5G Pacesetters Winning in the eyes of consumers and growing revenues

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5G Pacesetters Winning in the eyes of consumers and growing revenues

5G Pacesetters
Winning in the eyes of consumers
and growing revenues

Ericsson Consumer and Market Insight report
November 2021
5G Pacesetters Winning in the eyes of consumers and growing revenues
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03 Key findings                       Methodology                                       the opinions of 1.1 billion smartphone users
04 A consumer and market              Ericsson ConsumerLab, in conjunction              including 200 million 5G subscribers. The
   lens on 5G                         with leading telecom consulting experts           consumer study was carried out between
06 Winning in the eyes of consumers   from Tefficient, developed an index that          December 2020 and January 2021, while
08 Growing 5G consumer revenues       analyzes and measures the 5G market               the remaining half of the index’s results,
11 Strategies to succeed with         performance and consumer perception               based on publicly reported 5G market facts
   5G consumer business               of 73 communications service providers            by service providers, include data collected
12 The paths to emerge                across 22 markets. These include                  up until the end of May 2021.
   as a 5G Pacesetter                 Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mainland
                                      China, France, Finland, Germany,                  About Ericsson Consumer & IndustryLab
                                      Italy, Japan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,            Ericsson Consumer & IndustryLab explore
                                      Philippines, Romania, Sweden, South               the future of technology for consumers,
                                      Korea, Singapore, Switzerland, Spain,             enterprises, and a sustainable society.
                                      Thailand, Taiwan, the UAE, the UK and             We deliver world-class market research,
                                      the US. This ‘5G Maturity Index’ tracked          actionable insights, and design concepts
                                      each of the service providers’ efforts in         to drive innovation and sustainable
                                      using 5G to gain a competitive advantage          business development. We provide a
                                      in consumer business and builds on both           scientific fact-based analysis regarding
                                      consumer perception data from Ericsson            environmental, social, and economic
                                      ConsumerLab consumer surveys and                  impacts and opportunities of ICT.
                                      publicly reported 5G market facts. Each              Our knowledge is gained from
                                      5G service provider was analyzed based on         global consumer, enterprise, and
                                      105 criteria across 16 categories spanning        sustainability research programs,
                                      customer satisfaction data to 5G offering,        including collaborations with leading
                                      rollout and marketing efforts.                    customers, industry partners, universities,
                                          This report builds on consumer                and research institutions. Our research
                                      perception insights from 2 quantitative           programs cover in-depth studies and
                                      studies, conducted by Ericsson                    over 100,000 interviews with consumers,
                                      ConsumerLab, among smartphone users               working people and decision-makers
                                      in 22 markets, including those using 5G           each year, in 30 countries – statistically
                                      networks. The sample consists of 1,000            representing the views of 1.1 billion people.
                                      to 2,000 respondents from each market,
                                      with an age range of 15–79 (15–69 in              All reports can be found at:
                                      some markets) and is representative of            ericsson.com/consumerlab

                       Canada                               UK
                                                          France     Switzerland                Mainland China
                                                                            Romania                               South Korea
                                 US                                 Italy                                                 Japan

                                                                                      UAE                        Taiwan

                                                                                                 Thailand          Philippines


5G Pacesetters Winning in the eyes of consumers and growing revenues
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Measuring 5G progress
and maturity

Until now, analysts have predominantly                           Ericsson ConsumerLab has previously           in 5G based on two aspects: consumer
been focused on measuring service                                identified that 5G service providers take     perception and service providers’ own
providers’ progress with 5G in terms of                          either a proactive or passive approach.1      efforts. We bring into focus the four stages
coverage rollout and deployment, or                              Taking a proactive approach, for example      of maturity, identifying the strategies and
network speeds. However, this approach                           by exploring new pricing models or even       paths that are taken by the most proactive
does not provide the full picture when it                        curating new services in-house, offers the    and successful service providers,
comes to 5G leadership. It is also important                     best opportunities for service providers to   ‘5G Pacesetters’, to uncover what sets
to analyze how efforts to offer a great                          reverse or arrest the decline in consumer     them apart from the rest of the market,
5G network experience can improve                                revenues. In contrast, a passive approach     and why they win in the eyes of the
consumer satisfaction and perception                             risks missing out on a growth opportunity     consumers. With the transition to 5G,
towards service providers and their                              of up to 2.7 percent CAGR up to 2030.         service providers have the power to
5G offerings, and in turn identify who                               This study builds upon these insights     reverse the trend of stagnating and
is setting the pace on 5G performance                            by not only identifying proactive service     declining consumer revenue, if they
and innovation.                                                  providers but measuring their progress        take a proactive approach.

Key findings

      The study identifies four                                      5G Pacesetters lead on consumer             5G Pacesetters are rewarded with
      stages of 5G maturity among                                    perception and satisfaction                 an uplift in revenues due to their
      service providers.                                             with 5G.                                    proactive efforts.
      • Their maturity level ranges from                             • They are seen as 5G leaders by            • They are nearly twice as likely
        5G Explorers just starting 		                                  70 percent of their own customers,          to grow their ARPU and mobile
        their journey, to 5G Potentials,                               while only 17 percent prefer others         services revenues by at least
        5G Aspirationals, and finally                                  and the rest are unaware.                   1 percent year-on-year compared
        5G Pacesetters, who are leading                              • They are three times more likely            to other service providers.
        on 5G coverage, performance                                    to retain their customers while           • Three-quarters of them effectively
        but have room to improve 		                                    successfully driving demand for             monetize 5G based on tiers
        even further.                                                  5G due to better marketing, with            of speed, quality of service,
      • About one out of five service                                  50 percent more customers looking           Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC)
        providers included in the study                                to upgrade compared to other                or bundled content.
        were identified as 5G Pacesetters.                             service providers.

5G Pacesetters share a common commitment towards 5G network quality, technology leadership
and service innovation. They follow six strategies to succeed in the 5G consumer market:

    01                             02                               03                     04                     05                      06
    Achieve cost                   Deliver best                     Extend fixed           Use 5G to              Reimagine               Lead with
    efficiency and                 smartphone                       mobile and             complement             pricing strategy        innovative and
    scale with 5G                  experience                       convergence            and expand             with premium            immersive
                                   with excellent                   plans with 5G          fixed broadband        value tiers             5G services
                                   5G coverage and                                         footprint

    Ericsson ConsumerLab, ‘Harnessing the 5G Consumer Potential’ (2020)
5G Pacesetters Winning in the eyes of consumers and growing revenues
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A consumer and
market lens on 5G

The 5G Maturity Index tracks each service       The four stages of 5G maturity have            by familiarizing consumers with immersive
provider’s progress in their 5G consumer        therefore been defined based on each of        5G services and by improving their tariff
business by assessing 105 criteria across       the 73 service providers’ total index scores   plans and policies, two areas where the
16 categories. The consumer perception          out of a theoretical maximum of 100.           gap between consumer perception and
data forms 50 percent of the index results,     The scores for the top performers, the         actual service provider activity is the
while the remaining 50 percent is based         5G Pacesetters, range from 49 to 62 points,    widest. In contrast, consumers have rated
on service providers’ publicly reported         while the lowest scorers, the 5G Explorers,    the 5G Pacesetters most favorably for their
information around 5G progress.                 range from 21 to 29 points.                    network coverage and quality – familiar
    Consumers in 22 markets were asked              This shows that even the highest scoring   focus areas from previous generations of
to provide importance ratings for different     5G Pacesetters still have plenty of room       technology rollout.
criteria, as well as satisfaction ratings for   to improve consumer satisfaction ratings.
service providers in their local market.        The results indicate that this can be done

Figure 1: Methodology and structure of the 5G Maturity Index

Consumer perception survey                      Publicly reported market fact
categories (50%)                                categories (50%)

    1.  Expected market leader in 5G              11. 5G spectrum and business outcomes
    2.  Network quality within                    12. 5G network quality within
        coverage area                                 coverage area
    3. Network coverage                           13. 5G network coverage
    4. Customer service quality                   14. 5G devices
    5. Brand visibility and quality               15. 5G innovative services
    6. Devices                                    16. 5G innovative tariff plans, policy,
                                                                                                         5G Maturity Index
    7. Sales channel presence                         flexibility, extras
    8. Price and affordability
    9. Innovative services
    10. Innovative tariff plans, policy,
        flexibility, extras

The four stages of maturity identified
are 5G Pacesetters, 5G Aspirationals,             5G Pacesetters                                  5G Aspirational
5G Potentials and 5G Explorers.                   • Successful in monetizing 5G.                  • The Aspirationals are often
    5G Explorers are often the market               Consumers believe 5G Pacesetters                the market challengers, following
price challengers, trailing behind other            are the 5G market leaders.                      close behind the Pacesetters in
service providers in all areas of consumer        • They outpace competition in                     5G coverage, services and usage.
satisfaction and 5G investment. They                5G network coverage, speed                    • The Aspirationals often miss out on
have only recently started to explore the           and innovative services.                        high consumer satisfaction and
5G market, often with limited spectrum                                                              also score lower on recommendation.
holdings or allocations.
    5G Potentials are often rewarded
for price and affordability by their local
markets’ consumers. However, so far they          5G Potential                                    5G Explorer
have done little to innovate, particularly in     • Rewarded for value for money                  • Often price challengers, trailing
accelerating 5G network coverage rollout            by consumers.                                   behind in all areas: consumer
or introducing new 5G services. Many of           • They benefit from good consumer                 satisfaction and 5G investments.
the 5G Potentials are in a comfortable              satisfaction but have been slow               • They have only just started to
market position as they benefit from high           to build their 5G foundations.                  explore the 5G market.
consumer satisfaction due to better 4G
performance and have therefore been slow
to build their 5G business foundations.
5G Pacesetters Winning in the eyes of consumers and growing revenues
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             Figure 2: The four stages of 5G maturity                                                                                                    Figure 3: Share of service providers
                                                                                                                                                         and stages of 5G maturity
                                             50                                                                            5G Pacesetters
                                                                                                                        Perceived market leader in
                                                                                                                        5G, front runner in innovation
                                                                                                                        and technology

                                                                                                                           5G Aspirationals
                                                                                                                        Aiming high with
Consumer satisfaction and perception score

                                                                                                                        5G while striving to improve
                                                                                                                        consumer satisfaction                                         22%
                                                                                                                           5G Potentials
                                             30                                                                         Satisfied consumers,
                                                                                                                        unexploited 5G potential

                                                                                                                           5G Explorers                     29%
                                                                                                                        Only starting to explore
                                                                                                                        5G, low consumer recognition


                                                  0       10              20              30              40       50
                                                      Service provider’s 5G offering, rollout and efforts score

      5G Aspirationals are usually the market                                                  These maturity stages also correlate
      challengers, following closely behind the                                                with the three service provider                             Key characteristics
      5G Pacesetters in 5G coverage, services                                                  strategies identified in a previous                         of 5G Pacesetters
      and offerings. However, they often miss                                                  Ericsson study: quality-led, offering-led                   • They are perceived as 5G market
      out on high consumer satisfaction and                                                    and industry-led.2 Quality-led providers                      leaders by close to 70 percent
      score lower on consumer perception                                                       focus on (and invest in) network                              of their own and, 40 percent of all,
      of 5G market leadership and                                                              transformation, sites and spectrum, and                       consumers in their market.
      recommendation of their brand.                                                           are typically the first to deploy the latest                • They achieve an average
          5G Pacesetters, in contrast, are                                                     technology. Offering-led providers are                        population coverage of
      expected by consumers to become the                                                      usually challengers that aim to be first to                   75 percent,3 download speeds
      5G market leaders. They outpace their                                                    market with new products and services,                        of 270Mbps, and average 5G
      market competitors in 5G network                                                         therefore maintaining a high level of                         availability (percent of time on 5G)
      coverage and speed, and have invested                                                    innovation to capture market share.                           of 14 percent or above.
      most into new immersive 5G services                                                      Industry-led providers are rarely first to                  • They launch an average of three
      and content partnerships to drive                                                        market but have found success in being                        5G services such as cloud gaming,
      differentiation and eventually accelerate                                                fast followers. They tend to focus on                         virtual or augmented reality
      the uptake, usage and monetization of 5G.                                                value-for-money propositions in addition                      (VR/AR), or enhanced video,
          Interestingly, while some 20 percent                                                 to network quality.                                           and often deliver with local or
      of service providers in our study were                                                       Around 63 percent of 5G Pacesetters                       global partners.
      identified as 5G Pacesetters, they are                                                   are quality-led, and have often been                        • Their 5G device portfolio is strong
      not necessarily market share leaders or                                                  first to commercially rollout 5G,                             and extends beyond smartphones,
      incumbents in their local markets. Most                                                  5G standalone, 5G FWA and                                     with 70 percent having introduced
      are from Asia and North America, but a                                                   multi-access edge computing (MEC)                             wearables enabling immersive
      third of them are emerging from Europe,                                                  in their local markets. They share a                          viewing experiences.
      indicating that even a late but impactful                                                common focus on technology leadership                       • 5G standalone and MEC has
      5G launch could help service providers                                                   and delivering superior 5G network                            been commercially deployed by
      secure a 5G Pacesetter positioning. It                                                   performance. 5G Aspirationals trail                           one-third of 5G Pacesetters,
      also appears that the presence of 5G                                                     closely behind 5G Pacesetters, with                           compared to none of the Explorers
      Pacesetters in any given market benefits                                                 57 percent being quality-led providers,                       or Potentials.
      all service providers. Peers will try to                                                 but a third employ an offering-led                          • 50 percent have commercially
      accelerate their 5G efforts to catch up                                                  approach. Only 41 percent of 5G Potentials                    launched 5G FWA.
      with them, with some successfully                                                        are quality-led, while 35 percent of them                   • About 75 percent already monetize
      evolving their stage of maturity, resulting                                              are industry-led. 5G Explorers are most                       with 5G premium tiers based on
      in a higher number of 5G Pacesetters in                                                  often industry-led and are seen as price                      speed, content or quality of service.
      that market.                                                                             challengers or fast followers.                              • They’re seen as best-in-class
                                                                                                                                                             brands, with consumers scoring
                                                                                                                                                             them 32 percent higher on
                                                                                                                                                             perceived brand visibility and
                                                                                                                                                             quality versus others in the market.
                      Ericsson Mobility Report; ‘Service providers face three alternative paths to success’ (November 2020)
                      Excluding service providers that have not reported 5G population coverage up until end of May 2021.
5G Pacesetters Winning in the eyes of consumers and growing revenues
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Winning in the
eyes of consumers

The customers of 5G Pacesetters rate                                                                                           5G Pacesetters are also expected to              The 5G Pacesetters’ NPS, a measure
them higher than other service providers                                                                                       lead their local markets in 5G. A clear          of loyalty and brand referability, was
in all aspects (network coverage and                                                                                           majority of all smartphone users in the          found to be on average 4.9 points higher
quality, brand visibility, sales channel                                                                                       market (including 70 percent of their            compared to the rest of the service
presence, innovative services, devices,                                                                                        own customers) expect 5G Pacesetters             providers in their markets. Past studies
customer service quality and tariff plans)                                                                                     to dominate the 5G race. Only 17 percent         from ConsumerLab have already shown
apart from price and affordability. Some                                                                                       of their customers think otherwise, while        that a superior 5G experience could help
63 percent of customers believe their                                                                                          the remaining 13 percent are not aware.          to lift NPS among early adopters,4 and
5G Pacesetter service provider is better                                                                                       In contrast, 51 percent of non-Pacesetter        therefore is also a key indicator of success
than other service providers on the market                                                                                     customers don’t see their service provider       in the 5G Maturity Index. Besides a
in network coverage, and 61 percent in                                                                                         as the leader in 5G.                             higher consumer rating on perceived
network quality.                                                                                                                   Around 80 percent of 5G Pacesetters          5G leadership, 5G Pacesetters also
    Besides scoring higher than the                                                                                            have the top or second-best net                  benefit from 32 percent higher ratings
competition in most criteria, the                                                                                              promoter scores (NPS) in their market.           on perceived brand visibility and quality.

Figure 4: 5G Pacesetters are perceived as leaders in 5G

                                                                             60%                                                                                                Of their own subscribers,
                                                                                                                                                                                70 percent expect the average
                                                                                                                                                                                5G Pacesetter to lead in 5G.
5G leadership expectation — share of all smartphone users in the market

                                                                                                                                                                                Just 17 percent think otherwise,

                                                                                                                                                                                while 13 percent don’t know.


                                                                                                                                                        5G Pacesetters

                                                                                                                                                                                Over half of non-Pacesetter
                                                                                                            5G Aspirationals            5G Potentials
                                                                                                                                                                                customers don’t see their own

                                                                                                                                                                                provider as a leader in 5G.

                                                                                                          5G Explorers

                                                                                   0%           20%                40%                  60%                  80%         100%

                                                                                                      5G leadership expectation — share of own subscribers

                                                                          Investing in brand visibility and marketing of 5G – especially opportunities to experience new services – and communicating 5G
                                                                          achievements (test scores, rollout progress, new network features and their impact on consumer experience) have a clear correlation
                                                                          with perceived 5G leadership among consumers in our study.

         Ericsson ConsumerLab, ‘Five ways to a better 5G’ (May 2021)
5G Pacesetters Winning in the eyes of consumers and growing revenues
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Driving consumer demand for 5G                               likely to retain their subscribers on                                 5G Pacesetters are at least
5G Pacesetters are able to drive                             account of a better 5G consumer                                       three times more likely to retain
consumer demand for 5G not just by                           experience and offering compared                                      their subscribers while driving

improving the perception of network                          to other service providers.                                           consumer demand for 5G.
availability and coverage among                                  5G is also shaping smartphone
consumers, but also via effective                            usage behavior, triggering usage of
marketing and launching innovative                           new apps and services like enhanced
services. 5G Pacesetters have around                         video, cloud gaming or AR. By virtue
50 percent more subscribers looking to                       of launching new immersive services,
upgrade to 5G compared to all other                          5G Pacesetters have also been able
service providers, and a closer look                         to trigger changes in the smartphone
at the data shows that subscribers of                        usage patterns of their customers.
5G Pacesetters are likely to stay with their                 This in turn helps them drive usage,                                  5G Pacesetters have 50 percent more
current provider rather than making the                      transition consumers to premium tier                                  subscribers looking to take up 5G

switch. Of the total base, only 3 percent                    plans and monetize 5G successfully.                                   compared to other service providers.
of 5G Pacesetter subscribers were looking                    On average, 5G Pacesetters have
to change providers for 5G, whereas                          50 percent more subscribers who
9 percent are planning to churn away                         report changes in usage of services

from Aspirationals, 11 percent from                          like HD streaming and cloud gaming
Potentials and 13 percent from Explorers.                    since they upgraded to 5G, compared
Thus, 5G Pacesetters are three times more                    to non-Pacesetters.

Figure 5: Consumer intention to take up and switch providers for 5G

     Already have 5G         Very likely to take up 5G and believe their current service provider is best in 5G          Very likely to take up 5G but looking to switch service provider


20%                                                                19%


10%                                                                      9%

               5G Pacesetters                              5G Aspirationals                               5G Potentials                                  5G Explorers
5G Pacesetters Winning in the eyes of consumers and growing revenues
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   Growing 5G
   consumer revenues

   The second part of our analysis uncovers                                 It should be noted that not all service              5G Pacesetters are two times
   how the financial performance and                                        providers charge a price premium for 5G,             more likely to grow ARPU and
   business results vary by the maturity of                                 but despite the loss of roaming revenues             mobile service revenues compared
   service providers when it comes to 5G.                                   due to the pandemic, 50 percent of                   to other service providers.

   Once the maturity stages among the                                       5G Pacesetters grew their ARPU by
   service providers were identified, an                                    at least 1 percent between Q1 2020
   analysis was done to understand the                                      and Q1 2021. In contrast, only
   development of KPIs, such as ARPU and                                    34 percent of Aspirationals, 24 percent
   mobile services revenue, over the last year.                             of Potentials and just 17 percent of
   As 5G launched in 2019, starting with Asia                               Explorers were able to witness
   and the US, we’re only able to put two years                             a positive development in ARPU.
   of performance under the lens. While it is                               While this is not the result of 5G alone,
   challenging to assess whether 5G in and of                               in the case of 5G Pacesetters, the
   itself drives higher ARPU, especially with                               ARPU uplift is largely attributable
   a lack of public reporting and the differing                             to the service providers’ success in
   ways in which service providers report                                   migrating consumers to premium 5G
   financial KPIs, there are positive trends                                plans. The ARPU growth of 5G Pacesetters
   emerging on the horizon.                                                 in our study varies between 1.1 percent
                                                                            and 12.7 percent during this period.
                                                                            This is an especially encouraging sign
                                                                            when it comes to reversing the trend of
                                                                            ARPU decline in the industry.

   Figure 6: 5G maturity stages and share of service providers with at least 1 percent growth in ARPU Q1 2020–Q1 2021

Share of service providers with at least 1% growth

           in ARPU Q1 2020–Q1 2021





                                                           5G Pacesetters       5G Aspirationals                 5G Potentials                     5G Explorers
5G Pacesetters Winning in the eyes of consumers and growing revenues
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Not only could a higher share of                                      FMC offering for households.5 This includes                                         of Potentials and none of the Explorers
5G Pacesetters grow their ARPU                                        offers such as bundling 5G mobile plans                                             monetize with these new immersive
year-on-year, but some 53 percent grew                                with home broadband, TV and streaming                                               services. Past ConsumerLab studies
their mobile service revenues by 1 percent                            content, and landline. Furthermore, close                                           have also highlighted the importance
or more during the same period, while                                 to 70 percent of 5G Pacesetters offer                                               of bundling new innovative services
20 percent saw their revenues decline by                              immersive video or cloud gaming either                                              with 5G data plans, to meet consumer
at least 1 percent. During this period, some                          bundled into their 5G plans or for an                                               expectations and capture their willingness
5G Pacesetters were even able to grow                                 added fee. Meanwhile, only 14 percent                                               to pay a 5G premium.6
mobile service revenues by 7–8 percent.
In contrast, only 30 percent of other
service provider segments saw a positive
                                                                      Figure 7: ARPU and mobile service revenue growth by service provider maturity
development in mobile services revenues,
and about half experienced a decline.
Surprisingly the 5G Explorers – often                                                                                      60%
the price challengers in their respective
markets – were able to quickly grow their
top line. However, although 60 percent
                                                                                                                                                                                                    5G Pacesetters
of 5G Explorers grew mobile service
revenues on account of market share
gains, many were not able to translate
                                                                   Share of service providers with at least 1% growth in

this into ARPU growth.
    A key contributor to the 5G Pacesetters’
ARPU growth is pricing innovation.                                                                                         40%
                                                                                ARPU Q1 2020–Q1 2021 *

5G Pacesetters are in markets that have                                                                                                                         5G Aspirationals
adopted unlimited data volume options
as part of wider mobile broadband
subscription offerings. Despite this,                                                                                      30%
5G Pacesetters are devising ways to
                                                                                                                                      5G Potentials
monetize based on 5G’s new value beyond
just flat-rate unlimited offerings. Some
75 percent of them upsell consumers                                                                                        20%                                                       5G Explorers
to premium 5G price tiers based on
speed, quality of service or inclusive
content, compared to only 43 percent
of 5G Aspirationals and 10 percent of                                                                                      10%
5G Potentials. None of the 5G Explorers
operate this kind of premium price tiering.
    To improve consumer appeal
and retention, some 70 percent of                                                                                          0%
                                                                                                                                 0%   20%                     40%                     60%                      80%
5G Pacesetters also offer multi-user
benefits in their 5G plans, and nearly                                                                                                Share of service providers with at least 1% growth in
60 percent provide 5G as part of their                                                                                                    mobile service revenue Q1 2020–Q1 2021

* Blended ARPU where reported, otherwise postpaid ARPU or approximation using ABPU, ARPA or reported revenue.
  Multi-user benefits: The higher number of mobile lines included in a plan, the higher the discount or savings on the plan.
  ‘5 Ways to a Better 5G’
10                                    Ericsson | 5G Pacesetters

Some 75 percent of 5G Pacesetters
upsell consumers to premium 5G
price tiers based on speed, quality
of service or bundled content.

75                  %
11                                                                                                                            Ericsson | 5G Pacesetters

Strategies to succeed with
5G consumer business

The study identifies six different               using 5G to boost capacity and speed,               or using 5G to explore new revenue streams
strategies, or strategic options, that           particularly indoors and in key locations           in the broadband market using 5G FWA
successful 5G Pacesetters most often             where the usage is high. The third                  to compete with incumbent broadband
apply to 5G. Particularly in markets with        strategic option identified in our study,           providers relying on DSL or cable.
higher-than-average data usage (above            extending FMC with 5G, is where                         The fifth strategy is about reimagining
10GB per subscriber per month, such as in        service providers with fiber, TV and                5G pricing strategy with premium value
China, South Korea, Taiwan and Finland),         entertainment, and mobile assets                    tiers. In markets where tiered unlimited
5G Pacesetters and Aspirationals deploy          (particularly in markets like Spain, Italy,         data volume plans have become
5G coverage quickly and extensively to           France and Germany) often bundle                    a natural part of consumer offerings,
realize a long-term, more cost-efficient         5G mobile offerings into FMC plans for              service providers have been successful
production engine for mobile data, with          their household customers. Relying on               in upselling customers higher value
the possibility of supporting a significantly    the extensive 5G mobile coverage that               5G plans or price tiers based on either
higher traffic demand now and in the             complements their home broadband, these             quality of service, especially speed,
future. This is the fundamental strategy         service providers’ household customers              or content. An alternate way of
of 5G Pacesetters.                               benefit from a seamless fiber-like                  monetizing 5G is by offering innovative
   After ensuring cost-efficient operations,     experience in and outside the home.                 5G services, in which service providers
a cornerstone of every service provider’s        Service providers have also been using              start to offer new immersive 5G service
strategy is to provide consumers with            5G to complement their fixed broadband              and event experiences for consumers to
the best smartphone experience by                footprint in areas where fiber isn’t available,     differentiate from a 4G experience.

Figure 8: Strategtic options for the 5G consumer market and related paths to growth                                 B2B2C
                                                                                                              Network as a platform

                         1. Cost           2. Best              3. Extending   4. Expanding        5. Reimagining     6. Leading with
                            efficiency        smartphone            FMC with 5G      broadband            pricing with        innovative
                            and scale         experience                             footprint            premium            5G services
                            with 5G                                                                        value tiers

                         •	Build           •	Better             •	Explore 5G    •	Provide home      •	Innovate with    •	New immersive
                            extensive          marketing             convergent       broadband            tariff plans,       services and
                            coverage           of 5G                 offerings        via 5G               upsell 5G           experiences
     5G Pacesetters
                                            •	Extend coverage                                                              •	Nuture
                                               indoors, improve                                                                ecosystem
                                               performance                                                                     partnership

5G Aspirationals

5G Potentials

5G Explorers

                                                                                                            Multi Access Edge Compute;
                                                                                                             Beyond the smartphones

5G Pacesetters have been quicker than            5G Potentials benefit from relatively high          offerings and are just starting their journey.
their competitors in successfully applying       consumer satisfaction and have so far               Based on these six strategies, different
most or all these strategies, depending on       relied on 4G, but as 5G competition has             paths have been outlined to unlock growth
market norms and local trends in offerings,      intensified, they have started to build             and emerge as a 5G Pacesetter. These
for example, FMC plans or value tiers.           5G coverage to rival local competitors              are highlighted with a few inspiring
The same can be said for 5G Aspirationals,       and to maintain cost-efficient operations.          examples of service providers exploring
although they have been slower to launch         Contrary to the other 5G maturity stages,           these paths from across the globe,
innovative 5G services and unable to drive       5G Explorers have only launched                     irrespective of whether or not they
5G leadership perception.                        5G with limited coverage or limited                 are currently 5G Pacesetters.
12                                                                                                                                  Ericsson | 5G Pacesetters

The paths to emerge
as a 5G Pacesetter
Regardless of their 5G maturity level,
all service providers can take actions                                 Based on the six strategies already     1. Achieve cost efficiency
to help them eventually emerge as a                                    discussed, we have identified
5G Pacesetter. As we saw earlier, the                                  different paths service providers can
                                                                                                               and scale with 5G
Pacesetters in this study achieved a                                   take to emerge as, or improve their
                                                                                                               Build extensive coverage and
maximum of 62 points in our consumer                                   position as, 5G Pacesetters.
                                                                                                               communicate milestones
research out of a possible 100,                                        • Build extensive coverage and
                                                                                                               Inspiring examples of extensive 5G
demonstrating significant room for                                        communicate milestones
                                                                                                               coverage build-out are emerging from
improvement even among the most                                        • Improve marketing of 5G to gain
                                                                                                               all across the globe, including from
advanced 5G service providers.                                            perception leadership
                                                                                                               Swisscom in Switzerland.7 The service
5G Pacesetters are not defined in relation                             • Extend coverage indoors and
                                                                                                               provider used its wide spectrum assets
to other service providers, meaning it is                                 improve speed
                                                                                                               and infrastructure to quickly deploy
possible for one market to have multiple,                              • Explore 5G convergent offerings
                                                                                                               and promote national 5G coverage.
or even a majority, of service providers                               • Provide home broadband on 5G
                                                                                                               Swisscom communicates details of its
that can be defined as such.                                           • Innovate with tariff plans by
                                                                                                               5G coverage for both its basic 5G and
                                                                          upselling to higher value 5G tiers
                                                                                                               faster ‘5G+’ services (NR at 3.5GHz), and
                                                                       • Offer new immersive services and
                                                                                                               population coverage for 5G was already
                                                                          experiences to consumers
                                                                                                               97 percent at the end of May 2021. As
                                                                       • Nurture ecosystem partnerships
                                                                                                               a result of its fast rollout and efficient
                                                                          and programs for the smartphone
                                                                                                               communications, Swisscom scores a
                                                                          and beyond
                                                                                                               17 percent higher consumer rating for
                                                                                                               perceived network coverage compared
                                                                                                               to an average global 5G Pacesetter in
                                                                                                               this study.
                                                                                                                   T-Mobile’s 5G network build-out is
                                                                                                               another example of accelerated rollout
                                                                                                               to achieve network leadership. 5G is
                                                                                                               being deployed on dedicated low-band
                                                                                                               spectrum (600MHz) as a base layer
                                                                                                               for coverage, with the target to cover
                                                                                                               300 million people (90 percent of people
                                                                                                               in the US) by the end of 2021. However,
                                                                                                               this target was met by T-Mobile six
                                                                                                               months ahead of schedule. The build-out
                                                                                                               of population coverage on the mid-band
                                                                                                               spectrum (2.5GHz) reached 140 million
                                                                                                               in early 2021 and is planned to grow
                                                                                                               to reach 200 million this year, with
                                                                                                               a target of reaching 300 million people
                                                                                                               by the end of 2023.
                                                                                                                   Another example can be seen in
                                                                                                               Taiwan, where 5G was launched in
                                                                                                               summer 2020, a little later than other
                                                                                                               markets in Northeast Asia. Far EasTone
                                                                                                               (FET) rolled out its 5G network rapidly,
                                                                                                               and by July 2021 it had installed more
                                                                                                               than 7,500 5G base stations, achieving
                                                                                                               population coverage of nearly 80 percent.
                                                                                                               Despite not having the largest bandwidth
                                                                                                               of spectrum in Taiwan, FET has been
                                                                                                               recognized by multiple third-party mobile
                                                                                                               analytics organizations for its leading
                                                                                                               5G performance with 80 MHz of its
                                                                                                               3.5 GHz spectrum. It was named as
    Swisscom: ’On “new” 5G antennas that have been in place for years’ (2021)
13                                                                                                                                   Ericsson | 5G Pacesetters

Moveable unmanned 5G pop-up store – UNBOXED – powered by Singtel’s 5G (mid-band and mmWave)

the national 5G speed test winner in                                                                           Extend coverage indoors
January 2021 and the global winner                              2. Deliver the best                            and improve speed
in September 2021. The winning                                                                                 There is often a discrepancy between
streak resulted from a combination of a
                                                                smartphone experience                          service providers’ communicated
large-scale, fast-paced 5G deployment                           Improve marketing of 5G to                     5G population coverage and the actual
and continuous network design and                               gain perception leadership                     share of time consumers are on 5G
optimization. FET also highlighted its                          Singtel has used a creative way to             (5G availability). Much of this is
test wins in an advertising campaign                            introduce 5G to all consumers in Singapore,    explained by consumers spending most
for Taiwanese consumers.                                        providing them with the opportunity            of their time indoors where 5G availability is
    The strategy of building out 5G                             to try out 5G-powered entertainment            lower today, and so coverage must extend
coverage quickly, providing the best                            experiences by visiting Singtel’s              here next to offer a seamless experience.
quality experience, and effective marketing                     5G experience zones, including its             Past ConsumerLab studies suggest that
played out well as FET’s 5G customers                           moveable unmanned 5G pop-up store              5G indoor coverage at home and in public
are 20 percent more satisfied with their                        – UNBOXED.9 The store is powered by            places, like malls and stores, is relatively
5G network performance and have                                 Singtel’s 5G (mid-band and mmWave),            more important than both 5G speeds and
two times more users who perceive                               making Singtel’s services accessible 24/7,     battery life in driving overall consumer
5G availability to be good compared                             and enabling consumers to experience           satisfaction.10 South Korea’s service
to other service providers.                                     5G speeds and 5G-rich digital applications     providers are working towards further
    Technology leadership, network                              such as AR books, VR entertainment,            extending the 3.5 GHz 5G coverage indoors
performance and a differentiated                                cloud gaming and 5G-powered e-racing           in 2021. The coverage of 5G services at
customer experience has been a key                              using miniature model cars at Sentosa.         major facilities such as department stores,
strategy for Telstra. The service provider                      Customers can consult with a roving robot      libraries and airports grew by 33 percent
has accelerated its digital transformation                      to receive personalized recommendations,       from a year earlier. As for coverage for
and 5G rollout as an integral part of this                      try out phones; conveniently sign up           transportation infrastructure, the three
strategic approach. As a result, Telstra                        for mobile plans at video-assisted             telecom firms offered 5G services at
achieved 5G population coverage of                              self-serve kiosks; and immediately collect     835 out of a total of 1,028 subway stations.
75 percent, ahead of its externally                             their purchased devices. These efforts,        The service was also available at an
committed deadline. The accelerated                             coupled with its 5G network rollout,           average of 53 out of 54 high-speed KTX
build-out and leadership in 5G reach                            have influenced consumer perception            and SRT train stations.11
and availability has strengthened its                           with around 80 percent of Singtel’s
5G market perception, which is higher                           own subscribers – and 60 percent of all
than the average global 5G Pacesetter,                          Singaporean subscribers – expecting
with more than half of Australian                               Singtel to lead in 5G, higher than the score
consumers perceiving Telstra as the                             for the average global 5G Pacesetter
5G market leader. Telstra plans to                              (70 percent).
continue to set the pace, having already
announced a target of 95 percent 5G
population coverage by 2025.8

  Economic Times: ‘Telstra aims to extend 5G coverage to 95% of Australia by 2025’ (2021)
  Singtel: ’Singtel launches UNBOXED Lite 5G experience zones on Orchard Road’
   ’Five ways to a better 5G’
   Korea Times: ’3 telecom firms offer higher 5G speed, greater coverage in 2021’
14                                                                                                                                      Ericsson | 5G Pacesetters

                                                                                                                5G FWA, to be a service worth
3. Extend Fixed                                                  4. Capture new                                 paying a premium for. Hence, beyond
                                                                                                                just offering connectivity, it is essential
Mobile Convergence                                               revenue streams in                             to enhance the 5G FWA offering
offerings with 5G                                                home broadband                                 with live TV and streaming options to
                                                                                                                make the 5G FWA proposition more
Explore 5G convergent offerings                                  Provide home broadband on 5G                   attractive, something that service
In some European markets that have                               In areas where service providers cannot        providers in the US do well by bundling
a long tradition of convergent plans for                         supply fiber, service providers have started   streaming services.
the household, service providers are now                         looking at 5G as a fixed broadband
extending 5G exclusively, or at preferential                     replacement, addressing consumers with
rates, for their fixed-mobile convergence                        a home broadband offer using 5G FWA.           5. Reimagine pricing
customers. Deutsche Telekom is a good                                Verizon in the US was the first to         with premium value tiers
example of a service provider that is using                      launch 5G with its ‘5G Home’ offer that
a fixed mobile convergence product,                              complemented its fixed broadband               Innovate with tariff plans by
MagentaEINS, to drive 5G adoption,                               footprint.13 This plan is non-binding,         upselling to higher value 5G tiers
allowing also for multi-user benefits                            affordable and easy for customers to           In markets where unlimited data
within the same plan.12 Deutsche                                 install by themselves.                         volume options have become the
Telekom’s MagentaEINS offers a single                                T-Mobile US has also launched a similar    norm (for example, in Switzerland and
contract that covers all services at home                        proposition, ‘T-Mobile Home Internet’,14       Finland), operators have had to explore
and on the move. The integrated product                          which today covers a footprint of 30 million   ways to upsell higher value plans or price
now gives consumers the option of                                households. This increases the number          tiers to customers. So far, these have
buckets or unlimited 5G mobile data                              of choices available to consumers in the       been based on speed, prioritization
and home internet connection. Deutsche                           US for 5G FWA.                                 of traffic and/or inclusive entertainment
Telekom has also redefined the notion                                Consumers are looking at 5G FWA            and content. A good example is Elisa in
of community with MagentaEINS,                                   offers to include additional services          Finland, a service provider that has been
allowing anyone choosing this plan to                            similar to what they would typically           successful in upselling the highest 5G
invite additional community members                              expect from fixed or cable broadband           speed tiers.16 The company has already
to avail the same benefits at preferential                       providers. Two-thirds of consumers             reported an increase of over EUR 3 in ARPU
rates. By doing this the service provider                        across 26 markets in a ConsumerLab             for customers upgrading from 4G to 5G.
drives 5G adoption using additional                              study15 rated 5G TV, an aggregated
community connections.                                           streaming service bundled with

   Deutsche Telekom: ‘The MagentaEINS Plus revolution’
   Verizon: ‘Verizon continues to expand 5G Home Internet to customers across the country’
   T-Mobile Home Internet
   ’Five ways to a better 5G’
   Elisa: ‘Interim report Q2 2021’ (July 2021)
15                                                                                                                                       Ericsson | 5G Pacesetters

                                                                                                                     Regardless of their place in the
                                                                                                                     four 5G maturity stages, all service
                                                                                                                     providers can benchmark their
                                                                                                                     5G progress against today’s
                                                                                                                     5G Pacesetters. An analysis of the
                                                                                                                     5G Maturity Index shows that the
                                                                                                                     above paths have the greatest impact
                                                                                                                     on the overall index performance. By
                                                                                                                     focusing on the six strategies and their
                                                                                                                     related paths, more service providers
                                                                                                                     can emerge as 5G Pacesetters, win
                                                                                                                     in the eyes of their consumers and
                                                                                                                     successfully monetize 5G.

                                                                 SK Telecom in South Korea has a growing          of these partnerships are already visible
6. Lead with innovative                                          portfolio of immersive 5G services and           for Verizon’s 5G subscribers, such as the
                                                                 platforms – notably its metaverse platform,      immersive sports content delivered in
5G services                                                      ‘ifland’. It began operating its mixed reality   partnership with the NFL, NBA and NHL.
Offer new immersive services and                                 capture studio called ‘Jump Studio’ in April         The opportunities to create and
experiences for consumers                                        2020. Then, in July 2021, it popularized         deliver new services with better
Alongside premium price tiering based on                         social VR by rebranding the platform as          consistency, reliability and performance
speed, another way service providers are                         ‘ifland’, which it aims to position as a major   will grow exponentially with the
monetizing 5G is with bundled subscription                       metaverse platform in the 5G era.19 The          introduction of new technologies such
video-on-demand services and also                                first month after its launch, the download       as 5G standalone, network slicing and
new immersive 5G service and event                               rate doubled and its active users increased      MEC. The possibility to develop tailored
experiences for consumers. ConsumerLab                           by over 24 percent. Moreover, access to          offerings with guaranteed QoS (such as
research conducted in May 2021 suggests                          SK Telecom’s main content offerings –            latency) coupled with preferred content,
that 5G users seem to be satisfied with                          ‘FLO’ (music streaming), ‘wavve’ (video          such as cloud gaming or extended reality
network speeds, however 70 percent are                           streaming), ‘V Coloring’ (video ringback         (XR) for particular consumer segments
dissatisfied with the innovative apps and                        tone), gaming pass and/or bookstore              will increasingly become a reality. True
services bundled in their 5G plan.17                             (app) – are bundled into its high-end            5G wearables such as mixed reality
    Many service providers are trying to                         ‘5GX’ plans. Although not exclusive to 5G,       glasses that operate independently of the
augment successful service concepts or                           customers on its high-end ‘5GX’ plans can        smartphone and interact with sensors
introduce new immersive experiences for                          purchase these new immersive services at         in public places (for example, buildings,
their consumers. EE in the UK is in a unique                     discounted rates. It comes as no surprise        streets, cars or airports) and the cloud will
position as a 5G service provider in that it is                  that SK Telecom consumers report being           further help transform the 5G network to
also a sports broadcaster. When launching                        more satisfied with innovative services          a B2B2C engine for brands and content
5G it added new immersive features to the                        offered compared to consumers from               partners to deliver their services and
BT Sport app.18 This included 360-degree                         other providers.20                               experiences effectively over the 5G
viewing, ‘Watch Together’ live video chat                                                                         network platform.
with friends in a split-screen mode, and                         Nurture ecosystem partnerships and                   In early 2020, Ericsson launched
real-time stats and graphics projected on                        programs for the smartphone and beyond           a new program, Ericsson Startup 5G,
the pitch with ‘Manager Mode’.                                   Many of the service providers in this study,     to allow various ecosystem players and
    By adding 5G-relevant features to                            especially those from the US like AT&T           innovative start-ups developing consumer
existing popular digital services, in this case                  and Verizon, have also developed                 services to leverage the characteristics
AR, service providers can quickly showcase                       best-in-class partnerships that boost            of the 5G network platform.22 This new
how 5G can enhance existing experiences.                         their 5G propositions and differentiation.       program curates a network of global
Service providers in Asia, on the other hand,                    Verizon’s industry partnerships in 5G are        start-ups, connecting them with a set
have both curated 5G-specific apps and                           a good example of this.21 They support           of leading service providers to accelerate
services from scratch while also enhancing                       Verizon’s “Network-as-a-Service at               commercialization of innovative 5G
existing services.                                               Scale” strategy, which allows its partner        applications and services. The program
                                                                 brands to reach out to Verizon’s entire          plans to incorporate 40 start-ups by
                                                                 customer base and for Verizon to deliver         the end of 2021 and partner with over
                                                                 curated experiences to differentiate in          12 participating service providers by
                                                                 a competitive consumer market. Some              the end of 2022.

   ’Five ways to a better 5G’
   EE: ‘EE Unveils UK’s Most Immersive Sports Viewing Service’
   SKT Unveils New Metaverse Platform ‘Ifland’ (July 2021)
   ’Five ways to a better 5G’
   Verizon: ‘2Q 2021 Earnings Conference Call Webcast’
   Ericsson Startup 5G
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