An Examination of Chimpanzee Use in Human Cancer Research

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ATLA 37, 399–416, 2009                                                                                                 399

An Examination of Chimpanzee Use in Human Cancer

Jarrod Bailey

New England Anti-Vivisection Society, Boston, MA, USA

      Summary — Advocates of chimpanzee research claim the genetic similarity of humans and chimpanzees
      make them an indispensable research tool to combat human diseases. Given that cancer is a leading cause
      of human death worldwide, one might expect that if chimpanzees were needed for, or were productive in,
      cancer research, then they would have been widely used. This comprehensive literature analysis reveals that
      chimpanzees have scarcely been used in any form of cancer research, and that chimpanzee tumours are
      extremely rare and biologically different from human cancers. Often, chimpanzee citations described
      peripheral use of chimpanzee cells and genetic material in predominantly human genomic studies. Papers
      describing potential new cancer therapies noted significant concerns regarding the chimpanzee model.
      Other studies described interventions that have not been pursued clinically. Finally, available evidence indi-
      cates that chimpanzees are not essential in the development of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. It
      would therefore be unscientific to claim that chimpanzees are vital to cancer research. On the contrary, it
      is reasonable to conclude that cancer research would not suffer, if the use of chimpanzees for this purpose
      were prohibited in the US. Genetic differences between humans and chimpanzees, make them an unsuit-
      able model for cancer, as well as other human diseases.

      Key words: cancer, chimpanzee, neoplasm, Pan troglodytes.

      Address for correspondence: J. Bailey, New England Anti-Vivisection Society, 333 Washington Street,
      Suite 850, Boston, MA 02108-5100, USA.

Introduction                                                      Despite the decisions of these governments, the
                                                               evidence that underpins them, as well as wide-
The United States currently holds approximately                spread public opinion (5), chimpanzee research
1,000 chimpanzees in research facilities (1), and              remains controversial. Some advocates claim that
stands alone in the world as the only country                  chimpanzee experimentation is indispensable in
actively conducting invasive research on captive               the fight against major human diseases such as
chimpanzees to any significant degree. Many gov-               AIDS, hepatitis and cancer, without which treat-
ernments worldwide have taken legislative steps                ments for human disease will not be realised (6).
to ban or severely limit experiments on great apes             Given the ethical and financial costs of chimpanzee
predominantly for ethical reasons, based on our                research, and the considerable doubt regarding its
knowledge of the cognitive and emotional capaci-               efficacy and scientific validity, these claims cannot
ties of chimpanzees (2).                                       be made lightly. Similarly, solid scientific evidence
   The ethical argument for a ban on chimpanzee                must support the opinions of those who believe
research is now being progressively augmented by               chimpanzee research to be unscientific and/or
scientific evidence revealing Pan troglodytes to be            unethical. To date, evidence has been published
a poor research model for human biology and med-               that demonstrates the redundancy and lack of sci-
icine. Such evidence constituted the main rationale            entific worth of chimpanzee research (7, 8), and
behind the decision of the Dutch government to                 that chimpanzee use in AIDS vaccine research is
disband the last chimpanzee population used for                not predictive for human vaccine response and effi-
research in Europe, and to prohibit any further sci-           cacy assessment (9). Further, studies from an eth-
entific research or testing on chimpanzees and                 ical perspective have revealed the existence of
other great apes (3). The Dutch Minister of                    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in ex-research
Science, Loek Hermans, stated, “In recent years it             chimpanzees now in sanctuary (10), and have
has become clear that the need for the use of chim-            detailed the physical and psychological traumas
panzees for research into malaria and HIV has                  suffered by chimpanzees that have been raised in
rapidly diminished and is of limited importance.               various human/chimpanzee contexts then used in
The progression of illness in chimpanzees is                   research — and the chimpanzees’ consequent abil-
starkly different from that of humans, which                   ity to recover from such trauma once in sanctuary
makes the chimpanzee an unsuitable ‘model’.” (4).              (11).
400                                                                                                    J. Bailey

   Cancer was chosen as the focus of this investiga-     Results and Analysis
tion because it is a major and growing contributor
to the burden of human disease worldwide — as            This search identified 4,046 papers published
well as being a leading cause of premature death.        between 1968 and 2008 inclusive that contained
It is responsible for a quarter of all deaths in the     ‘chimpanzee’ in the title or abstract, of which 354
European Union (EU), and almost a half of deaths         were classified under the MeSH term ‘neoplasms’
in the age range 45–64 years (12). In the USA, it is     (as identified by GoPubMed, as of 20 February
estimated that 1,437,180 new cancer cases and            2009).
565,650 deaths from cancer occurred in 2008 (13).           A timeline was first established to determine
Given this impact, one might expect a sound scien-       whether there had been any increase or decrease
tific argument for the use of chimpanzees in             in this research over the years (Figure 1). The first
research to elucidate the molecular basis of car-        paper, published in 1968, was followed by just
cinogenicity and metastasis, and in the testing of       three further papers in the following seven years.
new therapeutics, evidenced by their widespread          From 1976, however, there has been a slow but
use in the past. Chimpanzees share up to 96% of          steady rise in cancer-related chimpanzee publica-
our DNA (14, 15); a statistic often cited in defence     tions, with an average of twelve per year between
of their use experimentally. As recently as 2005, it     2000 and 2007 inclusive, including an outlying
was claimed that chimpanzee research was “essen-         increase to 22 papers in 2007. Notably, however,
tial” in the testing of monoclonal antibody thera-       just three papers were listed with a 2008 publica-
pies for cancer treatment, and had been “critical”       tion date, and the five-year relative research inter-
in the development of some such therapies to date        est1 increased from 0.0014% to just 0.0017% over
(6).                                                     the past thirty years — indicating no significant
   In this paper, the use of chimpanzees in cancer       growth in this type of research since the late 1970s
research is described, the critical nature of such       (Figure 2; 16).
experiments and translation to human cancer                 The specific areas of cancer research in which
treatment is deliberated, and the proposed need          chimpanzees had been involved were then deter-
for chimpanzees in cancer research in the future         mined. The GoPubMed search described above,
is discussed. Diverse opinions and reasoned              sorted the chimpanzee papers into categories
debate on this important topic are as crucial as         based on the MeSH disease-categories with
the provision of new data to inform such debate.         which they were associated. Though the cate-
                                                         gories overlap and the papers are often associ-
                                                         ated with more than one category, the data are
Chimpanzee Use in Cancer Research:                       revealing (Figure 3). There is a very ‘hepatic’
The Search Strategy                                      aspect to the results, with 51 associations with
                                                         hepatitis, 43 with liver neoplasms, and 40 with
The database GoPubMed (16) was searched for              hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In addition,
all publications involving chimpanzees and can-          there were 39 papers associated with leukaemia
cer. Using the terms ‘Chimpanzee[TIAB]’ (locat-          and 13 with T-cell leukaemia, plus 20 papers
ing all papers with the word ‘Chimpanzee’ in the         associated with melanoma. The remaining
title and/or abstract) and ‘Neoplasms[MESH]’             papers largely comprised of reports of tumours in
(restricting those chimpanzee results to all             chimpanzees, molecular biological investigations
papers classified under the major disease cate-          of genes and biochemical pathways that affect
gory ‘Neoplasms’ in the Medical Subject                  cell/tumour growth, and investigations of puta-
Headings [MeSH] database), a comprehensive               tive cancer therapies, among others.
overview of cancer research involving chim-
panzees and/or chimpanzee tissue/biological
material was obtained. This search strategy was          Reports of chimpanzee tumours
used because (a) it restricted results to papers
that were likely to be associated with chimpanzee        Fourteen papers were basic reports of tumours in
use more directly than a search for papers con-          chimpanzees, with no direct relevance to human
taining ‘chimpanzee’ anywhere in the text, and           cancer. Seven of these papers reported malignant
(b) ‘neoplasms’, a term very high in the hierar-         tumours, five described benign tumours, and two
chical structure of MeSH headings, is more inclu-        papers described tumours that can be of either
sive and encompasses all types of benign and             type. The tumours described in these fourteen
malignant tumours.                                       papers comprised: a report of a leiomyoma and an

1Weightedpublications per year (subject specific)/total weighted publications per year (in PubMed).
Weighted publications per year = number of publications per year multiplied by relevance factors (as defined by
An examination of chimpanzee use in human cancer research                                                                           401

Figure 1: A timeline to illustrate the publication of papers associated with chimpanzees and
          neoplasms, according to GoPubMed


number of publications




                         1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
                            1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007

The linear trendline indicates a slow but steady rise, with an average of twelve publications per year between 2000
and 2007 inclusive, including an outlying increase to 22 papers in 2007. Notably, however, just three papers were
listed with a 2008 publication date.

endometrial stromal tumour (17); pulmonary                                         Genetic or molecular biological
myeloproliferative malignant neoplasms (18);                                       investigations
ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour (arrhenoblas-
toma) (19) and fibrothecomas (20); a nasopharyn-                                   Many papers described genetic and molecular bio-
geal carcinoma (21); malignant melanoma (22);                                      logical investigations constituting ‘basic research’
hepatocellular carcinoma (23) associated with                                      on the genes and associated biological pathways
hepatitis C virus (24) or Schistosoma mansoni                                      associated with tumour development and cancer,
infection (25); renal carcinoma (26); anaplastic                                   such as cell growth/division and apoptosis (31–81).
large cell lymphoma (27); adenoma of the gall-                                     In many cases, the association with chimpanzees
                                                                                   did not involve whole-animal research on captive
bladder (28); focal nodular hyperplasia and
                                                                                   animals, but instead involved the utilisation of
myelolipoma (23); gastrointestinal stromal
                                                                                   chimpanzee tissue and/or genetic material.
tumour (29); and nevus lipomatosus cutaneous
                                                                                   Typically, these studies centred on the investiga-
superficialis (30).
                                                                                   tion of human DNA and the characterisation of
   These reports, which were deemed worthy of                                      human gene splicing and/or promoter elements,
inclusion in peer-reviewed journals because they                                   and chimpanzee involvement was peripheral. For
were unprecedented accounts of different tumour                                    instance, chimpanzee DNA was used compara-
types in chimpanzees, illustrate their rarity. This                                tively to obtain some form of evolutionary perspec-
is openly acknowledged in the abstracts — for                                      tive of gene variants and architecture, or to
example, Porter et al. (23) state, “Hepatic neopla-                                estimate the relative importance of specific pro-
sia is rare in chimpanzees. Only four hepatic neo-                                 moter elements by virtue of their temporal and
plasms have been reported in chimpanzees, three                                    inter-species conservation. Examples in more
of which were associated with viral hepatitis.”                                    detail include:
402                                                                                                                                                   J. Bailey

— An inactivating deletion in the human cytidine                                                        was performed in order to gain further insights
  monophosphate      N-acetylneuraminic     acid                                                        into the multiple roles of SDH in disease pre-
  hydroxylase (CMAH) gene is thought to ablate                                                          disposition (36). One example includes a link
  the synthesis of N-glycolylneuraminic acid                                                            between SDH and tumour susceptibility,
  (Neu5Gc), which is a prominent component of                                                           notably between SDH mutations and familial
  almost all chimpanzee cell surfaces. However,                                                         paragangliomas (37–43). This sequence analy-
  Neu5Gc is found in human cancerous cells (33),                                                        sis utilised DNA from 48 human individuals
  which may be the result of an alternative syn-                                                        and 18 chimpanzees (obtained from a dedicated
  thetic pathway or may be dervied from dietary                                                         non-human primate [NHP] DNA collection),
  sources (34).                                                                                         and identified a high degree of sequence diver-
                                                                                                        sity in the human SDHA subunit gene com-
— Analysis of the GAGE gene family, known to be                                                         pared to chimpanzee SDHA: the chimpanzee
  expressed only in germ cells and some human                                                           gene had 10 polymorphic variants in contrast to
  tumours, revealed a cluster of 15–16 duplicate                                                        21 in the human gene, and also showed 2.9-fold
  genes in humans compared to three in the chim-                                                        lower nucleotide diversity.
  panzee (35).
                                                                                                     — An investigation of genetic changes in NHPs of
— Examination of sequence variation in human                                                           the tumour-suppressor BRCA1 gene, which can
  succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) genes, which                                                           predispose humans to breast and ovarian can-
  have an essential role in cellular respiration,                                                      cers, found that most of the BRCA1 sequence

Figure 2: A timeline and linear trendline to indicate the five-year relative research interest in
          papers associated with chimpanzees and neoplasms


five-year relative research interest (%)




                                               1978   1980   1982   1984   1986   1988   1990   1992    1994   1996   1998   2000   2002   2004   2006   2008
                                                   1979   1981   1983   1985   1987   1989   1991   1993    1995   1997   1999   2001   2003   2005   2007

This provides a better view of research activity and importance than an absolute number of papers, by relating
publication statistics to the overall number of scientific publications indexed by PubMed, and is calculated as:
Weighted publications per year (subject specific)/total weighted publications per year (in PubMed), where Weighted
publications per year = number of publications per year multiplied by relevance factors (as defined by PubMed). The
five-year relative research interest increased from 0.0014% to just 0.0017% during the time period over the three
decades from 1978–2008 inclusive, indicating no significant growth in this type of research since the late 1970s.
An examination of chimpanzee use in human cancer research                                                                                                403

Figure 3: Chimpanzee papers sorted into categories based on the MeSH disease-categories
          with which they were associated in GoPubMed


No. of associated papers





                                 hepatitis      liver    HCC   leukaemia     T-cell melanoma genome      genes     base genomics   cellular biological
                                             neoplasms                     leukaemia                             sequence          process regula-
                                                                               research area (MeSH)

These categories were not exclusive, and papers were often placed into more than one category. There were 51
associations with hepatitis; 43 with liver neoplasms; and 40 with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In addition, 39
papers were associated with leukaemia and 13 with T-cell leukaemia, plus 20 papers associated with melanoma. The
remaining papers largely comprised of reports of tumours in chimpanzees, molecular biological investigations of
genes and biochemical pathways that affect cell/tumour growth, and investigations of putative cancer therapies,
among others.
                            = diseases;          = biological sciences;          = biological process.

                           was variable between primates (52), with pair-                        obtained for cancer, and duly published sup-
                           wise identity between humans and chim-                                porting data (77). This showed that the evolu-
                           panzees of aligned segments of 93–99%                                 tionary expansion of Alu repeats to new
                           (excluding indels [insertions and deletions],                         genomic locations established new predisposi-
                           which are highly prevalent in non-coding                              tions to cancer in various primate species,
                           regions).                                                             based on deleterious oncogenic arrangements
                                                                                                 and alternative splice sites, induced by Alu-
— An examination of the distribution of Alu                                                      sequence insertions. Humans have an apparent
  repeat sequences in the genomes of NHPs (pri-                                                  increase in Alu repeats compared to NHPs
  mate-specific repetitive genomic elements,                                                     (78–80), and greater than 2,200 AluYb8-type
  which can replicate and insert into the genome)                                                repeats have been identified in the human
  demonstrated that identifying the phylogenetic                                                 genome that are absent from the chimpanzee
  roots of genetic disorders could explain the dif-                                              genome (81).
  ferent susceptibility of various NHP species
  (including chimpanzees) to genetic diseases                                                 — The M&M Medical Bioinformatics group in
  (76). Due to the association of Alu repeats with                                              Japan published over 20 papers between 2005
  various types of cancer via deletions, duplica-                                               and 2007, reporting comparative integromic
  tions, translocations, and splice variations (76),                                            (combined genomic, proteomic and bioinfor-
  the authors suggested similar results could be                                                matic) studies of signalling pathways involved
404                                                                                                   J. Bailey

      in tissue regeneration and carcinogenesis          notable differences between humans and chim-
      (including WNT, Notch, FGF, Hedgehog and           panzees, though the authors concluded that its
      BMP) in humans, chimpanzees, monkeys, mice         lack of liver toxicity in chimpanzees was reassur-
      and rats (82–101). Many of the pathway compo-      ing for its proposed application in humans.
      nents examined were expressed and/or differen-        Antibodies targeting the pulmonary endothe-
      tially regulated in diverse types of human         lium via angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
      tumours, and promoter binding-sites in compo-      were tested in tissue from ten species of primates,
      nent genes were highly conserved across            including humans and chimpanzees, for cross reac-
      species. In many cases in the studies by Katoh     tivity (120). Chimpanzee/human species differ-
      and Katoh (82–101), the similarities of the        ences were observed, and subsequent in vivo
      genes, proteins and promoter binding-sites         biodistribution studies were performed only in
      under examination were high between humans         macaques.
      and chimpanzees — as might be expected due to         Two proposed vaccines for human epithelial-cell
      their close evolutionary distance.                 tumours were developed and tested in chim-
                                                         panzees; one based on immortalised B-cells carry-
                                                         ing tumour-associated mucin (121), and a
Leukaemia research                                       peptide-based MUC1 vaccine (122). The former
                                                         study showed that cytotoxic T-cells recognise epi-
Many of the papers in the search results associated      topes of mucin expressed on epithelial tumour
with leukaemia did not report actual human               cells, but did not include tumour challenge or rejec-
leukaemia research. Papers were included because         tion experiments and so no therapeutic efficacy
they were artefacts of the literature search and         was determined. The latter peptide approach pro-
classification methods, and/or were due to non-          duced positive, though transient, helper- and cyto-
direct associations with cancer; these categories        toxic T-cell responses. An antigen-pulsed
were excluded from the analysis. Examples                dendritic-cell (DC) approach was also explored by
include: references to murine leukaemia viruses          using chimpanzee DCs (123), in which cultured
(102–108) and the biology of simian leukaemia            DCs are loaded in vitro with peptide antigens and
viruses (109); the use of leukaemic cell lines in cul-   then injected into the subject to test for immuno-
ture (110, 111); and papers using the old name for       genic response. It was concluded, however, that
HIV-1, ‘HTLV-III’ (Human T-cell leukaemia virus,         MUC1-specific responses might require multiple
type III; 112, 113).                                     inoculations of DCs. Chimpanzees were overlooked
  Several papers had a more direct association           for subsequent experiments in favour of transgenic
with human leukaemia research, including: an             mice (124), which revealed that adjuvant-based
examination of the distribution of 24kDa human           peptide vaccines induced humoral but not T-cell
leukaemia-associated antigen, p24, on platelets          responses with no effect on tumour growth, and
and kidney cells, by using tissue from 12 different      that DC-based vaccines elicited tumour rejection
species including humans and chimpanzees (114);          responses in 90% of the mice tested.
an examination of sera from 165 NHPs of different           The TNF-alpha pathway is strongly associated
species, including chimpanzees, for the presence of      with carcinogenesis and is intensely studied for the
antibodies to HTLV (115); investigations of the          development of therapeutics. The drug DPC333
murine Friend leukaemia virus (FLV), used sub-           inhibits TNF-alpha production in the blood of
stantially in the past as a model for studying           humans, chimpanzees and rodents (125), and its
genetic resistance to infection by immunosuppres-        pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in mice,
sive retroviruses (116, 117); and a review reflecting    rats, dogs and chimpanzees, as well as the results
on studies of human retroviruses in leukaemia and        of a Phase I clinical trial in healthy humans (126),
AIDS that cited chimpanzees in a discussion of the       have been determined. Notable chimpanzee/
origin of HIV (118).                                     human differences were reported, and further, the
                                                         chimpanzee performed no better than allometric
                                                         scaling with data from the other species used.
Investigation or testing of new therapies                   Ha6D3 monoclonal antibody was proposed for
                                                         the treatment of some leukaemias, based on in
A number of papers that cited chimpanzees in             vitro (127) and chimpanzee tests. Significant
their titles and/or abstracts reported a potential       adverse events were recorded in chimpanzees, and
new anti-cancer therapy. TNF (tumour necrosis            this antibody has not been cited in any subsequent
factor)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)        publications.
and its receptors were profiled in human and chim-          Several gene therapy investigations, in which
panzee tissues, to investigate recombinant TRAIL         genes are introduced directly into a patient’s cells
as a therapeutic anti-cancer agent (119). TRAIL          to treat a disease (often replacing a ‘faulty’ gene),
and its three receptors (R1–R3) were differentially      were described. One method of gene therapy is to
expressed in a number of organs and tissues, with        utilise viruses such as adenoviruses to deliver or
An examination of chimpanzee use in human cancer research                                                      405

transduce therapeutic genes as part of their natu-          one of which, Neu5Gc (N-glycolylneuraminic acid),
ral infectious cycle. Adenoviruses from chim-               is not detectable in normal human tissues but is
panzees have been assessed recently as an                   abundant in most other mammals, including the
alternative to their problematic human counter-             chimpanzee (156, 157). This, and other species dif-
parts (128–130). Chimpanzee adenoviruses have               ferences involving siglec expression, function, and
been found to transduce human dendritic cells as            sialic-acid binding preferences, and the splenic dis-
efficiently as human Ad5 (131–138), though there            tribution of immune effector cells such as
are differences in the behaviour and dispersal of           macrophages, has a significant impact on immune
DCs between humans and chimpanzees at the site              system function and response to infectious agents
of injection (139).                                         (158), and also the cell-mediated response to
   Twenty melanoma investigations which used                malignant cells (155).
chimpanzees were identified. For example, the                  A number of reviews focused on hepatitis C virus
immune response and/or tolerance of chimpanzees             (HCV), and were included in the search results
following exposure to different potentially thera-          because of the association between HCV and HCC.
peutic molecules was determined. A ‘mutein’ or              The outcome of HCV infection is highly variable
altered form of human interleukin 2 (IL-2 or                and dependent on a number of factors, however
‘Proleukin’ [aldesleukin]) — used therapeutically           (159). HCC is not an inevitable consequence of
for advanced metastatic renal carcinoma and                 HCV infection, nor does hepatitis research consti-
melanoma (140), was tested in chimpanzees, due to           tute cancer research per se — therefore these
the severe systemic toxicity of native IL-2. (141).         papers were excluded from detailed consideration.
The mutein was better tolerated in the chimpanzee           Notably, however, a 2003 review of HCV, including
(142), but Phase I clinical (human) trial results           its role in HCC (160), opined that the lack of an
revealed insufficient anti-tumour activity to sup-          animal model other than the chimpanzee, along
port further evaluation (143). Purified disialogan-         with the lack of an efficient cell culture system,
glioside GD3 elicited a specific antibody response          had hampered research in this area.
in chimpanzees (144, 145), but has now been
replaced by other approaches, such as conjugated
derivatives and anti-idiotypic GD3 mAbs, due to             Other papers
relatively poor immunogenicity (146–149). Finally,
purified melanoma 250kDa tumour-associated                  Several papers were published on melanoma
antigen (TAA; also known as HMW-MAA [high                   research during the 1970s, describing projects that
molecular weight-melanoma associated antigen])              utilised chimpanzees to generate diagnostic
was also immunogenic in chimpanzees (149), and              assays, rather than to investigate tumour biology
subsequent clinical trials produced a response in           or treatment avenues. Hyperimmunisation of
17 of 99 patients (150). In total, over 70 clinical tri-    chimpanzees with human melanoma cells permit-
als (not all involving chimpanzees) of anti-                ted the collection of antisera that contained anti-
melanoma therapies took place between 1992 and              bodies to common melanoma surface antigens and
2004 (151), involving a variety of proposed thera-          that were cytotoxic to melanoma cell lines
pies (152), yet advanced stage melanoma still has           (161–163). It was concluded that serologic identifi-
a “dismal prognosis” and “novel therapeutic                 cation could provide a means of melanoma diagno-
approaches are urgently required” (151). Few ther-          sis, though a literature search did not identify this
apies achieve response rates greater than 25%               type of approach as being in use clinically.
(153) and vaccination and augmentation of host                 Following a human-based observation in which
immunity have yielded only “limited clinical suc-           different levels of urinary excretion of lignans and
cess” (154).                                                isoflavinoid phytoestrogens were noted in post-
                                                            menopausal breast cancer patients, their presence
                                                            in the urine of chimpanzees was investigated on
Review papers                                               the basis that chimpanzees are “remarkably resist-
                                                            ant to the carcinogenic effect of oestrogens” (164).
Several review papers were included in the results          This study confirmed that chimpanzees excrete
of the literature search. These publications focused        both substances at high concentrations in their
on chimpanzees and cancer to varying degrees.               urine, and the authors suggested this could help
Those specific to areas of research discussed else-         maintain resistance against oestrogenic carcino-
where here have been included in their relevant             genicity.
sections. In addition, a review citing the low inci-           Much more recently, an entirely chimpanzee-
dence of epithelial malignancy in chimpanzees, as           based study investigated the effect of diet on urinary
compared to humans, proposes one basis for this             excretion of these compounds (165). The results
difference to be changes in siglec expression/distri-       showed that diet significantly affected their excre-
bution and activity (155). Siglecs (sialic acid bind-       tion, with diets high in carbohydrate, protein, veg-
ing Ig-like lectins) recognise sialic acid molecules,       etables, and particularly fat, causing a decrease in
406                                                                                                  J. Bailey

their elimination. Contemporary human-based stud-        and the claims of the indispensable nature of chim-
ies are elucidating the effects of these compounds in    panzee testing in this field. Further, these exam-
people. For example, proteomic and metabonomic           ples were identified because the drug is associated
studies have revealed the potentially beneficial mod-    with an increased risk of malignancies (168) not
ulation of various proteins and metabolites following    detected in preclinical studies that involved chim-
isoflavone consumption (166), while several epi-         panzees. The US Food and Drug Administration
demiological analyses have suggested no significant      (FDA) pharmacological review document (169)
association between prostate or colorectal cancer        states that chimpanzees were used in single and
risk and total serum isoflavones or lignans (167).       multiple dose safety studies because they were the
                                                         only species in addition to humans whose TNF-
                                                         alpha (the target of the drug) bound infliximab.
Development and testing of monoclonal                    Significant caveats were acknowledged however,
antibody (mAb) therapies for cancer                      including the lack of histopathology data and the
                                                         limitation of study outcomes to clinically observ-
The literature search that formed the basis of this      able signs only. Also, while chimpanzee pharmaco-
investigation did not identify any publications          kinetic studies were performed, immunogenicity
reporting the use of chimpanzees in the testing of       assessments could not be made.
anti-cancer mAb therapies. It has been claimed,             It is pertinent to examine other NHP-related
however, that chimpanzee use is essential in this        publications regarding cancer mAb therapies, in
respect (6). As of February 2009, almost 700 mAbs        order to reveal which species of NHPs have been
to treat various diseases including cancers were         used in the development, testing and characterisa-
registered in the FDA’s clinical trials database         tion of these mAbs (presumably in preference to
( A dedicated in-depth evalua-       chimpanzees), and why. Cynomolgus monkeys,
tion of these claims is therefore warranted, but is      plus a small number of vervet monkeys, were used
beyond the scope of this paper due to the number         to test any (or all) of the general, developmental
of mAbs involved and the confidentiality surround-       and reproductive toxicities, and the pharmacoki-
ing the chimpanzee data.                                 netic/pharmacodynamic properties, of rituximab
   The salient question from the perspective of this     (Rituxan; 170–174), tratsuzumab (Herceptin; 175,
review must be, Is the chimpanzee ever the only          176), alemtuzumab (Campath; 177–180), cetux-
“relevant” animal species and, if so, is it predictive   imab (Erbitux; 181), bevacizumab (Avastin;
of, and relevant to, the human response to a degree      182–185) and panitumumab (Vectibix; 186). Just
that means it is indispensable? Given the paucity        two chimpanzee papers were associated with these
of chimpanzee data in the public domain, this is an      drugs, both of which were comparative genomics
impossible question to answer; a fact acknowl-           studies that utilised chimpanzee DNA, as cited
edged by VandeBerg et al. when making their              earlier (92, 94). No NHP studies involving gem-
claims of chimpanzee necessity, stating, “Some of        tuzumab (Mylotarg), ibritumomab tiuxetan
these antibodies [the 11 with FDA approval and           (Zevalin) or tositumomab (Bexxar) were identified.
more than 400 others in clinical trials] were tested        Notably, a search of the scientific literature by
in chimpanzees before they entered clinical trials       using the GoPubMed search engine (16) revealed
(proprietary data, unpublished). Data for antibod-       that, of more than 65,000 papers associated with
ies proposed for clinical trials (but not data for       the ‘Neoplasms’ and ‘Antibodies, monoclonal’
antibodies that produced side-effects or were inef-      MeSH terms, just 32 were associated with chim-
fective in chimpanzees), are supplied to the FDA.        panzees (0.05%). This compares to more than
However, these data are not published.” (6).             55,000 associated with humans (85%), 195 papers
   To further illustrate this scarcity of data, a        with macaques, and 165 with vervet monkeys.
search of the Oncology Tools section of the website      Further, only two of these 32 chimpanzee papers
of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation Research         have been published since 2002. If the use of chim-
(CDER:       panzees in this area represented necessary and
onctools/) was performed, using the terms                ‘cutting edge’ science, one might have expected the
‘Chimpanzee’ and ‘Troglodytes.’ The CDER is              number of publications to be higher and to have
charged with evaluating all new drug applications        increased in recent years.
in the United States before they can be sold, and           Support for and citations regarding the use of
analyses all drug testing data supplied to it by         chimpanzees in mAb testing were then sought in
drug manufacturers. Its Oncology Tools website           review articles on mAb therapies published in
serves as a repository of information regarding the      recent years. Kuroki et al. describe the develop-
approval of new oncology drugs. This search pro-         ment of native and conjugated mAb therapies and
duced just two results (both for infliximab              also antibody-directed gene therapies over the past
[Remicade]) — a remarkably low number of                 decade, with no citation of chimpanzee research or
results, given that several hundred mAbs have            testing (187). Schuster et al.’s general review,
been approved or are at least in clinical trials (6),    Cancer Immunotherapy, does not mention chim-
An examination of chimpanzee use in human cancer research                                                     407

panzees (188), neither does Sharkey and Golden-             see this as an option.” Data exist for 16 mAbs that
berg’s Targeted Therapy of Cancer: New Prospects            were licensed in the EU at the time of publication,
for Antibodies and Immunoconjugates (189), nor              but just one of these, infliximab (Remicade), was
Stern and Herrmann’s extensive Overview of                  tested in chimpanzees, as discussed earlier.
Monoclonal Antibodies in Cancer Therapy: Present            Notably, the mouse was deemed the most relevant
and Promise (190).                                          species, alongside the chimpanzee, which was used
   Loisel et al. specifically reviewed the relevance,       with surrogate antibodies to provide preclinical
advantages and limitations of animal models used            safety and efficacy data.
in cancer mAb development (191) and cited chim-                The author of the NC3Rs report subsequently
panzee experiments only twice, when discussing              published a review on the subject of species rele-
antigen cross-reactivity and immunogenicity of              vance in mAb testing, which concluded that, “…the
therapeutic mAbs in animals. The Loisel review              assumption that a shift from Old World primates
provided further caveats and limitations regarding          towards the use of chimpanzees might overcome
the use of NHP models, including chimpanzees.               some of the issues associated with species rele-
The example of bevacizumab (Avastin) is given, for          vance is not necessarily supported by experts or
which serious adverse reactions, including hyper-           evidence. For example, some of the effects of
tension, bleeding and thrombotic events, were not           TGN1412 might have also been masked in the
predicted by NHP models, as well as the example             chimpanzee owing to the human-specific loss of
of trastuzumab (Herceptin), which is associated             expression of CD33-related Siglecs…also, the use
with cardiotoxicity that also was not detected pre-         of chimpanzees for preclinical studies is restricted
clinically (192). The review concludes that, “…it is        by scientific, logistical and ethical problems, sug-
clear that performing preclinical studies of thera-         gesting that the chimpanzee might be of limited
peutic antibodies in animals is no more than a              value in the development of mAbs” (197).
complex study of somewhat artificial interactions
of a xenogeneic protein with the host immune sys-
tem… Recent tragic events [TGN1412] show that               Discussion and Conclusions
it is very difficult to circumvent many of those
drawbacks, and all these animal models [including           One would expect chimpanzees to have been used
chimpanzees] must be considered as models only.”            widely in many, if not all, areas of cancer research,
   The example of TGN1412, a monoclonal superag-            due to ubiquitous claims of genetic similarity to
onist of the CD28 T-cell receptor intended for the          humans — a similarity that, prima facie, would
treatment of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia           seem to underpin their suitability and relevance as
(193), illustrates the difficulties of extrapolating pre-   a model species for human disease research. This
clinical data to humans — even from NHPs that               genetic similarity forms the basis of recent claims,
demonstrate extremely encouraging pharmacoki-               for example, of the indispensability of chimpanzees
netic and toxicological data and close homology of all      for the testing of monoclonal antibody therapies
relevant molecules. Though tested in rhesus and             (including those for cancer treatment), and for
cynomolgus monkeys and not chimpanzees,                     their critical involvement in the development of
TGN1412 induced a systemic inflammatory                     some such therapies to date (6).
response in all six volunteers taking it in first-in-          A wider view of the nature of chimpanzee use,
human trials, despite being administered at a sub-          however, would indicate that chimpanzees simply
clinical dose some 500 times lower than the dose            cannot constitute a vital part of research into can-
found to be safe in animals (194). Multiple cytokine        cer, or indeed any other disease. Firstly, the gen-
release syndrome ensued, leading to multiple organ          eral importance of chimpanzee research was
failure and, in some cases, cardiovascular shock and        assessed via an extensive citation analysis of
acute respiratory distress syndrome (195) — in com-         papers reporting chimpanzee data, and a detailed
plete contrast to the NHP preclinical safety data.          evaluation of the contribution such papers have
   In May 2006, a workshop was conducted by the             made to human clinical progress and practice. Half
UK’s National Centre for the Replacement,                   of a statistically-significant sample of 95 chim-
Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research             panzee papers had not been subsequently cited at
(NC3Rs) entitled, Opportunities for Reducing the            all. A further 35% were cited only by papers that
Use of Non-human Primates in the Development of             did not describe well-developed prophylactic, diag-
Monoclonal Antibodies (196). The report from this           nostic or therapeutic methods for combating
workshop echoed concerns voiced over TGN1412                human diseases. Less than 15% of chimpanzee
elsewhere, and identified opportunities to avoid            studies had been cited by papers that were rele-
NHP use altogether in mAb development. They                 vant to human medicine. An in-depth analysis of
cautioned that, while using chimpanzees might be            these studies revealed that the chimpanzee exper-
scientifically relevant, the “considerable ethical          iments had contributed very little, if anything at
concerns regarding the use of chimpanzees” mean             all, to the outcome of those papers reporting an
that “many in the pharmaceutical industry do not            advance in human clinical practice (7, 8). Secondly,
408                                                                                                  J. Bailey

of the approximate 1,000 chimpanzees remaining          example. While it may be argued that this type of
in research laboratories in the United States, it is    investigation can be of relevance to human tumour
believed only around 20% are in ‘active research        biology, it has no bearing on the use of captive
protocols’ and are merely being ‘warehoused’ (per-      chimpanzee populations in laboratory research, as
sonal communication, J.L. VandeBerg (2008), at          they utilise readily available genetic material only.
the International Primatological Society Meeting,          Few papers described the investigation of new
Edinburgh, UK). Thirdly, over the last decade,          therapeutic interventions, but these are of interest
approximately 600 have been retired to sanctuar-        due to poor interspecies extrapolation. Examples
ies (198) and, in 2007, the US National Center for      reported include: recombinant TNF-related apopto-
Research Resources (NCRR), an institute under           sis-inducing ligand (119); inhibitor of TNF-alpha
NIH jurisdiction, chose to end federal funding for      converting enzyme (126); anti-angiotensin-convert-
breeding NCRR-owned or supported chimpanzees            ing enzyme antibodies (120); cell-based vaccines
for research, thus making the previous 10-year vol-     (121, 123, 124, 139); and therapies targeting various
untary breeding moratorium permanent (199).             solid tumours, melanoma, and leukaemias (see
Finally, throughout the world, there has been a         Results and Analysis section). No publications were
steady and growing number of modern, scientifi-         identified that described chimpanzee use in the
cally advanced countries that have limited, termi-      development or testing of mAb cancer therapies.
nated or banned the use of chimpanzees and other           The underlying reasons for the lack of relevance
great apes in research (2). Most recently, in 2009,     of chimpanzees to human cancer research, and
an EU-wide ban on the use of chimpanzees and            thus for their lack of utility and adoption as a can-
other great apes was passed (200). None of these        cer research model, lie in numerous fundamental
trends would be seen if their use in research, can-     yet far-reaching genetic differences between chim-
cer or otherwise, were crucial.                         panzees and humans that betray superficial claims
   Further, and more specifically, this review deter-   of genetic similarity. The consequences of differ-
mined that chimpanzees have scarcely been used          ences in the prevalence of Alu sequences, siglec
in any form of cancer research and that chim-           expression, and other genetic differences are
panzee tumours are both rare and biologically dif-      described in detail in the Results and Analysis sec-
ferent from human cancers. Papers describing            tion. Yet there are further differences: at least
potential new cancer therapies tested in chim-          twenty genes implicated in human cancers, some
panzees often included significant caveats based        of which are definitively involved in tumour for-
on species differences, acknowledged that the           mation, are significantly different in chimpanzees
chimpanzee model performed no better than other         (48); other significant differences have been identi-
animal models, and/or described interventions that      fied in protease genes, many of which affect the
had not been pursued clinically, presumably due to      immune system and that therefore have a poten-
adverse preclinical results. Notably, such studies      tial bearing on tumour establishment and growth
used very few chimpanzees — typically just four         (201); 80% of orthologous proteins differ between
animals per study (an average obtained from             humans and chimpanzees, including proteins
papers cited in this review). This small sample size    linked to breast cancer (202); and 6%–8% of orthol-
casts doubt on the scientific significance of data      ogous exons display pronounced differences in
obtained from this research in any case. In the         splicing, which affects diverse functions including
field of mAb development, where chimpanzees             gene expression, signal transduction, cell death,
have been lauded as being of crucial importance,        immune defence, and susceptibility to certain dis-
available evidence clearly indicates that this is not   eases, including cancers (203).
the case. Profound species differences in carcino-         A recent structural genomics study, which com-
genicity, cell growth, apoptosis and metastasis         pared the regulation of apoptosis between humans
demonstrate that chimpanzees constitute a poor          and chimpanzees (204), acknowledged that nutri-
research model for human cancer, despite their          tional and ecological differences contributed to
overall genetic similarity to humans.                   changes in cancer incidence between the species, but
   Many papers, such as the series published by         could not “coherently explain” an order of magnitude
Katoh & Katoh (82–101), described comparative           increase in cancers of the breast, ovary, lung, stom-
genomic studies in which human genes involved in        ach, colon and rectum in humans (205). Instead, the
molecular pathways associated with cell                 authors implicated some of the estimated 40 million
growth/differentiation and apoptosis were com-          differences (of various types) between the human
pared to genes from other species, including chim-      and chimpanzee genomes, which determine suscep-
panzees. Chimpanzee DNA was not central to              tibility and tolerance — as seen in different human
these studies, in which gene expression was             populations (206). The examination of around 500
analysed between cancerous and normal tissue,           proteins involved in apoptotic or DNA-repair path-
and promoter-binding sites, sequences and splicing      ways was revealing. Many protein-coding regions
were compared between humans and a variety of           were organised differently across the chromosomes
other species for evolutionary conservation, for        of each of the species. Some 5% of proteins analysed
An examination of chimpanzee use in human cancer research                                                        409

were expressed from genes with different numbers            Received 05.03.09; received in final form 11.06.09;
of exons/different splice variants between the two          accepted for publication 25.06.09.
species, while more than 80 proteins from genes
with identical intron numbers were the products of
genes that had longer introns in chimpanzees — and          References
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research and preparation. The work herein has not                 71–96.
been presented anywhere else prior to this publi-           14.   Britten, R.J. (2002). Divergence between samples
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reviewing the manuscript during its preparation.                  1746–1758.
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