want to keep going with French or Japanese?” Your
answer to that question determines how you allocate your extra choices. Therefore, there are two selection
models that Year 9 (2021) students can choose from.


            Minimum Subject                    Year 9           Year 10           Subjects Required for
          Requirements for Year 9               2021             2022           2 Year Pathways Program

   Compulsory for at least 2 semesters         English          English           English             4

       Can select any combination of           English          English
            available subjects
   Compulsory for at least 2 semesters         Maths             Maths            Maths               4

                Year long subject              Maths             Maths

    Compulsory for at least 1 semester           RE            RE - CEPD            RE                3

    Compulsory for at least 1 semester        Science              RE            Science              3

    Compulsory for at least 1 semester       Humanities         Science         Humanities            3

    Compulsory for at least 1 semester         PE and           Science       PE and Health           2
    Compulsory for at least 1 semester       Arts and/or       Humanities       Arts and/or           2
                                             Technology                         Technology
        Can be from any of the above        Extra Choice       Humanities      Extra Choice           3
             Subject Domains
      If any of your 3 ‘Extra Choice’     Extra Choice           PE and
 selections in Year 9 are from a required                        Health
 subject Domain, an ‘Extra Choice’ will Extra Choice           Arts and/or
  move into your Year 10 selections.                           Technology
      TOTAL SUBJECTS REQUIRED                    12                12            TOTAL                24

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2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga
Year 9 How to use this guide
language or no language?
Choosing a language is a very wise choice for a variety of future career options. Whilst it does limit your extra choice
options, you are still able to choose from a variety of new offerings within each Domain.


           Minimum Subject                         Year 9          Year 10             Subjects Required for
         Requirements for Year 9                    2021            2022             2 Year Pathways Program

  Compulsory for at least 2 semesters             English           English             English               4

      Can select any combination of               English           English             Maths                 4
           available subjects
        Compulsory for 2 semesters                 Maths            Maths             Language                4

               Year-long subject                   Maths            Maths                 RE                  3

  Must have studied selected language            Language         Language             Science                3
                in 2020
           Year-long subject                     Language         Language           Humanities               2

        Compulsory for 2 semesters                   RE               RE            PE and Health             2

    CEPD compulsory in second year                   RE            Science           Arts and/or              2
        Compulsory for 1 semester                 Science          Science
                                                                                       TOTAL                 24
        Compulsory for 1 semester               Humanities        Humanities

        Compulsory for 1 semester                 PE and            PE and
                                                  Health            Health
        Compulsory for 1 semester               Arts and/or       Arts and/or
                                                Technology        Technology
     TOTAL SUBJECTS REQUIRED                         12               12

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2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga
Year 9 How to use this guide
making your choices
Overall, you are choosing 24 subjects over two years of the Pathways program. It is important, however, that you
understand that you must choose a certain number of units from every Domain (subject area).
Having said that, we are flexible about when you do these units. For example, you can choose to do all your
Humanities in Year 9 (first year of Pathways) if you wish, or most of your Science in Year 10 2022 (second year).
It is up to you.
There are no ‘core’ classes in Year 9. Instead, the choices you make determine who you are in class with.
Remember, choose what you love, not who you’re with. Year 9 students may be studying alongside Year 10
students, particularly across Arts, Humanities, PE / Health, Religious Education, Science and Technology.
What’s wonderful is that over a fortnight, you are potentially doing something you want to do every day. You will
know your preferred subjects are coming up regularly and know they are leading to a pathway for Year 11-12

Year 9 2021 students may also want to advance into the Year 10 ‘Pre-Methods’ (Maths) Unit. If so you are
encouraged to speak to your LM, or a Year 8 Maths Teacher.
New students would discuss this at enrolment or contact Shaun Mason at the College on 6043 5500. In either
case, students need to complete an application form by Friday 7 August. A selection process is involved.
We are asking you to plan for two years (9 and 10) but only choose for Year 9. We understand that students in
Year 8 don’t confidently know what they want to study in Year 10.
None of the choices you make for Year 10 2022 (second year of Pathways) are locked in. It is a plan only.
However, it is important you do a plan to see a pathway into VCAL | VCE years.
During Course Counselling in July - August 2021 you can change your plan.

Option 1 No Language
Option 2 Study a Language
Option 3 Study a Language and Advancement

    Advancement options
    It is unusual for a student in Year 9 to advance into a Year 11 subject.
    However, if you are interested in this option, please see your Learning and Teaching year level
    coordinator, your LM or Shaun Mason.

Subject Availability
Every subject offered is dependent on staffing, facilities, resources and timetabling constraints. Therefore,
electives may not run. The timing of when a subject is offered in Semester 1 or Semester 2, or when a student
studies a subject, is determined by these same constraints.
This is another reason why you choose reserve subjects.

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2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga
Year 10 How to use this guide
Expectations of you
Your senior years are important. They bring an increase in workload, responsibility, freedom and the need for
self-discipline. We expect a mature commitment. We expect that you seriously apply yourself to your studies,
treat others with respect and courtesy and take advantage of the range of activities we provide.
An important aim of our College is to develop a strong sense of Christian community, helping students develop
their faith and a respect for, and commitment to, the welfare of others. This is not only achieved through the
religious education program, but throughout all aspects of our curriculum.

Choosing your subjects - YEAr 10 (2021)
Each student will have a Year 10 timetable that is different to their friend’s. This is because, the subjects you
completed in Year 9 make up part of your Pathways program. Remember, there are a minimum number of
subjects required from each Domain across Year 9-10. What you have completed in Year 9 will mean your
Year 10 subjects are partly chosen for you.
During weeks 1-4 of Term 3 you take part in activities to help decide your 2021 units in class time with your
teachers and in Learning Mentor sessions, including some reserve subjects. Study a broad range of subjects
that you may enjoy and find challenging.
In those first weeks of Term 3 your LM will help you work through a Subject Selection Toolkit. We invite you
and your family to a Pathways Information Night on Tuesday 21 July. Talk with staff from each Domain (i.e.
English, Humanities, Arts) and hear them expand on their offerings.
On Wednesday 5 August, from 4 – 7.30pm bring your parents or guardians along to a late afternoon of
Learning Mentor/Course Counselling Interviews where you finalise your decisions.
In 2020 we may conduct the Pathways Information Night and course counselling interviews remotely.
Please go to pages 8-9 for a summary of compulsory and elective options.

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2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga
Year 10 How to use this guide
Subject Availability
Every subject offered is dependent on staffing, facilities, resources and timetabling constraints. Therefore,
electives advertised in the 2021 Pathways Guide and the VCAL | VCE Guide may not run. The timing of when
an elective is offered in Semester 1 or Semester 2, or when a student studies a subject, is determined by
these same constraints.
This is another reason why you choose reserve subjects.

Early Advancement
Although most students undertake a course of study in keeping with their year level, the curriculum is
structured in such a way that you can be recommended for subjects outside your current year level.
Students at Year 10 level can apply for the Early Advancement Program in one Unit 1-2 sequence in
Applications for early advancement are made on the recommendation of classroom teachers and are always
dependent on the availability of places. Students are interviewed as part of that process.
Interested? Read the VCAL | VCE 2021 Guide and submit the relevant form by Friday 7 August 2020.
                                  Early Advancement Program Application | VCE
                                  Early Advancement Program Application | VET
Both forms are available to students and parents. Refer to SIMON (Knowledge Banks, Course Counselling)
and to PAM (Subject Selection).

New students to our College will discuss early advancement options at their enrolment interview. Please
contact Shaun Mason on 6043 5500 to discuss.

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2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga
Year 10 How to use this guide
Remember your Year 10 subject choices will depend on what you have already completed in Year 9.
As a reminder, below are the minimum number of subjects from each Domain you need to have completed by
the end of Year 10.
If you didn’t complete a language in Year 9, see below. If you are interested in Intensive French/Japanese, see
the Languages Learing Coach or Shaun Mason.

Subject requirements for pathways
 Domain                                Requirement                                      Minimum Subjects

 English                               At least 2 semesters each year                             4
                                       Can select any combination of subjects
 Religion                              At least 3 semesters                                       3
                                       1 semester selection must be CEPD
 Mathematics                           At least 2 semesters each year                             4
                                       Year-long (each subject = 2 subjects
 Humanities                            At least 3 semesters                                       3

 Science                               At least 3 semesters                                       3

 Physical Education or Health          At least 2 semesters                                       2

 Arts or Technology                    At least 2 semesters                                       2

                                       TOTAL COMPULSORY SUBJECTS                                 21

 Extra Choice                          Can be from any of the above Domains                       3

                                  TOTAL SUBJECTS REQUIRED ACROSS YEAR 9-10                       24

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2021 Pathways Guide Year 9-10 - Catholic College Wodonga
Year 10 How to use this guide
Remember your Year 10 subject choices will depend on what you have already completed in Year 9.
As a reminder, below are the minimum number of subjects from each Domain you need to have completed by
the end of Year 10.
If you chose to continue with a language in Year 9, see below for the subject requirements. If you are interested
in Intensive French/Japanese, see the Languages Learing Coach or Shaun Mason.

Subject requirements for pathways
Domain                                  Requirement                                            Minimum
English                                 At least 2 semesters each year                              4
                                        Can select any combination of subjects
Religion                                At least 3 semesters                                        3
                                        1 semester selection must be CEPD
Mathematics                             At least 2 semesters each year                              4
                                        Year-long (each subject = 2 subjects
Humanities                              At least 2 semesters                                        2

Science                                 At least 3 semesters                                        3

Language                                At least 2 semesters each year                              4
                                        Year-long (each subject = 2 subjects)
Physical Education or Health            At least 2 semesters                                        2

Arts and/or Technology                  At least 2 semesters each year                              2
                                        Can select any combination of subjects
                                                  TOTAL COMPULSORY SUBJECTS                        24

                                                      TOTAL SUBJECTS REQUIRED                      24

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                        - 10 -
Year 10 How to use this guide
        Newly enrolled students
If you are new to Catholic College, you won’t have completed the first half of our Pathways Program in 2020.
So, we have determined the minimum requirements from each Domain that you need to fulfil in Year 10. As
you can see in the table below, there are HEAPS of choices still available to you as a new student.

Year 10 (assumes no Year 9 Pathways Subjects completed at CCW)

 Domain                  Requirement              Subjects

 English                 Compulsory for two       Everyday English (VCAL PATHWAY)
                         semesters                Standard English A & B (can be selected for both
                                                  Introduction to English Language
 Religion                Compulsory for one       CEPD
                         Compulsory for one       Faith in Praise & Practice
                         semester                 Meaning of Life
                         Select from →            Jesus through Film
                                                  Religion in Art & Action
                                                  Science & Religion
                                                  Youth Ministry & Spirituality (complete an application)
                                                  VCE Texts & Traditions Unit 1 (complete an Early
                                                  Advancement application)

 Mathematics             Compulsory for two       10 Numeracy (VCAL PATHWAY)
                         semesters                10 Pre-General Mathematics
                         Select on from →         10 Pre-Methods Mathematics
 Humanities              Compulsory for one       Business Principles
                         semester                 Geography - People & Places
                         Select from →            Geography - The Hunger Game
                                                  History - Conflicts
                                                  International Power & Politics
                                                  Teenagers & the Law
 Science                 Compulsory for one       Biomedical Science
                         semester                 Blue Planet
                         Select from →            Everyday Science
                                                  Intro to Psychology
                                                  Investigative Science
                                                  Our Chemical & Physical World - A
                                                  Our Chemical & Physical World - B
                                                  Science of Sport
*See over page for electives
2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                       - 11 -
Year 10 How to use this guide
        Newly enrolled students
Language                    Choice Unit             10 French (2 semesters)
                                                    10 Japanese (2 semesters)
                            Select from →
                                                    Intensive English for EAL students (2 semesters)
Physical                    Compulsory for one      Health & Wellbeing
Education or                semester                Lifelong Games
Health                                              Outdoor Education
                            Select from →
                                                    PE for Boys
                                                    PE for Girls
                                                    Pre VCE Human Health & Development
                                                    Pre VCE Physical Education
                                                    Team Sports
Arts and/or                 Compulsory for one      Drama - Musical Theatre
Technology                  semester                Drama - Theatrical Production
                                                    Media - Film Production
                            Select from →
                                                    Media - Photography, Print & Online Production
                                                    Music - Solo/Group Performance
                                                    Music - Song Writing
                                                    VCD - Communication & Product Design
                                                    VCD - Interior & Architectural Design
                                                    Visual Arts - Ceramics, Mixed Media & Sculpture
                                                    Visual Arts - Digital Art
                                                    Visual Arts - Drawing, Painting & Printmaking
                                                    Digital Technologies - 3D Game Design
                                                    Digital Technologies - Programming & App
                                                    Fibre Technology - Fabric Construction
                                                    Fibre Technology - Textile Art
                                                    Food Technology - Breakfasts, Lunches & Dinners
                                                    Food Technology - Café Style
                                                    Food Technology - Cooking for Crowds
                                                    Food Technology - Foods Around the World
                                                    Materials - Building & Construction
                                                    Materials - Metal: Contemporary Techniques
                                                    Materials - Metal: Discovery
                                                    Materials - Metal: CAD and Production
                                                    Materials - Metal: Specialist Techniques
                                                    Material - Timber: Contemporary Techniques
                                                    Materials - Timber: Discovery
                                                    Materials - Timber: Polish Your Technique
                                                    Materials - Timber: Timber & Culture
                                                    Systems Engineering - 3D Design & Construction
                                                    Systems Engineering - Remote Controlled Vehicle
                                                    Systems Engineering - Robotics
Early                       Optional
Advancements                Requires Application
Select subjects in order of preference. Subject with the highest priority should be first. The number of
classes will depend upon the number of students who select that subject in their preferences. If the College
decides not to run a subject that you have selected, your reserve subject may replace it.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                      - 12 -
year 9-10 Online process & codes
This section onwards applies to Year 9 and 10 (2021) students, current and new.

Course counselling and career development help
During the first weeks of Term 3, 2020 your classroom teachers will talk to you about how to make your
selections. Additionally, talk to your LM, your year level coordinator, your LCL and your parents/guardians.
In Week 2, our Career Development specialist Sandie McKoy is available for Year 8 - 9 (2020) students to talk
through their interests and pathways.

You can book a 20-minute appointment by emailing sandie.mckoy@ccw.vic.edu.au.

Selecting Subjects online
In August, we supply you with login and password details explaining how to enter your electives choices
online, using an online portal called ‘Web Preferences’.


                            To finalise your selections, you must submit your preferences online.
                      Remember to save a copy of the preference receipt for your records!

Web Preferences open on Tuesday 28 July this year. The portal closes Friday 7 August. This is the last date to
lodge your subjects, including any applications such as early advancement, Intensive French/Japanese, 10 Pre-
Methods Maths, RITE Journey, VCAL and Youth Ministry.
If you have not submitted your preferences by the due date, you may not receive the timetable you were
hoping for.

Subject Code Legend
Each of the subjects in this Guide has its own code. Codes are to be included when completing your plan and online
Web Preferences.
                                                   Unit Code: P1EDW

1st two characters: Pathway                      3rd character: Domain		           4th & 5th character: Unit
P1 Offered in Year 9 only                        E English			                      DW Dystopian Worlds
P2 Offered in Year 10 only                       H Humanities			                   BP Business Principles
P3 Offered across Year 9 and Year 10             R Religious Education		           RJ    RITE Journey

Some of our Domains have sub sections (Food Technology: Food, Materials: Metal, Arts: Visual Arts). Some of
our unit titles may start with the same letter. Occasionally, the last letter in the code may represent another word
in the title.

P3TFS Offered in both years. Arts/Technology. Food Technology. Café Style.
P3TTT Offered in both years. Technology (Materials). Timber. Timber & Culture.
P3AAP Offered in both years. Arts/Technology. Visual Arts. Drawing, Painting & Printmaking.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                              - 13 -
key dates
 WEEK         DATE                     TIME         EVENT
 1            Tue 14 July              3pm          Pathways Guide available on SIMON, PAM, website
 1-4                                   Class / LM   Initial subject selection discussions with class teachers
                                                    and Learning Mentors
 2            Tue 21 July              6pm          Pathways Information Night (Year 9-10 in 2021)
 3            Tue 28 July              8am          Web Preferences online portal opens
 4            Wed 5 August             4 - 7.30pm   Course Counselling / Learning Mentor interviews
 4            Fri 7 August             3pm          Web Preferences due. Last day to lodge Intensive
                                                    French/Japanese, 10 Pre-Methods, Advancement, Youth
                                                    Ministry, RITE Journey and VCAL forms.
 6            Mon 17 - Fri 21 August                Interviews: Intensive French/Japanese, 10 Pre-Methods,
                                                    Advancement, Youth Ministry, RITE Journey, and VCAL.
 8            Fri 4 September                       Notification of results from interviews issued

 WEEK         DATE                     TIME         EVENT
 6-7          Tue 16 July                           Book / Resource lists availabe
 9            Mon 30 November -                     Commencement Program
              Fri 4 December                        All students Year 8-12 (2021)
 9            Fri 4 December                        Last day of school Year 8-11 (2020)
 10           Tues 8 December                       Last day of school Year 7 (2020)
 11           Wed 16 December          12 noon      Catholic College office closes

january - february (term 1)
 WEEK         DATE                     TIME         EVENT
              Mon 4 - Fri 15 January                Book/Resource home delivery
              Mon 18 January           8.30am       Catholic College office re-opens
              Late January                          Laptop collection (New students only)
 1            Thur 28 January (TBC)                 Term 1 commences

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                       - 14 -
pathways subjects
ArtS                                   17 - 19             PE & Health                        32 - 34
Drama - Musical Theatre                                    Health & Wellbeing
Drama - Theatrical Production                              Lifelong Games
Media - Film Production                                    Outdoor Education
Media - Photography, Print & Online Production             PE for Boys
Music - Solo/Group Performance                             PE for Girls
Music - Song Writing                                       Pre VCE Human Health & Development
VCD - Communication & Product Design                       Pre VCE Physical Education
VCD - Interior & Architecture                              Team Sports
Visual Arts - Ceramics, Mixed Media & Sculpture
Visual Arts - Digital Art                                  Religious education                  35 - 37
Visual Arts - Drawing, Painting & Printmaking              CEPD
                                                           Faith in Praise & Practice
English                               20 - 23              Meaning of Life
Year 9                                                     Jesus Through Film
Dystopian Worlds                                           Religion in Art & Action
Famous Texts                                               RITE Journey
Fantasy                                                    Science & Religion
Real Australian Stories                                    VCE Texts & Traditions Unit 1
Texts about Wars                                           Youth Ministry & Spirituality
Text to Film
Wonder Women                                               Science                            38 - 40
Young Adult Fiction                                        Biomedical Science
Year 10                                                    Blue Planet
Everyday English                                           Everyday Science
Intro to English Language                                  Intro to Psychology
Intro to Literature                                        Investigative Science
                                                           Origins (Universe, Planet, Life)
Standard English
                                                           Our Chemical & Physical World A
                                                           Our Chemical & Physical World B
Humanities                            24 - 25              Science of Sport
Australia - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Business Principles                                        Technology                           41 - 46
Geography - People & Places                                Digital
Geography - The Hunger Game                                3D Game Design
History - Conflicts                                        Programming & App Development
International Power & Politics                             Fibre
Teenagers & the Law                                        Fabric Construction
                                                           Textile Art
Languages                             26 - 27              Food
                                                           Breakfasts, Lunches & Dinners
                                                           Café Style
                                                           Cooking for Crowds
Intensive French
                                                           Foods Around the World
Intensive Japanese
Intensive English for EAL Students
                                                           Building & Construction
                                                           Metal - CAD and Production
Mathematics                           28 - 31              Metal - Contemporary Techniques
Pathways                                                   Metal - Discovery
9 Numeracy                                                 Metal - Specialist Techniques
9 Standard Maths                                           Timber - Contemporary Techniques
10 Numeracy                                                Timber - Discovery
10 Pre-General                                             Timber - Polish Your Technique
10 Pre-Methods                                             Timber - Timber & Culture
Extension Maths                                            Systems Engineering
                                                           3D Design & Construction
                                                           Remote Controlled Vehicle
2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                   - 15 -
Musical Theatre
Theatrical Production
Film Production
Photography, Print & Online production
Solo/Group Performance
Song Writing
Communication & Product Design
Interior & Architectural Design
Visual Arts
Ceramics, Mixed Media & Sculpture
Digital art
Drawing, Painting & printmaking

                       JESS GRAY
                       THE ARTS COACH

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                   - 16 -
Year 9 2021 - select any 2 subjects

Drama                                                        Drama
Musical Theatre                                              Theatrical Production
P3ADM                                                        P3ADT
Year 9 or 10                                                 Year 9 or 10
In this subject, you choose from a variety of classic        We work through the process of staging a Theatrical
musical shows to explore, analyse and perform a              Production. We cover script selection, auditions,
section from. The emphasis is on the musical theatre         casting, blocking, rehearsal and performance.
performance style, focusing on dancing, singing              Behind-the-scenes roles are explored, including
and acting. You work as part of a small group to             directing, choreography, set design, sound and
choreograph, rehearse and present an excerpt from            lighting and costume and props. Our learning
a well-known musical.                                        culminates in a short final performance.

Duration Semester                                            Duration Semester
Pre-requisites Nil                                           Pre-requisites Nil
Pathway VCE Drama. Theatre Studies.                          Pathway VCE Drama. Theatre Studies.

Media                                                        MEdia
FILM PRODUCTION                                              Photography, Print &
P3AMF                                                        Online Production
Year 9 or 10                                                 P3AMP
We learn the process of producing films from start to        Year 9 or 10
finish. You look at how professionals make films and         We focus on the production of print based and
why they include elements such as lighting, editing,         online media such as magazines, newspapers, print
sound, acting and camerawork. We create our own              advertising, posters, websites, app prototypes and
films that tell our own stories following the three          storybooks. You understand how to design and
stages of film production. You use the latest industry       produce print media products using Adobe Creative
standard software to film and edit. We extend your           Cloud software (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and
talent through experimentation with storytelling             XD), which are the world standard, industry software.
through animation. The class analyses the way films          You learn about digital photography including
reflect ideas and values seen within society.                the design elements and principles within genres
                                                             and themes, and photo manipulation with Adobe
Duration Semester                                            Photoshop.
Pre-requisites Nil
Pathway VCE Media.                                           Duration Semester
VET Creative Industries - Cert. III in Screen & Media.       Pre-requisites Nil
                                                             Pathway VCE Media
                                                             VET Creative Industries - Cert III in Screen & Media.
                                                             VCE Studio Art. VCE Visual Communication Design.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                     - 17 -
Music                                                            MUSIC
Solo/Group                                                       SONG WRITING
Performance                                                      P3AMW
P3AMG                                                            Year 9 or 10
Year 9 or 10                                                     You cultivate invaluable song writing experience. You
Our class fine tunes the performance requirements to             gain the flexibility of composing original pieces, both
be either a soloist or a group member. We explore key            as a soloist or alongside other budding musicians.
performance and stage skills and develop a greater               Development of your aural/written capacity is a major
understanding of composing, music language, music                focus and we look at key features of different styles
styles, music rehearsal techniques and recording.                of music. We enhance your composition methods
You perform at community and school-based events.                to blend lyrical ideas with powerful melodies. The
                                                                 subject has a strong performance focus and you can
Duration Semester                                                record original pieces.
Pre-requisites You must currently play a musical
instrument (minimum 2 years) and wish to develop                 Duration Semester
performance techniques.                                          Pre-requisites You must currently play a musical
Pathway VCE Music Performance. VET Sound                         instrument (minimum 2 years) and wish to develop
Production - Recording and Music Technology.                     performance techniques.
                                                                 Pathway VCE Music Performance, VET Sound
                                                                 Production - Recording and Music Technology.

VCD                                                              VCD
Communication &                                                  Interior &
product design                                                   Architectural design
P3AVC                                                            P3AVA
Year 9 or 10                                                     Year 9 or 10
In this class you learn about two of the main career             We focus on one of the main Visual Communication
fields, Communication and Industrial design. The                 career fields, Environmental Design. This includes
first incorporates graphic design that focuses on                Architectural, Interior and Landscape design. We
any type of two-dimensional development on print                 follow the design process using technical drawing
or digital formats (logos, posters and typography).              methods such as perspective, planometric and
The second, Industrial, refers to product design                 scaled floor plans. You use Adobe Illustrator to
where two-dimensional designs are made into                      digitise some of your work. While studying Interior
three- dimensional objects (appliances, furniture                design, we explore model making using hand building
and everyday items). We follow the design process                materials and techniques. If you enjoy design and
using technical drawing methods (isometric and                   being creative, this is for you.
third-angle orthogonal drawings), including rendering
with the use of pencil and copic markers. Designs                Duration Semester
are produced using digital programs such as, Adobe               Pre-requisites Nil
Illustrator and InDesign.                                        Pathway VCE Visual Communication Design.

Duration Semester
Pre-requisites Nil
Pathway VCE Visual Communication Design.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                         - 18 -
VISUAL ARTS                                                 Visual Arts
Ceramics, Mixed Media                                       Digital Art
& Sculpture                                                 P3AAD
P3AAC                                                       Year 9 or 10
Year 9 or 10                                                If you love digital art and being creative, this is for you.
I If you love handcrafted techniques and working with       While extending your talents you are being exposed
a wide range of resources, then this subject is for         to a new and exciting way of practicing art. We learn
you. Our class focusses on three-dimensional forms.         how to create digital artworks using programs such
We create artworks from media and materials such            as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Utilising Wacom
as clay, wire, modeling materials and repurposed            tablets, you produce detailed digital illustrations.
objects. We look at traditional and contemporary            Our class practices hand drawn techniques such as
approaches to creating imaginative artworks. You            watercolour paint and collage. These are scanned
discover the inspiration and innovation of many             and further manipulated using a digital platform. We
artists and their artworks.                                 explore photographic techniques to capture artistic
                                                            images. We use Photoshop tools to transform photos
Duration Semester                                           into creative and contemporary artworks.
Pre-requisites Nil
Pathway VCE Studio Arts.                                    Duration Semester
                                                            Pre-requisites Nil
                                                            Pathway Visual Communication Design. Studio Arts.
                                                            Media. VET Creative Industries.

Visual Arts
Drawing, Painting &
Year 9 or 10
If you are drawn to drawing, painting and printmaking,
the class offers a chance to focus on these three
techniques and leads into VCE Studio Art. We
explore media and materials and try new methods
of application to create interesting and thought-
provoking artworks. We consider the output of a
diverse collection of artists, examining and analysing
how their work relates to the art elements and

Duration Semester
Pre-requisites Nil
Pathway VCE Studio Arts.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                    - 19 -
YEAR 9                                                                    SAMPLE SELECTIONS
Dystopian Worlds                                                                         OPTION 1
Famous Texts                                                        STANDARD ENGLISH FOR 2
Fantasy                                                                              Semester 1
Real Australian Stories                                                      Standard English P2ESA
                                                                                     Semester 2
Text to Film                                                                 Standard English P2ESB
Texts about Wars
                                                                                        OPTION 2
Wonder Women
                                                                  STANDARD ENGLISH & INTRO
Young Adult Fiction                                                   TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE
                                                                                         Semester 1
                                                                             Standard English P2ESA
Everyday English                                                                         Semester 2
Intro to English Language                                             Intro to English Language P2EEL
Intro to Literature                                                                     OPTION 3
Standard English                                                  STANDARD ENGLISH & INTRO
                                                                             TO LITERATURE
                                                                                           Semester 1
                                                                              Intro to Literature P2ELI
                                                                                           Semester 2
                                                                             Standard English P2ESB

                                                                                        OPTION 4
                                                                 INTRO TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE
                                                                      & INTRO TO LITERATURE
                                                                                       Semester 1
                                                                              Intro to Literature P2ELI
                                                                                        Semester 2
                                                                      Intro to English Language P2EEL

                                                                                        OPTION 5
                                                                    EVERYDAY ENGLISH (VCAL
                                                                                       Semester 1
                                                                             Everyday English P2EEA
                                                                                       Semester 2
                                                                             Everyday English P2EEB

                       MICHAEL RUSSELL
                       ENGLISH COACH

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                         - 20 -
Year 9 2021 - select any 2 subjects

Dystopian Worlds                                                 Famous Texts
P1EDW                                                            P1EFT
Year 9                                                           Year 9
Dystopia means a world where people or societies are             Some stories are quickly forgotten, others stay with us,
controlled by ruling forces. Our class looks at different        while a special few transform our society. We explore
examples of dystopian societies in films, novels and             texts that have influenced and changed the way we
other works. We analyse, discuss and debate the                  see our world and ourselves. These writings have set
ways these mediums investigate control, individuality,           the bar for all that come after. You explore, analyse
fear and politics. You read and analyse Mark Smith’s             and debate what makes these texts so special, and
novel ‘The Road to Winter’ about a young man who                 how their influences continue today. We examine a
has stayed alive since a deadly virus wiped out his              young adult version of Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’, about
community, while managing to avoid the attention                 Odysseus, the hero of Ancient Greece who, after 10
of the Wilders, an armed and dangerous gang who                  years of war, turns his back on Troy and sets sail for
control the north.                                               home. But his voyage takes another decade and he
                                                                 faces many dangers: Polyphemus the greedy one-
Duration Semester                                                eyed giant, Scylla the six-headed sea monster and
Pre-requisies None                                               the wrath of the gods themselves, before reuniting
Pathway Any Year 10 English.                                     with his family.

                                                                 Duration Semester
                                                                 Pre-requisites None
                                                                 Pathway Any Year 10 English.

Fantasy                                                          Real Australian Stories
P1EFA                                                            P1ERA
Year 9                                                           Year 9
We focus on fantasy and science fiction. You are                 Our class focuses on real life. We analyse,
introduced to what classifies as science fiction or              debate and present ideas from non-fiction texts.
fantasy and examine the ‘quest narrative’. We unpack             From biographies and true stories through to
the role of character archetypes. Our class analyses             documentaries and podcasts, we examine the way
and compares the similarities and differences between            humans grow, change and experience events. We
science fiction and fantasy. You explore what drives             read Albert Facey’s ‘A Fortunate Life’, which tells
or inspires the creation of fantasy and science fiction.         the story of an Australian man who went to work at
Game of Thrones fans will enjoy the novel that we                the age of eight. Facey lived the rough frontier life
study: Garth Nix’s ‘Sabriel’ is about a girl who has             of a labourer, farmer and jackaroo. He becomes lost
lived outside the walls of the Old Kingdom, away                 and is rescued by Indigenous trackers, then gains a
from the power of Free Magic, and away from the                  hard-won literacy, surviving Gallipoli, raising a family
Dead who refuse to stay dead. But now her father                 through the Depression, losing a son in the Second
is missing, and Sabriel must cross into that world to            World War, and meeting his beloved Evelyn with
find him. Sabriel travels deep into the Old Kingdom.             whom he shared nearly 60 years of marriage. Despite
There she confronts an evil that threatens much more             enduring unimaginable hardships, Facey always saw
than her life and comes face-to-face with her own                his life as a fortunate one. Our class examines similar
hidden destiny.                                                  themes to other English classes, but is perfect for
                                                                 those who prefer to avoid fiction where possible.
Duration Semester
Pre-requisites None                                              Duration Semester
Pathway Any Year 10 English.                                     Pre-requisites None
                                                                 Pathway Any Year 10 English.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                             - 21 -
Texts About Wars                                             Text to film
P1ETW                                                        P1ETF
Year 9                                                       Year 9
This class explores the theme of war. We analyse             Many popular films originated as a novel, or from
the way in which texts help us understand some of            other forms of writing. We study novels, plays and
the major wars of the 20th and 21st centuries. You           stories that have been adapted into film and respond
study war poetry through to graphic novels and film.         to them with written and oral activities. We look at
We focus our attention on Morris Gleitzman’s novel           SE Hinton’s novel called ‘The Outsiders’ about a
‘Once’, about a young Jewish boy who is determined           teenage gang in Oklahoma and the events that lead
to escape the orphanage he lives in to save his parents      to some of them achieving redemption while others
from the Nazis. We learn how certain writings can            meet tragic ends. You shall read widely, and consider
glorify war or speak about the reality of war. Some          the ways authors use language to give a message.
of the key themes explored include power, courage
and brutality.                                               Duration Semester
                                                             Pre-requisites None
Duration Semester                                            Pathway Any Year 10 English.
Pre-requisites None
Pathway Any Year 10 English.

Wonder Women                                                 Young Adult Fiction
P1EWW                                                        P1EAF
Year 9                                                       Year 9
Together we explore strong female characters and             Our class explores ideas that are relatable to most
leaders. You learn about female voices in novels,            teenagers. We delve into texts and narratives
films, speeches and poetry. We analyse, discuss              that explore the coming of age, identity and the
and debate the ways writers explore gender, power,           challenges young people face. You read and watch
individuality, conflict, fear and identity. Our class        texts that raise important questions about growing
studies ‘I Am Malala’, the story of Malala Yousafzai,        up. We focus much of our analysis on J.C Burke’s
who was raised in a once-peaceful area of Pakistan           novel ‘The Story of Tom Brennan’ about a 17 year old
transformed by terrorism, Malala was taught to stand         whose life is about rugby, his mates and his family.
up for what she believes. So, she fought for her right       All are well respected in the small country town. But
to be educated. And on October 9, 2012, she nearly           a night of celebration changes his life forever. Tom’s
lost her life for the cause: she was shot point-blank        older brother, Daniel, starts a fight at the ‘sudden
while riding the bus on her way home from school.            death’ pre-final party. Worse, Daniel is involved in a
We hear firsthand the remarkable story of a girl who         car accident on the way home.
knew from a young age that she wanted to change
the world ... and did.                                       Duration Semester
                                                             Pre-requisites None
Duration Semester                                            Pathway Any Year 10 English.
Pre-requisites None
Pathway Any Year 10 English.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                     - 22 -
Year 10 2021 - select 2 subjects

Everyday English                                               INTRO TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE
P2EEA | P2EEB                                                  P2EEL
Year 10 - VCAL pathway only                                    Year 10
Ideal for anyone thinking that the VCE pathway                 This VCE subject explores the way words and
in Year 11 and 12 might not be for them, yet wish              language reflect who we are and what we believe
to keep developing their English. You still gain the           as a society. We familiarise ourselves with linguistic
fundamentals required for VCE English, but pick up             metalanguage (learning new words to describe
English skills that could help in future employment or         language), and explore the ways language is used
study after leaving school. We develop and improve             in Australia and around the world. You read widely
the technical aspects of your writing through grammar          to develop analytical abilities and an understanding
basics, spelling and sentence structure. Our class             of linguistics. We observe and discuss modern
debates issues using language that is persuasive. We           language use and how language is put together. This
continually draft written tasks to produce polished            subject is aimed at those who LOVE English and
pieces. We practice writing for clarity to develop your        enjoy analysing the way language is put together in
reading and writing abilities for life outside of school.      ‘real world’ scenarios. Students who choose it are
                                                               interested in continuing English Language in VCE.

Duration Semester                                              Duration Semester
Pre-requisites None                                            Pre-requisites None
Pathway Everyday English. (VCAL only.)                         Pathway VCE English Language. VCE English.

Intro to Literature
Year 10
Our focus is on reading texts, novels and film
very closely. You develop a capacity to respond
thoughtfully, critically and creatively to them. We
consider various interpretations and judgments, and
study the way an author can express their views and
values in their writing. You explore how literary texts
can represent human experience, and develop an
ability to respond creatively and critically. The class
writes extended pieces that explore ideas and how
the author makes meaning.

Duration Semester
Pre-requisites None
Pathway VCE Literature. VCE English.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                       - 23 -
Year 10 2021 - select 2 subjects

Standard English                                                            SAMPLE SELECTIONS
P2ESA | P2ESB                                                                               OPTION 1
                                                                                          Semester 1
Year 10
                                                                                Standard English P2ESA
Standard English runs in both semesters but we read
and analyse different texts in each semester. This                                        Semester 2
means a student taking Standard English in both                                Standard English P2ESB
semesters is covering different texts but building
on skills to which they may have already been                                               OPTION 2
introduced. It also means that a student could join                                          Semester 1
the subject in Semester Two. Standard English is                                        Standard English
best suited to those intending to complete VCE, but                                          Semester 2
have no desire to take on a more challenging English.
This unit best prepares you for VCE English as we          Intro to English Language or Intro to Literature
analyse both written and visual texts, making links
between character development, themes and social                                            OPTION 3
context. We discover and analyse novels, plays and                                           Semester 1
films. You engage with not only the character and                                Intro to Literature P2ELI
plot, but think about the bigger ideas and understand                                       Semester 2
the way authors use language to position readers to                    Intro to English Language P2EEL
feel a certain way.
                                                                                            OPTION 4
Duration Semester or Year                                                                  Semester 1
Pre-requisites None                                                                     Everyday English
Pathway VCE English (although a student may                                                Semester 2
choose VCE English Language or VCE Literature after                                     Everyday English
consultation with their Standard English teacher).

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                   - 24 -
Year 9 2021 - Select 3 subjects
Australia - the good, the bad, the ugly

Business principles

geography - People & Places

Geography - The hunger game

History - COnflicts

International Power & politics

teenagers & the law

                     MANDY PERKINS
                     HUMANITIES COACH

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                     - 25 -
australia - The Good,                                        Business
the Bad, the Ugly                                            Principles
P3HGB                                                        P3HBP
Year 9 or 10                                                 Year 9 or 10
We focus on Australia’s history (1750-1918) using            We come to grips with Business Management,
Humanities skills and concepts. You learn social,            Accounting and Economics. You gain an
cultural, economic, and political features and how           understanding of the business world, financial
these evolved and changed throughout the period.             literacy and the Australian economy. All useful in any
We explore significant events and influencing ideas          career, especially if working in a small business or
in the development of Australia, including different         the finance world. The class offers an insight into
perspectives of the events at the time and different         what is required to establish, manage and improve a
historical interpretations and debates. The class looks      small business. We cover accounting fundamentals
at different historical interpretations and contested        (collecting, analysing, and organising financial
debates about World War I and the significance of            information), and appreciate the changing nature of
Australian commemorations of the war. You sequence           economic issues locally and globally. You become
chronology, using historical sources as evidence,            familiar with concepts relevant for living in present-
identify continuity and change, analyse causes and           day society and useful for many careers.
effects, and determine historical significance.
                                                             Duration Semester
Duration Semester                                            Pre-requisites Nil
Pre-requisites Nil.                                          Pathway VCE Business Management.
Pathway VCE Sociology. VCE Geography.                        VCE Accounting. VCAL Numeracy.
VCE Legal Studies. VCE Australian & Global Politics.
VCE History.

Year 9 or 10
We tackle two of the most significant conflicts in
the 20th Century: World War II and the Vietnam
War. We explore these wars and the places where
Australia fought in detail. You learn what these wars
meant for Australia politically and socially. We look
at causes of the war, major political leaders, and
socio-political movements of the time. You consider
the technologies developed, and the significant
events of both wars. You discover how to use and
interpret historical sources (speeches, photographs,
propaganda posters, cartoons, and documentaries).
Due to the nature of our topics, some sources are
graphic in nature.

Duration Semester
Pre-requisites Nil
Pathway VCE Sociology. VCE Geography.
VCE Legal Studies. VCE Australian & Global Politics.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                     - 26 -
Year 10 2021 - select 1 subject
GEOGRAPHY                                                          Geography
The Hunger Game                                                    People & PLaces
P3HGH                                                              P3HGP
Year 9 or 10                                                       Year 9 or 10
We examine the personal and global patterns of                     We analyse where and how people live by focusing
food production and consumption, with a focus                      on income, lifestyle, cultural backgrounds, natural
on comparisons between Australia and the rest of                   resources and conflicts on a global scale. You
the world. The class investigates how we connect                   explore what the world is doing about poverty,
around the world, and some of the benefits and                     population, infant mortality and literacy rates, and
potential problems these global connections have.                  the progress Australia is making. We investigate how
You look the impact of food production on the natural              environmental destruction affects us and the natural
environment and the potential impacts issues such                  world, focussing on salinity, pollution and mining for
as poverty, conflict and climate have on food security.            mobile phones. We conduct fieldwork on a regional
                                                                   environmental change and predict how to manage
Duration Semester                                                  this change for the future. You learn new skills in ICT
Pre-requisites Nil.                                                and geographical information software, and explore
Pathway VCE Geography. VCE Sociology.                              how mapping can help resolve problems globally.
VCE History. VCE Legal Studies.
VCE Australian & Global Politics.                                  Duration Semester
                                                                   Pre-requisites Nil
                                                                   Pathway VCE Geography. VCE Sociology.
                                                                   VCE History. VCE Legal Studies.
                                                                   VCE Australian & Global Politics.

International POWER                                                Teenagers &
& Politics                                                         the LAW
P3HIP                                                              P3HTL
Year 9 or 10                                                       Year 9 or 10
Our class investigates the recent history of
                                                                   We consider the structure and processes of the
international relations. We examine the causes of
                                                                   legal system as it relates to teenagers. We discuss
border disputes, wars, humanitarian crises and
                                                                   Australia’s justice system, including equality and the
the rise of terrorism. Case studies may include:
                                                                   right of appeal. We study Australia’s court system,
Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the war on terror in the
                                                                   including jurisdictions and the resolution of civil
Middle East, increasing tensions in southeast Asia,
                                                                   and criminal disputes. You look at the role of the
and environmental issues. We evaluate the role of
                                                                   Constitution and parliaments in establishing laws.
governments (Australia, USA, China) and international
                                                                   We focus on the Children’s Court and the rights and
organisations (United Nations) in responding to these
                                                                   responsibilities of teenagers and the police. We visit
conflicts and challenges. We analyse the impact of
                                                                   the Magistrate’s Court, review documentaries and
international events and gauge the effectiveness
                                                                   analyse TV and newspaper articles on court cases.
of the Australian Government in using diplomacy,
                                                                   We gain a better understanding of criminal and civil
foreign aid, and the military to promote democratic
                                                                   laws. What we learn here is very relevant.
values, peace and prosperity, regionally and globally.
                                                                   Duration Semester
Duration Semester
                                                                   Pre-requisites Nil
Pre-requisites Nil
                                                                   Pathway VCE Sociology. VCE Legal Studies.
Pathway VCE Sociology. VCE Legal Studies.
                                                                   VCE Australian & Global Politics. VCE History.
VCE History. VCE Australian & Global Politics.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                           - 27 -
Intensive french

Intensive japanese

9 french

9 japanese

10 french

10 japanese

intensive english for eal students

                       MIRANDA SALINGER
                       LANGUAGES COACH

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                          - 28 -
French                                                               Japanese
P1LFR | P2LFR                                                        P1LJA | P2LJA
Year 9 or 10                                                         Year 9 or 10
Bonjour! If you studied French in Year 7 and 8, you                  Konnichiwa! If you studied Japanese in Year 7 and
can continue in Year 9. It is recommended to select                  8, you can continue in Year 9. It is recommended
French for all four semesters (Year 9 and 10). We                    to select Japanese for all five semesters (Year 9 and
focus on the five skills of speaking, listening, reading,            10). We focus on the four skills of speaking, listening,
viewing and writing. We explore the culture of the                   reading and writing. We explore the culture of the
country, including the food!                                         country, including the food! Oishii!

Thinking about studying French at VCE level?                         Thinking about studying Japanese at VCE level?
We recommend selecting this subject for all four                     We recommend selecting this subject for all four
semesters at Year 9 and 10. This means you are                       semesters at Year 9 and 10. This means you are
eligible to take part in the immersion trips that occur              eligible to take part in the immersion trips that occur
(every two years) at Years 10, 11 and 12. Exchanges                  (every two years) at Years 10, 11 and 12. Exchanges
and immersions incur additional costs.                               and immersions incur additional costs.

Duration 2 Semesters (Year)                                          Duration 2 Semesters (Year)
Pre-requisites French in Year 7 and 8.                               Pre-requisites Japanese in Years 7 and 8.
Pathway VCE French, Exchange and Immersion                           Pathway VCE Japanese.
programs to Chateau-Gontier, France.

                                  Exchanges and immersions incur additional costs.

Intensive French                                                     Intensive Japanese
P1LIF                                                                P1LIJ
Year 9                                                               Year 9
Wish you’d studied French in Semester 1? Love                        Did you study Japanese in Year 7 and 8? You can
French and want to keep going? Choose intensive                      jump back into your Japanese studies in Year 9 in
French for Semester 2. Don’t give up on language                     Semester 2! We focus on the five skills of speaking,
study - prepare yourself for a thorough semester                     listening, reading, writing and viewing. We explore the
of French language. Use this time to increase your                   culture of Japan, and interact with our sister school
confidence and ability. Practise and learn about the                 students from Matsudo International. Sugoi! Build on
culture through creative activities (music and film).                your international understanding whilst broadening
You will be eligible to apply for immersions and                     your future options. Our class concentrates on the
exchanges with our sister school in Chateau-Gontier,                 language capabilities needed for Year 10 Japanese.
France.                                                              Due to the intensity of the subject, you will need
                                                                     prior approval from Miranda Salinger, our Languages
Duration 1 Semester - 2nd Semester 2021                              Coach.
Pre-requisites French in Years 7 and 8.
By application only.                                                 Duration 1 Semester - 2nd Semester only
Pathway Exchange and Immersion programs to                           Pre-requisites Japanese in Year 7 and 8.
Chateau-Gontier, France.                                             By application only.
                                                                     Pathway VCE Japanese (via application).

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                             - 29 -
Year 10 2021
Intensive English for
EAL students
Year 9 or 10
This class is for English as an additional Language
(EAL) students who need further instruction in English
to access the mainstream curriculum. You receive
intensive daily English lessons in reading, writing,
speaking and listening. You are assessed against the
EAL continuum.

This is not a subject that can be “chosen”.
Students are selected by the EAL coordinator,
Megan Salter.

Duration 2 Semesters (Year)
Pre-requisites For recent arrivals to Australia.
Pathway Continued intensive English lesson.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                    - 30 -
Pathways for maths

9 numeracy

9 standard maths

10 numeracy

10 Pre-general

10 pre-methods

extension maths

                     STEVEN RAMAGE
                     MATHEMATICS COACH

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                     - 31 -
Pathways for maths
Maths is compulsory in Year 9 and 10.
In Year 9 you choose between 9 Standard Maths or 9 Numeracy. We recommend that every student selects 9
Standard Maths unless you are certain you are going to complete a VCAL Pathway.
In Year 10 you choose between 10 Numeracy, 10 Pre-General and 10 Pre-Methods. You may choose Extension
Mathematics as an additional elective.
Most study and career pathways need a sound command of Maths and numeracy. Maths improves your skills in
numeracy, but develops:
    • problem solving                                       • critical thinking
    • written and oral communication                        • reasoning
    • enquiry                                               • teamwork and leadership
    • use of technology to represent data and number

Where does Mathematics lead to?
Pre-General and Pre-Methods in Year 10 are foundational to all VCE units in Mathematics, including General
Mathematics, Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics.
Year 10 Mathematics caters for those who are considering a VCAL pathway and/or students who do not wish
to continue Maths in VCE.

Other Considerations
Those considering Specialist Mathematics Unit 3 and 4 (Year 12) must complete Mathematical Methods Unit 1 and 2.
You are recommended to have completed Specialist Mathematics Unit 1 and 2 in Year 11.
Extension Maths is also highly recommended.

                9                     10                         11                        12
             Numeracy              Numeracy                     VCAL                      VCAL
              Maths                 Maths                     Numeracy                  Numeracy

                                         10 pre-                General                  Further
                                        General                  Maths                    Maths
                  9                      Maths                  Unit 1-2                 Unit 3-4
                                        10 pre-                methods                  methods
                                       methods                  Maths                    Maths
                                        Maths                  Unit 1-2                 Unit 3-4

                                                              Specialist                Specialist
VCE students do not have to select a Maths subject.             Maths                     Maths
                                                               Unit 1-2                  Unit 3-4

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                    - 32 -
Year 9 2021 - Select 1 subject
9 Numeracy                                                         9 Standard Maths
P1MNU                                                              P1MST
Year 9 - VCAL Pathway only                                         Year 9
We apply real life mathematics here! This class is for             This class is for students who comfortably meet the
those who found it a challenge to meet the required                required standard for maths in Year 8. It is in line with
standard for maths in Year 8, and for whom VCE                     Level 9 of the Victorian Curriculum. We cover Number,
mathematics is not a preferred option, or accessible.              Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Statistics and
Choose this subject to gain or consolidate basic                   Probability. You must choose Standard if you intend
ability. We focus on the numeracy required to improve              to complete maths at VCE level.
everyday life skills. Maths is needed in the community,
at work, and in further study. We recommended this                 Duration 2 Semesters (Year)
class for those who want to follow a pathway into                  Pre-requisites None
employment or further training. Suitable if you intend             Pathway 10 Pre-General.             10    Pre-Methods.
a VCAL or VCE pathway that does not include maths                  10 Numeracy.
in Year 11 and 12.

Duration 2 Semesters (Year)
Pre-requisites None
Pathway 10 Numeracy. VCAL only.

2021 Pathways Guide - Year 9-10                           - 33 -
You can also read