Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale

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Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale
Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha
preceduto la sequenza dell’Italia centrale

  S. Gentili1, R. Di Giovambattista2, A. Peresan1
     1   Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale
                   Centro Ricerche Sismologiche, Udine, Italy.
                 2 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

                           Sezione di Roma, Roma, Italy.

                                                        Istituto Nazionale
                                                        di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale   1
Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale
Central Italy earthquake
• The devastating 2016-2017 central Italy
  seismic sequence is the largest recorded
  in Italy since the 1980 M 6.9 Irpinia

• It fell in a seismic gap between northern
  and central Apennines, between the
  1997-1998 Umbria-Marche and the 2009
  L’Aquila earthquakes

• We applied the Region Time Length
  (RTL) (Sobolev et al., 1997, 1996)
  algorithm to study detailed property of
  the quiescence. (works on declustered
  catalogue)                                  Gentili et al., PEPI, 272, 27‐33 (2017)

                                                        Istituto Nazionale
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Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale
Extended seismicity decrease

                                                                                            Number of earthquakes
                                                                                            observed in the analyzed area
Gentili et al., PEPI, 272, 27‐33 (2017)

                                            Earthquakes from          Earthquakes from
                                                                                            for two subsequent time windows
                                          8/23/2014 to 8/23/2015   8/24/2015 to 8/23/2016
                                                                                            of one year: (a) From 8/24/2014
                                                                                            to 8/24/2015 (b) from 8/25/2015
                                                                                            to 8/24/2016. The area is
                                                                                            sampled by a grid 10x10 km
                                                                                            spaced, and, for every node, the
                                                                                            number of earthquakes within
                                                                                            100 km radius in the previous
                                                                                            year is shown.

                                                                                            A clear decrease of seismicity
                                                                                            can be seen in the last year
                                                                                            with respect to the previous

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                                                                                                    di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale   3
Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale
Catalogue declustering
• Declustering is particularly difficult in the Apennines, due to the
  closeness in space and time of different clusters => we used a
  statistical method called “nearest‐neighbours”.

• As shown by Zaliapin and Ben‐Zion (2013), the removal of clusters
  identified by Nearest‐Neighbors method does not alter the
  features of inhomogeneous and possibly non‐stationary
  background seismicity, which are relevant for this study.

• The method requires only two input parameters: the b‐value, b
  and the fractal dimension of epicenters, d

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                                                  di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale   4
Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale
Rescaled space and time distances

   Catalogue declustering
Fractal dimension of epicenters

                                                                                                         Zaliapin et al., PRL, 101, 018501 (2008)
         Gutenberg-Richter law, b

ηij =tij rijd 10-bmi /2 with tij>0

                   Spatial distance
 Interevent time

The Nearest-Neighbor Method (Zaliapin et al., 2008;
Zaliapin and Ben-Zion, 2013) expresses the space-
time distance η between two earthquakes j and i in
terms of rescaled time T and rescaled distance R:

                                                           Istituto Nazionale
                                                           di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale   5
Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale
Nearest‐Neighbors analysis: Central Italy
The 2D density map of rescaled time and
space components of the nearest-neighbor
distance in the observed catalogues is
prominently bimodal  bimodality is used to

                                                                                                   Gentili et al., PEPI, 272, 27‐33 (2017)
separate the earthquakes into Poissonian
background     and    cluster  populations
(Zaliapin and Ben-Zion, 2013).
Earthquake data for Central Italy (Lat=[40, 46]°N,
Lon=[10, 15]°E), 2005-2017: Italian
Seismological Instrumental and Parametric
Data-Base (till March 2017) Mc=2.2
Scaling parameters: based on the Unified Scaling
Law for Earthquakes (USLE) (Nekrasova et al.,
2011). Robust average estimates are:
B-value b = 0.8-1.0
Fractal dimension d = 1.3-1.4

                                                     Istituto Nazionale
                                                     di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale
Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale
RTL algorithm
    •    The RTL algorithm measures the level of seismic activity in moving time windows by
         counting the number of earthquakes, weighted by their size, and inversely weighted
         by their distance, in time and space from the point of observation.
    •    It represents the deviations from the background seismicity:
         seismicity decreases ‐> RTL decreases; seismicity increases‐> RTL increases
                                                                                                        r0 and t0= free parameters
                                                                                                        Rs,Ls, Ts=linear trend
                                              R ( x, y , t ) T ( x, y , t ) L ( x, y , t )
                         RTL ( x, y , t )                                                            corrections
                                                  R                 T                L               σR, σR, σR=standard
                                                               t  ti 
                                       T ( x, y , t )   exp         Ts ( x, y , t )              n  li 
                      r                                        t 0                                      Ls ( x, y , t ) if   ri  
R( x, y, t )   exp  i   Rs ( x, y, t )
                                                        i 1
                                                                                                         i 1 r
                                                                                       L( x , y , t )    i 
                      r0                                                                                li   L ( x, y , t ) if

               i 1                                                                                                                   ri  
                                                                                                          i 1   

         Distance from x, y                      Time of occurrence                                               Source size

                                                                                                Istituto Nazionale
                                                                                                di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale
Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale
Parameters estimation

•   An ad-hoc choice of the parameters may cause artifacts

•   Huang and Ding [2012] proposed a formal procedure for the
    identification of the most stable values, based on the correlation
    coefficient over pairs of the RTL functions estimated using different
    parameters which leads to a map of the quality of parameters.

•   They select an area into the r0-t0 space where at least 70% of the
    correlation coefficients over pairs exceeds a specified threshold for r0
    and t0. Based on this map, they propose a method to find the optimal
    values of r0 and t0.

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Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale
Parameters estimation

                                                                                                    Gentili et al., PEPI, 272, 27‐33 (2017)
RTL vs time at the epicenter of the
Amatrice earthquake until earthquake   r0 and t0 parameters quality map the
occurrence. Red line: RTL using        epicenter of the Amatrice earthquake
r0=50 km and t0=1 year.

                                                      Istituto Nazionale
                                                      di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale                                 9
Analisi della quiescenza sismica che ha preceduto la sequenza dell'Italia centrale

                                                                                                                    Gentili et al., PEPI, 272, 27‐33 (2017)
                                                                                    Grid 10x10 km spaced.
                                                                                    24, 2015, to August 23, 2016.
                                                                                    Map of mean RTL from August
• The area around the epicenter exhibits significant seismic quiescence anomaly
  quantified by the mean RTL values.
• It started from the beginning of September 2015 and lasted for about 1 year
• It extended throughout a broad region north of the epicenter

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                                                           di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale              10

                                                                                                                        Gentili et al., PEPI, 272, 27‐33 (2017)
                                                                                        24, 2015, to August 23, 2016.
                                                                                        Map of mean RTL from August
• Contour of the quiescence area has the shape of an irregular elliptical form with
lengths of major and minor axes of about 40-45 and 30-35 km, respectively.
• All the aftershocks overlap eastern part of the quiescence area that to the east is
nearly coterminous with the Sibillini thrust and the main causative fault of the

                                                             Istituto Nazionale
                                                             di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale                11
Comparison with previous results
• Gentili [2010], using the RTL method, analyzed the seismicity
  preceding the earthquakes with magnitude ≥5 in Italy from 1994
  to 2004.

• She found a quiescence in 92% of the cases, with a duration D
  varying from 0.6 to 3 years and an interval s from the
  quiescence end to the earthquake of 0 to 2.9 years.

• Huang [2004] in a review on 8 earthquakes with magnitude >7
  in Japan, Russia and Turkey, indicates a duration of 1-2.5 years
  and a start of the quiescence few years before the mainshock.

• The Amatrice RTL, with D=1 and s=0 years, is therefore
  compatible with previous results.

                                               Istituto Nazionale
                                               di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale   12
Comparison with previous results

• The RTL function has been previously applied to moderate/large earthquakes
  in Italy [e.g., Di Giovambattista and Tyupkin, 2000, Di Giovambattista and
  Tyupkin, 2004, Gentili and Bressan, 2007, Mignan and Di Giovambattista, 2008,
  Gentili, 2010, Gambino et al., 2014, Gentili et al., 2017] and in other parts of
  the world [e.g. Sobolev et al., 2002, Huang, 2006, Chen and Wu, 2006, Huang,
  2008, Nagao et al. 2011, Huang and Ding, 2012, Wen et al., 2016].

• Several studies in Italy using RTL [Di Giovambattista and Tyupkin 2000 and
  2004, Gentili and Bressan, 2007, Gentili 2010, Gambino et al., 2014] Z [Wyss et
  al., 1997, Console et al., 2000] and beta statistics [Bragato 2014] have shown a
  decreased seismicity before strong events in Italy.

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                                                           di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale   13
RTL in Italy

5.6 Kobarid 1998    4.9 Sernio 2002        10







                                                 1988   1990   1992      1994   1996   1998

                                      6.0 Umbria‐Marche

5.2 Kobarid 2004
                   5.8 Palermo 2002

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                                                                 di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale   14
RTL in the world
1999 Chi-Chi Mw 7.6      2000 Tottori M 6.7
Chen and Wu 2006            Huang 2006

                                                  Kamchatka 1992-1993
                                                  Sobolev and Tyupkin1997

  1999 Izmit Mw 7.4       1995 Kobe M 7.2
      Huang 2004              Huang 2001

                                              Istituto Nazionale
                                              di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale   15
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