5 Ways to Make Your Learning Program Work for You - gomo Learning

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5 Ways to Make Your Learning Program Work for You - gomo Learning

       5 Ways to Make Your Learning
       Program Work for You

       Learner expectations have changed dramatically over the past few years, so how can you make sure your learning
       program is where it should be? Read on to discover the 5 keys ways to get more out of your learning programs.

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5 Ways Table
          to Make  Your Learning Program Work for You:
   Index:       of contents                                                                  1         1
   Building a Strategy for Success

   Although two-thirds of companies still lack
   a well-defined learning technology
   strategy1, progress is being made. More
   than 70 percent of organizations are now
   deploying learning technology in some
   way2—and for these organizations, the more
   closely this technology is integrated with
   business outcomes, the more effective the
   learning program.

   In this ebook, we’ll look at some of the ways you can
   optimize your learning programs through technology
   and content to meet your employees where they are
   and take them where they need to be to drive business

   “We need to bring learning to
   people instead of people to learning”

   		                     – eLearning guru Elliott Masie

   Let’s get started.

   1-2. Brandon Hall Group (2018), ‘Managing the Complexity of Modern Learning Technology’

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   Index: Table of contents                                  1         1

                         1    Finding and Curating Content

                         2    Translating Content

                         3    Managing User-Generated Content

                         4    Tracking Content and Performance

                         5    Rewarding Learner Initiative

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5 Ways to Make Your Learning Program Work for You - gomo Learning
                     Finding and
                   Curating Content

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   Finding and Curating Content                                                  1         1

   We know that acquiring and assembling content is one of
   the priorities for L&D teams and an intrinsic part of any
   learning program. More than half of organizations now
   spend at least a fifth of their overall learning budget on
   content creation3, with around 20 percent of companies
   spending more than half of their budget on it4.

   But what is content curation?
   Think of your learning content as a series of different pieces. Your
   content library gives you a place to collect these. When they’re filtered
   well, they offer a variety of sources and perspectives on each learning
   topic. Having this in one authoritative, easy-to-find place is much more
   likely to keep the learner engaged.

   Content curation helps you to:

   •    Identify skills gaps and source content to fill gaps within a seamless
        learner experience
   •    Turn your existing content into personalized, relevant experiences
   •    Reinvigorate your learning program without a big budget

   Curating learning content is a big investment—and this content
   comes from a variety of sources, ranging from off-the-shelf to custom
   eLearning courses.

   3-4. DataNow (2017), ‘Learning Content 2017 Snapshot’

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   Finding and Curating Content                                                                    1                                                                    1

   However, engaging learners with this content still        when they might be able to build their knowledge,          When learners have tight time budgets, it makes it
   represents a major challenge. Learners identify the       and find it most convenient to learn when they find        even more important for them to be able to quickly
   following as reasons why they don’t engage more           pockets of time inside and outside of working hours.       and easily find the learning content that’s relevant
   readily with learning content:                                                                                       to them. And if that content contains the critical
                                                             For example, traveling to meetings or commuting to         components of a modern learning program—such
   i) A Lack of Time                                         and from the office can provide an ideal opportunity       as microlearning, mobile learning, games, and
                                                             for people to access a new training module or brush        assessments—all the better to increase learner
   Fifty-five percent of learners5 say they have little or   up on the product specifications they are about to         engagement.
   no time to carry out training. Our working lives are      make a presentation on. Some employees might
   busy and the challenge of prioritizing our time wisely    prefer to use part of their lunch break for learning, or
   seems to become more complex all the time. We             even their leisure time at night or on weekends.
   know that employees can’t always precisely plan

   5. Towards Maturity (2018), ‘How Modern Workers Learn’

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   Finding and Curating Content                                                         1         1

   ii) Uninspiring Content
   The old days of learning at work being based around dusty handbooks and
   dreary demonstrations are quickly disappearing, but 36 percent of learners still
   find content uninspiring6. As that statistic suggests, the problem of content that
   fails to land with learners still looms large.

   But newer approaches, faster technologies and better content authoring tools
   are changing that.

   Rather than rigidly sticking to eLearning or classroom teaching, most
   companies now recognize that informal and experiential learning can have just
   as much value as traditional, formal teaching.

   By mixing their learning up, organizations are creating experiences that
   better meet the ways in which people actually learn. When learning is either
   important or business-critical, 80 percent of organizations say they use a mix
   of these elements to deliver content7, while three-quarters deliver experiences
   tailored to their learners’ needs and the subject8.

   To deliver these mixed and tailored experiences, companies are looking at
   learning technology providers that consult with them to solve their unique
   business needs rather than those that attempt to customize off-the-shelf
   technology to fit a directive.

   6. Towards Maturity (2018), ‘How Modern Workers Learn’

   7-8. Training (2018), ‘The Evolution of Blended Learning’

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   Finding and Curating Content                                                                              1                                                                     1

   iii) Inability to Find the Content They                              Google and Netflix universe” has “finally seeped” into   exactly what they are looking for within seconds.
                                                                        the world of enterprise learning10. That’s good news     This means choosing systems and tools with smart,
                                                                        given that less than half of employees are satisfied     efficient, and inviting interfaces can be critical when
   The modern digital landscape has given people                        with the relevance of the content provided by their      it comes to bringing learning to people rather than
   expectations of ease of use and immediacy when it                    organization11.                                          forcing people to find learning.
   comes to navigating and locating content. Search
   engines and consumer sites that use continuous                       From an L&D point of view, improving this situation
   scrolling are among the best examples of this, but                   also depends on making the most of the familiarity
   learning programs have been slow to catch up9.                       learners have with the design and user experience
                                                                        these sites provide. Technology features including
   As David Wentworth, a Principal Learning Analyst                     content tagging, speech to text, captioning analysis,
   at Brandon Hall Group, puts it, our “smartphone,                     and robust search will help your employees to find

   9. Towards Maturity (2018), ‘How Modern Workers Learn’

   10. Brandon Hall Group (2018), ‘Rearview Mirror’

   11. Human Resources Today (2018), ‘Top 9 learning trends for 2018’

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   Finding and Curating Content                                                                     1         1

   iv) Barriers Presented by Existing Technologies
   Part of the reason why it’s taken so long for organizational learning to evolve is due to
   outdated technology. Historically, companies have been reluctant to reassess and change
   their legacy technologies and content—understandable when they have so much invested in
   these systems. However, the fact is that the older learning technologies like the LMS simply
   cannot provide all the modern-day learning experience our employees expect.

   Technologies used by L&D teams in the past, specifically the LMS, served a purpose a decade
   ago: to record formal learning from registration, to completion, to assessment. However,
   these systems worked when the learning culture was to push learning to a generation that
   was willing and amenable to being told to do something.

   We are no longer living in that culture.

   Today’s employees want to capture learning on their own devices via video or photo,
   share experiences via social or text, and want to ‘play’ a part in the design, creation, and
   experience. This modern learning culture has forced a change in the types of technologies
   we choose.

   In order to manage this type of content, we should be choosing cloud-based tools. We have
   to being willing to push through the walls of an LMS and allow for content to be published
   anywhere, and we also have to be willing and ready for employees to create learning
   content on their own devices.

   Every company will leverage this type of technology differently as levels of collaboration and
   confidentiality vary from organization to organization.

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   Security and Permissions in the Cloud

   In the retail space, companies are required to deliver training
   to dispersed locations throughout the world. And yet, the
   training itself must be highly accurate and fit into what tends
   to be an hourly schedule and in the hands of employees who
   only have access via their own mobile devices.

   For one global organization providing learning to 120,000 employees
   in 2,000 locations, providing and maintaining an in-house infrastructure
   would require a huge amount of resources. However, a cloud-based service
   allows the business to call upon the world’s best servers, storage and
   security. Providing a Netflix-style video portal at scale, the company utilizes
   an incredibly rapid and durable cloud-based infrastructure to host, create
   and store their online video learning library.

   Its hugely popular modern learning platform gives separate access criteria
   to different users. Users are automatically enrolled in specific groups,
   including employees, customers and partners and are given particular
   permission and access approved by IT. They also use Single Sign On (SSO)
   capabilities. This allows their learners to access all of the material specific
   to them any time via a seamless experience without sacrificing security.

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   Finding and Curating Content                                                                     1                                                                    1

   How to Become the Content Curator                           Your learning tools should allow you to upload and       to not consider video capabilities in your learning
                                                               organize almost any type of content into one place,      technology mix. The latest learning tools allow you
   Your Modern Learning Program Needs
                                                               with functionality such as drag and drop making it       to add voiceovers, screen captures, slides, tags and
   Transforming your training into a modern learning           easy to accomplish. From there, you should be able to    more to really make your content shine.
   program is the perfect opportunity to revisit existing      administrate secure and authenticated access to make
   content, re-organize it and present it in a bold,           sure only the right people see what they need to see.    This is an opportunity to provide personalized
   inspiring new way. This doesn’t necessarily mean                                                                     learning paths across the content library to drive
   lots of bells and whistles; it means creating crisp,        Further, your learning platform should support all       specific skill or job-based certifications. You can also
   relevant and purposeful content assets and storing          types of content as well as at least minor editing/      insert prerequisites, quizzes and knowledge checks to
   them into a shared and searchable library.                  authoring capabilities so that your own team can         help ensure learners have absorbed knowledge and
                                                               make improvements to rapidly changing content.           guide them through curriculums.
   Think about all the types of learning content your
   organization has gathered and created over the              A survey of more than 1,000 respondents from across      Once you have organized your content and mapped
   years. These might include:                                 several industries revealed a massive shift in the use   out learner paths, you can start to get creative. The
                                                               of video. In 2009, only 41 percent of organizations      right learning platform will give you everything you
   •     Videos                                                included video in their L&D offering. By 2017, that      need to repurpose, enhance and deliver content with
   •     PowerPoint files                                      figure had soared to more than 92 percent12. To add      speed and confidence.
   •     Audio files                                           to that, more than two-thirds of organizations say
   •     Recorded meetings                                     they have started using video learning within the past
   •     PDFs                                                  five years13. This trend makes it impossible for you

   12-13. Elearning Guild (2017), ‘Using Video for Learning’

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   Implementing Mobile Learning Successfully

   In a mobile-first world, the number of people solely using a
   smartphone is now almost double the number relying only on
   a desktop computer14.

   One large European telecommunications company uses gomo to design
   eLearning that meets learners where they are, at their moment of need.
   Whether they want to watch a video tutorial or finish a quiz, the learning
   they take looks great on desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

   The ‘secret’ behind this is adaptive and responsive design. As well as
   ensuring learning content looks great on any device and screen size, this
   approach helps their L&D team to test their design on different devices in
   advance and specify certain display settings when necessary.

   The organization use gomo to support people with just-in-time workplace
   learning in short segments lasting between three and five minutes. This
   approach, known as microlearning, is an incredibly useful way for people
   to learn, particularly when they’re short on time during their working day.

   In their first year of launch, a US-based manufacturing company who took
   this approach to video content was rewarded with more than 91,500 views.

   14. Think With Google (2016), ‘Latest mobile trends show how people use their devices’

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   Translating Content                                                                                                         1         2

   Bringing down language barriers can transform the way
   organizations operate. That’s always been true in a business
   sense, with research from the European Parliament, for example,
   demonstrating that a common language directly increases trade
   streams by 44 percent15.

   From a learning point of view, communicating content to employees in multiple
   different languages has traditionally been a complex challenge. Using the internet
   to translate a word or phrase might be easy enough when you’re in a foreign
   country, but converting an entire course into another language is a different matter.

   As well as being perceived as a costly and time-consuming process, lack of
   translation capabilities can be a barrier to success if your business is looking to:

   •     Offer multilingual training to new and existing staff
   •     Expand into different growth areas and geographic regions
   •     Provide extended enterprise learning for clients and partners

   Many businesses are looking to train staff or extended enterprises in new countries.
   An example of this is the increasing reach of companies in China. The value of
   exports to China from the UK alone quadrupled between 2004 and 2011, with a
   total value of £12.5 billion.

   Whatever the size or international ambitions of your business, it’s more
   straightforward than you think to start deploying highly effective translation
   techniques right now.

   15: European Parliament (2016), ‘Research for Cult Committee — European Strategy for Multilingualism: Benefits and Costs’

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   Translating Content                                                                    1         2

   Integrating Third-Party Translation Services
   One of the easiest ways to begin taking advantage of these possibilities is
   to work with tools that support connecting to third-party APIs (Application
   Programming Interface). This is the way applications integrate with each other,
   and allows you to access systems that can process audio and video content.
   Your learning tools should be configurable so that they work with almost any
   third-party provider that has an API for their service.

   That means your learning tools can take advantage of the 200 million people
   who use Google Translate every month, and make use of other widely-used
   translation services to provide the best quality and always improving translation
   of your content. Of course machine-driven translations are never perfect, so
   make sure to provide an easy-to-use interface to allow users in the local region
   to tweak and localize the translation.

   Automated Translation for Instant Global Reach
   If you’ve ever translated learning content in the past, you might be used to
   budgeting for a significant outlay in time and resources towards translation
   services. Then there’s the waiting around for the translations to arrive, as well as
   the challenge of embedding them into your system.

   With a solution such as gomo video, the process is infinitely more simple. By
   using Google’s speech-to-text and translation services—powered by quantum
   computing and machine learning—you can pretty accurately, instantly translate
   your content and provide captioning for videos in 103 languages16.

   16. Google (2016), ‘Ten years of Google Translate’

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   Captioning and timestamping used to
   be an intricate and lengthy process.
   Auto-captioning has made life much
   easier for one company that used to
   spend hours adding these features to
   their learning videos.

   Since moving to gomo video, all new videos
   that are uploaded or recorded are automatically
   captioned and timestamped. Learners can search
   and use these timestamps to jump to the points in
   the videos that are relevant to them—highly useful
   in longer videos when they need to find out what a
   product can do in a matter of seconds.

   Employees can turn the captions on or off, and
   although the L&D team enjoys not having to
   worry about adding captions, they can also use
   the simple interface to add or edit captions and
   timestamps manually if the need arises.

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   Translating Content                                                                         1                                                                    2

   How You Can Benefit From Rapid                          This super-fast translation capability means that        This central storage point enhances the searchability
                                                           none of your learners miss out on your training, and     and ease-of-use functionality we mentioned earlier.
   Translation Services
                                                           ensures that everyone can participate in the important
   While Google Translate isn’t completely perfect yet,    conversations that take place around learning content.   As the content is kept in the existing data structure
   the technology is very accurate and improving all                                                                your video learning tool provides, your learners can
   the time. It is trusted by companies around the world   Multilingual Searchability                               search for it in any language and discover content.
   as an invaluable way of communicating content                                                                    Again, this accessible search functionality mirrors
   to learners who might not otherwise be able to          All of your externally-processed content can be sent     the familiarity of hugely popular platforms such as
   understand it.                                          back to your video learning library, keeping you in      Netflix, optimizing the learner experience and driving
                                                           control and allowing your learners to search for it.     up engagement rates.

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                   User-Generated Content

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   Managing User-Generated Content                                                           1         3

   Organizations contain vast amounts of knowledge.
   Whether that knowledge relates to the internal workings
   of the company or the industries and sectors it operates in,
   technology allows organizations to tap into it.

   For all the hype that has surrounded it at times, social learning is more than
   a buzzword—as long as it’s properly planned and deployed, it’s extremely

   Seventy-eight percent of workers are excited to use technology to network
   and learn from each other17, and facilitating peer-to-peer learning holds the
   key to a more social and open working environment18.

   Providing a Direct Link to Wide-Ranging Expertise
   Technology allows organizations to tap into the vast amounts of
   knowledge—both institutional and otherwise—within their workforces.
   So whether it is giving a subject matter expert a drag-and-drop tool to
   create programs or simply providing a forum for people to ask questions,
   knowledge has never flowed more freely thanks to effective learning tools.

   One of the main reasons why user-generated content is so useful is because
   it allows learners to talk about their experiences and skills directly. They
   get to offer relatable perspectives on how they accomplished a task or
   overcame a challenge.

   17. Towards Maturity (2018), ‘Challenging business assumptions about how workers learn’
   18. World of Learning (2015), ‘The power of peer-to-peer learning’

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   Managing User-Generated Content                                                                                                1                                                                  3

   Empowering employees to have this powerful                                               •     Peer-to-Peer                                        •   Employee to SME or Mentor
   voice within learning programs creates a spirit and                                            This builds on the social tendencies people have,       In large companies, 91 percent of subject matter
   environment of continuous collaboration—a very                                                 and already happens informally across every             experts are involved in learning programs24—
   important asset when workers name collaboration                                                workplace (think of emails or message apps).            underlining how important it is that organizations
   as the most useful way of learning, with 91 percent                                            Back in 2010, it was reported that early adopter        make the most of these experts’ input.
   singling it out19.                                                                             British Telecom’s technology-driven peer-to-peer
                                                                                                                                                      •   Employee to Community
                                                                                                  learning system was achieving $12,000,000
                                                                                                                                                          Creating a sense of support and shared
   As you might expect, people in expert roles are far                                            of benefits per annum in cost savings and
                                                                                                                                                          experience for employees encourages them
   more likely to participate in developing in-house                                              performance20.
                                                                                                                                                          to create and share content. Eighty-seven
   learning content. Giving your subject matter experts
                                                                                            •     Employee to Manager                                     percent of employees say that sharing
   the best tools to create and share their knowledge
                                                                                                  Increased manager involvement was named by              knowledge with their team is critical for
   makes it easier to leverage your internal knowledge
                                                                                                  LinkedIn as the second-biggest challenge for            learning 25.
   in a way that’s budget-friendly and time-efficient.
                                                                                                  talent development in 201821. Involving managers
                                                                                                                                                      •   Employee to Brand
                                                                                                  in employee learning increases engagement and
   Let’s look at some of the relationships that can be                                                                                                    User-generated content encourages employees
                                                                                                  impact22, and nine out of 10 employees under the
   strengthened by user-generated content:                                                                                                                to interact with your brand and share their
                                                                                                  age of 30 believe managerial support is essential
                                                                                                                                                          reflections. It’s also a chance for your
                                                                                                  or very useful23.
   19. Towards Maturity (2018), ‘How Modern Workers Learn’
                                                                                                                                                          organization to showcase your brand and
   20. Learning Solutions (2010), ‘Creating Safer Peer-to-Peer Learning Experiences’                                                                      underline key messages.
   21-22. LinkedIn (2018), ‘2018 Workplace Learning Report’
   23. Towards Maturity (2016), ‘The Learner Voice Part 3’
   24. DataNow (2017): ‘Learning Content 2017 Snapshot’
   25. Bersin by Deloitte (2015), ‘Investing in Learning Content: Redefining Priorities to Keep Up with the Modern Learner’

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   Managing User-Generated Content                                                                             1         3

   One great example of how user-generated content is thriving comes from
   Google. Each year, thousands of the company’s employees volunteer
   to teach classes as part of its learning program—as early as 2013, this
   made up 55 percent of Google’s official classes26.

   It’s all about relatability through personal experience, as Google’s Karen
   May explained.
   “If we can take somebody who is doing a great job and
   have them not only share the content we have, but also
   share their own personal twists, it makes it much more
   powerful,” she said27. “Put the support structures in place to
   make it happen and then get out of the way.”

   Screen Recordings and Mobile Video: Capturing
   Content Quickly
   While most organizations know that screen recording is an excellent way
   to enhance learning, attempting to use it has tended to be a complicated
   process in the past. The good news is that modern learning tools make it
   much easier to not only record from any webcam or device, but also to
   use screen recordings much more impactfully.

   For example, a sales representative can now record a product
   demonstration or pitch on their mobile phone and save it to a central
   repository within the learning library.

   From there, other employees can easily find and access the video, as
   well as any comments, via a user-friendly interface and revisit the content
   whenever it comes in handy.

   26-27. Fast Company (2013), ‘Here’s A Google Perk Any Company Can Imitate: Employee-To-Employee Learning’

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   Introducing Video Learning and Keeping Control

   Since they discovered how easy and cost-effective it can
   be to create and deliver impactful video learning, one
   organization with a global footprint has been prolifically
   uploading video training content.

   Once the content is shared, commenting is instantly available to learners.
   The member of the L&D team who created the content receives an email
   and text alert when a comment is added to their video. They can then
   respond to the comment or query.

   They are also encouraging learners to contribute their own informal
   content. This process began with an exercise that included a video-based
   response by learners. As employees added videos, the team used the
   best contributions as examples of quality content. Other learners were
   encouraged to continue the conversation with more contributions, creating
   a repository of learner-generated content within a short period of time.

   To exert quality control over the content, the team uses a sandbox. This is
   a place where anyone can create and learn content. The team periodically
   reviews the sandbox content and publishes quality uploads.

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   Managing User-Generated Content                           1         3

   Subscribing and Adding Favorites
   Because learners are short on time and rely on
   finding learning content at the point of need, there
   are a couple of quick tricks that learning tools should
   be able to support.

   Subscribing to a channel or “favoriting” a video or
   piece of content isn’t just for YouTube. In learning,
   it helps employees to return to a piece of content
   quickly when they need it.

   Beyond that, knowing where the content is and being
   able to provide immediate access to it encourages
   learners to share training material, and they ought
   to be able to do this with a direct link. This also
   provides a consumer-style experience and gives
   learners the sense of having access to a truly useful,
   intuitive content authoring and video resource that
   they want to head back to frequently.

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                   Tracking Content and

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   Tracking Content and Performance                                                    1         4

   Tracking for Compliance
   Measuring the impact of learning in a meaningful way has been a hot topic
   among businesses for some time. For organizations who need to answer to
   regulators, of course, tracking is business-critical.

   That’s why the most commonly named L&D priority for businesses in 2018,
   ahead of any of the areas we’ve mentioned, was compliance28. Businesses
   operating in the life sciences, healthcare, manufacturing, and finance
   sectors—where compliance is the number one target for seven out of ten
   companies—know that the ability to track learning precisely is vital.

   Compliance for extended enterprises, meanwhile, can be complex, especially
   when there is a need to prove that non-core workers have completed the
   required actions. For example, an organization may need to show that
   a contractor has read the right health and safety documents, as well as
   completed certifications.

   Choosing a learning tool that provides outstanding analytics is important
   for any company, but in these circumstances it’s absolutely essential.
   Fundamentally, the analytics resulting from a learning program should
   allow an L&D team to track for compliance and see who has completed
   the necessary training. But they should also stretch beyond that and allow
   administrators to drill down into the details and provide comprehensive
   reports that satisfy the most demanding of inspections.

   28. Brandon Hall Group (2018): ‘Compliance Effectiveness: Can You Risk the Risk?’

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   Tracking Content and Performance                                                               1                                                                   4

   Measuring Performance and                                 In a learning tool, you need to make sure that           xAPI: What Does it Mean for You?
                                                             your analytics capability is agile enough to let you
   Constantly Improving
                                                             interrogate learning data in a wide variety of ways.     xAPI is an eLearning software specification which
   Even if your organization is not subject to stringent                                                              enables learning systems and content to ‘talk’ to each
   inspections, measuring the impact of your learning        For example, you could:                                  other. This two-way communication records and tracks
   program should never be an afterthought. With the                                                                  all types of learning experiences and keeps them in a
   right authoring tool, you can harvest and store data      •   Track the number of views videos have received       Learning Record Store.
   in a highly visual, simple-to-use analytics tool and          and the average amount of time spent watching
   look for patterns.                                            them                                                 Built by the eLearning community as a way of
                                                             •   See who the most active users of your social         standardizing the flow and tracking of learning data,
   You can collect real-time data from all your                  learning are and monitor ratings of information      xAPI gives you powerful, detailed statements—so
   learning activities and keep an eye on the data on a          quality                                              make sure your authoring tool offers xAPI tracking.
   continuous basis.                                         •   Build leaderboards on quizzes and assessments to
                                                                 help drive better utilization                        With xAPI, you can see exactly what is happening
   You don’t need a lot of data to do this. But over time,   •   Generate heatmaps to show where learners have        within your content. You can put that to use in a whole
   the reward is an insight into your learning programs          been clicking, pausing or having difficulty within   range of different ways, from addressing knowledge
   that allows you to pinpoint gaps and make informed            videos and other types of content                    gaps and improving courses to answering regulatory
   adjustments that improve outcomes.                                                                                 requests and succinctly demonstrating the value of
                                                                                                                      learning to company executives.

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   Tracking Content and Performance                                                              1                                                                    4

   Tracking in Action: User Engagement                      email notification each time a scheduled report runs       Exporting and Working With the Data
                                                            and becomes available.
   Reports and Email Activity Reports
                                                                                                                       Organizations sometimes find that they need to
   At gomo, our extensive analytics tools include video     Email Activity Reports reveal how many times a video,      export learning data. This might be the case if you
   tracking features. Two great examples of these are the   playlist or container has been clicked on and viewed,      want to:
   User Engagement Reports and Email Activity Reports       as well as the number of times the email containing        • Transfer the data to a separate Learning
   we empower L&D teams to take advantage of.               the video has been opened.                                    Management System
                                                                                                                       • Pass the data to another kind of store to report
   With User Engagement Reports, learning                   If several videos are attached to an email, the sender        across other organizational activities
   professionals can see exactly how many views any         can see which videos were opened by a recipient.           • Export the data to CSV to build custom tables
   given section of a video has received. They can also     The sender can see how much of the video was                  based on metrics such as KPIs
   determine which sections of the video were re-           viewed as a percentage (more than 5 percent counts
   watched the most.                                        as the video being watched), and filter the results.       A good authoring tool should include this
                                                            This means that email activity results can be sorted       functionality as standard. Being able to export and
   These reports can be run just once, or scheduled to      according to certain criteria, such as videos sent on a    manipulate data across different systems is a key
   repeat automatically in the future. Users receive an     certain date or all videos that have been sent recently.   way of sharing what’s going on, gaining useful
                                                                                                                       insights, and fully analyzing your learning program.

gomolearning.com                                                                                                                                           @gomolearning
                   Rewarding Learner

gomolearning.com                       @gomolearning
   Rewarding Learner Initiative                                                      1         5

   According to new research conducted with more than
   10,000 workers29, it isn’t just younger employees who show
   a notably high appetite for learning.

   While professional growth and development is the most important factor in
   the engagement and retention of Millennial employees, workers of all ages
   are now more self-directed, purposeful and tech-savvy.

   Learners increasingly know what they want and expect to take control of
   their learning. The statistics show that:
   •    94 percent of learners prefer to learn at their own pace30
   •    Three-quarters of learners are willing to experiment with the way they
        accumulate knowledge31
   •    61 percent of workers are motivated to learn online simply because they
        like to learn32
   •    People spend up to five times more time on self-directed learning than
        L&D-led learning each week33
   •    Three-quarters of employees are investing independently in work-
        related learning34

   The creation of learning opportunities clearly drives up employee
   engagement, increases job satisfaction, boosts career growth and improves
   retention. Despite the fact that making time for learning is one of the biggest
   challenges associated with the success of modern programs, 94 percent
   of employees say that they would stay at a company longer if it invested in
   their career development35.

   29-32. Towards Maturity (2018), ‘How Modern Workers Learn’

   33-34. Degreed (2016), ‘How the Workforce Learns in 2016’

   35. LinkedIn (2018), ‘2018 Workplace Learning Report’

gomolearning.com                                                                         @gomolearning
   Rewarding Learner Initiative                                           1         5

   Great Learning Programs Give You a
   Competitive Edge
   Beyond building workforce capability, training is quickly becoming
   a key differentiator between companies competing for talent. As
   well as deepening loyalty among existing employees, personal and
   professional development is of keen interest to modern employees
   when they evaluate prospective employers.

   According to Training Industry’s Trends 2018 report36, training
   should be used as an employee incentive and added to benefits
   packages. L&D, it says, has an active role to play in retaining and
   engaging employees and providing training and development that
   makes them more motivated and successful within their roles.

   How to Keep Learners Coming Back
   As we explored earlier, one of the best ways to reward learners for
   engaging thoughtfully with your learning program is to make the
   learning social. This makes learners feel that they are contributing
   to a larger cause, being heard and having an impact on the

   And by empowering employees not only to learn but also to
   share knowledge and mentor one another, working relationships
   are forged and fostered, which in turn enhances motivation,
   innovation, and productivity.

   36. Training Industry (2018), ‘Trends 2018’

gomolearning.com                                                              @gomolearning
   Rewarding Learner Initiative                                                                                               1                                                                     5

   Creating Exceptional Learning                                                          Perhaps the key aspect that is too often missing in       Predicting the learning patterns of the future is
                                                                                          modern learning is giving learners control over how       tricky—so L&D teams that can adapt and take an
                                                                                          they learn.                                               innovative approach are most likely to contribute
   In this ebook, we’ve looked at some of the ways you                                                                                              strongly to organizational success. The most mature
   can use technology to make your learning go further                                    Only 28 percent of L&D leaders are proactive in           L&D departments are actually delivering a fifth
   and do more.                                                                           working directly with their learners to understand what   less learning than teams at other organizations42.
                                                                                          works for them and how39. That means the majority         Crucially, these teams with fully-developed strategies
   Modern learning technologies—from cloud-based                                          are overlooking the intelligence learners can provide     are distributing 90 percent more learning through
   authoring tools to learning experience platforms                                       on the path to creating great learning experiences.       on-demand resources43.
   (LXPs or LEPs)—offer you an excellent opportunity
   to engage workers—and, as a Gallup workforce                                           Six out of ten learners are eager to access point-of-     As well as the kind of microlearning a quick video
   report observed, engaged employees are more                                            need learning40. Their roles and learning habits mean     demonstration can provide, today’s learners will only
   productive, attuned to customer needs and observant                                    they want targeted, quick access to useful information    engage if their attention is held. Traditional methods
   of standards, processes, and systems37. In fact, the                                   when and where they need it. Some of these learners       of training still have their place, but curated, user-
   report concluded that highly-engaged workforces                                        are working and picking up information in a relatively    generated content, accessible to all and driven by
   lead to 21 percent greater profitability38.                                            irregular way compared to employee patterns a few         employees, is the future.
                                                                                          years ago. The “gig economy”, for example, is estimated
                                                                                          to account for 16.5 million workers in the US alone41.

   37-38. Gallup (2017), ‘State of the American Workplace’

   39-40. Towards Maturity (2018), ‘Challenging business assumptions about how workers learn’

   41. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2018), ‘Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements Summary’

   42-43. Deloitte (2015), ‘Corporate Learning Factbook 2015: Benchmarks, Trends, and Analysis of the US Training Market’

gomolearning.com                                                                                                                                                                         @gomolearning
Talk To Us About Your Learning Needs
The gomo learning suite can help your organization deliver fast, scalable and cost-effective solutions for today’s
complex L&D challenges.

The gomo learning suite provides three multi–award–winning products that allow you to create, host, update, distribute and track beautiful multi-device eLearning. With
gomo authoring, you can create truly responsive and adaptive HTML5 content that looks perfect on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

With gomo hosting and analytics, you can get content into the hands of learners instantly via websites, direct link, QR code, the gomo LMS wrapper, social media, the
gomo central mobile learning app and more—all with full xAPI analytics.

And, with gomo video, you can repurpose, caption, translate, socialize, enhance, disseminate and track video content with speed and confidence.

With an ever-growing client base including Nike, Jaguar Land Rover, Shell, EE, Royal Mail Group, Santander, British Airways, Rentokil Initial, United Healthcare, the BBC,
Norton Healthcare, Booking.com and many more, gomo is quickly becoming the established choice for global organizations seeking collaborative, future-proof and
responsive HTML5 multi-device eLearning.

Want to know more?
Contact us today on contactus@gomolearning.com.

                                                                                                                                          Part of Learning Technologies Group plc
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