Aspects of Kuwait Private Sector Labour Law

Aspects of Kuwait Private Sector Labour Law
Aspects of Kuwait Private
  Sector Labour Law
ASPECTS OF THE KUWAIT                    transferability of employment as the
      PRIVATE SECTOR LABOUR                    expatriate worker is required to
               LAW                             obtain the consent of his employer
                                               before     moving       to     another
Introduction                                   employment. Also the law does not
Kuwait has a robust private sector             protect domestic workers, though the
which employs a large number of                concerned Minister is required to
expatriates.     Expatriates  provide          „issue a resolution concerning their
services in many areas of the                  affairs setting forth the rules that
economy ranging from the oil and               organize     their   relations    with
gas sector to the financial and                employers‟ .

business sectors. The government on            Some of the aspects of the law are
21 February 2010 enacted a new                 discussed in this article.
labour law, Law No. 6 of 2010 (The
Law of Labor in the Private Sector) to          Contract of Employment
replace the now repealed Law No. 38
of 1964 which was widely regarded as           The labour law requires all contracts
archaic and anachronistic. Several             of employment to be in writing in the
concerns and objections had over the           Arabic language3, though oral
years greeted the old law and it               contracts are recognized where their
seems that the new law1 has tried to           existence can be proved. It is also
address some of those concerns. Not            mandatory for the contract to
only does the new law contain more             provide for the execution date, the
provisions than the repealed law, it           amount of remuneration, the term of
introduces new aspects not earlier             the contract if it is for a specific
considered. The new labor law thus             period4 and the nature of work to be
provides more modern and „worker-              performed by the employee5. Where
friendly‟ labor laws.                          the period of contract is specified and
                                               both parties continue to act thereon
Though Law No. 6 introduces new                even upon expiry, the contract is
provisions and clarifies certain               deemed automatically renewed in the
matters which were vague, many                 same terms and conditions as the
observers however believe that more            previous contract.
fundamental changes should have
been made. One of such issues not              During the validity of the contract,
addressed by the new law is the                the employer shall not reduce the
sponsorship system which requires              remuneration paid to the employee
every non-Kuwaiti worker to be
under the sponsorship of a Kuwaiti             2 Art. 5 of Law No. 6 of 2010
company before being eligible to               3 Art. 29
                                               4 The term of the contract must not exceed 5 years.
work. This system hinders free                 5 The employer is required to assign to the employee

                                               only work consistent with the nature of the work
                                               stated in his contract or suitable for his qualifications
1   The new law has a total of 150 Articles.   and experience.
and any agreement that allows such
reduction renders the contract null       Probation
and void.
                                         The new law clarified the issue of the
 Women                                  length of the probationary period to
                                         be performed by an employee. Now
The law seeks to promote the rights      an employee is expected to work for a
of working women6. Under the law, a      period not exceeding 100 working
working woman is entitled to earn        days. During this period both parties
the same pay with her male               may terminate the contract without
counterpart if they perform the same     notice and where such termination is
work7. Women are also not to be          made by the employer, he shall pay
employed for night work save in          the worker for the period worked. It
certain instances, are not to take up    is unlawful for the worker to perform
work deemed hazardous or harmful         probation more than once.
to their health neither are they
allowed to work in an environment
likely to exploit their femininity.       Disciplinary Actions

A pregnant worker is entitled to 70      The law requires every employer to
days paid maternity leave which she      notify    an     employee     of   any
must take within the period of           disciplinary action pending against
childbirth. Taking up her maternity      him. Before any penalty is imposed
leave does not deprive her of the        on the employee, the employer must
right to take up any other leave which   notify him in writing of the alleged
she is entitled to under the law like    wrongdoing and the employee must
her annual leave8. Any other leave       be given a fair hearing. Where he is
she takes for the purpose of nursing     found guilty of wrongdoing, he shall
her baby which shall not exceed 4        be notified in writing of the penalties
months shall be unpaid. It shall be      imposed on him and if deductions
unlawful for an employer to              are to be made to his remuneration,
terminate the employment of a            such deductions shall not exceed
pregnant worker while she is on any      5days pay for each month until the
of these legally recognized leaves or    penalty is fully paid9.
where she is away on a leave of          Where a worker is suspended from
absence due to a pregnancy induced       work during the period of an
sickness.                                investigation   into    an    alleged
Upon resumption of duty after the        wrongdoing, he shall not be on
maternity leave period, a nursing        suspension for more than 10 days
worker is entitled to two hours break    and if he is not found guilty at the
each day to enable her go and nurse      end of the investigation, he shall be
her baby.

6 See section 4 of chapter 1.
7 Art. 26
8 Art. 24                                9   Art. 38
entitled to his remuneration for the            compensation for moral and material
period he was away on suspension10.             damages11. Nothing in the law
                                                compels the employer who has acted
                                                arbitrarily in dismissing an employee
 Termination of Employment                     to reinstate such an employee. For
Subject to the provision of Art 37 of           fixed term employment, a party who
the law (that is notification of                terminates the contract arbitrarily
pending disciplinary action against             shall compensate the other and this
employee)      an    employer    may            compensation should not exceed the
terminate a contract of employment              remuneration of the worker for the
without notice, compensation or                 remaining period of the contract12.
benefit if a worker:                            A worker who absents himself from
(1)            commits a mistake that results   work for 7 consecutive days or 20
               in huge loss for his employer;   separate days in a year without a
               or                               valid reason would be deemed to
(2)            has obtained his employment      have resigned his appointment. Also
               by cheating or fraud (for        if an employee is imprisoned based
               example if he tendered forged    on an accusation made by his
               certificates); or                employer, his employment is deemed
(3)            divulges     secrets  of   the   suspended until a final verdict is
               company causing or likely to     obtained in the matter. If the
               cause the company losses.        employee is acquitted then he shall
                                                be paid remuneration for the period
An employee may also be dismissed               of suspension including a fair
by his employer if he is guilty of              compensation to be determined by
committing a crime that relates to              the court.
honor, trust or morals (e.g if he
steals); commits acts against public            In any other case, parties to an
morals at the work place; if he                 indefinite contract may bring their
assaults his colleagues or superiors;           contract to an end by either giving
fails to abide by any rules imposed by          notice to the other or the payment of
his contract or the law; or repeatedly          salary in lieu of notice. The law
violates his employer‟s instructions.           specifies a 3 months‟ notice period
Though dismissed, he shall still be             for a monthly wage earner and one
entitled to his end of service benefits.        month notice for other employees13.
In all cases of dismissal, the                  The law specifies instances in which
employee shall still have a right to            the employee can terminate his
appeal the decision to dismiss him              employment without the need to
before      the    competent      labor         comply with the requirement to give
department and where it is
established that his dismissal was              11Art. 41
arbitrary, he shall be entitled to his          12 Art. 47
                                                13 Art. 44. Cf with Art. 53 of Law No. 38 which had
end of service benefits plus                    provided a 15days notice period for monthly wage
                                                earners and 7 days notice for other types of
10   Art. 39                                    employees.
notice and shall still be entitled to his   The law makes provision for the
end of service benefits14. Such             payment of full terminal benefits to
instances include:                          an employee16 where:
(a) if the employer does not abide by       (a)          the employer terminates the
the terms of the contract or the                        contract;
provisions of the law; or
                                            (b)         the duration of the contract
(b) if the worker was assaulted or                      has expired without being
provoked by either his employer or                      renewed;
deputy; or
(c) if continuing work will endanger        (c)         the contract was terminated
his safety and health pursuant to the                   because       the      employee
decision of the medical arbitration                     exercised his right to terminate
committee at the Ministry of Health;                    as provided in Art. 48 or upon
or                                                      the death or permanent
                                                        incapacitation of the employee
(d) if the employer or his deputy                       or if the company is declared
committed an act of cheating or fraud                   bankrupt or the company
with regard to work conditions upon                     closes down;
signing the contract; or
(e) if the employer has accused the         (d)         a     female     resigns her
worker of committing a punishable                       appointment within one year
act and the final verdict acquitted                     of getting married.
him; or
                                            The law allows a worker who is
(f) if the employer or his deputy           engaged under an indefinite contract
commits an act that violates public         to terminate his contract of
morals against the employee.                employment receive some or all his
                                            terminal benefits depending on the
A contract will also be terminated          number of years so long as he has
upon the death of the employee,             worked at least 3 years for his
bankruptcy of the employer or if the        employer17. A monthly paid worker is
establishment       is    permanently       entitled to half of his salary for each
closed15. In the case of the merger or      of the first five years worked, two-
acquisition of the company, the             thirds of his salary if he has worked
employee who is retained is entitled        between five to ten years and then his
to work upon at least the same terms        full salary if he has worked over ten
and conditions of his previous              years. The terminal benefits payable
employment.                                 to such an employee shall however

 Terminal Benefits

14   Art. 48.                               16   Art. 52
15   Arts. 49 & 50                          17   Art. 53 of Law No. 6
not exceed his remuneration for one       holidays and sick leaves should not to
and half years18.                         be deducted from the annual leave.
The employee is entitled to receive an    An employee is also entitled to
end of service certificate from his       certain other paid leaves such as
former employer detailing the             bereavement leave, Hajj leave and
duration of his employment, his           academic leave subject however to
position and his last salary. The         some conditions.
employer is refrained under the law
from including any statement that          Health, Safety &Environment
may harm the employee or limit his
employment prospects.                     The employer is required to take all
                                          safety measures aimed at protecting
 Work Hours, Overtime and                workers against work risks. He is also
  Leave                                   required to take out medical
                                          insurance for all his workers (save
The law provides that an employee is      those already protected under the
entitled to work 48 hours a week or 8     social security law) covering them
hours a day. During the period of         from work injuries and occupational
Ramadan work hours are reduced to         diseases20.
36 hours. He is also entitled to a day
off each week.                            A worker that suffers a work related
                                          injury or occupational disease shall
An employee should not work more          be entitled to his full remuneration
than two (2) hours overtime per day       throughout the period of treatment
and must be compensated for such          specified by the attending physician.
overtime work19. Where an employee        If the treatment exceeds 6months,
is required to work on official public    the employee shall be entitled to half
holidays, he should also be               of his salary until he fully recovers or
compensated.                              until he is proven to be disabled or
                                          dead21. In the event that he is proven
Each employee is entitled to a thirty     disabled or dead, he or his relatives
(30) days paid leave and he can only      shall be entitled to compensation 22.
accumulate his leave for 2 years. For
no reason must an employee forfeit
his leave whether with compensation        Penalties Imposed on
or not. An employee is also entitled        Employers
to take sick leave for which he would
be compensated as stated in the law.      The new law penalizes employers for
He must however obtain a medical          failure to comply with certain
report from a government medical          provisions of the law. For example an
facility to prove that he was sick. The   employer who brings in workers from
law provides that official public
                                          20 Art. 88
                                          21 Art. 93
                                          22 Art. 94. See Art. 95 for instances where an employee
18   Art. 51(b)                           will not be entitled to any compensation for injury or
19   Art. 66                              disease suffered in the course of employment
abroad and does not eventually            Claims filed by workers shall have a
employ them is liable to pay an           lien over an employer‟s moveable and
amount not exceeding KD500 to the         immoveable assets except his private
Authority. Also an employer who fails     residence24.
to notify the competent authority
annually of the details and numbers       Conclusion
of workers working for him shall be
liable to pay an amount not               The 2010 labor law in the private
exceeding KD500 or more if such a         sector is a huge improvement from
higher sum is stipulated in any other     what existed under the Law No. 38 of
part of the law.                          1964. Though the law has its critics,
                                          foreign workers appear to be entitled
Failure of an employer to put up a        to improved conditions of service
work a chart of penalties for             while erring employers are likely to
infractions committed by workers in       face stiffer sanctions for breach of the
a conspicuous place at would attract      provisions of the law.
a term of imprisonment of not more
than three years and a fine of not less   Government has expressed its
than KD1,000 or more than                 intention to abolish the widely
KD5,000. Failure of an employer to        criticized “Kafeel” or sponsorship
pay workers‟ remunerations and            system and in its place establish a
benefits into their bank accounts and     new Public Authority for Manpower
sending the bank statements issued        to handle issues relating to
by those banks to the Ministry of         employment      and       welfare    of
Social Affairs and Labour would also      expatriate workers. It is expected that
attract a penalty.                        such a move would reduce drastically
                                          cases of visa trading and forced
Limitation of Time                        slavery. It is expected that the
                                          sponsorship system would be
The law prescribes a timeframe            abolished in February 201125.
within which an action under the law
can be commenced before it becomes
statute barred. Thus aggrieved
employees can only file a lawsuit
within one year of the end of the
work contract23.
Lawsuits filed by workers or
beneficiaries shall be exempted from
judicial fees but where such lawsuits
are dismissed by the court, the court
may order the party who has filed the
case to pay all or part of the court
                                          24Art. 145. See also Art. 1074 of the Civil Code
                                          25 See “Kuwait to Scrap Sponsor System” in Arab
                                          Times Newspapers of 26 September 2010. See
                                ; See also “Kuwait to Scrap
23   Art. 144                             „Kafeel‟ System on
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