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                                        AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND
                                october / november 2018

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FLOORING AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND - www.flooringmagazine.com.au - Elite Publishing
FLOORING AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND - www.flooringmagazine.com.au - Elite Publishing
FLOORING AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND - www.flooringmagazine.com.au - Elite Publishing
FLOORING AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND - www.flooringmagazine.com.au - Elite Publishing
                                                  AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND
Welcome to the October/                                                  october/ november 2018
November 2018 edition of                                                                   vol 36 no 5
Flooring magazine.
   In this issue we have a
special feature which includes
everything you need to know                       06   Armstrong Flooring Celebrates 50 Years
about Tools & Accessories and                     10   FAV Awards Night
much more…
                                                  12   Flooring Xtra Celebrates 10 Years
   Our Icon for this issue is
none other than Les Boothey,
who revolutionised the way                        Overseas News
we look at wool carpets in
                                                  24 Domotex asia/Chinafloor Expands to 15
Australia. He talks about his                        Exhibition Halls in 2019
time at the Australian Wool
Corporation. It’s a brilliant
insight into that ‘golden era’ of
flooring in this country. Les is                  42   Les Boothey
definitely an industry Icon!
   It’s a bumper edition of                       Feature
Flooring magazine – our
                                                  30   Tools & Accessories
biggest yet, and as usual,
we always welcome your
feedback. Until next time...                      Regular Reports

                                                  54   Airstep Retailer of the Month
  All the best,
                                                  64   Software

                                                  Front Cover

                                                  01   Choices Flooring

Ronnie Gramazio

www.flooringmagazine.com.au                                                      Flooring Oct/Nov 2018 | 3
FLOORING AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND - www.flooringmagazine.com.au - Elite Publishing

                                                                                                                             Terry Newman
     Michael Clifton, Head
     of Austrade in Great
     China and Deputy Consul
     General in Shanghai
     addresses guests.

                                                                                          Jack Brady

                                                                                          Guests enjoying the banquet

   Ecquality Timber Products, Tenth
   Anniversary Celebration
   We all know that China is going to           business over ten years, this was not a
   continue to play a big part in our lives     milestone that Managing Director, Terry
   well into the future. One small Aussie       Newman, and his wife and CFO, Sonoe
   company took on the “China challenge”        Mishima, were go to let pass without a
   ten years ago when it set up its wholly-     major celebration.
   owned solid-wood flooring operation             The celebrations were held on 20
   two hours west of Shanghai. At the time      September and the company also used
   the company was mostly processing            the occasion to open its new 1200
   Australian Cypress for the Japanese          square metre show room and offices.
   market. On September 15, 2008 Lehman         About 15 clients flew in from Australia
   Brothers filed for bankrupcy in New York     and Japan, the Australian Deputy
   precipitating the Global Financial Crisis.   Consul General, Michael Clifton, who
   News of this event at the time was a         also serves as the head of Austrade in
   surprise, but, fortunately perhaps, its      Greater China attended, as did the CEO
   consequences were not apparent to this       of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce,
   fledgling Aussie venture. However, having    Jack Brady, and a number of local
   survived the GFC and built a successful      dignitaries.

4 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                   www.flooringmagazine.com.au
FLOORING AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND - www.flooringmagazine.com.au - Elite Publishing

Beautiful and tough rigid vinyl flooring,
adding style and comfort to every Australian home
The all new Titan Rigid range reflects the beauty of real timber. The Uniclic® joining system and the built-in quality underlay allow for a
fast and easy installation over all kinds of subfloors.* It’s a winner in any home!
Available late November 2018.

                                                                                                        * See installation instructions for more information
FLOORING AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND - www.flooringmagazine.com.au - Elite Publishing
Stock exchange
                                                                                                 as a stand-alone
                                                                                                 global flooring

   Armstrong Flooring Celebrates 50 Years
                                                                                                 This was also the day that Armstrong
                                                                                                 Flooring Australia Pty Ltd was born and it
   October 2018 marks 50 years since the           Victoria This plant was replaced in           adopted its current branding. Since then
   founding of Armstrong Flooring as a local       1983 by the purchase from CSR of              they have successfully celebrated the
   flooring manufacturer. As Armstrong             their VCT plant which was moved on            export of our first container of Australian
   celebrates its 50th anniversary, it’s           150 semi-trailers from Concord NSW            manufactured flooring to the USA and
   worth remembering the origins of their          to Thomastown Victoria. Armstrong             Canada (which are two of over 20
   Australian business that has grown to           also purchased an ACI plant and began         countries that they export their Braeside
   become a leader in the Australian and           making Homogeneous Vinyl Sheet                manufactured product to, including
   International flooring markets and a            Flooring in the early 70s at Bay Road         China).
   significant Australian manufacturer and         Cheltenham and the extrusions line from          As they celebrate their 50th Anniversary
   exporter of flooring and walling products.      Nylex Mentone in the early 1980s, which       they look back at their successes and offer
      On 2nd October 1968, a joint                 are still produced onsite in Braeside         our thanks to you, their loyal customers
   venture agreement to manufacture                Victoria today. To cope with the growing      and employees for your decades of support
   flooring in Australia was signedby              demands of the business, additions to         and assure you that we will continue to
   representatives from Armstrong Cork Co.         our plant and administrative offices in       evolve, innovate and grow to support this
   and the Australian industrial giant Nylex       Braeside were completed in the early          industry long into the future.
   Corporation, and so Armstrong-Nylex             1980s, with a $1.5M homogeneous
   Pty Ltd was born. When Armstrong-               sheet line being moved from Cheltenham
   Nylex commenced operations in 1968,             and commissioned here in 1987.
   32 people were employed to manage                   In 1993, Armstrong-Nylex began
   the Australian business and oversee             manufacturing Accolade Homogeneous
   the building and commissioning of the           vinyl sheet, which 25 years later we are
   factory at Mills Road, Braeside Victoria.       still proud to be manufacturing onsite
   In November of 1969, Armstrong-Nylex            and exporting around the globe. A
   produced its first Australian Made Tessera      change of focus the late 1990s, saw
   Corlon Vinyl Flooring.                          Armstrong World Industries buy out Nylex
      From the very beginning, the joint           and Armstrong-Nylex became Armstrong
   venture proved to be a resounding               World Industries (Australia) Pty Ltd.
   success, seeing Armstrong-Nylex                     In 2008, the company began to
   manufacture many and varied products at         further leverage its local production
   numerous sites around Melbourne and in          capabilities and launched Infinity an
   particular at our Braeside factory, where       exclusive bespoke flooring design tool,
   we have produced everything from inlaid         which offers users the ability to customise
   Corlon sheet (Tessera, Solarian, Classic        the look of their Homogeneous Vinyl
   Corlon), Carpet Tile (First Edition), Daytile   sheet flooring. Their bespoke flooring
   (Atrium & Taj Marble, Picasso), Calendar        has been since featured in many iconic
   sheet (Armalon, Wallflex), Extrusions           Australian Hospitals including the Perth
   (Skirting & trims) and Homogeneous              Children’s, Lady Cilento Children’s
   sheet (Accolade Plus, Accolade Safe)            Brisbane and The Royal Children’s
      Through the years Armstrong-Nylex            Hospital in Melbourne to name a few.
   grew steadily and in the late 1960’s                On 4th April, 2016 Armstrong Flooring
   purchased the Dunlop Flooring Vinyl             Inc separated form Armstrong World
   Composition Tile (VCT) plant at Reservoir       Industries and listed on the New York

6 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                        www.flooringmagazine.com.au
FLOORING AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND - www.flooringmagazine.com.au - Elite Publishing

®            WA         -P
FLOORING AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND - www.flooringmagazine.com.au - Elite Publishing
Classic Wins the                             nosing products to go with the colourful

   Best Stand Award
                                                themes that architects are increasingly
                                                designing for schools, colleges and

   at Equinox Sydney
                                                    At Equinox Sydney, which was
                                                attended by almost 300 architects
   Classic Architectural Group (Classic) won    and designers, Classic displayed the
   the coveted Best Stand Award at Equinox      six colours – Teal, Tangerine, Lime
   Sydney in September. Showcasing              Green, Raspberry, Coral and Ultra Violet
   its latest range of safety stair nosing      (Pantone Colour of the Year 2018)
   products, the stand was built around the     – across every element of the stand,
   FUTURE is BRIGHT theme, highlighting         including a mood board developed for a
   the application of brightly coloured stair   school.

   A Few Words from the Sydney
   Carpet Baggers Charity Day Event
   The day was a great sunny day at Oatlands
   Golf Course near Parramatta, with a total
                                                Gold sponsors
                                                Cavalier Bremworth
   of 64 golfers and another dozen added
   to lunch they hit off at 8am back into
   the club house for lunch and a general
   chat between old and new friends. They
                                                Hole sponsors
   were very happy with their response from
   our supplier partners and most came
   to the party for hole sponsorship with
   13 holes sponsored allowed the group                                                        2018 has been a new beginning for
   to 2 donations this year: $5000 heart                                                   the administration and they joined with
                                                Godfrey hirst
   foundation and $5000 cancer council.                                                    Gary Tunks to run the baggers for 5 years
                                                Carpet cutters
       Next year is the 50th anniversary of                                                with the hope of bringing younger people
   Sydney carpet baggers and through those                                                 in to continue this for many years to
   many years have been many good years                                                    come. They have booked 2019 at Stone
   but many bad years that people have not                                                 cutters ridge for 10th may and are hoping
   been able to come.                                                                      on a bigger year than 2018.

8 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                 www.flooringmagazine.com.au
FAV Awards Night
  The 3rd annual FAV awards was
  another great success. It is a night that
  contractors and suppliers get together
  and celebrate their industry as one.
     It was also a fitting event for the
  industry to acknowledge the sad passing
  of an industry stall wort, Cam Hammond.
     The event was hosted by comedian
  Michael Pope at the Plaza Ballroom under
  the magnificent Regent Theatre in the
  center of Melbourne.
     The Black tie evening is now rivaling
  the Glitz and Glamour of the Red carpet
  of the Logies and Brownlow medal Ben
  Vander Veen quipped.(The President
  of the Flooring Association of Victoria)
  Tongue in cheek!

10 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                    www.flooringmagazine.com.au

Ideal for retail and office fitouts, the new 250mm x 1000mm
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Flooring Xtra Celebrates 10 Years
  Flooring Xtra’s Annual Conference had a            “Flooring Xtra has not only become a               “As well when we set up it wasn’t
  little more anticipation and excitement            recognised brand, but it is underpinned        about being the biggest, it was always
  around it this year. Held at the Cordis Hotel,     with a genuine family feel with a great set    about being the best; and looking back
  Auckland the group celebrated its 10th             of values and culture. We have a really        it was unbelievable that we reached 50
  birthday. Over 160 members and suppliers           solid platform to build on as we look to       stores so quickly, our focus was, and still
  came together to toast the occasion.               our next ten years.”                           is about being the best”
       Launched in 2008, the brand was first             Henry Van Dyk, who was instrumental            The gala dinner not only celebrated
  set up in New Zealand when changes                 in setting up the group and has been a         ten years but also the annual member
  in the market opened the gap for a well            Director since start up took the guests        and supplier awards.
  run group operating under co-operative             back in time to the groups’ origins.               In commenting on this Don Barry
  principles, could emerge. In less than                 “In 2008 the flooring retail and supply    CEO. “Sure, this years’ event was a
  10 weeks the founders had worked                   landscape in New Zealand was under a           special and there was a bit of extra
  through the brand identity and licensing.          bit of pressure with how business between      emotion throughout, particularly for
  It was an immediate success when it                suppliers and retailers should be run. A       those who received awards. We not
  was launched on 1st July and had over              number of us felt strongly that business       only reflected on the journey we have
  50 stores by Christmas 2008. The                   should be run differently, where supplier      been on and all the people who are now
  distinctive Flooring Xtra logo maintains its       relationships shouldn’t be dictated by         part of our business family. But the best
  contemporary look even today.                      a Head Office, but built collaboratively       measure of every member’s success
       Since that time over 60 stores have           together with both the local owner operator,   being part of Flooring Xtra is whether the
  been established in New Zealand, making            Support Office and our supply partners.        business and the member personally is
  Flooring Xtra NZ’s largest flooring retailer.      But we also knew we didn’t want to be just     in a better space after ten years than
       In reflecting on this, Flooring Xtra          another buying group so developing a sharp     if they hadn’t put a green tree on their
  Chairman Jamie Lumber commented:                   brand was also important.                      shop.”

                                                   Scott Enno and Don Barry

12 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                          www.flooringmagazine.com.au
Jutta Fronert and Gino Venturelli at the
                                                                                                    Sydney launch.

  Gerflor Designer Shares the Art of Design
  Leading names in the Sydney and                launches. These products have been             rich reservoir of knowledge and experience
  Melbourne design scenes welcomed               hallmarks of our success in commercial         in industrial design, ceramics technology
  the chance to view the new Gerflor             installations over many decades and we         and design, along with marketing and
  Premium and Creation 55 Collections            have no doubt that these stunning new          communications skills, to deliver a
  at exclusive launches at the Museum of         colors and designs will continue to give       multiplicity of repertoires. An author,
  Contemporary Art (Sydney) and Australian       creative solutions in decades to come”         speaker and award-winning designer,
  Centre for Contemporary Art (Melbourne).       Jutta said.                                    Gino heads the multi-disciplinary team
  In keeping with the artistic ambience of                                                      responsible for the designs, colors and
  the venue, Gerflor curated a stunning          About Gino...                                  finishes that distinguish the global Gerflor
  showcase of the new roll and plank             With quite literally thousands of ranges       product portfolio. Gino travels the world
  products that were creatively displayed as     in his portfolio of designs, Gerflor’s         and works with designers globally studying
  art installations.                             Global Artistic Director, Gino Venturelli is   design influences and identifying key
     Global Artistic Director, Gino Venturelli   an encyclopedia of flooring design and         trends related to the worlds of fashion,
  flew in from France to share the creative      technology. Born in Modena, Italy and          interior design, architecture and surface
  journey for these products that will           educated in France, Gino draws on his          finishes.
  continue a long, proud chapter in the
  Gerflor portfolio.
     “These Premium roll products
  and Creation 55 planks embody the
  design influences that are shaping our
  commercial interior spaces globally. They
  bring fresh palettes and textures into play
  to offer inspiration and practical solutions
  for architects, designers and end users
  seeking premium products from both the
  design and durability perspectives,” Gino
     National Product Marketing Manager,
  Jutta Fronert, welcomed Gino’s visit
  to Australia that she said signified the
  importance of the new collection of                                                                Violetta Boyd and Chris Smith from
  Premium and Creation 55.                                                                           DesignInc were among guests who
     “It is very exciting for the Australasian                                                       turned out for the Taralay Premium and
                                                                                                     Creation launch events.
  team to add Gino’s expertise and insights
  to the new Premium and Creation 55

14 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                         www.flooringmagazine.com.au





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All Preparation
                                                                                               Website Upgrade
                                                                                               All Preparation Equipment the industry
                                                                                               specialists in concrete floor preparation,
                                                                                               dust control and concrete floor polishing
                                                                                               has recently upgraded their website now
                                                                                               to make for easier ordering online and
                                                                                               searching of products and advice.
   Laticrete Australia Appoints National                                                           Stocking reliable brands including
                                                                                               Schwamborn Concrete Floor Grinders,
   Sales Manager                                                                               Dustcontrol Vacuum and Air purifier
                                                                                               systems, Portamix Mega Hippo Mixing
                                                                                               stations and the Portable Pelican Mixing
   LATICRETE® Australia, a global                specification, architectural and trade
                                                                                               cart and a wide range of diamond
   manufacturer and leader of premium            sectors, that had specialised in the
                                                                                               grinding wheels, tools and plugs through
   installation and finishing systems for the    building and construction industry. This
                                                                                               to dust shrouds for angle grinders, and
   building industry, announced Ross McNeil      makes Ross a perfect fit for the Australian
                                                                                               many other products for levelling and
   has been appointed to the position of         team” according to Emma Tschannen.
                                                                                               preparing concrete floor surfaces.
   National Sales Manager of LATICRETE               As the National Sales Manager, Ross
   Australia.                                    will focus on developing sales strategies
      Ross McNeil will be reporting directly     and formulating business plans, while
   to Emma Tschannen, LATICRETE                  driving LATICRETE forward in Australia.
   Australia, General Manager.                       As a West Australian, Ross is a
      “With a wealth of senior sales             passionate fan of the AFL but also
   management experience within the              enjoys a variety of other sports, including
   building and construction industry,           rugby league and union, basketball,
   Ross has developed and implemented            motorsports and golf.
   successful sales initiatives and strategies       On weekends when Ross is not driving
   across multiple industrial, commercial        his teenagers around, he is working on
   and retail construction channels.             his renovation project in the southern
      Ross has 23 years sales management         suburbs of Queensland.
   experience within the technical and

  Floors for Living –
  Choices Flooring’s
  latest catalogue
   This month Choices Flooring launched
   their Floors for Living online catalogue,
   which takes decorating from the floor up
   to a new level. The catalogue campaign
   will run from early October through to the
   early December 2018.
       The Floors for Living online catalogue
   appears as a flip book on desktop and
   responsive catalogue on mobile for both
   Australia and New Zealand markets.
   Featured on both websites and SaleFinder
   in Australia and New Zealand, the
   catalogue proves to be a success with its
   easy functionality and incredible savings.
       The group has indicated they are set
   for a busy few months in the lead up to

16 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                     www.flooringmagazine.com.au

Powerbond is available in
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Powerbond is available in
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  FCIA Partners with Parkes High School to Provide Unique
  Community Training for Flooring Apprentices
  The FCIA is working closely with Duane Rhall, Principal of Parkes        •   Borg hardboard underlay
  High School to refurbish the floorcoverings in the school’s              •   Airstep carpet underlay
  Foyer, Library, and STEMS classrooms. These rooms will be                •   Forbo Marmoleum
  the showcase for Parkes High School as it embarks on a major             •   Shaw Carpet Tiles
  program for teaching local year 7 & 8 students in Science,               •   Mapei adhesives
  Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – particularly with              •   Floorex Grinders
  respect to computer coding studies.                                          We also thank Parkes High School, Australian Industry Group
      The FCIA and their industry alliance partners are                    Training Services, Choices (Parkes), and MEGT Apprenticeship
  coordinating this unique community project to provide fifteen            Network provider, for their support of the FICA’s industry driven
  1st Year Apprentices, undertaking the Certificate III in Flooring        apprenticeship program,” He said.
  Technology, with hands on experience in laying brand new                     The Floor Covering Institute of Australia Ltd was established
  carpet, carpet tiles and vinyl flooring at no cost to the school.        in January 2017 to address critical skills shortages in the
      The project will be conducted over 5 days throughout October         Australian Flooring Industry and is working with Government,
  at Parkes High School located at 2A Albert Street, Parkes, NSW           training providers, manufactures, suppliers, retailers, and
  2870.                                                                    contractors to create a high quality, sustainable workforce for
      A formal handover of the renovated classrooms is scheduled           the flooring Industry.
  in October. At this handover the apprentices will also be
  awarded their FCIA Apprentice Trade Cards in recognition of the          Pictured: (Top) Parkes Day 1 Induction session. FCIA Training Supervisor
                                                                           Patrick Norris explaining pattern and layout for carpet tiles in the school library;
  skills they will be bringing to the flooring Industry both locally and   (Below) Laying hardboard underlay in the library prior to installation of carpet tiles.
  throughout NSW.
      The Chairman of the FCIA, Mr Andrew Lewis, stated “This is a
  unique program bringing apprentices, industry, trainers, and the
  community together to provide genuine career opportunities for
  young people.”
      The FCIA also issues invitations to the media, government
  representatives, and local employers to visit the school during
  the week to witness the apprentices in action as they apply their
  newly gained skills.
       “The FCIA gratefully acknowledges the following Members,
  manufacturers and suppliers who have donated their time,
  expertise and materials to this wonderful project:
  • Karndean vinyl planks
  • Tuftmaster broadloom carpet
  • Ontera Carpet Tiles
  • MJS Floor Coverings

18 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                                      www.flooringmagazine.com.au
welcoming another addition                                                                          w s
                                                                                                    ne in t o
  to the Choices Flooring family
  Choices Flooring by Pearce (formerly Pearce Flooring Carpet Store) is very proud to be the fifth Choices Flooring
  store to open in New Zealand. They are independently owned and operated, and their team has over forty years of
  experience servicing the Rotorua region.

                                                                           We are excited to join such a highly
                                                                      regarded group. I established the carpet
                                                                       company Pearce Flooring in 1978, and I
                                                                      am thrilled to see how the company has
                                                                            developed into what we are today
                                                                               - Stated Malcolm Pearce (left),
                                                                          Choices Flooring by Pearce owner.

  With a huge range of carpet, timber, laminate and luxury vinyl flooring customers are sure to find the floor they
  have been searching for at their newly renovated showroom. With a fresh new look the store evolution aims to
  provide an unparalleled in-store experience. This is demonstrated by the new showroom layout, inspiring product
  displays and industry leading technology of the Inspiration Station which allows consumers to visualise over 2,000
  different flooring options in their own room images.

  “We are happy to expand our Choices Flooring family in New Zealand. Malcom has built a great reputation in his
  community and we look forward to supporting him and his team in the future” states Andrew Lewis, Newfurn CEO.

  Choices Flooring by Pearce look forward to welcoming new and existing customers to their new showroom and are
  excited to helping them find the floor you’ve been searching for.

  Visit Choices Flooring by Pearce, 91 Old Taupo Road, Mangakakahi, Rotorua.

For a strictly confidential discussion about the future direction of your
business, please contact:
New Zealand - John Nicholls              Australia - Tim Drew
Group Manager - Retail Development NZ    Group Manager - Retail Development AUS
Mobile: +64 27 322 8679                  Mobile: +61 425 751 756
Email: jnicholls@choicesflooring.co.nz   Email: tdrew@choicesflooring.com.au                  choicesflooring.com
FCIA Partners with Youth Off The Streets to Provide Unique
  Community Training for Flooring Apprentices
  The FCIA is working closely with Father Chris Riley, founder          The project was conducted throughout October at Bowen
  and CEO of Youth Off The Streets to renovate Bowen College.        College located at 272 Fitzgerald Road, Maroubra.
  Bowen College is one of five specialist schools set up by Father      A formal handover of the renovated College officially took
  Riley dedicated to providing tailored and focused education for    place in October 2018. At this handover the apprentices will
  students who may be at risk of falling behind in mainstream        also be awarded certificates of participation to acknowledge
  education.                                                         the commencement of their journey to become skilled flooring
     The FCIA and our alliance partners are coordinating this        tradespersons.
  unique community project to provide eighteen Apprentice               The Chairman of the FCIA, Mr Andrew Lewis, stated “This is a
  Flooring Installers with hands on experience laying brand new      unique program bringing apprentices, industry, trainers, and the
  carpet, timber and vinyl flooring at no cost to Youth Off The      community together to provide genuine career opportunities for
  Streets.                                                           young people.”
                                                                         “The FCIA gratefully acknowledges the following
                                                                     manufacturers and suppliers who have donated their time,
                                                                     expertise and materials to this wonderful project:
                                                                     • Airstep
                                                                     • Polyflor
                                                                     • Tarkett
                                                                     • MJS Floor Coverings
                                                                     • Himalaya Carpets
                                                                     • Premium Floors
                                                                     • Mapei
                                                                     • All Preparation Equipment
                                                                        They would like to thank Father Riley, Youth Off The Streets,
                                                                     Australian Industry Group Training Services, and MEGT
                                                                     Apprenticeship Network provider, for their support of the FICA’s
                                                                     industry driven apprenticeship program,” He said.

                                                                     Pictured: (Left) Youth off the Streets Corporate Service Manager Mark Twomey
                                                                     handing a certificate of participation to Liam McNally (apprentice); (Below) Group
                                                                     photo of the apprentices that worked on the Youth Off the Streets Project at

20 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                             www.flooringmagazine.com.au
With over 140 members & counting,
we’ve got Australasia covered.

For a strictly confidential discussion about the future direction of your
business, please contact:
New Zealand - John Nicholls              Australia - Tim Drew
Group Manager - Retail Development NZ    Group Manager - Retail Development AUS
Mobile: +64 27 322 8679                  Mobile: +61 425 751 756
Email: jnicholls@choicesflooring.co.nz   Email: tdrew@choicesflooring.com.au      choicesflooring.com
with endless
Tarkett’s Heterogeneous vinyl collection of floor and wall solutions are renowned for offering
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Total design freedom                                                  Distinct spaces from floors to walls
Tarkett’s latest Heterogenous collections allow you to                In hospitals, aged care, schools, shops and storage areas,
multiply your creative possibilities when designing spaces            ProtectWALL is a heavy duty covering for walls and doors
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Providing a multitude of choices that meet current design             ProtectWALL is designed to deliver ten years of protection
trends, our Excellence collection features a high matte               from scratches, impacts and staining agents. Cleaning and
finish which softens light reflected off flooring for additional      maintenance are effortless and economical as ProtectWALL
occupant comfort and a more realistic look.                           vastly reduces germ infiltration by limiting the number of
                                                                      joints necessary – possible sites where germs can reside.
Engineered for durable resistance
                                                                      ProtectWall also delivers a rapid return on investment when
Our Excellence flooring collection delivers durable resistance        compared to stiff plates and paint, with up to 50% savings,
to indentation and tearing and is designed to withstand daily         that continues to grow over a ten‑year period and beyond.
wear in all areas. Requiring minimal maintenance our floors
are designed to retain their freshly installed appearance
for longer.
The new Excellence range tested 29% improved rollability on
both compact & acoustic profiles – delivering a more durable
rolling capacity where less force is required to push trolleys
and medical beds.*

Freshly installed appearance for longer
Requiring minimal maintenance our floors are proven to resist
stains in numerous environments. Floors can be cleaned
using a little water and neutral detergents, making it easier
to maintain cleanliness and appearance between buffings               Tarkett Tapiflex Excellence 80 is an ideal acoustic solution
without the need for harsh chemicals.                                 that delivers an Impact Sound Reduction of 19dB when tested
                                                                      according to ISO 717‑2.
Our products are also proven to lower the overall life cycle costs,
significantly reducing the cost of maintenance and cleaning.          To find out more visit www.tarkospec.com.au

* Based on internal testing
Overseas News

  DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR Expands to 15
  Exhibition Halls in 2019
   The 21st edition of DOMOTEX asia/              will be for floor heating and E4 – for         AZUMI Mechanical Equipment and
   CHINAFLOOR, taking place on March              bamboo flooring and Changzhou laminate         Wintersteiger AG have already secured
   26-28, 2019 at the Shanghai New                flooring pavilion. This way it will be a lot   their space. This year E6 will be a gateway
   International Expo Center, is expanding        easier for visitors to survey the market       to outdoor decking flooring and E7 will
   this year to 175,000 sqm in 15 halls.          and connect with the exhibitors and            house sports flooring, as the industry
   Five of them are dedicated to carpets          trends that matter to them.                    grew extensively from last year. A big part
   and rugs, four to wood, bamboo and                 FLOORTECH asia will be displayed in        of N3 and N5 will be occupied by the
   other hard floors, 1.5 to FLOORTECH asia       E5, bringing ever new technologies and         major international brands, such as KDF,
   and 4.5 halls are dedicated to resilient       wood flooring printing machines to the         Tarkett, Wineo, JaeYoung, US Floor, NOX,
   floorings for sport, commercial, industrial    show for the first time; while a part of       Adopen, GoaKe. The resilient flooring
   and residential purposes.                      E6 will house wood flooring supplies like      section is expanding dramatically, that is
      The show's clusters display categories      cleaning and maintenance equipment,            why it will be spread out to halls E6, E7
   in an optimal way so attendees can             and applications and installation              and N3-N5, taking up 4.5 halls for the
   quickly find everything of interest to them.   technology. According to Sara Babinski,        first time. DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR
   Getting down to specifics, this year wood      design manager at Armstrong Flooring,          also confirmed that W5 will once again be
   flooring will occupy E1-E4 halls, which        3D printing will play an important role        the host hall for the Luxury Brands Carpet
   means that the exhibitors will have bigger     in the flooring industry. To take that into    Show. Moreover, U-living, Hongjia, Babylon
   spaces to display their products. E1 will      account, DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR               and some other premium household
   exhibit only international brands, such as     2019 will present companies such as            carpet companies will join the hall in
   Labeco, Boen, Arte Mundi, Swiss Krono,         Hope Ceramics Machinery Equipment              2019, making W5 a high-level design hall.
   Classen and Faus. E2 will house domestic       and ELECTRONICS FOR IMAGING. As for            Three country pavilions (Afghanistan, India,
   companies, including Starforest, Tubao,        mechanical equipment for wood flooring,        and Pakistan) have also confirmed their
   TECLIC, Artree, Jinqiao and Dalian Wood        the world’s leading brands like Homag,         return to W5 for the 21st edition of the
   Flooring Pavilion. The largest part of E3      Hawk, Suzhou Hotjin Precision Machinery,       show with large stands.

24 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                        www.flooringmagazine.com.au
Since the establishment of the show
has been regarded as a place to be for
floor covering professionals from around
the globe and a unique opportunity for
manufacturers to position themselves
as trendsetters of the flooring industry.
gathered 1,418 exhibitors from 35
countries and attracted 60,029 trade
visitors, of which 14,238 international,
coming from 104 nations.
    The 2019 edition will continue its
successful route, attracting even more
professionals and offering the flooring
world a unique platform to access and
do business in Asia – Pacific, the biggest
flooring market in the world. DOMOTEX
asia/CHINAFLOOR is a part of the
dynamic international DOMOTEX brand
based in Hannover, Germany, along with
two other platforms: DOMOTEX Turkey
and – making its debut next year –

www.flooringmagazine.com.au                  Flooring Oct/Nov 2018 | 25
New VP Presents Exciting Future for
  Beaulieu Flooring Solutions
   Beaulieu Flooring Solutions’ Vice           and the private label customers we                The division has its own global team of
   President James Neuling is building on      serve.”                                       designers that examines general lifestyle
   expertise and organic growth with more          “Approximately €300 million of the        trends in depth and translates them into
   investments and acquisitions to support     €500 million invested in the Beaulieu         flooring products. The company works
   the global flooring industry.               International Group during the last 5 years   closely with its global customers to provide
       Beaulieu Flooring Solutions, a          was in flooring,” comments James. “That       support not just for product development
   division of the Beaulieu International      gives an indication of our commitment         but also for offline and online sales
   Group (B.I.G.), is a global operation       to growing with this industry, staying on     activities, to ensure a consistent look is
   of 3,300 employees that develops            top of global trends, and embracing the       achieved throughout.
   and manufactures an extensive range         new technologies required for innovative          To support the worldwide trend
   of flooring solutions from its 17           finishes such as the emerging concrete        towards more and more solid flooring,
   factory locations. With the June 2018       look.”                                        it recently revamped its direct pressure     28
   acquisitions of Beaulieu Australia and
   Beaulieu Canada, the division achieved
   a combined turnover of €1 billion
   in 2017. Products include cushion
   vinyl, vinyl planks and tiles, parquet,
   laminate, carpet, needle felt, artificial
   grass, wall panels and mats. Leading
   brands include the BerryAlloc laminate,
   parquet, vinyl tiles and planks ranges,
   Beauflor and Juteks cushion vinyl and
   Ideal residential carpets. The Peerless
   and Peerless Contract Brand have been
   added to the brand portfolio with the
   recent acquisition.
       After ten months at the helm,
   James Neuling is introducing a more
   performance-driven approach to
   transform the division well beyond a
   billion Euro in the next few years. To
   achieve this, the senior executive will
   draw on his significant commercial
   experience in upgrading the performance
   of major companies. Previous sectors
   include plastics, aerospace and specialty
   chemicals, as well as the similar
   architectural finished product arena of
       “Beaulieu Flooring Solutions is a
   fantastic design and development
   company with an amazing, broad range
   of products,” comments James Neuling,
   Vice President Beaulieu Flooring
   Solutions. “I see a highly-dedicated,
   focused team of employees that’s
   open and ready to taking this business
   to the next level, and I’m eager to do
   this with them. We grew organically
   by an impressive 5% in 2017. We’ve
   already extended our capabilities in
   2018 with two new companies. And
   we are planning to bolster this with
   more acquisitions and investments in
   production facilities and partnerships
   to enhance support both for our direct
   customer base through our own brands,

26 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                   www.flooringmagazine.com.au
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laminate (DPL) BerryAlloc range to bring        XL contract carpet, state-of-the-art                        Biography
  realistic and exclusive new styles to           technology/machinery for needle felt                        James Neuling began his career in
  the market. There has been a positive           carpet, and full extrusion lines for the                    technical sales within the Lighting industry
  reception from customers following the          artificial grass business.                                  in Singapore, moving on to sales and
  initial launch at Domotex 2018, and                The division is also currently looking                   marketing-related functions and later
  more of the products will be phased in          at investments in the newly-acquired                        becoming Region General Manager
  over the course of this year.                   Beaulieu Australia and Beaulieu Canada                      SE Asia for Zumtobel from 1998 to
      James is also excited by the                plants.                                                     2000. Since 2001, he has held senior
  opportunities that digital printing                Beaulieu Flooring Solutions is                           commercial positions at major players
  presents for the division’s different solid     committed to supporting the trend                           within the Plastics, Aerospace and
  flooring product lines. Two years ago,          towards greater sustainability across                       Specialty Chemicals sectors. His roles have
  Beaulieu Flooring Solutions invested            the industry. It is already acting upon                     included European General Manager for
  in digital printing capabilities, forming       opportunities to increase recyclability of                  the Specialty Film and Sheets division of
  partnerships with leading players in the        flooring, focusing for example on single                    GE Plastics (now Sabic), Global Managing
  field. These digitally printed products are     material products and helping customers                     Director for divisions of Rio Tinto, and more
  invaluable in enabling efficient testing of     to recycle their products.                                  recently, Global Managing Director at the
  product concepts and market interest,              James concludes: “This is an inspiring                   adhesive tapes manufacturer Scapa.
  providing customers with endless design         time for Beaulieu Flooring Solutions and                       Immediately prior to joining Beaulieu
  possibilities that cannot be achieved           our customers. People buy flooring for                      Flooring Solutions, James provided
  with traditional techniques. While the          a room, not a house. And we see it as                       freelance consultancy and executive
  technology is currently too slow for broad      our goal to refresh product trends and                      management support to private equity,
  commercial use, James sees Beaulieu             styles to help consumers pursue their                       mid-cap and Blue Chip entities.
  Flooring Solutions as well-placed               individual tastes. Our customers rely                          James holds an MBA from the IMD
  to respond quickly as technologies              on us to have the right products that                       Business School in Lausanne, as well as
  advance.                                        are focused on trends. I look forward to                    Marketing and Engineering degrees. Born
      Recent investments in its soft flooring     sharing news of future investments and                      in Australia in 1971, he has lived and
  capabilities emphasise on-going new             acquisitions to enhance what we are                         worked in 9 countries. Together with his
  developments for these segments too.            already achieving.”                                         wife Emily, they have 3 sons, aged 13yrs,
  These include new technology for Carus                                                                      11yrs and 6 months.

  Innovations are
  Driving Product
   Ongoing innovations in multilayer flooring
   are spurring on the market and changing
   perspectives. And new solutions to
   familiar market requirements are making
   it necessary to revise standards. This
   is why, immediately after the summer
   break, the Executive Board of the MMFA
   (Multilayer Modular Flooring Association)
   led by Chairman Matthias Windmöller
   held a meeting with an ad hoc technical
   group made up of specialists from various
   member companies. The location of
   the meeting was quite relevant to the          Recently, an MMFA working group visited the AgPR facility in Troisdorf, a recycling plant for PVC flooring. –
   programme, as it started out with a visit to   Photos: MMFA
   the AgPR in Troisdorf, a recycling plant for
   PVC flooring, where Managing Director Dr
   Jochen Zimmermann gave an introduction         criteria and measurement procedures                          the results will now be tested by means
   to the objectives and background of the        for the various categories of multilayer                     of interlaboratory comparisons between
   facility.                                      flooring. These must keep up with the                        member companies. A further meeting
       This was followed by a number of lively    fast pace of innovation whilst at the                        will be held later this year which will aim
   discussions internally concerning the          same time leaving sufficient freedom                         to draw conclusions about the best way to
   continued development of standards, test       for future developments. The validity of                     proceed.

28 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                                          www.flooringmagazine.com.au
The Flooring Association Of Victoria
                                  FAV AWARDS 2018
  The 3rd Annual FAV Awards for innovation ingenuity and excellence was held on 11th August, 2018 at the Plaza Ballroom. The event was again a great
  success and has set a very high benchmark as the ‘night’ for the industry to get together and acknowledge their successes throughout the year.


WINNER                                                    WINNER                                                       WINNER
Office Fit Out                                              Health Care                                                  Hospitality
Aywon Carpets,                                            JJ Contract Carpets,                                         Floor 91,
Worksafe Geelong                                          St John of God                                               Bunjil Place

                                                                                                                         FAV would like to acknowledge all the
                                                                                                                         entries we received. They were all of a high
                                                                                                                         standard. The finalists and ultimate winners
                                                                                                                         in the 6 categories were:

                                                                                                                         Guyetts Carpet Services
WINNER                                                                                                                   Omnifloor – Tiffany Refit, Melbourne
Education                                                                                                                Airlay – Sports Power (WINNER)
Monash University
                                                                                                                         Stahmers – St Peters Retirement (WINNER)
                                                                                                                         Aywon Carpets – Lakeside Apartments
                                                                                                                         Embelton – Far East – Royal Como

                                                                                                                         OFFICE FITOUT
                                                                                                                         Hanmar – David Jones
                                                                                                                         JJ Contract Carpets – Lions Docklands
                                                                                                                         Aywon Carpets – Worksafe Geelong (WINNER)

                                                                                                                         HEALTH CARE
                                                                                                                         Aywon Carpets – Werribee Mercy Hospital
                                                                                                                         JJ Contract Carpets – St John of God (WINNER)
                                                                                                                         Embelton – Armadale Wellness Centre

                                                                                                                         Mr Carpets – St Kilda Football Club
                                                                                                                         CAM Hammond – Junction Oval
                                                                                                                         Floor 91 – Bunjil Place (WINNER)

WINNER                                                    WINNER
                                                                                                                         JJ Contract Carpets – Melba College
Retail                                                    Residential
                                                                                                                         Omnifloor – Monash University (WINNER)
Airlay,                                                   Stahmers,                                                      Floor 91 – RMIT
Sportspower                                               St Peters Retirement

The awards for 2019 are now open, so we would encourage that you enter your project as they are completed whilst fresh in your mind. Email your entries to FAVawards@gmail.com
Tools &
Special Feature

Covering a wide range of topics, this feature aims to showcase those in the industry what
is actually out there when it comes to floors and the tools to lay and implement the various
types of flooring.

The articles and relevant images are geared towards the practical side of things. From
Makinex to Blastrac, All Preparation Equipment to Floorex, and QEP – Roberts, this feature
has got you covered.

'Tools and Accessories' are merely a comprehensive snap shot of what is available in the
marketplace and are also a guide.

Floorex will answer your questions when it comes to floor preparation, while Makinex
suggests you ‘Remove, Remediate and Prepare!’ Over at Roberts, it’s all about
revolutionising flooring with the invention of Smoothedge.

There’s a lot to take in, and we know you’ll get a lot out of it.

              THE NEW RANGE OF


                               THE WIDEST RANGE IN SURFACE
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   What equipment do you require for
   floor preparation?
   The common question is “What                    covering is going to perform best if the top      The Best Methods of Preparation
   type of equipment should be                     laitance layer is removed, and the surface
                                                                                                     • Diamond Grinders are the most
   used in the Floor Covering                      is ground back to ‘virgin’ concrete with no
                                                                                                       frequently used machine in the Floor
   Industry?” But first: What is                                                                       Coverings field.
                                                   Interestingly floor coverings such as sheet
   floor preparation? Why do I need                vinyl or tiles laid on a beautifully flat
                                                                                                     From fully shrouded, dust-free hand grinders,
   to prepare the substrate?                                                                         to large walk-behind machines these are
                                                   concrete without any screed looks better
                                                                                                     usually the best type of machine to prepare
                                                   and often lasts longer. Prepared concrete is
                                                                                                     floors, get glue off, or to make floors flat.
   Every floor covering will perform best if the   the perfect substrate to lay onto directly.
   substrate is prepared correctly.                                                                  Note that there are two essential factors
                                                   If a screed is needed, which can happen
                                                                                                     that determine how productive a grinder
   The good thing about this is that with the      especially if there are dips in the floor, then
                                                                                                     is. Diamond speed measured in metres/
   right equipment it is faster, cleaner and       the adhesion of the primer and the screed is
                                                                                                     minute (Not revs per minute) and weight
   costs less to do it right.                      going to be excellent if prepared correctly.
                                                                                                     per disc on the floor.
   No matter what you are going to be doing        As we often say: “No preparation, is
                                                                                                     A good 240v machine will be at least 30kg
   to a floor, every adhesive, every floor         preparing a floor to fail”.
                                                                                                     per disc and will achieve 550m/min. 34

 32 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                           www.flooringmagazine.com.au
Australia’s complete supplier of concrete preparation equipment !

  P Concrete Grinders                P Dust Extraction
  P Floor Scrapers                   P Mixing Equipment
  P Shotblasters                     P Floor Protection
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  Concrete Grinding & Polishing, Tiling Beds & Grouting
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   • Shotblasters can be a very useful tool
     for some applications. They produce the
     best adhesion, but they may not always
     provide the right finish for a floorcovering.
   Usually they perform best for preparation for
   cementitious screeds in the Floor Coverings
   • Scarifiers (sometimes called Planers) are
     great if you need to remove high spots
     where the floor needs to be planed down
     or can be used to give a good bond for
     floor screeds.
   • Floor Scrapers are part of preparation
     and an effective machine when used with
     the optimum blade.
   A floor scraper used with a narrower blade
   should be able to remove adhesives with
   the floor covering. If you do this, the time
   taken to grind the floor can be dramatically
   reduced so a better job gets done in much
   less time.

   The Importance of the Dust Extractor
   Of all the equipment that is used in the
   Concrete Floor Preparation Industry, the dust
   extractor is the one thing everyone needs,
   and so often people end up with a unit that
   doesn’t perform!
   All too often what a contractor is sold is
   an “Industrial Vacuum Cleaner”. These will
   come “cheap”, but a Dust Extractor has two
   key attributes that make them especially
   suited to working with a lot of concrete dust.
   There are very few true dust extractors on
   the market!
   • A true dust extractor cleans its own filter
     cartridge. DustMaster Extractors do this
     continuously, even while operating!
   Some of these clean the filters by using a
   rotatory arm that flicks each pleat releasing
   A Continuous Compressed Air Reverse
   Pulse system works very effectively, and it
   is common to hear that owners don’t touch
   their filters for many months or even years
   when used properly.
   • Hopefully these will have a high quality
     5micron polyester H13 filter cartridge
     that can handle immense volumes of
     troublesome dust; yet allows the dust to
     be flicked off and fall into a dust bin.
   • NOTE: All machines used when using a
     Dust extractor should have an effective
     shroud system to control dust at the
     Grinder, Scarifier, etc.

 34 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                          www.flooringmagazine.com.au
The floating shroud is the best as it is          Why is Dust Extraction so Important?                The good thing is that these can be used
always on the floor and provides the best                                                             with plastic bags to collect dust.
                                                  Silica dust is recognised as a carcinogenic
possible dust control.
                                                  substance, as well as the likes of asbestos.        • It is a distinct advantage if your vacuum
Floorex DustMaster (DM) Series with its           New rules that have come into force make              has the option of running each motor
effective filter cleaning system includes         it mandatory to have exceptionally high-              individually. When you need to back off
DM-1360 single motor vac. This performs           quality extractors which means that:                  airflow to keep the diamonds open you
beautifully with Meteor 250 single disc                                                                 realise how beneficial this is.
                                                  • The filter element needs to be able to filter
grinders, Satellite 400 small triple disc
                                                    99.99% dust out down to 3micron size.
grinders and hand grinders.
                                                                                                      What does a typical floor prep set-up
                                                  • The filter element is not the only piece in
Then the DM-2660 which is a twin                                                                      look like?
                                                    the puzzle to make the dust extractor meet
motor vac with a 50litre bin, or the twin
                                                    requirements; just putting a HEPA filter into     Most contractors will find that a Satellite
motor DM-2680 can be used either with
                                                    a vac does not make it a HEPA vacuum!             480 heavyweight 240volt grinder
LONGOPAC bag system, or single plastic
                                                                                                      imperative (or 3 phase Satellite 650).
bag system. These Extractors are ideal with       • If you have a grinder with a poor shroud
Satellite 480, Mastiff scarifiers, and does         system, even the best vacuum is                   Meteor 250 single disc 240v Edger grinder
cope quite well with Satellite 650 grinder/         compromised.                                      or a 180mm Shrouded hand grinder.
                                                  • The vacuum hose if it is too small                A DustMaster DM-2660 (or DM-2680)
The largest Dustmaster 240 volt extractor           diameter and/or too long, may not allow           vacuum is an important tool.
triple motor DM-2780 is also used with              the full flow of air because of friction.
                                                                                                      A Beaver 300 Self-Propelled floor scraper
LONGOPAC or single plastic bags and                 You need VOLUME of air, not exactly
                                                                                                      (or Beaver 240 push-type) is usually the
will does an excellent job with Satellite           vacuum to control dust.
650, Satellite 766 Dual Head, and large
                                                  • A Supa Separator is a perfect way to
scarifying machines.                                                                                  PortaMix Hippo 5 bag screed mixing station
                                                    make any vacuum perform better.
                                                                                                      makes jobs from 5-500 bags easy.


   CONCRETE FLOOR                                                                 FLOORING PRODUCTS
    MADE EASY                                                                  Flooring
                                                                               products that
                                                                               save you time
                                                                               and money

                                                                                                     Jack Hammer Trolley
                               •   Concrete floor grinders
    with                       •
                                   Diamond Tooling
                                   Concrete Vacuums & shrouds                     Innovative design for clever contractors
  ALL PREPARATION              •   Mixing equipment
      EQUIPMENT                •   Floor Levellers
                               •   Floor Stripping & lifting equipment

                          CALL 1800 422 992
                          www.ALLPREP.COM.AU                                   ASK YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR CONTACT US AT         makinex.com.au

   How ROBERTS Revolutionised Flooring
   with the Invention of Smoothedge
   Eighty years ago, a carpet layer, carpet
   salesman and shop owner known as Roy
   Roberts revolutionised the carpet industry
   with the invention of carpet gripper and the
   industry leading brand ROBERTS.
   “Haunted” by the imperfections of the old-
   fashioned method of installing carpet, Roberts
   founded the brand in his family garage in the
   American State of Georgia.
   “Why couldn’t someone devise a method
   which would eliminate tack marks and their
   ugly indentations and scallops?” Roberts
   lamented in his booklet celebrating the
   brand’s 22nd anniversary.
   “Why wasn’t there a means that would
   anchor carpet securely, yet provide a
   smoother, more level finish?
   “A finish that would enhance rather than
   deface the installed carpet edge?”
   After conducting numerous experiments over
   the course of months, Roberts devised the
   gripper strips which took on almost the exact
   shape of the present day Smoothedge.
   “At last, after years of laying carpet, I was
   able to lay a truly beautiful job,” Roberts
   “The enthusiastic reaction of this first
   customer convinced us. This was the
   installation she had always desired.
   “An improved tackless carpet installation!”
   Over the coming months and years, as the
   industry perfected installing carpet with
   the “Smoothedge tackles finish”, ROBERTS
   developed new tools to help carpet installers
   save time.
   One of these inventions included Hot Melt
   Carpet Seaming Tape, developed and
   manufactured by ROBERTS it became another
   innovative ROBERTS product to be marketed
   From its humble garage-based origins in
   1938, ROBERTS has grown to become
   synonymous with quality and reliability.
   Now known as a premier brand of flooring
   tools and adhesives, generations of installers
   have grown up with ROBERTS with the
   products now sold in more than 100
   countries worldwide.      38

 36 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                         www.flooringmagazine.com.au
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             Available at: All AFS Branches, Floors of Tasmania,
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                                                      Remove, Remediate and
                                                      Makinex understand the                          Remove
                                                      importance of getting the job                   With any job there is often an element of
                                                      done to the highest standard                    removal before the job starts – no one
                                                      possible.                                       wants to lay flooring onto a rough and
                                                                                                      uneven surface, we supply tradies who
                                                      We are all about quality and                    want to use the right tools for the job and
                                                                                                      service their clients to a very high standard.
   Australian Flooring Supplies (AFS) is the          efficiency, we believe that to
   primary distributor of ROBERTS Smoothedge,         make inefficiencies extinct you                 The Makinex Jackhammer Trolley (or
   tools and metal trims in Australia. AFS                                                            Vinyl Stripper) allows you to remove tiles,
   distributes ROBERTS products, including            must prepare prepare prepare.                   vinyl and cork up to 6 x faster. No more
   adhesives, through its network of 20                                                               struggling or bending trying to handle
                                                      The Makinex flooring range covers a wide
   branches.                                                                                          heavy jackhammers. The trolley carries
                                                      area of products that can aid application
                                                                                                      most of the weight whilst the user positions
   Craig Hildebrand, the general manager of           based tradies wanting greater efficiency in
                                                                                                      themselves behind the trolley to push
   AFS, said the ROBERTS brand is synonymous          all finishes and surface coatings.
   with the flooring industry not only in Australia
                                                      Makinex can support you at every stage
   but the world over.                                                                                The JHT (Jackhammer Trolley) suits most
                                                      of your flooring job, be it laying a floating
                                                                                                      16 kg Jackhammers and will allow you to
   “In the markets AFS operate, we are                floor, working with exposed aggregate, or
                                                                                                      remove unwanted waste before you start
   extremely fortunate to have exclusive              applying epoxy we have a machine to give
                                                                                                      your job.    40
   distribution of the comprehensive range            you the best results.
   of Roberts flooring installation products,”
   Hildebrand said.
   “I’m not only proud but feel exceptionally
   privileged being associated with the most
   innovative global flooring installation brand.”
   Ugo Tettamanti, national sales and product
   manager at AFS, added: “Having been around
   for this long is a testament of the ROBERTS
   brand strength, product innovation and
   expertise in flooring installation tools and
   AFS is celebrating this ROBERTS legacy with
   a huge campaign that runs from August until
   The campaign is offering purchasers of the
   ROBERTS brand the chance to win one of four
   Tradesman Top Trailers worth a whopping
   $3,500 each.
   There are also four limited edition
   commemorative Pro Gel Knee Kickers and
   Toolboxes up for grabs. The commemorative
   Toolbox is a red version of ROBERTS’ much
   loved design, featuring a storage tray that
   doubles as a seaming weight.
   The nation-wide promotion is available through
   all 20 AFS branches throughout Victoria,
   New South Wales, the Australian Capital
   Territory and Queensland. It is also available
   via ROBERTS distributors in South Australia,
   Western Australia and Tasmania.

 38 | Flooring Oct/Nov 2018                                                                                             www.flooringmagazine.com.au
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