5 June 2022 Pentecost - Led by the Spirit

Page created by Rodney Fischer
5 June 2022 Pentecost - Led by the Spirit
5 June 2022
         Pentecost - Led by the Spirit
Today's service comes from page 476 of the New Zealand Prayer
  Book, and will be available online via Facebook or YouTube

Readings                  Sentence
Acts 2:1-21               “This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot
Romans 8:14-17            receive, because it neither sees him nor knows
John 14:8-17              him. You know him, because he abides with you,
                          and he will be in you.”
                                                                    John 14:17
                 Holy Spirit of God,
                 as of fire, forging, purging, all-consuming:
                 touch us with love,
                 purge us from the dross of sin and self,
                 so that we may tell your glory
                 in the furnace of the world.
                 With the Father and the Son,
                 you live and reign,
                 one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Welcome to St Aidan’s! Please join us for morning tea in the Gathering Area
 after our services. If you are new, or would like more information, please
       make sure to introduce yourself and fill in a Newcomer’s form.

          WORSHIP               CARING               MISSION
                     5 Ascot Avenue, Remuera, Auckland
5 June 2022 Pentecost - Led by the Spirit
What’s on at St Aidan’s                              Prayers
                                       •   Our church groups,
              Today                        particularly AAW as they
         Day of Pentecost                  meet on Tuesday
8am - Holy Communion service.          •   Give thanks that the chaplains are
                                           now allowed back on site at Wiri
9:30am - Family Service with Holy          prison
                                       •   World Environment Day giving
Live streamed on our Facebook page         thanks for those who work to raise
and uploaded later to our YouTube          awareness of environmental issues
channel.                                   and who take action to protect the
           This Week
Office Closed - Monday 6th June for
Queen’s Birthday holiday.
                                                    Coming Up
Assoc of Anglican Women (AAW) -        Festal Choral Evensong to celebrate
Tuesday 7th June, 1:30pm in the GA.    the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - Next
2022 is the first year our nation      Sunday 12th June, 3pm at All Saints
officially observes and enjoys a       Ponsonby.
holiday to celebrate Matariki: The     Pins & Needles - Monday 13th June,
Māori New Year. The Rev’d Kerry        10am in the GA.
Davis will speak on Matariki and its
                                       Waiata Reserve Tree Planting -
significance. Everyone welcome.
                                       Saturday 18th June from 10am.
Mid Week Communion service -
                                       Women’s Evening Fellowship -
Wednesday 11:30am in the Church.
                                       Tuesday 21st June, 7:30pm in the GA.
Weekly Prayer Meeting - 9am each
                                       Office Closed - Friday 24th June for
Thursday in the GA.
                                       Matariki holiday.
Mission Shop - open 10am to 2pm
                                       Sustainability Champions Workshop
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
                                       - Saturday 9th July.
          Next Week                               * Save the Date *
8am - Holy Communion service.          Parish Quiz Night - Friday 5th August.
9:30am - Family Service with Holy      Garage Sale 2022 - Saturday 10th
Communion.                             September.
5 June 2022 Pentecost - Led by the Spirit
Sustainability Workshop                   ATWC Annual PJ Appeal
A Sustainability Champions               The Anglican Trust for Women &
Workshop will be held on Saturday        Children’s Annual PJ Appeal has
9th July, 9:30am to 3pm at St John’s     begun again for this winter. Donated
Royal Oak. Guests from Eco-Church        PJs can be left in the GA for AAW
and Gardens4Health will be               members to pass on. Please mark for
speaking. Scan the QR code for info      ATWC, leave with
and registration, or email               the office, or pass
sustainability.fieldworker@auckland      on to an AAW
anglican.org.nz                          member.
Anyone with a
passion for
sustainability                                   Confirmations
welcome to attend.                       Confirmation groups will get
                                         underway soon. Please make contact
 Parish Prayer Directory                 with Kerry if you are interested. All
                                         ages welcome.
A new edition of the Parish Prayer
Directory is currently being put
together and a draft copy is available            Tree Planting
for checking today. We try to make
                                         The Waiata Reserve tree planting
changes as they happen, but these
                                         day will be held on Saturday 18th
sometimes ‘slip through the cracks’,
                                         June, from 10am (for approx. 3
so please have a look and let Anne in
                                         hours). As well as diggers and
the office know if your details are
                                         planters, we have been asked to
incorrect. We hope to have new
                                         supply some volunteers to run the
print copies available within a couple
                                         barbecue. Food and equipment is
of weeks.
                                         supplied, we will just need some
                                         people to cook and serve sausages.
    Memories of +Peter                   Sign up on the clipboard in the GA,
As a feature in our St Aidan’s Day       or register directly via Conservation
magazine we would like to include        Volunteers’ Facebook event.
some memories of Bishop Peter
from as many St Aidan’s whānau as
possible. If you have a memory of
him to share, words of wisdom from
him, etc. please send to the office.
Regular Events @ St Aidan’s
                    8:00am Holy Communion
Sunday Services
                    9:30am Family Communion with Youth and Kids’ Church
Wednesday Service   11:30am Holy Communion without music held each Wednesday
                    Thursday mornings at 9am in the GA, or join from home via Zoom - Enter the Zoom online
                    meeting ID: 959 1932 0025, or phone: +64 9 884 6780 and enter Passcode 1 #.
Youth               School aged youth (11 and over), Sun at 9:30am service and Fri at 7:00pm. Contact Nic.
Kids’ Church        All children aged 3-10 during the 9:30am service. Contact Izzi.
                    Wednesday at 9:30am in the Hall during school terms. Music and play for families with
Mainly Music
                    pre-school aged children.
Choir Practice      Practise Saturdays, 10:00am in the Bethel Room (in the upstairs offices). Contact Antoinette.
                    All welcome! Contact your home group leader, or speak to Sheryl or Louise for information
Home Groups
                    about joining a Home Group.
AAW                 A women's fellowship group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm in the GA.
WEF                 A women’s evening fellowship group. Meets monthly on 3rd Tuesday at 7:30pm in the GA.
Pins & Needles      A knitting for charity group. Meets monthly on 2nd Monday at 10:00am in the GA. All Welcome
Men’s Ministry      Meets on the last Thursday of each month for breakfast at 7:30am. Contact Pete.
                    Meditation each Wednesday 9:45am - contact Anne 524 2452.
St Aidan’s Vestry   Next formal meeting 23rd June, 7:30pm in the GA.

                                    Contacts @ St Aidan’s
Office:          Anne Godman                            Mainly Music:
                                                           Vicki White
Mon-Fri 9 - 3:30 office@staidans.co.nz                  Wed 9:30am
                 929 4670 ext 1                         Men’s Ministry:
                                                           Pete Macaulay 021 488 485
Vicar:           The Rev’d Louise Anderson                 peter@no1.co.nz
Sun              W 929 4670 ext 4        Mission Shop:     Jenny Haggitt 0277 129 548
Tues pm-Sat am M 027 448 4467
                 louise@staidans.co.nz   Outreach:         Barbara Weir 021 1701468
Priest Associate The Rev’d Kerry Davis   Pastoral Care:    Desré Simpson 021 1611 435
Sun-Thur         W 929 4670 ext 2        Pins & Needles: Gail Hodder 585 1290
                 M 022 364 9594                            family@thehodders.co.nz
                 kerry@staidans.co.nz    Prayer Circle:    Karel Lee 027 326 1014
Vicar’s Warden: James Parkinson 579 7930                   karelblee@gmail.com
                                         Privacy Officer:
People’s Warden: Desré Simpson 021 1611 435                Miles Brown
AAW:             Christine K 027 488 2472                  privacy@staidans.co.nz
                 kennedy.nzl@gmail.com   Website           Isobell Tregoweth
Accounts:        accounts@staidans.co.nz & Social Media: staidansremuera@gmail.com
                 or contact the office   Women’s Evening Jan Evans 578 1505
Choir:           Antoinette Pope 624 9090Fellowship:       jannigel@icloud.com
Home Group                               Young Adults:
                 Sheryl Swanevelder 578 2520               Isobell Tregoweth
Coordinators:    Louise Anderson 929 4670ex4               staidansremuera@gmail.com
Kids’ Church:    Isabelle (Izzi) Hoskyn  Youth:            Nic Mercer
                 929 4670 ext 5                            youth@staidans.co.nz
                 children@staidans.co.nz Youth Band:       Contact the office
Library:         Anne Mercer 520 2861                   www.facebook.com/staidansremuera
Bank Account for direct deposits:                  www.facebook.com/staidansmissionshop
St Aidans Church Remuera 06-0257-0052666-13             www.instagram.com/staidansremuera
 Please use your giving number as reference and contact the office if you are unsure what it is.
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