August 2018 Coffee Talk - Claim Forms - Part II - Questar III BOCES

Page created by Stephen Beck
August 2018 Coffee Talk - Claim Forms - Part II - Questar III BOCES
August 2018
Coffee Talk

Claim Forms – Part II
August 2018 Coffee Talk - Claim Forms - Part II - Questar III BOCES
July’s Coffee Talk Agenda was:
    Claim Forms Part I: Forms A, FB, and FT

        Who are the pupils you count for enrollment
              and attendance?
      What are the impacts on State Aid?
      When are the deadlines for reporting?

      Where to input information?

      Why are you required to submit claim forms?

      How do you fill out, submit, certify, and
              revise claim forms?
August 2018 Coffee Talk - Claim Forms - Part II - Questar III BOCES
If You Didn’t Get a Chance to
          Listen Last Month
August 2018 Coffee Talk - Claim Forms - Part II - Questar III BOCES
Form A Updates

Form A (Attendance) Lines 1a. – 90. – No changes
 Schedule A1 Religious Holidays First Semester
 Schedule A2 Attendance Report First Semester
 Schedule A3 Religious Holidays Second Semester
 Schedule A4 Attendance Report Second Semester
 Schedule A5 Days of Session Matrix
    Schedule A6 Decimal Days of Actual Session Worksheet
    Schedule A7 Enrollment – Central High School Districts Only
 Schedule A8 Extraordinary Conditions Days

 = Now broken out by individual grade levels
August 2018 Coffee Talk - Claim Forms - Part II - Questar III BOCES
Form A Updates – Schedule A1

August 2018 Coffee Talk - Claim Forms - Part II - Questar III BOCES
Form A Updates – Schedule A1

                        Same information, just split out by grade level now

             Note: New Schedule A3 similar to this
Form A Updates – Schedule A2

Form A Updates – Schedule A2

                      Same information, just split out by grade level now

     Note: New
    Schedule A4
    similar to this
Form A Updates – Schedule A5

Form A Updates – Schedule A5

                        Same information, just split
                          out by grade level now
Form A Updates – Schedule A8

Form A Updates – Schedule A8

      2017-2018        Same information, just split
      Reporting          out by grade level now
Other Resources

        Our Guidebook, Workbook for 2018-19
         General State Aid Claim Forms will be out later
         this month.

        Our call us at:
Other Resources

        Use the Help function in the Claim Forms
        Access through SAMS

        Access from the State Aid website
          Give   link to others who are gathering information
Other Resources

        Use the Help function in the Claim Forms
Claim Forms and ST-3

    They are linked
        Edit checks in place to make sure expenditures reported in both areas agree
        Can send in ST-3 before claim forms, but not claim forms before ST-3 completed
    Other aids/revenues are reported/claimed in ST-3 & supplemental
        Instructional Materials Aid
        Building Aid
         ◼ Capital Outlay Exceptions
         ◼ Interest Recalibration Deduction

        Establishing rate for in-district Summer §4408 programs
        Reimbursement for Summer Transportation
        Reimbursement from counties for CPSE costs
    Check ST-3 submission for completeness
Instructional Materials Aid

              Schedule in ST-3   Line Number   Account Code
                    A4b             177          A2110.48
                    A4b             199          A2280.48
                    A4b             209          A2330.48
                    A4b             238          A2630.46
     Summarized     A4b             220          A2610.46
     on Schedule    A4b             233          A2630.22
     C of Form A
                    A4b             234          A2630.4
                    A4b             235          A2630.4
                    A4c             387          A9785.6
                    A4c             424          A9785.7
                    F2               39          V9785.6
                    F2               73          V9785.7
Instructional Materials Aid (IMA)

     Need help with maximizing IMA? Check out our IMA Guidebook at:
Building Aid – Schedule G3


             Only way to generate aid   9999
Must be
here to      Only way to generate aid   9998
             Only way to generate aid   9997
If put on
the next
page, will
be paid
over 15
Building Aid Reduction

        Interest Rate Reduction Waiver
          Under Form FB: Building and Miscellaneous
            ◼ Interest Rate Reduction Waiver Application
                ◼ If any projects are listed, complete the form
                  to request a waiver
                ◼ If no waiver requested/granted, building aid
                  on projects listed will be reduced going
Example of what
                     approved Waiver request
                            looks like

                                       SED will
                                       after their
In-District Summer §4408 Program

     If you run your own Summer §4408 Program:
         Complete Supplemental Schedules SS10-SS16
         Rate Setting Unit (RSU) at NYSED will review
          information and determine rate(s) for your program(s)
         State Aid at an 80% reimbursement level is based on
          the approved rate established based on SS10-SS16
         If your district doesn’t have a rate, then can’t get 80%
          reimbursement on it
         Expenses reported in SS10-SS16 should be
          accounted for in the Special Aid Fund
In-District Summer §4408 Reporting

     ST-3 RSU Schedules – Capturing cost of education only,
     no transportation reported here
        SS-10 Revenues and Administration Expenditures (4)
        SS-11 Direct Care (Program) & Facility Expenditures (5)
        SS-12 Expenditures in Other Districts (1)
        SS-13 Personal Services by FTE and Job Code (3)
        SS-14 Student FTE of Enrollment (2)
        SS-16 Detail of Administration, Direct Care & Facilities Costs
         (only complete if SS schedules don’t agree with ST-3)

     First time preparing these? Call or send us an email and we can provide you
     with a copy of a recent presentation we did on how to complete the schedules
     to get you started…..
Summer §4408 Program(s) –
                  Reporting in Special Aid Fund

❑   Accounted for in the ST-3 in the Special Aid Fund
     ▪   Charge program costs to F2253.XX codes
         ▪ Check A2250.47 codes!
     ▪   Charge costs of transporting to/from the programs to F5511, F5541,
         F5551 or F5582
     ▪   STAC Unit is reconciling the two!

     ▪   §4408 program revenues are recorded in:
         ▪ F3289 – Tuition: 80% of approved program rate
         ▪ F3289 – Other: 80% of reported (STAC) transportation costs
         ▪ F5031 – Interfund Transfer from the General Fund – Local Share of
           each §4408 program
In-District Summer §4408 Program
        Costs are not included on SS10-SS16
        Must be reported in Special Aid Fund

                                                Total should
                                    New        agree with the
                                   this year    Transportation
                                                Costs STAC’d
Report from STAC of Claimed §4408 Costs

        A new report - Summary of 4408 & 4201 STAC
         Approval and On-Line Verified Costs and State
         Aid Paid – (EFH670)
          Provided by the STAC unit which summarizes what
           STAC thinks are the outstanding balances, by
           student, by year
          Provides a comprehensive summary of all providers
           with details of each child, FTE, approved rate(s) and
           services, the amount paid per student, and any stops
           (holds on payments) in place
        This is a mailed report – goes to Superintendent
         and/or State Aid Designee
Sample of Detail Included with
               EFH 670 Report

                                1               2                3

                                                        $8,184 x 80% = $6,547.20
                                                        $6,547.20 - $6,411.20 = $136

                                                                           $136 due

     Note: Scheduled June 18 report was delayed until now.
Section 4201 Children – Accounted
              for the Special Aid Fund
     Remember §4201 children are in one of the 12 State-
     Supported Schools:
     Cleary School for the Deaf
     Henry Viscardi School
     Lavelle School for the Blind
     Lexington School for the Deaf
     Mill Neck Manor School for the Deaf
     New York Institute for Special Education – Schermerhorn and VanCleve
     New York School for the Deaf
     Rochester School for the Deaf
     St. Francis deSales School for the Deaf
     St. Joseph’s School for the Deaf
     St. Mary’s School for the Deaf
Section 4201 Schools – State
          Supported Schools
Section 4201 Children
        ST-3 Reporting


                      10 month program

     → Summer
Website for Section 4201 Schools:

                                                  $435.79 x
 Maintenance                                      180 days =
 paid directly                                    $78,442.20
 by NYS.
Section 4201 Payments

           From year end 2016-17 and 2017-18 payment reports:

                                                                          For 16/17

     June XY payment is for four months – September
     XX-December XX (based on attendance)                   Reimbursed for total
                                                              cost less Basic
     February XZ payment is for six months – January        Contribution amount
     XY- June XY (based on attendance)
From GEN Report for 2016-17

                                                                            GEN Report

             Per Payment Certs →   State Funding         $65,273.23
                                   Local Funding         $13,212.96
                                   Total                 $78,486.19

                                   Tuition               $78,442.20 (Difference $43.99 rounding)

     To record                                                     Sub Acct        Debit        Credit
     receivable           F410-Due from State/Federal Govt           At         $38,350.56
     at year-end:             F980-Revenues                       6/30/17                    $ 38,350.56
      (also need (A)                F3289-State Aid              $ 38,350.56
     side of entry, not   F391 - Due from General Fund                          $13,212.96
                              F980-Revenues                                                  $ 13,212.96
                                    F5031 - Interfund Transfer   $ 13,212.96
State Operated Schools –
         Rome (Deaf) and Batavia (Blind)
        Different from the State Supported Schools
        The two State Operated Schools:
            Are operated by NYSED
            Established pursuant to Article 87 of the Education Law (for students who are legally blind
             and have additional disabilities) and Article 88 of the Education Law (for students who have
             hearing loss of over 80 decibels or are functionally deaf)

        Students are referred to these schools by their
         parents or the CSE and attend the day program
         and/or residential program during the school week
        State pays the full 100% and then charges back to
         the district 20% of the costs
Chargebacks for Rome/Batavia or
         Section 4201 Summer Placements

        Chargebacks are done on a two year lag

        A payable should be recorded for the 20%
         district share during the year the student went
         to Rome/Batavia or Section 4201 Schools

        For example: Summer 2015 chargebacks
         were recouped against the 2017 Summer
         4408 Education Payment Runs this spring
Other Reports in STAC to Review -

               -Compare year to year FTE
               -Agree Amounts to G/L
Can Run Report for Variety of Categories
SS31-34 – CPSE Administrative Costs

        Report total CPSE administrative costs
          CPSE Chairperson
          Secretarial and clerical support

          Expenses of chairperson and parent member

        Used to determine reimbursement from county
          Now done through STAC – DQDAD Screen
          On lag:
             ◼ 15/16 year (from ST-3) – could be claimed in 17/18
             ◼ 16/17 year (from ST-3) – will be able to be claimed in 18/19

            Review what has been submitted for reasonableness
CPSE Admin. Reimbursement –
           DQDAD Screen

                                               15-16 was

          From SS-34

                         Lessor of Maximum or Actual whichever
                                       is smaller
If Not Maximizing Funding….

     Any positions involved in the process that you are not already reporting?
If Not Maximizing Funding….

     Any positions involved in the process that you are not already reporting?
SS-31 Salary Reporting



Guidance on FTE Calculation
Homeless Aid

     ▪   Nonresident homeless students who move into
         your district from another district within New York

     ▪   The school-age homeless student may:
           •   Be a student with or without a disability
           •   Attend a public school district program, BOCES
               program or an approved private school program, if a
               student has a disability.

     •   Students from out-of-state or out-of-country are not
         eligible for reimbursement.
Homeless Definition

 Children who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence,
 including those:
    Sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic
     hardship or a similar reason (doubled up)
    Living in emergency or transitional shelters
    Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping grounds due to a lack of
     alternative adequate accommodations
    Abandoned in hospitals
    Living in a public or private place not designed for sleeping
    Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus
     or train stations, etc.
    Migratory living in circumstances described above
Reimbursement Guidelines

    The STAC Unit requires application (STAC 202) for
     each school year that the student is homeless
      eligibility may extend across school years, the
       reimbursement is specific to a school year
    Aid is paid at 100% of approved tuition costs for
     students in district operated programs using the
     Non Resident Tuition rate
    Revenue code A3289
    State Budget Projections don’t include Homeless
Online Verification of Homeless STAC Approvals –
     DVHOM – Important – No Aid Unless Verified
Statute of Limitation and Payment
          Cycle for Homeless Aid
        2017-18 school year needs to be verified by
         June 30, 2019
        December 2018 the final NRT Rates will be set
        February 2019 Homeless Aid was paid
          NRT    rate x Homeless FTE count
        If not STAC’d timely, Aid will be delayed
          July   and December
ST-3 and Claim Forms

        Due September 4th
        Use time in August to gather information –
         Transportation, Special Education, etc. may not be
         available in September!
        List of Changes to ST-3 at:
             ◼   Food Service, Special Aid, Capital, Library, etc. all have prior year balances too

        Form A claim form
          Breaking attendance out by grade for this year’s Form A
          2018-19: New hours requirement expected to be in
SAMS Edit Exceptions & Certifications

     ▪   Run Edit Exceptions when all data is entered
         ▪   Correct or provide an explanation for all errors
             ▪   Explanations should be documented and verifiable
             ▪   DO NOT ignore edits
             ▪   If you can’t fix the problem - CALL FOR HELP!
     ▪   Certifications - final step that sends the data to SED
         ▪   Answer the supplemental questions (Form A)
         ▪   Can only be submitted using the Superintendent’s User ID and
         ▪   Complete, print and submit a hard copy of the OSC ST-3
         ▪   Separate certification for each form set (Form A, FB, FT, ST-3,
             Supplemental Schedules)
SAMS Revisions

     ◆   When do I use the Revision Data area?
         ◆   Used only for revising data that has been
             “Certified and Submitted” by the Superintendent
         ◆   Once SED has reviewed data submission and
             responded back to the district, data can be revised
SAMS Revision Process

 ◆   Step 1: Go to “Forms”
     ◆   “Revision Data”
     ◆   Select Form to revise (A, FT, FB or ST-3)
     ◆   Data entry form with “Revision” in background
     ◆   Make correction to desired fields
     ◆   Save ( “Alt S” or Save)
     ◆   Run Edit Exception Report
         ◆   Address errors, make comments, “Save and Ready”

 ◆   Step 2: Go to “Forms”, “Revision Data”, “Change
     Submission” form
     ◆   This will display a summary of all pending revisions for the Form Set (A, FT, FB or
         ST-3) entered previously
     ◆   Click “Submit Changes”
     ◆   IMPORTANT: Changes will be reflected on “Official Data Form” only after
         approved and accepted by SED
         ◆   Status of the data is now “Revision in Progress”
Change Submission

        If you make a change to the ST-3 regarding
         building and transportation expenditures:
            Go to Form FB and/or FT and ST-3, run an Edit
             Report and perform a Change Submission
                This will alert SED Staff of the change and generate
                 the aid
Upcoming Events

       Date          Location
     9/13/18          Buffalo
     9/14/18        Rochester
     9/14/18       Lake George
     9/17/18         Syracuse
     9/18/18        Watertown
     9/20/18       Binghamton
     9/21/18          Albany
     9/12/18        Plattsburgh
     9/26/18    Putnam-Westchester
     9/27/18        Long Island
     9/28/18       Mid-Hudson
     9/28/18           Utica
Sign up at:

                                        Click on green
                                        box to sign up
Thank You!

             Questar III
     10 Empire State Boulevard
        Castleton, NY 12033
           (518) 477-2635
         Fax (518) 477-4284

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