Page created by Tommy Potter
Beyond the immediate crisis:
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and
public transport strategy
A Guideline for Action
Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

The Mobility Institute Berlin (mib) is a consulting and research firm supporting the
transformation of urban mobility. Our activities are driven by one mission: To make cities more
liveable by enabling more likable mobility. Together with our clients from politics,
administrations, private and public companies, we develop clear visions for a sustainable future
of the mobility sector. Based on such visions, we formulate strategies and implementation
roadmaps. Our work is evidence-based, building on systematic data analytics and innovative
tools. Furthermore, we believe that proactive change management is key to successful
transformation. It is our conviction that public transport is the backbone of a comprehensive
sustainable mobility system that also includes pedestrians, cyclists, cars and new mobility


 Dr. Jörn Richert
 Head of Consulting

 Irene Cobián Martín
 Business Development Manager

 Samuel Schrader
 Business Development Manager

Mobility Institute Berlin (mib)
mib Mobility GmbH
Neue Schönhauser Straße 20
10178 Berlin


© mib, 2020

Version 1.02i

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action


SARS-CoV-2ii has shocked the world. Urban mobility is no exception. #stayathome is not only
trending on social media, it is what most people do. With passenger numbers down by up to
95% in some European cities, public transport has been hit especially hard. Public transport
authorities and companies are doing everything they can to tackle the immediate operational
challenges that the crisis is confronting them with.

As we move from immediate crisis into the next phase of the pandemic, however, longer-term
strategic considerations come to the fore. This paper aims to clarify the medium- and longer-
term effects that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic will have on urban mobility and public transport
strategy. We build on our reading of the most recent scientific debates on the pandemic, expert
mobility and public transport knowledge, and targeted interviews with public transport
operators, authorities and experts as well as with new mobility players.

Our major findings are:

The Pandemic                      Mobility Behavior                  Public Transport Strategy

The current crisis is only the    While mobility demand will         Beyond the current crisis
beginning. The SARS-CoV-2         rebound after the initial          management, public
pandemic might last for           crisis phase, it is likely to      transport authorities and
several years.                    remain below pre-crisis            companies need to
                                  levels at least throughout         formulate long-term
We are approaching a
                                  the calibration phase.             strategies.
second pandemic phase.
This calibration phase might      Given the back-and-forth of        It would be a mistake to
last until the second half of     restrictions, mobility             sideline or halt strategic
2021.                             demand will remain volatile        initiatives just because they
                                  throughout the calibration         do not directly contribute
Until then, we might
                                  phase.                             to crisis management.
experience repeated
infection waves and a back-       Given its comparatively            We find that five particular
and-forth between periods         high perceived (and actual)        initiatives have a crucial
of more and less restrictive      infection risk, many people        role to play in navigating
counter measures.                 might continue to avoid            the pandemic in the years to
                                  public transport over the          come.
A full lift of restrictions
                                  coming months.
remains unlikely until the                                           These initiatives are public
pandemic concludes. For           People are likely to get used      transport offer expansion,
this to happen, an effective      to a more flexible way of          multi-modal integration,
vaccine needs to be               choosing different trans-          simple and flexible pricing,
developed and widely              port modes from day to day.        digitalization and building
distributed.                                                         agile organizations.

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

The pandemic: Crisis, calibration, and conclusion

It seems plausible that the SARS-CoV-2               It is important to note, however, that a lot
pandemic will last for several years:                about SARS-CoV-2 still remains unclear.
                                                     Even though infection numbers make
In an initial crisis phase, governments across
Europe have tried to suppress the spread of
SARS-CoV-2 by substantially restricting                 Suppression                          Mitigation
social and economic life. These measures                Set of strategies that reduce        Set of strategies to slow the
                                                        the average number of                spread of the virus and to
were essential in preventing an uncontrolled            follow-on infections from an         avoid overburdening the
spread of the virus. It is important to                 infected person (repro-              public health system. Not
understand, however, that they mark the                 duction number, also called          necessarily intending to
                                                        R) to below 1.                       bring R below 1.
beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
rather than its end.
                                                     Box 1: Strategies to fight SARS-CoV-2
Many countries are already approaching a
second, calibration phase that might last            headlines every day, their reliability is low
until the second half of 2021. While                 given the great differences in testing across
measures are going to be relaxed during this         geographies. With respect to the virus itself,
phase, we are likely to see continuing efforts       furthermore, we do not yet fully understand
to mitigate the spread of the virus, such as         the effect of rising temperatures on
softer forms of social distancing or a               reproduction, the potential for future
continuing ban of large public events.               mutations, or transmission pathways
Moreover, it is likely that we will experience       beyond direct human contact.iii It is also
recurring waves of infections, during which          unclear if existing drugs might be effective
more restrictive measures will have to be re-        in treating COVID-19 or when a vaccine will
installed.                                           be available. Political, economic, and societal
                                                     reactions to the virus bear additional
The pandemic will enter a conclusion phase
only after a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine becomes
widely available. Even then, however, we             Given these uncertainties, other scenarios
will not return to “pre-crisis normal”. SARS-        are plausible too. A worst-case scenario, for
CoV-2 might never be defeated entirely, and          example, might assume an unstopped (or
we might continue to see shorter and locally         unstoppable) spread of SARS-CoV-2 and
specific mitigation or even suppression.             some form of economic or even political
Moreover, the pandemic might lead to                 collapse. While such development cannot be
lasting changes in terms of the degree of            ruled out entirely, the magnitude of
digitalization of peoples’ lives (e.g. home          problems that society would face in this
office and e-learning) as well as with respect       scenario is likely to render the future of
to hygiene norms and mobility behaviors.             public transport a secondary concern.

                                                     A best-case scenario, in contrast, would
A pragmatic approach to scenarios                    suggest that SARS-CoV-2 would be
The introduction of this chapter outlines            eradicated quickly, for example through an
what we consider a plausible scenario on             unexpectedly speedy development of a
how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic might                    vaccine.iv In hindsight, the current crisis
evolve. Based on our best understanding of           would look like a very dramatic but short-
epidemiological and virological research and         lived interruption from an otherwise
debate, we further explore this scenario             constant story.
throughout the chapter.

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

Figure 1: Outlook on the potential development of the SARS-CoV- 2 pandemic

The strategic implications of such scenario                    sized enterprises are running into cash-flow
for urban mobility and public transport                        problems, putting their employees on short-
would be limited. We will nevertheless come                    time working or furlough, or laying them off
back to the best-case scenario when                            entirely.
discussing the strategic implications of
                                                               Furthermore, current measures might have
SARS-CoV-2. In the following, however, we
                                                               substantial negative effects on peoples’
focus on exploring a scenario that deals with
                                                               physical and psychological health.
the potentially severe challenges posed by
                                                               Consequently, the pressure to relax the far-
                                                               reaching restrictions is growing.

Stage 1: Crisis
                                                               Stage 2: Calibration
Despite the sad news coming out of
                                                               After the initial crisis response, we are likely
Northern Italian hospitals and other parts of
                                                               to move into a prolonged calibration phase.
the continent, it is important to stress that
                                                               The challenge throughout this phase will be
Europe has – for now – avoided the risk of
                                                               to calibrate the response to SARS-CoV-2 in
an unchecked pandemic. Following the
                                                               a way that balances epidemiological
Italian lock-down of March 9, 2020, the
                                                               concerns with economic and societal
great majority of European countries
                                                               necessities. While this balancing act will
significantly restricted freedom of
                                                               result in a relaxation of restrictions, this will
movement and social interaction. For now,
                                                               most likely not mean a return to pre-crisis
these measures seem to be effective in
suppressing (see box 1)v the spread of SARS-
                                                               Back-and-forth between mitigation and
Most European citizens seem to go along                        suppression increases volatility
with government regulations and guidelines.
A sense of urgency and solidarity is widely                    Calibration is likely to take the form of a
shared. Homeschooling and home office                          back-and-forth between phases of
have become a part of the daily life in many                   mitigation and suppression. When infection
households across the continent.                               numbers are falling, the current suppression
                                                               strategy could be substituted by mitigation
Large parts of the economy have been shut                      strategies. Such mitigation would allow a
down. Despite the swift reaction of states                     return to a more normal social and economic
across Europe and the European Union –                         life. Two recent simulations suggest that
announcing support and guarantee schemes                       mitigation would still reduce social contacts
worth trillions of Euro – small and medium-                    by 25-40%. Even though this reduction is far

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

less radical than those 70-75% that the                about their legitimacy and proportionality
simulations assume for suppression phases,             arise and the economic situation worsens.
a move to mitigation would not mean a full             Consequently, this might lead to policy
lift of restrictive                        responses that are suboptimal from an
                                                       epidemiological standpoint, particularly in
Moreover, recurring waves of infection are
                                                       countries or regions facing elections.
possible. Suppressive measures might be re-
introduced whenever the numbers of new
critical COVID-19 cases exceed certain                 Continuous economic struggle and uncertainty
thresholds. Indeed, already today, countries           about public spending
like Japan, Taiwan and Singapore are                   While economic activity may well pick up
experiencing what might be the onset of a              during the calibration phase, ongoing
second wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections.                  restrictions and recurrent periods of
The relative length of the suppression and             suppression will create further challenges
mitigation periods is hard to foresee. One of          for small and large businesses alike. The
the abovementioned simulations suggests                revenue potential of cafes and restaurants,
that, over the coming months, it might be              for example, might be reduced significantly
necessary to keep up suppression for                   by upholding social distancing rules.
roughly two thirds of the time.v Given the             A swift economic recovery seems unlikely
inherent uncertainty of the current                    under these conditions, and unemployment
situation, however, this is but one                    rates might stay higher than before the
prediction.                                            crisis. It remains unclear if and when
The concrete number, length, and intensity             economies could return to a growth path.vii
of future infection waves remains unknown.             Depending on pre-crisis conditions, the
It will depend on a variety of factors, such as        severity of the crisis, and crisis response,
the impact that higher temperatures will               developments might well look very different
have on the virus, potential mutations that            from country to country.
might have an impact on the virus’                     Furthermore, economic performance could
reproduction rate, the actual number of                force states and municipalities to re-
infected individuals, the development of               consider their spending practices.
critical care capacity in hospitals,                   Governments are facing a dual challenge:
innovations in the treatment of COVID-19,              Economic rescue measures demand massive
new testing methods and practices, and the             funds and, at the same time, lowered
effectiveness of quarantine and social                 economic activity and consumption result in
distancing measures as well as the                     reduced tax income. Under these
compliance with them.                                  circumstances, states and municipalities will
                                                       be forced to re-prioritize their spending.
Reduced compliance and heated societal
debate might result in non-optimal measures            Structural shift towards digitalization with
While most people in Europe have complied              respect to work, education, and leisure
with initial restrictive measures, the fear of         On a more structural level, finally, the
the virus might wear off, giving way to                prolonged calibration phase might result in
growing crisis fatigue. As a result, the degree        helping the digitalization of life to break
of compliance with restrictive measures                through. By digitalization we mean the shift
might diminish. This, in turn, would increase          from physical interaction to virtual
the risk of new infection waves.                       interaction in all parts of life, e.g. work,
Moreover, society is likely to become                  education, and leisure. The longer the
increasingly critical of restrictions, as doubts       calibration phase lasts, the more likely it will

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

be that even hesitant individuals get used to         handshakes, for example, are not certain to
home office, e-learning and videocalls with           survive the pandemic. Extensive
friends.                                              handwashing, sneezing into one’s elbow, or
                                                      wearing face masks in certain situations
Stage 3: Conclusion                                   might also be here to stay.

The development of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine               Altogether, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic will
will be the game changer, signaling the start         likely impact our lives for the years to come.
of a conclusion phase. 70 vaccine projects            As the three presented phases show, the
are currently under way and some initial              pandemic is likely to change its character
progress has been made.viii Nevertheless,             over time. The transition between phases
vaccine candidates will have to go through            will possibly take the form of gradual shifts
animal testing, clinical trials, and approval,        rather than sudden changes. Moreover,
which takes time. Current estimates by the            infection dynamics – particularly
World Health Organization (WHO) and                   throughout the calibration phase – might
experts suggest that it might take around 18          look very different from country to country,
months before a vaccine will be readily               as they depend on political decisions and
available.ix                                          societal compliance with restrictive
Even though a few vaccine projects have
skipped the animal testing stage and already          Despite these remaining uncertainties,
started small-scale human trials, the 18-             however, the three phases help us to clarify
month timeline continues to appear                    the implications of SARS-CoV-2 for urban
ambitious. As Peter Hotez, a leading expert           mobility and public transport. We will
on infectious disease and vaccine                     explore these implications in the following
development at Baylor College of Medicine,            chapters.
puts it, developing a vaccine in 18 months
might be possible only if “all stars align”.x

Production and dissemination might take
additional time. xi The resulting delay might
depend on production capacities at the time
of approval, the country in which the vaccine
is developed, and arrangements to share it
among states. In addition, limited availability
might require a sequenced approach to
vaccination. High-risk individuals and
employees in highly exposed occupations
may be vaccinated first, while the broader
public would have to wait until enough
vaccine doses are available.

Both economically as well as societally, the
conclusion phase will signal a slow recovery.
However, some aspects of life might have
changed forever. First, the abovementioned
digitalization is likely to remain, having an
impact both on the structure of the
economy as well as on daily habits and
routines. Furthermore, new societal norms
are likely to stick. Welcoming hugs and

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

Mobility behavior: Demand, volatility and modal choice

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic will have                               public transport is likely to regain
substantial effects on mobility behavior in                     popularity when the epidemic concludes,
the coming years. Overall, mobility demand                      the growing taste for flexibility might
is likely to rebound after a radical drop                       remain one of the longer-term implications
during the crisis phase. However, ongoing                       of SARS-CoV-2.
restrictions and fear of infection are likely
to keep overall demand way below previous                       Stage 1: Crisis
levels throughout the calibration phase. A
substantial recovery of demand becomes                          With the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 crisis,
more likely towards the conclusion of the                       mobility demand has dropped radically
pandemic. Even then, notwithstanding, the                       across Europe. In Germany, for example,
increasing popularity of home office, e-                        nationwide mobile phone tracking data
learning and similar activities might leave                     suggests that the average daily travel
overall demand below pre-crisis levels.                         distances shrank by 47% between late
                                                                February and late March 2020.xii
We might furthermore see a substantial
increase in demand volatility, particularly                     Moreover, the data shows a clear shift in
in the calibration phase in which recurring                     transport modes (see figure 3). Cycling has
waves of infection might require renewed                        turned out to be the transport mode of the
periods of virus suppression (see box 1,                        moment with its modal share more than
previous chapter).                                              tripling. The modal share of walking almost
                                                                doubled and that of cars increased by
In terms of modal choice, finally, crisis                       roughly 10%. The modal share of public
phase observations might suggest a shift                        transport, in contrast, decreased by about
from public transport towards individual                        one third.
forms of transportation. At the same time,
however, it is by far not clear if this effect                  Further data shows that, in major German
will be long-lasting.                                           cities as well as in capitals across Europe,
                                                                public transport demand shrank by roughly
Furthermore, we might find that people                          75 to 95% (see figure 4).xiii
adapt to the overall volatility throughout
the calibration phase and become
increasingly flexible in choosing their
preferred mode of transportation. While

Figure 2: Outlook on the mobility behavior during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

Figure 3: Development of modal split in Germany from End of February to End of March, 2020

Figure 4: Volume of Apple Maps directions requests per city relative to January 13, 2020

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

Interestingly, the case of Germany shows              Berlin, for example, finds that public
that public transport was not affected                transport use might be responsible for
evenly by the crisis. While all modes                 roughly 10% of overall infections.xvi
experienced a loss of ridership, buses lost
                                                      A simulation study on a hypothetical
riders roughly proportionally to the overall
                                                      influenza epidemic in New York City, in
decline in mobility demand. Trains, in
                                                      contrast, suggests only roughly 4% of
contrast, were hit much harder (see figure
                                                      infections occurred in the subway system
3, right side). This phenomenon has also
                                                      while around 30% occurred in households,
been observed by the Institute for
                                                      roughly 25% in schools and approximately
Transportation and Development Policy
                                                      9% at the workplace.xvii A plausible
(ITDP). The organization hypothesizes that
                                                      explanation for the lower infection number
users tend to favor buses over the use of
                                                      when compared to the Berlin study might
metro lines due to perceived difficulties to
                                                      be the New York study’s exclusive focus on
uphold social distancing in underground
                                                      subways rather than the entire public
                                                      transport system.
New urban mobility services also reacted
                                                      A third, comparable simulation explores a
drastically to the crisis: Berlin-based ride-
                                                      hypothetical influenza pandemic in Beijing.
sharing service Berlkönig, for example,
                                                      The study suggests that a closure of public
closed its regular service and focused on
                                                      transport might reduce the number of
transporting medical staff free of charge
                                                      hospitalized influenza cases by 20%.
instead. Similarly, the car sharing service
                                                      Nevertheless, this number is likely to
Share Now started to offer special rates for
                                                      overestimate the effect of public transport
personnel in critical positions (for example,
                                                      for methodological reasons.xviii
medical and essential services staff). E-
scooter sharers, such as Lime, stopped their
operations altogether.                                People tend to overestimate the risk of public
                                                      transport, but then ignore their own advice
Interlude: Scientific insights on pandemics and       While the actual risk of infection is one
public transport                                      thing, perceived risk and behavior is quite
                                                      another. Indeed, empirical studies on
When exploring the effect of the pandemic
                                                      previous epidemics, such as SARS (2002–
on future mobility demand, studies on
                                                      2003) and A(H7N9) (2013–2017) or
previous epidemic and pandemic events
                                                      pandemics, such as the Swine flu (2009–
help shedding some light on potential
                                                      2010)xix, show a rather ambiguous picture.
developments – particularly when it comes
to public transport.                                  On the one hand, public transport tends to
                                                      feature high up on the list of places to avoid
Clear infection risk in public transport, but         during times of high risk of infection. When
unclear impact on overall infections                  asked about precautionary measures in
                                                      case of a hypothetical influenza pandemic,
While there remains some controversy,                 Europeans ranked public transport as the
science suggests that public transport                riskiest place to be (56% of respondents).
usage increases the risk of infection with            Moreover, 79% of respondents reported
acute respiratory infections or influenza-            they would themselves avoid public
like-illnesses.xv                                     transport.xx
It is still somewhat unclear, however, how            However, this high attention does not
large the overall effect of infections in             necessarily translate into action. In Hong
public transport is. The early version of a           Kong, the link between risk perception and
simulation on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in             action was surveyed during the combined

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

occurrence of the second epidemic wave of             that it took roughly 28 days until all
the avian influenza A(H7N9) virus and the             “residual fear” had passed and passenger
winter peak of seasonal influenza in 2014.            numbers were back to normal.xxv Similar
When asked about their strategies to                  patterns of fresh and residual fear were
reduce risk of infection, roughly 60% of              also observed in Hong Kong during the
respondents suggested to avoid public                 SARS pandemic.xxvi
places and public transport. However, only
7% did actually do so.xxi
                                                      Taken together, these scientific findings
Studies from the UK and Spain report
                                                      suggest three things: First, given the actual
similar patterns. UK citizens were
                                                      risks of infection, adapting one’s modal
interviewed around two weeks after the
                                                      choice is a viable way of managing risk
Swine Flu had reached the UK in April
                                                      exposure. Second, stated risk perceptions
2009. While around 48% of respondents
                                                      and intended avoidance strategies do not
either strongly agreed or tended to agree
                                                      necessarily translate into action. Published
that reducing public transport use would be
                                                      numbers that merely display intended
an effective response to the virus, only
                                                      behavior should thus be taken with a grain
2.8% had actually reduced their use of
                                                      of salt. And third, those people who do
public transport.xxii In another study on risk
                                                      avoid public transport seem to do so
avoidance behavior during the 2009–2010
                                                      because of reported infection numbers
Swine Flu pandemic in Spain, only circa 3%
                                                      rather than reported deaths. After avoiding
of respondents reported that they did
                                                      public transport, it takes them roughly a
actually avoid public transport to reduce
                                                      month to get fully back to normal – in case
risk of infection.xxiii
                                                      no further critical developments occur.

Fear-induced public transport avoidance               With these insights in mind, we now turn to
decreases over time                                   exploring mobility behavior throughout the
                                                      calibration phase.
Finally, what does science tell us about
rebound effects after a crisis? A study
                                                      Stage 2: Calibration
about the impact of the SARS epidemic in
Beijing shows that public transport usage             Mobility demand is likely to increase
collapsed by over 60% at the peak of                  throughout the calibration phase as
infections in April 2003. While infection             restrictive measures are relaxed, crisis
numbers approached zero during the                    fatigue grows, and the immunity within the
second half of May 2003, it took until early          population slowly increases. Yet, mobility
July for ridership to roughly get back to             demand might remain well below pre-crisis
normal.xxiv                                           levels, at least in the earlier stage of the
                                                      calibration phase. Within the context of a
A SARS study conducted in Taipei suggests
                                                      struggling economy, ongoing
that this pattern can be explained by a
                                                      unemployment would keep on depressing
combination of what the authors call “fresh
                                                      mobilty demand, and so would a persistent
fear” and “residual fear”. The study found
                                                      degree of digitalization of social life.
patterns similar to those in Beijing. They
found out that initial drops in ridership             Demand volatility is likely to increase
were proportional to the number of newly              substantially during the calibration phase
published SARS cases. Importantly, the                as a result of the back-and-forth between
drop in passengers was proportional to                suppression and mitigation measures (see
reported infections and not to the reported           preceeding chapter). Moreover, parts of
deaths. This immediate “fresh fear” effect            society could be inclined to
would then tail off over time. Results show           overcompensate the periodical loss of

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

                               Transportation modes have distinct risk profiles
                              Schematic evaluation of infection risk perception per transport mode

                                                                  Increasing level of perceived risk

                   Ride sharing

                   Public transport

                   Ride hailing

                   E-Scooter sharing

                   Car sharing

                   Scooter-/ Bike sharing

                   Private vehicles
                                                                   Perceived infectionrisk
                                                                   Through people:           Operator             Passengers

Figure 5: Comparison of risk perception per transport mode         Through surfaces:     Outdoors       Indoors       Critical

mobility whenever measures are relaxed,                             and subjective risk perception. Users could
further adding to demand volatility.                                swiftly switch from public transport to
                                                                    private car or bike – and back.
With respect to modal choice, public
transport may continue to suffer. After the
current virus outbreak has been brought                             Stage 3: Conclusion
under control, residual fear is likely to                           In the conclusion phase, mobility demand is
linger on for several weeks. Only as residual                       likely to rebound closer to pre-crisis levels.
fear wears off, higher-risk modes of                                Most restrictive measures will be relaxed,
transportation might become attractive                              and new behavioral (and maybe legal)
again. An indicative comparison of                                  norms will reinstate trust. Wearing face
transport modes shows the relatively high                           masks in public transport, for example,
risk associated with public transport use                           could be one of such trust-building
(see figure 5) This suggests that public                            behaviors. Vaccination-induced immunity
transport would become an increasingly                              will furthermore reduce the fear (as well as
viable option only when residual fear has                           the actual vulnerability) of broad parts of
mostly vanished.                                                    society.
Under these conditions, public transport                            At the same time, some factors might
would profit from longer time spans                                 prevent demand to go fully back to pre-
between infection waves. Should infection                           crisis levels. Depending on the economic
waves come in rapid succession, in contrast,                        situation, we might continue to see higher-
it would be difficult for public transport to                       than-previous unemployment in some
regain significant amounts of passengers.                           countries. Moreover, an overall higher
Besides, given the high degree of volatility                        degree of digitalization is likely to be one of
throughout the calibration phase, people                            the long-term effects of the crisis.
might want to re-evaluate their modal                               Particularly in the area of work and
choice on a weekly if not daily basis,                              education, this might have a long-term
depending on the current crisis situation                           effect on mobility demand. Indeed, in a
                                                                    survey among German employees, roughly

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

two thirds of the respondents stated that                    popularity in the long term, whereas private
they would like to work from home more                       car use may stay about the same (see figure
frequently in the future.xxvii Preliminary                   6). The data also shows that changes in the
results of a study surveying employees in                    use of public transport might be the most
the UK show similar results. 29% of                          pronounced. Only 52% of respondents
respondents across all age groups would                      stated their use of public transport would
want to re-balance time between home                         stay the same. However, the coming change
office and physical offices in the long term.                must not necessarily be a negative one.
17% of respondents would even want to                        While 19% of respondents suggested they
work from home entirely. The authors                         would use public transport less frequently
suggest that this might result in a 20-25%                   in the future, roughly the same amount of
decrease in overall commutes.xxviii                          people (17%) might use public transport
                                                             even more than before the crisis.xxix
Demand volatility is likely to
be driven by two
counteracting effects – one
increasing volatility, the other
one reducing it. First, an
occasional recurrence of local
surges in SARS-CoV-2
infections might provoke the
reinstallation of restrictions
for those parts of society not
yet immune to the virus.
Secondly, current experiences
with more flexible work
arrangements might not only
affect the overall number of
commuters. They might also
serve as a catalyst for more
flexible working hours in the       Figure 6: Change of transport mode usage after the SARS-CoV-2 crisis.xxixxxix

longer run. Such flexibility
might reduce peak demand and help to                       Additionally, it is likely that some
distribute passengers more evenly across                   behavioral changes might stick. Public
the day, for example, when people decide to                transport companies and authorities might
work from home in the morning, commute                     be confronted with increased expectations
to work during lunch break and spend the                   regarding flexibility (e.g. in pricing schemes)
rest of the day in the office for meetings.                and multi-modal integration after
                                                           passengers have gotten used to these
Finally, the overall modal share of public                 features throughout the calibration phase.
transport is likely to recover throughout
the conclusion phase. Public transport will                Overall, urban mobility will change a lot
continue to profit from new behavioral and                 across the different phases of the
legal norms, and immunity will make the                    pandemic. It is important to note that the
use of public transport less risky. While                  developments explored here assume no
some suggest that the private car might be                 explicit strategic measures taken by public
the big winner of the SARS-CoV-2                           transport authorities and companies. In the
pandemic, available data seems to                          next chapter, we explore what the latter
contradict this assumption. A recent survey                can do to improve the position of public
among German citizens suggests that only                   transport throughout the pandemic.
cycling and walking might significantly gain

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

Public transport strategy: The importance of core initiatives

Public transport authorities and companies
                                                    “Nobody was prepared for this” - Public Transport
are doing everything they can to tackle the
                                                    Operation Manager in Southern Europe
immediate operational challenges that the
SARS-CoV-2 crisis is confronting them
                                                    Such scenario remains a possibility. It is
with. For example, they increased the
                                                    thus important to stress that the strategic
cleaning and disinfection of vehicles and
                                                    initiatives explored in this chapter are
stations, took further actions to protect
                                                    ”future-proof”, meaning that they will bring
staff and passengers, and implemented new
                                                    substantial benefits both in a best-case
occupancy limitations to enable social
                                                    scenario as well as in a scenario focused on
These measures are essential immediate
                                                    In some cases, their added value might be
reactions to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. As
                                                    different across scenarios. Take the case of
we move from the crisis phase to the
                                                    public transport offer expansion, for
calibration phase of the pandemic,
                                                    instance: In the best-case scenario, this
however, longer-term strategic
                                                    strategy remains essential to promote
considerations come to the fore.
                                                    public transport and thereby makes urban
In this chapter, we explore these longer-           mobility more accessible and sustainable. In
term considerations. While some people              the scenario that focuses on the challenges
question the long-term viability of public          of the pandemic, it is just as important.
transport, we find that it remains the              However, particularly during the next two
essential backbone of urban mobility.               years, its major value added will not
                                                    necessarily lie in winning new customers,
It is important, moreover, to continue              but in two other aspects: Letting previous
pushing for a transformation of the sector.         customers back into the system while
Major strategic initiatives should not be           adhering to social distancing, and providing
sidelined or halted. On the contrary, we            direct and city-specific economic stimuli
find that these initiatives – namely                through associated infrastructure projects.
expanding the public transport offer, multi-
modal integration, simple and flexible
                                                    There is no alternative to public transport as
pricing, pushing digitalization and building
                                                    the backbone of urban mobility
agile organizations – have a crucial role to
play in navigating the pandemic in the years        Urban mobility has faced fundamental
to come.                                            challenges way before the SARS-CoV-2
                                                    pandemic, such as overwhelming
We build the following discussion based on
                                                    congestion and climate and air quality
the insights generated in the preceding two
                                                    concerns. Public transport has been a key
chapters. We furthermore conducted circa
                                                    factor in tackling these challenges. But
20 interviews with public transport
                                                    given the grave impact of the SARS -CoV-2
operators, authorities and experts as well
                                                    pandemic, should we reconsider the
as with new mobility players from across
                                                    strategic importance of public transport in
Europe as well as from East Asia, the
                                                    urban mobility?
Middle East and Latin America.
                                                    To put it simply: No. There is no alternative
As suggested previously, this paper focuses
                                                    to public transport in urban mobility.
on a scenario that zooms in on anticipated
                                                    Indeed, many people have announced the
challenges. Nevertheless, we also briefly
                                                    great comeback of the private car.
discussed a potential best-case scenario.

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

               Considering the varying risk profiles across                        car ownership would overburden public
               transport modes (see figure 5, previous                             urban space.
               chapter), such suggestion might seem
               plausible. However, the survey data                                 Expanding the public transport offer remains
               presented in the previous chapter does not                          fundamental
               show clear evidence that people are going
               to avoid public transport in the longer run.                        But does it make sense to expand the public
               It is thus likely that the demand for public                        transport offer? Here, too, the answer is
               transport services will persist.                                    yes. Expanding offer remains an essential
                                                                                   strategy for the future of urban mobility. In
“Right now, we are convincing people to stop using public                          pre-pandemic times, this strategy was
transport, and afterwards we will need to convince them to                         important for the aforementioned reasons:
come back” - Public Transport Organization Coordinator in                          fighting congestion as well as air pollution
Eastern Europe                                                                     and climate change. SARS-CoV-2 does not
                                                                                   change the importance of this agenda.
               Moreover, attractive public transport is
                                                                                   However, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic adds
               also essential when considering the
                                                                                   further reasons for expanding public
               continuing or even growing pressure on
                                                                                   transport. In the short term, these reasons
               urban public space. Figure 7 presents a
                                                                                   primarily concern the bus system, since it is
               thought experiment showing the effect on
                                                                                   likely that the customers’ preference for
               public space that a radical reduction of
                                                                                   buses over trains and trams will persist
               public transport would have. Building on
                                                                                   until residual fear tails off substantially.
               the crisis-phase modal shift previously
                                                                                   Nonetheless, strategic considerations with
               presented, the figure assumes a
                                                                                   respect to rail-based modes of
               hypothetical halving of public transport’s
                                                                                   transportation should not be disregarded,
               modal share in the post-pandemic future. It
                                                                                   since they remain essential for urban
               furthermore assumes that roughly half of
                                                                                   mobility in the long run.
               this share shifts to private cars. The result
               quickly shows how such a growth in private

                Pre-crisis space requirements of transport modes                                 Hypothetical post-crisis space requirements
                         Relative space requirements, Berlin example                           Based on assumption that public transport modal share is halved

                                                                                         Additional space taken up by cars

     Figure 7: Representation of relative space used by vehicles and people. Infrastructure is not considered. Variation between maps is based on
       hypothetical change in modal split: Pre-crisis based on 2018 Berlin modal split, hypothetical post-crisis assuming that modal share of public
       transport decreases by 50%, and the modal shares of cars, bikes and walking go up by 7.5%, 4% and 2% respectively. Shared assumptions:
       Constant overall mobility demand, based on assumption that mobility demand p.c. might approach pre-crisis levels in the conclusion phase and
       cities are likely to grow further. Constant occupancy of 1.3 individuals per car and 40 individuals per bus. Constant space requirements of 1 sqm
       per pedestrian, 2 sqm per biker, 10 sqm per car and 30 sqm per bus.

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

“Keeping social distancing with a growing number of                 Multi-modal integration creates flexibility and
passengers is a real challenge in public transport” - Public        responds to customer preferences
Transport Planning Lead in Latin America
                                                                    The integration of new mobility services
                                                                    into a multi-modal mobility offer is another
              The following are key aspects of offer
                                                                    field of essential strategic action. Over
              expansion strategies in times of the SARS-
                                                                    recent years, new mobility services have
              CoV-2 pandemic:
                                                                    expanded radically. Shared cars, bikes, and
                  •    Some degree of social distancing is          different kinds of scooters are now widely
                       likely to persist, at least until the        available across cities, and so are ride
                       second half of 2021. This reduces            hailing and sharing services.
                       the number of users that public              If and how these services contribute to a
                       transport can bring on board. Thus,          sustainable and effective urban mobility
                       more capacity will be needed to              ecosystem is intensely debated. Ride hailing
                       accommodate those passengers                 providers such as Uber and Lyft, for
                       who will come back as soon as
                                                                    example, have been proven to create more
                       suppressive measures are lifted.    E-Scooters have also been
                  •    The pandemic provides a critical             blamed for being unsafe, taking up public
                       window of opportunity for offer              space and lacking economic and
                       expansion. The current situation             environmental sustainability.
                       might make things possible (e.g.
                       pop-up bus and bike lanes) that              Nevertheless, public transport is beginning
                       would otherwise not have seemed              to explore areas of cooperation with some
                       viable. The pandemic thus provides
                       a chance to implement measures               “We strongly believe in Mobility-as-a-Service and flexible
                       and run trials that could become             services, but mass transit needs to be the backbone” -
                       permanent in the longer run.                 Public Transport Organization Vice President in Northern
                  •    Thinking some months ahead,                  Europe
                       furthermore, expanding public
                       transport can function as direct and         new mobility players such as on-demand
                       city-specific economic stimuli. This         ride sharing services. These services follow
                       is particularly true for                     a business model closer to that of mass
                       infrastructure projects, such as new,        public transport, using larger vehicles to
                       dedicated bus lanes, new bus stops           pool multiple passengers.
                       or whole new metro lines.
                                                                    Examples for cooperation include Berlin’s
                       Importantly, infrastructure design
                                                                    public transport provider BVG, who teamed
                       will need to take into account the
                                                                    up with ViaVan to create the ride sharing
                       longer-term potential for recurrent
                                                                    service Berlkönig. In another example, the
                       social distancing measures.
                                                                    municipality of Sant Cugat, in the Barcelona
                  •    Finally, particularly train and metro
                                                                    province, worked with on-demand mobility
                       projects are very long-term. While
                                                                    provider Shotl to connect neighborhoods to
                       they start stimulating local
                                                                    train stations. In the context of the SARS-
                       economies from the beginning of
                                                                    CoV-2 crisis, MOIA – another ride sharing
                       construction, their effect on urban
                                                                    provider – began cooperating with the
                       mobility needs time. Even if the
                                                                    Hamburg Transport Association (HVV) to
                       pandemic goes on for several years,
                                                                    take over certain night services.
                       it is likely to be defeated for the
                       most part by the time those projects         In some cases, public transport companies
                       that are now in planning would start         have gone even further by integrating
                       operating.                                   several mobility services into one combined

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

              offer. Within its Jelbi App, BVG offers                       mobility players are suffering from
              public transport, its Berlkönig offer, as well                the pandemic too. This might
              as shared cars, bikes and different kinds of                  increase their willingness to discuss
                                                                            a more thorough integration into
“Our multi-modal offer helps us to rebuild trust in public                  city-wide collaboration schemes
transport and to flexibly react to crisis developments” –                   that do not exclusively focus on
Public Multi-Modal Platform Chief in Norther Europe                         clustering their services and assets
                                                                            in city centers.
              scooters that are operated by cooperation                 •   In the long term, multi-modal offers
              partners. Jelbi also provides initial evidence                might become even more
              of the advantage of such multi-modal                          important. As discussed in the
              platforms in the context of the SARS-CoV-2                    previous chapter, the pandemic is
              pandemic. Between January and April                           likely to have a sustained effect on
              2020, the app experienced a 90% decline in                    customer preferences. Users’ thirst
              public transport bookings. At the same                        for flexibility is likely to last beyond
              time, however, the booking of shared                          the crisis. In the longer run,
              services increased by 6% with a focus on                      therefore, passengers might simply
              shared bikes. These figures point towards                     come to expect a much higher
              the essential value added by multi-modal                      degree of multi-modal integration
              integration in navigating the SARS-CoV-2                      from their public transport
              pandemic:                                                     providers.

                  •   Multi-modal integration can help
                      public transport to generate                  Simple and flexible pricing creates customer
                      customer loyalty by keeping them              trust
                      within their own public-transport-            Pricing is an essential and contested
                      centric ecosystem/app even in                 component of public transport services.
                      volatile times. Within this eco-              The 365-EUR ticket introduced in Vienna
                      system users can move from the bus            has led to much debate. Luxemburg even
                      to shared cars or bikes when                  made public transport entirely free of
                      infection numbers rise. More                  charge. While attractive for passengers,
                      importantly even, they can move               these initiatives have also generated
                      back to bus and train just as quickly         criticism: They would be expensive for
                      when infection risk decreases.                authorities and companies, might not make
                  •   Moreover, multi-modal solutions               people leave their cars at home, and would
                      can help to reduce the                        not be effective without a parallel
                      abovementioned demand pressure                expansion of public transport offer and
                      on bus systems throughout the                 quality.xxxi
                      calibration phase. When bus
                      occupancy reaches the limits                  Other cities, such as London, have chosen
                      induced by social distancing, for             another way by installing pay-as-you-go
                      example, passengers could be asked            ticketing systems. The London system
                      to move from buses to shared bikes            includes automatic payment caps that kick
                      or scooters. Such strategy would              in when certain daily or weekly limits are
                      ensure continuous mobility while              reached. Without having to engage in a
                      reducing infection risks.                     debate about free public transport, such
                  •   Moreover, the SARS-CoV-2                      flexible pricing systems can substantially
                      pandemic opens a crucial window of            help to navigate the SARS-CoV-2
                      opportunity for negotiating multi-            pandemic.
                      modal integration. Many new

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

              Indeed, in Hong Kong, the local Octopus                       vehicles and stations in times of
              Card system has been leveraged to take                        higher risks of infection.
              quick action to counter the effect of the                 •   In the longer run, such flexible
              SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Operators                                pricing schemes can be merged with
              extended the validity of digital public                       the multi-modal integration
                                                                            described above, allowing for
“One centralized payment platform that can process                          innovative mobility-as-a-service
transactions immediately across different modes is                          solutions that might generate new
essential to acknowledge people’s value of time” – Mobility                 business opportunities for the more
Smart Card Payment Expert in East Asia                                      progressive public transport
              transport passes within the system, and the
              government has increased transportation               Digitalization holds great potential to support
              subsidies by reimbursing one third of fare            the transformation of public transport
              payments as soon as passengers spend over
              200 Hong Kong Dollars a month on the                  Digitalization comprises a variety of
              system. Aggregated statistical data                   phenomena that range from the growing
              generated within the Octopus system is                general importance of doing things online,
              furthermore used to cooperate with the                through the development of new, often
              Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong               app-based business models, to the rise of
              Kong, in researching to contain the spread            cloud computing, big data analytics, and
              of the pandemic.                                      artificial intelligence. These themes have
                                                                    been on the top of the economic and
              More broadly speaking, simple and flexible
              pricing schemes can help in navigating the            “Embracing innovation, including digitalization, will be key
              SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in several ways:                  to the survival of public transport” - Public Transport
                                                                    Strategic Planner in Southern Europe
                  •   As the Hong Kong example shows,
                      digital pricing models can be
                      adopted quickly to reward                     political agenda for years.
                      passengers for their loyalty, be it in        Digitalization also holds great potential for
                      terms of prolonging the validity of           public transport, both with respect to user
                      tickets or giving them discounts on           interaction as well as to the improvement
                      future purchases.                             of internal processes and operations.
                  •   Simple and flexible pricing schemes           However, the sector is embracing the full
                      can help generating customer trust.           potential of digitalization only slowly.
                      Given the risk of new infection
                      waves throughout the calibration              As outlined in the previous chapters, the
                      phase, monthly or even annual                 pandemic is already pushing digitalization
                      public transport tickets become               in various areas, such as working and
                      unattractive. Riding on individual            learning from home. For public transport
                      tickets, in contrast, is more                 authorities and companies, however,
                      expensive. Simple pricing schemes             digitalization has a much larger potential
                      and payment caps can re-assure                than simply allowing for work from home:
                      passengers that they will always use
                                                                        •   Digitalization is a fundamental
                      the most favorable fare.
                                                                            building block of multi-modal
                  •   Intelligent and dynamic pricing
                                                                            integration and simple and flexible
                      could furthermore be used to
                                                                            pricing schemes, as highlighted
                      influence travel flows and thus
                                                                            above. Flexible pricing, for instance,
                      regulate the crowdedness of
                                                                            builds on ridership analytics,

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

    automatically assigning and capping           Agile organizations are faster and more
    fares, and undertaking automatic              effective in crisis response and transformation
    payment processes. All these
                                                  The term “agile” refers to a specific working
    demand a high degree of
                                                  style that originates in software
                                                  development but has gained traction in a
•   Online ticketing, more generally,
                                                  much wider range of activities and
    significantly reduces infection risks.
                                                  organizations by now.xxxii It highlights self-
    It helps users to avoid interaction
                                                  directed work in small, cross-functional
    with physical surfaces, tickets and
                                                  teams. Such work is structured in
    cash when purchasing or validating
                                                  consecutive iterative cycles (sprints) and
    tickets. In buses, this effect is
                                                  prioritizes the fast testing of prototypes
    particularly high when compared to
                                                  over long-term, waterfall-style project
    a situation where tickets are
    purchased directly from the driver.
•   Direct and real-time communication            Here, we use the term “agile” in a somewhat
    is another key advantage of digital           broader sense to refer to an organization
    channels. Mobile push notifications,          that is capable of making fast and well-
    for example, efficiently update               informed decisions, that can quickly adapt
    passengers on changes in risk levels          to the apparent volatility throughout the
    and public transport service.                 pandemic, and that can implement
•   Data analytics and AI tools,                  initiatives in a target-oriented and fast way.
    furthermore, can help generating
    systematic and near-real-time                 Building such organization might not have
    information about occupancy, travel           been a major priority for most public
    flows and system bottlenecks. On              transport companies and authorities until
    one hand, such data can inform                now. However, as the preceding chapters
    passengers about the crowdedness              show, the public transport sector will
    of different routing options, helping         confront an unprecedented level of
    them to make informed travel                  volatility. It is likely that it will have to
    decisions. On the other hand, it can          handle great fluctuations in passenger
    help operators to adapt their                 numbers, changing safety and hygiene
    services and reduce the occurrence            regulations, a higher volatility in the
    of bottlenecks.                               workforce, and potential bankruptcies or
•   Finally, internal operations and              impediments of 3rd party service providers
    workflows also profit from process            and suppliers.
    digitalization, big data analytics and        In such a situation, it is essential to be agile
    AI. These help to analyze, visualize          in the sense outlined above. Moreover, an
    and handle increased volatility in,           agile organization is much more likely to
    for example, human resources,                 effectively and quickly pilot the initiatives
    operations and maintenance as well            discussed in this chapter so far:
    as in procurement. In HR, for
    example, dynamic workforce                        •   A crisis reaction team can help to
    planning can help avoiding short-                     constantly monitor the pandemic
    term driver shortages. It can also                    and to design, prioritize and kick off
    assist in tracing infection dynamics                  initiatives to respond to the changes
    among employees and thus help to                      and challenges identified. Four
    contain follow-on infections.                         things help to ensure the
                                                          effectiveness of such team: A direct
                                                          report to senior management,
                                                          clearly defined interfaces with

Beyond the immediate crisis – A guideline for action

    strategy, operations, and other core               helping them to create the
    departments, access to data                        conditions under which they can
    analytics, and capacities for                      effectively reach their goals.
    scenario-planning as a tool to                 •   Furthermore, systematically
    anticipate potential future                        analyzing and redesigning core
    developments and increase                          processes, such as the planning of
    preparedness.                                      new bus lines, can free up essential
•   Agile teams, following the more                    resources and increase the speed of
    specific working methods outlined                  an organization substantially. Such
    above, can help greatly in                         redesign should leverage new
    implementing the strategic                         digital tools and have a radical focus
    initiatives discussed so far. They can             on the final outcome of a process.
    also help implementing short-term              •   Finally, for organizations that have
    operational adjustments made                       long operated in a rather steady-
    necessary by the pandemic - for                    state environment, it is key to
    example the installation of pop-up                 accompany the above initiatives
    bike or bus lanes. Building on agile               with active change management.
    teams means to focus on concrete                   Willing employees might embrace
    and applied pilot projects, bring                  new ways of working. However,
    these into action quickly, and learn               more reluctant employees also need
    and adapt on the way.                              to be brought on board, since they
•   An overarching Project                             will need to apply new processes
    Management Office (PMO), closely                   and interact with more agile teams.
    related to the crisis reaction team,               To win these employees over,
    can help oversee ongoing projects,                 leadership commitment and a
    track progress, and intervene in                   communication of early successes
    case expectations are not met. It is               and improvements are crucial.
    essential that the PMO takes a                     Moreover, employees need to be
    proactive role in engaging with                    convinced of the value of new
    project teams, challenging them on                 processes, and they need to be
    the quality of their outputs and                   trained to apply them.

 Version 1.02 contains additional information on SARS-CoV-2 (see ii) and “fresh” and “residual” fear in
the Mobility Chapter, including minor visual adaptions

 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. A new type of coronaviruses, causing the disease

 For initial tests in this regard see:
Alex W H Chin et al., “Stability of SARS-CoV-2 in Different Environmental Conditions,” The Lancet Microbe, April
2020, 1–1.

 Matthias Horx, “Die Welt Nach Corona: Wie Wir Uns Wundern Werden, Wenn Die Krise Vorbei Ist,”
Kress News, March 19, 2020.

 N. Ferguson et al., “Report 9: Impact of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) to Reduce COVID19
Mortality and Healthcare Demand,” Report, March 16, 2020.
 Patrick GT Walker et al., “Report 12: The Global Impact of COVID-19 and Strategies for Mitigation and
Suppression” (Imperial College London, March 26, 2020).

 Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, Martin Reeves, and Paul Swartz, “Understanding the Economic Shock of
Coronavirus,” Harvard Business Review, March 27, 2020.

  The number of projects reflects WHO official figures as per
“DRAFT Landscape of COVID-19 Candidate Vaccines” (WHO, April 11, 2020).

      “Meeting of Top Scientists Underway to Slow Coronavirus Spread,” UN News, February 11, 2020.

 Robert Kuznia, “The Timetable for a Coronavirus Vaccine Is 18 Months. Experts Say That’s Risky,” CNN,
April 1, 2020.

 Shawn Radcliffe, “How Long Will It Take to Develop a Vaccine for Coronavirus?,” Healthline, January
30, 2020.

  Data by courtesy of MOTIONTAG. Numbers compare last week of February to last week of March
2020. MOTIONTAG uses smartphone sensor- and location-data, complemented with 3rd party data, to
generate insights on movement patterns and transportation modes.

  Measured through the number of direction requests in Apple Maps. Data available at

  “Post-Pandemic, Chinese Cities Gradually Reopen Transport Networks,” Institute for Transportation
and Development Policy, March 26, 2020.

  Some studies find no indication of or only ambiguous evidence for such increased risk:
Joy Troko et al., “Is Public Transport a Risk Factor for Acute Respiratory Infection?,” BMC Infectious
Diseases 11, no. 1 (December 2011): 16.

Alma J Adler et al., “Incidence and Risk Factors for Influenza-like-Illness in the UK: Online Surveillance
Using Flusurvey,” BMC Infectious Diseases 14, no. 1 (December 2014): 232.

Caroline Guerrisi et al., “Participatory Syndromic Surveillance of Influenza in Europe,” The Journal of
Infectious Diseases 214, no. suppl_4 (December 1, 2016): S386–92.

Annie Browne et al., “The Roles of Transportation and Transportation Hubs in the Propagation of
Influenza and Coronaviruses: A Systematic Review,” Journal of Travel Medicine 23, no. 1 (January 2016).

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