BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management

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BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management
       R E V I E W

       A   M A R Y L A N D   J O U R N A L
BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management
Baltimore Business Review
A Maryland Journal — 2020
Produced jointly by the CFA Society
Baltimore and the Towson University
College of Business and Economics
Edited by Lijing Du, Ph.D., Jian Huang, Ph.D.,
Associate Professors Towson University,
Department of Finance and Farhan S. Mustafa,
CFA, Board Member CFA Society Baltimore
Designed by Towson University Creative
Services, Rick S. Pallansch, Director,
Chris Komisar, Senior Graphic Designer

For more information about the contents of
this publication, contact the Towson University
College of Business and Economics press
contact, Jian Huang (410) 704-3547,
or CFA Society Baltimore press contact,
Robyn Osten (314) 650-8839.
This publication is available online at
All opinions expressed by the contributors quoted here are
solely their opinions and do not reflect the opinions of CFA
Society Baltimore, Towson University, Towson University College
of Business and Economics or affiliates, and may have been
previously disseminated by them on television, radio, Internet or
another medium. You should not treat any opinion expressed in this
journal as a specific inducement to make a particular investment
or follow a particular strategy, but only as an expression of
an opinion. Such opinions are based upon information the
contributors consider reliable, but neither CFA Society Baltimore,
Towson University, Towson University College of Business and
Economics nor their affiliates and/or subsidiaries warrant its
completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied upon as
such. The contributors, CFA Society Baltimore, Towson University,
Towson University College of Business and Economics, its affiliates
and/or subsidiaries are not under any obligation to update or
correct any information available in this journal. Also, the opinions
expressed by the contributors may be short-term in nature and
are subject to change without notice. The contributors, and CFA
Society Baltimore, Towson University, Towson University College
of Business and Economics or affiliates do not guarantee any
specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk
of loss in following any strategy or investment discussed on this
Web site. Strategies or investments discussed may fluctuate in
price or value. You must make an independent decision regarding
investments or strategies mentioned in this journal. Before acting
on information in this journal, you should consider whether it is
suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider
seeking advice from your own financial or investment adviser.

BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management
Message from the Dean                                                                            2

Message from the President                                                                       3

Regulation Best Interest: Higher Standards for Broker-Dealers,
Strengthened Protections                                                                         4
Michael P. Shaw, Esq.
Partner, Niles, Barton & Wilmer, LLP

Empowering Election Judges to Secure our Elections                                               8
Natalie M. Scala – Associate Professor,
Department of Business Analytics & Technology Management, Towson University
Josh Dehlinger – Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Towson University
Lorraine Black – Graduate Student in Supply Chain Management, Towson University
Saraubi Harrison – Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Katerine Delgado Licona – Juvenile and Economic Crimes Unit,
Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office
Aikaterini Ieromonahos – Undergraduate Student in Law & the American Civilization,
Towson University

When Does A Good Investment Become a Bad Investment?                                             14
Niall H. O’Malley, MBA – Portfolio Manager, Blue Point Investment Management

From Digitization to Digital Transformation of Supply Chains                                     18
Tobin Porterfield – Associate Professor,
Department of Business Analytics & Technology Management, Towson University
Chaodong Han – Associate Professor,
Department of Business Analytics & Technology Management, Towson University

Former FDIC Chair Sheila Bair Is Optimistic About the Potential of
Technology to Improve Financial System, While Expressing Concern
About Non-Financial Debt Segment of the Market                                                   22
Farhan Mustafa, CFA – Head of Investment Risk Management and
Head of Quantitative Investments, ClearBridge Investments
The Management of Interest Rate Risk: Are Maryland Banks Different?                              28
Babu G. Baradwaj – Professor, Department of Finance, Towson University
Michaël Dewally – Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Towson University
Susan Flaherty – Professor, Department of Finance, Towson University
Yingying Shao – Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Towson University

The Effects of Civil Unrest on Education in Baltimore                                            32
Melissa A. Groves, Ph.D. – Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Towson University
Ryan Hor – Towson University ‘19

Student Survey Portfolio Analysis                                                                36
Chris Breen – President, Towson University Investment Group
Jacob Piazza – Portfolio Manager, Towson University Investment Group
Zach Foertschbeck – Vice-President, Towson University Investment Group                                      36

Contributors                                                                                     40

                                                                                                  2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W
BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management
Message from the Dean
                                     Towson University, College of Business and Economics

                                     Dear Colleagues and Friends,
                                     I’m excited and proud to share with you the eleventh issue of the Baltimore Business Review:
                                     A Maryland Journal. As a joint effort between the faculty of the College of Business and
                                     Economics (CBE) at Towson University and the Baltimore CFA Society, this journal leverages
                                     the relative strengths of both organizations to create an outstanding resource that showcases
                                     opportunities in Maryland and beyond.
    SHOHREH A. KAYNAMA,              CBE is committed to developing high quality and innovative programs and resources,
    PH.D., The George                connecting theory to practice in curricular, extra-curricular and research activities, and trans-
    Washington University, 1991,     forming students who will have a positive impact within Maryland and beyond.
    is the Dean of the College
                                     In this issue, you will see how our faculty’s research mirrors CBE’s mission. We are proud to
    of Business and Economics
                                     showcase two articles co-authored by faculty members and students—one develops train-
    and Professor of Marketing
                                     ing modules to empower election judges to identify and mitigate threats to voting systems,
    at Towson University.
                                     and the other evaluates the educational impact of civil unrest on children in Baltimore City.
    Her research interests
    include services marketing,      You will also read about how Maryland banks manage their interest rate risks as well as a
    e-Commerce/e-Business            discussion on the digital transformation of supply chains for Maryland firms. Finally, we
    solutions, marketing research,   present an update from the Towson University Investment Group on portfolios they built
    international marketing, and     based on a student survey.
    decision support systems in
                                     I would like to express my appreciation to our editors and contributors to this issue of the
    marketing. Her work has been
                                     Baltimore Business Review. It is their generous contributions of time and effort that make
    published extensively in many
                                     this publication possible. We are delighted that you are joining us as readers, and as always,
    credible journals (nationally
                                     we look forward to hearing any feedback.
    and internationally). She was
    named one of the 2005 Top        Best regards,
    100 Women in Maryland
    by The Daily Record and
    is an honored member of
                                     Shohreh A. Kaynama, Ph.D.
    Empire “Who’s Who of
                                     Dean, College of Business and Economics
    Women in Education.” In
    addition, she is a member
    of Network 2000 and serves
    on the boards of SBRC, the
    Academy of Finance (NAF),
    Baltimore County Chamber
    of Commerce, Better
    Business Bureau of Greater
    Maryland, Maryland Council
    on Economic Education,
    and the Towson University

BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management
Message from the President
CFA Society Baltimore

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It gives me great pleasure to share with you the eleventh edition of the Baltimore Business Review.
This publication represents a critical partnership between the business and     academic
                                                                        90/0/65/3    80/30/0/0
                                                                                                  70/50/0/0     10/10/5/55
Baltimore and its surrounding metropolitan areas. CFA Society Baltimore is incredibility fortunate to
have a great partnership with the Towson College of Business and Economics        to- TowsonU
                                                                              PMS 202  make        this
                                                                                               CBE Red      world-class
                                                                                                       - 0/100/61/43

publication possible.
This publication would not be possible with the help and support of our publication team. I want to
thank the editorial staff of Farhan Mustafa, CFA, from CFA Society Baltimore and Jian Huang and                                 Top 10 Employers of
Lijing Du from Towson University. I want to also think the many contributors to this year’s edition                             CFA Society Baltimore
and to Rick Pallansch and Chris Komisar from the Towson University Creative Services team. Your                                 Members
time and efforts are incredibly valuable.
                                                                                                                                T. Rowe Price
The CFA Society Baltimore originated in 1948 and currently serves over 750 members today. In a                                  Brown Advisory
joint effort, the CFA Society Baltimore and its parent company, the CFA Institute, work to promote                              Stifel Financial
and advocate the principles of the CFA program. The society proudly leads the investment community                              PNC Financial
and other finance related communities by promoting the highest standard of ethics, education, and                               Legg Mason
professional excellence for the benefits of the entire community. In this publication, you can see the                          Morgan Stanley
list of the top ten employers of our society’s members.                                                                         Wells Fargo
In recent years, the CFA Baltimore Society has made concerted efforts to expand its outreach beyond
                                                                                                                                Bank of America Merrill
the investment community. Our vision for the society is to expand membership into other accounting
                                                                                                                                Wilmington Trust
and related finance professionals, including but not limited to, financial advisors, registered invest-
ment advisors, accountants, lawyers and actuaries. Membership to the CFA Society Baltimore is open
to all professionals dedicated to these standards and we welcome you to attend future CFA Society
Baltimore events.
The CFA Society Baltimore works hard to create informative education, networking and soft skills
training programs for our current and prospective members. We strive to provide content that is timely
and provide updates on current events in the financial services profession.
I hope you enjoy this publication and find its content engaging and thought provoking. As always, we
welcome your feedback and insights. To learn more about how CFA Society Baltimore can help support
your career and professional network, please visit our website or find us on social media.

Zachary C. Reichenbach, CFA, CPA/ABV/CFF
President, CFA Society Baltimore

BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management
Regulation Best Interest:
                                                          Higher Standards for Broker-Dealers,
                                                       Strengthened Protections for Investors
                                                                                 Michael P. Shaw, Esq.,
                                                                         Partner, Niles, Barton & Wilmer, LLP

2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W
BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management
On June 5, 2019, the Securities and Exchange Com-             1. Duty of Care – Before making a recommendation to
mission (the “SEC”) approved a higher standard of             a retail investor (as opposed to a corporate/ institutional
care for broker-dealers (“Brokerage Firms”) and their         investor), a Broker is now required under Reg BI to
financial professionals (“Brokers”) when making a             understand the risks and costs associated with a recom-
recommendation to an investor regarding a securities          mendation and consider these factors in view of the
transaction. This new higher standard, referred to            investor’s age, investment objectives, and risk tolerance.
as Regulation Best Interest or Reg BI, is intended to
                                                              The “Care Obligation” of Reg BI requires a Broker to
narrow the gap between the different standards of care
                                                              exercise reasonable diligence, care, and skill in making
that a Broker and an investment advisor (“Investment
                                                              the recommendation. This requires the Broker to under-
Advisor”) must abide by when making recommenda-
                                                              stand potential risks, rewards, and costs associated with
tions to an investor.
                                                              the recommendation, then consider those risks, rewards,
For more than two decades, Brokers have been held to          and costs in view of the investor’s investment profile,
a suitability standard of care. In other words, a Broker’s    and have a reasonable basis to believe that the recom-
recommendation to an investor has, prior to Reg BI,           mendation is in the investor’s best interest. A Broker
been limited to an analysis of whether the Broker’s           must consider reasonable alternatives, if any, offered
recommendation is appropriate given the investor’s            by the Brokerage Firm in determining whether there
age, risk tolerance, investment objectives, and other         is a reasonable basis for making the recommendation.
factors. Suitability was thought to be aligned with the       And the Broker must not place his/her interests ahead
transactional nature of a Broker’s relationship with an       of the investor’s. (Emphasis added.)
investor. Investment Advisors, on the other hand, have
                                                              2. Conflicts of Interest – Under Reg BI’s “Conflict of
been held to a fiduciary standard of care, which refers to
                                                              Interest Obligation,” a Brokerage Firm must have
a requirement to act in a client’s best interest. Because
                                                              written policies and procedures to identify conflicts of
investment advice is considered ongoing in nature and
                                                              interest, and the Brokerage Firms must enforce these
can cover a broad array of services, Investment Advisors
                                                              policies and procedures to address conflicts of interest.
have been deemed to be in a relationship with a client
that requires loyalty and trust, hence the need for a         At a minimum, a Brokerage Firm is required to disclose
higher standard of care than the suitability standard.1       its conflicts to investors, such as the conflict that arises
Over time, the distinction between the services offered       with respect to a Broker’s compensation. Some conflicts
by Brokers and Investment Advisors has become less            can be avoided entirely, such as eliminating sales contests
clear, prompting the SEC to re-evaluate the applicable        that may lead unintentionally to unnecessary transac-
regulatory regimes and to bring the standards of care         tions in client accounts. Another example of a conflict
owed by these two groups of investment professionals          that can be avoided is a Broker favoring the Brokerage
closer together.                                              Firm’s proprietary products over other products that
                                                              may be more appropriate for the investor because of
The key tenet of Reg BI is that when a Broker makes
                                                              financial incentives offered by the Brokerage Firm to
a recommendation of a securities transaction or an
                                                              sell its products. In such cases, the Brokerage Firm’s
investment strategy involving securities to an investor,
                                                              policies and procedures must be reasonably designed
the Broker must: (1) act in the best interest of the inves-
                                                              to disclose any limitations in its product offerings and
tor at the time the recommendation is made; and (2)
                                                              associated conflicts, and to prevent the limitations
not place the financial or other interest of the Broker
                                                              from causing the Broker to place his/her or the Broker-
ahead of the interest of the investor. (Emphasis added.)
                                                              age Firm’s interests ahead of the investor’s. In general,
Reg BI has four components. A Broker is required to           Brokers are required to eliminate conflicts of interest
comply with each component to remain in compliance            wherever possible, and Brokerage Firms are required
with the regulation. The discussion below presents the        to identify and address incentives that can lead their
key elements of these components, as described in the         Brokers to put their own interest ahead of the investor’s.
SEC’s Final Rule in Release No. 34-86031:
                                                              Finally, the policies and procedures must be reasonably
                                                              designed to identify and eliminate sales contests, sales
                                                              quotas, bonuses, and non-cash compensation that are
                                                              based on the sale of specific securities or specific types

                                                                                                                2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W   5
BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management
of securities within a limited time period. (Emphasis       In conjunction with approving Reg BI, the SEC also
                                             added.)                                                     approved and now requires that both Brokers and
                                                                                                         Investment Advisors, at the beginning of an investor
                                             3. Disclosure – Reg BI now requires Brokerage Firms
                                                                                                         relationship, provide an investor with a Customer
                                             to disclose the fees they charge, the type and scope of
                                                                                                         Relationship Summary (Form CRS) to allow the inves-
                                             the services they offer as well as any limitations on
                                                                                                         tor to compare one financial professional’s services to
                                             those services, any conflicts that exist, and whether
                                                                                                         those of another. Form CRS must contain a summary
                                             the Brokerage Firm provides ongoing monitoring of
                                                                                                         of the services offered, fees charged, costs, conflicts of
                                             an investor’s account.
                                                                                                         interest, standard of conduct, and disciplinary history,
                                             Under Reg BI’s “Disclosure Obligation,” a Broker            if any, of the firm and its financial professionals.
                                             must provide certain prescribed disclosures before or
                                             at the time of the recommendation about the recom-
                                             mendation and the relationship between the investor
                                             and the Broker. These disclosures must include: (a)                     The Attorneys General
                                             that the Broker is acting in a broker-dealer capacity                   in seven states and the
                                             with respect to the recommendation; (b) the material
                                             fees and costs that apply to the investor’s transactions,               District of Columbia have
                                             holdings, and accounts; and (c) the type and scope of                   filed a lawsuit against
                                             services to be provided, including any material limita-
                                             tions on the securities or investment strategies that may
                                                                                                                     the SEC in federal court
                                             be recommended to the investor. Additionally, Brokers                   in an effort to block
                                             must disclose all material facts relating to conflicts
                                             of interest associated with the recommendation that
                                                                                                                     implementation of
                                             could benefit the Broker, such as conflicts associated                  Reg BI
                                             with proprietary products, payments from third parties,
                                             and compensation arrangements. (Emphasis added.)
                                             4. Compliance – Brokerage Firms are required to develop,    In promulgating Reg BI, the SEC also provided guidance
                                             maintain and enforce policies and procedures to comply      on two areas of federal securities laws that have led
                                             with Reg BI.                                                to some confusion. First, the SEC clarified the federal
                                                                                                         fiduciary duty that an Investment Advisor owes to
                                             Under Reg BI’s “Compliance Obligation,” a Broker
                                                                                                         a client under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940
                                             must establish, maintain, and enforce policies and
                                                                                                         (the “Advisers Act”). Second, the SEC clarified the
                                             procedures reasonably designed to achieve compliance
                                                                                                         long-standing exemption that applies to a Broker who
                                             with Reg BI. The SEC does not intend a Brokerage Firm’s
                                                                                                         provides advice to an investor that is considered “solely
                                             compliance with Reg BI to create new and potentially
                                                                                                         incidental” to the brokerage transaction, and where the
                                             duplicative records for each recommendation to an
                                                                                                         Broker does not receive special compensation for that
                                             investor. Rather, the SEC believes that Brokerage Firms
                                                                                                         advice. Now, according to the SEC’s new interpretation
                                             should be able to explain in broad terms the process
                                                                                                         of “solely incidental,” the advice provided by a Broker
                                             by which the firm determines what recommendations
                                                                                                         must be “reasonably related to the broker-dealer’s
                                             are in an investor’s best interest, and to explain how
                                                                                                         primary business of effecting securities.”
                                             that process was applied to a specific recommendation
                                             to the investor. The SEC is not, however, mandating         Reg BI and Form CRS became effective on September
                                             that Brokerage Firms create and maintain a record of        10, 2019. The SEC’s new interpretations of the federal
                                             each such determination.                                    fiduciary duty and “solely incidental” also became
                                                                                                         effective on that date. The SEC has, however, extended
                                                                                                         the enforcement date of Reg BI and Form CRS until
                                                                                                         June 30, 2020 to give Brokerage Firms time to modify
                                                                                                         their compliance programs.

6   2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W
BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management
This article has evaluated the components of Reg BI,         versus a recommendation from an Investment Advisor.
and the effect that this new regulation will have on
                                                             For its part, the Securities Industry and Financial
Brokerage Firms and their Brokers. But what about
                                                             Markets Association (SIFMA), which represents the
investors? Will investors be able to discern any notice-
                                                             broker-dealer, banking, and asset management industry,
able difference that Reg BI brings about in a Broker’s
                                                             believes that the obligation under Reg BI to eliminate
recommendations? Certainly, investors who pay close
                                                             or mitigate conflicts of interest provides even greater
attention to disclosure documents will be aware of the
                                                             protections for investors than is required under the
new Form CRS that Reg BI requires a Broker and an
                                                             fiduciary standard that applies to Investment Advisors.
Investment Advisor to complete and provide to the
investor. For most investors, however, Reg BI will not       While proponents and opponents of Reg BI are deeply
lead to any noticeable change in the way that a Broker       divided over whether Reg BI will enhance or diminish
or an Investment Advisor makes a recommendation.             protections for investors, where these two sides agree
This is not to say that Reg BI will not have an impact on    is that investors have been confused over the different
investors. The four obligations that a Broker must satisfy   standards of care that apply to Brokers and Investment
to comply with Reg BI – Disclosure, Care, Conflict of        Advisors when providing recommendations to investors.
Interest, and Compliance – will impact investors by          Will Reg BI clear up this confusion? Unfortunately, the
raising the standard of care and due diligence required      adoption by the SEC of this new standard (best interest),
of a Broker in making a recommendation in a way              which essentially builds on the current standard (suit-
that goes well beyond that which is required by the          ability), will likely continue to cause confusion for of
suitability standard of care.                                investors trying to understand how it differs from the
                                                             fiduciary standard that applies to Investment Advisors.
As with any new regulation, Reg BI has had its detrac-
tors. Public interest groups, including the Consumer         Where Reg BI and the Advisers Act share something
Federation of America, the Financial Planning Coalition,     in common, it is that they were each created using a
and others, believe the SEC did not go far enough in         principles-based approach to regulation. Therefore, the
raising the standards for Brokers. These groups urged        determination whether a Brokerage Firm or a Broker
the SEC to create for Brokers a fiduciary duty similar to    has violated Reg BI will require the same analysis in
the fiduciary duty that applies to Investment Advisors.      determining whether an Investment Advisor has vio-
Applying the fiduciary standard to Brokers, however, is      lated the Advisers Act — an analysis of the facts and
fraught with insurmountable challenges. For one, the         circumstances of the alleged violation. As with any
broker-dealer model is based on commission compensa-         new regulation, the challenge that Regulation Best
tion, the sale of proprietary products, and conducting       Interest presents for Brokerage Firms and Investment
principal trades (i.e., trading from the Brokerage Firm’s    Advisory Firms (with respect to Form CRS) will be in
own account). Reg BI addresses such inherent conflicts       drafting policies and procedures to comply with this
by requiring that they be disclosed to investors.            new regulation.

Additionally, the Attorneys General in seven states and      References:
the District of Columbia have filed a lawsuit against        1
                                                                 See SEC v. Capital Gains Research Bureau, Inc., 375 U.S. 180 (1963).
the SEC in federal court in an effort to block imple-
mentation of Reg BI. These state, and D.C. argue that
in issuing Reg BI the SEC exceeded its authority under
the Administrative Procedure Act by failing to follow
the mandate of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act, which authorized the
SEC to conduct rulemaking that would harmonize the
standard of conduct between Brokers and Investment
Advisors. In their lawsuit, the states and D.C. contend
that Reg BI undermines investor protections provided by
the Advisers Act and increases investor confusion over
the standards of conduct that apply when an investor
receives an investment recommendation from a Broker

BALTIMORE - Blue Point Investment Management
Empowering Election Judges to Secure our Elections
                                 Natalie M. Scala                                      Saraubi Harrison
Associate Professor, Department of Business Analytics             Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
       & Technology Management, Towson University
                                                                              Katerine Delgado Licona
                                  Josh Dehlinger        Juvenile and Economic Crimes Unit, Baltimore County
  Professor, Department of Computer and Information                                State’s Attorney’s Office
                        Sciences, Towson University
                                                                               Aikaterini Ieromonahos
                                   Lorraine Black           Major in Law & the American Civilization, Towson
       Graduate Student in Supply Chain Management,                                                University
                                   Towson University
Introduction and Motivation                                   Our research takes a “see something, say something”
The use of electronic voting equipment in the United          approach and develops training modules for Election
States’ elections has been commonplace since the early        Judges to identify and respond to potential cyber, physi-
2000s, with the idea first introduced by the Help America     cal, and insider threats that may emerge during early
Vote Act of 2002 (US EAC, 2018). The introduction of          voting and on Election Day. The training empowers
electronic voting equipment was, in part, a response to       Election Judges to mitigate emerging security issues or
the punch-cards controversy in the 2000 Presidential          elevate them for proper assistance. Security issues that
Election and the subsequent Bush v. Gore court pro-           may emerge at a polling place must be immediately rem-
ceedings. The cybersecurity issues related to electronic      edied, as elections cannot be redone or rescheduled. An
equipment became of widespread concern during the             election has one chance to correctly and securely record
2016 Presidential Election, with a report and congres-        votes; the confidence in, and health of, our democracy
sional testimony by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller,        depends on election integrity.
III confirming that the Russian Federation took sweeping
and systematic actions, in violation of United States         Threats and the Maryland Process
criminal law, to interfere in the election (Helderman and     We partnered with the Harford County Board of Elec-
Zapotosky, 2019; Mueller, 2019). Although evidence            tions in Maryland to develop training modules. All
does not point to equipment and voter records actually        counties in Maryland employ the same process and use
being compromised, the Department of Homeland                 the same equipment during early voting and on Election
Security revealed that 21 states, including Maryland,         Day, and polling places are arranged into the following
were subject to cybersecurity attacks on their voting         general sections or stations: check-in, voting booths,
registration files or public election sites by the Russian    scanning unit, provisional voting, and disabled access.
Federation (Horwitz, Nakashima, and Gold, 2017).              Maryland uses a paper ballot on which voters indicate
The Senate Intelligence Committee also concluded that         their choice by filling in bubbles with pen marks; those
election systems in all 50 states were targeted by Russia     ballots are then counted at the polling place using an
in 2016 (Sanger and Edmonson, 2019).                          optical scanner. The ballots are then retained in bins
                                                              under the scanner as a paper trail. Various Election
Our ongoing, funded, and student-centered research            Judges are assigned to each station, and a Chief Elec-
takes a unique systems approach to elections security         tion Judge oversees the entire polling location. Threats
and specifically considers potential cyber, physical, and     may emerge at any station at a polling place. Threats
insider threats to an election. Cyber threats can exist       may evolve from accidents or honest mistakes made by
regardless of an active Internet connection; physical         voters and/or Election Judges, or threats may emerge
threats involve tampering with equipment; and insider         from those interacting with the process with malicious
threats stem from human interactions with the process         intent. The developed modules train Election Judges
(Price, et al., 2019). This approach distinguishes our        to recognize that a threat may be present and equips
research from existing literature, which generally focuses    them with the actions to take to mitigate the threat. The
only on cyber threats. We further differentiate from exist-   modules also review proper equipment usage, in an effort
ing research by focusing on local polling places; most        to avoid an Election Judge inadvertently becoming an
existing research is at the state level. We consider varied   insider threat through honest mistakes and improper
sources of threat and consider polling places, because        use of equipment. Examples of threats that may occur
those places are where the public actually interacts with     at a polling place are outlined in Price, et al. (2019);
the voting process. The experience the public has at a        that paper identifies 25 potential vulnerabilities to the
polling place drives overall confidence in voting integ-      Maryland election process, even though no evidence
rity. For example, if voters have positive experiences at     exists that those vulnerabilities were previously com-
a polling place, they may feel confident in the voting        promised in an election. Other related sources of risk in
system. However, if the polling place was disorganized or     elections security, categorized into cyber, physical, and
equipment malfunctioned in front of voters, for example,      insider threats, are discussed in Locraft, et al. (2019).
they may not feel confident their votes were accurately
recorded. Thus, it is crucial that not only are the actual
security and integrity of votes maintained during early
voting and on Election Day, but also the public has a
positive and affirming experience at the polls.

                                                                                                              2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W   9
Design of Modules                                           devices are primarily used to assist disabled voters
                                              We created a training module for each of the five general   with marking their choices on their ballots, although
                                              stations at a Maryland polling place. Specifically, the     all voters are welcome to use the marking device. We
                                              modules created are for electronic pollbooks, voting        also created a module for Chief Judges, as they have
                                              booths, the scanning unit, provisional voting, and ballot   unique responsibilities to oversee and manage the entire
                                              marking devices. Electronic pollbooks are digital records   polling location. Each module has four main training
                                              of all registered voters and are used to verify voters at   sections: equipment use, cyber threats, physical threats,
                                              the check-in station. Voters mark their paper ballots       and insider threats. Self-assessment questions are at the
                                              in voting booths. The scanning unit reads the marked        end of each section, and a user must correctly answer
                                              bubbles on ballots and records votes. Provisional voting    each question to move on to the next section. Users
                                              is reserved for voters whose registration cannot be         receive a Certificate of Completion upon completion
                                              confirmed at the check-in station. Ballot marking           of the entire module. As an example of module design,
                                                                                                          Figure 1 provides a screenshot from the cyber threats
                                                                                                          section of the electronic pollbooks module.
                                                                                                          As noted in Price, et al. (2019), a cyber threat may
                                                                                                          be related to phones used on-site containing existing
                                                                                                          malware or other cyber-related concerns. Thus, the
                                                                                                          electronic pollbooks module addresses that threat by
                                                                                                          instructing Election Judges not to use their cell phones
                                                                                                          or any other electronic device while at the polling loca-
                                                                                                          tion. Similar approaches are taken in all modules for
                                                                                                          each type of threat. Furthermore, the equipment section
                                                                                                          identifies proper handling and use of equipment before,

10   2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W
during, and after the polling place is open. Considering    Goals and Conclusions
threats over time (before, during, and after) supports      The goal of these training modules is to empower Elec-
other research we have in development that takes a          tion Judges to identify and mitigate threats that may
Markov chain approach to assess overall threat and          emerge at a polling place during early voting or on
risk (Price, et al., 2019; Locraft, et al. 2019). Educat-   Election Day. Harford County Election Judges partici-
ing Election Judges on equipment use should help to         pate in in-person training in the months leading up to
mitigate against threats that may emerge from mistakes      an election. However, the in-person training currently
and improper handling. Equipment use may also address       does not include training on cyber, physical, and insider
more nuanced threats, such as a lack of synchroniza-        threats outside of active shooters. Therefore, we advise
tion between multiple pollbooks that, if persisting, may    that the online modules to be administered two to three
indicate malfunctioning or compromised equipment.           weeks prior to Election Day or Early Voting so that
                                                            Election Judges can have a refresher on how to use the
                                                            equipment as well as an opportunity to gain knowledge
            Election Judges are our                         on identifying and mitigating potential threats. In some
            first line of defense to the                    Maryland jurisdictions, such as Baltimore City and
                                                            Prince Georges’ County, hiring Election Judges on the
            security of our elections.
                                                            day of the election is not uncommon. In those cases,
            Our training modules                            a poll worker has no previous training before having
            instill self-efficacy in                        access to and interacting with the process. As a result,
                                                            we advise day-of hires to interact with the module
            Election Judges and                             before beginning their work. In that scenario, an Elec-
            Chief Judges regarding                          tion Judge can have a basic introduction to equipment
                                                            use along with the crucial cyber, physical, and insider
            identifying and mitigating                      threat awareness training.
            cybersecurity threats.                          Election Judges are our first line of defense to the security
                                                            of our elections. Our training modules instill self-efficacy
                                                            in Election Judges and Chief Judges regarding identify-
Module Deployment                                           ing and mitigating cybersecurity threats. Knowing that
To deploy our modules, we use the established Security      Election Judges are equipped to address threats if they
Injections@Towson e-learning system (Taylor & Kaza,         occur at a polling place and that they clearly know how
2011). The Security Injections@Towson project has           to handle the voting equipment should increase the
developed an ecosystem of over 50 teaching/training         public’s confidence in and improve their experience at
modules that introduce cybersecurity in computing           polling places. Managing cyber, physical, and insider
classes; each module is packaged and hosted within the      threats enable the integrity of votes to be maintained
system. Our library of training modules, along with a       throughout the entire process.
supportive ecosystem of materials and resources for
election officials will be housed on the project website.   We are currently conducting a follow-up study to assess
The Security Injections@Towson project is increasingly      the degree to which Election Judges learn about equip-
recognized as a model for introducing secure coding         ment use and cyber, physical, and insider threats from
in lower-level programming classes. As of 2019, over        interacting with the training modules. The study employs
360 faculty, across 221 institutions, including 91+         pre- and post-tests to assess learning. Preliminary results
community colleges and several high schools, have           show, with statistical significance, that Election Judges
completed more than 3,100 cybersecurity modules             do learn and become aware of threats and mitigations
(Cyber4All, 2019). We anticipate similar accessibility      while interacting with the modules.
and opportunity for use by counties and Election Judges
pertaining to our training modules.

                                                                                                               2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W   11
These modules will be used by Harford County during       References
                                              the 2020 Presidential Election cycle. We encourage all    Cyber4All. (2019). Security Injections Home. Retrieved from https://
                                              Maryland counties and cities to adopt these modules
                                                                                                        Helderman, R. S., & Zapotosky, M. (2019). The Mueller report:
                                              as part of their poll worker training. Together, we can
                                                                                                        Presented with related materials by The Washington Post. New
                                              ensure the security of our elections.                     York: Scribner.
                                                                                                        Horwitz, S., Nakashima, E., & Gold, M. (2017, September 22).
                                              Acknowledgments                                           DHS tells states about Russian hacking in 2016 election. The
                                                                                                        Washington Post. Retrieved from
                                              Towson University’s School of Emerging Technologies
                                              and the BTU Initiative partially funded this research     Locraft, H., Gajendiran, P., Price, M., Scala, N. M., & Goethals, P.
                                                                                                        L. (2019). Sources of risk in elections security. Proceedings of the
                                              and module creation. The authors would especially like    2019 IISE Annual Conference. Retrieved from
                                              to thank the Office of Civic Engagement and Social        LocraftEtAl2019
                                              Responsibility at Towson University for their support     Mueller III, R. S. (2019). Former Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller,
                                              of the follow-on learning assessment study. The authors   III on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presiden-
                                                                                                        tial Election. U.S. House of Representatives Committee Repository,
                                              would also like to thank Cynthia Remmey and the 
                                              Harford County Board of Elections team for their          116-IG00-Transcript-20190724.pdf
                                              ongoing support of and engagement in this research.       Price, M., Scala, N. M., & Goethals, P. L. (2019). Protecting Mary-
                                                                                                        land’s voting processes. Baltimore Business Review: A Maryland
                                                                                                        Journal. Retrieved from
                                                                                                        Sanger, D. & Edmonson, C. (2019, July 25). Russia targeted elec-
                                                                                                        tion systems in all 50 states, report finds. The New York Times,
                                                                                                        Taylor, B., & Kaza, S. (2011, June). Security injections: modules
                                                                                                        to help students remember, understand, and apply secure coding
                                                                                                        techniques. In Proceedings of the 16th annual joint conference on
                                                                                                        Innovation and technology in computer science education
                                                                                                        (pp. 3-7). ACM
                                                                                                        United States Election Assistance Commission. (2018). Help
                                                                                                        America Vote Act. Retrieved from

12   2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W
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                                             Sriram S Balasuryan, CFA        James Franklin Holmes, CFA         Timothy Frederick Schmidt, CFA
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                                             Ryan John Boulay, CFA           Kevin Patrick Hulbert, CFA         Parth Shailesh Shah, CFA
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                                             Jason Jeffrey Davis, CFA        Jonathan Kane, CFA                 Ryland McCarthy Sumner, CFA
                                             Andrew Jenkins DeLoskey, CFA    Charles Gregory Knox, CFA          Alexandra Kathryn Taylor, CFA
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                                             Ian Matthew Dyer, CFA           John Robert Leard, CFA             Michael John Veno, CFA
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                                             Ryan Flanders, CFA              Congcong Lin, CFA                  Alexander Vilier, CFA
                                             Matthew Murray Gavel, CFA       Shannon Christine Lucas, CFA       Zhihao Xie, CFA
                                             Sarah Christine George, CFA     Amber Lynn Miller, CFA             Liang Yu, CFA
© 2020 CFA Institute. All rights reserved.

                                             Richard Randolph Gleason, CFA   Christina Maria Moore, CFA         Grant Maozhou Yuan, CFA
                                             David Tyler Grason, CFA         Justin Olsen, CFA
                                             Benjamin Gugliotta, CFA         Matthew Pauley, CFA
                                             Ashish Gupta, CFA               Todd Dylan Reese, CFA
                                             Andrew Foxgrover Hamill, CFA    Steve Wayne Renshaw, CFA
                                             Eric Paul Hayek, CFA            John Raphael Fabian Rodrigo, CFA
                                             Matthew Holman, CFA             Joseph Paul Russo, CFA

                                                                                                                2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W   13
When Does A Good Investment
   Become a Bad Investment?
                         Niall H. O’Malley, MBA
 Portfolio Manager, Blue Point Investment Management
A good investment becomes a bad investment when it          Figure 1: Reported Earnings vs Buyback and Dividends S&P 500
becomes evident to the buyer that they overpaid. This
concept applies not only to individual investors, but          1,400
also in the case of share buybacks, when a company          $Billions
overpays for shares. Typically, share buybacks are             1,200

used by a company to return earnings to shareholders.
The shareholders who do not sell the company shares
benefit from having a greater share of the earnings, or
a bigger slice of the pie. Two disturbing trends are that
increasing numbers of share buybacks do not represent            600
the return of reported earnings or overseas cash and
many publicly traded companies have been taking on               400
                                                                            2014            2015              2016                  2017                2018
huge amounts of debt to finance share buybacks when
their shares are at record valuations.                                                   Reported Earnings           Buybacks and Dividends

Quite simply, when a company overpays for shares,           Source: S&P Global
it destroys shareholder value. The value destruction
becomes greater when a company borrows money to
finance the share buyback, since the company must also
pay interest on the debt used to buy back the shares.
Further, the increased debt compromises the compa-
ny’s financial flexibility. Economic downturns and/or
unforeseen events challenge companies in unexpected
ways, which make financial flexibility and balance sheet    What is Causing Differences
equity an important asset. When a company artificially
                                                            in the Capital Market?
increases earnings per share by decreasing the number
                                                            In the U.S., equity market valuation levels have dra-
of shares outstanding, it is called financial engineer-
                                                            matically exceeded economic growth since the 2008
ing. Many companies have used financial engineering
                                                            financial crisis. Are these valuation levels sustainable? At
to mask declining sales, including IBM, which had
                                                            first blush it would appear to be: The sustained expan-
declining sales for 20 consecutive quarters, but showed
                                                            sion of the U.S. business cycle is the longest on record
earnings per share as up every quarter due to massive
                                                            since World War II. What is different with this business
share repurchases.
                                                            cycle versus earlier business cycles? A critical distinction
What motivates a company’s management team to               is that after the Second World War, the U.S. used fiscal
destroy financial flexibility and engage in debt financed   policy to create the Eisenhower freeway system, and
share buybacks? The answer may be that some of              manufacturers produced goods for a world that needed
the legislative changes following the 2008 financial        to rebuild. During the current business cycle the inverse
crisis have had unintended consequences. The Dodd-          has occurred: U.S. fiscal policy to invest in outdated
Frank Act enacted in 2010, requires a say-on-pay vote       infrastructure has remained untapped, and domestic
for public companies giving proxy adviser firms like        manufacturing has struggled to grow. The current
Institutional Shareholder Services significantly greater    business cycle is different in another unprecedented
influence. Institutional Shareholder Services recom-        way: It is driven almost exclusively by monetary policy.
mended that 50% of equity awards for management be          The Federal Reserve bought fixed income securities by
performance based. The performance goals for senior         printing trillions of dollars. Equities became a beneficiary
management are tied to shareholder returns with little      of printed money, since it meant there was more money
emphasis placed on balance sheet strength.                  chasing equity securities. Central bank quantitative
                                                            easing has pushed interest rates to record lows. This
                                                            has caused the cost of debt to be lower than the return
                                                            on equities. Public company management teams are
                                                            arbitraging return advantage created by record low
                                                            interest rates and pocketing hefty performance awards.

                                                                                                              2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W   15
Figure 2: McDonald’s Whopper of Negative Equity                                                                     S&P 500 Buyback and Dividends
                                                                                                                         Over the Past Five Years
      20,000                                                                                                              In three of the last five 5,000
                                                                                                                                                     years, buybacks and dividends
     $Billions                                                                                                            exceeded reported earnings
                                                                                                                                                 $Billions for the S&P 500. The 2017
      15,000                                                                                                                                        4,000
                                                                                                                          tax reform legislation lowered       corporate income taxes
      10,000                                                                                                              and permitted overseas3,000 cash to be repatriated, dramati-
                                                                                                                          cally increasing buybacks and dividends in 2018. What
        5,000                                                                                                                                       2,000
                                                                                                                          is troubling – as seen in the table on the previous page
            0                                                                                                            - is that in 2015 and 2016 1,000buybacks and dividends also
                                                                                                                          exceeded reported corporate earnings in the S&P 500.
       -5,000                                                                                                                                            0
                                                                                                                          This means company management teams are consum-
      -10,000                                                                                                             ing more company resources
                                                                                                                                                   -1,000     then they produce. The
                 2010      2011       2012         2013    2014        2015      2016   2017         2018     2019                                            2010    2011    2012   2013    201
                                                                                                                          reported earnings per share are not sustainable.
                               Reported Earnings               Buybacks and Dividends          Total Equity                                                            Reported Earnings      B

                                                                                                                         Companies Draining their Balance
                                                                                                  Source: FactSet Data   Sheet with Operations in Maryland
                                                                                                                         Three companies draining their balance sheets and
                                                                                                                         creating negative shareholder equity with operations
     Figure 3: There is a Cavity in Colgate Palmolive’s Equity
                                                                                                                         here in Maryland are McDonald’s, Colgate Palmolive,
                                                                                                                         and Home Depot. Negative equity is when a com-
        5,000                                                                                                            pany’s liabilities are greater
                                                                                                                                                 20,000    than their assets, which
     $Billions                                                                                                                                  $Billions
                                                                                                                         means shareholder equity has a negative value. Share
                                                                                                                         repurchases are not the only reason negative equity can
                                                                                                                         occur. Negative equity10,000
                                                                                                                                                  can also occur when a company
        2,000                                                                                                            writes down the value of an acquisition. While there
                                                                                                                         are other sources of negative
                                                                                                                                                   5,000    equity, for the purposes
                                                                                                                         of this article the focus is on the discretionary actions
            0                                                                                                            of management that create      0 negative equity.

       -1,000                                                                                                            Ten years ago, McDonald’s
                                                                                                                                               -5, 000  had over $14 billion in
                 2010       2011      2012         2013    2014        2015      2016   2017         2018     2019                                       2010   2011       2012       2013   201
                                                                                                                         shareholder equity. Today, shareholder equity is less
                               Reported Earnings               Buybacks and Dividends          Total Equity              than zero. McDonald’s long-term debt, which     is increas-
                                                                                                                                                                    Reported Earnings          B

                                                                                                  Source: FactSet Data
                                                                                                                         ingly used to finance share buybacks, has grown by over
                                                                                                                         $31 billion which has helped crowd out shareholder
                                                                                                                         equity. McDonald’s liabilities exceed its assets, which
                                                                                                                         means shareholder equity at the end of 2018 stood at
                                                                                                                         a negative value of -$6.2 billion. While McDonald’s
                                                                                                                         share price has hit new highs, the negative equity value
                                                                                                                         creates genuine questions about sustainability, since the
                                                                                                                         balance sheet already has substantial negative equity.
                                                                                                                         Management is borrowing from the future financial
                                                                                                                         strength of the company to finance today’s performance
                                                                                                                         goals. Overpaying for share buybacks is a real risk.
                                                                                                                         Ten years ago, Colgate Palmolive had over $3 billion
                                                                                                                         in shareholder equity. Today, shareholder equity is less
                                                                                                                         than $200 million. Colgate Palmolive’s long-term debt
                                                                                                                         has grown by over $3.5 billion which has helped crowd
                                                                                                                         out shareholder equity. Colgate Palmolive has a sky-
                                                                                                                         high return on shareholder equity, but that is due to so

16      2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W
little shareholder equity to begin with - less than 2% of       Figure 4: Home Depot’s Home Improvement Equity is Negative
            assets. Like McDonald’s, Colgate Palmolive’s manage-
            ment is borrowing from the future financial strength
            of the company to finance current performance goals.

             Ten years ago, Home Depot had almost $20 billion in               15,000

             shareholder equity. Today, shareholder equity is less than
             zero. Home Depot’s long-term debt has grown by over
             $18 billion which has helped crowd out shareholder
             equity. Home Depot’s liabilities exceed its assets, which
             means shareholder equity at the end of 2018 stood in                    0
             the red with a negative equity of -$1.8 billion. The
 4     2015
             Home  2016
                        Depot share 2018
                                       price has hit a number of all-time
                                                                            -5,    000
                                                                                          2010     2011     2012          2013   2014        2015      2016       2017         2018     2019
             highs, partially created in part by management’s choice
             to deplete the company’s
Buybacks and Dividends          Total Equity balance sheet. Management                                Reported Earnings           Buybacks and Dividends                 Total Equity
                                                                            Source: FactSet Data
             is borrowing from the future financial strength of the
             company to facilitate performance goals.

            Conclusion                                                      looks for sustainable trends that support sustainable
           There is a growing disconnect between the growth rate            growth. The growing debt levels associated with share
           in earnings per share for companies and the reported             buy backs that exceed reported earnings are troubling,
           earnings growth rate. Share buybacks are materially              and the elevated levels of share buybacks may not be
           altering the earnings per share growth rates, which in           a good investment.
           turn raises questions about sustainable growth. Each
           of the companies cited have strong cash generation,    
           but the share buybacks in excess of reported earnings            to-stock-options/
           are not sustainable. While this article focuses on the 
           troubling growth in negative equity, it important to             Share-Buybacks-May-Be-Bad-Just-Not-for-the-Reasons-You-Think

           remember equity is a residual measure. Arguably the    
           most important measure of a business’s strength is the
           ability to generate cash from operations.
           Managers have a responsibility to find the lowest cost of
           financing, but excessively low interest rates are creating       ment_1072753661.pdf?mod=article_inline

           an unhealthy over-indulgence in debt as low-cost debt  
           is used to replace higher cost equity. The distortions
           created by record low interest rates are increasingly dis-       lion-corporate-debt-risk/
           torting corporate balance sheets. Manager performance  
           goals are further contributing to the incentive to use
           debt. Taken together, share buybacks have been one
           of the most powerful forces driving share prices higher.
           Too much of anything eventually becomes a negative.
           The purpose of this article is to discuss a negative trend
           that compromises financial flexibility in these and other
           companies using debt to fund share buybacks and boost
           share price. General Electric could have fixed its own
           problems if it had maintained balance sheet flexibility
           rather than spending over $53 billion to buy back
           shares at higher valuations in the decade prior to 2017.
           From an active management perspective, Blue Point

                                                                                                                                        2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W   17
From Digitization to Digital
                                                       Transformation of Supply Chains
                                                                                         Tobin Porterfield
                                                                   Associate Professor, Department of Business
                                                        Analytics & Technology Management, Towson University

                                                                                           Chaodong Han
                                                                   Associate Professor, Department of Business
                                                        Analytics & Technology Management, Towson University

2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W
The global economy runs on supply chains. Global            Management Review, 2019). These implementations of
supply chains move products, services, information          digitization often provide strong ROI and fast payback
and financials between upstream suppliers, manufac-         for organizations by quickly cutting processing costs.
turers, logistics providers, wholesalers, and retailers     Process-oriented automation and information sharing
to downstream customers. Ideally, an efficient global       have become competitive imperatives where organiza-
supply chain should operate seamlessly across national      tions must convert in order to survive.
borders, company boundaries and internal organiza-
tional functions. The reality, however, is that supply      Digitalization
chains operate in silos and each player focuses on opti-    Digitalization is the process of employing digital tech-
mizing their own operation, making true optimization        nologies to transform business operations across internal
of the entire supply chain nearly impossible. Emerging      and external boundaries. The focus is not on efficiency by
technologies have the potential to break down those         lowering costs, but on outcomes that transform business.
siloes and help improve communication and collabora-        These technologies are end-user driven, adaptive to the
tion across firm and functional boundaries. However,        changing landscape and they facilitate collaboration.
digitization of some business processes based on certain    Current examples include Artificial Intelligence (AI)
technologies may not be sufficient; a systematic digital    / Machine Learning (ML), Robotic Process Automa-
transformation of business processes and organization       tion (RPA), Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, and
structures is needed to optimize the entire supply chain.   collaborative cloud technologies (e.g. Slack, Monday,
                                                            Fleep, Workzone, Smartsheet, and Asana). These are
Digitization                                                not big-bang, big-bucks, one-shot technology imple-
Digitization is the application of technologies to          mentations. To be successful these technology solutions
make processes more efficient and it is the first step in   need to support the needs of the end-user in ways that
transforming an organization. In a business context,        will create new business opportunities.
digitization simply means the removal of paperwork
and conversion of analog information (handwritten,          Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
typewritten, faxed, and voice data) into digital forms      AI/ML technologies allow organizations to extract mean-
(email, messaging, PDF, chat, and databases), resulting     ingful information from the overwhelming plethora
in improved efficiency and performance.                     of data available to support decision making. Sifting
                                                            through millions of data elements to adjust pricing
We experience the benefits of digitization when we place
                                                            strategies in real-time is now possible. In finance, AI can
an order on Amazon and receive an email confirma-
                                                            detect patterns in data to identify fraudulent transactions.
tion from the seller that includes a link to UPS with
                                                            Weather data, traffic patterns, and demand surges can
the tracking number. A simple click on the tracking
                                                            be integrated to improve lead time and delivery esti-
number retrieves information from UPS on the status
                                                            mates. When computers can “learn” the logic used by
of our delivery. Digitization has bridged companies
                                                            humans to interpret data and make decisions, selected
and technology platforms allowing us unprecedented
                                                            tasks can be automated for faster decisions 24/7. AI has
access to information which improves visibility and
                                                            the potential to transform the health care industry as
                                                            well and a few AI-based tools have been approved by
Internally companies have implemented enterprise            regulators for use in real hospitals and doctors’ offices.
resource planning systems (ERPs) that integrate dis-
parate operations (sales, warehousing, purchasing,          Robotic Process Automation
accounting, human resources, and finance) on a single       RPA technologies are not platform specific so they
platform that allows real-time access to information        allow end users to identify routine processes that can
supporting improved decision making.                        be automated regardless of the systems on which they
According to Rich Sherman who has helped develop            run. Mundane tasks like time sheet entry, data extrac-
the SCOR model, “Digitization removes the time              tion, and data input can be partially or fully automated
delay in communicating variability across the supply        such that the data is extracted by the bot and emailed
chain. Digitization gives people more time to respond       to the person for a decision.
to change. It removes latency from the supply chain.
That’s the real value of digitization” (Supply Chain

                                                                                                              2 0 2 0 B A LT I M O R E B U S I N E S S R E V I E W   19
Internet of Things                                            Digital Transformation
                                              IoT brings together data from our internet-connected          Organizations have already made great strides in moving
                                              devices. For a business, this can support the tracking        processes from analog systems to digital platforms. That
                                              of a shipment from the time it leaves the shelf to its        strategy has been effective in reducing transaction costs
                                              arrival on the customer’s doorstep with scanners and          and improving processing speed. But digitization alone
                                              devices detecting and sharing information throughout          will not necessarily create a sustainable competitive
                                              the process. Logistics routing decisions can be improved      advantage. To get ahead and stay ahead, organiza-
                                              real-time based on congestion data from phones, auto-         tions must look to flexible and dynamic technologies
                                              mobiles, toll booths, and roadside devices. IoT is used       that transform business by generating unique ongoing
                                              to track inventory, equipment, containers, and machine        competitive advantages that harvest the power of our
                                              capacities to improve asset utilization, customer service,    data and the creative juices of our workforce.
                                              information visibility, and reliability.
                                                                                                            These implementations are often driven by a virtual
                                                                                                            workforce. They require tools to support collabora-
                                                                                                            tive work which requires changes in a business model
                                              Blockchain technologies allow information to be distrib-
                                                                                                            and may lead to new revenue and value-producing
                                              uted without being compromised. Altering of the data
                                                                                                            opportunities. This involves a strategic mandate to
                                              can be detected by others in the network resulting in
                                                                                                            transform the end to end business model with a focus
                                              improved reliability of the data while increasing trans-
                                                                                                            on the customer. Digital transformation has profound
                                              parency and visibility. In supply chains where multiple
                                                                                                            implications for all businesses and their supply chains,
                                              players provide data into the process, blockchain creates
                                                                                                            including the acquisition of digital skills which has
                                              a playing field where all participants can view the data
                                                                                                            now become a prerequisite for individual, industry,
                                              but none can alter the data without detection. This is
                                                                                                            and regional success.
                                              already finding application in the global food supply
                                              chain where traceability and accountability related           Global companies headquartered in the Baltimore region
                                              to contamination are critical. In a typical global food       have been active in developing and utilizing cutting-
                                              supply chain, all participants – growers, suppliers, pro-     edge technologies to achieve competitive advantages
                                              cessors, distributors, retailers, regulators, and consumers   in their respective landscapes.
                                             – can gain permissioned access to known and trusted
                                                                                                       Using IBM Research AI for Product Composition, Hunt
                                              information regarding the origin and state of food from
                                                                                                       Valley-based spice giant McCormick is able to “explore
                                              farm to table. This can enable all stakeholders of the
                                                                                                       flavor territories across the globe more quickly and
                                              supply chain to utilize a secured blockchain network
                                                                                                       efficiently, utilizing technology to extract key insights for
                                              to trace a contaminated product to its source quickly
                                                                                                       millions of data points across sensory science, consumer
                                              to ensure safe recall and removal from store shelves.
                                                                                                       preference and flavor palette”, according to CEO Mr.
                                                                                                       Kurzius (McCormick & Co., 2019). In 2019 McCor-
                                              Collaborative Technologies                               mick launched its first AI-enabled product platform,
                                              The virtual workforce demands technologies that “ONE,” with a set of initial one-dish Recipe Mix flavors
                                              support their dynamic and disparate work locations. including Tuscan Chicken, Bourbon Pork Tenderloin,
                                              These technologies provide file sharing, communica- New Orleans Sausage and Glazed Salmon.
                                              tion, and coordination by integrating cloud storage,
                                              cameras and microphones, project management tools, McCormick also joins other food producers and dis-
                                              messaging, and email applications. First to allow work tributors, including Dole, Driscoll’s, Golden State Foods,
                                              to be completed efficiently in a distributed environment Kroger, McLane Company, Nestlé, Tyson Foods, Uni-
                                              but second to create an environment where a diverse lever, and Walmart to further champion blockchain as
                                              workforce can collaborate. New adaptations of these an enabling technology for the food sector (Fortune,
                                              technologies are released on a daily basis and they 2017). McCormick understands that food safety issues
                                              operate wherever people want to work on whatever such as cross-contamination, the spread of food-borne
                                              devices people prefer.                                   illness, unnecessary waste and the economic burden of
                                                                                                       recalls can be costly without timely access to informa-
                                                                                                       tion and traceability. It is time-consuming to identify

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