Bachelor of arts Degree courses - Start your international career

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Bachelor of arts Degree courses - Start your international career
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international career

Bachelor of Arts Degree Courses
Bachelor of arts Degree courses - Start your international career
start your
international career
Bachelor of arts Degree courses - Start your international career
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                          overview of bachelor‘s programmes 04
                                                  CBS mission 06
                                        Programme portfolio 07
                         ten good reasons for studying at CBS 09

               bachelor degree course International Business 14
                                       specialisation options 18

bachelor degree course International Culture and Management 24
                                       specialisation options 28

    bachelor degree course International tourism management 34

     bachelor degree course international Media Management 38

                 bachelor degree course Business Psychology 42

             bachelor degree course Wirtschaftspsychologie 42

                 bachelor degree course General Management 48
                                       specialisation options 52

                               master of arts degree courses 58
                                         Parnter universities 60
                                                      Service 62
                                             internationality 64
                                                  statements 66
                                           Student initiatives 68
                                            location cologne 73
                                  consultation opportunities 76
                                               how to find us 77
Bachelor of arts Degree courses - Start your international career
Bachelor’s Programmes

English-language degree courses

 Bachelor of arts                                  Bachelor of arts                                Bachelor of arts
 6 Semesters                                       6 Semesters                                     6 Semesters

 INTErnational                                     INTErnational CULTURE                           INTErnational tourism
 Business                          > p. 14         and MANAGEMENT     > p. 24                      management         > p. 34

 specialisations:                                      specialisations:                            This degree course provides general
 Financial Management                                  Arts and Cultural Management                business management knowhow with the
 International Trade                                   Cross Cultural Management                   special skills required by all tourism
 Human Resource Management                             East Asia Management                        fields, from hotel management to event
 Management Consulting                                 Emerging Markets and                        management and aviation management.
                                                       International Cooperation                   It provides superb preparation for the
 Marketing Management
                                                       European Management                         demands of the tourism industry today.

German-language degree course

         Bachelor of arts                                  Bachelor of arts
         6 Semesters                                       6 Semesters

         Wirtschafts-                                      GENERAL
         psychologie                         >
                                             > p.
                                                  36       MANAGEMENT                    > p. 48

         This degree programme combines eco-                specialisations:
         nomic studies with lectures on topics              Finanzmanagement
         from psychology. It covers all areas of            Internationales Management
         business in which business psychologists           Marketingmanagement
         work.                                              Supply Chain Management
                                                            Unternehmensführung und
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                                                                                                  Overview of Bachelor’s Programmes

Bachelor of arts                              Bachelor of arts
6 Semesters                                   6 Semesters

international Media                           Business
management         > p. 38                    Psychology                        > p. 42

Graduates from the degree course in In-       This degree programme combines eco-
ternational Media Management are quali-       nomic studies with lectures on topics
fied to take top-level positions in the me-   from psychology. It covers all areas of
dia industry. The curriculum is divided       business in which business psycholo-
into three main subject areas: strategic      gists work.
online research and management; online
media marketing and communication;
and cross-media production and imple-

 A Degree Programme Taught in English?

 Almost all our bachelor’s programmes are taught in English.           More information on the English prep courses can be found on
 But don’t let this faze you. Completing a degree in English is        our homepage. Those who want foreign language skills but
 not as hard as it might sound. And for those who still have mis-      who don’t want to take part in an English-language program
 givings, CBS offers intense English-language prep courses.            should consider the degree courses General Management and
 They are open both to new students and to potential applicants        Business Psychology, which include courses in English and
 who have yet to seek admission. The prep courses conclude             other foreign languages as part of the curriculum.
 with a final exam. All participants receive a certificate after
 completing a class. In addition to English-language skills, the
 courses give participants a chance to experience the campus
 and get to know the university.
Bachelor of arts Degree courses - Start your international career
CBS mission

traditional and contemporary

The Cologne Business School (CBS) is part of the oldest network       HAVING FUN STUDYING
of private schools and universities in Germany, whose common          The atmosphere at CBS is pleasant and motivating. A compre-
goal it is to provide students better options for career entry and    hensive service guarantees that students can fully concentrate on
promotion in interesting occupations. CBS combines more than          their studies. It is important for us that the college not be percei-
one-hundred years of methodically didactic experience with fu-        ved simply as an anonymous learning factory. The result is new
ture-oriented, scientific courses of study.                           student initiatives always popping up, which positively affects the
                                                                      climate at CBS.
As a pioneer, CBS implemented bachelor degree study programs          ACCREDITATION AND RECOGNITION
in Germany almost ten years before the „Bologna Process“. It          CBS is a state-recognized university. The high quality is guaran-
was our ambition from the very beginning to adopt the Anglo-Sa-       teed by the fact that the content, topicality and studiability for all
xon coined Bachelor know-how into teaching through internatio-        majors are regularly checked by the tri-national accreditation
nal partner universities. What’s more, the first FIBAA accreditati-   agency, FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administ-
on that took place in Germany in 1998 rated CBS with very positi-     ration Accreditation). Under the authority of the Scientific Council
ve results.                                                           of the Federal Republic of Germany, this independent organizati-
                                                                      on scrutinizes all study programs at CBS. And so, our qualifica-
                                                                      tions entitle us to the same privileges as those held by state uni-

Prof. Dr. habil. Elisabeth Fröhlich

President of CBS

„Because of our close contact with the market, we are familiar with the requirements
companies have of graduates. Our study programs are consistently aligned with these
demands. In this way we prepare our students for the global challenges that lie ahead in
their careers and provide them with a high probability of securing employment after gra-
Bachelor of arts Degree courses - Start your international career
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                                                                                                   CBS mission / programme portfolio

Programme Portfolio

Cologne Business School offers a wide-ranging educational      The goal of the MBA programme is to prepare students with
programme – five bachelor’s degree courses and eight           previous work experience for top-level management posi-
master’s degree courses. Almost all courses are taught in      tions. In addition, CBS regularly offers challenging certifica-
English.                                                       tion programmes for advanced employee training.

The bachelor’s programme runs three years and allows
students to select from a variety of concentrations. Gradua-
tes can either enter the workforce or apply for a master’s
degree course.
                                                                BACHELOR              MASTER

CBS master’s programme includes MBAs (Master of Busi-                                 Duration: 2 years

ness Administration) and EMBAs (Executive Master of Busi-
ness Administration). MBA applicants must have one year of                            Employment                         MBA
work experience; EMBA applicants, five years.
                                                                                                      after one year     Duration: 1-2,5 years


                                                                Duration: 3-4 years                   after five years   Duration: 2 years

part-time bachelor of arts                                     Master of arts degree courses
degree courses

 internationales Management                                     international business                                             > P. 58

 International Business
                                                                international culture And management                               > P. 58
 specialisation: Strategic Management

                                                                International tourism management                                   > P. 58

                                                                INTernational media and entertainment Mgmt.                        > P. 58

                                                                General management                                                 > P. 58
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Bachelor of arts Degree courses - Start your international career
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                                                                                                                 ten good reasons

Why should I
study at CBS …

TEN good reasons for studying at CBS

ONE          international                                        THREE        Fact-based and compact
CBS campus brings together students and instructors from all      No other institution for higher learning in Germany has more ex-
over the world. Plus, CBS students can study abroad for a se-     perience with the bachelor’s system. All that experience has al-
mester at one of the many distinguished CBS partner univer-       lowed it to design a rigorous curriculum that gives students all
sities and can even combine it with an internship. Our curricu-   the skills they need in only three years. The curriculum includes
la equip students with knowledge and experiences global           foreign language training, personal skills coaching and experi-
companies expect. Students improve their foreign language         ence abroad.
skills, receive valuable information about different business
cultures and mentalities and learn practical tips on business
etiquette abroad.                                                 FOUR          personal Skills
                                                                  In the work world, success is measured not only by knowledge
                                                                  but also by confidence. That is why CBS focuses on rhetoric
TWO          Practical                                            and presentation techniques as part of its Skills Development
The practical purpose of CBS programme manifests itself in a      Programme. Students also take part in business games that
number of ways. Professors and staff at Career Services           instil leadership and decision-making skills and receive inter-
maintain close ties to well-known companies in a variety of       cultural coaching to gain the confidence they need to speak
sectors in Germany and abroad. Special workshops give stu-        publically anywhere in the world.
dents the chance to develop solutions for real case studies
from the business world. Representatives from outstanding
companies appear regularly on campus to talk about career
options and the latest industry developments. Finally, students
must complete an internship as part of the curriculum and of-
ten work closely with companies when writing their bachelor’s
thesis. CBS offers students an excellent platform for finding
jobs at interesting companies in Germany and abroad.
Bachelor of arts Degree courses - Start your international career
TEN good reasons for studying at CBS

FIVE         State-of-the-art technology                           eight         Accredited
Campus-wide WLAN access, electrical sockets at every audito-       All degree courses regularly receive external quality control re-
rium seat, PC workstations and mobile beamers – all the ame-       viewing structure, contents and workload manageability. The in-
nities of a modern campus can be found at CBS. Students also       ternational accreditation agency FIBAA has praised CBS for its
benefit from comprehensive IT support and other services,          close ties to the business sector and its practical purpose.
such as timely text messages should courses or rooms change
at the last minute.
                                                                   nine          Officially recognised degrees
                                                                   All degree courses regularly receive external quality control re-
Six          Excellent Services                                    viewing structure, contents and workload manageability. The in-
At CBS, students are the focus. Professional and friendly staff    ternational accreditation agency FIBAA has praised CBS for its
in the Admissions Office, the Students Office, the International   close ties to the business sector and its practical purpose.
Office, the Examination Office, Career Services, Library and IT
support help students with all their needs – applications,
courses, exams, study abroad, internships, job search as           ten           Building career bridges
well media and IT.                                                 From the very first semester, students have the possibility of con-
                                                                   sulting with advisors at Career Services – about internships, ca-
                                                                   reer coaching or whatever affects their future. We also help stu-
Seven        University certificates                               dents improve their applications for positions in Germany and ab-
For applicants on the job market, it is more important than        road and provide general job search training. Many CBS students
ever before to demonstrate special skills that set them apart.     get to know their future employers while they are still enrolled.
For this reason CBS curricula contain special training courses
in SPSS and SAP software applications, which global compa-
nies increasingly rely on today.
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ten good reasons
At a Glance …

start your international career

bachelor of arts                               master of arts

International business                 p. 14   international business	P. 58

international culture And management   p. 24   international culture And management          P. 58

International tourism management       p. 34   international tourism management	P. 58

International Media management         p. 38   international media and entertainment MGMT.   P. 58

business psychology                    p. 42   General management	P. 58

wirtschaftspsychologie                 p. 42

GENERAL management                     p. 48
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                                                                                                                  CBS Degree Courses

cbs degree courses

The Bachelor of Arts is an internationally recognized degree        Students should take some time and think about which degree
and an important qualification for applicants on the job mar-       course fits them best. They should also look at the electives
ket. All bachelor’s degree courses at CBS comprise 180 cre-         and determine which ones most interest them. Before students
dits and are certified by ECTS (the European Credit and Accu-       decide on a combination, we recommend making an appoint-
mulation Transfer System). Graduates are eligible to apply for      ment with our academic advisers to discuss course schedules.
a master’s degree programme.                                        Students should select bachelor courses based on their objec-
                                                                    tives after they graduate. For instance, if students want to apply
CBS degree courses are designed with a modulear structure           for a master’s in finance-related fields, they need to have suf-
as per the newest accreditation guidelines. This allows diffe-      ficient credits in math and analysis. A meeting with an acade-
rent course-based credits to be assessed at the modulee level.      mic advisor can ensure students a well-planned career path.
In addition to solid economic training, foreign language cour-
ses and a mandatory internship, most curricula involve an in-       A degree from Cologne Business School – a great start for a
tegrated semester of study abroad and individual specialisa-        successful career.
tions. In particular, students are trained in the personal skills
sought after by global companies.
Bachelor of arts
International Business

at a glance
lecture language: english                                                 Start of lectures:	Winter semester (End of August)
Duration:		       6 Semesters                                             ECTS:		180
form of study: 		Full-Time                                                qualification:		Bachelor of Arts

Application: You can submit your application materials and current transcripts any time of the year, even before completing secondary school.
This gives applicants the chance to secure a spot early on. You can find more information in the included application form.

The degree programme in International Business prepares                  After the six-semester programme of study, graduates can eit-
students for top management positions in international com-              her begin a master’s programme or they can enter the work-
panies. The curriculum is designed to provide all the skills             force – relying on the network they built up during internships
needed by global managers. Students learn how to estimate                and at CBS recruiting events.
the risk and growth potential of markets from empirical data
and create global corporate strategies from internal financial           Graduates will be able to analyse economic states of affairs,
and profit reports. They are also taught how to design marke-            derive from them successful strategies and employ modern
ting strategies that give companies and campaigns a visible              management methods – everything expected from a capable
profile.                                                                 manager. During their studies, students also have the options
                                                                         of selecting a specific field or function within international
A mandatory internship ensures that students collect professi-           business for specialised qualification.
onal experience and apply their acquired knowledge, while the
semester abroad gives students the chance to expand their
knowledge and collect cultural impressions.
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                                                                                                             International Business


 Financial management                         Human Resource Management                   international trade

 management consulting                        Marketing Management

In the second semester students select and pursue one of six specializations. More detailed information about the specialisation
curricula can be found starting on page 18.

Career and Future

Your degree will open up a variety of professional opportuni-      Ideally, you enter into your professional life in the industry or
ties as your studies have made you acquainted with business        region you chose as speciality during your studies. Your com-
management and organisation, intra-company co-operation            prehensive and practice-oriented university training will,
and business process optimisation. This will give you access to    however, pave the way for switching into another industry af-
any enterprise, irrespective of its industry, size and location.   ter some years, too. An economist with well-rounded expert
                                                                   knowledge, a high command of foreign languages and coined
                                                                   soft skills as well as the professional experience you will al-
                                                                   ready have gained, will definitely achieve his or her goals!


Roman schilin

Student, International Business

“I chose this degree of study not only to learn all the basics of business theory but,
thanks to the specialization possibilities, I can also determine what direction is right for
me professionally early on. All the student initiatives make it possible for us to establish
our own individual added value in addition to course content. Studying at CBS not only
prepares you knowledge-wise for your career, it also shapes your personality for a res-
ponsible role in business.”
Bachelor of arts
International Business
study course plan

                                             1st Semester                           2nd Semester                                  3rd Semester

                                             Introduction to       Module 1                                        Module 5                                       Module 6
                                                                                    cost accounting                               Economics II
                                             Business Operations   3 ECTS                                          3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS

                                                                   Module 1         Introduction to                Module 5       advanced manage-                Module 4
                                             Business Law
Bachelor of arts international business

                                                                   3 ECTS           finance                        3 ECTS         ment accounting                 3 ECTS

                                             Financial             Module 2                                        Module 6       Intercultural                   Module 7
                                                                                    Economics I
                                             accounting            3 ECTS                                          3 ECTS         Management                      3 ECTS

                                             Mathematics and       Module 2                                        Module 8       International                   Module 9
                                                                                    Supply Management
                                             Statistics            3 ECTS                                          3 ECTS         marketing                       3 ECTS

                                                                   Module 3         Applied Market                 Module 8       Int. Human Resource             Module 9
                                             Market Research       3 ECTS           Research                       3 ECTS         Management                      3 ECTS

                                             Human Resource        Module 3
                                             Management            3 ECTS
                                                                                    Specialisation                 Module 11      Specialisation                  Module 12
                                                                                    > from p. 18                   6 ECTS         > from p. 18                    6 ECTS
                                                                   Module 3
                                             Marketing             3 ECTS

                                             BEC Preparation       Module 16        BEC Preparation                Module 16

                                             Course 1)             3 ECTS           Course 1)                      3 ECTS
                                                                                                                                                                  Module 18
                                                                                                                                  Foreign Language 2)             6 ECTS
                                                                   Module 17                                       Module 17
                                             Foreign Language 2)   3 ECTS
                                                                                    Foreign Language 2)            3 ECTS

                                                                   Module 20                                       Module 20                                      Module 21
                                             personal Skills 3)    3 ECTS
                                                                                    personal Skills 3)             3 ECTS
                                                                                                                                  personal Skills 3)              3 ECTS

Each seminar usually meets two hours a week.

                                          General economics teaching units     1)     Preparation for the University of Cambridge Business English Certificate “Higher”.

                                                                               2)     Depending on their emphasis, students can also select from a variety of other langua-
                                                                                      ges and levels – for example Spanish, French, Portuguese or Italian.
                                          Programme-specific teaching units

                                          elective area

                                          Interdisciplinary competences
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                                                                                                                         Study course plan International Business

     4th Semester                                                                 5th Semester                              6th Semester
                                    Module 4                                      semester abroad              25 ECTS      Bachelor Thesis
     Corporate Tax                                                                                                                                      1 ECTS
                                    3 ECTS
                                                                                  Students spend their fifth                TUTORIAL
                                                                                  semester abroad at a
     International Stra-            Module 7                                      CBS partner university
     tegic Management               3 ECTS                                        (see page 64). CBS Inter-                 bachelor thesis             12 ECTS

                                                                                  national Office helps stu-
                                                                                  dents navigate the
     Management                     Module 10
                                                                                  application process and
                                                   10 ECTS

     Information Systems            3 ECTS
                                                                                  select courses ahead of
     International                  Module 10
                                                   internship 5) (min. 8 weeks)

                                    3 ECTS

                                    Module 15
     Business Elective 4)           3 ECTS

     Specialisation                 Module 13
     > from p. 18                   6 ECTS
                                                                                                                                                        Module 15
                                                                                                                            Business Elective 4)        3 ECTS

                                    Module 19
     Foreign Language 2)                                                                                                    Specialisation              Module 14
                                    6 ECTS                                                                                  > from p. 18                6 ECTS

                                    Module 21                                                                                                           Module 22
     personal Skills 3)             3 ECTS
                                                                                                                            personal Skills 3)          3 ECTS

3)    Soft skills courses – Rhetoric and Presentation, Business Ethics, Career Service and the like – instil interpersonal and manage-
      ment skills in students. In addition to mandatory seminars, students can choose from a number of electives depending on their focus.

4)    Electives in the fourth and sixth semesters allow students to expand or sharpen their knowledge in special fields. In the past, the electives
      have included courses such as International Logistics, Entrepreneurship and Law, Organisational Behaviour, Diversity in
      Business, Development of Globalisation and Monitoring Social Media.

5)    In the semester break between the fourth and fifth semesters, students must complete an internship of eight weeks or more in Germany or
      abroad. Students receive five ECTS credits in the fifth and sixth semesters for completing the internship. Students can seek assistance from
      Career Services with arranging their internships.
International business

The Bachelor of Arts in International Business at CBS is an English-language degree course with six specialisations students
can choose from. Specialisation allows them to focus their personal interests and pave the way for their future career.

Financial Management

International economic and financial markets are in constant     The specialisation in Financial Management offered by the
flux. Trade on the world’s major stock markets – New York,       Bachelor of Arts in International Business gives students su-
Tokyo, London – have enormous importance for the global          perb preparation for positions in the financial sector. The de-
economy. Banks, investment companies, financial service          gree opens the door to many attractive jobs – at banks, at in-
providers and major insurers are looking for well-trained        surers, at financial institutes, in tax divisions and in other re-
employees who have a solid understanding of international        lated fields.
financial markets in the global context. For instance, wor-
kers in the financial world must understand how a capital        Students learn about financial institutions and instruments
stock increase at a large car manufacturer affects its share     and take advance-level courses on corporate finance, on the
price; how falling currency shapes a country’s trade ratio; or   theory and practice of capital markets and on sustainable
how changes to the prime rate by central banks adversely in-     and strategic management in the bank and financial sectors.
fluence the economy and consumer behaviour. These are the        Students may devote their bachelor’s thesis to a finance-re-
kinds of insight expected by all areas of the business world,    lated topic and thus demonstrate their aptitude to potential
the financial sector most of all.                                future employers. Want to be a “numbers” guy someday? A
                                                                 specialisation in Financial Management is the way to go.


                                                                                 APPLIED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
2nd semester   FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS                              4th semester
                                                                                 (EXCURSION / CASE)

                                                                                 ETHICAL ASPECTS OF
3rd semester   CONCEPTS OF VALUE AND RISK                         6th semester
                                                                                 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

                                                                                 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN
3rd semester   FINANCIAL ANALYSIS                                 6th semester
                                                                                 BANKING AND FINANCE
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Human Resource Management

Businesses today must rely more than ever on human re-          Toward the end of the programme, students learn the strate-
sources. In view of demographic change, the relentless          gic, sustainable and cutting-edge aspects of today’s HR ma-
march of globalisation and the challenges of hi-tech society,   nagement, including electronic HR management, work-life
employees are often the ones responsible for a company’s        balance and diversity management.
success or failure, making them a crucial competitive factor.
Drawing on the latest research findings, the programme in       Graduates have a diverse range of career options – in mid- to
Resource Management covers all areas of the profession, in-     large-size companies, in the freelance world and in consul-
cluding strategic and operative subject matter such as em-      ting. CBS also provides excellent preparation for HR posi-
ployee acquisition, compensation and loyalty.                   tions requiring analytical and strategic thinking and/or ad-
It also incorporates events with businesses and instructors     roitness in an international environment.
who are well-known in the private sector to ensure that the
curriculum has real-world relevance.

At its heart, the curriculum emphasizes the core elements of
human resource management: the discovery, utilisation and
development of human potential – employee leadership and
motivation in particular. Young employees, for instance, have
different aspirations and values than older co-workers. To
prepare students for these core fields, the curriculum is
composed of content from psychology, sociology and law.

2nd semester   Leadership Competencies                          4th semester   Change Management

2nd semester   Employee Incentive Schemes                       4th semester   Talent Management

                                                                               Global Trends in Human
3rd semester   HR Business Ethics                               6th semester
                                                                               Resource Management

                                                                               Strategic Human
3rd semester   International Labor Law                          6th semester
                                                                               Resource Management
International business

international trade

The specialisation in International Trade is for students who    Students learn about the global legal framework and gain
want to begin their career at a global company. As the world’s   knowledge of the role played by key institutions (WTO, EU
prosperity increases, the need for products and services ri-     GAT, GATS). The module “Transnational Management” deals
ses, markets are liberalised and national borders become         with matters crucial to global companies. In the final semes-
blurry, companies must figure out how to meet the lasting        ters students think about current and cutting-edge questions
demand of close to seven billion consumers. Accordingly,         of international trade. A course on E-Commerce prepares
companies are increasingly on the look-out for qualified ma-     students for implementing new media and IT tools along the
nagers who can master a broad spectrum of tasks, are active      supply chain to secure efficient economic activity in the inter-
in global commerce, can efficiently steer relationships with     national context.
consumers and suppliers and can keep track of the organisa-
tional and legal issues that arise along the way.

The curriculum teaches students to handle the challenges of
global trade relations with courses such as International Lo-
gistics, Economic Geography, International Trade and Finance
and Transnational Management. Another important part of
the curriculum is fostering personal skills and foreign lan-
guage skills – giving CBS graduates excellent prospects with
global commercial enterprises.

               INTRODUCTION TO
2nd semester                                                     4th semester   TRANSNATIONAL MANAGEMENT

2nd semester   ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY                                4th semester   INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND FINANCE

3rd semester   INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LAW                      6th semester   E-COMMERCE

3rd semester   INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS                           6th semester   NEW TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE
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management consulting

In the past few decades consulting has gained enormous im-       To consult at a high level, students need comprehensive me-
portance. The primary task of consultants is to develop          thodology, from precise preliminary analysis to a superb
practicable ideas for complicated economic questions as          presentation. The course Organisational Behaviour teaches
quickly as possible. Since companies constantly face new de-     the steering of the consulting process together with the or-
velopments that require new managerial decisions, consul-        ganisational and structural understanding of companies. Be-
tants must be prepared for new challenges as well.               fore students begin their mandatory semester abroad, they
                                                                 must take the course Business Process Management, which
The specialisation in Management Consulting provides stu-        gives them comprehensive knowledge of business process
dents important skills in the areas of business process opti-    analysis and familiarises them with current methods and
misation and management. The courses Introduction to Con-        techniques that optimise business processes. In addition, the
sulting and Methods of Consulting give an overview of con-       module “International Consulting Issues” gives glimpses into
sulting branches, of consulting tasks and of the typical pro-    international consulting projects. In the last semester, the
cesses of consulting. Students develop a feel for various con-   course Entrepreneurship conveys the knowledge and skills
sulting areas and projects, for customer expectations and for    that are necessary to start a company and to act as a consul-
the consulting environment.                                      tant for the start-up. In Operation Management students
                                                                 learn the fundamental methods and principles of production

2nd semester   INTRODUCTION TO CONSULTINg                        4th semester   BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT

2nd semester   METHODS OF CONSULTING                             4th semester   INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING ISSUES

3rd semester   THE CONSULTING PROCESS                            6th semester   ENTREPRENEURSHIP

3rd semester   ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR                          6th semester   OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT
International business

Marketing Management

For years now, marketing has been one of the most impor-         Two courses – customer relationship management and sup-
tant activities of a company.                                    plier relationship management – provide numerous practical
                                                                 examples, giving student extensive knowledge in the fields.
Discussions are centred on procurement marketing, along          An introductory course on social medial teaches students
with traditional sales marketing. The aim is not only to sell    applications in business-to-consumer and business-to-busi-
products and services. As the real net output ratio decrea-      ness contexts. In a practical module students learn to work
ses, companies must guarantee the supply of raw materials        independently on concrete projects under the direction of
for production. At the same time, traditional TV and print ad-   professors with extensive marketing experience. These qua-
vertising are being replaced by direct appeals to the custo-     litative aspects of marketing are also combined with quanti-
mers. That’s why today’s concepts of marketing management        tative ones. Students are trained to use existing data effici-
focus on relationship management.                                ently for developing the best sales strategies. The strategic
                                                                 work is supported by supply chain cost management along
                                                                 with other tools of the trade. In the final semester, students
                                                                 can take advance-level courses on service marketing or the
                                                                 design of innovative marketing campaigns.

               INTRODUCTION TO
2nd semester                                                     4th semester   CREATIVE MARKETING
               SOCIAL MEDIA Marketing

               CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP                                            COST MANAGEMENT ALONG
2nd semester                                                     4th semester
               MANAGEMENT (CRM)                                                 THE VALUE CHAIN

3rd semester   APPLIED SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING                    6th semester   SERVICE MARKETING

3rd semester                                                     6th semester   OPTIMIZING THE SALES PROCESS
               MANAGEMENT (SRM)
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     Bachelor of arts
     International Culture and management

     At a glance
     lecture language: english                                                 Start of lectures:	Winter semester (End of August)
     Duration:		       6 Semesters                                             ECTS:		180
     form of study: 		Full-Time                                                qualification:		Bachelor of Arts

     Application: You can submit your application materials and current transcripts any time of the year, even before completing secondary school.
     This gives applicants the chance to secure a spot early on. You can find more information in the included application form.

     In an increasingly globalised world managers must be adept               The curriculum also includes an internship and a semester
     at handling foreign cultures and markets, in addition to having          abroad, both of which provide opportunities for applying eco-
     administrative skills. CBS bachelor’s programme in Internati-            nomic knowledge and expanding one’s cultural horizons. The
     onal Culture and Management sets itself apart from degree                training of interpersonal skills and foreign language electives
     courses at other institutions by combining economics, cultural           (in addition to the general English-language curriculum) offer
     studies and sociology in a single curriculum. Students can               further career preparation. Graduates who want to delve more
     choose between various specialisations, focusing, say, on cul-           deeply into a subject can select a fitting master’s programme
     tural management, regional cultures or international aid co-             of study.
     operation. This broad and unique programme ensures that
     graduates can establish themselves in an internationally net-
     worked professional world.
Page 24/25
                                                                                            International Culture and Management


 Arts and Cultural Management                 Cross Cultural Management                  east asia management

 Emerging Markets and
 International Cooperation
                                              European Management

In the second semester students select and pursue one of five specializations. More detailed information about the specialisation
curricula can be found starting on page 28.

career and future

A curriculum combining economic skills, intercultural un-         ties needed in professions situated at the juncture between
derstanding, a grasp of political and societal contexts, for-     management and culture.
eign-language skills and experience abroad qualifies stu-
dents to work in many fields.                                     Our students have gone on to find work in culture manage-
                                                                  ment, in businesses operating in Asia and in Latin American,
Graduates can apply to cultural institutions and international    in development aid organisations and in consulting and hu-
organisations as well as to one of the companies for which        man resources.
economic students traditionally work. Our graduates have
the kind of communicative skills and global leadership abili-


Waia tahmazidou

Student, International Culture and Management

“I chose this major because you need to have a whole lot more than just knowledge of
business economics to be successful on a global playing field. Along with the necessary
business administration knowledge this degree also offers me a cultural and political un-
derstanding, which will be a tremendous advantage for international partnerships later
on. Furthermore, it was important to do my studies in English because it is required for a
job in globally operating companies.”
Bachelor of arts
International Culture and management
Study course plan

                                                           1st semester                           2nd semester                                  3rd semester
Bachelor of arts international culture and Management

                                                           Introduction to       Module 1         Introduction to                Module 2       advanced manage-                Module 5
                                                           Business Operations   3 ECTS           finance                        3 ECTS         ment accounting                 3 ECTS

                                                                                 Module 1                                        Module 5                                       Module 6
                                                           Business Law          3 ECTS
                                                                                                  cost accounting                3 ECTS
                                                                                                                                                Economics II                    3 ECTS

                                                           Financial             Module 2                                        Module 6       international Politics          Module 7
                                                                                                  Economics I
                                                           accounting            3 ECTS                                          3 ECTS         and institutions                3 ECTS

                                                           Human Resource        Module 3         empirical social               Module 4       Intercultural                   Module 8

                                                           Management            3 ECTS           research                       3 ECTS         Management                      3 ECTS

                                                                                 Module 3
                                                           marketing             3 ECTS
                                                                                                  Specialisation                 Module 10      Specialisation                  Module 11
                                                                                                  > from p. 28                   6 ECTS         > from p. 28                    6 ECTS
                                                           Introduction          Module 4

                                                           to social sciences    3 ECTS

                                                           BEC Preparation       Module 15        BEC Preparation                Module 15

                                                           Course 1)             3 ECTS           Course 1)                      3 ECTS

                                                                                                                                                                                Module 18
                                                                                                                                                Foreign Language 2)             9 ECTS
                                                                                 Module 16                                       Module 17
                                                           Foreign Language 2)   6 ECTS
                                                                                                  Foreign Language 2)            6 ECTS

                                                                                 Module 20                                       Module 20                                      Module 21
                                                           personal Skills 3)    3 ECTS
                                                                                                  personal Skills 3)             3 ECTS
                                                                                                                                                personal Skills 3)              3 ECTS

Each seminar usually meets two hours a week.

                                                        General economics teaching units     1)     Preparation for the University of Cambridge Business English Certificate “Higher”.

                                                                                             2)     Depending on their emphasis, students can also select from a variety of other langua-
                                                                                                    ges and levels – for example Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Japanese
                                                        Programme-specific teaching units
                                                                                                    or Korean.

                                                        elective area

                                                        Interdisciplinary competences
Page 26/27
                                                                                                          Study course plan International Culture and Management

     4th semester                                                                 5th semester                              6th semester

     international                  Module 9                                      semester abroad              25 ECTS      Bachelor Thesis             1 ECTS
     Marketing                      3 ECTS
                                                                                  Students spend their fifth                TUTORIAL
                                                                                  semester abroad at a
     Int. Human Resource            Module 9                                      CBS partner university
     Management                     3 ECTS                                        (see page 64). CBS Inter-                 bachelor thesis             12 ECTS

                                                                                  national Office helps stu-
                                                                                  dents navigate the
     Introduction to                Module 8
                                                                                  application process and
                                                   10 ECTS

     cultural studies               3 ECTS
                                                                                  select courses ahead of
                                    Module 14
     BUSINESS elective 4)
                                                   internship 5) (min. 8 weeks)

                                    3 ECTS

     Specialisation                 Module 12
     > from p. 28                   6 ECTS

                                                                                                                                                        Module 14
                                                                                                                            Business Elective 4)        3 ECTS

                                    Module 19
     Foreign Language 2)            9 ECTS
                                                                                                                            Specialisation              Module 13
                                                                                                                            > from p. 28                6 ECTS

                                    Module 21                                                                                                           Module 22
     personal Skills 3)             3 ECTS
                                                                                                                            personal Skills 3)          3 ECTS

3)    Soft skills courses – Rhetoric and Presentation, Business Ethics, Career Service and the like – instil interpersonal and manage-
      ment skills in students. In addition to mandatory seminars, students can choose from a number of electives depending on their focus.

4)    In the past, the electives have included courses such as DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND LAW, ORGANISATIONAL BEHA-

5)    In the semester break between the fourth and fifth semesters, students must complete an internship of eight weeks or more in Germany or
      abroad. Students receive five ECTS credits in the fifth and sixth semesters for completing the internship. Students can seek assistance from
      Career Services with arranging their internships.
International culture and management

The Bachelor of Arts in International Culture and Management at CBS is an English-language degree course with five specialisa-
tions students can choose from. Specialisation allows them to focus their personal interests and pave the way for their future career.

Arts and Cultural Management

It is often said that arts and economics are irreconcilable.         Directors in the cultural sector need to know how to run a
The reality couldn’t be more different. Economic growth –            company and manage personnel in an environment where
whether at the country, regional or city level – has always          public funding is becoming ever scarcer. The specialisation in
been preceded by cultural development. Even the so-called            Arts and Cultural Management provides important founda-
cultural sector needs employees who know business and                tions in steerage, finances and marketing. It also helps stu-
economics. That’s why the specialisation in Arts and Cultural        dents implement this knowledge in the cultural sector cor-
Management brings together both areas of expertise, opening          rectly and effectively. A special advantage of CBS is its close
up a new job market for graduates.                                   proximity to numerous cultural institutions in Cologne and
                                                                     North Rhine – Westphalia. It prepares graduates for activity
Public financing models in Germany often understand art in           in the management of museums, galleries, theatre and opera
opposition to business. Yet in both the arts and the public fun-     houses, publishing companies and similar institutions.
ding of cultural institutions, it’s not only the quality of work
that’s crucial for success; professional management and a
knack for marketing.

                                                                                     Performing Arts
2nd Semester   History of Arts                                        4th Semester

2nd Semester   Cultural Production                                    4th Semester   Event Management

                                                                                     Art Politics / Political Aspects of
3rd Semester   Marketing, Culture and Arts                            6th Semester
                                                                                     ARTS AND CULTURE MANAGEMENT

               Museum, Gallery and                                                   New Trends in Arts and
3rd Semester                                                          6th Semester
               Exhibition Management                                                 Cultural Management
Page 28/29

Cross Cultural Management

If you are interested in foreign cultures and working together   To do this, they require knowledge about the particularities
professionally with people from all over the world, the spe-     of the region’s economy, values and culture. The specialisati-
cialisation in cross-cultural management is a good start. The    on in Cross-Cultural Management provides students the in-
curriculum covers all the important regions of the global        tercultural skills they need to work at multinational compa-
economy and teaches the intercultural skills needed for a la-    nies and organisations – wherever their location – and to im-
ter career in businesses and institutions that operate inter-    prove intercultural communication at the workplace.
                                                                 Graduates have a solid foundation for management tasks in
The programme begins with a history of Europe’s economy,         many global areas and in all the world’s booming economies,
geography, politics, and society. In the following semesters,    making them very versatile applicants on the job market.
students learn the cultural and economic systems of regions
outside Europe – Latin America, East Asia, India and else-
where – and study specific areas in intercultural manage-
ment. Today, such skills are indispensible for businesses and
institutions operating internationally. When companies start
branches or subsidiaries in foreign countries they must de-
sign their goals and strategies with local conditions in mind.

2nd Semester   Economic Geography of Europe                      4th Semester   Economic Development in Latin America

                                                                                Latin American Business
2nd Semester   European Economic History                         4th Semester
                                                                                and Management

3rd Semester   Economic Development in East Asia                 6th Semester   Management in India and Southeast Asia

                                                                                Project Management in
3rd Semester   Cultures and Societies in East Asia               6th Semester
                                                                                International Cooperation
International culture and management

East Asia Management

The specialisation in East Asia Management is designed for       the international language of business, the rules are diffe-
students interested in doing business with or working in         rent from those of Europe. And ignorance of the real cultural
countries such as China, Japan or Korea. Why does this regi-     differences can quickly cause problems in business relation-
on deserve its own area of specialisation? East Asia is one of   ships.
the most important economic regions today. The second and
third largest economies in the world after the United States     Our students receive intensive training that acclimatises
are the People’s Republic of China and Japan, respectively;      them to the customs of East Asia countries and to the requi-
South Korea is among the top fifteen. The specialisation in      rements of doing good business in the region. Students who
East Asia Management not only provides the economic              pursue the specialisation in East Asia Management are ad-
knowledge needed to work at global companies and institu-        vised to study Chinese, Japanese or Korean. Foreign langua-
tions. It also prepares student for cultures that can often      ge skills, combined with business savvy and knowledge of
seem foreign to Europeans on account of language barriers        the region’s business and cultural practices, make CBS gra-
and historical differences in interaction, politics and econo-   duates qualified for work anywhere in East Asia, be it a pri-
mics. The goal is to prevent graduates who work in East Asia     vate company or a public organisation.
from being fooled by its Western façade: although English is

               Introduction to the East                                         East Asian Business
2nd Semester                                                     4th Semester
               Asian Region                                                     and Management

2nd Semester   History of East Asia                              4th Semester   Politics in East Asia

                                                                                New Trends in East
3rd Semester   Economic Development in East Asia                 6th Semester
                                                                                ASIA Management

                                                                                Management in India and
3rd Semester   Cultures and Societies in East Asia               6th Semester
                                                                                South East Asia
Page 30/31

Emerging Markets and
International Cooperation

Emerging markets refer to countries and regions characte-       To be successful in these markets, companies need staff and
rised by a high level of economic growth and dynamic deve-      managers who understand the local dynamics. CBS teaches
lopment. Typically, these markets are found in countries that   students the knowledge needed to master the idiosyncrasies
have yet to undergo industrialisation fully and whose ongoing   of economic development in these areas and select the best
structural transformations pose major challenges to all their   investment strategies. The programme also provides cour-
economic actors. The specialisation in Emerging Markets         ses on social responsibility and sustainability and teaches
and International Cooperation prepares students for partici-    students how to plan and implement projects in international
pation in these markets and for helping developing econo-       cooperation – important elements of the aid that emerging
mies surmount their difficulties. The growth markets of the     markets require.
future lie primarily in Latin America, South East Asia, Eas-
tern Europe and Africa.                                         Graduates of the programme are qualified to work at compa-
                                                                nies active in these markets as well as at developmental aid

2nd Semester   Introduction to Emerging Markets                 4th Semester   Economic Development in Latin America

               Introduction to International                                   Latin American Business
2nd Semester                                                    4th Semester
               Cooperation                                                     and Management

3rd Semester   New Trends in Emerging Markets                   6th Semester   Emerging Market Investments

               Corporate Social Responsibility and                              Project Management in
3rd Semester                                                    6th Semester
               Socially Inclusive Business                                     International Cooperation
International culture and management

European management

The European Union is the world’s largest integrated market.   Graduates have a sound knowledge of social and economic
Many large and mid-size companies, institutions, associa-      structures in the EU, international management methods, EU
tions and organisations are employers in this constantly       regions of growth, EU integration and EU business policy.
changing landscape. Graduates of the programme in Interna-     Other seminars in the programme delve into the economic
tional Culture and Management with a concentration in Euro-    and political unions, the institutions and legal jurisdictions, in
pean Management have excellent prospects in these fields.      which Europe’s businesses operate.

The EU’s 500 million consumers offer enormous potential for    A course in transnational management teaches students how
companies in every sector. But to be successful, companies     to cope with the strategic challenges of modern managers in-
must understand the economic and legal framework. On ac-       volved in multinational business activities. Students also
count of its high business density and freedom of services,    learn the basics of entrepreneurship, the skills and know-
companies that want to survive in the EU need capable mana-    ledge needed to start a business and the methods and prin-
gers. The European Management programme teaches stu-           ciples of production management.
dents the legal, economic and cultural parameters of the eu-
rozone, in practice as well as in theory.

2nd Semester   ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE                    4th Semester   TRANSNATIONAL MANAGEMENT

2nd Semester   EUROPEAN ECONOMIC HISTORY                       4th Semester   EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ISSUES

3rd Semester   EU LAWS AND INSTITUTIONS                        6th Semester   ENTREPRENEURSHIP

3rd Semester   EU POLICIES                                     6th Semester   OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT
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Bachelor of arts
International tourism management

At a glance
lecture language: english                                                 Start of lectures:	Winter semester (End of August)
Duration:		       6 Semesters                                             ECTS:		180
form of study: 		Full-Time                                                qualification:		Bachelor of Arts

Application: You can submit your application materials and current transcripts any time of the year, even before completing secondary school.
This gives applicants the chance to secure a spot early on. You can find more information in the included application form.

The degree course in International Tourism Management is de-             standing for the meaning and effects of tourism in a wide ran-
signed for students seeking a career in the tourism sector. The          ge of countries. What is more, students delve into the newest
curriculum provides fundamentals in three areas: business                technologies and trends that are changing the industry.
management; language and self-development; and, of course,
tourism. The degree course aims to deliver students insight              Combining theory and practice is CBS credo. That’s why all
into all tourism-related areas and give them an understanding            classes expose students to the private sector through guest
for how they interrelate.                                                lectures, excursions and projects. The language of instruction
                                                                         is English, ensuring students can put their knowledge to use
Students learn about businesses in the tourism branch, from              anywhere in the world, not least in German companies with in-
hotels and tour operators to airlines and event agencies, study          ternational business relations. An internship and a semester of
the different ways people go on holiday and develop an under-            study abroad complete the programme.
Page 34/35
                                                                                                 International tourism management

career and future

With around three million industry-related jobs in Germany and     marketing and distribution strategies, all of which contribute to
over 250-million worldwide, tourism provides a considerable        a company’s success.
source of economic revenue. It offers many different employ-
ment opportunities and the need for qualified professionals is     CBS cultivates partnerships with companies and offers stu-
growing.                                                           dents the chance to take part in research projects and to dis-
                                                                   cuss current branch-related topics with experts from the busi-
Students learn to analyse different types of travel behaviour      ness world. Students work on identifying trends and finding
and find solutions that take into account the differing expecta-   new solutions even before they enter the workforce. The Ba-
tions between business travellers and vacationers. On this ba-     chelor of Arts in International Tourism Management gives stu-
sis, students develop innovative tourist products along with       dents rigorous preparation in all fields of tourism.


Marie Koll

Student, International Tourism Management

“I chose this major because you need to have a whole lot more than just knowledge of
business economics to be successful on a global playing field. Along with the necessary
business administration knowledge this degree also offers me a cultural and political un-
derstanding, which will be a tremendous advantage for international partnerships later
on. Furthermore, it was important to do my studies in English because it is required for a
job in globally operating companies.”
Bachelor of arts
International tourism management
Study course plan

                                                       1st semester                            2nd semester                                 3rd semester
                                                                              Module 2         INTRODUCTION TO               Module 5                                       Module 6
                                                       MARKETING                                                                            ECONOMICS II
Bachelor of arts international tourism management

                                                                              3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS

                                                                              Module 2                                       Module 5       HUMAN RESOURCE                  Module 9
                                                       Market RESEARCH                         COST ACCOUNTING
                                                                              3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS         Management                      3 ECTS

                                                       INTRODUCTION TO        Module 3                                       Module 6       INTERNATIONAL POLITICS          Module 9
                                                                                               Economics I
                                                       BUSINESS OPERATIONS    3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS         AND INSTITUTIONS                3 ECTS

                                                                              Module 3                                       Module 7       HOTEL BUSINESS                  Module 10
                                                       BUSINESS LAW                            TOURISM LAW
                                                                              3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS         OPERATIONS                      3 ECTS

                                                                              Module 4                                       Module 7       EVENT AND CONGRESS              Module 10
                                                       FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING                    TOURISM GEOGRAPHY
                                                                              3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS         MANAGEMENT                      3 ECTS

                                                       MATHEMATICS AND        Module 4                                       Module 8       Surface Transpor-               Module 11
                                                                                               TOURISM MARKETING
                                                       STATISTICS             3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS         tation management               3 ECTS

                                                       INTRODUCTION TO        Module 1                                       Module 8                                       Module 11
                                                                                               TOURIST BEHAVIOUR                            AVIATION MANAGEMENT
                                                       TOURISM                3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS

                                                       BEC Preparation        Module 17        BEC Preparation               Module 17
                                                       Course 1)              3 ECTS           Course 1)                     3 ECTS
                                                                                                                                                                            Module 19
                                                                                                                                            Foreign Language 2)
                                                                                                                                                                            6 ECTS
                                                                              Module 18                                      Module 18
                                                       Foreign Language 2)                     Foreign Language 2)
                                                                              3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS

                                                                              Module 21                                      Module 21                                      Module 22
                                                       personal Skills 3)                      personal Skills 3)                           personal Skills 3)
                                                                              3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS                                         3 ECTS

Each seminar usually meets two hours a week.

                                                    General economics teaching units      1)    Preparation for the University of Cambridge Business English Certificate “Higher”.

                                                                                          2)    Depending on their emphasis, students can also select from a variety of other langua-
                                                                                                ges and levels – for example Spanish, French, Portuguese or Italian.
                                                    Programme-specific teaching units

                                                    elective area

                                                    Interdisciplinary competences
Page 36/37
                                                                                                               Study course plan International tourism management

     4th semester                                                                 5th semester                               6th semester

     iNTERNATIONAL                  Module 12                                     semester abroad              25 ECTS       Bachelor Thesis
                                                                                                                                                         1 ECTS
     STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT           3 ECTS                                                                                   TUTORIAL
                                                                                  Students spend their fifth
                                                                                  semester abroad at a
                                    Module 12                                     CBS partner university
     Corporate Tax                                                                                                           bachelor thesis             12 ECTS
                                    3 ECTS                                        (see page 64). CBS Inter-
                                                                                  national Office helps stu-
                                                                                  dents navigate the
     Applied social                 Module 13
                                                                                  application process and
                                                   10 ECTS

     media marketing                3 ECTS
                                                                                  select courses ahead of
     NEW TECHNOLOGIES               Module 13
                                                   internship 5) (min. 8 weeks)

                                    3 ECTS

                                    Module 13
                                    3 ECTS

                                    Module 14
                                    3 ECTS

     TOURISM BUSINESS               Module 14                                                                                                            Module 15
                                                                                                                             TOUR OPERATIONS
     ELECTIVE 4)                    3 ECTS                                                                                                               3 ECTS

                                                                                                                             DESTINATION MANAGE-         Module 15
                                                                                                                             MENT and Marketing          3 ECTS
                                    Module 20
     Foreign Language 2)
                                    6 ECTS
                                                                                                                             TOURISM BUSINESS            Module 16
                                                                                                                             ELECTIVE 4)                 3 ECTS

                                    Module 22                                                                                                            Module 23
     personal Skills 3)                                                                                                      personal Skills 3)
                                    3 ECTS                                                                                                               3 ECTS

3)    Soft skills courses – Rhetoric and Presentation, Business Ethics, Career Service and the like – instil interpersonal and manage-
      ment skills in students. In addition to mandatory seminars, students can choose from a number of electives depending on their focus.

4)    Electives allow students to expand or sharpen their knowledge in Economics or Tourism. In the past, the electives have included courses such
      Elective), BUSINESS TRAVEL or ECO- AND NATURE-BASED TOURISM (Tourism Business Electives).

5)    In the semester break between the fourth and fifth semesters, students must complete an internship of eight weeks or more in Germany or
      abroad. Students receive five ECTS credits in the fifth and sixth semesters for completing the internship. Students can seek assistance from
      Career Services with arranging their internships.
Bachelor of arts
International Media Management

At a glance
lecture language: english                                                 Start of lectures:	Winter semester (End of August)
Duration:		       6 Semesters                                             ECTS:		180
form of study: 		Full-Time                                                qualification:		Bachelor of Arts

Application: You can submit your application materials and current transcripts any time of the year, even before completing secondary school.
This gives applicants the chance to secure a spot early on. You can find more information in the included application form.

This degree course is designed for students who are interested           In the fifth semester, students choose either to complete a
in a career in media, in entertainment or in information and             two-month internship followed by a semester abroad or to
communication technology and who want to combine creativity              complete an extended internship of at least four months in
and problem-solving skills with solid management capabilities.           combination with a media project. Students can gain other me-
In addition to the fundamentals of business management, stu-             dia experience through assisting at CBS TV or participating in
dents learn the latest skills used by the media branch, inclu-           applied media research projects. Foreign language instruction
ding media production technology. The curriculum is divided              and soft skill courses round out the curriculum. Guest spea-
into three areas of concentration: strategic online research and         kers are invited each semester to give students real-world ori-
management; online media marketing and communication;                    entation and introduce students to business contacts. The
and cross-media production and implementation.                           speakers talk about current media trends and professions and
                                                                         take students on excursions to events sponsored by the Colog-
                                                                         ne media.
Page 38/39
                                                                                               international Media Management

career and future

Students enrolled in International Media Management recei-       dia production, sales and programme management and
ve systematic training for a career in strategic online re-      strategic consulting for media, entertainment, information
search and management, online media marketing and com-           technologies and communication technologies.
munication or cross-media production and implementation.
These areas include tasks like strategic online research, so-    The degree course also supports new media start-ups in co-
cial media monitoring, social marketing, cross-media mar-        operation with CBS professorship for entrepreneurship and
keting, corporate development strategy, internal and exter-      the Hochschulgründernetz (Cologne university founders’
nal corporate communication, media production, cross-me-         network).


Ramona Rexfort

Student, International Media Management

“What impressed me about CBS was the great atmosphere among the students and their
strong relationships with the faculty, who were friendly, ready to help, and happy to meet.
In addition to its curriculum, CBS provides valuable practical experience in which stu-
dents can build up a network early on. This experience is provided in part by the many
student initiatives such as CBS-TV and the Event Team. And the campus itself – equipped
with modern amenities and offering many possibilities – helps make students feel com-
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