2021 Prescription Drug List - UnitedHealthcare & affiliated companies Pharmacy | PDL - UHCprovider.com

Page created by Dawn Barker
Pharmacy   |   PDL

2021 Prescription Drug List
& affiliated companies
2021 Prescription Drug List
The UnitedHealthcare Prescription Drug List (PDL)1 provides a list of the most commonly prescribed
medications in various therapeutic classes. This list is intended for use with UnitedHealthcare health plans
and affiliated companies’ pharmacy benefit plan designs. The PDL applies only to prescription medications
dispensed to outpatients and does not include inpatient medications or medications obtained or administered
in a physician’s office. The PDL does not define benefit coverage. Benefit coverage is decided by the
member’s pharmacy benefit plan.2 This means that there may be medications listed on the PDL that are not
covered under a particular member’s pharmacy benefit plan.
You may also access PDL information by visiting our website at UHCprovider.com.

Prescription Drug List medication overview
Tier decisions are made by our PDL Management Committee based on clinical, economic and other factors.
The PDL Management Committee is compromised of senior UnitedHealth Group physician and business
leaders. The UnitedHealthcare Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committee, comprising of physicians and
pharmacists, reviews new and existing medications and provides clinical guidance to the PDL Management
Committee. Guidance is based on similarities and differences compared with other medications that treat the
same disease or condition.
The tier placement of a medication on the PDL may change. While medications change tiers infrequently,
such changes generally occur up to 3 times per calendar year. Additionally, when a brand-name medication
becomes available as a generic, the tier status and coverage of the brand-name medication and its
corresponding generic will be evaluated. When a medication changes tiers, your patient may be required to
pay more or less for that medication. These changes may occur without prior notice to you or your patient.
However, you may visit our website at UHCprovider.com or use the PreCheck MyScript® app for the most
up-to-date information for a particular medication. Your patient can also find the most up-to-date tier status and
cost3,8 information for a particular medication by visiting our member website at myuhc.com® and/or calling
the toll-free member phone number located on their health plan ID card.

Tier designations
Prescription medications are categorized within 3 tiers on the PDL.4 Each tier is assigned a cost,³ which is
determined by the member’s pharmacy benefit plan. You may refer to the PDL as a guide to select the most
appropriate medication with the lowest member cost for your patients.

Drug Tier       Includes                                        Helpful Tips

Tier 1          $    Lowest cost                                Members can maximize their cost savings when you prescribe
                     Tier 1 medications are your patient’s      Tier 1 medications, if you decide they are appropriate for your
                     lowest cost option.                        patient’s treatment.

Tier 2          $$ Mid-range cost                               Consider Tier 2 medications if no Tier 1 medication is
                   Tier 2 medications are your patient’s        appropriate to treat your patient’s condition.
                   mid-range cost option.

Tier 3          $$$ Highest cost                                If your patient is currently taking a medication in Tier 3, you may
                    Tier 3 medications are your patient’s       want to determine if there is an appropriate alternative in Tier 1
                    highest cost option.                        or Tier 2.

You and your patient make decisions about health care and medication treatments.
If the member has a “closed” pharmacy benefit (such as a 2-tier pharmacy benefit plan that does not cover
medications classified in Tier 3 of this PDL), medications in Tier 3 are generally not covered, except under
certain processes consistent with applicable law.

Some members have a 4-tier prescription plan, and these medications are noted as T4 throughout the
document. Members with a 4-tier prescription plan should refer to their enrollment materials, check the
Medication Pricing/Coverage information on our member website or call the toll-free member phone number
provided on their ID card for more information about their benefit plan.
Not all medications are represented in this PDL. Only the most commonly prescribed medications
are included.

Over-the-counter and therapeutically equivalent medications
For some conditions, you and your patient may decide that an over-the-counter (OTC) medication is the
most appropriate treatment. According to UnitedHealthcare benefit design, OTC medications are defined
as medications that do not require a prescription by federal or state law to be dispensed. In some instances,
OTC medications are listed on the PDL for reference purposes only. OTC medications may cost less than the
member’s out-of-pocket expense for prescription medications.
Therapeutically Equivalent means that medications can be expected to produce essentially the same
efficacy or adverse event profile. Our benefit designs allow us to exclude a medication if determined to be
Therapeutically Equivalent to another covered product or OTC option.
If the patient or physician requests a medication we have excluded based on determination of Therapeutic
Equivalent, the patient may be required to pay the entire cost of the medication as it may not be covered under
the member’s pharmacy benefit. Please refer to the member’s pharmacy benefit plan.

E         May be excluded from coverage or subject to Prior Authorization in Connecticut, New Jersey and New York
H         May be part of health care reform preventive5
H-PA      May be part of health care reform preventive with prior authorization5
MC        Multiple copay
PA        Prior authorization required6
RS        May be eligible for the Refill and Save Program
SL        Supply limit
SP        Specialty medication
ST        Step therapy7
T4        May be covered on Tier 4 in select benefits

Generic medication policy
Many generic medications are included on the PDL in Tier 1; however, generic medications can be placed into
any tier of the PDL. When a generic medication does not offer significant financial savings, it may be placed in
the same tier or a higher tier than the brand medication. Generic medications are noted in italic font.
Note that when a brand-name medication becomes available as a generic, that brand-name product may move
to a higher tier or be excluded from coverage by the member’s plan. Members may be required to pay more for
a prescription when a higher-tier brand-name product is dispensed. The member’s cost share is determined
by the pharmacy benefit plan. When generic substitution conflicts with state regulations or restrictions, the
pharmacist must obtain approval from the prescribing physician or other health care professional to substitute
the generic equivalent.

Specialty medications
Some members may have coverage for self-administered injectable and oral specialty medications through
their pharmacy benefit plan. You will find these medications included in the body of this document within the
appropriate therapeutic categories. UnitedHealthcare has a specialty pharmacy program that requires most
specialty medications to be obtained through a designated specialty pharmacy. These medications are noted
by SP throughout the document. The specialty pharmacy program includes designated specialty pharmacies,

each selected based on their clinical expertise for the targeted therapeutic classes, quality of services, and cost. Their
pharmacists are trained to help educate patients for these specialty medications, which may help improve treatment adherence.
Participating members should be instructed to call the toll-free member number on their ID card where a representative will
answer questions about our program and then transfer them to a specialty pharmacy based on their particular specialty
medication prescription.

Medications requiring prior authorization and other pharmacy programs
Select medications may require prior authorization to be eligible for coverage under the member’s pharmacy benefit plan.
Such medications are noted with a PA. Depending on your patients’ benefit and/or medication, a coverage review may apply to
determine coverage under the pharmacy benefit. The pharmacy benefit may exclude coverage of medications for certain uses.
Clinical criteria for PA medications are available on our website at UHCprovider.com. The criteria reflect UnitedHealthcare’s
P&T Committee decisions.
Some benefit plans may include our Step Therapy7 program. Step Therapy requires prior authorization and offers a “stepwise”
approach to therapy for certain high-cost medications and requires that a member first try a more cost-effective medication
before another high-cost medication. Step Therapy medications are noted as ST.
Supply limits define the maximum supply of medication per copayment or period of time. Supply limits are based on several
factors that may include FDA-approved dosing guidelines as defined in the product package insert, medical literature,
guidelines or supportive data. Supply limit medications are noted as SL.
The Refill and Save Program encourages members to adhere to their treatment regimens by rewarding them with a discounted
copayment/coinsurance for refilling their prescription within the defined time period. Eligible medications are noted as RS.

How to obtain authorization
Use the PreCheck MyScript app on Link. By using the PreCheck MyScript app, you can now run a pharmacy trial claim and
get real-time prescription coverage detail for your patients who are UnitedHealthcare benefit plan members. This will allow you
to check current prescription coverage and price, including out-of-pocket prescription costs for UnitedHealthcare members at
their selected pharmacy, as well as:
• Get information on lower-cost prescription alternatives, if available, to help save members money.
• See which prescriptions currently require prior authorization, or are non-covered or non-preferred.
• Request prior authorization and receive status and results.
The app is now available to all Link users; to access, sign in to UHCprovider.com, then select the Link Marketplace from your
Link dashboard and search for the PreCheck MyScript app. Add the app to your dashboard and start using it.
Below are also options to obtain authorization:
• Online: Use the online prior authorization tool (available through UHCprovider.com). Most online prior authorizations are
  approved in real-time, and an autopopulation feature provides 95% of a member’s information. Prior authorizations can also
  be submitted online by signing in to optumrx.com > Healthcare Professionals > Prior Authorizations.
• By Phone: Call the OptumRx prior authorization team at 1-800-711-4555.

    In certain documents the Prescription Drug List (PDL) was referred to as the “Preferred Drug List (PDL).” This change in descriptive terms does not affect your patient’s benefit coverage.
    Where differences are noted, the benefit plan documents will govern.
    UnitedHealthcare operates a wide number of benefit programs and products, and some benefit programs may have alternative benefit designs. Physicians should always check the member’s specific benefit prior
    to prescribing medications.
    In certain documents Tier 1 was referred to as “generics;” Tier 2 was referred to as “preferred brands” or “brand-name” on the PDL; and Tier 3 was referred to as “non-preferred brands,” “not on the PDL,” or
    “brand-name not on the PDL.” These changes in descriptive terms do not affect your patient’s benefit coverage.
    Health Care Reform drug lists may vary by plan; your patient can find the most up-to-date tier status and cost information for a particular medication by visiting myuhc.com and/or calling the toll-free member
    phone number on their health plan ID card.
    Depending on your patients’ benefit and/or medication, notification or medical necessity criteria will be applied to determine if covered under the pharmacy benefit.
    For New Jersey fully insured members, this program is referred to as First Start.
    In accordance with HCR/ACA requirements, providers may request a zero dollar coverage exception review for preventive medications. Please access uhcprovider.com>Drug List and Pharmacy>Additional
    Resources > Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act $0 Cost-share Preventive Medications Exemption Requests (Commercial members) or call the toll-free number on the member’s health plan ID card.

Table of Contents
Analgesics - Drugs for Pain.............................. 6             Genetic or Enzyme Disorder - Drugs for
Analgesics - Drugs for Pain and Inflammation. 8                           Replacement, Modification, Treatment.........45
Anti-Addiction / Substance Abuse Treatment                              Genitourinary Agents - Drugs for Bladder,
 Agents............................................................ 9     Genital and Kidney Conditions..................... 45
Antibacterials - Drugs for Infections................10                 Genitourinary Agents - Drugs for Prostate
Anticoagulants - Drugs to Treat or Prevent                                Conditions.................................................... 46
 Blood Clots................................................... 10      Hormonal Agents - Hormone Replacement
Anticonvulsants - Drugs for Seizures............. 11                      and Birth Control.......................................... 46
Antidementia Agents - Drugs for Alzheimer's                             Hormonal Agents - Oral Steroids....................51
 Disease and Dementia................................. 12               Hormonal Agents - Other................................52
Antidepressants - Drugs for Depression.........13                       Hormonal Agents - Testosterone
Antiemetics - Drugs for Nausea and Vomiting 14                            Replacement................................................ 52
Antifungals - Drugs for Fungal Infections....... 15                     Hormonal Agents - Thyroid.............................53
Antigout Agents - Drugs for Gout................... 16                  Immunological Agents - Drugs for Immune
Antimigraine Agents - Drugs for Migraines.....16                          System Stimulation or Suppression............. 53
Antimyasthenic Agents - Drugs to Treat                                  Immunological Agents - Drugs for
 Myasthenia Gravis........................................17              Vaccination...................................................54
Antimycobacterials - Drugs to Treat                                     Infertility Agents.............................................. 55
 Infections...................................................... 17    Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents..............55
Antineoplastics - Drugs for Cancer.................17                   Metabolic Bone Disease Agents - Drugs for
Antiparasitics - Drugs for Parasitic Infections. 18                       Osteoporosis................................................ 56
Antiparkinson Agents - Drugs for Parkinson's                            Metabolic Bone Disease Agents - Other........ 56
 Disease ........................................................ 19    Ophthalmic Agents - Drugs for Eye Allergy,
Antiplatelets - Drugs for Heart Attack and                                Infection and Inflammation........................... 56
 Stroke Prevention.........................................19           Ophthalmic Agents - Drugs for Glaucoma......57
Antipsychotics - Drugs for Mood Disorders.... 19                        Ophthalmic Agents - Drugs for Miscellaneous
Antivirals - Drugs for Viral Infections.............. 20                  Eye Conditions............................................. 58
Anxiolytics - Drugs for Anxiety........................21               Otic Agents - Drugs for Ear Conditions.......... 58
Bipolar Agents - Drugs for Mood Disorders....22                         Respiratory - Drugs for Anaphylaxis...............59
Cardiovascular Agents - Drugs for Heart and                             Respiratory Tract / Pulmonary Agents -
 Circulation Conditions.................................. 22              Drugs for Allergies, Cough, Cold..................59
Central Nervous System Agents - Drugs for                               Respiratory Tract / Pulmonary Agents -
 Attention Deficit Disorder..............................27               Drugs for Asthma and COPD....................... 60
Central Nervous System Agents - Drugs for                               Respiratory Tract / Pulmonary Agents -
 Multiple Sclerosis......................................... 28           Drugs for Cystic Fibrosis.............................. 62
Central Nervous System Agents -                                         Respiratory Tract / Pulmonary Agents -
 Miscellaneous...............................................29           Drugs for Pulmonary Fibrosis.......................62
Dental and Oral Agents - Drugs for Mouth                                Respiratory Tract / Pulmonary Agents -
 and Throat Conditions.................................. 29               Drugs for Pulmonary Hypertension.............. 62
Dermatological Agents - Drugs for Skin                                  Skeletal Muscle Relaxants - Drugs for
 Conditions.................................................... 30        Muscle Pain and Spasm...............................62
Diabetes - Glucose Monitoring....................... 36                 Sleep Disorder Agents....................................63
Diabetes - Insulin............................................38        Index of Drugs................................................ 64
Diabetes - Non-Insulin Agents........................39
Drugs for Blood Disorders.............................. 40
Drugs for Sexual Dysfunction......................... 41
Electrolytes / Vitamins.................................... 41
Gastrointestinal Agents - Drugs for Acid
 Reflux and Ulcer...........................................43
Gastrointestinal Agents - Drugs for Bowel,
 Intestine and Stomach Conditions................43

Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                 Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                 Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
Analgesics - Drugs for                             butalbital-apap-caffeine
Pain                                               oral capsule 50-325-40         1         QL
acetaminophen-codeine         1                    mg
acetaminophen-codeine                              butalbital-apap-caffeine       1         QL
                              1                    oral tablet
acetaminophen-codeine                              butalbital-asa-caff-           1
                              1                    codeine
acetaminophen-codeine                              butalbital-aspirin-caffeine    1
#4                                                 butorphanol tartrate           2         QL
ALLZITAL                      E                    nasal
apap-caff-dihydrocodeine                           BUTRANS                        E     PA; ST; QL
                              4         QL
oral capsule                                       CONZIP ORAL
                                                                                        (generic for
ARYMO ER                      E     PA; ST; QL     CAPSULE EXTENDED
                                                                                  E       Conzip);
                                                   RELEASE 24 HOUR 100                      QL
ascomp-codeine                1
BELBUCA                       3       PA; QL
                                                   CONZIP ORAL
BUPAP                         4                    CAPSULE EXTENDED               E         QL
buprenorphine                                      RELEASE 24 HOUR 200
                              E     PA; ST; QL     MG, 300 MG
butalbital-acetaminophen                           DILAUDID ORAL                  4
                              E         QL
capsule 50-300 mg oral                             DOLOPHINE                      3       PA; QL
BUTALBITAL-                                        DURAGESIC-100                  E     PA; ST; QL
ACETAMINOPHEN                                      DURAGESIC-12                   E     PA; ST; QL
                              E         QL
ORAL                                               DURAGESIC-25                   E     PA; ST; QL

butalbital-acetaminophen                           DURAGESIC-50                   E     PA; ST; QL
oral tablet 25-325 mg                              DURAGESIC-75                   E     PA; ST; QL
butalbital-acetaminophen                           DVORAH                         E         QL
oral tablet 50-300 mg                              endocet                        1
butalbital-acetaminophen      1                    ESGIC                          4         QL
oral tablet 50-325 mg
                                                   fentanyl transdermal
butalbital-apap-caff-cod                           patch 72 hour 100
oral capsule 50-300-40-       E         QL                                        2       PA; QL
                                                   mcg/hr, 12 mcg/hr, 25
30 mg                                              mcg/hr, 50 mcg/hr, 75
butalbital-apap-caff-cod                           mcg/hr
oral capsule 50-325-40-       1         QL
                                                   fentanyl transdermal
30 mg                                              patch 72 hour 37.5             E     PA; ST; QL
butalbital-apap-caffeine                           mcg/hr, 62.5 mcg/hr,
oral capsule 50-300-40        3         QL         87.5 mcg/hr
mg                                                 FIORICET                       4         QL
                                                   FIORICET/CODEINE               E         QL

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                             Drug                                               Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                             Tier                                               Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
FIORINAL                      4                    methadone hcl oral tablet
                                                                                  1         QL
FIORINAL/CODEINE #3           4                    soluble
hydrocodone-                                       methadose oral                 1         QL
acetaminophen oral            1                    concentrate 10 mg/ml
solution 10-325 mg/15ml                            methadose oral tablet          1         QL
hydrocodone-                                       soluble
acetaminophen oral            2                    methadose sugar-free           1         QL
solution 7.5-325 mg/15ml                           morphine sulfate
hydrocodone-                                       (concentrate) oral             1
acetaminophen oral                                 solution 100 mg/5ml, 20
tablet 10-300 mg, 5-300                            mg/ml
mg, 7.5-300 mg                                     morphine sulfate er oral
hydrocodone-                                       capsule extended              E     PA; ST; QL
acetaminophen oral            1                    release 24 hour
tablet 10-325 mg, 5-325                            morphine sulfate er oral
mg, 7.5-325 mg                                                                    1      PA; QL
                                                   tablet extended release
hydrocodone-ibuprofen         1                                                   1
                                                   morphine sulfate oral
hydromorphone hcl oral        1                                                   1
                                                   morphine sulfate rectal
hydromorphone hcl rectal      1                                                   3    PA; ST; QL
                                                   MS CONTIN
HYSINGLA ER                   E     PA; ST; QL                                   E          QL
KADIAN                        E     PA; ST; QL                                    4
lidocaine external            2         QL         NUCYNTA                        4         QL
                                                   NUCYNTA ER                     3      PA; QL
lidocaine external patch 5
                              3       PA; QL       OXAYDO                        E          QL
lidocaine hcl external                             OXYCODONE HCL ER              E     PA; ST; QL
solution                                           oxycodone hcl oral
lidocaine hcl                                      capsule
urethral/mucosal                                   oxycodone hcl oral             1
lidocaine-prilocaine                               concentrate 100 mg/5ml
external cream                                     oxycodone hcl oral             1
LIDODERM                      E       PA; QL       solution

LORTAB                        4                    oxycodone hcl oral tablet
                                                   10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30        1
methadone hcl intensol        1         QL         mg
methadone hcl oral            1         QL         oxycodone hcl oral tablet
concentrate                                                                       1         QL
                                                   5 mg
methadone hcl oral            1       PA; QL       OXYCODONE-
solution                                           ACETAMINOPHEN                 E
methadone hcl oral tablet     1       PA; QL       ORAL TABLET 10-300
                                                   MG, 5-300 MG

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                              Drug                                              Drug
Drug Name                             ents &        Drug Name                            ents &
                              Tier                                              Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
oxycodone-                                          TREZIX                        4         QL
acetaminophen oral                                  ULTRACET                      4         QL
tablet 10-325 mg, 2.5-         1
325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-                              ULTRAM                        4
325 mg                                              VANATOL LQ                    2      PA; QL
OXYCODONE-                                          VANATOL S                     2      PA; QL
ACETAMINOPHEN                                       VTOL LQ                       2      PA; QL
                               E         QL
                                                    XTAMPZA ER                    2      PA; QL
                               E     PA; ST; QL     ZEBUTAL                       4         QL
                               2         QL         ZTLIDO                       E       PA; QL
oxymorphone hcl
                               4     PA; ST; QL     Analgesics - Drugs for
oxymorphone hcl er
                                                    Pain and Inflammation
pentazocine-naloxone hcl       1
                                                    ARTHROTEC                     3
PERCOCET                       E
                                                    CELEBREX                     E          QL
premium lidocaine              2         QL
                                                    celecoxib oral                2         QL
PRIMLEV                        E
                                                    DAYPRO                        4
PROLATE                        E
                                                    DICLOFENAC                   E
ROXICODONE ORAL                                     EPOLAMINE
                                                    diclofenac potassium          1
ROXICODONE ORAL                4         QL         diclofenac sodium er          1
SUBSYS                         E       PA; QL       diclofenac sodium            E
                                                    external gel 1 %
tencon                         1
                                                    diclofenac sodium
                                     (generic for                                E
                               E                    external solution
tramadol hcl er (biphasic)           Ryzolt); QL
                                                    diclofenac sodium oral        1
                                     (generic for   diclofenac-misoprostol        3
EXTENDED RELEASE               E       Conzip);     diflunisal oral               1
24 HOUR 100 MG, 200                      QL         DUEXIS                       E          QL
MG, 300 MG
                                                    EC-NAPROSYN                   3
tramadol hcl er oral
                               1         QL         ec-naproxen                   1
capsule extended
release 24 hour 150 mg                              etodolac                      1
                                     (generic for   etodolac er                   1
tramadol hcl er oral tablet    2       Ultram       FELDENE                       4
extended release 24 hour               ER); QL
                                                    FLECTOR                      E
tramadol hcl oral tablet
                               E         QL         flurbiprofen oral             1
100 mg
                                                    hydrocodone bitartrate er     3    PA; ST; QL
tramadol hcl oral tablet
50 mg                                               hydromorphone hcl er          4    PA; ST; QL
tramadol-acetaminophen         1         QL         ibuprofen                     1

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
ibuprofen oral                                     sulindac oral                  1
suspension                                         TIVORBEX                      E
INDOCIN                       3                    VIVLODEX                      E          QL
indomethacin er               1                    VOLTAREN                      E
INDOMETHACIN ORAL                                  ZIPSOR                        E
                                                   ZOHYDRO ER                    E     PA; ST; QL
indomethacin oral             1                    ZORVOLEX                      E
capsule 25 mg, 50 mg
                              E       ST; QL       Anti-Addiction /
ketoprofen er
                                                   Substance Abuse
ketoprofen oral               E       ST; QL       Treatment Agents
KETOROLAC                                          acamprosate calcium            1
TROMETHAMINE                  4       ST; QL
                                                   ANTABUSE                       4
                                                   BUNAVAIL                      E       PA; QL
ketorolac tromethamine        1
oral                                               buprenorphine hcl
                                                                                  1         QL
LICART                        E                    sublingual

LODINE                        E                    buprenorphine hcl-
                                                                                  2         QL
                                                   naloxone hcl
mefenamic acid oral           3
                                                   bupropion hcl er               1         H
meloxicam oral                1                    (smoking det)
MOBIC                         4                    CHANTIX                        4       PA; H
nabumetone oral               E                    CHANTIX CONTINUING             4       PA; H
NAPRELAN                      E                    MONTH PAK
NAPROSYN                      4         PA         CHANTIX STARTING               4       PA; H
naproxen dr                   1                    MONTH PAK
                                                   disulfiram oral                1
naproxen oral                 1         PA
suspension                                         naloxone hcl injection         1
naproxen oral tablet          1                    solution

naproxen sodium er            E                    NALOXONE HCL
                                                   INJECTION SOLUTION
naproxen sodium oral                                                             E       PA; QL
                              1                    AUTO-INJECTOR 2
tablet 275 mg, 550 mg                              MG/0.4ML
oxaprozin                     1                    naloxone hcl injection         1
PENNSAID                      E                    solution prefilled syringe
piroxicam oral                1                    naltrexone hcl oral            1
QMIIZ ODT                     E                    NARCAN                         2         QL
RELAFEN                       E                    NICOTROL                       4       PA; H
RELAFEN DS                    E                    NICOTROL NS                    4       PA; H
salsalate oral                1                    SUBOXONE                      E       PA; QL
SPRIX                         4       ST; QL       ZUBSOLV                        2         QL

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
Antibacterials - Drugs                             SILVADENE                      4
for Infections
                                                   silver sulfadiazine
AEMCOLO                       3         QL         external
BACTRIM                       4                    SOLOSEC                        4      ST; QL
BACTRIM DS                    4                    ssd                            1
CENTANY                       4         QL         sulfamethoxazole-
CENTANY AT                    E                    trimethoprim oral
CLEOCIN ORAL                                       sulfatrim pediatric            1
CAPSULE 150 MG, 300           4                    tinidazole oral                3
MG                                                 trimethoprim oral              1
CLEOCIN ORAL                  2                    VANCOCIN                       4         QL
                                                   VANCOCIN HCL                   4         QL
SOLUTION                      4                    vancomycin hcl oral
                                                                                  1         QL
RECONSTITUTED                                      capsule
CLEOCIN VAGINAL                                    vancomycin hcl oral            3
                              4                    solution reconstituted
CLEOCIN VAGINAL                                    vandazole                      2
SUPPOSITORY                                        XEPI                           3         QL
clindamycin hcl oral          1                    XIFAXAN                        3      PA; QL
clindamycin palmitate hcl     2                    ZYVOX ORAL
clindamycin phosphate                              SUSPENSION                     4         QL
                              2                    RECONSTITUTED
CLINDESSE                     2                    ZYVOX ORAL TABLET             E          QL

colistimethate sodium                              Anticoagulants - Drugs
                              1                    to Treat or Prevent
                                                   Blood Clots
COLY-MYCIN M                  4
                                                   ARIXTRA                        4         QL
DIFICID                       3         QL
                                                   ELIQUIS                        2         QL
FIRVANQ                       1
                                                   enoxaparin sodium              2         QL
FLAGYL                        4
                                                   fondaparinux sodium            2         QL
gentamicin sulfate
                              1         QL         heparin sodium (porcine)       1
linezolid oral                2         QL         heparin sodium (porcine)       1
metronidazole oral            1
                                                   jantoven                       1
metronidazole vaginal         2
                                                   LOVENOX                       E          QL
mupirocin calcium             3         QL
                                                   PRADAXA                        2         QL
mupirocin external            1         QL
                                                   SAVAYSA                        4         QL
NUVESSA                       E
                                                   warfarin sodium oral           1

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
XARELTO                       2         QL         epitol                         1
XARELTO STARTER                                    ethosuximide oral              1
                              2         QL
PACK                                               felbamate                      1
Anticonvulsants -                                                                 4      PA; ST
Drugs for Seizures
                                                   FYCOMPA ORAL
APTIOM                        3         PA                                        4         PA
BANZEL ORAL                   3                    FYCOMPA ORAL
SUSPENSION                                                                        3         PA
BANZEL ORAL TABLET            3         PA                                        1
                                                   gabapentin oral capsule
BRIVIACT ORAL                 4         PA         gabapentin oral solution
SOLUTION                                                                          1
                                                   250 mg/5ml
BRIVIACT ORAL                 3         PA         gabapentin oral tablet         1
                                                   KEPPRA ORAL                    4      PA; ST
carbamazepine er oral
capsule extended              2                    KEPPRA XR                      4      PA; ST
release 12 hour                                    LAMICTAL                       4      PA; ST
carbamazepine er oral                              LAMICTAL ODT ORAL
tablet extended release       3                    KIT 21 X 25 MG & 7 X 50        3      PA; ST
12 hour                                            MG, 42 X 50 MG &
carbamazepine oral            1                    14X100 MG
CARBATROL                     4                    LAMICTAL ODT ORAL              4      PA; ST
                                                   KIT 25 & 50 & 100 MG
clobazam oral                 3         PA
suspension                                         LAMICTAL ODT ORAL
                                                                                  4      PA; ST
                                                   TABLET DISPERSIBLE
clobazam oral tablet          2         PA
                                                   LAMICTAL STARTER               4      PA; ST
DEPAKOTE                      4         PA
                                                   LAMICTAL XR                    3      PA; ST
DEPAKOTE ER                   4       PA; ST
                                                   lamotrigine er                 3      PA; ST
DEPAKOTE SPRINKLES            4       PA; ST
                                                   lamotrigine oral kit           3      PA; ST
DIASTAT ACUDIAL               4         QL
                                                   lamotrigine oral tablet        1
DIASTAT PEDIATRIC             2         QL
                                                   lamotrigine oral tablet
diazepam rectal               1         QL                                        1
DILANTIN                      3
                                                   lamotrigine oral tablet
                                                                                  3      PA; ST
DILANTIN INFATABS             3                    dispersible
divalproex sodium er          2                    lamotrigine starter kit-
divalproex sodium oral                             blue
capsule delayed release       2                    lamotrigine starter kit-       1
sprinkle                                           green
divalproex sodium oral        1                    lamotrigine starter kit-       1
tablet delayed release                             orange
EPIDIOLEX                     3       PA; SP       levetiracetam er               2

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                             Drug                                               Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                             Tier                                               Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
levetiracetam oral            1                    TROKENDI XR                   E       PA; ST
MYSOLINE                      2       PA; ST       valproic acid oral             1
NAYZILAM                      3       PA; QL       VALTOCO 10 MG DOSE             3      PA; QL
NEURONTIN                     4       PA; ST       VALTOCO 15 MG DOSE             3      PA; QL
ONFI                          4       PA; ST       VALTOCO 20 MG DOSE             3      PA; QL
oxcarbazepine                 1                    VALTOCO 5 MG DOSE              3      PA; QL
OXTELLAR XR                   E       PA; ST       VIMPAT ORAL                    3         PA
phenobarbital oral            1                    XCOPRI                         3         PA
phenobarbital oral            1                    XCOPRI (250 MG DAILY           3         PA
solution 20 mg/5ml                                 DOSE)
PHENYTEK                      4                    XCOPRI (350 MG DAILY
                                                                                  3         PA
phenytoin infatabs            1                    DOSE)

phenytoin oral                                     ZARONTIN                       4
suspension 125 mg/5ml                              ZONEGRAN                       4      PA; ST
phenytoin oral tablet                              zonisamide oral                1
chewable                                           Antidementia Agents -
phenytoin sodium                                   Drugs for Alzheimer's
extended                                           Disease and Dementia
primidone oral                1                    ARICEPT ORAL                   3
QUDEXY XR                     E       PA; ST       TABLET 10 MG, 5 MG

roweepra                      1                    ARICEPT ORAL                  E
                                                   TABLET 23 MG
roweepra xr                   2
                                                   donepezil hcl oral tablet      1
SPRITAM                       E       PA; ST       10 mg, 5 mg
subvenite                     1                    donepezil hcl oral tablet     E
subvenite starter kit-blue    1                    23 mg
subvenite starter kit-                             donepezil hcl oral tablet
                              1                                                   1
green                                              dispersible
subvenite starter kit-                             EXELON                        E
orange                                             memantine hcl er              E
SYMPAZAN                      E         PA         memantine hcl oral
TEGRETOL                      3                    solution 2 mg/ml
TEGRETOL-XR                   4                    memantine hcl oral tablet      2
TOPAMAX                       4       PA; ST       NAMENDA                        4
topiramate er                 E       PA; ST       PAK
                              1                    NAMENDA XR                    E
topiramate oral
TRILEPTAL                     4       PA; ST       NAMENDA XR
                                                   TITRATION PACK

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                             Drug                                               Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                             Tier                                               Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
rivastigmine                  3                    escitalopram oxalate oral
rivastigmine tartrate         1                    solution
Antidepressants -                                  escitalopram oxalate oral      1
Drugs for Depression                               tablet
amitriptyline hcl oral        1                    FETZIMA                        4      ST; QL

ANAFRANIL                     E                    FETZIMA TITRATION              4      ST; QL

APLENZIN                      E         QL         fluoxetine hcl (pmdd)         E

BRISDELLE                     E         QL         fluoxetine hcl oral            1
bupropion hcl er (sr)         1
                                                   fluoxetine hcl oral            3         QL
bupropion hcl er (xl) oral                         capsule delayed release
tablet extended release       1
24 hour 150 mg, 300 mg                             fluoxetine hcl oral            1
(XL) ORAL TABLET                                   fluoxetine hcl oral tablet     3         QL
                              E         QL         10 mg
24 HOUR 450 MG                                     fluoxetine hcl oral tablet
bupropion hcl oral            1                    20 mg
CELEXA                        E                    fluoxetine hcl oral tablet
                                                   60 mg
citalopram hydrobromide       1
                                                   fluvoxamine maleate            1
clomipramine hcl oral         4
                                                   fluvoxamine maleate er         3         QL
CYMBALTA                      E         QL
                                                   FORFIVO XL                    E          QL
desipramine hcl oral          1
                                                   imipramine hcl oral            1
DESVENLAFAXINE ER             E         QL
                                                   LEXAPRO                       E
desvenlafaxine succinate      3         QL
er                                                 mirtazapine oral               1

doxepin hcl oral capsule      1                    NARDIL                         4

doxepin hcl oral                                   nefazodone hcl                 1
concentrate                                        NORPRAMIN                      4
DRIZALMA SPRINKLE             4       PA; QL       nortriptyline hcl oral         1
duloxetine hcl oral                                olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl      2         QL
capsule delayed release                            PAMELOR                        4
                              2         QL
particles 20 mg, 30 mg,
60 mg                                              PARNATE                        4

duloxetine hcl oral                                paroxetine hcl                 1
capsule delayed release       E                    paroxetine hcl er              3         QL
particles 40 mg                                    paroxetine mesylate           E          QL
EFFEXOR XR                    E                                                   4         QL
                                                   PAXIL CR
EMSAM                         3
                                                   PAXIL ORAL                     3

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
PAXIL ORAL TABLET             4                    EMEND ORAL
                                                                                  4         QL
phenelzine sulfate oral       1                    CAPSULE 80 MG
PRISTIQ                       E         QL         EMEND ORAL
                                                   SUSPENSION                     2         QL
protriptyline hcl             1                    RECONSTITUTED
PROZAC                        E                    EMEND TRI-PACK                 4         QL
REMERON                       4                    GIMOTI                        E
REMERON SOLTAB                4                                                   2
                                                   granisetron hcl oral
SARAFEM                       E                                                   4
sertraline hcl oral           1
                                                   meclizine hcl oral tablet     E
SPRAVATO (56 MG               4       PA; QL       12.5 mg, 25 mg
DOSE)                                              metoclopramide hcl oral        1
SPRAVATO (84 MG                                    solution
                              4       PA; QL
DOSE)                                              metoclopramide hcl oral        1
SYMBYAX                       4         QL         tablet
tranylcypromine sulfate       1                    metoclopramide hcl oral
trazodone hcl oral            1                    tablet dispersible

TRINTELLIX                    4       ST; QL       ondansetron hcl oral           1

venlafaxine hcl               1                    ondansetron odt                1

venlafaxine hcl er oral                            perphenazine oral              1
capsule extended              1                    prochlorperazine               1
release 24 hour                                    prochlorperazine maleate
venlafaxine hcl er oral                            oral
tablet extended release       E         QL         promethazine hcl oral          1
24 hour
                                                   promethazine hcl rectal        1
VIIBRYD                       4         QL
                                                   promethegan                    1
VIIBRYD STARTER               4
PACK                                               REGLAN                         4
                              E                    scopolamine                    3
                              E                    SYNDROS                        4      PA; QL
                              E                    TIGAN ORAL                     4
Antiemetics - Drugs for                            TRANSDERM-SCOP
Nausea and Vomiting                                (1.5 MG)
aprepitant                    2         QL         trimethobenzamide hcl
BONJESTA                      E         PA
                                                   VARUBI (180 MG DOSE)           2         QL
compro                        1
                                                   ZOFRAN                         4
DICLEGIS                      E         PA
                                                   ZUPLENZ                       E          QL
doxylamine-pyridoxine         E         PA
dronabinol                    1

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                             Drug                                               Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                             Tier                                               Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
Antifungals - Drugs for                            ketoconazole external
                                                                                  1         QL
Fungal Infections                                  cream
BIO-STATIN ORAL                                    ketoconazole external
                              3                                                   3      ST; QL
CAPSULE                                            foam
bio-statin oral powder        1                    ketoconazole external          1
ciclodan                      1                    shampoo
ciclopirox external gel       1                    ketoconazole oral              1

ciclopirox external                                ketodan external foam          3      ST; QL
shampoo                                            LOPROX EXTERNAL               E
ciclopirox external                                CREAM
solution                                           LOPROX EXTERNAL               E
ciclopirox olamine                                 SHAMPOO
external                                           LOPROX EXTERNAL
ciclopirox treatment          E                    SUSPENSION
clotrimazole external         E                    NOXAFIL ORAL
clotrimazole mouth/throat     1
                                                   NOXAFIL ORAL TABLET
CRESEMBA ORAL                 3                                                  E
                                                   DELAYED RELEASE
DIFLUCAN ORAL                                      nyamyc                         1         QL
SUSPENSION                    4
RECONSTITUTED                                      nystatin external              1         QL

DIFLUCAN ORAL                                      nystatin mouth/throat          1
TABLET 100 MG, 150            4                    nystatin oral                  1
MG, 200 MG                                         nystatin-triamcinolone        E
DIFLUCAN ORAL                 3                    nystop                         1         QL
                                                   posaconazole                   2
econazole nitrate             2         QL
external                                           SPORANOX                       4         QL

ECOZA                         E                    SPORANOX PULSEPAK              4         QL

EXELDERM                      3                    SULCONAZOLE
EXTINA                        4       ST; QL
                                                   terbinafine hcl oral           1         QL
fluconazole oral              1
                                                   terconazole                    1
griseofulvin microsize        1
oral                                               TOLSURA                       E

griseofulvin                                       VFEND ORAL
                              1                    SUSPENSION                     4
GYNAZOLE-1                    3
                                                   VFEND ORAL TABLET              4         QL
itraconazole oral capsule     1         QL
                                                   200 MG
itraconazole oral solution    2         QL
                                                   VFEND ORAL TABLET              3         QL
JUBLIA                        4     PA; ST; QL     50 MG

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
voriconazole oral                                  IMITREX ORAL                  E          QL
suspension reconstituted                           IMITREX STATDOSE
                                                                                 E          QL
voriconazole oral tablet      1         QL         SYSTEM
XOLEGEL                       3                    IMITREX
                                                                                 E          QL
Antigout Agents -                                  SUBCUTANEOUS
Drugs for Gout                                     MAXALT                        E          QL
allopurinol oral              1                    MAXALT-MLT                    E          QL
COLCHICINE ORAL                                    MIGRANAL                      E       PA; QL
CAPSULE                                            naratriptan hcl                1         QL
colchicine oral tablet        E                                                  E     PA; ST; QL
colchicine-probenecid         1                                                  E          QL
                                                   ONZETRA XSAIL
COLCRYS                       E                                                  E          QL
febuxostat                    3       ST; QL                                      2    PA; ST; QL
GLOPERBA                      4         PA                                        1         QL
                                                   rizatriptan benzoate
MITIGARE                      2                                                   2         QL
                                                   sumatriptan nasal
probenecid                    1
                                                   sumatriptan succinate
                                                                                  1         QL
ULORIC                        E       ST; QL       oral
ZYLOPRIM                      4                    sumatriptan succinate
                                                                                  1         QL
Antimigraine Agents -                              subcutaneous
Drugs for Migraines                                sumatriptan-naproxen          E          QL
AIMOVIG                       2     PA; ST; QL     sodium
AJOVY                         E     PA; ST; QL     TOSYMRA                       E          QL

almotriptan malate            3         QL         TREXIMET                      E          QL

AMERGE                        4         QL         UBRELVY                        2    PA; ST; QL

CAMBIA                        E         QL         ZEMBRACE                      E          QL
D.H.E. 45                     E
                                                   zolmitriptan oral tablet       2         QL
                              1                    zolmitriptan oral tablet
mesylate injection                                                                3         QL
                              4       PA; QL       ZOMIG NASAL
mesylate nasal                                                                    3      ST; QL
                                                   SOLUTION 2.5 MG
eletriptan hydrobromide       2         QL
                                                   ZOMIG NASAL                    4      ST; QL
EMGALITY                      2     PA; ST; QL
                                                   SOLUTION 5 MG
EMGALITY (300 MG                                   ZOMIG ORAL                     4         QL
                              2     PA; ST; QL
                                                   ZOMIG ZMT                      4         QL
FROVA                         4         QL
frovatriptan succinate        3         QL
IMITREX NASAL                 4         QL

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
Antimyasthenic Agents                              CASODEX                        4
- Drugs to Treat
                                                   COMETRIQ (100 MG
Myasthenia Gravis                                                                 2    PA; QL; SP
                                                   DAILY DOSE)
MESTINON ORAL                 4                    COMETRIQ (140 MG
SOLUTION                                                                          2    PA; QL; SP
                                                   DAILY DOSE)
MESTINON ORAL                 E                    COMETRIQ (60 MG
TABLET                                                                            2    PA; QL; SP
                                                   DAILY DOSE)
MESTINON ORAL                                      cyclophosphamide oral          2
TABLET EXTENDED               3
RELEASE                                            ERLEADA                        2    PA; QL; SP

pyridostigmine bromide                             everolimus oral tablet 2.5     2    PA; QL; SP
                              1                    mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg
pyridostigmine bromide                             exemestane                     2
oral solution                                      FEMARA                        E
pyridostigmine bromide                             GLEEVEC                       E     PA; QL; SP
oral tablet 30 mg                                  GLEOSTINE                      2         SP
pyridostigmine bromide        1                    HYDREA                         4
oral tablet 60 mg
                                                   hydroxyurea oral               1
Antimycobacterials -
Drugs to Treat                                     IBRANCE                        2    PA; QL; SP
Infections                                         ICLUSIG                        3    PA; QL; SP
dapsone oral                  2                    IDHIFA                         2    PA; QL; SP
Antineoplastics - Drugs                            imatinib mesylate              1    PA; QL; SP
for Cancer                                                                        2    PA; QL; SP
abiraterone acetate oral                           INLYTA                         3    PA; QL; SP
                              2     PA; QL; SP
tablet 250 mg
                                                   JAKAFI                         2    PA; QL; SP
AFINITOR DISPERZ              2     PA; QL; SP
                                                   LENVIMA (10 MG DAILY
AFINITOR ORAL                                                                     3    PA; QL; SP
                              2     PA; QL; SP     DOSE)
                                                   LENVIMA (12 MG DAILY
AFINITOR ORAL                                                                     3    PA; QL; SP
TABLET 2.5 MG, 5 MG,          E     PA; QL; SP
7.5 MG                                             LENVIMA (14 MG DAILY           3    PA; QL; SP
ALECENSA                      2       PA; QL
                                                   LENVIMA (18 MG DAILY           3    PA; QL; SP
anastrozole oral              1
ARIMIDEX                      E
                                                   LENVIMA (20 MG DAILY           3    PA; QL; SP
AROMASIN                      4                    DOSE)
bexarotene                    E         SP         LENVIMA (24 MG DAILY
                                                                                  3    PA; QL; SP
bicalutamide                  1                    DOSE)
CABOMETYX                     2     PA; QL; SP     LENVIMA (4 MG DAILY
                                                                                  3    PA; QL; SP
capecitabine                  E       QL; SP

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
LENVIMA (8 MG DAILY                                ZEJULA                         2    PA; QL; SP
                              3     PA; QL; SP
DOSE)                                              ZYTIGA ORAL TABLET
                                                                                 E     PA; QL; SP
letrozole oral                1                    250 MG
leucovorin calcium oral       1                    ZYTIGA ORAL TABLET
                                                                                 E       PA; SP
LYNPARZA                      2     PA; QL; SP     500 MG
                              3     PA; QL; SP     Antiparasitics - Drugs
                                                   for Parasitic Infections
mercaptopurine oral           1
                                                   albendazole oral               3      PA; QL
NERLYNX                       2     PA; QL; SP
                                                   ALBENZA                        4      PA; QL
NINLARO                       2     PA; QL; SP
                                                   ALINIA                         2         QL
NUBEQA                        2     PA; QL; SP
                                                   ARAKODA                        4         QL
POMALYST                      3     PA; QL; SP
                                                   atovaquone oral                2
PURIXAN                       4       PA; SP
                                                   atovaquone-proguanil hcl       2
REVLIMID                      2     PA; QL; SP
                                                   chloroquine phosphate
SOLTAMOX                      E                                                   1
                                      PA; ST;      ELIMITE                        4
SPRYCEL                               QL; SP
                                                   EMVERM                         4      PA; QL
TAFINLAR                      3     PA; QL; SP
                                                   hydroxychloroquine             1
TAGRISSO                      3     PA; QL; SP     sulfate oral
tamoxifen citrate oral                             ivermectin oral                1
tablet 10 mg
                                                   KRINTAFEL                      1         QL
tamoxifen citrate oral
                              1        H-PA        MALARONE                       4
tablet 20 mg
                              3       QL; SP       malathion                      1
                              2         SP         mefloquine hcl                 1
                                      PA; ST;      MEPRON                        E
TASIGNA                               QL; SP       NATROBA                       E
TEMODAR ORAL                  4       PA; SP       OVIDE                          4
temozolomide                  1       PA; SP       permethrin external            1
VENCLEXTA                     2     PA; QL; SP     PLAQUENIL                     E
VENCLEXTA STARTING                                 QUALAQUIN                      4
                              2     PA; QL; SP
PACK                                               quinine sulfate oral           1
VERZENIO                      2     PA; QL; SP     SKLICE                         4         QL
VOTRIENT                      2     PA; QL; SP     spinosad                       3
XELODA                        1       QL; SP       STROMECTOL                     4
                                      PA; ST;
XTANDI                                QL; SP
                                      PA; ST;
YONSA                                 QL; SP

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
Antiparkinson Agents -                             Antiplatelets - Drugs
Drugs for Parkinson's                              for Heart Attack and
Disease                                            Stroke Prevention
amantadine hcl oral           1                    AGGRENOX ORAL
AZILECT                       E                    CAPSULE EXTENDED               4
                                                   RELEASE 12 HOUR 25-
benztropine mesylate          1                    200 MG
                                                   aspirin-dipyridamole er        3
bromocriptine mesylate        1
oral                                               BRILINTA                       4         QL
                              1                    cilostazol                     1
                              1                    clopidogrel bisulfate oral     1
carbidopa-levodopa er
                              4                    EFFIENT                       E          QL
                              4         PA         PLAVIX                        E
                              1                    prasugrel hcl                  3         QL
                              E         QL         ZONTIVITY                      4         QL
                              3     PA; QL; SP     Antipsychotics - Drugs
                                                   for Mood Disorders
MIRAPEX                       4
                                                   ABILIFY                       E          QL
MIRAPEX ER                    E
                                                   aripiprazole oral solution     3
NEUPRO                        3
                                                   aripiprazole oral tablet       2         QL
NOURIANZ                      3       PA; QL
                                                   aripiprazole oral tablet       2         QL
OSMOLEX ER                    E                    dispersible
PARLODEL                      E                    chlorpromazine hcl oral        1
pramipexole                                        clozapine                      1
                                                   CLOZARIL                       4
pramipexole                   E                    fluphenazine hcl oral          1
dihydrochloride er
                              3                    GEODON ORAL                   E          QL
rasagiline mesylate oral
                                                   haloperidol oral               1
TABLET EXTENDED                                    INVEGA                        E          QL
RELEASE 24 HOUR 12                                 LATUDA                         4         QL
MG, 6 MG
                                                   olanzapine oral tablet         1         QL
ropinirole hcl                1
                                                   olanzapine oral tablet         2         QL
ropinirole hcl er             E                    dispersible
RYTARY                        E                    paliperidone er                3         QL
selegiline hcl oral           1                    pimozide                       2
SINEMET                       4                    quetiapine fumarate            1
trihexyphenidyl hcl           1                    quetiapine fumarate er         3         QL
ZELAPAR                       3                    REXULTI                        4    PA; ST; QL

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                             Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                             Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
RISPERDAL                     E                    entecavir                      1         SP
risperidone                   1                    EPCLUSA ORAL
                                                                                  2     PA; QL; SP
SAPHRIS                       3         QL         TABLET 400-100 MG
SEROQUEL                      E                    EPIVIR                         4

SEROQUEL XR                   E         QL         EPZICOM                        E         QL

VERSACLOZ                     E                    famciclovir oral tablet 125
                                                   mg, 500 mg
VRAYLAR                       4       ST; QL
                                                   famciclovir oral tablet 250    2         QL
ziprasidone hcl               2         QL
ZYPREXA ORAL                  E         QL                                        4         QL
ZYPREXA ZYDIS                 E         QL
                                                   HARVONI ORAL                   2         QL
Antivirals - Drugs for                             PACKET
Viral Infections                                                                         PA; ST;
                                                   HARVONI ORAL                   2
abacavir sulfate-                                  TABLET                                QL; SP
                              2         QL
lamivudine                                         INTELENCE                      2
acyclovir external cream      E         QL                                        2
acyclovir external                                 ISENTRESS HD                   2
                              4     PA; ST; QL
                                                   JULUCA                         2         QL
acyclovir oral                1
                                                   KALETRA ORAL                   4
atazanavir sulfate            2
ATRIPLA                       E       ST; QL
                                                   KALETRA ORAL                   2
BARACLUDE ORAL                                     TABLET
                              2         SP
SOLUTION                                           lamivudine oral solution       1
BARACLUDE ORAL                                     lamivudine oral tablet
                              E         SP                                        1
TABLET                                             150 mg, 300 mg
BIKTARVY                      4         QL                                               PA; ST;
CIMDUO                        2         QL         SOFOSBUVIR                            QL; SP
COMPLERA                      4         QL         lopinavir-ritonavir            2
DENAVIR                       E                    MAVYRET                        2     PA; QL; SP
DESCOVY                       E     PA; ST; QL     nevirapine                     1
DOVATO                        2         QL         nevirapine er                  E
EDURANT                       2                    NORVIR ORAL PACKET             2
efavirenz                     2                    NORVIR ORAL
efavirenz-emtricitab-                              SOLUTION
                              E       ST; QL
tenofovir                                          NORVIR ORAL TABLET             E
efavirenz-lamivudine-                              ODEFSEY                        4         QL
                              2         QL
tenofovir                                          oseltamivir phosphate
emtricitabine-tenofovir df    1      QL; H         oral capsule

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
oseltamivir phosphate                              valganciclovir hcl oral
oral suspension               2         QL         solution reconstituted
reconstituted                                      valganciclovir hcl oral        1         QL
PIFELTRO                      3                    tablet
PREZCOBIX                     2                    VALTREX                       E          QL
PREZISTA                      2                    VEMLIDY                        4      ST; SP
REYATAZ ORAL                  E                    VIRAMUNE ORAL                  4
CAPSULE                                            SUSPENSION
REYATAZ ORAL                  2                    VIRAMUNE ORAL                 E
PACKET                                             TABLET 200 MG
ritonavir                     2                    VIRAMUNE XR                   E
RUKOBIA                       4         PA         VIREAD ORAL                    3
SELZENTRY                     2         PA         POWDER

SITAVIG                       E         QL         VIREAD ORAL TABLET
                                                   150 MG, 200 MG, 250            2
SOFOSBUVIR-                   2     PA; QL; SP     MG
                                                   VIREAD ORAL TABLET
STRIBILD                      4         QL                                       E
                                                   300 MG
SUSTIVA                       4                                                   2    PA; QL; SP
SYMFI                         2         QL
                                                   XOFLUZA (40 MG                 3         QL
SYMFI LO                      2         QL         DOSE)
SYMTUZA                       E         QL         XOFLUZA (80 MG                 3         QL
TAMIFLU ORAL                                       DOSE)
CAPSULE                                            ZEPATIER                       2    PA; QL; SP
TAMIFLU ORAL                                       ZOVIRAX EXTERNAL              E          QL
SUSPENSION                    E         QL         CREAM
RECONSTITUTED                                      ZOVIRAX EXTERNAL              E     PA; ST; QL
TEMIXYS                       E         QL         OINTMENT
tenofovir disoproxil                               ZOVIRAX ORAL                   4
                              2        H-PA
fumarate                                           Anxiolytics - Drugs for
TIVICAY                       3                    Anxiety
TIVICAY PD                    3                    alprazolam er                  1
TRIUMEQ                       2         QL         alprazolam intensol            1
TRUVADA                       E         QL         alprazolam oral                1
valacyclovir hcl oral         1         QL         alprazolam xr                  1
VALCYTE ORAL                                       ATIVAN ORAL                   E
SOLUTION                      4                    buspirone hcl oral             1
                                                   chlordiazepoxide hcl           1
                              E         QL         clonazepam oral                1
See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
clorazepate dipotassium       1                    ALDACTAZIDE ORAL
diazepam intensol             1                    TABLET 25-25 MG
diazepam oral                 1                    ALDACTAZIDE ORAL               2
                                                   TABLET 50-50 MG
estazolam                     1
                                                   ALDACTONE                      4
HALCION                       4
                                                   aliskiren fumarate             3
hydroxyzine hcl oral          1
                                                   ALTACE                         4
hydroxyzine pamoate
                              1                    ALTOPREV                      E
KLONOPIN                      E                    amiloride hcl oral             1

lorazepam intensol            1                    amiloride-
lorazepam oral
                              1                    amiodarone hcl oral            1
concentrate 2 mg/ml
lorazepam oral tablet         1                    amlodipine besylate oral       1

oxazepam                      1                    amlodipine besylate-           1
                                                   benazepril hcl
TRANXENE-T                    4
                                                   amlodipine besylate-           2
triazolam                     1                    valsartan
VALIUM                        E
VISTARIL                      4                    oral tablet 10-10 mg, 10-
XANAX                         E                    20 mg, 10-40 mg, 10-80        E
                                                   mg, 5-10 mg, 5-20 mg, 5-
XANAX XR                      E
                                                   40 mg, 5-80 mg
Bipolar Agents - Drugs
for Mood Disorders                                                               E          QL
                                                   oral tablet 2.5-10 mg,
EQUETRO                       3                    2.5-20 mg, 2.5-40 mg
lithium carbonate er          1                    amlodipine-olmesartan         E
lithium carbonate oral        1                    amlodipine-valsartan-         E
LITHOBID                      4                    hctz
Cardiovascular Agents                              ANTARA                        E
- Drugs for Heart and                              ATACAND                        4
Circulation Conditions                                                            4
                                                   ATACAND HCT
ACCUPRIL                      4                                                   1
                                                   atenolol oral
ACCURETIC                     4                                                   1
acebutolol hcl oral           1
                                                   atorvastatin calcium oral      1     QL; H-PA
acetazolamide er              1                    tablet 10 mg, 20 mg
acetazolamide oral            1                    atorvastatin calcium oral      1         QL
ADALAT CC ORAL                                     tablet 40 mg, 80 mg
TABLET EXTENDED                                    AVALIDE                        4
RELEASE 24 HOUR 60                                 AVAPRO                         4

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                             Drug                                               Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                             Tier                                               Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
AZOR                          E                    clonidine hcl oral             1
benazepril hcl oral           1                    colesevelam hcl               E
benazepril-                                        COLESTID FLAVORED
                              1                                                   3
hydrochlorothiazide                                ORAL GRANULES
BENICAR                       E                    COLESTID FLAVORED
BENICAR HCT                   E                    ORAL PACKET
BETAPACE                      E                    COLESTID ORAL                  3
BETAPACE AF                   4
                                                   COLESTID ORAL                  4
BIDIL                         2                    PACKET
bisoprolol fumarate           1                    COLESTID ORAL                  4
bisoprolol-                                        TABLET
hydrochlorothiazide                                colestipol hcl                 1
bumetanide oral               1                    COREG                          4
BUMEX                         3                    COREG CR                      E
BYSTOLIC                      E                    CORGARD                        4
CADUET                        E                    CORLANOR                       3      PA; QL
CALAN SR                      4                                                   4
candesartan cilexetil         3                                                  E          QL
candesartan cilexetil-hctz    3                                                   1
captopril oral                1                                                   1
CARDIZEM                      E                                                   1
                                                   digoxin oral
CARDIZEM CD                   E                                                   3
CARDIZEM LA                   E                                                   1
                                                   diltiazem hcl er
CARDURA                       4                                                   2
                                                   diltiazem hcl er beads
CAROSPIR                      4         PA
                                                   diltiazem hcl er coated
cartia xt                     2                    beads oral capsule             2
carvedilol                    1                    extended release 24 hour

carvedilol phosphate er       E                    diltiazem hcl er coated
                                                   beads oral tablet
CATAPRES                      4                    extended release 24 hour       2
CATAPRES-TTS-1                4                    180 mg, 240 mg, 300
CATAPRES-TTS-2                4                    mg, 360 mg
                              4                    diltiazem hcl oral             1
                              1                    dilt-xr                        1
cholestyramine light          1                    DIOVAN                        E

cholestyramine oral           1                    DIOVAN HCT                    E

clonidine                     3       (Patch)      dofetilide                     2

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                              Drug                                              Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                              Tier                                              Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
doxazosin mesylate oral        1                   fosinopril sodium              1
DUTOPROL ORAL                                      fosinopril sodium-hctz         1
TABLET EXTENDED                                    furosemide oral                1
RELEASE 24 HOUR                E        QL
100-12.5 MG, 50-12.5                               gemfibrozil oral               1
MG                                                 GONITRO                       E          QL
DUTOPROL ORAL                                      guanfacine hcl                 1
TABLET EXTENDED                                    HEMANGEOL                     E
                                                   hydralazine hcl oral           1
12.5 MG
                               4                   hydrochlorothiazide oral       1
                               3                   HYZAAR                         4
                               3                   indapamide                     1
                               1                   INDERAL LA                    E
enalapril maleate oral
enalapril-                                         INSPRA                         4
hydrochlorothiazide                                irbesartan                     1
ENTRESTO                       4      PA; QL       irbesartan-                    1
EPANED                         4        PA         hydrochlorothiazide
                               2                   ISORDIL TITRADOSE              4
EXFORGE                        E                   isosorbide dinitrate oral
                                                   tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 30        1
EXFORGE HCT                    E                   mg, 5 mg
EZALLOR SPRINKLE               3        PA         isosorbide dinitrate oral
ezetimibe                      2                   tablet 40 mg
ezetimibe-simvastatin          3                   isosorbide mononitrate         1
felodipine er                  1                   isosorbide mononitrate er      1
fenofibrate micronized         E                   KAPSPARGO
fenofibrate oral capsule       E                   SPRINKLE
fenofibrate oral tablet 120                        labetalol hcl oral             1
mg, 40 mg, 48 mg                                   LANOXIN ORAL                   3
fenofibrate oral tablet 145                        LASIX                          4
mg, 160 mg, 54 mg                                  LESCOL XL                     E          ST
fenofibric acid oral           E                   LIPITOR                       E          QL
capsule delayed release
                                                   LIPOFEN                       E
FENOGLIDE                      E
                                                   lisinopril oral                1
flecainide acetate             1
FLOLIPID                       4        PA                                        1
fluvastatin sodium             1                   LIVALO                        E       ST; QL
fluvastatin sodium er          3        ST         LOPID                          4

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
LOPRESSOR                     4                    nadolol oral                   1
LOPRESSOR HCT                 4                    NEXLETOL                       2    PA; ST; QL
losartan potassium oral       1                    NEXLIZET                       2    PA; ST; QL
losartan potassium-hctz       1                    niacin
LOTENSIN                      4                    (antihyperlipidemic)

LOTENSIN HCT                  4                    niacin er
LOTREL                        4
                                                   niacor                         2
lovastatin                    1          H
                                                   NIASPAN                        2
LOVAZA                        E
                                                   nifedipine er                  1
matzim la                     2
                                                   nifedipine er osmotic
MAXZIDE                       4                                                   1
MAXZIDE-25                    4                                                   1
                                                   nifedipine oral
methazolamide oral            1                                                   2
                                                   nisoldipine er
methyldopa                    1                                                   2
metolazone                    1                    NITRO-DUR                      3
metoprolol succinate er                            nitroglycerin sublingual       1
oral tablet extended          2
release 24 hour 100 mg,                            nitroglycerin transdermal      1
200 mg, 50 mg                                      nitroglycerin translingual    E          QL
metoprolol succinate er                            NITROLINGUAL                  E          QL
oral tablet extended          1                    NITROMIST                      4         QL
release 24 hour 25 mg
                                                   NITROSTAT                      4
metoprolol tartrate oral
                              1                    nitro-time                     1
tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50
mg                                                 NORVASC                       E
metoprolol tartrate oral      E                    olmesartan medoxomil           2
tablet 37.5 mg, 75 mg                              oral
metoprolol-                                        olmesartan medoxomil-
                              1                                                   2
hydrochlorothiazide                                hctz
mexiletine hcl oral           1                    olmesartan-amlodipine-
MICARDIS                      E                    hctz
MICARDIS HCT                  E                    omega-3-acid ethyl             2
midodrine hcl                 1
                                                   PACERONE ORAL
MINIPRESS                     4                    TABLET 100 MG, 400             3
minitran                      1                    MG
minoxidil oral                1                    pacerone oral tablet 200
moexipril hcl                 1                    mg

MULTAQ                        4         PA         pentoxifylline er              1

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                             Drug                                               Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                             Tier                                               Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
perindopril erbumine          2                    spironolactone-hctz            1
pindolol                      1                    SULAR                          4
PRALUENT                      2     PA; ST; QL     TARKA                          4
PRAVACHOL                     4                    taztia xt                      2
pravastatin sodium            1                    TEKTURNA                       3
prazosin hcl oral             1                    TEKTURNA HCT                   3
prevalite                     1                    telmisartan                    2
PRINIVIL                      4                    telmisartan-hctz               2
PROCARDIA                     4                    TENORETIC 100                 E
PROCARDIA XL                  4                    TENORETIC 50                  E
propafenone hcl               1                    TENORMIN                      E
propafenone hcl er            3                    tiadylt er                     2
propranolol hcl er            2                    TIAZAC                         4
propranolol hcl oral          1                    TIKOSYN                        4
QBRELIS                       4         PA         TOPROL XL                      4
QUESTRAN                      4                    torsemide                      1
QUESTRAN LIGHT                4                    trandolapril                   1
quinapril hcl                 1                    trandolapril-verapamil hcl     3
quinapril-                                         er
hydrochlorothiazide                                triamterene-hctz               1
ramipril                      1                    TRIBENZOR                     E
RANEXA                        E                    TRICOR                        E
ranolazine er                 2                    TRILIPIX                      E
RECTIV                        3         QL         valsartan                      2
REPATHA                       2     PA; ST; QL     valsartan-                     1
REPATHA SURECLICK             2     PA; ST; QL     hydrochlorothiazide
rosuvastatin calcium          2         QL         VASCEPA ORAL                   4         PA
                                                   CAPSULE 0.5 GM
RYTHMOL SR                    4
                                                   VASCEPA ORAL                   3         PA
simvastatin oral tablet 10                         CAPSULE 1 GM
                              1        H-PA
mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 5 mg
                                                   VASERETIC                     E
simvastatin oral tablet 80    1                    VASOTEC                       E
sotalol hcl (af)              1                    verapamil hcl er oral
                                                   capsule extended
sotalol hcl oral              1                                                   3
                                                   release 24 hour 100 mg,
SOTYLIZE                      4         PA         200 mg, 300 mg
spironolactone oral           1

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
verapamil hcl er oral                              COTEMPLA XR-ODT               E       PA; QL
capsule extended              1                    DAYTRANA                      E       PA; QL
release 24 hour 120 mg,
180 mg, 240 mg, 360 mg                             DEXEDRINE                     E          PA

verapamil hcl er oral                              dexmethylphenidate hcl         1         PA
tablet extended release                            dexmethylphenidate hcl
                                                                                  3      PA; QL
verapamil hcl oral            1                    er

VERELAN                       4                    dextroamphetamine
                                                                                  3         PA
                                                   sulfate er
VERELAN PM                    4
                                                   dextroamphetamine              1         PA
VYTORIN                       E
                                                   sulfate oral solution
WELCHOL                       2
                                                   dextroamphetamine              3         PA
ZESTORETIC                    E                    sulfate oral tablet
ZESTRIL                       E                    DYANAVEL XR                   E       PA; QL
ZETIA                         E                    EVEKEO                        E          PA
ZIAC ORAL TABLET 10-                               EVEKEO ODT                    E       PA; QL
6.25 MG, 2.5-6.25 MG                               FOCALIN                        4         PA
ZIAC ORAL TABLET 5-           4                    FOCALIN XR                    E       PA; QL
6.25 MG
                                                   guanfacine hcl er              2         QL
ZOCOR                         4
                                                   INTUNIV                       E          QL
Central Nervous
System Agents - Drugs                              JORNAY PM                     E       PA; QL
for Attention Deficit                              KAPVAY                        E
Disorder                                                                          4      PA; QL
                                                   metadate er
ADDERALL                      E         PA                                        4         PA
ADDERALL XR                   2         QL
                                                   methylphenidate hcl er
                                                                                  2      PA; QL
ADHANSIA XR                   E       PA; QL       (cd)
ADZENYS ER                    E       PA; QL       methylphenidate hcl er
ADZENYS XR-ODT                E       PA; QL       (la) oral capsule
                                                   extended release 24 hour       2      PA; QL
AMPHETAMINE ER                4       PA; QL
                                                   10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40
amphetamine sulfate           E         PA         mg
amphetamine-                                       methylphenidate hcl er
                              1         PA
dextroamphetamine                                  (la) oral capsule              2         PA
amphetamine-                                       extended release 24 hour
                              E         QL         60 mg
dextroamphetamine er
APTENSIO XR                   E       PA; QL       methylphenidate hcl er
                                                   (xr) capsule extended         E       PA; QL
atomoxetine hcl               3         QL
                                                   release 24 hour 10 mg
clonidine hcl er              E                    oral
CONCERTA                      2       PA; QL

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
METHYLPHENIDATE                                    methylphenidate hcl er
HCL ER (XR) CAPSULE           E       PA; QL       (xr) capsule extended         E       PA; QL
EXTENDED RELEASE                                   release 24 hour 60 mg
24 HOUR 10 MG ORAL                                 oral
methylphenidate hcl er                             METHYLPHENIDATE
(xr) capsule extended                              HCL ER (XR) CAPSULE
                              E       PA; QL                                     E       PA; QL
release 24 hour 15 mg                              EXTENDED RELEASE
oral                                               24 HOUR 60 MG ORAL
METHYLPHENIDATE                                    methylphenidate hcl er
HCL ER (XR) CAPSULE                                oral tablet extended           4      PA; QL
                              E       PA; QL
EXTENDED RELEASE                                   release 10 mg, 20 mg
24 HOUR 15 MG ORAL                                 methylphenidate hcl er
methylphenidate hcl er                             oral tablet extended          E       PA; QL
(xr) capsule extended                              release 18 mg, 27 mg, 36
                              E       PA; QL
release 24 hour 20 mg                              mg, 54 mg, 72 mg
oral                                               methylphenidate hcl er
METHYLPHENIDATE                                    oral tablet extended          E       PA; QL
HCL ER (XR) CAPSULE           E       PA; QL       release 24 hour
EXTENDED RELEASE                                   methylphenidate hcl oral
24 HOUR 20 MG ORAL                                                                1         PA
methylphenidate hcl er                             methylphenidate hcl oral
(xr) capsule extended                                                             1         PA
                              E       PA; QL       tablet
release 24 hour 30 mg
oral                                               methylphenidate hcl oral
                                                                                  3         PA
                                                   tablet chewable
HCL ER (XR) CAPSULE                                MYDAYIS                       E       PA; QL
                              E       PA; QL
EXTENDED RELEASE                                   PROCENTRA                      3         PA
24 HOUR 30 MG ORAL                                 QUILLICHEW ER                 E       PA; QL
methylphenidate hcl er                             QUILLIVANT XR                 E       PA; QL
(xr) capsule extended         E       PA; QL       relexxii                      E       PA; QL
release 24 hour 40 mg
oral                                               RITALIN                        4         PA
METHYLPHENIDATE                                    RITALIN LA                    E       PA; QL
HCL ER (XR) CAPSULE                                STRATTERA                     E          QL
                              E       PA; QL
                                                   VYVANSE                        3      PA; QL
methylphenidate hcl er                             ZENZEDI                       E          PA
(xr) capsule extended                              Central Nervous
                              E       PA; QL
release 24 hour 50 mg                              System Agents - Drugs
oral                                               for Multiple Sclerosis
METHYLPHENIDATE                                    AMPYRA                        E     PA; QL; SP
HCL ER (XR) CAPSULE                                AUBAGIO                        3    PA; QL; SP
                              E       PA; QL
                                                   AVONEX PEN                     2    PA; QL; SP

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                            Requirem
                            Drug                                                  Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                              ents &
                            Tier                                                  Tier
                                      Limits                                              Limits
AVONEX PREFILLED              2     PA; QL; SP     REBIF TITRATION                        PA; ST;
BAFIERTAM                     4     PA; QL; SP     PACK                                   QL; SP

BETASERON                     2     PA; QL; SP     TECFIDERA                       E     PA; QL; SP

                              E     PA; QL; SP     Central Nervous
                                                   System Agents -
dalfampridine er              2     PA; QL; SP     Miscellaneous
dimethyl fumarate oral        2     PA; QL; SP     AUSTEDO                         2     PA; QL; SP
dimethyl fumarate starter                          GRALISE                         E        QL
                              2     PA; QL; SP
                                                   HORIZANT                        E        QL
                                      PA; ST;
                              E                    LYRICA                          4     PA; ST; QL
EXTAVIA                               QL; SP
                              3     PA; QL; SP     LYRICA CR                       E      ST; QL
                              2     PA; QL; SP     NUEDEXTA                        2        PA
glatiramer acetate
                              2     PA; QL; SP     pregabalin oral capsule         2        QL
                                      PA; ST;      pregabalin oral solution        3        QL
MAVENCLAD (10 TABS)                   QL; SP       RILUTEK                         4        SP
                                      PA; ST;      riluzole                        1        SP
MAVENCLAD (4 TABS)                    QL; SP       SAVELLA                         4        QL
                                      PA; ST;      SAVELLA TITRATION
                              3                                                    4        QL
MAVENCLAD (5 TABS)                    QL; SP       PACK
                                      PA; ST;      TIGLUTIK                        4        PA
MAVENCLAD (6 TABS)                    QL; SP
                                                   Dental and Oral Agents
                                      PA; ST;      - Drugs for Mouth and
MAVENCLAD (7 TABS)                    QL; SP       Throat Conditions
                                      PA; ST;      cavarest                        1
MAVENCLAD (8 TABS)                    QL; SP
                                                   cevimeline hcl                  1
                                      PA; ST;
                              3                    chlorhexidine gluconate
MAVENCLAD (9 TABS)                    QL; SP                                       1
MAYZENT                       3     PA; QL; SP
                                                   clinpro 5000                    1
                              3     PA; QL; SP     denta 5000 plus                 1
                              3     PA; QL; SP     dentagel                        1
                                                   EVOXAC                          4
PLEGRIDY STARTER              3     PA; QL; SP
PACK                                               fluoridex                       1
                                      PA; ST;      fluoridex enhanced
                              4                                                    1
REBIF                                 QL; SP       whitening
                                      PA; ST;      fluoridex sensitivity relief    1
REBIF REBIDOSE                        QL; SP       lidocaine hcl                   1
REBIF REBIDOSE                        PA; ST;      mouth/throat
TITRATION PACK                        QL; SP       lidocaine viscous hcl           1

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
NAFRINSE                                           acitretin                      1
DAILY/NEUTRAL                                      ACZONE EXTERNAL
                                                                                  4         QL
NAFRINSE WEEKLY               4                    GEL 5 %
oralone                       1                    ACZONE EXTERNAL
                                                                                  3         QL
paroex                        1                    GEL 7.5 %
PERIDEX                       4                    adapalene external            E       PA; QL
periogard                     1
                                                   adapalene external gel        E       PA; QL
pilocarpine hcl oral          1
                                                   ADAPALENE                     E          PA
PREVIDENT 5000                                     EXTERNAL PAD
                                                   ADAPALENE                     E          PA
PREVIDENT 5000 DRY                                 EXTERNAL SOLUTION
PREVIDENT 5000                                                                   E          QL
                              3                    peroxide
                                                   AKLIEF                        E       PA; QL
PREVIDENT 5000                3
ORTHO DEFENSE                                      ALA SCALP                      4

PREVIDENT 5000 PLUS           4                    ala-cort external cream 1
PREVIDENT 5000                3
SENSITIVE                                          ala-cort external cream
                                                   2.5 %
PREVIDENT DENTAL              4
                                                   alclometasone                  1
PREVIDENT                     3                    dipropionate
                                                   ALDARA                         4         QL
SALAGEN                       4
                                                   ALEVAMAX                       4
sf                            1
                                                   ALTRENO                       E       PA; QL
sf 5000 plus                  1
                                                   AMELUZ                         3
sodium fluoride 5000          1
plus                                               amnesteem                      2

sodium fluoride 5000                               AMZEEQ                         4      PA; QL
ppm                                                ARAZLO                        E          QL
sodium fluoride 5000                               ATRALIN                       E       PA; QL
sensitive                                          avar cleanser                  1
sodium fluoride dental        1                    AVAR LS CLEANSER              E
triamcinolone acetonide                            AVAR-E EMOLLIENT               3
                                                   AVAR-E GREEN                   3
Dermatological Agents
- Drugs for Skin                                   AVAR-E LS                      3
Conditions                                         avita                         E       PA; QL
ABSORICA                      E         PA         azelaic acid external          3
ACANYA                        E         QL         AZELEX                         3         QL

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
Requirem                                           Requirem
                            Drug                                                Drug
Drug Name                             ents &       Drug Name                             ents &
                            Tier                                                Tier
                                      Limits                                             Limits
BENZACLIN                     E         QL         CALCIPOTRIENE
                                                                                 E          QL
BENZACLIN WITH                                     EXTERNAL FOAM
                              E         QL
PUMP                                               calcipotriene external         2
BENZAMYCIN                    2         QL         ointment
benzoyl peroxide-                                  calcipotriene external         1         QL
                              1         QL         solution
beser external lotion         3       ST; QL       calcipotriene-betameth         3         QL
                                                   diprop external ointment
dipropionate aug external     1                    calcipotriene-betameth
cream                                              diprop external               E          QL
dipropionate aug external     1                    CALCITRENE                     3
gel                                                calcitriol external            1         QL
betamethasone                                      CAPEX                          2
dipropionate aug external     3                    CARAC                          2
                                                   CERACADE                      E
                              3                    cerovel                        1
dipropionate aug external
ointment                                           claravis                       2
betamethasone                                      CLEOCIN-T EXTERNAL             4         QL
dipropionate external         2                    GEL 1 %
cream                                              CLEOCIN-T EXTERNAL
betamethasone                                      LOTION
dipropionate external         1                    clindacin etz external
lotion                                                                            1
betamethasone                                      clindacin-p                    1
dipropionate external         2
ointment                                           CLINDAGEL                     E          QL

betamethasone valerate                             clindamycin phos-
                              1                    benzoyl perox external         3         QL
external cream
                                                   gel 1.2-5 %
betamethasone valerate
                              E         QL         clindamycin phos-
external foam
                                                   benzoyl perox external        E          QL
betamethasone valerate                             gel 1-5 %, 1.2-2.5 %
external lotion
                                                   clindamycin phosphate
betamethasone valerate                                                            3
                              1                    external foam
external ointment
                                                   clindamycin phosphate
bp 10-1                       1                                                   3
                                                   external lotion
BRYHALI                       E       ST; QL       clindamycin phosphate
                                                                                  1         QL
calcipotriene external        2         QL         external solution
cream                                              clindamycin phosphate          1
                                                   external swab

See page 8 for coverage details. Drugs listed as E or ST are subject to Prior Authorization in CT,
NJ and NY.
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