2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...

Page created by Jessica Williamson
2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...
                   NOVEMBER 2018

An Australian Treasure
2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...

      Christmas Island has a long and proud history, a diverse
      heritage, and a strong, dynamic multicultural community. It
      also has a unique natural environment, characterised by natural
      rainforest and dramatic beauty. These factors define the island
      and its community. They also provide the framework for new

      I congratulate the Indian Ocean Territories Regional Development
      Organisation and the Administrator of Christmas Island, Mrs
      Natasha Griggs, on this Strategic Plan and, importantly, their
      leadership in working with the community, identifying issues and
      developing solutions.

      The Strategic Plan is a plan for the community, by the community,
      to support economic sustainability and liveability. It captures your
      views and aspirations, and reflects your goals for the future.

      Christmas Island is going through a transition - this offers the
      potential to do new things and to do the same things differently.
      The Strategic Plan provides a sound framework to guide the
      community and economy during this period of change.

      Delivery of initiatives in the Strategic Plan will be led by the
      Administrator and the Regional Development Organisation. While
      the Administrator is a strong advocate of your community, this is
      your Plan. Change requires leadership – at the local government,
      business and community level. Change requires drive and
      determination, entrepreneurship and a willingness to take on risk.
      I encourage individuals to take on this leadership role and work
      together with the Administrator and the Regional Development
      Organisation to build a stronger economy and enhance liveability.

      I, and the Australian Government, are committed to working in
      partnership with you, the Administrator, the Regional Development
      Organisation and the Shire of Christmas Island to deliver the
      initiatives in the Strategic Plan, and to realise the potential of your

      The Hon Sussan Ley MP
      Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories

                      PAGE 2
2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...

  Message from the Administrator and Chair of the Regional
  Development Organisation, Mrs Natasha Griggs
  I am delighted that we were able to deliver a practical plan that has identified a number of
  priority actions for our community.

  I would like to personally thank our consultants C Change Sustainable Solutions Pty Ltd
  and Phil Gouldson for the excellent work they have done in the development of this plan.
  My gratitude also to my fellow Regional Development Organisation members whose
  contribution was invaluable, thanks to Eric Chong, Chris Su, Isa Minkom, Rik Soderlund,
  Gordon Thomson, Mark Bennett, Ron Grant and Andrea Selvey.

  This plan establishes a clear way forward. I am excited about the prospect that the Indian
  Ocean Territories could be plastic free by 2030 leading the way in waste management or
  that a strategic assessment of Commonwealth land could pave the way for fast tracking land
  release and getting us investor ready.

  I believe Christmas Island is indeed an Australian treasure and I look forward to doing all I
  can to work towards us being a prosperous, resilient and sustainable island.

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2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...

2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...
Our Christmas Island, Strategic Plan 2030_______________________________________ 6
Where have we come from?_____________________________________________________ 11
Christmas Island today___________________________________________________________ 14
Consultation Outcomes__________________________________________________________ 16
Comparative Strengths and Weaknesses________________________________________ 24
Looking to the Future____________________________________________________________ 36
 our vision_______________________________________________________________________ 37
 our values______________________________________________________________________ 40
 our themes_____________________________________________________________________ 43
 our goals and KPIs_____________________________________________________________ 46
 our actions_____________________________________________________________________ 48

ABF         Australian Border Force
CIDHS       Christmas Island District High School
CIP         Christmas Island Phosphates
CITA        Christmas Island Tourism Association
CKITA       Cocos (Keeling) Islands Tourism Association
CKI         Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CLA         Chinese Literary Association
CRICOS      Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students
DAWR        Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
DET         Department of Education and Training
DFAT        Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
DIRDC       Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities
DOEE        Department of Environment and Energy
EPBC Act    Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
IDC         North West Point Immigration Detention Centre
IOT         Indian Ocean Territories
IOGTA       Indian Ocean Group Training Association
KPIs        Key Performance Indicators
ONA         Office of Northern Australia
PA          Parks Australia
PRL         Phosphate Resources Limited
RDO         Indian Ocean Territories Regional Development Organisation
SDA         Service Delivery Arrangement
SOCI        Shire of Christmas Island
SOCKI       Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands

                                       PAGE 5
2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...

Our Christmas Island, Strategic Plan 2030
is the Christmas Island Community’s              The Plan’s Mission
plan that provides a road map to ensure          is to be a unified platform
a prosperous, sustainable and diverse            that clearly notes the
future for Christmas Island. It has been         aspirations of Christmas
led by the Indian Ocean Territories              Islanders and provides
Regional Development Organisation                a coordinated road map
(IOT RDO) in close collaboration with            to assist in achieving the
the Christmas Island community, as well          Island’s vision. It has a
as consultation with external service            large focus on the regional
providers to the Island, government              environment of the Indian
agencies and political representatives.          Ocean Territories to
                                                 ensure maximum benefits
                                                 are achieved. A monitoring
                                                 strategy that includes
                                                 review mechanisms, is
                                                 included in the Plan to
                                                 enable the Plan to stay

                                        PAGE 6
2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...

Our Christmas Island, Strategic Plan 2030 is
a timely initiative. Currently, the Island’s two
economic pillars – the mining operations,
Christmas Island Phosphates (CIP) of Phosphate
Resources Limited (PRL), and the Immigration
Detention Centre (IDC) - are undergoing

By the end of 2018, the IDC will be in ‘hot
contingency’, meaning that while the asset will be
maintained in case it is needed by the Australian
Government, the regular day to day activity with       Our Strategic Plan’s Aim:
the operation of the facility as a detention centre    The Strategic Plan’s overall aim is
will cease. In the 2016 census, around 100 people      to ensure that we maximise our
indicated that they worked in correctional and         prosperity and resilience, and in so
detention services on Christmas Island. These          doing, become a much more self-
positions will cease in hot contingency. Estimates     sustaining Island.
from the Department of Home Affairs expects
that around 30 or so local jobs will be available in   We acknowledge the support we
maintaining the facility through hot contingency,
                                                       currently receive from the Australian
and so marginally compensate the loss.
                                                       Government and know that we will
                                                       continue to require further support
PRL has indicated that given the extent of
                                                       into the future.
current resources, CIP operations are only
likely to continue into the late 2020s. Currently,
the main operations of CIP employs around              However, a large part of this Plan
130 personnel, and PRL’s subsidiaries around           is dedicated to getting the Island
43. Given the support for mining from a large          ‘business ready’ so we can further
component of the community, trying to ensure           develop our private sector. This
mining continues on the Island forms an                will allow us to become more self-
important part of this Strategic Plan.                 sustaining and therefore decrease
                                                       our reliance on the Australian
In total, the cessation of both these important        Government.
economic drivers could see the loss of over 230
jobs on the Island, or between a quarter and a         We look forward to working with
third of employment on the 2016 base. When             all key stakeholders, including
the industry linkages are taken into account, it is    the Australian Government, to
more likely that employment losses could double        maximise our Island’s prosperity,
if diversification of the economy does not occur.      resilience and economic, social and
                                                       environmental sustainability.

                                            PAGE 7
2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...


                              Where are we now?
                              Environmental Scan:
                                   › Statistical review
                                   › Previous reports
                                    › SWOT analysis
                                Clear identification of
                                Issues and Challenges

      Measuring                                            Where do we
       Success                                             want to go?
    › Clear setting of KPIs
                                                            › Community values/
4     › Monitoring and                                           aspirations         2
      review framework                                      › Business intentions
     › Timely review and                                  › Government intentions
                                                           Vision and Objectives
      Keeping the Plan
      Current & Useful
                                  How do we
                                  get there?
                             › Analyse information to date
                               › Set Strategies / Themes
                    › Actions & Implementation measures – assign
                               Clear Accountable Road
                                    Map for Action


                                       PAGE 8
2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...

To have the greatest chance of success           Over 40 individual meetings
we were very clear that the Strategic Plan       with politicians, businesses and
needed to be a plan for the community            government representatives on
from the community. To ensure this               Christmas Island, in Canberra and in
occurred a four stage approach was               Perth;
adopted (refer diagram on previous               A community survey, developed in
page).                                           English, and translated into Mandarin
The Plan was determined from a                   and Malay, was completed by 139
combination of statistical analysis,             respondents; and,
reviews of previous plans and the                Special activities conducted with
outcomes of the comprehensive                    the Christmas Island District High
consultation program, which included:            School’s primary school children to
                                                 show what they love about Christmas
  Six community forums, representing
›	                                              Island. Pictures showing what the
  Christmas Island’s Seniors, wellbeing          children value about the Island are
  groups, sport and recreational groups,         interspersed throughout this report.
  tourism and hospitality industry, the
  Chinese community and Christmas              In total, there were over 528
  Island Women’s Association. Each             contributions to these consultation
                                               activities. This was an incredible result
  forum hosted between 10 and 33
                                               given that the population of Christmas
  participants with a total of 114 people
                                               Island at 2018 is likely to be less than
  in attendance. Over 50 groups on
                                               1600 people. Given the range of groups
  Christmas Island were represented;           represented, we are confident that this
  Two meetings with the Malay
›	                                            represents the vast range of Christmas
  Community, and a further meeting             Islanders’ views.
  with the Chinese Community;                  The output of the consultation by
  Two youth forums with 10 attendees
›	                                            stakeholder group can be found at Our
  at the first meeting and 12 at the           Christmas Island: An Australian Treasure.
  second;                                      Strategic Plan 2030, Consultation Report:
                                               June to August 2018.

                                             PAGE 9
2030 STRATEGIC PLAN OUR CHRISTMAS ISLAND - An Australian Treasure - The Department of ...

To succeed, we are clear that the Christmas Island Strategic Plan will need to have the
following attributes:

        LOGICAL             COMMITMENT              COMMUNITY              IMPLEMENT           ACCOUNTABLE

       LOGICAL AND            CLARITY AND             COMMUNITY          IMPLEMENTABLE          ACCOUNTABLE:
     EVIDENCE BASED:        COMMITMENT:                  OWNED:          AND OUTCOMES             Our Monitoring
   Any actions included        The clarity of      Ensuring that this          BASED:               Framework
  in this Plan need to be   responsibility and     Plan is - and stays     Actions included       ensures that all
    logical and evidence     the commitment         - “a Plan for the       are outcomes           stakeholders
      based. There has        of the political,       Community by          based and all       continue to input
      been substantial         bureaucratic,        the Community”       aimed at achieving     into the Strategic
      investigation into       industry and            underpins its      the overall vision      Plan. We have
        data, previous    community leaders         success. We will     and goals noted in    included actions to
   research and actions to deliver the Plan’s      ensure that there      the Plan. We will     reflect and report
      to determine the     vision is essential.    is an ongoing role    implement actions        on progress, as
       current actions    At every step we will   for the community          that count.        well as actions to
     included. We note    be aiming to ensure        in reviewing the                           review the Plan to
   that ongoing analysis   that all key players    actions /progress                              ensure the Plan
        and revision is     are on board and        to keep the Plan                             remains current.
       essential for the  willing to implement         current and
   longevity of the Plan.       key actions.             relevant.

Through the IOT RDO’s Regional Investment Officer, the RDO will continue to provide the
coordination role for the Strategic Plan. It is essential to note, however, that the plan will
ONLY succeed if each and every stakeholder commits to and implements their part of
the plan. Only when we work together as a whole will we realise the immense benefits
this plan can bring to our community.

                                                     PAGE 10

In 1958 Christmas Island became an external territory of Australia. Together with Cocos
(Keeling) Islands, they are known as the Indian Ocean Territories (IOT) of Australia. The
Island has had an interesting and somewhat turbulent history at times, having had no
indigenous population, but rather a population established in the late 1800s based on
mining phosphate. The first settlement was a British Colony that imported indentured
labour from South East Asia. Through the late 1970s and early 1980s, citizenship rights
for Asian residents were established, as were equality of working and living conditions for
all on the Island.

Now a harmonious community, Christmas Island truly is an Australian Treasure. It has a
wonderfully generous community that is deeply committed to Australian values.

                                          PAGE 11

       Successful commencement of the Crown Land Release process for the
       purposes of economic development

       Substantial investment in infrastructure and services from the
       Australian Government: Over the last 5 years this has totalled in
       excess of $570 million for the IOTs

       Strategic Projects by the Australian Government: $27.3 million over 3
       years to replace the crane and mooring system on Christmas Island;
       $19.6 million over the next four years to continue to underwrite air
       services to the IOTs; $7.6 million for the extension of Flying Fish Cove
       jetty in 2014; and (together with SOCI) development of Senior Citizens
       Centre and the Tea Gardens Community Park

       An updated Local Planning Scheme for the Shire of Christmas Island;
       and the designation of 9,000sqm of zoned industrial land

       Early investigation into water resources of the Island and the
       understanding that growth for at least double 2018’s population is not
       constrained by water resources

       Christmas Island recognised by Tourism Australia; Establishment of
       Extra Divers Christmas Island and Swell Lodge Eco Village; Inclusion
       of low impact tourism as a key component of the Christmas Island
       National Park Management Plan; The introduction of two northern
       charter flights

       Continued successful management of the National Park and a
       reduction in over 800 feral cats on the Island

                              PAGE 12

            60TH ANNIVERSARY
            Successful hosting of the Celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of
            Christmas Island becoming an Australian Territory

            Success in the early investigation of the agriculture sector on
            Christmas Island with the commencement of Hidden Garden
            Sustainable Farms, and the MINTOPE project

            Winning the Peter Maclean Award for Cemeteries Heritage
            Management in 2016, winning the GWN Best video promotion award
            for small Islands in 2018

                                    PAGE 13

Our Island Home: The Island comprises
136 square kilometres and is located some
2,650 kilometres north-west of Perth. It is full
of natural wonders. With 63 percent of the
Island as National Park, the Island supports
the unique annual red crab migration,
rare and endemic birds, glorious deserted
beaches, azure waters hiding coral reefs, as
well as tall verdant rainforests.

Christmas Island’s economy is directly
connected to its industry sectors and often suffers from a boom-bust cycle of activity.  With
mining having been its mainstay throughout history, Christmas Island has also seen the rise
and fall of the economy associated with the opening and closing of initiatives – the mine
closure in the late 1980s for 3 years, saw the population dip below 1000 people, a casino
economy in the mid 1990s saw a rise to around 2000, only to fall again once the operation
closed, and now a detention centre economy through the early 2000s to 2018 where the
population peaked at over 2000 people and is now likely to be around 1600 or less. Due to
the boom - bust cycle, we are all acutely aware of the necessity to diversify the economy to
ensure that we are not relying on one industry or business.

The cultural characteristics of the Christmas Island community are still reminiscent of its past
- the community is comprised of mainly Asian and European cultures, and over 63 percent of
people speak a language other than English at home. This diverse community brings life to
our Island, and a uniqueness that is found nowhere else in Australia.


  63%                  256            80+                 600+                110                 Significant nesting
 National park          endemic    species of crabs        fish species    protected species      colonies of Indian
                         species                                                                     Ocean birds

      2 Ramsar
       Wetlands of International
                                        landscapes and seascapes
                                           that could rival many
                                                                          Geomorphological prominence.
                                                                          One of only two Anchialine cave
             Importance                   areas around the world               systems in Australia

                                                      PAGE 14

                                                                                         Settlement                                                           Settlement
Christmas                                                          North West
                                                                                                                                                    Flying Fish
                                                                                                                                                                                Silver City
  Island                                                             Point
                                                                                                                                 Lily                  Cove
                                                                  Egeria             The                                    Beach
                                                                  Point           Blowholes
                                                                                              South Point

                                                                                                                          ECONOMY – RELIANT ON
                                                                                                                          GOVERNMENT & NARROW RANGE
 39                           Population at
                              2016 Census                              61                                                 OF BUSINESSES
female                        1843 people
                                                                                                % of employed residents   30%
                                                                                                                                         Prominent Industry Sectors


POPULATION FLUCTUATIONS                                                                                                   20%

                     Christmas Island Population                                                                          10%
2500                                                                              ?                                        5%

2000                                                                                                                       0%
                                                                                  ?                                              		 Mining

                                                                                                                                                  Public Admin		 Education
                                                                                                                                                    + Safety
                                                                                  ?                                                                 ■ 2006 ■ 2011 ■ 2016

1000                                                                              ?
 500                                                                                                                      HIGH INCOMES
   0                                                                                                                                          Income 2016 ($/weekly)
   1991       1996         2001       2006        2011         2016        2021
                                                                                                                          MEDIAN TOTAL              MEDIAN TOTAL             MEDIAN TOTAL
   • Population in 2018 has been estimated as being anywhere between 1200-1600
                                                                                                                          PERSONAL                  FAMILY                   HOUSEHOLD
                                                                                                                          CI: $1,164                CI: $2,389               CI: $2,141

                                                                                                                          (WA: $724)                (WA: $1,910)             (WA: $1,595)

                                                                                                                                Jobs – virtually no unemployment... until now?

          485                        38yo 47%                                                                                                          2006           2011                2016
dwellings: 49% separate               Median age             Families with                                                Labour force                 714            814                 840
 dwellings (WA 79%)                  CI: 38; WA: 36            children
                                                              (WA: 39%)                                                   Unemployed                    5%            1%                  2%

                                                                                                                             Contributions by Phosphate Resources Limited:

               29%                                        9%
   Volunteered in 2016 (WA: 21%)                    Over 65 (WA: 14%)
                                                                                                                            $22m                        $8m                     $22m
                                                                                                                           To Government             To Community               In On-Island
CULTURALLY DIVERSE                                                                                                             (2017)              Organisations And               Wages
                                                                                                                                                    Local Businesses

                                                                                                                                             Christmas Island Economy

  • Chinese
    • Malay               63%                     Common Languages other
                                                    than English spoken:
                                                                                                                          GROSS REGIONAL
                                                                                                                                                                   (WITH IDC)
• Caucasian           Language other                    • Mandarin • Malay                                                Estimate                   $71 MIL        $126 MIL               ??
                       than English                   • Cantonese • Hokkien
                        (WA: 19%)                          • Indonesian

                                                                                      PAGE 15

WHAT WE HEARD                                                                              Community

Our voices: As previously noted, a comprehensive
consultation process was conducted between June and
August in 2018 to feed into the development of this Plan. A
key part of the consultations was a community survey which

was completed by 139 people. The following few pages note
the outcomes from the Community Survey. The ‘Stakeholder
Feedback’ page summarises key messages from other                                       Natural
consultation processes.                                                               Environment

What we love about Christmas Island:

            43%                    33%                     18%                  17%

          Peaceful, safe,        Multicultural         Lifestyle          Climate /fresh
            freedom                                                        air /tropical

   10%                      9%                   7%                  5%                    5%

 Nature based                              Everything is           Uniqueness         History /
                    sunsets, views,
   activity                                  so close                                 heritage

Other responses that were under 5% included:
›	                                     Diversity
                                      ›	                                     Settlement
›	                                     Affordable/great services
                                      ›	                                     Financial prosperity
  The Cove
›	                                     Unique flora and fauna
                                      ›	                                     Links to Asia
›	                                     The Mine
                                      ›	                                     The Cinema
  The School
›	                                     Cleanliness

                                                  PAGE 16

            PAGE 17

What Christmas Island does well:
                                                                              Community -
                                                                             Harmony / Spirit
   30%                   20%                 20%

 National Park           School /             Cultural
   / Natural          opportunities        activities and
 Environment            for youth          celebrations

             16%                     14%                12%                8%

                                                     Safety / Low
           Government            Activities and                           Nothing
         and Community           Organisations

    8%                    6%                            Other responses that were under
                                                        5% included:
                                                              Clean environment
   Mining -
 Employment              Lifestyle                            Tourism
                                                              Flight options
                                                              Mine working with Parks, mine tours
                                                              Low unemployment

                 6%                   5%                      Access
                                                              Maintenance of roads
                                                              Community involvement
                                                              Communication / Inclusion
            Resilience           Volunteering /
                                  Fundraising                 Local Business / Generosity
                                                              Move towards Sustainability
                                                              Free access to tourist sites
                                                              Information provided
                                                              Farm vegetables

                                                   PAGE 18

What Christmas Island
could do better:

   30%               24%               21%
                                                                            33% Flights

 Tourism and       Governance /      Infrastructure
  promotion       Local decisions   improvements

              16%               15%              14%               12%
              Waste        Support Fresh     Beautification /       Local
            Management       produce            Amenity         Employment /
                                                                Youth options

   10%                8%                8%                 7%               7%             6%
 Reduce cost          Better           Tourism           Food and          Local Shire      More
   of living         services       infrastructure    dining options /   Improvements     Activities

Those 5% or below                     Community working
                                    ›	                                    Get rid of IDC
  Protect heritage and
›	                                   together                             No Mining
  history                             Communications
                                    ›	                                    Public Transport
  Protect flora and fauna
›	                                   infrastructure                       World showcase
›	                                   Casino
                                    ›	                                    Fishing regulations
  Youth activities
›	                                   Environmental initiatives
                                    ›	                                  › Reduce discrimination
  Freight options
›	                                   / clean energy                     › Maintaining culture
  Continue mining
›	                                   Housing - Affordable /
                                    ›	                                    More funds for
  Clear communications
›	                                   Modern                               community organisations
  Flying Fish Cove
›	                                   Plan for future
                                    ›	                                  › More imports
                                      Diverse retail
                                    ›	                                  › Training
                                      Keep IDC
                                    ›	                                  › Self determination

                                                PAGE 19

THE FUTURE                                                                                      Tourism

What do we want CI known for in 10 years


    18%                 15%               15%                                             Environment

    Cultural       Sustainable        Safe, free, family,
   diversity /      Economy           peaceful, happy

                 13%               12%                12%                   11%
            Community           Beautiful,          Activities -      Uniqueness
                             clean, paradise       Nature and

    10%                 9%                 7%                   7%                  7%               6%
    Affordable         Education     Environmentally          Local food          Sustainable     History and
   and reliable          hub            friendly /            production,           mining         heritage
  food, freight,                        showcase              agriculture

Other responses less than 5 percent included:

  Effective governance
›	                                                           Increased military presence
  Health services, including aged care and
›	                                                           Links to Asia
  retirement living                                           Great infrastructure

                                                    PAGE 20

What could be done to improve business,         What would improve the experience for
industry, education & training                  tourists and/or increase tourism numbers

                                                What would you like to see to improve the
What would improve Health, Well-being,          appreciation / management / protection of
Liveability                                     CI’s natural environment

                      What would improve the quality of
                      Government Services provided to CI

                                          PAGE 21

STAKEHOLDER                                                Youth Needs

FEEDBACK                                          More jobs
                                                                      Youth Council
                                                              Public transport
                                             Youth drop in centre         Dogs / pets
                                                         Youth facilities & activities

                                                          More safe water access
                                                           Affordable housing

              We Value
          Nature, Environment                                                 Pets
                                                    Diverse tourism
     Community, Cultural diversity
                                                                Festivals, Celebrations
 Safety, Peaceful    Beaches, Sunsets           Diverse retail, Cafes        More jobs
            History Heritage                          Customer service
       Opportunities     School                             Community       Affordable

                                             SPORT AND REC
            Actions                                                Needs
     Aged care home                                      Unified Sports and
                Aged care services                        Recreation Voice
 Fresh local food                                       Coordinated Communication
                   Coordinated                                 and promotion
    Universal         Senior’s               Events Calendar
    access to                                                             New Events
      areas                                      Facilities maintenance
                 Maintain temples                  and new facilities
   to arrive     Respect from                          Broadening experience
                  non-locals                                 for Youth
          Medicines to
          be available
                       Many support           Need people to buy locally -
   More people,         sustainable          hard to compete with on-line
  more jobs, more      mining, tourism    Heritage conflicts need to be sorted
    industries Recruitment is an issue (and no pets contribute to this)
                         Need a business /
                                                Access to finance
                         community voice

                                         PAGE 22

                                                     Leave no Trace          Tourism

  WELL-BEING                                       CI a leader in Waste Avoidance, Waste
                                                       Reduction, Waste Management

  GROUPS                                      World Heritage
                                                                             Plastic Free CI
                                                             Potential for Tourism Levy
                                                             Biosecurity essential

       Environmental sustainability
      Nature, World

                                                    TOURISM GROUPS
      Heritage Listing    Celebration
                           of culture
       Aged care facilities & services
        Tourism, Integrated Resort
         Development, Wellness,                                           Vision
           EcoTourism, Casino
                                                                   Sustainable economy
      Fresh Food              Affordability               Safe, happy, Clean & green environment,
       Environmental Health Officer                     integrated and     World Heritage Listed,
                                                          harmonious          Leave no Trace
      Good infrastructure
                                                         multi-cultural    Beautiful &
                                                          community     vibrant physical
             Public Transport

                                         MALAY COMMUNITY
              More safe access
                 to water

CHINESE                                              Foster local
                                                  growth and skills
                                                                            More employment
COMMUNITY                                     Christmas Island’s most valuable asset is its People
                                                      Create employment pathways for
       An Island Paradise with            SHIRE
        Nature’s gifts galore             OF CI                                CI - Singapore
    Back to basics                                           Needs           Partnership 2015
                   Warm, safe                                          opportunities, Casino licence
                   and friendly                           Apology,       to Soft Star, visas, mining,
       Island                                                         international education, flights
                   community                            vote on self-
  Industries:                                          determination,     Infrastructure - Sports,
   Tourism,    A must visit place                      Crown land to       Firefighting at airport,
    Mining                                             Shire, Cabinet   Trails implemented, water
                                                        Plan, Grants   mapping,   waste management
             and services                                reviewed     Health services, aged care
                                                                      home, Commonwealth
                                                                      assets, rent-to-buy

                                                  PAGE 23

Currently, Christmas Island’s economy        Throughout consultation and through an
is reliant on industries that require        understanding of comparative advantages,
Australian Government decisions:             we believe that by 2030, our most
Access to mining leases requires the         prominent industry sectors should be:
Department of Environment’s approval
and the extent to which the Immigration      › Tourism
Detention Centre is active is dependent        International Education, Research and
upon border protection policies. These         Development
industries are still important to us, but    › Food and Agri-business
we are acutely aware that to be resilient
and sustainable, our economy needs to
be broadened and also include private        In addition, there is considerable support
sector industries that do not require        for mining to continue, so long as it is
ongoing government assistance/approval.      on a sustainable basis and is not at the
                                             expense of our National Park.
The need for at least a ‘tripod’ economy
is evident – spreading our economic          There are many reasons why these
prosperity across a number of sectors        industries have been chosen. A
means that we increase our resilience and    discussion of Christmas Island’s strengths
our economy can better withstand global      and challenges is provided on the
or domestic ‘shocks’ and/or changes.         following pages.

                                        PAGE 24

STRENGTHS                                      International Education Generally,
                                               Research and Development
Tourism                                        ›	Given our harmonious and multi-
  Christmas Island has such natural
›	                                               cultural community, coupled with our
  advantages with our pristine                    proximity to Asia, the IOTs are uniquely
                                                  positioned to host international
  environment that sustainable and
                                                  students. The understanding and
  sensitive opportunities for tourism are
                                                  respect for the Muslim community
  only limited by our imagination.
                                                  and Chinese culture make Christmas
  In addition, we have such a wonderfully
›	                                               Island a perfect ‘stepping stone’ for
  unique and generous multi-cultural              people wanting to learn English prior to
  community. Broadening our                       studying in Western Universities.
  tourism offer to incorporate cultural          Christmas Island also has unique
  experiences can produce significant            attributes that make it a logical
  benefits.                                      place to capitalize on research and
  We are located 900km away from
›	                                              development opportunities. There are
  another Australian Treasure – Cocos            clear opportunities capitalizing on our
  (Keeling) Islands and together the IOTs        environment through the development
  have even stronger, more diverse and           of an Environment Centre of
  unique offerings.                              Excellence, and also opportunities
                                                 to have extension projects with
  We have over 600 million potential
›	                                              Universities and TAFEs in agriculture,
  tourists at our doorstep when we look          horticulture, social sciences and
  to the North and capitalise on the             sustainable living. Established links,
  South East Asian market.                       past and present, with Universities
  In the last few years we have seen
›	                                              such as Murdoch, Notre Dame and
   two new operators, one of which               Edith Cowan should be built upon, and
   has opened in the National Park.              new networks with other universities
   Consultation outcomes indicate that           and TAFEs established.
   there are other potential investors out       In addition to International Education,
   there, should the Island be business          research and development, there
   ready.                                        are opportunities for Christmas
  Parks Australia has indicated that they
›	                                              Island to further develop capacity
   are ‘open for business’ if proposals can      in education generally through
                                                 developing a boarding school / billeting
   show minimal impact on our precious
                                                 arrangement with Cocos (Keeling)
   environment and ensure visitor safety.
                                                 Islands for years 11 and 12. Currently,
  Tourism is a key focus of Austrade
›	                                              schooling on Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  and was a key focus of the Office of           is offered until Year 10, at which stage
  Northern Australia in their 2017 forum.        children generally attend school on the
  Thus, linking with these partnerships          mainland of Australia. Investigating
  will benefit our Island.                       the interest in completing school on
                                                 Christmas Island would be beneficial
                                                 for both Islands.

                                          PAGE 25

Food and Agri-Business                               high level of health and wellbeing
  Food is the cornerstone of well being
›	                                                  benefits;
  for many communities. Not only does              •	Provide the impetus to develop a
  it provide a nutritional basis to ensure            Christmas Island ‘brand’ and cottage
  the health of people can flourish, food             industries utilising the fresh produce;
  can also bring people together in a
  spirit of celebration.                           •	Provide export opportunities to our
                                                      Asian neighbours, particularly to
  Food on Christmas Island is treasured.
›	                                                   areas that have a focus on ‘clean and
  Our local Chinese and Malay cuisine,                green’ produce (such as Singapore).
  together with our fresh fish, seafood
  and local ‘treats’ such as papaya,               •	Be a ‘food security’ showcase to all
  banana and mango are often prized                   other isolated communities.
  experiences on the Island.                    Food and agri-business is a focus for
  However, given the lack of arable soil,
›	                                             Austrade and was a key focus of the
  the harsh weather and pest conditions,        Office of Northern Australia in their
  we are only in the embryotic stages           2017 forum.
  of securing our local sources of fresh
  food and produce.                           Resources
  Many people on Christmas Island are
›	                                             Apart from the brief time periods in
  lucky to have relatively high incomes,        which mining was not in operation
  and can therefore pay the high food           (during WW2 and 1987-1990),
  cost (albeit at the expense of other          phosphate mining has been the
  purchases). Other Island communities          mainstay of the economy of Christmas
  around the world are not so lucky and         Island. Many families on the Island
  cannot afford high food costs, which          today have generational links to the
  heightens statistics in nutritionally         resource sector on the Island.
  based diseases like diabetes, heart           Many of Christmas Island Phosphate’s
  disease and obesity. Nonetheless, due         employees, their families and their
  to the quality and price, Christmas           friends have an affinity with mining
  Islanders have indicated that they eat        due to the equality struggles that
  less fresh produce than they would            occurred in the late 1970s and 1980s.
  like, and much less than what they            These struggles provided all Christmas
  would if local nutritional, affordable        Islanders with equality in working and
  fresh food was available.                     living conditions, and provided all parts
  Developing food and agri-businesses
›	                                             of the community access to citizenship
  as a clear industry will have many            rights.
  benefits for Christmas Island and             Phosphate Resources Ltd, the owner
  indeed the Region. It will:                   of Christmas Island Phosphates, as
  • P
     rovide affordable and good quality        well as their subsidiaries Indian Ocean
    food year round, bringing not               Oil Company and Christmas Island
    only economic benefits but also a           Maintenance Services, has shown
                                                dedication to the Island in many ways.

                                         PAGE 26

   Economically it contributes over $30      tourism to replace the contribution
   million per annum to the economy          mining brings to the economy, 15,500
   of Christmas Island, and it is a firm     visitors per annum would be required.
   supporter of local businesses and         Currently, tourism numbers per annum
   organisations. Estimates produced by      are around 1,200.
   Acil Tasman in 2009 indicate that for

                                       PAGE 27

CHALLENGES                                       For example:
                                                      •	While the Release of Crown Land has
Despite there being clear reasons why                    been a welcomed initiative, currently
tourism, international education, food and               the process and timeframes from
agriculture and mining will lead us into                 EOI through to the start of the
a successful future, there are challenges                development process are unknown.
ahead. Actions included in the Strategic                 Extended time periods for approvals
Plan are aimed at overcoming these                       can convert into high costs and a
challenges so we can prosper in the                      disincentive to prospective investors.
                                                      •	In addition, it would appear
                                                         that the release of crown land
Shipping                                                 does not necessarily equate to
  In virtually all consultations and
›	                                                      unencumbered land parcels, as
  investigations undertaken for the                      heritage and environment may still
  strategic plan, the reliance on one                    render parcels ‘undevelopable’ –
  carrier to the IOTs, coupled with the                  either in full or part - due to the
  expense and unreliability of deliveries,               EPBC Act or Heritage requirements.
  was seen as a major obstacle to                        And the uncertainty of how heritage
  business and industry development.                     may be dealt with is not confined to
  Investigation into how we can ensure                   only crown land.
  reliable and affordable shipping to the
                                                      •	Discussions with stakeholders
  IOTs underpin a prosperous Christmas
                                                         also indicated that even if some
                                                         environmental assessments are
                                                         approved through the EPBC Act,
Investment Ready                                         WA requirements may necessitate
  Consultation conducted as part of this
›	                                                      further assessments, and therefore,
  Plan indicated that there are investors                further delays and additional costs.
  interested in Christmas Island, but that         There are a number of underlying
  in order to invest, the Island needs to          infrastructure requirements that, if
  be business ready.                               implemented, would support a range
  Currently land release and
›	                                                of industries as well as the community
  development processes are not clear              generally. However, presently there
  and do not have clearly specified                is no comprehensive prioritised
  timeframes.  This acts as a significant          infrastructure plan for the Island.
  obstacle as it produces a high level of

                                            PAGE 28

Tourism                                            Lack of representation in State-wide
Most Christmas Islanders would agree               tourism campaigns (due to the IOTs
that tourism has huge potential,                   lack of State Government). The
particularly if we focus our marketing             Tourism Associations in the IOTs
efforts to the north, take an IOT region-          have recently been acknowledged by
wide perspective, widen our scope to               Tourism Australia and this is proving
include many different tourism markets,            beneficial.  Further access to national
and provide a diversity of experiences             marketing campaigns and forums
on the Island. However, there are many             would greatly assist and fruitful
challenges associated with this occurring,         discussions with Tourism Australia are
including:                                         occurring.
  Cabotage is the transport of goods or
›	                                                Limited diversity in tourism products,
  passengers between two places in the             accommodation and underlying
  same country by a transport operator             infrastructure. For example, there
  from another country. Australia’s                are no 5 star resorts on the Island,
  restrictions on cabotage prevent                 no premises that currently serves
  foreign airlines carrying domestic               breakfast or provides a full service,
  passengers on flights between                    a limited ‘service’ mentality, by some
  Australia’s IOTs. Thus the charter               operators, particularly in peak periods,
  flights to Christmas Island from Asian           little coordination between service
  airports are restricted to one domestic          providers, a limited number of tourism
  stop and therefore cannot include                sites that are easily accessible, and a
  Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Passengers              constant need for maintenance and
  travelling to Christmas Island from              upkeep, particularly given our weather
  northern destinations must use our               and climate.
  domestic flights to travel onto Cocos            Marketing of our Island has been in
  (Keeling) Islands. This is unlikely to           the past focused almost solely on
  occur for the following reasons;                 our natural assets. While this our
   •    he unreliability of flight times (and
       T                                           natural drawcards will always be one
       therefore connections) between              of the main reasons people visit, the
       Christmas Island and Cocos                  tourism forum conducted as part of
       (Keeling) Islands due to weather            the Strategic Plan identified a range of
       events, and technical issues;               additional markets that would benefit
   •    he difficulty in securing overnight
       T                                           the Island. Marketing of events also
       accommodation on Christmas                  featured strongly in the tourism forum
       Island while waiting for connections        as well as in the sport and recreation
       (which is required due to Virgin            forum. A number of key tourism
       operating on a Friday and Tuesday,          opportunities were also noted, and
       and charter flights to the north            these have been passed on to the
       operating on different days)                Christmas Island Tourism Association
                                                   and the Regional Investment Officer.
   •    he cost of securing flights on
       separate carriers.

                                            PAGE 29

                                                          The types of International Education
                                                          envisaged for Christmas Island would
      Key IOT’s Tourism Markets*
                                                          be akin to a ‘stepping stone’ approach
      › Nature based                                      for students wishing to engage in
      › Event based                                       tertiary studies on the Mainland, but
      › Ex-Islanders                                      needing to gain better English skills
      › Adventure / Extreme                               to be most effective.  In this sense,
      › Wellness/detox                                    a Language school for international
      › Photography                                       students, either post secondary level,
                                                          or in combination with attendance
      › Experiential / Volunteers
                                                          at the CIDHS would be ideal. This
      › Families                                          could be run by either a private or
      › Yachties                                          government funded operation.
      › Cultural
                                                        › It is noted that the WA Government has
      › Ghost / Dark Tourism                               a large focus on International Education.
      › Island collectors                                  However, consultation conducted
      › Bucket Listers                                     as part of this Plan’s development
      › Cruises                                            indicated that the IOT’s Service Delivery
      › Food Buffs                                         Arrangements with the Western
                                                           Australian Government precludes
      › Backpackers
                                                           Western Australia from providing
      › Gamblers                                           support to the IOTs in any area where,
      › Edu-tourism                                        to do so, would put the IOTs in direct
      › Train buffs                                        competition with Western Australia’s
      › Religious tourism                                  markets. In addition, there seems to be
      › Women’s tourism                                    some uncertainty regarding how.
      › Reality TV Shows                                  Given the Island’s multi-cultural
      › Mine tourism                                      composition, its safe and harmonious
                                                          community, its unique environmental
                                                          attributes and its remote location
*  as identified by the Tourism Forum conducted
   through Consultation                                   from the Mainland but proximity
                                                          to Asia, we would argue that there
                                                          are no comparable areas within
International Education                                   Western Australia that could attract
  In order to implement opportunities
›	                                                       the types of international education
  in International Education, institutions                being espoused by Christmas Island.
  are required to have a Cricos number.                   Therefore Christmas Island could be
  While Christmas Island has had one                      viewed as an ‘additional’ market for
  in the past, neither the Christmas                      Western Australia. In fact, should
  Island District High School (CIDHS)                     international education be allowed
  nor the Indian Ocean Group Training                     on Christmas Island in the way we are
  Association currently have access to a                  envisaging, then this could provide
  CRICOS number.                                          ‘ready made’ international students for

                                                   PAGE 30

   the Western Australia market (as well                  controlled growing systems utilized
   as other areas on the Mainland).                       to produce food on a large scale.
Food and Agri-business                                    However, controlled growing systems
                                                          are expensive and access to finance
  There are many obstacles associated
›	                                                       difficult.  These challenges need to be
  with growing fresh produce on                           overcome if we are going to secure a
  Christmas Island.                                       nutritional pathway for our future.
   •	There is little topsoil or arable soil.
   • P
      ests such as fruit fly and                    Resources
     grasshoppers are a large issue that
     precludes open row growing of many                CIP has indicated that their current
     types of produce on a large scale.                resources will enable mining only until
                                                       the late 2020s. Given the downturn
   •	Weather events are unpredictable                 in the economy, it may now be time
      and often severe.                                for discussions around ‘how’ a win-win
  Due to these challenges it is essential
›	                                                    situation can result for the community-
  that pest management is seen as                      environment-mine.
  a high priority, and that there are

                                                PAGE 31

OTHER ISSUES AND                                  Access to Finance
                                                    Access to finance was also indicated
OPPORTUNITIES                                       as very difficult on the Island.  The
                                                    requirements for loans for start up
Regional Content and Locals First                   businesses (and houses) are much
  Major projects have the opportunity
›	                                                 more stringent in the IOTs due to our
  to add substantially to the economy of            economy being reliant on a narrow
  Christmas Island, and indeed the IOTs             range of sectors.
  generally. Given the investment in the
  Island (including the recent $27 million        Affordable Training
  upgrade for the port infrastructure),             Due to our complex governance
  local content clauses could contribute            arrangements, training carried out in
  significantly to the Island’s economy.            the IOTs needs to abide with national
  Furthermore, the Cocos (Keeling) Airport          standards. This means that the
  Runway Upgrade is currently considering           IOTs must use nationally accredited
  its tender process, there is a proposed           Registered Training Organisations,
  resort development on Cocos (Keeling)             (RTOs) which limits the number of WA
  Islands, and if some of the actions               RTOs that can be utilised. Sourcing
  included in this plan are enacted, a major        RTOs from the East Coast of Australia
  resort development with a casino might            adds to the cost of delivering training.
  also be on the horizon for Christmas
  Island. However, currently there is no          Clarity, Accountability and
  pre-specified requirement for regional          Transparency
  content in major projects. Regional             ›	The governance arrangements of the
  content, such as a proportion of regional          IOTs are complex.
  (IOTs) employment required in any               ›	Consultation found that many in the
  project, should be a pre-requisite in any          community would like more clarity
  major project.                                     about the roles and responsibilities of
  As well as regional content, social and
›	                                                  Ministers, the Administrator, Senators,
  economic impact assessments should                 Federal Members of Parliament,
  also occur prior to sign off on major              Government Department Staff, the
  projects to understand and mitigate any            Shire and major contractors to the
  potential negative impacts and enhance             Islands.
  any opportunities for the region.               ›	In addition, many views were
  Wherever possible, major projects                  expressed about wanting to ensure
  should be required to deliver local                that there was value for money
  benefits and add value to the underlying           associated with the millions spent on
  infrastructure on the Island.                      the Island.
  Government purchasing practices
›	                                               ›	Many people questioned why the IOTs
  sometimes preclude local purchases                 had DIRDC staff in Perth, rather than
  of goods and services. For small                   having them on-Island. Moving the
  exemptions in these ‘rules’ huge benefits          Perth IOTs office to Christmas Island
  to the economy and businesses in the               was seen as beneficial in two ways.
  IOTs could result.                                 Firstly, it would stimulate the economy
  Retail businesses are also struggling
›	                                                  by having more people on the Island,
  to compete with on-line shopping.                  and secondly, it would ensure that
  Conducting a ‘local’s first’ campaign              the local issues and requirements on
  and investigating innovative means of              Christmas Island were more clearly
  assisting people to ‘shop locally’ would           understood and delivered.
  go a long way in sustaining Christmas
  Island’s retail tenancies.

                                             PAGE 32

A Global Opportunity -
Waste Management &                  Governance arrangements in the IOTs
Environmental Initiatives           › C hristmas Island is an external territory of
  In many of the consultations,
›	                                    Australia. The Australian Government has the
  the issue of waste                   power to make laws for the government of
                                       any territory, including Christmas Island, under
  management came up time
                                       section 122 of the Australian Constitution.
  and time again. Many people
  on the Island understand that     › Christmas Island has no state-level of
  our practices around local           government, which means the Australian
                                       Government is responsible for the provision of
  waste can be vastly improved,
                                       state-type laws and services to the territory.
  as well as Christmas Island
  acknowledging the ‘global’        › The IOTs are administered by the
                                       Commonwealth through the Department of
  waste issue. Many in the
                                       Infrastructure, Regional Development and
  community wanted a key part          Cities. Most of the state-type services are
  of the Strategic Plan to have        provided by the Western Australian government
  laudable goals around waste          under Service Delivery Arrangements with
  management and to take a             the Commonwealth. The Service Delivery
  pro-active stance to improve         Arrangements Information Kit (2005) indicates
  the understanding and                a more detailed outline. However, some state-
  actions around global waste          type services are also provided by the Indian
  management.                          Ocean Territories Administration, for example
                                       health services, staff housing, public housing,
  As well as recycling, which was
                                       power, as well as licensing and responsibility for
  seen to be clearly linked with       some community infrastructure on Christmas
  waste management, there              Island. Local Government operations are run
  was also a high proportion           through the respective Shires on each of the
  of support for other                 Islands, with part of the funding for the Shires
  environmental initiatives            also being provided by the Department.
  such as green energy and          › The Federal Assistant Minister for Regional
  showcasing sustainability.           Development and Territories has responsibility
  Moving towards World                 for administering the Territories. The
  Heritage Status was also             Department of Infrastructure, Regional
  suggested by many in the             Development and Cities delivers services
  community.                           directly and also enters into arrangements
                                       with the private sector and the Western
Health and Wellbeing                   Australian Government to deliver services. The
  Many in the community
›	                                    Administrator appointed by the Governor-
  were also concerned about            General is the most senior Australian
  the extent to which people           Government representative in the Territories.
  smoked and drank alcohol.         ›	IOTs’ Residents are represented in the House
  The lack of anti-smoking and         of Representatives by the Division of Lingiari
  anti-drinking campaigns,             in the Northern Territory and in the Senate by
  coupled with the cheap prices        Northern Territory senators.
  of alcohol and tobacco, were      › The Shire Council of Christmas Island has the
  noted as compromising the            same responsibilities as a local government
  health and wellbeing of the          on the Australian mainland under the Local
  community.                           Government Act 1995 (WA)(CI).

                                      PAGE 33



     Significant unique fauna and flora      Proximity to Asia, links with Northern
  species, including unique events such     Australia and Mainland Australia. Also
   as the annual red crab migration on        links to Europe and Japan through
  Christmas Island, Ramsar environment                       diving
   (international wetlands convention),
           beautiful National Park          A proactive and innovative community
                                             who are dedicated to the Island and
   Unique marine environments with             interested in new opportunities
   significant numbers of species and
   excellent conditions for snorkelling,     Duty free and GST free status, and
      diving and recreational fishing        a high speed internet network that
                                              opens up industry, research and
    Multi-cultural community with the               training opportunities
  open and inclusive Chinese and Malay
      cultures on Christmas Island          Excellent level of social services for a
                                                         remote area
      Interesting and varied history
        – culturally, economically,            Ideal position to be a leader in
             environmentally                   global waste management and
                                             environmental sustainability, and a
    Safe environment with Australian         supportive community who want to
    standard facilities. Tolerant and                 make a difference
     harmonious community for all

                                       PAGE 34

                                  Weaknesses/ Issues

          Dependency on imports, and               The lack of clarity of development
     therefore tied to aviation, shipping and    processes, and inherent conflicts and/
     the associated expenses and reliability     or uncertainty about environment and
                      issues                      heritage issues. The Island is not yet
                                                          ‘Ready for Business’
          A population base tied to major
          employers and/or government            Reliance on volunteers in many cases,
       services:  The finite life of Christmas   and lack of coordination of economic
         Island Phosphates for Christmas          development efforts in some cases
       Island, and the Detention Centre in
                  ‘hot contingency’               Absence of direct state government
                                                   level resourcing and in some cases
        A need to develop tourism – but               restricted access to economic
       the need for significant underlying       development assistance programs and
                 infrastructure                                   funding

          Impediments to international             Need for renewal / diversity and
       education currently through lack of        additional infrastructure to support
       support from regulatory authorities       economic development opportunities

     Unclear approvals processes and land         Need for beautification works and a
            development timelines                    focus on amenity generally

                                            PAGE 35



               CHRISTMAS ISLAND

            Our Vision at 2030
       A prosperous, resilient and
           sustainable Island




                                  Our Goals
                                  and KPIs

                     PAGE 37

                   OUR VISION AT 2030

Christmas Island is now a tripod economy,      cared for and has a focus on amenity - we
with significant and stable employment in      could easily be regarded as a tidy town.
tourism, international education and           The Island is progressively implementing
agriculture. Mining is still active on the     its Masterplans in key areas.
Island, and its contribution to the Island’s
social and economic fabric, past and           Our governance is clearly defined and
present, are celebrated and remembered.        in place to serve Christmas Islanders well.
Employment opportunities are available         Governance arrangements and processes
to all cohorts of the population.              contribute to ensuring that economic
                                               development initiatives can be efficient
Our community is safe and harmonious           and effective.  Several key projects have
and all aspects of the community are           commenced, including an International
well catered for in terms of services          Language School and an environmentally
and facilities. Our Chinese and Malay          sensitive 5 Star Resort, and all of these
cultures are considered an Australian          have achieved substantial benefits for
Treasure and cultural festivals are now        the local community. Numerous other
a key component of the Island’s tourism.       smaller projects have been implemented
Health and wellbeing are highly                and their contribution to the Island’s
regarded and our community is more             economy is well recognised.
active than it’s ever been. The ability to
source fresh food and produce is taken         Our partnerships with our neighbours
for granted. Generosity of spirit is still     are effective and mutually beneficial.
‘king’ amongst true Islanders.                 In all of our projects we look for regional
                                               benefits for Cocos (Keeling) Islands,
Our natural environment is                     and likewise, they do for us. Our
treasured, appreciated, experienced            connections with the Office of Northern
and protected. We are well on our way          Australia and Austrade have opened
towards World Heritage Status and              up pathways to an extensive market
coordination between the National Park         to the north of Australia, and we have
and other players from around the world        constant interest from our connections in
have created environmentally sensitive         South East Asia.
and highly successful showcases of
eco-tourism.                                   We truly are an Australian Treasure,
                                               and a showcase to the world that while
Christmas Island is at the forefront of        we may be small, we are a wonderfully
global initiatives for Waste Avoidance         inspiring example of a prosperous,
and Management, as well as green               resilient and sustainable Island.
energy. Our built environment is well

                                          PAGE 39
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