30 March 2 April 2020 Bologna, Italy 57th edition Giving life to children's content

Page created by Lee Medina
30 March 2 April 2020 Bologna, Italy 57th edition Giving life to children's content
30 March
2 April
Bologna, Italy

57th edition
Giving life
to children’s

an event by
30 March 2 April 2020 Bologna, Italy 57th edition Giving life to children's content
GIVING LIFE                                                                  For 57 years BCBF has been
                                                                             THE EVENT IN THE CHILDREN’S
TO CHILDREN’S                                                                PUBLISHING INDUSTRY. Over 1,400
AT THE                                      600                              exhibitors and around 30,000 professional
                                                                             visitors flock to the event each spring
BCBF                                        Events                           TO EXPERIENCE THE WORLD
                                                                             OF CHILDREN’S BOOK, ILLUSTRATION
                                                                             AND MULTIMEDIA CONTENT.
                                                                             Much more than just a trade fair,
                                                       from 42               the BCBF is both a vibrant business hub
                                                       Countries             and a creative workshop, where past and
                                                                             future happily meet the present. Thanks
                                                                             to its DNA and its 50+ years of experience,

                                                       11,700                the fair has succeeded in bringing together
                                                       followers             a unique and diverse global audience and

                                   +1000                      51,429         is now an unmissable appointment to
Exhibitors                                                   Facebook        explore the changing and multi-layered
from 80 Countries                                              likes

                                                                             children’s publishing landscape led by
Foreign visitors
                                                                             THE PRINTED BOOK, STILL THE AGENT
                                                                             OF CHANGE AND PROGRESS
                              Awards                                         IN THE INDUSTRY.
                                                       BCBF website
THE FAIR                                 With books as the beating
                                         heart of the event, the                                     SHARJAH
                                         fair also offers exciting
                                         insights into the digital                                   GUEST
                                         and licensing worlds.
                                         The result is the world’s
                                                                     BCBF IS OPEN ALL YEAR LONG:
                                                                     50.000 FACEBOOK AND 37.000
                                         premium copyright and
                                         creativity hub for books    INSTAGRAM USERS ARE ALREADY     HONOUR
                                         and all other children’s
                                         content media.
                                                                     FOLLOWING US…
                                                                     JOIN THE COMMUNITY!             2020
T   he Bologna Children’s Book
    Fair covers an area of 20,000
square metres extending over 4
pavilions, to which is added the
Literary Agents Centre, located in
the Gallery Hall, at the very heart of
the fair. Last year, BCBF has brought
together 1442 exhibitors from 80
countries and 28,946 professional
visitors of which over 50% are
international, for a total of 100
countries attending the fair! Of
course, books are the corner stone
of the fair but a special focus is                                                                   The music and the
also devoted to the other forms of
children’s content: from many years                                                                  literature, the city
BCBF welcomes the global majors                                                                      and the fair.
of the digital sector, along with
TV and film producers, and now
the main players of the audiobook
sector, which continues to expand

LICENSING                                                            COMING SOON:
                                                                     A BRAND-NEW ONLINE MAGAZINE     B   ologna has showcased children’s

                                                                     FOCUSED ON                          books from Sharjah for many

In addition, the Bologna Licensing
 Trade Fair, now in its 12th edition,                                THE ILLUSTRATION EXHIBITIONS,
                                                                                                     years. It’s now time to discover
                                                                                                     more about their unique heritage
brings to Bologna the excellence in
children’s licensing: 60 exhibitors,                                 THE FLAGSHIP CONFERENCES        and view the current landscape of
                                                                                                     children’s literature being shaped
over 600 brands and a packed                                         AND THE SPECIAL PROGRAMMES      and enriched by talented Emirati
programme of events make it
one of the key events in Europe
                                                                     WE SHOWCASE ACROSS              illustrators and authors.

dedicated to the business of                                         THE WORLD, WITH INSIGHTS,          As Guest of Honour at BCBF
                                                                                                     2020, Sharjah will bring a
subsidiary rights.                                                   INTERVIEWS AND MUCH MORE        diverse programme of exhibitions,
                                                                     ABOUT THE WORK OF BCBF.         performances and workshops
                                                                     STAY TUNED!                     spanning illustrations, theatre,
                                                                                                     literature and music. Their
                                                                                                     contributions and achievements will
                                                                                                     be celebrated both at the fair and
                                                                                                     around the city.
COMICS                                                                                                      AWARDS
                                                                                                            The BCBF Awards
                                                                                                            collection celebrates
                                                                                                            the best books, apps,
                                                                                                            publishers and licensing


                                                                                                                                                    RAGAZZI                                  BRAW SPECIAL
                                                                                                                                                    AWARD                                    SECTION
                                                                                                                                                    BRAW                                     CINEMA
BCBF welcomes Comics
with a new exhibition       C   omics and graphic novels are one
                                of the fastest growing segments
                            in the publishing industry. More
                                                                      The COMICS CORNER will
                                                                   welcome books from publishers
                                                                   already exhibiting at the fair as well
                                                                                                                                                    S   et up to highlight outstanding
                                                                                                                                                        illustrated books, the BRAW
                                                                                                                                                    honours the best graphic and
                                                                                                                                                                                             In the 100th anniversary since
                                                                                                                                                                                              the birth of Federico Fellini, the
                                                                                                                                                                                             renowned cinema master, BCBF
area at the fair and a      and more publishers are producing      as those that have never attended                                                editorial production in children’s       dedicates a special BolognaRagazzi
permanent category in the   works in these formats creating        before. This area will be a showcase                                             literature. With a history going back    Award category to Cinema – its
BolognaRagazzi Award.       collections or just adding a few       with displays by publishing house,                                               as far as 1966, the prize has become     history, its protagonists, its
                            titles per year to their catalogues    enriched by a digital catalogue of                                               a leading international launch pad       techniques. Cinema is a key part in
                            to enrich their overall offer, many    the books showcased in the Comics                                                for authors and illustrators thanks      people and young people’s life. Like
                            of which become bestsellers. Some      Corner and direct contact with the                                               to the high-profile recognition          a good book, a good film nourishes
                            countries have a long tradition of     publishers.                                                                      offered during the fair. Winning the     imagination, education and
                            comics and graphic novels, some           The collection at the Comics                                                  BRAW, or gaining a special mention,      creative thinking. That is why many
                            are newcomers… They are all part       Corner will be launched with a                                                   brings with it great visibility in the   children’s publishers worldwide
                            of this new and vibrant landscape      celebratory opening cocktail the                                                 publishing world, leading to the sale    are bringing out more and more
                            where comics are taking an             first day of the fair. The BCBF’s                                                of rights in many new countries.         compelling stories about this
                            important position in the world of     focus on comics will also include        NEW                                     Since its inception, more than 600       medium helping new generations
                            children’s book publishing. For this   a discussion on translating              FROM                                    titles have been awarded, with           become cinephiles and discover
                            reason BCBF is launching a new area    comics at the Translators Centre,        THIS YEAR!                              over a thousand books coming to          the many secret delights of film
                            dedicated to this exciting medium.     a panel on the art of comics at          COMICS                                  Bologna annually to be judged by         making.
                                                                   the Illustrators Survival Corner                                                 an international jury of experts.
                                                                   and a meeting on the business of
                                                                   comics publishing at the Authors
                                                                   Café. At the 2020 fair, BCBF is also
                                                                                                            T   o support the important role
                                                                                                                that comics and graphic novels
                                                                                                            play in today’s children’s publishing
                                                                                                                                                    It encompasses three award
                                                                                                                                                    categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction,
                                                                                                                                                    Opera Prima (a prize for first-time
                                                                   introducing COMICS as a brand new        industry, BCBF is introducing           authors and illustrators) and a
                                                                   and permanent category of the            COMICS as a brand-new permanent         special section dedicated this year
                                                                   BolognaRagazzi Award.                    category of the BolognaRagazzi          to Cinema. The jury is also asked
                                                                                                            Award. The COMICS category will         to give a special New Horizons                   BOLOGNA             BOLOGNA
                                                                                                            include three different sections:       recognition, which is for innovative             RAGAZZI             RAGAZZI
                                                                                                                                                                                                     COMICS              CINEMA
                                                                                                            Early Reader, Middle Grade and          books that introduce the readers to              AWARD               AWARD
                                                                                                            Young Adult.                            new visions and perspectives.
BOLOGNA                                                                           PREMIO
RAGAZZI                                   BOLOGNA                                 STREGA                                     PREMIO                               BOLOGNA
DIGITAL                                   PRIZE                                   RAGAZZE                                    CARLA                                LICENSING
AWARD                                     BOP                                     E RAGAZZI                                  POESIO                               AWARD
S   ince 2012, the Bologna Children’s
    Book Fair has awarded the
BolognaRagazzi Digital Award for
                                          T   he BOP - Bologna Prize for the
                                              best Children’s Publishers of the
                                          Year is awarded to top children’s
                                                                                  N    ow in its fifth year, this literary
                                                                                       prize which originates from
                                                                                  Italy’s most coveted award for
                                                                                                                             A    s part of its ongoing
                                                                                                                                  commitment to promoting
                                                                                                                             publishing excellence, BCBF also
                                                                                                                                                                  C   reated in 2017 in the framework
                                                                                                                                                                      of the Bologna Licensing
                                                                                                                                                                  Trade Fair (BLTF) – the BCBF
the most innovative mobile app or         publishers in six areas of the world:   literature – the Strega Prize – was        focuses on the world of research     event dedicated to the business
web products for children. The prize      Africa, Central and South America,      launched to foster a long-life             with this prize dedicated to the     of subsidiary rights – the prize is
is a spotlight on innovation and the      North America, Asia, Europe and         passion for books, promote the             best dissertations in children’s     unique in Italy for the licensing
latest trends in children’s digital       Oceania. The aim of the prize is        educational and cultural value of          literature. The award, now in its    sector and awarded only to BLTF
content which is thriving in areas of     to acknowledge those publishers         reading and find out which titles          second edition and awarded for       exhibitors. It recognises the best
entertainment and education. The          at the forefront of innovation          young readers love the most. The           postgraduate works in Italian        licensing projects developed in 2019
award is open to all publishers and       for their creative and publishing       prize is sponsored by BolognaFiere,        University only, pays tribute to     in the categories PRE-SCHOOL,
developers of apps and web based          excellence. The winners are chosen      the Maria and Goffredo Bellonci            the literary critic Carla Poesio,    KIDS, TEENS and ADULT. The award
productions for children aged 0 to 15     by the BCBF exhibitors from a           Foundation, Strega Alberti                 her fundamental contribution to      also includes a special mention on
years. Participation is free of charge.   shortlist based on suggestions by       Benevento and the Italian Centre           the world of children’s literature   Retail, Fashion and the Licensing
Works can be submitted in any             publishers, publishers associations     for Books and Reading (CEPELL).            and her unique role in the birth     Property of the Year. The award-
language.                                 and institutions devoted to book        Books published in Italy, by Italian       and development of the Bologna       winning products are exhibited at
                                          and reading promotion worldwide.        and foreign authors in translation,        Children’s Book Fair.                the Services Centre in the entrance
                                          The prize is organised by BCBF          are judged by a jury composed of                                                to the BLTF Hall.
                                          in partnership with AIE - Italian       children and teenagers from 100
                                          Publishers Association, and             schools and libraries across Italy and
                                          IPA - International Publishers          abroad. The winners are the author
                                          Association.                            and the translator (if it is a foreign
                                                                                  book). Two categories: 6-10 and 11-15

         RAGAZZI                                  BOP                                                                                                                    BOLOGNA
         DIGITAL                                  BOLOGNA PRIZE                                                                                                          LICENSING
         AWARD                                    Best Children’s                                                                                                        AWARD
                                                  of the Year
@ BCBF                                                                                                                                       THE INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                                                             AWARD FOR
                                                           BOLOGNA                                  THE                                      ILLUSTRATION
                                                                                                                                                                                     IN FABULA
                                                           ILLUSTRATORS                             ILLUSTRATORS                             BOOK FAIR -                             GRANT
                                                           EXHIBITION                               ANNUAL                                   SM FOUNDATION                           AWARD
Since its beginning, BCBF has put illustrators
and writers at the heart of the fair. Working with         T   he Exhibition displays a wide
                                                               selection of artists from
                                                           all over the world forming a
                                                                                                    E   very year, the Illustrators Annual
                                                                                                        collects all the works of the
                                                                                                    artists selected for the Illustrators
                                                                                                                                             T   his prize is for artists under 35
                                                                                                                                                 who have already been selected
                                                                                                                                             for the Illustrators Exhibition. The
                                                                                                                                                                                     A    RS IN FABULA – higher
                                                                                                                                                                                          education institute directly
                                                                                                                                                                                     involved with children’s books — has
them, nurturing them, promoting and bringing them          unique showcase for both fiction         Exhibition: a large catalogue which      award offers the winner a cash prize    joined forces with BCBF to create
together with publishers at the very human and cultural    and non-fiction. Each year, an           is published in Italy, USA, Japan        in order to give them resources for a   the Ars in Fabula Grant Award,
event known simply to some as “Bologna”.                   international jury of experts            and China. The cover is traditionally    year to develop a picture book to be    given to a young, unpublished
                                                           examines thousands of originals          created by the winners of the H.         published and released on the world     illustrator under 30 who has been
Over all our years that have passed and into the future    submitted by both established and        C. Andersen Award and the Grand          market by the Spanish publisher         already selected for the Illustrators
the fair is committed to championing the artist through    emerging illustrators. After the fair,   Prix of the Biennial of Illustrations    SM. The original illustrations of       Exhibition. The aim of the prize is
conferences, special pop-up events, roundtables,           the Exhibition starts a two years        Bratislava, alternating between the      the book are presented at the next      to sustain and nurture new talents
countless exhibitions and also “survival” corners that     long international tour. This tour       two prizes. The 2020 Annual cover        edition of the Bologna Children’s       through a postgraduate illustration
                                                           features the exhibition’s original       will be illustrated by the winner of     Book Fair for a solo exhibition         course, while also meeting the
all stretch across the globe and run through the year of   artworks in Japan, Korea and China,      the Grand Prix of the Biennial of        dedicated to the winning illustrator.   needs of publishers in their search
the BCBF calendar.                                         and reproductions in many other          Illustrations Bratislava, whose solo        The 10th edition winner of the       for new illustrators. The winner of
                                                           venues across the world.                 exhibition will be displayed at the      prize is Sarah Mazzetti (Italy).        the 2019 edition is the unpublished
                                                                                                    fair.                                                                            artist Olga Shtonga (Ukraine).
                                         THE BCBF
                                         N    ow in its fourth year, the BCBF
                                              Visual Identity Workshop gives
                                         a young artist chosen from among
                                                                                Young illustrators, both
                                                                                published and emerging
                                         those selected for the Illustrators    artists, can find all the
                                         Exhibition an opportunity to           tools they need here to
                                         develop the visual universe for the    launch and enhance their
                                         next BCBF in co-production with
                                         Chialab Design. The artist selected
PAGE...                                  to develop the 2020 BCBF Visual
                                         Identity is Rasa Jančiauskaitė
AND INTO                                 (Lithuania). The exhibition of the
THE WORLD                                illustrations showing the birth and
OF FASHION                               development of the workshop will

B                                                                               T
    ologna Children’s Book Fair and      be on display at the fair.                  he Illustrators Survival Corner
    Pitti Immagine Bimbo, the                                                        is a hub for illustrators at
international trade show for new                                                BCBF where artists especially
trends in children’s fashion, began                                             those setting out on their careers
their collaboration in 2016 with                                                can meet, listen and share
the aim of bringing to the world                                                experiences with a whole range
of fashion the unique visual and                                                of international experts. A daily
creative heritage that animate                                                  programme of workshops, portfolio
children’s books. The aim of the                                                reviews and masterclasses held
project is to select some of the                                                by internationally renowned
artists of the Illustrators Exhibition                                          illustrators, editors and art directors
capable of giving a new look and                                                offers practical advices on the
feel to fabrics and collections for                                             many aspects and concerns of the
kids. An exhibition in the heart of                                             profession. The space is managed
Pitti Immagine Bimbo is dedicated                                               and designed by Mimaster
to them accompanied by a small                                                  Illustrazione (Milan).
publication with profiles of the                                                    Over the years, the Illustrators
artists.                                                                        Survival Corner has become a
                                                                                successful format and is now
                                                                                regularly hosted at the China
                                                                                Shanghai International Children’s
                                                                                Book Fair, part of the BCBF Event
                                                                                Network. In September 2019,
                                                                                the Corner also arrived at the
                                                                                Moscow International Children’s
                                                                                Book Fair where BCBF organized
                                                                                an international professional
                                                                                programme on children’s books.
THE                                                              THE TRANSLATORS
BOOKSELLER                                                       CENTRE, HUB FOR
LOUNGE                                                           INTERCULTURAL
A vibrant hub for the
exchange of challenges   B   CBF is the place where children’s
                             booksellers from across the
                         globe come to discover the latest
                                                                 The place to be for
                                                                 professional translators   T   ranslators meet each year at
                                                                                                BCBF to exchange information
                                                                                            and debate on professional issues.
and good practices for   trends in illustration and literature   and those wishing to       Trade associations, residencies, and
today’s bookshop.        for young readers; but it is also       specialize in children’s   scholarships, as well as subsidies
                         the place where they catch up           literature.                available to publishers, are all
                         with their colleagues to share their                               discussed and presented during the
                         experiences and discuss about their                                fair.
                         role in the society which often goes
                         far beyond just simply bookselling.                                THE TRANSLATORS CAFÉ
                         The Lounge is a comfortable                                        The Translators Café offers an
                         space for them to meet, which                                      exciting programme of activities
                         also offers this year a programme                                  to all participants. These include
                         of presentations and a special                                     meetings with the diverse
                         exhibition focused on children’s                                   stakeholders in the book translation
                         magazines, an interesting segment                                  world, translation workshops
                         of the publishing landscape and an                                 focused on different foreign
                         exciting field to explore. Children’s                              languages, theme specific seminars
                         magazines can be innovative,                                       and an international conference.
                         interactive and highly entertaining,
                         and meet the curiosity of young                                    IN ALTRE PAROLE
                         readers and parents.                                               This annual translation
                                                                                            competition is aimed at aspiring
                                                                                            translators working in Italian from
                                                                                            languages changing each year in
                                                                                            order to encourage linguistic and
                                                                                            cultural diversity. The competition
                                                                                            is dedicated this year to Arabic,
                                                                                            as SHARJAH is the 2020 Guest of

                                                                                            THE WORLD DIRECTORY OF
                                                                                            CHILDREN’S BOOK TRANSLATORS
                                                                                            This broad database of children’s
                                                                                            book translators is available online
                                                                                            for consultation and registration on
                                                                                            the BCBF website all the year round.
ILLUSTRATORS                                                              WHAT’S
FOR GIANNI                                                                ON THE
RODARI:                                                                   STAGE
Gianni Rodari, one of the                                                 BCBF is the place where
most innovative children’s                                                you can keep up to date
writers of the last century,                                              with the latest trends in
was born in 1920 and his                                                  children’s publishing and
centennial in 2020 will be                                                content.
celebrated worldwide.
                                                                                                              THE                                  THE
                                                                                                              BOLOGNA                              FLAGSHIP
                                                                                                              CAFÉS                                CONFERENCES
B   CBF celebrates the great Italian
    writer with the exhibition
“Illustrators for Gianni Rodari:
                                       celebrated contemporary artists
                                       such as Beatrice Alemagna,
                                       Emanuele Fior, Gaia Stella,
                                                                          T   he programme of the fair
                                                                              includes hundreds of meetings
                                                                          (260 last year) with the widest
                                                                                                              T   he most traditional BCBF
                                                                                                                  hot spots for debate and
                                                                                                              entertainment, the BCBF Cafés
                                                                                                                                                   A   collection of international
                                                                                                                                                       meetings organized by BCBF
                                                                                                                                                   to offer its professional public
                                                                                                                                                                                          GIANNI RODARI
                                                                                                                                                                                          ONCE UPONE A TIME: A
                                                                                                                                                                                          REVOLUTION IN CHILDREN’S
Italian Excellence”, organized         Valerio Vidali, Olimpia Zagnoli.   range of topics, from the market    offer opportunities to listen and    the opportunity to explore a wide
                                                                                                                                                                                          Gianni Rodari, author of the brilliant
in partnership with the Italian        Inaugurated in the US, first in    strategies to the promotion of      share experiences with a whole       range of hot topics with the most
                                                                                                                                                                                          essay “The Grammar of Fantasy”,
Cultural Institute in San Francisco    Portland and then travelling to    reading, from the illustration      range of professionals in an open    prestigious authors, artists and
                                                                                                                                                                                          is one of the most translated
and with the support of Emilia-        San Francisco, the exhibition      techniques to the newest digital    and informal atmosphere. Each Café   industry insiders. This year’s
                                                                                                                                                                                          writers in contemporary children’s
Romagna Region. The Exhibition         will also be part of BCBF 2020.    technologies, getting through the   is named after its main audience:    selection includes:
                                                                                                                                                                                          literature. In 1970, he was awarded
– curated by the Giannino Stoppani     After the fair, the exhibition     themes and the mission of the       the Authors Café, the Illustrators
                                                                                                                                                                                          the H. C. Andersen Award for his
Cultural Cooperative/Accademia         will start a long international    children’s book today: in a few     Café, the Translators Café, the      CINEMA: LIGHTS, CAMERA,                highly innovative work. Nowadays,
Drosselmeier – presents original       tour, always accompanied by        words, a rich source of creative    Licensing Café. Unrivalled in its    ACTION... LET’S READ!
                                                                                                                                                                                          a renovated interest in Rodari’s
illustrations for Rodari’s books       its catalogue published by         inspiration and professional        diversity and depth of discussions   As part of the 2020 BolognaRagazzi
                                                                                                                                                                                          work is clearly perceivable across
by 21 Italian artists. They include    Einaudi Ragazzi, enriched with     development for everyone.           there is something for everyone      Award Special Category devoted
                                                                                                                                                                                          the world, as his stories and ideas
historic figures like Bruno Munari     contributions by international                                         here.                                to Cinema, this international
                                                                                                                                                                                          are being rediscovered through
and Emanuele Luzzati, as well as       experts of Rodari’s work.                                                                                   meeting will bring together authors,
                                                                                                                                                                                          new editorial proposals. A panel of
                                                                                                                                                   illustrators, publishers, critics
                                                                                                                                                                                          international scholars, publishers
                                                                                                                                                   along with the BRAW’s jurors.
                                                                                                                                                                                          and critics will discuss many aspects
                                                                                                                                                   How can children’s books tell the
                                                                                                                                                                                          of his work. The conference will be
                                                                                                                                                   story of cinema? An invitation
                                                                                                                                                                                          coordinated by Jack Zipes, one of
                                                                                                                                                   to get children to discover the
                                                                                                                                                                                          the world’s foremost experts of
                                                                                                                                                   fascinating world of cinema, its
                                                                                                                                                                                          children’s literature.
                                                                                                                                                   key protagonists, the different
                                                                                                                                                   techniques and crafts of film
                                                                                                                                                   making as well as the many
                                                                                                                                                   possibilities for this media in the

                                           illustration Giulia Orecchia
IN     Every year, BCBF’s broad line-up of events even taps
                                                                                                                                into the city. Dedicated to children’s literature and

                                                                                                                         THE    illustration, the programme encompasses exhibitions,
                                                                                                                                meet-the-author events, workshops, readings and
                                                                                                                         CITY   performances all around the city. In 2020, Bologna will
                                                                                                                                present two special exhibitions:

                                         on the book production journey          FOCUS ON THE
                                                                                 RUSSIAN MARKET
                                                                                                                                BEAUTY AND THE
                                         and on the methods that merge
                                                                                 BCBF has started in 2019 a fruitful
                                                                                                                                WORLD: THE NEW
                                         illustration and sciences.                                                             NON-FICTION                               THE ABC
Unlike their general bookstore                                                   collaboration with the Moscow
counterparts, children’s specialty       COMICS                                  International Book Fair (MIBF)
                                                                                                                                PICTURE BOOK                              OF IT
bookstores are sharply growing           As part of the BCBF’s brand-new         which will lead to the organization            AN INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING               WHY CHILDREN’S BOOKS
today and play a major role in the       focus on comics, this vibrant           of a brand new Moscow                          PHENOMENON                                MATTER
children’s book market. Over the
                                                                                                                                E                                         T
                                         conference made of three meetings       International Children’s Book Fair in              ver the beginning of this century         his special exhibition, curated by
last years, the BCBF has been a          will provide a deep dive into the       2021. The first step was a wide and                publishers around the world               preeminent historian and critic
meeting point for international          topic from different perspectives:      diverse professional programme                 have become more interested and           of children’s literature Leonard S.
booksellers. This year’s edition of      art, translation and business, in       of events held in September 2019,              published more picture books              Marcus, will offer a fascinating
the conference, organized with           order to offer a comprehensive          with the participation of artists              focused on the knowledge of               look at children’s literature
ALIR – the Italian Association of        approach to one of the most             and publishers from different                  general science (physics, geography,      through history, featuring an
children’s bookstores, will focus        expanding segments of the               countries. This conference will                biology, anthropology, linguistics,       exquisite collection of iconic books,
on training to bookselling. A            publishing industry.                    offer an overview on the Russian               technology, and philosophy). They         original art, manuscripts and other
vibrant discussion towards a new                                                 children’s book market through
                                         FOCUS ON THE                                                                           have been creating books that             related objects. A highly inspiring
conception of the bookstore as a                                                 the insights of Russian publishers
                                         CHINESE MARKET                                                                         challenge each other with a large         showcase which underlines the
community-centered place, and                                                    who already sell and buy copyrights
                                         BolognaFiere is the co-organizer of                                                    scale, elegance in illustrations,         role that children’s books play in
of the bookseller as a vital link                                                internationally, and the experiences
                                         the China Shanghai International                                                       inventiveness in graphics,                our lives and in world culture. The
between the school and the library,                                              of publishers who took part in
                                         Children’s Book Fair, the only                                                         experimental aesthetics and more.         exhibition, first hosted by the
as a festivals and events promoter                                               the first fellowship programme
                                         copyright exchange hub fully                                                           There is so much in non-fiction           Andersen Library of the University
and finally as an expert book and                                                organized by BCBF and MIBF.
                                         dedicated to children’s books and                                                      production and especially in the          of Minnesota and by the New York
reading list recommender for
                                         content in Asia Pacific. Following                                                     picture book genre that can be            Public Library, will be held at the
everyone in their local areas.
                                         up with the successful experience of                                                   considered a real boom, and serve         historic Archiginnasio Public Library.
BEAUTY AND THE WORLD                     last year, BCBF – in partnership with                                                  as one of the biggest investments         The event will be complemented
PICTURE BOOKS - BETWEEN                  China Publishers Magazine – will                                                       in children’s publishing. This            with an exclusive lecture by
FICTION AND NON FICTION                  put a spotlight on the most recent                                                     exhibition will be the first showcase     Leonard S. Marcus.
Picture books have become much           market data on the Chinese book                                                        of outstanding non-fiction picture
more interested in science, in a         industry. With an expanding rate                                                       books from around the world. It
very broad sense of the word. Their      of 15% a year and a target of 367                                                      will be accompanied by a collective
visual quality and innovative            million children and young adults,                                                     essay, the first one of its kind in the
approaches brought to a new              China boasts one of the fastest                                                        world, with critic insights of noted
research field, intertwining the         growing children’s book markets                                                        non-fiction picture book experts.
classic genre of ‘non-fiction’ with      in the world. The conference will                                                      This is the result of a research
narrative ‘fiction’. The panel, on the   include case histories and best                                                        project of the Bologna University,
occasion of the exhibition “Beauty       practices of collaborations                                                            led by children’s literature scholar
and the World”, will investigate the     between international                                                                  Giorgia Grilli, and supported by
new production in all its richness       and Chinese publishers.                                                                BCBF. Curated by Hamelin Cultural
through the work of publishers                                                                                                  Association, the exhibition will be
and creators. Some case histories                                                                                               held at the Sala Borsa Public Library
will highlight the contemporary                                                                                                 during BCBF.
production, offering an overview
Design Chialab Illustration Rasa Jančiauskaitė
an event by


Bologna Children’s Book Fair
Piazza Costituzione, 6
40128 Bologna, Italy
Ph. +39 051 282242 — 282361

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