2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival

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2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival
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2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival
© Julian Anderson

                                                                                       Craig Brown, winner of the 2020
                                                                                                                                WHAT TO EXPECT THIS YEAR...
                                                                                       Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction.   Oh to be part of an audience again, listening to talented and interesting writers, delighting us
                                                                                       Issue 42
                                                                                                                                with their knowledge, intellect and humour. To sit with like minds, or unlike minds, laughing,
                                                                                                                                crying or just being absorbed as the conversation winds it way into other worlds.

                                                                                                                                We are emerging from this pandemic desperate for culture, but also, after a year of caution,
                                                                                                                                still wanting to be careful. This year’s Henley Literary Festival addresses both those emotions.
                                                                                                                                The programme is rich in its variety and quality, but we have also made sure it’s a safe
                                                                                                                                environment. For the first time in our 15 year history we are building a 500 seater marquee
                                                                                                                                as well as our two bigger venues – Christ Church and the Town Hall - so that distancing, if
                                                                                                                                required, can be maintained.

                                                                                                                                I have never been more proud of the tiny, covid-depleted-team who have worked so
                                                                                                                                hard to build such a magnificent awe-inspring nine-day programme under such difficult
                                                                                                                                circumstances. Thank you Harriet, Lou, and Kallie for your magnificence against the odds, and
                                                                                                                                thanks to all our sponsors, particularly Baillie Gifford, for staying with us through the rough
                                                                                                                                times and ensuring we are not only still here, but very much alive and kicking.

                                                                                                                                Now we ask you, our loyal supportive audience, to come, join us.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         SUE RYAN, FESTIVAL FOUNDER

                    Our free and award-winning investment trust magazine brings you
                    writing on the ideas that shape our world. Read thought-provoking
                    articles from our investment managers, academics and global thinkers,
                    alongside exclusive interviews with distinguished authors.
                    For more information, you can access the current issue from the
                    festival website.

                    WIN                  subscribe to Trust for your chance
                                         to win a £150 book voucher.
                                                                                                                                BOOK TICKETS BY PHONE                      BOOK ONLINE AT

                                                                                                                                01491 575 948                              www.henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk
                                                                                                                                10am-4pm Monday to Thursday
                                                                                                                                General booking opens Monday 19 July, with Friends of the Festival booking from Monday 12 July.
                                                                                                                                E-Tickets will be emailed directly after purchase and can be printed at home or shown on your phone.
2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival
FESTIVAL INFORMATION                                                                        FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

BOOKING TICKETS                                    COVID PROTOCOL                                 BELL BOOKSHOP                                     VENUE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                    • All venues are within a 15 minute walk
ADVANCED BOOKING                                   • We will be adhering to all current           • Local and independent The Bell Bookshop         from each other.
• Priority booking for Friends of the Festival     government guidelines to ensure a safe         will be at every event selling the authors’       • There is no parking at any of our venues.
opens on Monday 12th July and tickets go on        environment for all. Full details regarding    books (see map for location on p87).              If you are driving to Henley, please allow
general sale on Monday 19th July. To become        the measures we will take, can be found at     • Their shop on Bell Street will also stock       plenty of time to find a parking space.
a Friend, please visit our website.                henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk                   our Festival speakers’ books and the latest       Please use one of the public car parks
                                                                                                  bestsellers.                                      around Henley.
• Book online at henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk      • As we go to print (July), government                                                           • For venues and parking see map p87.
at anytime or by phone on 01491 575948             guidance advises all Festival attendees will
between 10am – 4pm, Monday to Thursday.            be required to wear face masks (unless
                                                   exempt). We will be going on sale with
BOOKING DURING THE FESTIVAL                        socially distanced seating.
                                                                                                  IMPORTANT INFORMATION
• Book online at henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk
                                                   • If government advise, one-way systems
                                                   and social distancing measures and hand
                                                                                                  TICKET INFORMATION                                TERMS AND CONDITIONS
• Book in-person at HLF HQ, Kings Arms                                                            • We are only issuing E-Tickets this year.        For full ticket terms and conditions, please
                                                   sanitiser stations will be in place at all
Barn, Kings Road, Henley-on-Thames,                                                               E-Tickets will be emailed directly after          visit henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/tc
                                                   Festival venues.
RG9 2DG, between 9am – 7pm from Sat 2                                                             purchase and can be printed at home or
October - Sun 10 October.                                                                         shown on your phone.                              • A booking fee of £2 will be applied per
                                                                                                                                                    order – whether made online, by phone or
                                                                                                  • Babes in arms (under 2) do not require a        in person at HLF HQ (see map p87).
                                                                                                  ticket unless the event is aimed at this age      • Tickets are non-refundable unless the
VIRTUAL & LIVESTREAMING                                                                           group.                                            event in question has been cancelled. We
                                                                                                                                                    reserve the right to cancel or alter events
 Due to the success of the online Festival in 2020, all events being held in the Marquee will     • Waiting lists will be available for all sold-   due to unforeseen circumstances. Tickets
 not only be in Henley for an in-person audience, but can also be streamed to your sitting        out events. If any tickets are released or        can be exchanged for other tickets of equal
 room!                                                                                            exchanged, the waiting list will be notified by   or greater value until 2nd September.
                                                                                                  email and tickets can be purchased on a first-    • During the Festival, any changes to the
 Keep an eye out for the video camera logo next to events, which indicates you can buy a          come-first-served basis.                          programme will be emailed to attendees,
 livestream ticket to watch online...                                                                                                               posted on the website and social media
 Every Monday in September we have a virtual programme of authors who can not be in
 Henley during the Festival so will be joining us online (see page 6 - 7 for event details).

 • We’re using the world-leading platform for online events Crowdcast; there’s nothing to
 download - you’ll be sent an email with the link to watch on the day.
 • Events will work on phones & tablets but are best watched on a computer or laptop -
 wherever you have the strongest internet connection.
 • Our tech team will work with all authors & interviewers to ensure internet, sound and
 vision is optimised for the best possible viewing experience.
 • Should your internet fail you or something prevent you watching live, the event will
 remain available to view for another 24 hours using the link sent to you.
2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival
SEPTEMBER VIRTUAL EVENTS                                                                                                                                    SEPTEMBER VIRTUAL EVENTS

JOHN LEWIS-STEMPEL                                CECELIA AHERN                                    BRIT BENNETT & CURTIS SITTENFELD MICHAEL HOLDING
Mon 6 Sept · 6.30pm · Virtual · £5                Mon 6 Sept · 8pm · Virtual · £5                  Mon 20 Sept · 6.30pm · Virtual · £5                    Mon 20 Sept · 8pm · Virtual · £5
Author of Sunday Times bestsellers The            Cecelia has sold more than 25 million copies     Hear from two of America’s bestselling and             In July last year during a rain delay in a
Running and The Wood, John Lewis-Stempel          of her books worldwide, with PS I Love           most acclaimed literary novelists. Women’s             Test, West Indies cricket legend turned
is the only person to have won the                You and Love, Rosie being made into major        Prize shortlisted and British Book Awards              commentator Michael spoke out emotionally
Wainwright Prize for Nature Writing twice.        films, and now joins us live from Ireland to     Fiction Book of the Year winner, Brit Bennett          about the racism he had suffered, and had
In his latest book Woodston: The Biography        discuss her writing career and latest novel      discusses the great success of her Sunday              seen all around him throughout his life. His
of an English Farm, John tells the story of       Freckles. Following Allegra Bell as she leaves   Times and New York bestselling novel The               words were so powerful he received calls
his family’s farm for the first time. With his    her eccentric father and unconventional          Vanishing Half. Sharing the vir tual stage,            from famous spor ts stars around the world
combined skills of farmer and historian,          childhood behind for a bold new life in the      American Wife and Prep author Cur tis                  offering to help spread the message. In Why
John digs deep into written records, the          city, it is an unforgettable story of human      Sittenfeld will discuss her latest novel               We Kneel, How We Rise, he shares his story
memories of relatives and the landscape           connection, friendship and growing into your     Rodham which considers how things might                together with those of some of the most
itself to celebrate the farmland his family       own skin.                                        have turned out if Hillary Rodham had                  iconic athletes in the world, including Usain
have been bound to for millennia.                 This event is sponsored by Good Housekeeping.    turned down Bill Clinton.                              Bolt, Thierry Henry and Naomi Osaka.

LIA MIDDLETON                                                                                      FARIDAH ABIKE-IYIMIDE & AMY McCULLOCH                  JODIE CHAPMAN
INTERVIEWED BY ASHLEY AUDRAIN                                                                      INTERVIEWED BY DANIEL HAHN                             & GIOVANNA FLETCHER
Mon 13 Sept · 6.30pm · Virtual · £5                                                                Mon 27 Sept · 6.30pm · £5                              Mon 27 Sept · 8pm · Virtual · £5
Inspired by her own experience of post-                                                            Instant New York Times and IndieBound                  Join photographer-turned-writer Jodie
natal anxiety and mental health struggles                                                          bestselling author of Ace of Spades, Faridah           Chapman, who will be in conversation with
as a new mother, Buckinghamshire-based                                                             is also an avid tea drinker, collector of              I’m a Celebrity winner and Happy Mum,
criminal law barrister Lia presents her first                                                      strange mugs and recent graduate from a                Happy Baby author and podcaster Giovanna
novel When They Find Her. Lia will be in                                                           university in the Scottish Highlands. She              Fletcher. Described as ‘a modern day
conversation with Ashley Audrain, author                                                           will discuss writing Young Adult fiction and           Atonement meets David Nicholls’ by Emma
of the hugely successful The Push (who held                                                        becoming a bestselling author with Amy                 Gannon, Jodie’s debut novel Another Life is
her first author event as par t of our vir tual                                                    McCulloch - co-author of the Young Adult               about first loves, and how all relationships
festival last year). Hear from two of the most                                                     bestselling novel The Magpie Society: One for          between families, between friends or
exciting upcoming thriller writers as they                                                         Sorrow - the first book in the modern gothic           between lovers - deepen and change over
discuss writing suspenseful, conversation-                                                         thriller series co-written with Zoella.                the years. A fun evening ahead with two
provoking and fast-paced books.                                                                    This is a family event from our Children’s Programme   fantastic novelists and incredible women.
                                                                                                   (for ages 0-18), for full detail see p. 57

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2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival
SATURDAY 2 OCTOBER                                                                                                                                                   SATURDAY 2 OCTOBER

      *Watch the livestream of this event for £5
                                                                                                        TALKING TO YOUR TEENAGE SELF
                                                                                                        EVANNA LYNCH, ANNIE RIDOUT & OTEGHA UWAGBA
10am · Baillie Gifford Marquee
£25 inc. book / £35 for 2 tickets, 1 book                                                               2pm · Christ Church · £12
Truly a man of many talents: broadcaster,                                                               What would you tell the younger you? In
actor, politician, theatre producer, journalist                                                         The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting: The Glory
and mug-maker. Having previously written                                                                and Tragedy of Growing Up, Evanna Lynch,
biographies of Prince Philip and John                                                                   (Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter films)
Gielgud, Odd Boy Out is his own wonderfully                                                             details her recovery from anorexia. Sunday
revealing autobiography full of humour,                                                                 Times bestseller Otegha Uwagba mixes
family, growing up in post-war London and                                                               memoir and cultural commentary in We
meeting presidents and princes. An hour of                                                              Need to Talk About Money and The Freelance
delight awaits.                                                                                         Mum author Annie Ridout weaves personal
This event is sponsored by THP Solicitors.
                                                                                                        experience with psychologists’ exper tise to
                *Ticket price includes the book                                                         explore why shyness affects some more than
                Odd Boy Out (RRP £20) which will
                be given to you at the event                                                            others. In conversation with Emma Louise

DR LUCY POLLOCK & RACHEL CLARKE                    SEBASTIAN FAULKS                                     MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS                            SIMON MAYO & KIRAN MILLWOOD
IN CONVERSATION WITH SOPHIE VAN BRUGEN                  *Watch the livestream of this event for £5      DR ALEX GEORGE & DR EMMA HEPBURN                 HARGRAVE
10am · Christ Church · £12                         12pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee                                                                        4pm · Christ Church · £12
                                                                                                        4pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14
                                                   £25 inc. book / £35 for 2 tickets, 1 book
With medical matters on our minds more                                                                  Here two experts come together to                Two highly respected authors with
                                                   The bestselling author of Birdsong makes a
than ever, hear from two highly experienced                                                             discuss the impor tance of mental health         experience of writing for both younger
                                                   welcome return to Henley with the much-
doctors about their acclaimed books.                                                                    with broadcaster Leah Boleto. Clinical           readers and, now, adults. Radio icon Simon
                                                   anticipated Snow Country. His latest novel
Palliative care specialist Rachel follows her                                                           psychologist Emma became popular on              has penned his first contemporary thriller
                                                   tells the intensely personal story of Lena
bestselling Dear Life with Breathtaking: Inside                                                         Instagram as @thepsychologymum and               Knife Edge where after the murder of her
                                                   and Anton during the 1930’s Vienna of Freud
the NHS in a Time of Pandemic. Lucy has                                                                 now A Toolkit for Modern Life seeks to           colleagues, journalist Famie sets out to
                                                   and Klimt. With Europe precariously placed
been a geriatrician for over two decades and                                                            help you feel more confident and in tune         uncover just what they were investigating.
                                                   between two wars, Faulks returns to Schloss
The Book About Getting Older (for people who                                                            with yourself. A&E doctor Alex has gone          The Girl of Ink & Stars author Kiran presents
                                                   Seeblick, the setting of his acclaimed Human
don’t want to talk about it) is her accessible,                                                         from Love Island contestant to government        The Mercies, which was inspired by the Vardo
serious and funny guide through essential                                                               ambassador for youth mental health, and          storm on the remote Norwegian island
                                                   This event is sponsored by Phyllis Court.
conversations about ageing. In conversation                                                             Live Well Every Day addresses the modern         and the 1621 witch trials - a story about
with the BBC’s Sophie Van Brugen.                                  *Ticket price includes the book      health challenges of today’s world.              how suspicion can twist its way through a
                                                                   Snow Countr y (RRP £20) which will
This event is sponsored by Hotel Du Vin.
                                                                   be given to you at the event         This event is sponsored by H&S.                  community.
                                                                                                            *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

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2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival

                                                               CANDICE BRATHWAITE
                                                               & NIKESH SHUKLA
                                                               6.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £12

                                                               After coming to international attention on
                                                               Instagram, Candice is now a familiar face
                                                               on TV and Grazia contributing editor. She
                                                               follows bestseller I Am Not Your Baby Mother

                                                               with Sista Sister essays on everything she
                                                               wishes someone would have told her, as
                                                               a young Black girl growing up. Novelist, YA

                                                               author and editor of The Good Immigrant,
                                                               Nikesh discusses bigotry, parenting, body

            th ear
                                                               image and more in Brown Baby: A Memoir

  for an 11   y                                                of Race, Family and Home. They will be in
                                                               conversation with Leah Boleto.
                                                                   *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

                                                               AUTHOR ALIASES                                   ELIZABETH DAY
                                                               JAMAL MAHJOUB & JANE THYNNE                      IN CONVERSATION WITH SARA COLLINS
                                                               6.30pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                 8.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14
                                                               Four names, but just two writers? Welcome        We’re delighted to welcome Elizabeth
                                                               to the world of pseudonyms. Jamal Mahjoub        Day, host of the How To Fail podcast and
                                                               writes crime fiction as Parker Bilal, as well    the bestselling book of the same name to
                                                               as non-fiction, shor t stories and novels        Henley. The Mail on Sunday columnist and
                                                               under his own name. His latest, The Fugitives,   author of Richard and Judy pick The Party
                                                               takes us from Sudan to the US. Jane Thynne       brings her highly anticipated latest novel
                                                               returns to the Festival with Widowland, her      Magpie, a psychological thriller which centres
                                                               first novel under the nom de plume of C.J.       on themes of motherhood, power, jealousy
                                                               Carey, set in an alternative history under       and the dramatic effect of a lodger in a
         Our wine team will be appearing at some events,       King Edward and an alliance with Germany.        couple’s home.
        with bottle in hand, to tempt you to try Laithwaites   In conversation with Cesca Major.                    *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival
SUNDAY 3 OCTOBER                                                                                                                                           SUNDAY 3 OCTOBER

FRANK GARDNER                                     CELIA WALDEN &                                    BOOK CLUB SUNDAY
     *Watch the livestream of this event for £5
                                                  GILLIAN MCALLISTER                                SARA JAFARI, MILES JUPP & CATHY RENTZENBRINK
10am · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14              10am · Laithwaites Stage · £10                    2pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £12
The BBC’s Security Correspondent returns          What would you do? That’s what two of                  *Watch the livestream of this event for £5
to the Festival to discuss his career on          2021’s tensest and twistiest thrillers ask –      Three successful writers with their first
screen and on the page. From an against-          and now the writers behind them join us at        novels. The Last Act of Love author Cathy
the-odds recovery from his ambush                 Henley. Bridget Jones creator Helen Fielding      Rentzenbrink looks at the marriage of
by gunmen while he was Middle East                called Telegraph columnist Celia’s workplace      Juliet and Liam in Everyone Is Still Alive.
Correspondent, journalism for the Telegraph,      mystery Payday “impossible to put down”,          Comedian and Radio 4 star Miles Jupp
Economist and Sunday Times and more               while family matters are at the heart of          returns to Henley with History, recounting
recently as a No.1 bestselling novelist. Taking   That Night. The novel that Clare Mackintosh       the woes of a private school teacher. TOKEN
on the all-too-real horrors of bio-terrorism,     calls a ‘tautly plotted and beautifully written   Magazine editor Sara Jafari tells the coming-
Outbreak is the latest in his series of MI6       look at siblings and secrets’- from How           of-age stories of a London graduate and
thrillers that Frederick Forsyth describes as     To Disappear & Everything But The Truth           her mother decades before in Iran in The
“taut, tense, accurate”.                          bestseller Gillian. In conversation with The      Mismatch.
This event is sponsored by Phyllis Court.         Home Page co-founder Jessica Jonzen.              This event is sponsored by THP Solicitors.

                                                  KATE MOSSE
                                                       *Watch the livestream of this event for £5   ROB BIDDULPH
                                                                                                         *Watch the livestream of this event for £5
                                                  12pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14
                                                  Kate returns to Henley to take us to 16th         4pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £6
                                                  century Europe. Her latest historical epic        Rob Biddulph helped many of us through
                                                  The City of Tears is the highly anticipated       lockdown with his brilliant #DrawWithRob
                                                  follow-up to her Sunday Times number one          videos. Now he returns to Henley for an
                                                  bestseller The Burning Chambers, which she        event perfect for children and their grown-
                                                  discussed at a sold-out Festival event in         ups. From creating picture books like
                                                  2018. Founding director of the Women’s            Dinosaur Juniors and Odd Dog Out to his
                                                  Prize for Fiction, her work has gained her        first novel for children Peanut Jones and the
                                                  international fame, being published across        Illustrated City, don’t miss a draw-a-long with
                                                  more than 40 countries, and translated            the World Book Day illustrator.
                                                  into 38 different languages, including the        This event is sponsored by Shiplake College.

                                                  multimillion selling Languedoc Trilogy.
                                                  This event is sponsored by Phyllis Court.         This is a family event from our Children’s Programme
                                                                                                    (for ages 0-18), for full detail see p57.

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2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival
SUNDAY 3 OCTOBER                                                                                                                                         SUNDAY 3 OCTOBER

JAMES O’BRIEN                                      DAZZLING DEBUTS                                  RUBY WAX
INTERVIEWED BY ALEX HOLMES                         SALENA GODDEN, NAOMI ISHIGURO & NEEMA SHAH           *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

4pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                      6.30pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                 8.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee
                                                                                                    £20 inc. book
James has over a million listeners each week       Join the authors of three of 2021’s most
                                                                                                    In recent years the comedian and
for his LBC radio show and a Parliamentary         feted first novels. Blending poetry and prose,
                                                                                                    broadcaster has added No.1 bestseller and
Book Award for his Sunday Times bestselling        Salena reveals a very different take from the
                                                                                                    a Masters from Oxford to her illustrious
debut How to Be Right. Now in How Not              scythe-wielding figure of lore in Mrs Death
                                                                                                    CV. She joins us for the first time with A
to Be Wrong: The Art of Changing Your Mind         Misses Death. Naomi’s Common Ground is
                                                                                                    Mindfulness Guide for Survival, a typically frank
he lays open his views on everything from          a bittersweet coming-of-age story as Stan
                                                                                                    and funny look at dealing with the human
racial prejudice to emotional vulnerability,       and Charlie meet as boys and then adults.
                                                                                                    roller coaster that is day-to-day life.
from fat-shaming to tattoos and reveals            Neema was inspired by her grandmother’s
                                                                                                    This event is sponsored by THP Solicitors.
the real reasons he holds them. Famed for          stories of being told to leave Uganda by
his listener calls and frank interviews with       the brutal Idi Amin in the 1970s; her Kololo
politicians of all stripes, hear from one of the   Hill follows a family from East Africa to                      *Ticket price includes the book A
                                                                                                                  Mindfulness Guide for Sur vival (RRP
UK’s leading broadcasters.                         Britain. They will be interviewed by Good                      £14.99 which will be given to you
                                                   Housekeeping’s Books Editor Jo Finney.                         at the event

ED MILIBAND                                                                                         PODCAST TO PUBLISHING
    *Watch the livestream of this event for £5                                                      ALEX HOLMES, FRANCESCA SPECTER & CLEMMIE TELFORD

6.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14                                                              8.30pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10
The former Labour leader, now Shadow                                                                As podcasting inspires more and more
Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and                                                        books, three top hosts discuss their shows,
Industrial Strategy, looks to the future in                                                         books, and lives. In Alonement journalist
Go Big: How to Fix Our World. Inspired by                                                           Francesca Specter seeks to help us get
his award-winning Reasons to be Cheerful,                                                           more out of alone time. British Book
he argues that the solution to many of the                                                          Awards’s Best Podcast winner Alex Holmes
world’s problems – from inequality and the                                                          looks at modern masculinity in Time to
climate crisis to the challenges of housing                                                         Talk: How Men Think About Love, Belonging
and demographic change – are already out                                                            and Connection. And in But Why?, Honestly
there. The MP for Doncaster Nor th joins us                                                         podcaster Clemmie Telford delves into those
the week after the Labour conference.                                                               questions that children tend to throw at
                                                                                                    you when they’re avoiding bedtime. They
                                                                                                    will be interviewed by Don’t Buy Her Flowers
                                                                                                    founder Steph Douglas.

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2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival
£25     MILLION
                                                                                                                  MONDAY 4 OCTOBER

                                                  RICHARD FORTEY                                   DAVID WHITEHOUSE
                                                  INTERVIEWED BY JON RYAN                          SPACE 2069

 raised to help those                             10am · Laithwaites Stage · £10
                                                  An outstanding palaeontologist and natural
                                                                                                   12pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10
                                                                                                   Journey in time and space with the former

 effected by Covid-19
                                                  historian, Richard’s fascinating memoir A        BBC science editor. David, who has a
                                                  Curious Boy: The Making of a Scientist takes     doctorate in Astrophysics from Jodrell Bank
                                                  us on a journey from botany and birds to         and made national headlines with his
                                                  fossils, and fungi. A great brown trout caught   Apollo 11: The Inside Story event here in
Thank you to our incredible readers for helping   by his father opened his world to fish,          2019. Now in Space 2069 After Apollo: Back
                                                  streams, and rivers. A blue thrush’s egg took    to the Moon, to Mars, and Beyond he takes
to provide computers for children in need and     him into the world of birds. A wonderful life    a timely look at what the next 50 years
     essential PPE equipment to the NHS           charmingly recounted by a Festival favourite     of space exploration have in store, from a
                                                  and Henley resident.                             crewed mission to Mars to the first woman
                                                                                                   on the moon exploring the lunar south pole.

                                                                                                   PETER OBORNE
                                                                                                   IN CONVERSATION WITH SIMON WALTERS
                                                                                                   12pm · Christ Church · £12
                                                                                                   Former Daily Mail and Telegraph columnist
                                                                                                   Peter must have thought things had got as
                                                                                                   bad as they could back in 2005 when he
                                                                                                   wrote The Rise of Political Lying, on the Major
                                                                                                   and Blair eras. But he returns to the subject
                                                                                                   with The Assault on Truth: Boris Johnson,
                                                                                                   Donald Trump & The Emergence of a New
                                                                                                   Moral Barbarism, arguing that the current
                                                                                                   Prime Minister and previous US President
                                                                                                   lied again and again to secure victory. Peter
                                                                                                   will be in conversation with Daily Mail
                                                                                                   assistant editor Simon Walters.

2ND-10TH OCT 130 EVENTS FOR ALL AGES - Henley Literary Festival
MONDAY 4 OCTOBER                                                                                   THE FULL LENGTH DATE 4GOES
                                                                                                               MONDAY         HERE

IAIN MACGREGOR                                    JOHN SIMPSON
2pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14               4pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14
Few cities in Europe have the turbulent           The BBC’s World Affairs Editor has been
modern history of Berlin. And no name             repor ting from China since the Tiananmen
resonates as much as the security gate            Square massacre in 1989 and now for the
on the border between East and West of            first time is using the details of some of his
the divided city, which remains to this day       hair-raising experiences there in his highly
as a tourist attraction. 60 years after the       anticipated second novel Our Friends in
construction of the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint       Beijing. A chance to hear from the man who
Charlie, is the historical account of when the    has been repor ting for the BBC for over five
US confronted the USSR during the Cold            decades.
War. Iain will be in conversation with former     This event is sponsored byTHP Solictiors.
ITV News presenter Alastair Stewar t.
                                                      *Watch the livestream of this event for £5
    *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

SARAH SANDS                                       GAVIN BARWELL                                     JENNY PACKHAM
2pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                     4pm · Christ Church · £12                         4pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10
When editor of the Radio 4’s Today                As Theresa May recovered from the                 From wedding dresses and stores across
Programme Sarah suffered from information         2017 election, negotiated her Brexit deal,        the world, to bespoke outfits for Adele and
overload and inability to sleep, she tried to     responded to Grenfell and met with the            the Duchess of Cambridge, Jenny is one of
find ways to de-stress. Inspired by the ruins     likes of Donald Trump, Jeremy Corbyn              Britain’s leading designers and couturiers. In
of a nearby Cistercian abbey, she began           and Keir Starmer, Lord Barwell was in the         her stunning memoir How to Make a Dress:
to research the lives of the monks and            rooms where it happened as her Chief of           Adventures in the Art of Style, she explores
monasticism. The Interior Silence is the result   Staff. Previously Conservative Par ty Chief       her creative journey and asks the questions
of a pilgrimage to 10 monasteries round           Operating Officer under Michael Howard            that have preoccupied us for centuries:
the world...and, yes, the author and former       and David Cameron, the former MP for              what makes the perfect dress? What do our
Evening Standard editor now enjoys elusive,       Croydon, and Housing Minister, reveals how        clothes mean to us? And why do we dress
dreamless sleep. She will be interviewed by       government operates in times of crises.           the way we do? In conversation with fashion
former Guardian columnist and priest-in-                                                            journalist Louise Roe.
charge at St. Mary’s, Newington Giles Fraser.

 18                                                      OR CALL 01491 575 948, 10AM-4PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY                                    19
MONDAY 4 OCTOBER                                                                                                                 THE FULL LENGTH DATE 4GOES
                                                                                                                                             MONDAY         HERE

TOM ALLEN                                          ANGELA GALLOP
    *Watch the livestream of this event for £5     INTERVIEWED BY KATHERINE GRAINGER
6.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14             6.30pm · Christ Church · £12
Growing up in a 90’s working class suburban        Forensic science has become one of the
family as the youngest member of the Noel          great modern fascinations of television and
Coward Society and with a fondness for             cinema. Angela has been at the forefront
Victorian clothing, Tom was the eternal            for over 45 years, working on hundreds
outsider. Today he is one of the country’s         of cases from the seemingly unsolvable to
favourite comedians, selling out at the            outright bizarre. In How to Solve a Crime, the
Palladium and across the world, as well as         professor takes readers behind the police
hosting Bake Off: The Professionals and his        tape and into the hear t of the crime scene,
own Radio 4 series. Now the Live at the            including identifying the man who stabbed
Apollo and Just A Minute star reveals all in his   George Harrison at his Henley home,
hilarious, heart-breaking and honest memoir        Friar Park. An exper t reveals all to Dame
No Shame.                                          Katherine Grainger, the most decorated
This event is sponsored by THP Solicitors.
                                                   female Olympian, with a Phd in Criminology.
                                                   This event is sponsored by St Helen & St Katharine.

MICHAEL CASHMAN                                    JED MERCURIO
ONE OF THEM                                        & PRASANNA PUWANARAJAH
6.30pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                        *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

To some, Michael will always be Colin in           8.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14
EastEnders, making history as par t of the         Two of the most exciting voices in British
first gay kiss on a British soap, but he has       enter tainment come to Henley to discuss
had many other roles: child actor in Oliver!       their first graphic novel, illustrated by Coke
in the West End, gay rights campaigner,            Navarro. Line of Duty and Bodyguard creator
MEP and life peer. In the nostalgic and            Jed is a seasoned TV viewing record-breaker
fearless One of Them we see every aspect           as well as writing novels and producing
of Michael’s life, from co-founding Stonewall      Bloodlands and Vigil. Previously a doctor at
with Ian McKellen to memorable encounters          John Radcliffe Hospital, Prasanna has gone
with David Hockney, Elton John and Joan            on to write Nightwatchman for the National
Collins.                                           Theatre, star in Doctor Foster and Line of
This event is sponsored by HW Fisher.              Duty, as well as directing Ballywater.
                                                   This event is sponsored by THP Solicitors.

 20                                                                                                      OR CALL 01491 575 948, 10AM-4PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY    21

PROUD                                                              THE VAXXERS

SPONSORS OF                                                        SARAH GILBERT & CATHERINE GREEN
                                                                   10am · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14

THE HENLEY                                                         This is something special: the inside story
                                                                   from two of the leading scientists behind

                                                                   the Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine. Oxford
                                                                   University colleagues, Dame Sarah whose
                                                                   team designed the vaccine, and Catherine

                                                                   who led on the manufacturing, share
                                                                   the hear t-stopping moments and major
                                                                   milestones of making a highly safe vaccine
                                                                   in record time with the world watching. A
                                                                   unique chance to hear about one of the
                                                                   most epic achievements in human history,
                                                                   here in Henley. This event is sponsored by The
                                                                   Burnside Partnership.

                                                                       *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

                                                                   WILLIAM WALDEGRAVE
                                                                   INTERVIEWED BY MARK PALMER
                                                                   10am · Laithwaites Stage · £10
                                                                   The former Cabinet Minister under
                                                                   Margaret Thatcher and John Major, looks
                                                                   at the future of Britain. Lord Waldegrave
                                                                   believes that only by facing the future with
                                                                   honesty can we find a narrative to live by
                                                                   and craft new trusted institutions. Three
                                                                   Circles into One is a clear-eyed analysis of
                                                                   a national self-inflicted catastrophe, how it
                                                                   came about and where it might lead. Hear
                                       thpsolicitors.co.uk         how a Britain that is going to change for
                                                                   ever can steer a future path. What sor t of
                                                                   country do we want to be? Interviewed by
HENLEY OFFICE: 64 Bell Street, Henley on Thames, RG9 2BN           the Daily Mail’s Mark Palmer.
T: 01491 570 900 | E: henley@thpsolicitors.co.uk
READING OFFICE: 9 Chalfont Court, Lower Earley, Reading, RG6 5SY
T: 0118 975 6622 | E: office@thpsolicitors.co.uk
TUESDAY 5 OCTOBER                                                                                                                                              TUESDAY 5 OCTOBER

ED BALLS                                                                                       MAX HASTINGS                                     PRIZEWINNERS
    *Watch the livestream of this event for £5                                                     *Watch the livestream of this event for £5   MONIQUE ROFFEY & JAMES SCUDAMORE
12pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14                                                           2pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14              2pm · Laithwaites Stage· £10
Secretary of State, Shadow Chancellor,                                                         The former Telegraph editor returns to           Two prize-winning and critically acclaimed
Strictly Come Dancing star…now Ed arrives                                                      Henley to bring another slice of military        novelists discuss their writing and latest
in Henley with Appetite, a memoir with a                                                       history alive in Operation Pedestal: The Fleet   books. Described as “breathtakingly good”
twist: par t-autobiography, par t-cookbook.                                                    that Battled to Malta 1942. That Spring, the     by The Observer, James’ English Monsters
The former MP and winner of BBC One’s                                                          Luftwaffe dropped more bombs on the              deals with the experiences of a group of
Celebrity Best Home Cook takes us from                                                         island than on London in the Blitz. With         schoolboys at a boarding school and the
eating his first meal aged three weeks -                                                       supplies desperately needed, an armada           revelation in adulthood of the abuse they
pureed roast beef and Yorkshire pudding                                                        of 50 British ships (loaded with food and        suffered. Monique‘s Costa Book of the Year,
– to being taught to cook by his mother                                                        medicines, ammunition and fuel) fought           The Mermaid of Black Conch, is set in a tiny
and now passing these recipes on to his                                                        its way to the island in a brutal battle, and    Caribbean village, where a fisherman meets
own children. Ed will be interviewed by                                                        victory ensured Malta’s survival.                Aycayia, a beautiful young woman cursed by
Cindy Burrowes. This event is sponsored by The                                                                                                  jealous wives to live as a mermaid.
Burnside Partnership.                                                                                                                           This event is sponsored by HW Fisher

ADAM ANDRUSIER                                   VANESSA FRAKE                                                                                  HAYLEY MILLS
INTERVIEWED BY MARK PALMER                       INTERVIEWED BY GERRY FOLEY                                                                     INTERVIEWED BY ANDY MILLER
12pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                   12pm · Christ Church · £12                                                                     2pm · Christ Church · £12
Adam spent his childhood in pursuit of           After 16 years in high-security women’s                                                        60 years after being voted Britain’s biggest
autographs, from Sinatra to Gaddafi. It was      prisons, dealing with notorious inmates                                                        star, Hayley comes to Henley with her
a world away from his chaotic family home        including Myra Hindley and Rosemary                                                            much-anticipated memoir of her teenage
in Pinner and his Holocaust-obsessed father.     West, Vanessa thought she had seen it all.                                                     decade in Hollywood. Sparked by a visit to
As Adam turned from collector to dealer –        But then she was made governor of the                                                          Walt Disney’s restored office and archive,
inspiring Zadie Smith’s novel The Autograph      infamous men’s prison, Wormwood Scrubs.                                                        her book mixes fond memories with
Man – he discovered that with life, as in        Awarded an MBE for her work in the prison                                                      mismanagement and family challenges. The
autographs, not everything is as it seems,       services and now retired and volunteering                                                      daughter of Sir John Mills and Whistle Down
as he discovered fraudulence in his own          at an animal sanctuary, she comes to Henley                                                    The Wind author Mary Hayley Bell, she won
family. Two Hitlers and a Marilyn is a funny     to discuss her memoir The Governor: The                                                        an Oscar for her first lead role in Pollyanna,
and moving account of learning that idols        Unbelievable True Story of My Life Inside                                                      going on to star in The Parent Trap, That Darn
are mortals. Interviewed by the Daily Mail’s     Britain’s Most Notorious Prisons.                                                              Cat! and many more. This event is sponsored by
Mark Palmer.                                                                                                                                    Gower Cottage Brownies.

 24                                                                                                                                                                                      25
TUESDAY 5 OCTOBER                                                                                                                                                             TUESDAY 5 OCTOBER

ARCHBISHOP STEPHEN COTTRELL                             JULIA STONEHOUSE                                    MATTHEW D’ANCONA                                    CRIME AND WINE
INTERVIEWED BY MARK PALMER                              MY FATHER: THE RUNAWAY MP                           INTERVIEWED BY DANIEL HAHN                          NICCI FRENCH & IMRAN MAHMOOD
4pm · Christ Church · £12                               4pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                       6.30pm · Christ Church · £12                        8.30pm · Laithwaites Stage · £12 inc. wine
                                                                                                                                                                Our ever-popular series continues with
We have a Paddington barista to thank                   In November 1974, Labour MP John                    Having edited The Spectator and written for
                                                                                                                                                                three thriller writers, accompanied by a
for inspiring Dear England: Finding Hope,               Stonehouse faked his death in Miami and             The Guardian and New York Times, Matthew
                                                                                                                                                                glass of Laithwaites wine. Nicci French is
Taking Heart and Changing the World, as they            entered Australia hoping to escape his              has risen through the babble of political
                                                                                                                                                                the pseudonym of husband-and-wife Nicci
asked the Archbishop of York why he first               old life. One month later his identity was          columnists to become a respected voice of
                                                                                                                                                                Gerrard and Sean French, who have written
became a priest. Now the man heading the                uncovered, and he was jailed for seven              reason. The title of his latest book is in itself
                                                                                                                                                                over 20 bestsellers, the latest The Unheard
Church of England during Justin Welby’s                 years. Now in John Stonehouse My Father: The        honest and forthright: Identity, Ignorance,
                                                                                                                                                                follows a mother who believes her three-
sabbatical this summer, has extended his                True Story of the Runaway MP, his daughter          Innovation: Why the Old Politics is Useless -
                                                                                                                                                                year-old has witnessed something terrible.
answer, writing a letter to a country he saw            Julia reveals the full true story, in a tale that   and what to do about it. It is a clarion call
                                                                                                                                                                Barrister-turned-bestseller Imran Mahmood
as divided. The former Bishop of Reading                involves spies from the communist Czech             for anyone who cares about politics in
                                                                                                                                                                returns with his second novel I Know What
makes his Festival debut with this impor tant           secret service, a three-way love affair and         this country and what the future holds. A
                                                                                                                                                                I Saw, where a homeless former banker
and topical book. Interviewed by Daily Mail’s           much more.                                          thought-provoking hour in the company of a
                                                                                                                                                                witnesses a murder, but no one will believe
Mark Palmer.                                                                                                hugely talented writer awaits.
                                                                                                                                                                him. They will be interviewed by Cesca
STUART LAWRENCE                                                                                             ROB BECKETT
      *Watch the livestream of this event for £5                                                                 *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

6.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee· £6                                                                        8.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £25 inc. book
                                                                                                            Class has been at the centre of countless
After Stephen Lawrence’s tragic murder
                                                                                                            conversations in this country for centuries.
in 1993 his family have strived to improve
                                                                                                            But rarely as candid, charming and hilarious
society. Now, in this special all-ages event
                                                                                                            as A Class Act: Life as a Working-Class Man in
his brother Stuar t (an educator and
                                                                                                            a Middle-Class World. 8 Out of 10 Cats team
motivational speaker) comes to Henley
                                                                                                            captain Rob comes to Henley to discuss the
to discuss his book for young people:
                                                                                                            book and a comedy career that has seen
Silence is Not An Option: You Can Impact the
                                                                                                            him win Taskmaster, host All Together Now
World for Change. Interviewed by Born and
                                                                                                            alongside Geri Haliwell, star at Adelaide and
Captain Phillips director Paul Greengrass.
                                                                                                            Edinburgh festivals and present a parenting
This event is sponsored by St Helen and St Katharine.
                                                                                                            podcast with Josh Widdicombe!
This is a family event from our Children’s Programme
                                                                                                                           *Ticket price includes the book A
(for ages 0-18), for full detail see p57.                                                                                  Class Act (RRP £20) which will be
                                                                                                                           given to you at the event

 26                                                                                                                                                                                                    27

                                                                        PETER HAIN
                                                                        10am · Laithwaites Stage · £10
                                                                        Before his long and distinguished career
                                                                        in British politics – including serving as
                                                                        Secretary of State for both Wales and
                                                                        Nor thern Ireland – Lord Hain achieved
                                                                        notoriety in his native South Africa, where
                                                                        he was dubbed ‘Public Enemy Number
                                                                        One’, after organising militant anti-Springbok
                                                                        demonstrations. He went on to use British
                                                                        parliamentary privilege to expose looting
      ADVERT6 (LM)                                                      and money laundering in President Zuma’s
                                                                        administration - likely influencing his
                                                                        resignation. His memoir A Pretoria Boy looks
                                                                        back over five decades of fighting apar theid
                                                                        and corruption.

                                                                        JEREMY PAXMAN                                        MARINA WHEELER
                                                                             *Watch the livestream of this event for £5      12pm · Christ Church · £12
                                                                        12pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee
                                                                                                                             The Lost Homestead: My Mother, Partition
                                                                        £30 inc. book/ £40 for 2 tickets & 1 book
                                                                                                                             and the Punjab is Marina’s family memoir,
                                                                        After Friends in High Places and The English,
                                                                                                                             recounting the story of her mother
                                                                        the University Challenge host returns
                                                                                                                             Dip Singh’s experience living through
                                                                        with his latest brilliant social history Black
                                                                                                                             Par tition, weaving a story of loss and
    YO U W R I T E T H E B O O KS .                                     Gold. He tells the story of the people who
                                                                                                                             new beginnings, personal and political
                                                                        worked in the mines, the villages that grew
A N D L E AV E U S T O K E E P T H E M .                                around them, the two greatest industrial
                                                                                                                             freedom into the broad history of
                                                                                                                             the region. A barrister specialising in
                                                                        strikes of the 20th Century and how the
  H W F ishe r is a top 25 char tered accountancy firm which has been                                                        public law, human rights and mental
                                                                        commodity made Britain the first urban
  a dvising author s and jour nalists for many years, helping them to                                                        health, she returns to Henley having
                          manage their f inances.                       nation. Interviewed by Stephen Robinson.
                                                                                                                             previously been married to the town’s
                                                                        This event is sponsored by Freeths LLP.
    Fo r a fre e consultation, please contact And rew Subramaniam:                                                           then-MP, Boris Johnson. She will be in
                     AS ubramaniam@hwf isher.co.uk
                                                                                       *Ticket price includes the book       conversation with BBC journalist and
                                                                                       Black Countr y (RRP £25) which will
                                                                                       be given to you at the event          Partition Voices author Kavita Puri.
                     E X P R E S S YO U R TA L E N T.
                         DEPEND ON OURS.
                          W W W. H W F I S H E R.C O. U K
WEDNESDAY 6 OCTOBER                                                                                                                                 WEDNESDAY 6 OCTOBER

SIMON THURLEY                                    GARDEN TALES                                     ALAN JOHNSON
LIFE & DEATH AT THE STUART COURT                 GERALD STRATFORD & ANNA GREEENLAND                   *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

2pm · Christ Church · £12                        2pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                    4pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14
The former English Heritage and Museum           Lockdown produced several unlikely stars         A Festival favourite returns, as the former
of London chief argues that while the            and among them was the Cotswold grandad          Home, Health & Education Secretary turned
Tudors are our favourite royal dynasty, it is    Gerald ‘the vegetable king’. In his seventies,   acclaimed author discusses his long and
the Stuar ts who provide the excitement.         he shared his enthusiasm for growing             varied career with Daniel Hahn. A winning
In Palaces of Revolution: Life, Death and Art    vegetables on Twitter and now comes to           storyteller, with his bestselling series of
at the Stuart Court, he takes us from James      Henley with his book Big Veg, with gardening     memoirs, he has now written his first novel:
I through to Charles II, via the fall and        tips and wisdom, plus an easy to follow          The Late Train to Gypsy Hill. His protagonist’s
execution of Charles 1. A fascinating time       guide to sowing, planting and harvesting.        commute is only brightened by his
in our history, told through palaces and ar t,   Gardening tips will also be revealed by rising   infatuation with a beautiful fellow passenger.
with Simon’s exper t eye as architectural        star of the organic grow-your-own scene,         One evening she invites him to sit next to
historian.                                       Anna who offers jargon-free information          her and shows him a message scrawled on
                                                 and inspiration to grow organically and          her makeup mirror : ‘Help me’.
                                                 sustainably with Grow Easy.                      This event is sponsored by Phyllis Court.

ROYAL SECRETS                                                                                     CHRISTINA LAMB
RICHARD ALDRICH & RORY CORMAC                                                                     IN CONVERSATION WITH ELEANOR MILLS
4pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                                                                     4pm · Christ Church · £12
After another dramatic year for the                                                               An oppor tunity to hear from one of the
monarchy and with the Queen’s platinum                                                            most courageous and talented journalists
jubilee approaching, join us for an hour of                                                       of her generation. As Sunday Times chief
insights and untold stories. The Black Door                                                       foreign correspondent she has travelled
authors Richard Aldrich and Rory Cormac                                                           the world repor ting from trouble spots
reveal all, from assassination attempts to                                                        for three decades. She reflects on a career
continued intelligence influence in The                                                           that includes cowriting I Am Malala, the
Secret Royals: Spying and the Crown. Based on                                                     acclaimed Our Bodies, Their Battlefield on
original research and new evidence, they will                                                     the suffering of women in conflicts and
reveal how far their Majesties still call the                                                     the upcoming One Day in April: How the
shots in a hidden world and presents the                                                          Coronavirus Pandemic Exposed a Divided
British monarchy in an entirely new light.                                                        Britain.

 30                                                                                                                                                                 31
WEDNESDAY 6 OCTOBER                                                                                                                                              WEDNESDAY 6 OCTOBER

ROBERT WEBB                                                                                       ANYA HINDMARCH                                       LOCALLY CRIMINAL
    *Watch the livestream of this event for £5                                                    IF IN DOUBT, WASH YOUR HAIR                          ROBERT THOROGOOD & JENNY QUINTANA
6.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14                                                            8.30pm · Christ Church · £12                         8.30pm · Laithwaites Stage · £12 inc. wine
Known for his comedy par tnership with                                                            From the I’m Not a Plastic Bag campaign              Two local authors with national profiles join
David Mitchell, TV hits Peep Show and                                                             to hosting a sleepover at Peter Jones                us to discuss their latest thrillers and writing
Back plus his No.1 Sunday Times bestseller                                                        depar tment store, who better to share her           careers, fittingly accompanied by a glass of
memoir How Not to Be a Boy, Rober t brings                                                        tips on tackling the stresses of modern living       Laithwaites Wine. Rober t is the creator of
his comic talents to bear in his first novel                                                      than globally renowned businesswoman,                the long-running BBC One’s hit Death in
Come Again. Kate wakes up one morning                                                             fashion designer and mother of five Anya?            Paradise but has swapped the Caribbean for
as her 18-year-old self about to fall in love                                                     If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair is her manual            Buckinghamshire with The Marlow Murder
again with her late husband, now 19 again                                                         for life; with humour and honesty that she           Club as septuagenarian Judith witness
but Kate knows how it all ends. Will she                                                          hopes will show you how to live a little             a killing while swimming in the Thames.
save his life? Hear how Rober t reflects on                                                       better - and why sometimes, the answer can           Bershire-based Our Dark Secret author Jenny
his hugely successful career. Interviewed by                                                      be just washing your hair.                           returns with The Hiding Place, a story of
Cesca Major.                                                                                                                                           identity, love, lies and long-buried secrets.
This event is sponsored by THP Solicitors.                                                                                                             Interviewed by Amanda Jennings.

SAM GILBERT & TRACEY FOLLOWS                     CLAIRE ALEXANDER                                      *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

6.30pm · Christ Church · £12                                                                      8.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £20 inc. book
                                                 6.30pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10 inc. proof
Two tech exper ts offer positive outlooks.       Be one of the first to get your hands on         Spinning Plates is an apt book title for a
In Good Data: An Optimist’s Guide To Our         2022’s most anticipated books. Meredith,         pop star, Strictly Come Dancing finalist,
Digital Future, Experian strategy head turned    Alone will be published in June 2022 and         broadcaster, charity campaigner, model and
Cambridge researcher Sam argues that             tells the story of Meredith Maggs who            mother to five sons, Sophie, whose kitchen
contrary to fears, the data revolution could     has not left her house for 1,215 days. As        discos were a lockdown highlight for families
be the best thing that ever happened to          the novel unfolds we find out why (it isn’t      across the UK. It’s also the name of the
us. While futurist Tracey shows how our          pandemic related, we promise). Compared          podcast she launched last year, with guests
personal freedoms have the potential to be       to Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine, or The   including Nadiya Hussain and Caitlin Moran.
transformed over the coming decades in The       Keeper of Lost Things, Meredith, Alone will be   This event is sponsored by Gower Cottage Brownies.

Future of You.                                   the book everyone is reading in their book
This event is sponsored by Scottish Mortgage     groups next year, so why not get ahead                          *Ticket price includes the book
                                                                                                                 A Spinning Plates (RRP £16.99)
Investment Trust.                                and read it first? Claire Alexander will be in                  which will be given to you at the
                                                 conversation with Daisy Buchanan.                               event

 32                                                                                                                                                                                               33

                                                                                           DAVID PROFUMO
                                                                                           INTERVIEWED BY JON RYAN
                                                           DON GIOVANNI                    10am · Laithwaites Stage · £10
                                                                                           His previous family memoir Bringing Down
                                                                                           the House told the story of the scandal
                                                                                           synonymous with the Profumo name.
                                                                                           Now in The Lightning Thread, David turns
                                                                                           to a passion that began in childhood and
                                                                                           continues to this day: the restorative power
                                                                                           of nature and fishing. The award-winning
                                                                                           novelist and journalist explores the delights
                                  advert 7 LM                                              and mysteries of one of mankind’s most
                                                                                           ancient pursuits and shows how it embraces
                                                                            DON GIOVANNI   folklore, poetry, magic, drink and disaster.

                                                                                           AMBRIDGE ADVENTURES

                           MANOR FARM, FINGEST                                             CATHERINE MILLER, SUNNY ORMONDE &
                                                                                           SIMON WILLIAMS
                                                                                           12pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14
                           Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, RG9 6QE                                 The ultimate treat for all fans of The
                                 Bizet’s ‘CARMEN’ Saturday 11th September                  Archers, (the Radio 4 series that marks
                                                                                           its 70th anniversary this year). And what
                           Mozart’s ‘DON GIOVANNI’ Saturday 18th September 2021
                                                                                           better way to celebrate than this fun hour.
                                            Operas start at 6.00pm                         Ambridge at War author Catherine Miller
                                                                                           returns with Home Fires at Ambridge and is
                             Tickets £100 / £85 Call 01491 638474                          joined by two of the show’s stars, Simon
                                                                                           Williams who plays Justin Elliott and Sunny
                             or email: fingestopera@btconnect.com                          Ormonde, known as Lilian Bellamy for over
                                                                                           two decades on air. We can hear the theme
                               www.fingestgreatbarnopera.co.uk                             tune now. This event is sponsored by law firm
                                           in aid of Child Bereavement UK                  Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP.
                                            and Action Medical Research                        *Watch the livestream of this event for £5
                                                      for Children
THURSDAY 7 OCTOBER                                                                                                                                   THE FULL LENGTH DATE 7GOES
                                                                                                                                                               THURSDAY         HERE

DAME ELIZABETH ANIONWU                             JEEVAN VASAGAR                                   JON SOPEL
12pm · Christ Church · £12                         12pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                   2pm · Christ Church · £12
Overcoming the discrimination she faced            The former Singapore correspondent for           After our hugely popular Collateral Damage
in 1940s Britain as the child of a white           the Financial Times masterfully takes us         online event last year, the roles are reversed
mother and black father - both Cambridge           through the intricate history, present and       here in Henley as former British Ambassador
students at the time, Dame Elizabeth went          future of this unique diamond-shaped island      to the US and National Security Adviser Kim
on to become one of the country’s greatest         one degree nor th of the equator, where          Darroch interviews the BBC Nor th America
nurses. From becoming the first ever sickle        new and old have remained connected.             correspondent about his career and latest
cell nurse specialist, reuniting with her father   Jeevan examines the different faces of           book. UnPresidented is the Americast host’s
(Nigeria’s first ambassador to Italy) to           Singaporean life, from education and health      gripping, witty and insightful account of a
founding the Mary Seacole Centre and being         to ar t, politics, and demographic challenges.   US election campaign even more turbulent
one of the BBC Women of the Year in 2020,          Lion City: Singapore and the Invention of        than the one he covered in 2016, as Biden
she tells her unique story in Dreams From          Modern Asia tells the extraordinary story of     and Trump battled against the backdrop of a
My Mother.                                         the world’s most successful city state.          pandemic devastating the country.
                                                                                                    This event is sponsored by HW Fisher.

DAME STEPHANIE SHIRLEY                                                                              TOM BRADBY
    *Watch the livestream of this event for £5                                                          *Watch the livestream of this event for £5

2pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14                                                                 4pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee · £14
Philanthropist, entrepreneur and Henley                                                             His three decades at ITN have included
resident, Dame Stephanie returns to the                                                             notable stints as royal correspondent and
Festival following the paperback release                                                            political editor, before his current role as
of her memoir Let It Go. From arriving in                                                           News at Ten anchor. Not only one of our
England as a five-year-old Kindertranspor t                                                         most respected broadcasters, Tom is also
refugee in 1939, to becoming a Companion                                                            a bestselling author. He adapted his debut
of Honour, she reflects on an extraordinary                                                         Shadow Dancer into a hit film and now
life and how giving her wealth away has                                                             Triple Cross sees former MI6 operative Kate
brought her more happiness than acquiring                                                           Henderson receive an unwelcome visit
it with her pioneering software career.                                                             from the Prime Minister, sparking a high-
                                                                                                    stake series of events. He comes to Henley
                                                                                                    to discuss his career on screen and on the
                                                                                                    This event is sponsored by Phyllis Court.

 36                                                                                                        OR CALL 01491 575 948, 10AM-4PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY                      37
THURSDAY 7 OCTOBER                                                                                                                                  THE FULL LENGTH DATE 7GOES
                                                                                                                                                              THURSDAY         HERE

HOW TO BE AN AUTHOR                                SAUL DAVID                                     BRIAN BILSTON
SUSANNA BEARD & RACHEL EDWARDS                     SBS: SILENT WARRIORS                               *Watch the livestream of this event for £20

6.30pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10                   6.30pm · Christ Church · £12                   8.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee· £12
Two successful novelists with Henley               Founded in 1940 as a small, volunteer-         A social media phenomenon and Costa-
connections return to the Festival to              dependent outfit, Britain’s Special Boat       nominated for his debut novel Diary of a
discuss their journeys to publication, writing     Service was the world’s first maritime         Somebody. But who is Brian? Here is your
processes and latest books with former             special operations. Deployed in the            chance to find out on National Poetry Day.
Society of Authors chair Daniel Hahn.              Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the Channel       The Poet Laureate of Twitter who can by
Sunday Times columnist Rachel Edwards              and the Far East it went on to become          turns be funny, moving, and acerbic, but
follows her acclaimed debut Darling with           one of the most effective fighting forces of   never dull. A lover of Vimto and less so of
Lucky, exploring race, gambling addiction,         the Second World War and the model for         Jeremy Clarkson, his latest collection Alexa,
power and privilege. Marlow-based Susanna          special forces ever since. Now, Professor of   What is There to Know About Love? covers
Beard is a Faber Academy alumna and has            Military History and award-winning author      romance in all its forms and bubbles with
written four thrillers, most recently The          Saul joins us with SBS: Silent Warriors, the   wit and humour, as you would expect. Brian
Perfect Life and The Lost Brother.                 first authorised history of the service,       will be in conversation with The Sisterhood
                                                   drawing on secret archives.                    author Daisy Buchanan.

JACK DEE                                                                                          MUM’S NIGHT OUT
6.30pm · Baillie Gifford Marquee
                                                                                                  LAURA BRAND & STEPH DOUGLAS
£25 in-person inc. book / £20 online inc. book
From nosy neighbours and tricky teenagers                                                         8.30pm · Laithwaites Stage · £12 inc. wine
to financial failings and coping with                                                             The last year has tested even the most
Christmas, Jack is here to help with his                                                          proactive parents when it comes to keeping
hilarious What Is Your Problem? Comedy’s                                                          children engaged and enter tained. Step
Little Ray of Sleet Grapples with Life’s Major                                                    forward illustrator and Instagram star Laura
Dilemmas. The stand-up icon, actor and host                                                       with The Joy Journal for Magical Play: Easy
of I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue comes to the                                                        Activities & Creative Craft for Kids and their
Festival for a special pre-publication event                                                      Grown-Ups. With a foreword by Fearne
to discuss his career, the book and what on                                                       Cotton, the book showcases mindful, planet-
earth to do about Mike from accounts.                                                             friendly and, crucially, very simple things
     *Watch the livestream of this event for £20                                                  to make and do. Laura, who lives close
                                                                                                  to Henley with her husband Russell, their
               *Ticket price includes the book
               What is Your Problem (RRP £20)                                                     daughters, dogs, cats and chickens, speaks to
               which will be given to you at the                                                  Don’t Buy Her Flowers founder Steph Douglas.
                                                                                                  Ticket includes a glass of Laithwaites wine.

 38                                                                                                      OR CALL 01491 575 948, 10AM-4PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY                       39
                                                EXCELLENT REPUTATION
                                                TRUSTED MARKET ADVICE
                                                                                LUCINDA HAWKSLEY                               JANE GORDON
                                                INDEPENDENT ESTATE AGENT
                                                                                10am · Laithwaites Stage · £10                 12pm · Laithwaites Stage · £10
                                                LOCAL BUSINESS, LOCAL PEOPLE    From some of the most significant moments      When the journalist – best known for
                                                                                in history to everyday joys and sorrows,       columns in the Sunday Telegraph and The
                                                                                Letters of Great Women combines biography,     Mail on Sunday – found herself hospitalised
                                                                                archival images and transcribed letters        after a car accident, she had to confront
                                                                                by everyone from Katherine of Aragon,          what it might be like to be infirm. Her
                                                                                Cleopatra and Florence Nightingale to Nina     response was to find ways to stay physically
                                                                                Simone, Greta Thunberg and Ruth Bader          and mentally fit, from brain training and gut
                                                                                Ginsburg. Having previously written books      health to ballroom dancing and learning a
                                                                                on the Queen, Lizzie Siddal and her great-     second language. How Not To Get Old is her
         ADVERT 8 (LM)
                                                                                great-great-grandfather Charles Dickens,       funny and fascinating look at how women
                                                                                the March Women March author joins             can stay happy and healthy. In conversation
                                                                                Daniel Hahn to discuss her carefully curated   with The Sisterhood author Daisy Buchanan.
                                                                                collection of compelling correspondence.
                                                                                This event is sponsored by HW Fisher.

                                                                                SIMON HEFFER
                                                                                12pm · Christ Church · £12
                                                                                Henry ‘Chips’ Channon: The Diaries made
                                                                                headlines earlier this year. Now comes
                                                                                Volume Two, again edited by Sunday
                                                                                Telegraph columnist and author Simon,
                                                                                who joins Oldie editor Harry Mount to
                                                                                discuss the Southend MP’s inside account
                                                                                of 1938-1943. From the heady aftermath of
ES TAT E A G E N TS | H E N L EY O N THA MES                                    the Munich agreement to the midst of the
                                                                                Second World War, as well as Churchill and
Delivering good value and excellent service.                                    Chamberlain, he char ts encounters with
Your personal estate agent and trusted adviser for buying     @philipboothesq   Noël Coward, Prince Philip and de Gaulle, as
and selling all types of homes in Berks, Bucks & Oxon.                          well as the implosion of his own marriage to
                                                                                Guinness heiress Lady Honor.
Tel: 01491 876544 or 07795 422284
                                                                                This event is sponsored by HW Fisher.
Email: phil@philipboothesq.com
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