Antiaggressive Effects of Zolpidem and Zopiclone in Agonistic Encounters Between Male Mice

Page created by Marc Austin
                                                                            Volume 28, pages 416–425 (2002)

Antiaggressive Effects of Zolpidem
and Zopiclone in Agonistic Encounters
Between Male Mice
Mercedes Martı́n-López, José Francisco Navarron

Department of Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Málaga, Spain

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
    The effects of benzodiazepines on various types of aggression have been extensively studied. These
    substances produce their pharmacological effects by allosterically modulating the action of GABA via
    specific recognition sites on the GABAA receptor called omega 1 and omega 2. The antiaggressive
    profile of non-benzodiazepine compounds that also act at omega sites, such as zopiclone (a non-selective
    omega 1 and 2 ligand) and zolpidem (a selective omega 1 ligand) has been scarcely explored. In this
    study, we examined the action of zolpidem (0.75-3 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) and zopiclone (1.5-6 mg/
    kg), administered acutely or subchronically for 10 days, on agonistic behavior elicited by isolation in
    male mice. Individually housed mice were exposed to anosmic ‘‘standard opponents’’ 30 min after drug
    administration, and the encounters were videotaped and evaluated using an ethologically based
    analysis. Acute treatment with zopiclone produced a marked antiaggressive effect, reducing offensive
    behaviors (threat and attack) at all doses used (1.5, 3, and 6 mg/kg) without affecting immobility.
    Likewise, the intermediate dose of zolpidem (1.5 mg/kg) significantly decreased aggression in a specific
    manner, without altering immobility, whereas the highest dose (3 mg/kg) provoked a reduction of
    aggression accompanied by a weak (but significant) increase of immobility. With repeated treatment,
    no tolerance to the antiaggressive effects of zopiclone and zolpidem was developed. It is concluded that
    omega sites at the GABAA receptor could be involved in the control of aggression. Aggr. Behav.
    28:416–425, 2002. r 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Keywords: aggression; zolpidem; zopiclone; GABA; subchronic treatment; mice

  Aggressive behavior of animals is controlled or modulated by a variety of different
neurotransmitter systems in the brain, such as serotonine [Bell and Hobson, 1994; Navarro
and Maldonado, 1999; Sánchez et al., 1993], dopamine [Manzaneque and Navarro, 1999;
Navarro and Manzaneque, 1997; Navarro et al., 2000], opiates [Espert et al., 1993; Navarro
and Dávila, 1997], or nitric oxide [Nelson et al., 1995; Navarro et al., 1997]. However, it is
now recognized that aggression may be also influenced by the GABAergic system. Thus,
many substances that act on the GABAA/BDZ/Cl receptor complex provoke marked effects
on aggressive behavior. Benzodiazepines produce their pharmacological effects by

Correspondence to: José Francisco Navarro, Department of Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University of
Málaga, Campus de Teatinios, 29071 Málaga, Spain. E-mail:
Received 13 May 2001; amended version accepted 26 June 2001

r 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
DOI 10.1002/ab.80013
Zolpidem, Zopiclone, and Aggression in Mice         417

allosterically modulating the action of GABA via specific recognition sites on the GABAA
receptor called omega 1 and omega 2 [Langer and Arbilla, 1988]. In animal studies,
benzodiazepines such as diazepam [Martı́n-López and Navarro, 1997], clobazam [Martı́n-
López and Navarro, 1996], midazolam [Martı́n-López and Navarro, 1999], and bentazepam
[Martı́n-López and Navarro, 1998] have been demonstrated to possess antiaggressive
properties using different animal models of aggression. This antiaggressive activity seems to
be reverted by flumazenil administration [Miczek et al., 1994; Olivier et al., 1991]. Overall,
these data underlie a significant role for the GABAA receptor in modulating of aggressive
   During the past few years, several compounds chemically unrelated to benzodiazepines
that also act at omega sites associated with GABAA receptor have been developed, such as
zopiclone and zolpidem. Zopiclone is a new class of hypnotic agent belonging to the
cyclopyrrolone family that shows pharmacological properties similar to those of
benzodiazepines (anxiolytic, sedative/hypnotic, anticonvulsant, anticonflict). This compound
interacts with high affinity and efficacy at both omega 1 and omega 2 receptors, differing
from hypnotic benzodiazepines by its lower miorelaxant activity and its propensity to induce
physical dependence [Goa and Heel, 1986; Piot et al., 1990]. In concordance with the
behavioral profile of benzodiazepines, zopiclone exhibits an antiaggressive action in rats
[Ueki, 1987] and mice [Julou et al., 1983, Martı́n-López et al., 1994]. On the other hand,
zolpidem is an imidazapyridine with a selective affinity only for the omega 1 receptor
subtype, which corresponds with GABAA receptors containing a1b2g2 subunits [McKernan
and Whiting, 1996]. In contrast to benzodiazepines, which produce sedative effects with equal
or lower potency than anticonvulsant and miorelaxant effects, zolpidem is strongly sedative,
showing lower anxiolytic, miorelaxant, and anticonvulsant activity [Holm and Goa, 2000].
Likewise, zolpidem develops less tolerance to their sedative and anticonvulsant effects after
repeated administration in rodents [Sanger and Depoortere, 1998]. In this sense, it has been
reported that increased convulsant sensitivity occurs during spontaneous and flumazenil-
precipitated withdrawal after repeated administration of benzodiazepines but not zolpidem,
suggesting that this compound may not produce benzodiazepine-like physical dependence
[Perrault et al., 1992].
   Although the antiaggressive profile of zopiclone (a non-selective omega 1 and 2 ligand) has
been explored [Julou et al., 1983; Martı́n-López et al., 1994; Ueki, 1987], there is no evidence
with respect to the antiaggressive properties of zolpidem (a selective omega 1 ligand).
Therefore, this study was designed to assess the acute and subchronic effects of zopiclone
(experiment 1) and zolpidem (experiment 2) on agonistic encounters in isolated male mice
using an ethopharmacological approach. The term agonistic behavior encompasses threats
and aggressive acts as well as defensive, submissive, and flight behaviors. The ethological
analyses of these social encounters seems to be an appropriate technique to distinguish
between specific and non-specific drug-induced changes.

  A total of 336 albino male mice of the OF.1 strain (provided by CRIFFA, Barcelona,
Spain) weighing 25 to 30 g were used. Animals were housed under standardized lighting
conditions (white lights on: 20:00-8:00) at a constant temperature (211C), and food and tap
418     Martı´n-López and Navarro

water were available ad libitum, except during behavioral trials. On arrival in the laboratory,
the subjects were allocated to two different categories. Half were housed individually in
transparent plastic cages (24  13.5  13 cm) as experimental animals. The remainder were
housed in groups of five to be used as ‘‘standard opponents’’ and were rendered temporally
anosmic by intranasal lavage with 4% zinc sulfate solution (Sigma Laboratories) on both 1
and 3 days before testing. Fighting in mice, as in most rodents, is closely related to olfaction.
We used this type of opponent because it elicits attack but never initiates such behavior
[Brain et al., 1981]. These animals very rarely direct spontaneous attacks toward the test
animals, and, consequently, fighting is always unidirectional, being easily quantified.
   All the experimental animals underwent an isolation period of 30 days before the
behavioral test (isolation-induced aggression model). Social isolation is an effective form of
increasing the level of aggressiveness in different species of animals. This phenomenon is
particularly well demonstrated in laboratory mice [Navarro, 1997; Valzelli, 1969].

Experimental Design
   Seven groups of mice were used in each experiment. Individually housed animals were
allocated randomly to one control group receiving vehicle and six experimental groups
(n ¼ 12 each) receiving acute or subchronic zopiclone (experiment 1) or zolpidem (experiment
2) injections. Drug administration consisted of (1) acute treatment: each animal received
vehicle for 9 consecutive days and zopiclone or zolpidem on day 10; (2) subchronic treatment:
each animal received a daily injection of zopiclone or zolpidem for 10 consecutive days, and
(3) vehicle: each animal received a daily injection of vehicle for 10 consecutive days (control

   Zopiclone and zolpidem (Sigma Laboratories) were diluted in physiological saline to
provide appropriate doses for injections. Zopiclone was administered either acutely or
subchronically (for 10 days) in three doses: 1.5, 3, and 6 mg/kg. Zolpidem was also
administered either acute or subchronically (for 10 days) in three doses: 0.75, 1.5, and 3 mg/
kg. The control groups received physiological saline. Drugs and vehicles were injected
intraperitoneally in a volume of 10 mL/kg. The doses used in both experiments were chosen
on the basis of a pilot study carried out previously in our laboratory.

Procedure and Behavioral Analysis
   Thirty minutes after the last injection, an isolated animal and a ‘‘standard opponent’’
(marked with fur dye for identification) were confronted in a neutral area for 10 min. This
neutral cage consisted of an all-glass area, measuring 50  26  30 cm, with a fresh sawdust
substrate. Before the encounter, the animals were allowed 1 min of adaptation to the neutral
cage, remaining separated by means of a plastic barrier throughout this time. The social
encounters were videotaped using a Sony-V8 camera. All tests were conducted under white
light between the second and seventh hours of the dark phase of the artificial cycle of the
animals. After each encounter, the neutral cage was washed out and the sawdust bedding was
Zolpidem, Zopiclone, and Aggression in Mice         419

   The tapes were analyzed using a microprocessor and a custom-developed program [Brain
et al., 1989], which facilitated estimation of time allocated to 10 broad behavioral categories.
The names of the categories and their constituent elements are as follows:
1. Body care (abbreviated groom, self-groom, wash, shake, scratch).
2. Digging (dig, kick dig, push dig).
3. Non-social exploration (explore, rear, supported rear, scan).
4. Exploration from a distance (approach, attend, circle, head orient, stretched attention).
5. Social investigation (crawl over, crawl under, follow, groom, head groom, investigate, nose
sniff, sniff, push past, walk around).
6. Threat (aggressive groom, sideways offensive, upright offensive, tail rattle).
7. Attack (charge, lunge, attack, chase).
8. Avoidance/flee (evade, flinch, retreat, ricochet, wheel, startle, jump, leave, wall, clutch).
9. Defense/submission (upright defensive, upright submissive, sideways defensive).
10. Immobility (squat, cringe).
   A detailed description of all elements can be found in Brain et al. [1989]. This
ethoexperimental procedure allows a complete quantification of the behavioral elements
shown by the subject during the agonistic encounters. Only the behavior of the isolated
animal was assessed. The analysis was carried out by a trained experimenter, unaware of the
treatment of the groups.

Statistical Analysis
  Nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to assess the variance of the behavioral
measures over different treatment groups. Subsequently, appropriate paired comparisons
were carried out using Mann-Whitney U-tests. The analyses were performed using
nonparametric statistics since the criteria for parametric statistics were not met by the data.
The criterion for statistical significance for all the tests was Po.05.

   The effects of acute and subchronic administration of different doses of zopiclone
and zolpidem are shown in Tables I and II, respectively. Kruskal-Wallis analysis showed
that zopiclone administration had significant effects on non-social exploration
(Po.05), threat (Po.05), and attack (Po.02). Post-hoc Mann-Whitney U-tests revealed
that, after acute treatment, zopiclone significantly reduced the time spent in threat and
attack behaviors in comparison with the control group (1.5 and 3 mg/kg, Po.02; 6 mg/kg,
Po.001). Non-social exploration was significantly increased with the highest dose used
(Po.001). After subchronic treatment, zopiclone (1.5 and 6 mg/kg) produced a significant
reduction of threat (Po.02) and attack (3 and 6 mg/kg, Po.02) compared with the control
   Kruskal-Wallis analysis revealed significant treatment effects in mice treated with zolpidem
on exploration from a distance, threat, attack, and immobility (Po.05). Further statistical
analysis with Mann-Whitney U-tests showed that acute treatment with zolpidem produced a
significant increase in exploration from a distance (0.75, 1.5, and 3 mg/kg, Po.02) and
immobility (3 mg/kg, Po.02), as well as a significant decrease in threat (1.5 and 3 mg/kg,
TABLE 1. Median Values (With Ranges) for Times (In Seconds) Allocated to Broad Behavioral Categories in Animals Receiving Acute and Subchronic
Treatment With Zopiclone
                                                                                      Dose of zopiclone, mg/kg

                                                                   Acute treatment                                Subchronic treatment

Behavioral categories           Vehicle             1.5                    3             6               1.5               3                6

Body care                         8.11             3.33                   8.63          9.92             4.83             7.22             3.76
                               (2.4–16.1)        (0–19.9)              (5.2–14.5)     (0–20.1)         (0–15.9)        (1.7–17.1)        (0–10.7)

Digging                          14.38             8.34                  11.41          3.58             3.68             13.54             2.48
                                (0–49.5)         (0–60.7)              (0–40.8)       (0–24.1)         (0–19.4)         (0–33.2)          (0–2.5)
                                                                                                                                                     Martı´n-López and Navarro

Non–social explorationn          313.13            339.13                312.6         378nnn            291             319.2             310.8
                               (246–350)         (250–442)             (184–413)     (300–400)        (145–368)        (257–389)         (241–425)

Explore from a distance           34.33            28.24                 17.88         52.02            15.83            29.51             40.19
                                (10–310)         (14–107)              (5.5–127)     (12.4–429)       (3.4–111)         (14–91)          (2.9–105)

Social investigation              91.05           112.05                123.93        115.29            163.6            119.91           141.31
                                (29–203)         (30–212)              (31–332)      (39–198)         (57–440)          (55–317)         (47–236)

Threatn                           109.4           39.7nnnn             69.81nnnn        0nnn            52nnnn           84.16           38.79nnnn
                                (61–168)          (0–147)               (0–112)       (0–108)          (0–115)          (0–168)           (0–156)

Attacknn                         40.23           10.03nnnn             20.4nnnn        0nnn             29.67          18.12****         3.25nnnn
                                (20–60)           (0–54)                (0–61)        (0–42)           (0–85)            (0–51)           (0–71)

Avoidance/flee                      0                0                      0             0                0                0                0
                                (0–0.33)         (0–1.06)               (0–2.3)       (0–4.43)         (0–1.29)         (0–0.23)         (0–0.55)

Defense/submission                 0                0                     0             1.1              0                 0               0.68
                                (0–0.31)         (0–17.5)              (0–27.8)       (0–21)           (0–56)           (0–4.5)          (0–21.5)

Immobility                         0                 0                     0             0                0                0                 0
                                 (0–0)             (0–0)                 (0–0)         (0–0)            (0–0)            (0–0)             (0–0)
Kruskal–Wallis test showed significant variance: nPo.05;        Po.02
TABLE 2. Median Values (With Ranges) For Times (in Seconds) Allocated to Broad Behavioral Categories in Animals Receiving Acute and
Subchronic Treatment With Zolpidem
                                                                                    Dose of zolpidem, mg/kg

                                                             Acute treatment                                     Subchronic treatment

  Behavioral categories         Vehicle            0.75              1.5              3                  0.75                 1.5                     3

Body care                         10.45             6.4             12.5             8.12             7.42                    7.23                    6.9
                                (1.3–19)         (0.5–30)        (1.2–23.4)         (0–20)          (0.2–24)                (1–13.1)              (0.7–24.6)

Digging                           16.3             7.15             8.68             0.91              13                    2.66                    4.5
                                 (0–44)           (0–27)           (0–67)          (0–25.5)         (0–8.37)                (0–34)                 (0–17)

Non–social exploration           335.2            351.5            353.5            382.6            356.8                   340.8                   353
                               (260–381)        (227–418)        (271–449)        (259–428)        (267–409)               (247–387)              (235–424)

Explore from a distancen         24.12            48.41nn          37.28nn          63.58nn           26                    43.8nn                 47.91nn
                                (14–34)          (15–108)         (18–128)         (35–121)         (10–70)                (18–150)               (21.5–85)

Social investigation              24.53            33.9             33.49            35.21             43.9                   57.6                  62.11
                                (42–139)        (3.7–118)         (5.4–199)        (3.3–151)        (6.7–200)              (17.3–182)             (11–287)

Threatn                           132             80.33;          81.59nn          50.69nnn          85.96                 104.59nnnn             63.72nnnn;
                                (32–191)        (1.2–234)         (0–149)          (0–134)          (0–201)                (0.8–217)               (0–156)

Attackn                           52.8             26.1           17.64nn           7.72nn            18.85                 14.49nn                14.34nn
                                (13–97)          (0.2–84)         (0–59)            (0–94)           (0–99)                 (0–53)                 (0–116)

Avoidance/flee                      0                 0                0               0                 0                      0                      0
                                (0–0.3)           (0–3.8)           (0–4)          (0–2.13)          (0–0.5)                (0–0.94)               (0–1.33)

Defense/submission                 0                0                 0               0                0                      0.48                   0.13
                                (0–19.2)         (0–16.5)         (0.68–4)         (0–15.5)         (0–10.4)                (0–14.5)               (0–7.41)
                                                                                                                                                                       Zolpidem, Zopiclone, and Aggression in Mice

Immobilityn                        0                 0                0              1.9nn                 0                   0                    0nnnnn
                                 (0–0)            (0–7.3)          (0–4.7)         (0–117.3)             (0–0)               (0–0)                  (0–0)
                                                                                                         nnnn         nn            nnn

Kruskal–Wallis test showed significant variance: nPo.05. Differs from controls on Mann–Whitney U–tests:       Po.05;    Po.02;             Po.001. Differs from acute
treatment on Mann–Whitney U–test: nnnnn Po.02.
422     Martı´n-López and Navarro

Po.02 and Po.001, respectively) and attack (1.5 and 3 mg/kg, Po.02) behaviors, in
comparison with the control group. Furthermore, after subchronic treatment with the drug,
exploration from a distance was significantly increased (1.5 and 3 mg/kg; Po.02) whereas
threat (1.5 and 3 mg/kg; Po.05) and attack (1.5 and 3 mg/kg; Po.02) behaviors were
significantly decreased, as compared with the control group.

   The results obtained in the present study indicate that zopiclone (a non-selective omega 1
and 2 ligand) and zolpidem (a selective omega 1 ligand) exhibit an antiaggressive activity in
isolated male mice. As Table I shows, acute treatment with zopiclone produced a marked
antiaggressive effect, reducing offensive behaviors (threat and attack) at all doses used (1.5, 3,
and 6 mg/kg) without affecting immobility. Our findings are in concordance with others
studies using this drug [Julou et al., 1983; Martı́n-López et al., 1994; Ueki, 1987]. Thus, in an
experiment in which the same animal model of aggression was employed, it was found that a
low dose of zopiclone (1 mg/kg) did not modify aggression in mice, whereas a high dose of the
drug (8 mg/kg) provoked a significant reduction of aggressive behaviors, without altering
immobility [Martı́n-López et al., 1994]. These findings suggest that 1.5 mg/kg might be the
minimal effective dose to produce an antiaggressive action, at least when an animal model of
isolation-induced aggression is used. In addition, the failure of zopiclone to produce motor
impairment agrees with several studies in which are required higher doses of zopiclone to
reduce spontaneous locomotor activity (11.5 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) [Perrault et al., 1990]
and to produce ataxia in the rotarod test (25 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) in mice [Sanger and
Zivkovic, 1992]. On the other hand, our results are similar to those described with
benzodiazepines. However, whereas 1 to 4 benzodiazepines usually reduced aggression only
at doses that produced pronounced muscle relaxation and sedation [Martı́n-López and
Navarro, 1997], zopiclone decreased aggressive behavior selectively, without affecting
immobility. In sum, the results of this experiment indicate that zopiclone exhibits an
ethopharmacological profile characterized by specific suppression of aggression and no
evident impairment of motor activity.
   In different animal models of anxiety, zopiclone has been demonstrated to possess
an anxiolytic-like activity [Carlson et al., 2001; Griebel et al., 1998; Ueki, 1987]. In our
study, although zopiclone increased the time spent in social investigation behaviors, a
parameter commonly used to assess the anxiety-changing properties of drugs [Brain et al.,
1991; Maldonado and Navarro, 2001], no significant differences were reached. This lack of
action of the drug on social investigation behaviors may be related to a possible ‘‘ceiling’’
effect (91.05 sec in controls). On the other hand, a significant increase in the behavioral
category of non-social exploration was observed with the highest dose used. A possible
explanation for this effect might be that animals devote more time to these exploratory
behaviors to compensate for the reduction in the offensive behaviors (threat and attack)
(see Table I).
   With repeated treatment, no tolerance to the antiaggressive effects of zopiclone was
developed. This finding is in concordance with that of Julou et al. [1983], who also found a
lack of tolerance to this action of the drug using a shock-induced aggression model in mice.
Repeated administration of various benzodiazepines has been demonstrated to produce
sensitivity changes in the efficacy spectrum of compounds acting at the GABAA receptor, and
Zolpidem, Zopiclone, and Aggression in Mice          423

it has been suggested that these changes may be underlying the development of tolerance or
dependence. Zopiclone has been shown to possess a limited ability to produce receptor
sensitivity changes [Piot et al., 1990]. Perhaps this fact is related to the capacity of zopiclone
to bind to a site close to, but probably distinct from, that of the benzodiazepine hypnotics
and that zopiclone, whose binding is not sensitive to GABA, may not able to induce the
conformational state from which receptor sensitivity changes are triggered [Doble et al.,
   After acute treatment with zolpidem, a clear dose-dependent reduction of aggression was
observed (see Table II). While the lowest dose used (0.75 mg/kg) reduced the time spent in
offensive behaviors (threat and attack), no significant differences were found. The
intermediate dose (1.5 mg/kg) significantly decreased aggression in a specific manner,
without altering immobility, whereas the highest dose (3 mg/kg) provoked a reduction in
aggression accompanied by a weak (but significant) increase in immobility. This slight motor
impairment is in agreement with the generalized observation that this compound has a
sedative activity [Holm and Goa, 2000; Sanger and Depoortere, 1998].
   To our knowledge, this is the first report in which an antiaggressive action of zolpidem is
described. Therefore, the lack of experimental studies about the antiaggressive action of
zolpidem in animals does not permit us to compare our results with other works. The
antiaggressive activity of this substance is foreseeable since other omega receptor agonists
(benzodiazepine and non-benzodiazepine compounds) also display remarkable antiaggressive
properties in several animal models. Zolpidem, in contrast with other omega ligands, shows a
different pattern of behavioral actions in rodents, and these differences have been explained
by the selectivity of zolpidem for the omega 1 receptor subtype. This aspect seems to be of
particular importance in mediating the sedative/hypnotic effects of this drug [Sanger 1997;
Sanger and Depoortere, 1998]. Our results indicate that the antiaggressive action of zolpidem
is selective only at 1.5 mg/kg, since with a slightly higher dose (3 mg/kg) a weak sedative
action is evident.
   On the other hand, with repeated treatment, no tolerance to the antiaggressive effects of
zolpidem was developed. As Table II shows, no significant differences in the offensive
behaviors were found when subchronically and acutely treated groups were compared. A
similar absence of tolerance to antiaggressive action has also been described with other
omega agonists such as clobazam [Martı́n-López and Navarro, 1996], bentazepam [Martı́n-
López and Navarro, 1998], and midazolam [Martı́n-López and Navarro, 1999]. In contrast,
after repeated treatment with zolpidem for 10 consecutive days, a significant decrease in
immobility was observed, and, consequently, tolerance to the motor effects of the drug was
developed. This divergence in the temporal course of tolerance to antiaggressive and motor
effects of zolpidem has been also reported with neuroleptic drugs, such as haloperidol
[Navarro et al., 1993; Puigcerver et al., 1996] and tiapride [Navarro and Manzaneque, 1997],
suggesting that these actions are mediated through different neurophysiological mechanisms.
Likewise, animals chronically treated with classical benzodiazepines, such as diazepam or
lorazepam, show changes in GABAA receptor subunit genes [Heninger et al., 1990;
Impagnatiello et al., 1996], several of these changes being region specific [Galpern et al., 1990;
Kang and Miller, 1991]. In this context, recently it has been described as a significant decrease
in the level of a1 subunit mRNA in the rat cortex after 14 days of treatment with zolpidem
[Holt et al., 1997]. In sum, the development of tolerance may depend not only on
pharmacokinetic and pharmacological factors but also on the manner in which different
drugs interact with GABAA receptors.
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