A review of green roof incentives as motivators for the expansion of green infrastructure in European cities

Page created by Lynn Luna
Scientific Review – Engineering and Environmental Sciences (2019), 28 (4), 641–652
Sci. Rev. Eng. Env. Sci. (2019), 28 (4)
Przegląd Naukowy – Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska (2019), 28 (4), 641–652
Prz. Nauk. Inż. Kszt. Środ. (2019), 28 (4)
DOI 10.22630/PNIKS.2019.28.4.58

Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, Wrocław University of Environmental
and Life Sciences

A review of green roof incentives as motivators for the
expansion of green infrastructure in European cities

Key words: green roof, green infrastructure,      adequate space for green infrastructure.
incentives, benefits, European cities             As a result, building green roofs, which
                                                  are one of the green infrastructure solu-
                                                  tions, is becoming increasingly perceived
Introduction                                      as an action with a beneficial influence
                                                  on the urban environment. Apart from
    City development for residential,             the possibility to recreate biologically
commercial and transportation purposes            active areas in cities (partly, e.g. 50% in
contributes to the disappearance of green         Poland), numerous studies confirm the
areas. Only in Austria, 15–25 ha of land          capacity of green roofs to retain rainwa-
are sealed every day (Pendl, Hüfing,              ter and delay runoff, as well as to reduce
Muerth, Tributsch & Jäger-Katzmann,               the amount of pollutants in air, improve
2009). The urban sprawl tendency only             the microclimate and positively influence
enhances this phenomenon. The develop-            the urban heat island effect (Shafique,
ment of biologically active areas leads to        Kim & Rafiq, 2018; Burszta-Adamiak,
the loss of recreation areas and potential        Stańczyk & Łomotowski, 2019). Ano-
habitats. The biodiversity of the given           ther factor that is increasingly appreci-
land decreases and the proportional share         ated in cities, is the fact that green roofs
of specific elements in the water and heat        provide friendly, green leisure spaces and
balance become distorted. According to            improve the aesthetical values of build-
the World Health Organization (WHO),              ings (Sutton, 2014). Other argument that
the minimum green areas should be                 supports their construction is the possi-
50 m2 per urban agglomeration resi-               bility to reduce carbon footprint in cities
dent (Russo & Cirella, 2018). However,            (Ugai, 2016) and direct water footprint
the reality is different. In many Euro-           (Fialkiewicz et al., 2018). Green roofs
pean cities, urban areas do not provide           can also be included in the “smart city”

A review of green roof incentives as motivators for the expansion...                      641
policies adopted by numerous cities,           tional and regional government policies,
where the aim is to improve service effi-      in several Asian and American cities
ciency and urban quality of life by using      (Chen, 2013; Olubunmi, Xia & Skitmore,
new technology (Brudermann & Sang-             2016). A review of the green roof legisla-
kakool, 2017; Shafique et al., 2018). The      tion, policies and tax incentives in North
increased interest in these solutions also     America can be found also at the website
results from the fact that cities are will-    of the Environmental Protection Agency
ing to present themselves as regional, na-     (EPA, 2019). As a result of the growing
tional or global centres of active adapta-     interest in the benefits of constructing
tion to climate changes. This is reflected     green roofs in Europe, including in Po-
in the provisions of numerous strategic        land, the need to introduce various kinds
documents, climate change adaptation           of incentives for the popularisation of
plans, in technical guidelines, as well as     green roofs in urban areas has been no-
in legal regulations, including, among         ticed in European cities as well. The main
others, construction law and water man-        reasons for the realisation of investments
agement regulations.                           with green roofs in European countries
     The current state of knowledge con-       include the need to increase biologically
firms that measurable effects of the green     active areas in towns, to reduce carbon
roofs application in urban areas may be        emissions of cities, mitigate heat island
achieved first of all when large green         effects and improve urban flood control.
areas located near one another are con-            The main aim of this paper is to re-
structed. Due to that, the construction of     view the European experiences (includ-
green roofs in cities should not be limited    ing Polish) in the area of implementing
to single investments scattered all over       tools used to motivate public investors
the town. The surface of roofs in urban        as well as individuals to construct green
areas account for approx. 40–50% of the        roofs. All information gathered and col-
total sealed areas in cities (Stovin, Ve-      lated were used to identify the most
suviano & Kasmin, 2012), so the poten-         popular initiatives for the construction
tial for constructing green roofs is much      of green roofs and to formulate recom-
higher than the current state of their real-   mendations for creating future incentive
isation. One of the reasons of the limited     programmes addressed to various groups
number of green roof investments is the        interested in constructing green roofs in
insufficient number of incentives for in-      urban areas.
vestors which might reduce the relative-
ly high initial construction costs of such
solutions and contribute to raising social     Material and methods
awareness of the possibility to construct
such roofs and the need to maintain them           The review of incentives aimed at
in good condition throughout their op-         the popularisation of constructing green
eration period.                                roofs in European cities was based on in-
     So far, the practices of stimulating      formation contained in research articles,
the development of green roofs have            technical reports, design guidelines, law
been recognised quite well through na-         regulations and case studies. The scope

642                                                    E. Burszta-Adamiak, W. Fiałkiewicz
of the analysis included both financial         Czech Republic. In some German lands
and non-financial incentives. Each of the       and certain Dutch cities, local govern-
incentives encourages the installation of       ment policy combines the possibility
green roofs on existing or new buildings.       to obtain subsidies with statutory obli-
The analysis covered 52 cities located          gation to construct a green roof during
in 11 countries in Europe. The period           the construction of new buildings. This
of implementing the incentives were the         incentive involves various requirements
years 1970–2017. All the analysed moti-         that have to be met if a green roof is con-
vational tools are still used in the cities     structed (e.g. a flat roof or a specific roof
included in the review.                         inclination). Other financial solutions
                                                used in practice are tax allowances (e.g.
                                                real property tax allowance). This form
Results and discussion                          of incentive was introduced in Wrocław
                                                (Poland) in 2015. Based on it, the usable
     The first initiatives aimed at support-    areas of residential premises located in
ing the construction of green roofs in          buildings, on which green roofs were
European cities were introduced in Ger-         constructed while the resolution was
many in the 1970s (Brudermann & Sang-           effective, were exempt from tax. The
kakool, 2017). Since that time, consider-       amount of tax allowance depends on
ing the measurable benefits from their im-      the number of floors in the building, on
plementation that translated into a grow-       which the green roof was constructed
ing number of investments with green            and the surface area of the green roof
roofs, an increasing number of countries        (the share of the green roof area in the
have become interested in green policies        total surface of the roof) (Resolution
for sustainable urban development.              XV/268/15). In several cities (e.g. Düs-
     Local authorities, who decide wheth-       seldorf, Hamburg), constructing a green
er to grant subsidies and to what activi-       roof results in decreased fees for dis-
ties and regulate the principles of eligi-      charging stormwater and snowmelt to
bility for such donations, are important        the sewage system.
elements in promoting environmentally                Another group of motivational tools
friendly solutions. The initiatives taken       are non-financial incentives. They in-
with the aim to increase the surface area       clude instruments that focus on gratifica-
of green roofs in cities are divided into       tion (gratifying incentives). Most of the
financial or non-financial incentives           society has a positive attitude towards
(Tables 1 and 2). The first ones consist        investments that comply with green
in granting financial support aimed at          policy and receive various awards and
convincing the potential investors to           green certificates for sustainable devel-
construct a green roofs. This group of          opment. As a result, residents will be
incentives includes subsidies or dona-          more willing to purchase such residen-
tions granted to reimburse part of the          tial premises. Such incentives involve
costs incurred on the realisation of the        granting additional points during the
investment. This solution is common in          green buildings certification process, i.e.
Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and the           the Building Environmental Assessment

A review of green roof incentives as motivators for the expansion...                     643
Method (BEAM) which was established           sation. For example, the weighting of
in Hong Kong in 1996 (BEAM Society,           surfaces with vegetation unconnected to
2010) or the Leadership in Energy and         soil below is 0.5; of green roofs is 0.7
Environmental Design (LEED) which             and that of surfaces with vegetation con-
is a certification rating system devel-       nected to soil below is 1.0. The develop-
oped by the US Green Building Council         ers can thus use a wide range of options
(USGBC, 2009). During the certification,      combining different areas with differ-
1–2 points are awarded additionally for       ent types of surfaces for achieving the
ensuring biodiversity on roof surfaces.       required standard. Such planning tools
This results in the necessity to construct    have different names throughout Europe,
green roofs taking into account various       such as green space factor, green points
plant species and to design areas that will   system, the maximum density of built-
foster the development of small fauna.        up area or green-area-per-capita factor
     One of the tools used to reduce the      (Kruuse, 2011).
surface of sealed areas in towns is the           The non-financial incentives also
enforcement of land usage intensity and       include the so-called secondary motiva-
the surface of biologically active areas.     tional tools, i.e. those that are executed in
Due to that, non-financial incentives         the “background”, alongside other forms
also include solutions that introduce the     of incentives. They are realised in all the
indicators taken into consideration in        analysed European cities. They consist
compensatory environmental activities.        in providing expert designer support as
One of such factors is the Biotope Area       well as marketing and legal assistance
Factor (BAF), developed in the 1990s in       at the stage of planning, designing and
Berlin (Badach & Raszeja, 2019). The          realisation of the investment. Such form
BAF factor enables to classify land sur-      of support not only allows the investor
faces depending on their ecological val-      to save time, but, first of all, to minimise
ue, based on evapotranspiration capacity,     the risk of an erroneous project and to
permeability, possibility to store rain wa-   expedite formal procedures. Market de-
ter, relationship to soil functioning and     mand-related incentives and educational
provision of habitat for plants and ani-      incentives are equally important. Ex-
mals. The BAF factor is calculated as the     amples of such tools are those that are
quotient of biologically active area for      based on promoting the benefits of green
the given area to the total surface area      roofs in terms of the pro-environmental
of the land plot, according to the set of     actions of the investor (improved micro-
assumptions. The obtained results con-        climate, reduced energy consumption in
stitute the basis for formulating target      buildings, etc.) aimed at improving the
BAF factors for specific urban func-          quality of life of residents. Other types
tions, which the developers are obliged       of promotional instruments are market
to comply with at the stage of obtaining      demand-related incentives. These tools
building permits for new investments.         use the knowledge about the increased
The higher the BAF factor, the more im-       demand for buildings with greenery and
portant is the given type of biologically     the fact that buyers are willing to pay a
active area in environmental compen-          higher price in comparison to traditional

644                                                    E. Burszta-Adamiak, W. Fiałkiewicz
TABLE 1. Financial incentives in selected cities (own studies based on Carter & Fowler, 2008; Claus &
Rousseau, 2012; Boas Berg, Radziemska, Adamcová & Vaverková, 2017; Brudermann & Sangkakool,
COUNTRY; City                        Type of financial support
                                     Subsidies – co-financing the construction of green roof: 8–25
                                     EUR·m–2 (max. 2,200 EUR per project). Additionally, co-fi-
                                     nancing maintenance costs: 0.19 EUR·m–2 (Inspection twice a
                                     year, removal of growing trees, cutting grass).
                                     Subsidies – co-financing the construction of green roof:
BELGIUM; Flanders
                                     31 EUR·m–2.
                                     Subsidies – co-financing the construction of green roof: around
                                     18 EUR·m–2.
                                     Subsidies – co-financing the construction of green roof: up to
GERMANY; Darmstadt
                                     5,000 EUR.
                                     50% reduction of the fees for rainwater and snowmelt discharge
GERMANY; Düsseldorf
                                     for a constructed green roof.
                                     Subsidies – co-financing the construction of green roof:
GERMANY; Esslingen, Stuttgart
                                     17.9 EUR·m–2, max. up to 50% of the costs.
                                     Real property tax allowance (up to 50%), provisions in the
                                     Hamburg Strategy on the realisation of the green smart city
                                     concept; the Ministry of Environment and Energy provides
                                     financial support needed for the construction of green roofs
GERMANY; Hamburg
                                     (a total of 3 million EUR by the end 2019), co-financing up to
                                     60% of the costs of green roof construction, reduction of storm-
                                     water fees up to 50%. If the green roof is not connected to the
                                     sewage system, then stormwater fees are not charged.
                                     Subsidies – co-financing the construction of green roof:
                                     30 EUR·m–2, reduced stormwater and snowmelt fees (buildings
                                     with green roofs of a height up to 10 cm and a pitch lower than
                                     15° pay fees reduced by up to 70%).
NETHERLANDS; Alphen aan den
Rijn, Almelo, Amsterdam, Ams-
telveen, Apeldoorn,                  Co-financing of the construction of green roof: 30 EUR·m–2.
Capelle aan den IJssel, Den Haag,    The maximum amount requested is 2,500 EUR for individuals
Groningen,                           and 25,000 EUR for the construction of apartment buildings
Den Bosch, Leeuwarden, Leiden,       and businesses. The maximum subsidy is 50% of the total roof
Nijmegen, Nieuwegein, Rotterdam,     cost.
Soest, Utrecht, Tilburg, Zoeter-
woude, Zwijndrech
                                     Local legal regulations on the exemption of usable areas of resi-
                                     dential premises from real property tax (up to 100%) as part of
POLAND; Wrocław
                                     the project of intensification of the development of green areas
                                     in the city of Wrocław (2015–2021).
                                     Reduced stormwater fees (based on the annual amount of storm-
SWEDEN; Stockholm
                                     water discharge per building).
SWITZERLAND; Basel, Zurich,          Subsidies – co-financing the construction of green roof:
Lucerne                              32 EUR·m–2.

A review of green roof incentives as motivators for the expansion...                              645
TABLE 2. Non-financial incentives in selected cities (own studies based on Carter & Fowler, 2008;
Boas Berg, Radziemska, Adamcová & Vaverková, 2017; Brudermann & Sangkakool, 2017; Wolański,
COUNTRY; City                       Type of non-financial support
                                    The Ministry of Environment together with the State Environ-
CZECH REPUBLIC                      mental Fund of the Czech Republic announced a new continu-
                                    ous call in the New Green Savings Program (2017–2021).
                                    Green roofs are a part of the Wastewater Plan, the Climate Plan
                                    of the City of Copenhagen, some technical guidelines, e.g. the
                                    guidelines for sustainability in constructions and civil works
DENMARK; Copenhagen                 and the city’s Strategy for Biodiversity.
                                    Since 2010 green roofs are mandated in most new local plans.
                                    Legislation – green roofs are required for all newly constructed
                                    roofs with a pitch of less than 30°.
GREAT BRITAIN; London, West-
                                    Provisions in the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy set re-
minster, Camden, Islington, Hack-
                                    quirements for green roofs in new buildings in London’s Cen-
ney, Tower Hamlets, Southwark,
                                    tral Activities Zone policy area.
Lambeth, Kensington, Chelsea
                                    Legal regulations – since 2015 all new buildings in commercial
FRANCE                              zones must be partially covered by either green roofs or solar
                                    Realisation of numerous programmes aimed at making the city
GERMANY; Berlin                     greener, e.g. the Courtyard Greening Programme (1983–1996);
                                    Biofactor – Biotope Area Factor (BAF).
                                    Legal regulations – each newly constructed or modernised
                                    building in the city centre should contain green areas.
                                    Legal regulations – all roofs of a pitch below 12° and all roofs
GERMANY; Esslingen, Stuttgart
                                    of new buildings should be green.
                                    Legal regulations – flat roofs of a surface area over 100 m2 have
                                    to be green to designate the land area for other purposes.
SWEDEN; Malmö                       Biofactor – Green Space Factor (GSF).
                                    The requirement to construct green roofs on all newly construc-
SWITZERLAND; Basel, Zurich,
                                    ted buildings with flat roofs; the requirement to select compo-
Bern, Lucerne
                                    nents to increase biodiversity.

buildings. In such event, developers treat        conducted review of motivational solu-
green roofs as added value of their in-           tions demonstrates that the most com-
vestment, which is an additional incen-           monly used forms of incentives are direct
tive for their potential customers.               subsidies for the construction of green
    Introducing incentives to popularise          roofs and legal regulations (Table 3).
green roofs proves the need to perform            Practice shows that these are the solu-
actions aimed at increasing biologically          tions that achieve the best results. This
active areas in cities and at increasing          is proven by Germany, which has a long
city resistance to climate changes by             tradition of using this type of incentives.
introducing nature based solutions. The           The surface of green areas in Germany

646                                                          E. Burszta-Adamiak, W. Fiałkiewicz
increases by 13.5 million m2 every year                                  mentation of the adopted incentives also
(Mentens, Raes & Hermy, 2006). This                                      leads directly to the realisation of green
translates directly into the increase in                                 roof. The requirements concerning the
studies conducted there to evaluate                                      construction of green roofs included in
various aspects of the functionality and                                 the local spatial development plans ena-
usefulness of constructing green roofs.                                  bled to construct 200,000 m2 of green
One of the tangible effects of these ex-                                 roofs in Copenhagen only in two years
periences was the introduction of the                                    (2010–2011). The most diversified range
Forschungsanstalt Landschaftsentwick-                                    of incentives exists in Germany (Table 3).
lung Landschaftsbau (FLL) guidelines                                     This results from the fact that each of the
(FLL, 2002), which were first developed                                  German lands conducts a separate green
in 1997 and published in 2002 (the last                                  policy in terms of the activities aimed at
update was introduced in 2018). Since                                    sustainable development of cities. Table
then, most European countries have con-                                  3 demonstrates that the form of incen-
sidered the FLL guidelines as the basis                                  tives that is most often used in European
for constructing green roofs. Another                                    cities is co-financing the construction of
example of a country, where initiatives                                  green roofs and local legal regulations
supporting the development of green                                      that oblige investors to construct such
roofs are successfully implemented, is                                   roofs on newly constructed or modern-
Denmark. There, the successful imple-

TABLE 3. List of incentives used in specific countries
                                                                          Type of incentive
                                                  maintenance of green
                          construction of green

                                                                                                                Reduced stormwater
                          Co-financing of the

                                                  Co-financing of the

                                                                            Legal requirement

                                                                                                Tax allowance




Austria                           +                       +
Belgium                           +
Czech Republic                    +
Denmark                                                                         +
Great Britain                                                                   +
France                                                                          +
Germany                           +                                             +                  +                  +                +
Netherlands                       +
Poland                                                                                             +
Sweden                                                                                                                +                +
Switzerland                       +                                             +

A review of green roof incentives as motivators for the expansion...                                                                             647
ised buildings in cities, subject to certain    ing incentives may be insufficient infor-
conditions.                                     mation about the required administra-
    The conducted analysis reveals that         tive actions which are often excessively
the type and number of the introduced in-       complex and prolong the procedure of
centives does not depend on the climate,        obtaining a building permit. In the opin-
in which green roofs may be developed.          ion of the authors, setting the incentives
Semaan & Pearce (2016) proved that it           at a low return on investment level might
does not depend on the country’s eco-           be another factor that leads to poor inter-
nomic health (gross domestic product –          est in the proposed solutions. Such situ-
GDP), either. In fact, many factors exist       ation may be encountered when reduced
that influence both the adoption of green       stormwater or snowmelt fees are offered,
innovations and the development of poli-        or during the settlement of real property
cies to promote that adoption, includ-          tax. If savings on fees are in the amount
ing other socio-economic factors. One           of several or over 10 PLN annually, the
of these factors is the attitude towards        investment costs may be returned after
green solutions, which results from the         20–30 years, which is not an attractive
social awareness of the benefits of con-        offer for investors. In some of the cities
structing green roofs and the advisability      there is a lack of strategy and vision by
of their use. This makes it extremely im-       leaders, executives and administrators.
portant to implement the aforementioned         This also translates into insufficient in-
“background” incentives alongside other         terest in the construction of green roofs.
financial and non-financial incentives.         Incentives based on excessively strict
    The analysed countries also include         requirements for the structure of the
those, where the incentives were intro-         constructed green roof (e.g. minimum
duced only one or two years ago, and            surface area or substrate thickness) to be
their measurable effects are not as spec-       eligible for co-financing or tax allowance
tacular as in Germany or Denmark. Un-           may also make the offer less attractive
fortunately, in many European cities,           for investors. Some cities complained
green roofs are still treated as a relatively   about the public procurement procedures
unimportant element of the urban envi-          (the administratively easiest approach,
ronment (Brudermann & Sangkakool,               selecting the cheapest offer, creates a lot
2017). This sceptical attitude of inves-        of undesirable side effects and in the lack
tors to constructing green roofs is usu-        of integration each managing organiza-
ally linked to the lack of knowledge of         tion behaves differently). The monitor-
the technology of their construction and        ing systems to measure success are also
of the environmental, social and eco-           usually weak. Therefore, maintaining
nomic benefits from their realisation.          green space is seen as another financial
This phenomenon is enhanced by the oc-          barrier. Many public and private clients
casional news about poorly constructed          see maintenance as an obstacle, ignoring
green roof (leaks, dampness, problems           the potential it holds. Hence, many cit-
with maintaining the roof vegetation in         ies called the attention to the difference
good condition, etc.). Another limitation       between the creation vs maintenance
that affects the current state of introduc-     of green spaces. Complaints usually

648                                                     E. Burszta-Adamiak, W. Fiałkiewicz
concentrated on the lack of funding for         educational programme for residents, in-
regular maintenance. All these barriers         vestors, and city policy makers should
directly affect the degree of using the         be closely integrated with a municipal
proposed incentives by investors.               campaign aimed at the popularisation of
                                                green roofs. Such campaign may be con-
                                                ducted through various channels, includ-
Recommendations                                 ing leaflets, press articles, posters, online
                                                promotion, etc. Another important aspect
    Identifying the barriers that emerge        of a well-developed incentive should be
during the practical implementation of          its flexibility. At the stage of considering
the adopted incentives allowed us to pin-       the BAF factors in the design, developers
point the weaknesses of the motivational        may choose from several different op-
system. In the opinion of the authors,          tions of greenery or creating water-per-
this may be the basis for determining the       meable surfaces. Thus, they may select
directions of establishing future incen-        such systems that will be the most ben-
tives for cities that will decide to intro-     eficial for them, for future users of the
duce them. The awareness of the exist-          area and for the environment. Another
ing types of barriers may also encourage        important feature of a motivational tool
those cities that have already introduced       should be its simplicity. Both the struc-
green policies to modify them in order          ture of the proposed incentive (in terms
to improve the current state of use of          of calculations) and the implementation
the incentives. The motivational system         procedure (administrative issues) should
should be modified on several levels.           be simplified. An example of such incen-
First of them is education. The satisfac-       tive is determining the subsidy amount
tory level of acceptance of the BAF fac-        per each constructed square meter of the
tor in Berlin proves that this aspect has       green roof, along with tax allowance or
been taken into account. At the stage of        reduction in stormwater or snowmelt dis-
creating the factor, groups of experts, rep-    charge fees. The experiences of Europe-
resentatives of the local community, the        an cities show that the best results, trans-
public administration, and environmen-          lated into the number of realised green
tal NGOs had the possibility to express         roof investments, are achieved when the
their opinions on the weighting assigned        set amount of subsidies is reasonable, so
to the given type of development (sin-          that the investor can receive return on
gle-family, multi-family, etc.). Another        investment within several (max. 5–10)
major success of these consultations was        years. Incentives should be created in
the fact that BAF was taken into account        form of packages (several options at
in urban spatial development (i.e. in lo-       the same time), in connection with legal
cal spatial development plans). Another         regulations. The aim of such strategy is
form of improving the awareness of the          to include the provisions on green roofs
functioning of green roofs in cities is the     in legal regulations concerning con-
realisation of demonstration projects, ac-      struction, water management and spatial
cessible to those who are interested in         planning of green areas. Provisions in le-
learning more about the technology. The         gal regulations should be introduced on

A review of green roof incentives as motivators for the expansion...                     649
statutory or ordinance (national) level.       growing interest in this type of solutions
In the existing system, regulations on in-     is expected. Due to that, it is necessary to
centives are limited to provisions in local    develop motivational instruments for the
laws (city development strategies, local       construction of green roofs. Such tools
spatial development plans, etc.), which        should include mainly financial incentives
fosters the development of green roofs in      and obligatory legal provisions. Addition-
certain parts of the country (often limited    ally, promotion, social dialogue, good
to one city), while the issue is neglected     tactics (policies, strategies), and studies
in other parts.                                are required. Further challenges for to-
    Future financial incentives should         day’s cities include providing technical
not be limited only to co-financing the        and administrative support in designing,
stage of construction of the green roof.       constructing and maintaining green roofs.
As far as green infrastructure solutions       Only such multi-faceted approach will
are concerned, the stage of operation is       lead to the increase in the number of cities
extremely important, as it requires, when      with well-developed green infrastructure
necessary, conducting maintenance              on the map of our continent.
works (fertilising, weeding and irrigation
during long dry periods). Among the an-
alysed cities, only Vienna (Austria) has       References
foreseen subsidies on maintenance costs
in the incentives. The maintenance costs       Badach, J. & Raszeja, E. (2019). Developing a
are co-financed in the amount of approx.           framework for the implementation of land-
0.19 EUR·m–2 and the scope of works                scape and greenspace Indicators in sustain-
cover inspection twice a year, removal             able urban planning. Waterfront landscape
of growing trees and cutting grass.                management: Case studies in Gdańsk,
                                                   Poznań and Bristol. Sustainability, 11(8),
                                                   2291. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11082291
                                               BEAM Society (2010). BEAM Plus for New
Conclusions                                        Buildings, Version 1.1. Hong Kong: BEAM
    The degree of realisation of green         Boas Berg, A., Radziemska, M., Adamcová, D. &
                                                   Vaverková, M.D. (2017). Green roofs as an
roofs in cities that have introduced incen-
                                                   alternative solution to reduced green surface
tives, compared with cities where such             area in highly urbanized cities of the Europe-
motivational tools have not been imple-            an union – the study case of the Netherlands.
mented yet, allows us to conclude that             Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura,
the implementation of such incentives              16(4), 59-70.
for various groups of stakeholders is cur-     Brudermann, T. & Sangkakool, T. (2017). Green
                                                   roofs in temperate climate cities in Europe
rently an indispensable element of local           – an analysis of key decision factors. Urban
policy. Nowadays, local governments                Forestry and Urban Greening, 21, 224-234.
possess tools that enable them to moti-        Burszta-Adamiak, E., Stańczyk, J. & Łomotowski,
vate residents and local entities to con-          J. (2019). Hydrological performance of green
struct green roofs in municipal areas.             roofs in the context of the meteorological
                                                   factors during the 5-year monitoring period.
    In spite of several barriers that hinder       Water and Environment Journal, 33, 144-
the development of green roofs in towns,           -154.

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Authors’ address:
Ewa Burszta-Adamiak
Wiesław Fiałkiewicz
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska
pl. Grunwaldzki 24, 50-363 Wrocław
e-mail: ewa.burszta-adamiak@upwr.edu.pl

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