C-peptide: Roles in diabetes, insulinoma, and hypoglycemia

C-peptide: Roles in diabetes, insulinoma, and hypoglycemia
Diagnostic Trends

Roles in diabetes, insulinoma,
and hypoglycemia
C-peptide measurements are proving to be a useful aid in the diagnosis
of diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, and insulinoma. This article provides
a concise review of C-peptide production and physiology, explores its
application in diabetes testing, and reviews its well-established role in
hypoglycemia and insulinoma. A comparison of C-peptide assays on the
Siemens Immunoassay systems is also provided.
By Tricia A. Bal, MD

                                          Perspectives · Winter/Spring 2009 · www.siemens.com/diagnostics 19
C-peptide: Roles in diabetes, insulinoma, and hypoglycemia
Diagnostic Trends

C-peptide was initially thought to be just          1                                                                   the peptide has also been shown to
a by-product of insulin production and                                                                                  activate Na+-K+-ATPase, but not as
                                                                             S                S
biologically inert; however, research                                        S                S                         strongly as the full peptide or the penta-
findings indicate that it does have impor-                               S       S                                      peptide sequence (Figure 2).3 C-peptide’s
tant biological activity, especially in rela-                                    Proinsulin                             beneficial affects on the microvascular
tion to diabetes mellitus.                                                                                              complications of diabetes mellitus are
Studies have linked low levels of C-pep-                                                                                thought to be mediated through endo-
tide to diabetes mellitus complications,                                                                                thelial nitric oxide synthase.2 In addition
and evidence suggests that maintaining                                                                                  to receptor-mediated effects, C-peptide
                                                                                         and Proconvertases
higher levels of C-peptide is especially                                                                                has been shown to produce non-recep-
beneficial for type 1 diabetics.1 C-peptide                                                                             tor-mediated effects.4
measurements have also been used to
                                                                             S                S
classify diabetes mellitus and as a marker
of pancreatic β-cell function.
                                                                             S                S
                                                                                                                        Clinical research studies:
                                                                         S       S                                      C-peptide replacement in
                                                                             Free C-peptide                             diabetes mellitus
C-peptide production
                                                                                                                        In addition to the biological activity
C-peptide is produced by a series of                                                                                    shown in the laboratory studies, clinical
                                                         1   Proinsulin is the precursor of insulin
enzymatic cleavages of the precursor                                                                                    studies have found that replacement of
                                                             and C-peptide
molecules preproinsulin and proinsulin.                                                                                 C-peptide in type 1 diabetic patients
Preproinsulin, a precursor of proinsulin,                                                                               improves many of the complications
is produced in the endoplasmic reticulum                                                                                associated with this disease. Complica-
of pancreatic β-cells in response to                                                                                    tions frequently associated with diabetes
elevated blood glucose levels in healthy                                                                                include retinopathy, nephropathy (charac-
individuals; it is then cleaved by microso-         Mechanisms of action                                                terized by glomerular hyperfiltration and
mal enzymes into proinsulin.2                       and biological activity                                             albuminuria), neuropathy, and cardiac
Proinsulin is the precursor of insulin and                                                                              disease. Johansson et al.5 – 7 have per-
C-peptide. It consists of the α-chain and                                                                               formed multiple studies evaluating the
β-chain of insulin linked together by C-            While the physiological functions of                                effects of the short-term replacement of
peptide (Figure 1). C-peptide is composed           insulin are well established and under-                             C-peptide in type 1 diabetic patients. They
of 31 amino acids (Figure 2) and facili-            stood, the functions of C-peptide are still                         investigated renal function and whole
tates the correct folding of proinsulin             being established and investigated. C-                              body glucose uptake in type 1 diabetic
to allow the cysteine disulfide bridges             peptide has been shown to bind to spe-                              patients and found that low-dose C-pep-
between the α-chain and the β-chain of              cific cell surface receptors in cultured                            tide infusion as compared with sodium
insulin to form. Enzymatic cleavage of              cells derived from human renal tubules,                             chloride infusion significantly increased
proinsulin by proconvertases and carb-              mesangium, skin fibroblasts, and saphe-                             whole body glucose utilization by 25
oxypeptidases produces insulin and C-               nous vein endothelium.2 Data suggest                                percent and decreased glomerular hyper-
peptide, which are released in equimolar            that it acts through G-protein-coupled                              filtration by 6 percent.5 In a follow-up
amounts from β-cells into the portal cir-           receptors to activate calcium-dependent                             study, they found that administration of
culation (Figure 1). C-peptide is cleared           signaling pathways via the C-terminal                               C-peptide for one month in type 1 dia-
by the kidney and has a half-life of about          pentapeptide portion of the molecule.3                              betics decreased HbA1c by 9 to 16 per-
20 to 30 minutes compared to insulin                C-peptide activation of calcium signaling                           cent vs. controls, which suggested that
which is cleared through the liver and              is thought to increase the activity of                              C-peptide improved glycemic control in
has a half-life of about 3 to 5 minutes.2           Na+-K+-ATPase, which has been found                                 these patients.6 They also observed
The longer half-life, renal clearance, and          to be reduced in patients with the                                  40 percent and 55 percent decreases in
equimolar release of C-peptide make it              advanced microvascular complications                                albuminuria at 2 and 4 weeks, respec-
an attractive proxy for estimating insulin          of diabetes mellitus (nephropathy and                               tively, indicating that C-peptide amelio-
secretion and β-cell function.                      retinopathy).2 The middle segment of                                rated the diabetic nephropathy.6


           E   A   E   D   L    Q   V   G   Q   V    E       L   G   G       G       P    G       A   G     S   L   Q     P   L   A   L   E   G   S   L   Q
           1                                                                                                                                              31

    2   Sequence for human C-peptide. The pentapeptide sequence is highlighted in blue 3

20 Perspectives · Winter/Spring 2009 · www.siemens.com/diagnostics
C-peptide: Roles in diabetes, insulinoma, and hypoglycemia
Diagnostic Trends

In another follow-up study of type 1         study by Ekberg et al.8 This study found      ics increased to the levels observed in
diabetics, they compared the effects of      that in type 1 diabetic patients, admin-      the healthy controls. These findings sug-
subcutaneous injections of insulin and       istration of C-peptide for three months       gest that C-peptide exerts a beneficial
C-peptide or insulin and placebo for three   improved sensory nerve conduction and         effect on myocardial function.9
months. During C-peptide treatment,          vibration perception.8                        C-peptide clearly has several important
albuminuria decreased, signs of autonom-     Diabetics are also at high risk for heart     biological actions and more research is
ic neuropathy decreased as evidenced         disease and often have diastolic dysfunc-     needed to fully delineate its functions
by increased respiratory heart rate vari-    tion and myocardial perfusion abnormal-       and to characterize the effects and the
ability, and sensory perception improved     ities. The effect of C-peptide replacement    role of long-term replacement therapy
as evidenced by improved thermal             on myocardial function was evaluated in       for diabetes mellitus.
thresholds. These changes were statis-       a study by Hansen et al.9 This was a ran-
tically significant as compared with the     domized double-blind crossover study
                                                                                           Rationale for C-peptide
insulin plus placebo treatment period.7      that compared the effect of C-peptide
These studies consistently show that         infusion with saline infusion on myocar-      measurement
C-peptide replacement with or without        dial function in type 1 diabetic patients.
insulin ameliorates several of the comon     They used healthy volunteers as controls.     Since C-peptide and insulin are released
complications experienced by diabetic        Compared to age-matched controls,             in equimolar amounts from the β-cells
patients.                                    diabetic patients had reduced diastolic       of the pancreas, the measurement of
Also supporting the role of C-peptide        velocities and myocardial blood volume        C-peptide has been used as a marker of
replacement for the amelioration of dia-     at baseline. During administration of C-      β-cell function and an index of insulin
betic neuropathy are the results of a ran-   peptide, however, the diastolic velocities    secretion. Direct measurements of endo-
domized double-blind placebo controlled      and myocardial blood flow of the diabet-      genous insulin by immunoassay are

                                                                       Perspectives · Winter/Spring 2009 · www.siemens.com/diagnostics 21
C-peptide: Roles in diabetes, insulinoma, and hypoglycemia
Diagnostic Trends

problematic in patients undergoing              C-peptide and the classification              measured in urine. Urine measurements
insulin therapy because assays can cross-                                                     generally require a 24-hour collection
                                                of diabetes mellitus
react with the insulin analogs that the                                                       and are not as convenient as serum or
patient is taking. Moreover, these assays                                                     plasma measurements. The testing pro-
are affected by the presence of anti-           The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is         tocols used for serum or plasma C-pep-
insulin antibodies.10, 11 One study found       based on the finding of glucose levels        tide measurements include fasting,
that 36 percent of patients on human            measured on two separate occasions            random, and stimulated protocols. In
insulin developed autoantibodies after 12       exceeding the designated cutoff. Typi-        the stimulation protocols, the stimulant
months of treatment.12 Thus, C-peptide          cally, patient history, age of onset, and     mimics the rise in glucose induced by
measurements represent a better alter-          physical characteristics like body mass       meals and gives an estimate of the β-cell
native index of insulin secretion and           index (BMI) are used to determine what        function. C-peptide can be stimulated by
residual β-cell function. In addition, the      type of diabetes a patient has; however,      a glucose load, mixed meal, or glucagon.
extensive and variable hepatic extraction       relying on these characteristics for accu-    In type 1 diabetics, little or no increase
of insulin also makes it difficult to accu-     rate classification can be misleading.        would be expected above baseline in a
rately estimate insulin secretion from          Type 1 accounts for 5 to 10 percent, and      C-peptide stimulation test, but type 2
peripheral insulin concentrations.13 Moni-      type 2 accounts for 90 to 95 percent of       diabetics would be expected to show an
toring residual β-cell function through         all diabetes.                                 increase in levels over baseline. Agree-
the measurement of C-peptide is a strat-        Misclassification of patients can lead to     ment between C-peptide immunoassay
egy endorsed by the American Diabetes           a delay in appropriate treatment and          methods is poor, so measurements for
Association (ADA), and it recommends            unnecessary patient morbidity: a type 1       comparison should be done with a single
the use of C-peptide measurements as            diabetic not receiving insulin or a type 2    method at a single institution.17
the outcome measure in clinical trials          diabetic taking insulin unnecessarily.15      The inaccuracy of clinical diagnosis and
investigating methods to preserve β-cell        Type 1 diabetes mellitus is characterized     the usefulness of C-peptide in the classi-
function.1, 14                                  by β-cell destruction, which leads to very    fication of diabetes mellitus are illustrat-
Additionally, the use of C-peptide and          low or undetectable levels of C-peptide. In   ed in a study by Wright-Pascoe et al.18 on
insulin measurements together provides          contrast, type 2 diabetes mellitus is asso-   a small series of diabetic patients treated
valuable information for the evaluation         ciated with insulin resistance and typical-   with insulin. Patients were classified on
of hypoglycemia and the diagnosis of            ly initially has normal or elevated levels    the basis of the criteria of the National
insulinoma, and will be examined later          of C-peptide, which can decrease over         Diabetes Data Group and the World
in this article.                                the course of the disease.16                  Health Organization (WHO) that relies on
                                                C-peptide levels are typically measured       glucose levels and patient history. This
                                                in serum or plasma and can also be            study found that using fasting C-peptide

22 Perspectives · Winter/Spring 2009 · www.siemens.com/diagnostics
C-peptide: Roles in diabetes, insulinoma, and hypoglycemia
Diagnostic Trends

Some studies have shown that
C-peptide replacement with or
without insulin ameliorates some
complications experienced by
diabetic patients.

measurements, only 5 of 13 patients             type 1 diabetes mellitus had to be on              The optimum cutoffs identified in this
(38 percent) initially classified as having     insulin for at least 3 years after diagnosis       study were 1.5 ng/ml (0.5 nmol/l) for
type 1 diabetes mellitus actually had the       and patients with type 2 diabetes melli-           random C-peptide, 1.27 ng/ml (0.42
disease.18 In a similar study also using        tus had to have been managed without               nmol/l) for fasting C-peptide, and 1.81
C-peptide measurements, 31 percent of           insulin for 3 or more years after initial          ng/ml (0.6 nmol/l) for glucagon-stimu-
type 2 diabetics (diagnosed by American         diagnosis. In this study, 1093 patients            lated C-peptide.21
Diabetic Association [ADA] and WHO              and 1449 samples were analyzed. Using              Consistent with the Berger et al. study,
criteria) were determined to be misclas-        receiver operating characteristics (ROC)           Bakhtadze et al.22, in another diabetes
sified as type 1 diabetics.19 Shiraj et al.20   curve analysis, all three methods were             classification study, found that patients
found that 84 percent of type 1 diabet-         able to distinguish between type 1 and             diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus
ics, 7 percent of type 2 diabetics, and 4       type 2 diabetics (Figure 3).21 Random C-           had significantly lower (p < 0.0001)
percent of healthy controls had basal C-        peptide also correlated well with both             median fasting plasma C-peptide than
peptide levels below a cutoff of 0.6            fasting and glucagon-stimulated C-pep-             patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus or
ng/ml (0.2 nmol/l), indicating that             tide, with r values of 0.78 and 0.77,              diabetes mellitus that was unclassified.
C-peptide can discriminate between these        respectively. These data show that a               The median values were 0.73 ng/ml
populations.                                    random C-peptide was slightly, but not             (0.24 nmol/l) for type 1 diabetes mellitus,
Similar percentages were obtained for           significantly, better than fasting and             2.24 ng/ml (0.74 nmol/l) for type 2
glucagon-stimulated C-peptide below a           glucagon stimulated C-peptide for the              diabetes mellitus, and 1.45 ng/ml (0.48
cutoff of 0.32 nmol/l: 86 percent of type       classification of diabetes mellitus.               nmol/l) for unclassified diabetes mellitus.
1 diabetics, 8 percent of type 2 diabet-
ics, and 0 percent of healthy controls          3
had levels below the cutoff.20
Other clinical studies have also shown              C-peptide protocol                 ROC curve (AUC)             Confidence interval (95 %)
that C-peptide measurements can be used             Random                             0.98                        0.97 to 0.99
to aid in the classification of diabetes
                                                    Fasting                            0.91                        0.89 to 0.93
mellitus.21– 23 Berger et al.21 compared
classification of diabetes by random,               Glucagon-stimulated                0.92                        0.87 to 0.96
fasting, and glucagon-stimulated C-pep-
tide measurement with classification by             3   Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis results of random, fasting, and
a prior diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 dia-              glucagon-stimulated C-peptide tests 21
betes mellitus made without C-peptide                   AUC, area under the curve
measurements. Patients diagnosed with

                                                                              Perspectives · Winter/Spring 2009 · www.siemens.com/diagnostics 23
C-peptide: Roles in diabetes, insulinoma, and hypoglycemia
Diagnostic Trends

                                                         Type 1 diabetes patients who are
                                                         able to maintain C-peptide levels
                                                         have fewer complications and
                                                         better glycemic control.

In this study, they also tested for the         C-peptide and subclassification               Consistent with these results, fasting
presence of islet cell antibodies and           of type 1 diabetes                            C-peptide levels at onset for fulminant
HLA-DRQB1 genotypes, both of which                                                            type 1 diabetics were also lower than
are associated with type 1 diabetes.                                                          fasting C-peptide levels for type 1 dia-
Type 1 diabetic patients were 3.6 times         C-peptide levels may also be able to sub-     betes mellitus. ROC curve analysis found
more likely to have islet cell antibodies       classify type 1 diabetes. C-peptide levels    an area under the curve (AUC) for inte-
(autoantibodies) than were type 2               were found by Tanaka et al.23 to distin-      grated C-peptide of 0.974 and fasting
diabetics. Moreover, patients with islet        guish a subtype of type 1 diabetes mel-       C-peptide of 0.973 for distinguishing
cell antibodies had markedly lower mean         litus called fulminant type 1 diabetes        between these two types of diabetes
fasting plasma C-peptide levels than            mellitus. This condition is characterized     mellitus. The optimum cutoff for integrat-
those without islet cell antibodies             by an abrupt onset of symptoms, marked        ed C-peptide was less than or equal to
(0.73 ng/ml [0.24 nmol/l] vs. 2.1 ng/ml         hyperglycemia, severe diabetic ketoacidot-    1.63 ng/ml (0.540 nmol/l) and for fasting
[0.69 nmol/l], p < 0.0001). The patients        ic coma, normal or near normal HbA1c          C-peptide was less than or equal to
with HLA-DRQB1 genotypes, which are             levels, absence of autoantibodies, and        0.1 ng/ml (0.033 nmol/l).23
associated with a risk for type 1 diabetes      involvement of the exocrine pancreas          Several studies present consistent evi-
mellitus and negative islet cell anti-          with elevated levels of serum pancreatic      dence that supports the use of C-peptide
bodies, also had lower median levels of         enzymes. They recruited 125 patients who      as an aid in the classification of diabetes
C-peptide than those without the risk-          met the criteria for type 1 diabetes melli-   mellitus and suggests that it might be a
associated genotypes (1.54 ng/ml [0.51          tus as defined by the ADA. A subset of        useful tool in the management of this
nmol/l] vs. 2.24 ng/ml [0.74 nmol/l]).          these patients (n = 25) who were nega-        disease.
The authors propose that low C-peptide          tive for autoantibodies against pancreat-
levels and the presence of a HLA-DRQ1           ic antigens and had HbA1c levels of less      C-peptide used as indicator

                                                                                              declining β-cell function
genotype may be used to differentiate           than 8.3 percent were diagnosed as hav-
                                                                                              of glycemic control and
idiopathic type 1 diabetes mellitus (neg-       ing fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus.
ative for autoantibodies) from type 2           The remaining patients were labeled as
diabetes mellitus, which would not have         type 1 diabetes mellitus. They found that
the HLA-DRQ1 genotype and would have            the integrated C-peptide levels (∑C-pep-      The Diabetes Control and Complications
normal or high levels of C-peptide.22           tide taken at 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min-     Trial (DCCT) found that C-peptide levels
Clearly, although there is some overlap,        utes during an oral glucose tolerance         correlate with overall glycemic control.
C-peptide levels can be used to discrimi-       test) were lower in patients with fulmi-      They analyzed patients on the basis of a
nate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes         nant type 1 diabetes mellitus at onset        mixed meal-stimulated C-peptide levels.
mellitus.                                       and at 1 and 2 years after onset than in      Patients with stimulated C-peptide
                                                patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus.       greater than 0.6 ng/ml (0.2 nmol/l) had

24 Perspectives · Winter/Spring 2009 · www.siemens.com/diagnostics
Diagnostic Trends

significantly lower HbA1c levels and            monitoring β-cell function has been used             (0.8 nmol/l) had a 72 percent positive
were treated with less insulin, indicating      to detect transplant failure. Transplant             predictive value for patients without
better overall glycemic control, as com-        failure is typically monitored with meas-            autoantibodies.26
pared with those with levels less than          urements of insulin, glucose, and C-pep-
0.6 ng/ml (0.2 nmol/l) (Figure 4). The          tide, and in some protocols, graft failure
DCCT found that there was less retinopa-        has been defined by a specific level of
thy and nephropathy with preserved              C-peptide.24, 25
β-cell function.1 Thus, in addition to good                                                          Hypoglycemia is a symptom associated
glycemic control, the preservation of                                                                with a wide range of conditions, and a
β-cell function is now a therapeutic goal
                                                C-peptide levels can be
                                                                                                     careful history in addition to the appro-
for type 1 diabetes mellitus, and moni-         predictive of autoantibodies                         priate laboratory tests are necessary for
toring β-cell function in these patients                                                             its evaluation (Figure 5). The population
via C-peptide levels is a rational approach     Törn et al.26 have found that C-peptide              most at risk for hypoglycemia is diabet-
because insulin measurements would              levels can predict the presence of auto-             ics, particularly type 1 diabetics. It has
be complicated by the presence of               antibodies (defined as the presence of at            been estimated that 10 to 30 percent of
exogenous insulin.                              least one of the following: islet cell anti-         these patients have one episode of hypo-
While type 1 diabetes mellitus is asso-         bodies, GADA, or tyrosine phosphatase                glycemia requiring third-party assistance
ciated with markedly decreased β-cell           antibodies). They determined that a ran-             per treatment year.27 In these patients,
function, following β-cell function in          dom C-peptide value of below 0.91 ng/ml              the cause of hypoglycemia is usually due
type 2 diabetics may also be important          (0.3 nmol/l) had a 94 percent positive               to insulin overdose, and C-peptide levels
since it can decline over the course of         predictive value for patients with auto-             would be low in comparison to insulin
the disease. Kim et al.16 found that type       antibodies and a value above 2.42 ng/ml              levels. Thus, C-peptide measurements
2 diabetic patients positive for glutamic
acid decarboxylase antibodies (GADA)            4
experienced a decline in C-peptide val-
ues over 2 years, indicating a decrease in          Characteristic           C-peptide ≥ 0.6–1.51 ng/ml         C-peptide < 0.6 ng/ml        p value
β-cell function. Fasting C-peptide levels                                    ≥ 0.2 – 0.5 nmol/l                 < 0.2 nmol/l

decreased from 1.24 ng/ml (0.41 nmol/l)             n                        138                                274
to 0.95 ng/ml (0.31 nmol/l) and stimulat-           Age (years)              28.2 ± 6.7                         26.1 ± 7.4                   < 0.007
ed C-peptide from 1.99 ng/ml (0.66
nmol/l) to 1.61 ng/ml (0.53 nmol/l). In             HbA1c                    8.3 ± 1.6                          9.2 ± 1.6                    < 0.001
patients without GADA, there was no                 Insulin (U/kg/day)       0.49 ± 0.20                        0.69 ± 0.24                  < 0.001
decrease in C-peptide, indicating no
decrease in β-cell function.16 This sug-
                                                    4   A comparison of type 1 diabetics on the basis of levels of stimulated C-peptide
gests that a GADA screen in combination                 in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) intensive treatment group1
with C-peptide measurements can be
used to identify a subset of type 2
patients whose disease is progressing
and who may need to be treated more                 Type                     Examples
aggressively.                                       Organ related            Insulinoma, nesidioblastosis, multiple endocrine neoplasia,
Lower C-peptide levels in type 2 diabetics                                   noninsulinoma pancreatogenic hypoglycemia, severe liver disease,
are also associated with insulin treat-                                      end-stage kidney disease, dialysis, congestive heart failure,
ment. Siraj et al. found lower basal and                                     acute respiratory failure
glucagon-stimulated C-peptide levels in             Endocrine disorders      Generalized hypopituitarism and hypothalamic deficiency, adrenal
type 2 diabetic patients treated with                                        failure, hypothyroidism, after removal of pheochromocytoma
insulin than in type 2 diabetics not treat-
                                                    Inborn errors of         Glycogen storage disease, hereditary fructose intolerance,
ed with insulin.20 These data suggest that
                                                    metabolism               galactosemia, carnitine deficiency, disorders of gluconeogenesis,
                                                                             disorders of mitochondrial β-oxidation
C-peptide levels might be able to identify
type 2 diabetic patients that would be
managed better with insulin.                        Nonislet tumor           Insulin-like growth factor-secreting tumor (mesenchymal tumors,
                                                                             hemangiopericytomas), lymphoma, myeloma, leukemias

                                                    Miscellaneous            Sepsis, starvation, total parenteral nutrition, severe excessive exercise
C-peptide and
transplant failure                                  Drug-induced and         Insulin, sulfonylurea, repaglinide, salicylates, paracetamol,
                                                    dietary toxins           quinine, beta-blockers, alcohol, mushrooms, unripe ackee fruit

                                                    Reactive hypoglycemia    Post-gastric surgery, alcohol induced
In severe cases of diabetes that have not
been managed successfully with insulin,
transplantation may be warranted (pan-              5   Causes of adult hypoglycemia (modified from reference 31)
creas or β-cell transplant). After transplan-
tation, monitoring graft function by

                                                                               Perspectives · Winter/Spring 2009 · www.siemens.com/diagnostics 25
Diagnostic Trends

can be used to confirm the diagnosis. In           tion as the cause for the hypoglycemia,     insulinomas may present as early as 6
the evaluation of a nondiabetic patient            whereas low C-peptide levels and high       weeks and as late as 70 years. These
with hypoglycemia, C-peptide can be a              insulin levels point to exogenous insulin   tumors are typically solitary adenomas
useful aid in narrowing the differential           administration as the cause; low glucose    and are rarely metastatic. Most are small
diagnosis.                                         with low insulin and C-peptide levels       with 90 percent less than 2 cm in diame-
C-peptide measurements in the evalua-              indicate a non-insulin-mediated hypo-       ter, but they can be as large as 15 cm.
tion of hypoglycemia are performed in              glycemia. Sulfonylurea drug use can be      Endoscopic ultrasound, transabdominal
the context of the 72-hour (prolonged)             determined by measurement of the drug       ultrasound, and intraoperative ultra-
fast, the gold standard procedure. The             in plasma or urine.                         sound are the preferred imaging modali-
prolonged fast, generally an inpatient                                                         ties, but CT, MRI, and in some cases PET
procedure, involves repeated measure-                                                          imaging have also been used. These
ments of insulin, C-peptide, and glucose
                                                   Insulinoma                                  tumors are hard to localize because of
(every 6 hours) until glucose levels fall                                                      their small size and anatomic location
to 40 to 45 mg/dL or symptoms of hypo-             An insulinoma is a tumor of the β-cells     and are typically treated by surgical
glycemia develop or until 72 hours have            of the pancreas and it is the most com-     resection.32
elapsed.28 – 30 Elevated C-peptide and             mon cause of hypoglycemia due to            Patients present with symptoms of hypo-
insulin levels at the end of the fast point        endogenous hyperinsulinism. Age of          glycemia at irregular intervals and of
to an insulinoma or sulfonylurea inges-            onset is generally 40 to 60 years, but      varying duration. Symptoms include but
                                                                                               are not limited to light-headedness,
                                                                                               altered mental status, and abnormal
                                                                                               behavior. They commonly occur in the
    Key features            ADVIA Centaur® Assay             IMMULITE® 2000 Assay              morning after overnight fast, after skip-
    Sample size             50 µl                            25 µl                             ping a meal, or after exercise. However,
                                                                                               symptoms can occur at other times as
    Assay format            Two-site murine                  Two-site murine                   well, and patient presentations are vari-
                            monoclonal sandwich              monoclonal sandwich
                                                                                               able. Diagnosis of insulinoma typically
    Time to first result    35 minutes                       35 minutes                        involves the 72-hour fast.
    Working range           0.5 – 30 ng/ml                   0.1–15 ng/ml                      The C-peptide suppression test can also
                                                                                               be used to confirm the diagnosis since
    Expected range                                                                             elevated insulin during the test is sug-
    (95% confidence
                                                                                               gestive of insulinoma.27, 28 This test
                                                                                               involves the infusion of insulin and the
    Serum                   0.81 to 3.85 ng/ml               0.9 to 7.1 ng/ml                  measurement of glucose and C-peptide
    Urine                   < 156.46 µg/day                  3.6 to 253 µg/day                 during the infusion. The basis of the test
                                                                                               is the administration of exogenous
    Within-run CV           3.7– 4.7%                        1.7– 2.3%
                                                                                               insulin to suppress endogenous insulin
    Total CV                5.1– 9.5%                        3.3 – 4.8%                        and C-peptide production. Lack of sup-
                                                                                               pression (percent below baseline) is sug-
                                                                                               gestive of endogenous hyperinsulinism
        Features of C-peptide assays from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
        CV, Coefficient of variation                                                           likely due to an insulinoma.27


                                                                                               C-peptide is an important, biologically
                                                                                               active molecule. Short-term replacement
                                                                                               of C-peptide improves some of the com-
                                                                                               plications associated with diabetes melli-
                                                                                               tus. In addition, type 1 patients who are
                                                                                               able to maintain C-peptide levels have
                                                                                               fewer complications and better glycemic
                                                                                               control. C-peptide measurements play
                                                                                               a key role in the evaluation of hypo-
                                                                                               glycemia and insulinoma, are a useful
                                                                                               aid in the classification of diabetes mel-
                                                                                               litus, and may play a larger role in its
                                                                                               management in the future.
     ADVIA Centaur®                                  IMMULITE® 2000
     Immunoassay System                              Immunoassay System

26 Perspectives · Winter/Spring 2009 · www.siemens.com/diagnostics
Diagnostic Trends

 1 Palmer JP, Fleming GA, Greenbaum CJ, et al. C-peptide       11 Sapin R. Insulin assays: previously known and new         22 Bakhtadze E, Borg H, Stenstrom G, et al. HLA-DQB1
   is the appropriate outcome measure for type 1                  analytical features. Clin Lab 2003; 49(3-4):113-21.          genotypes, islet antibodies and beta cell function in
   diabetes clinical trials to preserve beta-cell function:    12 Lauritano AA, Clements RS Jr, Bell D. Insulin antibod-       the classification of recent-onset diabetes among
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