Page created by Vivian Carpenter
Fall 2019


    Crisis Response
Crisis 4
Partnering With
A 10
World’s Largest
Pet Walk 2019 Steps
into 13
The Pet Partners mission is to improve human health and
                                                                                      well-being through the human-animal bond.

                                                                                       BOARD OF DIRECTORS
  Pet Partners is required to file financial information with several states.
  Ten of those states will provide copies to their residents upon request:
  California: Pet Partners is registered as ‘Pet Partners Therapy Animals’
                                                                                       EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE           HUMAN-ANIMAL BOND
  in the state of California.                                                                                        ADVISORY BOARD
                                                                                       Board Chair
  Florida: A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL                           Michael Sapp                  HABAB Chair
  INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF                                                                   Aubrey Fine, EdD
                                                                                       Board Vice-Chair
                                                                                                                     Cal State Polytechnic
  1-800-HELP-FLA. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT,                             Julie Lawless
  APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. CH3226.                                    Elanco Animal Health          Sandra Barker, PhD
                                                                                                                     Virginia Commonwealth University
  Maryland: For the cost of copies and postage, Office of the Secretary                Treasurer
  of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401.                                          Dana Brooks                   Peter C. Canning, PhD
  Mississippi: The official registration and financial information of Pet              Pet Food Institute            VetBio Partners, LLC
  Partners may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s
  office by calling 1-888-236-6167. Registration by the Secretary of State             Secretary                     Mary Craig, DVM
  does not imply endorsement.                                                          Marcie Whichard               Gentle Goodbye Veterinary Hospice
                                                                                       North American Veterinary
  Missouri: Pet Partners is registered as ‘Pet Partners Nonprofit                                                    Steve Dale, CABC
  Corporation’ in the state of Missouri.                                               Community (NAVC)
                                                                                                                     Steve Dale Pet World LLC
  New Jersey: INFORMATION FILED WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL                              BOARD MEMBERS                 Steven L. Feldman
                                                                                       Brandon Antin                 HABRI Foundation
  of contributions received by the charity during the last reporting period
  that were dedicated to the charitable purpose MAY BE OBTAINED                        VCA Inc.                      Lisa Freeman, DVM, PhD, DACVN
  FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY                                                               Tufts University
  BY CALLING 973-504-6215 and is available on the internet at www.                     Chad Biagini
  njconsumeraffairs. gov/ocp.htm#charity. REGISTRATION WITH THE                        Nolan Partners                Nancy R. Gee, PhD
  ATTORNEY GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT.                                                                       Virginia Commonwealth University
                                                                                       Alicen Blair
  New York: Office of the Attorney General, Department of Law, Charities               Boyden Global Executive       Zenithson Ng, DVM, MS, DABVP
  Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.                                            Search                        University of Tennessee
  North Carolina: Financial information about this organization and a                  Doris Daif
  copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing                                            Maggie O’Haire, PhD
  Branch at 1-888-830-4989. The license is not an endorsement by the                                                 Purdue University
  state. Pet Partners is registered as ‘Pet Partners Nonprofit Corporation’            Wilson P. Garone
  in North Carolina.                                                                                                 Peter Rabinowitz, MD, MPH
                                                                                       Seattle University
                                                                                                                     University of Washington
  North Dakota: Pet Partners is registered as ‘Pet Partners Therapy                    Julia Geffner
  Animals’ in North Dakota.
                                                                                       Best Friends Pet Hotel        Leslie Stewart, PhD, LPC
  Pennsylvania: The official registration and financial information of Pet                                           Idaho State University
  Partners may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State
                                                                                       Janice Kapner
                                                                                       T-Mobile US, Inc.             J. Scott Weese, DVM, DVSc, DACVIM
  by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration
  does not imply endorsement.
                                                                                                                     Ontario Veterinary College
                                                                                       Jeff Keune
  Virginia: State Division of Consumer Affairs, Department of Agriculture              Yesway                        Melissa Winkle, OTR/L
  and Consumer Services, PO Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218.                                                            Animal Assisted Intervention
                                                                                       Angel May
  Washington: Charities Division, Office of the Secretary of State, State
                                                                                       Terra Creativ
  of Washington, Olympia, WA 98504-0422, 1-800-332-4483.
                                                                                       Kay D. Mooney
  West Virginia: Residents may obtain a summary of the registration                    CVS Health
  and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol,
  Charleston, WV 25305. REGISTRATION WITH A STATE AGENCY                               Mike Mossholder             PUBLICATION CREDITS:
  DOES NOT CONSTITUTE OR IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR                               Vision Venture Partners
                                                                                                                   Editor: Elisabeth Van Every
                                                                                       Stan Owens                  Contributors: Mary Bohmke; Mary
                                                                                       Spectrum Brands – Global    Margaret Callahan; Taylor Chastain, PhD;
                                                                                       Pet Care                    Karen Cowell; Sue Grundfest; Kathleen
                                                                                       Jon Persch                  Pennington; C. Annie Peters; Pima County

     In 2019, about 3
                                                                                       Major League Rugby          Sheriff’s Department; Traci Pryor; Leslie
                                                                                                                   Stewart, PhD; Charis Tarbett; Amanda
                                                                                       Michael Price
                                                                                       Price Management            Templeton; Elisabeth Van Every

     million visits will                                                               Marc Scarduffa
                                                                                                                   Graphic Design: Laxman2creative
                                                                                                                   Cover Image: Photo credits:

     be made across
                                                                                       Brian Schwartz
                                                                                                                   Amanda Templeton
                                                                                       Extol Capital
                                                                                                                   Pet Partners

       all 50 states.

2 | Pet Partners | Fall 2019
A Letter from the President
                       & CEO Annie Peters
Wow. Does anyone else feel like time now       Perhaps there is no sadder indication of
flies faster than ever? So much changes        troubled times than the changing nature
so fast! Technology is good — usually. The     of what is considered a crisis. In our world
same goes for social media. Every time a       of animal-assisted interventions, we have
Facetime call drops, I’m annoyed…until I       traditionally thought of crisis response work
remember that if you told my generation        after natural disasters: hurricane, fire, or    being there for your community in a time of
as kids that we would one day be able to       tornado. Now the news is full of grieving       need. Pet Partners therapy animal teams
see someone while we talk to them on the       communities after acts of violence.             may be registered with another AACR
phone, we would have scoffed: “No way!”                                                        group if that group carries its own liability
                                               You and your therapy animal partners are
                                                                                               insurance. However, especially following a
One good thing about social media is that      increasingly being called upon to reach
                                                                                               crisis, it is often imperative that those on
it allows me to wake up every morning          someone in need through the power of
                                                                                               scene be easily recognized and that there
and see what’s going on with you, our Pet      the human-animal bond in times of grief
                                                                                               is no confusion about who responders are
Partners teams, all around the globe. If       and crisis. Your community needs you, and
                                                                                               representing. If you are on a Pet Partners
you’re not currently following Pet Partners    Pet Partners is here to support you. That’s
                                                                                               crisis response visit and covered by Pet
of Argentina @petpartnersargentina on          why we’ve launched a new credential for
                                                                                               Partners’ insurance, you as a Pet Partners
Instagram, what are you waiting for? It will   handlers who are interested in animal-
                                                                                               AACR team may not wear or display any
make your day!                                 assisted crisis response (AACR) work.
                                                                                               other group affiliations.
And yet with all the information we have,      While we hope you are never called upon
                                                                                               Want to be prepared to respond to your
the technology we have, the ways we have       to respond to a tragedy, we want to make
                                                                                               community safely and effectively if needed
available to connect, we’re possibly more      sure that you can be prepared if the call
                                                                                               in a crisis? Visit and the
tired and more stressed than we’ve ever        comes. We believe in a neighbor helping
                                                                                               Volunteer Center for more information about
been. What’s up with that?                     neighbor approach — not putting a therapy
                                                                                               our AACR credential.
                                               animal on a plane, driving for hours to
                                               reach a destination, or taking up a hotel       A final thought: Whether it’s the stress of
                                               room in a community where residents have        everyday life or you and your therapy animal
                                               been displaced from their homes and need        have responded to a neighbor in need, it’s
                                               shelter. Prepared with education based on       important to practice self-care for you as the
                                               the latest in trauma-informed counseling,       handler. Yes, YAYABA™, but you can’t look
                                               handlers will understand what you can do,       after your animal if you aren’t first looking
                                               and — perhaps even more importantly —           after yourself.
                                               what you shouldn’t do while supporting          For me, I’m working hard at this concept
                                               those in crisis.                                of mindfulness. Unless I’m engulfed in
                                               Why is Pet Partners creating an AACR            something at work, all too often my body
                                               credential when there are other existing        is one place and my mind is somewhere
                                               organizations? Pet Partners recognizes that     else. Except, I’ve noticed, when I’m petting
                                               some of you are already doing these kinds       an animal. Not only am I in the moment,
                                               of visits – some with other organizations,      I’m relishing the moment. A belly rub for
                                               and some without any additional training        Gidget while we gaze into each other’s eyes?
                                               or support. Given our commitment to             Nothing makes me more relaxed, happier,
                                               education and to animal well-being, we          or more present. I just hope she doesn’t feel
                                               felt it was important to create an offering     like the dog in the Instagram meme with
                                               that was aligned with the Pet Partners          the caption “The therapy dog after I’m done
                                               philosophy. We also recognize that other        sharing all my problems.” That dog looks
                                               organizations don’t necessarily accept non-     comically freaked out. Have you seen it? Or
                                               canine species for AACR and believe that        are you someone who surfs the internet for
                                               the non-canine species we register can also     cat videos? We all have our guilty pleasures,
                                               benefit those in need.                          and for many of us, they involve technology
                                                                                               that lets us enjoy people’s pets.
                                               For those of you who are currently
                                               associated with an AACR group, we               Take care of yourself and your pets!
                                               recognize the importance you place on           - Annie

                                                                                                                       Pet Partners | Fall 2019 | 3
Crisis Response
                 Expanding the Impact of Therapy Animals to Crisis Situations
The Pet Partners Therapy Animal Program                                                        who are in personal crisis as the result of
has been devoted since the start to bringing                 What is                           violence or abuse, as well as people who are
therapy animals to people who can most                                                         themselves assisting others in crisis. The
benefit. For more than three decades our                Animal-Assisted                        emphasis now is on handlers and therapy
dedicated volunteer teams have been                     Crisis Response?                       animals being able to provide what’s called
bringing the power of the human-animal                                                         “psychological first aid,” helping people
bond to people in healthcare settings              Animal-assisted crisis response (AACR)      deal with the initial shock and impact of a
of all kinds. As the effectiveness of              is a class of animal-assisted activities    crisis event and providing comfort and calm
animal-assisted interventions has been             which provides comfort to those who         through the presence of an animal and a
demonstrated through research, we’ve               have been affected by natural, human-       reliable handler.
watched that impact expand into other              caused, or technological disasters.
                                                                                               Pet Partners has seen an increase in recent
areas as well, including children’s literacy       AACR is effective because the safety,       years in our therapy animal teams assisting
with Read With Me™; physical movement for          familiarity, novelty, and interest in       their communities in the aftermath of a
health and well-being with Walk With Me™;          the animal have been found to be            variety of crisis and disaster situations.
and reducing workplace stress through              impactful when building rapport with        These situations cover a broad range,
Animal-Assisted Workplace Well-being.              a person affected by crisis. The therapy    including support for communities after
One of the things that has kept our Therapy        animal team can offer comfort, reduce       mass shooting events; working with
Animal Program vital is our ability to             anxiety, and provide the opportunity        insurance companies at mobile relief sites
respond to developments in the field of            for contact and engagement, and when        after hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires;
AAI and bring therapy animals to new               needed connect a client to emergency        comforting students and faculty after
applications. In recent years there’s been         personnel and professionals for             unexpected tragedies at schools; and
increasing call for therapy animals to             additional assistance.                      collaboration with first responders, local
respond following crisis situations, including     AACR is not a professional mental           law enforcement, and court facilities. Many
disasters resulting from natural forces or         health intervention. Pet Partners           of these responses take place in settings
technological failures, and tragedies such         AACR handlers must complete training        where our therapy animal teams already
as mass shootings or unexpected deaths             which includes psychological first aid      visit, including schools, hospitals, and
in a community. Responding to crisis can           concepts, sometimes also referred to as     workplaces.
also mean assisting people who have                mental health first aid. Psychological      The best way for Pet Partners to serve our
experienced trauma in many forms. Pet              first aid is a form of stabilization.       volunteers in this realm is to provide training
Partners determined that it was time for us        Stabilizing individuals results in an       and education that supports them in
to create an animal-assisted crisis response       environment where recovery can              bringing this vital work to their communities,
program, and to provide specialized training       occur. AACR does not take the place of      which many teams are already engaging in
for our volunteers, so that we can better          professional interventions, but provides    even without such training. We also believe
serve people in the wake of crisis, and            support through listening, empathy,         that animals other than dogs can provide
provide additional support for the well-           and sharing the unconditional love of a     the calm, comforting presence that makes
being of handlers and therapy animals.             therapy animal.                             AACR valuable; while AACR has typically
                                                                                               involved only dog teams, Pet Partners teams
The Evolving Role of AACR                                                                      of all our registered species will have the
Working dogs have been involved in               emotional health of people affected by        option to earn an AACR credential.
responses to crisis situations for many years.   disasters. Professionals and volunteers
Search and rescue dogs have long assisted        trained their dogs and educated themselves    AACR and the Pet Partners
in the wake of disasters such as earthquakes     about how best to address the psychological   Therapy Animal Program
and the 9/11 attacks. This was the most          component of disaster response, and the
common kind of animal-assisted crisis            overlap with therapy animals became           Our goal in developing our AACR credential
response for many years, and what many           obvious.                                      was to bring the rigorous standards and
people would think of in terms of animals                                                      excellent handler education that are already
responding to disasters.                         Over the past decade, AACR has                foundations of our Therapy Animal Program
                                                 increasingly come to mean the presence        to the needs of AACR. Our commitments
As animal-assisted interventions became          of therapy animals to help people dealing     to safe and effective visits and animal
more common, many professionals working          with trauma in the aftermath of a disaster    well-being remain paramount in our AACR
in the crisis and trauma response fields         or crisis. In many circumstances it means     credential. We consulted extensively with
started to see the value of canine-assisted      a large event like a hurricane or mass        subject matter experts to develop our
responses that address the mental and            shooting. It can also mean assisting people   coursework, curriculum, and requirements.

4 | Pet Partners | Fall 2019
to consider conditions and safe transit
                                                                                                   during AACR situations. There may be
                                                                                                   times when it would not be safe for teams
                                                                                                   to commute to crisis response locations,
                                                                                                   or where environmental conditions (such
                                                                                                   as smoke from wildfires or damage to
                                                                                                   infrastructure) would put the health of
                                                                                                   handlers or therapy animals at risk. Our
                                                                                                   AACR training reinforces that YAYABA
                                                                                                   applies to these situations as well; handlers
                                                                                                   should always consider these aspects when
                                                                                                   deciding whether to deploy, and should
                                                                                                   never put their own well-being or that of
                                                                                                   their therapy animal at risk by responding.
                                                                                                   And teams will work within their
                                                                                                   communities for crisis response. The model
                                                                                                   in which therapy animals are put on planes
                                                                                                   and travel long distances for crisis response
                                                                                                   doesn’t match our philosophy of animal
                                                                                                   well-being. We believe that teams who live
The Pet Partners AACR coursework covers          the handler is the most important aspect,         in the area are best suited to know where
the following information:                       because the handler will guide how people         they will be effective and how they can best
                                                 affected by crisis interact with the animal,      support their community in a time of crisis.
• Basic disaster concepts and best
                                                 which can determine how effective the
  practices                                                                                        “I am constantly amazed by the selflessness
                                                 interaction will be. (See the article by Dr.
• Key parts of crisis response visits            Stewart on page 8 for more information            and dedication of our volunteers. That’s why
• Active listening and de-escalation             about clinical perspectives on AACR.)             Pet Partners felt so strongly about creating
  techniques                                                                                       training that would help prepare them for
                                                 The concepts and education covered in the         some of the most difficult visit situations by
• Stress management
                                                 coursework can also be valuable in non-           giving them the tools to keep themselves
By covering this material in role-playing        crisis settings. Many Pet Partners teams          and their animals physically, mentally, and
style, we aim to give handlers the               visit in more typical AAI settings with clients   emotionally safe,” says Mary Margaret
opportunity to think about the different         who have experienced crisis in non-disaster       Callahan, Pet Partners Chief Mission Officer.
ways they'll respond to different situations     situations. The education handlers receive        “While I sincerely hope these teams won’t
and practice those skills. Additionally, Pet     for AACR can be useful in working with            be called on in the aftermath of a crisis, I’m
Partners AACR teams will also complete the       these populations as well.                        proud that so many wish to be prepared
free online training offered by the Federal      Pet Partners registered teams who want to         should they be called on to help.”
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),              receive AACR credentials and training must
ICS-100.c: Introduction to the Incident                                                            The impact of therapy animal teams in
                                                 already have at least six months of general
Command System, ICS, as part of their AACR                                                         response to the effects of crisis can be seen
                                                 visiting experience in order to register for
application, to ensure they are prepared for                                                       in many communities around the U.S. The
                                                 AACR. This requirement helps ensure that
the logistics of crisis response situations.                                                       following stories are just a few examples of
                                                 teams already have a solid base of visiting
                                                                                                   how Pet Partners teams are assisting their
One decision made after consulting with          experience in non-crisis settings and that
                                                                                                   communities during and after many kinds
experts and carefully considering our            handlers will know how to implement
                                                                                                   of crisis.
approach to AACR was to not require a            YAYABA effectively.
second evaluation for AACR work. The             Deployment protocols for AACR also reflect        Finding Comfort in the Ashes
majority of AACR work happens when the           our focus on rigor and team well-being.
community is in recovery and the physical        Pet Partners AACR teams should never              The November 2018 Camp Fire in Butte
location is safe and secure. Many crisis         self-deploy, but instead will be required         County, California was one of the most
response locations are settings that our         to wait for invitation and details about          devastating wildfires in U.S. history. It
teams already visit in. For that reason, we      the deployment. Teams will deploy only            took nearly three weeks for the fire to be
felt that intentional exposure to sirens and     to settings that are in line with their team      contained, and thousands of people were
other extreme situations designed to elicit a    qualification ratings. The two-hour daily         affected. Pet Partners teams in central
stress response was neither necessary nor        limit on visiting time remains in place for       California responded to help support people
aligned with our philosophy of You Are Your      AACR deployments; the purpose of the              whose lives were devastated by the fire,
Animal’s Best Advocate (YAYABA™).                time limit is to minimize stress and fatigue      as well as first responders working on fire
                                                 for animals and handlers, and reduce the          control and emergency management. The
Dr. Leslie Stewart, a clinical therapist who
has an extensive background in trauma-           risk of negative responses. Crisis situations     need for emotional support and stress
informed therapy and who works with              can exacerbate these factors, so holding          management during this time was profound;
therapy animals as part of her practice,         to the time limit will reduce the possibility     a representative for one of the insurance
notes that we sometimes overemphasize the        of incidents and allow both handlers and          companies responding to the fire told Pet
animal in AACR and undervalue the work           animals more recovery time.                       Partners, “There couldn’t be a greater need
of the handler. According to her, training for   Another aspect of well-being is for handlers      for what your teams do.”

                                                                                                                           Pet Partners | Fall 2019 | 5
Kathleen Pennington and her cockapoo             Supporting Communities                          The teams have also participated in public
Sadie visited at a mobile relief site for an                                                     memorials that were held to help the entire
insurance company, offering their presence
                                                 After Tragedy                                   community come together and support each
and comfort to victims of the fire. “I arrived   On August 3, 2019, a mass shooting              other after the tragedy.
and was immediately overcome with the            occurred in El Paso, Texas, with many
immensity of the disaster that was still         people killed and wounded. The El Paso
unfolding,” she says. “Many victims were         community was profoundly impacted, with
in a state of shock and so happy to have         shock and trauma rippling well beyond the
survived that they wanted to share their         immediate victims. Pet Partners teams in
stories. They shared as they petted Sadie,       the area stepped in to help support their
and I listened.”                                 community. Karen Cowell with Community
                                                 Partner group Paws for Love says, “Our
Amanda Templeton and her German
                                                 teams were honored to be invited to visit
shepherd dog Thorne also visited at the
                                                 the families in hospital ICU waiting rooms
mobile relief site. “It was heartbreaking to
                                                 immediately in the days after the shootings,
talk to people who would tell me ‘All I have
                                                 and victims in their hospital rooms a few
left is what is in my car,’” she says. “Having
                                                 days later.”
my dog there broke the ice with several
                                                                                                 El Paso wasn’t the first time Pet Partners
people who were still in shock but opened
                                                                                                 teams were called on to support their
up and talked about what they had gone
                                                                                                 community in this way. On October 1, 2017,
through and what they had lost.”
                                                                                                 Las Vegas also experienced the tragedy of a
                                                                                                 mass shooting. Pet Partners of Las Vegas–
                                                                                                 Love Dog Adventures is very active in the
                                                                                                 greater Las Vegas area, and their strong
                                                                                                 relationships with healthcare and education
                                                                                                 facilities in the community were vital in
                                                                                                 helping the community after this horrific
                                                                                                 “Everyone in town was impacted by the
                                                                                                 event,” says Sue Grundfest, director of
                                                                                                 Pet Partners of Las Vegas – Love Dog
                                                                                                 Adventures. “Our teams spent time in
                                                                                                 hospitals with the families of the victims,
                                                 The impact therapy animals had
                                                                                                 with police officers and first responders, as
                                                 immediately after the shooting was
                                                                                                 well as at churches, schools, and more.”
                                                 apparent, as they provided comforting
                                                 presence and nonjudgmental affection            One particular visit during this time had a
                                                 to families coping with the loss or injury      huge impact. Teams met with the incoming
                                                 of loved ones. “One especially touching         class of medical students at the UNLV
                                                 experience for me was when a wounded            School of Medicine, right next door to UMC
                                                 lady at Del Sol Hospital asked for my           Hospital, which is where the most critical
                                                 miniature dachshund Pancho to be placed         victims were taken. The college and the
                                                 beside her in her hospital bed,” Karen          hospital work in tandem, and this proximity
They also spent time at the operations           says. “He curled up next to her knowing         had a major effect on the students. Sue
base camp in Chico, where they helped            instinctively he was there to heal, while she   says, “They could not sit in class without
support fire fighters and operations staff.      stroked him for ten minutes.”                   hearing the sirens. They could not park
“We would greet men and women who had                                                            their cars without going past reporters. And
                                                 The effect of therapy animals also extended
been out in the devastation and all they                                                         when they turned on the television, they
                                                 into the following days and weeks, as
wanted to do when they got back to camp,                                                         saw their professors, the doctors and the
                                                 they visited with people recovering from
covered in smoke and ash, was to get down                                                        surgeons who spent countless hours and
                                                 their injuries and brought the power of
on the ground with my dog and hug him,                                                           days after the attack doing what they will be
                                                 the human-animal bond to people all over
sometimes with tears involved,” Amanda                                                           doing one day.”
                                                 the community who had been affected by
says. “There was an EXTREMELY high               the shooting. Their visits have included        Five Pet Partners teams arrived for the
amount of stress in that environment and         children’s groups; businesses whose             visit, and it made a palpable difference in
I know, and was told by many people, that        employees were in proximity to the shooting     the mood of the class. “You could feel the
we provided an invaluable amount of stress       location; and law enforcement officers          tension lessen and as the students clamored
relief, even if only for a few minutes. It was   and support staff who had to respond to         around the dogs, they relaxed,” says Sue.
very moving to me to be able to help these       the shooting. The presence of the therapy       “We were told it was the first time since the
people who were risking their lives. Those       animals helped provide some moments of          shooting that they were smiling, breathing
days were some of my most memorable and          calm and hope as people dealt with the grief    easily, and putting the weight of their future
heart-wrenching working as a therapy dog         and trauma from the shooting.                   careers on hold.”

6 | Pet Partners | Fall 2019
well-being, and standards for therapy              the end of days-long investigative shifts, and
                                                 animal teams were the model they wanted            for dispatch staff who take the emergency
                                                 to use for the therapy dog teams who would         calls but don’t always get the closure of
                                                 be part of PCSD.                                   knowing how calls resolve.
                                                 In August 2018, Officer Shawn Degan and            The dogs also help change the relationship
                                                 Officer Leo became the first Pet Partners–         that deputies have with the community. “No
                                                 registered therapy animal team with PCSD.          one calls us when they’re having a good
                                                 Leo has since registered with another PCSD         day,” says Officer Degan, and he notes that
                                                 deputy, and two additional therapy dogs,           in many cases, law enforcement is the first
                                                 Officer Luke and Officer Leia, registered          line of response for individuals dealing
                                                 with other deputies in 2019.                       with mental health crises. Therapy dogs
                                                                                                    help soften the interaction between the
                                                 The work done by PCSD’s therapy dog
                                                                                                    officers and the people they’re responding
                                                 teams isn’t meant to replace volunteer
                                                                                                    to, and encourage collaborative, rather than
                                                 therapy animal teams; Officer Degan says,
                                                                                                    combative, relationships. Officer Degan &
                                                 “Volunteers are vital in spreading out
                                                                                                    Leo will assist with intake for court-ordered
                                                 the response to crisis.” The focus of the
                                                                                                    mental health commitments; Leo’s presence
                                                 PCSD teams is to support individuals they
                                                                                                    gives the individual a kind, calm presence
                                                 encounter in the course of their duties, as
                                                                                                    to focus on and makes the experience less
                                                 well as to provide comfort and stress relief
And while the visit was clearly making           for fellow officers, PCSD staff, and other first
a difference for the students, Sue also          responders.                                        The PCSD therapy dog teams provide crisis-
noticed how the handlers were seeing their                                                          related support for the community in other
                                                 “Suicide is epidemic among first
work through new eyes. “Never forget how                                                            ways. They can be present in situations such
                                                 responders,” says Officer Degan. First
emotional volunteering is at both ends of                                                           as family notifications of deaths through DUI
                                                 responders experience extremely high levels
the leash,” she says. “Our animals feel the                                                         or homicide, and provide post-testimony
                                                 of stress, and the culture of law enforcement
stress and so do our humans. I saw our                                                              support for people who have been called
                                                 discourages them from displaying or talking
amazing handlers reflect on why they were                                                           to testify in trials. And they take part in
                                                 about mental health concerns. One obstacle
here. This was not just another college visit.                                                      community outreach, giving people the
                                                 the new PCSD therapy team faced was
This was important. They were important.                                                            chance to become familiar with deputies in
                                                 reluctance of officers to accept the idea of
As they cared for their pets, making sure                                                           contexts outside law enforcement and have
                                                 a therapy dog whose purpose is to provide
they had water and breaks, I reminded the                                                           friendly interactions with the dogs. This can
                                                 comfort. Officer Degan notes that early on
human end of the leash to take good care of                                                         have powerful effects in how officers relate
                                                 there was a lot of mockery about deputies
themselves as well.”                                                                                to the community.
                                                 being “soft” if they needed a therapy dog,
                                                 which he had to get past.                          Officer Degan says that some people have
Community-Focused Ongoing                                                                           expressed concern that therapy dogs are a
Crisis Response                                  But when they began to experience the
                                                                                                    “distraction” from typical law enforcement
                                                 positive effects of a therapy dog, opinions
The sheriff’s department in Pima County,                                                            activities. He emphatically says no to that
                                                 changed. Tara Barrera, Community
Arizona was seeking new ways to respond                                                             idea. “The dogs are a resource for positive
                                                 Relations Specialist with PCSD, notes that
to issues surrounding individuals in crisis in                                                      interaction and de-escalation,” he says.
                                                 dogs aren’t judgmental, and they won’t
the communities where they serve, as well                                                           Creating this environment helps prevent
                                                 share secrets; this gives officers an outlet for
as concerns about mental health and suicide                                                         situations from escalating, which ultimately
                                                 stress relief and managing difficult emotions
among first responders. They learned of                                                             provides greater support for the entire
                                                 without worrying about the opinions of
another law enforcement agency in the                                                               community and helps better address issues
                                                 fellow human officers. The dogs have
state that was working with a crisis response                                                       of crisis in day to day interactions.
                                                 provided comfort for homicide detectives at
dog and were inspired by the success of that
Pima County Sheriff’s Department (PCSD)
received grants to fund the purchase and
training of three therapy dogs, which would
be handled by PCSD deputies in order to
bring the effects of therapy dogs into the
community. PCSD also connected with Pet
Partners of Southern Arizona (now part
of the Arizona chapter of Pet Partners) to
learn more about the Pet Partners Therapy
Animal Program and our standards for
handlers and therapy animals. While
our program is designed for volunteer
participation, PCSD determined that our
education for handlers, emphasis on animal

                                                                                                                            Pet Partners | Fall 2019 | 7
Clinical Perspectives on Animal Assisted
                             Crisis Response (AACR)
                                                            By Leslie A. Stewart, PhD

According to Gerald Kaplan (1961), who is         People in crisis often experience fear, anger,   than those required for more typical therapy
often credited as the father of modern crisis     hostility, grief, hopelessness, helplessness,    animal volunteer visits. Before engaging in
intervention, a crisis is an obstacle that is     and a sense of alienation from others.           this type of intervention, handlers must have
temporarily insurmountable through typical        They are temporarily unable to direct life       training and understanding of the following
methods of problem solving. Crises may            effectively, and since they cannot access the    aspects of crisis response:
be individual or large scale in nature, and       ‘thinking’ part of the brain, have difficulty
                                                                                                   • Roles and goals
may be human-caused or environmentally-           making decisions that are necessary for
caused. Most importantly, crises are              solving the crisis. This is what is known as     • Boundaries and scope of services
considered to be an inevitable occurrence         the Impact Stage of crisis, and this is when     • Ability to respond ethically and effectively
of the human condition, meaning that all          volunteers, especially AACR volunteers,            in chaotic circumstances
people and systems will encounter crises          can potentially provide a great deal of help.    • Ability to identify signs of vicarious trauma
during a lifetime. Although the causes            During this stage, survivors need immediate        in themselves
and outcomes of crises vary widely, the           anxiety relief, contact, and engagement          • Awareness of the stress response
human stress response remains fairly              with calm and stable others to help calm           placed on first responders and other
consistent across different types of crises. To   the fight/flight/freeze response and to help       professionals
understand this, we must first understand         with feelings of alienation and helplessness.
the origins and the biology of the human          Establishing contact and engagement can be       These skills aid a volunteer in being ethical
stress response.                                  particularly challenging in the Impact Stage,    and effective with human survivors, but are
                                                  as the person may appear highly emotionally      also particularly important for the increased
In nature, humans rely on hypervigilance                                                           YAYABA skills required in AACR.
                                                  distressed or ‘checked out’ and unresponsive.
to keep ourselves safe, as we are not
particularly strong, fast, or ferocious in        Enter AACR. Many Pet Partners handlers           As the current gold standard in handler
comparison to the other animals in our            are already familiar with some of the            preparation and YAYABA emphasis, Pet
world. As such, early humans who were             physiologically calming benefits of positive     Partners is uniquely positioned to train,
hypervigilant to potential danger were            human-animal interactions. Further, the          prepare, and facilitate high-quality AACR
able to successfully avoid it, whereas less       presence of an appropriately suitable and        interventions that consider the unique
vigilant ones often were not. Fast forward a      supported animal may be physiologically          demands on both the volunteer and the
few millennia, and the result is a naturally      engaging through touch, comfort, and a           animal. As a mental health professional
anxious species with a brain that involuntarily   sense of novelty. In AACR, there is another      with expertise in both crisis and trauma
bypasses a ‘thinking’ response and moves          benefit that is particularly crucial. Humans     interventions and animal-assisted
straight to an emotional or physical response.    effectively and responsively handling            interventions, I could not be more pleased
This system is highly efficient during acute      happy and well-cared-for animals are often       with the professionalism and quality of
stress when seconds count and our bodies          unconsciously viewed as more trustworthy         the Pet Partners AACR program, and I am
must instantly prepare us to fight, flee, or      than a human volunteer without an                enthusiastic about the potential for Pet
freeze to avoid danger.                           animal. This potential increase in contact,      Partners AACR teams to positively impact
                                                  engagement, and trust facilitates the            the experiences of crisis survivors and first
So what is the problem? Unlike other many                                                          responders in our communities.
                                                  most important task of a volunteer crisis
other species, many of the modern stressors/
                                                  responder: to get the survivor connected         Leslie A. Stewart, PhD, is a licensed
threats in a human’s world are psychosocial
                                                  (either physically or attentionally) with        professional counselor and a faculty member
rather than purely physical. Embarrassment,
                                                  the professional services or resources           at Idaho State University’s Department
shame, loss, and injuries to our self-concept
                                                  they need. The volunteer’s role is to assist     of Counseling. Her research agendas and
are just a handful of examples of this type of
                                                  with establishing psychological contact,         clinical specialties include animal-assisted
threat. And since the human brain developed
                                                  facilitating a sense of safety and comfort,      interventions in counseling and supervision,
long before our current types of threats, it
                                                  and help encourage verbal communication          trauma-informed counseling and counselor
cannot distinguish the difference between
                                                  between the survivor and essential               preparation, crisis and disaster response,
a physical threat, a psychosocial/emotional
                                                  professionals onsite.                            and counselor training with experiential
threat, or a threatening memory. Our highly
efficient brains respond the same way to all:     Additionally, Pet Partners AACR teams can        and expressive modalities. Dr. Stewart is the
preparing the body to fight, flee, or freeze      often provide much-needed support to the         primary author of the American Counseling
by directing blood, oxygen, and glucose           first responders, medical professionals,         Association Competencies for Animal
to fight/flight systems such as the large         and mental health professionals who are          Assisted Therapy in Counseling while
muscle groups, the heart, and the lungs. In       attentionally and emotionally impacted by        currently serving as the chair of Ethics and
exchange, that means those same biological        the demands of professional crisis response.     Standards for the Human-Animal Interactions
resources are temporarily pulled away from                                                         in Counseling Interest Network of the American
                                                  When applied with appropriate knowledge          Counseling Association; a member of the
other systems like the thinking part of the
                                                  and skills, AACR teams have the potential        Pet Partners Human-Animal Bond Advisory
brain, digestion, and immune functioning.
                                                  to greatly enhance the effectiveness of crisis   Board; and a subject matter expert consultant
Unfortunately, that means the part of our
                                                  response efforts. It is important to note that   of the American Psychological Association’s
brain that we need the most in modern crises
                                                  the knowledge and skills required for this       Human Animal Interaction Division.
(the ‘thinking’ part) is temporarily offline.
                                                  type of intervention are more specialized

8 | Pet Partners | Fall 2019
Pet Partners | Fall 2019 | 9
                                Looking Back at the 2019 Pet Partners Conference

    The 2019 Pet Partners Conference, Partnering with
    a Purpose, took place September 20-21 in San Antonio,
    Texas. It was a wonderful opportunity to bring together
    handlers, AAI professionals, practitioners and facilities,
    and Pet Partners staff to network, learn, and inspire.
    Our thanks to our 2019 Conference sponsors, who helped
    make this year’s event possible:
    Oakland University Center for Human Animal
    PetSmart Charities
    US Storage Centers

This year's conference was full of informative   • Zenny Ng talked about the obligation          The weekend wasn’t only about the
sessions covering a wide range of topics           of AAI providers and therapy animal           sessions. There were opportunities
relating to AAI. Here are some of the topics       handlers to protect the well-being of         throughout both days for handlers,
that were presented during conference              their animal partners, and why the            volunteer leaders, practitioners, and Pet
sessions:                                          animal’s well-being is crucial to the         Partners staff to network and learn from
• Keynote speaker Victoria Stilwell talked         success of AAI.                               each other.
  about how to inspire confidence and            • Colleen Pelar presented strategies for        Colorful ribbons and species stickers on
  resilience in our dogs through giving            improving resilience to help therapy          conference badges gave people ways to
  them more choices. Her advice on                 animal handlers be more effective in          connect over their pets and the type of work
  methods for doing this was a topic               visiting and advocating for their animals.    they do.
  of conversation among attendees                • Leslie Stewart discussed why the human
  throughout the weekend.                          end of the leash is so important in AACR,
                                                   and why additional training for handlers
                                                   is vital both in making AACR effective
                                                   and in allowing handlers to protect
                                                   themselves and their animal partners.
                                                 • Amy Showalter offered a workshop
                                                   on effective advocacy strategies,
                                                   providing information on what works in
                                                   communicating with elected officials and
                                                   opportunities for engagement.
                                                 • Steve Feldman, Executive Director of
• Nancy Gee provided a summary of                  the Human Animal Bond Research
  what we know about how animals help              Institute, provided a comprehensive look
  students learn, with a focus on the latest       at pet-friendly rental housing in the U.S.,
  and strongest evidence available on the          including challenges and potential policy
  subject.                                         changes.
                                                                                                 The Wall of Honor offered attendees the
• Melissa Winkle talked about developing         • Cynthia Chandler provided an overview         chance to celebrate their therapy animal
  relationships between therapy animal             of the science underlying human-animal        partners who have made such a difference
  teams and practitioners, and how to              relational moments, and the role of the       in the lives of those they visit.
  create healthy interactions and support          handler in these interactions.
  animal well-being in these relationships.      • Aubrey Fine closed the conference
• Steve Dale discussed how recent trends           sessions with his talk about the
  in treating our canine companions like           importance of remembering our
  their wild ancestors is detrimental to           therapy animals who have passed
  their health and learning, and to the            away. He discussed why honoring and
  human-animal bond. He also presented             understanding the impact of therapy
  a session on ways to enrich the lives and        animals in the lives of both handlers and
  health of our dogs and cats.                     clients helps us all grieve.

10 | Pet Partners | Fall 2019
The Friday evening celebration dinner           There were also some focused events before      announced the location for our 2021
encouraged attendees to have fun with the       and after the main conference, as part of Pet   conference: Chicago, Illinois! We’re looking
San Antonio location by dressing up in their    Partners’ dedication to supporting all facets   forward to gathering with everyone in
finest western wear, and Pet Partners Chief     of AAI.                                         September 2021 and sharing how the field
Medical Officer Dr. David Williams and Chief                                                    of AAI develops over the next two years. See
                                                • On September 19, Pet Partners National
Mission Officer Mary Margaret Callahan led                                                      you there!
                                                  Director of AAI Advancement Taylor
an enjoyable participation game to show
                                                  Chastain held a summit with AAI
the wide range of species, settings, and
                                                  professionals working in a broad range
activities that conference attendees work in.
                                                  of specialties to find out more about the
                                                  challenges they face and to workshop
                                                  ways to improve support for AAI
                                                  practitioners. (See the sidebar for more
                                                  about this innovative summit.)
                                                • On September 22, Pet Partners President
                                                  & CEO C. Annie Peters held a town hall
                                                  meeting with members of Community
                                                  Partners and Community Groups to
                                                  discuss how Pet Partners can assist and
                                                  support local groups in serving their
                                                It was a wonderful event full of learning and
                                                connection, and a powerful reminder of why
                                                the work we do in support of the human-
                                                animal bond is so important. Pet Partners
                                                is proud to support so many dedicated
                                                                                                Celebrating the 2019 Conference and looking
                                                volunteers and skilled professionals in
                                                                                                forward to 2021: Pet Partners founder Bill
                                                this work, and this year’s conference
                                                                                                McCulloch, Aubrey Fine, Mary Margaret
                                                demonstrated how all of us partner with a
                                                                                                Callahan, Annie Peters, and David Williams
                                                purpose to make our mission possible.
                                                                                                To see more photos from the conference,
                                                At the close of the conference, we
                                                                                                visit the Pet Partners website.

    Take The Lead: The                                              PET PARTNERS EBOOKS
     Pet Partners Blog

      Our new blog, Take The
      Lead, provides in-depth
     coverage of Pet Partners
     programs, AAI research,
      mission-focused events,
     stories about the human-
      animal bond, and more.

    Become a Pet Partners                                         Your favorite Pet Partners publications are

     ADVOCATE                                                     now available anywhere eBooks are sold.
     Join our advocacy efforts
                                                                           Available at any of these digital stores:
         It’s easy! Register today
             to be an advocate:

                                                                                                                       Pet Partners | Fall 2019 | 11
2019 Pet Partners AAI Professional Summit

For decades, Pet Partners has focused on         six hours together engaged in meaningful       • There is a tremendous need for
providing the best support to volunteer          discussion, ultimately providing 271             standardization within this field, both in
therapy animal handlers that bring animal-       distinct data points to suggest ways in          promoting widescale implementation
assisted activities to thousands of people       which our organization could rally around        of best practices and in developing
across the globe each year. As we seek to        these professionals and work together            common terminology related to the
expand the impact of our mission, we have        to advance both standardization and              ways in which we describe our work with
been looking at more ways in which we can        professionalization in AAI.                      therapy animals.
bring our expertise to the multitude of                                                         • Practitioners who have a rich history
                                                 Here are some of the major findings from
fields in which the healing power of animals                                                      of pioneering the implementation of
                                                 the summit:
is applied.                                                                                       therapy animals into their treatment
                                                 • AAI professionals need more access to
One area that Pet Partners aims to support                                                        plans have noticed a tremendous positive
                                                   education that is specific to their work
is that of professionals who incorporate                                                          impact on the clients who participate
                                                   with therapy animals. This curriculum
animal-assisted interventions (AAI) into                                                          in the intervention. We need to shine a
                                                   should address topics such as animal
their vocational work. A diverse body of                                                          light on this work so that more people
                                                   well-being, public health considerations,
practitioners can be found in this space, with                                                    around the world have access to this
                                                   best practices, and empirical support of
professions such as mental health providers,                                                      holistic and effective form of therapeutic
                                                   the intervention.
occupational therapists, physical therapists,                                                     intervention.
                                                 • One of the primary ways to showcase the
and even law enforcement represented in                                                         Professionals who attended the Summit
                                                   power of our interventions is to support
the mix.                                                                                        also agreed on one more fact: Pet
                                                   research on AAI, especially within
In order to best understand the needs in           professional contexts. The work that Pet     Partners is uniquely positioned to
this space, Pet Partners decided to bring          Partners does by investing financially       step in and provide leadership in this
top practitioners from these various fields        and assisting logistically in promoting      arena, supporting the professionalized
together to answer a vital question: What          empirical investigation on this topic is     implementation of AAI. As we move
could Pet Partners be doing to best support        significant, and the more we focus on        forward from this summit with extensive
professionals who work with therapy animals?       these objectives, the more traction we       data and a wealth of ideas, our staff and
                                                   will experience within our field.            board will be working hard to determine
On September 19, in advance of our 2019                                                         the best ways that we can support this field
Pet Partners Conference, 25 experts              • AAI professionals must find ways to
                                                                                                going into the future.
came to San Antonio to participate in              come together, share resources, and
Pet Partners’ first ever AAI Professional          support new practitioners who aim to         We are so excited to see what comes
Summit. We conducted a preliminary survey          bring the healing power of pets to their     from the momentum that we’ve been
of AAI professionals and members of the            work. There are many ways in which           able to collectively generate with
Pet Partners Human-Animal Bond Advisory            practitioners desire to collaborate, both    these professionals, and we are deeply
Board, and that data was used to structure         online and through in-person networking      appreciative of all of the people who
the summit so as to address the topics of          opportunities, such as the Pet Partners      participated in this inaugural Pet Partners
greatest interest to professionals.                Conference.                                  Professional Summit. As advocates of the
                                                 • Professionals in the field are calling for   incredible power of the human-animal bond,
The summit was organized around five                                                            we are all in this together, and we look
                                                   increased understanding surrounding
distinct activities, focusing on topics                                                         forward to increasing our collaborations as
                                                   professional liability insurance when
including continuing education, animal                                                          we grow both organizationally and within
                                                   working with therapy animals.
well-being, professional liability insurance,                                                   the field of AAI.
and best practices in AAI. Attendees spent

12 | Pet Partners | Fall 2019
World’s Largest Pet Walk
                                2019 Steps into Success
                              The 2nd Annual World’s Largest Pet Walk        Some of our walkers took an informal
                              brought animal lovers together around          approach and walked solo, educating
                              the world! On September 28, walkers in         people they met along the way about
                              hundreds of communities hosted events          therapy animals. Others invited family,
BY THE NUMBERS                in support of Pet Partners. The World’s
                              Largest Pet Walk is an official Pet Partners
                                                                             friends, and neighbors to join in and walk
                                                                             with their pets. No matter how walkers
                              event held each September to celebrate the     participated, their activities made a

                              health benefits of being active with pets.     difference.
                              In 2019, Pet Partners introduced a
                              fundraising component for the walk. In
   raised to support our      addition to taking steps with their pets,
 growing Therapy Animal       walkers created online pages outlining why
         Program              they took part the World’s Largest Pet Walk
                              and sent this page to friends, family, and

                              colleagues to raise awareness of the health
                              benefits of walking with animals, while also
                              supporting Pet Partners. Our incredible
    of walkers signed         participants raised over $18,000, which will
   up to participate at       support the Therapy Animal Program, Walk
                              With Me, and other exciting initiatives.
                              Feet, paws, and hooves walked in

   states with registered
                              communities all around the United States,
                              and in international locations including
                              Argentina and Canada. Some supporters
                                                                             Check out #WorldsLargestPetWalk on
                              held large meet-up events in community
                                                                             Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to see all
     walkers, as well as      parks, such as one coordinated by the
                                                                             the amazing photos from participants.
 international participants   new Pet Partners of Southern California
                              chapter. This event educated attendees on      And be sure to mark your calendars for next

                              the benefits of therapy animals on human       year! Our 3rd Annual World’s Largest Pet
                              health, introduced new people to Pet           Walk will take place on Saturday, September
                              Partners, and got their community excited      26, 2020. We can’t wait to have you walk
  known therapy animal        about walking with their pets.                 with us!
     species walked

                                                                                                    Pet Partners | Fall 2019 | 13
What You Can Do as a
                                 Pet Partners Advocate
One of the goals of Pet Partners is to          the information and materials you need to          and a leave-behind item available to help
educate the public about therapy animals        help educate your lawmakers about therapy          summarize the key points and make even
and the power of the human-animal bond.         animals and the positive impact they have in       a brief interaction impactful.
Our volunteers do this through their therapy    your community.
                                                                                                • Never made a visit to your state
animal visits and through educational
                                                Here’s what you can do:                           lawmakers? Worried you won’t know
presentations; but confusion still exists,
                                                                                                  what to do or how to do it? Consider
with news articles regularly confusing          • Use our action alert system to send a
                                                                                                  signing up for our next Advocacy
the terms therapy animal, service animal,         message to your state lawmakers about
                                                                                                  Bootcamp webinar where we cover the
and emotional support animal. One area            the impact of therapy animals. You
                                                                                                  basics of how to get started. Can’t wait
where this confusion can be particularly          can personalize the message to share
                                                                                                  that long? A past recording is currently
problematic is with local, state, and federal     how you’ve experienced the benefits of
                                                                                                  available on our website.
lawmakers.                                        therapy animals.
                                                                                                All the information and tools you need for
Well intentioned efforts where terms are        • Help educate the public by reaching out
                                                                                                any of these actions are available on our
misused can create negative impacts for our       to your local media. We have a letter to
                                                                                                website at
Therapy Animal Program volunteers, either         the editor template available that can
by limiting their access to clients who would     be tailored to your community to raise        The human-animal bond is worth defending
benefit from animal-assisted interventions,       awareness about therapy animals.              and promoting. Join our grassroots
or undercutting the standards so important                                                      advocacy program today where you can
                                                • Call or visit your lawmaker’s district
for client safety and animal well-being.                                                        share your story, use your voice, and gain a
                                                  office and share some information about
Our grassroots advocacy program has all                                                         seat at the policymaking table. Together, we
                                                  therapy animals. We have talking points
                                                                                                can make a difference.

                                     Ways to Support Pet Partners
                                                                                                interested in a way to lower the income
                                                                                                and taxes from your IRA withdrawals. An
       GIVING                                                                                   IRA charitable rollover is a way to help us
                                                                                                continue our work and also benefit you this
                                                                                                year. A transfer from your IRA can satisfy
Seasons are changing, leaves are dropping,                                                      the required minimum distribution for the
and some of us are digging out sweaters                                                         year and reduce your taxable income, even
for the cooler days. One topic that doesn’t                                                     if you don’t itemize. The transfer must be
change with the seasons is philanthropy. It’s                                                   made from your IRA administrator. For more
always the right time to donate; but perhaps                                                    information visit
during this season, individuals become more
aware of donating before the end of the year                                                    Stock Gifts
to take advantage of tax savings.                                                               If you have owned stock for more than
Pet Partners is deeply appreciative                                                             one year and if the value of the stock has
of contributions from our dedicated                                                             increased, consider donating a portion of
                                                Response, while continuing to provide life-     your shares to Pet Partners. You benefit by
supporters. Here are several opportunities      changing therapy animal visits more than
to donate to our organization.                                                                  receiving a deduction equal to the fair market
                                                three million times each year.                  value of the stock on the day of the transfer.
Delta Giving Society                            Members of the Delta Giving Society will        Transferring stock is a simple process.
When you join the Delta Giving Society,         receive a commemorative pin to symbolize        Contact so we may
you honor the legacy of the Pet Partners        their connection to the Pet Partners mission.   assist you with the transfer instructions.
founders by advancing the power of the          To make your gift, you can mail a donation in   If charitable giving is on your to-do list this
human-animal bond. Your generous                the enclosed envelope, donate online            season, consider one of the giving strategies
financial contribution of $1,000 or more        at, or call              above. Your thoughtfulness will be
per year will help Pet Partners continue to     425-679-5503.                                   appreciated by the thousands of individuals
innovate and improve the field of animal-                                                       who will be reached through therapy animal
assisted interactions through new program       IRA Charitable Rollover
                                                                                                visits this year.
offerings such as Animal-Assisted Crisis        If you are 70-½ or older you may also be

14 | Pet Partners | Fall 2019
NBA and Pet Partners team up
                       for a slam dunk of a partnership
It’s been all smiles and tail wags as Pet Partners has partnered with the NBA for
a series of recent events.
In June 2019 Pet Partners teams were invited to join the Golden State Warriors
as they unveiled the newly refurbished NBA Cares Learn & Play Zone at the Ira
Jinkins Recreation Center (IJRC) in Oakland, CA. Pet Partners therapy animals
were on site to cuddle up with kids as Golden State players took turns reading
children’s books in IJRC’s renovated reading room. NBA commissioner Adam
Silver was even seen enjoying some time with registered Pet Partners therapy
dog Sonny.

                                                                                    NBA employees have also had the chance to meet
                                                                                    some Pet Partners therapy animal teams during
                                                                                    some Workplace Well-being events. Teams in
                                                                                    North Carolina, New York, and New Jersey have
                                                                                    visited with NBA employees, sharing the many
                                                                                    benefits of workplace visits including improved
                                                                                    morale and reduced stress.

   VA and Pet Partners sign agreement that will bring
  benefits of the human-animal bond to more veterans
We’re pleased to announce                                   communities with the              is apparent. At an event sponsored by VA in
that Pet Partners has signed                                opportunity to become             Connecticut, one particular veteran found a
an agreement with the U.S.                                  therapy animal teams              special bond with Pet Partners therapy dog
Department of Veterans                                      themselves as well as             Beau. The veteran had recently lost his own
Affairs (VA) to improve                                     integrate veterans and their      dog, who strongly resembled Beau, and
veterans’ health, quality of                                families into Pet Partners        who had been a companion for him as he
life, and social engagement                                 activities and events, such as    dealt with homelessness. He spent an hour
through animal-assisted                                     the World’s Largest Pet Walk.     cuddling and petting Beau, remembering
interventions (AAI).                                                                          his own dog and taking comfort in Beau’s
                                                            “Veterans are valued              affectionate presence. This veteran was
Pet Partners and VA will                                    members of our communities        about to start a new phase of his life,
collaborate to support and                                  and can benefit from greater      moving into housing and beginning
encourage VA medical                                        access to AAI,” says Mary         treatment for his health issues; his
facilities to establish and                                 Margaret Callahan, Pet            interaction with Beau offered a symbolic
expand therapy animal visitation programs    Partners Chief Mission Officer. “Pet Partners    transition to this phase.
to give patients the sense of connection,    looks forward to finding more ways to serve
comfort, and joy that comes from spending    those who have served our country.”              We look forward to working with VA to
time with animals.                                                                            bring therapy animal teams to more
                                             Pet Partners teams already visit with veterans   veterans and provide them with the positive
The partnership will also provide veteran    in some areas, and their impact on veterans      effects of the human-animal bond.

                                                                                                                     Pet Partners | Fall 2019 | 15
You can also read