ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University
ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University

    The Council, which is the governing body of the University, met on six occasions in 2017/18 and was chaired temporarily
    by Dr Alwyn Roberts until the University appointed a new Chair of Council. Mrs Marian Wyn Jones was appointed
    as Chair in February 2018. The University Secretary is Dr Kevin Mundy. The Council is assisted by a number of sub-
    committees, including the Finance & Resources Committee, chaired by the Treasurer, Mr David Williams, and the Audit &
    Risk Committee, chaired by Dr Griff Jones, which both met on five occasions during 2017/18. Other Council committees
    that met during the year include the Nominations & Governance Committee, Ethics Committee, Bilingualism Committee,
    Remuneration Committee, Strategy Committee and the Health & Safety Committee.

    Further information regarding the University’s governance is available on

    Marketing, Recruitment & Communications, Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DG

    01248 383298

ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University
4-9     HIGHLIGHTS OF 17/18

10-11   RESEARCH

        “Lost” Kubrick Screenplay Discovered
        First nuclear research institute in Wales opened
        Developing new long-range micro backpacks for bees


        A glowing report by the Quality Assurance Agency
        Bangor University lecturer selected as Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert
        Developing a ‘Community of Scholars in Practice’


        Bangor International College launched
        NUS International Student of the Year
        First cohort of Bangor College China students graduate



        M-SParc hits the 100
        International students go green
        Volunteering is a way of life for Elan

                                                                  BANGOR UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REVIEW 17/18   3
ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University

    1                                                                                             2

          1 Marian Wyn Jones, Chair of Bangor     Marian Wyn Jones was appointed as             George Meyrick became the new
                         University’s Council.    the new Chair of Bangor University’s          Chancellor of Bangor University,
                                                  governing body, the Council. She becomes      succeeding Lord Elis-Thomas, who stood
        2 George Meyrick, Chancellor of Bangor    the first woman to Chair the Council since    down earlier in the year. He became
                                    University.   the university was founded in 1884, and       only the 12th individual to hold this
                                                  she succeeds Lord Elis-Thomas, who            ceremonial role at the University, and will
    3 Gwerfyl Roberts, with the More Than Just    stood down last year.                         serve for an initial period of five years.
           Words Lifetime Contribution Award.
                                                  Dr Gill Windle and Emeritus Professor         Bangor University became the first
                                                  Bob Woods of the Dementia Services            university in Wales to be awarded the
                                                  Development Centre, School of                 prestigious Baby Friendly Award and is
                                                  Healthcare Sciences, were part of             the latest university to gain recognition
                                                  the Alzheimer’s Society taskforce of          from Unicef UK for the high levels of
                                                  leading UK clinicians and researchers         training in breastfeeding provided to
                                                  in dementia, UK funders of dementia           students on its midwifery course. Student
                                                  research, people with dementia and            midwives enrolled on the midwifery
                                                  carer representatives, developing the         programme at Bangor University will
                                                  first dementia research roadmap for           now graduate with an extra qualification,
                                                  prevention, diagnosis, intervention and       which will save them having to complete
                                                  care by 2025.                                 further training when they are employed
                                                                                                as midwives.
                                                  Gwerfyl Roberts, Senior Lecturer at
                                                  the School of Healthcare Sciences             The Learned Society of Wales elected
                                                  received a Lifetime Contribution Award        Professor Tony Brown, Emeritus
                                                  at More Than Just Words 2017 – an             Professor, School of English; Professor
                                                  event that recognises and celebrates the      Raluca Radulescu, Professor of Medieval
                                                  importance of Welsh-language provision        Literature, School of English; Professor
                                                  in health, social services and social care,   David Neville Thomas FRSB, Professor of
                                                  and the exceptional achievements of           Marine Biology, Head of School of Ocean
                                                  individuals and teams.                        Sciences and Professor Deri Tomos,
                                                                                                Emeritus Professor, School of Biological
                                                  Emma Chappell, who attended Welsh             Sciences, as new Fellows.
                                                  for Adults classes at Bangor University
                                                  and also works for the University at The      A volume of poetry written by Peredur
                                                  Management Centre, won the Welsh              Lynch, Professor of Welsh, won the
                                                  Learner of the Year title at the Anglesey     Golwg360 Welsh People’s Choice Award
                                                  National Eisteddfod.                          at the 2018 Wales Book of the Year
    3                                                                                           Awards.

ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University

    4 Hannah Powell, Harry Misangyi, Catrin     Gareth (Gaz) Evans, a member of staff         Lisa Blower, a Creative Writing Lecturer
Jones, Seth Casidsid and Gareth Jones made      at the University’s Canolfan Brailsford       at the School of English Literature was
   Bangor University and Wales proud at the     sport centre, secured gold in the Men’s       one of ten authors long-listed for the
         Commonwealth Games in Australia.       Weightlifting in the 69kg category, lifting   prestigious 2018 Sunday Times EFG
                                                299kg at the Commonwealth Games.              Short Story Award, which promotes and
5 Alys Conran, Wales Book of the Year winner.   Gareth was one of six athletes from           celebrate the excellence of the modern
                                                Bangor University who represented             short story and attracts entries from the
                                                Wales at the Games on the Gold Coast,         world’s finest writers.
                                                                                              Bangor University was chosen as the
                                                Psychologists Emeritus Professor Bob          best in the UK for its Students’ Union
                                                Woods, Dr Catrin Hedd Jones and Dr Nia        Clubs & Societies as well as its Student
                                                Williams worked closely with Darlun           Accommodation in the 2018
                                                TV for a BBC Wales documentary that  Student Choice Awards. The
                                                followed three days of planned activities     University was also placed third in the
                                                to examine what happened when nursery         UK in the University of the Year category
                                                children came together with people living     and second in the UK for Courses and
                                                with dementia. ‘The Toddlers Who Took         Lecturers.
                                                on Dementia’ aired on the primetime
                                                9pm slot in May and the series won the        The first textbook on ocean renewable
                                                Celtic Film Festival 2018 award for Best      energy was published by Dr Simon
                                                Factual Series and the Silver World Medal     Neill, Reader in Physical Oceanography
                                                in the Documentary Community Portraits        at the School of Ocean Sciences, in
                                                category at the New York TV and Film          collaboration with Dr Reza Hashemi from
                                                festival in 2018.                             the University of Rhode Island. The book
                                                                                              covers a range of marine renewable
                                                Creative Writer and Lecturer Alys             energy topics, including the fundamentals
                                                Conran’s debut novel was named Wales          of energy conversion, the physics of wave
                                                Book of the Year 2017. She also won the       and tidal energy, and how to measure,
                                                Rhys Davies Trust Fiction Award, English      model and optimize the ocean energy
                                                Fiction Award and the People’s Choice         resource.
                                                Award, all for her debut novel Pigeon.
                                                Published by Parthian, Pigeon, a tale of
                                                childhood memories, is also unique in
                                                having been published simultaneously
                                                in English and Welsh, with a translation,
                                                Pijin, adapted by Siân Northey.

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University
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     6 Catrin Jones with her father and coach,    First year Psychology student and             Dr Zoë Skoulding, poet and Reader
     David Jones, Fitness Manager at Canolfan     weightlifter, Catrin Jones, won the           in Creative Writing, received a
                                    Brailsford.   BBC Wales Carwyn James Young                  Cholmondeley Award for the achievement
                                                  Sportswoman of the Year 2017 award.           and distinction of her body of work and
             7 Dr Zoë Skoulding receiving the     Catrin represented Wales at the Gold          her contribution to poetry.
    Cholmondeley Award for her contribution to    Coast Commonwealth Games, competing
                    poetry from Stephen Fry.      in the 53kg category.                         The Urdd Aelwyd at Neuadd John Morris-
                                                                                                Jones had many notable successes on
                                                  A world-leading scientific facility will be   the main stage at the Urdd National
                                                  developed at Bangor University following      Eisteddfod, winning medals in all of the
                                                  a £5m EU funding boost by the Welsh           voice competitions for groups, parties or
                                                  Government’s Energy and Rural Affairs         choirs, whilst Osian Owen won the Chair
                                                  Secretary, Lesley Griffiths AM. The           and Erin Hughes won the Crown. Both are
                                                  funding will help create the Centre for       students at the School of Welsh.
                                                  Environmental Biotechnology, which will
                                                  position the University at the cutting edge   Research from Bangor University
                                                  of research into how natural materials        showing the effectiveness of extra
                                                  can be utilised within industrial products    funding to schools has enabled the
                                                  and processes.                                Welsh Government to increase funding
                                                                                                in order to tackle poverty in Wales. The
                                                  Bangor University were victorious at the      collaborative research commissioned by
                                                  Inter-Collegiate Eisteddfod 2018, winning     GWE and ERW, two school improvement
                                                  for a third time in a row. The Eisteddfod     services providers, provided Welsh
                                                  is a highlight for Welsh students in Wales,   Government with evidence on which to
                                                  and this year it was held at Lampeter         base its decision to increase funding to
                                                  by the University of Wales Trinity Saint      schools under the Pupil Development
                                                  David. Osian Owen, studying a BA Welsh        Grant, by a further £90 million in 2018-
                                                  degree, won both the Chair and the            19. Educationalists, psychologists, social
                                                  Crown; music student, Alistair Mahoney        scientists, and legal experts who have
                                                  won the Musicians’ Medal and Nia Hâf, a       amassed vast experiences of working
                                                  BA Welsh student won the Drama Medal,         with schools, pupils and children, worked
                                                  with both Alistair and Nia winning for the    together to conduct a comprehensive
                                                  second year in a row.                         review of how poverty could be affecting
                                                                                                educational achievement in Wales.

ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University

 8 Geraint Wilson-Price, Director of Teaching,    Bangor University has won a national          awarded the Fisheries Society of the
Cymraeg Gwaith presenting the award for the       award for the best use of Welsh in Human      British Isles (FSBI) Beverton Medal for his
 best use of Welsh in Human Resource to Nia       Resources. The Award, sponsored by            ground-breaking research and lifelong
 Meacher, Deputy Director HR; Tracy Hibbert,      Cymraeg Gwaith, was presented at the          contribution to fish and fisheries science.
    Director of HR and Mari Ellis-Roberts, HR     Wales Cymru HR Awards organised
                                       Officer.   by the Wales HR Network. Bangor               The Welsh Government announced that it
                                                  University’s submission demonstrated          plans to expand medical education across
 9 Professor Chris Freeman who received an        the Human Resources Department’s              Wales, which includes new opportunities
 International Fellowship from the Society of     constant commitment to providing a            to study in north Wales. From 2019,
                          Wetland Scientists.     comprehensive bilingual service to staff      through collaboration between Cardiff
                                                  and to those who interact with the team       and Bangor Universities, students will be
                                                  from outside the University.                  able to study for their medical degree in
                                                                                                north Wales.
                                                  Chris Freeman, Professor of Wetland
                                                  Science, received an International            The Speaking Hands scheme was
                                                  Fellowship from the Society of Wetland        established to offer British Sign
                                                  Scientists in recognition of his pioneering   Language to all Welsh-medium nursery
                                                  work. Prof Freeman has been conducting        schools in Wales (Mudiad Meithrin)
                                                  research on the subject for over 20 years     and with the financial support of the
                                                  and has seen his work feature in the          University’s Widening Access Centre,
                                                  world’s top scientific journals and on the    a series of short films were produced,
                                                  pages of newspapers around the globe.         introducing one word and one sign
                                                                                                weekly to the 18,000 prospective viewers
                                                  Bangor University’s students have             under 4 years of age.
                                                  again given the University a resounding
                                                  testimonial in the annual National            For the fourth year running, Bangor
                                                  Student Survey, placing the University        University won Varsity - the annual
                                                  ninth among the UK’s non-specialist           sporting extravaganza against
                                                  universities.                                 Aberystwyth University - with an overall
                                                                                                final score of 33-10 to Bangor.
                                                  The University was included among the
                                                  top 100 European Universities in the
                                                  Times Higher Education (THE) European
                                                  Teaching Rankings, the first university
                                                  league table to focus solely on teaching
                                                  and learning.
                                                  Gary Carvalho, Professor in Zoology, was

                                                                          BANGOR UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REVIEW 17/18                               7
ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University
Rev Dr Alwyn Roberts

                                    Several individuals attended the             Professor Robin Grove-White, an
                                    University degree ceremonies to receive      academic and Chair of the University’s
                                    Honorary Fellowships. They were:             Institute for the Study of Welsh Estates.
                                                                                 A resident of Anglesey, Professor
                                    Ann Catrin Evans, an internationally         Grove-White is a committed and active
                                    renowned sculptor and jeweller who has       environmentalist.
                                    been a leading light on the Welsh craft
                                    scene for over 25 years;                     Stavros Ioannou, alumnus and
                                                                                 Deputy CEO of Eurobank has made an
                                    Alumnus, engineer and entrepreneur,          overwhelmingly positive contribution
                                    Howard M Clarke, who is Chairman of          to Greece’s banking sector through
                                    Morgan Innovation & Technology;              managerial roles in major financial
                                    Renowned musician, Llio Rhydderch, who
                                    is recognised as the foremost exponent       Dr Margaret Wood, an academic and
                                    of the Welsh Triple Harp;                    co-author of the first full Geology of
                                                                                 Anglesey, has demonstrated a passionate
                                    Lord David Lloyd-Jones, a distinguished      commitment to her profession and to
                                    judge and legal scholar, who was recently    furthering geological science.
                                    appointed as Justice of the Supreme
                                    Court, and has shown his active support      Rev Dr Alwyn Roberts, former Pro Vice-
                                    of the University’s Law students in a        Chancellor of the University was involved
                                    variety of ways;                             in the life of the University for over 50
                                                                                 years as a student, member of staff, and
                                    Dr Philip Trathan, Head of Conservation      member of Council. Sadly Rev Dr Roberts
                                    at the British Antarctic Survey has          passed away shortly after graduation
                                    three degrees from Bangor University;        week.
                                    having graduated with a BSc in Botany
                                    in 1979, and a PhD in Plant Population
                                    Ecology in 1983. He received a DSc for
                                    an outstanding contribution to Antarctic
                                    Science in 2012.

                                    Professor Julie Williams, a leading
                                    figure in the field of Alzheimer’s disease
                                    research and recently Chief Scientific
                                    Officer for Wales;

ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University
Ann Catrin Evans              Howard M Clarke                     Llio Rhydderch

Lord David Lloyd-Jones        Dr Philip Trathan                   Professor Julie Williams

Professor Robin Grove-White   Stavros Ioannou                     Dr Margaret Wood

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-2018 - Bangor University

     Stanley Kubrick expert Nathan Abrams,        Back in 1956, the young Stanley Kubrick       “From what I have seen, the screenplay
     Professor of Film Studies, discovered a      was still relatively unknown, having          looks authentic. Dated October 24, 1956 it
     1956 screenplay by Stanley Kubrick that      just wrapped his crime heist film The         bears the stamp of the Script Department
     was believed to have been lost. Titled       Killing. Together with his producing          of MGM. It was to be produced by
     Burning Secret, it was an adaptation of      partner, James B. Harris, he was looking      James B. Harris, directed by Kubrick
     Viennese novelist, Stefan Zweig’s 1913       for a new project to boost his fledgling      and was written by Kubrick and Calder
     novella of the same name.                    reputation. MGM offered the pair first        Willingham.”
                                                  refusal of any property.
     The novella is told from the perspective                                                   “Kubrick aficionados know he wanted
     of a twelve-year-old Jewish boy. He is       “For a long time, the script was              to do it, [but] no one ever thought it
     befriended by a suave but predatory          lost. It was not even known if it was         was completed. We now have a copy
     baron at an Austrian holiday spa resort      completed,” said Professor Abrams, who        and this proves that he had done a full
     as a means of seducing the boy’s married     has published Stanley Kubrick: New            screenplay.”
     mother. The child acts as an unwitting go-   York Jewish Intellectual with Rutgers
     between for his mother and her would-        University Press. “This literally just fell
     be lover, making for a disturbing story      into my lap as I was researching my next
     with sexuality and child abuse churning      book.
     beneath its surface.



     The Nuclear Futures Institute was            This investment is already playing a key      from Hitachi-GE Nuclear and the Welsh
     established with funding from the Welsh      role in attracting long-term private sector   Government.
     Government’s Sêr Cymru programme,            strategic investment and high-value jobs
     which is helping to attract world-leading    in the nuclear sector to north Wales,         Cabinet Secretary for Economy and
     researchers to Wales, with funding also      and also supports the development of          Transport Ken Skates AM said: “The
     coming from the European Regional            Bangor University’s low-carbon energy         nuclear sector is strategically important
     Development Fund and from Bangor             science park, M-SParc Ltd, by helping to      for Wales, providing low carbon energy
     University.                                  attract supply chain companies within the     for homes and businesses while also
                                                  nuclear industry.                             offering job opportunities in a highly
     This £6.5m programme will be led                                                           skilled industry. The Welsh Government
     by distinguished and internationally         As new nuclear technologies are               is committed to developing a suitably
     renowned research leaders specialising       introduced to the UK and elsewhere in         skilled workforce for the nuclear sector,
     in two key areas for the nuclear sector.     the world, significant research effort is     and my officials have already been
     Professor Bill Lee joins from Imperial       required to understand and ensure the         working closely with industry as this
     College London, and brings a wealth          optimal design and deployment of those        Strategic Plan has been developed.”
     of expertise in Materials Sciences, in       new technologies.
     particular its application in extreme                                                      Professor Jo Rycroft-Malone, PVC for
     environments such as in nuclear reactor      Bangor University’s computational             Research said: “We are very excited about
     technologies and aerospace.                  expertise will be used to create an           the potential that the Nuclear Futures
                                                  institute that will make north Wales a        Institute will offer for the University, our
     The second area of expertise is in           global centre in predictive modelling         future students, and also to businesses
     sensitivity analysis and predictive          and materials in the nuclear sector and       active in nuclear and other energy-
     modelling of complex systems to address      complement the experimental research          related areas that are being increasingly
     challenges such as those found in            being undertaken elsewhere in the UK.         attracted to North Wales.”
     the nuclear sector and environmental
     systems. This aspect will be led by          Earlier in the year, the UK Government
     Professor Dan Cacucci.                       announced that Bangor University has
                                                  been chosen to lead a Science and
     The Sêr Cymru programme will also            Innovation Audit of the North West
     enable the University to build teams         Nuclear Arc Consortium and follows on
     around the Sêr Cymru stars and establish     from last year’s launch of the Boiling
     Bangor University as a new centre of         Water Reactor Research Hub and
     excellence in the UK.                        Network. This is a joint venture with
                                                  Imperial College, London, with support

Film Director Stanley Kubrick.
                                                                                                                           © Getty Images

An ecologist and a microsystems
engineer are working together to
develop micro-backpacks for bees that
will enable the insects to be followed
by small drones as they fly from plant
to plant. This will enable scientists to
learn more about where the bees collect
nectar and what might be affecting their
numbers. The lightweight, long-range
bee-tracking device will harness the
bee’s own electrical energy to power the

Dr Paul Cross, Senior Lecturer in the
Environment explains:

“Bee populations, our vital crop and fruit
pollinators, are in serious decline; their
survival faces challenges on several
fronts - insecticides and varroa mites to
name a few.                                   “We have proven our ability to harvest     The initial project is funded as a Knowledge Economy
                                                                                          Skills Scholarships (KESS) Programme. The partner
                                              the bee’s electrical energy to enable us            organisation is the Bee Improvement and Bee
The ability to track bees or other insects    to eliminate the need for a battery and     Breeders Association (BIBBA), who are keen to fund
over their entire foraging range will         our end product will weigh only a third           research into honey-bee tracking in temperate
                                                                                            environments to identify the foraging range of the
be useful in various circumstances.           of the bee’s body weight, or less than a         bee under differing climatic and environmental
Other applications include tracking           raindrop.                                             conditions. This will provide the association
                                                                                                with more robust viability assessments before
Asian hornets (a serious threat to many                                                                               establishing new apiaries.
bee species) in Europe with a view to         “Our next step is to develop a mobile
controlling or eradicating them before it’s   receiver to track and follow the bee’s
too late.”                                    transmitted signal as it forages.”

Dr Palego, Senior Lecturer in Microwave
Instrumentation explains:

“Existing bee monitoring devices are
limited by their weight, range, and how
long their power source lasts, and these
are the problems that we’ve set out
to resolve using cutting-edge micro-

                                                                      BANGOR UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REVIEW 17/18                                         11

     Bangor University welcomed the findings       The QAA stated: “The University’s
     of the Quality Assurance Agency’s (QAA)       approach to enhancing the student
     Institutional Review, which commended         learning experience is effective, student-
     the way the university manages                led and student-focused.”
     academic quality.
                                                   Professor Oliver Turnbull, Pro Vice-
     Bangor is the first university to undergo     Chancellor, said:
     this new Welsh Quality and Enhancement
     Review, and we found it to be a very          “The report is a clear evidence of the
     detailed and thorough process. The            excellent way that academic quality is
     findings reflect the high academic            managed at Bangor University, and I’d
     standards that are to be found at Bangor.     like to thank all of our staff for their
                                                   outstanding efforts over the years in
     The University received a number              maintaining such high standards.
     of commendations that highlighted
     particular areas of strength, including the   “I’m delighted to say that the QAA
     way in which Bangor uses a data-driven        were so impressed with our provision
     approach to inform and enhance the            that they produced a report which,
     student experience.                           quite exceptionally, included no formal
                                                   recommendations on how we might
     Other areas that received                     improve.”
     commendations were the University’s
     deeply-embedded, extensive, and
     culturally-valued partnership with
     students, and the fact that bilingualism
     is embedded within all aspects of the
     student experience, and positively
     impacts upon it.

Owen Davies, Lecturer in Education,           As an MIE Expert, educators build their
was recognised as a global leader in          capacity for using technology in both the
using technology to transform education       classroom and curriculum to improve
and was named a Microsoft Innovative          student learning. They also advise
Educator (MIE) Expert, joining more           Microsoft and educational institutions
than 6,700 educators in the MIE Expert        on how to integrate technology in
worldwide programme.                          pedagogically-sound ways and be an
                                              advocate at conferences, events and
Each year, Microsoft selects innovative       training courses for how Microsoft
educators to share ideas, try new             technology can improve learning.
approaches and learn from each other
as a global community, dedicated to           “Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts
improving student outcomes through            are inspiring examples of educators
technology.                                   applying new ways of teaching and
                                              learning in their classrooms that
Owen said: “I feel privileged to be part of   motivate students and empower them
the worldwide MIE community, my goal          to achieve more,” said Anthony Salcito,
is to bring outstanding professional tools    Vice President, Worldwide Education,
and pedagogy to Education students            Microsoft. “We celebrate and support the
so that they can inspire learners and         work they do every day!”
promote effective collaboration in their
                                                       Owen Davies joins a global group of
                                                          Microsoft Innovative Educators.

                                              DEVELOPING A COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARS IN
                                              Across the UK, clinical academic careers       The new Clinical Academic pathway
                                              are a key area in the development of           enables a variety of clinicians to follow
                                              forward-looking health services that           a flexible route, embedded in the School
                                              support highly-skilled practitioners to        to support the development of clinical
                                              engage with academic research that             academic careers in north Wales. The
                                              could also drive forward improvements          Clinical Improvement Programme
                                              in the organisation and delivery of            focusses on stimulating and developing
                                              healthcare, in an increasingly complex         innovations in everyday clinical practice,
                                              environment.                                   using implementation work centred on
                                                                                             the School’s ‘Improvement Hub’.
                                              The School of Health Sciences
                                              has worked in partnership with                 The Clinical Academic Programme
                                              Betsi Cadwaladr University Health              centres on completing research work.
                                              Board (BCUHB) and Coleg Cymraeg                Importantly, the Clinical Academics on
                                              Cenedlaethol (CCC) to generate an              the pathway will benefit from working
                                              innovative pathway for clinicians across       with a range of the University’s research
                                              a wide range of multidisciplinary              centres.
                                              professions to develop clinical academic
                                              careers, initially focussed on nursing and     The Clinical Academic pathway provides
                                              medicine.                                      a scaffolding for innovation in practice
                                                                                             and enables clinicians to continue
                                              The initiative was a collaborative effort      within practice, whilst completing a
                                              between multidisciplinary clinicians in        postgraduate degree and bridging
                                              BCUHB and academics at the School              university with clinical life. Importantly,
                                              of Health Sciences. It also includes           as part of this initiative, a ‘Community
                                              an innovative ‘first-into-teaching and         of Scholars in Practice’ provides
                                              research’ route for new graduates with         peer support for Clinical Academics,
                                              the CCC, advancing Welsh-medium                facilitating shared learning and
                                              provision in the School and the ‘Active        enterprise.
                                              Offer’ for care through the medium of
                                              Welsh in clinical practice.

                                                                      BANGOR UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REVIEW 17/18                                13
     Last year, Bangor University signed a new
     partnership with Oxford International
     Education, a unique accredited education
     provider, and a world leader in education
     in the UK and Canada. In November
     2017, the Bangor International College,
     an Embedded College on the Bangor
     University campus, was officially
     launched. Students will be able to
     undertake the first part of an extended
     degree programme combining academic
     and study skills and English improvement
     courses at the new College.

     Bangor International College will deliver                               Staff and students at the Bangor International College launch event.
     the first stages of the International
     Incorporated undergraduate and the          An impressive 100% of the first cohort          such as Bangor University. Our students
     International Incorporated postgraduate     of Bangor International College students        benefit from being able to progress
     programmes in subjects including            progressed onto Part 2 in 2017/18 and           directly onto a range of highly-regarded
     Business, Management, Finance,              the partnership will celebrate its first set    degree programmes with Bangor
     Investment Banking, Electronic              of graduates in December 2019.                  University. We look forward to working
     Engineering, Computer Science, Law,                                                         with the University to expand the range of
     Media, Psychology and Social Sciences.      Mark Stanton, Chief Executive Officer of        subjects available and provide seamless
     Following successful completion of Part 1   OIEG, said at the launch event:                 progression onto degree courses for our
     at Bangor International College, students                                                   students.”
     can then continue their studies in Part 2   “We are pleased to work with institutions
     directly at Bangor University.              that have a significant profile and
                                                 commitment to international education

                                                 NUS INTERNATIONAL STUDENT OF THE YEAR
                                                 Postgraduate student, Charu Dada                 Alan Edwards, Head of International
                                                 from India, won the National Union               Student Support, said:
                                                 of Students’ ‘International Student of
                                                 the Year 2018’ award. This award is              “Charu has been an enthusiastic
                                                 given to an international student who            supporter of Bangor’s International
                                                 has demonstrated the dynamic and                 Office for many years as an International
                                                 positive impact international students           Student Ambassador. She also
                                                 can have at their institutions and on            assisted with several initiatives such
                                                 their local communities. The winner is           as supporting students more widely
                                                 expected to have shown a commitment              across the University, as a Halls Warden,
                                                 to maximising international students’            Students Union representative, School
                                                 experience in the UK and in improving            representative and a leader of the
                                                 the experience of others.                        University Indian Society. Her supportive
                                                                                                  role has been highly appreciated as
                                                 Throughout her time at Bangor,                   she has helped many students to settle
                                                 Charu dedicated herself to helping               in to life in a new country, culture and
                                                 international students on campus. As             University.”
                                                 an International Student Ambassador,
                                                 she devoted her spare time assisting             Charu graduated with an EdD Doctoral
                                                 with airport pickups, campus tours               Degree in Education in July and her main
                                                 and Welcome Week activities. Charu               aim is to continue working in the field
                                                 also spent a large portion of her time           of education at a university in India or
                                                 volunteering for environmental causes,           abroad.
                                                 celebrating Welsh culture, and working
                                                 with asylum-seeking and refugee
                                                 students in the UK.


                                                                                  Staff and Students at the Bangor Graduation Ceremony.

Bangor College China reached a                both institutions and may choose to           ceremonies were attended by the
key milestone in July 2018 with the           undertake their entire studies in China       leaders of both Universities; Vice
graduation of the first cohort of students.   or alternatively to commence in China         Chancellor Professor John Hughes
BCC opened its doors in 2014 offering         and complete in the UK.                       of Bangor University and Professor
BSc degrees in Accounting and Finance,                                                      Zhao, Party Secretary of Central South
Banking and Finance, Electronic               Of the 227 graduates across both              University of Forestry and Technology.
Engineering, Forestry and Environmental       campuses in 2018, 88 transferred to
Management,                                   Bangor University. An impressive 91
                                              students in this first cohort from across
In a partnership between Bangor               both campuses achieved first-class
University and Central South University       honours.
of Forestry and Technology in Changhsa,
China, students gain a double degree – a      China-based students graduated in
bachelor degree from both institutions,       an 8th July ceremony in Central South
enhancing their knowledge, skills and         University of Forestry and Technology
future employment prospects. Students         and the UK-based students on the
are taught by leading academics from          16th July at Bangor University. Both

                                                                                    Staff and Students at the China Graduation Ceremony.

                                                                      BANGOR UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REVIEW 17/18                                15
     Recent statistics have revealed that          “In aiming to reach a million by 2050, it   Recently, numerous examples have
     almost half of all students studying a        is essential that our higher education      shown that Bangor University is leading
     degree through the medium of Welsh now        institutions give young people the          in many areas related to the Welsh
     do so at Bangor University. In addition,      opportunity to continue their education     language and culture. The Cydymaith i
     the largest number of lecturers teaching      through the medium of Welsh. In this        Gerddoriaeth Cymru (‘The Companion
     through the medium of Welsh is at             regard, it is heartening to see Bangor      to Welsh Music’) was published in
     Bangor University.                            University leading the field in Wales       September 2018 and is an authoritative
                                                   and providing numerous opportunities        directory that covers all aspects of music
     Welsh-medium education is one of the          for students to study full degree           in Wales, from the 6th Century to the
     Welsh Government’s top priorities, and        programmes and individual modules           present day. And in the context of the
     is crucial in achieving the Government’s      through the medium of Welsh.”               present day and the place of technologies
     strategy of having a million Welsh                                                        in our daily lives, attention has been
     speakers by 2050.                             Professor Hunter added: “Although the       given by the European Parliament to
                                                   number of Welsh speakers has been           the research and specialist resources
     Professor Jerry Hunter, Pro Vice-             distributed across Wales, it is amazing     of Canolfan Bedwyr’s Language
     Chancellor (Welsh Medium and                  that 44% of all students studying a         Technologies Unit recently.
     Civic Engagement) said: “Having a             degree course wholly through the
     comprehensive Welsh-medium education          medium of Welsh are doing so in Bangor.     In addition, the Language Technologies
     system, which allows the children and                                                     Unit has been responsible for
     young people of Wales to learn and study      “Being able to study some subjects          contributing their expertise to the Welsh
     through the medium of Welsh all the           entirely through the medium of Welsh        language action plan published by the
     way from nursery to higher education, is      is great, naturally, but it should also     Welsh Government in October 2018,
     absolutely crucial to the prosperity of the   be remembered that elements of all          leading on the development of Welsh
     language.                                     subjects taught at Bangor can be studied    versions of digital personal assistants
                                                   through the medium of Welsh.”               and artificial intelligence systems that
                                                                                               will allow these machines to understand

Welsh. In addition, as a result of Bangor   contribute to the Welsh Government’s        “It must be remembered that Bangor
University’s specialisms, technology can    goal of having a million speakers of        students are developing to be future
be used to develop a machine translation    Welsh by 2050. These are not separate       teachers, healthcare professionals,
system, which will lead to increasing       aspects, developed in silos, but rather     business people, scientists and civil
the number of Welsh texts available for     the infrastructure we need as we head       servants – and the fact that so many of
reading and for audio consumption.          towards this ambitious goal.”               them have achieved their degree through
                                                                                        the medium of Welsh is crucial to the
Professor Jerry Hunter explained the        “There is no doubt that Bangor is leading   success of the Government’s strategy to
importance of the University’s expertise    the way in developing and increasing the    have a million Welsh speakers by 2050,”
and knowledge:                              opportunities available to use Welsh. Our   added Professor Hunter.
                                            contribution to scholarship through the
“As well as being a major Welsh-medium      medium of Welsh is unique, but perhaps
higher education provider, it is great      even more importantly is our contribution
to see Bangor University leading on         towards protecting and increasing the
all those supplementary elements -          number of Welsh speakers.
research, policy and technology - which

                                                                   BANGOR UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REVIEW 17/18                          17

The Menai Science Park, located at Gaerwen,
Anglesey. Inset - the board room.             M-SPARC HITS THE 100
                                              The Menai Science Park, M-SParc, which       Discussions are ongoing with several
                                              is wholly owned by Bangor University,        University departments, to see how
                                              opened on the 1st of March 2018, and         further collaboration with M-SParc could
                                              has already hit a key milestone with 100     work.
                                              people now working in the first building.
                                                                                           Managing Director, Pryderi ap Rhisiart,
                                              The £20m facility, part-funded by            who took over from Ieuan Wyn Jones in
                                              European Regional Development Funding        May following his retirement, said: “We
                                              through the Welsh Government, was            want to attract the brightest minds in the
                                              completed on time and on budget,             region, and retain the talent here in North
                                              with 40% of the building now let, and        West Wales. M-SParc will help them
                                              achieved ahead of target. Based on a         prosper, providing full business support
                                              typical Science Park business model, the     and space for them to grow. Being able
                                              company anticipated 15% occupancy in         to announce that we have 13 tenants,
                                              the first few months, building up to full    in addition to daily enquiries, is very
                                              capacity over a number of years.             exciting news.”

                                              M-SParc has laboratory, office and
                                              workshop space available for let, four
                                              meeting rooms, and a hot-desking area -
                                              ‘Ffwrnes’, as well as Tanio, the open café
                                              area where anyone can make use of the
                                              facilities and free Wi-Fi.

The International Student Support Office
launched a new initiative, ‘Internationals
Go Green’, with two main aims - to
help international students integrate
with UK students on a social level,
and to contribute to the University’s
sustainability agenda.

The initiative consisted of a series of
trips and events throughout the academic
year, raising awareness of environmental
issues, sustainability and wellbeing
among international students. The
initiative has helped local communities,
and promoted ways of ensuring a               Other events included decorating the             International students at a beach clean in
greener present and future, whilst            University’s Christmas tree with recycled                                         Cricieth.
contributing to Bangor University’s aim of    materials, a film night, supporting local
becoming ‘The Sustainable University’.        Syrian refugee families and a litter-pick
                                              session in Bangor city centre.
Various trips and events were organised,
including a beach clean at Cricieth.          All the events were organised by
Together with the North Wales Wildlife        securing the co-operation and support
Trust, a team of 50 international students    of other University departments, local
collected 26 large bags of rubbish.           organisations and charities. The project
                                              successfully engaged international
Dawn Thomas, North Wales Wildlife Trust       students in raising awareness of
said: “I was so impressed by the turnout      environmental issues, in the hope that
and the enthusiasm of the group. I found      they would take what they have learnt
it really interesting to hear about their     back to their home countries.
impressions of marine litter and what’s
happening in their own countries to
tackle this global issue.”

                                                                      BANGOR UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REVIEW 17/18                                 19
VOLUNTEERING IS A WAY OF LIFE FOR ELAN                                                      Elan Gilford with HRH Prince Harry and the
                                                                                                 Duke of Cambridge.
     Sports, Health & Exercise Science             She said: “I volunteer because it
     student, Elan Môn Gilford, was one of only    continuously teaches me something new
     20 people worldwide to receive a Diana        about other people, about co-operation,
     Legacy Award for her volunteering work.       about compassion and about myself.

     The Diana Award is given out in Diana,        “I have faced many challenges as I was
     Princess of Wales’ name to young role         diagnosed deaf at the age of three.
     models who are selflessly transforming        Volunteering was a huge step for me to
     the lives of others. The Award recognises     take, especially as I rely on lip-reading
     young people who go above and beyond          and what I can hear from my hearing
     in their daily lives to create and sustain    aids. Lip-reading around 20-30 children
     positive change.                              all talking at once in a leisure centre has
                                                   been my toughest challenge yet!
     A keen sportswoman, Elan was rewarded
     for her passion and enthusiasm in             “Through volunteering I have been able
     sharing her sports with others. Elan          to demonstrate to others that disability
     spends over 2,000 hours a year                doesn’t have to affect what you can do,
     volunteering. She shares her coaching,        there’s always a way around difficulties if
     mentoring and organising skills with          you are prepared to work hard.”
     a range of children’s sports clubs and
     teams, including netball, athletics, hockey
     and rugby.

     Elan began volunteering with the Urdd (a
     Welsh-medium youth organisation) and
     was a Millennium Sport Leader with the
     Urdd and a Sport Wales’ Platinum 5x60
     Young Ambassador.

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