BULLETIN EPFMA - Focus on EU Public Opinion - Former Members of the ...

BULLETIN EPFMA - Focus on EU Public Opinion - Former Members of the ...
N°64/September 2018

European Parliament Former Members Association   www.formermembers.eu

Focus on
EU Public Opinion
                         FMA Activities               FMA Activities

                         Visit under the EU           EP to Campus
                         Presidency                   Programme
                                     Page 19                    Page 24
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                                              03   Message from the President            14     Fake news and how
                                              04   EP at Work                            it influences opinion polls
                                                                                         (Monica Franceschini)
                   PEOPLE STRIVING
                   FOR DEMOCRACY                                                         16 Public Attitudes towards
                                              CURRENT AFFAIRS                            Brexit (Nancy Kelley & Ian
                                              05 Horizon Europe                          Montagu)
                                              (Teresa Riera Madurell)
                                              06   Europe must start to untangle         FMA ACTIVITIES
                                              the Net (Cristiana Muscardini)
                                                                                         18     Democracy Support
                                              07   European Year of Cultural
                        ANNUAL REPORT #2017
                                              Heritage (Mariela Baeva)                   19     Visit under the EU Presidency

                                              08   9 May 2018                            24     EP to Campus Programme
                                              (Gérard Caudron)
    Supporting People Speaking Up                                                        33     Former Members Network
    for Democracy: The European
    Endowment for Democracy
                                              09   Strasbourg by bike 2018
    (EED) celebrates 5 years.
                                              (Jan Dhaene)
    The EED began its work in                                                            LATEST NEWS
    2013 and has proved
                                              FOCUS                                      35     Activities
    itself a valuable addition
    to the existing range of                  11    Without truthful information,        36     New Publication
    international democracy                   there is no democracy
    support organizations and                 (Jordi Sebastià Talavera)                  37     New members
                                              12     New trends in Public Opinion        38     In memoriam
                                              (Philipp M. Schulmeister)
    Cover: ©Shutterstock


The Editorial Board would like to thank all those members who took the time to contribute to this issue of the FMA Bulletin.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the decision to include an article lies with the FMA Editorial Board and, in
principle, contributions from members who are not up-to-date with the payment of the membership fee will not be included.
Due to the long time lag between the call for contribution and the publication, some articles may be outdated.
The FMA Bulletin is published by the European Parliament Former Members Association (FMA) with the assistance of the Europe-
an Parliament. However, the views expressed in articles represent the views of contributing FMA members or guest writers and do
not necessarily represent the views of either the European Parliament nor the FMA. Similarly, any advertisement does not imply an
official endorsement by the FMA or Parliament.

EDITORIAL BOARD                               PREPARED BY                                CONTACTS
Jean-Pierre AUDY                              Elisabetta FONCK                           formermembers@europarl.europa.eu
Brigitte LANGENHAGEN                          Lisseth BRAVO                              Tel.+ 32(0)2 284 07 03
Edward McMILLAN-SCOTT                         Valeh NASIRI                               Fax.+32(0)2 284 09 89
Manuel PORTO                                  Alessandra PERNA
BULLETIN EPFMA - Focus on EU Public Opinion - Former Members of the ...
Message from
                                                        the PRESIDENT
Dear Member,                             In order to strengthen our           EU Commissioner for Research,
                                         network of former Members, our       Science and Innovation, has
Greetings following the summer           delegates Brigitte Langenhagen,      accepted our invitation to be
break and welcome to our                 who was elected Vice-President       the keynote speaker at the
September Bulletin, which is a           of the FP-AP in March, and           Annual Dinner. As usual, we
chance for me to give you a taste        Jean-Pierre Audy represented         expect high-profile speakers at
of our upcoming events.                  the FMA at the FP-AP meeting         the Annual Seminar, which this
                                         held in Brussels from 24 to 26       year is entitled ‘How can former
The focus of this issue is EU            May. The FMA Vice-President,         MEPs and European citizens
public opinion. The Collins              Jan-Willem Bertens, participated     help to rekindle enthusiasm for
English Dictionary defines public        in the Annual Meeting of the US      European construction based on
opinion as ‘the opinion or               Association of Former Members        the European ideal?’. You will
attitude of the public regarding         of Congress on 25 and 26 June in     receive more information about
a particular matter’. Nowadays           Washington. You will find reports    this important engagement in the
the mobilisation of public               on both events, along with some      coming weeks.
opinion is led by newspapers and         pictures, in this Bulletin.
social media, while other ‘old’                                               I look forward to meeting as
communication tools have been            As for our activities in the         many of you as possible at our
left behind. Public opinion is a         field of democracy building,         forthcoming events.
significant force in our societies. In   FMA member Filip Kaczmarek
the words of Blaise Pascal, ‘power       represented the Association at       Best wishes,
rules the world, not opinion, but        the Ninth Global Assembly of the
it is opinion that exploits power’.      World Movement for Democracy
We consulted key players on              in Dakar from 6 to 9 May. You
the European political scene and         can read his impressions of the
former colleagues to help us delve       event in the section on FMA          Hans-Gert PÖTTERING
deeper into this topic.                  activities.                          FMA President

You will also find a section             Looking ahead, our visit to
devoted entirely to FMA activities;      Austria, the Member State
in particular, this issue includes a     currently holding the Presidency
series of reports by FMA members         of the Council of the European
who have participated in our ‘EP         Union, will take place from 28
to Campus’ programme. Through            to 30 October. The programme
this programme, universities can         includes meetings with parliament
benefit from the expertise and           and government representatives,
experience of former MEPs who            as well as with the Mayor of
share their insights into real EU        Vienna and the Secretary General
policy. Positive feedback from           of the OSCE. A full report of
universities and former Members          the visit will be published in the
tells us that students benefit           December edition.
from engaging dialogues and
exchanges of views, which enable         Lastly, our annual events in
them to shape and construct their        Brussels will take place on 28
own conceptions of European              and 29 November 2018. I am
matters.                                 honoured that Carlos Moedas,
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    RescEU: MEPs vote to upgrade EU civil protection            predictability to develop products and services.
    capacity (May Session - P8_TA-PROV(2018)0217)               MEPs want robust EU cyber defence and
    Proposals to upgrade the EU civil defence                   closer ties with NATO (June Session - P8_TA-
    mechanism were approved. The aim is to help                 PROV(2018)0258)
    member states to respond faster and more                    MEPs urge EU member states to enhance the ability of
    effectively to natural and man-made disasters,              their armed forces to work together and to strengthen
    by sharing civil protection assets more efficiently.        cyber co-operation at EU level, with NATO and other
    MEPs call on EU countries to end precarious                 partners.
    employment practices (May Session - P8_TA-                  MEPs approved that the EU budget for 2019
    PROV(2018)0242)                                             do more for the young, SMEs and the climate
    This resolution calls on the European Commission            (June Session - P8_TA-PROV(2018)0107)
    and EU countries to tackle the issue of precarious
    employment practices and the abusive use of fixed-          Priorities are growth, security, fighting climate change
    term work contracts in the EU public and private            and migration.
    sector.                                                     MEPs agreed that giving humanitarian help to
    MEPs vote in favour to EU-wide rules for safety             migrants should not be a crime (July Session -
    of drones (June Session - P8_TA-PROV(2018)0245)             P8_TA-PROV(2018)0314)
    These EU-wide principles for drones and drone               MEPs believe the EU should ensure that helping
    operators will ensure a common level of safety              migrants for humanitarian reasons is not punishable as
    and give operators and manufacturers the                    a crime.

Other main dossiers discussed in the plenary sessions were:
May 2018                                  June 2018                                   with eight non-EU countries
• MEPs push for a modern EU               • Parliament voted for €1 macro-            to strengthen cooperation
farming, with a common policy with        financial loan to help Ukraine              with Europol. (05.07.18)
fair funding. The post-2020 EU farm       cover part of its external financing        • EP approved to reinforced
policy must be smarter, simpler, fairer   needs in 2018-2019. (13.06.18)              EU border security. The new
and more sustainable. (30.05.18)          • MEPs calls on Russia to end               European Travel Information and
• MEPs condemned the continuation         occupation of Georgian                      Authorisation System (ETIAS),
of internal border checks in              territories of Abkhazia and South           which should be operational in
the Schengen area. EU member              Ossetia and fully respect the territorial   2021, will allow for advanced
states should “foster mutual              integrity of Georgia. (14.06.18)            checks on visa-free travellers and
trust in the functioning of the           July 2018                                   those considered to pose a security,
Schengen area, cooperation                • MEPs approved EU job-search               irregular migration or epidemic risk
and solidarity”. (30.05.18)               aid worth € 9.9 million for                 will be denied access. (05.07.18)
• Parliament approved €104.2m             1,858 former Air France                     • MEPs have rejected a committee
in EU aid to Greece, Spain,               workers to re-integrate into                proposal to begin negotiations to
France and Portugal following             the labour market. (03.07.18)               update copyright laws for the
natural disasters in 2017.(30.05.18)      • Parliament approves € 500                 digital age, copyright rules will be
• MEPs called for new legislation         million for schooling of refugee            reviewed in September. (05.07.18)
to combat odometer fraud.                 children in Turkey. (04.07.18)              For more information, please visit :
(31.05.18)                                • MEPs stress need for personal             http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/
                                          data safeguards ahead of talks              news-room/plenary
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Horizon Europe: a new                    environment, new stakeholders will       young researchers by increasing the
opportunity for research and             undoubtedly emerge. It is widely         budget for the Marie Curie Actions,
innovation in Europe                     recognised that the driving force        in order to give fresh momentum
Horizon Europe, the Commission’s         for innovation is no longer solely       to those who were deprived funds
new proposal for the framework           technological processes, as was the      by some Member States that
programme for research and               case in the industrial era. People and   misguidedly slashed grants during
innovation (2021-2027), is now           communities as a whole are also          the crisis.
under consideration at the European      important sources of innovation. It is   If our goal as Europeans is to have
Parliament.                              therefore essential to provide them      a strong, high-quality science and
Those of us who are convinced            with the best training and tools to      innovation system, this cannot exist
that investing in science and            enable them to develop their full        in isolation. To that end, establishing
innovation is investing in the best      potential and actively participate in    an effective dialogue between
future for Europe, and who have          innovation processes, particularly       science and society must be an
previously worked hard to ensure         those aimed at finding solutions         imperative for Horizon Europe. Via
that the Horizon 2020 framework          to the major social challenges that      the ‘Science for and with Society’
programme, which is still in force       affect them most directly.               programme, Horizon 2020 paved
today was adequately funded, are         So as to maximise the project’s          the way for improving this dialogue,
pleased to see that the Commission’s     impact in tackling social challenges     but greater funding for it is needed.
proposal for Horizon Europe              and in improving industrial              If science is to be a priority for public
entails increasing its budget to         competitiveness in the EU as a           investment, the public must share its
€100 billion.                            whole, the Commission’s proposal         values and recognise the contribution
Although Horizon 2020 laid the           for Horizon Europe entails devising      it makes to knowledge and progress.
groundwork for a dynamic and             bold and ambitious mission-oriented      The final text on Horizon Europe
competitive knowledge-based              projects with the involvement and        that will be approved will be the
economy by focusing on three             engagement of citizens and clear         fruit of intense legislative work, in
priorities: scientific excellence,       European added value in helping          which the European Parliament,
innovation-based industrial              solve the problems affecting our         making use of the powers conferred
leadership and providing innovative      daily lives.                             on it by the Treaty, must push for its
responses to the social challenges       This must be done while continuing       objective of achieving a strong and
of greatest concern to citizens, it      to support excellence in European        competitive European R&D&I system
should now focus on improving our        science and researchers. It is           in negotiations with a Council that
innovation capacity and increasing       intolerable for Europe’s talent          usually looks to cut spending. We
the impact of our research and           to go to waste or be forced to           wish the rapporteurs all the best!
innovation on society.                   emigrate owing to a lack of
To lead the European Union’s             opportunities. Horizon Europe should
comprehensive innovation policy,         therefore consolidate all measures
the Commission proposes setting          strengthening our capacity to
up the European Innovation Council       attract, retain and promote the best     Teresa Riera Madurell
(EIC) which, in addition to providing    researchers. Further increases to the    S&D, Spain (2004-2014)
effective support to innovators by       European Research Council’s budget       Member Research and Innovation
                                         or funding for frontier research are     strategic expert high level
creating the necessary instruments, is
                                         needed to enable excellent scientists    advisory group (RISE HL) to
tasked with promoting a culture and
                                         to work on high-risk projects, which     Commissioner Carlos Moedas, EC
environment conducive to innovation
                                         are also those presenting the most       Former MEP and rapporteur of
and creativity.
                                         innovative potential. And special        Horizon 2020.
In this open and dynamic
                                         support needs to be given to our         trierama@gmail.com
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There is an issue in Europe that we         exterminate defenceless people,          humanitarian aid, and encouraging
began talking and writing about             assorted criminals, arms traffickers     exchanges of ideas and hopes, is
at the turn of the millennium, and          and people smugglers, pushers            largely being cancelled out because
we have continued to do so ever             dealing in drugs and counterfeit         of the regulatory vacuum in which
since: there are no rules governing         medicines, hardened paedophiles          IT systems have been put to criminal
the use of IT systems, and this has         and stalkers, fraudsters, and children   use, bank data manipulated, airport
led to dangerous abuses. Sadly, we          who, having obtained drugs and           systems thrown into chaos, and
were right, once again, to point            been caught up in erotic games, are,     state intelligence services have
out a danger and to insist, in order        as they grow up, being moulded           taken infiltration so far as to alter
to safeguard legality and freedom           according to the myth of bullying        political and institutional set-ups
for all, that no information and            and violence. The victims have been      and bring untold wealth to those
communication system should be              legion, and the huge damage has          who with their brilliant discoveries
allowed unless it provided for at least     not been purely economic.                have been doing business outside
some regulation and a degree of             The data thefts that hit millions        the law. And the biggest joke of all
security as regards privacy.                of people have finally persuaded         is that it is taxpayers at national and
We knew that, especially in a               inventors, system operators, and         European level who are paying for
globalised society, given that there        governments to talk in terms of          the guarantees of privacy!
were no shared rules, power was             rules strong enough to protect the       The recent cases involving Facebook,
being abused, and news and minds            freedom of the Internet and the          which allowed outside companies to
manipulated; furthermore, the               privacy rights that should be enjoyed    use millions of user addresses, have
inability to decode messages had            by individuals, states, and companies.   sent an alarm signal that cannot
caused confusion in which falsehood         We are hoping that Europe will make      go unheeded. The subsequent
was being taken for truth. Europe,          its voice heard loud and clear and       fact-finding hearings in the US
unfortunately, has previously turned a      manage without delay to translate        Senate and House of Representatives
deaf ear to the calls from Parliament       words into action.                       with the Facebook boss served to
to tackle the problem, and it has           What is good about the Internet,         demonstrate that the questioners
been blind to the evidence that has         namely putting distant worlds in         were unfamiliar with the digital
kept mounting up from year to year.         touch with each other, enhancing         platform concerned, to say nothing
The Internet has been an open range         culture, counteracting ignorance         of the problems with social networks.
for terrorists hunting for recruits,        and dictatorial regimes, expanding       That does not alter the fact that
those who teach how to kill and             the possibilities for medical and        Internet regulation has still to be
                                                                                     dealt with. Legislators cannot remain
                                                                                     indifferent until some other scandal
                                                                                     causes a public outcry. The sooner
                                                                                     they do something, the better it will
                                                                                     be for everybody.

                                                                                     Cristiana Muscardini
                                                                                     NA (1989-1999)
                                                                                     UEN (1999-2009)
                                                                                     EPP (2009-2012)
 Woman browsing Facebook social network on a tablet ©European Parliament             c.muscardini@tin.it
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In the 2018 European Year of                missiles and weapons; neither gold          had as its consequence the
Cultural Heritage (EYCH), the               nor oil. It is more than that.              integration of the various groups of
information and awareness-raising           It is respect for nations’ sensitivities;   the society. They learnt how to stand
events across Europe allow us to            for the diversity of peoples and their      up for each other.
learn how to share our heritage.            life stories… It is open-mindedness,        “Our differences are
One of the EYCH objectives is to            empathy and equitable reconciliation,
build bridges during the International      when possible. It is enlightenment          not supposed to be
Decade for the Rapprochement of             - and scripts, ancient stories, and         a stumbling block
Cultures (2013-2022).                       historical landscapes bring it home.        to our intercultural
We all live in a world of dramatic          Every year, 24 May marks the day of
– hopefully, progressive - changes.         the Cyrillic alphabet, and the Slavonic
In the EYCH, we bring into the              language and cultural heritage.             but rather an
spotlight our differences. They             Nowadays, over 300 million people           inspiration, innovation
are permanently challenged by               use this alphabet globally. In 1980,
                                                                                        and integration.”
a disruption of the notion of               two brothers - Constantine-Cyril
national identity vis-à-vis universal       the Philosopher and Methodius,              Building a sense of community
benchmarks. Taking part or, at least,       who laid the alphabet foundation in         and shared heritage may prove to
taking interest in the processes or         the 9th century – were proclaimed           be an essential component of the
activities that transcend this failure      co-patrons of Europe by Pope Saint          European social fabric the EYCH is
proves crucial.                             John Paul II. The act was a hope of         striving to join together. Shouldering
Our differences are not supposed            a possible overcoming of divisions          this opportunity gives hope to
to be a stumbling block to our              between nations and peoples in              understanding and mutual respect. It
intercultural communication, but            Europe and globally.                        would also show a growing interest
rather an inspiration, innovation           In the EYCH, 1155 years are                 in the issues that peoples and
and integration.                            celebrated since the arrival of the         communities care about.
The wealth of legacy is passed on to        two educators in Greater Moravia            The myriad of crises and
the generations to come. Hopefully,         as a crucial part of their mission          difficulties that peoples globally
it brings them enlightenment in             of a lifetime to create a script; to        have experienced in recent years
the following sense: what vision            introduce a new language for                should lead us – during the
for a future of shared and mutually         liturgical and literary purposes; and       EYCH, afterwards, and in terms of
respected heritage and values do we         to establish a school. Their disciples      cooperation with third countries
provide?                                    developed the alphabet, stemming            – to a launch of more convincing,
It is the spiritual assets that peoples     from the “mysterious characters”            innovative ways that nations invent
and communities carry from the              of the two brothers, in 9th century         in order to bridge with each other.
past to the future. It is not “smart”       Bulgaria. The ambitious undertaking         The endeavour should break new
                                                                                        grounds, be honest, and enjoy the
                                                                                        respect to truth and relevance. These
                                                                                        characteristics call for recognizing the
                                                                                        following vital principle:
                                                                                        “We are all equal by virtue of our
                                                                                        natural dignity.”

                                                                                        Mariela Baeva
                                                                                        ALDE, Bulgaria (2007-2009)
 The abduction of Europe ©European Parliament                                           partner.eu
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9 MAY 2018
9 May 2018: For Europe too, ‘you               united Europe.                            This year, 2018, one year before the
don’t have to be hopeful in order              On 9 May 2018, a day enshrined            next European elections, with my
to try, nor to be successful in                as Europe Day, to commemorate             wealth of European experience, I
order to persevere’.                           Robert Schuman’s declaration of           wanted to repeat this.
On Tuesday, 8 May 2018, the                    9 May 1950, I reminded us that            The stakes are high, and we must
anniversary of the end of the greatest         we must, and I must, reiterate our        all grasp this fact and adapt our
world conflict in history, the President       commitment to Europe.                     behaviour accordingly.
of the United States again lit ‘the             It is the construction of Europe that    Repeated meetings between the
blue touchpaper’ in the Middle                 enabled us to avoid being ‘colonies       leaders of each European country
East by ripping up the Iran nuclear            shared out between the USSR and           and Mr Trump are not enough to
agreement, at the risk of setting              the United States’.                       give Europe fresh impetus.
the region on fire and Europe with             It is the construction of Europe that     We need to start again ‘from a hard
it. These actions are in defiance              has ensured 73 years of peace.            core’ without the idea of dominating
of Europe, which will pay a heavy              It is the construction of Europe that     anyone within it,
price, and, of course, a slap in the           led to the reunification of Western       build a consensus on essential
face to all those who have yet to              and Eastern Europe.                       aspects, leaving aside what is less
understand how worthless                        If tomorrow the European Union           important, stop seeking unanimity
Mr Trump’s smiles are                          manages to pull itself together           at all costs from its 28 members,
and how little he values                       and once again become a genuine           reminding each of them of our
our continent.                                 source hope for its peoples, and          values, without compromising on the
Unfortunately, I fear that our                 leave behind ‘economic liberalism         consequences of these values on the
President of the French Republic               at all costs’ and an ‘unregulated         policies of each Member State.
is not yet aware of this, despite              market economy without common             This is the vital issue of the
the USA’s brutal sanctions against             social and fiscal rules’, to finally      coming year!
European exports, which have now               make itself a fully-fledged political,    Mr Macron, the French President, has
been confirmed.                                social, cultural and civic great power,   had the chance to move forward in
There can only be one course of                we may avoid being permanently            this direction for a year, since many
action to counter the dangerous,               caught in a pincer movement               of the conditions for success were
domineering arrogance of Mr                    between Mr Trump’s USA and Mr             in place. Unfortunately, he failed
Trump’s America: a strong and                  Putin’s Russia, without forgetting Mr     to do so.
                                               Erdogan’s Turkey.                          What is more, on this point I also
                                                                                         want to believe in the ‘school of
                                                                                         second chances’...
                                                                                         ‘You don’t have to be hopeful in
                                                                                         order to try, nor to be successful in
                                                                                         order to persevere.’

                                                                                         Gérard Caudron
                                                                                         PES (1989-2002)
                                                                                         GUE (2002-2004)
 Open Day 2018 Brussels ©European Parliament                                             gcaudron@nordnet.fr
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In 2002 I started in the European
Parliament as a deputy for the
Flemish Greens, and as a statement
to go to work by bike, me and
my wife cycled from Brussels to
Strasbourg, in 5 days, with luggage
including a small tent.
In 2003 I organised an all-party cycle
trip to Strasbourg for MEPs and
staff; more than 10 members joined;
the luggages were transported by
a van from the parliament. It was
also to be seen as a protest to the
monthly move of the parliament to
Strasbourg and huge the cost of that             SBB participants at the European Parliament in Brussels
(money and carbon).
In 2008 a few guys from the                     29th at 9 a.m. at the EP in Brussels.           Second day was “only”122 km to
parliament staff organised the first            People from Finland, Latvia, Romania,           Orval, but very hilly, and hot; the
SBB (Strasburg By Bike) for racebikes.          Germany, Holland, France, Belgium,              heath was a big obstacle.
This year they did it for the 10th time         even Norway.                                    Third day (Sunday) was the hardest
and they contacted me to join in; so            We were riding in three groups                  day with a record distance of
I did. It was an awesome experience.            with different pace; I was in the               216 km: we started at 6.30 am and
They are very well organised: they              slowest group..                                 arrived at 9 pm. Very long day, and
have a van for the luggage, bananas             First day was 143 km to Chimay,                 I had one punctier (flat). Starting in
and water.                                      mostly flat along canals and an old             Orval, we had lunch in Metz and
There are a few stops every day and             railway track (Ravel).                          went on to Sarrebourg.
we sleep in small hotels. This year             (By the way this year was the                   The last day was “easy”: only 97 km
we were 22 people, 4 women and                  trappistbeer edition).                          mostly along the canal to Strasbourg;
18 men. We started on Friday the                                                                arriving at 14.30.
                                                                                                There was no brassband welcoming
                                                                                                us; the people took a shower and
                                                                                                went to work.
                                                                                                After work, we had a few beers in
                                                                                                the Swanns bar…and Belgium won
                                                                                                against Japan!
                                                                                                I admire the people who organised
                                                                                                it and all the participants. We really
                                                                                                formed a good group.
                                                                                                This is the real spirit of Europe.
                                                                                                Thanks, see you next year.

                                                                                                Jan Dhaene
                                                                                                Greens/EFA, Belgium (2002-2004)
 SBB participants at the European Parliament in Strasbourg                                      jandhaene@telenet.be
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We are far from knowing what the         the possession of ‘weapons of mass         and to guarantee that public
consequences of Brexit will be. The      destruction’ or invasions justified        media provide the citizens with
terrible blow dealt by the decision      by non-existent provocations serve         diverse, nuanced and high-quality
of the British people has placed the     to remind us of how vulnerable             information. This is a fundamental
European Union project in a dramatic     public opinion is to self-serving          pillar of democracy which, if not kept
and unfamiliar situation. No matter      manipulation. New channels for the         in good health, will rot away and
how much the worst effects may be        distribution of news and the social        may bring down the whole system
mitigated as a result of the on-going    media in particular have further           with it. This is by no means an easy
negotiations, we all know that the       exacerbated this vulnerability to          task since, at the same time, we also
EU has been dealt a body blow and        misinformation and lies which are          have to guarantee that hard-won
that the spectre of the domino effect    spread without restriction. It could       freedom of expression of ours here in
looms large over the EU. Amid all        be argued that the ability to lie and      Europe which remains but a dream in
of this drama, there is a question       manipulate public opinion is no            large parts of the world. One cannot
which all of us who firmly believe in    longer the preserve of power, be it        use ‘control mechanisms’ that could
the project of a united and pluralist    political or journalistic. Thanks to the   pose a threat to legitimate criticism
Europe have asked ourselves: would       influence of social networks, more or      and complaints.
the British have voted in the same       less organised groups are now also         Achieving a balance between
manner if they had had truthful          able to successfully use falsehoods        ensuring truthful information
information about what it really         to alter opinions. Lying has been          while not limiting freedom of
meant to be part of the EU? What         ‘democratised’.                            expression is undoubtedly one
if the most popular tabloids had         “The case of Brexit                        of the challenges facing those in
not been awash with all of those                                                    charge of this so-called ‘information
demagogic lies and accusations?          is not unique, for                         society’ which could easily be
Many of us do not think so.              such cases abound in                       turned into a society of lies. With
The debate in the United Kingdom         history – and not just                     this in mind, one of the key aspects
on whether or not to leave the                                                      must be to educate citizens about
European Union was shrouded
                                         in recent history.Wars                     communication, training students
in a web of deceit spun by               based on the possession                    in the art of public-opinion building
journalists without scruples and         of ‘weapons of mass                        and teaching them about the basic
demagogic politicians. The result                                                   standards to be respected and the
                                         destruction’ or invasions
was devastating. Unfortunately, the                                                 sources and balance which any item
case of Brexit is not unique, for such   justified by non-existent                  of information must display to be
cases abound in history – and not        provocations serve                         deemed truthful and trustworthy.
just in recent history. Wars based on    to remind us of how                        The 21st century will be one of mass
                                                                                    manipulation if we do not act in
                                         vulnerable public                          time to train the public to be critical
                                         opinion is to self-serving                 thinkers and enable them to clearly
                                         manipulation.”                             distinguish between information and
                                                                                    self-serving lies.
                                         The situation is extremely worrying
                                         and constitutes a serious threat
                                         to democracy. Public authorities
                                         must remain in touch with citizens,        Jordi Sebastià Talavera
                                         professional associations of               Former MEP and journalist
                                         journalists, universities and other        Greens/EFA, Spain (2002-2004)
                                         groups concerned and endeavour             jandhaene@telenet.be
 ©European Parliament
                                         to ensure good journalistic practices
12        FMA BULLETIN - 64

Since 2007, DG Communication’s                  one can see that this positive                 being a member of the
Public Opinion Monitoring Unit is               development started in the second
carrying out Eurobarometer surveys              half of 2016, pointing to a ‘wakeup
                                                                                               EU - this is the highest
for the European Parliament.                    call’ after the Brexit referendum in           score recorded for this
With less than one year to go to                the UK.                                        indicator since 1983!”
the next European elections, the                “Eurobarometer                                 Interesting developments can also
latest Parliament Eurobarometer
survey shows a continuous                       indicator measuring                            be noted when looking at voters’
                                                citizens’ support for                          perceptions of the upcoming
increase in citizens’ support for the
                                                                                               European elections. Citizens all over
European Union.                                 EU membership had                              the EU see the Spitzenkandidaten
Eurobarometer indicator measuring
citizens’ support for EU membership
                                                always received a                              process as an important cornerstone
                                                steady backing from                            of democratic life in the EU. In 2014,
had always received a steady backing
                                                                                               Europeans voters could participate
from respondents over time. This                respondents over                               indirectly in the process of electing
support significantly jumped in 2018
                                                time. This support                             the President of the European
to 60% of citizens who believe
                                                significantly jumped in                        Commission for the first time.
that the EU membership of their
                                                                                               Today, results show that nearly half
country is a good thing. Even more              2018 to 60% of citizens                        of EU27 citizens (49%) say that
importantly, 67% of respondents                 who believe that the EU                        a repetition of this process would
think that their country has benefited
from being a member of the EU - this            membership of their                            encourage them to go to vote in
                                                                                               the next European elections. The
is the highest score recorded for this          country is a good thing.                       lead candidates process is clearly
indicator since 1983!                           Even more importantly,                         associated with “more transparency”
Also for the first time in the last
decade, a relative majority of                  67% of respondents                             (63%), a significant progress for
                                                think that their country                       European democracy’ (61%) and
respondents (48%) believe that
                                                                                               “more legitimacy for the European
their voice counts in the EU. Looking           has benefited from                             Commission” (60%). In contrast, less
at the trend line for this indicator
                                                                                               than half of respondents think that
                                                                                               this process would prevent national
                                                                                               governments from choosing the best
                                                                                               candidate (46%) and that it has no
                                                                                               real impact (45%).
                                                                                               And what about the issues that
                                                                                               matter? During the election
                                                                                               campaign, Europeans want to
                                                                                               hear about security in the broadest
                                                                                               sense, including immigration. At
                                                                                               the same time, issues related to
                                                                                               personal prosperity and well-being
                                                                                               are equally high on their agenda.
                                                                                               49% of Europeans cite the fight
                                                                                               against terrorism as campaign priority
                                                                                               topic, followed by ‘combatting youth
                                                                                               unemployment’ (48%), immigration
 Press seminar for audio-visual media - ‘ #EUElections2019 - one year to go ‘- Eurobarometer   (45%), economy and growth (42%).
 “One year to the EE19” ©European Union 2018 - Source : EP                                     Around one third of Europeans cite
FMA BULLETIN - 64             13

climate change and the protection of     such parties or movements to be            ‘high importance’, only 49% feel the
the environment (35%). Promoting         a threat to democracy, with only           same about the European elections.
human rights and democracy as            around a third (38%) thinking they         However, with twelve months to
well as the social protection of EU      would be. 70% of citizens surveyed         go, almost a third of respondents
citizens are listed as priority by 32%   consider that just being against           (32%) know that these elections are
of respondents.                          something would not be enough              taking place in 2019. Moreover one
“Issues related to                       and would not improve anything.            respondent in two (50%) declares
                                         53% of citizens feel that new parties      to be interested in the European
personal prosperity and                  and movements could find new               elections.
well-being are equally                   solutions better than the political
high on their agenda.                    establishment, 56% believe that they       Philipp M. Schulmeister
                                         can bring real change.                     Head of the Public Opinion
49% of Europeans                         Nothing much has changed in                Monitoring Unit
cite the fight against                   citizens’ perception of the European       Philipp.schulmeister@ep.europa.
terrorism as campaign                    elections compared to national             eu
                                         votes - 68% of Europeans declare           @pschulmeister
priority topic, followed
                                         that voting in national elections is of
by ‘combatting youth
(48%), immigration
(45%), economy and
growth (42%).”
Europeans are also attached to
democracy both on EU level and in
their own country, yet the economic
context seems to have a direct
bearing on their views. While a
majority of respondents continues to
be satisfied with the way democracy
works in their country (55%) and
in the EU (46%), the situation
differs from one country to the
next. This becomes even clearer
when the level of satisfaction with
the way democracy works is put in
relation to the countries’ GDP per
capita as well as to their current
unemployment rates.
Between 2013 and 2018, more
than 70 new parties and political
alliances emerged in EU Member
States, some of which campaigned
successfully by protesting against
the political establishment. When
asked to position themselves on
a range of statements about such
new parties and movements, half           Standard Eurobarometer 89 - March 2018 ©European Parliament
of the respondents do not consider
14        FMA BULLETIN - 64

The term ‘fake news’ denotes news             Especially at election time, the             FAke News discovery and
and content framed for specific               instances of suspect news become             propagation from big
purposes, which almost invariably             more frequent. This can be produced          Data ANalysis and artificial
have nothing whatsoever to do with            quite simply, for example by faking          intelliGence Operations -
imparting information. Fake news in           images, or audio and video content,          FANDANGO
all its guises has its own taxonomy           or lifting them out of context, mixing
and can thus be classified as                 satire with real news, quoting figures       The aim of FANDANGO is to
propaganda, libel, conspiracy theory,         that are either incorrect or hard to         aggregate and verify different
a hoax, clickbait, satire, hate speech,       verify, and so on. Given the variety of      typologies of news data, media
or an error pure and simple.                  information (in text and multimedia          sources, social media, open
“In this era of post-truth                    form), the speed at which it is              data, so as to detect fake news
                                              disseminated, and the breadth of
politics, it’s easy to                        the subject matter involved, the
                                                                                           and provide a more efficient
                                                                                           and verified communication for
cherrypick data and                           fact-checking practices and tools            all European citizens.
come to whatever                              being used more and more often rely
                                                                                           It project aims to break data
                                              on artificial intelligence based on big
conclusion you desire.”                       data technologies, affording scope
                                                                                           interoperability barriers
                                                                                           providing unified techniques
Every item of fake news applies               for a sweeping response. With the
                                                                                           and an integrated big data
particular communication strategies           aid of machine learning, algorithms
                                                                                           platform to support traditional
and employs different channels                can be trained to recognise the
                                                                                           media industries to face the
of dissemination. Social networks             syntax with which bogus articles are
                                                                                           new “data” news economy
enable news to travel fast, not least         typically written. This is undoubtedly
                                                                                           with a better transparency
because IT tools (in particular bots)         more effective than specialised
                                                                                           to the citizens under a
are used to publish a story on a mass         algorithms which probe information
                                                                                           Responsible, Research and
scale. The more rapidly information           content that is not readily verifiable.
is disclosed, the more difficult it is for    The responsibility of checking facts         Innovation prism.
news agencies and newspapers to               falls first and foremost to journalists,     More info at:
ascertain that it is true before they         but Facebook and other social                www.fandango-project.eu
are called upon to report on it.              networks have recently been taking
                                                                                          the precaution of incorporating
                                                                                          digital tools to check photos and
                                                                                          videos in order to reduce the
                                                                                          numbers of published hoaxes and
                                                                                          fake news stories, bearing in mind
                                                                                          that these have lately risen to the
                                                                                          point of marring countries’ election
                                                                                          “Social networks enable
                                                                                          news to travel fast, not
                                                                                          least because IT tools
                                                                                          (in particular bots)
                                                                                          are used to publish a
 Conference on Fake news : “ How to fight fake news in Europe “ on May 8 at the Círculo   story on a mass scale.
 de Bellas Artes in Madrid ©European Parliament
FMA BULLETIN - 64                 15

                                                                                 The era of ‘post-truth’ politics and
                                                                                 opinion-forming has gained such
                                                                                 currency as to be cited in the Oxford
                                                                                 English Dictionary, in which one
                                                                                 entry reads: ‘In this era of post-truth
                                                                                 politics, it’s easy to cherrypick data
                                                                                 and come to whatever conclusion
                                                                                 you desire’.
                                                                                 “The only way to fight
                                                                                 it is by making people
                                                                                 more aware.”
                                                                                 Ironically, following the suggestion
                                                                                 that conspiracy theories are being
                                                                                 bandied about on social media, most
                                                                                 Americans have become convinced
                                                                                 that mainstream TV channels and
 ©iStock                                                                         newspapers are the ones which
                                                                                 are spreading fake news. That is
The more rapidly                        by Princeton University, Dartmouth       why many politicians rely largely
                                        College, and the University of Exeter,
information is disclosed,               roughly one American in four visited
                                                                                 on Twitter to communicate with
                                                                                 their voters. The Russian Embassy
the more difficult it is                a fake news website, but fake news       in London, for example, has a
for news agencies and                   consumption was found to be              digital club that offers Twitter users
                                        particularly marked among Trump
newspapers to ascertain                                                          ‘regular competitions and prize
                                        supporters, who tended to pick news      draws’ and even arranges invitations
that it is true before they             to corroborate their own views.          to the Ambassador’s residence if
are called upon to report               This phenomenon is called selective      they let their accounts be used to
on it.”                                 exposure to misinformation. In           automatically retweet official posts.
                                        particular, among Trump supporters,      Fake news is arousing great interest –
New forms of awareness raising,         as opposed to supporters of Hillary      from both the technological and the
which aim to captivate the mind and     Clinton, 40% read at least one article   social point of view – because of the
be immediately comprehensible, are      about Trump on a fake news site.         havoc that it is wreaking in the here
spreading throughout the world.
                                                                                 and now. This phenomenon is likely
Memes, which simplify information
                                                                                 to remain in the spotlight for several
to the greatest possible degree, are
                                                                                 more years before it can be reined in.
exchanged on social networks much
                                                                                 The only way to fight it is by making
more quickly and easily than other
                                                                                 people more aware.
types of content. To understand their
meaning, text and image have to be
interpreted together, which makes
fact-checking more complex.
                                                                                 Monica Franceschini
                                                                                 Solution Architecture Manager -
An increasing number of American
                                                                                 Data & Analytics
university studies are providing
                                                                                 Fake News discovery and
evidence that the outcome of the
                                                                                 propagation from big Data
election was skewed by fake news
                                                                                 ANalysis and artificial intelliGence
consumption during the 2016 US
presidential campaign. Specifically,
according to a recent 2018 study         Monica Franceschini
16        FMA BULLETIN - 64

It has now been almost 16 months               would secure a good deal and over        appears to be largely the result of a
since the invocation of Article 50             half (52%) of the belief that the UK     proportion of people who didn’t vote
marked the beginning of Britain’s              would end up with a bad deal. The        in the referendum stating that they
withdrawal from the EU. While                  most recent data from ORB (collected     would now back Remain.
confidence that the UK will secure             just before the resignation of Mr        So how do we square increasing
the ‘good deal for Britain’ promised           Davis and his cabinet colleague Boris    discontent with the Brexit process
by the UK’s former Brexit minister             Johnson) paints a similar picture,       – particularly amongst Leave voters
David Davis has gradually eroded,              with well over half of the population    – with relatively stable support for
there remains little hard evidence             (56%) now disagreeing that Theresa       leaving the EU? The answer appears
that voters have changed their minds           May will secure ‘the right deal for      to be that rather than questioning
about the merits of their choice at            Britain’ – a 20 percentage-point         the wisdom of their choice, voters
the ballot box.                                increase since late 2016.                place the blame on politicians on
Shortly before the invocation of               Our data shows that this pessimism       both sides of the negotiating table
Article 50, the February 2017 wave             is no longer confined to those who       for being unable to successfully
of NatCen’s random probability panel           backed Remain. While before the          navigate the course set out for them.
found that a third of voters (33%)             invocation of Article 50 just over       According to the NatCen Panel,
believed that the UK would achieve             half (51%) of Leave voters felt the      the proportion of Leave supporters
a good deal from the EU, while a               UK would get a good deal from            who feel that the UK government
slightly higher proportion (37%) felt          the Brexit negotiations, by October      is handling the Brexit negotiations
it would get a bad deal. This plurality        2017 this proportion had fallen to       badly increased by 23 points
has now eroded. In July 2017, the              just 28%. Yet there is little evidence   between February and October
percentage stating that the UK                 that voters have changed their minds     2017, while the proportion who
would secure a good deal had fallen            on the question of leaving the EU.       believe that the EU is doing a bad job
to 25%, with 44% suggesting that               While a variety of polling companies     rose by 16 points.
they felt the UK would get a bad               suggest that the small majority in       While it remains to be seen whether
deal. By October 2017 this pessimism           favour of Leave may now have             the latest political shake-up in
had become even more marked,                   become a small majority in favour        Westminster will have any impact on
with just 19% stating that the UK              of Remain, any potential swing           the aggregate level of support for
                                                                                        Brexit, it appears that Leave voters
                                                                                        are not questioning their worldview,
                                                                                        but rather the ability of politicians to
                                                                                        implement it.

                                                                                        Nancy Kelley
                                                                                        Deputy Chief Executive
                                                                                        NatCen - Social Research that
                                                                                        works for society

                                                                                        Ian Montagu
                                                                                        NatCen - Social Research that
                                                                                        works for society
 British Social Attitudes 35 Repport ©NatCen                                            @IanMontagu
FMA BULLETIN - 64      17


       European Parliament Former Members Association
       Association des anciens députés au Parlement européen
18      FMA BULLETIN - 64

I had great honor to represent the       present the activities run by the FMA
FMA at the Ninth Assembly of the         in the field of democracy support,
World Movement for Democracy             promotion of democratic values and
(WMD), which took place at Dakar,        human rights. I have communicated
Senegal from May 6-9. This year’s        also the results of the Annual
theme was “Building Strategic            General Assembly of the Association.
Partnerships for Democratic              One of conclusion of the Working
Renewal”. The Assembly, organized        Group, supported by majority of
by WMD, the National Endowment           participants, was the idea of a global
for Democracy (NED) and the              “sign-on” letter with current and
National Democratic Institute (NDI),     former members of parliament and
has gathered more than 400               politicians signing on to on short
democracy activists, practitioners,      statement on what MPs can do to
donors, and scholars from around         advance democratic renewal. Such
the world. The main aim of the           initiative could be connected with
Assembly was to explore the current      a social media campaign associated
challenges in democracy faced by         with the International Day of
different countries. Three main          Democracy (September 15). This
issues of Assembly were: defending       idea was discussed during one of
democratic space against resurgent       the Assembly’s workshops, entitled
authoritarianism, strengthening          “Linking Parliamentary Associations      documentary photographers of the
democratic unity, focused on buliding    to Promote Democratic Norms              Nightwatchers).
cross-sector and cross-generational      and Systems”. It was the second          The fact that so many people
partnerships, and protecting integrity   opportunity to present FMA activities    are involved in defending and
in the information space, related to     in the field of election observations,   promoting democracy in the world
the growing threats of disinformation    capacity building, mediation and         allows to be moderately optimistic
efforts, cyber attacks, and challenges   human rights issues.                     about this form of governance and
to Internet governance.                  The last, but very moving, part of       social order. It is quite clear that
Directly before the Assembly I           the Assembly was the Democracy           parliamentarians play an important
attended also the meeting of             Courage Tributes, which pay homage       role in democracy. This also applies
Working Group of Parliamentarians        to activists and movements around        to former parliamentarians, who can
and Parliamentary and Political          the world working for democracy          use their experience and knowledge
Networks. Parliamentarians (from         and human rights under particularly      to strengthen democratic values.
USA, Canada, South Africa, Gambia,       difficult circumstances. Recipients      During the Assembly I found out that
Ukraine, Australia), representatives     of the Democracy Courage Tributes        it was worth doing.
of party and parliamentary               2018 were:
associations discussed how to            • Advocates for rule of law in Africa
strengthen and improve collaboration     (accepted by Thulisile Madonsela,
and coordination among the               former Public Protector of South
parliamentary associations and           Africa),
political groupings (like e.g. African   • Human rights lawyers in China
Liberal Network) to enhance the          (accepted by Jin Bianling, the wife of
impact of these groups in advancing      Jiang Tianyong, a political prisoner),
democracy and human rights. The          • Nightwatchers – photojournalists       Filip Kaczmarek
EP was represented by honorable          in the Philippines (accepted by          EPP-ED, Poland (2004-2014)
Ana Gomes (MEP). I had chance to         Raffy Lerma and Ezra Acayan,             Filip.Kaczmarek@ue.poznan.pl
FMA BULLETIN - 64                19

This trip was for the former members     combined with imposing communist          politics until’ now.
of the EP led by our Brigitte (not       architecture make up the grand            I mustn’t forget between all the
Macron or Bardot) but Langenhagen.       Parliament Buildings, with spacious       debates and culture Bulgaria is
The group consisted of 19 former         extra wide corridors. All the buildings   famous for its cooking and wines.
members from the UK, France,             are hung with interesting paintings       We were spoilt throughout.
Germany, Bulgaria, Netherlands,          of high quality from different            The final day we visited the Military
Spain, Czech Republic, Finland,          periods and are well worth a visit        Academy, founded in 1912.
and Poland from 5 different              in themselves. We should not              The surrounding park with
political parties.                       forget that the EP has a very fine        magnificent trees a hallmark of
It was a particularly moving visit       international collection of art too,      Tsar Ferdinand as in Exinograd and
for me. I first went to Bulgaria         well worth a visit.                       Varna. He loved nature. Prince
campaigning for the first free           Enlivened debate ensued the               Ferdinand of Coburg came to the
elections after the Berlin Wall came     Bulgarian Foreign and European            throne in 1886 following Prince
down, then as an official observer       Affairs committees, with the Chairs       Alexander of Battenberg, with the
in my role as Vice-President of the      Ms Dzhema Grozdanova and                  influence of his mother, the daughter
Bulgarian Delegation in the EP. I        Mr Kristian Vigenin, as well as with      of the last King of France he ruled
was guided by Stefan Tavrov, future      the Bulgarian Vice-President Ms Iliana    Bulgaria for over 30 years.
Foreign Secretary and Ambassador         Iotova (former MEP).                      Back to modern times our former
to London, Rome, Paris and UN; he is     Mentioned were Dublin Agreement           very distinguished Finnish Member,
still involved in European Politics.     2007 needing reform, lack of clarity      Henrik Lax delivered a tour d ’horizon
I subsequently wrote and took            of the Budget, concern on Human           a la Julian Amery. He reminded us
through all the Bulgarian Reports        Rights, too much bureaucracy and          of the importance of the European
for accession while I was on the         red tape, main crisis not economic        Elections next year. Will UK citizens
Foreign Affairs committee under the      but moral values. Possibly these are      have a vote? The pressure Europe
Chairmanship of Otto von Habsburg.       not new problems.                         continues to face with major flows
We had meetings with Ms Monika           There followed a little light relief      of refugees and migrants that have
Panayotova Deputy Minister for           and cultural experience with a visit      come to stay. Economic progress
EP relations and FMA member.             to the ancient city of Plovdiv in         to enable the EU to sustain its
Extremely probing questions were         Southern Bulgaria; conquered by           legitimacy, confirm its values and
asked and the themes that wove           Thracians, Macedonians, Romans            defend democracy. The Single
their way through from the start         and many others.                          Market, the Crown Jewel of the EU,
were the preoccupation with the          Plovdiv has a state opera house           will suffer a serious blow, if Britain as
West Balkan Enlargement, plus of         and company run by Luciano Di             the consequence of BREXIT, leaves
course all the old chestnuts.            Martino an inspiring Italian who had      the customs union.
A mixture of late 19th century           been for several years in Germany.        Thank you again to Brigitte,
                                         He organised a stunning recital           Elisabetta and her team, and
                                         with Mr Mark Fowler, Ms Svetlana          our Bulgarian hosts, especially to
                                         Ivanova and Ms Evgenia Ralcheva,          Mr Hristo Kraevski, Permanent
                                         they sang arias from La Boheme            Representative of the National
                                         and La Traviata, accompanied by           Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
                                         Ralitza Boteva on the piano, in a         to the European Parliament, for the
                                         sensitively restored period house.        faultless organisation.
                                         Bulgaria is renowned too for its
                                         world class singers and musicians.        Baroness Patricia Rawlings
 Tsveta Karayancheva, President of the   This brought big smiles from all          EPP-ED, United Kingdom
 National Assembly of the Republic of    the rather exhausted former MEPs          (1989-1994)
 Bulgaria                                that had been listening to serious        rawlingspe@parliament.uk
20        FMA BULLETIN - 64

Entering the nostalgic world that is            human rights.                             Press Index.
Sofia, with its 19th century buildings          We had an interesting time at the         As investors can find cheap labour,
and garden restaurants, I could                 Rakovski Military Academy, where          but not skilled workers, foreign
not believe that 10 years after EU              our foreign policy speaker, Henrik        investment has begun to decline,
accession, which was the last time              Lax (Finland), addressed the audience     as it has in Romania too. Skilled
the FMA group paid a visit, this                with the demand to keep solidarity        workers have apparently already left
country seems still to be under the             of all EU Member States to the            the country, with 67 000 of them, or
influence of the old political rulers.          sanctions against Russia.                 1% of the population, heading for
With a per capita GDP of € 8064                 Unfortunately, there were no              Germany alone.
- Germany’s, by comparison, is                  questions from the audience of male       The dissatisfaction of Bulgarians
€ 41936 - it still has one of                   and female officers.                      with their parties and politicians
the highest poverty rates in                    What does Bulgaria expect from            - corruption proceedings - can be
the EU: 21.8%.                                  the EU - in addition to sources           reflected in the fact that 33% of
Because our visit related to the                of funding?                               them voted in favour of founding a
Council Presidency, it was more of an           While 16% of the population are in        new party.
effort, amid the hustle and bustle, to          favour of leaving the EU (according       That being so, the European
get to speak to important politicians.          to the Financial Times), many             Commission should carefully consider
At the Foreign Affairs, Europe and              democrats who identify with the           any further EU enlargement that
EU Funds Committee, Members’                    western world are hoping for political    would include the West Balkans. The
statements made it difficult to get             change through more contact with          Bulgarians also take a very critical
answers to our raft of questions.               the West (Erasmus programme).             view of Serbian accession.
Ex-MEP Monika Panayotova, now                   EU subsidies (Cohesion Fund) are also     The proposal to admit Bulgaria
Minister for the Council Presidency,            being improperly used, however, as        into the Euro Zone is even more
was receptive to questions and                  can be seen from funding allocations      controversial because of its
willing to provide solid answers and            made to pro-government print media        preparedness for the euro. Without
gave a well-put-together speech                 and broadcasters in order to ‘build a     sustainable convergence, going
on the Presidency’s objectives                  media environment’.                       beyond meeting the nominal
and priorities.                                 In addition, according to journalists,    criteria, there should be no further
Bulgaria’s Vice-President Illiana               the big newspapers, bought by             consideration of admission; and that
Jotova - we owed our meeting                    oligarchs, report only good news          includes joining the Banking Union
with her to our Secretary-General’s             about their proprietors, especially       beforehand, which would act as a
organising skills - was also receptive          during election campaigns. Bulgaria       supervisory body - something that
to our questions and stressed her               has slipped to 111th place on the         the Bulgarian Government rejects.
commitment to democracy and                     Reporters without Borders World           On an excursion to Plovdiv, with its
                                                                                          Roman amphitheatre, there was
                                                                                          speculation as to whether cultural
                                                                                          links are not more important
                                                                                          than involvement in every single
                                                                                          EU undertaking.

                                                                                          Ursula Braun-Moser
                                                                                          EPP-ED, Germany (1984-1994)
 A moment of the meeting with Iliana Iotova, Vice-President of the Republic of Bulgaria   braunmoser@aol.com
You can also read