BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights

Page created by Gabriel Deleon
BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights


BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights
RELIGION                    Mon imagier des saints
                            marie paruit

                            A picture book to teach children to identify the saints during a
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    family visit to a church.
135 x 155 mm                Key Features
20 pages
                            • A documentary approach.
9,90 €
From 2 years old            • A playful approach.
                            • An enjoyable way to learn about a Christian celebration, All Saints Day (1st
                            November), and associate the subject of mourning by talking about All Souls’ Day
                            (2nd November).
                            Each saint is represented with their characteristic which explains a moment in their
                            life. This picture book invites children to spot the characteristic to identify the saint
                            who is associated with it.

                                                                                                                        marie paruit


BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights
RELIGION                    Premiers pas chrétiens

                            The pictures in this book explain to the very young what is
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    happening during Sunday mass. What things do you find in
                            a church? What exactly takes place at mass? With this book,
135 x 155 mm
                            even the very young can share in this occasion.
20 pages
9,90 €                      Key Features
From 2 years old
                            • A pretty little all-boards books with rounded corners and woven handle, perfect
                            for little hands.
                            • The author has chosen 10 different moments of the celebration.
                            • For each one, the illustrator has zoomed on gestures and objects that have spe-
Norwegian, Portuguese       cial meaning.


                            Number of titles available: 4
                            Mon imagier de la messe
                            Mon imagier des saints
                            Mon imagier du baptême
                            Mon imagier pour découvrir la Bible


BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights
RELIGION                    Chemin des tout-petits

                            Animated books to tell Bible stories to tiny tots.
                            Key Features
200 x 200 mm
                            • Books whose format is adapted for the very young, with highly coloured, comfor-
28 pages                    ting illustrations by renowed illustrators.
8,90 €
                            • The books are adapted to the child's age (foamed lined cover, rounded cor-
From 2 years old            ners, all board books) with thumb indexes on certain titles, making them easier to


                            Number of titles available: 2
                            Chants de Noël (Livre sonore) NE
                            La belle histoire de Noël


BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights
RELIGION                    Ma Bible en puzzle
                            Marie-Hélène DELVAL / CHARLOTTE ROEDERER

                            A superb puzzle-picture book to tell Bible stories to tiny tots,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    fun-filled reading to share.
210 x 210 mm                Key Features
16 pages
                            • An all-boards book with a foam cover, with robust jig-saw puzzle pieces, perfect
15,90 €
                            for little hands.
From 4 years old
                            • An entertaining way to tell Bible stories to the very young.
                            • A beautiful gift for children from 4 up.

RIGHTS SOLD                 Contents
                            Seven 16-piece jigsaw puzzles for children to do, each one representing one of
                            the epic Bible stories, also narrated with talent by Marie-Hélène Delval in simple,
                            effective language adapted to young readers.
                            Children will love Charlotte Roedere's brightly-coloured and particularly moving
                            vision of those great episodes.
                            Telling children Bible stories becomes a pleasure to share.

                                                                                                                  Marie-Hélène DELVAL
                                                                                                                  Marie-Halène Delval authored Chats, wich was selected for the
                                                                                                                  National Education Authority list, and the first fantasy series for
                                                                                                                  the very young : Les dragons de Nalsara. She is also the author
                                                                                                                  of: Psaumes pour les tout-petits, Dieu, c'est qui?; Les visages de

                                                                                                                  CHARLOTTE ROEDERER
                                                                                                                  Charlotte Roederer has illustrated many picture books for Nathan,
           FOREIGN RIGHTS                                                                                         Gallimard, Flammarion, Tourbillon and Bayard.

BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights
RELIGION                    La Bible (en papier découpé)
                            Marie-Hélène DELVAL / Aurélie ABOLIVIER

                            A Bible with 3D features throughout, magnified by full-page
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    illustrations and lacy die-cuts.
235 x 320 mm                Key Features
                            • A magnificent gift on the occasion of a communion.
24,90 €
From 5 years old            • A selection of episodes from the Naw and Old Testaments.

                            From the Creation of the Earth to the Resurrection of Christ, this magnificent book
                            highlights the most beautiful episodes in the Bible. The Old and New Testaments
                            are brought to life and enhanced by means of perspective and sparkling colours.
                            As the pages turn, children discover the heroes and spectacular decors of the Bible.
                            A book to read, admire, explore, share, and a perfect gift. All the essential Bible
                            stories are here: the Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, the story of Abraham,
                            Moses, Crossing the Red Sea, David and Goliath, Jonah, the Annunciation, the Birth
                            of Jesus, John the Baptist and the first disciples, calming the storm, the miracles
                            (the crippled man and feeding the multitude), the Last Supper, Jesus’s death and

                                                                                                                   Marie-Hélène DELVAL
                                                                                                                   Marie-Halène Delval authored Chats, wich was selected for the
                                                                                                                   National Education Authority list, and the first fantasy series for
                                                                                                                   the very young : Les dragons de Nalsara. She is also the author
                                                                                                                   of: Psaumes pour les tout-petits, Dieu, c'est qui?; Les visages de

                                                                                                                   Aurélie ABOLIVIER


BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights
RELIGION                         Le chemin des petits

                                 The range of books in the 'Le chemin des petits' collection
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS         is designed for 5 to 8 year-olds, and to help parents find the
                                 right words to respond to their children's questions and tell
180 x 180 mm
                                 them about God.
30 pages
8,90 €                           Key Features
From 5 years old
                                 • A complete range to give a first perception of the Christian faith, sold 100.000
                                 copies in France since its launch in 2005.
                                 • An international success: translation rights for 'Notre Père' have been sold in 10
RIGHTS SOLD                      countries to date!
Castilian, Dutch, English        • Books whose format is adapted for the early readers, with highly coloured, com-
(World), Flemish, German, Ita-   forting illustrations by renowned illustrators, such as Xavier Deneux.
lian, Japanese, Korean, Norwe-   • The books in the collection are adapted to the child's age.
gian, Polish, Spanish (Mexico)

                                 Number of titles available: 42
                                 Dieu, c'est qui?
                                 Je vous salue, Marie
                                 Je vous salue, Marie (livre sonore)
                                 Jésus pour les petits
                                 L'arche de Noé
                                 L'histoire de Noël en puzzle
                                 La Bible pour les tout-petits
                                 La vie de Jésus en puzzle
                                 La vie de Jésus racontée aux petits
                                 Le pardon
                                 Les amis de Jésus

                                 Les animaux amis de Dieu
                                 Les fêtes chrétiennes
           FOREIGN RIGHTS        Les grands personnages de la Bible
                                 Ma Bible en puzzle
BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights
RELIGION                    L'Arche de Noé
                            MARTINE LAFFON / Crescence BOUVAREL

                            A beautiful picture to assemble, with the book that tells the
200 x 200 mm                Key Features
24 pages
                            • A mini-poster with the picture as a model to help children put the pieces together
16,50 €
From 3 years old
                            • A highly illustrated soft-cover book that tells the story of Noah in 8 scenes: buil-
                            ding the ark, the flood and the new alliance between God and man.

RIGHTS SOLD                 Contents
                            High quality production for the very young. Illustrated by Crescence Bouvarel, this
                            puzzle comes with a charming story of Noah told by Martine Laffon.
                            This puzzle lets young children discover the of Noah and his Ark as they play. In a
                            an attractive box, a 50-piece puzzle in thick that forms a beautiful picture.

                                                                                                                     MARTINE LAFFON
                                                                                                                     Martine Laffon, PhD, specializes in the study of genesis. She has
                                                                                                                     also written many books for children, published by Bayard and
                                                                                                                     Syros, and directs a collection for teenagers published by Le Seuil.


                                                                                                                     Crescence BOUVAREL


BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights
RELIGION                    Filotéo doc

                            Access the texts through games... learn while playing... ans
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    the basics of Christian faith become much easier to remem-
                            ber. Naturally, all the information given is entirely reliable!
225 x 225 mm
24 pages                    Key Features
13,90 €
From 5 years old            • "Filotéo Doc"- a series with a mission: to make questions of faith accessible to
                            young readers.
                            • A unique animated series to discover religious topics.

RIGHTS SOLD                 Contents
Castilian, Portuguese
                            Number of titles available: 4
                            La vie de Jésus
                            Les fêtes chrétiennes
                            Les trois grandes religions
                            À la découverte des églises


BACKLIST BOLOGNA 2019 RELIGION - bayard FOREIGN RIGHTS - Bayard Foreign rights Bayard Foreign rights
RELIGION                    Les plus belles prières de la
                            Bible. Mes psaumes
                            Aline Bureau / BENEDICTE JEANCOURT-GALIGNANI

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    An attractive box containing 40 cards with the psalms, to me-
                            ditate, pray or simply contemplate...
96 pages
14,90 €                     Key Features
From 6 years old            • A box containing 40 cards, a mini-easel to place on and a booklet.
                            • The ideal gift for a baptism, communion or profession of faith.
                            • A magnificent support for family prayer with children from 5 to 12.
RIGHTS SOLD                 • Simple texts make the Bible accessible even to the very young. Beautiful, dream-
                            like illustrations from Aline Bureau.

                            The most beautiful prayers in the Bible adapted for children, from FILOTEO maga-
                            Magnificently illustrated by Aline Bureau using traditional techniques, they are dis-
                            played to their advantage on a large card format that can be read or placed on the
                            easel which comes with the book.
                            The cards invite us to reflect; children may choose a prayer that seems suitable for
                            particular moments in their life:
                            - Psalms to pray when in joy or sorrow,
                            - Psalms to praise God or express anger,
                            - Psalms to thank God or ask for his help...
                            These prayers will be a companion to children and nourish family prayers.
                                                                                                                    Aline Bureau
                            NB: Psalms are the prayers we find in the Bible. Although they were written by          Aline Bureau illustrates articles for Libération, Elle, Le Monde,
                            believers 2500 years ago, their message is still pertinent today. They represent the    but also many children’s books for Sarbacane, Tourbillon, Seuil,
                            believers’ call to God: in praise, distress, asking forgiveness or help...              Gallimard… Her personal technique, painting on wood, gives
                                                                                                                    striking relief and poetry to her pictures.


                                                                                                                    BENEDICTE JEANCOURT-GALIGNANI
                                                                                                                    Bénédicte Jeancourt-Galignani is editor-in-chief of the Bayard
                                                                                                                    Presse magazines Filoteo and Pomme d’Api Soleil. She studied
           FOREIGN RIGHTS                                                                                           children’s writing and theology, and has devoted her literary talents
                                                                                                                    to the very young; creating the series “Filoteo doc” pop-up books
BAYARD                                                                                                              (Bayard).
RELIGION                    Prières pour toute l'année
                            MARIE-CHRISTINE VIDAL

                            As it isn't always easy to find the right words to talk to God,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    here are 2 books of beautiful prayers to read every day and to
                            learn to pray.
160 x 190 mm
128 pages                   Key Features
14,90 €
                            • A rich selection of prayers with texts from great authors, the saints and children
                            from all over the world.
                            • Simple and clear comments sentence by sentence.

RIGHTS SOLD                 Contents
Spanish (Mexico)            This attractive book assembles simple little prayers and beautiful illustrations, to
                            help young children discover prayer – a special moment of contemplation.
                            Prayers for all times of the day and the year of your life. It isn’t always easy to find
                            the right words for prayer, the time to stop what you are doing. This selection of
                            prayers will help the youngest as well as older readers to find the right words to
                            speak to God.

                                                                                                                       MARIE-CHRISTINE VIDAL
                                                                                                                       For many years, Marie-Christine Vidal worked for Bayard’s religious
                                                                                                                       awakening magazine for children, Grain de Soleil, from 1990-
                                                                                                                       2000. Nowadays she is deputy editor-in-chief of Bayard’s weekly


RELIGION                       Raconte-moi la Bible
                               MARTINE LAFFON / JACQUES GAMBLIN / SIMON KROUG

                               This Bible for 4-8 years-olds is written in the manner of a tale :
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS       we enter into the story of God’s people as we might enter into
                               a beautiful story, which parents and children can share and
205 x 260 mm
                               leaf through together.
176 pages
22,90 €                        Key Features
From 4 years old
                               • A Bible that can be read aloud and bedtime story, just before falling asleep.
                               • It will make readers dream, tremble, laugh… The text flows from Martine Laffon’s
                               sensitive pen, which leaves room for emotions, and finds the right tone to speak
RIGHTS SOLD                    to children.
Brazilian, Castilian, German   • The text creates a link between all the Bible characters: one story after another
                               shows the meaning in the history of God’s people, a true Christian heritage.

                               This wonderful book tells the story of the people of God.
                               It begins with Adam, the first man who came to the Earth, then continues with his
                               sons, his descendants… All the way to us.
                               This book shows that all the characters belong to the same line and that their
                               individual stories from one big saga, that of God’s people whom we, as Christians,
                               represent today. The text is enhanced by tender, attractively-coloured illustrations:
                               a book that parents and children can read in a moment of shared emotion.

                                                                                                                       MARTINE LAFFON
                                                                                                                       Martine Laffon, PhD, specializes in the study of genesis. She has
                                                                                                                       also written many books for children, published by Bayard and
                                                                                                                       Syros, and directs a collection for teenagers published by Le Seuil.


                                                                                                                       JACQUES GAMBLIN

            FOREIGN RIGHTS
                                                                                                                       SIMON KROUG
                                                                                                                       Simon Kroug has illustrated several picture books, but he spends
BAYARD                                                                                                                 most of his time working in children’s publishing.
RELIGION                      Filotéo BD

                              Launched in 1992, Editions Bayard's 'Les chercheurs de
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS      Dieu' series has more than twenty-four titles today, the gra-
                              phic novel style stories of great figures of Christianity who
205 x 275 mm
                              made a mark in their times.
48 pages
10,50 €                       Key Features
From 8 years old
                              • Launched in 1992, a well-established series: more than 24 titles, 32000 sales
                              annually, global average of 18000 sales per title.
                              • Original approach to the lives of great Christians.
                              • An enjoyable way of learning more about the outstanding figures of Christian
Slovenian, Spanish (Mexico)   history.


                              Number of titles available: 39
                              Artisans de la solidarité (tome 30)
                              Charles de Foucauld en BD
                              Christian de Chergé, Tim Guénard, Frère Roger, en BD
                              Dom Helder Camera, Alexandre Men, Père Jacques, Kim Phuc, en BD
                              Frédéric Ozanam combat la misère
                              Gandhi, le pèlerin de la paix, en BD
                              Jean-Paul II, Bernadette Soubirous, en BD
                              Jeanne d'Arc en BD
                              Jésus en BD
                              Jésus en BD, le récit d'une bonne nouvelle
                              L'Abbé Pierre et l'espoir d'Emmaüs, en BD
                              La Bible en BD
                              La Bible en BD (broché)

                              La Bible en BD (relié + coffret)
                              La vie de Jésus en BD

RELIGION                    Jésus en BD, le récit d'une
                            bonne nouvelle

25 x 32 mm                  This Life of Jesus according to the Gospels brings out the
112 pages                   meaning of his life, words and acts.
19,90 €
From 9 years old            Key Features
                            • A nice gift book.
                            • A discovery of daily life in Palestine.
Spanish (Mexico)
                            A rich graphic novel to explain who Jesus was deeply. And a detailed work of
                            documentation to be as precise as possible about the daily life in Palestine when
                            Jesus was alive.
                            From page 2 to 25: birth and childhood of Jesus.
                            From page 26 to 77: Jesus is a man and preaches through the country, gathering
                            followers and apostles.
                            From page 78 to 96: conveyance into Jerusalem, last diner, arrest, passion, resur-
                            A map of Palestine.

                                                                                                                 LAURENCE CROIX

                                                                                                                 BENEDICTE JEANCOURT-GALIGNANI
                                                                                                                 Bénédicte Jeancourt-Galignani is editor-in-chief of the Bayard

                                                                                                                 Presse magazines Filoteo and Pomme d’Api Soleil. She studied
                                                                                                                 children’s writing and theology, and has devoted her literary talents
                                                                                                                 to the very young; creating the series “Filoteo doc” pop-up books
                                                                                                                 (Bayard) and contributing to “La Bible en BD” and the “Chercheurs
           FOREIGN RIGHTS                                                                                        de Dieu” series.

RELIGION                        Les belles histoires de la Bible
                                Marie-Hélène DELVAL / ULISES WENSELL

                                The classical best-seller picture book from Bayard. Since
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS        1998, a long-seller title which brings to the youngest the most
                                beautiful stories from the Bible.
226 x 228 mm
164 pages                       Key Features
19,90 €
From 7 years old                • A selection of the most beautiful stories in the Bible.
                                • Magnificently illustrated by Ulises Wensell.
                                • A classic long-seller.

RIGHTS SOLD                     Contents
Castilian, Finnish, Georgian,   Assembled in one book, the most beautiful stories in the Bible. Children will get to
German, Greek, Italian, Ja-     know great characters of the Old Testament: Noah, Abraham, Moses and Salomon.
panese, Norwegian, Polish       Through the New Testament stories, they will become familiar with the words and
                                acts of Jesus. The limpid style and the beauty of the illustrations make this picture
                                book an ideal first initiation to the Bible.

                                                                                                                        Marie-Hélène DELVAL
                                                                                                                        Marie-Halène Delval authored Chats, wich was selected for the
                                                                                                                        National Education Authority list, and the first fantasy series for
                                                                                                                        the very young : Les dragons de Nalsara. She is also the author
                                                                                                                        of: Psaumes pour les tout-petits, Dieu, c'est qui?; Les visages de

                                                                                                                        ULISES WENSELL
                                                                                                                        Ulises Wensell has a world-wide reputation for his children’s
            FOREIGN RIGHTS                                                                                              book illustrations. Among other awards, he received the national
                                                                                                                        illustration prize in Spain and the Critique prize in Bologna.
RELIGION                              La Bible

                                      With more than 200 passages, 700 explanatory boxes, 630
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS              illustrations and pictorial documents, 25 thematic double
                                      pages, this volume presents a wealth of information, docu-
200 x 225 mm
                                      mentation and commentaries, designed to be read by high
464 pages
25,90 €                               school students...
From 14 years old
                                      Key Features
                                      • A fresh new presentation of the Bible that will fire readers of every generation with
                                      the desire for a deeper exploration of God's Word.
                                      • A text with appropriate keys to help explore and understand the meaning of the
Castilian, Italian, Korean, Polish,   Bible, to relate it to today's world and apply ot to our daily lives.
Portuguese                            • A text to meet the spiritual and developmental needs of teenagers, especially at
                                      a time when they are trying to form their own ideas and opinions, independent of
                                      their parents.

                                      Each passage is carefully explained in the adjoining panel panel. Based on the
                                      translation of the Liturgical Bible, 200 essential texts have been chosen, given titles
                                      and classified by book, chapter and verse as in the traditional Bible. The very latest
                                      theological research has been taken into consideration. The extracts chosen here
                                      deal with the major points of the Bible. The intention is to stimulate the reader's
                                      curiosity. Thanks to the boxheads, reading the Bible is now simple and enjoyable!

bayard       FOREIGN RIGHTS

RELIGION                    La Bible
                            CLAUDE CACHIN / Anne-Sophie DU BOUETIEZ

                            The Bible was not written for young readers! yet… it is the
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    religion book of all Christians, young and old. In this book,
                            every effort has been made to ensure that young Christians
144 x 196 mm
                            percieve the Word of God in the Bible.
256 pages
19,90 €                     Key Features
From 8 years old
                            • An innovatory and ambitious editorial concept for the benefit of young Christians
                            (a spiritual and cultural approach to the Biblical texts).
                            • A traditional, clear layout.
                            • The book's format and thickness are designed to make young readers feel this is
                            "their" Bible.
                            • Ideal "First Communion" gift book (belly band on the cover).

                            Alongside "indispensable" passages from the Bible - those that children learn about
                            in catechism - this book also presents lesser-known texts : on the one hand to
                            provide a global view of the books of the Bible (37 are represented), and on the
                            other, to firmly establish the New Testament as a continuation of the Old (thanks
                            to a cross-reference system).

                                                                                                                  CLAUDE CACHIN

                                                                                                                  Anne-Sophie DU BOUETIEZ
                                                                                                                  Anne-Sophie du Bouëtiez is a freelance journalist specialising

                                                                                                                  in children’s magazines who writes for a variety of Bayard
                                                                                                                  publications. She has authored several religious awakening books
                                                                                                                  for young children, including La Bible (Bayard, 2010), co-authored
                                                                                                                  with priest and Bible scholar Marc Sévin, who finds the right words
           FOREIGN RIGHTS                                                                                         to talk about faith to the very young.

RELIGION                    Encyclopédie du christianisme
                            GAETAN EVRARD / ANNE-LAURE FOURNIER LE RAY /
                            EMMANUELLE REMOND-DAYLAC

                            What is the Bible? How did Christianity begin? Catholics,
                            Protestants, Anglicans, Orthodox... who are all these people?
180 x 245 mm
168 pages                   The history of Christianity for children told in more than 150
19,90 €                     pages.
From 8 years old
                            Key Features
                            • An ideal gift for communions, profession of faith and confirmations.
RIGHTS SOLD                 • An encyclopaedic reference book that brings greater understanding of the
Dutch, Flemish              Christian world.
                            • The only reference book of its kind on the market.
                            • New edition of book published in 1998 that was highly successful. More than
                            20.000 copies sold.

                            An encyclopaedic work of reference, adapted to 8-12 year-olds. This encyclopae-
                            dia is structured around 4 great themes: The Bible, the Holy Book, the history of
                            Christians, beliefs and practices and the different Churches. Illustrations, photos
                            and maps complete the information in the text.

                                                                                                                  GAETAN EVRARD

                                                                                                                  ANNE-LAURE FOURNIER LE RAY
                                                                                                                  Anne-Laure Fournier Le Ray lives in Marseilles. She wrote a lot of

                                                                                                                  children’s stories for Bayard before becoming a designer of family
                                                                                                                  web sites.

                                                                                                                  EMMANUELLE REMOND-DAYLAC

RELIGION                          Et qui donc est Dieu ?
                                  NATHALIE NOVI / SYLVIE MONTMOULINEIX / CLAUDE CACHIN /
                                  MARCELINO TRUONG

                                  Reference book to help you answer children's questions about
                                  God, the Bible, life and Faith... These book prepare adults to
200 x 200 mm                      answer children's first questions on spirituality in a lively and
240 pages
                                  down-to-earth manner.
18,90 €
From 10 years old                 Key Features
                                  • Whe nyou have to face the questions childrens ask, you need simple, clear
                                  response. Here, specialists and believers help provide answers to facilitate their
RIGHTS SOLD                       understanding of faith, God and the world around us.
Castilian, Dutch, Flemish, Ger-   • Authentic, comprehensive reference books, with more than 150.000 copies sold
man, Italian, Korean              and regulary reprinted.

                                  150 children's questions about God, Jesus, the great mysteries of the Christian
                                  Where were we before we were born?
                                  Why did God create the world?
                                  What's the point of believing in God? etc.

                                                                                                                       NATHALIE NOVI

                                                                                                                       SYLVIE MONTMOULINEIX

                                                                                                                       CLAUDE CACHIN
           FOREIGN RIGHTS                                                                                              Illustrator
                                                                                                                       MARCELINO TRUONG
RELIGION                       Dieu, Yahweh, Allah
                               MICHEL KUBLER / ANTOINE SFEIR / KATIA MROWIEC-

                               Reference book to prepare adults, parents, teachers and ca-
                               techists to answer children's first questions on spirituality in a
190 x 190 mm                   lively and down-to-earth manner.
192 pages
19,90 €                        Key Features
From 10 years old
                               • When you have to face the questions children ask, you need simple, clear res-
                               ponses. Here, specialists and believers help provide answers to facilitate their
                               understanding of faith, God and the world around us.
RIGHTS SOLD                    • Authentic, comprehensive reference book.
Dutch, Flemish, Hungarian,
Italian, Portuguese, Turkish
                               Among the world’s great religions there are three that place their faith in one
                               unique God: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They have developed like the majes-
                               tic branches of one and the same tree. Each possesses its own rules, gestures,
                               prayers, celebrations, which are often difficult for the uninitiated to understand.
                               This book answers more than a hundred authentic children’s questions about the
                               three great religions. To know one’s own religion better and discover the lives of
                               other believers.

                                                                                                                     MICHEL KUBLER

                                                                                                                     ANTOINE SFEIR

                                                                                                                     KATIA MROWIEC-PHILIPON
            FOREIGN RIGHTS

RELIGION                    Les plus beaux textes de la Bible

                            110 essential passages from the Bible, introduced and com-
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    mented to facilitate comprehension.
190 x 190 mm                Key Features
200 pages
                            • Same format and lay-out as Et qui est donc Dieu?, perfect for this age group.
19,90 €
From 8 years old            • Texts from the liturgical Bible, as read during Sunday mass. The translation has not
                            been adapted here, but explained where necessary.
                            • A new Bible in the Bayard catalogue, an ideal gift on the occasion of Christian
                            celebrations, to be kept over the years into adulthood.
                            The creation of the world, crossing the Red Sea, David and Goliath, Daniel in the
                            lion’s den, the birth of Jesus, Judas’ betrayal... The selection of episodes in this
                            book presents the essential stories from the Bible.
                            Taken from the New Liturgical Translation of the Bible, which is used during
                            mass, so permitting children to become more familiar with the texts they hear on
                            Sundays. An introduction places each episode in its context; notes in the margin
                            elucidate complex passages.
                            Finally, superbly coloured illustrations throughout make the book more pleasurable
                            and accessible for young readers.


RELIGION                    Les grandes religions du monde
                            JEAN-FRANCOIS KIEFFER / BENOIT MARCHON

                            A book to help children from the age of 8 to know and unders-
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    tand the world’s great religions.
165 x 210 mm                Key Features
56 pages
                            • Short, easy to understand texts.
9,90 €
From 8 years old            • Factual illustrations to guide children in their exploration of different forms of

                            Six children from different countries take turns to speak about their religion in
                            simple terms. Their holy books, where they pray, their special celebration days…
                            Through their testimonies, six great religions are described: Judaism, Christianity,
                            Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Animism.

                                                                                                                   JEAN-FRANCOIS KIEFFER

                                                                                                                   BENOIT MARCHON


RELIGION                    La Bible, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
                            GAETAN EVRARD / ANNE-LAURE FOURNIER LE RAY

                            This book brings us the essential episodes, the important
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    places and people in the Bible, and the keys to understand.
165 x 210 mm                Key Features
144 pages
                            • Short easy to understand texts.
10,90 €
From 8 years old            • Factual illustrations to guide children in their exploration of the Bible

                            Passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, this extraor-
                            dinary assembly of texts has shaped the history of mankind. Where does the Bible
Spanish (Mexico)            come from? Who wrote it, and why? What does it say?

                                                                                                               GAETAN EVRARD

                                                                                                               ANNE-LAURE FOURNIER LE RAY
                                                                                                               Anne-Laure Fournier Le Ray lives in Marseilles. She wrote a lot of

                                                                                                               children’s stories for Bayard before becoming a designer of family
                                                                                                               web sites.


RELIGION                    Une église, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
                            MONIQUE SCHERRER / Aurélie ABOLIVIER

                            Learn to recognize the things that make a church a church,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    whatever the style.
165 x 210 mm                Key Features
48 pages
                            • Easy-to-understand explanations tell young Christians what a church is.
9,90 €
From 8 years old            • Realistic, informative illustrations.

                            Compare Notre-Dame de Paris and Le Corbusier's Notre-Dame de Romchamp. At
                            first glance, they don't have much in common. Yet, they are both churches.
                            This book invites children to visit three different kinds of church: in a town, a gothic
                            cathedral, an ultramodern church.

                                                                                                                       MONIQUE SCHERRER

                                                                                                                       Aurélie ABOLIVIER


RELIGION                    Les grands récits de la Bible
                            Claude et Denise MILLET / Blandine Laurent

                            This book, with its superb illustrations and clear, simple lan-
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    guage, will be a favourite with all children. A first "real Bible"
                            - the ideal gift.
190 x 250 mm
160 pages                   Key Features
23,00 €
From 8 years old            • A new edition of this Bible, which was first published in 1991 with a cover with
                            flap and magnet.
                            • A beautiful first Bible, with quality illustrations that will appeal to traditional tastes.
                            • In the same series: Histoires pour fêter... mon baptême, Ma première commu-
RIGHTS SOLD                 nion, Ma profession de foi, Ma confirmation, Parler de Dieu aux petits.
Dutch, Flemish
                            Handed down from generation to generation, the Bible is a collection of historical
                            accounts, legends, tales and poems.

                                                                                                                            Claude et Denise MILLET
                                                                                                                            Claude and Denise Millet studied at the Arts décoratifs in Paris
                                                                                                                            before drawing for the press, publishing and advertising.

                                                                                                                            Blandine Laurent

                                                                                                                            Blandine Laurent, in collaboration with Father François Brossier,
                                                                                                                            Honorary Professor at the Institut Catholique de Paris and Benoit


RELIGION                    Mille milliards de questions sur la
                            vie, le monde et Dieu
                            CHRISTOPHE MERLIN / Collectif

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    One of the Bayard catalogue's great successes has been gi-
230 x 290 mm                ven a new edition. Questions about life, the world and God,
96 pages                    as they are asked by children from 7 to 12.
16,90 €
From 8 years old            Key Features
                            • Traditional illustrations for a work that is also a big picture book thanks to its gene-
                            rous format.
RIGHTS SOLD                 • A beautiful gift.

Korean                      Contents
                            49 questions, astonishing and sometimes tricky, about life, the world and God, as
                            they were asked by children from seven to twelve years-old.
                            The answers, well thought out by the authors, do not claim to be the ultimate and
                            universal solutions. They rather seek t ogive children direction for their reflection,
                            not forgetting parents. An indispensable book, to be consulted often.

                                                                                                                         CHRISTOPHE MERLIN
                                                                                                                         Christophe Merlin was born in Neuilly-sur-Seine. After qualifying as
                                                                                                                         an artist and lay-out designer, he turned to illustration in books, the
                                                                                                                         press and advertising.




RELIGION                    Notre Père, Je vous salue Marie,
                            Je crois en Dieu
                            NATHALIE NOVI / BENOIT MARCHON / JEAN DEBRUYNNE /
                            ANDREE PRIGENT / CATHERINE DE LASA

160 x 190 mm                The 3 great Christian prayers explained and commented so
128 pages                   that the youngest readers may know them, understand them
14,90 €                     and essimilate them.
From 7 years old
                            Key Features
                            • Simple, clear comments sentence by sentence.
RIGHTS SOLD                 • The superb illustrations help young readers (and their parents) to enter into

                            Our Father, Hail Mary, I believe in God: these words learned by heart are from
                            the three great Christian prayers. But children don’t always understand what they
                            mean. Here, their meaning is explained in simple terms. Each sentence of the
                            prayer is commented like a poem, or a new prayer.

                                                                                                                NATHALIE NOVI

                                                                                                                BENOIT MARCHON

                                                                                                                JEAN DEBRUYNNE
           FOREIGN RIGHTS                                                                                       Illustrator
                                                                                                                ANDREE PRIGENT
RELIGION                    On fait comment pour changer le
                            monde ?

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    We start asking questions when we are small...and go on
190 x 250 mm                asking all through our lives! Why are some people rich and
144 pages                   others poor? What does it mean to be free? Why are there
16,90 €                     leaders?...and many more. Life's big questions viewed on a
From 7 years old            Christian light.

                            Key Features
RIGHTS SOLD                 • Book that encourage reflection, open to today's world.
Hungarian, Slovenian        • To be read by children as soon as they go to catechism.
                            • An exceptional lay-out and presentation (beautiful illustrations), unusual for this
                            kind of subject, make this an ideal gift book.
                            • A magnificent picture book that will stay with children from 8 to 13 as they acquire
                            Christian culture.

                            Every two months, Filotéo magazine features a large dossier that answers philo-
                            sophical questions. This book assembles eight of these dossiers to help children
                            reflect on the world around them : Why are we different? Isn't it easy to make
                            peace? Why are there rich and poor people? Is that fair or unfair? Why do we have


RELIGION                    Les paraboles de Jésus
                            Anne-Sophie DU BOUETIEZ / ANNE-LAURE FOURNIER LE RAY
                            / Gwénaëlle BOULET / Marie AUBINAIS / CLOTILDE PERRIN /
                            BENEDICTE JEANCOURT-GALIGNANI

                            Books that ask questions so that children aged 8 to 12 can
190 x 250 mm                discover the essential subjects of a Christian culture.
72 pages
16,90 €                     Key Features
From 8 years old
                            • A new book in the Filotéo series.
                            • The most beautiful stories of the Gospels told and explained to children of today.

RIGHTS SOLD                 Contents
English (US), Hungarian     After Que nous dit Jésus?, a book that explained the more mysterious words Jesus
                            spoke to his disciples, here are the stories Jesus told. It explains to readers aged
                            8-12 what Jesus meant by his parables, those stories Jesus told his friends to help
                            them understand who God is. Since the world has changed, the images Jesus used
                            are sometimes distant from the world of children today. This book brings clarifi-
                            cation in simple words, enhanced by beautiful illustrations. They invite children to
                            think and begin their Christian lives. The following parables are treated here: The
                            sower of seeds, the lost sheep, the wise and foolish builders, the great banquet,
                            three servants given talents, the prodigal son, the Good Samaritan, workers in the
                            vineyard, the salt and the light.

                                                                                                                   Anne-Sophie DU BOUETIEZ
                                                                                                                   Anne-Sophie du Bouëtiez is a freelance journalist specialising
                                                                                                                   in children’s magazines who writes for a variety of Bayard
                                                                                                                   publications. She has authored several religious awakening books
                                                                                                                   for young children, including La Bible (Bayard, 2010), co-authored
                                                                                                                   with priest and Bible scholar Marc Sévin, who finds the right words
                                                                                                                   to talk about faith to the very young.

                                                                                                                   ANNE-LAURE FOURNIER LE RAY
                                                                                                                   Anne-Laure Fournier Le Ray lives in Marseilles. She wrote a lot of
                                                                                                                   children’s stories for Bayard before becoming a designer of family
BAYARD                                                                                                             web sites.
RELIGION                    Pourquoi je suis moi ?

                            People start asking questions when they are very young...
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    and they go on till they die! Life's big question is viewed in a
                            Christian light.
190 x 250 mm
144 pages                   Key Features
16,90 €
From 8 years old            • To be red by children as soon as they go to catechism.
                            • An exceptionnal lay-out and presentation (beautiful illustrations), unusual for this
                            kind of subject, make this an ideal gift book.
                            • A magnificent picture book that will stay with children from 8 to 13 as they acquire
RIGHTS SOLD                 a Christian culture.
Hungarian, Slovenian
                            This book presents eight themes designed to help children think:
                            Why am I me?
                            Girls, boys, who are we?
                            To have a family, what a venture!
                            Is it important to have friends?
                            What makes us happy?
                            What is love?
                            Why are we afraid?
                            What does it mean, a successful life?
                            Each theme is approached from a philosophical viewpoint, but also Christian: what        Author
                            does the Bible tell us about these existential questions? What did Jesus have to say
                            about these subjects?
                            This enlightening information permits us to view life’s big questions differently. For
                            to be a Christian doesn’t only mean believing in God, it also implies a very special
                            outlook on the world.


RELIGION                     Prions en église junior

                             This collection of little books about religious practice is an
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS     offspring of the time-honored magazine Prions en Eglise with
                             its 500.000 subscribers.
155 x 146 mm
64 pages                     Key Features
8,50 €
From 8 years old             • Accessible little books that answers the questions children ask about religious
                             practice from the age of 8 up.
                             • Illustrations enhance and complete a clear, simple text to facilitate comprehen-
RIGHTS SOLD                  • Books intended for home use that can also come in handy at catechism.
Castilian, Italian, Korean

                             Number of titles available: 14
                             C'est quoi être chrétien?
                             C'est quoi être chrétien?
                             Je prépare ma première communion
                             Je prépare mon baptême
                             La communion, le repas des chrétiens
                             La confirmation, recevoir l'Esprit Saint (NE)
                             Le baptême, c'est quoi?
                             Le baptême, c'est quoi?
                             Le dimanche, je vais à la messe
                             Les grandes fêtes des chrétiens
                             Les grandes fêtes des chrétiens
                             Les sept sacrements
                             Missel des enfants Année C
                             Mon livre de messe

bayard      FOREIGN RIGHTS

RELIGION                    Quelqu'un que tu aimais est
                            AGNES AUSCHITZKA / NATHALIE NOVI

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS    A book that brings faith and hope to children when they lose
115 x 190 mm                someone they love, from the spiritual and psychological angle.
48 pages                    With delicacy and intelligence, it helps adults to find the right
9,90 €                      "consoling" words, or at least to open a comforting dialogue
From 7 years old
                            Key Features
                            • In book shops, this theme is often soliced.
RIGHTS SOLD                 • First published in 1996, then in a revised format in 2010, this title has sold more
                            than 17.000 copies in the bookshops.

                            Firstly, it lists the things the child can do in relation to the person who has died:
                            ask to see them, write to them and speak to them in their throughts... It reassures
                            children about the violence of their own feelings, their own fears about death,
                            explaining that life always takes over from mourning...
                            Secondly, it presents the Christian response to the questions we all ask at such
                            Why did it have to happen to my friend?
                            Why does God accept that someone dies?
                            What happens to the dead?
                            Is there anything after death? Does Paradise exist?                                      Author
                            Finally, the book describes the funerary rites and explains their meaning to children:   AGNES AUSCHITZKA
                            why people give flowers, why incense... What does the sign of the cross mean?

                                                                                                                     NATHALIE NOVI


RELIGION                    Les romans Filotéo Doc

                            A new series to discover the great witnesses of Christianity;
                            Key Features
145 x 190 mm
                            • A biography children can enjoy.
48 pages
                            • An illustrated life story perfectly adapted for young readers (8-12 age group).
7,90 €
                            • Pages with factual information.
From 8 years old

                            Number of titles available: 5
Polish                      Sur les pas de Christian de Chergé, moine de Tibhirine
                            Sur les pas de Francesco, le pauvre d'Assise
                            Sur les pas de Paul, l'apôtre voyageur
                            Sur les pas de Teresa, la religieuse de Calcutta
                            Sur les pas de saint Louis, un roi guidé par sa foi


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