A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University

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A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University
                                                                        Spring/Summer 2014

                     A Century of Success
                 How the bold move to Spokane – and a host
                 of believers – changed Whitworth’s history

Answering the Call          A Patriarch’s Dream Fulfilled       Million Meals Campaign
A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University
Message from President Beck A. Taylor                                                                                                     Spring/Summer 2014
                                                                                                                                          Vol. 83, No. 1
                                                                                                                                          Terry Rayburn Mitchell, ’93
                                                                                                                                          Associate Editor
                                                                                                                                          Julie Riddle, ’92

God Showed Up                                                                                                                             Assistant Editor
                                                                                                                                          Lucas Beechinor, ’09                                                                                       TODAY
                                                One of the things      Our students reminded me of three important lessons at this        Art Director
                                                                                                                                          Tamara Burkhead
                                             I love most about      event. First, we should never hesitate to set big goals. When
                                                                                                                                          Project Manager
                                             Whitworth is that      our students announced their desire to raise $250,000 to
                                                                                                                                          Garrett Riddle
                                             our students know      package one million meals in one day, we all knew that would
                                             they need not          be a stretch – and it was. But without such an ambitious goal,        Lydia Buchanan, ’13
                                             wait to cross the      students would have never raised $150,000 and packaged more           Josie Camarillo, ’14
                                             stage at graduation    than 600,000 meals. I was reminded that we should never let           Josh Cleveland, ’01
                                                                                                                                          Julia Feeser, ’13
                                             to begin lives of      the possibility of not reaching big goals dissuade us from setting    Sarah Gambell, ’14
                                             service. From their    them in the first place.                                              Janet Hauck
                                                                                                                                          Kirk Hirota
                                             first Community           Second, our students’ efforts affirmed one of Whitworth’s core     Rebecca Korf, ’15
                                             Building Day to        values: to give students responsibility. I will admit that there      Maggie Montague, ’15
                                                                                                                                          Greg Moser, ’14
                                             service-learning       were moments during the year when I wanted to step in and             Lauren NuDelman, ’14
                                             courses during their   direct traffic. But I resisted the temptation because I know that     Joseph Parker, ’17
                                                                                                                                          Becky Prior, ’04
                                             senior year, our       students must learn to handle responsibility, even if they have to    Emily Proffitt, ’05
                                             students find many     learn from failure. I was also reminded that when Whitworth’s         Lyle Rauh, ’10
                                             opportunities to       students set their minds to something, they usually succeed.          Garrett Riddle
                                                                                                                                          Tanner Scholten, ’14
                                             serve others.             Finally, as the day began, one of our student leaders said to      Dale Soden
   Just a few days ago I had the awesome privilege of watching      me, “We’re expecting God to show up today!” At the time, I was        Annie Stillar
our students organize and lead a campaign to purchase, package      worrying about logistics, safety, coordination and the weather.       Editorial Board
                                                                                                                                          Lucas Beechinor, ’09
and ship more than 600,000 meals to the hungry and food-            This student reminded me that despite all of the uncertainties,       Kerry Breno
insecure in our region and around the globe. Dubbed “The            the only resource we could count on, and ultimately the only          Josh Cleveland, ’01
Million Meals Campaign,” this effort by our students began in       thing we would need, was God’s presence and blessing. Well,           Dale Hammond, ’98
                                                                                                                                          Nancy Hines
September with fund-raising and organizing volunteers. On           God showed up in miraculous ways that day.                            Brooke Kiener, ’99
                                                                                                                                          Melinda Larson, ’92
May 3, more than 1,000 students, staff, faculty and local              I’m so thankful for our students’ passion for serving others and                                        6 A PATRIARCH’S DREAM FULFILLED
                                                                                                                                          Esther Louie
volunteers descended upon the fieldhouse in an amazing show         for a university that equips them to do so.                           Jim McPherson                             Long ago, a little boy picked cotton in Texas and dreamed of sending
of community and solidarity.                                           As always, please keep Whitworth in your prayers.                  Scott McQuilkin, ’84                      his children to school. Today, five young members of his family are
                                                                                                                                          Terry Rayburn Mitchell, ’93
                                                                                                                                          Jonathan Moo                              Whitworth students. Meet the Martinez and Garza cousins.
                                                                                                                                          Greg Orwig, ’91
                                                                                                                                          Garrett Riddle                       8 ANSWERING THE CALL
                                                                                                                                          Julie Riddle, ’92                      The Whitworth M.A. in Theology Program reflects the university’s
                                                                                                                                          Elizabeth Strauch, ’04                    deepest convictions about how theological education should
                                                                                                                                          Cheryl Florea Vawter, ’94                 be done. With a focus on practical application, the program is
                                                                                                                                          Tad Wisenor, ’89
                                                                                                                                                                                    transforming its students’ work in ministry.
                                                                                                                                          President                            12 A CENTURY OF SUCCESS
                                                                                                                                          Beck A. Taylor                            In 1914, Whitworth was on the brink of closing. A bold move from
                                                                                                                                          Vice President                            Tacoma to Spokane and a host of determined believers changed the
                                                                                                                                          for Institutional Advancement             course of the university’s history.
                                                                                                                                          Scott McQuilkin, ’84
                                                                                                                                          Director of University               Departments                                                                   On the cover: Whitworth shortly
                                                                                                                                          Communications                        2   President’s Message                                                      after its arrival in Spokane, in
                                                                                                                                          Nancy Hines                           4   Editor’s Note/Letters                                                    the early 1900s, and today: a
                                                                                                                                          Whitworth Today magazine is                                                                                        juxtaposition of the university’s
                                                                                                                                          published twice annually by
                                                                                                                                                                               14   Whitworth News                                                           proud past and present (photo:
                                                                                                                                          Whitworth University.                22   My Favorite Professor                                                    Whitworth Archive and Kirk Hirota)
                                                                                                                                          Send address changes to              23   Faculty Focus
                                                                                                                                          Whitworth Office of Communications   24   Class Notes
                                                                                                                                          300 West Hawthorne Road
                                                                                                                                          Spokane, WA 99251                    34   AfterWord
                                                                                                                                          or updates@whitworth.edu.            35   This Is Whitworth

2              TODAY
                                                                                                                                                                               www.whitwor th.edu/whitwor thtoday                                                               TODAY      3
A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University
[Editor’s NOTE]                                                        [Letters to the EDITOR]
O      ne of my tasks as senior editor at Whitworth is to proof
       the course catalog – a great, lumbering thing that has
more parts than The Lego Movie. We print up just a few catalogs
                                                                          I just read your Editor’s Note in Whitworth Today, and it made
                                                                       me really homesick for Whitworth. I loved Whitworth as a student,
                                                                       but now I wish I had appreciated even more what an incredible
                                                                                                                                                            Speakers & Artists                                                                       Spring 2014 Edition
these days, for faculty and for use in offices. Our students, who      privilege it was for me to be there. I suspect at the time I just took it
can navigate a website much more quickly than a person my              for granted. Now I wish I could do it all over again! It’s a treat to be        Feb. 6 Lecture: Peggy McIntosh, “Unpacking the
age can flip from a table of contents to the desired page, get         able to get back for class reunions. I’m looking forward to our 55th            Invisible Knapsack: Privilege, Education, and the
their information online, and that’s where our catalog lives.          in 2016.                                                                        Vision of Achieving Inclusion”
And despite the almost wholesale shift from a print catalog to         Blessings to you all!
an online version, the editing process remains much the same.          Priscilla Small, ’61                                                            Feb. 13 Great Decisions Lecture: Florence Reed,
   It’s easy to get lost in the sheer blizzard of words in the
                                                                                                                                                       “Feeding the Planet and Its People: Sustainable
catalog – to stop seeing words as elements of thoughts and to             [Tad Wisenor’s]                                                              Farming as Key”
begin to isolate them into editable chunks. How many times             article in Whitworth
today did I read the words “mind and heart”? How many times            Today, on the
did I catch snippets of “honor God, follow Christ, and serve                                                                                           Feb. 18-April 4 Art Exhibit: Ceramics Invitational,
                                                                       Whitworth Choir,                                                                featuring the works of Terry Gieber, Gina Freuen, Lisa
humanity” and “integration of faith and learning”? Let’s leave         was informative
it at “quite a few.” Yet every once in a while, a thought, rather                                                                                      Nappa and Chris Tyllia
                                                                       and inspiring, and it
than a missing period or a jumbled sentence, jumped off the            made me wish that
page and pierced my tired old editor’s brain.                                                                                                          Feb. 20 Great Decisions Lecture: Bradley J. Ward,
                                                                       I were near enough to return for the reunion in October. But when I             “Virtually There: A Pilot’s Perspective on the Growth of
   Because I realized that though this is boilerplate language         opened the 2013-14 calendar, I was shocked to find myself staring at
for Whitworth, it’s certainly not the kind of rhetoric you                                                                                             Drones after 9/11”
                                                                       myself! The insert picture for October 2013 shows the 1936 choir with
find in most college/university catalogs. Whitworth’s catalog          Ms. Winifred McNair Hopkins (“Hoppie”) in the middle of the front row.
makes it clear from the President’s Welcome to the last page                                                                                           Feb. 25 Simpson-Duvall Reading: Poet Julia Kasdorf
                                                                       In the next row and to the left as you face the picture, between Mary
that this is a place where a program like the Master of Arts in        Koper and Lowell Poore, stands Grant Rodkey! I think the end man on
Theology (Page 8), a celebration like the one commemorating            that row may be Leonard Richardson.                                             March 6 Great Decisions Lecture: Robert Hamilton, “The
our first 100 years in Spokane (Page 12), and a family like the           Mary was a beautiful soul. Daughter of a Presbyterian minister in            International Trading System and Washington State”
Martinez/Garza clan (Page 6) can find a home and contribute            Eastern Washington and younger sister of Paul Koper of Whitworth
their essence to make everyone’s Whitworth experience better.          College and Princeton Divinity School, she had a gorgeous soprano               March 12 & April 23 President Beck A. Taylor’s
It’s a place where the mission is more than a bunch of discrete        voice and a beautiful spirit. Her favorite scripture was Galatians 5:22-        Colloquies on Whitworth’s Theological Identities
words. And it’s a place where faculty like My Favorite Professor       23. Later she married Clifford Chaffee, and they spent a lifetime as
John Yoder and new Spokane Poet Laureate Thom Caraway,                 Presbyterian missionaries in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Lowell Poore had             March 15 30th Annual Whitworth Writing Rally: Featured
students like the ones who worked overtime to pull off the             a gifted high tenor voice and a great love for music. He devoted his            author, Jerry Pallotta
Million Meals Campaign, and alums like Karen Andrues,                  career to high-school teaching in Eastern Washington.
Ben Spaun and Shannon Johnson remember and practice the                   The pictures of Ballard and McMillan halls are highly significant.           April 1 Endowed English Reading: Poet Kevin Goodan           Whitworth Spring Theatre Production: Pride and Prejudice
mission in their workday and everyday lives. Though I don’t            In 1936 they were the only buildings on campus, aside from the                                                                                                     March 7, 8, 9, 14 & 15
recommend the catalog as light reading, I do recommend it              president’s house. The student body was only 200, and many lived                April 3 Great Decisions Lecture: Neal Sealock, “Dealing    Freshman Weston Whitener, ’17, ably filled the boots of the estimable
as yet another reminder of what it is to be a Whitworthian. If         off campus. This was a critical time in the survival of Whitworth; the          with the Dragon: China’s Foreign Policy”                   Mr. Darcy in Whitworth Theatre’s spring production, Pride and Prejudice,
you’re looking for something that’s a little more fun to read, I       institution was preserved through the Depression by the devotion of
hope that this magazine draws you in and makes you feel like a                                                                                                                                                    based on the classic novel by Jane Austen. The plot centers on Elizabeth
                                                                       its tiny faculty and the skill and foresight of its leaders – chief among       April 13 Lecture: Author Timothy Egan, “Voices of the
cherished member of the Whitworth community. Because that’s                                                                                                                                                       Bennet, played by Emily Shick, ’14, who must deal with issues related to
                                                                       them Dean Francis Tiley Hardwick, native of England and schooled                Dust Bowl”
what you are.                                                                                                                                                                                                     marriage, manners and prejudice between the classes in 19th-century
                                                                       in Switzerland. By his academic leadership and his skill in recruiting
                                                                       support among the business leaders in Spokane, he brought the                   April 15 Whitworth President’s Leadership Forum: Mark
                                                                       institution through those perilous times [when it was] on the brink of                                                                     Since its publication in 1813, this iconic love story has been adapted
                                                                                                                                                       J. Sullivan, former director of the U.S. Secret Service
                                                                       institutional extinction! So thank you for warming the coals of memory,                                                                    for film, television and theatre numerous times. Whitworth’s production,
                                                                       now 77 years past, but still sharp in appreciation of and for the great                                                                    directed by Assistant Professor of Theatre Brooke Kiener, ’99, relied on
                                                                                                                                                       April 24 Great Decisions Lecture: Ralph P. Cavalieri,      the 2005 adaptation by Jon Jory and featured student actors from a
                                                                       gifts of the institution and all those wonderful friends!
                                                                                                                                                       “Energy Independence for a Sustainable Future”             variety of academic majors.
P.S. If you’re going to make a mistake in the spelling of              Grant Rodkey, M.D., ’39
someone’s name, try not to make it the name of the beloved                                                                                                                                                        In addition to the theatre production, Whitworth hosted “Austen, Ardent
son-in-law of a beloved former president. Yes, we misspelled the                                                                                                                                                  Love and Adaptation,” an afternoon tea at Hardwick Alumni House that
name of photographer Mike Wootton, ’04, a valued member of
Bill Robinson’s family, in the fall issue. Yes, we feel like idiots.
                                                                       [Write US!]                                                                         Podcast       Video
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  featured Kiener and Professor of English Laura Bloxham, ’69. The pair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  led a conversation about courtship and marriage in Austen’s novel and
Yes, we ask for Mike’s forgiveness (and for that of his wife,          We want to know what you think – about Whitworth Today, and about                                                                          explored the challenges of adapting 19th-century literature for a con-
Bailley Robinson Wootton, and maybe even that of his father-           Whitworth in general. Send us an e-mail (tmitchell@whitworth.edu)               For podcasts and videos, visit                             temporary theatre audience.
in-law). Whitworth Today regrets the error.                            or write us at Whitworth Today, University Communications Office,               www.whitworth.edu/whitworthtoday.
                                                                       Whitworth University, 300 W. Hawthorne Road, Spokane, WA 99251.

                                                                       Whitworth Today reserves the right to edit letters for length and/or content.

4               TODAY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             TODAY      5
A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University
cousins, all about the same age and in         with one another. “Everything we did, we      a light for him.” However, the cost of
                                                                                                                                                                          the same class, attend the same college        were competing with each other,” Arnold       tuition was an immediate barrier. One
                                                                                                                                                                          at the same time. Such is the case for the     says. “It didn’t matter what we were          of her sisters and then-Vice President for
                                                                                                                                                                          five Martinez and Garza cousins, who are       doing.” Some of that competitive spirit       Student Life Kathy Storm intervened on
                                                                                                                                                                          now sophomores at Whitworth. Athletics         drives the family members at Whitworth,       her behalf, and the financial aid office
                                                                                                                                                                          was a major attraction for the group; Saul     as well.                                      came up with a package that ultimately
                                                                                                                                                                          played golf for Whitworth, and Samson             It isn’t all competition, however.         allowed her to attend. “It still brings me
                                                                                                                                                                          (who was an RA in McMillan Hall last           Alyssa, a psychology major, says they         to tears thinking about it,” says Angelica,
                                                                                                                                                                          semester) is currently on the team. Caleb      often find themselves sharing similar         who is now married with one daughter.
                                                                                                                                                                          Garza, ’16, is a running back for Pirate       challenges, goals and frustrations as each    “It was something God was showing me,
                                                                                                                                                                          football, and Alyssa Martinez, ’16, plays      season begins. She relies on her cousins      an example of his faithfulness to me
                                                                                                                                                                          catcher/infield on the softball team.          for support as much as she does her           and our family.” Angelica’s father is
                                                                                                                                                                          Arnold Garza, ’16, isn’t on a varsity team     teammates and coaches. “It’s that family      Samson and Saul’s grandpa, the boy who
                                                                                                                                                                          at Whitworth, but he plays intramurals,        aspect that is so nice to have,” she says.    watched the school bus drive by the field
                                                                                                                                                                          as do his cousins. Kristynn (Garza) Lind,                                                    each morning.
                                                                                                                                                                          ’16, limits her involvement in athletics to                                                     Angelica’s positive Whitworth
                                                                                                                                                                          joining her cousins as often as possible for       But I could feel where                    experience was something that led her
                                                                                                                                                                          some rounds of urban golf. This sport is                                                     nephew, Zenaido Martinez III, to check
                                                                                                                                                                          especially popular among the group right             God was calling me.                     out the school. Zenaido says he wasn’t
                                                                                                                                                                          now, and they play together as often as
                                                                                                                                                                          they can.                                         I knew God would use me                    necessarily looking for a Christian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       school; he was more interested in high
                                                                                                                                                                             Athletics was a major draw for the
                                                                                                                                                                          cousins, but a strong, small and welcoming          at Whitworth to be a                     academic standards.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          He studied in Mexico one summer,
                                                                                                                                                                          academic community steeped in faith
                                                                                                                                                                          was the main driver for all of them, and               light for Him.                        and re-dedicated his life to God on that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       trip. “One weekend we were parasailing
                                                                                                                                                                          Whitworth filled the bill. As a high school         Angelica (Martinez) Varga, ’04           together, and they couldn’t bring me down
                                               Left to right: Samson Martinez, ’16; Kristynn Garza Lind, ’16; Caleb Garza, ’16; Arnold Garza, ’16; Alyssa Martinez, ’16   senior, Saul saw that Whitworth had the                                                      for whatever reason,” Zenaido says. “So I

     A Patriarch’s
                                                                             l e d
                                                                                                                                                                          academic programs he was looking for and                                                     was up there for an hour and 15 minutes.

                                                                      F l fi  l
                                                                                                                                                                          respected faculty members to study under;      “Those people push you in ways beyond         It was during this period that I dedicated
                                                                                                                                                                          he knew it would be a great place to           athletics and you don’t want to be the        myself to God. Something happened up
                                                                                                                                                                          attend, and his cousins followed suit not      person who is not doing your best all         there that just changed me, and I saw God

                                                                                                                                                                          long after he made his decision.               the time.”                                    in a whole new light. When I came back
                                                                                                                                                                             “I would describe my relationship with         The small-community aspect was also        down they looked at me and they said,
                                                                                                                                                                          my first cousins as comparable to the          an important factor for each of them          ‘You look different.’ My life changed from
                                                                                                                                                                          relationship between brothers and sisters,”    as they chose to attend Whitworth.            that moment on.”
                                                                                                                                                                          Saul says. “In our culture, a cousin could     “Whitworth keeps us connected,” says             Zenaido played football for the Pirates,
                                                                                                             By Lucas Beechinor, ’09                                      be anybody who comes from the same             Kristynn, who married Pirates wide            but transferred to Evangel University
                                                                                                                                                                          bloodline, not limited to any number of        receiver Devon Lind, ’14, also from           after his sophomore year. He earned a
   Samson Martinez, ’16, recalls a story                                                                   his Whitworth days and dealing with his                        generations back, as long as you can track     Othello, in 2011. Kristynn says this helped   bachelor’s degree in business and went on
his grandpa repeated to him when he was                                                                    younger brother’s gentle ridicule. “He said                    it. This is why we end up having a lot         her make the transition from a bigger         to earn an MBA from Colorado Christian
younger. A little boy picks cotton with                                                                    I was becoming more of a nerd each time                        of cousins, and there is a sense of pride      city like Seattle, because in some ways       University. Today he is married, with four
his family in a field in Texas. A school bus                                                               I visited home,” says Saul, who currently                      throughout the whole family to see the         it felt like coming home. Both Kristynn       children, and he works as an operations
passes the field every morning, and the                                                                    works as an administrative assistant at                        others succeed in life.”                       and Alyssa compare the Whitworth              engineer at the Hanford nuclear site.
boy stares after it, wishing he were riding                                                                Baker Boyer Wealth Management, in                                 This close relationship helps keep          community to Othello. “Not only do I             After admitting, laughing, that
along, determined his kids will be on it                                                                   Kennewick, Wash. He earned B.A. in                             family members accountable to and for          have family members here, but I’ve made       “Unfortunately, I beat up on them [the
someday.                                                                                                   business management at Whitworth.                              each other, he says. Saul, who graduated       family members here. Community is a           pesky younger cousins] quite a bit!”,
   Although Zenaido Martinez, Sr., the                                                                     The little brother “claimed to not be the                      last May, says he loves seeing his little      huge thing for us,” Alyssa says.              Zenaido says the three words that betray
young boy in the field, attended school                                                                    Whitworth type,” Saul says, with a smile,                      brother involved with student body                But how did the family discover            his love for them and his pride in their
only through the third grade, he made                                                                      “but after he attended a Why Whitworth                         leadership. “It also makes me happy to         Whitworth in the first place? Samson and      accomplishments. It might be the
sure his kids were on that bus. All nine of        Zenaido Martinez III, with his wife, Meagan             event and stayed with me in my dorm, he                        know my family is safe, having a good          Saul’s aunt Angelica (Martinez) Vargas,       unofficial motto of the Martinezes and
his children graduated high school, and                                                                    was hooked. Now I get to tease him.”                           time, and working hard to be successful in     ’04, was the first family member to visit     Garzas: “Family is everything,” he says.
five cousins from the family are currently           Samson’s older brother, Saul Martinez,                   It isn’t uncommon for siblings to follow                    life after college,” he says.                  the campus and apply. “I could feel where     He, his aunts and cousins have fulfilled
attending Whitworth; Samson is the third           ’13, fondly remembers going home to                     in each other’s footsteps when choosing                           While the cousins were growing up           God was calling me,” she says. “I knew        the dream of an education that Zenaido,
grandchild to attend.                              Pasco, Wash., for the weekend during                    a college. It is less common when five                         together, they were fiercely competitive       God would use me at Whitworth to be           Sr., had for their family.

6               TODAY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TODAY    7
A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University
                                                                                                        O      ne a seasoned minister and the other
                                                                                                               just beginning her career in ministry,
                                                                                                        both Wittwer and Dufault felt God calling
                                                                                                        them to receive additional theological
                                                                                                        education in order to serve those under
                                                                                                        their care most effectively. And both
                                                                                                                                                           “We don’t want students dropping out
                                                                                                                                                        of ministry to get an education, when part
                                                                                                                                                        of their education should be their deep
                                                                                                        discovered that the Whitworth Master            sense of involvement in and commitment
                                                                                                        of Arts in Theology Program could help          to the church or to parachurch

                                                                                                        them answer that call.                          organizations or local ministries,” Sittser
                                                                                                           “This program was a perfect fit for          says. “We wanted to offer a graduate
                                                                                                        me, and I loved it,” says Wittwer, who          theological education that was more

                                                          J  oe Wittwer has shepherded thousands
                                                             of people over nearly four decades as
                                                          lead pastor of Life Center Foursquare
                                                                                                        graduated in 2011. “It helped my thinking,
                                                                                                        which has bled into my leadership and the
                                                                                                        way I work with people, and I’ve had a lot
                                                                                                                                                        like a medical residency program, which
                                                                                                                                                        prepares students for practice, than a
                                                                                                                                                        typical humanities Ph.D. program that
                                                                                                        of people comment that they’ve noticed a        prepares scholars.”
                                                          Church, one of Spokane’s largest              new depth, theologically and historically,         The program draws applicants from
                                                          congregations. For much of that time, he      to my preaching.”                               a wide range of denominations and
                                                          wanted to go back to school and get an            Launched in 2008, Whitworth’s               professional backgrounds. Students hail
                                                                                                        M.A. in theology program is intended            from all parts of the Inland Northwest,
                                                          advanced theology degree. But leading
                                                                                                        for lifelong learners who want to deepen        and graduates have gone on to plant
                                                          a busy ministry and raising five children     their faith and enrich their Christian          churches, to assume higher positions of
                                                          had meant putting those educational goals     vocation. The program equips men and            leadership at their home churches, and
                                                          on hold – until a few years ago, when he      women to serve the church and society           to earn D.Min. degrees, among other
                                                                                                        by integrating theological education,           pursuits. Whitworth has articulation
                                                          learned that Whitworth was launching a
                                                                                                        practical application and spiritual             agreements with both Princeton and
                                                          graduate program in theology.                 formation. It is designed for people            Fuller theological seminaries, which

                                                                                                        who work full time, so it’s offered in          ensure that M.A. in theology program
                                                                                                        a convenient, part-time schedule,               students’ credits will transfer to those

                                                          M       eanwhile, Emily Dufault, who
                                                                  graduated from Whitworth in 2010
                                                          with a degree in cross-cultural and peace
                                                                                                        allowing students to set their own date
                                                                                                        for completion.
                                                                                                           “We wanted to deliver graduate
                                                                                                                                                        institutions. The university will form
                                                                                                                                                        partnerships with additional seminaries as
                                                                                                                                                        the need arises, Sittser says.
                                                                                                        theological education in a way that was            Students in the program meet on
                                                          studies, had found herself several years      true to our mission and sensitive to the        campus one weekend a month and
                                                          later working at her church in Spokane’s      needs of the church,” says Whitworth            take additional week-long intensive

                                                          West Central neighborhood. She was            Professor of Theology and Master of             courses on campus in the summer. They
                                                          gradually discerning a call to pastoral       Arts in Theology Program Director Jerry         complete supplemental coursework
                                                                                                        Sittser. “We saw an opportunity to start        online, as well. Whitworth’s full-time
                                                          ministry and knew that she would need         a new program that reflected our deepest        theology faculty teach the core courses,
                                                          more advanced theological training. But

                                                                                                        convictions about how theological               with electives offered by adjuncts in
                                                          she didn’t know how she would be able         education should be done.”                      students’ specific areas of interest, such

                                                          to get a master’s degree while working full      Sittser says those convictions called        as pastoral care and counseling, public
                        M.A. in theology                  time – until last summer, when Dufault
                                                                                                        for a part-time program that focused on         theology, and Christian culture.
                                                                                                        both applied learning and classroom work.          The program is built around a cohort
                        program equips                    discovered the road to her future vocation    Program courses are rooted in classical         model, in which a group of students
                                                          was leading her back to her alma mater.       theological disciplines, but they also have     completes core courses together,
                        ministry leaders to                                                             a required practical component so that          following the program sequentially. Every
                                                                                                        students can apply their classical learning     new class begins with a banquet, and
                        serve their churches,                                                           to concrete ministry situations, he says.       students eat several meals together over
                        communities                                                                                                                     the course of a class. Each course also has
                                                                                                                                                        built-in worship times.
                                                                                                                                                           “We are a Christian community living
                        By Emily Brandler Proffitt, ’05                                                                                                 out faith together, not just sitting in a
                                                          Opposite, left to right: Jerry Sittser,                                                       classroom,” Sittser says.
                                                          Jeremy Wynne, ’99, and Emily Dufault, ’10

8   TODAY                                                                                                                                                                               TODAY     9
A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University
Whitworth Launches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Ekklesia Project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        In addition to its master of arts in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        theology program, Whitworth is also
                                     In the beginning                                                                                                                         Building the                              seeking to meet the needs of churches
                                        The idea for the program
                                     grew out of a reading group                                                                                                              network                                   and congregations in the Northwest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        through The Ekklesia Project. The goal of
                                     for local senior pastors that                                                                                                                  Another key to building
                                     Sittser started about a decade                                                                                                             the program will be bolstering          the new church-engagement initiative,
                                     ago. He says they had such a                                                                                                               its connections to Christian            which launched earlier this year, is to
                                     rich experience reading and                                                                                                               communities across the Inland            enlarge and develop Whitworth’s ability
                                     discussing classic Christian                                                                                                              Northwest, says Whitworth Lecturer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to function as a catalyst, center and
                                     literature together that he                                                                                                              in Theology Jeremy Wynne, ’99,
                                     then started a reading group                                                                                                            the program’s new assistant director.      resource for conversing, envisioning,
                                     with young church planters in                                                                                                         Wynne is working on networking with          planning and programming. It seeks
                                     the area. Reading the classics                                                                                                        Christian leaders in the region to raise     to assist churches and other Christian
                                     exposed members of both groups to a                                                                                                   awareness about the program and to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        organizations in the region as they
NAME: Emily Dufault                  previously unknown world, and many                                                                                                    help them see how it can be a valuable
                                     wanted to dive deeper.                                                                                                                partner in their various ministries.         discern ways in which they can be the
AGE: 26                                 One of those pastors was Wittwer.                                                                                                      “It’s really the only program of its     church and do ministry in the cultural
                                     He had helped start the senior pastors’                                                                                               kind in this area, but at this point there   setting of the 21st-century Pacific
HOMETOWN: Moses Lake, Wash.          reading group, and he became the first                                                                                                are still many people who don’t know
                                     person to sign up for the MAT program.                                                                                                we’re here and aren’t aware of how
EDUCATION: Earned a bachelor’s          “I love to learn, and this program                                                                                                 accessible this program is to people with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Ekklesia Project is being funded
degree in cross-cultural studies     made it possible for someone like me to                                                                                               families and full-time jobs,” Wynne says.
                                     continue doing my job and still get an                                                                                                   In addition to relationship-building,     initially through a $1-million grant
and peace studies from Whitworth
in 2010
                                     excellent education,” Wittwer says.
                                        Wittwer says he appreciated the way    The road home                                                                               Wynne is also focusing on increasing
                                                                                                                                                                           the program’s diversity with regard to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        from the Lilly Endowment; it is being
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        administered by the new Whitworth Office
                                     the program was at once academically         For Dufault, returning to Whitworth         the Christian & Missionary Alliance          the ministry interests of its students,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for Church Engagement, headed by Terry
CAREER ASPIRATIONS: Hopes to         rigorous, spiritually refreshing, and     to earn her master’s degree was an             denomination. Once licensed, she will        the areas of expertise of its faculty,
                                     directly applicable to his ministry. He   unexpected next step in her vocational         begin a two- to three-year training track    and the types of electives it offers.        McGonigal, the university’s former dean of
become consecrated as a pastor
                                     particularly enjoyed his professors and   journey.                                       within the denomination, culminating in      For instance, he says, the program           spiritual life. In addition to administering
within the Christian & Missionary
                                     the way the cohort model allowed him         After completing her bachelor’s degree,     her consecration as a pastor.                recently added a master’s-thesis option      The Ekklesia Project, the office for church
Alliance Church                      to build friendships with people from     Dufault spent a year in Costa Rica                Dufault says that financing her degree    for students who want to focus on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        engagement is pursuing opportunities to
                                     various backgrounds and perspectives.     helping establish Whitworth’s center           has been a challenge, but a grant she        research. The program is also adding
FAVORITE PART OF THE M.A.            In fact, he has since hired one of his    there. She then returned to Spokane and        received through Whitworth has offset a      classes focused on different aspects of      develop and deepen partnerships with
IN THEOLOGY PROGRAM: The             classmates to work at Life Center.        started working at The Porch, a church         substantial portion of her tuition costs.    ministry: a course in youth ministry, a      Presbyterian denominations and with
cohort model, which allows her          The church also has partnered with     planted by Garland Alliance Church,               Whitworth’s ability to create and         course focusing on worshipping within        other expressions of the global church.
to get to know people from a         Whitworth to create a special Life        which she had attended as an undergrad.        maintain such scholarships will be key to    Christian communities, and classes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The project is also looking to expand
                                     Center track within Whitworth’s Lay       Diving deeper into pastoral ministry, she      building the program, because so many        focused on mission, particularly the
wide range of denominational         Ministry Certificate Program, which       saw all the different pieces of her passions   of its students are financially challenged   global Christian movement.                   local and regional ministries. Additionally,
backgrounds, life experiences,       is designed to help train, equip and      come together. She began looking for a         due to their involvement or planned             “We’re finding opportunities to be        the office works with churches to assess
and ministry areas                   support men and women to serve more       part-time graduate theology program that       involvement in ministry and nonprofit-       stronger and applying ourselves to that,”    needs in the local community and to
                                     effectively in a variety of paid and      she could complete at her own pace, in         related professions, says Cheryl Vawter,     Wynne says. “This is a community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        develop strategies and programs to meet
QUOTE: “This is the right program    unpaid leadership positions in local      her own city. For the second time in her       ’94, associate vice president for graduate   that is passionate about learning and
                                     congregations. So far, dozens of Life     life, her search for the right educational     admissions and continuing studies.           studying the gospel. They love what          those needs.
for me. I’m getting high-level
                                     Center’s members have completed the       fit brought her to Whitworth.                     “Unlike many students in our other        they do, and that’s why they’re doing
academic theological studies in a    non-degree program.                          “When I came back to campus I               graduate and continuing education            this program: We want to support them        Both The Ekklesia Project and the
way that’s directly applied to how      “Our involvement with Whitworth        thought, ‘Well, hey there, Whitworth,          programs, students aren’t choosing the       in that.”                                    Whitworth Office for Church Engagement
I’m doing ministry, so I’m able to   has elevated the value of continuing      I didn’t think I’d get to see you again so     program based on the expectation that                                                     are consistent with the university’s
put it to use immediately.”          education for our entire congregation,”   soon,’” she says. “It is the perfect program   they will one day get a financial return                                                  Whitworth 2021 Courage at the
                                     Wittwer says.                             for what I need, plus the classes are          on their educational investment,”
                                                                               blowing my mind and changing how I             Vawter says. “While everything we do                                                      Crossroads strategic plan, which calls
                                                                               look at my faith and how I do ministry.”       at Whitworth is directly tied to our                                                      for deepening Whitworth’s position as
                                                                                  Dufault hopes to finish her degree          mission, the M.A. in theology is                                                          a valued resource to the church and
                                                                               within three years. She’s currently            particularly close to the heart of who                                                    society.
                                                                               working on being licensed within               we are as an institution.”

10             TODAY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TODAY      11
A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University
Tacoma, Whitworth’s new campus had to be carved into a dense             Whitworth suffered a major setback in 1917, when the U.S.
                                                                                                                                        forest more than two miles north of the city limits. Whitworth’s      entered WWI. Thirty male students had enlisted, and the college
                                                                                                                                        groundbreaking took place in May; that August, 200 people             was in debt; the trustees decided to close the campus for the
                                                                                                                                        attended the dedication of the Young Ladies’ Dormitory (now           1918-19 academic year, releasing the president and faculty to find
                                                                                                                                        McMillan Hall). To satisfy accreditation requirements, trustee        work elsewhere. The trustees leased the campus to the Army, to
                                                                                                                                        Aubrey White orchestrated a campaign to add 8,000 volumes to          be used as an auto and tractor school.
                                                                                                                                        Whitworth’s library, housed in McMillan.                                 By the end of the year, the buildings were in shambles and
                                                                                                                                           When classes began, in September, the college welcomed 40          the football field’s turf had been destroyed; Whitworth College
                                                                                                                                        students and 14 faculty                                                                                         existed in name only. But
                                                                                                                                        members, four of whom                                                                                           the trustees rallied: They
                                                                                                                                        had relocated from                                                                                              raised funds and named a
                                                                                                                                        Tacoma with President                                                                                           president, the Rev. Arthur
                                                                                                                                        Donald MacKay. At                                                                                               Y. Beatie, who began
                                                                                                                                        the time, World War                                                                                             recruiting faculty from
                                                                                                                                        I, which had erupted                                                                                            the East Coast. Classes
                                                                                                                                        in July, loomed in                                                                                              restarted on Sept. 16,
                                                                                                                                        the background; The                                                                                             1919, with 98 students
                                                                                                                                        Spokesman-Review’s daily                                                                                        enrolled, the new student
                                                                                                                                        headlines shouted about                                                                                         body fueled in part by
                                                                                                                                        the fierce fighting. Five                                                                                       war veterans eager to
                                                                                                                                        days after classes began,                                                                                       earn degrees.
                                                                                                                                        trustee J. Grier Long, who                                                                                         We often have the
                                                                                                                                        had been instrumental in                                                                                        sense that history is
                                                                                                                                        Whitworth’s relocation                                                                                          inevitable, that events
                                                                                                                                        and had provided much-needed vision and leadership, died after        and institutions turn out the way they do because unseen forces
                                                                                                                                        a sudden illness.                                                     propel them. But that view obscures the many people – and
                                                                                                                                           Long’s fellow trustees were so uncertain the college would         the choices they make and the actions they take – who largely
                                                                                                                                        survive that they decided to merge with another Protestant            determine the outcome.
                In 1914, Whitworth was on the brink of closing. A bold move                                                             college in Spokane. It appears they had approved the merger, but         As we celebrate Whitworth’s 100th anniversary in Spokane,
                                                                                                                                        it fell apart at the last minute.                                     let’s raise a toast to the committed community leaders, citizens,
                     and a host of believers changed the course of history.                                                                Students and faculty pressed on to fight for Whitworth’s           students, faculty and trustees who believed Whitworth was worth
                                                           By Dale Soden                                                                success. School spirit helped sustain the fledgling campus through    fighting for. They changed the course of history for Whitworth,
                                                                                                                                        tough times, as students brought with them traditions from            and for the countless believers who followed.
                                                                                                                                        Tacoma, including Mayfest, the Colonial Party, and Campus Day,
   Next year we will celebrate the 125th anniversary of               Everything appeared to be so good in Tacoma, but by 1912                                                                                Dale Soden, Ph.D., is a professor of history, the campus historian,
                                                                                                                                        which is now Community Building Day. Faculty not only taught
Whitworth’s founding. But this year, in 2014, we are celebrating   student enrollment had stalled. Not enough people believed in                                                                              and director of the Weyerhaeuser Center for Christian Faith &
                                                                                                                                        classes; they also filled multiple other roles. One such professor
Whitworth’s 100th year in Spokane.                                 Whitworth; not enough students and donors stepped forward.                                                                                 Learning at Whitworth.
                                                                                                                                        was David Guy. A 1909 alumnus, Guy was a true believer in
   In a simple sense, Whitworth’s move from Tacoma in 1914         The college began sinking fast.
                                                                                                                                        Whitworth. He taught math and civil engineering, coached the          To read Soden’s spring 2014 Convocation presentation about
allowed the institution to survive. At first glance, this was         Jay P. Graves, one of Spokane’s leading entrepreneurs,
                                                                                                                                        athletics teams, was campus surveyor and dean of men, and sang        Whitworth’s move to Spokane and to view accompanying photos,
because people in Spokane donated land and raised money. But       became aware of Whitworth’s financial difficulties. He, along
                                                                                                                                        second tenor in Whitworth’s quartet.                                  visit www.whitworth.edu/whitworthtoday.
the college also survived because students, faculty and trustees   with Presbyterian leaders, city officials, and Whitworth trustees
fought for Whitworth.                                              J. Grier Long and the Rev. Hugh McMillan, put together an
   Tacoma, nicknamed the City of Destiny, seemed a perfect         attractive offer. Long and McMillan agreed to spearhead a
fit for Whitworth. The school undoubtedly enjoyed the most         $100,000 building fund: Spokane’s citizens launched a campaign
beautiful setting of any college in the Northwest: the campus      that netted $70,000, and the Synod of Washington pitched in
overlooked Mount Rainier, the Olympic and Cascade ranges,          $30,000. Graves set aside 640 acres he owned, designating 40         More than 300 guests gathered at the Lincoln Center on March 15 to
and Puget Sound. The Ladies Residence Hall occupied the            acres for a campus; 40 acres to be sold to support the building      celebrate Whitworth’s 100 years in Spokane. The evening included a
grandest mansion in                                                                                         fund; and the remaining     performance by the Whitworth Choir, citations by community leaders,
the city; Whitworth                                                                                         acreage platted and sold,   a presentation of the 2014 Alumni Awards, and a toast in honor of
had a new gymnasium;                                                                                        with roughly 50 percent     the university’s enduring mission and those who have supported and
the baseball team had                                                                                       of the proceeds going to    sustained Whitworth across 100 successful years.
defeated the University of                                                                                  the college.
Washington; the football                                                                                       Whitworth trustees
team had defeated the                                                                                       accepted the offer and
University of Oregon; and                                                                                   moved the college
                                                                                                                                        Above left: Groundbreaking for McMillan Hall, May 22, 1914
Whitworth had produced                                                                                      nearly 300 miles. Unlike
a Rhodes Scholar.                                                                                           the idyllic location in     Left: Members of the Class of 1915, Whitworth’s first graduating
                                                                                                                                        seniors in Spokane: Ora Lee Landis, George Takaku, Ruth Lee
                                                                                                                                        Above: Ballard Hall, left, and McMillan Hall, 1915

12             TODAY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TODAY     13
A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University
[Whitworth NEWS]

                                                                            Yeo Yeo! Wind Symphony Hosts Boston Trombonist In May, the Whitworth Wind Symphony performed at the Martin Woldson
The Bread of Life x 600,000                                                 Theater at the Fox, in downtown Spokane, with guest artist Douglas Yeo, who was bass trombonist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra
  This spring, as Whitworth celebrated a century in Spokane, the            and Boston Pops for 27 years. Earlier this spring, the wind symphony toured California, performing from the Bay Area to San Diego.
Associated Students of Whitworth University gave back to our city
and our region, and to hungry people far beyond our borders through
a program they christened the Million Meals Campaign. Over the            Whitworth Auxiliary Endows
course of the 2013-14 academic year, ASWU devoted countless
person-hours, considerable shoe-leather, a strong desire to help          Scholarship to Celebrate 100 Years
others, and boundless enthusiasm to raising $150,000 for people who
                                                                             Next year, on the occasion of               and Dorothy
are hungry and in need. ASWU partnered with the local nonprofit
                                                                          the Whitworth Auxiliary’s 100th                Farr-Dixon, the
Generation Alive and its founder, San Francisco Giants pitcher
                                                                          anniversary, its members will present          daughter of the
Jeremy Affeldt, to see this project through. Though the effort fell a
                                                                          the first Whitworth Auxiliary Endowed          auxiliary’s founder,
bit short of the one million meals Whitworth hoped to prepare, more
                                                                          Scholarship to a deserving Whitworth           asked me to.
than 1,000 Whitworthians – students, faculty, staff, alums, friends and
                                                                          student. Over the years, the auxiliary has     Dorothy was a
community volunteers – showed up on Saturday, May 3, to package
                                                                          raised nearly $200,000 to assist Whitworth     grand lady. She said
more than 600,000 meals, which were then distributed by Second
                                                                          students. Members raise funds through          ‘Let’s do it!’ and we
Harvest of the Inland Northwest to hungry people here in the Inland
                                                                          their annual Fall Luncheon & Bazaar,           did it.”
Northwest, as well as to Nicaraguans in need.
                                                                          their Winter Bazaar & Bake Sale, and              Mary Lee
                                                                          their Spring Tea & Style Show.                 Nickoloff, ’64, the
                                                                             In 1915, the group began meeting in         current president
                                                                          the living rooms of its members’ homes.        of the auxiliary, says that one of her          students’ financial needs, through gifts to
                                                                          The women followed the core tenet “to          favorite aspects of the auxiliary is “being     the President’s Discretionary Fund, travel
                                                                          pray, to plan, and to promote.” They made      able to give back to Whitworth                  money for Hawaiian and international
                                                                          curtains and pillows for residence halls and   all of the great things that I received         students, and the new endowed
                                                                          acted as dorm mothers for hall residents.      during my time there.” Nickoloff sees           scholarship.
                                                                          And they continued, throughout the             the auxiliary as an opportunity for                The Whitworth Auxiliary also raises
                                                                          20th century – and now into the 21st – to      fellowship “with a really neat group            funds through the sale of cutlery and its new
                                                                          make students comfortable at Whitworth.        of Christian ladies who support and             cookbook, Tasty Treasures: Tried and True
                                                                          “We wallpapered, we painted, and we            care for each other.”                           Recipes from the Whitworth Auxiliary
                                                                          had all the pianos tuned every summer,”           In its 100th year, in addition to its        (available through the Whitworth Bookstore).
                                                                          says Marilyn Stedman, a member of the          original goal of making residence halls         If you are interested in joining the auxiliary,
                                                                          auxiliary since 1975. “I joined because        homes-away-from-home for Whitworth              please contact member Beth Davis at
                                                                          my daughter was a Whitworth student,           students, the auxiliary also addresses          509.777.4268.

14             TODAY                                                                                                                                                                                         TODAY    15
A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University
[Whitworth NEWS]

                                                                  Q & A with Carol                                                                                                                                     POTUS Protector Is Spring Speaker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       at President’s Leadership Forum
                                                                  What was appealing about taking on the role of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mark Sullivan, former director of the United States Secret
                                                                  provost at Whitworth?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Service and co-founder of Global Security & Intelligence
                                                                  Being provost at Whitworth means working with                                                                                                        Strategies, keynoted Whitworth’s spring President’s
                                                                  talented, dedicated faculty and staff to educate students                                                                                            Leadership Forum. “He brings an insider’s view to issues
                                                                  in mind and heart. What could be more important and                                                                                                  of global and national security based on his work for
                                                                  satisfying than that?                                                                                                                                presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama,” says
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Whitworth President Beck A. Taylor. “Mark served the
                                                                  Why do big ideas matter in a world where higher                                                                                                      country, its citizens, and its political leadership with honor
                                                                  education often seems to be all about training                                                                                                       and distinction, and he led admirably through moments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of crisis at the agency.” Rounding out the event, Sullivan
                                                                  graduates for jobs?                                                                                                                                  and Taylor conversed onstage about the responsibilities
                                                                  Big ideas matter because, no matter what we are                                                                                                      of the Secret Service and the issues that arose during
                                                                  doing for a living, we want to live lives that make a                                                                                                Sullivan’s tenure as its director.
                                                                  difference for good in the world. We need to continually
                                                                  ask ourselves how to honor God, follow Christ and
                                                                  genuinely serve humanity. Those things don’t happen
                                                                  automatically. We need to be lifelong learners and
                                                                  reflective human beings in order to live lives that                 A Season of Change
                                                                  honor God.
                                                                                                                                      Board’s evolution evokes thanks, anticipation, sadness
Meet the Provost                                                  How have you balanced your family and social                           The Whitworth Board of Trustees saw          helped solidify the institution as an                                  mourned the loss
Carol Simon leads implementation of                               life with your successful professional life and                     a number of changes this spring as the          integral figure in Christian liberal arts                              of longtime trustee
Whitworth’s academic goals                                        its demands?                                                        chair stepped down, his successor stepped       education in the U.S.”                                                 Dave Robblee,
                                                                                                                                      up, and the trustees – and the entire                                      Jason Thackston,                            ’62, who died of
  Caroline Simon, Ph.D., joined Whitworth last July as provost    I often haven’t balanced these very well. I am fortunate            Whitworth community – bade farewell                                     ’92, senior vice                               cancer in April,
and executive vice president. She succeeds Michael Le Roy, ’89,   to have a wonderful husband, fantastic children and                 to one of the board’s most popular                                      president for Avista                           leaving a legacy of
who is now president of Calvin College, in Grand Rapids, Mich.    great friends. I am also fortunate to love my work.                 longtime members.                                                       Corp., was elected                             involvement, effort,
  Prior to joining Whitworth, Simon, who prefers to be called                                                                                                   Walt Oliver,                                  chair of the board                             and sheer joy at his
Carol, served as associate dean for teaching and learning at      What would you like to be your No. 1                                                       ’67, says it was a                               and will assume                                alma mater. He was
Hope College, in Holland, Mich. She previously held numerous      accomplishment at Whitworth?                                                               pleasure for him                                 his new role July 1.    a business owner, a community volunteer,
administrative leadership roles at Hope and served on the                                                                                                    to serve as board                                “Jason is stepping      and a loving husband and father. He and
college’s board of trustees. As a faculty member, she held the    I would like to help Whitworth grow into its own ideals.
                                                                                                                                                             chair (for six stellar                           in as board chair       his wife, Anne, had three children, all
John and Jeanne Jacobson Endowed Professorship, a rotating,       If it turns out that Whitworth is better equipped to be its
                                                                                                                                                             years), and he is        at the perfect time,” Taylor says. “His         Whitworth alums.
four-year appointment, and chaired the philosophy department      best self than it was before I became its provost, I will be
                                                                                                                                                             looking forward          experience in business leadership and his         Robblee earned his B.A. in music
for six years.                                                    satisfied with what I’ve accomplished.
                                                                                                                                                             to continuing his        passion for the Whitworth community             education from Whitworth in 1962
  While engaged in administrative leadership, Simon has                                                                                                      service as a trustee.    will be invaluable as we enter into an          and joined its board of trustees in 1983,
continued to write about virtue and human affection. She          Are you (secretly or otherwise) rooting for the Hope                Under his leadership, the university            exciting chapter in the institution’s           serving on the Buildings and Grounds
has authored, co-authored and edited five books, including        women in the NCAA Division III tournament?                          transitioned to a new president, and            history.” As Avista’s senior vice president,    Subcommittee, the Endowment
Can Hope Endure? A Historical Case Study in Christian Higher      (Note: Simon answered this question in March, when the              Oliver helped shape an ambitious 10-year        Thackston is responsible for overseeing         Subcommittee, and the Finance and
Education (Eerdmans, 2005), and Mentoring for Mission:            women’s DIII championship was still up in the air. Unfortunately,   strategic plan, oversaw major additions to      the utility’s gas and electric transmission     Administration Committee during his 31-
Nurturing New Faculty at Church-Related Colleges (Eerdmans,       neither Whitworth nor Hope won the national championship.)          the campus, and, with the board, ensured        and distribution operations. He previously      year tenure. “Dave reminded all who were
2003). She has also published more than two dozen articles.                                                                           Whitworth’s continuity by extending             served as Avista’s vice president of            near him of the joy of life,” Taylor says.
Simon holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. in philosophy from the            When the Whitworth women beat Whitman in
                                                                                                                                      President Beck A. Taylor’s contract             finance, overseeing financing and capital       “We will miss him terribly, but we rejoice
University of Washington, and a B.S. in philosophy from the       basketball, I had two reasons for rejoicing: That got
                                                                                                                                      through the 2019-20 academic year.              activities and being involved in corporate      that he has found eternal rest with his
University of Oregon.                                             Whitworth into the NCAA tournament and it may
                                                                                                                                      “Whitworth has prospered tremendously           development, investor relations, risk           Savior. Our prayers extend to the entire
  By way of introduction to her new community, Simon              help Hope College women move up in their rankings.
                                                                                                                                      under Walt’s careful leadership,”               management, and planning and analysis.          Robblee family, and to all who knew and
answered a few questions for Whitworth Today about her new        If Whitworth meets Hope in a playoff game, I’ll root for
                                                                                                                                      Taylor says. “His tireless and generous            In the wake of these personnel changes       loved Dave.”
position and the ways in which she approaches her work and        Whitworth, of course.
                                                                                                                                      dedication to Whitworth’s mission has           on the board, the Whitworth community
her life.

16             TODAY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TODAY       17
A Century of Success How the bold move to Spokane - and a host of believers - changed Whitworth's history - Whitworth University
[Whitworth NEWS]

Lucky Seven, Plus 300                                                                          Click!
                                                                                                                                                 Reformed, Evangelical, Ecumenical
Whitworth wins all-sports trophy, Higgs reaches milestone                                      Business-plan competition                         The President’s Colloquy on Theological Identities (Reformed and
                              For the seventh    for all of our coaches, student-athletes
                                                                                               launches Whitworthian, partner                    Presbyterian, evangelical, and ecumenical) took place over three evenings
                            consecutive          and staff, as well as a tribute to the           Devon Lind, ’14, and Michael Fisk              of conversation and reflection this academic year. Each two-hour event
                            year, Whitworth      support that we receive from the entire       are two creative guys with one common             focused on one of the three identities. On Nov. 20, Associate Provost
                            Athletics has        campus community.”                            vision: “We just want to do remarkable            for Faculty Development Kathy Storm spoke on the Reformed and
                            claimed the             The Northwest Conference comprises         things,” says Fisk, who first met Lind at         Presbyterian identity. On March 12, Communication Studies Professor
                            McIlroy-Lewis        nine private, independent colleges and        True Hope Church, in Spokane. Their               Ron Pyle presented his thoughts on Whitworth’s evangelical identity. And
                            All-Sports           universities in Washington and Oregon.        most recent collaboration, Photoboxx,             on April 23, Associate Professor of Psychology Adrian Teo addressed
                            Trophy, bestowed     The Pirates earned their first NWC All-       took first place in the open category at          Whitworth’s ecumenical identity. Each evening conversation also
                            upon the most        Sports Trophy in 2005. Pacific Lutheran       the 2014 Inland Northwest Business                included three members of the Whitworth community who presented
                            successful           won six times in a row, from 1995-2000,       Plan Competition, hosted at Whitworth             brief responses to the keynote presentation. To view videos or download
                   Higgs                                                                                                                         podcasts of these events, visit www.whitworth.edu/presidentscolloquy.
                            athletics program    and also won the first eight trophies, from   in April.
in the Northwest Conference. And                 1986-93. Whitworth has now won the               Photoboxx is a social-media printing                                                                                                                                         Pyle
Women’s Head Basketball Coach Helen              NWC All-Sports Trophy eight times.            station used at events to print images
Higgs won her 300th game, becoming the              Higgs’ accomplishment is singular:         taken with mobile devices. Not only
Bucs’ “winningest” and longest-tenured           She has now coached – and won – more          does it provide users with a fun way to        Spaun Makes Impressive Publishing Debut
basketball coach.                                basketball games than anyone else in          remember or commemorate an event, it
   Whitworth won the McIlroy-Lewis               Whitworth history. Having just completed      also requires that users utilize the event     Grad’s co-authored study lands Science cover
over runner-up Pacific Lutheran by a final       her 20th season at the helm of the Bucs,      hashtag to receive their photo. This is the                               Ben Spaun,           significant (or important) issue to study,
tally of 248 points to 201. The Pirates          Higgs and her teams have put together the     key element in Photoboxx’s usefulness,                                 ’08, a bright star      but it has a profound implication on the
won championships in men’s swimming,             best stretch of records in school history.    turning it into an organic marketing tool                              in Whitworth’s          nature of matter.”
men’s basketball and men’s track & field;        Whitworth went 124-53 (.700) in seven         that pushes out the name of the event,                                 alumni                     Spaun’s intellectual bona fides have
Whitworth earned additional points               seasons, from 1999-2005. In 2002-03,          business or brand hosting the event.                                   constellation,          never been in question at Whitworth.
toward the trophy with excellent finishes        Higgs led the Pirates to a NWC title and         Lind and Fisk first collaborated at True                            has distinguished       In his junior year, he won a competitive
in a number of other varsity sports.             an overall record of                          Hope. The duo built a website called “Ask                              himself throughout      Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship,
   The all-sports trophy recognizes              19-7, including a win over eventual           a Pastor Anything,” which became a city-                               his career as an
excellence among Northwest Conference            NCAA Division III finalist Eastern            wide campaign that encouraged visitors to                              undergraduate
                                                                                                                                                                                              awarded annually to top math, science
                                                                                                                                                                                              and engineering students nationwide.         National Champs –
institutions across all fields of competition.   Connecticut State.                            ask any question about Christianity that
It is named in honor of John Lewis, who             In 2004-05 Higgs led the Pirates to        they wanted answered. Over the course of
                                                                                                                                              physics and math double-major, as a
                                                                                                                                              doctoral student at Harvard, and, now,
                                                                                                                                                                                              In 2005, Spaun and Sankaran
                                                                                                                                                                                              conducted research on plasma rockets
coached baseball and basketball and              a 22-3 record, the best single-season         a couple months, questions piled into the      as co-author of a study published in (and       at the NASA Marshall Space Flight               For the second year in a row,
served as athletics director at Willamette       mark ever at Whitworth. This season,          site and were voted on by users. Top-rated     featured on the cover of) Science, one          Center. The following summer, Spaun          Whitworth’s forensics team, with program
University in the ’40s, ’50s, ’60s and early     Whitworth repeated as NWC tournament          questions were then answered in a seven-       of his field’s most prestigious scholarly       conducted nuclear research at Duke           director Mike Ingram at the helm, took
’70s; and Jane McIlroy, Linfield College’s       champion, earned its second straight          week pastoring series at True Hope.            journals.                                       University. And in 2007 he completed         first in the overall sweepstakes at the
women’s athletics director and physical          automatic bid to the NCAA tournament,            The idea for Photoboxx popped up a             “Ben is a member of a large team of          a research project in condensed-matter       National Christian College Forensics
education professor, who also coached            and won the program’s first NCAA              little more than a year ago. Fisk originally   researchers at Harvard and Yale who are         physics at the University of Colorado        Association Tournament. The tournament
field hockey, basketball, volleyball, softball   tournament game. The Pirates also beat        thought it would be a good extension           investigating the shape of an electron,”        at Boulder.                                  featured 28 Christian schools that are
and tennis during her 31-year tenure             No. 1 ranked Whitman, whose only other        of his photography and photo-booth             says Whitworth Associate Professor                 Before graduating from Whitworth          members of the Council for Christian
(1950-81) at the college.                        2013-14 loss was to Fairleigh-Dickinson       business. Lind joined as lead developer,       of Physics Kamesh Sankaran. “The                (as a President’s Cup honoree, with a        Colleges & Universities. Whitworth
   Interim Athletics Director Melinda            Florham (Madison, N.J.) in the national       and the duo decided to launch Photoboxx        significance of their result is attested        4.0 grade-point average), Spaun landed       finished ahead of schools including Azusa
Larson, ’92, says of the university’s            championship game.                            as a stand-alone company after they            to by the front-page publicity that             a full scholarship for a six-year doctoral   Pacific, Biola, Colorado Christian, Dordt,
seventh consecutive McIroy-Lewis win,               “Helen also wins in the lives of her       received enormous interest from potential      Science has accorded to it.” The article,       research program at Harvard (and             Liberty and Wheaton. The team also
“Whitworth’s mission and athletics               players,” says interim A.D. Larson. “She      clients, including the Spokane Arena,          “Order of Magnitude Smaller Limit               turned down another such offer from          brought home 23 individual speech and
philosophy serve as a strong foundation          has coached, taught and mentored              CenturyLink Field, in Seattle, and Circus      on the Electric Dipole Moment of the            Yale). The scholarship covered two           12 individual debate awards, including
for the collective vision and dedication         student-athletes throughout her career as a   Circus Hotel & Casino, in Las Vegas.           Electron,” appears in the Dec. 13, 2013,        years of schooling, four of research, and    three national speech champions and five
to excellence required to compete for            servant-leader with a big heart and a love    To learn more about Photoboxx, visit           issue of the magazine. “This article            a living stipend. Spaun has made the         national debate champions. “To win this
this award each year. This is an honor           for her players.”                             photoboxx.me.                                  touches on a fundamental question               most of this extraordinary opportunity;      tournament again illustrates the breadth
                                                                                                                                              regarding the nature of the physical            Harvard will award him his Ph.D. this        and depth of our team, and our staying
                                                                                                                                              world,” Sankaran says. “The shape of            spring, right on schedule.                   power in both individual speech events
                                                                                                                                              an electron might not seem to be a                                                           and debate,” Ingram says. “Our March
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Madness wins are no fluke – our team is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           here to stay!”
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