Building your legacy - Citibank

Page created by Ethel Francis
Building your legacy - Citibank


                                                     your legacy

Wealth Elite is a participating life insurance product underwritten by AIA
International Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited is an appointed insurance agent for AIA
International Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability). This
product brochure is issued by AIA and is for distribution by Citibank
(Hong Kong) Limited in Hong Kong only.

           AIA International Limited
           (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)
Building your legacy - Citibank
WEALTH ELITE           1

AIA Group Limited is the largest independent publicly listed
pan-Asian life insurance group, and is the world’s second largest listed
life insurer by market capitalisationi. It is also the fourth largest constituent
of the Hong Kong Indexesii.

As the world is constantly changing, so do the needs of            About AIA Group
customers for protection and wealth management. AIA
Group is committed to providing customers with the most            The founding of the business that is now AIA Group dates
appropriate protection and financial solutions to meet their       back to Shanghai almost a century ago. With the Group’s
needs and aspirations in different life stages.                    rapid development in Hong Kong, it has built a solid
                                                                   foundation and further expanded its domain all over Asia. As
As a leading pan-Asian life insurer, AIA Group has served          of 30 November 2017, AIA Group has total assets of US$216
generations of families in Asia. The Group strives to offer        billioniii.
customers the right protection and wealth management
solutions, to build their wealth and better prepare for their
                                                                   Financial strength
lives at all times, and to protect the future of their next
                                                                   Credit agency ratings are key indicators of financial strength.
                                                                   AIA International Limited currently holds the following
As a market leader, AIA Group focuses exclusively on the
Asia-Pacific region with established operations in 18
markets - wholly-owned branches and subsidiaries, joint
venture or representative offices. The Group understands            Credit Rating - AIA International Limited
the challenges that the people of the region face at different
stages of life.                                                     Standard & Poor’s
                                                                                                                  AA- (Stable)
                                                                    Latest rating date: 31 December 2017

                                                                                                                  Aa2 (Stable)
                                                                    Latest rating date: 31 December 2017

i. Source: Bloomberg (as at 27 February 2018)
ii. Source: (February 2018)
iii. Source: AIA Group Limited Annual Report 2017 (as at 30 November 2017)
iv. Source: AIA Group Limited website

“AIA Group” or ”The Group” herein refers to AIA Group Limited and its subsidiaries.
Building your legacy - Citibank

Perpetual security
for you and your loved ones
WEALTH ELITE          3

Wealth Elite preserves, enhances and allocates your wealth the way you

Wealth is more than a hallmark of success; it is a means       Preserving your wealth through every
of providing financial security for future generations. AIA
understands the importance of ensuring that your wealth
                                                               stage of life
stands the test of time.
                                                               As you grow older and financial obligations change, the
                                                               protection offered by Wealth Elite will evolve to meet your
That’s why we created Wealth Elite – to help you lay strong
                                                               needs at different stages of life.
foundations to grow and protect your gift for generations to
                                                               In the event of the premature death of the insured, who is
                                                               the person protected under the policy, the death benefit can
                                                               become an immediate source of funds to protect the financial
                                                               security of loved ones, allowing continuity of their lifestyle.

                                                               Wealth Elite preserves your legacy, with a death benefit that
                                                               will protect your loved ones beyond your lifetime.

                                                               Potential to grow your legacy

                                                               Wealth Elite offers a guaranteed cash value plus non-
                                                               guaranteed bonuses, meaning you can set up lasting
                                                               financial security for future generations.

                                                               Allocating your gift to your loved ones

                                                               With Wealth Elite, you can allocate the death benefit to
                                                               specified beneficiaries, ensuring that your wealth is passed
                                                               to your loved ones the way you wish.

Potential to grow
your legacy
WEALTH ELITE         5

For the protection you need and a legacy that will provide for generations to
come, Wealth Elite grows your wealth in the following ways.

      I.    Enjoy potential returns through                         II.   Preserve your wealth with life
            bonuses                                                       protection
Wealth Elite is a participating insurance plan which               If the insured passes away, we will pay the death benefit to the
distributes your share of the profit generated from this product   person whom you select in your policy as beneficiary as follows:
group to you through a non-guaranteed Reversionary Bonus
and non-guaranteed Terminal Bonus, which are declared               Death benefit
under your policy at least once per year.
                                                                    If   the   insured      The higher of:
Reversionary Bonus                                                  passes away before      i. 100% of the sum assured; and
                                                                    the age of 70, or
                                                                                            ii. 80% of the sum assured plus
The Reversionary Bonus is a non-guaranteed bonus, the               within the first
                                                                                                the face values of Reversionary
face value of which will become guaranteed and forms a              20 policy years
                                                                                                Bonus accumulated (if any) and
permanent addition to your policy once it is declared. It may       (whichever is later)
                                                                                                Terminal Bonus (if any).
be cashed out or left to accrue in your policy throughout its
                                                                    If   the    insured     80% of the sum assured plus the
duration, allowing the value of your policy to grow with time.
                                                                    passes away after       face values of Reversionary Bonus
                                                                    the above times         accumulated (if any) and Terminal
Terminal Bonus
                                                                                            Bonus (if any).
The Terminal Bonus is a non-cumulative, non-guaranteed
                                                                   In any event, we will deduct all outstanding debt under your
bonus, the amount of which is valid until the next declaration.
                                                                   policy before making the above payments.
The amount in each declaration may be greater or lesser
than the previous amount based on a number of factors,
                                                                   Settlement Option
including but not limited to investment returns and general
market volatility.
                                                                   Apart from a lump sum payment, if you wish your beneficiary
                                                                   to take the amount of death benefit in regular instalments,
We will make payment of the face values of Reversionary
                                                                   the plan provides a settlement option available to you.
Bonuses accumulated (if any) and Terminal Bonus (if any)
under your policy as follows:
                                                                   You can select fixed amounts of benefits to be paid to your
                                                                   beneficiary at regular intervals chosen by you, provided
i.         upon the death of the insured (according to the death   that the total annual payment is at least equal to 2% of the
           benefit calculation); or                                death benefit, subject to our prevailing rules and regulations.
ii.        when the policy matures once the insured reaches the    Remaining amount of benefits will be left in our company to
           age of 100.                                             accumulate at the non-guaranteed interest rate determined
                                                                   by us from time to time, until the full amount of benefits has
In the event that the policy is terminated in any other way,       been paid to the beneficiary.
we will make payment of the accumulated cash value of
Reversionary Bonus (if any), and the cash value of Terminal        The death benefit settlement option is not available if the
Bonus (if any) under the policy. However, these cash values        death benefit payable is less than US$50,000, subject to our
are not guaranteed.                                                prevailing rules and regulations.

”AIA”, ”AIA Hong Kong”, “the Company”, “We”, ”our”, or ”us” herein refers to AIA International Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda
with limited liability).
6             WEALTH ELITE

     III.     Grow your wealth with added                                IV.     Maturity benefit to celebrate your
              flexibility                                                        centenary
More than insurance protection, Wealth Elite offers the             If the insured survives to age 100, the policy will mature and
opportunity for long-term wealth accumulation in the form           we will make payment of the sum of the following:

                                                                    i.         guaranteed cash value, which equals the premium you
i.          guaranteed cash value;                                             paid (excluding any extra premium loading);

ii.         non-guaranteed cash value of Reversionary Bonus (if     ii.        face value of Reversionary Bonus (if any); and
            any); plus
                                                                    iii.       face value of Terminal Bonus (if any).
iii.        non-guaranteed cash value of Terminal Bonus (if any).
                                                                    We will deduct all outstanding debt under your policy before
To enhance your financial flexibility, Wealth Elite offers          making the above payment, and your policy will terminate
you the option of cashing out all or part of the bonuses or         afterwards.
withdrawing any guaranteed cash value by reducing the sum
assured of your policy. After withdrawal, the future value of
the policy and death benefit will be reduced.                            V.      One-time premium payment for
This plan also offers option for a policy loan. You can borrow
                                                                                 protection up to the age of 100
up to 90% of the total guaranteed cash value of the policy
                                                                    Wealth Elite offers life insurance cover until the insured
plus the non-guaranteed cash value of Reversionary Bonus
                                                                    turns 100 years old. It is available to the insured between
(if any). Interest on a policy loan will be charged at a rate
                                                                    the ages of 18 and 70, with a sum assured starting from
solely determined by us from time to time.
                                                                    US$3,000,000. The plan is denominated in US dollars, with
                                                                    a one-time premium (also known as Single Premium in the
                                                                    illustrative document), payable in a lump sum, avoiding the
                                                                    obligation of long-term premium payments.

Planning for tomorrow and

Important Information                                            A committee has been set up to provide independent
                                                                 advice on the determination of the Reversionary Bonus and
This brochure is for reference only. It is not, and does not     Terminal Bonus amounts to the Board of the Company. The
form part of, a contract of insurance and is designed to         committee is comprised of members from different control
provide an overview of the key features of this product. The     functions or departments within the organisation both at
precise terms and conditions of this plan are specified in the   AIA Group level as well as Hong Kong local level, such as
policy contract. Please refer to the policy contract for the     office of the Chief Executive, legal, compliance, finance
definitions of capitalised terms, and the exact and complete     and risk management. Each member of the committee will
terms and conditions of cover. This brochure should be read      exercise due care, diligence and skill in the performance of
along with the illustrative document and other relevant          his or her duties as a member. The committee will utilise the
marketing materials, which include additional information        knowledge, experience, and perspectives of each individual
and important considerations about this product. We would        member to assist the Board in the discharge of its duty to
like to remind you to review the relevant product materials      make independent decision and to manage the risk of conflict
provided to you and seek independent professional advice         of interests, in order to ensure fair treatment between policy
if necessary.                                                    owners and shareholders, and among different groups of
                                                                 policy owners. The actual Reversionary Bonus and Terminal
This brochure is for distribution in Hong Kong only.             Bonus, which are recommended by the Appointed Actuary,
                                                                 will be decided upon the deliberation of the committee and
                                                                 finally approved by the Board of Directors of the Company,
Bonus Philosophy                                                 including one or more Independent Non-Executive Directors.

This is a participating insurance plan designed to be held       To determine the Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus of
long term. Your premiums will be invested in a variety of        the policy, we consider both past experiences and the future
assets according to our investment strategy, with the cost       outlook for all the factors including, but not limited to, the
of policy benefits and expenses deducted as appropriate          following:
from premiums or assets. Your policy can share the divisible
surplus (if any) from related product groups determined by       Investment returns: include interest earnings, dividends and
us. We aim to ensure a fair sharing of profits between policy    any changes in the market value of the product’s backing
owners and shareholders, and among different groups of           assets. Depending on the asset allocation adopted for the
policy owners.                                                   product, investment returns could be affected by fluctuations
                                                                 in interest income (both interest earnings and the outlook
Future investment performance is unpredictable. Through          for interest rates) and various market risks, including
our smoothing process, we aim to deliver more stable             credit spread and default risk, fluctuations in equity prices,
Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus payments by                property prices and foreign exchange currency fluctuation of
spreading out the gains and losses over a longer period          the backing asset against the policy currency.
of time. Stable Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus
payments will ease your financial planning.                      Claims: include the cost of providing death benefits and
                                                                 other insured benefits under the product(s).
We will review and determine the Reversionary Bonus
and Terminal Bonus amounts to be payable to policy               Surrenders: include policy surrenders, partial surrenders
owners at least once per year. The actual Reversionary           and policy lapses; and the corresponding impact on the
Bonus and Terminal Bonus declared may be different               investments backing the product(s).
from those illustrated in any product information provided
(e.g. benefit illustrations). If there are any changes in the    Expenses: include both expenses directly related to the
actual Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus against the         policy (e.g. commission, underwriting, issue and premium
illustration or in the projected future Reversionary Bonus       collection expenses) and indirect expenses allocated to the
and Terminal Bonus, such changes will be reflected in the        product group (e.g. general administrative costs).
policy anniversary statement.
WEALTH ELITE          9

For further information, please visit our website at                The bonds and other fixed income instruments predominantly                   include government and corporate bonds, and are mainly
                                                                    invested in the geographic region of the United States and
For the historical fulfillment ratio, please visit our website at   Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan). Equity-like assets may                     include listed equity, mutual funds and direct / indirect
                                                                    investment in commercial / residential properties, and are
                                                                    mainly invested in Asia. Subject to our investment policy,
     Dividend and Bonus           Historical Fulfillment Ratio      derivatives may be utilised to manage our investment risk
                                                                    exposure and for matching between assets and liabilities.

                                                                    Our currency strategy is to minimise currency mismatches.
                                                                    For bonds or other fixed income instruments, our current
                                                                    practice is to currency-match their bond purchases with the
                                                                    underlying policy denomination on best-efforts basis (i.e.:
                                                                    US Dollar assets will be used to support US Dollar liabilities).
                                                                    Subject to market availability and opportunity, bonds may
                                                                    be invested in currency other than the underlying policy
Investment Philosophy, Policy and                                   denomination and currency swap will be used to minimise
Strategy                                                            the currency risks. Currently assets are mainly invested in US
                                                                    Dollar. For equity-like assets, currency exposure depends on
Our investment philosophy is to deliver stable returns in line      the geographic location of the underlying investment where
with the product’s investment objectives and AIA’s business         the selection is done according to our investment philosophy,
and financial objectives.                                           investment policy and mandate.

Our investment policy aims to achieve the targeted long-            We will pool the investment returns from other long
term investment results and minimise volatility in investment       term insurance products (excluding investment linked
returns over time. It also aims to control and diversify risk       assurance schemes and pension schemes) together with
exposures, maintain adequate liquidity and manage the               this participating insurance plan for determining the actual
assets with respect to the liabilities.                             investment and the return will subsequently be allocated
                                                                    with reference to the target asset mix of the respective
Our current long-term target strategy is to allocate assets         participating products. Actual investments (e.g. geographical
attributed to this product as follows:                              mix, currency mix) would depend on market opportunities
                                                                    at the time of purchase. Hence it may differ from the target
             Asset Class                Target Asset Mix (%)        asset mix.

             Bonds and                                              The investment strategy may be subject to change depending
                                             80% - 100%
  other fixed income instruments                                    on the market conditions and economic outlook. Should
          Equity-like assets                   0% - 20%             there be any material changes in the investment strategy,
                                                                    we will inform policy owners of the changes, with underlying
                                                                    reasons and impact to the policies.

Key Product Risks                                                   Suicide
1. The savings component of the plan is subject to risks and        If the insured commits suicide within one year from the date
   possible loss. Should you surrender the policy early, you        on which the policy takes effect, our liability will be limited
   may receive an amount considerably less than the total           to the refund of premiums paid (without interest) less any
   amount of premiums paid.                                         outstanding debt.

2. We will terminate your policy and you / the insured will         Incontestability
   lose the cover when one of the following happens:
                                                                    Except for fraud, we will not contest the validity of this policy
     •    the insured passes away;                                  after it has been in force during the lifetime of the insured for
     •    the policy matures once the insured reaches the age       a continuous period of two years from the date on which the
          of 100; or                                                policy takes effect.
     •    the outstanding debt exceeds the guaranteed cash
          value plus the cash value of the Reversionary Bonus
          (if any) of the policy.                                   Warning Statement

3. We underwrite the plan and you are subject to our credit         Wealth Elite is an insurance plan with a savings element.
   risk. If we are unable to satisfy the financial obligations of   Part of the premium pays for the insurance and related
   the policy, you may lose your premium paid and benefits.         costs. If you are not happy with your policy, you have a right
                                                                    to cancel it within the cooling-off period and obtain a refund
4. You are subject to exchange rate risks for plans                 of any premiums and any levy paid. A written notice signed
   denominated in currencies other than the local currency.         by you should be received by AIA’s Hong Kong Main Office
   Exchange rates fluctuate from time to time. You may              at 1/F, AIA Hong Kong Tower, 734 King’s Road, Quarry Bay,
   suffer a loss of your benefit values and the subsequent          Hong Kong within the cooling-off period (that is, 21 days
   premium payments (if any) may be higher than your                after the delivery of the policy or issue of a notice (informing
   initial premium payment as a result of exchange rate             you / your representative about the availability of the policy
   fluctuations. You should consider the exchange rate risks        and expiry date of the cooling-off period), whichever is the
   and decide whether to take such risks.                           earlier). After the expiration of the cooling-off period, if you
                                                                    cancel the policy before the end of the term, the projected
5. Your current planned benefit may not be sufficient to            total cash value may be less than the total premium you have
   meet your future needs since the future cost of living           paid.
   may become higher than they are today due to inflation.
   Where the actual rate of inflation is higher than expected,
   you may receive less in real terms even if we meet all of
   our contractual obligations.
WEALTH ELITE         11

Additional Important Information

  Effective from 1 January 2018, all policy owners are required to pay a levy on each premium payment made for both
  new and in-force Hong Kong policies to the Insurance Authority (IA). For levy details, please visit our website at or IA’s website at

The levy rates and the maximum amount of levy to be paid by policy owners from 2018 till 2021 onwards are listed as below:

                                                                                                 Maximum Levy (HKD)
                     Policy Anniversary Date                              Levy Rate
                                                                                                  Long Term Business
  From 1 January 2018 to 31 March 2019 (both dates inclusive)              0.04%                          $40
  From 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 (both dates inclusive)                0.06%                          $60
  From 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 (both dates inclusive)                0.085%                         $85
  From 1 April 2021 onwards (inclusive of that date)                        0.1%                         $100

1.		This product is a life insurance product issued by AIA.      3.		At AIA’s discretion, AIA may distribute the surplus from
    This is a participating policy. The underwriting risks,          AIA’s profit from this product group to policy owners as
    financial obligations and support functions associated           bonuses. Reversionary Bonus is the share of any surplus
    with the policies issued by AIA are its responsibility.          that AIA determines each year. Terminal Bonus is a
                                                                     further share in any remaining surplus after Reversionary
2. The plan is an insurance plan with a savings element. Part        Bonus is distributed.
   of the premium(s) will be used to support the guaranteed
   benefit(s) such as guaranteed cash value and / or death           We aim to ensure a fair sharing of profits between policy
   benefit. Applicable fees and charges (including but not           owners and AIA shareholders, and among different
   limited to cost of insurance and premium charge) will be          groups of policy owners:
   deducted from the policy value, where appropriate.
                                                                     i.    Policy owners and AIA shareholders - Any profits
   The plan is a long term insurance plan and is designed                  and losses will be allocated among policy owners
   to be held until the end of the policy term. Should you                 and AIA shareholders according to the defined
   terminate the policy before the end of the lock-in period               shareholders’ profit basis. This is reflected in the
   (please refer to point 16 below), you may receive an                    benefit illustration for the policy.
   amount considerably less than the total amount of
   premium paid and you may lose all the premiums paid.              ii. Different groups of policy owners - Profits will
   The premium of the plan should be paid in full for the                vary among policies with different policy classes.
   whole payment term.                                                   For example, the investment experience would be
                                                                         different for policies started in different years, and
                                                                         therefore the bonus could be different.

   Future investment performance is unpredictable.                   The need to be able to reflect changing market conditions
   Through our smoothing process, we aim to deliver more             in the face value of Terminal Bonus, cash value of
   stable bonuses payments by spreading out the gains                Reversionary Bonus and cash value of Terminal Bonus
   and losses over a longer period of time. If the experience        when a policy owner surrenders a policy is to protect
   of Wealth Elite (on factors including, but not limited to,        the long-term interest of the remaining policy owners
   investment returns, claims, surrenders and expenses)              who may otherwise have their future bonus adversely
   continues to be unfavorable over an extended period, it           impacted by the surrender. Interest accumulation is not
   would lead to a decrease in future bonuses.                       applicable to Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus.

5.		AIA will send an anniversary statement to you upon            7.		Cash withdrawals made will be deducted first from the
    every policy anniversary. The anniversary statement               cash value of encashable Reversionary Bonus (if any)
    will include the face value and current cash value of             and the associated Terminal Bonus (if any) (collectively,
    Reversionary Bonus and current level of Terminal Bonus            “Cash Value of Encashable Bonuses”). Any further
    as of certain date. While the face value of Reversionary          withdrawal which exceeds the remaining balance of the
    Bonus is guaranteed in respect of death benefit, the              Cash Value of Encashable Bonuses will be deemed as
    cash values of Reversionary Bonus (if any) and Terminal           partial surrender of the policy and may lead to reduction
    Bonus (if any) stated on the anniversary statement or             of the sum assured of the policy. Such further withdrawal
    payable on early surrender or termination of the policy           will be deducted from the guaranteed cash value and the
    may be subject to AIA’s adjustment at its sole discretion         associated cash value of Terminal Bonus, given upon
    and may be greater or lesser than the amount projected            such surrender. Therefore, the subsequent guaranteed
    in the illustrative document.                                     cash value, face values and cash values of Reversionary
                                                                      Bonus (if any) and Terminal Bonus (if any) will be
    No Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus will be                  adjusted accordingly based on the reduced sum assured.
    declared before the end of the 1st policy year. Once
    declared, the face value of Reversionary Bonus is                Cash Value of Encashable Bonuses consists of the
    guaranteed in respect of death benefit. However, the             projected cash value of Reversionary Bonus and the
    face value of Terminal Bonus, cash value of Reversionary         projected cash value of the associated Terminal Bonus
    Bonus and cash value of Terminal Bonus may change                which are based on current projections of surrender
    during the life of the policy; they are determined at AIA’s      values and bonus scales, which are not guaranteed
    sole discretion and may be zero.                                 and may be zero. The encashment of your Reversionary
                                                                     Bonus (if any) will reduce the future value of your policy.
     The cash value of bonuses will be less than the face            The reduction of the face values of Reversionary Bonus
     value of the bonuses before policy maturity and the             and Terminal Bonus will in turn reduce the total death
     amount will ultimately be at AIA’s sole discretion. The         benefit. When the Reversionary Bonus is encashed
     cash value of bonuses may be influenced by various              (whether in whole or in part), its corresponding Terminal
     factors, for example abrupt change in market conditions,        Bonus will be encashed as well and the face value of the
     expectation of future investment return and the claims          Reversionary Bonus will be reduced accordingly. The
     experience and hence may not always increase.                   Terminal Bonus under the policy will be adjusted after
                                                                     the encashment of all or any Reversionary Bonus and its
     Terminal bonus is only valid until the next bonus               corresponding Terminal Bonus (if any). AIA reserves the
     declaration and while this would typically be annual,           right to determine the cash values of the Reversionary
     however, AIA reserves the right to determine the                Bonus and the Terminal Bonus at its sole discretion.
     frequency of bonus declarations.
WEALTH ELITE          13

9.		The policy is subject to AIA’s minimum sum assured            13.		Any information and statistics quoted from any external
    requirements as determined by AIA from time to time,              source is solely for informational purpose only and shall
    and no withdrawal will be allowed which has the effect            not be interpreted as having been adopted or endorsed by
    of reducing the sum assured of the policy below the               AIA or Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited as being accurate.
    minimum sum assured required.
                                                                  14. If your application omits facts or contains materially
10.		All guaranteed and non-guaranteed elements (if any)              incorrect or incomplete facts, AIA has the right to declare
    and benefits of insurance policy are subject to the               the policy void.
    credit risk of AIA and the payments of such benefits and
    performance of the insurance policy are the obligations       15.		Whether to apply for insurance coverage is your own
    and liabilities of AIA. In the worst case, you may lose all       individual decision.
    the premium paid and benefit amount.
                                                                  16.		The reference to “Lock-in period” (if any) is the guaranteed
   Policy benefits are not the obligation of any insurance             breakeven year in which guaranteed cash value equals
   agency or distributor selling or distributing the policy,           total premium paid as illustrated in the illustrative
   or by any of their affiliates, and none of them makes               document. Please refer to the illustrative document for
   any representation or guarantees regarding the claims-
                                                                       the lock-in period applicable to your Wealth Elite policy.
   paying ability of AIA. AIA is responsible for its own
                                                                       Early surrender or termination of your policy before the
   financial condition and contractual obligations. Policy
                                                                       end of the lock-in period may result in losses in that you
   owners bear the default risk in the event that AIA is
   unable to satisfy its financial obligations under the               may get back considerably less than your premiums
   insurance policy(ies).                                              paid.

11.		The above product information should be used with the        17. You can apply for a policy loan and borrow up to 90%
    understanding that AIA is not rendering legal, accounting         of the sum of guaranteed cash value and the non-
    or tax advice. You are advised to check with your personal        guaranteed cash value of Reversionary Bonus (if any) of
    tax advisor for advice relevant to your circumstances.            the policy. Where a policy loan is available and taken out,
                                                                      interest on a policy loan will be charged at a rate solely
12. AIA is the insurance underwriter of this insurance plan           determined by us from time to time. Interest on loan
    and is solely responsible for all approvals, coverage and         amounts accrue on a daily basis and are due on each
    compensations of their insurance plans. All insurance             policy anniversary. Any interest unpaid when due will
    applications are subject to AIA’s underwriting and                be added to the outstanding loan amount. The unpaid
    acceptance. Based on AIA’s underwriting, if the medical           loan or policy debt (if any) on the policy will be deducted
    rating (“MR”) of the insured is sub-standard, a lien              from the payment or proceeds (if any) under the policy.
    arrangement will be applied by AIA and the applicable             If the total outstanding loan amounts (including interest)
    adjustment of the guaranteed death benefit is at AIA’s            owing to AIA under this policy (if any) exceed the sum
    sole discretion. The guaranteed death benefit is subject          of guaranteed cash value and the non-guaranteed cash
    to reduction according to a predefined scale based                value of Reversionary Bonus (if any) of the policy, the
    on the medical rating of the insured. AIA reserves the            policy will be terminated.
    final right to approve any policy application. In case the
    policy application is declined, AIA will make full refund     18. Total surrender value / total cash value refer to the same
    of the actual amount of premium and any levy paid by              value and these terms are used interchangeably.
    the customer without interest. AIA shall assume full
    responsibility for the contracts of respective insurance      19. Benefit illustration / illustrative document / proposal
    plans.                                                            refer to the same document and these terms are used

20. The policy currency of this plan offers in US dollars
    (USD). For USD, any exchange rate fluctuation will have
    a direct impact on the amount of premium required and
    the value of your benefit(s) in Hong Kong dollar terms.

     Any transaction involving currencies involves risks
     including, but not limited to, the potential for changing
     political and / or economic conditions that may
     substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency.
     Policy owner should pay heed to the presence of the
     potential currency risks and decide whether to take such

21. Claims under the plan must be made to AIA directly. You
    can get the appropriate claims forms by calling the AIA
    Customer Hotline (852) 2232 8808 in Hong Kong or by
    visiting or any AIA Customer Service
    Centre. Please refer to the policy contract for details of
    claim procedure.

22. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited’s role is limited to
    distributing the insurance product only and Citibank
    (Hong Kong) Limited shall not be responsible for any
    matters in relation to the products provided.

Always dedicated to

It is widely acknowledged that protection has always been secondary
to investment in people’s financial planning. Now however, against the
backdrop of an ageing population and the steadily increasing cost of
healthcare, high net worth individuals are all the more aware of the need
to review their life insurance cover together with plans to preserve their
wealth. AIA is committed to providing the right solutions to customers to
prepare them for the future.

AIA Hong Kong is the leader in its life insurance market.          Tailored solutions to respond to
We provide a full suite of products, supported by one-stop
premier services to help our customers achieve their wealth
                                                                   customers’ lifelong protection needs
and protection goals.
                                                                   As real life changes, our customers’ needs evolve with
                                                                   the growth of society. AIA keeps up with the market by
We are committed to excellence and aspire to set the
                                                                   understanding and proactively anticipating the needs of
standard for the industry in all areas of our business. The
                                                                   different customer segments for different stages of life. We
effort and dedication of everyone in AIA has earned us
                                                                   take a forward-looking approach to product development,
numerous esteemed industry awards, encompassing brand
                                                                   providing innovative and tailored solutions to fulfil the
image, product & services, professional training and social
                                                                   needs of high net worth individuals.
responsibility. This proves that our quality of service, product
innovation, leadership and excellent business reputation are
widely recognised in the community.

For further enquiries, please contact your bank financial consultant or call the AIA Customer Hotline at (852) 2232 8808
(Hong Kong).
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited - Important Notes from the insurance agent

1. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited being registered with the Insurance Agents Registration Board established by the Hong
   Kong Federation of Insurers, acts as an appointed insurance agent for AIA International Limited (the "Insurance

2. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited's role is limited to distributing the insurance product only and Citibank (Hong Kong)
   Limited shall not be responsible for any matters in relation to the products provided.

3. Insurance products are products and obligations of the Insurance Company and not of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited.
   Insurance products are not bank deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed or insured by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited,
   Citibank, N.A., Citigroup Inc. or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries, or any local governmental agency.

4. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in
   relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between you and Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited out of
   the selling process of any insurance product by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited as agent for Insurance Company or the
   processing of the related transaction, you will enter into a financial dispute resolution scheme process with Citibank
   (Hong Kong) Limited in accordance with the applicable rules. However any dispute over the contractual terms of the
   product should be resolved between directly you and Insurance Company.

5. All insurance applications are subject to Insurance Company's underwriting and acceptance.

6. The Insurance Company is solely responsible for all approvals, coverage and compensations of their insurance plans.

7. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited is not rendering legal, accounting or tax advice. You are advised to check with your
   personal tax advisor for advice relevant to your circumstances.

8. You are reminded to review the relevant product materials provided to you and seek independent advice if necessary.

9. For any policy service enquiries, please call your bank financial consultant or contact the Insurance Company.

10. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this leaflet, the English version shall prevail.


© 2018 Citibank Citi and Arc Design is a registered service mark of Citibank, N.A. or Citigroup Inc. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
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