A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030

Page created by Daryl Barber
A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Chairman’s Introduction

A UK Space Innovation
  and Growth Strategy
         2010 to 2030

A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Chairman’s Introduction


                          Minister for Science and Innovation’s Foreword    2
                          Chairman’s Introduction                           4
                          Executive Summary                                 6
                          Recommendations                                  24

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A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Chairman’s Introduction                                                                                                            Minister for Science and Innovation’s Foreword

               Minister for Science
               and Innovation’s

              “The UK Space sector is a genuine
               success story. We’re responsible
                                                        The Space industry has moved far beyond its
                                                        origins in programmes whose motivation was
                                                        national prestige. Today, it is integral to the
                                                        digital economy. Space-based technologies are
                                                        helping us to understand and address climate
                                                                                                             This report maps out those opportunities
                                                                                                             and points to an exciting future. Government
                                                                                                             will respond to the report in full.

                                                                                                             In the meantime, I want to thank Andy Green and

               for world-class science in our           change, keep our armed forces safe, and deliver
                                                        urgent aid when natural disasters occur.
                                                                                                             his team for producing this innovation and growth
                                                                                                             strategy. It is an ambitious, yet viable, blueprint

               laboratories and on international        The UK Space sector is a genuine success story.
                                                                                                             for joint action by industry and government.

                                                        We’re responsible for world-class science in our

               missions. We manufacture many            laboratories and on international missions. We
                                                        manufacture many of the satellites surrounding

               of the satellites surrounding the        the Earth, and are experts in software design and
                                                        systems integration. The sector contributes £5.6
                                                        billion to the economy and supports 68,000 jobs.
               Earth, and are experts in software       Following a decade of consistent growth, the

               design and systems integration. The      market for Space services has distinguished
                                                        itself by being recession-proof. That trend should

               sector contributes £5.6 billion to the
                                                        continue, given the emerging role for the sector
                                                        in many aspects of the low-carbon agenda as          Lord Paul Drayson
                                                        well as in media and communications.                 Minister for Science and Innovation

               economy and supports 68,000 jobs.

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A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Chairman’s Introduction                                                                                                                              Chairman’s Introduction


              “If ever there was a time to be bold
               with industrial strategy it is now.
                                                     Space is a vibrant and high growth sector that
                                                     has achieved great things in a relatively short
                                                     amount of time and is now an essential part of
                                                     the engine that drives the global economy. It
                                                     has revolutionised capabilities in areas such as
                                                                                                          Industry needs to invest to seize market
                                                                                                          opportunities and deliver the national benefits.
                                                                                                          Investment in Space will result in economic and
                                                                                                          social returns including the creation of at least
                                                                                                          100,000 high-skilled, high-value jobs. Industry

               We should seize the opportunity to    international communications, global navigation
                                                     and national security, and has also provided a
                                                                                                          will help raise awareness of careers in the
                                                                                                          Space sector in order to inspire young people
                                                     way to monitor the Earth’s climate. These are        to choose science, technology, engineering and

               take a successful UK Space sector     fast growing markets in which the UK could
                                                     enjoy a stronger position.
                                                                                                          mathematics related subjects and meet
                                                                                                          the demand.

               and transform it into a foundation    It would have been safe to focus on what the         If ever there was a time to be bold with
                                                     UK does well in Space and simply look for the        industrial strategy it is now. We should seize the

               stone of our future economy.          opportunities in niche markets that use the          opportunity to take a successful UK Space sector

                                                     UK’s industrial and science capabilities. But        and transform it into a foundation stone of our
                                                     I have encouraged the team to be more wide           future economy.
                                                     ranging — to look for specific opportunities that
                                                     enable the sector to go further, faster. This is     Investment will also provide an opportunity for
                                                     less comfortable. In difficult financial times we    the UK to take the lead on global issues such as
                                                     outline that the UK needs strong governance,         managing food and energy supplies, monitoring
                                                     a National Space Technology Strategy, and we         climate change, and reducing its carbon
                                                     advocate a national procurement of an Earth          emissions by up to 40 million tonnes.
                                                     observation service.
                                                                                                          I would like to thank the experienced team of
                                                     All this will cost money. However, our               experts who worked with me on this IGT report
                                                     recommendations should enable the UK to              for the UK Space Industry and I look forward to
                                                     cost effectively meet national needs for services    seeing our recommendations becoming reality.
                                                     delivered from Space and to promote new UK-
                                                     based services into overseas markets. It is true
                                                     that these actions are attractive to industry. But
                                                     they also provide the basis to help energise an
                                                     economy emerging from recession.                     Andy Green, Chairman

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A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Executive Summary

             Summary and
             Executive Summary

             Space: a vibrant and high                              even more important to us for ensuring not only       The overall world market for the Space industry is     Space is an industry that punches above its
             growth sector                                          the quality of our lives, but also the very essence   likely to grow from £160 billion in 2008 to at least   weight in the UK economy. Oxford Economics,
                                                                    of our existence. The supply of food, energy and      £400 billion by 2030 — a 5% annual growth rate in      the highly respected forecasting agency,
             At half the age of the automotive and aerospace        humanitarian relief, the security, safety and         constant 2007 values. Although we expect growth        estimates that the UK Space sector, including
             sectors, the global Space industry has achieved        support of our citizens and the combating of          in government spending on Space to moderate,           suppliers and induced employment and services,
             an enormous amount in a very short time.               climate change will all be supported by Space-        particularly in the US and Europe, whilst              contributes around £5.6 billion in value added to
             Having set foot on the moon in 1969, astronauts        based services, technologies and capabilities         damage to fiscal balances is repaired, demand          the UK’s GDP and supports around 68,000 jobs
             now routinely live and work in an international        to a far greater degree than they already are.        in commercial and security markets is forecast         directly and through its wider spending.
             Space Station orbiting above us. We have also                                                                to grow strongly. In particular, high growth
             sent Space probes to the far-flung corners of the      This report sets out the opportunities for            is expected in Earth Observation (EO), Global          Science remains a very strong and key part
             Solar System in pursuit of answers to the most         the UK to take advantage of the coming Space          Positioning Services (GPS) applications and            of our success in Space, with the UK being the
             fundamental questions about our origins.               revolution, not just for the benefit of society       global internet delivery.                              second-largest publisher of major Space science
                                                                    as a whole, but also for sound commercial                                                                    papers in the World, providing a knowledge base
             These almost unbelievable endeavours have              and economic reasons.                                                                                        for many other developments. The technology
             been widely publicised, and have entered into the
                                                                                                                          UK Space: a hidden success story                       spin-offs from Space affect industries from
             public consciousness as evidence of mankind’s                                                                Space has been one of the hidden success stories       medicine to manufacturing. The end-user
             unlimited imagination and boundless ingenuity.
                                                                    The Space market                                      of British industry over the past few decades.         applications affect our lives in every way, from
             However, what is less generally recognised is          Between 1999 and 2007, the UK’s Space                 In 2007, it generated revenues of £5.9 billion in      communication at home and work to security,
             that whilst these high-profile expeditions were        sector grew by an average of 9% per year. This        the UK, of which £2.8 billion contributed directly     safety, entertainment and travel.
             grabbing the headlines, behind the scenes, Space       impressive growth highlights the resilience of        to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
             was rapidly becoming a fundamental part of our         our Space industry to the effects of economic         The sector also accounted for 19,100 jobs as           Exceptional growth from exploiting R&D
             everyday lives and an essential engine of the          and political turmoil, and is due to the diverse      a direct result of its activities, with employee
                                                                                                                                                                                 Avanti was a small company operating its internet
             global economy. Space-derived data and services,       customer base for Space-enabled services —            productivity more than four times the national         service from London using space rented on existing
             together with the infrastructure needed to deliver     from commercial telecommunications, weather           average. It consequently contributes some              satellites. In 2005 it committed to buying its first satellite
             them, have revolutionised capabilities in areas        forecasting, global transport networks, military      £145,000 per worker to UK GDP. Significantly,          — a new breed that can change frequency and power.
             as diverse as international communications,            operations, civilian emergency services and           both manufacturing and operations are capital          This was only possible because a partnership of Astrium,
             global navigation and worldwide radio and TV           environmental monitoring. It is built on a mix        intensive and require highly skilled people            Avanti, BNSC and ESA came together to develop and
             broadcasting. Furthermore, as global warming           of market demand and strong UK industrial             resulting in graduates filling nearly two-thirds       de-risk this novel architecture. This satellite will launch
             assumes ever greater importance, Space provides        capabilities. The UK has long-standing and            of all jobs. Space manufacturing is a uniquely         in 2010 and will deliver a 10 Mbps broadband service to
             governments and the scientific community with          deep-rooted strengths in satellite manufacturing,     advanced technology sector that builds very high-      rural communities in the UK and benefit those not able to
                                                                                                                          value bespoke products, which have to operate          connect to a service that most of us take for granted. By
             a unique and comprehensive means to study              satellite operations, Space exploration, remote
                                                                                                                                                                                 creating this supportive environment, the UK has helped
             changes to the Earth, its ecosystems and climate.      sensing and in the vast array of services that are    with guaranteed reliability for up to 20 years in
                                                                                                                                                                                 Avanti secure £600 million of private investment over the
             There is no doubt that over the past 40 years since    enabled via Space-based systems. Although data        a remote and hostile environment. Overseas
                                                                                                                                                                                 last 5 years to purchase satellites and set up services
             the moon landings we have become increasingly          for 2008 and 2009 is not yet available, increasing    demand for products and services will always
                                                                                                                                                                                 and sell broadband capacity in Europe, the Middle East
             reliant on Space for our security, commerce and        revenues by both manufacturers and operators          far outstrip domestic needs, meaning the vast          and Africa. The city has reacted well to this growth
             future well-being. Equally, it is no exaggeration to   highlights that growth even through these difficult   majority of the UK’s Space products and services       model: Avanti’s share price has doubled between 2007
             say that over the next 20 years, Space will become     years has been positive.                              are exported.                                          and 2010.

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A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Executive Summary                                                                                                                                                         Executive Summary

             Helping the trains run on time                           and QinetiQ provide entire systems integration
                                                                      solutions, software and applications technology.
             Rail operators increasingly need reliable, real-         Inmarsat, Paradigm and Avanti Communications
             time, information about their trains if they are to
                                                                      are very profitable UK-based satellite operators
             maintain the safety, security, and performance of
                                                                      and BSkyB is one of the largest providers of
             the network. They need access to performance
                                                                      broadcast content using satellites with over
             data and diagnostics as the network operates to
             make real time decisions about how best to run the       12 million customers. Innovation in the sector
             service. This data is critical if there is an incident   is not just technical: Paradigm has provided a
             and useful for assessing drivers. To really develop a    world leading PFI solution for secure satellite
             fleet-wide real-time information and management          communications for the Armed Forces.
             services needs a seamless communications service
             across the network. By integrating terrestrial and       The UK’s supply chain is relatively strong. It
             satellite communications with traditional train
                                                                      comprises many companies that have the high
             reporting systems and satellite navigation services,
                                                                      integrity manufacturing needed for Space
             Nottingham Scientific Limited (NSL), a UK based
                                                                      systems and companies generally have access
             SME, is working with ESA and the train operators
             to implement a proof-of-concept solution. This will      to facilities that they need such as specialised
             allow operating companies to communicate with            clean rooms. However, the relatively low volume
             their trains anywhere on the network and data to         of some very high value, bespoke, components
             be uploaded or downloaded in real time. Initial          means that only a very few companies
             applications will include train tracking, remote         manufacture these and they are all located
             engine monitoring, incident management and               overseas. For example, radiation-hardened
             driver training.                                         application-specific integrated circuits are most
                                                                      often procured from the US. The value of these
             Advanced Manufacturing                                   components can be significant: on one of the
             and Services                                             UK’s flagship programmes some £15 million of
             Satellite manufacturing in the UK is worth £800          components were bought from abroad.
             million, around 14% of the UK’s Space sector.
             Many of these manufacturing capabilities are
                                                                      Government support is key to
             world-class. For example, Astrium, a pan-
             European satellite manufacturer, builds one-
                                                                      unlocking economic benefits
             quarter of the world’s telecommunications                The UK Government provides direct and indirect
             satellites and chooses to manufacture the entire         investment in the sector, by supporting research
             payload and mechanical systems for these in              and technology, Space science and missions. Not
             its UK sites, together worth 50% of the value of         only is it a customer, it is also a sponsor and it
             the satellite. Surrey Satellites has developed           offers further help by promoting civil and defence
             an enviable reputation as one of the world’s             exports. In 2008/09, Space received some £265
             best small satellite manufacturers, integrating          million in national project funding through ESA
             commercial off-the-shelf components to                   contributions, the Technology Strategy Board and
             supply complete small satellites to a growing            Research Councils. However, this project funding
             commercial and institutional market for                  represents good value for money as each activity
             affordable Space capability. UK companies                must demonstrate that the economic and social
             are also developing disruptive manufacturing             benefits exceed the investment, including the
             technologies, for example, Reaction Engines Ltd          opportunity costs of investing funds elsewhere
             is developing propulsion technology for next             in the economy.
             generation ‘single stage to orbit’ Spaceplanes.
             There is also the potential to link across
             manufacturing sectors where UK is particularly
                                                                      As part of her support for the ‘Innovation and
                                                                      Growth Report’, the Chief Economist at the
                                                                                                                           With co-ordinated action we can create a
             strong, such as autonomous systems, advanced
             robotics, encryption and power systems.
                                                                      Department of Business Innovation and Skills has
                                                                      published an assessment of the economic impact
                                                                                                                           comparative advantage for UK technology and
                                                                      of the UK’s Space sector. This draws on common       services. We can secure greater wealth creation,
             The UK also has a world recognised services              data sources but the analysis is independent.
             sector. Companies such as Logica, Finmeccanica                                                                more jobs and enhanced intellectual leadership

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A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Executive Summary                                                      Executive Summary

                                   We have set a clear challenge to
                                   firmly establish the UK as one of
                                   the World’s leading Space nations
                                   and grow the UK’s share of the
                    market share   global market

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A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Executive Summary                                                                                                                                     Executive Summary

                                                She concludes:                                        to deliver more services to its citizens. Space
                                                •	Between 2000 and 2008 the global Space             is a diverse sector resilient to fluctuations in
                                                   sector grew at a rate of 7% to 8% per annum in     economic growth; it has high growth potential,
                                                   real terms with growth accelerating in the last    it produces advanced technology, has low
                                                   three years. The UK grew at a rate of 9% per       carbon credentials and strong scientific
                                                   annum in real terms during the period 2006         foundations. The UK should, therefore, allocate
                                                   and 2007.                                          a disproportionately higher share of industrial
                                                •	Government investments in Space deliver            funding to capitalise on the opportunities for
                                                   measurable direct benefits which are, on a         growth that Space offers.
                                                   proportional basis, at least as big as those in
                                                                                                      Space should have the opportunity of delivering
                                                   related areas. Space is a credible investment
                                                                                                      more cost effective services for UK citizens.
                                                   within a wider portfolio of private sector
                                                                                                      An advantage of providing services from
                                                   technology investments.
                                                                                                      Space is that often this is truly national (if not
                                                                                                      wider) — one solution can replace the need
                                                Space combines high-value                             to integrate many local and intermediate
                                                manufacturing and services,                           delivery systems. Aggregating requirements for
                                                advanced technology and an ability                    cooperative services should, therefore, include
                                                to deliver key government policy                      central government departments, devolved
                                                objectives                                            administrations, local government, agencies
                                                                                                      and emergency services. It is the local part
                                                Space is a complex market characterised by
                                                                                                      of government that delivers the services most
                                                strong government interventions prompted
                                                                                                      visible to citizens and where the majority
                                                by issues surrounding international standing,
                                                                                                      of public spending is committed.
                                                national prestige, influence in international
                                                negotiations and military superiority. The US
                                                Government alone spends over $60 billion on           The time for positive action is now
                                                Space annually, representing a mammoth 25%
                                                                                                      We are at a crossroads in terms of the strategic
                                                of the global market. Furthermore, France,
                                                                                                      direction for the UK. The UK’s share of the world
                                                Germany and Italy contribute as much to
                                                                                                      Space market in 2007 was around 6%. This
                                                indigenous Space programmes as they do to
                                                                                                      substantial figure is about twice the size of many
                                                ESA. Brazil, China and India, are also investing
                                                                                                      other major UK industrial sectors, but less than
                                                strongly in Space infrastructure. Therefore,
                                                                                                      that of our leading industries. However, if we take
                                                successful competition in the Space sector
                                                                                                      a positive decision to go for growth, we can raise
                                                requires industry, academia and governments
                                                                                                      the market share significantly. But, if we fail to
                                                working together at a national level. Fortunately,
                                                                                                      step up our efforts there is a strong likelihood
                                                thanks to past investments, the UK is well
                                                                                                      that the sector will slide back to around the 3%
                                                positioned for this competition. We have a
             The UK does not have               strong academic and industrial base and we are
                                                                                                      mark. This might prompt the departure of some
                                                                                                      of the large multi-nationals which have chosen to
             a capability to collect valuable   technologically ahead of Brazil, China and India.
                                                Space is therefore one of the high-skilled, high
                                                                                                      invest in the UK’s Space sector. It would certainly

             data for monitoring climate        technology sectors where the UK should focus
                                                                                                      wipe out much of the UK’s past investment in
                                                                                                      intellectual capital with a consequent loss of
             change and supporting
                                                its efforts. But we must recognise that this
                                                                                                      our existing strengths.
                                                should be a collaborative effort and UK
             activities related to national     Government intervention remains essential.
                                                                                                      We should not overlook the fact that the UK is

             and international security,        With co-ordinated action we can create a
                                                comparative advantage for UK technology and
                                                                                                      a major stakeholder in this sector both directly
                                                                                                      and via the European Commission. The time has
             despite the fact that              services. In doing so, we can secure greater          come for us to use these investments to create
                                                wealth creation, more jobs and enhanced
             requirements for imagery
                                                                                                      economic growth and provide the best possible
                                                intellectual leadership. The UK Government is         services for citizens at the best possible price.
             exist across many                  already a significant investor in — and beneficiary
                                                of — Space, but it could obtain more value from
                                                                                                      We have therefore set ourselves a clear challenge
                                                                                                      to firmly establish the UK as one of the World’s
             Government departments             its investment and at the same time use Space         leading Space nations and grow the UK’s share of

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A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Executive Summary                                                                                                                                                                                                               Executive Summary

                                                                                                                          compete for domestic work. Therefore, we need        Promoting Space investment in an
                                                                                                                          a pan-Government National Space Policy that          export-led Space industry
                                                                                                                          harmonises the needs of the public sector and
                                                                                                                                                                               Satellite Earth Observation (EO) provides
                                                                                                                          creates opportunities for wealth creation in the
                                                                                                                                                                               valuable data for monitoring climate change
                                                                                                                          UK. Industry will step up to meet UK needs with
                                                                                                                                                                               and supporting activities related to national and
                                                                                                                          innovative technical and commercial solutions.
                                                                                                                                                                               international security. However, the UK does not
                                                                                                                                                                               have a capability for collecting such data itself,
                                                                                                                          Applications and services using Space data
                                                                                                                                                                               despite the fact that requirements for imagery
                                                                                                                          will be one of the most important elements for
                                                                                                                                                                               exist across many parts of the public sector.
                                                                                                                          delivering growth — typically the lifetime return
                                                                                                                                                                               Today, although the UK is involved in a number
                                                                                                                          from services is 10 times that of manufacturing
                                                                                                                                                                               of pan-European EO programmes, as a nation,
                                                                                                                          — so an industry/government partnership must
                                                                                                                                                                               we are reliant on Space EO data from other
                                                                                                                          aggressively develop these too.
                                                                                                                                                                               nations, particularly the US. We also purchase
                                                                                                                                                                               data from commercial suppliers. The reasons
                                                                                                                          The UK should, therefore, consider the
                                                                                                                                                                               for this are varied, but it has been argued
                                                                                                                          measures needed to enable UK operators
                                                                                                                                                                               that no single department has a significant
                                                                                                                          to grow. Indirectly, this will also provide new
                                                                                                                                                                               enough requirement to warrant a separate UK
                                                                                                                          opportunities for UK-based manufacturers
             the global market to 10% over the next 20 years.                                                                                                                  EO satellite service. However, when all of the
                                                                     To succeed, Space must be seen as a strategic        to compete for business and exploit emerging
             This drives Space in the UK from a £6 billion to a                                                                                                                public sector’s combined EO satellite usage is
                                                                     sector in the UK and one that can offer an           technology. A large communications satellite
             £40 billion sector. Of course, we will not achieve                                                                                                                considered together it seems more than likely
                                                                     important infrastructure for our economic and        and its launch can cost up to £400 million.
             this overnight, and the scale of the investment                                                                                                                   that there is a sufficient user community to justify
                                                                     security needs. Britain does not secure as good      Furthermore, a return on this significant
             needed to achieve this will only be manageable                                                                                                                    an indigenous capability. An important aspect for
                                                                     a return on investment as other Space nations        investment can sometimes take as long as seven
             if it is selective. But, what we can do now is set a                                                                                                              such a capability is that the UK chooses what to
                                                                     because it lacks a single, strong focal point. The   years to accrue. However, overseas competitors
             trajectory for growth. It is vital that we create the                                                                                                             view, at home or abroad, without interference or
                                                                     UK’s current civil Space policy is not sufficient    are able to take advantage of government-backed
             right business environment and seize the market                                                                                                                   delay, and understands exactly how that data
                                                                     to generate the change required — Space in           loans or export credit guarantees to fund the
             opportunities to deliver the national benefits.                                                                                                                   is processed.
                                                                     the UK is a successful but small sector — but a      procurement and launch of satellites. The UK,
             We outline these elements below.                        better definition and commitment to a long-term      on the other hand, operates schemes that may be
                                                                     policy should deliver significantly more in terms    suitable but are generally at a scale lower than     If the UK wishes to play a prominent role in
                                                                                                                                                                               future security, disaster relief and climate-
             Providing the environment                               of innovation and growth. It should provide the      overseas agencies, and this leaves the UK at a
                                                                     framework for the UK to participate fully in the     competitive disadvantage.                            change activities, the national need for access to
             for success                                                                                                                                                       independent data is likely to increase. Moreover,
                                                                     definition and build-up phases of new European
             If we are to realise our vision, industry will need     programmes. By delaying entry to programmes          This report forms a starting point for a national    the UK’s economic well-being and trading
             to feel confident enough to aggressively and            and funding in an ad-hoc manner, the UK              policy and sets out options that will help deliver   interests will be better served from independent
             significantly increase the amount it invests in         has lost both the best industrial work and the       the 20-year vision.                                  data that can be used to derive new climate
             Research and Development (R&D), its capabilities        ability to influence programmes to best meet                                                              change, emissions monitoring and emissions
             and in its people. It will need to take the required    national needs. Examples include Galileo and         An important start to more agile governance          trading models. Over a 20-year timeframe, many
             risks involved in grasping new opportunities            the Global Monitoring Environment and Security       has been made by the current Minister of             nations will build or procure an indigenous Earth
             in order to be first to market with innovative          programmes. The UK is generally perceived as a       State for Science and Innovation with the            Observation capability, and the UK will be seen as
             services. We recognise that the majority of             follower rather than a leader in Europe on large     announcement of the establishment of a UK            less relevant in the international arena if it cannot
             investment to meet the growth target will have          Space programmes.                                    Executive Space Agency. Although this is a           offer high quality analysis in this area. China’s
             to come from industry rather than government.                                                                much welcomed decision, it is imperative that        reluctance to accept independent monitoring
             That will require private venture capital taking        The UK Government has done much to promote           the Executive Space Agency has the resources         of its carbon emissions at the December 2009
             advantage of opportunities offered in commercial        Space in recent years but does not have a            needed to effectively deliver the National Space     Copenhagen Climate Change Summit highlighted
             markets and Private Finance Initiative (PFI)            coherent, overarching policy that encompasses        Policy and the business and science opportunities    the future role that Space-based assets will play.
             style arrangements to meet future government            civil, defence and security components.              for the UK. Moreover, the UK Executive Space
             requirements for end-to-end services. Likewise,         Consequently, it is difficult to draw together       Agency should cover civil space, security and        The UK has deep-rooted strengths in Space
             operators must be able and willing to raise the         disparate government funding and requirements,       defence requirements, be responsible for             technology and a strong record in ground-
             capital needed in financial markets. The overall        and set out clear policy with associated             procuring Space programmes and lead on all           breaking systems exploitation. It also has
             scale of the private investment required will be        implementation guidelines. A fragmented              Space-related activities in national and multi-      tried and tested expertise in risk-sharing and
             large, certainly exceeding several billion              approach across the public sector wastes money       national negotiations.                               innovative commercial business models. The
             UK pounds.                                              and reduces the opportunities for UK industry to                                                          UK’s Skynet 5 military satellite communications

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A UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy 2010 to 2030
Executive Summary                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Executive Summary

             Smart Homes                                                                                                     developed nations have such complementary             Using Space to meet national ‘big
                                                                                                                             technology funding programmes. A national             challenge’ objectives
             In the near future Smart Homes will use new technology to increase the energy efficiency of dwellings.
                                                                                                                             strategy should be part of an integrated end-
             Integral to these homes of the future will be ‘Smart Meters’, a technology proven to stimulate home owners                                                            There is a clear opportunity for the public sector
                                                                                                                             to-end process that drives manufacturing
             to be more economical by providing information on energy usage, but also reduces costs by providing a link to                                                         to increase its use of Space-enabled services to
                                                                                                                             and applications technology from ‘blue skies’
             the energy supplier removing the need for manual meter readings. All UK homes and businesses are to have                                                              obtain tangible benefits for UK citizens. These
                                                                                                                             concept development to research and then to
             smart meters by 2012.                                                                                                                                                 benefits would be accrued through, for example,
                                                                                                                             demonstration and exploitation. Such a model
                                                                                                                             would naturally need clearly defined roles for        lower costs to consumers for obtaining a service,
             Low data rate 2-way satellite communications offer the prospect to connect all of the UK’s 26 million
                                                                                                                             academia, industry and Government.                    lower carbon emissions for running a service and
             homes to the energy supplier’s control centre with a common system. One satellite, already available in
                                                                                                                                                                                   access to a service for all UK residents regardless
             orbit, provides more than enough capacity. It is a green solution — the meters would link to modems which
             themselves could be solar powered.                                                                                                                                    of location. Already, Space telecommunications
                                                                                                                             Supporting disaster relief with
                                                                                                                                                                                   are vital for delivering important entertainment
                                                                                                                             commercial satellites                                 and commercial activity such as live sporting
             Space will have to compete with existing, local solutions and show it is lower cost than alternatives. But
             the attraction of Space is one, national, integrated solution to a straightforward need, and technology and     In 2004, DMC International Imaging started a          events and up-to-date news coverage. In two
             IPR that may be exportable to overseas markets.                                                                 commercial service that provides quick-response       years’ time, the London 2012 Olympics will be
                                                                                                                             satellite imagery of disaster areas that helps        a showcase UK event which will be broadcast
             programme has been delivered using an                     A characteristic of Space programmes is that a        the international community plan its emergency        to every corner of the Earth.
             innovative service-based approach which                   disproportionately larger national and industrial     relief efforts. This system has been deployed
             has enabled the UK to export secure satellite             benefit will accrue from a greater involvement in     following the 2004 Asian Tsunami, Hurricane           Space has the potential to enhance other aspects
             communication services to a wide range of                 a targeted number of programmes as opposed to         Katrina and the recent earthquake in Haiti. DMC       of daily life. It will improve many future journeys
             overseas organisations. There is considerable             a fragmented, small-scale involvement in many         International Imaging is a spin out company from      be they by air, sea or rail. For example, Space can
             scope for applying this business model to                 ESA projects. This will be even more important        Surrey Satellites, itself a company that grew         cost effectively improve rail journeys to work by
             acquiring a UK-based EO capability, so that in            as the European Commission assumes greater            out of a spin off from the University of Surrey.      replacing ageing signalling systems with a Space
             addition to meeting national needs it can catalyse        responsibility for determining a European Space       Surrey Satellites has been highly successful in       navigation-based application. This will enable
             a significant export business.                            Strategy under the terms of the Lisbon Treaty. As     developing small, low-cost, satellites and now        more trains to run on the network at peak hours.
                                                                       ESA becomes an executive agency for EU Space          exports these globally. Although this success
             The European Space Agency —                               policy, there will be increasing opportunities to     is based on the innovative ‘affordable satellite’     Success in the business of Space will be based
             winning a better return for                               compete for a share of European programmes            concept, of equal importance was the vital            on exploiting its unique benefits:
                                                                       on a more commercial basis.                           support and protection the company received in        •	ubiquity of service, for example, delivery to all
             British Space                                                                                                                                                            parts of the UK,
                                                                                                                             its formative years as part of the University of
             At the moment, UK R&D funding for Space is                In addition to establishing a UK national Space       Surrey. Not surprisingly, the company retains         •	low-carbon delivery of broadcast and
             largely provided through the European Space               R&D effort, as we emerge from recession, the          these close links with academia to this day.             broadband services,
             Agency. Although this creates benefits for Europe         UK should also set a pathway for significantly                                                              •	affordable deployment to remote and
             that would not otherwise be possible due to               increasing its ESA contributions more in line                                                                  rural communities,
                                                                                                                             Rocket launchers
             the high cost of research and demonstration               with other leading ESA Members States. This                                                                 •	a resilient and secure alternative infrastructure
             programmes, it also requires compromise for the           will enable larger-scale Space programmes to          Following the difficulties of the Sea Launch             to terrestrial infrastructure,
             UK in multi-national decision making. Moreover,           be deployed from the UK and strengthen the            Partnership, the prices of alternative rocket         • export potential of services and systems.
             UK dependence on ESA for preparatory and                  UK’s influence in ESA decision making.                launchers have reflected a lack of supply. This
             development programmes has resulted in some                                                                     shortage is a concern. The UK needs to keep           Space-based services: the UK’s
             areas of UK technology development becoming                                                                     a close watch on this situation but cannot            ‘second’ ICT infrastructure
                                                                       The wider global competitive
             eroded to the point that they are no longer                                                                     realistically enter this sector alone. However,
                                                                       benefits of a national Space                          the UK needs to retain technological options that     The UK should seize the opportunity of
             industrially sustainable.
                                                                       technology programme                                  have potential for future application, for example    fully developing satellite-based systems to
                                                                                                                             autonomous ‘single stage to orbit’ Spaceplanes        complement the UK’s fibre optic and wireless
             In order to increase the UK’s influence in ESA            It is important that the UK continues to secure
                                                                                                                             that could launch satellites at significantly lower   networks. Fibre optic and wireless will provide
             programmes and to maintain capabilities in key            a comparative advantage from developing and
                                                                                                                             cost and risk than today’s systems.                   the majority of the superfast broadband in the
             technologies, the UK needs a complementary                exploiting technologies for future markets in
                                                                                                                                                                                   UK as set out in Digital Britain. But access for all
             national Space technology programme aimed at              both the manufacturing and applications areas.
                                                                                                                             Space tourism provides an exciting new potential      citizens to broadband will become important as
             generating economic and social benefits for the           The UK can best achieve this by establishing
                                                                                                                             market for Space. It is also possible that launch     new services and entertainment are only available
             UK, and reinforcing areas of national strength.           a National Space Technology Strategy (NSTS),
                                                                                                                             vehicles such as Virgin Galactic’s White Knight       via the internet.
             Such a programme would enable the UK to                   underpinned by technology road-mapping from
             assume a greater leadership role in ESA’s R&D             research to market, with a ring-fenced budget,        and Spaceship 1 could provide the basis not just
             programmes and missions as well as increase               separate and additional to ESA budgets. This          for tourism but also low cost launch to the edge
             our say when considering technical options.               would not be extraordinary, as most other major       of Space.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                17
Executive Summary                                      Executive Summary

                               The proposed expansion
                               will provide an estimated
                               100,000 new jobs in the
                               UK, and to meet this
                    new jobs   demand our schools and
                               universities will need
                               industry support

18                                                                   19
Executive Summary                                                                                                              Executive Summary

             The internet will be increasingly used by                  Using Space to inspire and educate
             Government to deliver lower-cost services for
                                                                        The general public, some elements of the
             citizens. ‘Smarter Government’ itself asserts
                                                                        business sector and even parts of the UK
             that it can be four times cheaper to deliver
                                                                        Government have a limited understanding of
             services over the internet than by post. The
                                                                        the true value of Space. To counter this, the
             Space sector is helping deliver a fast solution
                                                                        Space industry needs to continue to improve and
             to the Universal Service Commitment (USC)
                                                                        build up a greater awareness of Space-enabled
             for broadband from 2012, as set out in the
                                                                        capabilities. This is particularly important given
             Government’s ‘Digital Britain’ strategic vision
                                                                        the need to influence a public policy and industrial
             paper. The Government can also drive additional
                                                                        agenda if we are to grow this sector.
             investment by accelerating the procurement of
             part of the next-generation superfast broadband
                                                                        The proposed expansion plans will provide an
             from Space as part of a national approach. Space
                                                                        estimated 100,000 new jobs in the UK, and to
             will have to deliver value for money to achieve
                                                                        meet this demand our schools and universities
             this. A UK solution also opens the door for export
                                                                        will need industry support to raise awareness
             opportunities in a global market for ‘internet
                                                                        of the opportunities afforded by a career in the
             from Space’ that we estimate is likely to be
                                                                        Space sector. Industry will also need to offer
             worth £29 billion per annum by 2030.
                                                                        more training and apprenticeships to fill the
                                                                        jobs that will arise from the planned growth in
             By playing to the very high efficiencies of
                                                                        manufacturing and services. Consequently, the
             broadcast from Space and by optimising the way
                                                                        Space industry will collaborate with other Space
             that broadband internet services are delivered,
                                                                        stakeholders to launch a publicity campaign
             we estimate that the UK can achieve a reduction
                                                                        to inspire young people to choose courses
             of up to 40 million tonnes of CO2 per annum from
                                                                        based on Science, Technology, Engineering
             that required to run an equivalent terrestrial
                                                                        and Mathematics — the so-called STEM-
             broadcast and broadband service. Space is also
                                                                        related subjects.
             likely to be the only cost-effective way to deliver
             a good choice of High Definition TV and broadband
             to rural communities. Because it is quite separate         The Space Age
             from terrestrial infrastructure, it also provides          The global data network is undergoing two
             an important element of commercial and                     massive changes. Firstly, the volume of data
             Government resilience to natural disasters                 being moved around the Earth is finally hitting
             and terrorist attack.                                      the vertical part of the J-Curve which was being
                                                                        predicted during the dotcom boom.

             Reusable launch vehicles
             In the 1970s, the UK made a choice not to develop new rocket launchers. But this may not be the last word
             — a growing demand for greener, more reliable and lower cost launching systems for satellites could
             enable the UK to re-enter a profitable niche in this sector. Reaction Engines are developing novel propulsion
             technology that will be needed for a single stage to orbit (SSTO) ‘reusable’ Spaceplane, research that is
             combining company, ESA, BNSC and Technology Strategy Board funding. Bristol Spaceplanes are researching
             alternative SSTO concepts. Virgin Galactic could provide an earlier satellite launch capability to the edge
             of Space based on their now maturing White Knight and Spaceship 1 Space tourism vehicles. There is no
             shortage of ingenuity and technology in the UK to help make something happen.

             Revolutionising access to Space may have wider economic benefits. Can we reduce the build costs of
             satellites if they can be launched at a fraction of today’s costs? Do we need to retain spare capacity in orbit
             if satellites can be launched at very short notice? Will insurance costs reduce significantly if a Spaceplane
             based on aircraft technology replaces a rocket?

             These potential benefits, as well as the industrial manufacturing benefit, means the UK must continue to
             develop such disruptive technologies.

20                                                                                                                                           21
Executive Summary                                                                                                                                          Executive Summary

             The use of multimedia by consumers, and video         •	year-on-year growth of inward investment
             in particular, is resulting in end-users doubling
             their demand for data each year, but new
             applications emerging in navigating, monitoring
                                                                      for Space-related activities over the
                                                                      20-year strategy,
                                                                   •	the UK plays a more strategic role in
                                                                                                                          We must make up our minds
             and measuring our World are compounding this.
             Secondly, governments globally have realised
                                                                      the use of Space for European and world-wide
                                                                                                                          where we want to go and where
             that high-speed data connectivity is both a crucial
             infrastructure and also needs to be universal
                                                                   •	the UK becomes the first 100% broadband-
                                                                      enabled country in the world,
                                                                   •	a leadership role in global climate-change
                                                                                                                          we want to be in 20 years time
             if major populations are not to suffer serious
             economic and social disadvantage. Thus, high             monitoring and up to 40 million tonnes of
             data-volume applications and ubiquity will               reductions in UK carbon emissions,
             characterise the next phase of the evolution          •	reduced costs of delivering Government
             of the Internet.                                         services to all citizens, regardless of
                                                                      their location,
             This plays directly into the hands of the Space       • increased student up-take of STEM subjects.
             industry since those are the very two advantages
             that Space technology has over terrestrial            Implementation of the
             technology. Already satellites dominate the           2010–2030 strategy
             global TV market and this will accelerate. In
                                                                   A joint industry and Government partnership is
             future, no-one will make a journey which is not
                                                                   needed to take our Space strategy forward and
             enhanced in some way by satellite navigation.
                                                                   this should take the form of a Space Leadership
             Only satellites can deliver the social inclusion of
                                                                   Council, jointly chaired by the Secretary of
             universal global access to broadband and mobile
                                                                   State for Business, Innovation and Skills and the
             communications. And the only way to determine
                                                                   President of the UKspace trade association. We
             for certain how serious the climate change
                                                                   envisage that this Council will oversee progress
             problem is and how we need to manage our
                                                                   and implement the specific recommendations
             environment is to gather a vast amount of data
                                                                   in this Strategy until the new Space Agency is
             in real time — only satellites can do this. With
                                                                   fully operational.
             comparably low investment, satellites can provide
             universal global coverage. As demand grows,
                                                                   Over the last decade, industry and Government
             capacity can be added in a scalable fashion.
                                                                   have collectively failed to grasp the opportunities
             Moreover, it can be moved if demand patterns
                                                                   we identify in this report. Space in the UK has
             change. Terrestrial technologies provide a
                                                                   been characterised by review after review
             patchwork solution to some of the issues evolving
                                                                   allowing other countries to steal a march on us.
             in the corporate, institutional and consumer
                                                                   This must now cease and be replaced by positive
             markets. Satellite technology development is
                                                                   and practical actions. We must make up our
             necessarily slower than elsewhere because of
                                                                   minds where we want to go and where we want to
             the physical challenges of operating in Space,
                                                                   be in 20 years time.
             but we have caught up with the terrestrial
             telecommunications and computing advances of a
                                                                   Today, through this Space Innovation and
             decade ago. Finally, satellite technology is coming
                                                                   Growth Strategy, industry has made its choice.
             of age, and thus the next phase of evolution might
                                                                   We will raise our game and go for growth and
             rightly be characterised “The Space Internet”.
                                                                   innovation. We ask Government to support us by
                                                                   providing the critical opportunities and the clarity
             Space-related benefits                                of commitment and purpose that the Space
                                                                   community needs to succeed in this endeavour.
             There will be extensive economic and social
                                                                   Given the prize on offer, this is a challenge that
             returns from Government and industry’s
                                                                   we should all be prepared to meet.
             investment in Space-enabled services.
             Most prominent of these are:
             •	the creation of at least 100,000 high-skilled
                high technology jobs over 20 years,

22                                                                                                                                                                       23
Recommendations                                                                                                                                                                                                             Recommendations


            A trajectory for growth                              In the future, with the completion of Galileo and     Keys to growth are therefore investment in            Providing the environment
                                                                 the upgrade of GPS to its third generation, many      R&D, targeted and “smart” infrastructure              for success
            The global Space market is worth a massive
                                                                 more applications will be enabled. Applications       procurements, co-ordinated efforts to grow
            $250 billion per annum and is driven
                                                                 such as mobile location-based services and            exports, academic research into industrial            Recommendation 1
            predominantly by commercial and consumer
                                                                 indoor navigation systems, in particular, are         exploitation, skills development and the creation
            services. It includes satellites and their                                                                                                                       The UK Government should define
                                                                 expected to become more widely used in a              of a stable, long-term policy and regulatory
            associated ground systems, which produce                                                                                                                         and implement a National Space
                                                                 variety of industries like agriculture, tourism       framework, with economic growth at its heart.
            the Space-based applications as well as the
                                                                 and transport.
                                                                                                                                                                             Policy (NSP) that includes the UK’s
            consumer services and the numerous bits of
                                                                                                                       Industry is ready to invest for growth in the Space
                                                                                                                                                                             economic, social, industrial, defence
            equipment used to exploit them. The section          Major market growth is also expected in Earth         sector and raise the UK’s share of the global         and security interests. This NSP
            of the market that exploits the satellite            Observation (EO) data provision and services          market to 10%. But, Space is a sector where           should combine all Public Sector
            infrastructure is by far the largest as it crosses   where the market has traditionally been               national success can only come from industry          requirements and funding for
            many industries such as agriculture, banking,        dominated by government applications. As EO                                                                 services that can cost effectively
                                                                                                                       and Government working closely together in
            broadcast and transport. In all, the end-user        data becomes more accessible to the consumer,         a carefully planned and managed way. Both             be delivered by Space in order
            market segment accounts for between 80%              through innovations like Google Earth, and as new     industry and Government need to be clear about        to provide new wealth-creating
            and 90% of the total market.                         markets related to climate change and carbon          their roles in the strategy and aware of what the     opportunities for the UK.
                                                                 emissions monitoring emerge, and existing             requirements are. Therefore, we have developed
            Over the last decade, the Space market has           security markets grow, this will lead to a further                                                          Unlike many other industries, it can take as long
                                                                                                                       the following 16 recommendations and grouped
            seen substantial and sustained growth, with the      significant expansion of the market. Furthermore,                                                           as 20 years for returns on initial investment to
                                                                                                                       them into eight main themes:
            UK industry growing at a steady 9% per annum         new markets and applications are also anticipated                                                           cycle through the various phases of programme
            since 2000. This expansion has been driven most      from the integration of EO and position data with     1. Providing the environment for success              implementation. This means that a consistent
            strongly by the demand for telecommunications        telecommunications services.                          2.	Promoting investment in an export-led UK          policy environment is more important in the
            and navigation services, which represent over                                                                  Space industry                                    Space industry than in many other sectors for
            50% of the entire market. Both these sectors have    However, for the service markets to prosper           3.	Increasing the use of Space within the National   promoting investment. A national approach to
            been growing by more than 10% each year. This        and grow, investment is needed in the satellite           ICT infrastructure                                Space would provide industry with important
            growth is expected to continue for the foreseeable   infrastructures on which they depend as access        4. A safer world with more resilient infrastructure   information about the likely requirements for
            future as new technologies enable new services,      to them is crucial. But, this access is reliant       5. Regulating Space for success                       Public sector services that are consistent with
            faster speeds and greater access.                    on a whole spectrum of factors — from an              6. Using Space to inspire and educate                 national needs and affordable. This, in turn,
                                                                 appropriately trained and educated skills base        7. Promoting a UK-wide SME Space sector               instils the confidence for industry and academia
            Over the coming decade, there will be significant    to a healthy and diverse domestic Space industry      8. Making it happen                                   to invest in the technology and services that
            growth opportunities in the telecommunications       and public awareness of the benefits and                                                                    are likely to provide healthy returns and
            field, particularly in broadband internet from       opportunities of this exciting sector.                The background information supporting                 economic value.
            space, internet on the move, “smart homes”                                                                 and explaining these recommendations
            and mobile telephone services as well as High        The recommendations for growth in this report         is contained in the full report which is available    To secure the highest benefits, Space should be
            Definition (HD) and 3D TV. It is already almost      recognise the high growth markets, the need           at www.SpaceIGS.co.uk and can be                      seen as a strategic industrial sector in the UK
            impossible to make a journey that has not in         for innovation and the interdependence between        downloaded along with complementary                   — one that can offer an important infrastructure
            some way been enhanced by satellite navigation.      service provision and the satellite infrastructure.   Working Group reports.                                for our economic and security needs. We ask

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       25
Recommendations                                                                                                                                                                                                               Recommendations

            that the UK Government recognise Space as a          Crucially, if the Public Sector can come together
                                                                                                                     Recommendation 2                                           •	be responsible for the administration of a
            key high-technology industrial sector alongside      to define common requirements that lead to                                                                        national Space budget and provide the backing
            aerospace, life sciences, biotechnology and          viable and attractive commercial opportunities,                                                                   for the UK to lead national and multi-national
                                                                                                                     We recommend that the UK
            defence, and resource appropriately.                 the UK Space industry is prepared to step up                                                                      programmes,
                                                                                                                     Executive Space Agency (UKESA),
                                                                 with innovative ways of exploiting the technology                                                              •	be responsible for procuring Space and
            A major step forward is the announcement of          and services in export markets as well as at
                                                                                                                     when established, should be                                   Space-related programmes wherever
            a UK Executive Space Agency. But the Agency          home. Much technology in Space is dual use          resourced and empowered to                                    the procurement budget is held within
            needs to operate within a clear policy framework.    and more can be made of R&D if it is clear          maximise the growth opportunities                             Government,
            We propose a Cabinet Office-led process to           how it can be exploited in both commercial          for the UK Space sector. It should                         • promote the UK’s Space sector.
            formulate and agree specific policy objectives       and defence markets. Moreover, it is likely         lead on all UK Space-related
            that need to be agreed across Departments and        the defence and security needs will be met          activities including national and                          Space knowledge, expertise and talent are a
            signed off at Cabinet level. This report does not    by adapting commercial technologies so it is        international negotiations and                             scarce global resource. Our universities produce
            seek to define Government policy but it would        important that defence customers are aware of       delivery of the National Space Policy.                     generic talent in the form of scientists and
            be appropriate, given the industry effort, for the   the potential developments that are being driven    It should have a remit including civil,                    engineers, and there are excellent research
            early stages of policy to build on this Innovation   by commercial demands. This would generate          defence and security Space domains.                        centres producing MSc and PhD graduates
            and Growth report by identifying a small number      major wealth-creating opportunities.                                                                           with relevant Space sector skills. However,
            of consolidated Public Sector requirements that                                                          The UK Executive Space Agency (UKESA),                     the majority of Space industry recruits have
            could produce early opportunities for industry.                                                          which will replace the British National Space              no direct commercial experience on leaving
                                                                                                                     Centre (BNSC), should provide the mechanism                academia. Quite naturally, industry provides
                                                                                                                     for delivering a National Space Policy that                this through formal and on-the-job training.
                                                                                                                     maximises opportunities for the UK Space sector.           We propose that UK Government benefits from
                                                                                                                     It is therefore absolutely vital that it is sufficiently   this training by putting in place a framework to
              Number            Action                                                        Timeframe              resourced and empowered, as a lack of these                promote an exchange of cultures and experience
                                                                                                                     vital elements resulted in the BNSC’s inability            between industry and the Agency through staff
              A1.1              Define the National Space Policy that establishes the         January 2011
                                                                                                                     to fully achieve this goal. The UK Executive               secondments. In the early years, industry would
                                UK’s likely public sector needs from Space, highlighting                             Space Agency should aim to develop itself into             be very interested in placing experienced staff
                                where early action by Government and Industry can deliver                            an organisation capable of being a champion                in the Agency to rapidly build its capability,
                                national and economic benefits                                                       for the UK’s Space industry both at home and               with the intent that this becomes a two-way
                                                                                                                     internationally, and in terms of functions                 process by 2015. As well as covering science
              A1.2              The UK Government should recognise Space as a key             January 2011
                                                                                                                     it should:                                                 and engineering disciplines, these secondments
                                high-technology industrial sector alongside aerospace,
                                                                                                                     •	be empowered to lead on all Space-related               should also apply to non–science-based
                                life sciences, biotechnology and defence and resource
                                                                                                                         activities for the UK in national and multi-           personnel such as those engaged in finance,
                                                                                                                         national negotiations and in prioritising              economics and law. This activity should be
                                                                                                                         programmes,                                            complemented by steps to expand both the
              A1.3              Industry to specify innovative proposals to requirements      January 2012           •	have a broad remit which includes civil,                public and private Space education sectors.
                                                                                                                         defence and security requirements,
              A1.4              Regular joint Government and Industry review of               Annual                     particularly where these will develop cross-
                                policy success                                                                           cutting technologies and applications,

                                                                                                                      Number               Action                                                           Timeframe

                                                                                                                      A2.1                 UKESA fully operational                                          January 2011

                                                                                                                      A2.2                 10 Industry Secondments to Agency                               January 2012

                                                                                                                      A2.3                 Two way Secondments underway                                     January 2015

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         27
Recommendations                                                                                                       Recommendations

            Promoting investment in an export-                     The strategy should be aimed at developing
            led UK Space industry                                  technologies that can be exploited in commercial
                                                                   and institutional markets. Funding should come
            Recommendation 3                                       from both industry and Government and be
                                                                   additional to the UK’s spend on Space science
            The UK Government and industry                         through the Research Councils if it is to be
            should establish a National Space                      effective in contributing to growth. However,
                                                                   the NSTS should be seen as part of an integrated
            Technology Strategy (NSTS),
                                                                   approach by the UK from academic ‘blue skies’
            with a clearly identifiable budget
                                                                   research through to technology demonstration.
            separate and additional to ESA                         It will, therefore, need to be integrated into a
            and research council budgets. This                     model that demonstrates how technology will
            recommendation is a key building                       be pulled through from Technology Readiness
            block in delivering the ambitious                      Level 1 through to exploitation and will need
            innovation and growth planned and                      the support of Research Councils new to Space,
            should be established quickly and                      such as the Engineering and Physical Sciences
            funded properly. A National Space                      Research Council (EPSRC) and the Technology
            Technology Steering Group should                       Strategy Board.
            be set up immediately to oversee the
            NSTS, chaired by industry, but with                    Technologies that play to UK strengths in
            Government representation.                             autonomous systems, robotics, security, sensors,
                                                                   Space communications and software should be
            The UK will secure a greater comparative               included in this national strategy based on the
            advantage in research by deploying a National          premise that there is a customer for the
            Space Technology Strategy that is complementary        end product.
            to ESA R&D programmes. This strategy should be
            owned by a National Space Technology Steering
            Group (NSTSG), comprising industry subject             R&D funding should
            matter experts supported by relevant Government
            officials. It should be facilitated through the        be maximised as it is
            Technology Strategy Board KTN (Knowledge
            Transfer Network) Space Special Interest Group.
                                                                   this budget that drives
            The NSTSG will be responsible for producing a          the ability to be first
            technology strategy that is underpinned by road-
            mapping, includes estimated programme costs
                                                                   to market which with
            and outlines the progression of products from          technical superiority will
            research to market entry. It should deliver the
            first of its reports and a set of technology road      allow the UK industry
            maps to the Technology Strategy Board before
            the end of September 2010.
                                                                   to capture a greater
                                                                   proportion of the huge
            R&D funding should be maximised as it is this
            budget that drives the ability to be first to market   growth available
            which with technical superiority will allow the
            UK industry to capture a greater proportion of
            the huge growth available. A £20 million national      As part of the NSTS, the UK should also
            programme should start in 2010, jointly funded         continue to invest in technology for systems
            by Government and industry, rising incrementally       that could revolutionise Space services and
            as it becomes affordable by Government and             access to Space over the next 20 years. This
            industry to around £100 million per annum by           will help retain opportunities for the UK to
            2015/16. The exact funding for years 2 to 5 should     develop high-risk options that have ‘visionary’
            be determined from the road-mapping activity.          appeal and potentially very large commercial

28                                                                                                                                 29
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