BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog

Page created by Amber Dixon
BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog
          Adult Education Catalog

          2019 – 2020

W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G

                  Register Today!

  545 University Drive NE • New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Phone 330-339-2288 or 1-800-227-1665 • Fax 330-308-8958
BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                    AUGUST 2019 – MAY 2020 CALENDAR
                                                                                                                   Starts On Page
                                                                                                                                              Apprenticeship Training Programs Start..............................................................................August 12, 2019
                  August 2019 – May 2020 Calendar........................................................................3                    Full-Time Career Training Programs Start............................................................................August 26, 2019
                  Open House ..........................................................................................................3      Labor Day (No School) ..................................................................................................September 2, 2019
                  Class Directory ..................................................................................................4-5       Law Enforcement Training Academy Starts ......................................................................September 3, 2019
                  Information For Part-Time Classes ............................................................................6             Biddy Races (No Adult Ed Night classes) ......................................................................September 12, 2019
                  Friends of Adult Education ......................................................................................8          High School Open House (No Adult Ed Night Classes) ..................................................November 14, 2019
                  Registration Form ................................................................................................39        Thanksgiving Break (No School) ..................................................November 28, 29, and December 2, 2019
                                                                                                                                              Christmas Break (No School) ............................................................December 23, 2019 – January 3, 2020
                                 FALL 2019 FULL-TIME CAREER TRAINING PROGRAMS
                                                                                                                                              Classes Resume for Adult Ed ..............................................................................................January 6, 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Adult Education
                  Cosmetology........................................................................................................10       M.L. King Jr. (No School) ................................................................................................January 20, 2020
                  Dental Assisting ..................................................................................................11       President’s Day (No School) ..........................................................................................February 17, 2020
                  Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration ..........................................12                        Adult Ed Open House (for 2020-21 School Year) ............................................................February 25, 2020
                  Heavy Equipment/CDL A Operator ......................................................................13                     Spring Break (No School) ..........................................................................................March 23 – 27, 2020
                  Medical Assisting ................................................................................................14        High School Open House (No Adult Ed Night Classes) ..........................................................April 16, 2020
Adult Education

                  Medical Office & Billing Specialist ........................................................................15              Full-Time Adult Ed Graduation ..............................................................................................May 21, 2020
                  Law Enforcement Training Academy ......................................................................16                   Memorial Day......................................................................................................................May 25, 2020
                  Utility Lineworker ................................................................................................17       Adult Ed Open House (for 2020-21 School Year) ....................................................................June 9, 2020
                  Welding Technology ............................................................................................18

                                               2019 – 2020 PART-TIME PROGRAMS

                  Apprenticeship Training ........................................................................................19
                                                                                                                                                                                              OPEN HOUSE
                  Customized Training for Business and Industry........................................................19
                                                                                                                                                                                               For All Full-Time Career Training Programs
                  Computer Technology ..........................................................................................20                                                                  Earn College Credits and Industry Credentials!

                  Health ................................................................................................................21
                  Special Interest ....................................................................................................23                                   February 25 th , 2020                                                                           Y       O
                  Industry & Engineering ........................................................................................26                                                                                                                                         E       P
                                                                                                                                                  4:30 – 6:30 pm                                             and                                                            A
                  Professional Development ....................................................................................29                                                                                                                                                   I
                  Public Safety ........................................................................................................31                                            June 9 th , 2020                                                                      R       O
                  Truck Driver Training ............................................................................................34
                  Testing Services ....................................................................................................35
                  Online Training ....................................................................................................35
                                                                                                                                                    of Students
                  GED Test & Site ....................................................................................................36
                                                                                                                                                     Find Jobs                                                                                                ONE YEAR
                  Transitions Services ..............................................................................................36
                  Aspire Program (Formerly ABLE/GED) ..................................................................37
                                                                                                                                                  Upon Graduation!                                                                                              OPTION!
                  English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) ....................................................37                                 $50 APPLICATION FEE WAIVED FOR THOSE ATTENDING!
          2              Have you seen us lately?      W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G           Buckeye Proud!                  Have you seen us lately?            W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                     Buckeye Proud!               3
BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog
TOPIC                 COURSE TITLE
                                        ADULT EDUC ATION        FALL TERM         WINTER TERM    SPRING TERM   PG   TOPIC             COURSE TITLE
                                                                                                                                                              C L A S S DFALLI RTERME C T OWINTER
                                                                                                                                                                                           R Y TERM      SPRING TERM    PG
FALL 2019 FULL-TIME   Cosmetology                                 08.26.2019 – 05.2021                         10   SPECIAL INTEREST  Guitar for Adults                        09.17.2019   01.07.2020     04.07.2020   25
CAREER TRAINING       Dental Assisting                            08.26.2019 – 05.2020                         11                     Digital Photography                      09.17.2019                  03.31.2020   26
PROGRAMS              Heating, Ventilating, A/C & Refrigeration 08.26.2019 – 05.2020                           12                     More Digital Photography: Editing        10.22.2019                  04.28.2020   26
                      Heavy Equipment/CDL A Operator              08.26.2019 – 05.2020                         13                     Advancing Your Photography                                           04.01.2020   26
                      Medical Assisting                           08.26.2019 – 05.2020                         14   INDUSTRY          Basic Shop Math                          08.12.2019                               26
                      Medical Office & Billing Specialist         08.26.2019 – 05.2020                         15                     Forklift Training                                     (monthly)                   26
                      Law Enforcement Training Academy            09.03.2019 – 05.2020                         16                     Housewiring                              09.18.2019   12.04.2019    03.04.2020    27
                      Utility Lineworker                          08.26.2019 – 05.2020                         17                     Hydraulics - Basic Principles                         11.25.2019                  27
                      Welding Technology                          08.26.2019 – 05.2020                         18                     Hydraulics - Advanced Principles                      02.06.2020                  27
PART-TIME             Machining Year 1                            08.14.2019 – 05.08.2020                      19                     Industrial Blueprint Reading             09.23.2019                               27
CAREER TRAINING                       Year 2                      08.13.2019 – 05.07.2020                      19                     Industrial Electricity I                 08.13.2019                               27
APPRENTICESHIP                        Year 3                      08.15.2019 – 05.01.2020                      19                     Industrial Electricity II                11.05.2019                               27
                                      Year 4                      08.13.2019 – 05.07.2020                      19                     Industrial Electricity III - PLC                      02.11.2020                  27
                      Maintenance Year 1                          08.12.2019 – 05.06.2020                      19                     Machine Shop I                           09.16.2019                               28
                                      Year 2                      08.13.2019 – 05.07.2020                      19                     Machine Shop II                                                     03.02.2020    28
                                      Year 3                      08.14.2019 – 05.08.2020                      19                     Metrology                                             02.24.2020                  28
                                      Year 4                      08.15.2019 – 05.01.2020                      19                     Plumbing                                 09.19.2019   01.09.2020    04.23.2020    28
COMPUTER TECH.        AutoCAD                                     09.24.2019        01.07.2020    03.03.2020   20                     Power Equipment - Small Engines          09.17.2019   01.07.2020                  28
                      Excel I                                     09.17.2019        12.03.2019    03.03.2020   20                     Robotics 101                             10.10.2019   01.16.2020                  28
                      Excel II                                    10.22.2019        01.28.2020    04.14.2020   20                     Welding I (Mon. & Wed.)                  09.09.2019                 03.02.2020    29
                      QuickBooks Pro I                            09.19.2019        12.05.2019    03.05.2020   20                     Welding I (Tues & Thurs.)                09.03.2019                 03.03.2020    29
                      QuickBooks Pro II                           10.17.2019        01.30.2020    04.16.2020   21                     Welding II                                            12.04.2019    03.04.2020    29
HEALTH                Phlebotomy                                  09.09.2019                      03.02.2020   21                     Woodworking 101                          10.08.2019   01.14.2020                  29
                      AHA CPR - Healthcare Provider                                 by request                 22                     OSHA 10 Hour                                          by request                  30
                      AHA Non-Healthcare Heartsaver CPR & AED                       by request                 22                     SafeLandUSA                                           (monthly)                   30
                      AHA Heartsaver 1st Aid, CPR & AED                             by request                 22   PROF. DEVELOPMENT Comprehensive Income Tax                 09.16.2019                               29
                      AHA Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens                           by request                 22                     Continuing Education Online                           by request                  30
                      AHA Heartsaver 1st Aid                                        by request                 22                     Cust. Training for Business & Industry                by request                  19
                      AHA Heartsaver 1st Aid, CPR & AED, Bloodborne Pathogens       by request                 22                     Testing Services                                      by request                  35
                      AHA Friends & Family CPR                                      by request                 22                     Online Training Options                               by request                  35
                      AHA HealthCare Provider BLS                                   by request                 22                     GED Test & Site                                       by request                  36
SPECIAL INTEREST      Cake Decorating - I                         09.09.2019                      03.02.2020   23                     Transitions Services                                  by request                  36
                      Cake Decorating - II                        10.14.2019                      04.13.2020   23                     GED/ABLE/ESOL                                         by request                  37
                      Taste of the Caribbean                      09.10.2019                                   23   PUBLIC SAFETY     Emergency Medical Responder                           by request                  31
                      Italian Cuisine                             10.08.2019                                   23                     Emergency Medical Technician             09.04.2019   02.19.2020                  31
                      Entertaining Appetizers                     11.12.2019                                   23                     Advanced EMT                             09.10.2019                               31
                      Holiday Foods                                                 12.10.2019                 23                     Industrial First Responder                            by request                  31
                      Taste of New Orleans                                          01.14.2020                 24                     EMR Refresher #105                                    by request                  32
                      Taste of Greece                                               02.11.2020                 24                     EMT Refresher #105                                    by request                  32
                      Asian Cuisine                                                               03.10.2020   24                     Advanced Refresher #105                               by request                  32
                      Flavors of Mexico                                                           04.14.2020   24                     Paramedic Refresher #105                              by request                  32
                      Grilling/BBQ                                                                05.12.2020   24                     Volunteer Fire Fighter #105                           by request                  33
                      Intro to Beekeeping I                       11.19.2019        02.11.2020                 24                     Level I Transition Fire Fighter #105                  by request                  33
                      Intro to Beekeeping II                                        01.07.2020    03.31.2020   25                     Level I Fire Fighter #105                             by request                  33
                      Healthy You Transformation Wellness                           01.07.2020    04.07.2020   25                     Level II Fire Fighter #105                            by request                  33
                      Spanish I                                   09.17.2019                      04.21.2020   25   MISCELLANEOUS     Truck Driver Training                                 by request                  34
                      Sign Language                               10.08.2019                                   25                     Motorcycle Rider’s Education Course                   by request                  34
BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog
INFORMATION FOR PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                      INFORMATION FOR PART-TIME CLASSES
                                 ADULT EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS:                                                                                                   CLASS CANCELLATION:
                                                                                                                              Buckeye Career Center reserves the right to change course locations, schedules, fees, and
                                                                                                                              instructors or to cancel or delay the start date of any course. Should a cancellation become
                                            MON. – THURS. 8:00am – 7:30pm
                                                                                                                              necessary, fees will be refunded in full by check. Allow 3 weeks for refund.
                                                FRI. 8:00am – 3:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                   SCHOOL CLOSINGS:
                                            HOLIDAY & SUMMER HOURS:                                                           Adult classes will meet regularly as scheduled. If conditions require closings,
                                                                                                                              announcements can be heard on the radio after 12:00 noon for our afternoon full-time
                                        MON. – THURS. 7:30am – 4:00pm                                                         classes and part-time classes. Many times our Adult Classes are still operating even
                                     330-339-2288 Phone or 1-800-227-1665                                                     though the high school has closed. Listen to WTUZ 99.9FM and WJER 1450AM. Check
                                                                                                                              out our website for updates as well: www.BuckeyeCareerCenter.org
                                              330-308-8958 Fax

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Adult Education
                                                                                                                              Any money you owe to Buckeye Career Center must be paid in full before registering for

                      WWW.BUCKEYECAREERCENTER.ORG                                                                             a new class. Full payment of fees must be received before entering your name on the
                                                                                                                              class roster. At registration, make check payable to Buckeye Career Center.
Adult Education

                                                                                                                                       VETERANS & SENIOR CITIZENS - 25% DISCOUNT AT REGISTRATION:
                                                                                                                              Veterans and persons over the age of 60 will receive a 25% discount on tuition for some
                                   INFORMATION FOR PART-TIME CLASSES                                                          of our short-term vocational classes with proof of age or DD214 papers. This discount is
                                                                                                                              for tuition only and is not valid for books and supplies. Ask the Adult Education Office
                                                            WITHDRAWAL:                                                       about eligible classes. Tuition discount must be requested at time of registration.
                  If it is necessary to drop a course, notify the Adult Education Office in person. Once
                  registered, you will be billed for course costs. Withdrawals must be made no less than                                                             CONFIRMATIONS:
                  three (3) business days before the class is scheduled to begin. All but $10 processing                      There will be NO notice sent out for classes having sufficient enrollment. If you sign up
                  fee will be refunded for withdrawals made properly. No tuition will be refunded if a                        for a class, prepare to attend the first night. You will only hear from us if the class is
                  student does not withdraw prior to three (3) business days before the start of class.                       cancelled. Students will be responsible for remembering starting dates and times.

                                                                 BOOKS:                                                                                        TEACHING OPPORTUNITIES:
                  All books, supplies, and other materials are included in the course cost. Books will be                     Does everyone enjoy your cooking? Are you making crafts as gifts? Do you speak a
                  available in the Adult Education Office. The student must still supply the basic tools                      foreign language? Do you spend your spare time working in your yard or garden?
                  required. Some exceptions are noted in the brochure.                                                        Have you been working at your trade or craft for five or more years? Ever thought about
                                                                                                                              teaching? Contact the Adult Education Office at 330-339-2288 or 1-800-227-1665.
                                                       CERTIFICATES & CEUS:
                  A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to each student who attends 90% of
                  scheduled short-term classes and satisfactorily completes the course. CEUs are calculated
                  at .1 CEU for every hour spent in class. The student receives the original certificate and
                  the school does not keep a copy. Duplicates can be issued at a cost of $10.
                                                                                                                              BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER
                                                                                                                              ADULT EDUCATION                         Mission Statement
                                                                                                                                                              To serve the community by empowering people, of all ages,
                                                                                                                                                                 to discover their passion and prepare for their future
                        For general information on full-time classes, contact the Adult Education Office at 330-339-2288.                                                through career and technical education.
          6            Have you seen us lately?    W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G      Buckeye Proud!        Have you seen us lately?    W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G   Buckeye Proud!    7
BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog
FRIENDS OF ADULT EDUCATION                                                                             FULL-TIME CLASSES

    Scholarship Fundraiser
     plus Silent Auction
    Advance Tickets     $15
    Also available at the door

                                                          FRIENDS OF                                                                     FALL 2019 FULL-TIME
                                                        ADULT EDUCATION                                                              CAREER TRAINING PROGRAMS
                        Friends of Adult Education raises funds to assist adults in attending                           Buckeye Career Center is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education, a
                        Buckeye Career Center. The opportunity to attend Adult Education to attain                      national accrediting organization. All Full-Time Career Training Programs are
                        increased job stability comes with expenses that are daunting for many.                         approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education and may lead to college
                        Adults wishing to further their education find it difficult to balance work,                    credit at any Ohio public college. College credit articulation agreements are in
                        family, and the added expense of tuition. Unfortunately, subsidized funds                       place with Franklin University and Akron University-Wayne College.
                        for training have all but disappeared. We often come across instances                           Career assessment, financial aid for those who qualify, and job assistance are
                        where financial challenges within a family curtails the education of                            available. Register now for classes beginning in August. Call the Adult Education
                        promising students. It is the mission of Friends of Adult Education to make                     Office for a detailed brochure or an appointment to apply for a full-time program.
                        it possible for adults to continue their education. This, in turn, leads to a                   $50 non-refundable application fee due at appointment.
                        local economy where they can give back to our culture and civic life.

                        We encourage you to learn more about this fund at www.faebcc.com

                          As an advocate of Adult Education, donations can be made to: The Stark Community Foundation                                    Discover Your Passion
                                  for the benefit of Friends of Adult Education. All donations are tax deductible.
                                                                                                                                                        Prepare For Your Future!
MAKE A DIFFERENCE                                     FRIENDS OF                                                        For All Full-Time Career Training Programs                                                      REGISTER
BE THE CHANGE                                       ADULT EDUCATION                                                              “THE ONE YEAR OPTION”
                                                                                                                            Earn College Credits and Industry Credentials
GIVING BEGINS WITH YOU                                                                                                                                                                                                CLASSES BEGIN
                                                       P.O. BOX 132                                                       90%+ of Students Find Jobs Upon Graduation!                                                  AUGUST 2019
                                                NEW PHILADELPHIA, OH 44663                                                   These programs are approved for Title IV financial aid and Veterans training benefits.

8                                                      W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                              W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                    9
BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog
FULL-TIME CLASSES                                                                                    FULL-TIME CLASSES

           Y    P
           E    R
           A    G
           R    A                               COSMETOLOGY                                                                                       DENTAL ASSISTING

               This comprehensive program prepares students to sit for the Ohio State                                This program prepares students for the clinical procedures and
               Board of Cosmetology examination. Students will learn how to give a                                   administrative duties necessary to work in a dentist's office. Students
               professional shampoo, hair shaping and cutting, manicure, and facial.                                 will learn clinical skills such as patient preparation, assisting
               They will learn the art of coloring hair to achieve a desired result, and                             with patient examinations, equipment set up/sterilization, and
               to perm or relax hair.                                                                                dental radiology.

                                      August 26, 2019 – May 2021                                                                              August 26, 2019 – May 2020
                          Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 3:00pm – 10:30pm                                                          Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9:00am – 3:00pm
                                    Tuition: $10,875 Fees: $2,500                                                                            Tuition: $4,350 Fees: $2,000

                                        Eligible Certif ications:                                                                            Eligible Certif ications:
1500                   OHIO STATE BOARD OF COSMETOLOGY LICENSE                                                       CERTIFIED OHIO DENTAL ASSISTANT (CODA) &                                                          600
HOURS                             CAREER-TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                                                 RADIOLOGY LICENSE
                                                                                                                            CAREER-TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE
TUESDAY-THURSDAY                    CPR/FIRST AID CERTIFICATION                                                                                                                                                 TUESDAY-THURSDAY
                                                                                                                             CPR/FIRST AID CERTIFICATION
                                Buckeye Career Center follows Federal Guidelines for the return of Title IV Funds.         Buckeye Career Center follows Federal Guidelines for the return of Title IV Funds.

10                                       W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                        W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                    11
BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog
FULL-TIME CLASSES                                                                                    FULL-TIME CLASSES

                          HEATING, VENTILATING,                                                                                      HEAVY EQUIPMENT/CDL A
                    AIR CONDITIONING, & REFRIGERATION                                                                                      OPERATOR
             The Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration program                                 The Heavy Equipment/CDL A Operator program instructs students
             is designed to provide a basic foundation for a student to enter into                                 in safety on the job including SafeLandUSA Basic Certification, OSHA
             the HVAC-R industries. Skills from hands-on learning will prepare the                                 10 Hour Certification, CPR, First Aid, and Excavation & Trenching
             students to work in one of many areas: sheet metal fabrication,                                       Safety. Students will learn to operate several pieces of equipment
             plumbing, service technician in heating/cooling units, maintenance                                    by use of simulators and hands-on training and will earn their
             and installation of refrigeration systems, and installation of commercial                             Class A CDL.
             and industrial systems.

                                   August 26, 2019 – May 2020                                                                            August 26, 2019 – May 2020
                    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 5:00pm – 9:30pm                                                Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 2:30pm – 9:30pm
                                  Tuition: $4,350 Fees: $2,450                                                                          Tuition: $6,525 Fees: $6,500

                                      Eligible Certif ications:                                                                            Eligible Certif ications:
600                           EPA 608 REFRIGERANT TECHNICIAN
                                                                                                                   CLASS A COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSE (CDL)
                                                                                                                      OSHA 10, AND SAFELANDUSA BASIC
                                                                                                                        CAREER-TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE
                                    CPR/FIRST AID CERTIFICATION
MONDAY-THURSDAY                                                                                                          CPR/FIRST AID CERTIFICATION                                                          MONDAY-THURSDAY
                              Buckeye Career Center follows Federal Guidelines for the return of Title IV Funds.         Buckeye Career Center follows Federal Guidelines for the return of Title IV Funds.

12                                     W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                        W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                   13
BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog
FULL-TIME CLASSES                                                                                    FULL-TIME CLASSES

                                           MEDICAL ASSISTING                                                             MEDICAL OFFICE & BILLING SPECIALIST
                  This program prepares students to handle clinical procedures and                                    This program prepares students to maintain medical records, code
                  administrative tasks under the direction of a physician. Subjects include                           medical procedures and operations, assist health care professionals,
                  basic anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, medical law, and
                  human behavior. Clinical skills include vital signs, EKG, sterile technique,                        manage the day-to day operations of a health care provider's office,
                  venipuncture, urinalysis, etc. Administrative tasks include computer                                and transcribe various medical reports. We offer a comprehensive
                  applications, ethics, telephone triage, and medical records.                                        curriculum covering ICD-9/ICD-10 and CPT coding procedures, in-
                                                                           Day Class                                  depth medical terminology, and basic medical accounting, as well as
                                       August 26, 2019 – May 2020
                       Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 8:00am – 3:00pm                                         transcription skills.
                                     Tuition: $6,525 Fees: $1,850
                                                   OR                                                                                       August 26, 2019 – May 2020
                                       August 26, 2019 – May 2020         Evening Class
                                                                                                                             Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 8:00am – 3:00pm
                       Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 3:00pm – 10:00pm
                                     Tuition: $6,525 Fees: $1,850                                                                          Tuition: $6,525 Fees: $1,850

                                         Eligible Certif ications:                                                                            Eligible Certif ications:
900                           REGISTERED MEDICAL ASSISTANT (RMA)                                                      CERTIFIED MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTANT (CMOA)                                                          900
HOURS                               CAREER-TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE                                                               CAREER-TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE                                                            HOURS
                                       CPR/FIRST AID CERTIFICATION                                                                CPR/FIRST AID CERTIFICATION
MONDAY-THURSDAY                                                                                                                                                                                                  MONDAY-THURSDAY
                                 Buckeye Career Center follows Federal Guidelines for the return of Title IV Funds.         Buckeye Career Center follows Federal Guidelines for the return of Title IV Funds.

14                                        W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                        W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                   15
BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog
FULL-TIME CLASSES                                                                                    FULL-TIME CLASSES


                                             LAW ENFORCEMENT
AUG                                          TRAINING ACADEMY
                                                                                                                                                   UTILITY LINEWORKER

                  This program prepares men and women for the career of deputy                                           Students will learn to set wood poles both manually and with motor
                  sheriff, marshal, deputy marshal, or peace officer employed by state                                   driven equipment and climb poles from 10' to 45' high. Students will
                  subdivisions or organizations. The Academy follows the state
                                                                                                                         learn to operate a variety of equipment and earn their Class A CDL
                  curriculum mandated by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission.
                  Students will gain fundamental knowledge, skills, and abilities in safety,                             and Line Mechanic Certification. Instruction will be given on stringing
                  leadership, and employability as well as training in the Ohio Revised                                  wire, winding lines, and hanging single and double cross arms.
                  Code and physical fitness.                                                                             Electrical, telecommunications and cable lines will be covered.
                                         September 3, 2019 – May 2020
                       Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday 6:00pm – 10:00pm                                                         August 26, 2019 – May 2020
                       +  PLUS Approximately 10 Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays)
                                         Tuition: $5,295 Fees: $1,250
                                                                                                                               Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 7:00am – 12:30pm
                                                                                                                                             Tuition: $5,440 Fees: $4,350

                                            Eligible Certif ications:                                                                            Eligible Certif ications:
740                                OHIO PEACE OFFICER CERTIFICATION
                                                                                                                                     AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER LINE
                                                                                                                                    MECHANIC CERTIFICATION & CLASS A                                                        750
HOURS              +                   CAREER-TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE                                                                 COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSE (CDL)
                                                                                                                                      FLAGGER TRAINING, OSHA 10
MONDAY-FRIDAY PLUS APPROX.                CPR/FIRST AID CERTIFICATION                                                                CAREER-TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE                                                   MONDAY-THURSDAY
(SAT & SUN)                                                                                                                           CPR/FIRST AID CERTIFICATION
                                    Buckeye Career Center follows Federal Guidelines for the return of Title IV Funds.         Buckeye Career Center follows Federal Guidelines for the return of Title IV Funds.

16                                           W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                        W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                   17
BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER - Adult Education Catalog
FULL-TIME CLASSES                                                                                              PART-TIME CLASSES

                                                                                                                                                    APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING

                                                                                                                  Machining Apprenticeship
                                                                                                                  Earn your Certificate of Completion from the Ohio State Apprenticeship Council during this 4-year program.
                                                                                                                  In the machining industry, it’s like earning a Bachelor’s Degree! Learn Machine Theory, Industrial
                                                                                                                  Blueprint Reading, Basic Math through Trigonometry, Geometric Tolerance, and more. Students must be
                                                                                                                  employed in the Machining or Mechanic Industry to enroll to work toward their journey card. August
                                                                                                                  13, 2019 – May 8, 2020.
                                                                                                                  *Year 1 – Wednesday 6:00-10:00pm              Instructor: Jim Cunningham Begins 08/14 $1,450
                                                                                                                  *Year 2 – Tuesday 6:00-10:00pm                Instructor: Gary Phillips        Begins 08/13 $1,350
                                 WELDING TECHNOLOGY                                                               *Year 3 – Thursday 6:00-10:00pm               Instructor: Gary Phillips
                                                                                                                                                                Instructor: Jared Mellor
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Begins 08/15 $1,430
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Begins 08/13 $1,480
                                                                                                                  *Year 4 – Tuesday 6:00-10:00pm

                                                                                                                  Maintenance Mechanic Apprenticeship
                                                                                                                  Earn your Certificate of Completion from the Ohio State Apprenticeship Council during this 4-year program. In the
              This course will cover the welding techniques of Oxyfuel cutting,                                   maintenance mechanic industry, it’s like earning a Bachelor’s Degree! Learn Math, Blueprint Reading, Hydraulics,
              Plasma Arc cutting, SMAW, GMAW, GTAW, FCAW, intro to pipe                                           Sheet Metal, Metrology, and Industrial Electricity through Programmable Logistic Controls, Welding, Machining,
                                                                                                                  CPR & First Aid, Troubleshooting, Plumbing, Automotive Repair, and more. Students must be employed in the
              welding, blueprint reading, AutoCAD, FANUC Arm Robotic Welding,                                     Machining or Mechanic Industry to enroll to work toward their journey card. August 12, 2019–
              and Metallurgy.                                                                                     May 20, 2020.
                                                                                                                  *Year 1 – Monday 6:00-10:00pm                     Instructor: Jay Jenkins           Begins 08/12 $1,480
                                                                                                                  *Year 2 – Tuesday 6:00-10:00pm                    Instructor: Nic Myers             Begins 08/13 $1,350
                                                                                                                  *Year 3 – Wednesday 6:00-10:00pm                  Instructor: Tripp/Menefee         Begins 08/14 $1,400
                                    August 26, 2019-May 2020
                                                                                                                  *Year 4 – Thursday 6:00-10:00pm                   Instructor: Various Staff         Begins 08/15 $1,300
                   Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 5:00pm – 10:30pm
                                 Tuition: $5,440 Fees: $3,575                                                                 CUSTOMIZED TRAINING FOR BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY

                                                                                                                  Training is available on hundreds of topics, specifically designed to meet your needs. Training is offered in a
                                                                                                                  wide variety of job classifications including administrative, computer, supervisory, health care, and industrial
                                     Eligible Certif ications:                                                    trades. Buckeye Career Center offers affordable, flexible, and high-quality training and consulting. Training
 750                               CERTIFICATIONS AVAILABLE IN                                                    can be provided one-on-one or in a group setting. Sessions can be conducted at your business, our facility, or
                                                                                                                  at a mutually agreed upon location. Receive a quick response to inquires and requests. For additional
 HOURS                              SMAW, GMAW, GTAW, FCAW                                                        information, contact the Adult Education Office at 330-339-2288 or 1-800-227-1665.

                                CAREER TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE
                                   CPR/FIRST AID CERTIFICATION
                             Buckeye Career Center follows Federal Guidelines for the return of Title IV Funds.

18                                    W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                                     W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                   19
PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                                                 PART-TIME CLASSES

                                       COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY                                                             QuickBooks Pro II
                                                                                                                       Continuation of Part I. Analyzing financial data, setting up inventory, sales tax, estimating, customization of
                       Classes available on request and on site for companies.                                         forms and letters and payroll. Students must supply their own flash drive (at least 2G.)
                            Call for information 330-339-2288, option 4.                                               5 Weeks                                                     THURS. Begins 10/17/2019 6:00-9:00pm
                                     Many courses are also online!                                                     $140                                                                   Begins 01/30/2020 6:00-9:00pm
                                Check out what’s available by going to                                                                                                                        Begins 04/16/2020 6:00-9:00pm
     AutoCAD - 2016
     Draw and develop plans and blueprints using a computer. Fast-paced class. Must have keyboarding skills and        Phlebotomy
     introductory knowledge of computer. Basic drafting and access to CAD a plus.                                      Train to become a phlebotomist. Techniques in the drawing of blood with emphasis on the safety aspects of
     6 Weeks                                                   TUES. Begins 09/24/2019 6:00-9:00pm                     specimen collections using micropuncture and vein puncture. Hepatitis B Vaccine strongly recommended.
     $250                                                               Begins 01/07/2020 6:00-9:00pm                  LIMITED ENROLLMENT.
                                                                        Begins 03/03/2020 6:00-9:00pm                  10 Weeks                                          MON. & WED. Begins 09/09/2019 6:00-9:30pm
                                                                                                                       $785                                                              Begins 03/02/2020 6:00-9:30pm
     Excel I
     Explore Excel. Edit worksheets. Change the appearance of worksheets. Work with formulas and functions.            American Heart Association CPR - Heartsaver/Healthcare Provider
     Chart worksheet data. Format cell contents and manage multiple-sheet workbooks.                                   Heartsaver CPR AED teaches you CPR, AED and choking knowledge. This program is for anyone with limited
     5 Weeks                                                  TUES. Begins 09/17/2019 6:00-9:00pm                      or no medical training who needs an AHA course completion card.
     $200                                                             Begins 12/03/2019 6:00-9:00pm                    By request - call Buckeye at 330-339-2288                  Or e-mail: ems@buckeyecareercenter.org
                                                                      Begins 03/03/2020 6:00-9:00pm

     Excel II
     Apply advanced functions and data analysis. Create tables and outlines. Utilize graphics and templates. Use
     lookup functions, pivot tables, and macros. Use advanced formatting and analysis tools. Collaborate in Excel.
     Share workbooks and integrate Excel with other programs.                                                           Many of our classes need minimum enrollment
     5 Weeks
                                                                 TUES. Begins 10/22/2019 6:00-9:00pm
                                                                         Begins 01/28/2020 6:00-9:00pm                         numbers to keep the program running. When
                                                                         Begins 04/14/2020 6:00-9:00pm
                                                                                                                                   too many people wait until the last minute to register,
     QuickBooks Pro I
     This is an introduction to the QuickBooks software with a concentration on customers, vendors and set up.
                                                                                                                                      great classes taught by excellent instructors get cancelled.
     Accounting with no hassle! Students must supply their own flash drive (at least 2G.)
     5 Weeks                                                  THURS. Begins 09/19/2019 6:00-9:00pm                                            DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED -
     $200                                                               Begins 12/05/2019 6:00-9:00pm
                                                                        Begins 03/05/2020 6:00-9:00pm
                                                                                                                                        REGISTER EARLY!
                                                                                                                     W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G
20                         Discover Your Passion • Prepare For Your Future                                                                            W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                               21
PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                                                     PART-TIME CLASSES

     American Heart Association CPR – Healthcare Provider                                                                                                             SPECIAL INTEREST
     Designed for those in a Medical field. Students will learn single-rescuer and team basic life support for adults,
     children and infants. Learn how to recognize life-threatening emergencies, provide high-quality chest                   BAKING & COOKING
     compressions, deliver appropriate ventilation and provide early use of an AED. Course also teaches relief of
     choking.                                                                                                                Cake Decorating - I
     By request - call Buckeye at 330-339-2288                         Or e-mail: ems@buckeyecareercenter.org                Skills learned in this class will consist of simple flowers and line decorations. Create stems, floral sprays,
                                                                                                                             sugar molding, piping gel, basket weaves and assorted designs. Make your next party spectacular. Basic
                                                                                                                             cake decorating kit needed.
                                                                                                                             5 Weeks                                                       MON. Begins 09/09/2019 6:00-9:00pm
                                                                                                                             $95                                                                   Begins 03/02/2020 6:00-9:00pm

               CPR AVAILABLE!                          CLASS OPTIONS
      B                                                                                                                  B   Cake Decorating - II
                                                                                                                             Continuation of Part I with more intricate designs and decorations. Learn to prepare that wedding cake! Basic
      C                                                                                                                  C   cake decorating kit needed.
                                                                                                                             5 Weeks                                                      MON. Begins 10/14/2019 6:00-9:00pm
      C                                                                                                                  C   $95                                                                   Begins 04/13/2020 6:00-9:00pm

                                                                                                                             Taste of the Caribbean
                                                                                                                             We will travel from Jamaica to the Cayman Islands, and then travel to a few islands in between.
      COURSE NAME                                                                              ONSITE        OFFSITE         1 Evening
                                                                                                                                                                                                TUES. 09/10/2019 6:00-9:00pm

                                                                                                                             Italian Cuisine
      AHA Non-Healthcare Heartsaver CPR & AED (4 hours)                                        $65           $80             Examine the cuisine of Northern Italy, and learn to make some regional favorites beyond pasta.
                                                                                                                             1 Evening                                                          TUES. 10/08/2019 6:00-9:00pm
      AHA Heartsaver 1st Aid, CPR & AED (6.5 hours)                                            $100          $115
                                                                                                                             Entertaining Appetizers
                                                                                                                             Learn fun and new ideas for creating some exciting appetizers with a twist sure to impress your family and
      AHA Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens (2 hours)                                            $35           $50             friends.
                                                                                                                             1 Evening                                                          TUES. 11/12/2019 6:00-9:00pm
      AHA Heartsaver 1st Aid (3 hours)                                                         $50           $65             $35

                                                                                                                             Holiday Foods
      AHA Heartsaver 1st Aid, CPR & AED, Bloodborne Pathogens (8 hours)                        $125          $140            Spend a fun-filled evening preparing tasty dishes utilizing holiday foods.
                                                                                                                             1 Evening                                                              TUES. 12/10/2019 6:00-9:00pm
      AHA Friends & Family CPR (2 hours)                                                       $35           $50
      AHA HealthCare Provider BLS (4 hours)                                                    $75           $90

22                         Discover Your Passion • Prepare For Your Future                                                                                 W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                               23
PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                                              PART-TIME CLASSES

     Taste of New Orleans                                                                                           Introduction to Beekeeping - Part II
     Learn the cooking techniques and methods of creating some of the favorite dishes of New Orleans. Create        This course expands upon concepts covered in Beekeeping - Part I. Course covers bee stings, honey, extracting
     delicious dishes that can be found nowhere else in the world.                                                  honey, processing beeswax, specialty equipment, and other related subjects.
     1 Evening                                                        TUES. 01/14/2020 6:00-9:00pm                  5 Weeks                                                    TUES. Begins 01/07/2020 7:00-9:00pm
     $35                                                                                                            Instructor: Ray Wirt, Wirt Apiaries, Tusc. Co. Beekeepers           Begins 03/31/2020 7:00-9:00pm
     Taste of Greece
     Get to know the wonderful world of Mediterranean cuisine; the herbs, the fresh vegetables, the choice meats.   FITNESS
     1 Evening                                                           TUES. 02/11/2020 6:00-9:00pm
     $35                                                                                                            Healthy You Transformation Wellness Class
                                                                                                                    Topics include goal setting, high energy foods, honoring hunger/fullness, movement menu, fitness for my
     Asian Cuisine                                                                                                  age/ability, nourishment menu/personal power, Life Inventory and more.
     One of the world's oldest cultures, China has a complex cuisine, with a range of regional dishes often not     6 Weeks                                                    TUES. Begins 01/07/2020 6:00-8:00pm
     found anywhere outside of the country. Join us for a fun night using Asian cooking techniques.                 $100                                                               Begins 04/07/2020 6:00-8:00pm
     1 Evening                                                            TUES. 03/10/2020 6:00-9:00pm
     $35                                                                                                            LANGUAGES

     Flavors of Mexico                                                                                              Spanish I - Conversational
     Join us for a fun evening to learn the colorful and vibrant flavors of Mexico.                                 Planning on traveling or hosting a foreign exchange student? This is a practical course for beginners to learn
     1 Evening                                                              TUES. 04/14/2020 6:00-9:00pm            basic conversation for work, travel, or pleasure. If you’re working with the public, this is a must!
     $35                                                                                                            5 Weeks, Twice a Week                              TUES. & THURS. Begins 09/17/2019 5:30-8:30pm
                                                                                                                    $250                                                                 Begins 04/21/2020 5:30-8:30pm
     Summer is the time for grilling!Show off your new skills in your own backyards. Ladies and gentlemen...let     Sign Language
     the grilling begin!                                                                                            Designed to help people communicate with the deaf and hearing impaired. This would be an excellent addition
     1 Evening                                                           TUES. 05/12/2020 6:00-9:00pm               for law enforcement agents, emergency medical professionals, first responders, social workers, or anyone
     $35                                                                                                            working with the public.
                                                                                                                    6 Weeks                                                   TUES. Begins 10/08/2019 6:00-8:00pm
     BEEKEEPING                                                                                                     $100

     Introduction to Beekeeping - Part I                                                                            MUSIC
     Come learn about what it takes to become a new beekeeper! Course covers honeybee biology, beekeeping
     equipment (protective equipment, woodware, tools), bee diseases, and other related subjects. No experience     Guitar for Adults
     necessary. Book included.                                                                                      Always wanted to play the guitar but didn't know how to get started? During this course, learn the basics of
     5 Weeks                                                   TUES. Begins 11/19/2019 7:00-9:00pm                  playing guitar, including proper posture and hand position, reading music and rhythms, basic chords and
     Instructor: Ray Wirt, Wirt Apiaries, Tusc. Co. Beekeepers         Begins 02/11/2020 7:00-9:00pm                strumming, and much, much more. Come join in the fun and bring your musical dreams to life! Students
     $60                                                                                                            must provide their own guitar for class. LIMITED ENROLLMENT.
                                                                                                                    6 Weeks                                                     Tues. Begins 09/17/2019 6:00-8:00pm
                                                                                                                    $80                                                                Begins 01/07/2020 6:00-8:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                                       Begins 04/07/2020 6:00-8:00pm

24                        Discover Your Passion • Prepare For Your Future                                                                         W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                               25
PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                                                     PART-TIME CLASSES

     PHOTOGRAPHY                                                                                                    Housewiring
                                                                                                                    Basics of theory and hands-on practice of home wiring. Wiring materials, outlets, switch boxes, service
     Digital Photography - Understanding Your Digital Camera                                                        installation, roughing, wire sizes, code application, and finish wiring will be covered. Ask about required tools.
     Taking better photographs can be easy and fun once you know how to operate your digital camera. Learn          10 Weeks                                                         WED. Begins 09/18/2019 6:00-9:00pm
     the fundamentals of photography and the function of the various settings on your digital camera. Bring         $350                                                                     Begins 12/04/2019 6:00-9:00pm
     camera and manual to class.                                                                                                                                                             Begins 03/04/2020 6:00-9:00pm
     4 Weeks                                                 TUES. Begins 09/17/2019 6:00-8:00pm
     $55                                                             Begins 03/31/2020 6:00-8:00pm                  Hydraulics – Basics Principles
                                                                                                                    Principles of power transfer through liquids and compressed air. Standard components and applications in
     More Digital Photography: The Computer-Image Editing                                                           typical systems, pipes, fittings and seals, simple and compound pressure, and reducing directional valves.
     Discover how to use your home computer to retouch your photographs and create special projects with your       10 Weeks                                                    MON. Begins 11/25/2019 6:00-9:00pm
     photos.” Basic computer skills are required!                                                                   $360
     4 Weeks                                                  TUES. Begins 10/22/2019 6:00-8:00pm
     $55                                                             Begins 04/28/2020 6:00-8:00pm                  Hydraulics – Advanced Principles
                                                                                                                    Continuation of Basic Hydraulics.
     Advancing Your Photography                                                                                     5 Weeks                                                       THURS. Begins 02/06/2020 6:00-9:00pm
     Learn to use your photographic skills to “see” the world as picture opportunities. Apply your knowledge of     $180
     photography to discover and create great photos.
     4 Weeks                                                     WED. Begins 04/01/2020 6:00-8:00pm                 Industrial Blueprint Reading
     $55                                                                                                            Designed for the beginner. Limited to the industrial and machining trades. Helpful for welders, machinists,
                                                                                                                    and industrial electricians. Sketching and oblique projects will also be taught.
                                                                                                                    8 Weeks                                                       MON. Begins 09/23/2019 6:00-9:00pm
                                      INDUSTRY & ENGINEERING                                                        $275

     Basic Shop Math                                                                                                Industrial Electricity I
     Learn basic shop math so you can improve your opportunities in jobs, education, and life! Add, subtract,       Complex M/C Circuits; sequencing; lockouts; troubleshooting; mixed voltages and motor loads; dashpot and
     multiply, divide, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and proportions.                                   motor-driven timers, voltage and current measurements. A/C & D/C Circuits.
     5 Weeks                                                       MON. Begins 08/12/2019 6:00-9:00pm               10 Weeks                                        TUES. & THURS. Begins 08/13/2019 6:00-9:00pm
     $90                                                                                                            $550

     Forklift Training                                                                                              Industrial Electricity II
     Receive hands-on training, including new OSHA standards for forklift operation in this one-evening workshop.   Prerequisite is Industrial Electricity I.
     Complete the training, pass the test, and receive a certification card. LIMITED ENROLLMENT. Can be conducted   10 Weeks                                             TUES. & THURS. Begins 11/05/2019 6:00-9:00pm
     at company workplace or Buckeye Career Center. Call for price if requesting customized class off-site.         $550
     1 Evening - WED.                 09/18/2019 6:00-9:00pm                          01/15/2020 6:00-9:00pm
     $40                              10/16/2019 6:00-9:00pm                          02/12/2020 6:00-9:00pm        Industrial Electricity III - Programmable Logic Controls
                                      11/13/2019 6:00-9:00pm                          03/18/2020 6:00-9:00pm        Introduction to PLC’s (Programmable Logic Controls). Prerequisite is Industrial Electricity I & II.
                                      12/18/2019 6:00-9:00pm                          04/15/2020 6:00-9:00pm        10 Weeks                                                   TUES. Begins 02/11/2020 6:00-9:00pm
                                                                                      05/13/2020 6:00-9:00pm        $325

26                        Discover Your Passion • Prepare For Your Future                                                                             W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                               27
PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                                                 PART-TIME CLASSES

     Machine Shop I                                                                                                     Welding I
     Basic instruction and demonstration of the lathe, milling machine, drill press, grinder, saw, and shaper.          This introductory course will expose students to the skills of welding using various welding processes. Students
     Fundamentals of measurement and measuring instruments are included. Shop standards, shop practice, and             will learn electrode identification (E6013 and E7018), weld joint design, fillet and groove welds, and weld
     shop safety are stressed throughout. SAFETY GLASSES REQUIRED.                                                      symbols. Students will also be exposed to the processes of oxyacetylene, carbon arc cutting, plasma cutting,
     10 Weeks                                                  MON. Begins 09/16/2019 6:00-9:00pm                       and gas metal arc welding. Safety will be emphasized. Safety glasses, leather gloves, chipping hammer.
     $325                                                                                                               Long sleeves and welding helmet required. No tennis shoes. Optional book available.
                                                                                                                        10 Weeks                                              MON. & WED. Begins 09/09/2019 6:00-9:30pm
     Machine Shop II                                                                                                    $700                                                                    Begins 03/02/2020 6:00-9:30pm
     Stressing speed and feed requirements, blueprint notations, threads and thread standards, proper alignment,                                                           TUES. & THURS. Begins 09/03/2019 6:00-9:30pm
     and indicating of mill table, spindle, and vises. Gears and belts will be included. SAFETY GLASSES REQUIRED.                                                                               Begins 03/03/2020 6:00-9:30pm
     10 Weeks                                                        MON. Begins 03/02/2020 6:00-9:00pm
     $180                                                                                                               Welding II
                                                                                                                        Welding I is a prerequisite. Use learned skills from Welding I to now be introduced to the welding processes
     Metrology - Measuring & Calibration                                                                                of GMAW and GTAW while working with aluminum stainless steel. A brief review of weld symbols is included.
     Use a variety of measuring instruments. Includes angularity, dimensioning, degrees, radians, grands, external      10 Weeks                                                      WED. Begins 12/04/2019 6:00-9:30pm
     and internal calipers, depth gauges, gear tooth calipers, micrometers, vernier scales, microscopes, comparators,   $350                                                                 Begins 03/04/2020 6:00-9:30pm
     optical flats, lasers, surface indicators, and more.
     8 Weeks                                                        MON. Begins 02/24/2020 6:00-9:00pm                  Woodworking 101
     $325                                                                                                               Woodworking 101 workshops are for people who want to learn how to use common home woodworking
                                                                                                                        tools to build small projects or tackle home improvement tasks. These classes teach you how to take pre-
     Plumbing                                                                                                           milled lumber and other supplies from your local lumber yard or big box home improvement store and turn
     Learn plumbing theory and techniques. Instruction will include threaded pipes, waste systems, water heater         them into something useful.
     installation, and plastic, galvanized, copper, and black gas pipe procedures. SAFETY GLASSES REQUIRED.             5 Weeks                                                    TUES. Begins 10/08/2019 6:00-9:00pm
     Ask about required tools.                                                                                          $125                                                               Begins 01/14/2020 6:00-9:00pm
     5 Weeks                                                    THURS. Begins 09/19/2019 6:00-9:00pm
     $165                                                                 Begins 01/09/2020 6:00-9:00pm
                                                                          Begins 04/23/2020 6:00-9:00pm                                                 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

     Power Equipment - Small Engines                                                                                    Comprehensive Income Tax
     Learn repair work on small horsepower 2 & 4 cycle engines used in power lawn and garden tractors, bush             This 20-lesson course focuses on the majority of the tax forms needed to complete tax returns for yourself
     saws, weed eaters, chain saws, rototillers, and snow blowers.                                                      and the general public. In this course, students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to complete
     10 Weeks                                                   TUES. Begins 09/17/2019 6:00-9:00pm                     federal income tax returns and research tax issues. With this knowledge, earn extra money as a tax
     $325                                                             Begins 01/07/2020 6:00-9:00pm                     professional.
                                                                                                                        10 Weeks                                          MON. & THURS. Begins 09/16/2019 6:30-9:30pm
     Robotics 101                                                                                                       $150 Payable to Advantage Tax Group
     Want to know how robots work? Interested in robotics as a career? Enjoy robotics as a hobby? Tap into that
     exploratory nature, and engage in learning that feels like play. The field of robotics is booming. Everything
     from cars and smartphones to thermostats and gaming consoles are tied to robotics and mechanical
     engineering. Skills like wiring, programming, pneumatics, sensor operations and manufacturing techniques
     will take part in a hands on learning lab.
     5 Weeks                                                    THURS. Begins 10/10/2019 6:00-9:00pm
     $125                                                                 Begins 01/16/2020 6:00-9:00pm

28                         Discover Your Passion • Prepare For Your Future                                                                             W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                29
PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                                                PART-TIME CLASSES

     Continuing Education Online for the Working Professional                                                                                                     PUBLIC SAFETY
     Earn continuing education credits online via the internet. Our integrated, turn-key solutions
     help organizations and professionals remain productive while meeting unique compliance requirements              EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES
     for multiple industries. Log on at www.BuckeyeCareerCenter.org and then click on the right side of the
     page “Adult Education.” Once on the Adult Education site, click on Online Education. There are several vendors   Call 330-308-5720 or email ems@buckeyecareercenter.org
     to continue your education with through Buckeye Career Center. Pricing is on the web by course title.
     For more information, contact John Barr at 330-308-5720 ext. 1562, 1-800-227-1665 or by e-mail at                Emergency Medical Responder
     jbarr@BuckeyeCareerCenter.org                                                                                    The EMR class is a vigorous class setting geared towards firefighters, Law Enforcement, Lifeguards or other
                                                                                                                      first responders who would be first on scene to initiate care. Class Prerequisites: Must pass a WorkKeys
     SAFETY                                                                                                           entrance exam prior to class starting. Once registered for class, this test can be scheduled!
                                                                                                                      50 Hours
     OSHA 10 Hour                                                                                                     $600 at BCC
     OSHA 10-hour training is the primary method used to train workers on hazard recognition and OSHA safety          $625 at Your Site
     standards. OSHA training is necessary for a safe and healthy work environment, and for certain states it is a
     requirement before work can begin. Our OSHA training teaches safety awareness and helps each worker              Emergency Medical Technician
     recognize and reduce the risks of job site hazards. This training covers OSHA standards and safety and health    EMTs can be found working in all kind of fields from Fire Departments, Private Ambulance Services, all the
     hazards workers may face on construction work sites. Our 10-hour course places special emphasis on hazard        way to industrial settings! EMT is a required class on your way to becoming a paramedic! Class Prerequisites:
     identification, avoidance, control and prevention. Call the Adult Education Director at 330-308-5720.            Must pass a WorkKeys entrance exam prior to class starting. Once registered for class, this test can be
     Priced on Group Request                                                                                          scheduled!
                                                                                                                      150 Hours                                           MON. & WED. Begins 09/04/2019 6:00-10:00pm
     SafeLandUSA Basic
                                                                                                                      $975 at BCC                                                          Begins 02/19/2020 6:00-10:00pm
     An essential course for any employee that is new to the Oil & Gas Petrochem Industry that will consistently
     be working in plant, dockside, onshore or offshore facilities. This is required for any employee of a            $1,125 at Your Site
     company that does exploration, production, drilling and/or refining work for any of the leading operators.
     Whether you plan to drive truck, do landscape reclamation, heavy equipment operation, or drill work,             Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
     you need this course! *Buckeye Career Center High School & Adult Full-Time Program graduates will                “Advanced EMT” builds off of EMT certification to allow you to provide basic and limited advanced emergency
     receive a $50 discount!                                                                                          care during transport of critical and emergent patients who access 911. Advanced EMTs
     BASIC                                                          WED. 1 Day 7:30am-5:00pm                          learn basic cardiac monitoring, IV access and medication administration, advanced airway management along
     $170                                                09/11/2019                              01/08/2020           with many other life-saving techniques. The Advanced EMT admittance is based on an entrance exam,
                                                         10/09/2019                              02/12/2020           interview, and WorkKeys. Class Prerequisites: Must carry a current Ohio EMT card and BLS Certification prior
                                                         11/13/2019                              03/11/2020           to entrance exam.
                                                         12/11/2019                              04/08/2020           200 Hours                                       TUES. & THURS. Begins 09/10/2019 6:00-10:00pm
                                                                                                 05/13/2020           $2,250 at BCC
                                                                                                 06/10/2020           $2,500 at Your Site
                                                                                                 08/12/2020           Industrial First Responder
                                                                                                                      Industrial First Responders work in the industrial setting and are first to respond to all incidents that happen
                                                                                                                      within the facility. This class does not carry a NREMT certification however provides your employees with
                                                                                                                      advance training and first responder tools! CPR is included as part of the class!
                                                                                                                      40 Hours
                                                                                                                      $425 at BCC
                                                                                                                      $450 at Your Site

30                         Discover Your Passion • Prepare For Your Future                                                                           W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                31
PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                                           PART-TIME CLASSES

            +                                                                               +
                               Refresher courses are offered by                                                 FIRE FIGHTING
                              Fire or EMS Department request or                                                 Call 330-308-5720 or email fire@buckeyecareercenter.org
                              groups with 6 or more individuals.
                                                                                                                Volunteer Fire Fighter #105
                                                                                                                Required for all volunteer fire fighters, state certified, prerequisites apply. 17 year old high school seniors
                                                                                                                may be eligible. No beards.
     EMR Refresher #105
     A mix of hands on skills and lecture will complete your requirements of 15 hours to renew Ohio EMR         Level I Transition Fire Fighter #105
     certification. This class includes CPR and Ohio Trauma Triage.                                             Transition from 36 Hour Volunteer Firefighter to Level 1. It’s a great way to work on career level training on
     15 Hours                                                                                                   a part-time basis. Prerequisites apply: Must hold Volunteer Fire Fighter Certification.
     $200 at BCC
     $225 at Your Site
                                                                                                                Level I Fire Fighter #105
     EMT Refresher #105
                                                                                                                Complete requirements to become a Level I Fire Fighter. Prerequisites apply.
     A mix of hands on skills and lecture will complete your requirements of 40 hours to renew Ohio EMT
     certification. This class covers all required content, CPR, and Ohio Trauma Triage.
     40 Hours
                                                                                                                Level II Fire Fighter #105
     $400 at BCC
                                                                                                                Finish the requirements to become a Level II Career Fire Fighter! Prerequisites apply: Must hold a Level I Fire
     $425 at Your Site
                                                                                                                Fighter certification.
     Advanced Refresher #105
     A mix of hands on skills and lecture will complete your requirements of 60 hours to renew Ohio Advanced
     certification. This class covers all required content and Ohio Trauma Triage.
     60 Hours
     $500 at BCC
     $550 at Your Site

     Paramedic Refresher #105
                                                                                                                    Discover Your Passion
     A mix of hands on skills and lecture will complete your requirements of 86 hours to renew Ohio Paramedic
     certification. This course includes Ohio Trauma Triage.
     86 Hours
     $850 at BCC
     $900 at Your Site

                                                                                                                BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER                        Prepare For Your Future
32                        Discover Your Passion • Prepare For Your Future                                                                      W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                               33
PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                                            PART-TIME CLASSES

                                       TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING                                                                                              TESTING SERVICES

                                                                                                                  A prerequisite for admission into our full-time programs and EMT courses is to achieve an acceptable skill
                        U.S. America CDL Training Facility                                                        level on the ACT® WorkKeys assessment. WorkKeys measures foundational skills in reading, mathematics
                              And CDL Testing Site                                                                and locating information from various types of graphics.

     Develop the skills necessary for safe operation of a tractor/trailer on the road and pass the CDL            Applicants wishing to register for WorkKeys should contact John Barr, Test Center Coordinator, at
                                                                                                                  330-339-2288 ext. 1562. You will need to provide your full name, date of birth and the last 4 digits of
     road test. American Professional Truck Driving School offers you hands-on training with small classes        your social security number in order to schedule a time for testing.
     to assure you the maximum personalized instruction.
                                                                                                                  For more information on how to prepare for the ACT® WorkKeys assessments, please mention this to John
                               Owner: Lewis (Red) Higgenbotham                                                    and he will be happy to set you up on a KeyTrain® account. KeyTrain® is an online remediation tool, designed
              Class A Driver Training – 5 Week Training (room & board available)                                  to prepare candidates for the WorkKeys assessments. KeyTrain® is offered at no cost to those interested in
                                                                                                                  taking the WorkKeys assessments.
                                   Two-Week Refresher Course
                                                                                                                  Other tests available include Pearson Vue, Ramsey, Castle Worldwide, PAN, OAE, DSST, Comira, Certiport
                    Extended or customized training available upon request                                        (Microsoft Office), ServSafe, and CLEP.
                  CDL Test (Pretrip, Skills, and On-Road Instruction)…….$85
                                                                                                                                                 ONLINE TRAINING OPTIONS!
                               Vehicle rentals available for testing
                                                                                                                  Go to www.BuckeyeCareerCenter.org then choose the Adult Education box on the left. Next click on the
                                    Telephone: 740-254-9313                                                       Online Education in the blue/green bar running across the page.
                                       Fax: 740-254-9141
                  Mailing Address: 8334 St. Rt. 36, Gnadenhutten, OH 44629                                             CHECK OUT THESE NEW OFFERINGS FROM ED2GO:
                                                                                                                                 HIPAA Compliance • Introduction to Natural Health and Healing
                  Location: Lock 17, 1 mile west of Gnadenhutten on Route 36
                                                                                                                     Human Anatomy and Physiology • Creating Web Pages: Introduction to Dreamweaver CS5
                                   americantruckschool@aol.com                                                         Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business • Become a Veterinary Assistant

                                         MOTORCYCLE RIDING

     Motorcycle Rider’s Education Course - Register Early!
     Must have a valid Motorcycle Endorsement or a valid Temporary Motorcycle Learner's Permit to attend a
     Motorcycle Ohio class. To check when the classes are held, and to Register, go to www.motorcycle.ohio.gov/
     and have credit card ready to make the $50 tuition payment. Call Motorcycle Ohio at 1-800-837-4337.
     Do not call Buckeye Career Center for registration.
     3 Days                                                                      WED. EVENING 6:00-10:00pm
     $50                                                                 SAT. & SUN. 8 Hours During The Day

                                                                                                                     ONLINE INSTRUCTOR-LED COURSES (6 WEEKS)

34                        Discover Your Passion • Prepare For Your Future                                                                       W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                             35
PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                                            PART-TIME CLASSES

                                            GED TEST & SITE                                                                                                       ASPIRE
                                                                                                               The Buckeye Aspire program assists adults in Tuscarawas County and surrounding areas with beginning and
     As a certified Pearson-Vue Testing Center, Buckeye Career Center offers the official, computer-based      secondary skills in Reading/Math/Language, High School Equivalency test preparation (GED), English for
     GED test for High School Equivalency (HSE) completion. Prior to testing, all GED testers need to set up   Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and Career and Postsecondary Pathways and Transitions. Guided by
                                                                                                               their class site instructor(s), students blend individualized career and education goals with skill progression
     a personalized account on GED.com and complete the online registration process. All four subjects -       in their subjects of need.
     Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA), Math, Science, and Social Studies - must be passed for
     GED completion.                                                                                           Buckeye Aspire is a grant-funded program through the Ohio Department of Higher Education that offers FREE
                                                                                                               CLASSES to participating students. To enroll, individuals need to complete a three-part orientation at their
                                                                                                               class site that includes career/education goal mapping and establishing starting levels in the core subjects.
     Testers are not required to take all four subjects on the same day and are encouraged to complete         ESOL students only need to attend a single-day orientation at their class site to begin with the program.
     one or two subjects at a time, at their own pace. GED testers must be at least 19 years of age or
     17-18 with the required documentation to test approved in advance by the home school district,            To register for an orientation or for additional program information, please call Buckeye Aspire Coordinator
                                                                                                               Nate Hackenbracht at 330-339-2288, ext. 1551 or 1-800-227-1665. Upcoming orientation dates and
     the Ohio Department of Education High School Equivalency Office, and GED Testing Services.                times can be found on the Buckeye Aspire website: www.buckeyecareercenter.org/Aspire.aspx

     For additional testing and state GED voucher information, contact Buckeye Career Center Testing             NEW PHILADELPHIA                        NEW PHILADELPHIA                                    DOVER
     Coordinator John Barr at 330-339-2288, ext. 1562. GED Testing Services can be reached at
                                                                                                                    Buckeye Career Center
     1-877-EXAM-GED.                                                                                                                                   OhioMeansJobs Tusc. County                      First Moravian Church
                                                                                                                       Room 151/152
                                                                                                                                                         1260 Monroe Street NW                         319 N. Walnut Street
                                                                                                                   545 University Drive NE
     Transitions Services
     Transitions Coordinator Cheryl Ramos can be contacted at 330-339-2288, ext. 1511 and is available          MON., WED. 6:00-9:00pm                TUES., THURS. 1:00-4:00pm                  MON., WED. 9:00am-12:00pm
     to meet individually with students enrolled in the Buckeye Aspire program - especially recent High
     School Equivalency passers - to assist with Career and Postsecondary Education Readiness. She can
     help adult students with career pathways and training options, resume building and employment                   UHRICHSVILLE                        NEWCOMERSTOWN                                      BERLIN
     skills, and job and/or educational opportunity resources.
                                                                                                                  First Presbyterian Church                 Public Library Annex                        Hiland High School
                                                                                                                     633 N. Main Street                      123 E. Main Street                        4400 State Route 39

                                                                                                               TUES., THURS. 6:00-9:00pm              MON., WED. 10:00am-1:00pm                    MON., WED. 5:00-8:00pm

                                                                                                                ESOL                ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES                                             ESOL
                                                                                                                                          Dover First Moravian Church, 319 N. Walnut Street
                                                                                                               ESOL Morning - TUES., THURS. 9:00am-12:00pm                      ESOL Evening - TUES., THURS. 6:00-8:30pm
                                                                                                                                        *Additional offerings include Distance Education and Transitions.
36                       Discover Your Passion • Prepare For Your Future                                                                      W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                               37
PART-TIME CLASSES                                                                           PART-TIME CLASS REGISTRATION FORM
                                                                                                                          BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER
          FROM THE
                                                                                                    More than
                                                                                                300 online courses
                                                                                                                          ADULT EDUCATION                                               BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                A UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF OHIO PROVIDER
         COMFORT OF
                                                 Online Courses                                                                                                                                 REGISTRATION BEGINS JUNE 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                     Payment or Company Purchase Order Must Accompany Registration
                                                                                                                                                                        Mail to: Buckeye Career Center • 545 University Drive NE • New Philadelphia, OH 44663
     Our instructor-facilitated online
                                                  BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER                   Learn More...                                                                  To register for Full-Time Classes contact the Adult Education Office at 330-339-2288
     courses are informative, fun,
                                                                                         • Expert Instructor
     convenient, and highly interactive.                                                                                  Name______________________________________________________________________
                                                                                         • 24-Hour Access
     Our instructors are famous for
                                                                                         • Online Discussion Areas        Address ____________________________________________________________________
     their ability to create warm and
     supportive communities of learners.                                                 • 6 Weeks of Instruction         City_______________________________________ State________ Zip Code ______________
     All courses run for six weeks (with a
                                                                                                                          Last 4 Digits of SS#:____________________ Cell Phone __________________________________
     10-day grace period at the end).
     Courses are project-oriented and
                                                                                                                          Home Phone_________________________ Work Phone ________________________________
     include lessons, quizzes, hands-on
     assignments, discussion areas,
                                                                                          New course sessions begin
                                                                                                                          E-mail Address______________________________ Birthdate: mm/dd/yyyy ____________________
     supplementary links, and more.                                                       monthly. Please visit our
     You can complete any course
                                                                                          Online Instruction Center to    Course Name_____________________________ Course Date ____________________________
     entirely from your home or office.                                                   see exact start dates for the
     Any time of the day or night.                                                                                        Course Name_____________________________ Course Date ____________________________
                                                                                          courses that interest you.
        How to Get Started:                                                                                               Charge Card (circle one)
                                                                                         Enroll Now!
      1. Visit our Online Instruction
         Center:                                                                         Visit our Online Instruction
                                                                                         Center today!
                                                                                                                          Charge Card # or Check # __________________________________________________________
                                                                                          www.ed2go.com/buckeye           Charge Card Expiration Date ________________________________________________________
      2. Click the Courses link, choose                                                  or call:
                                                                                                                          Name of Charge Card Owner ________________________________________________________
         the department and course title
         you are interested in and select the                                             (330) 339-2288
         ENROLL NOW button. Follow the
                                                                                         Courses Start as Low as:         Company Billing Name ____________________________________________________________
         instructions to enroll and pay for
         your course. Here you will enter
         your e-mail and choose a
                                                                                          $99                             Company Address ______________________________________________________________
         password that will grant you                                                    Requirements:
         access to the Classroom.
                                                                                                                          City_______________________________________ State________ Zip Code ______________
                                                                                         All courses require Internet
      3. When your course starts, return                                                 access, e-mail, and the          Company Purchase Order # ________________________________________________________
         to our online Instruction Center
                                                                                         Microsoft Internet Explorer or
                                                                                         Mozilla Foxfire Web browser.     Enrollment Information: Any person 16 years of age or older may register for classes at Buckeye Career Center. Persons currently enrolled in high school must have
         and click the Classroom link.                                                                                    permission from the Adult Education Supervisor before registering and paying fees. Any money you owe to Buckeye Career Center must be paid in full before registering for
         To begin your studies, simply                                                                                    a new class. Registration may be mailed with payment or purchase order, faxed with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or purchase order, or brought in with VISA, MasterCard,
                                                                                         Some courses may have            Discover, Check, Money Order or Cash to the office. Three class terms are held during the year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. Adults are encouraged to register early to avoid the
         log in with your e-mail and the                                                                                  disappointment of a filled class. Tools, some supplies, and materials are NOT covered in the fees. Enrollees are expected to furnish their own protective clothing and safety
                                                                                         additional requirements.         wear. Each enrollee shall agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Board of Education, and each enrollee is hereby informed that his/her enrollment is voluntary
         password you selected during
                                                                                         Please visit our Online          and neither the Board of Education nor any member of the school staff may be held responsible for injury resulting from the enrollee’s action or conduct. Once registered,
         enrollment.                                   MORE COURSES AVAILABLE                                             you are responsible for course costs. Withdrawals must be made no less than three (3) business days before the class is scheduled to begin. All but $10 processing
                                                                                         Instruction center for more
                                                      AT OUR ONLINE INSTRUCTION CENTER                                    fee will be refunded for withdraws made properly. No tuition will be refunded if a student does not withdraw prior to three (3) business days before the start of class.
                                                 www.ed2go.com/buckeye                                                                      The Buckeye Career Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age
                                                                                                                                              in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

38                                          Discover Your Passion • Prepare For Your Future                                                                               W W W. B U C K E Y E C A R E E R C E N T E R . O R G                                                                             39
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