Ancaster Little Gems Children's Centre Parent Handbook "Giving your child the care they deserve" - 339 Wilson St. E Ancaster, Ont. (905) 648-8778

Page created by Marshall Hughes
 Little Gems Children’s Centre

       Parent Handbook

“Giving your child the care they

        339 Wilson St. E
         Ancaster, Ont.

        (905) 648-8778

Little Gems has “on site” parking. Please park your
car in such a way that it enables others to enter and
leave the parking lot in a safe and swift manner.

Always accompany your child in the parking lot. We
are asking that parents take no more than 10 minutes
during drop-off and pick-up to help eliminate
congestion in the parking lot.

Please, never leave your c ar running while
unattended . Cars have been known to slip into gear
and cause horrible accidents. Older children are not
to be left “in charge” of a running vehicle.
“Open Door Policy”

Little Gems understands how difficult it can be to be
away from your child.

We understand that as a parent, the success of your
day depends on the success of your child’s day. So
please feel free to call and check up on your
Thank you for choosing Little Gems. We know you and your family will
enjoy your time with us.
Concerns and Suggestions

If you have any concerns:

  • Please feel free to call the Office and speak to
    Karen or Dorina.
  • E-mail us

  • Fill in a Concern and Suggestion form and
    place in the mail box located outside the office

Parent Involvement

Parents are welcomed to get involved with different
aspects of Ancaster Little Gems Children’s Centre

  •   Fundraising activities
  •   Open house
  •   Graduation
  •   Attend parent meetings

Welcome to Ancaster Little Gems Children’s Centre.
Little Gems has been providing quality care for
children in Ancaster and the surrounding area since
its establishment in September of 1988.

Philosophy and Program Statement

Little Gems strives to provide quality, loving childcare
in a home-like environment.
It is our goal to help each child realize that he/she is
loved. Also, we will provide each child with
opportunities for social, emotional, intellectual, and
physical growth and development.
Our Centre
Little Gems has been owned and operated by
Karen Norman since its establishment in 1988.

Little Gems is a ministry licensed children centre that
provides care in compliance with the Day Nurseries

Little Gems is licensed for 72 children during the day
and 15 after school.

We currently provide care on a full-time and part-
time basis for children 0-9yrs.

Our Staff

Teachers at Little Gems meet the required
qualifications for childcare with E.C.E
(Early Childhood Education) or equivalent diplomas.

In addition, all teachers maintain current First Aid and
Infant/Toddler C.P.R. certificates.

Our teachers are dedicated to furthering their
professional development by participating in
workshops and other classes in order to remain
informed on current children issues.
Lost and Found
There is a lost and found located in every room of the
Please check the lost and found in your child’s room
on a regular basis.

Any items left at Little Gems after 30 days will
become the property of the Centre.

Personal Belongings

Please be certain to label ALL of your child’s
belongings to help prevent loss.

Little Gems understands that children enjoy sharing
their own belongings from home and to allow for this,
each program has scheduled Show and Tell times.
Please check your calendar for these times.

L ittle G ems does n’t ac c ept res pons ibility for any
los t or broken items .

CUBBIES: Please clean out your child’s cubby at the
end of your child’s week.
A small sleep toy/blanket are permitted. Please no
large items (i.e. pillows) due to space restrictions.
Medication continued

Tylenol will be given to your child if they come down
with a fever of 102 or higher, while a parent or
designated person is on the way to pick the child up.
Verbal consent is required, and written consent upon
your arrival at the centre.


Staff are all trained to administer Epi-Pens in the
event a child suffers from a life-threatening allergy.

ONL Y the Dir ector , Super visor or A ssistant Super visor
is per mitted to administer medication.
Our Curriculum

Our program is designed to enhance all areas of
development- physical, social, emotional, cognitive,
and language.

Your child’s teacher will provide activities and play
experiences in the following areas:
     - Fine /gross motor
     - Dramatic play
     - Sensory activities
     - Creative
     - Circle

Teachers also provide 1:1 learning experiences for
your child.

All activities are planned around weekly themes.
Parents are given monthly calendars so they can
follow their child’s daily activities. Programming
sheets are posted weekly to provide you with a
detailed schedule of your child’s day.

Teachers record monthly observations and periodic
diagnostic assessment for children in their program.
These evaluations are used for the purpose of
program planning, and to identify children’s
strengths/needs and evaluating the programs for
future excellence.
Mealtime and Nutrition

Two snacks and a hot lunch are served in all the
programs throughout the centre. Our meals are
prepared in accordance with Canada’s Food Guide.
Snacks and lunch are social times in which
conversation is encouraged.

Teachers and children sit around the table in a family
style seating arrangement. Grace is said as a group.
Infants are fed according to their own schedules. All
food is prepared fresh daily at the centre.

Children are encouraged to taste food but NEVER
forced to eat. Food is never withheld from a child for
disciplinary reasons.

Our centre is PEANUT FREE to the best of our ability.

Morning snack is served at approx. 8:45am.
Lunch is served at approx. 11:15 - 11:45am.
Afternoon snack is served at approx. 2:30pm.

Due to the amount of allergies throughout the centre,
NO outdoor food is allowed in the classrooms.
Illness and Childcare

How ill is too ill to come to care?
If your child has any of the following, we feel that they
are best cared for at home.
   • Diarrhea
   • Vomiting
   • Contagious infection
We ask that they be fever/symptom free for 24 hours
before returning to daycare. This will help reduce the
spread of any illness.


Antibiotics will be administered to your child at Little
Gems under the following circumstances:

      - The child has been on the antibiotic for 24 hrs
      - The proper Medication Form has been signed
      - The medicine is in its original prescription
Outside Time

Weather permitting; the children will be outside for
approx. 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the

Please bring the following to daycare:
SUMMER: Hat, sunscreen, swimsuit & towel, water
WINTER: Hat, mittens snowsuit and indoor shoes or
FALL/SPRING: Splash pants, boots, mittens

Always bring extra clothing in case of accidents.

Field Trips and Outings

Ancaster Little Gems takes part in walking trips and
planned activities off of the premises. (There are no
trips taken that require transportation). A consent and
permission form is included in your registration

Arrival and Departure

Little Gems is open from 7:00am-6:00pm Monday
through Friday. The Infant Program is open from
7:30am-5:30pm Monday to Friday.

To ensure that your child receives the maximum
benefit of our curriculum, please have your child at
the centre by 9:00am.

There is a late fee of $10.00 (payable to the closing
teacher) for every 15 min. or part of after 6:00pm.
(Infant Program is subject to late fee after 5:30pm).

If you know you are going to be late please call the
office so we can inform your child’s teacher in order to
alleviate any worry.

If a person other than yourself will be picking up your
child, please notify the office so we can inform your
child’s teacher. Picture identification will need to be
produced before your child will be released.
Sleep time
In compliance with the Day Nurseries Act, Little Gems
provides a 2-hour soothing rest period for your child.
Rest period is approx. 12:15pm-2:30pm. Infants sleep
according to their own schedule.

If your child does not sleep or rest for the full time
provided, they may participate in a quiet activity
(Books, coloring, puzzles etc.), with a teacher until the
remaining children are awake.

The Day Nurseries Act requires children from the
ages of 0-6 yrs to have a minimum rest period of 1 hr
per day. A small sleep toy/blanket are permitted.
Please no large items (i.e.: pillows) due to space
Absent / Sick Days
Parents are responsible for full fees on days that your
child is absent from daycare or sick.

Vacation Policy:

Due to ongoing expenses we no longer can afford to
give vacation waiver.


Little Gems will be closed to observe the following

      -   New Year’s Day
      -   Family Day
      -   Good Friday
      -   Victoria Day
      -   Canada Day (July 1)
      -   Civic Holiday (August)
      -   Labor Day
      -   Thanksgiving Day
      -   Christmas Day
      -   Boxing Day

Parents are responsible for full fees for these weeks
S now Day P olic y

If the Ancaster area is having a snowstorm warning,
we may close the centre. If we decide to close the
centre, notification will be posted on the CHCH TV
Storm Message System. We will also have a
message on our answering machine by 7:00am.

Many of our teachers have long drives into the centre,
so our staffing could be affected. We will do our best
to take care of your needs but safety is our utmost
Fundraiser Fee

Ancaster Little Gems Children’s Centre charges a
$40.00 per year fundraising fee. This will be paid in
lieu of participating in fundraising activities. This will
be billed upon starting at Little Gems, pro rated ($3.34
per month) and $ 40.00 every January 1st there after.
Any profits received through fundraising during the
previous year, on your behalf, will be deducted from
the $40.00.

Payment of Fees
Parents can pay by cheque, debit or cash before
service is rendered. It would be appreciated if all
cheques could be dated for the Monday to avoid
having to do banking daily. Payment schedules can
be set up with the Office. Some parents like to pay
weekly other monthly or biweekly. The first of the
month we put up a friendly reminder notice on the
door to remind you of the new month. Most parents
prefer to hand in post-dated cheques to the Office at
the beginning of the month and we deposit them
during the month.

NOTE: Late payment subject to interest charge.
NOTE: Rates are subject to change as conditions
may require. Parents will receive at least 3 weeks
notice of any change in rates.

NOTE: Rates increases the first of September each year.
Registration Procedures

To register your child at Ancaster Little Gems
Children’s Centre the following step will help to speed
up your registration process.

        • We will gladly give you a personal tour.
          This can be arranged by calling our office at
          (905) 648-8778 or by sending us an e-mail

        • Come by the office to pick up a registration
          package or visit our on line web site.

        • Return all completed forms

        • A registration fee of $50.00 (non-
          refundable) and security deposit of $100.00
          (non-refundable) will guaranty your child’s
          position at Little Gems must be received by
          the office.
         Only after a deposit is received a position
          Will be held for your child.

If you have any concerns or questions we will be glad
to assist you.
Behavior Guidance
The teachers at little Gems strive to achieve
acceptable behavior through proper role modeling.

Teachers use positive reinforcement to strengthen
desired behavior.

Teachers provide the child with choices when
appropriate, and redirect undesired behavior.

Teachers show children how to resolve their conflicts
by providing the children with the proper words to use
with their peers.

S erious Oc c urrenc e Notific ation P lan

In the event of a serious occurrence, the childcare
provider will post information regarding the serious
occurrence which took place at the centre.
Orientation Policy

The month before your child starts at Little Gems is a
good time for your child to become familiar with our
facility and their new teachers. This also is a good
time for parents to become comfortable with the office
staff and our program. We encourage parents to set
up a few visits before your child’s first full day at Little
Gems, but we do understand, that many parent’s
schedules do not permit the extra time.

We find that children between the ages of 0-24
months need more visits prior to starting than older
children, which may only need one visit. You know
your child best and if you feel they need more visits
than they can always be arranged.

We recommend one to two visits per week in the
month prior to starting our Infant and Toddler

These visits must be scheduled through the office.
Special Inclusion

Ancaster Little Gems strives to provide the best care
for your child. Due to the nature of the building we
are not wheelchair assessable so we are unable
to service children with physical special needs.
 Little Gems has taken an extra effort to help children
with Speech and Language delays.
Many of our staff have taken courses in sign and /or
the Hannen Speech and Language program.

Enrollment and Service Termination
Enrollment Fee

At Ancaster Little Gems Children’s Centre we charge
a $50.00 registration fee (non-refundable) upon
registering your child. A deposit of $100.00 (non-
refundable) will hold your spot until your child’s start
date. $100.00 will be applied to your first weeks fees.
Service termination
Ancaster Little Gems requires a four-week written notice
of withdrawal of your child from the program. If notice is
not given, you will be responsible for 4 (four) weeks
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