Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning

Page created by Lance Nunez
Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning
Annual Review 2017/18
Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning
Camden Learning: excellence and impact

Our Vision                                                                                Contents

We want Camden to be a place where everyone has a chance to
learn and nobody gets left behind. This means ensuring that every child
enjoys learning and achieves well, so they leave school as confident,
successful learners and good citizens.

Our Partnership Promise
Camden Learning will:
 make sure every child is known, valued and thrives
 support early learning as the foundation for success                                    Introduction                                             4
 	create opportunities so every teacher enjoys teaching and keeps improving             Camden Learning – excellence and impact                  6

 	build connections to support school and area improvement, innovation and excellence   Our core offer to schools                                7

 	share intelligence and act on evidence                                                Our schools                                              8
                                                                                          Delivering our strategic priorities
 	welcome challenge
                                                                                           Building Camden Learning as a force for improvement   10
 	celebrate success
                                                                                           Developing great teachers and inspiring learners      14
 work with other public services, such as health and housing
                                                                                           Attracting, developing and keeping the best leaders   20
 	learn from, and contribute to, the best practice in the world.
                                                                                           Enriching learning in Camden                          21
                                                                                          Performance and Impact                                  23
                                                                                          Finances                                                28
“If I moved anywhere else in London I’d be missing                                        Looking Forward                                         29
out on this opportunity of schools working together.”                                     Our Board of Directors                                  30
Issy Ives, Year 1 Teacher, Brecknock School
                                                                                          List of Camden Learning Members                         31

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Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning

Camden Learning is a new local partnership created       It was great to see primary schools continue to
for the benefit of children and schools. This annual     perform strongly at KS2 where the combined scores
review highlights the achievements of our first year,    in Maths, English and Reading are now above the
2017/18.                                                 London average.

Our members are committed to working together for        Improvements were also made in KS1 results and at
the good of all Camden children. By working with         A Level, and we sustained previously good outcomes
shared and determined endeavour, we aim to ensure        at GCSE.
that no pupil is left behind and all schools do better
than they would on their own.                            Compared to schools nationally, there is no doubt
                                                         that Camden schools and our pupils are achieving
We have made good progress in building Camden            well. But we are ambitious for our learners and want
Learning and developing greater capacity for a           to be amongst the best in London too, where the bar
self-improving system. We have brought teachers,         is at its highest.
headteachers, governors and others together to
share expertise, drive improvement and develop           We are steadfastly determined to reduce the
better practice. We are ambitious for Camden             differential in outcomes for vulnerable groups,
children and passionate about creating schools and       especially ‘white British’ young people. And we are
settings that enable every child to enjoy learning and   focussed on diminishing inconsistencies and growing
achieve well.                                            good practice amongst our network of schools. We
                                                         have much to do in reducing the variation that exists
We have built on the council’s strong relationships      in attendance across our schools. If children don’t
with school leaders and education professionals and      attend school, they don’t learn as much as they
put the architecture in place to provide stronger and    should. This remains a top priority for us all this year.
more creative connections between our schools.
By harnessing the talent and potential of those          Our thanks go to everyone in Camden Learning
who work in our schools, we are sharing learning,        for helping us make a strong and purposeful start.
brokering peer-to-peer working, and providing            Although much remains to be done, this year has
the systematic rigour needed to create better -          shown that bringing teachers, headteachers and
and sometimes more innovative - practice in our          other education practitioners together is energising,
classrooms.                                              motivating and making an important difference to the
                                                         quality of education in Camden. We look forward to
Ninety-six per cent of our schools are good and          working with you this coming year to strengthen that
outstanding, 10% above the national average,             continuing drive for excellence in all our schools.
with more than twice as many outstanding primary
schools (40%) compared to the country as a whole.
Sixty per cent of special schools are outstanding,
compared to 38% nationally. This is a credit to the
hard work of all involved and especially, the school
leadership teams.

Results are also showing improvement, although we
are not yet keeping pace with the best in London.
Last year saw gains in early years outcomes and in
narrowing the gap between rich and poor.                 Christine Gilbert              Jon Abbey

                                                         Independent Chair              Managing Director

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Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning
Camden Learning – excellence and impact                                                                           Our core offer to schools

                                                                                                                  Leadership and Management                                                   We also offer:

About us                                 “We have a sharp focus             By creating a strong partnership       •a  nnual standards meeting          • s upport for middle leaders       • support for inspections
                                         on how teachers teach              between schools, the council,          • two Camden Learning                   and governors                     • brokerage of external support
Camden Learning is a not-for-            and children learn. We             and others with an interest in            Professional Partner visits        • help with temporary cover
profit company set up as a joint         use evidence to improve            education, Camden Learning             • support for emergencies             • safeguarding compliance
venture between local schools            what happens in the                helps to enrich learning,              • annual conferences for             • briefings and updates
and the council. As a schools-led                                           raise standards and drive                key groups
organisation, we draw on a pool                                             improvement. This makes sure
of skills and experience within our                                         that every child gets the right
members, for the benefit of all.                                            support to thrive and reaches
We bring teachers, headteachers                                             their potential.
and other education professionals
together to share expertise and
drive improvement: not only for                                             Our school
the good of their own school but                                            improvement offer
also for the collective benefit of all
                                                                            We have been commissioned and
local schools.
                                                                            funded by the council to offer a
                                                                            range of improvement services
                                                                                                                  Teaching and Learning
Camden Learning is a company                                                                                        • statutory moderation
limited by guarantee. We                                                    to support all schools. There is
                                                                            a basic entitlement of support          • twice termly headteacher briefings
do not have share capital or
shareholders, instead we have                                               for each school but those with          We also offer:
‘members’, our schools, who                                                 the greatest need have more
                                                                            help. All schools receive our ‘no       •   school results’ summaries
have committed to establishing
Camden Learning for the                  How we do it                       cost’ support service, funded by        •   learning hub memberships
good of all children in local                                               Camden Council and can buy              •    termly leadership breakfast briefings
schools.                                 We create development              additional support.                     •     teaching and learning business support
                                         opportunities for teachers,
                                         headteachers, governors and        We also offer a tiered subscription                                                        Training and
What we do                               other practitioners. We identify   service to meet schools’ differing                                                         Development
                                         outstanding practice and put       needs. Schools taking the highest
Put simply, we work with
                                         schools in touch with others to    level of subscription get the                                                               • health and safety
schools to improve teaching
                                         share learning and accelerate      broadest package of up-front                                                                • best practice website
and learning, sharing
                                         improvement.                       support and the greatest discount
responsibility for the achievement
                                                                            on additional training.
of children and the excellence                                                                                                                                          We also offer:
of all schools.
                                                                                                                                                                        • p
                                                                                                                                                                           referential rates for
                                                                                                                                                                          additional training
We support schools with their
development and help to ensure
they have the best people and
practices in place. This means                                                                                    Support for Governance
working to attract and retain the
very best teachers, headteachers                                                                                    • expert advice
and school leaders and                                                                                              • access to Governor Hub
encouraging local practitioners
to be creative and innovative.                                                                                      We also offer:
                                                                                                                    • support for meetings and forums

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Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning
Our schools
 Our 59 schools include...
39     Primary schools, 1 primary academy and 2 primary free schools

10     Secondary schools, including one standalone academy                                  There is no inadequate
6    Special schools
                                                                                            We have some of the
2    Teaching schools                                   96% of our                          best primary
                                                        schools are good                    schools in
1    Alternative provider                               or outstanding                      London

 Our 22,534 learners...

                                                           Half are
                                                           from Black and Minority              31%
                                                           Ethnic groups (BAME)
                            represent our
Plus nearly 3,000           cultural                       Nearly two-thirds (61%)            Nearly a third
children in our early       and ethnic                     of primary pupils have English     are living in low
years settings….            diversity                      as their second language.          income families

 Our 1,200 plus teachers...

    Plus teaching                           Included                            We have
    assistants,                             94 Newly                            three
    professional and                        Qualified                           National Leaders
    support staff                           Teachers                            in Education in
                                            last year                           our borough.

 Our governors…
Play a vital                   Of the 814 governors in post                          And 368
role in all our                at the year end…                                      Co-opted
schools…                                                                             Governors and
                               161 were parent governors…                            1 National
                                                                                     Leader of

 For information on our performance and how we compare, see page 23

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Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning
Building Camden Learning as a force for improvement

Using intelligence                                                                                         Timely help when it’s                Building capacity
The strategic use of data and                                                                                                                   There is huge expertise within
intelligence sits at the heart of                                                                          A good example of school-to-         Camden schools but not always
our work. Every school has the                                                                             school support and sector-led        the capacity to free up staff to
support of a Camden Learning                                                                               improvement is our work with         work with other schools. Supply
Professional Partner who visits                                                                            one secondary school. Here,          cover is not the answer. We need
twice a year.                                                                                              brokered support included a          to find more creative ways of
                                                                                                           coaching programme which             building capacity within schools.
Early in the new school year, the                                                                          used teachers from across            We have made a good start with
Managing Director of Camden                                                                                Camden secondary schools with        our support for Learning Hubs.
Learning organises a standards                                                                             a focus on improving the quality     We resource them so schools
meeting, with the headteacher                                                                              of teaching. This local model of     can, for example, add to their
and chair of the governing body                                                                            collaboration not only benefited     staffing at the beginning of the
where their recent performance                                                                             the teachers, but also the coaches   year to enable them to lead work
is discussed in detail, with                                                                               themselves. Evaluation and review    across the borough.
strengths and areas for                                                                                    show positive results, including
development identified.                                                                                    improvements in the standard
                                                                                                           of teaching, the culture of
                                                                                                                                                Our Teach Meet
This is a vital meeting intended to
                                                                                                           the school and improved              workshops
provide helpful challenge as part
of our support for the school. This   Targeting support                      “Constructive,                exam results.
                                                                                                                                                Eleanor Palmer School hosted
conversation with each school                                                honest dialogue,                                                   a series of maths events attracting
                                      Schools causing concern receive        based on robust                                                    over 150 teachers during
helps ensure that resources are
focussed where they are most
                                      targeted support to make sure          data and information,         “What impressed me                   2017/18, with high attendance
                                      they get the right help at the right                                 about Camden schools                 from student teachers and NQTs.
needed and interventions are                                                 has undoubtedly
                                      time. Numbers causing concern                                        is the commitment
timely, appropriate and effective.                                           helped to
                                      are falling with only 5 schools on                                   and dedication of the                For example, through their
                                      our concern register at the end        accelerate                                                         extensive knowledge of local
We are planning to use the                                                                                 leadership to really be
standards meeting more this           of 2017/18. During the year, we        our improvement.”                                                  schools and teachers, Eleanor
coming year to identify areas of      supported eight schools on our                                                                            Palmer brought together around
excellence and expertise that can     register to improve.                                                 Saul Klein,                          25 practitioners in a session to
be shared across Camden.                                                                                   Venture Capitalist, Zinc             share working ideas in a fast
                                      But our work is not limited to                                                                            moving environment of short,
                                      supporting schools at risk. Our        “Working alongside                                                 engaging presentations.
                                      targeted support programme is          the Headteacher
                                      helping schools accelerate their       at Thomas Coram                                                    “What worked is
                                      progress, wherever they are on         School, and the
                                      their journey of improvement.
                                                                                                                                                the combination of
                                                                             EYFS leader at                                                     intellectual rigour
                                      Many schools themselves,               Primrose Hill                                                      and research, with the
                                      including those with good or           has been a                                                         informality of teachers
                                      outstanding Ofsted judgements,         positive                                                           gathered around a
                                      identify concerns, for example,        shared                                                             table for dialogue and
                                      several experienced staff leaving      experience.”                                                       laughter too.”
                                      at the same time, and seek
                                      additional help before                 Robin Warren - Headteacher,                                        Kate Frood, Headteacher,
                                      problems set in.                       Primrose Hill School                                               Eleanor Palmer school

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Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning
Building Camden Learning as a force for improvement

Good value for money                                                                                              “A peer review,
                                                                                                                  led by Christine
We are developing a                                                                                               Gilbert alongside
commercially sustainable                                                                                          colleagues from
business model, building on our                                                                                   Birmingham Education
universal improvement offer.
                                                                                                                  Partnership and
We want to provide more                                                                                           Camden Learning in
bespoke programmes, very much                                                                                     the summer of 2018,
tailored to individual needs, which                                                                               provided an excellent
schools can choose to buy, at a                                                                                   analysis of the position
price they can afford.                                                                                            of the Learn Sheffield
                                                                                                                  project at the end of
We also offer schools good value                                                                                  our third year.
for money by using our buying
power to leverage efficiencies of
                                                                                                                  It sets out both
scale on their behalf.
                                                                                                                  the strengths of
An example of this is the agency                                                                                  our work so
supply contract for teachers and                                                                                  far and makes
other staff that was implemented                                                                                  recommendations
in September 2017.                                                                                                for the next
                                                                                                                  phase of Learn
There were long standing                                                                                          Sheffield.”
concerns about agency supply,
including protracted disputes
                                       Looking beyond the                   Camden Learning has also
                                                                            played a leading role in setting up   Stephen Betts, CEO,
over introductory fees, inflated       borough boundaries                                                         Learn Sheffield
                                                                            the new Association of Education
and inconsistent rates,                                                     Partnerships.
                                       Camden Learning is an outward
safeguarding issues, persistent
                                       facing partnership, increasingly
cold calling by agencies and the                                            We believe collaboration across
                                       engaged with other partnerships
perceived supply of poor quality                                            partnerships is a good way to
                                       across London and the country.
personnel.                                                                  extend our own learning and
                                       In May 2018, our chair invited all   practice. It is also a good way
With a borough-wide, annual                                                 of making a more connected
                                       London Partnerships to Camden
spend of around £7m, cost was                                               national system of education.
                                       for a meeting to share information
also a significant driver                                                   We were therefore pleased to
                                       and explore opportunities for
for change.                                                                 lead a peer review of Learn
                                       working together.
                                                                            Sheffield, working with colleagues
The recruitment agency supply
                                                                            from Birmingham Education
project was a school driven
initiative to a perennial challenge.
                                       “There is an                         Partnership. We were impressed
                                       obvious appetite                     by the work that is happening
It has enabled schools to access       for some form of                     in Sheffield, particularly the
a reliable pool of supply teachers     collaboration that                   degree to which headteachers
and support staff when they need       we will seek to                      challenge each other to support
them, at a previously agreed price     build upon this                      improvement. We returned
delivering significant savings.                                             with many ideas for further
                                       coming year.”
                                                                            development locally.

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Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning
Developing great teachers and inspiring learners

Teaching schools                     “Being curious                                               The progress of all NQTs is          This means working together to       The teams comprise members of
                                     about how others                                             tracked and reviewed, with           answer a question or look at an      the visiting school’s SLT, staff of
It is a great benefit to have two    do things has helped                                         the support of a professional        issue in depth.                      the host school and the CLPP.
excellent Teaching Schools in        our school to improve.                                       portfolio. We are proud of the
Camden: Eleanor Palmer Primary                                                                    results currently being delivered.   Each of the five schools             The whole team agrees findings
                                     We are never too                                                                                  selects a theme or aspect of its     and the CLPP writes up the
School and Swiss Cottage
                                     proud to borrow                                                                                   school development plan that it      report.
Special School. The two play
                                     great ideas and                                              “The best thing                      believes would benefit from an
a vital role in driving school-led
improvement, including support
                                     implement them here:                                         about being an                       external focus.
for leadership and management,       if it works, use it!”                                        NQT in Camden is:
teaching and learning,                                                                                                                 The headteacher and senior           “Our cluster’s
                                                                                                  …working in
assessment systems, welfare and                                                                                                        leadership team of one school        work really helped to
                                                                                                  such a diverse
SEND.                                                                                                                                  then visit another for a day to      shape up and fine
                                                                                                  community that is                    look at the issue identified. They
                                                                                                  so driven to improve                                                      tune our plans.
                                                              Our support for Newly                                                    are accompanied by one of our        We enjoyed the process
Initial Teacher                                                                                   attainment                           Camden Learning Professional
                                                              Qualified Teachers                                                                                            of working with
Training                                                                                          …great support                       Partners (CLPP) who writes up
                                                                                                                                                                            respected and trusted
                                                              Our Newly Qualified Teachers        system                               the report to be shared with
In addition, they provide Initial                             (NQT) programme supports                                                 governors and staff.                 colleagues.
Teacher Training programmes for                               effective professional              … the NQT training                                                        We passionately
cohorts of primary, secondary                                 development over time. Each         sessions are given                   The focus of a collaborative         believe that
and specialist teachers, working                              NQT has their own teacher           by incredibly                        enquiry is selected by the school    collaboration can
with strategic partners including                             educator, induction tutor and       talented                             and in 2017/18 included: support     be a major driver of
MATs and Higher Education                                     professional mentor.                practitioners                        provided by teaching assistants;     improvement.”
Institutes. The teaching schools                                                                                                       provision for helping children
also provide teacher education                                In 2017/18 Camden offered a
                                                                                                  … having a                           develop a love of reading; and
and leadership training                                       comprehensive programme of          support network.”                    how to improve the playground.
programmes for aspiring and                                   professional development to 94
senior leaders.                                               NQTs, with input from expert
                                                              practitioners, a strong network     Effective partnership
                                                              and peer-to-peer support,           working
                                                              and a detailed development
                                                              programme.                          Partnerships and clusters of
                                                                                                  schools are quietly breaking
                                                              NQTs tell us that our practical,    new ground. One example is
                                                              high-quality learning experiences   the partnership work between
                                                              are readily applicable to           Carlton, Fleet, Gospel Oak, Rhyl
                                                              classroom practice in inner-        and Primrose Hill schools.
                                                              London. NQTs particularly
                                                              valued opportunities to watch       Set up by heads two years
                                                              other teachers in the classroom,    ago, in 2017/18 it expanded to
                                                              experimenting in a safe             include other staff and chairs of
                                                              environment, having a buddy, and    governing bodies too.
                                                              enquiry based study (which starts
                                                              with a question and helps new       A distinctive feature of this
                                                              teachers think through problems     cluster’s work is the centrality
                                                              with a facilitator).                of what is called a ‘collaborative

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Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning
Developing great teachers and inspiring learners

Learning Hubs                       •                                    “We understand the              Post 16 pedagogy                     Improving Oracy Hub
                                    •                                    impact that getting
Our Learning Hubs connect           •                                    the best start has in           The post 16 Academic Writing         Four schools share the lead for
classroom teachers and support      •                                    determining the                 Hub is led by La Sainte Union        improving borough-wide oracy
them in working together to         •                                    long-term outcomes              and involves Camden School for       outcomes: Richard Cobden,
accelerate improvement and                                                                               Girls, Parliament Hill, Hampstead,   Torriano and Christopher Hatton
                                                                         for children.
impact. This practice-focused                                                                            William Ellis, Portland Place and    Primary Schools, and William Ellis
                                                                         We are committed
model, some of it involving                                                                              Fortismere schools. Attendance       Secondary.
primary and secondary teachers
                                                                         to improving our                and engagement throughout the
together, is fairly unusual.                                             performance and have            year have been high with positive    Twenty-four schools were actively
                                                                         strongly invested to            feedback from all.                   engaged in 2017/18, with
Individual schools are funded to                                         reduce inequality and                                                high levels of commitment and
lead hubs to bring about change                                          ensure children have            Participants now have                over 90% attendance at each
and improvement. By harnessing                                           access to high-quality,         knowledge of an effective            meeting, cluster and event. All
the exceptional skills, expertise                                        early education.”               framework for supporting             have individual action plans for
and talent of local leaders and                                                                          school language development          their school, supported through
teachers, hubs offer a vibrant                                           Councillor Angela Mason, CBE,   and a methodology for                training and monitored by hub
network for school-based                                                 Camden Lead for Best Start in   sequencing teaching has been         leaders. Regular meetings are
professionals. Eighty-seven                                              Life and member of Camden       established. Whole school            held to challenge and evaluate
per cent of Camden schools                                               Learning Board.                 strategies and teaching              the impact of school plans. There
participated in at least one                                                                             materials have been shared,          has been a significant impact on
Learning Hub.                       Early Years                                                          with teaching strategies             pedagogy and the curriculum.
                                                                                                         implemented and evaluated.           Feedback and audits show
Talking to hub leaders confirms     The new national funding formula                                     Pupil progress is evidenced by       increased pupil confidence and
that they are motivating and        led Camden to enhance its Early                                      quantitative data.                   articulacy in the classroom.
energising for those involved.      Education finances. Concerned
There is a strong commitment        about the lack of provision
to them and they are building       for disadvantaged children,
professional and social capital     Camden’s Cabinet agreed                                                                                   “Hubs are developing
across the borough and beyond.      to supplement the national                                                                                the culture of
A small number of independent       entitlements with a locally funded
and secondary schools from          scheme providing 15 hours extra
                                    for the most disadvantaged
                                                                                                                                              working, creating the
outside the area have also
participated, adding to the         children.                            The contributions                                                   levers to ensure
                                                                         made by the working                                                  a secure and
richness of the dialogue and                                             group were incredibly
collective learning.                In Autumn 2017, Camden                                                                                    sustainable world-class
                                    Learning and Camden’s                insightful, thought                                                  school improvement
There were 9 hubs operating:        Integrated Early Years Service       provoking and honest.                                                system.
                                    formed a working group
•   Early years                     to explore why Camden’s              We are confident that                                                Our challenge now is
•   Assessment (Writing)            performance is so low and how        the recommendations                                                  to sharpen our thinking
•   Higher learning potential       to improve it.                       will lead to much                                                    about impact and
•   Primary maths                                                        improved foundation
                                    The increased focus on early                                                                              evidence.”
•   Oracy                                                                stage outcomes.”
•   Secondary maths                 years has already resulted in an
                                                                                                                                              Jon Abbey,
                                    improvement in Foundation Stage      Debbie Adams,                                                        Managing Director,
•   Primary SEND
                                    Profile results at the end of the    Head of Early Years                                                  Camden Learning
•   Mental health
                                    summer term 2017.
•   Post 16 pedagogy

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Annual Review 2017/18 - Camden Learning
Developing great teachers and inspiring learners

Camden means                         Feedback from learning      Delivering results                   All special schools and settings
business                             events has been             in Maths                             peer-to-peer review
School Business Managers in                                      Two primary schools shared the       All special schools and settings have committed to
Camden have formed a vibrant         “Good mix of practical      lead for improving borough-wide      take part in peer reviews using a framework agreed
network where guidance and           and theory… applying in     maths outcomes: Eleanor Palmer       by Camden’s Special Schools and Specialist Settings
best practice are shared and new     our own class”              and Netley, with 25 other schools    Headteachers’ Group.
ideas are developed. Covering 60                                 engaged. In addition to meetings
primary and secondary schools,       “Excellent range of great   and events, initiatives included     The first review, involving Camden Centre for Learning
their network provides a forum       activities”                 a four-round, inter-school times     and Robson House, scrutinised how far a new
for questions and advice, at                                     table challenge.                     individualised assessment and tracking system was
meetings and online. Business
                                     “I was challenged and                                            embedded.
managers say it helps to combat      achieved something”         Maths leaders completed a
professional isolation and                                       return for every child in each KS2   It compared assessment, tracking, teaching and
                                     “Brilliantly helpful”       class sorting them into average      learning with practice in class and evidence in books.
provides excellent support across
                                                                 scores and league tables, with       This had a particular focus on differentiation for pupils   “This has informed our
Camden schools.                      “Amazing quality of
                                                                 the top ten schools attending a      with varying learning profiles. During a subsequent         practice around whether our
                                     teaching and learning –
With half termly meetings,                                       final maths event in March. The      inspection, the school was able to show real progress
                                     you should be so proud”                                                                                                      expectations are high enough
colleagues in busy roles can build                               popular competition was good         since the peer review and thus demonstrate its
                                                                                                                                                                  for identified students.
purposeful alliances, including      “Great ideas to take back   fun and focussed minds on            capacity for improvement.
                                                                 improving maths outcomes. Two
                                                                                                                                                                  It was helpful to have professional
sharing intelligence about           to the class.”
                                                                 whole-day maths challenges were                                                                  dialogue around assessment tools
suppliers. With a strengthened,
collective voice, the business                                   also hosted for high attainers,                                                                  and how another school is
managers’ network has also been                                  with the final won by Brookfield                                                                 using these.”
able to secure improvements                                      Primary school.
in contracts, such as facilities
                                                                  • T
                                                                     hree national Maths
management, and the way                                             leads are from Camden.                                                                        In the second review, Frank Barnes School for Deaf
information is shared.                                                                                                                                            Children and Swiss Cottage School Training and
                                                                  • C
                                                                     amden KS2 maths
                                                                    progress was the fourth                                                                       Development Centre hosted a structured meeting
Discussions on hot topics - such
                                                                    best in the country.                                                                          for senior leaders on parental engagement, based
as going cashless, fundraising,
                                                                                                                                                                  on a detailed self-evaluation questionnaire. Both
and sharing contracts - have led                                 “There are so                                                                                    schools found the process enjoyable, insightful
to schools partnering up to derive                               many cross-school                                                                                and developmental. They learnt that whilst they
greater savings and working                                      connections that                                                                                 are different - in terms of numbers, cohort and
collaboratively to raise funds.                                  are really making a                                                                              parental bodies - many of the issues that they face in
“Our work is                                                     difference to maths                                                                              improving outcomes with parents are the same.
helping busy                                                     teaching and learning in
professionals to get                                             Camden. There is great                                                                           “It was a new experience
better outcomes for                                              energy and commitment                                                                            for us, and definitely one
their schools and                                                …and a huge amount                                                                               that I think we should maintain
acquire new skills and                                           of discretionary effort…                                                                          and build on, working more
knowledge.”                                                      well beyond what we                                                                              collaboratively as special schools.
                                                                 were funded for.”
Kat Miller, Director                                                                                                                                              Dani Sive, Headteacher,
of Operations,                                                   Kate Frood, Headteacher,                                                                         Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children
Acland Burghley School                                           Eleanor Palmer Primary School

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Attracting, developing and                                                                       Enriching learning in Camden
keeping the best leaders

Leadership                      Supporting school                    “I find Camden                              Tackling the big issues – childhood obesity and
programmes                      governors                            Learning’s support and                      mental health
                                                                     training invaluable in
Programmes aimed at             As part of our package to            enabling me to navigate
developing leaders and middle   support governing bodies,            my responsibilities as
managers included a mentoring   we offer a range of services         a governor. With such                                    Our ‘Race to Health’ initiative
programme for newly appointed   to member schools. These             a wide range of issues
Heads, formal learning          include an annual conference,
                                                                     and accountabilities to                 increase participation in physical activity, achieved:
opportunities and invaluable    a comprehensive and diverse
                                                                     understand, the training
networking opportunities        training programme delivered by
                                                                     programme has been
and events. Work is nearing
completion on an aspiring
                                expert trainers, a wide range of
                                model documentation available        incredibly helpful -                                                                                16
leaders’ programme to
be launched in 2018/19.
                                through our online Governor Hub,
                                bespoke training and support,
                                                                     providing opportunities
                                                                     not only to stay abreast
                                plus clerking for meetings.          of latest developments
                                                                     and extend knowledge                          a record high of 32
                                                                                                                                                for nearly
                                                                                                                                                                     from 16
“Like all newly
appointed Heads,
                                Training events for governors
                                last year included support for
                                                                     of areas of particular
                                                                     responsibility or
                                                                                                                   minutes of physical
                                                                                                                     activity per day
                                                                                                                                                                 primary schools.
                                Chairs, induction training, skills   interest, but also to ask
I felt pretty daunted           development and expert advice        experts for advice and                      Our ‘Families for Life’ programme, aimed at encouraging healthy eating
during my first term.           on topics such as headteacher                                                        and increasing physical activity, also achieved record success:
It was so reassuring                                                 meet governors from
                                performance management,
to have a mentor to             keeping children safe, and staff
                                                                     other schools.”
talk to, and I was              pay and performance.                 Jane Hindle, Governor,                                                                             189
lucky to be able to                                                  Camden School for Girls
draw on their
expertise and
knowledge. I have
                                                                                                                     11 schools took part             189 families involved
benefitted from
                                                                                                                                                       (438 participants)
knowing they were
only ever a
phone call away.”                                                                                                  58%                               58% from Black and Minority
                                                                                                                                                       Ethnic groups (BAME) –
                                                                                                                                                        exceeded our target:
                                                                                                                                                             up 22% increase
“Being a mentor                                                                                                                                    22%       on previous year.
has been a really
positive experience.
It provides a new
perspective and the                                                                                                 65%                  48%
opportunity to reflect
on fresh approaches
and ideas.”                                                                                                         fruit intake went up 65% and        high fat and sugar foods
                                                                                                                   vegetable intake went up 48%                cut by half.

20                                                                                                                                                                                   21
Enriching learning in Camden                                                                                      Performance and Impact

The Erasmus+ project                   Supporting Mental                    “What an enlightening,
                                       Health                               interesting day.. useful
Erasmus+ is the European                                                    and intellectually
Commission programme for               School participation in activities   challenging”                                                    Camden schools are doing well
education, youth and sport.            that support mental health
Swiss Cottage School has been          work, such as training, parent       “Fantastic day - full
leading a cross-borough project        workshops and resilience work,       of practical ideas and
designed to ensure that the nine       has also increased. Last year saw    networking”
participating Camden schools are
outward looking and connected
                                       90% of schools participate,
                                                                            “Really inspiring!”                     96%                                                          schools
                                       up two per cent.
to innovation in education
                                                                                                                    good/outstanding           more children now attend a
                                                                                                                                                                                 now Require
globally.                              Eighty-four per cent of primary,     The Camden 21st Century Talent
                                       secondary and special schools        Pledge called on Camden’s
                                                                                                                                               school that is good or better     Improvement
Funding has been secured for           were engaged in the Healthy          STEAM employers to commit
a total of 120 school personnel        School award programme - the         their support to Camden schools
(staff and governors) to take          highest for the last five years      and young people, inspiring them
part in international study visits                                          to aim high and forge exciting
across Europe. So far, 53
                                       – with three primary schools
                                       achieving the ‘gold’ award.          careers. Thirty-one employers                                      The number of
participants have been on study                                             have signed up and will be linked                                  schools causing
visits, including to Finland, Spain,                                        with local schools. They will:
Sweden and Iceland.                    STEAM Leadership
                                                                                                                    100%                       concern is
                                                                            • Volunteer at least one STEAM
These visits seek to enhance           Twenty schools are taking part       Ambassador to work with schools         of Special/Specialist      small, and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Overall pupil attainment
teaching and learning (including       in the STEAM Hub Leadership          and young people to develop the         and PRU settings
                                                                                                                    good/outstanding           falling                           exceeds national average
through the use of the outdoors        Programme, led by heads and          STEAM curriculum and enhance
and forest schools) in addition        senior leaders from Torriano         careers education, by speaking in
to developing the curriculum.          Primary School, Fitzjohn’s Primary   schools or offering masterclasses
They also provide longer-              School, UCL Academy, Regent          to teachers, governors or young
term links between schools to
broaden cultural understanding
                                       High School and Westminster
                                       Kingsway College. Work is
                                                                            people. STEAM Ambassadors
                                                                            support schools by delivering
                                                                                                                    KS1                                                                       =2017
and strengthen research and
                                       supported by a dedicated
                                       STEAM Programme Manager,
                                                                            activities in lessons or after-
                                                                            school clubs, giving careers talks,
                                                                                                                    and KS2                  6%
                                       with expert-led modules and          sharing their expertise through         KS1 and 2 results        KS2 combined Maths, English and     Secondary results broadly in
                                       coaching support to help schools     masterclasses, mock interviews          up in every subject      Reading up 6 percentage points to   line with 2017 and above the
“We really questioned                                                       and support with CV writing                                      beat the London 2017 average        national average
                                       embed STEAM approaches at we do the most                    a curriculum- and whole-school
sensible thing for                     level. STEAM events included         • Welcome and inspire the
the benefit of our                     UCL Centre for Enterprise and        workforce of the future, for
pupils and staff…how
can we reflect on our
                                       Innovation hosting a panel
                                       of high-profile speakers from
                                                                            example through workplace visits,
                                                                            mentoring, work experience,
                                                                            apprenticeships, paid internships,
                                                                                                                         1                                      Although above the national
practice and improve                   business, research, the arts and
                                                                                                                                                                average, Camden performance
upon it?”                              higher education and a bespoke
                                       STEAM workshop held at the
                                                                            delivering a business challenge
                                                                            for young people, or developing a
                                                                                                                     in 20                                      at secondary is still below the
Margaret Mulholland, Director          V&A Museum.                          bespoke project.                         pupils got
of Research and Development,
                                                                                                                     Top marks at KS4 achieving                 best in London and we are
Swiss Cottage school
                                                                                                                     the highest possible grade 9               ambitious to improve

22                                                                                                                                                                                                              23
Performance and Impact                                                                                        100
                                                                                                                                                                                          Camden                 National               London

                                                                                                                                                                                                  79%                                                              71%        69%    73%     71%
                                                                                                                               76%                                                                                  83% 83% 84% 84%
                                                                                                                     77% 74% 78% 78% 75%                                                73% 79% 75% 76%                                      83%
                                                                                                                80                                      72%          73%         77%                             82%
                                                                                                                                                 70%        68%            70%
 School Outcomes                                 The number of schools requiring                                              Early Years
                                                 improvement has gone down                                      40
 The quality of Camden schools,                  with only one school requiring                                            The Provisional Foundation Stage Profile showed significant
 as measured by Ofsted                           improvement in their 2017/18                                              improvement for maintained schools excluding Private, Voluntary and                                                        20
                                                                                                                20         Independent (PVIs), with 71% of pupils achieving a ‘good level of
 judgements of good and                          Ofsted inspection. 100% of PRUs
 outstanding schools, remains                    are good or outstanding providing                                         development’ compared
                                                                                                                        75% 74% 77%
                                                                                                                                                    to 68% and
                                                                                                                                           66% 67% 71%
                                                                                                                                                                66% in the two previous
                                                                                                                                                             74% 75% 76%
                                                                                                                                                                                 82% 82% 83%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         66 %             68%             71%
                                                                                                                 0                                                                                                                                       0
 impressive with 96% good or                     a high standard of education to                                       2016 2017 2018               2016 2017 2018                  2016 2017 2018                     2016 2017 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2016               2017            2018
 outstanding at the end of the                   the borough’s most challenging                                            Reading                        Writing                        Mathematics                         Science

 2017/18 school year.                            children and young people.                                                                                                                             Camden              National           London        Early Years Foundation Stage Profile
 Primary and special school                      The number of Schools causing                                                Primary
                                                                                                                            72% 76% 78%        79% 76% 81% 81%         77% 75% 81%                            80%
 inspection outcomes are                         concern on our internal register at                            80       69%                                   78% 70%                                                          67% 61% 69%
                                                                                                                     66%                                                                                         76%
 particularly strong: 40% of                     year end has reduced significantly                                           Key Stage 1
                                                                                                                                       75% 74%                                                                               59%            64%
 primaries are outstanding                       from 11 in 2015/16, to 8 in                                                  KS1 results in line with National, slightly below London53%
 (compared to 18% nationally),                   2016/17 and 5 in 2017/18. Of                                   40
 which is up on the previous year,               course, we do not want any of                                  20                                                                                                          Camden                  National                    London
 and 60% of special schools are                  our schools to cause concern so                                          100
                                                                                                                        72%     76%   82%               76%    78%       82%              61%     67%      83%               61%       67%   72%
 outstanding (compared to 38%                    our strategic plan commitment is                                                                                                                                                 79%                                                                                 71%     69%    7
                                                                                                                                            76%                                                                                                           83% 83% 84% 84%
 nationally).                                    to reduce this to zero. There are                                      2016 201777%
                                                                                                                                   2018       2016 2017 2018                             2016     2017 2018               2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        73%     2017 76%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            79% 75%   2018                                            83%
                                                                                                                                      74% 78% 78% 75%
                                                                                                                              80Reading                        Writing                          Mathematics 77%          Camden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Combined              National
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     82%                   London
                                                 no inadequate schools.                                                        100
                                                                                                                                                                                  72%            73%
                                                                                                                                                                         70%           68%                                                                                                           60
                                                                                                                                                                                                        70%                                                                                  80
                                                                                                                              60                76%                                                                              79%                                                                            71%     69%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     83% 83% 84% 84%
 Ofsted grades – Overall effectiveness judgements for schools inspected                                                         80
                                                                                                                                      77% 74% 78% 78% 75%
                                                                                                                                                                                                 73%          77%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       73% 79% 75% 76%
 as of 31st July 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                40
                                                                                                                                                                         70%            68%            70%
                                                                                                                              40                                         65%
                                           80%                                                                                  60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             40 20
                           60%     57%                                                                                        20
  60                                                                                                                            40
                                                                                                                                          75%     74%    77%                   66% 67% 71%                             74%     75% 76%                       82%       82%      83%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        66 %
          40%                                       40%                                                                        0                                                                                                                                                             20 0
  40                                                                                                                            20        2016 2017 2018                       2016 2017 2018                       2016 2017 2018                           2016 2017 2018
                                                                                                Primary                                      Reading
                                                                                                                                            75%    74%    77%
                                                                                                                                                                                 66% 67% 71%                        74%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             75% 76%                      82%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   82%     83%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  66 %              68
  20                                                                                                                          Key
                                                                                                                                0 Stage 2                                                                                                                                                        0
                                                                                                                                           2016 2017 2018                      2016 2017 2018                                    Camden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2016 2017 2018                       2016 National
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2017 2018                    London
                  10%                                              10%                          Secondary                 100
                                                                                                                            The end of primary
                                                                                                                                        Reading (Key Stage 2) results
                                                                                                                                                                Writingwere well above the national and London
                                                                                                                                                                                    Mathematics                 average, with increases
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2016               20
                                                             2%          0%
                                                                                                                              in all subjects.
            Outstanding                   Good             Requires improvement                 Special                    80       69%
                                                                                                                                           72%         76% 78%                    79% 76% 81% 81%
                                                                                                                                                                                                            78% 70%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          77% 75% 81%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      67% 61% 69%

  80                                                                                                                       100 66%                  75%                    74%                                                                      76%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   59%            64%
                                                                                                                           60            72% 76% 78%                              79% 76% 81% 81%                       77% 75% 81%           80%
                                                                                                                            80        69%                                                                  78% 70%                                           53% 67%     69%
  60                                                                                                                             66%                 75%                    74%                                                                    76%                       64%
  40                                                                                                                       20                                                                                                                             53%
                                                                                                                                   72%    76%   82%                               76%      78%       82%                    61%     67%       83%                  61%       67%      72%
  20                                                                                                                        20
                                                                                                                                          2016    2017 2018                      2016     2017 2018                      2016       2017 2018                     2016       2017 2018
                                                                                                                                            72%    76%        82%                 76%      78%       82%                 61%       67%       83%                61%       67%       72%
                                                                                                                                 0                Reading                                 Writing                                 Mathematics                             Combined
  0                                                                                                                                        2016    2017 2018                      2016     2017 2018                    2016       2017 2018                    2016      2017 2018
       39% 40% 10% 10% 60% 60%   61% 57% 61% 80% 40% 40%    0% 2% 20% 10% 0% 0%        0% 0%   0% 0%   0% 0%
                                                                                                                                                   Reading                                 Writing                             Mathematics                             Combined
2017       Outstanding                   Good              Requires improvement            Inadequate
2018       Outstanding                   Good              Requires improvement            Inadequate

 24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     25
Performance and Impact

Secondary                            A Levels                                    Provisional KS5 A Level results      There is a clear link between      In secondary schools, 12%            • KS1 – more of a mixed picture
                                                                                 show a significant increase in the   performance and attendance         require support which is                with small falls for children with
At the end of the secondary          We only had provisional data on             average point score per entry        nationally and this is also true   consistent with the London              SEND in Reading, Writing and
phase (Key Stage 4), 2017/18         vocational qualifications at the            up from 30.4 to 34.9. When           in Camden.                         and national picture.                   Maths, although they remain
saw national grade changes           time of going to print.                     expressed as a grade this is from                                                                               above national averages for
with GCSE moving towards the                                                     a C to a C+. The percentage          Attendance is a school             Children with SEND are generally        2017.
numbered system (1-9) which has      Of the pupils who did vocational            achieving three or more A-E          improvement priority. 10% of       doing well relative to national
yet to be fully implemented.         qualifications in 2017/18, the              grades is 78% - with 90% gaining     primary pupils and almost 16% of   averages for the SEND cohort.        • KS2 – Overall, 32% of children
                                     average point score per entry               two or more.                         secondary pupils were persistent                                           with SEND achieved at the
66% of pupils achieved a             was equivalent to a Level 2 Merit.                                               absentees in 2016/17. This                                                 expected standard in the
standard pass in English and         This puts our pupils roughly in                                                  improved marginally in 2017 but    Attainment                              combined measure (compared
Maths and 47% achieved a             line with London and national               Attendance                           there is still a long way to go.                                           to 22% in Camden in 2017 and
strong pass.                         performance.                                                                                                        • EYFS – 27% of children with          18% nationally in 2017).
                                                                                 Attendance in some Camden                                                  SEND achieved a good level
Camden did better than the           154 students studied Applied                schools is not yet good enough.      SEND                                  of development, which is an       • KS4 – 37% of the SEND cohort
national average across all          General Qualifications at Level             Education is crucial to increasing                                         increase on 2017 figures and         achieved a standard pass in
subjects. 5% of all entries were     3 and their average score was               pupils’ long-term life chances,      The number of pupils requiring        remains above national figures       English and Maths, an increase
graded a 9. That’s 539 entries       equivalent to a Merit +. Again, this        their economic wellbeing and         SEND support is higher than           for 2017 (23%).                      of eight percentage points
getting the highest possible         is roughly in line with London and          self-esteem but they must attend     national and London averages.                                              from the previous year. The
grade.                               national performance.                       school to benefit from it.                                               However, the non-SEND                  Attainment 8 average score
                                                                                                                      In primary schools, 17% of          group increased at a faster rate,      of 35 is above the national
However, whilst Camden is above                                                                                       Camden pupils require SEND          so in spite of progress, the gap       average for their peers in 2017.
national averages, provisional                                                                                        support (compared to 14%            is widening.
data show it remains below                                                                                            nationally and in London).
the London average. The KS4
                                                                    A - Levels
progress data show a similar
picture with Camden performing                                              A*
well relative to national averages
but below the London average.              One in 12
                                           Camden pupil
                                           entries (8.3%)
                                           got the highest
                                           A* grade -
                                           higher than the
                                           national 2018
                                           average of 8%.

                                                                     Those achieving A*-C
                                                                     grades also beat the
                                                                     national average at 78.6%
                                             C A      B              compared to 76.8%.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                               27
Finances                                                                                                           Looking Forward

Finances (Sept 2017-March 2018)                                                                                    Our vision:
Camden Learning receives resources primarily from the London Borough of Camden and schools within Camden
to deliver school improvement services, health and wellbeing services, governor support services and the
                                                                                                                   Our vision: We want Camden to be a place where everyone has a chance to
provision of IT education at the Camden City Learning Centre. Our expenditure is primarily focussed on providing   thrive and nobody gets left behind. That means ensuring that every child enjoys
expertise in those delivery areas. Camden Learning began providing services as an independent company on 1         learning and achieves well, so that they leave school as confident, successful
September 2017. The overall financial performance of Camden Learning was satisfactory in our first part-year of    learners and good citizens.
operation and the company reported a pre-tax surplus of £31,000.
                                                                                                                   Following a successful first year,    We will work with our secondary        To build upon the successes of
                                                                                                                   Camden Learning is looking            schools to reduce the variation        the Learning Hubs and clusters,
Financial Highlights (£000)
                                                                                                                   forward to a busy and exciting        that exists at GCSE - in terms         the onus is not only on providing
                                                                                                                   year ahead. Using system leaders      of Progress 8 and, in particular,      the platform for collaboration
                                                                                                                   and expert practitioners, we          Maths and English - and develop        and sharing, but also on us
Income                                                                                                             will capitalise on their skills and   the appropriateness and design         demonstrating the impact of
                                                                                                                   knowledge to address emerging         of the curriculum.                     our projects on teachers, their
                                                                                                                   issues. These include:                                                       delivery and pupils’ standards.
                                                                         Sources of income                                                               School attendance remains              We see this as an important
     Income from London Borough of Camden          1,043                                                           Building Camden Learning as           another key area for                   feature of our teacher retention
     Income from schools                           543                   Total £1,701m                             a force for improvement               improvement. Camden Learning           strategy, providing unique
                                                                                                                                                         is working closely with the            conditions for professional growth
     Other income                                  115                                                             As a new company, we need
                                                                                                                                                         council’s attendance service and       and job satisfaction.
                                                                                                                   to ensure that we have the
                                                                                                                                                         schools to improve attendance
                                                                                                                   organisational structure,                                                    Enriching learning in Camden
                                                                                                                                                         and reduce exclusion for
                                                                                                                   staffing and resources that are
                                                                                                                                                         particular groups of students.
Expenditure                                                                                                        necessary to underpin effective                                              We want to develop our
                                                                                                                   development. We intend to use                                                approach to civic governance
                                                                                                                                                         We also aim to influence the post
                                                                                                                   senior staff from Camden schools                                             and engagement with young
                                                                                                                                                         16 agenda, focusing on providing
     School Improvement                            867                                                             to support the management                                                    people, exploring how they can
                                                                                                                                                         a relevant local offer, outstanding
                                                                                                                   of Camden Learning and the                                                   contribute more to the common
     Health and wellbeing                          515                   Key expenditure                                                                 teaching and the best possible
                                                                                                                   implementation of key tasks.                                                 good locally. This will include the
                                                                                                                                                         extracurricular opportunities,
     Governor Services                             72                                                              We also need to develop a                                                    promotion of Youth Safety in our
                                                                         Total £1,670m                                                                   that serve all students in our
                                                                                                                   more commercial approach to                                                  schools. This links to the Camden
     Camden City Learning Centre                   216                                                             income generation. Not only will                                             2025 Plan and helps with our
                                                                                                                   we become more effective at           Attracting, developing and             work to achieve good attendance
                                                                                                                   tendering and bidding processes,      keeping the best leaders               and reduce school exclusions.
                                                                                                                   we will also explore a range
                                                                                                                   of potential opportunities for        An important piece of work in          We will design and agree a
                                                                                                                   generating revenue to sustain and     2018/19 will be to produce a           Camden-connected entitlement
                                                                                                                   develop our work.                     local strategy which tackles the       for children and young people
                                                                                                                                                         challenges around recruiting and       in Camden schools. This will
                                                                                                                   Developing great teachers and         developing our workforce. This         articulate the broad range of
                                                                                                                   inspiring learners                    includes shaping a coherent            experiences they can expect. For
                                                                                                                                                         leadership strategy and a              example, the entitlement promise
                                                                                                                   Although there have been some
                                                                                                                                                         leadership framework. We aim to        will include a commitment to
                                                                                                                   strong gains in performance
                                                                                                                                                         build on the excellent local NQT       valuable cultural experiences but
                                                                                                                   outcomes for pupils over the last
                                                                                                                                                         offer and capitalise on Camden         also a focus on better preparation
                                                                                                                   academic year, there remain a
                                                                                                                                                         as an attractive place to work, live   for the world of work.
                                                                                                                   number of challenges to improve
                                                                                                                                                         and learn.
                                                                                                                   outcomes so that they compare
                                                                                                                   well with the best in London.

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                              29
Our Board of Directors

Camden Learning is governed by a Board of Directors that consists of five members elected from member
schools, two representatives from the London Borough of Camden, the Managing Director, and Independent
Chair. The Board met ten times in 2017/18 to set strategic direction, oversee the implementation of the business
plan, ensure performance and to assess and manage financial and operational risks.

It holds company leaders to account, ensuring Camden Learning’s work delivers the greatest possible educational
impact, high standards and good quality, value for money services.

The Board fulfils the statutory requirements set out in the Companies Act (2006) and the School Companies
Regulations (2002).

 Jon Abbey                              Katy Forsdyke                         Christine Gilbert
 Managing Director                      Headteacher,                          Independent Chair                    Primary School                                                                               Secondary School
                                        Christ Church Primary NW3                                                  members                                                                                      members
                                                                                                                   Abacus Belsize Primary School                   Kingsgate Primary School                     Acland Burghley School
                                                                                                                   Argyle Primary School                           Netley Primary School                        Camden School for Girls
                                                                                                                   Beckford Primary School                         New End Primary School                       Hampstead School
                                                                                                                   Brecknock Primary School                        Our Lady’s Roman Catholic Primary School     Haverstock School
                                                                                                                   Brookfield Primary School                       Primrose Hill Primary School                 La Sainte Union Catholic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Secondary School
                                                                                                                   Carlton Primary School                          Rhyl Primary School
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Maria Fidelis Convent School
                                                                                                                   Christ Church Church of England Primary         Richard Cobden Primary School
                                                                                                                   School (Hampstead)                                                                           Parliament Hill School
                                                                                                                                                                   Rosary Catholic Primary School
                                                                                                                   Christ Church Church of England Primary                                                      Regent High School
 John Hayes                             Councillor Angela Mason               Margaret Mulholland                                                                  St Albans Church of England Primary School
                                                                                                                   School (Redhill Street)                                                                      UCL Academy
 Headteacher                            Lead Member,                          Director of Research,                                                                St Aloysius Primary School
                                                                                                                   Christopher Hatton Primary School                                                            William Ellis School
 Gospel Oak Primary School              London Borough of Camden              Swiss Cottage School                                                                 St Dominic’s Roman Catholic Primary School
                                                                                                                   Edith Neville Primary School
                                                                                                                                                                   St Eugene De Mazenod Roman Catholic School   Special School
                                                                                                                   Eleanor Palmer Primary School
                                                                                                                   Emmanuel Church of England Primary School
                                                                                                                                                                   St George The Martyr Church of England       members
                                                                                                                                                                   Primary School
                                                                                                                   Fitzjohns Primary School                                                                     Camden Centre for Learning
                                                                                                                                                                   St Josephs Roman Catholic Primary School
                                                                                                                   Fleet Primary School                                                                         Frank Barnes School
                                                                                                                                                                   St Lukes Church of England School
                                                                                                                   Gospel Oak Primary School                                                                    Swiss Cottage
                                                                                                                                                                   St Mary and St Pancras Church of England
                                                                                                                   Hampstead Parochial Church of England           Primary School                               Thomas Coram
                                                                                                                   Primary School                                  St Marys Kilburn Church of England Primary   Great Ormond Street
                                                                                                                   Hawley Infants School                           School                                       Hospital for Children School
 Martin Pratt                           Julian Turner                         Jacques Szemalikowski                Holy Trinity (Trinity Walk) Church of England   St Michaels Camden Town Church of England    Royal Free Hospital
 Executive Director Supporting People   Chair of Governing Body,              Headteacher,                         Primary School                                  Primary School                               Childrens School
 London Borough of Camden               Acland Burghley Secondary School      Hampstead Secondary School           Holy Trinity and St Silas Church of England     St Patricks Catholic Primary School
                                                                                                                   Primary School                                  St Pauls Church of England Primary School    Alternative
                                                                                                                   Kentish Town Church of England Primary School Torriano Primary School                        provider
                                                                                                                   King’s Cross Academy
30                                                                                                                                                                                                              WAC Arts College               31
“What’s good about Camden Learning is that it’s            Telephone: 020 794 1122
innovative, collaborative, sustainable -and it’s local.”   Website:
                                                           Twitter: @CamdenLearning
Nicholas John, Headteacher, Acland Burghley School
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