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							                                                  APEC: THE ROAD TO 2015 – CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES

                                                                        No. 13 Series 2013

 Member, ABAC Philippines
 President and CEO, A. Magsaysay Inc.
 WE THOUGHT IT WOULD be important to have this discus-
 sion as we embark on the next twenty-four crucial months
 leading up to 2015, a year when we will not only host APEC
 but also the time when the economic integration among
 ASEAN economies will take place.
    APEC is a forum of 21 economies representing 42% of the
 world’s population which covers 43% of the world’s land
 area. It accounts for about 55% of world GDP and about
 44% of global trade. There are many countries that want to
 join APEC like India, Colombia, and many others, but mem-
 bership appears to be closed for now.
    APEC sees itself not as a group of countries but as a
 group of economies—with economic, not political goals.
 Unlike ASEAN, APEC operates on non-binding commit-
 ments and open dialogue with the goal to strengthen and
                                                                                                              MBC IMAGES/ R. DELROSARIO

 remove barriers to trade, investment, and supply chains for
 sustained regional inclusive growth.
    APEC was established in 1989 in response to the grow-
 ing interdependence of Asia-Pacific economies and the
 emergence of regional trade blocs in other parts of the
 world. In 1994, APEC leaders adopted the Bogor Goals that
 aim for free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pa-
                                                                 Doris Magsaysay-Ho
 cific by 2010 for industrialized economies and by 2020 for
 developing economies.                                           On 10 December 2013, Ms. Ho and Mr. Zobel de
                                                                 Ayala were the speakers at a special membership
 THE APEC BUSINESS ADVISORY COUNCIL                              meeting of the Makati Business Club at the
 In 1995, APEC established a business advisory body named        Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Makati City. Published
 the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), composed of          here are excerpts from the keynote speeches.
 three business executives from each member economy to

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							                                                              APEC: THE ROAD TO 2015 – CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES

provide the business perspective          42.4% to 45.2% and the percent-          Business Travel Card, which pro-
on specific areas of APEC coop-           age of product lines with tariffs        vides substantial time and cost
eration. The Philippine govern-           equal or greater than 10% de-            savings to business people by
ment appointed myself, Jaime              creased from 16% to 14.7%.               allowing visa-free travel and ex-
Augusto Zobel de Ayala and Tony              The reduction of trade barri-         press lane transit at airports in
Tan Caktiong, with Bill Luz serv-         ers has played a significant role        participating economies.
ing as an alternate member, to            in the growth and expansion of              APEC is also working on ad-
represent the Philippine business         trade in the region. Intra-APEC          dressing behind-the-border barri-
community in ABAC. We attend              merchandise trade has in-                ers to trade through its Structural
four meetings a year, with the                                                     Reform Agenda, which focuses
fourth meeting being the Lead-               “Intra-APEC merchandise               on reforming domestic policies
ers’ Summit where we submit our               trade has increased six-             and institutions that adversely
recommendations to the Leaders              fold since 1989... reflecting          affect the operation of markets,
and Ministers.                                                                     and the capacity of businesses
                                            that almost all Asia-Pacific
   Before each ABAC meeting,                                                       to access markets and operate
we meet with the various busi-              economies are more inte-               efficiently.
ness association leaders and                  grated or dependent on                  APEC’s Economic and Tech-
government departments, espe-                   Asia-Pacific markets”              nical Cooperation activities are
cially the DFA, to seek their com-                                                 designed to build capacity and
ments. We work with our very dy-          creased six-fold since 1989, now         skills in APEC member economies
namic APEC Senior Official Lullah         accounting for 67.2% of APEC’s           to enable both the individuals
Del Rosario.                              total merchandise exports and            and institutions to participate
   We attend and speak before             65% of APEC’s total merchandise          more fully in the regional econ-
APEC Working Groups to advo-              imports, reflecting that almost all      omy. Since 1993, around 1,600
cate for business issues we are           Asia-Pacific economies are more          projects have been initiated with
championing—in my case, on                integrated or dependent on               APEC funding. These projects fo-
Trade in Services and Mobility, as        Asia-Pacific markets, with Singa-        cus on five medium-term priori-
well as Women and the Econo-              pore and Hong Kong leading the           ties: Regional Economic Integra-
my. We also commission studies            pack of the most integrated.             tion, Human Security, Structural
and surveys to guide us in our               APEC’s work on Business Fa-           Reform, Inclusive Growth, and
discussions. MBC serves as the            cilitation reportedly reduced            Sustainable Growth.
ABAC Philippines Secretariat and          the cost of business transactions           In 2000, APEC set a goal of tri-
provides ABAC Philippines tech-           across the region by 5% between          pling internet usage in the region
nical assistance and administra-          2002 and 2006, which was further         and that goal has now been
tive support.                             reduced by another 5% in real            achieved. It is now focusing ef-
                                          terms between 2007 and 2010.             forts on achieving the goal of
THE APEC PILLARS                          This represents total savings for        universal access to broadband in
APEC focuses on three main                business of $58.7 billion.               the APEC region by 2015. A par-
pillars of activity: Trade and In-           Other APEC initiatives that help      ticular focus is to reduce the dig-
vestment Liberalization, Business         facilitate trade include the intro-      ital divide between industrialized
Facilitation, and Economic and            duction of electronic, paperless         and developing economies to
Technical Cooperation.                    systems. For example, the Single         provide citizens and businesses
   APEC’s work on Trade and               Window system for customs was            of the region with access to ICT
Investment Liberalization sig-            designed to allow importers and          technologies, education, and
nificantly reduced the region’s           exporters to submit information          training.
Most Favored Nation average               to government once through a
tariff from 16.9% to the present          single entry point.                      ABAC RECOMMENDATIONS
5.4%. The percentage of zero-tar-            Another significant achieve-          The key message ABAC relayed
iff product lines increased from          ment is the creation of the APEC         to Leaders this year is the impor-
                                                                                   tance for APEC to have a more
  About The Speaker                                                                ambitious agenda on its trade,
  Doris Magsaysay-Ho                                                               investment, and services liberali-
                                                                                   zation targets, especially with the
  Doris Magsaysay-Ho serves as the President and CEO at A.Magsaysay
  Inc., which is involved in shipping, human resources, and business process
                                                                                   notable lack of progress in the
  outsourcing services. She is currently a Trustee of the Makati Business Club     WTO Doha negotiations.
  and an appointed Philippine representative to the APEC Business Advisory            ABAC’s recommendations are
  Council (ABAC). Ms. Ho received a Masters degree in Industrial Design            the following:
  from Pratt Institute, New York in 1975 and attended the Manhattanville             • Encourage infrastructure in-
  College New York from 1969 to 1973.                                                vestment, calling on APEC gov-
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							                                                        APEC: THE ROAD TO 2015 – CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES

 ernments to give special atten-         To achieve competitiveness,          tered into bilateral free trade
 tion to slow pace of PPPs and the     services firms, like goods firms,      agreements to achieve access
 crucial role of major infrastruc-     are seeking to go up the value         to desired markets. ABAC, during
 ture investments across APEC to       chain to focus on core compe-          the Chile year, introduced the
 meet the region’s growth targets      tencies and outsource all the          idea of the Free Trade Agree-
 and connectivity.                     rest. As Stanley Chia of ACER          ment of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP)
                                       computers demonstrated, the            which has now sprouted as an
 • Food security. APEC and ABAC        highest value-added services           idea that can be achieved un-
 have been working on a com-           activities such as R&D/innovation      der different pathways.
 prehensive roadmap towards            or global logistics, increasingly         One is the 12-member Trans
 regional food security which          dominate the value of traded           -Pacific Partnership (TPP) which
 was prepared by the newly-cre-        merchandise. As a starting point       was started by Brunei, Chile,
 ated APEC Policy Partnership          in liberalizing Trade in Services,     New Zealand and Singapore,
 for Food Security. Two of the         ABAC urges APEC to improve the         and as of August 2013, is under
 proposed action plans include         region’s official statistics on ser-   negotiation by these economies
 reducing food losses through          vices, remove behind-the-border        and Australia, Canada, Japan,
 the effective use of cold chain       regulatory barriers, and address       Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, the Unit-
 technology and promoting the          mobility issues.                       ed States and Vietnam. Another
 use of international food safety                                             pathway to the FTAAP is the Re-
 standards.                            ABAC IN 2014                           gional Comprehensive Econom-
                                       Next year, China will be hosting       ic Partnership (RCEP), which is
 • Ensure energy security, cou-        APEC 2014. Under China’s lead-         composed of the ASEAN 10, Chi-
 pled with policies that facilitate    ership, ABAC’s work on Regional        na, Japan, South Korea, India,
 the development of renewable          Economic Integration will con-         Australia, and New Zealand.
 energy infrastructure, to meet        tinue to focus on preventing any          As we enter the next 24 cru-
 APEC’s green growth targets.          backsliding into protectionism.        cial months towards 2015, it is
                                       ABAC will work on initiatives for      becoming extremely crucial for
 • Promote the growth of SMMEs         investment liberalization and fa-      the business community to ask
 through better access to fi-          cilitation and, importantly, will      ourselves how we can benefit
 nance, such as easing restric-        further develop the new services       from and what we need to do
 tions in risk capital from venture    agenda.                                to prepare for the regional inte-
 capital and angel investors, tax         ABAC will also focus on food        gration taking place around us.
 credits and matching funds, and       security, energy security, green          In what areas of manufac-
 access to international markets.      growth and environmental goods         turing, agriculture, mining, and
                                       and services, health, and sustain-     other export sectors are we de-
 • Strengthen the region’s finan-      able economic growth. ABAC             termined to produce and com-
 cial markets and other recom-         will advocate for wide access to       pete? What markets do we aim
 mendations.                           SMME financing, the internation-       to access?
                                       alization of SMMEs, and the pro-          How do we leverage our
   In 2011, the Philippines and        motion of active participation         great human capital to bene-
Hong Kong commissioned a               and contribution of women to the       fit from Trade in Services? What
study on Trade in Services, which      economy.                               barriers, both within and across
ABAC Philippines sees as a great            We will also continue to push     borders, hold us back?
opportunity for our economy.           for regional financial system inte-       How do we work together—
Our follow-up study showed that        gration, enhancing FDI and long-       both business and policy mak-
this sector accounts for 67% of        term savings in infrastructure, and    ers—and other stakeholders to
APEC GDP.                              finding ways to meet the chal-         ensure that every Filipino ben-
   Trade in Services is not well       lenges of urbanization                 efits from the APEC and ASEAN
understood and can be charac-             Finally, ABAC work on infra-        initiatives?
terized as a “value chain” rather      structure and connectivity shall
than a “supply chain.” The con-        elevate the issues of accelerating
cept of value-added is as rele-        infrastructure development, fa-
vant to services activities as it is   cilitating infrastructure financing,
to merchandise production. In          enhancing capacity building for
new business models, enterprises       regional connectivity, and build-
are outsourcing not only the as-       ing effective global value chains.
sembly of goods, but also many
increasingly fragmented servic-        PATHWAYS TOWARDS FTAAP
es-related tasks.                      Most APEC economies have en-
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       							                                                                                  APEC: THE ROAD TO 2015 – CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES

                                                                                                               tween businessmen and Ministers
                                                                                                               and Leaders can lead to more
                            JAIME AUGUSTO ZOBEL DE AYALA                                                       meaningful progress in a world of
                            Member, ABAC Philippines
                                                                                                               significant change. We should ask
                            Chairman and CEO, Ayala Corporation
                                                                                                               ourselves: what do we bring to the
                                                                       ership role across a broad range        table that will have significant im-
                                                                       of activities and over a wide spec-     pact on APEC and our country?
                                                                       trum of policy matters. Second, it
                                                                       provides a platform from which to       COMMUNICATING REFORMS AND
                                                                       present the government’s reform         ACCELERATING INFRASTRUCTURE
                                                                       programs and accomplishments.           APEC 2015 provides the govern-
                                                                       It also brings significant exposure     ment an opportunity to commu-
                                                                       from a tourism, investment promo-       nicate its reform program. Aside
                                                                       tion, and overall media coverage        from the official meetings, APEC
                                                                       point of view, creating opportuni-      has many side meetings and social
                                                                       ties to promote the country and         events, which gives a chance to
                                                                       generate new business. Third, it        speak of or show reforms in a varie-
                                                                       provides the impetus to acceler-        ty of ways. These events should not
                                                                       ate infrastructure programs which       be underestimated as a means of
                                                                       support both hosting and long-

                                                                                                               reaching out to audiences.
                                                                       term requirements of the country.          Hosting and chairing APEC
                                                                       And fourth, it provides an oppor-       entails more than just the Lead-
                                                                       tunity for the country to project its   ers’ Summit. In the run-up to the
                                                                       economic policy agenda and in-          Summit, a series of meetings take
                                                                       terests in international fora.          place from the Trade, Foreign,
                                                                                                               and Finance Ministers’ meetings
                            Jaime Augusto Zobel De Ayala               INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP                to various other Ministerial Meet-
                                                                       The Philippines last hosted the         ings, Senior Official Meetings, and
                            AS YOU KNOW, THE APEC Summit               APEC Summit in 1996 under               Working Group meetings. These
                            rotates around the different econo-        then-president Fidel Ramos. It was      meetings are capped off by the
                            mies, taking turns chairing and host-      the fourth such summit ever held        annual APEC Economic Leaders’
                            ing the annual Leaders’ Meeting.           and the Philippines used the op-        Meeting in November.
                                The Philippines will serve as chair-   portunity to introduce changes to          Aside from government meet-
                            man and host of the 2015 APEC              APEC that have all become reg-          ings, there are also private sec-
                            Economic Leaders’ Meeting. More            ular features of the annual meet-       tor meetings: the ABAC meeting,
                            importantly, the Philippines will          ing. The ABAC was convened for          APEC CEO Summit, the SME Sum-
                            host a string of major international       the first time in 1996 at the request   mit, the Dialogue with Leaders,
                            meetings over the next four years,         of the Leaders. The Philippine busi-    other industry or trade meetings,
                            illustrating the turnaround in inter-      ness community also organized           and even a youth-oriented meet-
                            national and investor awareness            the first-ever APEC Business Forum,     ing known as Voices of the Future.
                            that the country has undergone in          which became the predecessor of            Collectively, these run a full
                            recent years.                              today’s APEC CEO Summit.                12 months from December 2014
                                In 2014, we will host the World           Prior to 1996, CEOs did not have     to November 2015. For 2015, the
                            Economic Forum East Asia Summit.           access to Ministers, let alone Lead-    APEC National Organizing Coun-
                            In 2015, we will chair and host the        ers. Under Philippine chairmanship,     cil (APEC-NOC), of which I am a
                            APEC Economic Leaders’ Meet-               Leaders were suddenly meeting           member, has decided to spread
                            ing. In 2016, the ASEAN Tourism Fo-        businessmen at the CEO Summit,          these meetings to 10 cities across
                            rum will be held here, and in 2017,        and ABAC members and busi-              the     country—Manila,       Tagay-
                            the ASEAN Summit will be held in           ness delegates were holding joint       tay, Subic, Clark, Boracay, Iloi-
                            the Philippines, marking the 50th          meetings with Trade and Finance         lo, Bacolod, Cebu, Legazpi, and
                            anniversary of ASEAN.                      Ministers. This access has eventual-    Davao. This was part of our inclu-
                                Viewed in this context, how            ly blossomed into an institutional-     sive growth strategy to widely dis-
                            should we prepare for internation-         ized set of meetings so that APEC       perse infrastructure development.
                            al meetings like APEC and how              Leaders and Ministers can get reg-         Imagine the impact these tar-
                            can we take advantage of the               ular policy inputs from the business    geted public investments in air-
                            opportunities it presents?                 community.                              ports, roads, medical facilities, and
                                The APEC Summit presents four             In 2015, we should take the op-      convention centers can bring, es-
                            opportunities: First, it provides the      portunity to redefine this level of     pecially when coupled with pri-
                            Philippines an international lead-         access so that the interaction be-      vate sector investments in hotels,
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							                                                              APEC: THE ROAD TO 2015 – CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES

transport, and other tourism-and          and advocates for better post-har-
convention-related facilities. To-        vest practice and higher, common
gether with other ancillary services      food standards so economies can
that are needed, these meetings           become more food secure.
can help jumpstart or boost the              The fourth area is in Trade in Ser-
tours and convention business in          vices and Labor Mobility. People are
some places. The meetings also            our most valuable asset in the Phil-
bring visitors and investors—many         ippines and services are our com-
of them for the first time to these       petitive advantage. By services, we
cities—to experience Filipino hos-        refer to a wide range of businesses,
pitality and to see for themselves        not only on outsourced services or
the potential for business outside        the movement of our people.
Manila.                                      The fifth is in Liveable Cities. The
   It is worth noting that the gov-       trend worldwide is to create or
ernment has decided not to build          re-design our cities to be more sus-        The Makati Business Club invites guest
temporary structures and has cho-         tainable and liveable. Given our            speakers to its General Membership
sen instead to focus on permanent         vulnerability and exposure to cli-          Meetings and MBC Briefings to dis-
                                                                                      cuss public issues and trends, whether
infrastructure which will benefit Fili-   mate change events and natural
                                                                                      local or global, that have an impact on
pinos over the long-term. The host-       disasters, this has taken on the add-
                                                                                      Philippine development. MBC Forum
ing of major international events,        ed perspective of designing disas-          highlights the speeches and discussions at
like the ones I mentioned earlier         ter-risk reduction features into our        these gatherings. The full text of speeches
(WEF, APEC, and ASEAN), provides          cities.                                     and other presentations may be found at
this impetus for making long-term            And sixth is good governance             the MBC website, www.mbc.com.ph.
investments in better infrastructure.     and anti-corruption. Within ABAC,
The presence of high-profile events       there is a growing trend to address
on the calendar provides greater          the issue of anti-corruption and cor-     the challenge of uniting on policy
motivation and fixed deadlines for        porate ethics. Good governance is         to promote our country’s interests
completing these projects.                a two-way street.                         on an international stage.
                                             Within the government, the                In sum, what will make our host-
ABAC 2015 PRIORITIES                      APEC-NOC’s Committee on Host              ing a “success” for the Philippines?
The first is SMME Growth and De-          Economy Priorities has also identified       First, we will put in improved in-
velopment focused on promoting            a range of issues, some of which will     frastructure and services with long-
intra-APEC business among SMEs            overlap some of our own priorities.       term, post-APEC uses in place for
and advocating information tech-                                                    the benefit of the public. Second, if
nology and innovation to bring            SUCCESSFUL HOSTING                        we begin the trend for Liveable Cit-
SMEs into the online world.               The APEC chairmanship of 2015, I be-      ies even on a small-scale and then
   The second is Infrastructure De-       lieve, should drive us to think through   grow it out, our cities will improve.
velopment. Within ABAC, a special         these issues carefully and in concert     Third, we need to devise a way of
group known as the Asia Pacific           with the government. This presents        setting an agenda that is aligned
Infrastructure Partnership focuses        us with the challenge of creating an      to our own national priorities. That is
on PPP models around APEC mem-            institutionalized mechanism for pub-      one way of promoting our national
ber-economies and documents               lic policy discussion and formulation,    interest globally. Fourth, we should
best-practice across the region. It is    involving the government and busi-        take advantage of the opportunity
a great resource for exchanging in-       ness community. In this way, both         to re-shape and re-project the im-
formation on policy and practice in       the private sector and the govern-        age of the country as progressive
what is an emerging field in APEC.        ment will support each other in inter-    and business-friendly.
   The third is Food Security. This       national negotiations.                       And lastly, we should use this
group takes stock of the region’s             This, could be the best benefit of    hosting opportunity to unite our
supply of key crops and products          hosting APEC. It will “force” upon us     people and instill pride in the coun-
                                                                                    try. Hosting APEC involves welcom-
                                                                                    ing thousands of people to the
 About The Speaker                                                                  Philippines, many for the first time.
 Jaime Augusto Zobel De Ayala                                                       We should use this opportunity to
                                                                                    show them what a great country
 Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala is the Chairman and CEO of Ayala Corporation.
 It has subsidiaries and affiliates in real estate development, telecommunica-      we have.
 tions, banking and financial services, electronics manufacturing, transport
 infrastructure, water distribution, and business process outsourcing. Mr. Zobel                        Excerpts edited by
 earned his bachelor’s degree in Economics in 1981 and his MBA in 1987 from                            MA. ROXANNE V. LU
 Harvard University.                                                                            Research Programs Director
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