Page created by Michael Townsend

     POWERLIST 2021 |



   For 33 years, The Legal 500 has been             Macedonia. As with any publication of this
analysing the capabilities of law firms and sets    nature, we were faced with the dilemma of
across the world. In the research team, we          including as many worthy candidates as possible
constantly track which sections are used most       without diluting the significance of their listing.
by clients, and this often matches up with an       After lengthy discussions across the editorial
increase in that section from submissions,          team, we decided that a larger selection was
client referees, requests for interviews and        necessary to provide sufficient nuance and
feedback – all of which make up the research        balance across so many different markets. We
process. The international arbitration rankings     hope that by expanding the selection we have
are consistently one of our most used and           managed to include some surprises.
read editorial sections and one of the most            To collate the list of leading practitioners we
competitive areas for law firms, sets, lawyers      have of course drawn on our research team’s
and barristers. This chimes with what we            expertise. We have also approached leading
constantly hear anecdotally in the market, with     arbitrators, arbitral institutions and general
international arbitration frequently cited as the   counsel active in the market to help create a
preferred form of dispute resolution.               definitive list of the leading arbitration counsel
   The Arbitration Powerlist: Central and Eastern   in the Central and Eastern Europe region
Europe showcases the leading practitioners          today. As such, we think the listing reflect
working in a broad sweep of countries,              those practitioners that are deemed the gold
stretching from Austria and Poland to the           standard by business. n
Baltic nations and down to Serbia and North

     The Legal 500 – In-house Legal Research Team

                                                                                                          CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE   1
Catalin Alexandru                   Filip & Company     Zoltán Forgó           Forgó, Damjanovic & Partners
    Assen Alexiev                           Assen Alexiev   Angel Ganev      Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov &
    Daniel Alexandru Aragea           STOICA & Asociaţii                                                  Velichkov
    Ramūnas Audzevičius           Motieka & Audzevicius     Assen Georgiev                                     CMS
    Jozef Bannert                          Cerha Hempel     Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz              GESSEL
    Metodi Baykushev               Dimitrov, Petrov & Co.                                        Attorneys at Law
    Valentin Berea          RTPR - Radu Taracila Padurari   Carri Ginter                                   Sorainen
                                              Retevoescu    Jola Giuzi                          Kalo & Associates
    Jelena Bezarević Pajić      Moravčević Vojnović and     Leon Glikman                     Gilkman Alvin LEVIN
              Partners - in cooperation with Schoenherr     Anne-Karin Grill                         AKG Advisory
    Filip Blagojević            BOPA Bojanovic Partners     Dr Heidrun Halbartschlager            Konrad Partners
    Filip Boras                          Baker McKenzie     Monika Hartung                  Wardynski & Partners
    Miklós Boronkay            Szecskay Attorneys at Law    Triinu Hiob                          NJORD Law Firm
    Marcin Boruc                 Radzikowski, Szubielska    František Honsa                                     BBH
                                        i Wspólnicy sp.k.   Dr Vít Horáček                                  Legalité
    Borislav Boyanov                 Boyanov & Partners     Karolína Horáková                                   Skils
    Branco Bulat                      Savoric & Partners    Ivo Janda                                 White & Case
    Gheorghe Butra                      Musat & Asociatii   Marek Jeżewski                  Kochański & Partners
    Biljana Cakmakova             Cakmakova Advocates       Inga Kačevska              Inga Kačevska Law Office
    Alban Çaushi                              CR Partners   Tomáš Kamenec                         Paul Q Law Firm
    Kina Chuturkova                  Boyanov & Partners     Edin Karakaš                            Žurić i Partneri
    Jasminka Čorda Truhar         Hanžeković & Partners     Daniela Karollus-Bruner                            CMS
    Rimantas Daujotas             Motieka & Audzevicius     Paul Keres                       Gilkman Alvin LEVIN
    Ivan Debarliev                                   DDK    Theis Klauberg                      Klauberg BALTICS
    Pavel Dejl                       Kocian Solc Balastik   Dejan Knezovic                 Knezovic & Associates
    Marius Devyžis                        Derling Primus    Tijana Kojović                           BDK Advokati
    Ana Diculescu-Șova           Nestor Nestor Diculescu    Péter Komáromi                 Eversheds Sutherland
                                      Kingston Petersen     Dr Christian W. Konrad                Konrad Partners
    Tsvetelina Dimitrova         Georgiev, Todorov & Co.    Leon Kopecký                                Schoenherr
                                              Law Offices   Wojciech Kozlowski                             Dentons
    Dr Vladimir M. Djerić             Mikijelj Jankovic &   Uroš Križanec                        Sibinčič Križanec
                                             Bogdanovic     Bartosz Krużewski                      Clifford Chance
    Lucie Dolanská Bányaiová        Bányaiová Vožehová      Jānis Kubilis                                   Vilgerts
    Gediminas Dominas                           WALLESS     Peter Kubina                                   Dentons
    Ion Dragne                       Dragne & Associatii    Nataša Lalatović ĐorđevićMoravčević Vojnović and
    Tamás Éless                              Oppenheim               Partners - in cooperation with Schoenherr
    Sokol Elmazaj                     Boga & Associates     Maciej Łaszczuk                  Łaszczuk & Partners
    Emil Emanuilov                Kambourov & Partners      András Dániel László              LFB - László Fekete
    Eliane Fischer                          rothorn legal                                                Bagaméry


Milan Lazić                   Karanovic & Partners       Anca Pușcașu                 Țuca Zbârcea & Asociatii
Ģirts Lejiņš                                   Cobalt    Marcin Radwan-Röhrenschef                 Röhrenschef
Jure Levovnik                          Jadek & Pensa     István Réczicza                                Dentons
Christoph Lindinger                         Schönherr    Stefan Riegler                              Wolf Theiss
Liina Linsi                                    Cobalt    Aleš Rojs          Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik & Partners
Josip Madirazza               Madirazza & Partners       Robert Roşu                  Țuca Zbârcea & Asociatii
Martin Magál                            Allen & Overy    Markus Schifferl               Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
Arno Mamasyan               Georgiev, Todorov & Co       Anton Sigal                                 Ellex Raidla
Senka Mihaj                   Mihaj, Ilić & Milanović    Rimantas Simaitis                                Cobalt
Andrzej Miklas                          Rymarz Zdort     Andrius Smaliukas                        Ellex Valiunas
Agim Muco                                  Wolf Theiss   Stanisław Sołtysiński             Sołtysiński Kawecki
Péter P Nagy                      Nagy és Trócsányi                                                    & Szlęzak
András Nemescsói                            DLA Piper    Sylvia Steeva                         Tomov & Tomov
Valts Nerets                                 Sorainen    Cristiana-Irinel Stoica          STOICA & Asociatii –
Ivaylo Nikolov               Kambourov & Partners                                             Attorneys at Law
Đorđe Novčić                                      JPM    Petar D. Stojanović Joksović, Stojanović & Partners
Dr. Zsolt Okányi                                 CMS     Michał Subocz                             White & Case
Marcin Olechowski Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak          Kęstutis Švirinas                              Sorianen
Miloš Olík                           ROWAN LEGAL         András Szecskay            Szecskay Attorneys at Law
Solveiga Palevičienė                        Glimstedt    Justyna Szpara                    Łaszczuk & Partners
Józef Palinka                                     DZP    Flonia Tashko-Boriç                     Tashko Pustina
Magdalena Papiernik           Kochański & Partners       Oleg Temnikov                               Wolf Theiss
László Partos       Partos & Noblet in cooperation       Lazar Tomov                           Tomov & Tomov
                                with Hogan Lovells       Domagoj Truhar                 Hanžeković & Partners
Rostislav Pekař                Squire Patton Boggs       Florentin Țuca               Țuca Zbârcea & Asociatii
Philipp A. Peters                Konrad & Partners       Ziedonis Udris                          Skudra & Udris
Paweł Pietkiewicz                Greenberg Traurig       Toomas Vaher                                Ellex Raidla
Aivar Pilv                            LEADELL (Pilv)     Vilija Vaitkute Pavan                    Ellex Valiunas
Sylwia Piotrowska                   Baker McKenzie       Tadas Varapnickas                            TGS Baltic
Pirkka-Marja Põldvere                 LEADELL (Pilv)     Paul Varul                                   TGS Baltic
Cornel Popa                Țuca Zbârcea & Asociatii      Cosmin Vasile Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners
Luminita Popa                              Suciu Popa    Dan Visiou        Bucharest International Arbitration
Tatjana Popovski-Buloski       Popovski & Partners                                         Court/Independent
Boris Porobija                  Porobija & Porobija      Valentina Wong                              Wolf Theiss
Roman Prekop              Barger Prekop Attorneys        Calin-Andrei Zamfirescu           Zamfirescu Racoti &
David Premelč               Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik                                                     Partners
                                         and Partners    Gerold Zeiler                  Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
Tatiana Prokopová              Squire Patton Boggs       Levana Zigmund               Țuca Zbârcea & Asociatii
Dragan Psodorov Joksović, Stojanović & Partners          Daiga Zivtiņa                             Ellex Klavins

                                                                                     CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE     3
36       TEAM PROFILE: Łaszczuk & Partners

    6                             9                        22
    Anne-Karin Grill              Dan Visiou               Beata Gessel-Kalinowska
    Roman Prekop                  Angel Ganev               vel Kalisz
    7                             10                       Paweł Pietkiewicz
    Martin Magál                  Bartosz Krużewski        Anton Sigal
    Tijana Kojović                                         23
    8                                                      Jure Levovnik
    František Honsa               TEAM PROFILE        12   Jasminka Čorda Truhar
    Sokol Elmazaj                 CMS                      Solveiga Palevičienė
    Metodi Baykushev

24                         48
Inga Kačevska
Dragan Psodorov
                           Dr Vladimir M. Djerić
                           Jelena Bezarević Pajić
25                         Nataša Lalatović Đorđević
Petar D. Stojanović        49 Ramūnas Audzevičius
26 Đorđe Novčić            50
28                         Triinu Hiob
Emil Emanuilov             Tatjana Popovski-Buloski     Monika Hartung
Theis Klauberg             51
Milan Lazić                Tomáš Kamenec               59
29                         Eliane Fischer              Tadas Varapnickas
Dr Christian W. Konrad     52 Miloš Olík               Sylvia Steeva
Dr Heidrun                 53                          Daniel Alexandru Aragea
 Halbartschlager           Leon Kopecký                60
                           Aleš Rojs                   Anca Pușcașu
TEAM PROFILE          30   54 Karolína Horáková        Cornel Popa
Kochański & Partners       55                          Florentin Țuca
                           Carri Ginter                61 Levana Zigmund
                           Valts Nerets                Robert Roşu
46                         56                          63 Oleg Temnikov
Dr Vít Horáček             Tomáš Kamenec               Stefan Riegler
Josip Madirazza            Luminita Popa               64 Cosmin Vasile
Senka Mihaj                57 Miklós Boronkay          65 Gerold Zeiler
47 András Dániel László    58 András Szecskay          Markus Schifferl

                                                            CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE   5
Anne-Karin Grill                                                                                                Roman Prekop
    AKG ADVISORY                                                                                                    Barger Prekop Attorneys

    Location: Austria                                                                                               Location: Slovakia
    Number of years in practice: Ten                                                                                Number of years in practice: 20+
    Number of years as an arbitrator: Eight                                                                         Number of years as an arbitrator: Seven
    Admissions: Austria                                                                                             Current appointments: Two
    Main sectors covered: Commercial, corporate,                                                                    Admissions: Slovakia, New York
    investment, energy, construction, banking                                                                       Main sectors covered: Energy, M&A,
    and finance, new technologies                                                                                   construction
    Geographical areas of focus: Europe (Austria,                                                                   Geographical areas of focus: Central
    Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, UK,                                                                      and Eastern Europe, Balkans, Austria,
    Scandinavia), Northern Africa (Morocco), Asia                                                                   Switzerland, Italy
    (Hong Kong and Mainland China)                                                                                  Languages: English, Slovak, Czech
    Languages: German, English, French, Swedish
                                                                                                                    Roman Prekop has been a partner at Barger
                                                                                                                    Prekop Attorneys since 2010, leading the firm’s
    Anne-Karin Grill is an experienced international                                                                dispute resolution practice with a particular
    arbitration lawyer who is well-versed in other forms                                                            focus on Slovakia, Central and Eastern Europe
    of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), especially                                                             and the Balkans.
    mediation. She has been described as the ‘go-to
    mediation specialist’ in Austria by one client, while    also serves on the Mediation Advisory Board of the     Prekop is an accomplished arbitrator, frequently
    another notes her prolific work in this field and says   Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC). Upon      acting in international arbitrations under the
    Grill ‘stands apart in the Austrian market.’             the nomination of the Republic of Austria, Grill       rules of the ICC and VIAC for clients across the
                                                             was appointed to the Panel of Conciliators of the      energy, banking and construction sectors. A
    Grill advises clients in commercial arbitration          International Centre for Settlement of Investment      fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
    proceedings in accordance with the rules of key          Disputes (ICSID).                                      (FCIArb), he is also co-chair of the Slovak chapter
    arbitral institutions and has an excellent track-                                                               of the New York Bar Association’s International
    record in investor-state arbitration. In addition to     She has served as arbitrator on numerous               Section, and holds an LLM from Cornell Law
    her advocacy work before international tribunals,        occasions, including in ICC, VIAC and Finnish          School.
    she serves as arbitrator and acts as CEDR accredited     Arbitration Institute proceedings. Her experience as
    mediator/conciliator in high-profile international       mediator/conciliator is not limited to commercial
    disputes. She also advises in litigation proceedings     matters only. Grill has acted as neutral in a number
    before the Austrian state courts, in particular in       of disputes involving sovereigns and international
    proceedings for the domestic enforcement or              organisations. Since 2020, her vision of modern
    setting-aside of international arbitral awards.          international dispute resolution services supports
                                                             her own legal advisory business: AKG ADVISORY is
    Grill is a member of the International Court of          an international ADR-focused boutique based in
    Arbitration of the International Chamber of              the heart of Europe with a truly global outlook and
    Commerce (ICC), a member of the Board of the             corporate client-base.
    Austrian Arbitration Association (Arb|Aut), and


Martin Magál                                                                                                  Tijana Kojović
Allen & Overy                                                                                                 BDK Advokati

Location: Slovakia                                                                                            Location: Serbia
Number of years in practice: 22                       disposals, joint ventures and privatisations. He
                                                                                                              Number of years in practice: 19
                                                      frequently acts as party representative in numerous
Number of years as an arbitrator: 12                  arbitrations conducted under the arbitration rules      Admissions: Belgrade Bar
Current appointments as arbitrator: Two               of the ICC, VIAC, SCAI, SCCI (Court of Arbitration of   Main sectors covered: All sectors
as sole arbitrator, two as chair, eight as co-        the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
                                                                                                              Geographical areas of focus: Serbia,
                                                      and PAC SBA (Permanent Arbitration Court of the
arbitrator                                            Slovak Banking Association). He has also acted          Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Admissions: Slovak Bar Association                    as an arbitrator in arbitrations conducted under        Languages: English, French, Serbian,
Main sectors covered: M&A, energy, real               International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), German
                                                                                                              Croatian, Montenegrin, Bosnian
                                                      Institution for Arbitration (DIS), London Court
estate, commercial                                    of International Arbitration (LCIA) and Vienna
Geographical areas of focus: Europe, MENA             International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) rules.             Tijana Kojović is the founding and managing
Languages: Slovak, English, German                                                                            partner of BDK Advokati, with a particular
                                                      Magál is currently serving as a member of the           expertise and experience in international
(understand French and Russian)                       board at the Arbitration Court of the Slovak Bar        arbitration and litigation. She is active in the
                                                      Association and has been one of the key individuals     firm’s strategic transactional, advisory and
                                                      behind the plan to develop the body into one            contentious work, and has recently led the
Martin Magál is managing partner and head of          of Slovakia’s most trusted domestic arbitration         effort to launch a human rights litigation
Allen & Overy’s litigation and arbitration practice   institutions. He is also a fellow of the Chartered      practice within the firm. At the very beginning
in Slovakia. He also co-ordinates the dispute         Institute of Arbitrators.                               of her career, Kojović worked at Allen & Overy
resolution practice in Allen & Overy’s Central and                                                            in Budapest and London, and at Austrian firm
Eastern Europe offices. Magál holds law degrees       Additionally, Magál has contributed articles and        Wolf Theiss. Kojović represented Mytilineos in
from Comenius University in Bratislava and            summaries to several domestic legal journals and        the successful investment arbitration against
Cambridge University, and has been a member of        international arbitration handbooks, and was            the Serbian state, and is a board member of the
the Slovak Bar Association since 2001.                the principal drafter of new Slovak legislation on      Belgrade Arbitration Centre.
                                                      commercial arbitration, in effect since 2015. He is
Magál has been practicing law since 1999,             also Slovakia’s national correspondent to UNCITRAL      Kojović holds an LLM and PhD in international
advising clients on a wide range of corporate and     on commercial arbitration.                              business law from the Central European
commercial transactions including acquisitions,                                                               University in Budapest. She has published
                                                                                                              articles in international legal publications on
                                                                                                              topics including arbitration, competition and
                                                                                                              commercial law.

                                                                                                                          CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE             7
František Honsa                                          Sokol Elmazaj                                         Metodi Baykushev
    BBH                                                      Boga & Associates                                     Dimitrov, Petrov & Co.

    Location: Czech Republic                                 Location: Albania                                     Location: Bulgaria
    Number of years in practice: 25                          Number of years in practice: 24                       Number of years in practice: 15
    Number of years as an arbitrator: 15                     Number of years as an arbitrator: Nine                Admissions: Sofia Bar Association
    Current appointments as arbitrator: Five                 Current appointments as arbitrator: Three             Main sectors covered: Contract law,
    Admissions: Czech Bar Association                        Admissions: Albanian Bar Association                  international trade, energy, sports, real
    Main sectors covered: Dispute resolution with            Main sectors covered: Energy,                         estate, construction, infrastructure, public
    a main focus in commercial and banking law,              infrastructure, financial institutions, real          procurement and concessions
    frequently nominated in construction disputes            estate, telecommunications                            Geographical areas of focus: Bulgaria, EU
    Geographical areas of focus: Czech Republic,             Geographical areas of focus: Albania and              Languages spoken: Bulgarian, English,
    Slovak Republic                                          Kosovo                                                Macedonian
    Languages: Czech, English, Russian                       Languages spoken: Albanian, English,
                                                             Italian                                               Metodi Baykushev is a managing partner at
    A founding partner of the BBH firm, František                                                                  Dimitrov, Petrov & Co., leading the firm’s dispute
    Honsa has worked on a number of major disputes           Sokol Elmazaj is a partner at Boga and                resolution practice and co-heading the public
    that have been pivotal for the development and           Associates, joining the firm in 1996.                 procurement practice. With wide experience
    interpretation of Czech laws and regulations. A                                                                in commercial litigation and arbitration, he
    specialist in commercial and banking law, he has         He is an experienced counsel in international         has represented a number of major Bulgarian
    advised on several cases that have set important         commercial arbitration proceedings involving          and international companies in arbitration and
    precedents and standards for banks operating in          Albanian law. He is a listed arbitrator for the ADR   complex disputes, both under ICC rules and
    the Czech Republic. These include the obligations of     Centre of the American Chamber of Commerce            before the Bulgarian Supreme Court.
    banks arising from the adoption of ISDA standards,       in Kosovo, and serves as chairman of the ADR
    as well as defining banks responsibilities towards       Steering Council, part of the American Chamber        Baykushnev is actively involved in the Bulgarian
    their customers’ accounts.                               of Commerce in Kosovo.                                arbitration community, serving as Secretary
                                                                                                                   General of the ICC’s Bulgarian National
    Actively employing his specialist knowledge as an        Elmazaj is an active member of the ICC Albania        Committee, and has also lectured in business
    arbitration counsel, Honsa is currently acting as        Commission of Arbitration and the ADR, and is         law at the American University in Bulgaria from
    lead counsel in a dispute between leading Czech          currently involved in the consultation process        2017-18. Additionally, he is co-founder and
    banks surrounding an anti-competitive takeover of        for new law on arbitration prepared by the            volunteer at Smoke Free Bulgaria, a pressure
    a business entity. The compensation being sought         Albanian Ministry of Justice.                         group advocating smoking bans in indoor
    in this claim totals billions of Czech crowns. Honsa                                                           public areas.
    is also representing one of the largest technology
    companies in the Czech Republic over a claim in
    excess of CZK11bn brought by foreign companies
    over non-existing contracts. Honsa is also currently
    involved in the largest claim for damages in the
    history of the Czech Republic, representing Safe
    Diesel as plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit stemming
    from the “Dieselgate” scandal, where more than
    CZK20bn is being sought.

    Honsa is an arbitrator and board member of the
    Czech Arbitration Court attached to the Economic
    Chamber of the Czech Republic and the Agricultural
    Chamber of the Czech Republic. He is also an
    arbitrator with the London Court of International
    Arbitration (LCIA), and has represented a number of
    clients including PPF group, KKCG, Komerční banka,
    Moneta Bank, Česká pojišťovna, Moravské naftové
    doly, Škoda Transportation and Koh-i-noor.


Dan Visiou                                               Angel Ganev
Bucharest International Arbitration Court/Independent    Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov
                                                         & Velichkov

Location: Romania
                                                         Location: Bulgaria
Number of years in practice: 22
                                                         Number of years in practice: 21
Number of years as an arbitrator: Nine
                                                         Number of years as an arbitrator: 15
Admissions: Bucharest Bar, Florida Bar
                                                         Admissions: Sofia Bar
Main sectors covered: International sports law,
                                                         Main sectors covered: International and
international construction law including FIDIC
                                                         domestic arbitration, litigation, insolvency,
contracts, investor-state (ICSID) arbitration,
                                                         restructuring, competition, international
international commercial arbitration
                                                         trade, debt collection
Geographical areas of focus: European Union
                                                         Languages: English, Bulgarian
and North America
Languages: English and Romanian                          Angel Ganev has been a partner at Sofia-based
                                                         Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov
Dan Visiou is one of the founding members of             for the last 16 years, with a particular practice
the Bucharest International Arbitration Court            focus on competition, litigation, corporate
(BIAC), a new arbitral centre in the CEE region of       workouts and insolvency. He and his team
which he is also currently Secretary General. His        handle complex commercial and insolvency
practice as arbitration counsel has been focused on      disputes for a host of domestic and international
international arbitration in the English language,       clients, with a strong emphasis on cross-border
seated in North America and Europe. He is on the         disputes.
closed-list of Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)
arbitrators (as per the CAS’ site, the closed list       Ganev is an accomplished arbitrator, and has
comprises approximately 300 arbitrators from 87          been a member of the Chartered Institute of
countries), and one of the few Fellows with The          Arbitrators since 2007, one year after earning
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb) based in     a Diploma in International Comparative
the CEE region. He is also registered as an arbitrator   Commercial Arbitration from the School
in the ICC’s arbitrator database and was involved        of International Arbitration in London. For
in the first ICSID case to hold video hearings at        almost a decade he has acted as an arbitrator
the beginning of April 2020, in lieu of face-to-face     at the Vienna International Arbitral Centre.
hearings in Paris.                                       Additionally, he frequently authors legal articles
                                                         on Bulgarian and international arbitration law.

                                                                   CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE                 9
Bartosz Krużewski
     Clifford Chance

     Location: Poland                                           bilateral treaty case regarding a renewable energy        we represented in a case regarding the construction
     Number of years in practice: Over 20                       investment in the region, representing a US investor      of a steam power plant. These cases make up a large
     Number of years as an arbitrator: Ten (ICC, DIS,           against the Republic of Poland.                           proportion of my work.
     ad hoc, Polish Chamber of Commerce)                        Bartosz Krużewski has been the Chairman of the            Central and Eastern Europe has seen a lot of
     Admissions: Polish Bar                                     Arbitration Committee of ICC Poland for several           construction work over the past decade, which
     Sectors covered: Oil & gas, infrastructure,                years and a member of the Board of Directors of           inevitably means there have been a lot of
                                                                ICC Poland. He was also chairman of the appointing        construction related disputes. There are still large
     construction, post-M&A, investment                         committee at the Lewiatan Arbitration Court in            funds going into infrastructure, and when one looks
     Geographical areas of focus: Continental                   Warsaw and an officer of the European Forum of the        into the new EU budget and the recovery fund
     Europe                                                     International Bar Association.                            there will be funds flowing all over Europe that will
                                                                                                                          go into the transformation of heavy industry and
     Languages: Polish, English                                                                                           the development of green economy, including
                                                                                                                          renewables. This will ultimately create a number of
     Bartosz Krużewski is one of the leading lawyers in
     Poland specialising in construction and infrastructure     In conversation with…                                     As a leader of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution
     disputes and investment treaty arbitration, in which                                                                 practice for Continental Europe I have been
     capacity he typically acts for large international         ‘Like many of the more senior lawyers in this             recently thinking about what, if anything, might
     investors. Recently, he was named as the firm’s head       region, I began my career working on corporate and        be distinctive of “Central and Eastern European
     of litigation and dispute resolution practices for all     commercial matters and of course on the pioneering        style disputes” vs the types of matters one more
     of Continental Europe – a rare achievement for a           privatizations of the 90s. In the late 90s, following     typically encounters in Western Europe. Ultimately,
     partner based in Warsaw and one which shows just           the large wave of post-privatisation arbitrations, I      there are no significant differences that would
     how highly he is regarded both as an arbitration and       gradually began to specialise in disputes, though         prevent someone familiar with Central Europe from
     litigation practitioner and as a leader.                   I have retained my understanding of the ways              practicing in the West. There are, however significant
                                                                in which an M&A transaction itself can drive              cultural differences.
     Krużewski acts on the largest and most complex             subsequent disputes.
     commercial and investment treaty cases, often as                                                                     One of the more notable differences is that a
     co-counsel alongside London-based arbitration              Interestingly, we are seeing a surge of these sorts       client which originates in this part of the world is
     star Audley Sheppard QC. His recent standout               of issues in arbitration. One of the discernible trends   typically less familiar with the steps and processes
     instructions include representing one of the parties       that we have already seen resulting from the global       involved in an international arbitration. For many
     in an ICC arbitration related to the construction          pandemic is in the M&A space. There is already a          of these clients, the dispute you are assisting them
     of the first LNG terminal on the Baltic coast. Other       significant number of disputes where buyers are           with will be the first large arbitration that they have
     highlights from his illustrious career include             unhappy about the price they agreed before the            been a part of, and they will not be familiar with the
     representing Manchester Securities Corporation             pandemic.                                                 procedure and process of international arbitration
     Management Corporation against the Republic of                                                                       institutions such as ICC or LCIA. As such, dealing
     Poland.                                                    In my first investor-state case we defended Poland        with clients requires lawyers to take a different and
                                                                against Mercuria Energy Group, a multinational            more hands-on approach. There is also perhaps a
     This 2015 UNCITRAL case concerned claims arising           commodity trading company. We eventually won              greater degree of distrust from the clients towards
     out of the Polish courts’ decision to nullify a mortgage   this case in what was a rewarding victory for us.         arbitration that one must overcome when compared
     over an unfinished apartment complex in Krakow in          Later, I have mainly acted on the investor side of        to Western European clients.
     southern Poland. Krużewski and his team introduced         investor-state disputes.
     some novel arguments, establishing that a judgment                                                                   There is a big concern in this part of the world
     of the Polish Supreme Court constituted a denial           I have built up a record of handling complex cases,       about the rule of law and the independence of
     of justice. Such cases are rare and difficult to win,      many of which have concerned disputes in the              the courts. The upshot of this is that international
     and it is testament to the skill of Krużewski and his      energy, construction and infrastructure sectors.          arbitration is likely to be the beneficiary of the
     team that a favourable result was obtained. More           About a year ago we won a significant award for our       undermined legitimacy of the courts’. n
     recently, he was involved in a pending Poland-US           client, a Spanish infrastructure conglomerate, which



     Business message
     The CMS arbitration practice is known for          services, hotels and leisure, infrastructure and
     its geographical breadth combined with its         project finance, lifesciences and healthcare,
     deep sector expertise. Our arbitration group       real estate, and technology, media and
     spans the globe: we have the capability to         communications. Our international arbitration
     practice arbitration via the entire CMS network    group includes many practitioners who have
     of 77 offices in 43 countries and we have          a specialist focus on investment disputes. CMS
     extensive experience of representing clients       has extensive experience working with both
     in arbitrations under the rules of the world’s     investors and governments to resolve disputes.
     leading institutions (ICC, LCIA, CIETAC, ICSID,    We know how disputes arise, what the common
     PCA, WIPO, SIAC, HKIAC, Swiss Rules) and in ad     commercial objectives for investor claimants are,
     hoc arbitrations. CMS is particularly prominent    and how to tailor an effective dispute resolution
     in the local and international arbitration         strategy that can often result in dispute
     community across Central and Eastern Europe        avoidance through strategic negotiation before
     where CMS arbitration lawyers are actively         a fully-fledged arbitration arises.
     involved with all the major global, regional and
     local arbitration institutions and bodies where    In addition to the work we perform for clients,
     they act both as counsel and regularly sit as      our market leading arbitration practice is also
     arbitrators.                                       demonstrated by the thought leadership
                                                        projects that we undertake. By way of example,
     CMS is regularly instructed in disputes of great   in 2020 we released the CMS International
     strategic or financial importance. Our deeply      Disputes Digest, a bi-annual publication
     entrenched technical and local jurisdictional      featuring analysis and commentary on the
     knowledge means we are able to advise clients      key trends currently shaping the global
     on their largest and most business critical        dispute resolution market. Moreover, we
     matters.                                           have been progressively releasing updated
                                                        regional editions of the CMS Expert Guide
     CMS is organised into local and international      to International Arbitration, which is a
     sector groups. This enables our arbitration team   comprehensive, jurisdiction-based reference
     to draw on and work alongside market-leading       tool that is reputed as one of the best on the
     experts in consumer products, financial            market.

Zsolt Okányi

     Job title: Partner, global and CEE regional             to the construction of the city’s Metro 4 and Metro
     head of dispute resolution                              2 underground railway lines, which led to a highly
     Location: Hungary                                       favourable outcome for Okányi’s client. A further
                                                             notable case saw Okányi acting for a large German
     Number of years in practice: 19                         bank in a successful €168m arbitration related to
     Number of years as an arbitrator: 14                    the development of a new residential area outside
     Admissions: Hungary, New York, Italy                    Budapest which was followed by a second, related
                                                             dispute for €520m, which CMS also won.
     Main sectors covered: Construction, energy,
     transportation, telecoms, financial, aviation           He is currently representing one of the CEE region’s
     Geographical areas of focus: Western Europe,            largest oil companies, in its dispute with a regional
                                                             construction giant in a large and complex ICC
     Italy, Central and Eastern Europe                       arbitration relating to the construction of a gas
     Languages: Hungarian, English, German, Italian          pipeline in Poland. The case draws heavily on the
                                                             strengths of CMS’s disputes practice across Europe,
                                                             involving teams from Hungary and Poland alongside
     Zsolt Okányi is a partner admitted in Hungary, New      assistance from the firm’s Vienna and Zurich offices.
     York and Italy and has been serving as the global
     head of the disputes practice at CMS. He is based
     in the firm’s Budapest office and is also the acting
     head of the disputes practice across Central and
     Eastern Europe. With nearly 20 years of litigation                                                                  disputes. This is precisely why we have built a
     and arbitration practice, Okányi has a great deal of    In conversation with…                                       disputes practice from native dispute specialists in
     experience in all major segments of the profession:                                                                 each jurisdiction that can operate seamlessly and
     in investment arbitration under ECT and ICSID           ‘CMS has an office with an arbitration practice             deliver high quality work across the region.
     rules, in commercial arbitration under the ICC,         in every single jurisdiction in Europe. As a result,
     LCIA, VIAC and some local arbitral institutions in      we really show our strength when it comes to                Of course, investments into the CEE region do not
     CEE jurisdictions as well as in ad hoc arbitration      international arbitration. It is not uncommon to act        only come from the Western world. Investment from
     under the UNCITRAL rules, and in corporate / M&A        on disputes involving parties from three or more            Asian nations, particularly Japan and Korea, has been
     and construction disputes, though his more recent       jurisdictions, and it is at such times that clients truly   increasingly significant in recent years. Occasionally,
     practice has been focused on banking, telecoms and      appreciate our wide geographical coverage and the           these investors find themselves in court against
     media disputes. Okányi is recognised as one of the      closely integrated nature of our offices.                   local parties. I must say, cultural differences in
     leading litigation and arbitration experts in Hungary                                                               the approach to arbitration can be fascinating in
     by all the various directories.                         In Central and Eastern Europe historical, cultural          such cases, that we learnt and adding our local
                                                             and economic ties between the various jurisdictions         knowledge we are managing these situations to the
     Highlights from his arbitration practice include        remain very strong. This brings a very significant          benefit of our foreign clients.’ n
     representing a large German conglomerate in its         amount of investment, which is in turn, quite
     dispute against the Municipality of Budapest related    naturally, followed also by a good number of


Assen Georgiev

Job title: Partner
                                                 Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in
Location: Sofia                                  Bulgaria, as well as with the Arbitration Court at the
Number of years in practice: 21                  Bulgarian Football Union.
Admissions: Sofia Bar Association
Main sectors covered: Energy, construction, real
estate, transportation, telecoms
Geographical areas of focus: Bulgaria
Languages: Bulgarian, English
                                                 In conversation with...
                                                         ‘There has been a significant increase in the
Assen Georgiev is head of the litigation, arbitration,   number of international businesses operating
insurance and employment practice groups at the          in Bulgaria over the past five years, and while,
Sofia office of CMS. He has more than 20 years’ of       realistically, Bulgaria will not become an arbitration
experience in dispute resolution, from litigation        hub in the near future, this growth in investment will
to domestic and international arbitration and            inevitably mean that international arbitration is set
mediation.                                               to become an increasingly important feature of the
                                                         country’s disputes landscape.
His expertise includes representing clients before
various civil, commercial and administrative courts      The Bulgarian arbitration system is very well
in Bulgaria, including supreme courts, and major         established, being over 120 years old. Naturally, for    South Korean investor in arbitration with their
domestic arbitration institutions. He represents         nearly half of the twentieth century there was almost    local subcontractors involving one of the largest
clients in international arbitration institutions such   no arbitration in Bulgaria, and it was not until 1989    solar parks in Bulgaria. My Korean client was not
as tribunals constituted under the rules of the          that the Bulgarian state allowed - for the first time    happy with the performance of the subcontractors
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the          since 1952 - the arbitration of domestic disputes        – significant delay and poor quality of works. Given
International Centre for Settlement of Investment        between commercial entities. Since then, there have      my client’s dissatisfaction, it came as something of
Disputes (ICSID) in Washington DC, USA.                  been significant improvements in the domestic            a surprise, in the final hearing, to have my opposing
                                                         arbitration laws, and the Bulgarian International        counsel produce a letter, signed by my client, in
Most recently, he represented the owners of the          Commercial Arbitration Act has adopted most model        which the contractor was praised as among the best
largest solar power station in the Balkans in an         law provisions. There has also been a proliferation      construction companies ever!
ICSID arbitration against the Republic of Bulgaria       of arbitral institutions in Bulgaria, though it should
arising from violations of the energy charter treaty     be noted that newly emergent ones have not yet           Upon later inquiry, I learned that this arose
(ECT) and the Bulgarian state’s failure to ensure a      reached the reputation of older institutions.            from the exquisite politeness embedded in the
stable and predictable operating environment for                                                                  Korean culture. Despite his unhappiness with the
producers. In late 2020, Georgiev and the CMS team       While making arbitration more widely available           contractor, his perfect manners dictated he issues
in Bulgaria was engaged by another large renewable       to business is a good thing, we must be cautious         a recommendation letter to any company with
energy producer to prepare arbitration proceedings       that a proliferation of new institutions does not        which they had worked. My client did not consider
against the Republic of Bulgaria.                        compromise the perceived quality of the process. It is   it important and necessary to mention the existence
                                                         important to note that in Bulgaria, as in many other     of this letter. In the end we won the case, but it is a
Prior to joining CMS, Georgiev served as one of the      European countries, the advantages of arbitration        great example of how important cultural differences
managing partners of a leading Bulgarian law firm        (such as speed, cost, and flexibility, to name just a    are and, being aware of them will always allow us, as
and was involved in many of the largest privatisation    few) are becoming less clear to many businesses.         lawyers to provide the best protection for our clients
deals on behalf of the buyers. He is a certified                                                                  in any international arbitration.’ n
mediator registered with the Bulgarian Ministry          Navigating cultural differences is often the most
of Justice and an arbitrator with the Arbitration        amusing, and challenging, aspect of international
Court at the Bulgarian Industrial Association, the       arbitration. A few years ago, I acted for a major

                                                                                                                               CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE                   15
Daniela Karollus-Bruner                                                                                NedeljkoVelisavljević
     CMS                                                                                                    CMS

     Job title: Partner, head of dispute resolution                                                         Job title: Partner
     Location: Vienna                                                                                       Location: Belgrade

     Daniela Karollus-Bruner is a partner at CMS and     UNCITRAL Rules. She represents companies           Nedeljko Velisavljević is a partner and head of
     leads the dispute resolution group as well as the   in a wide range of industries, in particular       the dispute resolution practice at CMS Belgrade
     insurance industry team of CMS Reich-Rohrwig        construction (FIDIC-based contracts),              and at CMS Podgorica. He is recognised as one
     Hainz. She is recognised as one of the leading      energy, banking, financial services and            of the leading litigation lawyers in Serbia. He has
     litigation lawyers in Austria.                      insurance.                                         20 years of experience in litigation and dispute
                                                                                                            resolution, arbitrations, compliance matters,
     Karollus-Bruner has over 20 years of experience     During and after law school in Vienna and Paris,   white-collar crime and investigation matters,
     in conducting complex litigation and arbitration    she held assistant positions with the University   and has advised a number of companies with
     proceedings in particular in tort, contract,        of Vienna Law School (eg at the Department         regard to potential and pending complex
     product liability, corporate and competition law.   of civil law). Karollus-Bruner has over 20 years   disputes.
                                                         of experience as a lawyer in Vienna and Linz.
     She regularly acts as counsel in international      In addition, she is a sought-after speaker at      Velisavljević represents clients operating across
     commercial arbitration cases administered           executive seminars, as well as author and co-      a wide range of industry sectors, including real
     by leading arbitral institutions, most notably      author of various expert articles. She works in    estate, construction, banking and finance, life
     ICC, VIAC and in ad hoc arbitrations under the      German, English and French.                        sciences, consumer products, IT, technology,
                                                                                                            etc., before the courts of Serbia and Montenegro
                                                                                                            and other authorities.

                                                                                                            As part of his practice, Velisavljević has
                                                                                                            represented clients in complex arbitration
                                                                                                            proceedings on the national level in both Serbia
                                                                                                            and Montenegro, as well as in international


Sandra Lisac                                        Dunja Jandl
CMS                                                 CMS

Job title: Partner                                  Job title: Partner
Location: Zagreb                                    Location: Ljubljana

Sandra Lisac has been a partner since 2009 and      Dunja Jandl is a legal practitioner with more
heads the Zagreb dispute practice. Her focus is     than ten years of experience, who leads the
dispute resolution and legal matters concerning     Slovenian dispute resolution team. She has
real estate, physical planning, construction and    strong experience in representing clients,
employment law.                                     domestic and foreign corporates, in litigations
                                                    and out-of-court disputes. She focuses on
Lisac has more than 15 years of experience          construction and IP-related disputes and is
representing clients on a full range of corporate   regularly leading legal teams performing due
and commercial issues, with her initial focus       diligence and forensic reviews.
including transactional and development
support. She focuses on disputes regarding real     As a very experienced litigator, she also
estate title, spatial planning and construction,    represents her clients, who come from a variety
and commercial and financial contracts.             of sectors, especially retail, energy and hotel
                                                    and leisure, in court as well as in alternative
Lisac’s industry focus lies in property             dispute resolution proceedings, acting as
development, healthcare, insurance and              counsel, mediator and arbitrator.
banking. She is native in Croatian, and
proficiently fluent in both English and German.

                                                                                                      CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE   17
Malgorzata Surdek                                                                               Arkadiusz Korzeniewski
     CMS                                                                                             CMS

     Job title: Partner                                                                              Job title: Partner
     Location: Warsaw                                                                                Location: Warsaw

     Małgorzata Surdek is a Polish-qualified          arbitral institutions including ICC, SAKIG     Arkadiusz Korzeniewski is a Polish-qualified
     advocate and a partner in the dispute            and SA Lewiatan.                               advocate and a partner in the dispute resolution
     resolution department at CMS. Małgorzata                                                        department at CMS. He also leads the CEE
     heads the dispute resolution practice in         On 1 July 2018, Surdek was appointed           corporate crime practice. Korzeniewski has
     Poland. She regularly acts as counsel in         member of the International Court of           over 20 years’ experience representing clients
     international commercial arbitration cases       Arbitration of the International Chamber       in proceedings before Polish civil and criminal
     administered by leading arbitral institutions,   of Commerce (ICC) in Paris. She is also        courts as well as domestic and international
     most notably ICC, SCC, LCIA-DIFC, VIAC, in ad    a member of the ICC Commission on              arbitration tribunals. In addition, he has advised
     hoc arbitrations under the UNCITRAL Rules,       Arbitration and ADR, the Arbitration           and represented clients in corporate disputes and
     as well as in investment arbitrations.           Commission at the ICC Polish National          criminal proceedings.
                                                      Committee, the Arbitration Commission
     Her recent cases include representing            at the Polish Bar. Surdek is a Fellow of       Korzeniewski has been engaged in many high-
     the Republic of Poland in investment             the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and     profile cases concerning foreign investments
     arbitration against an investor in the mining    member of Arbitral Women. In December          in Poland, including representing Eureko in a
     industry; a PPP company in an UNCITRAL           2020 she was appointed a member of the         complex dispute with the State Treasury based
     arbitrations related to a motorway project       Global Steering Committee and the Co-Chair     on the Netherlands-Poland Bilateral Investment
     in Poland; a Hungarian contractor in an          of the EMEA edition of the Delos Remote        Treaty concerning a leading privatised Polish
     ICC arbitration related to the construction      Online Advocacy Program.                       insurance company. He also has unique
     of a gas pipeline in Poland; and a Chinese                                                      experience in arbitration and litigation
     provider of telecoms services in an LCIA-        She regularly appears as a speaker at          cases involving the largest infrastructure
     DIFC arbitration related to termination of       international arbitration conferences and is   projects in Poland, particularly in proceedings
     a contract in North Africa. Surdek also acts     the author of multiple publications in the     against public sector representatives (public
     as an arbitrator in proceedings concerning       field of arbitration.                          authorities). He has also represented clients
     energy, infrastructure, commercial, and post-                                                   from various sectors, including financial
     M&A disputes, administered by various                                                           institutions (banks and insurers) in a wide
                                                                                                     variety of commercial disputes.

                                                                                                     Korzeniewski is the author of numerous
                                                                                                     publications and a frequent speaker at
                                                                                                     conferences, where he speaks on issues
                                                                                                     concerning arbitration issues.

Anna Cudna-Wagner                                   Tomas Matejovsky
CMS                                                 CMS

Job title: Partner                                  Job title: Partner
Location: Warsaw                                    Location: Prague

Anna Cudna-Wagner is a partner and an               Tomáš Matĕjovský is a partner and head of the
attorney-at-law in the dispute resolution           commercial, regulatory and disputes practice at
department at CMS.                                  CMS Prague.

She also has many years of experience in            He focuses on litigation and arbitration,
representing business clients in civil and          compliance matters and white-collar crime,
commercial disputes before common courts            and on commercial law, including employment,
and arbitration tribunals. She specialises          IP and competition. As part of his practice, he
primarily in disputes relating to the banking       represents clients in various types of litigation
sector and competition law.                         and arbitration proceedings at all levels,
                                                    such as commercial, unfair competition and
Cudna-Wagner has represented entities from          damage claim disputes before regional courts,
the financial services sector in collective         superior courts, the Supreme Court, and the
actions and individual client actions. She          Constitutional Court and local and international
also represented clients before the Court of        arbitration bodies.
Competition and Consumer Protection in
competition law and consumer protection             In recent years, Matĕjovský has represented
cases, practices that violate collective consumer   clients in arbitration proceedings related to
interests and practices restricting competition.    M&A transactions, cross-border investments,
She also advised on disputes concerning the         product liability and commercial disputes
protection of intellectual property.                before national and international courts, as
                                                    well as at local and international arbitration
Cudna-Wagner is an arbitrator entered in the        tribunals.
list of arbitrators of the Lewiatan Court of

International legal directories Chambers and
The Legal 500 recommend Cudna-Wagner in
the area of dispute resolution.

                                                                                                        CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE   19
Horia Draghici                                       Olga Shenk
     CMS                                                  CMS

     Job title: Partner                                   Job title: Senior counsel
     Location: Bucharest                                  Location: Kyiv

                                                          Olga Shenk is a counsel in the commercial,
     Horia Drăghici is the partner coordinating the       regulatory and disputes practice group
     commercial and dispute resolution team at            in Kyiv office of CMS Cameron McKenna
     CMS in Romania. With over 16 years’ dispute          Nabarro Olswang. Olga’s expertise includes
     resolution practice, he has a great deal of          representation of local and international clients
     experience in commercial litigation and              in the areas of dispute resolution and litigation,
     arbitration, for both multinational clients and      investment and international commercial
     significant domestic companies in Romania,           arbitration, bankruptcy, criminal proceedings
     including experience with the ICC, VIAC,             and compliance.
     LCIA, ICSID and the Court of International
     Commercial Arbitration in Bucharest. Drăghici        Shenk has more than 13 years of experience
     has a particular focus on disputes in the energy     in highly complex litigation and arbitration
     and infrastructure sectors and has advised a         proceedings in Ukraine and abroad, including
     number of global energy businesses on disputes       in international investment and commercial
     in Romania. His practice deals extensively           arbitrations (under ICSID, UNCITRAL, LCIA, ICC,
     with arbitration (both international and             SCC, VIAC, ICAC rules), enforcement of arbitral
     national) and commercial litigation, including       awards in Ukraine and abroad and cross-border
     insolvency, disputes with public authorities         litigations. She also advises clients across a wide
     and international investment disputes. Drăghici      variety of sectors, including IT, agribusiness,
     is qualified to plead before all national courts     pharmaceuticals, insurance, energy and
     (including the Supreme Court of Romania)             banking.
     and is a skilled negotiator, familiar with several
     alternative dispute resolution techniques.           Shenk’s practice covers tax and compliance.
                                                          She has conducted numerous compliance
                                                          investigations of the alleged/reported corrupt
                                                          practices and regularly delivers anti-corruption
                                                          trainings for management and compliance
                                                          officers of top-ranked international businesses.


Oleksandr Protsiuk                                  Nedzida Salihovic-Whalen
CMS                                                 CMS

Job title: Counsel                                  Job title: Partner
Location: Kyiv                                      Location: Sarajevo

Oleksandr Protsiuk is a counsel at CMS Reich-       Nedžida Salihović-Whalen is a partner at
Rohrwig Hainz focusing on the dispute               CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz in Sarajevo. She is
resolution practice of the firm. He has             admitted to the Bosnian bar and has worked as
almost ten years of professional experience         a corporate lawyer for local and international
in consulting and prior to joining CMS in           companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 20
late 2017 Protsiuk worked as head of the            years. She has an LLM from a US university and
dispute resolution practice in an international     has been continously selected as a leading
consulting firm. Overall, he has more than          lawyer in BiH by The Legal 500, IFLR 1000 and
16 years of professional experience in              Chambers & Partners with excellent client
litigation, arbitration and supporting criminal     feedback.
proceedings, including tax and commercial
disputes, alternative dispute resolution, and       Salihović-Whalen represents local and
representing clients in courts of all levels.       international clients in various types of litigation
                                                    proceedings at all levels, such as commercial
Protsiuk has provided full-scope support to         litigation including insolvency, disputes with
a number of international companies and             public authorities and international investment
their representative offices in administrative      disputes before regional courts, superior courts,
(pre-trial) appeal, tax (customs), arbitration      the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court
and commercial litigation. He also has broad        as well as advising the clients together with the
experience in supporting clients during pre-trial   team in conection with arbitration proceedings.
criminal investigation of economic crimes.          She has been engaged in many high-profile
                                                    cases concerning foreign investments in Bosnia
                                                    and Herzegovina.

                                                                                                           CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE   21
Anton Sigal                                       Beata Gessel-Kalinowska                             Paweł Pietkiewicz
     Ellex Raidla                                      vel Kalisz                                          Greenberg Traurig
                                                       GESSEL Attorneys at Law
     Location: Estonia                                                                                     Location: Poland
     Number of years in practice: 21                   Location: Poland                                    Number of years in practice: 25
     Number of years as an arbitrator: 15              Number of years in practice: 30                     Number of years as an arbitrator: 15
     Admissions: Estonian Bar                          Number of years as an arbitrator: 25                Current appointments: Three
     Main sectors covered: Construction,               Current appointments as arbitrator: Four            Admissions: Warsaw Bar Association
     energy, M&A, real estate                          as sole arbitrator, one as chair, nine as co-       Geographical areas of focus: Europe,
     Geographical areas of focus: Estonia, Latvia      arbitrator                                          United States, Asia
     Languages: Estonian, English, Russian             Admissions: Warsaw Bar Association                  Languages: Polish, English, French, Russian
                                                       Main sectors covered: M&A, energy,
     Anton Sigal is a partner at Ellex Raidla in       construction, commercial                            Paweł Pietkiewicz is a partner at Greenberg
     Tallinn, and a key figure in the firm’s dispute                                                       Traurig, heading up the firm’s Warsaw dispute
     resolution department. He represents a            Geographical areas of focus: Central and            resolution practice since November 2015.
     variety of private and state actors in major      Eastern Europe
     arbitration proceedings dealing with a broad      Languages: Polish, English, Russian                 Pietkiewicz has been involved in a number of
     range of issues – from telecoms and energy                                                            group actions, representing banks, insurers, and
     to construction and consumer goods – under                                                            developers, and also has extensive experience
     the rules of the PCA, the Stockholm Chamber       Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz is an expert     in product liability cases. He has led a number of
     of Commerce, the Estonian Chamber of              practitioner in arbitration, M&A, private equity    dispute and resolution teams and represented
     Commerce, and the LCIA.                           and commercial law. A renowned arbitrator, she      hundreds of clients in some of the most
                                                       has participated in around 150 arbitration cases,   complex litigations and arbitrations before
     Prior to joining Ellex Raidla, Sigal had an in-   both domestic and international, conducted          Polish and international courts.
     house career as head of legal at Alta Capital     according to rules of the ICC, UNCITRAL, FCC,
     Partners, a private equity firm operating in      IAA, SCAI, SCC, Lewiatan, Polish National           Pietkiewicz has successfully acted for clients
     the Baltics and Central and Eastern Europe        Chamber of Commerce, SIDiR, and the National        in many arbitration disputes, including under
     region, representing the firm in complex M&A      Depository for Securities.                          the rules of the Lewiatan Court of Arbitration,
     transactions.                                                                                         the Polish Chamber of Commerce’s Court of
                                                       The majority of the arbitral proceedings she        Arbitration, and the ICC in Paris.
                                                       is involved in concern M&A transactions and
                                                       construction law, including FIDIC regulations,
                                                       and she is also a member of the ICC
                                                       International Arbitration Court.

                                                       She is also a respected figure in the academic
                                                       field, as adjunct professor at the Cardinal
                                                       Stefan Wyszynski University and visiting
                                                       academic at Oxford University, Cambridge and
                                                       Wolfson College from 2015 to 2018, where she
                                                       conducted comparative law research on M&A.
                                                       Her recent book “Legal, Real and Converged
                                                       Interest in Declaratory Relief” published by
                                                       Kluwer Law International, focuses on declaratory
                                                       relief in litigation and arbitration.


Solveiga Palevičienė                                  Jure Levovnik                                         Jasminka Čorda Truhar
Glimstedt                                             Jadek & Pensa                                         Hanžeković & Partners

Location: Lithuania                                   Location: Slovenia                                    Location: Croatia
Number of years in practice: 22                       Number of years in practice: 14                       Number of years in practice: 30
Number of years as an arbitrator: 12                  Admissions: Slovenian Bar                             Number of years as an arbitrator: One
Admissions: Lithuanian Bar Association                Main sectors covered: Construction,                   Admissions: Croatian Bar Association
Main sectors covered: Contracts, investments,         infrastructure, energy, electronic                    Main sectors covered: Construction law,
insurance, shareholder disputes, construction         communications                                        contract law, infrastructure
Geographical areas of focus: Lithuania, Latvia,       Geographical areas of focus: Slovenia,                Geographical areas of focus: Croatia, Bosnia
Estonia, EU                                           European Union                                        and Herzegovina, Romania
Languages: Lithuanian, English, Russian,              Languages: Slovenian, English, Croatian,              Languages: Croatian, English, German
French                                                Serbian, German, French and Spanish
                                                                                                            A Legal 500 ranked leading individual in
Solveiga Palevičienė has been managing partner        Since 2015, Jure Levovnik has been head of the        Croatia’s dispute resolution space, Jasminka
at Glimstedt since January 2020, after heading        dispute resolution department at Jadek & Pensa.       Čorda Truhar advises on cases across a range of
the firm’s dispute resolution practice. Joining       He also heads both the energy and electronic          different practice areas including commercial
Glimstedt in 2014, she has extensive arbitration      communications practices at the firm.                 law, construction and infrastructure, contract
experience, acting in corporate and commercial                                                              law, public procurement public law and EU
disputes at both domestic and international           Levovnik possesses extensive experience in            law. She is also heavily involved in litigation,
level representing financial institutions and         representing foreign and domestic clients in          arbitration and dispute resolution matters,
corporations. She a recommended arbitrators of        complex commercial litigation and arbitration         including as a counsel on UNCITRAL arbitration
the Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration, and      cases. He has experience in representing and/or       cases.
was appointed to the ICSID Panel of Conciliators      advising clients in international arbitration cases
by the Lithuanian government.                         before the International Chamber of Commerce          Truhar is actively involved in the arbitration
                                                      (ICC), Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC)    sphere, sitting as chair of the ICC Croatian
She has also served in a number of chief advisory     and ICSID. In a number of cases that make up          national committee’s Commission on Arbitration
roles, firstly to the chairman of the Lithuanian      Levovnik’s portfolio, the value in dispute has        and ADR. She is a counsel and Arbitral Tribunal
Supreme Court from 2006 to 2008, and then to the      exceeded €20m, €50m and €100m.                        member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
president of Lithuania from 2009 to 2013 as head                                                            at the Croatian Chamber of Economy.
of the administration’s legal department.             Levovnik is also active in sports law arbitration,
                                                      and currently serves as a member of the
Outside of her practice, Palevičienė is a professor   Slovenian Handball Association’s arbitration
at Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, where       board.
she teaches comparative contract law and
investment law at Masters level, and heads the
Study Programme Committee. She also regularly
speaks at local and international conferences, and
publishes articles on international investment law
as well as arbitration related topics in prominent
legal journals across Europe.

                                                                                                                        CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE             23
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