48 SP - Technology Solutions for Supply Chain Traceability in the Brazilian Amazon

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48 SP - Technology Solutions for Supply Chain Traceability in the Brazilian Amazon
                        a think and do tank

   AUGUST 2020

Technology Solutions for
Supply Chain Traceability
in the Brazilian Amazon:
Opportunities for the Financial Sector
Brodie Ferguson, Júlia Sekula, Ilona Szabó
48 SP - Technology Solutions for Supply Chain Traceability in the Brazilian Amazon
  Executive Summary������������������������������������������ 1

  1. Introduction�������������������������������������������������� 2

  2. Natural Capital Risks and Opportunities�������� 2

  3. Standards and Benchmarks for
  Deforestation Risk�������������������������������������������� 4

  4. Challenges and Technology Solutions in
  Key Sectors������������������������������������������������������ 6

  5. Recommendations������������������������������������� 13

  6. References������������������������������������������������� 16

  7. Annexes����������������������������������������������������� 21
48 SP - Technology Solutions for Supply Chain Traceability in the Brazilian Amazon

Technology Solutions for
Supply Chain Traceability
in the Brazilian Amazon:
Opportunities for the Financial Sector
Brodie Ferguson, Júlia Sekula, Ilona Szabó1

The 2019 Amazon fires brought unprecedented                             by natural capital degradation in commodity
attention to the issue of deforestation in Brazil,                      supply chains. However, companies and
which is currently at its worst levels since                            investors seeking to comply with ESG
2007. The Brazilian National Institute of Space                         requirements typically navigate a patchwork
Studies (INPE) reported an 85% increase in                              of certifications and standards for which data
deforestation in the Amazon from 2018 to                                has often been unavailable or unreliable. This
2019, and by June 15, 2020, deforestation                               lack of clarity has had a direct impact on the
had already risen a further 34% over 2019                               quality and depth of individual disclosures and
levels. In response to last year’s fires, 251                           hinders their industry-wide adoption. Existing
global investors with $17.7 trillion in assets                          forestry and land use metrics, specifically,
issued a demand for companies to meet                                   are insufficient to address the issue given the
their commodity supply chain deforestation                              additional element of legal complexities that
commitments or risk losing access to                                    distinguish deforestation dynamics across
international markets. Later, in December                               multiple sectors and jurisdictions.
2019, 87 UK companies and asset managers
called for an extension of the Amazon Soy
                                                                        A variety of new technologies are helping
Moratorium, while this past June, an additional
                                                                        to meet this challenge by revolutionizing
29 state financial institutions responsible for
                                                                        transparency and traceability in commodity
over $4 trillion in assets expressed their grave
                                                                        supply chains and allowing for real-time
concern over increasing systemic risks.
                                                                        tracking of ESG metrics, rather than static
                                                                        post-event reporting. In this paper, we review
The widespread international reaction to the                            the challenges and opportunities around
fires underlines the urgency for companies and                          illegal deforestation and propose ways in
investors to manage the various reputational,                           which the financial sector in particular can
operational, legal, and regulatory risks posed                          leverage data and emerging technologies to

1 Acknowledgements. The authors would like to acknowledge inputs from expert reviewers including Brenda Brito, Daniel Azeredo, Rodrigo
Tavares, and Melina Risso.

48 SP - Technology Solutions for Supply Chain Traceability in the Brazilian Amazon

     transform the way that companies measure,                        the ability of organizations such as theirs to
     monitor, and manage their deforestation and                      continue sourcing products from Brazil. The
     land use ESG exposure, thereby substantially                     movement went from global to local in July of
     improving transparency, reliability of credit-                   2020 with 38 Brazilian business owners writing
     risk analyses and integration with existing                      a joint-letter to Vice President, General Morao,
     reporting standards.                                             imploring for sustainable development and a
                                                                      halt to illegal deforestation in the Amazon.

     1. Introduction                                                  Failure to address the issue of deforestation
                                                                      has already compromised Brazil’s ability
                                                                      to meet its Paris Agreement commitments
     The Amazon fire season, while attracting                         (UNCTAD, 2020). Nearly half (46 percent) of
     significant attention through the years, saw                     Brazilian greenhouse gas emissions result
     an unprecedented engagement of financial,                        from deforestation (SEEG, 2020). Under the
     private and public stakeholders in 2019,                         Paris Agreement, Brazil committed to reduce
     demanding greater transparency, scrutiny                         illegal deforestation in the Amazon to zero by
     and protection for the Amazon biome. While                       2030. Decree No. 7,390 of 2010 established
     farmers have always used burning during                          the National Policy on Climate Change and
     Brazil’s dry season (August to November) to                      set a target for 2020 consisting of an 85%
     clear forest for agriculture and livestock, the                  reduction of annual deforestation rates in the
     events of 2019 represented an alarming spike                     Legal Amazon in relation to the verified average
     in an already concerning trend. Satellites                       from 1996 to 2005. Yet by September of 2019,
     that detect heat signatures issued more than                     it was clear to many scientists that Brazil was
     109,000 fire alerts in the single week from                      already too far behind to achieve its Paris
     August 13-20. This nearly two-fold increase                      Agreement’s goals for 2030 (Artaxo, 2019).
     in fires over the prior year, combined with the
     proliferation of high-resolution satellite, drone,
     and other imagery of the fires on social media,
     triggered widespread protests around the                         2. Natural
     globe. U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
     Administration (NOAA) data on temperature
     and moisture levels in the Amazon suggest
     that this year’s burning season will be even
     worse (NOAA, 2020).                                              Risks and
     In addition to the public outcry from sovereign
     heads of state and activists alike, investors
     worth $17.7 trillion immediately called
     for action for greater transparency, risk                        The year 2020 marked the first time in the
     assessments and reporting standards. The                         15 year history of the annual Global Risks
     ongoing situation threatens to affect Brazil’s                   Report published by the World Economic
     narrow trade surplus and hinder foreign                          Forum (WEF) that each of the five most
     direct investment, of which Brazil is the 9th                    alarming global risks were directly related
     largest recipient globally in terms of inflows. In               to natural capital, specifically: i) extreme
     May of 2020, 40 supermarkets and financial                       weather, ii) climate action failure, iii) natural
     institutions wrote an open letter to the National                disasters, iv) biodiversity loss, and v) human-
     Congress of Brazil declaring their deep                          made environmental disasters (WEF, 2020).
     concern for Provisional Measure 910 (changed                     Deforestation and forest degradation
     to PL 2633/2020) and how it would put at risk                    associated with soft commodity supply

48 SP - Technology Solutions for Supply Chain Traceability in the Brazilian Amazon

chains have a disproportionately large overall
environmental impact since they lead to large-         Equally, a white paper by the Tropical Forest
scale biodiversity loss and regional weather           Alliance highlights the way in which stranded
effects as well as greenhouse gas (GHG)                assets will affect financial institutions along
emissions that affect the global climate.              the forest risk commodity supply chain. An
                                                       example from Indonesia’s palm oil concessions
In fact, the conversion of native forest for           suggests that 29% of these concessions
agriculture and livestock in the Amazon is one         cannot be developed without violating buyers
of the most destructive practices globally in          ‘No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation’
terms of its adverse environmental impacts.            policies. Translated, this means that as many
A 2013 study by Trucost (now part of S&P               as 95 Indonesian palm oil companies have
Global) found that the land use impact                 at least 1,000 hectares of stranded assets
from cattle ranching and farming in South              on their books (Tropical Forest Alliance,
America was second only to coal power                  2018). Moreover, investment opportunities in
generation in Eastern Asia in terms of the             these same commodities, in favor of climate-
overall environmental impact in monetary               transition, are expected to total US$200 billion
terms (generating US$354 billion of negative           on an annual basis, according to a report by
externalities on only $16.6 billion of revenue,        the Tropical Forest Alliance (2017). Investors
an impact ratio of 18.7). The extent to which          equipped to support this transition can
agricultural sectors globally fail to produce          benefit from the opportunity to deepen their
enough revenue to cover their environmental            involvement across supply-chain financing,
damage is particularly striking from a risk            those that fail to walk in-step with new
perspective (Trucost, 2013).                           regulations and innovations, risk becoming
                                                       less competitive from a reputational and risk-
                                                       analysis perspective.
Similarly, a report by the Principles of
Responsible of Investment (PRI), in partnership
with UNEP Finance Initiative and UN Global             The private sector, and the finance industry
Compact, placed the Amazon at the heart of             in particular, have the power to effect
climate risks: “In response to the rising human        rapid, positive change. In 2014, the Fifth
pressures on the Amazon biome, efforts to halt         Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
deforestation and forest degradation, preserve         Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found
and regenerate remaining patches of primary            that the stabilization of GHG emissions
forests, as well as reforestation efforts, are         will require significant shifts in global
paramount. Forest management will increasingly         capital. Since then, the finance sector has
play a critical role in the stability and resilience   demonstrated commitment to the WEF
of the Amazon, as well as for the Earth’s climate      Climate Initiatives, including the Natural
system as a whole.” (PRI, 2019).                       Climate Solutions (NCS) Alliance, and shown
                                                       leadership on topics including low carbon
                                                       financing, emissions-reducing financing,
Data from the Carbon Disclosure Project                adaptation financing, measurement and
indicates that as much as US$906 billion in            transparency, and engagement with the
annual corporate turnover is at risk because           private sector and policymakers. Global
of inadequate risk pricing and risk mitigation         green bond issuance reached a record
for commodities linked to deforestation alone          US$270 billion in 2019 (IRENA, 2020), while
(CDP, 2016). This does not take into account           market-driven efforts such as the Task Force
Brazil’s export revenue of at least US$36.4            on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
billion (US$26.1 billion for soy, US$7.4 billion       have promoted climate-related financial risk
for beef, and US$ 2.9 billion for hardwood             disclosures in mainstream filings.
in 2019) at risk as international pressures
continue to rise.

48 SP - Technology Solutions for Supply Chain Traceability in the Brazilian Amazon

    Nonetheless, these efforts have been                              not have deforestation policies (Thomas and
    incomplete and gradual - unable to keep pace                      Rogerson, 2020). This speaks to the existing
    with the dramatic and urgent acceleration of                      gap between policy and risk-analysis efforts,
    climate-related events taking place. An S&P                       implementation and effectiveness.
    Report on physical risks estimated that 60%
    of the companies in the S&P 500, representing                     Nonetheless, important shifts are currently
    a market capitalization of US$18 trillion, hold                   underway. Itaú, Santander and Banco
    assets at high risk of physical climate change                    Bradesco (all signatories of the collective letter
    impacts. Equally, Forest 500’s 2019 Annual                        to Vice President Mourao) notably presented
    Assessment demonstrates that 40% of the                           a proposal to the Brazilian government on
    most influential companies in forest-risk                         July 22, 2020 including a series of investment
    supply chains still do not have deforestation                     proposals to support sustainable initiatives and
    commitments. Of the 210 companies with                            infrastructure, with the aim of protecting the
    commitments, 48% do not report on progress                        Amazon from further deforestation. This, we
    of implementation. Meanwhile, in the finance                      argue, is only the beginning.
    sector, 68% of 102 institutions assessed do

    3. Standards and Benchmarks
    for Deforestation Risk
    Despite an abundance of initiatives and                           the nearly 900 companies with exposure
    standards (see Annex 1) and a rapid increase                      in the cattle, palm, soy, or timber and pulp
    in corporate pledges and government efforts                       supply chains had made at least one public
    to reduce deforestation in recent years, there                    commitment. However, the majority of
    is little evidence that initiatives have had                      companies that made forest-related supply
    their intended impacts. A 2019 report on                          chain commitments were not among the 250
    progress by the signatories of the New York                       most influential companies as identified by the
    Declaration on Forests (NYDF), a 2014 multi-                      Global Canopy Program’s Forest 500 initiative,
    stakeholder initiative committed to ending                        and only about one-fifth of this group made
    natural forest loss by 2030 (with a 50%                           zero- or zero-net deforestation commitments.
    reduction by 2020), found a disturbing lack                       Of the companies with existing commitments
    of results, and concluded that achieving the                      to reduce or eliminate deforestation from
    2020 NYDF targets was essentially impossible                      their supply chains, only 8% had a zero-
    (NYDF, 2019). In 2020, the landscape in terms                     deforestation commitment covering their
    of certifications and standards for natural                       entire supply chain and operations (Haupt
    capital remains fragmented, with efforts                          et al., 2018; Supply Change, 2020). Being
    focusing on GHG reporting and sector-specific                     able to influence the largest companies in the
    commitments around deforestation.                                 most active sectors with deforestation risk is
                                                                      therefore imperative.
    Moreover, those standards which do include
    natural capital suffer from limited participation                 While an increasing number of companies
    by the most important companies and sectors.                      are publicly reporting on commitments and
    According to 2017 data from Forest Trends’                        progress, they lack a standardized approach
    Supply Change Initiative, just over half of                       in terms of their types of commitments,


clarity, timelines, measuring, and monitoring.         metrics for reporting non-financial information,
Companies have been slow to implement                  the latter of which includes indicators on
commitments due to lack of agreement on                ecological sensitivity and land use adapted
priority actions, limited understanding of             from the GRI and CDP frameworks (WEF,
risks, and hesitation to invest in sustainable         2020; Fleck, 2020).
activities without clear financial incentives.
Furthermore, company reporting on actions              National legislation around land tenure and
taken and progress made toward achieving               land use is a critical component of supply
these commitments is generally inadequate to           chain traceability and one of the key missing
assess the efficacy of supply chain based zero-        pieces to existing ESG deforestation metrics.
deforestation approaches (Garrett et al., 2019).       Studies suggest that 80-99% of deforestation
                                                       in the Amazon is illegal, yet many types of
While the financial sector has begun to adopt          environmental crime aren’t addressed by
policies that address deforestation risks, few         existing standards (Forest Trends, 2018;
institutions make those policies mandatory             MapBiomas, 2020). The Soft Commodities
to loan-agreements or monitor them. Data               Compact prohibits signatories from providing
for 2016 from Forest 500 indicate that                 financial services to companies that illegally
only a limited number of the 150 financial             deforest, yet offers no way to measure this
institutions linked to the 250 companies in            objectively. Likewise, the Soy Moratorium
the big four commodity supply chains are               monitors deforestation in terms of new farms in
actively addressing deforestation risks in their       recently deforested areas, but disregards new
portfolios. Only one-third of financial institutions   land clearings on existing farms in violation of
had made forest-related commitments for                the Forest Code (Gibbs et al., 2015). Despite
at least one commodity, and few publicly               the promise of tools such as Global Forest
report against these policies. While half of           Watch (GFW, 2020) and Trase (Trase, 2020)
commitments go as far as to refer to the               for enhancing traceability, tracking compliance
protection of priority forest types, including         with laws, policies, and targets depends on
primary, intact, natural, and/or HCV tropical          the quality and availability of government data.
forests, most do not set specific requirements         Insufficient transparency around land registries
but only encourage their clients to consider the       (CAR), land tenure, licenses, and concessions
protection of these ecosystems.                        not only poses significant challenges to the
                                                       implementation of supply-chain commitments,
A number of roadmaps exist to help guide               but also deters companies from investing in
financial institutions incorporate natural capital     agricultural production and forest protection
considerations into their products and services.       (Webb et al. 2017).
In 2012, the UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI)
and the Global Canopy Programme, launched              In the following sections, we review current
the Natural Capital Finance Alliance, a public-        practices in standards and benchmarking for
private partnership aimed at integrating natural       the three commodities most associated with
capital awareness into financial services and          deforestation and land degradation in the
products. In 2016, a dozen banks – with a              Brazilian Amazon: soybean farming, cattle
combined US$10 trillion in assets – committed          ranching, and timber. There are a variety of old
to the Soft Commodities Compact, an initiative         and new technologies available for companies
of the Banking Environment Initiative and the          to responsibly and objectively trace their supply
Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) that aims to                chains to the farm level in a far more effective
achieve greater supply chain transparency              and transparent way than current deforestation
in the financial sector. More recently, the            metrics and coalitions. Their adoption must be
Accountability Framework and the WEF IBC               a central priority for companies as well as the
ESG metrics aim to provide a core set of global        financial sector.


    4. Challenges and Technology
    Solutions in Key Sectors
    Monitoring and traceability technologies                          of deforestation in Brazil after cattle ranching,
    are dramatically changing the type of data                        and continues to receive ample international
    available to companies, investors, and civil                      attention (WWF, 2016; Trase, 2020).
    society as well as how that data is gathered
    and reported. In a context in which historically                  While soy certifications schemes can add a
    deforestation-related data has been fixed,                        price premium of about $3 per ton of soybeans
    self-declared and state-controlled, this is                       (FEBRABAN, 2017), leading initiatives such
    significant progress. At the same time, these                     as the Roundtable on Responsible Soy
    same technologies are shaping consumer                            (RTRS, 2006), the ProTerra Standard (ProTerra
    preferences by providing investors and the                        Foundation, 2014), the Sustainable Agriculture
    public with greater visibility into the ESG                       Standard (Sustainable Agriculture Network,
    impacts of the products and services they                         2010) have experienced little commercial
    consume. Specifically, technology drives                          uptake. In response to pressure from retailers
    greater transparency and traceability in                          and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs),
    commodity supply chains by 1) decreasing the                      major soybean traders signed the Soy
    cost of data collection and ESG reporting, 2)                     Moratorium, agreeing not to purchase soy
    enabling more widespread monitoring of ESG                        grown on lands deforested after July 2006 in
    impacts by third parties and other stakeholders                   the Brazilian Amazon. The Soy Moratorium
    (e.g. civil society groups), 3) reducing bias                     was the first voluntary zero-deforestation
    associated with self-reporting since monitoring                   agreement implemented in the tropics and set
    can now be conducted and/or verified by other                     the stage for supply-chain governance of other
    actors, 4) increasing the frequency of reporting,                 commodities, such as beef and palm oil (Gibbs
    and 5) decreasing the time lag in reporting (in                   et al., 2015).
    many cases approaching real-time).

                                                                      Originally, it was planned that the Soy
                                                                      Moratorium would be phased out as Brazil’s
                             4.1 Soy                                  environmental governance, including
                                                                      increased enforcement through the national
                       Brazil recently surpassed                      implementation of the Rural Environmental
                       the United States to                           Registry (CAR), became robust enough
                       become the world’s largest                     to justify ending the agreement. However,
                       producer of soy, growing                       fourteen years after the adoption of the
                       more than 122 million tons                     agreement, only 59% of Brazilian soy
    of soybeans in 2019. Exports made up about                        production is covered by zero-deforestation
    60% of total production, representing a value                     commitments, and soy producers have
    of US$26 billion. About 75% of total exports                      increasingly called to scale it back (Trase,
    went to China, making Brazil the single largest                   2020). Vasconcelos et al. (2020) note that
    supplier of soy products to China. At the                         12% of soy plantations in the Amazon and
    same time, the rapid growth of the Brazilian                      the Cerrado are on properties that are not
    soy industry has had a tremendous negative                        registered in the CAR, representing 2.6 million
    impact on the Amazon and Cerrado biomes.                          hectares of farms. The CAR, a self-declared
    Soy production is the second-largest cause                        land-registry document, suffers from lack of


transparency and verification of information,        (FEFAC) soy sourcing guidelines, a study
as it is not public. As such, if the geographic      by Profundo (2019) found that 10 out of 17
registry of a property is not reliable, satellite    standards surveyed rely on national legislation
imagery demonstrating deforested lands               by prohibiting illegal deforestation, while only
can only go so far in linking illegal or irregular   the minority (7) prohibit deforestation of any
activity, to a given perpetrator (or supplier).      kind, whether legal or not. Despite weak
                                                     legislation permitting up to 80% deforestation
Almost 40% of the soy produced on                    on farms in the Cerrado biome, soy investment
unregistered CAR properties is exported              funds are increasingly choosing to exceed
to China, while only 12% is destined for             legal requirements in order to meet the more
the European Union (Vasconcelos, 2020).              stringent ESG expectations of international
Brazilian soy makes up roughly 41% of EU’s           investors (Granito Group, 2020).
soy imports, equivalent to 13.6 million metric
tons per year (Rajao, 2020). Although it is          A public and audited CAR would therefore
impossible to trace soy imports to individual        enable existing technologies, specifically
properties, Rajao and colleagues (2020)              MapBiomas’ satellite verification program
analyze municipal soy export shares and              to link deforestation alerts with specific
estimate a total of 1.9 million metric tons of soy   private and commercial land-owners, greatly
grown on properties with illegal deforestation       reducing the margin for irregular suppliers to
may have reached EU markets annually during          enter regular and monitored supply chains.
the period of analysis, of which 26% (0.5            Blockchain, equally, represents a promising
million metric tons) came from the Amazon. In        solution for soy traceability despite the
sum, 18 to 22% of all soy exported from the          complexities of the soy supply chain. An
region to the EU is potentially contaminated.        Accenture study notes that a blockchain
Trase data indicates that in 2018, about 15%         solution could cover transactions from
(1.95 out of 12.83 million tons) of soy exported     farm to wholesaler, although it would have
from Brazil by Cargill went to the EU. Cargill’s     difficulty tracing data further down the supply
footprint that year was a total of 3,258,27          chain as the product gets further mixed and
hectares, of which 5,087 were linked to              refined. Tracing whole beans until they reach
deforestation (4,351 ha in the Cerrado, 82 ha        the wholesaler is technically feasible and
in the Mata Atlantica, and 654 ha in Amazonia).      would allow processors to confirm they are
This is equivalent to a CO2 emissions risk of        purchasing whole beans from a sustainable
1,004,399 tCO2e for Cargill’s Brazilian soy          source (Leong et al., 2018). Using blockchain
exports in 2018 (Trase, 2020).                       to trace soy with valid proof of proper CAR
                                                     registration from farms to storage silos
Soy producers are more likely to comply with         and beyond could create an incentive for
the Soy Moratorium than with legislation such        purchasers to confirm that their soy is
as the Forest Code (Azevedo et al., 2015)            compliant, regardless of the form it takes
owing to the fact that the Soy Moratorium            after processing (Proforest, 2020; Leong et
monitoring mechanism suffers from substantial        al., 2018).
limitations in recognizing deforestation at the
farm level. Trase (2020) notes that the Soy
Moratorium neither publishes blacklisted farms,
nor does it consider new deforestation on
existing farms in violation of the Legal Reserve.
As a result, it is not possible to verify that soy
exported under the Moratorium is legal. In an
assessment of the standards compliant with
the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation


    Table 4.1: Supply Chain Traceability Technology in the Soy Sector

      Technology             Use Case(s)                                             Example(s)
                                                                                     Orbital Insight, Trase,
                             Monitoring of soybean planting and associated           Sourcemap, INPE, GFW
      Remote sensing
                             deforestation                                           Pro, Asner Lab, Planet Inc.,
                                                                                     DroneDeploy, PrecisionHawk
                             Verifying soy genotype, which can be used to            DNA barcoding (ETH Zurich);
                             trace                                                   Oritain
      Big data and
      machine learning       Estimation of soy crop yields                           Descartes Labs soy forecast
                             Transparency and governance for supply
                             chain traceability, taxation, and import/export         IBM Food Trust traceability
                             documentation; “Smart contracts” which execute          system
                             automatically when certain criteria are fulfilled
                             Tracking of grains stored in warehouses for
      Devices (IoT)                                                                  CropMetrics
                             quality assurance

                                   4.2 Cattle                         Beef, unlike soy and timber, has an additional
                                                                      dimension of climate vulnerability due to the
                                   ranching                           disproportionately high GHG emissions per
                                                                      ton of protein. Beef requires more than 20
                            With an estimated 232                     times the area of land and emits 20 times
                            million head of cattle,                   more GHG emissions per gram of edible
                            Brazil has the world’s                    protein than common plant proteins such as
    second-largest herd and its production is                         beans (Ranganathan, J. et al. 2016). When
    largely based on grass (USDA, 2019). Cattle                       compared to fish or poultry, beef emits 10-
    ranching represents 8.5% of Brazilian GDP.                        12 times greater GHG emissions. Estimates
    While three quarters of the meat produced                         from the Food and Agriculture Organization
    is directed to the domestic market, 24% is                        of the United Nations indicate that beef
    sent to key export partners such as China,                        consumption in 2027 is expected to be 21%
    the United States, the EU, and Hong Kong                          higher in developing countries and 8% higher
    among others. This 24% represents 2,483                           in developed countries than it was over the
    1000 MT CWE, making Brazil the largest beef                       period 2015-2017 (OECD, 2018). As such, the
    exporter in the world. This comes as a direct                     cattle industry plays a central role in the fight
    consequence of the expansion of cattle activity                   against deforestation and climate change.
    in the Amazon where, since 1988, the number
    of cattle has almost quadrupled to 86 million in
                                                                      Of the 157 active meat-packing plants in the
    2018, accounting for 40% of the national total
                                                                      Amazon that are SIF and SIE registered (which
    (Amnesty International, 2020).
                                                                      is required to sell both within and out-of-state),
                                                                      Imazon data identified that JBS, Marfrig and


Minerva control 42% of the slaughter capacity,       Adherence to voluntary standards lags far
and another six firms help form a total of 60%       behind other sectors such as timber, soy,
of slaughter capacity (Barreto et al., 2017).        and palm oil. Leading standards such as the
Moreover, it is estimated that half of the supply    Brazilian Roundtable for Sustainable Livestock
ranches procure cattle from other smaller            (GTPS), the Multi-stakeholder Initiative for
farms where transparency and control is              Sustainable Beef Production Standards, and
limited. This indicates that the potential reach     the Standard for Sustainable Cattle Production
of key companies in the region is much larger        Systems of the Sustainable Agriculture
than currently quantified, leading some to put       Network (SAN) have seen relatively little uptake
the percentage of legal and illegal slaughter        (GTPS, 2007; Multi-stakeholder Initiative, 2009;
by JBS, Marfrig and Minerva as high as 70%           SAN, 1997). Other coalitions like the FAIRR
(Amazon Watch, 2019).                                initiative, with US$ 23 trillion in assets under
                                                     management affiliated with the platform, still
It is critical that these firms participate in and   lack the critical on-the-ground transparent
adhere to deep supply-chain transparency             and audited data to deepen their analysis and
standards in order to make any meaningful            reach.
progress in combating illegal deforestation. A
series of cases levied against these and other       Similarly, the Brazilian Identification System
firms by the Public Prosecutor’s Office resulted     for the Certification and Origin of Cattle and
in the signing of ‘TAC Carne’ in 2009, a term of     Buffalos (SISBOV), which was developed in
conduct seeking to condition non-prosecution         2002 as a tracking system for individual cattle
on compliance with environmental law, greater        as a condition to European export agreements,
transparency and reporting on supply-chain           is used only for specific European export
irregularities. The term’s impact on supply-         countries. SISBOV requires that the registration
chain sustainability has been underwhelming,         and tagging of cattle (and buffalo) must be
in large part due to lack of political will from     conducted within ten months after birth and
offenders and lack of transparent tracking and       always before any transfer off the farm. As of
land-registry data. While JBS continues to           June 2020, 1,654 farms (about 1.3% of the
report high incidence of beef procured from          total) were using SISBOV tagging systems.
deforested areas, Minerva has yet to sign the
agreement (Mengardo, 2018).                          According to Trase data, three firms were
                                                     responsible for 63% of beef exports in 2017:
A report released by Imazon analyzed the             JBS, Minerva and Marfrig, demonstrating the
overlay of meat-packing plants of large              potential progress SISBOV requirements to
companies on incidents of deforestation,             these firms, abroad, could generate. In July
risk of deforestation and embargos, and              of 2020, Marfrig, acutely conscious of these
identified significant risks that are not being      trends, adopted a technology-driven solution
adequately analysed, priced and mitigated.           and announced that it was investing R$500
JBS, for example, with 21 active plants in the       million to trace all cattle within its direct and
Amazon region (out of 37 total active plants in      indirect supply chain (from birth to slaughter)
Brazil) has 4.6 million hectares (an area larger     by 2030. According to their “Marfrig Verde
than Switzerland) exposed to risk: 1.7 million       +” report, a combination of ear-tags, chips,
hectares under embargo, 1.6 million hectares         landscape monitoring and blockchain will be
illegally deforested, and 1.2 million hectares at    used. Only time will tell the quality and efficacy
high risk of deforestation (Barreto et al., 2017).   of these efforts, but it proves as a useful
The scale of production that takes place in          indicator for how transparency of supply chains
the Amazon region demonstrates the level of          have become a necessary ESG policy as well
turnover-risk at stake.                              as necessary commercial decision.


     The lack of widespread adherence to cattle-                       as vaccines), it has great potential to be used
     tracking systems such as SISBOV has                               in environmental audits as well. If made public,
     meant tracking and transparency methods                           the GTA-e could be used to cross-check
     have remained rooted in non-dynamic                               satellite imagery with supplier ranches and the
     registries, thereby creating space for the                        movement of cattle. The proposal, repeatedly
     widespread practice of cattle-registry fraud.                     made to government by Marfrig, JBS and
     Environmental audits today are based on                           other meat-producers alike, has been met with
     the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), the                       lack of political will.
     cattle-movement permit (GTA-e), and the
     bill of sale (NF), each providing a fixed, land-                  Remote sensing has also been critical
     based registry, rather than dynamic tracking.                     in enabling academic and civil society
     The result is that many producers raise cattle                    researchers to better understand and monitor
     on deforested lands, and then send them for                       the irregular/illegal dimensions of cattle-
     fattening and GTA-e and CAR registration                          ranching activity. An Imazon 2018 report
     on legal, registered lands, making the links                      demonstrated that “the potential buying
     between legal and illegal activity difficult to                   zones for the meat-packing plants affect
     identify, prove, and mitigate.                                    regions that contain the majority of problems
                                                                       associated with deforestation in the Brazilian
     The CAR, therefore, represents a central                          Amazon: 88% of the total of embargoed areas
     piece of this puzzle - the excessive use of                       by Ibama, 88% of the area deforested from
     false names and overlapping registries (as the                    2010-2015 that was not embargoed (although
     CAR is self-declared and not audited) means                       a large share may be illegal) and about 90%
     that irregular activity of a certain geographical                 of the areas at greater risk for deforestation
     region can be identified by satellite, but cannot                 from 2016-2018” (Barreto et al., 2017).
     be traced to the companies or individuals                         More recently, Vale et al. (2019) mapped the
     responsible. This represents the greatest                         expansion of beef slaughterhouses in Mato
     hurdle from the perspective of quality of data                    Grosso by triangulating across multiple data
     of supply chains as well as ability to prosecute                  sources, including a registry of 21 million
     illegal actors. Lack of adoption of a public                      companies, government records of three
     and audited CAR, as well as better cattle                         million slaughter transactions (GTA), and high
     monitoring systems, has almost exclusively                        resolution satellite imagery. Studies of this kind
     been a consequence of lack of political will.                     greatly alter the quality and quantity of data
                                                                       available to financial institutions in terms of
     Equally, the GTA-e has become a hurdle to                         ESG and credit risk.
     greater transparency and auditing of suppliers.
     Initially conceived as a document to verify
     health and sanitary requirements of cattle (such


Table 4.2: Supply Chain Traceability Technology in the Ranching Sector

 Technology      Use Case(s)                                          Example(s)
 Remote          Satellite data analysis for agriculture census and
 sensing         deforestation monitoring
                 Verification of beef samples along the supply
                                                                      Eurofins Genomic Meat Sourcing
 Genomics        chain against databases of individual animals
                 that have been DNA profiled
 Big data and    Pattern recognition in imagery acquired by           Fire detection (PRODES);
 machine         satellite or drone; triangulation and cross-         Estimation of cattle herd size
 learning (AI)   validation of government records                     (Picterra)
                 GTA chain of custody, taxation, and import/
                 export documentation; “Smart contracts” which        Beefchain: Blockchain verified
                 execute automatically when certain criteria are      beef and sheep in Wyoming, USA
                                                                      SISBOV; Proposed USDA
                 Radio-frequency tracking devices for livestock;
 Devices (IoT)                                                        regulations for ear tags on cattle
                 Wearable dynamic tags from birth
                                                                      by Jan 1, 2023

                     4.3 Timber
                     The Brazilian tropical timber          Brazil ranks amongst the highest-risk countries
                     sector today is responsible            in terms of the risk of illegality in its timber
                     for the extraction of more             industry. Imazon (2013) estimated that over
                     than 13 million cubic                  70 percent of timber products from the
                     meters of hardwood logs                Amazon come from illegal operations, which
from Amazonian forests, generating around                   may involve theft of wood from conservation
US$3 billion in annual revenue (less than 10%               areas and indigenous reserves, use of slave
of the global hardwood market). While small                 labor, and laundering of stolen timber. A 2016
in comparison to the beef and soy industries,               analysis by BVRio found that more than 40
the sector nonetheless provides employment                  percent of the forest management operations
for over 200,000 people (BVRio, 2016). Yet,                 in the Brazilian states of Pará and Mato
there has been negligible progress in terms                 Grosso between 2007 and 2015 were at
of the adoption of sustainability standards.                medium to high risk of having involved severe
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified                  legal violations. Only 10 percent of the cases
operations account for less than 3% of the total            examined by BVRio showed no indications of
log production in the Brazilian Amazon, and                 irregularities (BVRio, 2016).
is diminishing as a result of unfair competition
from illegal sources (FSC, 1993; NYDF, 2019).               The difficulty of sourcing legal wood as
Operations certified by the Programme for the               required by legislation such as the U.S. Lacey
Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) such             Act, the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR), and
as the Brazilian Forest Certification Program               Australia’s Illegal Logging Prohibition Act
(CERFLOR) account for even less (PEFC, 1999;                (ILPA) has led many foreign companies to
CERFLOR, 2002; Ranganathan et al. 2016).                    refrain from buying timber products from the


     Amazon. These frameworks require traders                          CAR. More recently, remote sensing data
     and operators to conduct their own due                            from satellites (MapBiomas) and drones is
     diligence on the timber they import into these                    being combined with traceability systems and
     markets. The ability to conduct due diligence,                    technologies, including bar codes, computer
     however, is hindered by the fact that the state                   chips, radio frequency identifiers, GPS, and
     timber control systems (e.g., Mato Grosso and                     DNA identification. Supply chain information
     Pará) restrict the public availability of their data,             platforms, such as BVRio’s Timber Due
     making it difficult for third parties to conduct                  Diligence System, are using novel blockchain
     their own independent due diligence (BVRio,                       approaches to help buyers identify the sources
     2016). Even when documents are available,                         of products. Machine learning algorithms are
     they are often characterized by various types of                  being applied to the resulting large volumes
     fraud (Brancalion et al., 2018).                                  of data in order to detect potential illegalities.
                                                                       Table 4.1 provides a brief overview of how
     A number of approaches have been used for                         these technologies are being used.
     tracing timber products’ origins and screening
     them for legality (BVRio, 2016). The classic
     approach consists of field audits and spot
     checks by independent auditors to verify
     whether operations conform to expected
     rules, regulations or standards - such as the

     Table 4.3: Supply Chain Traceability Technology in the Timber Sector

       Technology             Use Case(s)                                Example(s)
                              LiDAR-based assessment of forest           Rainforest Connection (RFCx);
       Remote sensing
                              degradation                                MapBiomas alerts
                                                                         British Columbia Ministry of Forests
       Genomics               DNA fingerprinting
                                                                         microsatellite markers for red cedar
       Big data and                                                      Xylotron identifies over 150 species of
                              Cross-validation and triangulation of
       machine learning                                                  wood more accurately than trained law
                              georeferenced records
       (AI)                                                              enforcement personnel
                              Highly-transparent, decentralized
                                                                         BVRio’s Timber Due Diligence System
       Blockchain             digital smart contracts to prevent
                                                                         and Trading Platform
                              Bar codes, computer chips, and
                                                                         Greenpeace Brazil covert GPS
       Devices (IoT)          RFID applied to timber shipments;
                                                                         surveillance of timber trucks
                              GPS tracking of trucks


5. Recommendations
Financial institutions are uniquely positioned      •   Moreover, as many as 10,000 properties
to incentivize public and private sector action         registered under the CAR also overlap with
and have a fiduciary responsibility to their            indigenous territories, infringing upon their
shareholders to mitigate increasing credit              legal and human rights, with little recourse
risks arising from natural capital degradation          until this data becomes publicly accessible.
and carbon-intensive industries. As such,
financial actors should extend their central        •   Equally, the GTA-e could be used to
role in improving transparency by leading a             cross-check satellite imagery with supplier
multi-stakeholder approach on environmental             ranches and the movement of cattle,
crime, deforestation, and thereby, climate              making significant progress towards
change. There are at least three measures that,         eliminating cattle fraud.
when adopted and advocated for as priorities
by financial institutions, could have a rapid,
effective and large-scale impact on limiting
illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.      Therefore, it is imperative that:

                                                    •   Financial institutions directly appeal to
5.1 Legislation and Policy                              FEBRABAN to make CAR data, that is
                                                        already available to FEBRABAN, available
First, the financial sector should advocate for         to individual institutions on a rolling-basis;
greater market transparency through a public            and,
and audited Rural Environmental Registry
(Cadastro Ambiental Rural - CAR) and a public       •   Financial institutions make a public appeal,
GTA-e:                                                  in line with public written appeals made by
                                                        private enterprises on deforestation (e.g.,
•   The CAR and GTA-e data serve as                     the letter from 38 Brazilian business-owners
    critical pieces in linking individual and/          to General Mourao) to make CAR and
    or commercial actors to specific,                   GTA-e data publicly available and audited
    geographically defined, plots of land and/          through validation of an environmental
    or herds of cattle that, in turn, can be            authority.
    monitored with satellites to detect illegal
    deforestation. These two databases
    need to be made public, and need to be
    audited and validated by their respective
    environmental authorities.

•   To date, prosecutors estimate that as
    many as 30% of existing CAR registries
    are fraudulent as a result of this lack of
    transparency, further complicating the
    ability of public prosecutors to identify the
    perpetrators of illegal activity, and policy
    makers to create more fitting legislation to
    tackle these crimes.


     5.2 Credit Conditionality                                             embargo, and satellite data) into its credit
                                                                           approval process that is monitored on an
                                                                           annual basis (Rabobank, 2020).
     Second, it is critical that the financial sector
     condition credit approval on robust land
     registry information (e.g., CAR) and SISBOV                       •   Meanwhile, Banco do Brasil removed
     and GTA-e information (in the case of cattle)                         a credit guideline related to minimizing
     that is triangulated and verified by satellite data                   damage on protected forest areas in
     (among other technologies):                                           2018, reducing its ESG score and further
                                                                           exposing it to un-mapped credit risks
                                                                           (Thomson and Rogerson, 2020).
     •    Incorporating land registries (CAR) and
          satellite data (PRODES, MapBiomas alerts)
                                                                       Therefore it is imperative that:
          into compliance and ESG metrics has
          been proven possible from a technical
          perspective. However, progress has been                      •   More stringent compliance checks in the
          limited due to issues of governance. The                         form of the land registry (CAR) and satellite
          Public Prosecutor’s Office has repeatedly                        triangulation (MapBiomas) be adopted for
          appealed to the Brazilian Federation                             all credit agreements for all entities exposed
          of Banks (FEBREBAN) to integrate                                 to any deforestation risk. In other words, in
          deforestation and embargo data into credit                       doing business with firms that operate in
          approvals in an effort to curb financing of                      climate-vulnerable sectors, any modality of
          illegal projects.                                                credit, should be made conditional upon
                                                                           deforestation metrics;
     •    Multinational company loans’ use of
          proceeds are predominantly for “general                      •   SISBOV and GTA-e requirements
          working capital purposes” – a catch-all                          be adopted for cattle-industry loan-
          term that does not distinguish activities in a                   agreements, such that cattle movement
          suburb of Sao Paulo from those in high-risk                      can be actively tracked, avoiding fraud and
          environmental crime areas.                                       providing additional data to triangulate CAR
                                                                           and satellite data;
     •    Equally, commercial loans made to small
          local operators (that are often directly or                  •   Small-scale commercial loan applicants be
          indirectly supplying the larger corporations)                    required to present a verified land registry
          in deforestation-risk regions are approved                       (CAR) that can be triangulated with satellite
          on the basis of personal or commercial                           imagery (see, for example, MapBiomas and
          entity credit scores, rather than an analysis                    the Terras app), as well as tracking verification
          of the use – or geographical location -                          for the cattle (GTA-e and SISBOV) or crop to
          of proceeds (usually for a plot of land,                         be purchased. This would prevent financing
          equipment or cattle/crops). This creates                         of small-to-medium scale operations that
          significant risks for local bank branches                        operate in at-risk or embargoed areas, greatly
          as they knowingly or unknowingly lend to                         limiting the unintentional exposure many large
          entities operating irregularly or illegally.                     buyers have from small producers; and,

     •    Some institutions are already moving in                      •   Proper adherence to the Program for
          this direction: Rabobank, the largest bank                       Environmental Regularization (PRA)
          in the food and agribusiness sector and                          be made an additional conditionality
          2nd highest-ranked Forest 500 financial                          to credit agreements for those that
          institution, has integrated the use of                           have exceeded the legal limits for
          MapBiomas (cross-validating the CAR,                             deforestation on their properties.


5.3 Physical and Transitional                        •   identifying clear adhesion plans to these
                                                         deforestation metrics with portfolio
De-Risking Instruments                                   companies over a specific time-frame; and,

Third, financial institutions must fully integrate   •   incentivizing financing agreements with
deforestation and land-use indicators into               companies that are already working to
their existing ESG evaluation and reporting              meet deforestation and land-use metrics.
metrics to more accurately measure physical
and transitional risks throughout companies’
                                                     Adoption of these priorities will significantly
supply chains:
                                                     improve the transparency of supply chains,
                                                     raise credit approval standards, and bolster
•   Financial institutions, by requiring the         financial institutions’ capacity to de-risk
    routine reporting of company suppliers that      portfolios in climate-vulnerable sectors.
    are involved in regular, irregular, or illegal   From an environmental standpoint, these
    activity, would be able to more accurately       three priorities have the potential to drive
    measure deforestation risk across their          transparency and thereby hold public and
    investment portfolios and thereby, systemic      private actors more accountable in terms of
    risk to climate-vulnerability.                   supply chain impacts on natural capital, while
                                                     reducing the frequency and scale of financing
•   International ESG reporting standards,           of irregular projects.
    foreign-direct investment conditionality,
    international carbon trading markets, and        We have limited time to act. The Amazon
    traditional trade agreements with Brazil         is nearing its critical ‘tipping point’, beyond
    are likely to create ever more relevant          which both the Amazon biome and
    transitional risks for companies that fail       our global climate will suffer irreversible
    to adopt deforestation metrics. In April of      damages, negatively impacting not only local
    2020, the European Commission confirmed          communities but also entire industries in the
    that voluntary measures had not been             Amazon and Cerrado regions that depend
    effective in identifying, accounting, and        on natural capital and represent a significant
    mitigating human rights and environmental        portion of Brazilian GDP. By taking action
    impacts in commodity supply chains and           on the concrete steps proposed herein,
    signaled an EU-wide mandatory legislation        the financial sector is uniquely positioned
    for 2021.                                        to shape the agenda and drive the change
                                                     needed in order to avoid this outcome.
Financial institutions must understand, account
for, and monitor the risks associated with these
changes, specifically by:

•   assessing and monitoring the transitional
    risks associated with portfolio companies
    shifting to more rigorous international
    reporting standards and any potential
    impacts this may have (depending
    on length of uptake) on foreign direct
    investment and trade agreements;


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