7:00 p.m - Committee Meeting 7:30 p.m - Regular Board Meeting - Mundelein Park District

Page created by Ann Mann
October 11, 2021

                            7:00 p.m. - Committee Meeting

                          7:30 p.m. - Regular Board Meeting

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Park Commissioners of the Mundelein Park &
Recreation District, Lake County, Illinois (the “Park Board”) will hold a Committee Meeting of
the Park Board on the 11th day of October, 2021, at 7:00 o’clock p.m. at Regent Center, 1200
Regent Drive, Mundelein, Illinois.

The Agenda for the Meeting is as follows:

Call to Order:

Roll Call: Dolan, Knudson, McGrath, Ortega, Frasier

1. Community-Wide Survey Results - Discussion
2. SRACLC Foundation Event – Octoberfest Meat Raffle at Hitz Pizza
3. Upcoming Meeting Topics
4. Regular Board Meeting Agenda Items

Action Items – Regular Board Meeting
1. Approve of 2022 Full & Part-Time Salary Ranges
2. Approve of Delegate(s) for IAPD Credentials Certificate


Rules for Public Comment:

   A. At the start of the period for public comment the board President or acting chairperson
      will advise the public:
      1. The amount of time permitted for public comment;
      2. That all speakers state their name and addresses before addressing the Board;
      3. To avoid repetitive comments, testimony and general questions; and
      4. To appoint only one person to speak on behalf of a group.
   B. Each person will be permitted to speak one time only, unless the President determines
      that allowing a speaker to address the Board again will contribute new testimony or
      evidence germane to an issue on the agenda for that meeting.
   C. Unless a representative spokesperson is appointed in the manner described in rule D, all
      comments from the public will be limited to no more than three (3) minutes per person.
   D. Groups may register a representative spokesperson by filing an appearance form no later
      than one (1) hour in advance of a meeting. The appearance form must designate (i) the
      number of people the designee represents for the purpose of making public comment; (ii)
      the subject matter of the public comments; and (iii) whether the subject begin represented
      by a group spokesperson shall be deemed to have waived their opportunity to speak
      independently unless the President determines that allowing such a speaker to address the
      Board will contribute new testimony or evidence germane to an issue on the agenda for
      that meeting.
      1. A representative spokesperson who timely files a complete appearance form to speak
          on a matter germane to the agenda shall be permitted to speak for three (3) minutes
          for each person being represented, up to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes.
      2. A representative spokesperson who timely files a complete appearance form to speak
          on a matter not germane to the agenda shall be permitted to speak for three (3)
          minutes for each person being represented, up to a maximum of nine (9) minutes.
   E. The Board shall not respond to questions posed during public comment. All questions
      shall be recorded by the Board Secretary and a response shall be presented either during
      the next regular Board meeting or in writing before such meeting.
   F. All commends must be civil in nature Any person who engages in threatening, slanderous
      or disorderly behavior when addressing the Board shall be deemed out-of-order by the
      presiding officer and his or her time to address the Board at said meeting shall end.

Approved 4/14/2014 Board Meeting

                         October 11, 2021 Committee Meeting Topics

Community-Wide Survey Results - Discussion
On September 13, the Center for Governmental Studies, presented the results. In the meantime,
staff compiled the results of the same survey sent electronically via e-newsletter.

SRACLC Foundation Event – Oktoberfest Meat Raffle at Hitz Pizza
John Buckner, SRACLC, contacted Executive Director Salski offering an opportunity for the
district to receive fitness trail equipment. Executive Director Salski met with staff and Hanrahan
Park was the ideal location. Currently, there is outdated fitness equipment. SRACLC would
donate four to five pieces of equipment and district staff would install.

The Octoberfest Meat Raffle event will be held on Saturday, October 16 from 12 – 7 p.m. at Hitz
Pizza in Mundelein. Executive Director Salski will attend throughout the day and Board Members
and staff are welcome.

Upcoming Meeting Topics
During upcoming meetings, staff will be presenting program and facility fees which will align with
the budget process. Other topics include tax levy, 2022 Budget, review of six months of Executive
Session minutes and potential developer agreement. A Board/Staff Special Meeting is being
evaluated and may require a January date.

Regular Board Meeting Agenda Items
If time is available, staff can present any information on the Regular Board Meeting agenda.

Action Items – Regular Board Meeting
1. Approve of 2022 Full & Part-Time Salary Ranges
2. Approve of Delegate(s) for IAPD Credentials Certificate
                                        October 11, 2021
                                           7:30 p.m.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Park Commissioners of the Mundelein Park & Recreation
District, Lake County, Illinois (the “Park Board”) will hold a Regular Board Meeting of the Park Board on
the 11th day of October, 2021 at 7:30 o’clock p.m., at Regent Center, 1200 Regent Drive, Mundelein, Illinois.

Call to Order:

Pledge of Allegiance:

Roll Call:       Dolan, Knudson, McGrath, Ortega, Frasier

Approval of Minutes: Committee Meeting 09-27-21, Regular Meeting 09-27-21

Approval of Disbursements: Warrants: 100121, 100421, 100521, and 101121 = $355,303.82

Correspondence: American Legion Mundelein Post No. 867
                IAPD Best of the Best Letters
                Winfield Park District

Old Business:     None

New Business: 1. Approve of 2022 Full & Part-Time Salary Ranges
              2. Approve of Delegate(s) for IAPD Credentials Certificate

Board Business

Staff Reports

Executive Session:       Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1);
                         Purchase or Lease of Real Estate 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(5); Imminent or
                         Collective Bargaining or Salary Schedules 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)

Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session, if Necessary


Rules for Public Comment:

   A. At the start of the period for public comment the board President or acting chairperson will
      advise the public:
      1. The amount of time permitted for public comment;
      2. That all speakers state their name and addresses before addressing the Board;
      3. To avoid repetitive comments, testimony and general questions; and
      4. To appoint only one person to speak on behalf of a group.
   B. Each person will be permitted to speak one time only, unless the President determines that
      allowing a speaker to address the Board again will contribute new testimony or evidence
      germane to an issue on the agenda for that meeting.
   C. Unless a representative spokesperson is appointed in the manner described in rule D, all
      comments from the public will be limited to no more than three (3) minutes per person.
   D. Groups may register a representative spokesperson by filing an appearance form no later
      than one (1) hour in advance of a meeting. The appearance form must designate (i) the
      number of people the designee represents for the purpose of making public comment; (ii) the
      subject matter of the public comments; and (iii) whether the subject begin represented by a
      group spokesperson shall be deemed to have waived their opportunity to speak
      independently unless the President determines that allowing such a speaker to address the
      Board will contribute new testimony or evidence germane to an issue on the agenda for that
      1. A representative spokesperson who timely files a complete appearance form to speak on
          a matter germane to the agenda shall be permitted to speak for three (3) minutes for each
          person being represented, up to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes.
      2. A representative spokesperson who timely files a complete appearance form to speak on
          a matter not germane to the agenda shall be permitted to speak for three (3) minutes for
          each person being represented, up to a maximum of nine (9) minutes.
   E. The Board shall not respond to questions posed during public comment. All questions shall
      be recorded by the Board Secretary and a response shall be presented either during the next
      regular Board meeting or in writing before such meeting.
   F. All commends must be civil in nature Any person who engages in threatening, slanderous or
      disorderly behavior when addressing the Board shall be deemed out-of-order by the
      presiding officer and his or her time to address the Board at said meeting shall end.

Approved 4/14/2014 Board Meeting
                           Mundelein Park & Recreation District
                                Committee of the Whole
                                   September 27, 2021

The Committee of the Whole meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners of the Mundelein
Park and Recreation District, Mundelein, Lake County, Illinois, was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present were Commissioners DOLAN, KNUDSON and McGRATH. Commissioners ORTEGA
and FRASIER were absent with prior notice.

Staff present included Executive Director SALSKI, Golf Operations Manager BROLLEY,
Superintendent of Recreation LaPORTE and Superintendent of Business Services & Technology

Executive Director SALSKI shared information about the potential for Oak Meadow
Development and opportunity to capture park land. He shared draft concept designs.
Commissioner DOLAN suggested placing the playground more centrally located instead of
walking across water. Board Members agreed. Vice-President McGRATH suggested using
JSD’s expertise and ask for best location of playground. Executive Director SALSKI agreed.

Executive Director SALSKI shared information about the potential for purchasing a caboose. He
discussed the process. Commissioner DOLAN had questions about grants and in particular,
Museum Grant. Executive Director SALSKI stated IDNR has not responded to Mike Flynn and
he whether a caboose would qualify. He encouraged staff and village to find alternatives before
purchasing. Executive Director SALSKI stated he would continue seeking funding.

Superintendent McINERNEY presented the financials and projections. Commissioner DOLAN
had questions about future monthly projections.

Visitor: None

There being no further business, Commissioner DOLAN moved to adjourn at 7:29 p.m. second
by Commissioner KNUDSON. A voice vote was taken with all voting yes.

                          Mundelein Park and Recreation District
                                 Regular Board Meeting
                                   September 27, 2021


The Regular Board meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners of the Mundelein Park and
Recreation District, Mundelein, Lake County, Illinois, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice
President McGRATH and he asked the assemblage to rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

He then directed the secretary to call the roll. Present were Commissioners DOLAN,
KNUDSON, and Vice-President McGRATH. Commissioners ORTEGA and FRASIER were
absent with prior notice.

Staff present included Executive Director SALSKI, Golf Operations Manager BROLLEY,
Superintendent of Recreation LAPORTE, and Superintendent of Business Services &
Technology McINERNEY.

Vice-President McGRATH read the minutes needed to be approved. Commissioner KNUDSON
moved to approve the minutes of the Committee Meeting, Regular Meeting of September 13,
2021, second by Commissioner DOLAN. Vice-President McGRATH repeated the motion, asked
if there were any additional corrections or additions. None were made. A voice vote was taken
with all voting yes.

Vice-President McGRATH read the Warrants needed to be approved. Commissioner DOLAN
moved to approve Warrants 091721, 091921, 092021 and 092721 in the amount of $379,736
second by Commissioner KNUDSON. Vice-President KNUDSON repeated the motion, asked if
there were any questions. None were raised. A roll call vote was taken with Commissioners
DOLAN, KNUDSON and McGRATH, voting yes.

Vice-President McGRATH requested a motion for the financial report. Commissioner DOLAN
moved to place the August Financial Report on file, second by Commissioner KNUDSON. Vice-
President McGRATH repeated the motion and asked if there were any questions. None were
raised. A roll call vote was taken with Commissioners DOLAN, KNUDSON, and McGRATH
voting yes.

Vice-President McGRATH requested a motion to file the Police report. Commissioner
KNUDSON moved to place the Police Report on file, second by Commissioner DOLAN. Vice-
President McGRATH repeated the motion, asked if there were any questions.
Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2021
Page Two

Vice-President McGRATH requested a motion to approve Big & Little Parking and Recreation
Way Improvements. Commissioner DOLAN moved to approve the Base Bid with Chicagoland
Paving Contractors, Inc. and authorize Executive Director, on behalf of the Park District, to enter
into an agreement for an amount, $119,752.70, with 10% contingency not to exceed $11,975.27,
totaling $131,727.97 and reject Alternates 1, 2 and 3, second by Commissioner KNUDSON.
Vice-President McGRATH repeated the motion and asked if there were any questions. Executive
Director SALSKI reported back that the other projects approved by board did not require
contingencies. A roll call vote was taken with Commissioners DOLAN, KNUDSON and
McGRATH voting yes.

Manager BROLLEY mentioned the golf club beat all revenue since 2013. He stated that there
are 27,000 paid rounds. He mentioned aeration finished. Commissioner DOLAN asked about
the number of free rounds. Manager Brolley discussed those rounds are mostly from loyalty
members, Golf Now and/or select few for staff. Vice-President McGRATH stated the free
rounds were the advertising budget.

Executive Director SALSKI presented the report. Commissioner DOLAN asked if the district
typically outsources prescribed burning. Executive Director SALSKI mentioned it was being
considered only as current staff doesn’t have the credentials.

Superintendent LaPORTE mentioned the staff shortage, areas of growth with athletics, addition
of Big & Little staff and Daddy Daughter Dance. Vice-President McGRATH mentioned that he
heard great feedback about the dance. Superintendent LaPORTE mentioned swim lessons are
full for the first time. He stated there was a brand change focused on quality which was a credit
to Manager DeLUCA and Supervisor FUEZ. He stated the Adult Swim Class was an innovative
idea.     Vice-President McGRATH asked how the ActiveNet customers are derived.
Superintendent LaPORTE stated it was information in the system. Commissioner DOLAN
asked the reasons for losing dance class staff. Superintendent LaPORTE mentioned a key person
accepted a full-time position. Vice-President McGRATH asked about the 75% of passes sold.
Superintendent LaPORTE clarified that the fitness center was at 65% of capacity from where the
District used to be. Vice-President McGRATH asked if the District should offer something to
current members. Superintendent LaPORTE mentioned the new marketing focus was on culture
and retention.

Superintendent McINERNEY presented her reported and stated 2022 Budget was being worked

Vice-President McGRATH acknowledged service anniversary of Kathy Staufenbiel-25 years,
Debra Engdahl-20 years, Heather Burnes-15 years, Elizabeth Bedolla-6 years, Matthew LaPorte-
4 years, Kelsey Fuller-2 years, Melinda Agosto-1 year, Omar Vazquez-1 year.
Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2021
Page Three

Visitors: None

There being no further business, Commissioner DOLAN moved to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.
seconded by Commissioner KNUDSON. A voice vote was taken with all voting yes.


         Saturday     OCT     Live Music

      at 12-4 pm        16    4-7 pm



               MUNDELEIN, IL

 In support of the Special Recreation Association of
Central Lake County Foundation. Helping people with
       special needs in the Lake County area.

                   October 11, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Item

To:            Board of Commissioners
From:          Ron Salski, Executive Director
Date:          October 6, 2021
Subject:    Approve of 2022 Full & Part-Time Salary Ranges

Each year, the Board approves non-union, full and part-time salary ranges at the April Board
meeting. After further review, Executive Director Salski believes it is in the best interest to
approve in September or October to align with the budget process with an effective date being
January 1. This approval process is within Section 10 of the Board Policy Manual, Board
Member’s Responsibilities, and required for Distinguished Accreditation.

In 2021, the District budgeted for a Compensation Study and Assessment which allowed Executive
Director Salski to revise and recommend processes aligning with the best approach for the District
and best practices in parks and recreation and other industries. The District budgeted $11,000;
however, Executive Director Salski was able to reduce the scope to $6,950 with HR Source. As
part of the Study and Assessment, Executive Director Salski requested specific benchmarking for
a limited number of positions due to significant job description revisions; however, staff was
trained on reviewing state-wide salary survey data completed by HR Source as well as past year’s
benchmarks. Most importantly, HR Source focused on an approach and process to establish
ranges, address compression and minimum wage challenges, establish procedures when hiring
candidates within a range and evaluating current employees within his/her range.

A key aspect in the process has been identifying the mid-point or market rate of each position as
the mid-point or market rate was the driver of ranges. This was determined through benchmarking,
job position aging and contacting other districts. Overall, the current salary ranges were
competitive from years past and current. Staff and board did an excellent job benchmarking over
the years. HR Source and staff recommend revising the process slightly by standardizing the
minimum and maximum process with establishing a formula. This will enhance consistency and
reasoning for the District and employees.
Once the mid-point was established, HR Source and staff used a twenty percent (20%) deviation
from the minimum to the mid and mid to the maximum. Twenty percent was chosen for several
reasons as any deviation higher would cost the district more over time, lower minimum which may
force compression issues, focused on best practice and provides a consistent approach for all

It would be very time consuming and cumbersome to have different deviations for each or type of
position and/or a different deviation for certain positions may become a negative optic within the
agency. By using twenty-percent, some ranges had maximums decreasing; however, staff highly
recommends any person in the current position be grandfathered into the maximum of the current
range. A letter would be provided to the employee. Basically, any current employee would not
get penalized due to a math formula. If the employee leaves the position, a new employee would
inherent the approved range by the Board.

During the process, there are several positions requiring a new range due to a more comprehensive
job description and/or market rate. It is recommended a comprehensive benchmarking project be
conducted every two or three years. These comprehensive benchmarking projects use data from
non-profit, private and park and recreation industry ranges and use a weighted formula for each
industry. In order to be competitive, agencies are recruiting and hiring from other industries so a
comprehensive approach is important.

By using the mid-point or market rate to begin the process, the District avoids compression issues
in future years. Most importantly, District hiring practices and placing employees appropriately
in the range is critical when he/she is first hired. Minimum Wage positions are excluded because
these positions can pay only so much. Staff will be trained on procedures when making a salary
or wage offer. As part of this process, Executive Director Salski and key staff evaluated each
position to determine employee’s placement in the ranges based on competencies and years of
experience. HR Source reviewed and agreed. Many employees were near the bottom of ranges
with many years of experience and required adjustments. These adjustments and hiring
appropriately within a range will avoid compression issues for the District in 2022 and future years.

Staff recommends approving the salary ranges of the attached document for January 1, 2022.

Action and Motion Requested
Move to approve the salary ranges as presented.
Mundelein Park & Recreation District
                                                              2022 Full-Time Wage Scale

                                                                   2021 Current                                 2022 Proposed
Position                                           Minimum           Midpoint        Maximum      Minimum         Midpoint      Maximum
Executive Director                                 $140,000.00      $170,000.00     $200,000.00   $136,000.00    $170,000.00    $204,000.00
Superintendent of Business Services & Technology   $90,000.00       $110,000.00     $130,000.00   $91,535.14     $114,418.92    $137,302.70
Human Resources Manager                            $55,000.00       $70,000.00      $85,000.00    $62,300.13     $77,875.16     $93,450.19
Accounting Specialist                              $40,000.00       $50,000.00      $60,000.00    $40,000.00     $50,000.00     $60,000.00
Marketing Manager                                  $55,000.00       $67,500.00      $80,000.00    $57,626.03     $72,032.54     $86,439.04
Business Services Manager                          $60,000.00       $75,000.00      $90,000.00    $60,000.00     $75,000.00     $90,000.00
Planning, Development & Adm. Manager               $55,000.00       $67,500.00      $80,000.00    $54,000.00     $67,500.00     $81,000.00
Park and Facility Maintenance
Superintendent of Park and Facility                $90,000.00       $110,000.00     $130,000.00   $88,000.00     $110,000.00    $132,000.00
Park Maintenance Manager                           $55,000.00       $70,000.00      $85,000.00    $56,000.00     $70,000.00     $84,000.00
Facility Maintenance Manager                       $55,000.00       $70,000.00      $85,000.00    $58,314.89     $72,893.61     $87,472.33
Aquatics & Facility Maintenance Supervisor         $45,000.00       $57,500.00      $70,000.00    $46,000.00     $57,500.00     $69,000.00
Community Center Maintenance Supervisor            $45,000.00       $57,500.00      $70,000.00    $46,086.68     $57,608.35     $69,130.02
Golf Operations and Maintenance
Golf Operations Manager                            $80,000.00       $97,500.00      $115,000.00   $78,000.00     $97,500.00     $117,000.00
Assistant Golf Operations Manager                  $50,000.00       $67,500.00      $85,000.00    $54,000.00     $67,500.00     $81,000.00
Pro Shop Manager                                   $30,000.00       $40,000.00      $50,000.00    $32,000.00     $40,000.00     $48,000.00
Golf Course Superintendent                         $70,000.00       $87,500.00      $105,000.00   $70,000.00     $87,500.00     $105,000.00
Assistant Golf Course Superintendent               $50,000.00       $62,500.00      $75,000.00    $50,000.00     $62,500.00     $75,000.00
Superintendent of Recreation                       $90,000.00       $110,000.00     $130,000.00   $88,000.00     $110,000.00    $132,000.00
Recreation Programs Manager                        $60,000.00       $75,000.00      $90,000.00    $60,000.00     $75,000.00     $90,000.00
Cultural Arts & Events Supervisor                  $45,000.00       $57,500.00      $70,000.00    $46,000.00     $57,500.00     $69,000.00
Athletic Supervisor                                $45,000.00       $57,500.00      $70,000.00    $46,000.00     $57,500.00     $69,000.00
Adults 50+ Supervisor                              $45,000.00       $57,500.00      $70,000.00    $46,000.00     $57,500.00     $69,000.00
Child Development Director                         $60,000.00       $75,000.00      $90,000.00    $60,000.00     $75,000.00     $90,000.00
Child Development Teacher, Lead, FT                $35,360.00       $44,720.00      $54,080.00    $35,776.00     $44,720.00     $53,664.00
Child Development Teacher, Non-Lead, FT            $31,200.00       $38,480.00      $45,760.00    $30,720.00     $38,400.00     $46,080.00
Child Development Assistant Teacher, FT            $24,960.00       $32,240.00      $39,520.00    $25,792.00     $32,240.00     $38,688.00
Community Center Operations Manager                $55,000.00       $67,500.00      $80,000.00    $54,000.00     $67,500.00     $81,000.00
Customer Service Supervisor                        $40,000.00       $52,500.00      $65,000.00    $42,000.00     $52,500.00     $63,000.00
Aquatics Manager                                   $55,000.00       $67,500.00      $80,000.00    $54,000.00     $67,500.00     $81,000.00
School-Age Program Supervisor                      $45,000.00       $57,500.00      $70,000.00    $46,000.00     $57,500.00     $69,000.00
Aquatic Supervisor                                 $45,000.00       $57,500.00      $70,000.00    $46,000.00     $57,500.00     $69,000.00

                                                                                                                                              Page 1 of 1
Mundelein Park & Recreation District
                                                         2022 Part-Time Wage Scale

Minimum Wage: $12.00 effective January 1, 2022

                                                               2021 Current                            2022 Proposed
Position                                         Minimum         Midpoint        Maximum     Minimum     Midpoint      Maximum
Administrative Assistant                          $19.23          $24.04          $28.85      $19.23      $24.04        $28.85
Accounts Payable Specialist                       $17.00          $21.50          $26.00      $18.94      $23.68        $28.41
Human Resources Specialist                        $19.78          $24.72          $29.67      $19.78      $24.72        $29.66
IT Support Specialist                             $20.00          $25.00          $30.00      $20.00      $25.00        $30.00
Marketing Coordinator                             $17.00          $21.50          $26.00      $18.94      $23.67        $28.41
Risk Manager                                      $18.00          $24.00          $30.00      $26.69      $33.36        $40.04
Park and Facility Maintenance
Boat Ranger                                       $11.00          $13.50          $16.00      $19.60      $24.50        $29.40
Boat Ranger Weekend                               $15.00          $17.00          $19.00      $22.80      $28.50        $34.20
Golf Operations and Maintenance
Bartender                                         $11.00          $12.50          $14.00      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00
Beverage Cart                                     $11.00          $11.50          $12.00      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00
Food & Beverage Manager                           $15.00          $18.00          $21.00      $14.40      $18.00        $21.60
Golf Cart Attendant                               $11.00          $12.75          $14.50      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00
Pro Shop Attendant                                $11.00          $12.75          $14.50      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00
Starter/Ranger                                    $11.00          $11.75          $12.50      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00
Special Events Staff                              $11.00          $14.50          $18.00      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00
Learning Center Aide                              $12.00          $15.50          $19.00      $12.40      $15.50        $18.60
Learning Center Sub-Teacher                       $15.00          $18.50          $22.00      $14.80      $18.50        $22.20
Learning Center Teacher                           $15.00          $18.50          $22.00      $14.80      $18.50        $22.20
Preschool Camps Aide                              $12.00          $15.50          $19.00      $12.40      $15.50        $18.60
Preschool Camps Sub-Teacher                       $15.00          $18.50          $22.00      $14.80      $18.50        $22.20
Preschool Camps Teacher                           $15.00          $18.50          $22.00      $14.80      $18.50        $22.20
Volleyball Staff                                  $11.00          $14.50          $18.00      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00
Basketball Staff, Men                             $11.00          $14.50          $18.00      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00
Basketball Staff, Youth                           $12.00          $19.00          $26.00      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00
Basketball Staff, Feeder                          $11.00          $14.50          $18.00      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00
Softball Staff                                    $11.00          $14.50          $18.00      $12.00      $13.00        $14.00

                                                                                                                           Page 1 of 4
Mundelein Park & Recreation District
                                                         2022 Part-Time Wage Scale

Minimum Wage: $12.00 effective January 1, 2022

                                                               2021 Current                                                   2022 Proposed
Position                                         Minimum         Midpoint            Maximum               Minimum              Midpoint      Maximum
Tennis Staff                                      $11.00          $14.50              $18.00                $12.00               $13.00        $14.00
Sports Contract Programs                          $11.00          $14.50              $18.00                $12.00               $13.00        $14.00
Misc Program Staff                                $12.00          $19.00              $26.00                $12.00               $13.00        $14.00
Sandburg Rental Staff                             $11.00          $14.50              $18.00                $12.00               $13.00        $14.00
Dunbar Rental Staff                               $11.00          $14.50              $18.00                $12.00               $13.00        $14.00
Regent Center
Regent Center Staff                               $11.00          $14.50               $18.00            $11.60                   $14.50       $17.40
Regent Center Training                                                                       Minimum wage
Regent Fitness Instructor                         $15.00          $25.00               $35.00            $26.59                   $33.23       $39.88
Regent Program Instructor                         $15.00          $25.00               $35.00            $20.00                   $25.00       $30.00
Regent Dance Instructor                           $15.00          $25.00               $35.00            $20.00                   $25.00       $30.00
Regent Center Rental Staff                        $15.00          $18.50               $22.00            $15.00                   $18.75       $22.50
Big & Little
Child Development Assistant Teacher, PT           $12.00          $15.50              $19.00                $12.40                $15.50       $18.60
Child Development Teacher, Lead, PT               $17.00          $21.50              $26.00                $17.20                $21.50       $25.80
Child Development Teacher, Non-Lead, PT           $15.00          $18.50              $22.00                $14.80                $18.50       $22.20
Child Development Trg/Event, PT                                             Same as employee's regular Child Development rate
Customer Service Attendant                        $12.00          $15.50                $19.00              $12.40                 $15.50      $18.60
Customer Service Coordinator                      $17.00          $21.50                $26.00              $17.20                 $21.50      $25.80
Customer Service Lead                             $14.00          $17.50                $21.00              $14.00                 $17.50      $21.00
Fitness Coordinator                               $17.00          $21.50                $26.00              $17.20                 $21.50      $25.80
Fitness Floor Attendant                           $11.00          $14.50                $18.00              $12.00                 $13.00      $14.00
Open Fitness Floor Attendant                                     Additional $1.00/per hour over employee's rate for Fitness Floor Attendant
Fitness Instructor                                $20.00          $30.00                $40.00              $26.59                 $33.23      $39.88
Program Instructor                                $20.00          $30.00                $40.00              $26.59                 $33.23      $39.88
Boot Camp                                         $20.00          $30.00                $40.00              $26.59                 $33.23      $39.88
HMHB Coordinator                                  $13.00          $16.50                $20.00              $13.20                 $16.50      $19.80
Kidz Center Attendant                             $11.00          $14.50                $18.00              $12.00                 $13.00      $14.00
60 Personal Training                              $20.00          $27.50                $35.00              $23.86                 $29.83      $35.79
30 Personal Training                              $20.00          $27.50                $35.00              $23.86                 $29.83      $35.79
Partner Training                                  $30.00          $41.25                $52.50              $33.00                 $41.25      $49.50
60 EOCON                                          $30.00          $30.00                $30.00              $24.00                 $30.00      $36.00
30 EOCON                                          $15.00          $15.00                $15.00              $12.00                 $15.00      $18.00
60 HMHB                                           $20.00          $27.50                $35.00              $23.86                 $29.83      $35.79
30 HMHB                                           $10.00          $12.25                $14.50              $23.86                 $29.83      $35.79

                                                                                                                                                  Page 2 of 4
Mundelein Park & Recreation District
                                                         2022 Part-Time Wage Scale

Minimum Wage: $12.00 effective January 1, 2022

                                                               2021 Current                                                  2022 Proposed
Position                                         Minimum         Midpoint            Maximum         Minimum                   Midpoint      Maximum
Staff Meeting                                                                              Minimum wage
Deck Supervisor                                   $12.50          $15.25                $18.00               $12.50              $15.62       $18.74
Barefoot Bay Manager                              $13.00          $16.50                $20.00               $13.00              $16.25       $19.50
Bay Concessions                                   $11.00          $13.50                $16.00               $12.00              $13.00       $14.00
Bay Lead Concessions                              $11.00          $13.50                $16.00               $11.20              $14.00       $16.80
Bay Lead Lifeguard                                $11.50          $15.00                $18.50               $11.60              $14.50       $17.40
Bay Maintenace Staff                              $11.00          $14.50                $18.00               $12.00              $13.00       $14.00
Bay Swim Instructor                               $11.00          $14.50                $18.00               $12.00              $13.00       $14.00
Bay Private Swim Lessons                                                        Flat Rate $1.00 higher than minimum wage
Beach Manager                                     $13.00          $16.50                $20.00               $13.00              $16.25       $19.50
Bay Cashier                                       $11.00          $13.50                $16.00               $12.00              $13.00       $14.00
Beach Cashier                                     $11.00          $13.50                $16.00               $12.00              $13.00       $14.00
Bay Lifeguard                                     $11.50          $15.00                $18.50               $12.50              $13.50       $14.50
Beach Lifeguard                                   $11.50          $15.00                $18.50               $12.50              $13.50       $14.50
Barefoot Bay Training                                                                         Minimum wage
Beach Training                                                                                Minimum wage
Camp Staff                                        $11.00          $14.50               $18.00               $12.00               $13.00       $14.00
Rec Connect Coordinator                           $17.00          $20.50               $24.00               $16.40               $20.50       $24.60
Rec Connect Staff                                 $12.00          $15.50               $19.00               $12.40               $15.50       $18.60
E Learning Staff                                  $15.00          $17.00               $19.00               $15.00               $18.75       $22.50
Camp Director                                     $13.00          $16.50               $20.00               $13.20               $16.50       $19.80
Indoor Pool
IP Desk Attendant                                 $11.00          $14.50                $18.00               $12.40               $15.50      $18.60
IP Open Desk Attendant                                             Additional $1.00/per hour over employee's rate for IP Desk Attendant
IP Lifeguard                                      $11.00          $14.50                $18.00               $12.00               $13.00      $14.00
IP Swim Instructor                                $11.00          $14.50                $18.00               $12.00               $13.00      $14.00
IP Private Swim Lessons                                                         Flat Rate $1.00 higher than minimum wage
IP Semi-private Swim Lessons                                                    Flat Rate $1.00 higher than minimum wage
IP Swim Lesson Coordinator                        $13.00          $16.50                $20.00               $13.20               $16.50      $19.80
IP Training                                                                                   Minimum wage
Dance Coordinator                                 $17.00          $21.50               $26.00               $23.54               $29.43       $35.32
Dance Coordinator, Short Term                     $17.00          $21.50               $26.00               $23.54               $29.43       $35.32
Long Term Dance Instructor, Level 2                N/A             N/A                  N/A                 $19.38               $24.22       $29.06

                                                                                                                                                 Page 3 of 4
Mundelein Park & Recreation District
                                                         2022 Part-Time Wage Scale

Minimum Wage: $12.00 effective January 1, 2022

                                                               2021 Current                                     2022 Proposed
Position                                         Minimum         Midpoint        Maximum     Minimum              Midpoint              Maximum
Short Term Dance Instructor, Level 2               N/A             N/A             N/A         $19.38              $24.22                $29.06
Long Term Dance Instructor, Level 1                N/A             N/A             N/A         $12.25              $15.31                $18.38
Short Term Dance Instructor, Level 1               N/A             N/A             N/A         $12.25              $15.31                $18.38
30 Private Dance Instructor                        N/A             N/A             N/A          Same as employee's dance instructor hourly rate
30 Semi-Private Dance Instructor                   N/A             N/A             N/A       1.25 times the employee's dance instructor hourly rate
Camp Dance Instructor                              N/A             N/A             N/A          Same as employee's dance instructor hourly rate
Theater Tech                                      $20.80          $26.00          $31.20       $20.80              $26.00                $31.20
Cultural Arts
Cultural Arts Early Childhood                     $12.00          $19.00          $26.00       $13.64               $17.05               $20.46
Cultural Arts Youth and Adult                     $12.00          $19.00          $26.00       $13.64               $17.05               $20.46
Cultural Arts Art, Theatre & Music                $15.00          $25.00          $35.00       $15.00               $18.75               $22.50
Cultural Arts Cooking & Nutrition                 $15.00          $25.00          $35.00       $15.00               $18.75               $22.50

                                                                                                                                              Page 4 of 4

                   October 11, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Item

To:            Board of Commissioners
From:          Ron Salski, Executive Director
Date:          October 6, 2021
Subject:       Approve of Delegate(s) for IAPD Credentials Certificate

Under Article V, Section 3 and 4 of the Constitutional By-Laws of the Illinois Association of Park
Districts, each agency is required to approve a delegate and alternates at a regular or special
meeting in order to vote on matters during the Association’s Annual Business Meeting to be held
on January 29, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.

Executive Director Salski recommends the following delegates and alternates:

Delegate: Wally Frasier
1st Alternate: Kevin Dolan
2nd Alternate: Jesse Ortega
3rd Alternate: Ron Salski, Secretary

Staff recommends approving the attached Credentials Certificate.

Action and Motion Requested
Move to approve Credentials Certificate with the aforementioned delegates and alternates stated
in the memorandum.
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