#BetterHealth: A qualitative analysis of reactions to the UK government's better health campaign - Bournemouth University Research Online
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985576 brief-report2021 HPQ0010.1177/1359105320985576Journal of Health PsychologyTalbot and Branley-Bell Brief Report Journal of Health Psychology #BetterHealth: A qualitative 1–7 © The Author(s) 2021 analysis of reactions to the UK Article reuse guidelines: government’s better health sagepub.com/journals-permissions https://doi.org/10.1177/1359105320985576 DOI: 10.1177/1359105320985576 campaign journals.sagepub.com/home/hpq Catherine V Talbot1,2 and Dawn Branley-Bell1 Abstract This study examined reactions to the UK government’s Better Health campaign through a thematic analysis of tweets. Four themes were generated: Embracing Better Health; There is no Better Health without mental health; Inconsistent messaging; Only a surface-level solution. Findings suggest the campaign is problematic, given its lack of consideration for mental health and wider societal factors that contribute to obesity. The campaign could exacerbate mental health difficulties for individuals with eating disorders due to its focus on weight and perceived fat-shaming approach. Recommendations are made to develop future campaigns that avoid negative public responses, minimise harms, and maximise intended benefits. Keywords communication, obesity, public health, weight Introduction compared with individuals with healthy BMIs (Docherty et al., 2020; Hussain et al., 2020). The ‘Better Health’ campaign was launched by Consistent with this, the general population the UK government on 27th July 2020 (Public have reported facing difficulties staying healthy Health England, 2020). This national campaign during the pandemic, with Duffy (2020) finding encouraged individuals to make healthier life- that almost half of respondents reported putting style choices, by losing weight, getting active on weight and 29% reported increased alcohol and quitting smoking. A range of tools were consumption. available to help people manage their health, Responses to the Better Health campaign including mobile applications (e.g. NHS have been mixed, with Sport England (2020) and Smokefree; Couch to 5K), online support groups, virtual fitness videos, a body mass index (BMI) calculator, and offers with organi- 1 Northumbria University, UK sations who provide weight loss plans (e.g. 2 Bournemouth University, UK Slimming World). The campaign launched dur- ing the COVID-19 pandemic and was driven by Corresponding author: Catherine V Talbot, Department of Psychology, Faculty of data showing that obese people are significantly Science and Technology, Bournemouth University, Fern more likely to become seriously ill and be Barrow, England BH12 5BB, UK. admitted to intensive care with coronavirus Email: Ctalbot@bournemouth.ac.uk
2 Journal of Health Psychology 00(0) the British Heart Foundation (2020) welcoming As we were primarily interested in the con- measures that aim to tackle obesity, such as the tent of individual tweets, retweets were 9pm watershed on fast food adverts. In contrast, excluded from the sample. Only tweets written the campaign has also received some negative in English were included in the sample. We also press coverage (Mead, 2020; Wilson, 2020) and excluded tweets from health organisations reactions from eating disorder organisations (e.g. advertising the campaign (e.g. Public Health BEAT, 2020) who argue that the campaign may England, the National Health Service and be damaging for some people. This is substanti- National Health Trusts) as these do not repre- ated by research showing that people with eating sent public reaction. Company advertisements disorders have been negatively impacted by ‘a were also excluded from the sample. The final public preoccupation with food, weight gain and sample included in the qualitative analysis exercise’ during the COVID-19 pandemic comprised 181 tweets (approximately 13.5% of (Branley-Bell & Talbot, 2020, p. 10). Insight into individual tweets collected by Ncapture). public reactions can identify whether the cam- paign is perceived as socially excluding or dam- Analysis aging to some populations. It is important to know how the campaign is being received by the Tweets were imported into NVivo12 and ana- public more widely. These insights can help to lysed thematically, following the six steps out- guide the design of future campaigns to maxim- lined by Braun and Clarke (2006): data ise positive behaviour change, and minimise the familiarisation; generating initial codes; search- potential for unintended negative impacts. ing for themes; reviewing themes; defining and Social media provides a valuable source of naming themes; producing the report. The first information about public attitudes, opinions and author began by familiarising herself with even behaviours (Snelson, 2016). Twitter is one tweets and coded the entire dataset, identifying of the widely used social media platforms and is initial themes. These themes were then shared often regarded as a platform used to publicly with the second author who provided critical voice opinions (Branley & Covey, 2017; feedback. Changes were made to themes where Highfield, 2016). Consistent with this, research- appropriate and the analysis was refined until ers have used tweets to evaluate health campaigns both authors agreed upon the finalised themes. (e.g. Schlichthorst et al., 2018), yet to our knowl- edge, this method has not been used to evaluate Ethics the Better Health campaign. Our study addresses this gap and uses public tweets to examine reac- Ethical approval was obtained from the tions to the Better Health campaign. Northumbria University ethics board [26267]. The British Psychological Society code of Ethics and Conduct (2014) states that unless Methods consent has been sought, observation of public behaviour must take place in spaces where Data collection and sampling individuals would expect to be observed by Ncapture was used to collect tweets posted strangers. Tweets can therefore be viewed as between 27th July 2020 and 7th August 2020 public behaviour. However, to promote the containing at least one of the following search anonymity of users it is good practice to para- terms: ‘#BetterHealth’; ‘Better Health cam- phrase quotations of tweets to reduce the likeli- paign’. Tweets were collected across this 10-day hood of users being identified using search time period to capture immediate reactions to engines. Therefore, all quotes in this paper the campaign and also to ensure the sample was have been paraphrased in a manner that retains not unweildy. Ncapture identified 4606 tweets the original meaning, with both authors agree- in total, including 3266 retweets. ing on the phrasing of each tweet.
Talbot and Branley-Bell 3 Data availability This suggests that the campaign was a positive influence for some users, motivating them to Data are not available for this study given that adopt healthier lifestyles. account holders could be identifiable if it were made accessible. There is no better health without mental health Results Unfortunately, other users tweeted that there Our thematic analysis generated four themes: was a lack of consideration for mental health by Embracing Better Health; There is no Better the campaign, with one person advocating: Health without mental health; Inconsistent mes- ‘there is no #BetterHealth without mental saging; Only a surface-level solution. Despite health’. This is particularly problematic, given the campaign focusing on different factors asso- that the campaign was established during the ciated with health, tweets tended to focus on COVID-19 pandemic – a time when mental weight loss and this is reflected in our themes. health problems were more pronounced (Pierce et al., 2020): Embracing better health It isn’t #BetterHealth though? It’s #WorseMental Researchers have found that social media can Health. Mental health is important and I wish the provide individuals with access to supportive government would not ignore it. communities that can help with weight loss (May et al., 2016). This was also evident in our Above and beyond the campaign simply over- sample, with users documenting their weight looking mental health, many felt that it could loss journeys and sharing personal experiences actually be detrimental for mental health, par- on Twitter. For example, users often described ticularly for those with eating disorders. Users the positive physical and mental changes that commented that the campaign was triggering of accompanied weight loss: disordered eating behaviours because of its fat- shaming approach, and focus on lower weight After my heart attack, I could have stayed as I and calorie intake as equating to health: was, but I didn’t. I changed my diet and walked daily, it wasn’t difficult, I didn’t do anything #BetterHealth does not (and should not) equal special but as a result, I lost five stone in a year, being thin. Calorie counting to control your diet which helps my heart, relieves some pressure, is known to be a big trigger if you suffer from small changes #BetterHealth disordered eating. Restricting food intake is not always the healthier choice. Some users felt that the campaign engendered a sense of community among the population, Many users tweeted about representations of with one person tweeting: obesity in the campaign, with some stating that the campaign was ‘fatphobic’, ‘disempowering’ Yesterday, I started a vegan diet. I feel like I’ve and reinforcing of stereotypes: joined a slimming club with the whole country. I like it. #BetterHealth The NHS #BetterHealth advert is such a one- dimensional portrayal of overweight people – it Whilst others tweeted that they felt motivated depicts them as just fatties who fail when it comes by the campaign: to exercise! I’m very encouraged by #Betterhealth. The NHS Fat-shaming media messages can be damaging ‘Better Health’ campaign encouraging weight to people with eating disorders (Spettigue et al., loss is a good idea, it’s commendable. 2004). For example, these type of messages can
4 Journal of Health Psychology 00(0) enhance implicit anti-fat attitudes, which have #BetterHealth campaign = because you are fat, been associated with reduced wellbeing (Ravary you are causing coronavirus deaths to rise. Lose et al., 2019; Webb et al., 2016). Consistent with weight!! Eat out to Help out scheme = here’s this, users commented that the pandemic posed 50% off your bill, take your family to KFC or heightened risks for people living with, or sus- McDonald’s! ceptible to, eating disorders. For example, one person highlighted that the general population Users also pointed out unfortunate TV advert may not notice calories on menus, but this could scheduling, where Better Health commercials have detrimental impacts on individuals with were immediately followed by fast food or eating disorders: takeout adverts: I would love to know how many people, who do Watching the TV, I saw the #BetterHealth not have disordered thinking about food, will campaign for the first time. The advert was im- actually read calories on menus. Most people will mediately followed by an advert for McDonald’s. just be like ‘whatever’ but those of us with eating disorders will be left feeling like we can’t eat These inconsistent messages were clearly con- anything. fusing for users and could potentially impact the effectiveness of the campaign. Instead, a It was evident from the tweets that many users cohesive, whole systems approach may be more had lived experience of eating disorders, with effective in promoting Better Health. some stating that the campaign would make their daily experiences more difficult: Only a surface-level solution I am lost for words about the #BetterHealth Obesity is a complex condition and researchers campaign. I’m terrified for those of us who have have identified genetic, lifestyle, educational worked so damn hard to develop a happier relationship with food. This campaign will only and environmental risk factors (Fruh, 2017). make this everyday battle a lot harder. Some users felt that the campaign fails to account for the complexity of obesity by not This suggests that the campaign may pose considering these wider societal factors: heightened challenges for people with eating disorders – a population that has already faced Already, after less than a week, I’m tired of seeing the Better Health adverts. Instead of addressing significant difficulties during the COVID-19 the reasons why some people find it hard to eat pandemic (Branley-Bell & Talbot, 2020). well, it’s just a surface level solution. Inconsistent messaging Some drew attention to health inequalities that contribute to obesity, for example highlighting In their tweets, some users perceived the UK gov- the cost involved in eating healthy: ernment to be delivering inconsistent messaging. For example, one month after the campaign was #BetterHealth Make fruit and veg cheaper for established (August 2020), the government everyone as I find it so expensive to eat healthy! launched the ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme which In comparison, crisps and chocolate are cheap, encouraged the public to dine at restaurants by cheap, cheap! providing discounts; helping to support the econ- omy during the pandemic. This was perceived by Instead of promoting calorie-counting, many many as contradictory and hypocritical, particu- users advocated for better education around larly as some perceived the restaurants as focus- health behaviours and cooking skills, and ing on fast-food or unhealthy options: increased access to exercise facilities:
Talbot and Branley-Bell 5 We need to recognise the psychological reasons individuals experiencing eating disorders have behind conditions, give people the skills to already been shown to be reluctant to seek help prepare healthy food, and access to exercise. during the pandemic due to worrying that they Prescribing cycling and cutting calories misses might be a ‘burden’ to the NHS (Branley-Bell & the point! #BetterHealth is not enough. Talbot, 2020). Despite aiming to achieve positive changes, These findings highlight that some users felt the the campaign is likely to have been detrimental campaign did not account for the complexity of to some of the population. Clearly, there is a obesity and excluded certain groups of people, need for future campaigns to avoid negative such as those who cannot afford to engage in public responses, minimise harms and maxim- Better Health behaviours. ise the intended benefits. To achieve this, we suggest the following points of action guided by Discussion the findings from our research: Our findings suggest that public reactions to the a. Campaigns must move away from Better Health campaign were mixed, reflecting ‘surface-level solutions’ and focus on offline debates about its appropriateness (e.g. a more appropriate, complete picture BEAT, 2020). The campaign was received posi- of health and wellbeing. It is vital that tively by some individuals who tweeted about campaigns recognise that mental and the positive impact it was having on their lives, physical health are intertwined and it increasing exercise and motivation. is not appropriate to just target physi- Interestingly, users tweeted that the Better cal health without consideration of Health campaign engendered a sense of com- related mental issues. Failing to en- munity among the general population. Given a compass mental health components recent focus on social prescribing (Drinkwater can lead some populations to feel et al., 2019), our findings suggest that commu- overlooked. nities may be a valuable resource for promoting b. Campaigns must consider other wider healthy lifestyles. This supports public health societal issues that may provide a bar- campaigns as a potential driver of positive rier to the behaviour being promoted behaviour change, and although weaknesses (e.g. education, financial situation, were also identified in the Better Health cam- etc.). A successful campaign will rec- paign – there are lessons to be learned. These ognise and address these issues wher- insights can help guide the design of future ever possible – this can prevent users campaigns to maximise the benefits and protect reacting negatively to the campaign against unintended harms. due to feeling that important issues Despite the campaign being beneficial for are being ignored (e.g. cost of healthy some individuals, our findings show that the diets). Better Health campaign was perceived by some to c. Campaigns and other public messages be inappropriate, shaming, dismissive of mental must pay careful consideration to the health, hypocritical and potentially damaging. language used, avoiding the use of This echoes reactions from professional bodies, shaming and/or triggering terminol- mental health charities and organisations (e.g. ogy. Emphasis should also be placed BEAT, 2020) who have critiqued the campaign for upon overall improved health and not its use of shaming language. For example, when on physical attributes such as weight the campaign was first launched it was described or body shape. Many negative reac- using wording such as ‘war on obesity’ and ‘pro- tions to the Better Health campaign tect the NHS, save lives’ (Mead, 2020). The latter resulted from perceptions of inappro- statement is particularly concerning given that priate language use.
6 Journal of Health Psychology 00(0) d. Campaigns must involve the public a resource from which to learn and develop and targetted audiences during design more effective campaigns in the future. and development. In the instance of In conclusion, public reactions to the Better the Better Health campaign, it would Health campaign were mixed, with some indi- have been beneficial to identify and viduals appearing to embrace the campaign and involve audiences which may be par- others being more critical due to its perceived ticularly affected by messages around inconsistency with other guidance, lack of con- weight (e.g. individuals with lived ex- sideration for mental health and ‘surface-level’ perience of eating disorders). This can solution to the complex issue of obesity. Our help to avoid widespread public back- findings show that public health campaigns do lash and potential harm to vulnerable have value in promoting positive behaviour populations. Individuals with lived change. However, the Better Health campaign experience can help to advise on ap- in it’s current form could potentially exacerbate propriate terminology, highlight wid- mental health difficulties; particularly for those er societal factors and/or behavioural with eating disorders due to it’s focus on weight drivers which may have been initially and perceived ‘fat-shaming’ approach. We have overlooked, and help to provide initial detailed clear points of action to help maximise insight into how the campaign may be the positive impacts of future public health perceived prior to widespread public campaigns, and minimise unintended harms. In release. particular, we recommend that the voices of e. Care must be taken to promote a con- vulnerable groups are centred in the develop- sistent message across campaigns ment of future campaigns and a ‘whole systems and sectors. A ‘whole systems ap- approach’ is taken to promote better health. proach’ is needed and opportunities for public messages to be perceived Declaration of conflicting interests as contradictive or hypocritical must The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of inter- be avoided. For example, although est with respect to the research, authorship, and/or some restaurants on the ‘Eat Out to publication of this article. Help Out’ scheme may have offered healthy food choices, the existence of Funding this campaign and the ‘Better Health’ The author(s) received no financial support for the campaign were perceived by many to research, authorship, and/or publication of this be contradictory. article. Our research has some limitations. Firstly, only ORCID iD Twitter users were included in this study. While Catherine V Talbot https://orcid.org/0000-0001- Twitter is a valuable resource for accessing 9353-8990 public opinions (Branley & Covey, 2017; Highfield, 2016), researchers could also use References alternative methods (e.g. surveys, interviews and focus groups) to access more diverse per- BEAT (2020) Public health not public shaming. Available at: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org. spectives and ensure that data is captured from uk/get-involved/campaign/current/public-health- users who do not use, or have access to, this not-public-shaming (accessed 5 January 2021). platform or technology. Users may also be more Branley-Bell D and Talbot CV (2020) Exploring the likely to tweet when they have a negative opin- impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and UK ion, which may have resulted in our sample lockdown on individuals with experience of eat- being more negatively weighted. However, that ing disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders 8(1): is not to discount the value of these opinions as 44. DOI: 10.1186/s40337-020-00319-y.
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