New & Recent Titles 2019 - berghahn NEW YORK . OXFORD - Berghahn Books

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New & Recent Titles 2019 - berghahn NEW YORK . OXFORD - Berghahn Books
New & Recent
Titles 2019

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NEW                                                                                       NEW

                                                                                                                                                                R Y
The Decisionist Imagination                                                              Encounters with Emotions
Sovereignty, Social Science and Democracy                                                Negotiating Cultural Differences since

                                                                                                                                                                S T O
in the 20th Century                                                                      Early Modernity
Edited by Daniel Bessner and Nicolas Guilhot                                             Edited by Benno Gammerl, Philipp Nielsen
                                                                                         and Margrit Pernau

“Expertly outlines the development of a key component
of social scientific thought.” · Inderjeet Parmar, City,                                 Spanning Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Encounters

University of London                                                                     with Emotions investigates experiences of face-to-face
                                                                                         transcultural encounters from the seventeenth century
This book explores the relationship between the key

                                                                                                                                                                L D
                                                                                         to the present.
concept of “decisionism,” as it emerged from 1920s
political theory, and the postwar development of formal                                  Benno Gammerl is DAAD lecturer in queer history at
decision theory.                                                                         Goldsmiths in London.

Daniel Bessner is the Anne H. H. and Kenneth B. Pyle                                     Philipp Nielsen is Assistant Professor of Modern

                                                                                                                                                                W O
Assistant Professor in American Foreign Policy in the                                    European History at Sarah Lawrence College.
Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the
                                                                                         Margrit Pernau is Senior Researcher at the Center for
University of Washington.
                                                                                         the History of Emotions at the Max Planck Institute for
Nicolas Guilhot is a Research Professor at the Centre                                    Human Development.
National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris.
                                                                                         June 2019, 362 pages, 10 ills, bibliog., index
October 2018, 326 pages, 1 illus., bibliog., index                                       ISBN 978-1-78920-223-6 Hb ca $130.00/£92.00
ISBN 978-1-78533-915-8 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                 eISBN 978-1-78920-224-3
eISBN 978-1-78533-916-5

                                                                                         Humanitarianism & Media
Conceptualizing the World                                                                1900 to the Present
An Exploration across Disciplines                                                        Edited by Johannes Paulmann
Edited by Helge Jordheim and Erling Sandmo
                                                                                         “Based on substantial archival research and informed by
Explores the central paradox of globalization and                                        relevant theoretical debates, this thought-provoking volume
illuminates historical moments that range from antiquity                                 engages the reader in an interdisciplinary exploration of
to the era of Google Earth.                                                              the central role the media have played for humanitarian
                                                                                         initiatives, contributing significantly to recent scholarship on
Helge Jordheim is a Professor of Cultural History at the
                                                                                         the subject”. · Nina Berman, Arizona State University
University of Oslo.
                                                                                         “This volume consists of timely, useful, original contributions
Erling Sandmo is Professor of History at the University
                                                                                         by historians, media scholars and anthropologists that
of Oslo.
                                                                                         will be essential reading for students”. · Davide Rodogno,
Volume 4, Time and the World: Interdisciplinary Studies in Cultural                      Graduate Institute of Geneva
December 2018, 408 pages, 20 illus., bibliog., index                                     Humanitarianism & Media brings together scholars from
ISBN 978-1-78920-036-2 Hb $130.00/£92.00                                                 a variety of backgrounds to offer an unprecedented
eISBN 978-1-78920-037-9                                                                  exploration of the history behind humanitarian efforts
                                                                                         and the media, spanning from the late nineteenth
                                                                                         century to the present day.
                                                                                         Johannes Paulmann is Director of the Leibniz Institute of
Magical House Protection                                                                 European History at Mainz (Germany).
The Archaeology of Counter-Witchcraft
                                                                                         Volume 9, New German Historical Perspectives
Brian Hoggard                                                                            December 2018, 364 pages, 34 illus., bibliog., index
                                                                                         ISBN 978-1-78533-961-5 Hb $130.00/£92.00
Belief in magic and particularly the power of witchcraft                                 eISBN 978-1-78533-962-2
was a deep and enduring presence in popular culture;
people created and concealed many objects to protect
themselves from harmful magic. Detailed are the principal
forms of magical house protection in Britain and beyond
from the fourteenth century to the present day.
Brian Hoggard is an independent researcher who
has been studying the archaeology of magical house
protection since 1999.
April 2019, 366 pages, 25 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78920-205-2 Hb $140.00/£100.00
eISBN 978-1-78920-206-9

                    Orders direct from USA: Tel: 1(800) 343-4499 Fax: 1(800) 351-5073 e-mail:
                                                                                                   General Editor:
        Nation Branding in Modern History

                                                                                                   Stefan Berger, Director, Institute for Social Movements,
        Edited by Carolin Viktorin, Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht,                                    Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany
        Annika Estner, and Marcel K. Will

        “The contributors to this volume bring to light new and                                     FORTHCOMING
        hitherto unexplored episodes in the history of cultural                                    Constructing Industrial Pasts
        diplomacy and nation branding.” · Eglė Rindzevičiūtė,
                                                                                                   Heritage, Historical Culture, and Identity in

        Kingston University
                                                                                                   Regions Undergoing Structural Economic

        Carolin Viktorin holds a MA in History from the Heinrich                                   Transformation
        Heine University of Düsseldorf.
                                                                                                   Edited by Stefan Berger

        Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht is Chair of the Department
        of History in the John F. Kennedy Institute for North                                      The contributions in this volume demonstrate that
        American Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin.                                          even as forms of industrial heritage provide anchors of

                                                                                                   identity for local populations, their meanings remain
        Annika Estner received her MA in History, English, and

                                                                                                   deeply contested, as both radical and conservative
        Slavic studies from the University of Cologne.
                                                                                                   varieties of nostalgia intermingle with critical
        Marcel K. Will holds a doctorate in Medieval and                                           approaches as well as straightforward apologias for a
        Modern History from the University of Cologne.                                             past that was often full of pain, exploitation and struggle.
        Volume 9, Explorations in Culture and International History
        August 2018, 300 pages, 4 illus., bibliog., index                                          Stefan Berger has since 2011 directed the Institute
        ISBN 978-1-78533-923-3 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                   for Social Movements at the Ruhr University Bochum
        eISBN 978-1-78533-924-0                                                                    and served as the Chairman of the History of the Ruhr
         NEW                                                                                       Volume 38, Making Sense of History
                                                                                                   September 2019, 362 pages, 6 ills, 2 tables, bibliog., index
        The Arkansas Regulators                                                                    ISBN 978-1-78920-290-8 Hardback ca $130.00/£92.00
        Friedrich Gerstäcker                                                                       eISBN 978-1-78920-291-5
        Translated and edited by Charles Adams
        and Christoph Irmscher
        “It is exciting that Friedrich Gerstäcker’s work is being                                  The Engaged Historian
        made available to an English readership.” · Kathleen
                                                                                                   Perspectives on the Intersections of Politics,
        Condray, University of Arkansas
                                                                                                   Activism and the Historical Profession
        Charles Adams is Professor of English and Dean of the
                                                                                                   Edited by Stefan Berger
        Honors College at the University of South Florida.
                                                                                                   Afterword by Georg G. Iggers†
        Christoph Irmscher is Provost Professor of English at
        Indiana University.                                                                        “This collection of essays succeeds wonderfully well
                                                                                                   in revealing and analyzing the intellectual and actual
        Volume 5, Transatlantic Perspectives
        January 2019, 488 pages, 11 illus., bibliog.                                               challenges facing historians as they enter public affairs. It
        ISBN 978-1-78920-137-6 Hb $140.00/£100.00                                                  is a fitting addition to the literature on public intellectuals
        ISBN 978-1-78920-212-0 Pb $24.95/£17.00                                                    available to contemporary readers.” · James M. Banner, Jr.,
        eISBN 978-1-78920-138-3                                                                    historian and author of Being a Historian: An Introduction
                                                                                                   to the Professional World of History
                                                                                                   “This book is incredibly timely, given the current state
        Not Even Past                                                                              of politics in the world, and the pressure on historians to
        How the United States Ends Wars                                                            become more engaged in conflicts of the day. The Engaged
                                                                                                   Historian is essential reading for every historian trying
        Edited by David Fitzgerald, David Ryan,
                                                                                                   to negotiate their role as an engaged citizen.” · Robert B.
        and John M. Thompson
                                                                                                   Townsend, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

        Assesses the cumulative impact of the United States’                                       Political action and historical research have been
        efforts to end wars.                                                                       deeply intertwined for nearly as long as the historical
                                                                                                   profession has existed. In this insightful collection,
        David Fitzgerald is a Lecturer in the School of History,                                   practicing historians analyze, reflect on, and share their
        University College Cork, Ireland.                                                          experiences of this complex relationship.
        David Ryan is Professor of Modern History at University                                    Stefan Berger has since 2011 directed the Institute for Social
        College Cork, Ireland.                                                                     Movements at the Ruhr University Bochum and served as
        John M. Thompson is a Team Head and Senior                                                 the Chairman of the History of the Ruhr Foundation.
        Researcher at the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich.                                 Volume 37, Making Sense of History
        May 2019, 324 pages, bibliog., index                                                       April 2019, 378 pages, 24 illus., bibliog., index
        ISBN 978-1-78920-215-1 Hb $150.00/£107.00                                                  ISBN 978-1-78920-199-4 Hb $130.00/£92.00
        ISBN 978-1-78920-225-0 Pb $29.95/£21.00                                                    eISBN 978-1-78920-200-7
        eISBN 978-1-78920-216-8

        Order direct for Canada, Latin America, Australasia, China, Taiwan, and Japan: Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:
NEW                                                                                    NEW IN PAPERBACK

                                                                                                                                                             R Y
Contemplating Historical                                                               Cultural Borders of Europe
Consciousness                                                                          Narratives, Concepts and Practices in the

                                                                                                                                                             S T O
Notes from the Field                                                                   Present and the Past
Edited by Anna Clark and Carla L. Peck                                                 Edited by Mats Andrén, Thomas Lindkvist,
                                                                                       Ingmar Söhrman and Katharina Vajta

“Without any doubt, this expansive volume represents
                                                                                       “[Published] in the outstanding Berghahn Books

an important contribution to research on historical
consciousness. Expert authors, including some new and                                  Making Sense of History series, [this] seminal work of
promising voices, offer a concise overview of the field while                          scholarship throughout, Cultural Borders of Europe is

                                                                                                                                                             L D
developing thought-provoking new ideas.” · Carlos Kölbl,                               an especially and unreservedly recommended addition
University of Bayreuth                                                                 to both community and academic library Contemporary
                                                                                       International Studies collections.” · Midwest Book Review

“Clearly written and engaging, Contemplating Historical
Consciousness makes new and important contributions                                    The cultural borders of Europe are today more visible than

                                                                                                                                                             W O
to the current conversation on historical consciousness                                ever, creating uncertainty for liberal democratic traditions,
by giving readers a glimpse into the researchers’ thought                              and questions of legitimacy, political representation,
processes, their conceptual frameworks, the aspirations                                and the legal bases for citizenship. This book provides a
for their own work, and their hopes for the field.”                                    wide-ranging exploration of these lines of demarcation in
· Ann Chinnery, Simon Fraser University                                                a variety of European regions and historical eras.

Contemplating Historical Consciousness draws on three                                  Mats Andrén is Professor of the History of Ideas at the
decades of applied research to tease out what has                                      University of Gothenburg.
been learned from the field. Leading scholars from                                     Thomas Lindkvist was Professor of Medieval History at
around the world reflect on their practice as historians,                              the University of Gothenburg 1999-2016.
ethnographers, social scientists and demographers
in order to explore the possibilities and limitations of                               Ingmar Söhrman was Professor of Romance languages
research into historical consciousness.                                                at the University of Gothenburg.

Anna Clark is an Australian Research Council Future                                    Katharina Vajta is senior lecturer in French at the
Fellow at the Australian Centre for Public History at the                              Department of Languages and Literatures at the
University of Technology Sydney.                                                       University of Gothenburg.

Carla L. Peck is Professor of Social Studies Education at                              Volume 30, Making Sense of History
the University of Alberta, Canada.                                                     December 2018, 218 pages, 9 figures, 1 map, 4 tables, bibliog.,
Volume 36, Making Sense of History                                                     ISBN 978-1-78533-590-7 Hb $130.00/£92.00 (2017)
December 2018, 240 pages, 9 illus., bibliog., index                                    ISBN 978-1-78920-068-3 Pb $27.95/£19.00
ISBN 978-1-78533-929-5 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                               eISBN 978-1-78533-591-4
eISBN 978-1-78533-930-1

                                                                                       NEW IN PAPERBACK
                                                                                       Marking Evil
Empathy and History                                                                    Holocaust Memory in the Global Age
Historical Understanding in Re-enactment,                                              Edited by Amos Goldberg and Haim Hazan
Hermeneutics and Education
Tyson Retz                                                                             “Goldberg and Hazan must be congratulated on bringing
                                                                                       together an important and exciting collection of essays
“It is truly fascinating to accompany Retz as he examines                              that in their sheer interdisciplinary range are essential
international perceptions, transfers and combinations of                               reading for scholars across the arts and humanities.” ·
empathy-related concepts across the world.” · Juliane                                  Holocaust Studies
Brauer, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
                                                                                       This volume addresses manifestations of Holocaust-
Empathy and History is the first comprehensive account                                 engendered global discourse by critically examining their
of empathy’s place in historical scholarship, history                                  function and inherent dilemmas, and the ways in which
pedagogy, and the philosophy of history. It explains how                               Holocaust related matters still instigate public debate
empathy became central to teaching history in schools,                                 and academic deliberation.
and traces its roots in nineteenth-century German
                                                                                       Amos Goldberg is the chair of the Department of
                                                                                       Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew
Tyson Retz is Associate Professor at the University of                                 University of Jerusalem.
Stavanger, Norway.
                                                                                       Haim Hazan is Professor of Sociology and Social
Volume 35, Making Sense of History                                                     Anthropology at Tel-Aviv University.
July 2018, 256 pages, bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78533-919-6 Hb $110.00/£78.00                                               Volume 21, Making Sense of History
eISBN 978-1-78533-920-2                                                                November 2018, 384 pages, 17 illus., bibliog., index
                                                                                       ISBN 978-1-78238-619-3 Hb $150.00/£107.00 (2015)
                                                                                       ISBN 978-1-78920-056-0 Pb $34.95/£24.00
                                                                                       eISBN 978-1-78238-620-9

      Order direct for the UK and Europe on: Tel: +44(0)1767 604976 Fax: +44(0)1767 601640 e-mail:

          NEW                                                                                          NEW IN PAPERBACK

          The Configuration of the Spanish                                                            Fascism without Borders
          Public Sphere                                                                               Transnational Connections and Cooperation

          From the Enlightenment to the Indignados                                                    between Movements and Regimes in Europe
          Edited by David Jiménez Torres and                                                          from 1918 to 1945
          Leticia Villamediana González                                                               Edited by Arnd Bauerkämper and

                                                                                                      Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe

          This volume brings together leading scholars in Spanish
          and Latin American studies to explore the concept of the                                    “Provies upper-level undergraduate students with both
          Spanish “public sphere” and its relation to society and                                     methodological insights into the transnational approach

          political power over time.                                                                  and solid, well-researched findings.” · Choice
          David Jiménez Torres is Associate Professor at                                              This expansive collection examines fascism’s transational
          Universidad Camilo José Cela in Spain.                                                      dimension, from the movements inspired by the early
                                                                                                      example of Fascist Italy to the international antifascist
          Leticia Villamediana González is Senior Teaching Fellow
                                                                                                      organizations that emerged in subsequent years.
          in Hispanic Studies at the University of Warwick.

                                                                                                      Arnd Bauerkämper is a Professor of Modern European
          Volume 5, Studies in Latin American and Spanish History
          June 2019, 344 pages, 15 ills, bibliog., index                                              History at the Freie Universität Berlin.
          ISBN 978-1-78920-235-9 Hardback ca $130.00/£92.00

                                                                                                      Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe is a Postdoctoral Researcher
          eISBN 978-1-78920-236-6
                                                                                                      and Guest Lecturer at the Freie Universität Berlin.

          NEW                                                                                         December 2018, 384 pages, bibliog., index
                                                                                                      ISBN 978-1-78533-468-9 Hb $150.00/£107.00 (2017)
          All or None                                                                                 ISBN 978-1-78920-058-4 Pb $34.95/£24.00
                                                                                                      eISBN 978-1-78533-469-6
          Cooperation and Sustainability
          in Italy’s Red Belt                                                                          NEW
          Alison Sánchez Hall
                                                                                                      The CSCE and the End of the Cold War
          A social history and anthropological study of the world’s                                   Diplomacy, Societies and Human Rights,
          oldest voluntary collective farms in Ravenna, Italy,                                        1972-1990
          addressing the question of the viability of cooperative                                     Edited by Nicolas Badalassi and Sarah B. Snyder
          enterprise as a potential solution for displaced workers,
          and as a more humane alternative to capitalist
                                                                                                      “This excellent volume stands at the forefront of
                                                                                                      scholarship in the field and will certainly make an
          Alison Sánchez Hall attended the University of                                              important contribution to our understanding of the
          California at Santa Barbara, receiving her Ph.D. in 1977.                                   complex developments that led to the end of the Cold
                                                                                                      War.” · Aryo Makko, Stockholm University and Swedish
          Volume 3, Anthropology of Europe
                                                                                                      Collegium for Advanced Study
          August 2018, 300 pages, 39 illus., bibliog., index
          ISBN 978-1-78533-980-6 Hb $130.00/£92.00                                                    Since its inception over forty years ago, the Conference
          eISBN 978-1-78533-981-3                                                                     on Security and Cooperation in Europe has been met
                                                                                                      with political and historical controversies. While it’s
          NEW                                                                                         known today as a significant contributor to the end
          The Changing Meanings of the                                                                of the Cold War, The CSCE and the End of the Cold
                                                                                                      War revisits some of the most fascinating questions in
          Welfare State                                                                               Cold War historiography.
          Histories of a Key Concept in the
                                                                                                      Nicolas Badalassi is Associate Professor of
          Nordic Countries                                                                            Contemporary History at the Institut d’Etudes politiques
          Edited by Nils Edling                                                                       d’Aix-en-Provence (Sciences-po Aix).
                                                                                                      Sarah B. Snyder is Associate Professor at the School of
          “Fills an important gap in the social policy language
                                                                                                      International Service, American University.
          literature of recent years. It makes for enjoyable and
          informative reading.” · Sven Hort, Linnaeus University                                      November 2018, 380 pages, 1 illus., bibliog., index
                                                                                                      ISBN 978-1-78920-026-3 Hb $130.00/£92.00
          This volume chronicles “the welfare state” from its                                         eISBN 978-1-78920-027-0
          historical origins to its interpretations, values, and
          challenges over time in Denmark, Finland, Sweden,
          Norway, and Iceland.
          Nils Edling is a lecturer and researcher in the History
          department at Stockholm University.
          January 2019, 362 pages, 19 illus., bibliog., index
          ISBN 978-1-78920-124-6 Hb $130.00/£92.00
          eISBN 978-1-78920-125-3


                                          Order direct for the USA · Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:
EUROPEAN CONCEPTUAL HISTORY SERIES                                                                   PROTEST, CULTURE & SOCIETY SERIES

Editorial Board:                                                                           Editors

                                                                                                                                                                    R Y
Michael Freeden, University of Oxford                                                      Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Institute for Media and Communication,
Diana Mishkova, Centre for Advanced Study Sofia                                            University of Hamburg, Germany
Javier Fernández-Sebastián, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao                             Martin Klimke, New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

                                                                                                                                                                    S T O
Willibald Steinmetz, University of Bielefeld                                               Joachim Scharloth, Waseda University, Japan
Henrik Stenius, University of Helsinki
                                                                                            NEW IN PAPERBACK
 NEW IN PAPERBACK                                                                          A Fragmented Landscape

European Regions and Boundaries                                                            Abortion Governance and Protest Logics

A Conceptual History                                                                       in Europe
                                                                                           Edited by Silvia De Zordo, Joanna Mishtal,

                                                                                                                                                                    P E A N
Edited by Diana Mishkova and Balázs Trencsényi
                                                                                           and Lorena Anton
“…acquiring this book will undoubtedly help you to get a
very good understanding of the spatial turn, its advantages                                “Offers gender historians a rich source.” · H-Soz-Kult
and its shortcomings, not to mention that it will provide                                  Silvia De Zordo is a Senior Researcher at the University
you with all the necessary bibliography on matters of                                      of Barcelona (UB), Department of Anthropology.

                                                                                                                                                                    R O
conceptual regions.” · European Review of History:
Revue européenne d’histoire                                                                Joanna Mishtal is an Associate Professor of
                                                                                           Anthropology at the University of Central Florida.
This collection presents a synoptic view of these regional

                                                                                                                                                                    E U
concepts together with the historical and disciplinary                                     Lorena Anton is a Marie Curie Fellow in social
contexts where they had emerged by bringing together                                       anthropology at the University of Bucharest.
prominent European and US scholars from multiple                                           Volume 20, Protest, Culture & Society
disciplines to explore how regionalization has been                                        September 2018, 304 pages, 2 illus., bibliog., index
conceptualized throughout European history.                                                ISBN 978-1-78533-427-6 Hb $140.00/£100.00 (2016)
                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-78920-071-3 Pb $34.95/£24.00
Diana Mishkova has been the Director, since 2000, of                                       eISBN 978-1-78533-428-3
the Center for Advanced Study Sofia.
Balázs Trencsényi is Professor in the History                                               NEW
Department of Central European University, Budapest.
                                                                                           The Politics of Authenticity
Volume 3, European Conceptual History                                                      Countercultures and Radical Movements across
December 2018, 410 pages, 8 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78533-584-6 Hb $170.00/£121.00 (2017)
                                                                                           the Iron Curtain, 1968-1989
ISBN 978-1-78920-066-9 Pb $34.95/£24.00                                                    Edited by Joachim C. Häberlen, Mark Keck-Szajbel,
eISBN 978-1-78533-585-3                                                                    and Kate Mahoney
                                                                                           Afterword by Sara Blaylock
                                                                                           Joachim C. Häberlen is Assistant Professor of Continental
In Search of European Liberalisms                                                          European History at the University of Warwick.
Concepts, Languages, Ideologies                                                            Mark Keck-Szajbel is an Academic Research Fellow at
Edited by Michael Freeden, Javier Fernández Sebastián,                                     the European University Viadrina.
and Jörn Leonhard
                                                                                           Kate Mahoney is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Modern
                                                                                           British History at the University of Essex.
This comprehensive study takes a fresh look at
the diverse understandings and interpretations of                                          Volume 25, Protest, Culture & Society
the concept of liberalism in Europe during the last                                        October 2018, 308 pages, 1 illus., bibliog., index
several centuries, encompassing not just the familiar                                      ISBN 978-1-78533-999-8 Hb $130.00/£92.00
                                                                                           eISBN 978-1-78920-000-3
movements, doctrines, and political parties that fall
under the heading of “liberal” but also the intertwined
historical currents of thought behind them.                                                 NEW IN PAPERBACK

Michael Freeden is Emeritus Professor of Politics at the                                   Militant Around the Clock?
University of Oxford and Professorial Research Associate                                   Left-Wing Youth Politics, Leisure, and Sexuality
at SOAS, University of London.                                                             in Post-Dictatorship Greece, 1974-1981
Javier Fernández-Sebastián is Professor of History of                                      Nikolaos Papadogiannis
Political Thought at the University of the Basque Country.
                                                                                           “Highly Recommended.” · Choice
Jörn Leonhard is Full Professor in Modern European
History at the History Seminar of Freiburg University.                                     Nikolaos Papadogiannis is a Lecturer in Modern History
                                                                                           at Bangor University, Wales.
Volume 6, European Conceptual History
August 2019, 324 pages, bibliog., index                                                    Volume 13, Protest, Culture & Society
ISBN 978-1-78920-280-9 Hardback ca $130.00/£92.00                                          November 2018, 342 pages, 9 illus., 4 tables, bibliog., index
eISBN 978-1-78920-281-6                                                                    ISBN 978-1-78238-644-5 Hb $140.00/£100.00 (2015)
                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-78920-074-4 Pb $34.95/£24.00
                                                                                           eISBN 978-1-78238-645-2


Order direct for Canada, Latin America, Australasia, China, Taiwan, and Japan: Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:

        Series Editor:                                                                              NEW

        David M. Luebke, Department of History, University of Oregon
                                                                                                    Views of Violence
                                                                                                    Representing the Second World War in German

                                                                                                    and European Museums and Memorials
        Migrations in the German Lands,                                                             Edited by Jörg Echternkamp and Stephan Jaeger
        1500-2000                                                                                   Afterword by Jay Winter

        Edited by Jason Coy, Jared Poley, and Alexander Schunka
                                                                                                    “This is a very impressive collection that brings together a

                                                                                                    series of strong, substantial case studies arranged into two
        “The majority of essays deserve being highly praised as
                                                                                                    thematic sections that – in their strength and consistent
        many authors provide well-written analyses and insights

                                                                                                    quality – constitute a significant contribution to the field.” ·
        that are full of detail and highly original…The quality
                                                                                                    Gabriel Moshenska, University College London
        of the volume…ensures scholars working on specific
        aspects of migration in German territory will find valuable                                 The modern vision of historical violence has been

        information in it.” · German History                                                        immeasurably influenced by cultural representations of
                                                                                                    the Second World War. This volume takes a historical

        The essays collected here reconstruct the experiences
                                                                                                    perspective on World War II museums and explores
        of vagrants, laborers, religious exiles, refugees, and other
                                                                                                    how these institutions came to define the broader
        migrants during the last five hundred years of German
                                                                                                    European, and even global, political contexts and
        history. These diverse contributions identify important
                                                                                                    cultures of public memory.
        commonalities between eras and contextualize Germany
        within broader migration histories.                                                         Jörg Echternkamp is a Research Director at the Center
                                                                                                    for Military History and Social Sciences, Potsdam, and
        Jason Coy is Professor of History at the College of
                                                                                                    an Associate Professor of Modern History at Martin
        Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina.
                                                                                                    Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
        Jared Poley is Professor of History at Georgia State
                                                                                                    Stephan Jaeger is a Professor of German Studies and the
                                                                                                    Head of the Department of German and Slavic Studies
        Alexander Schunka is Professor in Early Modern History at                                   at the University of Manitoba.
        the Friedrich Meinecke Institute, Freie Universität of Berlin.
                                                                                                    Volume 19, Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association
        Volume 13, Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies                                     January 2019, 310 pages, 20 illus., bibliog., index
        Association                                                                                 ISBN 978-1-78920-126-0 Hb $130.00/£92.00
        September 2018, 270 pages, 4 tables, bibliog., index                                        eISBN 978-1-78920-127-7
        ISBN 978-1-78533-144-2 Hb $130.00/£92.00 (2016)
        ISBN 978-1-78920-079-9 Pb $34.95/£24.00                                                     NEW
        eISBN 978-1-78533-145-9
                                                                                                    Names and Naming in Early
        NEW                                                                                         Modern Germany
                                                                                                    Edited by Marjorie Elizabeth Plummer
        Dreams of Germany                                                                           and Joel F. Harrington
        Musical Imaginaries from the Concert Hall to                                                Afterword by Randolph C. Head
        the Dance Floor
        Edited by Neil Gregor and Thomas Irvine                                                     “The book offers unique insights into complex cultural
                                                                                                    processes, reframing some supposedly well-known areas of
        “A wonderful anthology that connects the European                                           German history. Its wide topical scope allows it to explore a
        classical tradition with popular music in fascinating ways.                                 remarkable variety of naming processes in the early modern
        It is a pleasure to read.” · Ulrich Adelt, University of                                    period.” · Johannes Dillinger, Oxford Brookes University
        Wyoming                                                                                     This volume offers a coherent and interdisciplinary
        Why is Germany imagined as the ‘land of music’?                                             approach to a wide variety of early modern subjects
        How has that image been made over time? Exploring                                           centered on onomastics, the study of names. Leading
        examples that range from Bruckner to the Beatles,                                           scholars in the field seek to explore the dynamics and
        from classical song to sex-club dance music, a team of                                      impact of this naming (or renaming) process in a variety of
        historians and musicologists explores these perennial                                       contexts: social, artistic, literary, theological, and scientific.
        questions in innovative and exciting ways.                                                  Marjorie Elizabeth Plummer is the Susan C. Karant-
        Neil Gregor is Professor of Modern European History at                                      Nunn Chair for Reformation and Early Modern
        the University of Southampton.                                                              European History in the Division for Late Medieval and
                                                                                                    Reformation Studies at the University of Arizona.
        Thomas Irvine is Associate Professor of Music at the
        University of Southampton.                                                                  Joel F. Harrington is Centennial Professor of History at
                                                                                                    Vanderbilt University.
        Volume 18, Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies
        Association                                                                                 Volume 20, Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association
        December 2018, 310 pages, 14 illus., bibliog., index                                        May 2019, 324 pages, 6 tables, 12 color illus., 9 b&w illus.,
        ISBN 978-1-78920-032-4 Hb $130.00/£92.00                                                    bibliog., index
        eISBN 978-1-78920-033-1                                                                     ISBN 978-1-78920-210-6 Hb $120.00/£85.00
                                                                                                    eISBN 978-1-78920-211-3


                Order direct for the UK, Europe, Africa, and the Rest of Asia: Tel: +44 (0) 1767 604 976 e-mail:

 NEW IN PAPERBACK                                                                           NEW

                                                                                                                                                                 R Y
Ruptures in the Everyday                                                                   From Weimar to Hitler
Views of Modern Germany from the Ground                                                    Studies in the Dissolution of the Weimar

                                                                                                                                                                 S T O
Lead Authors: Andrew Stuart Bergerson                                                      Republic and the Establishment of the
and Leonard Schmieding                                                                     Third Reich, 1932-1934
                                                                                           Edited by Hermann Beck and Larry Eugene Jones
“As a whole, this volume offers an innovative contribution

to the continuity problem of German history in the 20th

                                                                                           “This excellent, accessible volume will be of great interest
century…” · Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft                                         to scholars and informed readers looking to gain new
Ruptures in the Everyday brings together twenty-six                                        insight into the topic of Hitler’s seizure and consolidation of

                                                                                                                                                                 A N
interdisciplinary researchers in an innovative, collectively                               power.” · Barry Jackisch, University of Saint Francis
authored work of scholarship that investigates Alltag—                                     From Weimar to Hitler examines the crisis of Weimar
everyday life—through such fragmentary experiences.                                        democracy, the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship,

Andrew Stuart Bergerson is Professor of History and Public                                 and the Nazi consolidation of power, drawing from

                                                                                                                                                                 G E R
Humanities at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.                                      multiple perspectives to discover whether the transition
                                                                                           from Weimar to Hitler was historically predetermined or
Leonard Schmieding is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Global                                      the product of human miscalculation and intent.
and Trans-Regional History at the German Historical
Institute in Washington, DC.                                                               Hermann Beck is Professor of History at the University
                                                                                           of Miami.
Volume 15, Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies
Association                                                                                Larry Eugene Jones is Professor of Modern European
December 2018, 342 pages, 22 illus., 4 maps, blbliog., index                               History at Canisius College in Buffalo, New York.
ISBN 978-1-78533-532-7 Hb $140.00/£100.00 (2017)
ISBN 978-1-78920-082-9 Pb $34.95/£24.00                                                    November 2018, 508 pages, bibliog., index
eISBN 978-1-78533-533-4                                                                    ISBN 978-1-78533-917-2 Hb $140.00/£100.00
                                                                                           eISBN 978-1-78533-918-9

 NEW                                                                                        NEW

Negotiating the Secular and the                                                            Different Germans, Many Germanies
Religious in the German Empire                                                             New Transatlantic Perspectives
Transnational Approaches                                                                   Edited by Konrad H. Jarausch, Harald Wenzel,
                                                                                           and Karin Goihl
Edited by Rebekka Habermas

                                                                                           “Although the book is not intended as a history of
“With its strong lineup of contributors, this book adds
                                                                                           modern Germany, advanced students will discover many
valuable insights into the under-researched topic of what
                                                                                           tantalizing perspectives in what outsiders see as German
is meant by the secular, and also conveys the many ways
                                                                                           as well as the German response. With this publication,
in which the secular and the religious were intertwined
                                                                                           Berghahn Books remains the strongest source for quality
in the German imperial context.” · Rebecca Bennette,
                                                                                           academic publications addressing all aspects of German
Middlebury College
                                                                                           studies… Highly Recommended.” · Choice
“Habermas addresses an important and often neglected
                                                                                           For Anglo-American observers in particular, the legacies
aspect of German – and indeed European – history. The
                                                                                           of two world wars still powerfully define twentieth-
high quality of the scholarship will make this a significant
                                                                                           century German history. This volume collects insightful
contribution to the field.” · Professor Matthew Jefferies,
                                                                                           studies from leading scholars that suggest new ways
University of Manchester
                                                                                           for understanding Germany from a transatlantic
Negotiating the Secular and the Religious in the German                                    perspective, arguing above all for a more nuanced, self-
Empire sheds light on the multitude of worldviews, belief                                  reflective, and holistic German Studies.
systems, and rituals that defined the borders between
                                                                                           Konrad H. Jarausch is the Lurcy Professor of European
the secular and the religious in the German imperial era.
                                                                                           Civilization at the University of North Carolina at
Rebekka Habermas is Professor of Modern German                                             Chapel Hill.
History at the University of Göttingen.
                                                                                           Harald Wenzel is Professor of Sociology at the John F.
Volume 10, New German Historical Perspectives                                              Kennedy Institute for North American Studies of the
March 2019, 296 pages, bibliog., index                                                     Freie Universität Berlin.
ISBN 978-1-78920-151-2 Hb $120.00/£85.00
eISBN 978-1-78920-152-9                                                                    Karin Goihl is Academic Coordinator of the Berlin
                                                                                           Program for Advanced German and European Studies at
                                                                                           the Freie Universität Berlin.
                                                                                           September 2018, 340 pages, 4 illus., 4 tables, bibliog., index
                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-78533-430-6 Hb $140.00/£100.00 (2016)
                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-78920-078-2 Pb $29.95/£21.00
                                                                                           eISBN 978-1-78533-431-3


Order direct for Canada, Latin America, Australasia, China, Taiwan, and Japan: Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:
NEW                                                                                         NEW

        Germany and the Middle East                                                                The Indoctrination of the Wehrmacht
        From Kaiser Wilhelm II to Angela Merkel                                                    Nazi Ideology and the War Crimes of the

        Rolf Steininger                                                                            German Military
                                                                                                   Bryce Sait
        For more than a hundred years, persistent conflict
        in the Middle East has led global superpowers like

                                                                                                   “The Indoctrination of the Wehrmacht is a well-written
        Germany to become involved. Germany and the Middle                                         piece of work centering on an important topic that has not

        East encounters in detail how the nation came to accept                                    yet been adequately covered.” · Raffael Scheck,
        its historical responsibility towards newer states in                                      Colby College

        the Middle East, and how major developments of the
        twentieth century shaped its approach to the region.                                       “Both Sait’s theoretical framework and methodological
                                                                                                   approach are convincing and close a research gap that
        Rolf Steininger teaches history at the University of                                       has emerged in the field over the last decade. This

        Innsbruck.                                                                                 book is intellectually fascinating and makes a valuable
                                                                                                   contribution to our knowledge of the topic.” · Walter

        December 2018, 168 pages, 44 illus., bibliog., index
        ISBN 978-1-78920-038-6 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                   Manoschek, University of Vienna
        eISBN 978-1-78920-039-3
                                                                                                   Far from the image of an apolitical, “clean” Wehrmacht
                                                                                                   that persists in popular memory, German soldiers
        NEW IN PAPERBACK                                                                           regularly cooperated with organizations like the SS in the
                                                                                                   abuse and murder of countless individuals. This in-depth
        The Second Generation                                                                      study reveals that military indoctrination was but one
        Émigrés from Nazi Germany as Historians                                                    piece of the larger effort at the socialization of young
        With a Biobibliographic Guide                                                              men during the Nazi era.
        Edited by Andreas W. Daum, Hartmut Lehmann,                                                Bryce Sait received his doctorate from Cambridge
        and James J. Sheehan                                                                       University, where he was a Commonwealth Scholar.
                                                                                                   February 2019, 230 pages, bibliog., index
        “The contributions to this volume manage impressively                                      ISBN 978-1-78920-149-9 Hb $120.00/£85.00
        to show the interconnections between life and work,                                        eISBN 978-1-78920-150-5
        describing the professional developments against the
        background of emigration as well as demonstrating the
        influence of the refugee experience on their historical                                     NEW
        works.” · Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft
                                                                                                   German Division as Shared Experience
        Of the thousands of young people who fled Nazi                                             Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the
        Germany before World War II, a remarkable number                                           Postwar Everyday
        became trained historians. By placing autobiographical
                                                                                                   Edited by Erica Carter, Jan Palmowski and Katrin Schreiter
        testimonies alongside historical and professional
        analysis, this richly varied collection comprises the first
        sustained effort to illuminate the role these men and                                      German Division as Shared Experience shows the extent to
        women played in modern historiography.                                                     which the story of East and West Germany was one of
                                                                                                   mutual entanglement after 1945. By subsuming political
        Andreas W. Daum is Professor of History at the State                                       considerations into the historical domain of the social
        University of New York at Buffalo.                                                         and cultural, each of the innovative studies presented
        Hartmut Lehmann became Professor of Modern History                                         here analyzes moments of connection at the level of
        at the University of Kiel in 1969.                                                         lived experience across the East-West divide.

        James J. Sheehan is Dickason Professor in the                                              Erica Carter is Professor of German and Film and the
        Humanities and Professor of History Emeritus at                                            Head of the German Department at King’s College
        Stanford University.                                                                       London.

        Volume 20, Studies in German History                                                       Jan Palmowski is Pro Vice-Chancellor for Postgraduate
        July 2018, 488 pages, bibliog., index                                                      and Transnational Education at the University of
        ISBN 978-1-78238-985-9 Hb $150.00/£107.00 (2015)                                           Warwick.
        ISBN 978-1-78920-052-2 Pb $34.95/£24.00
        eISBN 978-1-78238-993-4
                                                                                                   Katrin Schreiter is Lecturer in German and European
                                                                                                   Studies at King’s College London.
                                                                                                   June 2019, 360 pages, 7 ills, bibliog., index
                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-78920-242-7 Hardback ca $130.00/£92.00
                                                                                                   eISBN 978-1-78920-243-4


                                       Order direct for the USA · Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:
FORTHCOMING                                                                                 NEW

                                                                                                                                                                  R Y
When Will We Talk About Hitler?                                                             A History Shared and Divided
German Students and the Nazi Past                                                           East and West Germany since the 1970s

                                                                                                                                                                  S T O
Alexandra Oeser                                                                             Frank Bösch
Translated by Katharine Throssell                                                           Translated from the German by Jennifer Walcoff Neuheiser

For more than half a century, discourses on Germany’s                                       By and large, the histories of East and West Germany

Nazi past have powerfully shaped social and cultural                                        have been studied in relative isolation. And yet, for all

policy. Specifically, an institutional determination not to                                 their differences, the historical trajectories of both nations
forget has expressed a “duty of remembrance” through                                        were interrelated in complex ways, shaped by economic

                                                                                                                                                                  A N
commemorative activities and educational curricula. But                                     crises, social and cultural changes, protest movements,
as the horrors of the Third Reich retreat ever further from                                 and other phenomena so diffuse that they could hardly
living memory, what do new generations of Germans                                           be contained by the Iron Curtain. Accordingly, A History
actually think about this past? Combining observation,                                      Shared and Divided offers a collective portrait of the two

interviews, and archival research, this book provides a rich                                Germanies that is both broad and deep. It brings together

                                                                                                                                                                  G E R
survey of the perspectives and experiences of German                                        comprehensive thematic surveys by specialists in social
adolescents from diverse backgrounds, revealing the                                         history, media, education, the environment, and similar
extent to which social, economic, and cultural factors                                      topics to assemble a monumental account of both
have conditioned how they view representations of                                           nations from the crises of the 1970s to—and beyond—the
Germany’s complex history.                                                                  reunification era.
Alexandra Oeser is currently a teacher and researcher                                       Frank Bösch is Director of the Center for Contemporary
at Paris Nanterre University. Her most recent publication                                   History Research and Professor of German and
is Collectif du 9 août: Quand ils ont fermé l’usine (2017).                                 European History of the 20th Century at the University
                                                                                            of Potsdam.
August 2019, 464 pages, 7 ills, bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78920-286-1 Hardback ca $150.00/£107.00                                          September 2018, 620 pages, 2 figures, 8 tables, bibliog., index
eISBN 978-1-78920-287-8                                                                     ISBN 978-1-78533-925-7 Hb $190.00/£135.00
                                                                                            eISBN 978-1-78533-926-4

France and the German Question,
1945–1990                                                                                   Beyond the Border
Edited by Frédéric Bozo and Christian Wenkel                                                Young Minorities in the Danish-German
                                                                                            Borderlands, 1955-1971
In the aftermath of the Second World War and for                                            Tobias Haimin Wung-Sung
much of the Cold War, one of the most important issues
facing European leaders was what diplomatic posture                                         “This brilliant and persuasive book clearly traces the
to take toward the successor states of Nazi Germany.                                        hybridity of national affiliation—and thus the construction
This was perhaps felt no more keenly than in France,                                        of identities in local border regions—in vivid detail.” ·
which had directly experienced German aggression                                            Knud Andresen, Research Center for Contemporary
yet sought to establish productive relations with both                                      History, Hamburg
Germanys. Drawing on the most recent historiography
and previously untapped archival sources, the                                               Beyond the Border reconstructs the experiences
contributions to this volume show how France’s German                                       of minority youths living in the Danish-German
policy was, for the duration of the Cold War, both more                                     borderlands from the 1950s to the 1970s. Drawing on a
constructive and consequential than has previously been                                     remarkable variety of archival and oral sources, author
acknowledged by policy makers and scholars.                                                 Tobias Haimin Wung-Sung provides a rich and fine-
                                                                                            grained analysis that encompasses political issues from
Frédéric Bozo is Professor of Contemporary History at                                       the NATO alliance and European integration to everyday
the Sorbonne Nouvelle, University of Paris III, Institute of                                life and popular culture.
European Studies.
                                                                                            Tobias Haimin Wung-Sung is a postdoctoral researcher
Christian Wenkel is Associate Professor of                                                  at the University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg.
Contemporary History at Artois University.
                                                                                            March 2019, 260 pages, 20 illus., bibliog., index
June 2019, 390 pages, bibliog., index                                                       ISBN 978-1-78920-174-1 Hb $120.00/£85.00
ISBN 978-1-78920-226-7 Hardback ca $130.00/£92.00                                           eISBN 978-1-78920-175-8
eISBN 978-1-78920-227-4


        Order direct for the UK, Europe, Africa, and the Rest of Asia: Tel: +44 (0) 1767 604 976 e-mail:
NEW                                                                                        NEW

        Gendering Post-1945 German History                                                         Law, History, and Justice
        Entanglements                                                                              Debating German State Crimes in the Long

        Edited by Karen Hagemann, Donna Harsch,                                                    Twentieth Century
        and Friederike Brühöfener                                                                  Annette Weinke
                                                                                                   Translated from the German by Nicholas Evangelos Levis
        “The novel contributions in this volume represent truly

        innovative research and impressive new findings well                                       Law, History, and Justice investigates the changing

        contextualized by theory. The editors have done a brilliant                                nature of international humanitarian law and explores
        job of reviewing the histography across the areas of                                       the entanglements between historical experience,

        Germany, history, and gender.” · Myra Max Ferree,                                          historiography, and law and (moral) politics by focusing
        University of Wisconsin-Madison                                                            on the effects of international law violations during the
        Gendering Post-1945 German History: Entanglements offers                                   First World War, the National Socialist mass crimes,

        new and critical insight into the state of the research on                                 the Holocaust, as well as the systematic wrongdoings of
        post-war German history from a gender perspective.                                         the GDR.

        Using the concept of “entanglement,” this volume                                           Annette Weinke is an Assistant Professor of History at
        investigates the ways in which East and West German                                        the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena.
        gender relations were socially and politically intertwined.
                                                                                                   December 2018, 418 pages, bibliog., index
        Karen Hagemann is the James G. Kenan Distinguished                                         ISBN 978-1-78920-105-5 Hb $140.00/£100.00
        Professor of History at the University of North Carolina                                   eISBN 978-1-78920-106-2
        at Chapel Hill.
        Donna Harsch is Professor of History at Carnegie Mellon
        University.                                                                                 FORTHCOMING

        Friederike Brühöfener is Assistant Professor in the                                        Modern Lusts
        History Department at the University of Texas Rio                                          Ernest Borneman – Jazz Critic,
        Grande Valley.                                                                             Filmmaker, Sexologist
        April 2019, 442 pages, 6 illus., bibliog., index                                           Detlef Siegfried
        ISBN 978-1-78920-191-8 Hb $130.00/£92.00
        eISBN 978-1-78920-192-5
                                                                                                   “Excellent … [Siegfried’s] meticulously researched and
                                                                                                   entertaining biography will be of great value to those with
         NEW                                                                                       an interest in the German history of sexology and feminism
                                                                                                   in the revolutionary phase of 1968 and thereafter, in media
        One Sound, Two Worlds                                                                      and communication history, in jazz and cultural history
        The Blues in a Divided Germany, 1945-1990                                                  generally, and in the twentieth-century history of the
        Michael Rauhut                                                                             senses.” · German History
        Translated from the German by Jessica Ring                                                 Detlef Siegfried’s long-awaited English biography chronicles
                                                                                                   Ernest Borneman’s journey from his days as a young Jewish
        Praise for the German edition:                                                             communist in Berlin to his ventures in England and Canada,
        “Rauhut proves himself to be a true specialist with                                        and ultimately, to his endeavors as the most prominent
        outstanding expertise … For anyone seeking a basic                                         sexologist spearheading the sexual revolution in West
        understanding of blues music in Germany, Rauhut’s study                                    Germany and Austria in the twentieth century.
        is indispensable.” · American Studies                                                      Detlef Siegfried is a professor in the Department
        “If books were reviewed in the same way as CDs, this one                                   of English, Germanic and Romance Studies at the
        would be lit up with six stars. It’s as good as it gets.” ·                                University of Copenhagen.
        Blues News                                                                                 September 2019, 390 pages, 20 ills, bibliog., index
                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-78920-288-5 Hardback ca $140.00/£100.00
        Through extensive archival research and conversations
                                                                                                   eISBN 978-1-78920-289-2
        with renowned publicists, musicians and insiders, author
        Michael Rauhut examines more than fifty texts to give
        an in-depth overview of the historical development
        of blues music in East and West Germany during the
        postwar period.
        Michael Rauhut is a music scholar, radio journalist,
        filmmaker and founding member of the Center for Popular
        Music Research at Humboldt University in Berlin.
        May 2019, 360 pages, 24 illus., bibliog., index
        ISBN 978-1-78920-193-2 Hb $130.00/£92.00
        eISBN 978-1-78920-194-9


        Order direct for Canada, Latin America, Australasia, China, Taiwan, and Japan: Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:

General Editors:                                                                           NEW

                                                                                                                                                        R Y
Simone Lässig, Director of the German Historical Institute,
Washington D.C., with the assistance of Patricia Sutcliffe, Editor,                       Gustav Stresemann
German Historical Institute.                                                              The Crossover Artist

                                                                                                                                                        S T O
Published in Association with the German Historical Institute,
                                                                                          Karl Heinrich Pohl
Washington D.C.
                                                                                          Translated from the German by Christine Brocks, with the
                                                                                          assistance of Patricia Sutcliffe

                                                                                          Praise for the German edition:
Explorations and Entanglements

Germans in Pacific Worlds from the Early                                                  “[A] substantial contribution … Pohl succeeds admirably
                                                                                          in locating the statesman Stresemann within his personal
Modern Period to World War I

                                                                                                                                                        A N
                                                                                          experiences and his reactions to a tumultuous, sometimes
Edited by Hartmut Berghoff, Frank Biess,                                                  fortuitous web of events.” · German History
and Ulrike Strasser
                                                                                          “Karl Heinrich Pohl’s work will definitely take its place

“This volume represents a bold intervention in Pacific                                    in the existing body of Stresemann literature as an

                                                                                                                                                        G E R
and German historiographies, one that encourages us                                       innovative and informative work that deserves serious and
to rethink central concepts and assumptions.” · Rainer                                    widespread scholarly attention.” · Perspectivia
Buschmann, California State University Channel Islands                                    Gustav Stresemann has become a steadfast icon and
Reconstructs the German elements in the overlapping                                       key figure in understanding contemporary German and
cultural circuits and complex oceanic transits of the                                     European history. Renowned historian Karl Heinrich Pohl
“Pacific Worlds.” It concentrates on the pre-1914 period                                  draws on new archival material and extensive research
and encompasses scientific, cultural, religious and                                       to supplement our previous knowledge of Stresmann’s
commercial exchanges. It opens a gate to a fascinating                                    life and work.
and hitherto much neglected arena of transnational                                        Karl Heinrich Pohl taught history and pedagogy at the
encounters.                                                                               University of Kiel before his retirement in 2010.
Hartmut Berghoff is Director of the Institute of                                          Volume 23, Studies in German History
Economic and Social History at the University of                                          May 2019, 396 pages, 23 illus., bibliog., index
Göttingen in Germany.                                                                     ISBN 978-1-78920-217-5 Hb $140.00/£100.00
                                                                                          eISBN 978-1-78920-218-2
Frank Biess is Professor of Modern European History at
the University of California-San Diego.
Ulrike Strasser is Professor of Early Modern History at
the University of California-San Diego.                                                   Germany on Their Minds
Volume 22, Studies in German History                                                      German Jewish Refugees in the United States
November 2018, 334 pages, bibliog., index                                                 and Relationships with Germany, 1938-1988
ISBN 978-1-78920-028-7 Hb $120.00/£85.00
                                                                                          Anne C. Schenderlein
eISBN 978-1-78920-029-4

                                                                                          Throughout the 1930s and early 1940s, the United
 FORTHCOMING                                                                              States granted asylum to approximately 90,000
                                                                                          German Jews fleeing the horrors of the Third Reich.
A World of Children                                                                       Author Anne C. Schenderlein gives a fascinating account
Educating and Entertaining Young Germans in                                               of these entangled histories on both sides of the Atlantic
the Long Nineteenth Century                                                               and demonstrates the remarkable extent to which
Edited by Simone Lässig and Andreas Weiß                                                  German Jewish refugees helped shape the course of
                                                                                          West German democratization.
In an era of technological advances and rapidly                                           Anne C. Schenderlein is a Research Fellow at the
increasing international exchange, how did young people                                   German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C.
come to understand the world beyond their doorstep?
                                                                                          Volume 25, Studies in German History
Bringing together contributions from specialists
                                                                                          August 2019, 334 pages, bibliog., index
in historical, literary, and cultural studies, this is a
                                                                                          ISBN 978-1-78920-005-8 Hardback ca $130.00/£92.00
fascinating kaleidoscopic exploration of the ways that                                    eISBN 978-1-78920-011-9
children absorbed, combined, and adapted notions of                                       Open Access ISBN 978-1-78920-006-5
the world in their own ways.
Simone Lässig has been the Director of the German
Historical Institute in Washington, DC, since 2015..
Andreas Weiß is a Research Fellow at the Georg Eckert
Institute in Braunschweig, Germany.
Volume 24, Studies in German History
September 2019, 390 pages, 25 ills, bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78920-278-6 Hardback ca $140.00/£100.00
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