AfriVEC: Word Embedding Models for African Languages. Case Study of Fon and Nobiin

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AfriVEC: Word Embedding Models for African Languages. Case Study of Fon and Nobiin
AfriVEC: Word Embedding Models for African Languages. Case Study
                                                                   of Fon and Nobiin

                                                      Bonaventure F. P. Dossou     Mohammed Sabry
                                                      Jacobs University Bremen    University of Khartoum

                                                                Abstract                         padla et al., 2016). This makes it for the sake of
                                                                                                 scientific research on African Languages very im-
                                              From Word2Vec to GloVe, word embedding
                                                                                                 portant to consider, because of their scarse data
arXiv:2103.05132v2 [cs.CL] 18 Mar 2021

                                              models have played key roles in the cur-
                                              rent state-of-the-art results achieved in Natu-
                                                                                                 resources. Throughout this paper, our main contri-
                                              ral Language Processing. Designed to give          bution is to provide standardization and evaluation
                                              significant and unique vectorized representa-      guidelines to any research on the space, through
                                              tions of words and entities, those models have     our methods and experiments.
                                              proven to efficiently extract similarities and        Fon, and Nobiin are the two African Indigenous
                                              establish relationships reflecting semantic and    Languages (ALs) chosen for this study. Fon is
                                              contextual meaning among words and entities.       a native language of Benin Republic, spoken in
                                              African Languages, representing more than
                                                                                                 average by more than 2.2 million people in Benin,
                                              31% of the worldwide spoken languages, have
                                              recently been subject to lots of research. How-    in Nigeria, and Togo. Nobiin is native to Northern
                                              ever, to the best of our knowledge, there are      Sudan and Southern Egypt, spoken in average by
                                              currently very few to none word embedding          a million of people. Both languages cover a wide
                                              models for those languages words and entities,     differential range of cultures as the speakers are
                                              and none for the languages under study in this     from Western and Northern Africa.
                                              paper. After describing Glove, Word2Vec, and          Fon alphabet is based on the latin alphabet, with
                                                                                                 the addition of the letters so ª, ¡, ¢, and the di-
                                              Poincaré embeddings functionalities, we build
                                              Word2Vec and Poincaré word embedding mod-
                                              els for Fon and Nobiin, which show promis-         graphs gb, hw, kp, ny, and xw. There are 10 vowel
                                              ing results. We test the applicability of trans-   phonemes in Fon: 6 said to be closed [i, u, ı̃, ũ],
                                              fer learning between these models as a land-       and 4 said to be opened [(¢, ª, a, ã]. There are 22
                                              mark for African Languages to jointly involve      consonants (m, b, n, ¡, p, t, d, c, j, k, g, kp, gb, f, v,
                                              in mitigating the scarcity of their resources,     s, z, x, h, xw, hw, w).
                                              and attempt to provide linguistic and social          Nobiin alphabet is primarily based on greek al-
                                              interpretations of our results. Our main con-
                                                                                                 phabet with some meroitic characters, but in most
                                              tribution is to arouse more interest in creat-
                                              ing word embedding models proper to African
                                                                                                 of the resources and modern usage of the language,
                                              Languages, ready for use, and that can sig-        it uses the following schema of 28 letters: there are
                                              nificantly improve the performances of Nat-        10 vowels: 5 are opened: (a, e, i, o, u) and 5 are
                                              ural Language Processing downstream tasks          closed: (â, ê, î, ô, û). There are 18 consonants: (b,
                                              on them. The official repository and im-                                                              ‘
                                                                                                 d, f, g, h, j, k, m, n, r, s, t, w, y, sh, ch, gn, g).
                                              plementation is at:               Word Embedding (WE) modeling is an approach
                                              bonaventuredossou/afrivec                          that provides a dense vector representation of
                                                                                                 words and captures something about their mean-
                                         1    Introduction
                                                                                                 ing. The goal of embedding methods is to organize
                                         Word Embedding models are very useful in Nat-           symbolic objects (words, entities, concepts etc.) in
                                         ural Language Processing downstream tasks and           a way such that their similarities in the embedding
                                         got modernized usage with learning paradigms like       space reflects their semantic or functional similari-
                                         zero-shot learning (Xian et al., 2017), addressing      ties. WEs models are improvements of naive bag-
                                         labels representation problems in both image and        of-word (BOW) modeling that relies on statistics
                                         text classification tasks (Norouzi et al., 2014; Sap-   like word counts and frequencies to create large
AfriVEC: Word Embedding Models for African Languages. Case Study of Fon and Nobiin
sparse vectors, describing documents but not the        arguments of F are vectors and the right side is a
meaning of the words.                                   scalar. Since F could be taken as a complicated
   WEs work by using an algorithm to train a set        parameterized function like a neural network for
of fixed-length dense and continuous-valued vec-        instance, doing so would obfuscate the linear struc-
tors based on a large corpus of text. Each word is      ture we are trying to capture. To avoid this issue,
represented by a point in the embedding space and       we can first take the dot product of the arguments,
these points are learned and moved around based         preventing F from mixing the vector dimensions in
on the words that surround the target word. Their       undesirable ways. The equation (2) becomes then:
massive use in text representations is one of the key                   F ((vt − vt0 )T vˆk ) =    Ptk
                                                                                                   Pt0 k
methods that led to breakthrough performances in
many fields of natural language processing like ma-     Since in the word-word co-occurrence matrix, the
chine translation, and named entity recognition,        distinction between context words and standard
just to mention a few. The most famous WEs              words is arbitrary, probabilities ratio are replaced
are GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014), Word2Vec           and the equation (3) becomes:
                                                                                               F (vtT vˆk )
(Mikolov et al., 2013), and Poincaré Embeddings                   F ((vt − vt0 )T vˆk ) =      F (vtT0 vˆk )
(Nickel and Kiela, 2017).
   Additionally, we would also like to highlight        In the original paper, Pennington et al. (2014) set
BERT embeddings (Devlin et al., 2018) from Trans-       the equation (5) and solved it for F being the expo-
formers, which are ubiquitous nowadays in Natural       nential function:
Language Processing, and have improved systems                              F (vtT vˆk ) = Ptk =   At      (5)
performances. However, transformer-based archi-         The final solution of the equation (5) is:
tectures require a lot of computing power and data,
and as such they may not be suitable for small                    v T vˆk + bt + bˆk = log(Atk ) (6)
datasets (which is the case in the current paper)       where bt and bˆk are respective bias for vt and vˆk ,
or to researchers that do not have access to GPUs,      added to restore symmetry.
whereas Word2vec and Poincare and Glove are not            Finally the loss function to minimize is hence a
computationally expensive.                              linear regression function defined as:

2     Word Embeddings: Related Works                          V
                                                        J=          (f (Att0 )vtT vˆt0 + bi + bˆj − log(Att0 ))2 ,
2.1    GloVe                                                  t,t0 =1
GloVe, or Global Vectors for Word Representation,
                                                        with V being the size of the WE’s vocabulary.
is an approach to capture the meaning of one word
                                                        f (Att0 ) is a pre-defined weighting function, that
embedding towards the corpus (set of documents -
                                                        should be continuous, non-decreasing and rela-
a document is a sentence). The GloVe model trains
                                                        tively small for large values of the argument. Ob-
on global co-occurrence counts of words and makes
                                                        viously, there are infinite functions that could be
a sufficient use of statistics by minimizing least-
                                                        constructed to satisfy these criterias. The authors
squares error. This produces a word vector space
                                                        Pennington et al. (2014) used the function f de-
with meaningful substructure, that sufficiently pre-
                                                        fined as:
serves words similarities with vector distance. The                     (
probability that word at a given index t0 occurs in                       ( xmax )α , x < xmax
                                                              f (x) =
the context of a word t is defined as:                                    1, x ≥ xmax
                  Ptt0 =   At     (1)                                            where α ∈ (0; 1)
where A is the words co-occurrence matrix. Each
                                                        2.2   Word2Vec
entry of A, is the number of times word t0 occurs in
the context of word t. The function F, encoding the     There are 3 different types of Word2Vec parame-
information about the ratio co-occurrence between       ter learning, and all of them are based on neural
two vectors is defined as:                              network models (Mikolov et al., 2013).
            F (vt − vt0 ; vˆk ) =   Pt0 k   (2)         2.2.1 One-Word Context
where vt , vt0 are word vectors with indices t and      This approach is known as Continuous Bag-Of-
t0 , and vˆk a context vector with index k. The left    Word (CBOW). The main idea is the consideration
AfriVEC: Word Embedding Models for African Languages. Case Study of Fon and Nobiin
of a single word per context i.e. we have to predict   −c and c are limits of the context window and
one word given only one word. The input of the         wt is a word at index t. T is the total number
neural network in this context is a one-hot encoded    number of words in the vocabulary. The hidden
vector of size (V,) followed by a hidden layer of      vector h is computed the same way as in the case
size N with an input hidden layer weights matrix       of CBOW and Multi-Word Context. The output
W of size V×N, and an output layer weights matrix      layer is computed with:
W’ of size N×V, with softmax activation function.                                         0T h
                                                                             oc,j = oj = zw j
The objective here is to compute as probability, the
vector representation of the word with index i:        and the activation function is defined as followed:
                                                               p(wc,j = wj,c |wi ) = yc,j =         PVe       oj 0
                      p(wj |wi )                                                                     j 0 =1 e

Let a be our input vector filled with zeros, and a     2.3     Poincaré Embeddings
single 1 at the position t. The hidden vector h is
                                                       The concept of Poincaré Embeddings uses hyper-
computed with the formula below:
                                                       bolic geometry to capture hierarchical complexities
                 h = W T a = zw
                                i                      (Ravasz and Barabási, 2003) and properties of the
where z is the output vector of the word wi . We       words that can not be captured directly in Euclidean
can look at h as the «input vector» of the word a.     space. There is a need to use such kind of geometry
At the next step, we take the vector h and apply a     together with Poincaré ball to capture the fact that
matrix multiplication similar to the previous one:     distance from the root of the tree to its leaves grows
                            0T h                       exponentially with every new child, and hyperbolic
                     oj = z w j                        geometry is able to represent this property. Hy-
where z 0 is the output vector of the word wj with.    perbolic geometry studies non-Euclidean spaces of
This multiplication is performed for every entry o     constant negative curvature. Its main 2 axioms and
with index j. The sof tmax activation is defined       theorems are:
as followed:                                              • ∀ line a and ∀ point p 6∈ a, there are at least
           p(wj |wi ) = yj =     PV e       oj 0
                                                            two distinct parallels passing through p.
                                   j 0 =1   e
                                                          • all triangles have angles sum less than 180
2.2.2   Multi-Word Context                                  degrees.
                                                          For 2-dimensional hyperbolic space, both the
The concept of Multi-word Context is very similar
                                                       area s and length l of a circle, grow exponentially.
to the concept of CBOW. The only difference is
                                                       The are defined with the following formulas:
that we want to capture the relationship between
our target word and other words from the corpus.              l = 2πsinh(r) and s = 2π(cosh(r) − 1)
The probability distribution is then defined as:       where r denotes the radius. The Poincaré Ball is
                p(wi |w1,1 , ..., w1,c )               defined then as:
obtained by changing the hidden layer function to:                     B d = {x ∈ Rd |||x|| < 1}
                h = C1 ( C
                        P                              The distance measure between 2 WEs t and t0 is
                          i=1 ai )
                                                       defined as:
The optimization function becomes then:                                                                 0 2
                                                             d(t, t0 ) = arcosh(1 + 2 (1−||t||||t−t  ||
                                                                                                2 )((1−||t0 ||2 ) ).
            −log(p(wi |w1,1 , ..., w1,c ))
                                                       Nickel and Kiela (2017) argued that, this measure
2.2.3   Skip-Gram Model                                allows not only to capture effectively the similar-
The concept of Skip-Gram Model is opposite to the      ity between the two WEs but also preserves their
Multi-Word Model: the task is to predict c context     hierarchy (through their norm).
words having one target word on the input. The pro-    Relevant word embeddings works on African
cess of Skip-Gram is the reverse procedure of the      Languages: In this regard, very few explorations
Multi-Word Context (Mikolov et al., 2013). The         have been done, to the best of our knowledge.
optimization function is then defined as followed:     However it worths mentioning the work of Alabi
            T                                          et al. (2019) which introduced massive and cura-
          1X X                                         tive embeddings for Yoruba and Twi, two other
               log(p(wt+i |wt ))
          T                                            low-resourced African Languages. The contextual
             t=1 −c≤i≤c
AfriVEC: Word Embedding Models for African Languages. Case Study of Fon and Nobiin
word embeddings obtained have been used to eval-
uate multilingual BERT on a named entity recog-
nition task. Alternatively, van der Westhuizen and
Niesler (2017) albeit on a very small monolingual
English web text corpus, explored the use of word
embeddings in the synthesis of isiZulu-to-English
code-switch bigrams used to augment sparse lan-
guage model training data.

3     Creation of our Word Embedding:
      Case Study of Fon and Nobiin
3.1    Contextualization
A lookup at Google’s Word2Vec model, can al-
low us to define queen as followed: queen =             Figure 1: Visualization of Fon Word2Vec Embedding
(king − man) + woman. W oman and M an are               Space
genders, while queen and king could be referred
as titles. However, this equation, gives a meaning-
ful and unique representation to the word queen,           • create a word2vec embedding model, and test
and its similarities with the words king, man and            its capacity to establish relationships or simi-
woman.                                                       larities among words.
   In the context of ALs, to the best of our knowl-        • build a Poincaré WE model and use it to pre-
edge, there are no such models capable of capturing          dict the types of entities.
high-level relation between words and entities. Al-     To promote reproducibility, and further improve-
abi et al. (2019) also highlighted the difficulty of    ments as well as the use of our findings in NLP
the evaluation on low-resourced languages, of sev-      tasks on ALs. The datasets, and models source
eral architectures that are capable to learn seman-     code will be open-sourced, and contributions are
tic representations from unannotated data, more         welcome.
suitable to high-resourced languages, that have a
                                                        3.2      Fon and Nobiin Word2Vec Embedding
smorgasbord of tasks and test sets to evaluate on.
   In general, this lack of research is coupled with
the scarcity of the data and the morphological rich-    For investigating how well a Word2Vec model ar-
ness of ALs. Many studies including (Orife, 2018;       chitecture could give provide vectorized represen-
Dossou and Emezue, 2020), regarding the way to          tations of the words of our dataset, as well as es-
handle the textual data of African languages, have      tablish the relationship between them, we created
showed the importance of diacritics in the chal-        a basic Word2Vec embedding model using the li-
lenging task of creating effective and robust neural    brary gensim 1 . In our context we used the CBOW
machine translation systems, and Natural Language       as training algorithm, which is a feed-forward Neu-
Processing (NLP) tools for ALs. Therefore, during       ral Network Language Model, where the non-linear
the preprocessing of the data used for this study,      hidden layer is removed and the projection layer is
we made sure to keep the words diacritics, in order     shared for all words. This ensures that the contin-
to not lose any meaningful information.                 uous distributed representations of words in their
   We aim to investigate the possibilities of creat-    respective contexts are used.
ing proper word embedding models for a better and       3.2.1 Word2Vec for Fon
meaningful representations of ALs words and enti-
                                                        For Fon, as a starting point, we chose to focus
ties; models that could capture exclusive relation
                                                        on the family domain (context) where words are
between words of the same language. Moreover,
                                                        dad, mum, sister, brother, son, daughter. From the
the results of our work, could be an effort to creat-
                                                        FFR parallel dataset (Dossou and Emezue, 2020;
ing or improving Named Entity Recognition (NER)
                                                        Dossou et al., 2021), we filtered and extracted, and
models for ALs. For each of the languages selected
(Fon and Nobiin), we tried the following:            
AfriVEC: Word Embedding Models for African Languages. Case Study of Fon and Nobiin
Figure 2: Visualization of Nobiin Word2Vec Embed-       Figure 3: Fon Poincare Hierarchy Graph with constant
ding Space                                              negative curvature c = 10

manually cleaned Fon sentences containing the key-
words mentioned above. The resultant dataset con-
tains 739 sentences, with an average of 8 words
per sentence. The following parameters have been
used to create and train the Word2Vec model for
    • size: the number of dimensions of the embed-
      ding, set to 100.
    • min_count: the minimum count of words to
      consider when training the model, set to 5.
    • α: the learning rate set to 0.5.
    • window: the maximum distance between a
      target word and words around the target word,
      set to 5.
    • workers: the number of threads to use while
                                                        Figure 4: Fon Poincare Hierarchy Graph with constant
      training, set to 3.
                                                        negative curvature c = 15
    • sg: the training algorithm; 0 for CBOW .
The source code pipeline has been inspired from
«Chapter 11: The Word Embedding Model» from                However, these examples show that the model is
(Brownlee, 2017).                                       able to correlate words among themselves taking
    Figure 1, shows the visualization of Fon Word       into account their contexts. This proves the concept
Embedding Space. We can see that words like tª          and importance of building WEs models for ALs
(father) clusters close to fofó (big brother). We can   words and entities, that could make easier NLP
also see the word fofó (big brother) clusters close     tasks on them.
to sunnu (boy, man), while the word yªnnúvi (girl,
little girl) clusters close to nª (mother). We used
                                                        3.2.2 Word2Vec for Nobiin
the Fon Word2Vec to get the most similar words          For Nobiin, we focus on the context of daily life
given positve references (see Table 1).                 style of family members, this to some extend re-
    One limitation of the Word2Vec is its restriction   flects the culture in the geographic areas of this
to the input corpora vocabulary. This makes the         language. Our dataset contains nearly 40 sentences,
model, in case of very small corpora, very sensitive    with 7-50 words per sentence, reflecting the daily
to out of vocabulary words, as similar representa-      lifestyle contexts of Nobians. We use word2Vec
tions can not be found or derived.                      with the following hyperparameters:
References                  Most similar representation   Similarity
                                                                            • link prediction to test generalization perfor-
 nªví (sister, brother)      dadá (big sister)             0.7928             mance.
 nªví + sunnu (brother)      asi (wife)                    0.6626
 tª + ce (my father)         nª (mother)                   0.6901       Also the following modifications have been made
 nª (mother)                 gle (crop field)              0.6933       to the source code of the model3 :
 nyªnuvi (little girl)       kp¢vi (small, little)         0.8746
 nª + tª (mother + father)   kplªn (education)             0.7558           • the parameter encoding = "utf -8" has been
                                                                              added as parameter to the csv reader object,
Table 1: Examples of most similiar representations                            used for the Link Prediction and Reconstruc-
in the Fon word2vec embedding space, given as input,
                                                                              tion file reading, to help them handle the dia-
positive references.
                                                                              critics (non-ascii characters).
                                                                            • the function f ind_matching_terms() to
    • size: the number of dimensions of the embed-                            bring best possibilities in the model’s vocabu-
      ding, set to 200.                                                       lary close to the input word, instead of consid-
    • min_count: the minimum count of words to                                ering only vocabulary words starting by the
      consider when training the model, set to 1.                             input word (as in the original code source),
    • α: the learning rate set to 0.025.                                      leading to KeyError error.
    • window: the maximum distance between a                            Pull requests have been made to the official
      target word and words around the target word,                     repository, and a repository containing the new
      set to 15.                                                        version has been created too. The updated Poincaré
    • workers: the number of threads to use while                       model is available at:
      training, set to 3.
    • sg: the training algorithm; 0 for CBOW .
Figure 2, shows how the model represents re-                            4.1    Poincaré Embedding Model for Fon
lationships between different words along with
                                                                        We implement Fon Poincaré Embedding on a
their contexts. As we can see, the words (abô,
                                                                        dataset of names (boys, and girls or mixed names),
anên, annenga, annessi) which are respectively de-
                                                                        benin cities, body parts, and date components
fined as (f ather, mother, brother, sister) are
                                                                        (months of the year, days of the week). M ixed
clustered close to one another with the words
                                                                        names stand for names that could be attributed
(Hassan, U mar, N abra, Munâ) which are also
                                                                        to both boys and girls. The dataset consists of
personal names. We see also that words like (shây,
                                                                        a single unique relation among two different en-
fatûr) translated respectively as (tea, breakf ast),
                                                                        tities on each line following the HyperLex (Vulić
very close to each other, and words like (tâjir,
                                                                        et al., 2016) format, and contains 642 data sam-
girish, dukkân) standing for (merchant, money,
                                                                        ples. The dataset has been splitted into train (572
supermarket) clusters are close as well. The
                                                                        samples), validation (25 samples) and test (45 sam-
same remark is also applicable to other words like
                                                                        ples). Along the training dataset, we have 218
(semâ, masha, unatti, winji) meaning respec-
                                                                        boy names, 192 girl names, 67 mixed names, 43
tively (sky, sun, moon, stars).
                                                                        benin cities, 12 months of the year and 7 days of
4       Fon and Nobiin Poincaré Embedding                               the week. All information and data entry of each
        Models                                                          entity, has been scraped respectively from exter-
                                                                        nal websites, and from crowd-sourcing through
We also used genism 2 to implement Poincaré Em-                         Google Form Surveys. For a better, understandable
bedding. To evaluate the model, we used the fol-                        visualization and interpretation, we trained first
lowing criteria: the mean_rank (M R), and the                           the Fon Poincaré models with embedding space
M ean Average P recision (M AP ). The evalua-                           size set to 2. We believe that the concept could
tion is done at two levels:                                             still be applied to higher dimensions that would
   • reconstruction which is defined as the capa-                       however offer less understanding and interpretabil-
      bility of the observed data to reconstruct from                   ity. We tried also different constant negative cur-
      the embedding. Nickel and Kiela (2017) de-                        vatures (10, 15). All the models have been trained
      fined it as a measure to evaluate the model’s                     on 2000 epochs. The figures 3, and 4 show dif-
      representation capacity.                                             3
    2            tifrea/poincare_glove/blob/master/gensim/models/
Dimensionality                 2             5             10               15                           Precision   Recall   F1-Score   Support
 Reconstruction (MR/MAP)        2.37/0.44     2.00/0.50     2.10/0.51        1.99/0.52
 Link Prediction (MR/MAP)       2.42/0.43     2.05/0.50     2.04/0.50        2.00/0.51     boy_name       50          86       63         7
                                                                                           girl_name      50          14       22         7
Table 2: Mean Rank and Mean Average Precision for                                          accuracy                            50         14
                                                                                           macro avg      50          50       43         14
Reconstruction and Link Prediction for Fon
                                                                                           weighted avg   50          50       43         14

 Dimensionality             2           5           10           15           20
 Reconstruction (MR/MAP)    3.03/0.35   2.00/0.50   2.00/0.50    2.00/0.50    2.0/0.5
                                                                                          Table 5: Classification Report of the Predictions of No-
 Link Prediction (MR/MAP)   2.75/0.39   2.00/0.50   2.00/0.50    2.00/0.50    2.00/0.50   biin model on the Nobiin Testing Dataset

Table 3: Mean Rank and Mean Average Precision for                                                         Precision   Recall   F1-Score   Support
Reconstruction and Link Prediction for Nobiin
                                                                                           boy_name       62          96       75         27
                                                                                           girl_name      67          11       19         18
                                                                                           accuracy                            62         45
ferent embedding spaces depending of the value                                             macro avg      64          54       43         45
of the constant negative curvature. We can notice                                          weighted avg   64          62       53         45
clearly three different types of entities: boy_name,
girl_name and mixed_name. The benin_city                                                  Table 6: Classification Report of the Predictions of No-
and body_part entities components are all clus-                                           biin model on the Fon Testing Dataset
tered together and really closed: elements of each
group are, based on the graphs practically not dis-
                                                                                          the score_f unction() function, that computes
tinguishable. Considering the figures 3, and 4 we
                                                                                          the predicted score; extent to which a word a is
can see that there are normal connections between
                                                                                          of entity type b. For the predictions, we chose
boy_name and mixed_name, as well as between
                                                                                          to focus on the entities: boy_name, girl_name,
girl_name and mixed_name. However, on each
                                                                                          body_part, benin_city. The entities body_part
figure, there exist incorrect or not normal con-
                                                                                          and benin_city ended up being predicted only
nections between boy_name and girl_name be-
                                                                                          either as boy_name or girl_name, but more as
cause both are not supposed to tie together, unless
                                                                                          boy_name than girl_name. Therefore, we de-
in case of mixed_names. We conclude that the
                                                                                          cided to drop them and only consider names
constant negative curvature does not impact how
                                                                                          (boy_name and girl_name) entities. The model
groups intersect together but instead, impacts on
                                                                                          achieved an accuracy of 49%. A closer look at
the distance between elements among and across
                                                                                          the classification report (see table 4), shows that
                                                                                          the current model is better at predicting boy names
   We choose the best model among the two de-
                                                                                          than girl ones.
scribed above, which is the one with constant neg-
                                                                                             Collecting more data on various entities types,
ative curvature c = 15. We also tried many other
                                                                                          training on more epochs, with higher constant neg-
dimension size (5, 10, 15) and evaluated them.
                                                                                          ative curvature, or on higher dimensions could im-
The results of the evaluations can be seen in ta-
                                                                                          prove the model’s performance and prediction ca-
ble 2. From these results, we can conclude that
                                                                                          pacity. Nickel and Kiela (2017) also showed that
the higher the dimension, the better are the model
                                                                                          Poincaré embeddings are very successful in the em-
reproducibility and generalization capacities.
                                                                                          bedding of large taxonomies, with regard to their
   We continued the experiments on with Fon
                                                                                          representation capacity and their generalization per-
using as dimension size d = 15. Next, we
used the model to predict entities types using

                                                                                                          Precision   Recall   F1-Score   Support
                      Precision         Recall       F1-Score           Support
                                                                                           boy_name       51          91       66         23
 boy_name             57                63           60                 27                 girl_name      50          9        15         22
 girl_name            33                28           30                 18                 accuracy                            51         45
 accuracy                                            49                 45                 macro avg      51          50       41         45
 macro avg            45                45           45                 45                 weighted avg   51          51       41         45
 weighted avg         47                49           48                 45
                                                                                          Table 7: Classification Report of the Predictions of Fon
Table 4: Classification Report of the Predictions of Fon                                  model on the Nobiin Testing Dataset
model on the Fon Testing Dataset
Figure 5: Nobiin Poincare Hierarchy Graph with con-      Figure 6: Nobiin Poincare Hierarchy Graph with con-
stant negative curvature c = 15                          stant negative curvature c = 20

4.2   Poincaré Embedding Model for Nobiin                and the Nobiin Poincaré Embedding model on 45
For Nobiin, we implement a Poincaré embedding            Fon names.
model with different constant negative curvatures           In another words, we want to investigate how
(10, 15, 20, 25, 30) on a small dataset of nobian        good, the information learned by the Fon and No-
names (boys and girls). The dataset is a single level    biin Poincaré models, would be to improve the
relationship among entities in each line following       prediction of the Fon and Nobiin entities. To that
the HyperLex format (Vulić et al., 2016). It consists   extend, we evaluated the Nobiin Poincaré model on
of 108 data samples (training samples: 84 and test       the Fon testing dataset: we got 62% as global accu-
samples: 24). All the models have been trained on        racy: the model predicted well most of boy_name
2000 epochs.                                             and some of girl_name (see Table 6).
   We evaluated these models using the criteria de-         Next, we evaluated the Fon Poincaré model on
scribed at the beginning of this section 4. We found     the Nobiin testing dataset. As reported on Table 7,
that the best representations have been obtained for     the Fon Poincaré model achieved an overall accu-
the models with constant negative curvature 15           racy of 51.11%. We can also see from that the Fon
and 20 (see figures 5 and 6). To continue the ex-        model predicted well the Nobian boy_name and
periments with Nobiin, we used the model with            some of girl_name.
constant negative curvature c = 20.                         Despite the very small size of the datasets, one
   The Table 3 shows the results of link prediction      important remark here is the improvement of the
and reconstruction for the all trained models. The       classification accuracy after transfer learning:
best results are already achieved from dimension         the accuracy of classification of the Fon Poincaré
size d = 5. For all further experiments with Nobiin,     model improved on the Nobiin test dataset, and
we choose as dimension size d = 10.                      likewise for the Nobiin Poincaré model on the Fon
   The Table 5 shows the classification report, with     dataset. However, there is a need of building larger
a global accuracy of 50% of the best model built         and contextualized corpora, to check on a more
with constant negative curvature c = 20, and dimen-      extended scale, the veracity of these promising re-
sion size d = 10.                                        sults, for the African and low-resourced languages
                                                         NLP research communities.
4.3   Transfer Learning of Poincaré                         Thinking about reproducibility, transfer learning,
      Embedding Models                                   and accompanied by will and hope, that the find-
Incentivized by the performance of transfer learn-       ings of this study could be extended to as many
ing and its contribution to the state-of-the-art on      African Languages as possible, we can say that
a wide range of NLP tasks, we tested the Fon             the information the models respectively and solely
Poincaré Embedding model on 45 Nobian names,             learned about the Fon and Nobiin data, helped
translate sentences from Turkish, which uses gen-
                                                        der neutral pronouns, to English. Mostly, when
                                                        a sentence contained descriptors stereotypically
                                                        attributed to women (cook, teacher, nurse), the
                                                        Turkish gender-neutral pronoun o was translated to
                                                        she. Conversely, sentences with terms such as hard
                                                        working, lawyer, and engineer saw the pronoun
                                                        translated as he.
                                                           Bolukbasi et al. (2016) and Manzini et al. (2019)
                                                        (inspired by (Bolukbasi et al., 2016)), proposed ef-
                                                        ficient debiasing methods (hard and soft debiasing)
                                                        respectively for binary class (eg. male, female) and
                                                        for multiclass (gender, race, religion etc.) settings.
                                                           We want to precise that our point is not to blame
                                                        Google but instead to emphasize that algorithms
Figure 7: Visualization of Biased in one of Nobiin      are based on a corpus of human words containing
Word2Vec Embedding Models                               billions of data points. So WEs are merely reflect-
                                                        ing already existing biases in societies. As our
                                                        African open source WE models evolve, working
them to predict averagely well boy_name and             on reducing disparities and inequalities would be a
girl_name in the other language: both models            great future work pathway.
used properties learned about the data they have
been trained on, and extended it to the other lan-      6   Conclusion and Future Work
guage, to get the entities types right.
                                                        In this paper we showed the possibilities and impor-
5   An Approach to Linguistic and Social                tance of building proper word embedding models
    Interpretations                                     for African Languages words and entities. We cre-
                                                        ated Word2Vec and Poincaré Embedding models,
Unlike the boy_name, we noticed a low Recall
                                                        for Fon and Nobiin, and showed that they can suc-
of girl_name in the Poincaré models. As those
                                                        cessfully represent similarities and relationships
results could infer some disparities, we tried to
                                                        among those words and entities. We also presented
look for some linguistic, social interpretations. We
                                                        promising transfer learning results, from the mod-
found a plausible explanation could be that indige-
                                                        els accross the languages. The models we pro-
nous girl names share a lot similarities with indige-
                                                        posed, albeit on very small datasets, can further
nous boy names (mainly derivated from them), like
                                                        highly be improved, since some of the relationships
the names ahªví (prince) and ahªssí (princesse),
                                                        have not been well generalized. Nevertheless, we
sharing the same root.
                                                        believe that our findings are headrooms to develop-
   WEs models can illustrate semantic and syn-
                                                        ing better words embedding models, which could
tactic relationships between words, but they are
                                                        highly ease downstream NLP tasks and challenges
not without flaws. The Figure 7 shows one of our
                                                        on African Languages.
models clustering words of housekeeping activities:
(floor-sweeping: tôyi), (washing: shûkki), (utensils:   7   Acknowledgments
dâddi), (cooking: okke) close to the word mother
(anên). We mitigated this bias by fine-tuning the       Authors would like to thank all contributors that
maximum distance between the current and pre-           helped gathering the data needed for the current
dicted words within a sentence, in the model of         study, especially Fabroni Bill Yoclunon, Ricardo
section 3.2.2, which clustered words mother with        Ahounvlame, and Nerry Koukoui.
father (abô), sister (annessi), brother (annenga),
and housekeeping activities words with the word
house (nôg).
   Bolukbasi et al. (2016), also demonstrated in
their study how WEs reinforced gender stereotypes
at an alarming rate. They tested how Google would
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